#d. d’Amelio
letstalkhockey · 8 months
What are your genuine thoughts on Dixie? She’s done a lot of things that just rubs me the wrong way and I want to ask why people like her without sounding jealous (cause I’m not). I just feel like Trevor can do better and he’s such a good guy and she has said she “wants to marry rich so she can stop working” and her and Charli dressed up as Walmart workers for Halloween and made it seem like having a real job isn’t stressful while there’s people like me that have to get up everyday to a job we don’t like but we can’t quit because that’s our only income.
Sorry for the rant I just need to get it off my chest.
It’s totally okay! 🩵
For me personally, I don’t like to have an opinion on people that I don’t personally know. For this, I wouldn’t exactly say I have much of an opinion. But, I totally see where your coming from. I used to watch Dixie and Charli’s videos, especially when they were first blowing up on TikTok. They’re both insanely pretty, but sometimes there actions aren’t.
I have hope that her and Trevor isn’t for the fact she’s said that, because we haven’t seen much of them two unless it’s content posted by friends, so if it’s being kept private I can only assume it’s somewhat serious. But I wish the absolute best for the two and I hope they treat eachother the way they do deserve to be treated!🩵
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socialbiography · 2 years
Dixie D’Amelio Net worth in 2022, TikTok, wiki, best biography
Dixie D’Amelio Net worth in 2022, TikTok, wiki, best biography
Here you get the best Information about the Famous Dixie D’Amelio’s Net worth in 2022, TikTok, wiki, best biography, etc. Hello, Readers. Welcome to our website Social Biography. You get all the famous and viral personality’ biography and their details on our website. Who is Dixie D’Amelio? Dixie D’Amelio’s Net Worth The TikTok influencer and singer Dixie D’Amelio has more than 100,000…
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dxzziie · 3 months
...I've just been pronouncing it like Pixie but with a D instead of a P-
dixie d’amelio 😔
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rosaleona · 1 year
Via D’Amelio, Meloni: “La lotta alla mafia è parte di noi. Sarò a Palermo, ma non parteciperò alla fiaccolata per impegni istituzionali”
Via D’Amelio, Meloni: “La lotta alla mafia è parte di noi. Sarò a Palermo, ma non parteciperò alla fiaccolata per impegni istituzionali” https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2023/07/19/strage-via-d-amelio-meloni-borsellino-lotta-alla-mafia-perche-non-partecipo-fiaccolata/7234041/
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cradle-view · 1 year
Charli D'AMelio Bikini - See Star In Poolside Photos With Mom & Sister
Charli and Dixie took the time to show off Charli D’amelio Bikini in a splash of photos with their mum and some friends in the pool. The famous TikTok star is famous mainly for her dances. She has been attending many events and shows recently, along with Dixie, whose music career has started to take off. Here are the Charli D Amelio bikini photos from her Instagram. © Charli D’Amelio Instagram…
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telodogratis · 3 months
#NewsPA - XXXII Anniversario della strage di Via D¿Amelio. Ordinanza di limitazione della circolazione per i giorni 16, 17, 18, 19 luglio 2024
L’Ufficio Traffico e Mobilità ordinaria del Comune di Palermo, al fine di consentire lo svolgimento delle iniziative che si terranno in città in occasione del  XXXII Anniversario della strage di Via D’Amelio, ha emesso un’ordinanza di limitazione della circolazione in alcune vie cittadine, per i giorni 16, 17, 18, 19 luglio 2024.  ​Read More L’Ufficio Traffico e Mobilità ordinaria del Comune di…
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cycagp445 · 7 months
What is democratization
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Remember her? Well, if you don’t, this is Charli D’Amelio who became TikTok famous in 2019. Let's talk about it. 
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Let’s not forget her family TV show on Hulu called “The D’Amelio Show” which has 3 seasons as of 2023 (Caldwell, 2023). 
This is a prime example of the concept of democratization which means that the internet and social media are very accessible to everyone now (Oxford Languages, 2024). I think a lot of us can agree that we catch ourselves scrolling on TikTok or scrolling on Facebook for what feels like 20 minutes but it’s now dark outside and you didn’t make dinner. We as the audience determine what videos or what pictures we like and that is what gives the creator traction and that's the key to becoming internet famous. If you have ever seen a post that makes you so mad or so disgusted you want to comment on it trying to reach the creator to make them stop or you send it to your friend so you aren’t the only one who had to see it, well, that is also giving traction and making that creator one step closer to rising in fame. 
Now, what would happen if social media wasn’t a thing or it wasn’t so accessible, would Charli D’Amelio still be able to become famous? Considering her journey of competitive dancing I believe there could be a possibility that she would become famous for a dancer however, It’s very unlikely. In my opinion, Charli was able to gain her confidence online and with creating content with friends, if she didn’t blow up from that first lip syncing video or those dancing videos, I don’t believe she would've gained this confidence to become a famous competitive dancer therefore, In a way, she wouldn't becoming famous if social media was not a thing.  
Since democratization can work both ways, let’s look at someone who received negative consequences due to their social media access. 
In 2018 a woman proudly posted on twitter her new internship at NASA but later on, got let go. 
In the article written by Robyn Merrett shares that this woman posted “EVERYONE SHUT THE F... UP, I GOT ACCEPTED FOR NASA INTERNSHIP” and of course that post was seen by the NASA engineer, Homer Hickam where he replies with “Language” (Merrett, 2018). The woman then replies to Hickam saying “Suck my d... and b.... I'm working at NASA” then he reveals who he is. (Merrett, 2018).  
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While the internet gives you the freedom to post almost anything, it doesn’t mean that what you say won't have repercussions such as getting fired, however, democratization can give you the desired fame you want on TikTok or Instagram as long as the audience clicks the right button. 
Carolina Muniz, 2023. Marketing 4 ecommerce, How Charli D’Amelio became the second most popular tiktoker in the world. https://marketing4ecommerce.net/en/how-charli-damelio-became-the-second-most-popular-tiktoker-in-the-world/  
Google, 2024. Oxford Languages, Democratization. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4c908fbc6c8bfb37&rlz=1C1SQJL_enCA921CA921&sxsrf=ACQVn09K7EgsPxrunJJxo_T9JXboOOa7yg:1709943862635&q=democratization&si=AKbGX_qbffDhNJNmNuoQO9DPv_17C1K1XhS0E42xOOmOMD5kdtCff_uel2bzCuTmhOiMWyHBmymGqLVtOS1tgaytRAgGxJvqthCWFqvaULJUTEZ8hhxJBZA%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbp5Kk9eWEAxW6jYkEHZ-ZDrAQ2v4IegQIHxAT&biw=1366&bih=599&dpr=1  
Sophie Caldwell, 2023. TODAY, Charli D’Amelio reflects on fame and the future: ‘Sometimes I feel like I’m still 15 years old’. https://www.today.com/popculture/charli-damelio-tiktok-profile-future-rcna91650  
Robyn Merrett, 2018. People, Woman Loses Prized NASA Internship over Vulgar Tweet- but she might get a better position. https://people.com/human-interest/woman-loses-nasa-internship-over-tweet/  
TikTok, 2024. Charli D’Amelio. https://www.tiktok.com/en/  
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Here's an interesting article I think you'll like: instagram.com/p/Cw8AiLlIBwJ/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=ff387d90-eec8-4171-bfe2-c0592679f5f2&img_index=1 - it's basically about celebrity beauty brands. "Biossance parent Amyris, which in August filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, is selling off its stable of celebrity brands. Its consumer brand net sales dropped from $175.5 million in 2022 to $59 million as of June 2023. As consumers become increasingly disenchanted, BoF explores why most influencer, actor and musician-fronted brands need to radically rethink their approach."
Unfortunately, however, you have to have an account with BoF to read the full article but based on the Instagram post, what do you think? (I know you shared your thoughts on celebrity beauty brands a few times on here)
I wonder which celebrity brands will be sold. Maybe even permanently shut down. 🤔 *gasps* I hope Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Justin's D-list untalented fame-whore "wife", Addison Rae, and Charlie D’Amelio are in that group! All five of them deserve to be canceled, blacklisted, and go broke. In other news, I'm surprised Taylor Swift doesn't have her own makeup, skincare and fragrance line. And I hope it stays that way.
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wdonnait · 1 year
Salvo Sottile bestemmia contro Elly Schlein sul suo Facebook, ma poi chiede scusa:
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/salvo-sottile-bestemmia-contro-elly-schlein-sul-suo-facebook-ma-poi-chiede-scusa/116221?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=116221
Salvo Sottile bestemmia contro Elly Schlein sul suo Facebook, ma poi chiede scusa:
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Attualmente, Salvo Sottile sta trascorrendo le sue ferie in Spagna insieme ai suoi figli. Tuttavia, è stato costretto a registrare un video di scuse a seguito di un controverso messaggio pubblicato sulla sua pagina Facebook, la quale è gestita da un social media manager.
Nel post, in occasione del 31° anniversario della strage di Via d’Amelio, in cui persero la vita Paolo Borsellino e cinque uomini della scorta, si è fatto riferimento alla presenza della premier Meloni e della leader del partito Elly Schlein in modo inappropriato, usando parole offensive.
Le scuse sono state necessarie a causa dell’offensività del messaggio e del tono inappropriato utilizzato nei suoi confronti.
Ecco cosa c’era scritto per esattezza: “In occasione dei 31 anni dalla strage di Via d’Amelio dove persero la vita Paolo Borsellino e cinque uomini della scorta, ci saranno la premier Meloni e la leader del P*rco D*o Elly Schlein”.
Salvo Sottile si scusa dell’accaduto
Il conduttore ha spiegato che si tratterebbe di un errore. A tal proposito, ha affermato:
“E’ successo che un collaboratore della pagina, pubblicando il post, è stato tradito dal correttore automatico e da una svista grave. Ma siccome la pagina è mia, il responsabile sono io. Mi vogliono assumere tutta la responsabilità e scusarmi profondamente con chi lo ha letto e con la segreteria del Pd. A lei vanno le mie scuse più sincere“.
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
D'Amelio Footwear launch party interview with charli and dixie.
Heidi D`Amelio, Marc D`Amelio, Charli D`Amelio, Dixie D`Amelio Michael Simon In the world of social media influencers-turned-entrepreneurs, the D’Amelio family is making their mark with D’Amelio Footwear, a brand that combines fashion and comfort in a way that resonates with their audience. Led by the famous TikTok sensations Charli and Dixie D’Amelio and their family, D’Amelio Footwear is…
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stepbystepfashion · 2 years
Charli D’ Amelio Is Marvelously Rising Her Enterprise - Step by Step Fashion
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Charli D’ Amelio grew up watching her father, Marc D’Amelio, work tirelessly to establish his streetwear label, Madsoul. She had to think of creative ways to market his products as a start-up with limited resources. Click the below link for more information https://stepbystepfashion.in/charli-d-amelio/
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archivecharli · 5 years
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charli d'amelio and friends matching icons ♡ like or reblog if you save
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kalique · 2 years
dwts cast reveal. i’m begging you. be good
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telodogratis · 3 months
#NewsPA - XXXII Anniversario della strage di Via D¿Amelio- Palermo 16,17,18,19 luglio 2024 - Ordinanza n.841 allegata
Ordinanza n.841 del 10.07.2024  che prevede, in occasione del XXXII Anniversario della strage di Via D’Amelio, l’istituzione del divieto di sosta veicolare con rimozione forzata ambo i lati…  ​Read More Ordinanza n.841 del 10.07.2024  che prevede, in occasione del XXXII Anniversario della strage di Via D’Amelio, l’istituzione del divieto di sosta veicolare con rimozione forzata ambo i…
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daggryet · 2 years
Hannah talking about meeting Tommy :D
transcript below
HANNAH: So, the first time that I met Tommy, it was like after I’d had my Twitch meeting and I went back down to the lobby, and it was just Tommy- it was a bunch of people, and then they left, and I met just Tommy. And I was like, “hey Tommy! It’s Hannah Rose”, and he gave me a hug, we were talking. Probably the nicest person that I’ve met, like, on this trip, Tommy was the nicest person that I met. Like, I can’t explain to you guys- like, Tommy has this bit where he’s an “asshole” and “for the LOLs” and like “money, money”, and it’s just- it’s all a bit. Like, Tommy is the nicest person I’ve ever meet in my whole life. Like, he was just so- and instantly I was like “do you wanna come over and swim?”, and he was like, “yes! Here’s my phone number, text me where, and I’ll be there!”. And I was like “what?! Dude, you are so sweet”.
HANNAH: And then we were just hanging out, and he was like, “dude, I love your nails”. Like, my nails that I did myself, and I was like :(. Nobody says I love your nails, like what? And I was like gonna cry ‘cause nobody says that shit, nobody does that. And then, I don’t know, just so nice. And then I wasn’t shocked ‘cause I’ve known he’s that way, he’s always been that way. But I feel like- I don’t know, it was just fucking crazy. Oh, yeah, and Tommy - at this Twitch dinner thing - he was showing me a video of him at the- this TikTok Charli D’Amelio party-
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bonyassfish · 2 years
the wildest thing to me about the d’amelio sisters from tiktok is that nobody ever talks about their father being in one the weirdest scandals in recent connecticut history. (for more info: https://www.thehour.com/news/article/D-Amelio-blames-Democrats-after-drunken-driving-13267277.php)
basically, their father is marc d’amelio. in 2018 he was running as a republican for state senate against bob duff, a very popular incumbent and the current majority leader of the connecticut state senate. however, it was revealed that he was arrested in 2014 for driving drunk around the city of norwalk with charli in the backseat. he had just come from the mohegan sun casino and was handing out his cash winnings to people on the street. anyway, he concocted a whole conspiracy theory that bob duff and his allies released the police report, without any evidence. alas, he did not win. also as a side note bob duff is well known locally for 2 things: writing everyone who registers to vote in the district a formal letter of congratulations and having the world’s cheesiest political ads
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