#cw discussion/hints at bullying/abuse
Rinse; Repeat
Words: 4,478, chapter one of probably two.
Rated: Handle with care, cw suicidal thoughts/discussion, canon typical violence, hints at abuse/bullying
Summary: Spencer and Derek meet before either of them are in the BAU. Spencer is hesitant as a deer to be close and all Derek wants is to be close (so does Spencer). Spencer is clearly Troubled and Derek just wants to love him softly, honestly. Like filtered afternoon sunlight and sepia filters.
but for real I just, I saw a post that made me laugh and go 'ahaha, unless?' and then sat down uncomfortably on the floor for three hours and wrote this.
For my own comfort/entertainment, Derek and Spencer are closer in age than my recent google search would lead me to believe. Thank (●'◡'●)
---- 2003
Derek was having a truly sucky day. The academy was rough, and as good as he was at all the physical stuff, there were some real smart people and he was so scared that he was all brawn and no brain. Not that he’d readily use the word ‘scared’ to describe himself if he could help it, but he was.
But realistically, he did get this far. So he did have some of the brain, but was it enough? Had he set his sights too high on the BAU?
Still, the doubt and insecurity wasn’t going to have him quit early. Partly because he really, really wanted this, but also partly because what would he tell his family if he’d put so much time into this and failed?
They’d comfort him and say they’re proud; he knows it. But would he be proud?
He doesn’t want to find out.
Dead tired despite the lack of physical training that day, he walked through the house and out to the balcony, only part stopping to shed his jacket and backpack.
The sun was long gone by now, and the stars were too hidden in such a built up area, but he braced himself with his arms on the railing and stretched his neck, trying to relax.
God, how many people even got through the academy each year?
“Chances are, if you’re already in the academy, you’ll come out the other side.”
Had he asked that aloud?
Derek just about jumped out of his skin, training be damned. He was on the top floor and roof access was blocked. He must have made some sort of noise, because the sad, quiet voice came again.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“I’m not- I wasn’t… Startled.” Derek rubbed his forehead, hoping his voice didn’t sound it; startled. He wasn’t sure he’d heard that organically in conversation, more something you come across in text, in books and things.
“Oh. Sorry for assuming?” The speaker was hesitant, like they’d started apologising before they really knew why. Curious, and not thrilled someone had roof access and it wasn’t the guy (and his sister) who had the top floor apartment, Derek leaned out over the railing and twisted his neck, trying to see who answered him.
Before he could get a glimpse, he heard them step back.
How close to the edge was he? He watched as a bit of rubble fell past him and to the concrete below.
“I don’t think that’s something you need to apologise for, man. How’d you get up there, anyway? I was told we weren’t allowed because they don’t have railings. Or insurance, I think.”
“Well, that makes sense. Although a fall from a five story building isn’t guaranteed to be fatal; you’re better off on the eighth floor for that. But then again, there have been people that survived from even that height so, you can’t really win, can you? If you’re scared of heights or something.”
Derek’s curiosity took a quick dive into concern that sped right down to worry.
“Now I think you got that the wrong way around, better off on the lower floors if there’s no railing, right?”
There was a long pause, and Derek wondered if he’d be able to get up onto the roof in a reasonable amount of time if he had a sense of urgency pushing him.
“Perhaps. Can you imagine the injuries you’d be left with after surviving the fall?” He heard a foot scuff the ground above him and thought he’d started sweating despite the cool breeze. “It’d really suck to not have insurance then, huh? As the building owner, I mean.”
“Okay man, well, that’s a dark topic. And since there’s no railing, or maybe no seats up there either, why don’t you join me on my balcony instead? I might even be able to find a beer or something for you.”
“It’s not safe to go into a stranger’s house.”
“It’s not safe to think about people surviving and not surviving falls while you’re alone on a rooftop, close to the edge, and there’s no railing.”
“Well… Perhaps that’s a reasonable counterpoint.”
And that’s how Derek started becoming friends with a bundle of limbs and greasy hair that hid an incredible but haunted mind.
Spencer didn’t have a phone, so he’d just show up at Derek’s apartment intermittently. Well, his and Sarah’s. His mother had put money towards them renting it for the duration of Derek’s time at the academy and Sarah’s short term study since they lined up almost the same, with him likely finding some place more permanent for himself after.
He didn’t do well in the claustrophobic, shared dorms of the academy so would escape to the apartment when he could, and Sarah was completing her course close enough to make the apartment almost worth it. 
It had two shoebox rooms, and they had to share a bathroom, but it still had two rooms so it was a step up from the low bar the academy set. But she was out often with friends, study, and a part time job while he was still largely sleeping at the dorm, so they hardly saw each other.
He’d come back to Spencer hanging out near the block only a couple times; he didn’t seem to like loitering, like he was concerned Derek’s neighbours would get suspicious.
More often, though, Derek would go out onto the balcony and make some sort of noise, and Spencer would respond from above. Over time, Derek was relieved to note that Spencer was usually not so close to the edge as he was the first night.
But most of the time, unfortunately, was not all of the time.
Spencer wasn’t all that interested in drinking, but he was interested in sharing whatever he’d learned about recently. He absolutely did not share much about himself at all.
Despite how private Derek felt as a person though, he found he was sharing quite a lot about himself with Spencer. It was hard not to, inviting Spencer into a place he and his sister were living in though. She’d met him in passing once or twice, and had commented after he left, thankfully, about how shy he seemed to be.
Spencer was a bit like butter from the fridge; he needed time to soften up every single time he came over to Derek’s.
His most recent obsession, to Derek's suffering, had been body farms. After finding out that Derek was studying at the academy (which he was loath to share on account of those ever-present insecurities), Spencer had told him that he was interested in criminal behaviour, among other related things.
Not in a ‘watch true crime documentaries just for the nightmares, apparently’ kind of way, but more to work out the why, and sometimes guess at the how, of everything. He’d dropped stupid time into geographical profiling, in Derek’s opinion, for someone who wasn’t pursuing a career in a related field.
“And they have one, a body farm that is, in East Tennessee. Did you know that they run ten week courses there? Something they’ve done recently is watching for changes in hair for a body left in a car for two months. That’s so specific, isn’t it? Hair changes in a car? Although it’s safe to assume they’re obviously looking for more at the same time.”
“Obviously,” Derek agreed.
Spencer was way too excited for the topic at hand.
Derek continued before Spencer went back to talking about something like maggot life cycles. “Okay, so if I get through to being an FBI agent and I see a body in a car, you’ll be the first person I call.”
“You mean when. I don’t have a phone.” Spencer’s lips had a little curve, like he was self-conscious of smiling still but couldn’t help it fully.
“Right, right. Can you tell me how to summon you then, or will I just have to come here and call out at the roof until you appear?”
Now that was definitely a smile. Why did that feel just as good as high test scores?
The next time Derek was at the apartment, Spencer didn’t show. But there was a phone number written on a paper plane that had been thrown onto his balcony. Three, actually, and one he picked up on the way to the apartment that was stuck in a sad, over-pruned and under-watered hedge out front. How many had Spencer made that Derek didn’t find?
Eleven, it turns out. Spencer was a horrible shot, but Derek liked watching his long fingers folding the paper in what was ‘the most aerodynamic plane folding method’ the next time he was over. It felt a little silly to challenge him on it, especially since Derek knew fuck all about the aerodynamics of paper planes. And Spencer called him out on it.
“Superior hand-eye coordination doesn’t mean your plane folding method is superior, it just means you’re good with your hands.”
Derek wiggled his eyebrows, but continued speaking after he let the flush of Spencer’s cheeks sit for a moment.
“So you want me to throw one of yours, to see if I can do it better with your method?”
“It’s a reasonable request. You can’t test two theories for quality results if the testing methods are different.”
“You’re a sore loser, you know that?”
“You’re an unfair winner, did you know that?”
“So you admit I’m a winner?”
Spencer felt terrible that his next plane hit Derek in the eye, so Derek only milked it for half the time he would have liked to.
Spencer shoved his shoulder when Derek finally caved and laughed, indignant.
“You were playing it up!”
“It’s paper! It can’t hurt me that bad.”
“It did hit your eye. They might be the fastest healing body part, but they’re not impervious.”
“Pretty boy, if you want to kiss it better, I won’t stop you. But you don’t need to worry that much about it.”
Derek saw that sweet rush of colour on Spencer’s neck and cheeks, and the smile he was trying to hide before now took a shy edge as he tried to look casual.
“Well, if I injured you, I should do what I can to help.”
His voice was so quiet that Derek almost missed what he said. He tilted his head in question, raising a brow while trying to figure out if this was more word-based flirting or if one of them would actually take it further for once.
Spencer’s eyes were focused on his fingers, picking at lint that certainly wasn’t on the leg of his pants but held his gaze anyway. His eyes flickered up to Derek’s face though, and his tongue darted out to wet his lips just after.
“Well, you’re the doctor out of the two of us, what do you think I need?”
“I’m not a medical doctor.” Spencer’s voice seemed to be getting quieter, but Derek liked that his gaze was flicking more to Derek’s lips now.
“Maybe so, but I bet you know more about first aid than I do, especially with that fear of germs you got.”
“Me not shaking your hand is normal. The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss.”
Derek almost laughed at how embarrassed Spencer looked at that line, but knew if he did Spencer would think he was laughing at him and might take offense.
“So I should kiss you goodbye when you leave? Doctor Reid, who knew you could be so forward?”
“That’s not what I was saying! I just-”
Derek held up his hands, placating, while Spencer seemed to flap his. “Now now handsome, I didn’t say I was opposed.”
Derek thought he was floating when Spencer, so quickly it was barely a kiss, pressed his lips to Derek’s cheek when he left that night.
The next time Derek heard Spencer’s voice from above his balcony, he was almost back to his subdued, distanced self from when they first started speaking. It was over an hour before Spencer let Derek coax him inside. He was shocked when Spencer came to his front door, hair lank and pulled forward to try and cover his eye and cheek that were dark with bruising.
“Spencer, what happened?” He ushered the younger man in, directing him to the couch.
“Nothing. An accident. What were you saying about the fitness test?”
“You’re not interested in fitness tests, what happened?” He tried to bring his hand up to Spencer’s cheek, tilt his head up into the light and assess the damage, but Spencer shied away from him, getting up and heading to the kitchen instead.
“I’m interested in the fitness test.”
“I’m not. Since when are you interested in that?”
“Since you’re the one talking about them.” Derek tried not to feel warm and fuzzy with that comment. Spencer was being genuine, the man was a terrible liar, but he gives away shy truths when he wants to distract.
Derek leaned against the tiny kitchen counter while Spencer turned the kettle on.
“I thought you didn’t have tea at night because of the caffeine.”
“Well, I don’t think I’ll sleep tonight anyway, so I may as well enjoy a tea.”
Derek scrutinised him, wordlessly getting a still sealed pack of decaf tea from the cupboard and putting it down beside Spencer’s hand on the counter.
“You know this isn’t truly decaffeinated? It’s just lower in comparison to other teas.”
Derek stayed quiet and watched as Spencer started to squirm under his gaze. He turned then to face Derek, a frown on his face that softened when he saw whatever emotion Derek’s expression wasn’t hiding. Concern, probably.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t use your behavioural training on me.”
“I thought I wouldn’t feel the need to with you.”
Spencer’s lips pressed into a thin line before he turned back to the kettle, mumbling. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
When Derek put his hand on Spencer’s shoulder, Spencer jumped, then looked guilty.
“Sorry. I don’t-” He looked at Derek’s hand, which he’d pulled back like he'd been burnt when Spencer flinched at his touch. “I don’t mind.” He wrung his hands, nervous or something like it and unable to look at Derek with that soft red on his cheeks again, marred by bruises. “I don’t mind. The contact, if it’s you. But I’d rather not be surprised by it just now.”
“I get it, pretty boy, and I’m sorry.” He held out his hands, palms up, for Spencer to take. Spencer’s hands shook a little, and he’d forgotten to pour water into his mug now.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay, I won’t ask how you got- that.” He jutted his chin to try and gesture at Spencer’s purpled skin while his hands were occupied. “But is what I see all you have, or is there more?”
Spencer bit his lip, watching his own thumb as he rubbed it against Derek’s fingers.
“Spencer, please.”
Spencer shrugged, still unwilling to meet Derek’s eyes.
“It’s not just that. My face. It’s-...” He lifted their joined hands, but didn’t let go of Derek’s to gesture any better. Instead, he pressed their hands to Derek’s chest, just beneath the collar of his shirt, then slowly moved them down and around a little to Derek’s sides. The movement was awkward, but Derek appreciated the tight grip on his hands, and the touch Spencer was initiating, and the information being shared all in the way Spencer was capable of.
“It’s all over, isn’t it pretty boy?”
Spencer hesitated, almost nodding before deciding to try and move on. “I don’t know if I qualify for that. Not normally, or especially now.”
The shy smile was back, and too self-deprecating for Derek. But fighting Spencer on that too strong right now would push him away, so he let some of that anger slide away before he spoke.
“You callin’ me a liar, handsome?”
“No, I think I’m calling you a sweet-talker.”
“But a lying sweet talker, hot stuff?” Spencer pursed his lips as he looked up at Derek, finally, to suppress a smile.
“I’m starting to think you have a biased opinion.”
“I’m starting to think you do too, although on the other side of the spectrum. Why are you so hard on yourself?” 
Spencer squeezed Derek’s hands before letting them go, turning back to pour hot water in his mug. Derek bit back a sigh when Spencer changed the subject again.
“So only two weeks before you’re done at the academy, huh?”
Throughout the night, as Spencer started melting into his more comfortable self the longer he was there, he was less aware of the bruising on his face. It wasn’t until he caught his reflection, or Derek staring, or felt it twinge when he smiled too wide, that he remembered it and grew self-conscious again. That he pushed his hair back in the way of it like if Derek couldn’t see it then Spencer could forget he was injured.
He’d foregone contact lenses and worn his glasses that night, like he did most nights, and Derek thought it might be so it felt like there was another barrier between his bruises and the rest of the world.
Derek wanted to kiss them better, and then all the other hurts Spencer seemed to have. And Spencer sure seemed to have a lot of hurts.
Hurts like how his expression tightened when Derek asked about his childhood, his parents, his friends, or his time at school. How Derek, in the earlier days, made a comment about Spencer missing social cues, and heard a bitter ‘well I can’t pick up on cues if I don’t have anyone to teach them to me’ in reply before Spencer tried to cover it up.
How if he had a particularly bad day, he was so jumpy near Derek that Derek almost wanted to sit on his hands to show he wasn’t going to use them for anything.
How on days when Spencer’s eyes were sunken with a lack of sleep, and the clothes he wore showed how thin he was, and he was so so close to the edge of the ledge on the roof above Derek’s apartment that he thought Spencer just might not care if he fell over the edge.
Like he’d had a lifetime of hurts and still had to face more each day, and Derek only saw little slivers of him and couldn’t learn enough to help him as much as Spencer needed; as much as Derek wanted.
God, he was going to make a terrible profiler.
“Derek?” Spencer looked hesitant, and Derek realised he’d spaced out; probably while staring at Spencer’s bruise again going by how he’d tried to angle his face away awkwardly, unable to fully turn and hide it while looking at Derek at the same time.
Derek couldn’t help it, he just kept on staring. Spencer’s tongue darted out to wet his lips again, and Derek’s eyes tracked the movement. He knew Spencer noticed that, too, by the way his breath seemed to stutter.
Slowly, he shuffled forward on the couch, eyes holding Spencer’s gaze as he did so.
This time, Derek’s name from Spencer’s lips was much quieter, like he was asking for something instead of questioning him.
“Spencer,” The younger man’s eyes dropped down, watching as Derek’s hand came up to his arm; his shoulder. Watched it still as it moved higher, cupping his unbruised cheek. Spencer turned his head, almost pressing a kiss to Derek’s palm as his eyes closed and his bruised cheek was fully on display.
“Spencer, I’ll be gentle. May I?”
Spencer didn’t open his eyes, just hummed in agreement, nosing at Derek’s palm. 
Goosebumps broke over Spencer’s neck when Derek’s breath hit his cheek, and Derek felt him shiver. Careful to avoid the worst of it, Derek skated his lips over Spencer’s cheekbone, pressed them just in front of where his earlobe met the back of his jaw, then trailed them down his jawline.
Spencer tipped his head, allowing easier access as Derek watched Spencer’s fingers grip the couch cushion beneath him. Unsure if it was entirely due to sensation or something going on in his mind, Derek didn’t push further. Using his hand on Spencer’s cheek, he turned the man’s head to nudge his nose to Spencer’s.
“This is alright?”
In lieu of an answer, slowly, Spencer lifted his chin and kissed Derek on the lips. Derek’s chest swelled and he smiled into it, his other hand coming up to Spencer’s side.
They shuffled closer to each other, to be able to press themselves into each other more comfortably. Spencer’s mouth opened beneath Derek’s lips, and he could taste that terrible decaf tea and honey, and the cashews Spencer liked to snack on while reading.
He wondered what Spencer would think he tasted like, the cheap vending machine snacks and the god awful protein water he’d bought without realising it was terrible.
Suddenly, he had the urge to brush his teeth. He made to pull away, but Spencer’s fingers curled in his shirt and his resolve weakened.
Their hands were slowly moving over each other, everything was moving so slowly. Sweetly, like they were learning each other and had all the time in the world. Derek’s fingers found the hem of Spencer’s shirt, and he tugged the man’s lower lip between his teeth as his fingers slipped under the fabric and brushed against Spencer’s skin.
God it was soft, but it felt thin, too. He became scared of hurting Spencer, especially when remembering he had some other injuries too. So he kept his touch light, fingers probably tickling as they travelled further up Spencer’s side as Spencer laughed into the kiss.
Spencer tugged at Derek’s collar, then his fingers slipped around to cup the back of Derek’s neck. Caught up in being able to touch, they quickly moved back down, trailing over his shoulder and down his chest, then Spencer’s hands lingered there. They would have moved further down, Derek thinks, with his hands now pushing Spencer’s shirt up, if it weren’t for his sister coming home.
They didn’t realise until they heard her laugh, surprised.
“Oh, Sorry! I didn’t text ahead, my phone died. Go about your business!” She laughed again, more of a giggle, then her bedroom door clicked shut. Spencer was rigid beneath him - when had he pressed Spencer into the couch beneath him?
‘Sorry, Spence, I didn’t-”
Spencer pushed him up and off, the heat flushing his face more than the usual shyness or what Derek might expect from making out on a couch could bring about. More than embarrassment of being caught, even. He scrambled to get up and right his clothes, walking to the door and scooping up his bag on the way.
“Spencer, wait! Where are you going?” He didn’t want to pull Spencer back by catching his arm, knowing the man wouldn’t react well. His eyes seemed watery and Derek was lost.
And he stayed lost, when, after three weeks, Spencer hadn’t come back. His texts went unanswered and when he called the number was disconnected.
And he kept right on being lost when Spencer didn’t come back to visit him before he had to move out.
–--- 2005
Derek scowled at the scene before them. 
“You’re saying someone was turning people into books?”
The local officer walking them through the scene nodded, nose wrinkled but face otherwise resigned.
“Yup. See, we had a couple people go missing here and there. Transients, runaways, you know the type. And we’d thought they went missing by choice. Sure, we looked,” not enough, Derek thought. “But we never thought they’d end up. Well. As books.”
“As books.” Derek’s skin crawled.
Aside from a specific wrinkle in his brow, Hotch didn’t even look perturbed. “These materials, would they be specialised? Potentially unique or traceable?”
“The tanning stuff? Not as far as we can tell. Out here, we got people doing this the normal way, tanning hides and such.  A lot of leather workers out here. As far as we can tell, it’s basically all the same stuff.”
Hotch looked back at Gideon who shrugged and looked at Derek. “He’ll take a breather now that we found his workshop; he’ll need time to set himself up again. Derek, you’re going to a library to speak to someone about human skin book binding.”
Derek and Elle looked at each other before Derek held his hands out, gesturing broadly.
“We just have someone who knows about human skin being made into books?”
Elle smirked at him. “And you get to visit them. How nice.”
Derek wasn’t thrilled about it, and the feeling that his skin was crawling and unclean hadn’t left since they found the workshop their unsub was using. It reeked in both usual and unexpected ways, and the forensic investigator on scene and all too happily told him that urine could be used in the tanning process.
Perhaps a clean, quiet, library would help in easing his mind, but the subject matter wouldn’t. Derek flashed his badge at the desk, and the librarian assistant he’d found nodded without him needing to explain.
“Agent Gideon called ahead, I’ll lead you through to the doctor now. The books were already here, we’ve held them for ages, but the doctor only arrived recently. Good timing, too, what with this horribleness happening.” She chattered as she led him through shelves, picking up carelessly placed books as she went and piling them up on her other arm.
“Wait, the doctor showed up for the books after the murders?” Derek frowned; Gideon hadn’t called that far ahead, had he?
“Yes, though it’s not his first time here. He’s such a joy to have.” She looked at Derek, then laughed. “You don’t think he did it, do you?”
Derek shrugged, and she shook her head. Then, they stopped outside a room labelled ‘staff only’, and she knocked before pushing the door open.
Derek patted down his pockets for his notepad and pen, then stopped short when he looked up.
The assistant kept talking.
“So this is the doctor Spencer Reid, the veritable specialist on these books. Our Margaret, who usually cares for these books and who we’d recommend you to normally for this, she’s been unwell. But we’re lucky to have Dr. Reid here,” After that, she looked between the two, and her smile slipped into confusion.
“Do you two know each other?”
Derek swallowed, and Spencer barely moved.
“Well, I’ll just leave you two to it, then.” She cast a hesitant glance at Spencer, who nodded to her, and she seemed to take that as a sign it was safe for her to leave them alone.
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reveseke · 2 years
Eli Moskowitz × Hybrid! Reader; the running start | Dating headcanons
Acts through 1 to 2 are being discussed here. It's all over the place bc the creature can't focus on one part long enough bc they aren't interesting enough for his brain and having bad time organizing them lol .
Only Eli dating headcanons for this one. A second part where it's poly Eli × Moon × R is going to come bc i said so and it's going to be a bit angsty for obvious reasons.
The only reason I got these finished today is because i got frustrated and fueled for the lack of Eli x male readers. Also hyperfixation on hybrid au go brrr
Trope — strangers to friends to lovers | fluff | Romance
About reader — one " he " pronoun used to refer to Hybrid! R at one point | Second person POV. (You/your) | male reader heavy, although can be perceived as any kind of reader !
CW — Being bullied | Exclusion | Fluff | just dating lol nothing much
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
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Brief about the reader ! Also these headcanons are part of small fic i have going on, so in general what the reader is in the fic:
Hybrid au go brrr; oh yeah R is strongly hinted to be a dog hybrid ! Belgian malinois hybrid in story.
R is fit due to his fast metabolism & hinted to be taller than Eli, but shorter than Demetri in the actual story !
Brief background has been set for reader & part of it is mentioning abusive friendships, being seen as a troubled kid and having bad reputation at school bc of being hybrid !!
The only thing about your looks that are discussed in this hybrid au are your hybrids parts that are tan to black due to Belgian malinois colors. This does not determine your hair color in the fics/headcanons, it can be something completely different from the hybrid parts. ( Also bc these headcanons never disclosed any colors )
Otherwise gender & race ambiguous reader (if not for boys locker room), still hinted to be male/ amab ! Could also be non-binary or transmasc.
Act 1 — Officially meeting; He's had his eye out to you, but hasn't had the courage to get to know you. That's about to change !
Act ½ — Before Cobrai Kai & Miguel + formal introduction. This is a brief background check lol.
Let's just say Eli had had a eye on you at some point, were it that he noticed you hanging out with your former friends or the group of hybrids in the school or the fact that you were more indulged in a book to care what was going on around you. Or just bc you looked really good to his eye and he couldn't go without getting few glances off of you.
I mean you knew someone was watching you, but at this point being in a school of mostly humans and just few groups of hybrids it became difficult to tell since people watched you everyday anyway from afar.
Demetri had taken a notice of how Eli had been acting and glancing over his shoulders or just blatantly staring at you during their chats in the hallways or in the cafeteria. He warned Eli about you saying how hybrids were bad and could only be trouble. Take with a grain of salt since he's had very little contact with hybrids in the first place bc of him being a cowardcautious.
This being before you were pulled out if your current group and put into a new one after a nasty fight with a deer hybrid that ended up with you being rammed into and biting the girl.
Didn't exactly make good first impression to walk through that door to Eli's class with a muzzle on. But you didn't mind, the only thing you did mind was the muzzle though. It was heavy, not padded enough and put on too tight! Left a few scuffed marks on the bridge of your nose.
Of well suck it up for this time bc the first time you interacted with Eli or anybody in the home class was after few months of being there. The class was doing some history projects and one of the projects we're about a historical event that concerned hybrids. This is the first you noticed Eli as he was the one to correct them on it at first before you had even reacted. Then you corrected them further as you knew more of the situation. Ofc you knew of it hour parents did educate you about the history between hybrids and humans so you weren't confused how people may have treated you.
They cleared the mistake out and now you knew of Eli's existence. Over few months before next year you could now pinpoint your watcher. And you didn't even mind him that much since you thought he was cute while really timid.
Act 1 — meeting Eli for the first time and actually interacting with him.
Intimidated is a word one could use when Eli interacts with you the first time ! Like huh the predator hybrid from the back of the class is now my partner while it was clear that he was not to be part of the partner / group projects and did them on his own bc people were uncomfortable and kinda scared bc of him.
So for a project you were assigned as Eli's partner , usually there would be one three people project or one doing alone but not this time. Bc teacher said fuck that let's the quiet kid with the " trouble " kid.
It was a miracle to see how you interacted with him to others esp to Demetri as the boy was always cautious about hybrids. You were in charge of the project mostly since you mistook Eli's usual timid nature as him being scared of you. in truth he was in awe to be so close to you with you asking and talking to him. He thought your hybrid ears looked really nice and soft. Were they?
You tried not to intimidate him much, but after few weeks Eli had opened up more and now both of you were talking about the project more while the teacher looked really smug about having you assigned into a partner project. It was by principals note a hard thing that you weren't to be in partner or group projects because they didn't want more fights.
When the project was done Eli made it his challenge to actually befriend you and include you in things.
This making you feel really overwhelmed and having to take a time out. You don't usually trust people easily but Eli was so genuine with his quest to befriend you and there was no malice or anything in his tone or scent that would have thrown you off.
He knew you would just succumb back to your corner with the book you had so he had to try. Convincing Demetri to go with his plan was a long shot, but in the end he agreed. You three became fast friends and bonded over few common things.
actually thinking how Eli's confessing his feeling to you would go. I'd say he's too shy to out right ask you so you would have to do it. But Eli would absolutely show his interest in you by indulging into something of your interest or gifting you cool things. I'd say he's pretty crafty with his hands and likes making small things for you.
And you'd show him your interested in him by how you would be. If you like gifting things, absolutely do Eli would have them in a small container or on a shelf in the first place being proud of them. If you like baking or arts and crafts make something for him and he'll absolutely love you even more.
Over the summer if your talkative and take the first step by confessing face to face to him asking if he feels the same but at the same time being like "hey if you don't return them we can still hopefully be friends if you want to and the feelings will go away" but i don't think he'd actually listen to the end and instead blurt out his own feelings matching you.
If you don't like to do things face to face you could gift him something you find most treasurable and attach a note to it. He'd answer to it when he notices it.
But in the first place you two become a couple and that's kind of a wild ride.
Before you could actually be fully transparent with him you made him promise never to hurt either one of you and to be there through hard times and Eli agreed on it. #reader be having abusive friendships in the past that he has yet to fully heal.
Act 2 — Dating; what kind of boyfriend is Eli and how he'd react if you were a racer in hybrid-based races?
I see Eli being really timid and shy lover, like he doesn't make himself known by words. He likes to touch you in some way or another and absolutely adored cuddle time with you.
He isn't big on PDA in the public, but you two know how much he adores and loves you by the few glances he sends you through the day.
Also bc fuck bullies, nobody be messing with Eli or Demetri as long as you are there. Well maybe verbally, but you really make a difference by being a predator-type hybrid who everybody knows not to mess with.
You take a more physical approach by being by his side and taking guard for when Kyler and his assholes come.
I'd say he likes to pet your hair and touch your ears most, he knows touching a hybrids tail is a big no no to many of them and this includes you as well. He always asks for premission before petting you since it's more appropriate than just reaching out and touching you.
He doesn't wish to alarm or scare you too much. Also because your ears are sensitive to loud noises and to touch he doesn't want you to snap.
It's usually him laying glued to your side or head on your chest or lap. Just feeling the rhythm of your heart and hearing the breaths you take calms him down.
Also Eli's not opposed to sitting in your lap and neither are you to the idea. This has been done on multiple occasions and even in public when you've just dragged the poor boy to sit on your lap if he seemed to be having a rough time.
Also using Eli as a head rest by putting your chin just randomly on his head is a thing.
Forehead kisses shared on a movie marathons and in public just a quick smooch before heading different ways.
I'd still say he's really touchy and most of the cuddle time is spend with his hand tangled in you hair or stroking your ears. He's always happy when he hears the tail go wag wag wag and thumping against something
He adores your little quirks as well if you get more doggish quirks than you let on. And when you stop masking and hiding them in private he'll be over the moon bc it means you are comfortable with your hybrid side being open to him.
Quiet times are the best, just both of you basking in each other's love and adoration.
Sleepovers are a thing that happen from time to time.
Also playing some games together doesn't matter in if they are video games or board games. They are played and most likely done with challenges.
Simple quiet cafe, library and study dates were common among the two of you.
Hiking, baking and reading together even binge watching series' and doing things together in the first place.
I think he'd enjoy trekking and hiking with you. Playful contests if which one of you is faster; which you go easy enough for Eli to let him win ;)
Eli adores your hybrid traits, absolutely makes it known by complimenting them or asking if he can touch them. this has been said once and I'm saying it again.
( Race part )
Also mandatory cuddle time after race is the best cuddle time. This is the time he's allowing you to lean into him and lay your own head on top of his chest instead of him doing so. You may– likely will be asleep after few minutes of coming home, freshening up and cuddling.
About you being a runner he'd absolutely be cheering you on, spending time with you before a race and just being really supportive in general esp if your family doesn't show much interest in it.
I really think he'd be the one to steal your clothes especially if you like oversized clothes. But otherwise your clothes would be pretty much his sizes and vice versa lol !
Also I'd see hybrid based races to be more outside and hiking trail based with fenced out area for the day of the race also just a point out that hybrid based sports/ division in sports are a lot more aggressive and competitive since they literally have completely natural weapons on them lmao so fights and injuries are more likely to be visible in the tv and/or during the sport.
It depends if the race is local and somewhere close to the valley then Eli would absolutely make sure he'd be there in person. Otherwise he'd be watching the broadcast live of the race on tv.
He's usually really supportive of you and worries a lot if any of the hybrids in the race come out as violent towards each other and you. Since this is something that commonly happens and it ain't exactly frowned at. He'd absolutely help with possible injuries and helping you calm down if the race was mentally really taxing.
Few misc headcanons i couldn't see to fit anywhere else lol.
He's never seen your hybrid side act up to the point where your human side just slides out of the conscious, but when he does it's usually bc of someone being an absolute ass and forcing it out by being a walking hazard. Eli is the first person you go to when it happens bc the hybrid side has attach itself on him and views him as something to protect and be protected by.
Any scars you may have that were results from older fights are appreciated and seen as something to tell tales of
Also Eli would absolutely get his own validation and love for his own scar from you. Just kiss it and say it makes him look handsome and much cooler than those other losers lol.
Demetri likes to crash the dates and is sometimes just third wheeling with them bc they tolerate him enough to let him be with them on dates lol
Just thinking about Eli and you on a date on the world wheel cuddled up against each other and then Demetri just speaking his mind off on the other side about something mundane.
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bidonica · 2 years
Considering tommen has activated the ‘freeze’ trauma response to trauma what do you think he was going to tell here before Cersei interrupted? “Tommen considered that. “I… I used to go away inside sometimes,” he confessed, “when Joffy…”“Joffrey.” Cersei stood over them, the wind whipping her skirts around her legs. “Your brother’s name was Joffrey. He would never have shamed me so." what do you think Joffrey did? Also, I feel so bad for tommen he’s such a sweet boy
[cw for discussion of csa]
I know there’s a theory that Joff might have sexually abused Tommen - it’s something grrm has also subtly hinted at with Euron and Aeron (“The sound of a door opening, the scream of a rusted iron hinge. Euron has come again”, the rusted hinge being a recurring, obsessive phrase in Aeron’s pov) so it’s not a theme he shies away from, although he seems to touch on it very obliquely so far. But I don’t think it’s Joffrey’s case. I think his acts of casual cruelty such as ripping open a cat “for science” would be enough for a kind, sensitive kid like Tommen to be scared shitless of his older brother and develop traumatic responses. I think we can make a case about Joffrey developing sadistic tendencies in a sexual context (he orders to have Sansa stripped and beaten), but I think his violent side doesn’t necessarily belong in that sphere; he might be getting there, as he’s maturing sexually, but it doesn’t strike me as his thing the way it is with Ramsay. In many ways Joffrey dies when he is still very much a child. Also: Joffrey is a bully who likes to abuse his powers, but he sort of flips flops between taking matters in his own hands (like the cat thing) and delegating the dirty work to others while witnessing the results from a safe spot. If he abused Tommen beyond being a dick to him in general, I tend to think it wasn’t direct or intimate, but probably more oblique, like bullying him into doing things that scared him, killing or hurting his pets, etc.
And don’t get me started on how Tommen doesn’t deserve the fate that has been prophesied for him, he and Myrcella are such good apples each in their own way and sometimes I indulge in mental gymnastics like “maybe Cersei will *believe* all her children are dead and that will be enough” but I’m afraid that isn’t how it’s going to go down 😞
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travoltacustom · 4 years
The Presentation of Hifumi’s Trauma
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I’ve been thinking on how Hifumi’s trauma has been presented for years now, and with the release of Bad Ass Temple VS Matenro, I feel like now’s as good a time as any to give my thoughts on this.
Note: This is in no way a defense of KR for the presentation of Hifumi’s trauma, but it is an analysis of such. I’m open to discussion on this and you’re free to disagree with me at any point on this. Most of this was also written BEFORE the release of the album, save for the last section.
CW: Mentions of abuse, trauma and rape + spoilers of the MTR dramatrack
I hear a lot that the presentation of Hifumi’s trauma is a ‘poor attempt at humour’, but I don’t exactly think it’s that simple. It is still a presentation of trauma, but it’s not portrayed as humorous in comparison to the rest of the humour of the series.
Hifumi panics when he sees women. He is unable to do anything until women are removed from the scene - but these instances are hardly ever the focus of the scene. It’s mostly used as a scene cutter to progress the story. When Chuo enters, Hifumi’s panic cuts off the situation and the focus shifts straight to the women. When the women find Hifumi, Doppo, Gentaro and Dice, Hifumi’s jacket is taken away to shift focus off of the women and to have Gentaro and Dice speak. Rather, Hifumi’s panic at these times are plot movers and not the focal point of the scene. Sadly, they can be seen as plot devices, but it’s not supposed to be seen as humour.
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In addition to this, the ‘hysterical’ screaming (for lack of a better word) in the presence of women is limited to the dramatracks. In the manga and the anime, Hifumi runs away/removes himself from the presence of women. The purpose of Hifumi’s hysteria in the dramatracks is for visualisation purposes as there’s no visual aids - the reactions to women are toned down in the anime and manga. With this, it’s easier to believe that the anime and manga is the ‘intended’ portrayal of his reactions as the dramatrack has to make up for what isn’t seen.
The narrative is very aware that Hifumi’s trauma affects him badly. It’s a panic response. But it’s not the same as a panic attack. We know how awful the presentation of such can be, and it’s definitely something triggering for a lot of people. Personally, I would feel horrible to see him have a panic attack every time he saw a woman. KR doesn’t want to make his discomfort the focus of the scene either. Simply put, I think his trauma response is a part of the scene, but has less plot purpose than what is going on around it. 
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Trauma can be presented in different ways, but it’s more controlled to see only a glimpse of how trauma has affected Hifumi. There are other ways of showing this trauma and how it’s affected Hifumi that HPMI has already covered: Hifumi being unable to take off his suit jacket, behavioural change when wearing the jacket, his extremely warped perception of danger when his life is threatened etc. He’s spent 10 years adapting to the trauma and is in a stage of recovery as he’s going to confront his said abuser. If we were compounding this plot point with an idea of a Hifumi that is always having panic attacks, then we would have a Hifumi that is clearly not ready to deal with what he wants.
We know the writers can portray trauma as such from Jyushi’s backstory. If we remember the fandom response, there were people who were legitimately triggered to varying degrees by what happened to Jyushi’s grandmother and the severe bullying he suffered. Really, I believe that Hifumi’s trauma hasn’t been the forefront of scenes because narratively it’s not the time for this to happen yet.
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There seems to be a ‘trauma-porn’ narrative around the need to have Hifumi’s trauma played out ‘correctly. Trauma porn is media that showcases a group’s pain and trauma in excessive amounts for the sake of entertainment. There’s no need right now to show the extent of how badly Hifumi has been affected, because his trauma isn’t the focal point of the story or his character. His past is about to be shown, but it shouldn’t be what defines Hifumi as a character. And even more importantly so, there’s no ‘right’ version of trauma to portray.
[ This section is written post Bad Ass Temple VS Matenro’s dramatrack.]
There are no redeeming qualities to Honobono, the source of Hifumi’s trauma. She’s despised by Chuohku and kept around for her ‘usefulness’, and Doppo was unsure of Hifumi going to confront his own abuser. However, in the recent dramatrack, Hifumi’s power is taken away from him in Honobono forcing herself into his space. This is the first time we’ve ever seen Hifumi have an explosion of emotions; ‘a typical image of a panic attack’. It is an audibly uncomfortable scene, just as Jyushi’s backstory was to read. There are different levels to trauma responses that HPMI has shown us with the 1st season’s Hifumi with short moments, but this instance is long and drawn out with guttural screaming.
HPMI was always perfectly capable of showing trauma, but for a listener, to hear this sort of occurrence every time around a woman would be potentially harmful. At this moment, Hifumi was nearly completely paralysed, suffering a breakdown of his identity by switching pronouns and screaming (similar to Gentaro’s breakdown at the insult of his clothes). It is difficult to listen to this. I don’t believe you would’ve wanted to hear this every time Hifumi was reminded of Honobono. We’ve even learned that the abuse might not have been dealt directly to Hifumi but to his family - we see Hifumi’s love for his family here in being so torn by her actions, and how trauma does not have to deal with someone directly either.  However, the first instances of Hifumi’s trauma were more ‘digestible’ for a viewer, and they set us up for this moment. It was good that Hifumi’s panic responses were less heavy than the blow we’ve been dealt with this dramatrack.
In meeting Hifumi, Honobono greets her with “Hi-Fu-Mi”, just like how Hifumi says his own name in songs. It is most likely that Honobono said his name like this when they were in highschool; for Hifumi to use it in his songs now can be seen as a reclamation of his identity, as now Honobono can’t use his own name against him. Hifumi has spent years recovering from her, and seeing small hints of how he’s trying to move on from that time is a legitimately good way to understand the recovery from trauma.
The HPMI fandom seemed to have an ‘obsession’ with what exactly traumatised Hifumi up until this point. Most believed that it would have been sexual abuse/rape, given that he fears the opposite gender, and it wouldn’t have been the first time sexual themes have appeared in HPMI (the trafficked women at the start of BB/MTC’s manga). However, to think that ‘there is only one sort of trauma that can cause Hifumi’s pain’ is a dangerous idea. Almost anything can be traumatising, and almost anything can be a trigger. 
There’s no need to theorise ‘what is good enough’ to be a trauma for him. To fear women, it can simply be that a woman has done something bad to him - which we see is Honobono. When we hear women fearing men because a man did something bad to them, we don’t theorise what exactly happened to her. There’s the automatic assumption that gendered fear is the result of sexual abuse, when in reality, it can be any manner of abuse that has caused this.
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So I don’t think KR is portraying Hifumi’s trauma as humorous. It’s definitely awkward, but the narrative has constantly made it clear that he’s in a state of discomfort that stems from trauma and Doppo and Jakurai always do their best to move him out of those situations without drawing too much attention. Nobody in the story laughs at him, save for Asunaro, who’s an ill-mannered child without sensitivity towards both Doppo and Hifumi, and Honobono, the source of his trauma. Those who don’t understand Hifumi in the adult cast however only find confusion in him. 
There’s no ‘best’ portrayal of trauma in any media. But it’s clear that HPMI isn’t trying to be malicious or poke fun at any sort of trauma at all. If anything, I think the portrayal of it so far has been relatively ‘easy’ on common audiences that don’t explore such media, helping people to realise how trauma can manifest without forcing others who do have trauma to realise their pained experience in this media. Hifumi has been painted as someone relatable to those with trauma because he’s still a man who’s capable of doing his best while still stumbling along his way to recovery. Traumatised shouldn’t be the descriptor of Hifumi, but he is a character that has been traumatised.
While Honobono and her abuse is an integral part of Hifumi’s backstory, she does not define him as a person. To portray Hifumi as a strong character, despite moments of trauma responses, was a suitable choice in treating him respectably. 
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melanielocke · 3 years
Lost in the Shadows - Chapter 8
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Taglist @nott-the-best @foxglove-airmid @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @justanormaldemon @styxdrawings @ipromiseiwillwrite
CW for discussion of abuse and description of PTSD related flashback
Helping Gideon Lightwood visit old memories from his childhood was much harder than Alastair could have anticipated. Gideon did not know exactly where they would find the information they needed, so they had been visiting several memories where he thought he might have overheard something to do with his father’s dealings in the occult. There were several instances where Gideon had seen or heard something he hadn’t understood back then but did now. References to supernatural woman he was interested in mostly, it seemed like Benedict Lightwood had had an interest in sex with supernatural women.
So far nothing that might relate to what was happening to Thomas, though. There was an instant where Benedict Lightwood said something about a rival in business falling ill with an unsettling smile, where Gideon now realized that had been his doing, but they hadn’t yet figured out what creatures Benedict had made deals with beyond the women he’d bargained with for sexual favors. Alastair suspected the creature that might claim Thomas’ life had bargained for much more than sex. He couldn’t imagine giving up someone’s life for sex, whereas Alastair could picture a cold and heartless person such as Benedict Lightwood offering up someone’s life in exchange for money and power.
Part of the problem was that there were only so many of these memories Alastair could take and he was surprised Gideon was doing so well. It was a long time ago, of course, but Alastair couldn’t imagine ever being able to show someone else memories of his father. Not even those where he wasn’t drunk. He could talk about it, perhaps, but he could never show, he never wanted anyone to see just how defenseless he’d been.
Even seeing the memories of someone else’s neglectful father was difficult for him and the occasional racist comment brought back memories from school. Gideon surely didn’t agree with any of that, did he? Still, Alastair pushed through. This was important. This was for Thomas. He didn’t know if Thomas was right, if he was in danger, but Alastair knew he wasn’t going to let him die.
Gideon noticed after a while, it was getting difficult for him. ‘We can continue tomorrow,’ he said. ‘I can tell it’s not easy for you.’
‘I’m not used to visiting other people’s memory,’ Alastair said as an excuse. ‘That’s why I’m getting tired.’
He didn’t want Gideon Lightwood to think he was weak and he couldn’t take this. Entering other people’s memories being exhausting was at least believable.
Over the next week, he easily fell into this new routine. Mornings he would go with Thomas and take a walk. They explored the different trails in the forest, and talked about books, music, history, art. Alastair felt like he was getting to know Thomas better, and the more he did, the more he fell in love. Thomas had grown up handsome, tall and muscular, yes, but he was also kind, empathetic, and conversation with him was so easy. He had many interests, and could easily talk about them for a long time. Alastair had never liked small talk much, but neither did Thomas, so instead they soon found topics they were both interested in to discuss.
He would eat lunch with Thomas and his parents, and then continue with Gideon’s memory, always careful not to take it too far. It had to be difficult for Gideon as well, to go over memories of his father, but he didn’t show it. Perhaps he was just very good at concealing his struggle for his son’s sake. Alastair could respect that.
‘Alastair, maybe we should take a break,’ Gideon said after visiting a particularly difficult memory of Benedict yelling at Gideon and his younger brother when they’d interrupted him in some occult ritual. They’d been going over memories for a week now, but so far they hadn’t found the answers they were looking for. Hints, yes, and this ritual could point them into the right direction but right now neither knew what exactly Benedict had been summoning.
They copied everything they remembered about the ritual and wrote it down, and Alastair suspected Benedict Lightwood had been summoning some creature. It was very uncommon for humans to be able to do magic, the ability Alastair had was a rare exception. He imagined Lucie’s ability was a similar exception, whereas Thomas’ sight was a little more common, but still rare. But humans could make deals with benefactors for power, something that rarely ended well. So far, it seemed Benedict Lightwood had made deals with multiple beings, some less consequential and mainly about sex, whereas others had given him the power to make opponents fall sick which must have cost. He suspected there were multiple benefactors involved, something Alastair didn’t think was common. For some people, enough was never enough.
‘Are you alright?’ Alastair asked. ‘Those memories must be difficult for you.’
Alastair was still doing the best he could to conceal how distressed it was. It wasn’t his father, it wasn’t his memory, but he’d been looking through the eyes of Gideon Lightwood with his father yelling at him, experiencing it as if he was Gideon himself. He tried his best to push back his feelings, to breathe. He narrated to himself, describing the room and its contents in a desperate attempt to not lose control. That was something his therapist had taught him, a method to ground himself in reality and assure himself he was safe.
‘I’m fine,’ Gideon said with a small smile. ‘But I can tell using your ability is difficult for you, and I don’t think it’s just because using the ability is tiring. I noticed you tensed up a bit more with every memory we visited. And the last one… I did not realize how bad that one really was before reliving it and I’m sorry for exposing you to that.’
Alastair guessed he now knew why Thomas was so annoyingly observant. It ran in the family.
The memory didn’t really take him by surprise. Nowadays, Alastair could often tell when it was coming even if he hadn’t learnt how to control it. He was thirteen years old and had come home after a particularly bad day at school and all he’d wanted was some time alone to cry and listen to some very loud music. He’d been badly bullied at the time, but he hadn’t dared tell his parents about that. Cordelia hadn’t been at home, fortunately, playing with a friend, Lucie perhaps. But his father had, and he’d noticed Alastair shaking, the tears in the corners of his eyes he’d tried to conceal. His father had been drunk, as he was always drunk, but he’d still noticed how upset Alastair was. He’d started yelling at him, calling him weak and pathetic. At the time, Alastair had still hoped he would carry cortana someday and fight monsters with it, before the sword had chosen Cordelia and Alastair had realized he’d never really wanted it anyway. His father had yelled at him that he would never be worthy of cortana, that he was weak and would run away crying at the first sight of danger, that he’d never be anything but worthless.
Deep down, Alastair realized it wasn’t real, it was a memory and his father wasn’t here. It felt real though. He could hear Gideon Lightwood’s voice, even if all he saw was his father, stumbling drunk.
‘Alastair, I need you to breathe, alright?’
Alastair tried to take a deep breathe, in and out, like he’d practiced many times before. He always struggled with this, purposely breathing tended to make him light in the head. Still, it was better than not breathing at all.
‘Tell me what you can see,’ Gideon Lightwood said.
‘I see my father, bottle in his hand,’ Alastair said with a trembling voice. ‘But that’s not real. It’s a memory. I am in the cottage, and my father isn’t here. You are here, and you’re talking to me.’
Slowly, the cottage’s living room returned and he was sitting on the couch next to Gideon Lightwood again, carefully breathing in and out in an attempt to maintain a sense of control.
‘I took it too far,’ Gideon said. ‘I am terribly sorry, Alastair. I truly didn’t realize how bad the last memory was.’
He felt his cheeks warm, ashamed to let Gideon see him like this. Most of the time, he’d been alone when such a flashback happened, or he’d had enough time to run to his bedroom or a bathroom or anywhere he would be alone. He knew rationally there was a good chance Gideon Lightwood wouldn’t think lesser of him, but a voice inside screamed at him that now everyone knew how weak he really was.
‘Do you want some tea?’
Alastair nodded, still focused on his breathing. ‘Not the English kind,’ he added.
He focused on his surroundings, told himself over and over that he was safe, that he was far away from his father and nothing bad would happen here.
‘I’m sorry,’ he said when Gideon returned with two cups of hot water and a selection of tea bags. It wasn’t his mother’s tea, but it would do.
‘This is not your fault,’ Gideon said. ‘It’s mine, and I’m sorry. I don’t think we should continue looking through my memories.’
‘But Thomas’ life might depend on it. And not all of them are as bad as that one.’
‘I do not remember enough to be sure a memory is safe for you and I cannot in good conscious expose you to more memories like that. We’ll find another way. Thomas wouldn’t want you to trigger your symptoms for his sake,’ Gideon said. ‘We got some information I still need to work out. I take it you haven’t often visited other people’s memories?’
‘I’ve known for some time I can enter other people’s memories as well as my own, but apart from with my family I’ve never done it,’ Alastair said. ‘It is very invasive. I can’t imagine how you could show your memories of you father to someone else.’
Sometimes he and Cordelia would watch movies in Cordelia’s memory, but beyond that he rarely visited other people’s memories.
‘It was a long time ago, and I can tell it hurt you much more than it hurt me,’ Gideon said. ‘It’s not easy, but for Thomas I can do this. I won’t ask more of you.’
‘I’m the only one I know of with this ability though,’ Alastair.
‘That’s not your fault, is it? Did you always have this ability? It was not given to you by something?’ Gideon asked.
‘As far as I know I’ve always had. I think I was seven, maybe even eight when I realized other people couldn’t revisit their own memories the way I do.’
The ability had always come natural to him even as a child, and he’d freely talked about it with classmates in primary school, leading to some very confused reactions. One time when he was five or six he’d tried to teach Cordelia how to do it, which had ended with her throwing a toy tea kettle at his head because she couldn’t do it and they were both getting frustrated. Back then his father had been very interested in his ability when he wasn’t drunk, and when he was eight he and his father had visited a memory of his father killing something monstrous in a forest in the United States, a horrifying deer like creature that had eaten a hiker. He still remembered the way it had gotten up on its hind legs, limbs all bending and twisting in the wrong way. How it had howled, the most horrifying sound Alastair had heard in his life. Alastair had had nightmares for weeks and his mother had been very angry with his father for showing him something like that when she found out.
In the years to come, his mother would yell at his father more often, but that never made him change, and she didn’t leave until Alastair was diagnosed with PTSD. She’d yell at him, beg him to go to a clinic. But his father had always refused, denied the problem, and Alastair had done the best he could to protect both his sister and his mother from him when he was drunk. He suspected even his mother had not truly seen how awful he could become when he was drunk, Alastair had made sure of that.. His diagnosis had been a wake up call for her. But at least she was safe now.
‘We need to know what being my father dealt with.’ Gideon sighed. ‘This would be much easier with his journals, but so far Tatiana ignored my calls.’
‘Perhaps if we look again,’ Alastair said. ‘Sometimes it helps to go over the same memory again, see if there’s something we missed. The details can make all the difference.’
‘No,’ Gideon said. ‘You just had a panic attack from my memories . It’s because of my father���s abuse, isn’t it? He brings up your bad memories of your own father. I won’t take you back into my memories, I don’t want to hurt you. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I… I know what it is like to grow up in a broken home. So if you want to talk, I’m here and I promise I’ll keep your secrets.’
Alastair was tempted to retreat in his shell, to refuse to talk about it as he always did, but he felt oddly comfortable around Thomas’ father. He was kind and empathetic, like his son, and he’d helped him through a flashback. He suspected Gideon Lightwood understood that being told his father was a hero and being a hero came at a price wasn’t kind, even if it wasn’t the same for him. It was very clear that Benedict Lightwood was not and had never been a good person, whereas even Alastair acknowledged his father had done good things once.
‘It seems unfair,’ Alastair said after a silence. ‘To complain about my father to you. From what I’ve seen, yours was worse.’
‘It is not a competition of who has it worse, Alastair,’ Gideon said. ‘My brother and I have both found our way to move on from everything that happened. We had each other, we had friends, a support system that could help us through it. I think that until recently, you have been very alone, and that makes it much harder.’
‘Thomas has been kind to me,’ Alastair said. ‘During our morning walks the past week, but he was also kind when we went to school together. I appreciate that.’
He hated to admit it even to himself, but he didn’t think he’d ever had friends beyond Thomas. In his childhood they’d moved around often and he’d gone to so many different primary schools that he’d never been able to make friends, and when he’d gone to secondary school he’d first been bullied badly, then turned to bullying others in a desperate and hopeless attempt to protect himself. The other bullies at that school might have considered him a friend, but Alastair did not. He knew these boys would have picked him as a target if he hadn’t shown how vicious he could be with his words. And at his last school, he’d simply stopped caring and kept to himself, just cruel enough to make sure the bullies knew better than to bother him.
‘I’m glad to hear you’re getting along with my son,’ Gideon said. ‘Do you have any other friends?’
‘My sister, Lucie occasionally although we’re not close,’ Alastair said. ‘That is all. I never knew how to make friends, and it didn’t help that other children always thought I was weird.’
Alastair had always been one of the smartest children in his class, and other children could be jealous. Some thought it was impossible that a brown boy was doing better than them. Others simply didn’t understand the things he was interested in. Then there had always been children who made fun of the weird food his mother had made for lunch until he’d resigned to eat school lunches even if those were usually terrible.
Alastair considered for a moment, but then continued. ‘I did have one other friend, from when I was fourteen until recently. We mostly wrote emails to each other, texted after a while. He was about six years older than me, and at the time he was the one person I thought I could trust. But I was wrong about trusting him.’
He wasn’t sure he wanted to reveal his relationship with Charles, but at least this would give enough context on why he’d been so unwilling to trust anyone. Charles had done the best he could to isolate him, positioning himself as the one person he could trust. Charles had discouraged him from coming out to aunt Risa, which he’d considered at the time, citing that Iran was very homophobic as a reason. But just because the laws in Iran were homophobic, didn’t mean all Iranian people were and both his mother and aunt Risa had been open to learn more. And because Charles had seemed so trustworthy, so caring, Alastair no longer knew how to be sure he could trust someone. Even now he was wary, there was a voice inside screaming to run, to get away before this ended badly. It also felt nice though, talking to someone who had grown up in an abusive household and had survived. If Gideon had, maybe he could too.
‘What happened?’ Gideon asked gently.
‘I’m not sure…’ Alastair began.
‘You don’t have to tell,’ Gideon said. ‘I know it can be hard to trust someone after having your trust broken so many times.’
Alastair took a deep breath. He wanted to trust Gideon, he really did. It must be so nice to have father like him. ‘He wasn’t just a friend, we were in a relationship. I thought it was everything I could want, and for a time the illusion of being loved was enough to push away the pain. I thought that just what love was like. I left him some time ago when I finally realized what he did wasn’t alright.’
‘You said he was six years older than you?’ Gideon asked.
‘Yes,’ Alastair said. ‘I was sixteen when I entered a relationship with him. I didn’t realize at the time that it was creepy that such an older man was interested in me. I thought it meant I was mature and was so flattered by his attention.’
‘It can’t have been easy to leave him,’ Gideon said.
Alastair stared for a moment. He didn’t expect people to understand that. Cordelia was sweet and caring but he didn’t think she really understood why it had taken him so long to leave. She had a point, why keep going back when every dismissal was like being struck with a dagger? Why keep falling for his praise when Charles would mock him only moments later? Alastair didn’t understand it himself either, only that he’d genuinely loved and worshipped Charles.
‘I had help,’ Alastair admitted. ‘Cordelia spent some time trying to convince me to leave. But even when I started recognizing just how bad he was treating me, I think part of me still longed for his praise.’
‘I think you are very strong, Alastair, that you could choose what was right for you and leave him.’
They were interrupted by Thomas, who entered the room carrying a bag of groceries. Alastair was once again struck by how beautiful he was. In school, Thomas had still been small and skinny and Alastair simply hadn’t noticed him that way. But he’d grown up tall and muscular. Yet his features were still refined and handsome for someone so tall. And he was so different from Charles. Kind, empathetic, a little insecure. Thomas didn’t think emotions were a weakness that needed to be concealed, Thomas would not mock him for feeling. Back at school he’d thought Thomas must have it so easy, to be so kind, but perhaps he was kind because that was what his parents had taught him. Alastair had learnt later that sometimes, the worst people were the ones who had it easy, the ones who had everything yet wanted more. People like Charles, or like Benedict Lightwood.
He wondered sometimes if Thomas liked men as well. So far Thomas hadn’t mentioned it, but he hadn’t mentioned any past or current relationships with girls either. He wondered if he could have a chance with him, with someone who genuinely seemed to care about him in a way Charles never had. To Charles he had simply been convenient, broken and isolated and very much willing to do whatever it took to keep his lover happy and satisfied, scared he might be abandoned if he did not. He imagined it would be different with Thomas, who was closer to his age. A relationship with him would probably feel more equal, exploring both their desires and needs, and not just his partner’s. Thomas was interested in what he had to say, in his opinions, his interests. Thomas could make him laugh, something he’d rarely done the past years.
‘Did something happen, Tom?’ Gideon asked.
Alastair had to agree Thomas looked a little distressed.
‘Yes, but perhaps it’s better if I show you,’ Thomas said. ‘Alastair, would you be able to help? If you’re not too tired, that is. I know it can be exhausting.’
Alastair had used his ability much more than he was used to, but suspected he could do this. However, he preferred to know what he was getting into. He didn’t want to see something that would trigger another flashback and definitely not in front of Thomas.
‘I can do it, but since I’m tired it would be easier if you told me what you saw before diving in.’
He wasn’t sure why he kept pretending it was just his ability. It was easier somehow, a more acceptable excuse. He doubted it was believable though.
Thomas nodded. ‘Of course,’ he said. ‘I saw someone, and I thought I recognized aunt Tatiana. But now I’m not complete sure, and since dad will be much more likely to recognize her I think it’s best to show. And there was someone with her I don’t know. It’s not the first time either, I think I saw her a week ago but she turned away too quickly then and I didn’t realize… It’s probably best if I show the rest.’
Alastair nodded, and he concentrated to bring both himself and Gideon into Thomas’ memory. He saw the town’s grocery store through Thomas’ eyes, and he tried to slow down the memory.
When Thomas exited the grocery store, he saw a woman enter, a girl behind her. He didn’t think either of them noticed Thomas, whose gaze was fixated on the pair. The first woman was around forty, he guessed, long brown hair and light eyes. Alastair didn’t recognize her, but had to admit she resembled Gideon. The girl behind her didn’t look anything like the Lightwoods. She was unearthly pretty with long silver blonde hair and she wore a long white summer dress that left her shoulders bare. She had to be in her late teens, a daughter? So far Gideon had mentioned Tatiana had had a son, Jesse, who died, but he’d never mentioned her having any other children, nor had Thomas mentioned anyone else. And he’d just said he didn’t know who the girl was.
‘I’m not sure it was really Tatiana, I thought maybe I was just jumpy from everything,’ Thomas said. ‘And I have no idea who that girl could be.’
Thomas turned around and took the car back to the cottage and Alastair reversed the memory, focusing on the part where Thomas had looked at the pair. Gideon has turned pale.
‘That’s her. That’s Tatiana.’
‘But who is that girl with her?’ Alastair asked.
‘I don’t know,’ Gideon said. ‘As far as I know she had no children beside Jesse.’
Alastair took a good look at the girl, but couldn’t see anything unusual about her. Very pale blonde hair, a rosy pale skin, light eyes. She looked around sixteen, but had a perfect clear skin most girls that age didn’t have.
‘She looks kind of helpless,’ Alastair said. ‘The girl, I mean.’
‘I guess so,’ Thomas said. ‘Do you think she’s human?’
‘I’m not sure a supernatural creature could look so helpless next to a regular human woman,’ Alastair said. ‘If she was scared of something far more powerful than her, she’d probably look for another powerful being to protect her, not Tatiana. At the same time, there is something unearthly about how she looks.’
Alastair wasn’t sure what to make of her, but tried to take in as many details as he could. She was dressed in a white summer dress, wearing spotless white ballerina shoes and it occurred to Alastair that if she walked around on these shoes often, they shouldn’t be so white. Alastair was glad he wore mostly black as it didn’t stain as easily.
‘I’m not so sure she’s human,’ Gideon said. ‘I’ve seen a succubus visit my father, she reminds me of her. She’s younger though, but maybe succubae and the likes were children once too.’
They left the memory, returning to the living room of the cottage the Lightwoods had rented. Gideon added some things to his notes, describing the girl.
‘At least we are sure now it was Tatiana,’ Thomas said. ‘Do you think we should go talk to her, now that she’s here?’
‘If I can find out where she’s staying, yes,’ Gideon said. ‘But I think it would be best if I go see her alone, see if I can reason with her.’
Gideon left for the town to see if he could find his sister, promising he’d be back in time for dinner. Alastair hoped he would be safe, he didn’t trust Tatiana in the slightest. He understood why Gideon might want to give her a chance, he’d do the same if Cordelia turned against him. Not that he could picture that happening. She could be annoying, frustrated with him, but she’d never betray him.
Alastair decided to stay a little longer. Thomas wasn’t motivated to play chess anymore after a week of losing every game they’d played. Alastair guessed he made it too difficult, and instead opted for a game of ludo which led to much frustration on Alastair’s part. The dice seemed to favor Thomas.
‘I don’t know how you’re doing it, but you’re cheating,’ Alastair insisted.
Thomas threw his hands up. ‘How am I supposed to cheat. We both use the same die.’
Thomas threw the die and rolled another six. Unbelievable.
‘I’m done with this game,’ Alastair announced when Thomas had won.
‘You won at chess lots of times the past week,’ Thomas said. ‘I only won at this once.’
‘This game is stupid. You’re either cheating, or it’s just luck.’
Thomas smiled, and Alastair was very annoyed that his smile was so attractive. His lips looked soft, and Alastair very much wanted to know if they felt as soft.
‘I think you’re just a sore loser,’ Thomas said.
‘No I’m not,’ Alastair said indignantly. ‘I just don’t like it when games are solely luck based like this one.’
‘You didn’t dislike it before you lost,’ Thomas pointed out.
‘You really have to rub it in, do you?’
‘My sister Eugenia is worse,’ Thomas said. ‘Do not ever play monopoly with Eugenia, it will end in murder if she doesn’t win and she usually doesn’t.’
‘I never liked monopoly,’ Alastair said. ‘You know, the original monopoly was supposed to criticize capitalism. The modern version still does a pretty good job of showing why capitalism is terrible. Unfortunately, it goes over most people’s heads.’
‘In what sense?’ Thomas asked, and Alastair fell into a lecture on why capitalism was terrible.
Charles had been one of those people who insisted that capitalism wasn’t perfect, but it was the best system out there and modern society was only possible because of capitalism, which Alastair thought was stupid. Why assume any modern inventions were only possible because of capitalism and colonialism? When they were still together, Alastair had been very insecure in his own ideas and thoughts. Charles was so much older and wiser, he had to know better. After the break up, Alastair had realized that Charles�� ideas were stupid and mostly convenient to rich white men. He’d grown more confident in his own ideas since then, even if people tended to think he was radical.
‘You’re really passionate about this,’ Thomas said. ‘I like the way you light up when you talk.’
‘I hope you listened to what I said as well as how I said it,’ Alastair said.
‘I did, and you make some very good points,’ Thomas admitted. ‘I always thought we have to work within the system for change, but I admit I’m not expert.’
‘I’ve always been fascinated by political theory,’ Alastair said.
‘But you quit studying politics, right?’ Thomas asked.
‘Most other students didn’t take my ideas seriously,’ Alastair said. ‘Including my ex boyfriend. He wasn’t a student though, he’d already graduated by the time I started. And I’m fairly certain I don’t want to be a politician myself, having to deal with white right wingers all day is exhausting. I don’t know how to explain to them that you should care about other people.
But I spoke to some other students in the university’s multicultural association, and figured sociology might be a better fit for me, and I think doing research, figuring out new solutions and writing about them might be nicer. I’m not great at getting people to like me, let the people with better charm try to convince others I’m right.’
Alastair hadn’t socialized much, but he’d attended a couple of events hosted by the multicultural student association. Since many of the members of that association were Muslim, Alastair could be fairly certain there would be no alcohol there.
‘If it’s any consolation, I like you,’ Thomas said with another sweet smile that definitely made Alastair want to kiss him.
Charles had said the same thing at some point. With his habit of looking through memories, he tended to remember what people said word for word. But Thomas was so genuine in what he said, so open and honest, it wasn’t the same at all.
‘Of course. You’re clever and passionate and you never make me feel weird or stupid for my interests. And I’m glad you decided to come here this summer, even if the circumstances aren’t as great as we’d hoped. If I’m going to die, I’m glad I had the chance to know you.’
Alastair took Thomas’ hand. ‘You’re not going to die,’ he said. ‘I won’t let you.’
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