skeletorsims · 10 months
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When it starts, she first feels the panic, the fear coursing through her.
"She's early!" She says to the room, the only one in the parlor being Jeremy Teeth. He gestures to the couch: "Lay down, please Mrs. Hollowbreast. I'll get Lloyd." When it is over, breathing hard in her bed with only Henriqueta next to her, the house is so still for that moment that she can hear Lloyd pacing outside. Then Saanvi begins to cry. And she cries herself, in relief, full of love. "Lloyd! Lloyd come here and meet your daughter."
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destinybondrp · 2 years
Late Pregnancy/Labor/Birth Starters
Late pregnancy:
* “Can we have the baby at home?”
* “I want to record the delivery.”
* “You’re gonna be such an amazing parent.”
* “The baby always moves when you speak!”
* “We finished the nursery in time. Score.”
* “I’m huge!”
* “I feel enormous.”
* “If this baby gets an ounce bigger, I’m gonna pop like a balloon.”
* “If this belly gets any bigger, I’m gonna tip over.”
* “Why do people think they can just touch my belly?”
* “I really wanna do a maternity photo shoot.”
* “Stop making the pregnant lady cry!”
* “Literally anything makes you cry nowadays.”
* “The baby won’t go to sleep.”
* “Did you feel that?”
* “I love it when you talk to the baby.”
* “We love you so much, daddy.”
* “My partner kisses my bump all the time! It’s the cutest thing ever.”
* “My partner kissed my belly and the baby kicked him in the mouth.”
* “You waddle.”
* “I do not waddle!”
* “If it involves pants, I’m not going.”
* “I love my big belly.”
* “The couch is my happy place.”
* “Hair in a bun, feet up, belly out. That’s how I roll now.”
* “You’re huge!”
* “They said we should schedule an induction.”
* “When are you due?”
* “Can I touch your belly?”
* “Are you sure it’s not twins?”
* “Your belly sure is huge!”
* “Having to pee every five minutes got old the first day.”
* “Baby dropped, I think. It’s so much easier to breathe now.”
* “Why are you crying?”
* “I hate crying over stupid stuff!”
* “I’ve tried everything and this kid won’t come.”
* “I feel anything at all and I think it’s baby time.”
* “Come out, kiddo!”
* “I don’t want the baby to be born on my birthday.”
* “I look like I ate a whole watermelon.”
* “I miss my feet.”
* “If I drop anything on the floor, it’s dead to me.”
* “Sleep? What is that?”
* “It is midnight on my due date and I am still pregnant.”
* “I’m gonna be pregnant forever.”
* “What a year the last month of pregnancy is.”
* “Let’s have one last date night before baby. You decide what and where.”
* “I’ve never been happier to feel like complete crap.”
* “Might as well catch up on my shows till they decide to meet us.”
* “The waiting used to be fun and exciting. Now it’s just tedious.”
* “Let’s get this stubborn kid out the same way we made them.”
* “Help me up, please.”
* “I need a massage and Tums.”
* “Everything hurts. I’m dying. It’s your fault.”
* “This baby is never gonna come out.”
* “I am almost two weeks overdue. Proceed with caution.”
• “This went by so fast! I feel like we just found out yesterday.”
• “You ready to go?”
• “Call the midwife, please.”
• “Just got off the phone with the midwife. She said to wait.”
• “Midwife said to head to the hospital.”
• “Can we get the pool ready?”
• “Lean on me. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”
• “Each contraction is one step closer to baby.”
• “Why don’t I believe that?”
• “Contractions are getting bad…”
• “My water didn’t break yet, stop freaking out.”
• “Yup, that’s a contraction.”
• “It’s more just a dull ache, babe. This is probably another false alarm.”
• “Finally! They took their sweet time.”
• “Baby time!”
• “Oh! Ohhh!! Babe, it hurts!”
• “I know how to breathe.”
• My water broke!”
• “I can’t believe we’re meeting our child today or tomorrow.”
• “Please press on my back. Ow…”
• “It’s all in my back!”
• “Are you the one having a baby? No?Then shut up.”
• “Don’t forget the camera.”
• “I’m not gonna drop them right now!!”
• “Don’t be afraid. You can do it.”
• “I can’t freaking do this!”
• “The book said something about cow noises?”
• “I’m sorry I’m so loud.”
• “You make all the noises you need. It’s completely normal.”
• “Make it stop!”
• “Don’t touch me! No, come back!!”
• “I am doing this as naturally as possible.”
• “It’s never coming!”
• “Could I just have it tomorrow?”
• “Oh, I think I wanna push.”
• “I need to push!”
• “Big breath and bear down.”
• “I’m pushing.”
• “Good girl, keep pushing.”
• “I can see the head.”
• “Let’s try another position.”
• “Push harder. Harder, honey.”
• “There you go, that’s the way.”
• “Uggghhh!!”
• “Hnnghh!! Nnggghh!!”
• “I’m pushing as hard as I can! It won’t come out.”
• “Don’t push with your face.”
• “I’ve been pushing for [x amount of time]. Why isn’t it coming?”
• “Yeah, I’m good up here.”
• “It burns!”
• “Just a couple more pushes.”
• “I can’t push anymore. I’m so tired.”
• “One more big push!”
• “Happy birthday, little one.”
• “Oh my gosh! Hi, baby!”
• “You did it! I’m so proud of you.”
• “He’s/She’s so big!”
• “Hello, my love. I’ve been waiting for you.”
• “Holy crap, I did it!”
• “They have your nose.”
• “Mama/Daddy loves you.”
• “Welcome to the world.”
• “That was the most badass thing I’ve ever seen.”
• “They’re so beautiful!”
• “We just had a baby. Wow.”
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jukeboxsweethearttt · 3 months
My Little Love
Anthony Bridgerton x Fem Reader
cw:pregnancy,bleeding, talks about loss of baby:( really sad
(loosely inspired by My Little Love by Adele)
this ask!
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The night was still, the moon casting a gentle glow over the Bridgerton estate. You sat in your drawing room. Your hand resting on your stomach, a vague discomfort gnawing at you. Anthony found you there, his face etched with concern.
"You don’t look well, my love," he remarked, kneeling beside you. "Is something wrong?"
You shook your head, trying to smile. "I’m just tired, Anthony. It has been a long day."
Days turned into weeks, the discomfort in your abdomen growing steadily worse.
You dismissed it as a mere illness, perhaps a lingering ailment from the winter.
But Anthony remained vigilant, his worry mounting with each passing day.
One evening, as the pain became unbearable, you clutched your stomach, a sudden, intense wave of agony washing over you.
"Anthony," you gasped, panic rising in your chest. "Something’s wrong."
you looked between your legs as blood began to trickle down.
Anthony’s face paled, and he immediately sent for the doctor.
"Hold on, my love," he urged, his voice trembling. "We’ll get through this together."
The doctor arrived quickly, his expression growing grave as he examined you. "She is with child!” he announced, astonishment in his voice. "She is having the baby!."
Your heart raced, shock mingling with the pain. "A baby?" you whispered, unable to comprehend. "How can that be?"
"It’s unusual, but it happens my dear Viscountess" the doctor explained. "We need to act quickly."
The hours that followed were a blur of pain and fear. The midwife and doctor worked tirelessly, their expressions focused and serious.
Anthony never left your side, his hand clasping yours tightly.
"Anthony," you gasped, your grip tightening on his hand. "Promise me, no matter what happens, you’ll love our baby."
"Don’t talk like that," he pleaded, his voice breaking. "You’re going to be fine. You both are."
The intensity of the labor consumed you, the pain almost unbearable. But then, after what felt like an eternity, a cry pierced the air.
Your heart surged with relief and joy as the midwife held up a tiny, wriggling baby.
"It’s a girl!" the midwife announced, her voice filled with warmth. "The Bridgerton heir is healthy baby girl."
Tears streamed down your face as the baby was placed in your arms. She was perfect, her tiny fingers curling around your own.
Anthony leaned in, his eyes filled with wonder and love.
"She’s beautiful," he whispered, kissing your forehead. "Just like her mother."
Exhausted but overwhelmed with joy, you looked up at him. "We did it, Anthony. She’s here. She’s safe."
He nodded, his eyes glistening with tears. "We did it together. You were incredible, my love."
As you gazed down at your daughter, the fears and pain of the past hours melted away.
She was the light in the darkness, the embodiment of your love and strength.
"Welcome to the world, little one," you whispered, your heart full.
"We’ve been waiting for you, even if we didn’t know it."
Anthony wrapped his arms around both of you, his heart overflowing with gratitude and love.
"We’ll always be here for you," he promised, his voice tender. "Both of you."
In that moment, the three of you were a family, united by the trials you had overcome and the love that bound you together.
The future was uncertain, but with Anthony by your side and your beautiful daughter in your arms, you knew you could face anything.
The Bridgerton estate stood tall and proud, a testament to resilience and hope.
And within its walls, a new chapter began, filled with the promise of joy and the enduring strength of family.
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dreamwritesimagines · 8 months
Imagine how protective Bucky would be when Charm is pregnant 🥺❤️
Omg this is such a cute idea! 🥰❤️ Thank you so so much darling! ❤️
Let's have a HC with it! ❤️
So I totally agree, Bucky would be incredibly protective of Charm when she's pregnant ❤️ I mean he's already overprotective of her, and once she's pregnant it'd be so so much more😂
And considering Charm does NOT like it when anyone tells her what to do and is incredibly stubborn, she would not listen to him at all😂 So Bucky would be like, calling her and he'd go like,
"Charm, sweetheart?"
"Where are you?"
"...Uh, at home?"
"Really? Funny, because my men just informed me that you're in Stark's territory."
"Where I am is none of your business. What, I'm supposed to follow your every order just because we're married and having a baby together?"
"We've talked about this, until the baby is born-"
"Well, is it my fault that there are no good baby clothing boutiques in your territory? Hm, Bucky? Is it my fault that you didn't consider the fact that we would have a baby therefore we'd need some good stores in your territory? Is it-"
"How many bodyguards do you have with you right now?"
"I'm sending two more just in case."
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evita-shelby · 3 months
You made me a softie for Jack 😅, so here's the request for him and Eva in the universe that you prefer, using this prompt:
"Can I name it?"
Thanks in advance, July!! ❤️❤️
No better name
Omg thanks for the request 🖤🖤 here's some THG!Jack x Eva
Tagging the hunger games gang @emotionalcadaver @call-sign-shark @peakyswritings @justrainandcoffee
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It’s Jack’s birthday when they have true confirmation that they are having a baby.
Eva’s had symptoms for a while now, smells triggering nausea, cravings and tits feeling too tender for him to touch. August had been too soon to tell, but September ---on his birthday no less--- his girlfriend had shown him the positive test from the only obstetrician in the only real hospital in the district.
“Can I name it?” he asks as they pretend the world doesn’t exist beyond the farmhouse.
His hand caressed her stomach as they lounged on the couch with him only wearing his jeans and she is wearing his shirt. The heat was unbearable as summer turned to autumn, but 10 remained as hot as June anyways.
It is their safe haven, their own little world where they are not survivors of a cruel punishment on their forefathers. Where they are just Jack and just Eva who are just having their first baby together.
“Only if you stop calling the baby it.” Evie laughed softly, knowing very well what name he has in mind. She doesn’t look like she minds it, encourages him to tell her when he falters fearing a no from her.
“I don’t mind, you know, when the time comes, we’ll tell him who his Uncle Laurie was to the both of us.” The laughter is gone, the hand on his chest turning from teasing to comforting him as she assures him there won’t be a no.
“Laurie not Laurentius, just Laurie.” Laurie Nelson, named for his dead uncle who is the reason Jack and Eva truly met and fell in love against all reason.
“Then Laurie it is.”
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
YakKimi Kadokura-verse Masterlist Pt2
Undated (I can provide where they fit if asked, but its largely irrelevant in most cases)
Kadokura 'shoots' Kimi, for medical reasons aka arthritis sucks
Touching up the dye job
Kimi's bad parenting part one of many
Mio loves her Uncle Kenshi, and also knives
Mio coerces Kadokura into a zoo trip
Cherry Blossom Festival cuteness
Kimi talks about one of the worst nights of her life (cw:grief, discussion of reaction to death)
Kimi talks about a different terrible night in vaguer terms (cw:past CSA mention)
Kimi just really hates seafood
Why Kenshi wears turtlenecks
Kimi can't temperature regulate for shit
When the pain hits 10
Kimi is needy when sad
Not the first loss (cw:pregnancy loss/miscarriage)
Kimi has some food related trauma (cw:eating disorder mention)
Affair accusations are common, and unfounded
Kimi is stubborn and will use windows as entry points
Kadokura is not amused with the girls antics (NSFT/Smut)
Kenshi killed someone Kimi knows
Kimi's filter vanishes when sufficiently drunk
Kimi is pregnant and why yes her hair is more important than you
Kimi is pregnant again and yes, she is still more important
The kids see Kenshi all messy and Kichi has questions
Yayoi actually goes to bat not exactly for Kimi but kinda
Kimi is really a terrible parent
Kimi believes in soulmates
One should be careful when handling a fanatic
Dumbass got herself shot (cw: gun violence, blood, dissociation)
Kimi thinks of impossible things and gets sad
The marriage thing is complicated ok?
Kimi says something about Airi that was meant to be left unsaid
Kimi really likes how Kenshi looks in red
Kenshi has weird coping mechanisms and Kimi helps (cw: choking)
Kimi also has weird coping mechanisms and also knows other people (cw: choking)
Pigs will eat anything, be wary of pig farmers (cw: death)
Kimi has body issues and Kenshi can be sweet in his way
Kenshi really likes Kimi's body in his own odd way
Kimi is jealous and fussy
Kimi cannot hold her alcohol for shit
Phe hates Kadokura but she wants Kimi to be happy
Kimi forgets that she is into some rough shit and startles Kenshi (cw: implied consensual rough sex/kink)
Kimi gushes about Kenshi to a random party goer
Teenage Airi is an absolute shit, we love him for it
Kimi has a dirty mouth and dirtier thoughts (cw: explicit discussion of smut)
Kimi dreams about a wedding that she believed would never happen
This girl is absolutely smitten, its almost gross (NSFT/smut)
Kimi gets drunk and nippy
Making up stories about Kenshi's scars
Main timeline Kimi has a dream about Yakuza Kadokura and yeah (cw: kinks)
Kimi was dumb, got hurt, and tried to hide it
Kimi's only real form of exercise
Kenshi has a very vivid dream and wakes up needy (NSFT/Smut)
Kimi gets drugged and freaks out (cw: involuntary drug use)
Kenshi gets tired of Kimi being horny all the time
Kimi was planning that wedding for ages
She worked very hard on a dress she never thought she'd wear
Chibi-hime and Mommy-chan (Sagawa lives somehow AU)
Kimi maybe dies and its very sad
YakuKura-Verse, Kimi is autistic as hell
Daigo has a different answer to the affair rumors
YK- Kimi learns she has a kink
YK- Kimi learns she has another kink (NSFT/smut)
YK - In which Kimi was a virgin (NSFT/smut)
YK- Kimi goes fully unhinged in a jealous fit (cw: blood, death, dissociation)
YK - kimi is possessive and unhinged and yakuza!kadokura is ok with that Majimemegoro Exclusive!
YK - Kimi goes fully unhinged in a protective fit (cw: gun violence, death, blood)
YK - Kimi goes fully unhinged because she has just lost the plot (cw: gun violcence, gang violence)
YK - Kimi gets a new knife, and shows it off
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hellomidnightbreeze · 2 years
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The Smiths are working out the kinks of their health atm
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In the Heat of the Fire....
Fireman!Poe Dameron x Female Reader
Warnings: description of fire, brief mention of hospitals, mention of depressive feelings, angst, fluff mention of smut and mention of pregnancy. NSFW 18+
Word count: 2585
Summary: Your flat catches fire and you’re saved by a dashing young Fireman who then takes you under his wing when you have nothing left.
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You coughed, your eyes still shut as you rolled over in bed. You frowned, unable to take a deep breath you coughed again, this time it wracked your body violently and you finally opened your eyes. At first you couldn't see anything as it was dark, but as your eyes adjusted and you woke up you could see and smell the smoke. You blinked rapidly as your eyes began to water, you got out of bed, finally seeing the orange glow under your bedroom door, you grabbed a top and held it over your mouth before opening the door. You cried out as pain flared from your palm, the door handle was so hot it made your skin blister but you didn’t have time to even register it as the fire surged towards you, licking into your bedroom like it had been starved of air.
Panic began to bubble up inside you as you backed away in horror from the roaring inferno. You opened your window coughing and spluttering the more intense smoke, you could see the blue lights below you from the fire engines and the group of people from your building. You tried to call out but your throat was so sore you could barely form words let alone shout over the noise. You saw someone break away from the crowd and grabbed a firefighter, they pointed at you vigorously as you slid down the wall and out of sight. Your chest was tight, you could feel yourself becoming light headed and the smell assaulting your nostrils was making you feel sick. The fire was making its way round your bedroom and tears began to track their way down your face as you shook with fear. You thought of your parents, your friends even your work colleagues as you felt the heat roil around you.
Is this what the desert feels like? You felt a giggle try to erupt from you but all you could was cough, each time you did your head swam and your body ached as you slouched even more. The fire was close now, the blistering heat making your turn away as it consumed your bed, billowing more smoke into the room obscuring everything from sight.
You tried to gasp as hands reached out of the smoke and grabbed you, placing a mask hurriedly over your face. You gripped onto the rough coat of the firefighter as he lifted you up in his arms.
‘Cover your face.’ You pulled the top you had completely over your face tucking yourself as close to him as you could. ‘I’ve got you.’ Pain blossomed from your burnt hand but you tried to ignore it knowing you didn’t want your grip to fail. You tensed as the heat increased, surrounding you with a blazing intensity as he carried you bravely through your burning flat. You could feel him heading down the stairs and finally the cool air of the night kissed your skin. More hands grabbed you putting you on a stretcher, asking you questions, shining lights in your sore eyes but you didn’t let go of the firefighter who had pulled you from the building. Your vision swam as he took his mask off, he was talking to someone and then suddenly he was getting in the ambulance with you. Your body started tensing all over as you convulsed on the stretcher and the last thing you heard was a paramedic shouting.
The beeping noise was annoying. It cut through your grogginess waking you up with a start as the sounds of flames roaring echoed in your mind.
‘Hey, it’s ok.’ You turned to the voice beside you as saw a guy, he had a firefighters coat on and his helmet was sat on the table next to you, his face was still dirty with soot and all you could smell was smoke. You tried to speak but you ended up coughing into your mask, you winced at the ache from your chest and you settled back down against the pillows. He cast a look over the screens around you before resting his deep brown eyes on you again. ‘The doctors will be round to talk to you soon, they’re pleased with how well you’re doing considering the amount of smoke exposure you had.’ You found yourself relaxing at the sound of his voice as you gazed at him, this was the man who saved you. You owed him your life. The door opened to your room and some doctors came in, the nurse took some blood and they spouted some information at you but you couldn’t really take it in as you searched for the firefighters for reassurance. He smiled a lopsided smile and nodded slightly letting you know he was still there and you smiled slightly back, hoping he wouldn’t leave anytime soon.
After a few days the hospital released you, the fireman, who’s name you learnt was Poe, he visited as often as he could and now he was picking you up and taking you back to the flat to see if you could salvage anything. He had warned you it wasn’t pretty and he was right. You stood outside the building, your bandaged hand aching just at the sight of the block, black soot was smeared on the brickwork from all the windows and you could see your bedroom window. Poe put a hand on your back as he surveyed the damaged building with you.
‘You don’t have to go in.’ You lent into his touch slightly as you looked at his handsome face. You’d only known him a few days but he had saved your life and was offering emotional support so you weren’t on your own. You didn’t have anyone else really, your parents lived far away, your friends were great but you mostly kept to yourself immersing yourself in work all the time.
‘I need to.’ You walked towards the door, ignoring the panic crawling over your skin making you want to run in the opposite direction. You finally made it to your flat, the smell burnt your nose as you walked around. Smoke, melted plastic and dampness all mingled into a hideous musty aroma that made you feel slightly ill. One look around told you nothing could be saved, your kitchen cupboards hung off the wall in a haphazard way, everything was burnt or smeared with soot and you knew the smell would never come out of whatever you took away. You stopped at the doorway of your bedroom, your bed was just a mass of twisted blackness and you could see the path the flames had taken. The echo of flames made you tense but suddenly Poe was there, his comforting presence washing over you as he closely watched your reaction.
‘Do you have somewhere to stay?’ He asked softly.
‘Er, no. I haven’t really thought about it. I could ask a friend I guess.’ Tears threatened to well up in your eyes and you blinked them away, not wanting to fall apart right now.
‘You’re not going to find anything here, why don’t you come back to my place? I’ve got to go to work soon so you can have the run of my flat.’
‘I barely know you.’ You said and he smiled.
‘True, but I did save your life. The least you could do is cook a meal for me,’ he said with amusement in his tone.
‘Are you being serious? Right now?’
‘Yes, perfectly serious.’ You looked at him as you stood in the ruined tatters of your life and you felt a rush of gratefulness that however roughly he’d been shoved into your life, he’d still been shoved into your life for a reason.
‘Sure. Ok. I need to go shopping though, I need clothes.’
‘Come on,’ he put an arm around your shoulders as he led you out of the burnt flat. ‘I’ll take you shopping.’
And so the days turned into weeks and Poe had given you his spare room, you had gone back to work as you waited for the insurance money to come in and he had long shifts at the station so you didn’t see each other very often but when you did you’d watch a film and have a home cooked meal. The longer you stayed with him you could feel your affection grown for him, he was good looking, funny, cocky but kind as well. Being with him made you realise how lonely you actually were.
You were standing in the kitchen frying some chicken and peppers, the wraps warming in the oven as you grated the cheese, tonight was fajita night. The door slammed shut announcing his arrival but he didn’t stop and greet you like he usually did. He walked past you without a word and you instantly knew something was wrong, you cleaned your hands off before approaching his bedroom door.
‘Poe?’ You knocked gently but you got no response. ‘Poe? What happened?’ You steeled yourself, feeling bold you opened his door to find him kneeling on the floor, his arms wrapped around him as he tried to keep his emotions in check. He looked up at you a desperate look on his face and you knew today had been a bad day. Without thinking you got down on the floor with him, wrapping your arms around him tightly as he embraced you just as roughly. His entire body shook and the words started tumbling out of him, his voice wavering as still he tried not to cry.
‘I tried, I couldn’t get to her. The fire was too much. I could hear her screaming for me and I couldn’t get to her, I couldn’t get to her,’ a sob finally choked its way out of him and you could feel wetness on your neck as his soft curls brushed against your face.
‘It’s not your fault,’ you whispered as you held him. You looked back at the door painfully aware the frying pan was on. ‘Come into the kitchen with me or dinner will be burnt.’ He got up with you and you noticed as you finished cooking he tried to stay as close to you as possible, a dark haunted look in his eyes as he watched you prepare the food. You led him to the sofa as he looked at the food on the plate but he didn’t pick it up. ‘Poe,’ he looked up at you worrying his bottom lip.
‘Can we, can you….would you sleep with me tonight?’ His eyes widened as he realised what it sounded like and he began to try and stammer his way out of it. ‘I mean...I just… comfort….just hugs….’
‘Poe. Yes I will.’ He sighed with relief and finally he started eating.
You cleared up not letting him help and he stood by the hallway as he waited for you, once you’d turned the dishwasher on he reached for you. His touch tentative as your fingertips brushed his, you studied his face and gently brushed his curls off his forehead.
‘You ready?’ He nodded and tugged you with him leading you to his bedroom. He pulled his top off but left his joggers on as he slipped into bed, you were already in loungewear so you slipped in next to him. Without hesitating he grabbed you, pulling you flush against him as his warm breath fanned over the skin of your neck. You buried your hands in his curls as you sighed softly enjoying the feel of being close to someone. You thought he was asleep at one point until his hand moved lightly down your back and causing you to arch against him. His face pulled away from you and you saw the dark look in his eyes in the dim light, your heart hammered inside your chest as you traced the lines of his face. His hand slid up your arm and traced the line of your neck burying his fingers on your hair. Your body reacted instantly, desire racing through you as the heat of his body melded with yours. His lips pressed gently against you and you couldn’t help but groan into him. The desperate need for comfort took you both over as you striped quickly, coming together in a clash of limbs, unspoken words and heated craving. You took what you needed from each other hard and fast, just lost in the feel of one another until you were both spent finally drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
And so your relationship blossomed, some days it was amazing, until the arguments started. His job took a lot out of him, having lost his own mother in a fire he seemed to have this need to save everyone he came across, more than his colleagues. He would take unnecessary risks, putting his own life on the line more than anyone else everyday. You began to fear you were losing him, and even though you respected what he did and understood why he did it you couldn’t accept the risks he was taking. You had a massive row the worst you’d ever had leaving you crying on the floor as he left for work not coming back until the next day. You stayed up all night going over the argument thinking what you could have said instead, wondering if you were being unreasonable or if he was just a reckless person with no regard for himself. The sun rose warming your legs as you sat rigid on the sofa when the front door opened. He closed it quietly and you turned to see him in his uniform.
‘I couldn’t leave it like that. I’m sorry.’ You nodded and got off the sofa, his eyes watched you wearily as you approached him.
‘I’m sorry too.’ He pulled you into a tight embrace, crushing his lips to you trying to get across how sorry he really was when a radio crackled.
‘Dameron get down here we’ve had a call.’
‘Go, just be careful.’ He smiled at you, that devilish lip sided smile you’d grown to love so much.
‘I promise I’ll be careful because now I have something to live for.’ The door shut behind him, his words still lingering in the air around you.
‘I love you,’ you whispered to the empty room.
Rain beat down on your umbrella as you stared down at the ground, the echo of your memories tormenting you everyday. You placed a hand on your swollen belly feeling the life stirring inside you as you read the words on the stone before you, your eyes tracing them like they had a million times before. Grief gripped you tightly as tears threatened to fall, it had been 8 months without him by your side. 8 months of coming home to an empty flat. 8 months of crying yourself to sleep as you hugged his favourite clothes. And now a whole new chapter of your life yawned before you with promises of life and giggles, tiny hands and feet gripping your clothes and a little person loving you with their whole heart. But you had to do it alone.
‘I miss you Poe,’ your voice cracked as you put a hand on the headstone wishing with all your might he was still here at your side. You hated leaving him alone in the cold ground and you swore your child would know what a brave man her father was.
He’d never be forgotten.
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Superior Starker where Tony creates a new form of the Extremis to use on Peter, hoping it would make a womb in Peter so they could have a family together. Of course he does this without Peter's knowledge, who wonders why Tony is excited that he seems to be getting sick.
😩😩😩 Poor sweet Peter, this is so twisted!
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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MAY 2022 (part two)
fandoms featured on this list; triple frontier, pedro pascal, misc. multi fandom
thank you to the amazing fic writers for sharing some wonderful stories with all of us ! & to the kind readers for their support. 💙
please assume that all works & the blogs they belong to are 18+ only
mature adult content will be marked with a double asterisk **
be sure to check all warnings & tags before reading, feel free to skip if something isn't for you
& of course, enjoy responsibly
all the love xo A ☕
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please send me things to read ! favorite fics or something you've written that you're proud of ! 💌
find more monthly fic recs over on my masterlist, June 2022 coming soon ! ✨
please let me know if you would like to be removed
✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
✨ Benny Miller
Summer Rain by @skvatnavle
Sunburnt by @lore-craft (f!reader) **
Waxing Moon by @hopeamarsu (werewolf au) (f!reader) **
When Love Is True It Waits, & Oh, The Love I’ve Found by @skvatnavle
✨ Frankie Morales
Bond (series) by @clydesducktape (a/b/o au) (werewolf au) (f!reader) **
Heart Shaped by @forever-rogue (f!reader)
The Party by @juletheghoul (f!reader) (cw: infidelity) **
✨ Will ‘Ironhead’ Miller
A Lighthouse in the Dark (series) by @artemiseamoon (ofc) **
Wisteria & Moonlight (series) by @artemiseamoon (werewolf au) (black!ofc) **
Without You by @lore-craft (gn!reader) **
✨ Ezra (Prospect)
In the Dark (series) by @frannyzooey (f!reader) **
Love on the Green by @artemiseamoon (botanist!ofc)
Slick, Sweet Tooth (series) by @ezrasbirdie (dentist au) (f!reader) **
Starman (series) by @imtryingmybeskar (f!reader) **
✨ Jack ‘Agent Whiskey’ Daniels
Leaving On A Jet Plane by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
Tangled Up (series) by @writeforfandoms (dragon rancher au)
✨ Javi Gutierrez
Chase the Sunset by @hopeamarsu (gn!reader)
Lavender's Blue by @writeforfandoms (cinderella au) (f!reader)
When You Were Mine (series) by @ezrasbirdie (f!reader) **
✨ Marcus Pike
New Moon, Chance Encounter by @hopeamrsu (a/b/o au) (f!reader)
prompt – marcus comforting you during a time of depression (cw:depression) by @ezrasbirdie
✨ Oberyn Martell
First Taste by @the-blind-assassin-12 (f!reader)
Happenstance by @absurdthirst (f!reader) **
In Bloom by @ezrasbirdie (cw:pregnancy, sex work) (f!reader) **
✨ Pedro Across the Street (Apple TV, Calls, not RPF)
Kiss and Tell: The First Date (GTTT PATS) by @oonajaeadira (f!reader) **
✨ Pero Tovar
As Loud As We Want by @flightlessangelwings (f!reader)
Feeling That I’m Under, Born to Be Wild (series) by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
Innocence Need Not Tremble by @brandyllyn (f!reader) **
✨ The Thief (Casillero del Diablo)
I’m Beginning to See The Light by @writeforfandoms (soulmate au) (f!reader)
✨ Zach Wellison (Brothers & Sisters)
Unexpected Visitor, A Room With a View (series) by @absurdthirst (f!reader) **
✨ Alfred Pennyworth (The Batman)
Penny For Your Thoughts (series), Eaten Up by @eupheme (cw:age gap) (f!reader) **
✨ The Amazing Spider Man (Andrew Garfield)
When Jealousy Strikes by @flightlessangelwings (gn!reader)
✨ Benedict Bridgerton
Absence of Regret by @clints-lucky-arrow (f!reader) **
Comfort by @sxftmusings (f!reader)
When He Sees Me by @sxftmusings (f!reader)
✨ Clyde Logan
Existence (series) by @clydesducktape (mintaur!clyde) (gorgon!reader) (mythical au)
✨ Frank Castle (The Punisher)
prompt – ‘can we please stop running? I think I’m dying’ by @lordabovehelpme (gn!reader) **
prompt – menstruation by @lordabovehelpme (f!reader)
✨ Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Pressure by @floraandfrost (f!reader) **
✨ King Arthur (Charlie Hunnam)
Heart Set In Stone (series) by @velocibeewords (f!reader) **
✨ Shang-Chi (Marvel)
So, You Had A Bad Day? by @budcooper (gn!reader)
✨ Takeshi Kovacs (Altered Carbon)
Kill Me Slow With Every Kiss by @loverhymeswith (f!reader)
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** be sure to check out part one for more fic recs from star wars, rogue one, the mandalorian, & moon knight 📖
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 3 years
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kiki | fluff writer (mostly) | she/her | 24
about me | rules | ask
got7 masterlist | nct masterlist
recent: the return of Superman- Mark
no one would hear you scream- fratboy!Jaehyun, fluff, humor
[6:14 pm] fraboy!Jaehyun fluff, slice of life, humor,
just makes sense- idol!f!reader x idol!jaehyun, bffs2lovers, fluff
[3:11 pm] dad!jaehyun, pregnant!reader, fluff, humor
[12:41 pm] dad!Jaehyun, parents!au, family fluff, cw:pregnancy complications
newlywed series- Jisung, first time using Mr. and Mrs. Park
requests are CLOSED… before sending a request check this out! and this too!
i post on friday or saturdays usually
my tags
- #kikitlks - my random rambles
- hey queue t💕 - my queue to keep the blog somewhat active
- #kpop imagines - you can find all my writing in this tag
- #nct imagines - all nct writing can be found here
- #got7 imagines - all got7 writing can be found here
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hilda-hearts-blog · 5 years
Family Headcanons
cw:pregnancy complications mention, sick babies mention
Hilda's brother is considerably older than she is--15ish years. Her parents desperately wanted children and continuously tried to have another after the birth of Holst but each attempt failed until Hilda. Hilda was born premature and it was feared she wouldn't make it past a few months. When she survived, her parents and her brother were overjoyed. She's been doted on, spoiled, and protected ever since then. When her mother died while she was a child, Holst and her father grew even more protective of her. They mean well and only want the best life for her, but the fear of losing her still runs deep.
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hellomidnightbreeze · 2 years
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1st Trimester is going ok
Minthe is pushing through with mixed results
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hellomidnightbreeze · 2 years
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Hanging w coworkers
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Yo I have a huge breeding kink that kinda goes into pregnancy (stops @ giving birth lmao) but Tony being super protective and excited to be a dad and being turned on by the fact that it's /his/ baby inside Peter is,, underrated
Oooof i feel -- i’m like..... ALMOST to where you are, i have a breeding kink up until the actual like..... gestation of it??? if that makes sense? like, it’s a fetus but you ain’t gonna name it yet. So like the thought of Tony being possessive about his seed being planted inside Peter is d e l i g h t f u l 
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