#c answers (spanish version)
julianalvarez9 · 1 year
alguien sabe dónde está John Stones 😞
estaba en ibiza lo último q me enteré (hace como una semana capaz ya no)
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fairlyang · 5 months
Sol de México 🕷️
in which Miguel doesn't know the sun of Mexico
w/c: 1.4K
pairing: uneducated!miguel x latine!reader
tags: fluff!!! miguel doesn't know luismi, uncultured, sm spanish w somewhat accurate translations (got lazy for the rest of the song oops), you try to convince him to listen, he does, loves his music omg
notes: I incorporated luismi bc miguel is an old man he would fucking LOVE boleros!!! also wrote easy money I before and after I went to his concert💅🏼
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I was chilling in the cafeteria jamming out to Luis Miguel's discography when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I take one side of my headphones off and look up to see Miguel. "What's up?"
"I need you for this mission." He says and I nod standing up.
I grab the other end of my headphone and leave it wrapped around my neck as I hear the beautiful tune of Luismi's version of Sabor a Mi. My eyes lit up as I can still slightly hear it considering I had the volume high, who cares if I lose my hearing so young?
Miguel starts walking and I follow suit, mouthing along the lyrics to the romantic bolero. "Tanto tiempo disfrutamos de este amor. Nuestras almas se acercaron, tanto así" (For so long we have enjoyed this love. Our souls have gotten close enough)
Then I start humming the lyrics while we walk to the front of HQ. "Que yo guardo tu sabor. Pero tú llevas también. Sabor a mí" (That I now keep your taste, but you also keep. The taste of me)
Miguel side eyes me making me quickly shut up and he just shakes his head, "who are you listening to?"
I raise an eyebrow then smile, "Luismi!" I answer excitedly.
He just shrugs and I gasp, "No lo conoces?!?" (You don't know him?!?)
He shakes his head making my mouth nearly fall to the floor, "Como es posible- como- no lo conoces porque vives abajo de una roca o nomás no existía en tu universo?" I ask and he stops, giving me a glare making me bite my lip to refrain from laughing. (How is that possible? Do you not know him because you live under a rock or because he doesn't exist in your universe?)
"Nunca he escuchado ese nombre- como dijiste- Luismi? Que tipo de nombre es ese?" He snorts and I smack his shoulder as if he just said the most offensive thing imaginable. (I haven't heard that name- how'd you say- Luismi? What type of name is that?)
"Luis Miguel, guarda tus palabras cabron ese hombre es el sol de Mexico." I say pointing a finger at him as he starts walking again. (Be careful with your words bitch that man is the sun of Mexico)
"Pues no en mi Mexico." He mutters and I roll my eyes. (Well not in my Mexico)
"Voy a cambiar eso." I say and grin, quickly following him as he opens up a portal. (I'll change that)
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"Oye Escorpión, tu conoces al sol de México?" I ask as I swing behind Scorpion and quickly web up his long ass tail. (Hey scorpion, do you know the sun of Mexico?)
"Is now really a good time to ask that-" Miguel chimes in webbing up the rest of his body as he raises an eyebrow.
"Luismi?" He asks and I laugh.
"Exacto." I say and look over at Miguel who rolled his eyes. (Exactly)
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I created a portal as Miguel dragged Scorpion through it and we walked through the portal for a bit before walking through the other portal that led to where we keep the anomalies. "Almost too easy." I say and grin as Scorpion scoffs from the floor.
"No menti pero no te ofendas hiciste lo más que podías." I say making him groan and mutter swears at me. (I didn't lie, but don't get offended you did the most you could do)
Miguel hands him off to a few of the spiders who put him in a force field like cage and we walk back. "You're something else." He mutters making me grin.
"We already caught his ass and won't ever see him again it'll be fineeee." I say letting out a chuckle while he shakes his head.
"Eres algo más." He repeats and I laugh. (You're something else)
"Now let me put you on with some Luismi songs-"
"Como que no-" (what do you mean no-)
"Que no-"
"Porque?!?" (Why?!?)
"Ya me diste lata con todo de tu mentado 'Luismi'-" he says and waves me off. (you've annoyed me with everything about your mentioned)
"No me ofendas O'Hara." I snarl making sure to enunciate his last name in Spanish. (Don't offend me)
"It's O-Hair-a-"
"Me valeee- si se escucha como Guadalajara así lo voy a decir." I snap back realizing I'm sounding like my tias back home, oh god. (I don't care- if it sounds like Guadalajara that's how I'm going to say it)
"Con el pinche nopalote en la frente y quieres que diga O'hara- por favor Miguel." I tease saying his last name like he wants me to and he just sighs. (With the fucking cactus on your forehead and you want me to say O'Hara- please. this only makes sense if you've heard it, it's like being able to tell someone is Mexican bc of your forehead)
"Y tu nombre se escucha súper más mejor completamente en español." I say and shrug as we finally made our way back to the cafeteria. (And your name sounds so much better completely in Spanish)
"Why do I put up with you-"
"Because you can't help but need to speak to another fellow hispanic spider! It's okay Miguel, I know I make you feel like home-"
"No exageres-" (don't exaggerate)
"I wasn't it was simply the truth." I say and fight back a smirk.
He chuckles and takes a seat at a table motioning for me to sit, I do and look up at him. He looks right back at me and we end up doing a little staring competition until he speaks up, "give me two recommendations-"
"La media vuelta y sabor a mi- espera no, hasta que me olvides- no- la bikina- pero la incondicional-" I blurt out then unsure of which ones I wanted him to listen to. (these are song names and I recommend them all<3)
"Nomas dos-" (only two-)
"La media vuelta y hasta que me olvides." I say and nod.
He sighs and pulls out his phone quickly writing something down. "You're gonna love them I promise!" I say and smile.
"Which one was the one you sang earlier?" He asks making my cheeks burn realizing I sang in front of him. Que vergüenza. (how embarrassing.)
"Uh it was sabor a mi. It's technically not his song, it's a Mexican bolero but I just love his version." I explain and he nods.
"Alright I'll report back to you soon and see if I like them-" he says but I had to interrupt.
"You will."
"Yeah yeah- and we'll see if he has good reason to be named 'el sol de México'" he says making me snort.
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"Hold on this man isn't even Mexican-" Miguel says making me burst out laughing.
"Do not tell me you googled him-"
"I had to know more- and I did end up liking the songs so I wanted to see what he looked like and where he was from only to learn he was born in Puerto Rico-"
"He isn't even Mexican-"
"His music is! And he grew up there so he counts as a Mexican!" I say and he just gives me a deadpan look.
"I'm serious- and he literally loves the culture, country, and music. That's where his heart belongs." I say and bite my lip trying hard to not laugh because of the look he was giving me.
"'Sol de México' my ass." He scolds making me clasp my hands over my mouth.
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I was sitting on a chair in Miguel's desk, writing up a report while singing along to Sabor a Mi again. It was just so pretty and romantic, the melody was addicting to my ears and I felt a warm fuzzy feeling whenever I listened to it.
"Pasarán más de mil años, muchos más. Yo no sé si tenga amor la eternidad. Pero allá, tal como aquí. En la boca llevarás. Sabor a mí." I sing along and stop writing because I was getting into it.
I breathe in then continue, "No pretendo ser tu dueño. No soy nada yo no tengo vanidad. De mi vida doy lo bueno. Soy tan pobre, ¿qué otra cosa puedo dar?"
Then I hear Miguel walking towards me and singing? "Pasarán más de mil años, muchos más. Yo no sé si tenga amor la eternidad. Pero allá, tal como aquí en la boca llevarás, sabor a mí."
I turn to face him, mouth and eyes wide open making him chuckle, "me gusto mucho esa canción." He says and shrugs. (I really liked that song)
"Esta bonita verdad?" I ask and he nods. (It's pretty right?)
"Tan bonita." He says giving me a warm smile. (So pretty)
"Tal ves si es el sol de México...." He mumbles making me grin.
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smokeys-house · 5 months
Spoken natively by half a billion people across twenty-some countries, Spanish will hit you with some rich linguistic differences.
For starters, soft C (ce and ci) and Z in most of Spain including Madrid and therefore the standard in the country; gets pronounced as /θ/, same sound as the TH in English found in words like thinking.
However, on the Canary Islands and in the Americas, soft C and Z get pronounced just like /s/, this phenomena gets called "seseo." This is why everyone you know in real life pronounces it like that. This is the way I speak it and most Spanish speakers do.
Countries have lots of different ways to refer to things. In Spanish class we even had parts of the course dedicated to explore the dialect differences of other nations for enrichment I guess.
You are not bad at Spanish here, it's just that sometimes the different peoples will have a whole different word for the same thing.
Let's look at the three words you mentioned.
I call it "frijol" but other derivate words people use to refer to such legume are frejol, fréjol, fríjol, frijón, frisol, frísol and frisuelo.
Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay and Chile call it "poroto"; depending on where you are on Spain, it will be "judía", "alubia", "faba" or "habichuela"; and in Venezuela it's "caraota".
From the English word, some people will call it "sándwich"; or more closely appealing to Spanish's phonotactics: "sánguche". Some people will pronounce it as if the word was "changüich".
The word "emparedado" also exists. Spain calls it "bocadillo" but that same word in other countries can refer to a snack or a packed lunch. In some other countries, if it's for example a ham sandwich they will call it "pan con jamón". Some people that clearly don't understand Mexican gastronomy will tell you in Mexico they call sandwiches "tortas" but that's only true if the bread is one of these:
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Also "torta" means cake in other countries; I call cake "pastel", others will use "tarta".
The English word describes the machine was one that computes, a.k.a calculates. I call it "computadora" but on Chile and Colombia it is "computador."
However, in the 50's a French philospher thought such word was quite restrictive of what a computer can do, just not do math; a computer can organize and bring order. So the French created the word "ordinateur" and in Spain it's "ordenador."
Interesting how this is a 20th century technology word and we see a divide between Europe and the Americas. It reminds me of 📱🤳, in the U.K. and Spain it is "mobile" and "móvil"; and in the U.S. and Latin America it is "cellphone" and "celular."
Of course, teaching courses, media, dubbing, networks and international broadcasting will have to make a choice on what words to use. I have seen many memes of little kids using the words they see in dubbed cartoons that try to appeal to a neutral Spanish that is quite different from the vocabulary used in their environment. When Minecraft YouTubers from Spain became popular in the early to mid 2010's; the Latin American kids started to copy their vocabulary and swearing. There are dubbings that make little changes to create different versions for different countries, and there are others that heavily marinate the dialogues into a dialect and throw in references to appeal more to the audience [Like Shrek and Mexican Spanish]. The different dialects of Spanish bring curiosity and adoption of words, but also disharmony and judgement in the Spanish-speaking internet; it can be like war out there, also this is based on the rivalries you can sometimes see between the internet users of different countries (Argentina and Mexico is a heavy one).
Anyways back to Duolingo, when I used it for French I was mad the app marked wrong my answer because I said "frijoles" and not "porotos."
That's a lot of very good information! This is part of the reason it's so difficult to learn a language through an app. You miss out on the "why" of things 100% of the time but also most of the time you lose out on the option to ask questions. In Spanish class u can just raise ur hand and say I don't get it! What does this mean? But with an app u just gotta.. trust whatever the first 3 people that u can find in a google search. I'm mad duolingo decided to... do all that. Not because it was the best way to learn a language, but because it was very accessible as a free option and I was familiar with it. If I didn't work full time + could afford it I'd be taking actual lessons. But it seems I'm doomed to flail my way into learning with the options available to me asdfkskkcks thanks for all the info rye
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dog-gerz · 1 year
This weekend I had a one-in-a-lifetime experience in Chile’s Super Japan Expo event. I got to meet Hosoya Yoshimasa!!!! And also, Shinichiro Miki. I want to tell you how it went!
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The event lasted 4 days, but I had tickets for Saturday and Sunday, both of the days that Hosoyan would be in the event. I got the m&g with him for Sunday because the friend I was with didn’t had m&g ticket for Saturday and I didn’t want to leave her alone haha.
On Saturday I attended Hosoyan and Miki’s seiyuu pannel, which was held in the main stage of the event. That’s the first time I saw him up close and omg to say I was speechless is an understatement. I have no pictures of this because Hosoyan’s staff didn’t allow it and I really wanted to respect his and his team wishes so they could see how well behaved we were and would want to come back. Still, it was really fun and they mentioned cool things about them and their job that most of the attendees didn’t know. What I remember of this pannel is this:
-when Hosoyan entered the stage, we were cheering loudly and he shushed us and THE WHOLE STAGE WENT SILENT! it was so cool! He then recited a line from Reiner and we all went crazy.
-when it was Miki’s turn, we did something so cool were the whole audience recited Musashi’s lines in the rocket team motto (we did it in spanish) and Miki did Kojiro’s. It was awesome!
-the interviewer asked them the typical questions such as if they liked Chile and what they thought of the crowd’s energy and love towards them (Chilean and latinamerican crowds and fans can be veeeeery energetic and we cheer like crazy for our faves) Miki and Hosoyan said that they were really amazed at how loud and fired up we were, saying that in Japan they didn’t get the same reactions (they mentioned this as something really positive which they loved a lot)
-then they were asked about their roles and what got them into voice acting, again, this is not new information, but it stuck to me when Hosoyan answered that question, he told us the story about how a friend of his at school lend him a VHS tape of an anime he wanted to see (i don’t remember the exact name, sorry) and he liked the main character so much cuz he was able to teleport, so, in his child mind he thought something like ‘mmh i wanna teleport too’ so he wanted to become a voice actor after that. He ended his story saying: “and now I am able to teleport” which made us laugh a lot (he was so cute and silly ♥️)
-they also talked about their first experience in the voice acting industry. For Miki’s case, he was casted as a character called student c for Monster Hunter anime, if I remember correctly, his sole line was something like “That’s not human!” Towards a demon and his character was k worded by said demon lmao. Then Hosoyan told us that his first role ever wasn’t even in an anime but in the dubbed version of a Chinese drama or movie, where his character got be headed by the protagonist. Both Hosoya and Miki finished their stories with “I guess we got killed a lot back then” HAHAHAHA
-Miki also told about his first voice acting role, he was so nervious that he was shaking so, in order to hide the tremors of his hands, he put them on his pocket the whole time and all his superiors thought he was having a bad attitude towards them so he got scolded HAHAHA
-they were also asked about if they had times in where they would be so into character that they’d end up sharing the same feelings and suffering along their characters. Miki said that he, in order to do his job right, had to be the person who knew that character the most, so there were times in which he felt that way. On the other hand, Hosoyan said that he tried to distance himself from characters because he felt that, even if he got into the skin of his roles, he would never be able to express the genuine feelings his characters are experiencing. He used Reiner as an example and said that he had a complicated past and had suffered a lot and said that he was different because he was a happy and lively person that lived his life to the fullest and I loved that about him.
-during the whole thing they were waving, smiling, doing finger hearts. It was so cute. Hosoyan smiled at me multiple times and responded to my waving!
-at the end both Hosoyan and Miki took a picture for their socials. Miki took it with an ipad, it was really cute!
Then, for Sunday, I feel that it was more intimate. It was pretty cold and less people attended but still, the main stage was packed and full and they received a lot of love too.
This pannel was slightly different.
-again, Hosoyan entered with a line from Reiner and we did the whole Musashi and Kojiro thing again. It was just as cool.
-they were again asked about their feelings on Chile and the crowd and they said that they thought few people would come but they were really happy to see a lot of people, specially familiar faces from yesterday. (This was after the m&g so we all had our signed shikishi). I was pretty happy they remembered the people that was in the pannel the day before.
-this time, in the stage, right next to the interviewer was Alvaro Díaz, a popular and well loved Chilean Voice actor that was a guest and asked Miki and Hosoya very interesting questions. His interventions were very positive and added a whole new mood to the pannel.
-Alvaro asked Miki and Hosoyan if they had times in which they intervened in something that had to do with the characters they were voicing. Miki said that he considered the director as the captain of a ship and that he respected his decisions on his characters fully. He also said that his sole job in the studio was to give a voice to said character so he listened to the director’s directions, on the other hand, Hosoyan said that he was very talkative when it came to his characters and in more than one chance he exchanged opinions with directors on this matter. He said that he always had something to say and never kept it to himself haha. I loved seeing this side of him! And I also loved the contrast between him and Miki. Hosoyan then added something that stuck to me a lot: he said that we Chilean fans were lucky because those kind of things were never discussed in events in Japan. Those topics were talked about off work, between fellow seiyuu along with drinks. It was so cool!!!
-Miki then looked at Hosoyan and said “wow, look how much you’ve grown!” And it was soooo cute! They reminisced the times where Miki would take Hosoyan out for drinks and give advice to him ❤️❤️❤️
-Then Hosoyan talked about his role as Joe in the megalobox anime and he talked a lot about this. It was pretty awesome. He told us about how nervious he was about this role because it was a reboot of and old anime and that he respected Joe’s original voice actor a lot so he felt pressured to do a great job. Teruhiko Aoi then contacted him and told him that he saw Joe well portrayed by him on the screen which made him feel really happy.
-Miki then talked about his role as Takumi for initial D. He talked about how he got the same car as the protagonist and kept customizing it along the car in the anime was customized and now he had a completely different car hahaha. Then the event showed a trailer for a branch story of the same anime, which had nothing to do with Miki 💀 and, when it finished, Miki said “do you know what’s the best part of this trailer? THAT MY NAME IS NOT ON IT!” HAHAHAHAHA.
-during the trailer, Miki, the translator, the interviewer and Alvaro moved from the screen to let people watch and Hosoyan didn’t HAHAHA he was sitting, watching the whole thing, then he looked at us, very confused at to why everyone was laughing and then moved away slowly lmao it was soooooo cute!!!
-then hosoyan took a pic for his socials. Miki didn’t do it this time.
I feel like Saturday’s pannel was shorter but idk haha
Thennnnn, the m&g!!!! As I said, I bought a m&g ticket for Sunday. Gifts were allowed so I bought him a bottle of wine. I wanted to give him something he could enjoy and Chilean wine is worldwide famous so it was the perfect gift.
Before entering the m&g we were waiting with the other girls in there and talking to each other about the whole thing. There were girls that came all the way from Peru!!! It was soooo cool!! They were also super friendly and sweet, so if you are here and reading this, it was soooo nice to meet you all!
There were other girls who attended the m&g the day before and talked to us about their experience. They mentioned Hosoyan’s manager, who was standing a few feet away from us haha. They say she was SUUUUUUPER strict and scary and that she was the main reason behind the no picture rule and stuff. They also said that, during the m&g she kept things really fast and didn’t let Hosoyan interact with fans for a long period of time. I looked at her and she had this 9 yard stare, like she was super scary HAHAHA.
Then, we entered the m&g, which was held in a small room. There were chairs and stuff and a stage with the events banners and all that jazz. We were given masks at the entrance and they told us it was imperative to wear them. Then, the staff of the event came and they told us the rules. No photos allowed, the gifts wr had for him couldn’t be handed to him directly, so they collected them and put them aside. He did take the gifts with him so it was cool. The shikishi were already signed. He had signed them previously. We were explained how it would work: Hosoyan would enter, share some words with us, then give us the shikishi by order, shake our hands and we would leave 💀 we were given only 15 seconds to interact with him.
Well, he came and I was literally dying. Like I couldn’t believe how handsome he was. I kid you NOT, he is GORGEOUSSSSS!!! And so coom and polite omg he was smiling the whole time, said hi to us in spanish and was super happy to see the girls from Peru there. He literally was a ray of sunshine, the whole room lighted up when he smiled or laughed. The his manager hurried him up and he started handing the shikishi. I was in the front row of seats so we were first, we had to use sanitizer on our hands, then he would shake our hands and hand us the thing. I got suuuuuper nervious and I was shaking. I apologized to him for not speaking japanese and told him about the wine and that I hoped he enjoyed it. He squeezed my hand and smiled brightly! He was so warm and rubbed my hands cuz they were cold hahaha. He thanked me for the wine and for coming and gave me the signed shikishi. Then I had to leave HAHAHA. It was SUUUUUPER SHORT, super duper fast, but i’m not really complaining because not even a fulm interaction of 24 hours or something would be enough with someone as bright, handsome, cool and talented as him. For real!!! After the whole thing I was shaking and I literally couldn’t believe I had shaken the hand of THE Hosoya Yoshimasa. He was so humble and down to earth too, it was the best experience ever!! It was worth EVERY CENT!!!
So that’s it!! I hope you liked my experience hehe. I will not upload a picture of the signes shikishi because he asked us to keep it as a personal treasure and not upload it to socials 🥺 still, ill leave you a pic I took before the m&g and the pics he took of us on both pannels!
Miki also was such a sweetheart! On Sunday he was almost moved to tears to see how much the Chilean public loved him. It was the best!!!
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donfadrique · 6 months
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I've decided to re-watch “The Mark of Zorro” (1940) to cheer myself up. 
I have sort of a plan: 1) watch the black and white version (in the old Soviet dubbing) and write down an emotional brief review in the process of watching it; 2) watch the colorized version; 3) watch the movie in the original dubbing; 4) perhaps write a full review.
I watched this movie a long time ago for the first time (I wanted to watch famous films with Basil Rathbone). But unfortunately, I didn't get to watch the movie properly, and all I remembered were a few scenes. I didn’t like Tyrone Power then, and only this year, after taking a closer look at him, I changed my mind. So this is the first time I'm watching Zorro'40 carefully.
Before we start, a few words need to be said. (However, the film has my full attention from the very first frame, and I'll have a very hard time pausing and writing down these notes!)
First of all, I am not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any mistakes.
Secondly, after watching the movie I want to give my assessment of a) screenplay, b) cast and director’s work, c) posters, costumes, locations, camera work, soundtrack etc. Also, I wanna find the answer to the question, what makes the movie a masterpiece for me.
A separate topic is the homoeroticism of "The Mark of Zorro". We know that Diego's flirtation with Captain Pasquale was part of his plan to eliminate his enemies, but was there a "gay message" in the film, as some movie reviewers claim? Perhaps it was ambiguous humor or an analogue of modern fan service for those viewers who positively evaluate same-sex relationships? Let's try to figure it out.
So, let's start.
Wow, Diego receives his military education (!) in Madrid (judging by his uniform, he is a hussar), he has a reputation as a duelist (he was nicknamed "Californian cockerel") and, probably, a womanizer. It is not yet known how old Diego is, but the actor (Tyrone Power) is 26, which means the screenwriters were most likely focusing on the canonical novel by Johnston McCulley.
I also really like the design of the credits, the preface and the first lines of the characters, as well as the costumes and the balance between realism and spectacularity of the movie (and this spectacularity is the result of the work of the film crew and fencing skill of actors, and not modern computer graphics etc).
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Aha, "Cadet Vega".
And, saying goodbye to his comrades, Diego thrusts his saber into the ceiling.
"Leave it there. And when you see it think of me in the land of gentle missions, happy peons, sleepy caballeros, and everlasting boredom. Wine! A toast, señores! To California! Where a man can only marry, raise fat children, and watch his vineyards grow."
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The most amazing thing is that Diego gives the impression of a very mature and strong-willed person. Like a military general, not a young cadet :) I have three explanations: 1) Tyrone Power himself was like that, 2) he played Cadet Vega like that so viewers would later see the contrast between true Diego and his dandy mask, 3) both factors. But, of course, Power was not just a talented and good-looking actor, he was a charismatic person. A fine choice of an actor to play Zorro. Moreover, Power had a Spanish-like appearance, which is important, for my taste. And his slim body would allow him to convincingly play both a dandy and the "elusive ghost" El Zorro.
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Before I continue watching the movie and taking notes, here are a few interesting facts about actors and my thoughts out loud.
🎭 Everyone knows that Basil Rathbone was one of the best swordsmen in Hollywood. But perhaps not everyone knows that he was twice the British Army Fencing Champion, a skill that served him well in movies and allowed him to even teach actors Errol Flynn and Tyrone Power swordsmanship. (By the way, Rathbone was awarded the Military Cross in 1918.) And! He said about Tyrone Power, "Power was the most agile man with a sword I've ever faced before a camera. Tyrone could have fenced Errol Flynn into a cocked hat." Rathbone's opinion was worth a lot, because he was not only famous for his fencing and acting skills—he was a mega-celebrity (well, years ago I became interested in "The Mark of Zorro" precisely because Rathbone starred there; I had never even heard of Power xD). And yup, as we already know, the movie became a hit, and 20th Century-Fox often cast Power in other swashbucklers in the years that followed.
🎭 The fact that Flynn and Power were lovers can only be of interest to us because Power, due to his bisexuality and communication with homosexuals, was able to play ideally a man who pretended (?) to be interested in the same sex. But since Power's Diego was flirting with Rathbone's Captain Pasquale, I was interested in his views on same-sex relationships. Rathbone probably had a positive attitude towards them, since in 1926 he was very angry about the censorship because he believed that homosexuality needed to be brought into the open (Rathbone was arrested along with every other member of the cast of "The Captive", a play in which his character's wife left him for another woman).
🎭 So far, I like everything about "The Mark of Zorro", except that the screen image is reminiscent of "Captain Blood" (1935), not "Gone with the Wind" (1939), filmed in Technicolor. Perhaps modern viewers often underestimate Zorro'40 precisely because both versions of the movie, black-and-white and colorized, seem "old-fashioned" to them.
An interesting fact. According to Hollywood legend, Rathbone was Margaret Mitchell's first choice to play Rhett Butler in the film version of her novel "Gone with the Wind".
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🔥References (if you need them)🔥
Rathbone, Basil (1962). In and Out of Character (Ebook ed.). Lanham, MD: Limelight Publishers.
Higham, Charles (1980). Errol Flynn: The Untold Story. New York City: Doubleday.
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clove-pinks · 2 years
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The actor Charles James Mathews in character as George Rattleton, in his own comedy "The Humpbacked Lover," print made c. 1836. Full text of the play in an 1837 edition on Google Books. It's very short and I read the whole thing last night. The clothing of the small cast is described, with Mathews' character of Rattleton in "Fashionable dress coat—velvet waistcoat—kerseymere trousers". The Dictionary of Fashion History by Valerie Cumming elaborates on this last textile:
Period: 18th and 19th centuries.
“A fine twilled woollen cloth of a peculiar texture, one third of the warp being always above and two thirds below each shoot of the weft” was a 19th-century description. However, its nature in the 18th century is uncertain. It seems to have been introduced as a rival to the patented cassimir, and was possibly very similar; the name first appears in an advertisement in the Bath and Wilts Chronicle, 30 January 1772, as “Kerzymear”. Whether it was made of English or Spanish wool is uncertain, but after 1820 the Saxony merino wool was replacing the Spanish and at the same time the names “kerseymere” and “cassimir” were being used interchangeably in fashion journals. By 1845 writers on textiles, such as Perkins, regarded them as merely a matter of spelling, an example followed by Beck in 1885, and by later writers. The confusion in the earlier records is increased by the habit, in inventories and tailors’ bills, of abbreviating names of materials, e.g., “Saxon drab kersey” (1822) may have been short for “kerseymere”.
As for the question, would a title like "The Humpbacked Lover" sound as suggestive to an 1830s audience as it does today—the answer is probably yes. (They loved their bawdy songbooks, after all).
Turning to the 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose (I like to use the easily searchable version on Project Gutenberg), the word HUMP is defined as, "To hump; once a fashionable word for copulation."
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pixelartkid · 11 months
Atari Expo 2023 Chile
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Atari Expo 2023, was an event dedicated exclusively to the hardware of Atari like Atari 2600 (also known as VCS) and Atari 800 (micro-Computer), and Atari ST (hardware of 16 bits).
The place of the event was on a Saturday (July 22) (in a day very rainy winter) in Biblioteca de Santiago in Matucana 151.
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Some Atari Hardware like 400, 600, 800, 800 XL
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There are small stands that sell some Homebrew software & Atari Merch, for example, Lost Squadron for Atari 800 XL & XE was developed in 2020 by Janusz Chabowski (Code and sprite graphic) and Michal Szpilowski (Music and SFX), this game was the winner of the ABBUC competition (Atari Bit Byte User Club since 1985).
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Shump top down for Atari XL/ XE
I knew some people of the Atari Community in Chile, they make Homebrew & created games for Atari.
1) Vladimir Zuñiga better known as VHZC is an enthusiastic indie game developer, he writes his games in Basic for Atari 2600, and he is a Graphic Designer, developer in Front End for Websites.
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Game of the Bear 2 Much to Bear. (Atari 2600 & 7800 version)
You can play his game here: VCHZ Itch.io
2) Victor Parada, a Programmer with experience, and an indie Homebrew developer by hobby, like to create a game for Atari 800 in an optimized way and he write his games in Assembler with 10 lines only, he show me his recent project in an Atari 800 XL; Block Chaser.
You can play his game here: Vitoco Website
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Block Chaser is still in its development!
3) Marcelo Waldbaum & Pedro Caraball , were the founders of Turbosoft in 1987 in Argentina with to Mauro Pieressa & Pedro Dominguez & In 1988 they founded TurboSoft in Chile and in with Coelsa company (official Atari hardware & software dealers) developed and they sold various products for Atari 800, maybe they are the first software and hardware developer in our country.
They developed:
- Loading Game with System and Error detector for Cassette (DCE) while loading a game you could play Tubo Tennis (before that Namco patented the mini-game in the loading screen for PlayStation games)
-Otari (a machine that copies cassettes)
-Cassette with 6 games for play in 1991
-Loading Software Injektor (reduce the time of load to 45 Seconds, before the cassettes, were take between 5-8 minutes to load the program
-Turbo Cartridge of 64K (between 9 to 25 games)
-Turbo VHS, you can play videogames in VHS (yes, read well in VHS)
-Revista Turbo News (1989-1991) a magazine about games and Hardwares of Atari with advertising of Coelsa.
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I suggest watch the documental in Spanish of Frognum on his Youtube channel: Here
3) Robert Jaeger, the legendary indie game developer famous for making Montezuma Revenge published by the legendary Parker Brothers in 1983 for Atari 2600, 800, Commodore 64, etc, gave us a preview of his next new projects and answers us via live broadcast of our question.
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Recently he launched the Version Montezuma Revenge for NES programmed by Felipe Renaud, who was written the game in Assembler (Felipe Renaud is a Chilean Programmer, who currently working at UbiSoft), Robert Jaeger has founded Normal Distribution LLC his new game company, and they made a Kickstarter for Montezuma NES in 2019, and the game packaging and Manual was designed by Alejandro Cobelli (Youtuber of "Juego del Recuerdo").
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Recently Montezuma Revenge's has a new version was released on Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile devices.
Also, I met with José Bargas, who is working with Robert Jaeger on an update called Director Cut, he made Montezuma Maker, a Romhack of the original with more rooms of 16 K to 32 K (an expansion of the original in resume).
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Montezuma Revenge for Atari 800 was released by Parker Brothers, but in our country, we received the unfinished version, a copy, when Robert Jaeger was looking for a publisher with the Demo and finally this was filtered from the CES 1982, which was the most popular version for the Chilean users of a Atari 800. During the day I met with old friend, how I met some youtubers of my country.
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jcs-study · 11 months
Hi again! I have a few questions to ask, but firstly, I’d like to thank you for introducing me to the 1992 Australian Cast! While some of the orchestrations haven’t aged well, I still think that their takes on the Temple and King Herod’s song are the best ones I’ve heard, and the cast is all around fantastic. I think Kate Ceberano’s interpretation of Mary Magdalene is now one of my favorites. Now, on to the questions:
1.) What’s your favorite interpretation/staging of Superstar (the song)? I’ve always loved the 1973 film version, with Judas and the Angels in the amphitheater. I think it made clear that the whole event was a hallucination, and I love how the exuberance of the Angels was contrasted by Judas’ frustration and general desperation.
2.) Are there any foreign language stagings/recordings of the musical that you like in particular? I’ve always really liked Camilo Sesto’s version. There’s also the Swedish version with Ola Salo, which a lot of people here like for its dynamic between Jesus and Judas (speaking of, have you seen the Swedish production yet)?
3.) You’ve talked in some posts about a hypothetical production of the musical, with a preference to more minimalistic staging. How would the staging and set/costume designs for that be like?
Holy crap, we can fit more in the ask box than we used to! Nice! Okay, so let's go through this point by point.
The Australian revival cast is easily a "best of the Nineties' Top 40" smorgasbord, musically speaking, for good or for ill. You've got an opening of "Everything's Alright" that calls to mind "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" from The Lion King, a "Simon Zealotes" that veers uneasily between C+C Music Factory and Right Said Fred, a "Pilate's Dream" that might as well be "Sadness" by Enigma, an "I Don't Know How to Love Him" that sounds like a softer version of what Luther Vandross was doing on "Power of Love," and a "Superstar" that stops just short of EMF's "Unbelievable." (If any reader doesn't recognize these references, a) man, do I feel old, and b) look 'em up; as cheesy as I make them sound, they are enjoyable, for the most part.) But for every moment like those, there's something like the imaginative use of percussion and sitar in "The Temple," which quite effectively conjures up the desired "sleazy Indiana Jones-esque bazaar" effect, and of course, the brilliant "arena rock" Herod. I especially like the chorus of "Oi"s toward the end when Herod gets fed up with Jesus' non-compliance. (That said, I do wish someone other than Angry Anderson had sung it.) Plus, when so many other productions of JCS were treading safe ground, the '92 Oz cast took risks, and that's what I tend to like in a JCS.
That's a question I've never been asked before, not that I haven't given the number some deep thought. (I've gone through times when I debated whether or not it made dramatic sense for Judas to be the one singing the song, never mind how it was staged.) On balance, I like the '73 film version the best of what we have, but I don't have a favorite staging of that song.
I have a ready answer to the foreign translation question as I work on the book's recommended listening/reading/viewing chapter. As recordings go, I'm fond of the original French, Spanish (here meaning Camilo Sesto), and 2001 Hungarian revival casts. Viewing-wise, I rank the 2014 Swedish arena tour highly. It's a bit dreary and dystopian-looking, but especially noteworthy for a) being fully staged (which can't be said for other popular arena versions of the show), b) offering a Mary in Gunilla Backman that proves older women can do the part justice, and c) exploring the Jesus/Judas/Mary triangle in-depth, with loving, gentle chemistry that makes what happens to them feel all the more personal. The acting is so clear and direct that the language barrier shouldn't be an issue, and the singing is impressive.
I have talked about that quite a bit; I've written about it at length before on my main non-Tumblr blog. I think I'll post those thoughts over here sometime and put them in the same place as all my other JCS scribbles. Thanks for planting the seed!
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moonshinemagpie · 1 year
2023 reading
Apologies to folks who sent me asks, my evil plan all along was to answer these in one post. What are 2-5 already published fiction books you think you want to read in 2023? -Emily Henry's romances (like Sarah Dressen for adults) -The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enriquez -Moby-Dick -Suzume no Tojimari by Shinkai Makoto (novelized version of the movie, which I loved) What are 2-5 6 already published nonfiction books you think you want to read in 2023? -Dead on Arrival: The Politics of Health Care in Twentieth-Century America - An Immense World by Ed Yong -The Song of the Cell by Siddhartha Mukherjee -Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong -Tsudzukeru no Ryoku by Itou Makoto ("Power of Continuing," self-help by someone who worked really hard to get through law school) Esutonia Kinkou by Kaho Nashiki (travel diary by a naturalist/children's author) Any poetry on your TBR? -Mai Der Vang's Yellow Rain -Cathy Park Hong's Engine Empire -Clint Smith's Above Ground Do you plan to read any genres you haven't read much before? I want to read more in Japanese about how to write Japanese poetry. Doing this thing right now where I write a haiku each day and then my students and poet friends read them and explain to me why they are bad. Feel like I'm right at the cusp of a whole new field of knowledge I wanna know about. What 2023 new releases are you most looking forward to? -Aubrey Gordon's You Just Need to Lose Weight and 19 Other Myths About Fat People (1/10) - f/f romance Behind the Scenes by Karelia Stetz-Waters (1/31) -Lone Women by Victor LaValle (3/21) -graphic novel Lost in Taiwan by Mark Crilley (5/23) - Crook Manifesto by Colson Whitehead (7/18) Do you have any conceptual reading goals? a. Food books, fun breezy ones and more in-depth ones. b. Books about non-people creatures like animals, bogs, moss, and rivers c. books on Judaism, Jewish history/ literature, and Jewish joy What languages do you plan to read in? Do you want to read anything in translation? English, Japanese, and maybe one cheese book in French. A few of the books linked above are translated from Spanish, Yiddish, and Italian. Are there any reading challenges you want to try? I'm starting my own! It's called Read Jewish Joy (#readjewishjoy) and it's about reading books by Jewish authors that are not centered around the Holocaust or leaving Orthodoxy. It seems the only books people want to read about Jews are exploitative fictional love stories set in concentration camps or memoirs from people who left Judaism. People really love dead Jews and ex-Jews, but not joyous Jews. Are you organizing any reading challenges/events? I'll make a little post about "read Jewish Joy", but there's no minimum number of books you'd need to read to complete the challenge. I recommend continuing your search until you find at least one you love. In my experience, non-Jews are really quick to stop listening to Jews. They search for reasons to shut down conversations and write off this entire thousands-of-years-old culture and religion as quickly as possible. So if you don't like the first book you try, please keep searching until one speaks to you. How do you plan to keep track of your reading? I write book titles down on my wall calendar. If you want my book reviews posted on tumblr, let me know. I love book journaling but I can't write with my hands very much. If anyone knows of a computer-based way to bullet journal, please let me know. What's your 2023 stance on rating/reviewing books? I want to rate fewer books on Goodreads because I'm tired of all of my ratings being used to sell books through Amazon. There are times when I do want to promote authors, especially indie authors, and boost book sales, but I don't like that right now the main place for my book thoughts is owned by Amazon. Do you plan to mostly buy or borrow your books? (Or be the unicorn who reads the books they already own?) Borrow! The Libby app and my local libraries are my absolute havens. How dare you suggest I would read what I own.
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nocurirar · 2 years
Official motorcycle handbook ontario pdf writer
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  Owner's Manual. A market unique supplement may be supplied that complements this book. By referring to the market unique supplement, if provided,. 8 ene 2016 — thoughtful and meaningful writing. We hope everyone enjoys the CABE 2016 conference and finds this issue of the Multilingual Educator both in the Marketing Scales Handbook, these short polls are group end-of-chapter discussions and writing questions with their related learning outcome(This book contains parts 0 to 140). Part. CHAPTER I—U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Depart- ment of Homeland Security; Department of the Treasury. Shirley Weber, Ph.D., visited Chaffey and Ontario High Schools speaking to students about the importance of voter pre-registration, opportunities to partner This is the Spanish version of the official Florida driver handbook (FL driving manual). It is identical to the one that's available on the Florida DMV (7) To report to the Chair of the Executive Board, in writing, every six months, Place de Ville, Tower C, Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON5, Canada
https://www.tumblr.com/nocurirar/697912678543474688/the-inferno-by-dante-alighieri-translated-by-john, https://www.tumblr.com/nocurirar/697912536500256768/generational-conflict-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/nocurirar/697912536500256768/generational-conflict-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/nocurirar/697912678543474688/the-inferno-by-dante-alighieri-translated-by-john, https://www.tumblr.com/nocurirar/697912350493261824/peinture-intumescente-sur-galvanisation-pdf.
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
Lucas Beltrán está en el radar del Inter, el Milan y el Nápoli.😭😭😭
que bien ojalá se lo lleven para referencias este es beltran
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wernher-von-brawny · 2 years
Pop Quiz
Which set of answers correctly completes this quote:
[Leader] had crushed the [Nationality] labor movement, and for that the property-owning classes were willing to forgive him almost anything. Both Left and Right concurred in the very shallow notion that [Political Movement] was merely a version of Conservatism.
A.) Hitler, German, National Socialism B.) Franco, Spanish, Falaguism C.) Thatcher, British, Thatcherism D.) Reagan, American, Neoliberalism
Not so easy is it? Get the answer here.
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years
I realized I've never done the "D as in dog" clarification in spanish before, and last night my brain opted for "D como daño", which probably says something about me... Anyways, do you know what these are called, and what the "standard" ones are in spanish?
So I don't think there's a standard one in Spanish. There are multiple answers you could give, but many use proper names or names of cities.
As far as I know this is called el alfabeto por palabras "alphabet by words" or el abecedario telefónico "telephone alphabet"; and it's different in different places
Even in English I hear different ones, except I usually hear "B as in boy", "V as in Victor", "Z as in Zebra", "M as in Mary", "N as in Nancy", etc etc I know that's not in order, don't at me but for the other words it's kind of up in the air
Ones that I've heard or seen - often based on cities or countries!
A de Alicante / A de Antonio / A de Argentina / A de Alemania [Germany]
Be de Barcelona
C de Colombia / C de Cádiz
D de Dinamarca [Denmark]
E de España [Spain]
F de Francia [France]
G de Guatemala / G de Granada
H de Historia [history] / H de Hada [fairy] / H de Hambre [hunger]
I de India / I de Inés / I de Italia [Italy]
J de José / J de Jerusalén [Jerusalem] / J de Japón [Japan]
K de Kilo
L de Lorenzo
M de Madrid / M de Marco / M de México
N de Navarra / N de Nicaragua
Ñ de Ñoño [wimp] / Ñ de Ñu [wildebeest]
O de Oviedo / O de Oso [bear]
P de París / P de Portugal / P de Perú
Q de Queso [cheese]
R de Roma [Rome]
S de Sábado [Saturday] / S de Sevilla
T de Toledo / T de Tomás
U de Uruguay
V de Valencia / V de Victoria [victory, or the name] / V de Venezuela
W de Washington
X de Xilófono [xylophone]
Y de Yugoslavia
Z de Zorro [fox] / Z de Zaragoza
And I'm not sure if I've heard the one for LL. It was always doble ele or ele doble. I personally would probably say LL de lluvia but it does make sense when you're spelling something to say two Ls
Oh, also CH is not its own letter now, but I believe I was taught CH de chocolate or CH de Chile
Please know that my experiences are based primarily on European Spanish, so I'm not sure what they might say in other countries
Also I'm just assuming y'all know how to pronounce the letters in the alphabet which you might not so I would recommend looking up the alphabet in Spanish on youtube and hearing someone pronounce the letters
Also RR is called doble ere usually, it's typically said or written like that. RR never begins a word so it's always considered a special case and doesn't have its own letter in that kind of alphabet. I think I was taught RR de carro (?) but told it’s not its own letter exactly(?)
Also there's B and V which have different names depending on where you are. B and V have a similar sound when pronounced in Spanish in many words, so there are
You might hear B alta/larga or V baja/corta/chica where it's "big/long B" and "short/small V"
We were also taught B de burro "B as in donkey", and V de vaca "V as in cow"
Btw when I was in school our teacher gave us flashcards that had the letters and some things that were definitely for little kids but it was something like:
A de árbol [tree]
B de burro [donkey]
C de casa [house]
CH de chocolate
D de dedo [finger]
E de elefante [elephant]
F de flor [flower]
G de gato [cat]
H de hielo [ice] / H de hamburguesa [hamburger]
I latina / I de iglesia [church]
J de jirafa [giraffe] / J de José
K de kiwi
L de león [lion]
LL de lluvia [rain]
M de mariposa [butterfly]
N de naranja [orange]
Ñ de ñu [wildebeest] / Ñ de ñandú [idk how to describe it, it looks like an ostrich but it's not an ostrich exactly? It's called a "rhea" in English]
O de oveja [sheep]
P de princesa [princess]
Q de queso [cheese]
R de rana [frog]
S de serpiente [snake]
T de tomate [tomato]
U de uva [grape]
V de vaca [cow]
W de Washington
X de xilófono [xylophone]
Y de yoyo
Z de zapato [shoe]
And you know it's old when CH is still included because CH and LL haven't been considered their own letters since 2010. I still think they're important, but they're not considered letters in and of themselves
The other ones that you might hear are i latina and y griega which I included above. Literally this is "Latin I" and "Greek Y" because i and y have the same sound when pronounced in the alphabet like that, and Y is said to be Greek while I comes from the Latin letters
Occasionally though you will see la Y pronounced as la ye
And finally, LL is sometimes included in alphabets and sometimes not. In the abecedario it's typically la elle which is pronounced with the LL sound; but you might also see ele doble which is "double L"
If anyone has any other examples or things they were taught, please let me know! I'd be curious to see if there are any differences
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orriculum · 3 years
Hello! A nice post of yours is going around, the one about what you Don't need to be a witch, and the part I like the most is the part about gender. But then a question came to me and, it's kind of silly and I don't know if you already answered (I couldn't search in the tags because tumblr decided to be unhelpful today) so I wanted to ask you if you happen to know the answer: Aside from the traditional gender part, what's the difference between a witch and a wizard? Is there any difference or they are the same? In Spanish witch is=bruja(F)/brujo(M). And Wizard is = mago(M), the feminine form it's not used that much, but the masculine form of witch it's really common. That's why I was wondering about the difference, if there's any in their practice or magic etc.
hey! glad you like my posts c:
so witch and wizard are just words. practicing magic, you could call yourself a witch, or a wizard, or a mage. it's up to your preference.
i think this stuff confuses people because some fantasy series like to put this rules in (like harry potter, which uses witch/wizard as gendered versions of the same thing). some people will practice witchcraft/magic, and prefer to call themselves a wizard, and it doesn't really have a broad, well known distinction. they may have a personal reason for choosing it, or personal reasons they feel it is different.
the only terms i think you need to be careful about are ones that specifically refer to spiritual role within a culture, or have some otherwise cultural connotation about them. you probably don't want to use a term that you can't personally connect to the history of.
for example, even though you might think "bruja" is just the spanish word for witch (f), it can refer to a specific kind of magic/spirituality practiced by latin american and caribbean peoples, called brujería, and those that practice it.
anyway, i hope that helps!
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admiringlove · 2 years
violin pieces that i can picture haikyuu characters playing!
(JDHDHC FOR ME AKAASHI CLASSICAL MUSICIAN HEADCANNONS ARE SO EASY TO COME UP WITH i totally do not self project a bit hahagsgda nope self projecting who is that)
(saint-saens) introduction et rondo cappriccioso — Akaashi (Min Kym’s version, to be exact)
(sarasate) introduction and tarantella — Yachi
tchaikovsky violin concerto in D major — Hinata
(wieniaski) polonaise brillante no.1 in D major — Atsumu (its the flashy showpiece that gives off Atsumu, but Paganini suits him as well)
(beethoven) kreutzer violin sonata no. 9 in A minor — Kiyoko
(paganini) la campanella — Sakusa
(sarasate) zigeunerweisen — Kageyama
sibelius violin concerto in D minor — Tsukishima (okay. i know this is a bit of a stretch. but icy atmosphere, calmness and originally being low-key and distant but the skill levels required to play it being on par with tchaikovsky (shoyo)?? LITERALLY HIM)
beethoven Violin Concerto in D major — Yukie
(wieniaski) scherzo tarantelle — Kita
(sarasate) carmen fantasy op.25 — Osamu
paganiniana variations for violin solo — Komori (HE PLAYS IT SO CALMLY AND EASILY)
(sarasate) navarra op.33 — Sakusa+Atsumu
(ravel) tzigane M.76 — Iwaizumi
(schubert) violin sonata in a minor op. 137 no.2, I. Allegro moderato — Kenma
(sarasate) spanish dances, Op. 23: No. 2. Zapateado — Bokuto
hi anon! i'm so sorry for not answering this sooner. i took the time to listen to each and every one of these, and also the specific versions you told me about, and let me tell you. you have amazing taste.
here's a few i think are quite good and maybe accurate:
dvorak, serenade for strings in e major, op 22, b: 52, ii: tempo di valse; MIYA TWINS?? idk why i just imagine them playing this piece and SWOON.
beethoven, string quartet no 4 in c minor op 18, no 4, i: allegro ma non tanto; the seijoh four(NEED I SAY MORE HERE ASDJK)
rachmaninoff, piano concerto no 2 in c minor op 18, no 1: moderato; TSUKISHIMA OMG HIS LONG FINGERS WOULD PLAY THIS SO WELL.
dvorak, slavonic fantasy in b minor; akaashi and bokuto. now i know bokuto seems a lot like a brass person. BUT keiji will teach him the piano so he can accompany while keiji plays the solo parts. bokuto loves watching akaashi play the violin as he accompanies. THIS HC IS MAKING ME SOFT BYE.
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Mad Scientist!Membrane x Frankenstein! Male!Reader pt. 2 (H&C)
So Membrane made (Y/N) from other people and after he was restrained, just told (Y/N) his name.
Lab Report 5
One month has passed since the subject was created. Motor skills are exceeding our expectations. Speech still scattered. Restraints are occasionally needed. More tests need to be run.
Scheduled: Blood, Vitamin Deficiencies, Mental Illness, Mental Disabilities, IQ, Motor Function, Hand-Eye Coordination, Reaction Time
End of Report
Membrane stared at the paper in front of him. (Y/N) was yielding good results so far.  Sad, though, that they hadn't done any tests yet. However that is to be expected. He put his hands together, elbows on the table, as he lowered his head. What if this didn't work? Several people would have been torn apart for nothing.
But there is success. He had effectively crossed the line between having superhuman intelligence and playing God. He was giddy, actually. He had done something no one had ever thought of before. It was heinous, true, but the success of (Y/N) meant that full limb transplants were possible. Trained surgeons could effectively use parts of someone's brain to improve another's. It was an astonishing achievement for humanity.
He smiled. This would prove most satisfactory.
Lab Report 11
Two months have now passed. Motor skills continue to improve. Restraining the subject has proved increasingly difficult. Curiosity has grown tremendously since last week. Stronger, more durable restraints needed.
Reports indicate emotional development as well. Subject shows anger and confusion, but seems cordial towards scientists he remembers... which are few and far between. Has shown improvement with speech. It is suspected that he can understand almost all languages and now speaks in mainly Spanish, French, and German. Translators are being gathered and briefed.
Scheduled: Mental Illness, Mental Disabilities, IQ, Reaction Time, Strength, Memory, Language Therapy
End of Report
Membrane groaned. They finally told him about some tests, but they didn't even know what they should be doing—monitoring his conscience.
He sighed, and stood up from his chair. It felt as though he was going to have to run these tests himself.
He walked down to the "observation room" his team had put (Y/N) in. It was, in all seriousness, more like a jail cell with a one-way mirror. It was a long way from his office so he had a lot of time to think about absolutely anything.
He was scared. He didn't want to admit it at first—he literally watched someone assemble a person like a build-a-bear—but there was no other explanation for the way he hesitated to head down the long, spiraling staircase that lead to (Y/N)'s cell. It was well lit and there was a handrail so he wouldn't fall. The steps were wide enough for his (fucking gigantic) feet. There was literally no reason he should be so sweaty other than a rush of adrenaline. A rush of adrenaline that wanted him to run and turn his back upon his creation. It had to be fear.
But why was he scared? The last time Membrane had seen (Y/N), he was restrained. What if he hated him? (Y/N) has reported memory problems, so he might not remember him. But he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if (Y/N) did remember.
He continued down the staircase until he finally reached (Y/N)'s cell. Scientists scurried out of the way as Membrane pushed through.
"This is Professor Miguel Membrane, and I will be conducting tests three through nine." He looked over to his team, making sure they were ready. Pens were poised over paper. Two translators, German and French, were sitting next to them on opposite sides.
Everything was ready to go.
Membrane took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and walked inside. The room was a dull beige, only color was the faded red from the operation. The walls peeled near the corners. 'I'll have to fix that' he thought. The room itself was almost a prison room. A hard bed with thin sheets in the corner, a toilet, sink, and a shower all in the opposite side of the room. A desk sat by the bed; it had two drawers and looked as though it was made out of several types of wood.
"How fitting," the man chuckled.
He continued looking around the room they kept (Y/N) in, not knowing something was watching. He lurked up behind the scientist, breathing on his back. Membrane whipped around.
"Ahh, (Y/N), please, have a seat." He guided him over to his bed. (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed, but complied.
"Now, I will be conducting a series of tests on you. These will not require you to speak unless you desire to. Do this for 'yes'," he made a thumbs up, "do this for 'no'," he made a fist. "For multiple choice, point. If you want to skip, do this-" he put his hand horizontally- "and if you don't know shrug your shoulders. Do you understand all of that?" (Y/N) made a thumbs up with both hands.
"Quickly run through everything for me in the order I said it." (Y/N) made a thumbs up, a fist, pointed at something, laid his hand flat, then shrugged his shoulders.
Membrane made a hum of approval before flipping through the stack of papers he prepared. "Now, I'm going to give you an IQ test. Simply point at the one you think belongs in the missing space, okay?" Thumbs up.
After going through several sheets of paper, they finished. "Well done, (Y/N), you have an IQ of 128 (changelater)" He wrote that down as (Y/N) smiled. This one didn't push him or shove him around. He was gentle and calm. It wasn't too rushed, but it wasn't too slow. He had no clue what the IQ thing meant, but if he got to spend time with the nice man, he would answer anything.
"This concludes the IQ test. How do you feel (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) smiled. Yes.
Membrane laughed. "That's close enough to an answer. I'm going to ask you a series of yes or no questions. Answer honestly, okay? You can skip if it's too personal." Thumbs up.
"Do you want to hurt people?" No
"Do you want to hurt yourself?" No.
"Do you feel superior to anyone?" No.
"Do you feel less powerful?" No.
"Do you have episodes where you can't remember what happened?" Yes.
"Would you like to tell me about that?" He made both symbols on different hands as he shrugged his shoulders (what the cinnamon toast fuck did that mean). Membrane assumed that was a not yet.
He continued with the questions, concluding that (Y/N) suffered from mild depression and anxiety, and that could be chalked up to the new situation.
Membrane rechecked (Y/N)'s memory, albeit in a different way.
"I'm going to show you a series of pictures. You need to point to them in the order I point to them, okay?" Yes.
Membrane pointed to pictures of a bat, a frog, a cat, the frog again, the cat again, then finally a dog.
(Y/N) pointed at the bat, the frog, the cat, then hesitated a bit.
"Do you need help?" (Y/N) frowned. No. (Y/N) quickly pointed at the frog, cat, and dog, in quick succession.
Membrane laughed and nodded. "This concludes the memory test."
Several more tests followed, eventually adding up to (Y/N) had higher strength and reaction time than most humans. It wasn't surprising, as he was made up of all the best parts of people.
"That's about everything, (Y/N). Do you have any questions?" Membrane asked in a calm voice. This was shattered when (Y/N) said something.
"¿Cómo estoy?" (Y/N) asked in a raspy voice. Membrane jumped before quickly shaking his head to clear it.
He cleared his throat before saying, "Pues, haz una mirada." He guided (Y/N) to a mirror behind a locked cabinet.
(Y/N)'s face fell. "J'ai l'air... horrible." Membrane didn't know French, but it wasn't that hard to guess.
"No, estás muy hermoso."
"Was?" Oh no. He said that out loud. He said that last part out loud. And (Y/N) understood it.
The flustered scientist cleared his throat. "Dije... dije estás muy hermoso." He couldn't look (Y/N) in the eyes. How could he? Wait. Is this why he was scared? Was it because he...? His face was a rosy pink as he came to the realization he had fallen for his creation.
(Y/N) was just as shocked. His mouth hung open as his several skin tones all became red. The only thing he could think of doing surprised them both.
(Y/N) reached up and embraced Membrane, squeezing him tightly.
•¿Cómo estoy? — what do I look like?
(I'm choosing the version I got taught in eighth grade not translate hahA)
• Pues — well
• Haz una mirada — have a look
• J'ai l'air... horrible. — I look... horrible
• Estás muy hermoso. — you're very beautiful
• Was? — What?
• Dije — I said
• Merci — Thank you
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