babylearners · 4 months
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erosmancuso · 1 year
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jollyrancher33 · 2 months
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What this means is......she is going to have him killed.
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please create a stamp that’s picture of an old woman knitting and it says “GOOD MORNING CUNT” in giant font at the bottom
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bruisedconscience · 1 year
re-stating that James is left-handed but ambidextrous with some activities: re: he bowls right-handed, and can possibly write right-handed as well.
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mearpsdyke · 2 years
yo sé que ustedes deben pensar que soy semejante trola porque cada 2x3 me quiero levantar a una mina distinta, y la verdad que sí chicos no les voy a mentir.
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galesinterlude · 1 year
¿traicionarías a tus amigas?
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uhm, no, jamás. es literalmente la cosa más estúpida que alguien me ha preguntado.
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drbarty · 10 months
Dwoc hewlp
Dis is stoopwid bwut I wuz infwected wiff teh UwU viwus
It is heviwy contwagus
I cwan bawley fweel mwy vwocal cwords.
Oh dear, I've only seen a case this bad once before. I'm afraid there's no helping it... You must follow these instructions vewy, vewy cawfully. Dis is youw once chance. Don't mess it up!
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biwifeenergia · 1 year
che no me juzguen pero vieron ese post que dice que chupar cword decolora el pelo. vieron que messi tiene la barba re colorada
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entro a tw y lo primero que veo es que estan haciendo famosa a una q me insistia para cword :|
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alright i looked at your tags ❤️ here you go assface
1: fuckwit. heh. thanks for the new swear bbg
2: lack of critical thinking?? you’ll agree with anything in the radfem tag. you only read articles and watch news that uses misinformation tactics. you’re no critical thinker.
3: religious groupthink…???? huh? what religion? WHAT RELIGION??? youre the one falling victim to groupthink, to peer pressure.
4: being a cisgender woman doesn’t make you immune to being an asshole, to being a cunt. what the hells wrong with you. youre no sinless god. you’re a human- a human whos chosen to be a cunt
5: MAKING LIGHT OF SUICIDE??? NONONONONO, IM NOT TAKING THIS LIGHTLY, BABY, YOU SHOULD CHANGE OR DIE. and also ‘suicide affects transphobe the worst’ is nothing but further proof that you never look at anything other than misinformation. suicide rates among trans people are by FAR the highest.
1. Enjoy it's an Aussie swear ✌️
2. Actually I was peaked by reading the misogynistic garbage that came out of the mouths of transwomen. For example Andrea Long Chu defines being a woman as "an open mouth, an expectant asshole and blank, blank eyes". I have read books and articles and blog posts from both radfems and transpeople. I don't want to live in an echo chamber, I would much rather expand my knowledge and use my critical thinking to come to my own conclusion. When you expand your scope and look at gender identity as a whole it becomes clear that gender identity ideology is exactly that and an ideology.
3. Which brings me to this point. Gender identity ideology, like all religions, is based on the idea of mind-body dualism. This is the idea that the mind/soul can be separated from the body. You cannot be born in the wrong body because we are our bodies. Gender identity relies on faith, it relies on me believing being a woman/man is somehow connected to an internal sense of femininity/masculinity instead of our physical bodies we are born with. The only thing that makes someone a man/woman is their biology; personality traits, clothing expression, stereotypes, likes and dislikes do not dictate whether someone is a man or a woman. Gender identity ideology is the opposite side of the monotheistic religion coin which asserts that a woman must be feminine (submissive, a good mother ECT) and a man must be masculine (the bread winner, strong, a leader ECT). Gender identity ideology denies reality by asserting that sex is not real and that is has no bearing on our lives. Much like most religions it is science denialist and denies the reality everyone can observe. You also try and include everyone on your religion, even those who do not believe in it. Much like a Christian will call an Atheist a satanist you will call people who observe reality (ie anyone remotely critical of gender ideology) TERFs in order to silence them. Gender ideology even excommunicates people and encourages people to not engage with radfem ideas. Therefore, you create an echo chamber of your ideology (religion) which stops people from being able to detest or even question the ideology without facing social consequences. It's not my job to constantly affirm someone else's identity, particularly when it is built on regressive patriarchal ideas and harms women and LGB people.
4. I know that women can be assholes, but that doesn't mean you should be throwing misogynistic slurs at them ie the cword. Just because a woman disagrees with you or is a bad person doesn't justify misogyny against them. Same goes for all oppressed groups. If a transperson was being awful I wouldn't throw the t-slur at them because that would be a shit thing to do.
5. You are taking this lightly. By telling someone to kill themselves you are perpetuating a culture of making light of suicide. You are removing the gravity of what it means to commit suicide by making it a little throw away comment on a website. It makes people take suicide less seriously, particularly if someone kills themselves because of online bullying and hate. The highest suicide rate is actually men with them accounting for 75%+ of suicide deaths. This varies from country to country. This high rate of death is because men select more violent methods of killing themselves (guns for example) while women who attempt suicide more than any other group are less likely to succeed because they choose non-violent methods (like pills). Trans suicide statistics are difficult to actually look at because the T and the LGB are often grouped together. But needless to say there should be support for all people, trans or not, struggling mentally and with suicidal ideation.
Lifeline Aus: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue Aus: 1300224636
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weaselbeaselpants · 9 months
Since I don't want to link it back to two scenarios so...um...immediate, I'll just say; the "Suffering just makes you hurt"-mantra is one I def subscribe to in day to day life, even in small, trivial' things like fandomwars.
I had a person get pissed at me once cuz I defended antishippers. They explained and showed me how they'd been harassed and abused by antis for no reason other than calling themselves a proshiper - no, NOT for actually liking anything with r@pe/cest/p3doshipping - just Reylo *in theory*. They got treated like a literal predator not for anything they actually did but for the title that genuine creeps have decided to use for their kink as this person did for their safe shit and they got blasted for it....and then this person proceeded to call me a cword and accused me of condoning their abuse by proxy of me saying " I don't think antis are inherently evil, actually".
I get it. When you put up with harassment from people touting their selfdeclared fandomom as some kind of badge of honor, of COURSE I understand turning your back on everyone who calls themselves that same thing! That's just, like, a survival instinct. You don't want to be reminded of your tormentor(s) because you really shouldn't have to be reminded of your tormentor(s) while you're browsing fandumb inbetween school or work. You want to keep your tormentors at bay so no triggering shit ppl are romanticizing or covert bigotry someone's hiding under the language of criticism to get in the way of your vibes when this is your fandom and your space to be creative and unwind and be you. I really get it.
The problem is, and the reason I DON'T put up with antianti or antiproshipper shit, that's labeling a whole lot of strangers inherently bad over not having the exact fandom takes and conflating that with your legitimate ethics of outing predators and bigots...THAT is what's shitty.
I know for a fact that not all the people who tag their shit #proship even fully agree on what proship means. I know they are not all predators or even don't care about predators being in their fandoms. Trust me, they care. Some of the #antiship folks I know are the most lax mf w it comes to content warnings, horror, kinks and nuance and also really hate call out posts and want to avoid them as much as they can. I know they are not all self-righteous prudes and bigots trying to get kink out of pride or some shit. THAT SAID- if I haven't already seen creepypredatorybs from proshippers or bigotedbully-tactics from antis, I can definitely believe those things exist in those spaces. But again, those behaviors exist whether or not a person uses these self-given labels. You shouldn't throw your hands in defeat anymore then your shouldn't declare yourself the sole liberator.
Blocked the proshipper-stan I was of talking about because I kind of don't like being called a cant and told I'm okay with death threats...just like I did the antishipper who was sending me death threats that same day =). I know I don't have to deal with that bs and I'm glad I took that advice from a mutual abt my own personal boundaries.
Call out shitty behavior all you want, but the absolutist-rhetoric is not healthy and, more importantly, not doing anything to help people being abused by fandomculture anymore than you were when you first got accosted for disliking a thing that made you upset/liking a thing that made someone else upset. You gotta share your fandom with everyone so long as they're not bigoted, abusive or predatory. And yeah, I kind of reserve all those notions for people I can tell ARE doing those things...so, y'know Lily Orchard.
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
REALLLLLL decirlo en inglés da una distancia que decirlo en español No Tiene. no puedo ni pensarlo en español porque es Muy Atrevido. pero es la guarangada máxima q decían en twitter: baño ypf
JDJSJAJ baño ypf 😭😭😭 es que Sii y me da una Bronca de que nunca me lo voy a cword es injusto hermana
gente q me da bronca saber q nunca me voy a coger: ruben dias, christian braun (we saltaba de deporte de repente), christian pulisic 😮‍💨
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noctualagenaria · 8 days
Are u in my phone? Because 😏 biting you now
ejchehchdc no dont do that i might cword
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alwayssunnyroyalties · 2 months
Thats how k kill you my weed w the Cword swuinty eyed c word
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mearpsdyke · 2 years
dios lo que me puede marina delgado
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