#d.o. drabble
kpopimaginings · 8 months
Compromise - D.O (Kyungsoo)
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The day you realised that it was always you initiating physical affection in your relationship was strange to say the least. You had been so happy with Kyungsoo until this revelation shattered the rose-tinted glasses, and doubt clouded your mind.
You made a conscious effort going forward to be less clingy with him and see if it was all in your head. Unfortunately, Kyungsoo didn't pick up the slack and there was just less skin-ship between you. Nothing else had really changed though, leaving you questioning both your logic and your relationship.
Kyungsoo was still inviting you out and planning dates, such as tonight when you found yourself over at his for dinner. When you first arrived, he had placed a gentle kiss on your cheek as you entered. This small gesture helped to calm your anxieties as your mind wondered through all the worse case scenarios.
The two of you began to talk as you followed him to the kitchen where he was finishing preparation for the meal. You exchanged stories of your days so far as usual until your boyfriends mood changed.
"I wasn't going to say anything until after we ate, but I think I need to now," Kyungsoo said, suddenly.
Immediately, the anxiety that had ebbed away returned.
"Are you still happy with me?" he asked.
"What?" you replied, a little incredulous at his question.
"You've changed, you've been really distant lately and I need to know if you still want to be with me," he explained.
For a moment, you froze, wanting nothing more in that moment than to hug him. "Of course I still want to be with you," you told him. "I just thought I was being too clingy and wanted to give you some space."
"Why do think that? Did I make you think that?"
"No," you answered, quickly. "Not exactly, I just- you don't really hug, and I was doing it a lot and I just thought, maybe... I was annoying you."
"You could never annoy me. I know that you just show your affection for me physically. I show mine by buying you things or cooking for you." He gestured at the food currently sat on the hob.
You nodded, knowing that Kyungsoo hadn't once made you actually feel unloved, despite the lack of skin-ship.
"We just have different love languages," he continued. "I know that can be hard sometimes, but we can make it work."
"Yeah," you agreed. "I'm sorry, I should have just spoken to you. You always make me feel loved, even if it isn't with hugs and kisses all the time."
"Good," Kyungsoo said with a little nod and a smile. "Now, come here, you need to make up for all those hugs I didn't get."
You happily shuffled towards him, securing your arms around his waist. "Don't let the dinner burn though," you muttered.
"I won't," he chuckled. There was a pause before he continued, "I'll make more of an effort with physical affection it if will help reassure you."
"You really don't have to."
"But I want to," he pulled out of the embrace and placed a quick kiss to your lips. "I love you, and sometimes that means compromising on things like love languages so that everyone feels happy and loved."
"I love you, too," you smiled at him, resting your hands on his shoulders.
"But now I really should check on dinner."
You laughed, and moved so that Kyungsoo could get back to the hob. All of a sudden you couldn't remember why you had gotten yourself into such a state before. Watching the man you loved carefully preparing food for you, you knew there would be no problem too big with him by your side.
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sooinbloom · 6 months
Hi there! I really love your work! Thank you for working so hard to create an amazing fanfic for us 🫶🏻. I have a request for you. Since I'm a typical person who finds comfort in angst stories, could you please write an angst story about Kyungsoo based on his song 'The View'? Thank you very much!
Answer: when I got this request I literally SCREAMED. Thank you @sooadorable for the request! I have been writing a series and wondered how I could introduce it, and this is the best way because it lines up with the story perfectly! I hope you enjoy this, thank you so much for the request and all of your support! Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The View
genre: angst, drama, Kyungsoo!AU, EXO!AU, romance
word count: 2,011
theme: marriage in trouble, lovers to enemies, separation, impending divorce, broken heart
warnings: use of alcohol, cursing, mentions of self harm, implied smut, sad kyungsoo, depressed kyungsoo
summary: Kyungsoo is separated from his wife and finds comfort in a bottle of Tennessee Whiskey and old home movies as he tries to figure out what to do with the divorce papers he was served. Based off of his song, “The View”.
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I stare out into the vast open sky from my living room floor, the sunset paints beautiful colors that canvas the atmosphere above the rolling waves of the Pacific Ocean. I can get lost in moments like this, the times where my head is completely clear and I take in everything around me.
Slowly, effortlessly, the yellows become the golden flecks in her gorgeous eyes. The wind is her touch, soft and sends chills down my spine. The reds are her lips when she gets ready for date nights, putting on lipstick just for me. Even though she didn’t need it, she looked so spectacular in that shade of red. The waves are the promises we made, consistently rolling back to me to remind me that I failed to keep so many. Being here in this kind of scene just isn’t the same without her.
I watched my wife, Mila, walk out of the door and never turn back due to my own stupidity. I haven’t slept well since she left. I haven’t been able to eat on some days. Nothing in my life feels right anymore.
Our vacation home in Malibu looks out onto the shore, for the times we needed to get away from it all and spend time together. Tonight is my last night here before I have to fly back to New York to finish my album and I wish I could stay here longer. It’s the closest thing that I have to being with her.
Everywhere I turn, there’s pieces of Mila in every single thing. She’s in the clouds, the wind, the moon that grows brighter and brighter by the second. The last six months have been hell without her.
Watching old videos of us together has to be a form of self harm, but this is the only way I can see her smile. My eyes are glued to the screen as memories play out from different points in our relationship. From moving in to our first apartment together after we got married. From traveling to Korea to see my family. Waking up in Spain on our European tour together to staying up late in the studio to our honeymoon. I’ve replayed the honeymoon videos over and over, mesmerized as the events play out on screen. We were so young, Mila was 20 and I was 22. I need to be honest with myself, it wasn’t a honeymoon… It was our elopement at Mila’s grandparent’s ranch in Mexico. We stayed in the guest house on the ranch, and it was the happiest we’d ever been.
"Come here." My voice whines from the TV.
"No! Why are you recording us? It’s so weird!" Mila giggles. I grab the phone and the focus is Mila sitting with her leg tucked under her with cheeks tinted pink.
"Look at you, Angel." I breathe, calling her by her nickname. “You’re so gorgeous and you just woke up.”
“Soo!” Mila blushes. She tries to cover her face but I won’t let her.
“Don’t hide your gorgeous face from me.”
The engagement ring and wedding band on her left hand glimmers on screen. The rays of morning light filter into the room and it can’t even compare to her smile. She didn’t need to try at all, she just naturally glowed. I love it when she’s this way, no makeup, hair down and only wearing my t shirt.
I pull Mila by her waist into the frame and kiss her, my arm protectively still around her. I tease her by tracing her lips with mine and smile between kisses, placing her into my lap. I lean and prop the phone on the bedside table and we're in full view on the bed. Mila’s hands run through my hair, something she did when we’d be intimate like this. Her smile fades as she wraps her arms around my neck.
“Soo… I’m worried. I’m scared that us running off and getting married is going to make things worse with my father and brother.” Mila expresses. I press my forehead against hers, holding her tight in my arms.
"Listen to me. No matter what happens, my heart is yours. Angel, we’re married. Nothing can separate us. Not Sungho, not Chanyeol, no one. I know that we both took a risk when we didn’t tell Chanyeol that we were just dating. He’s your brother and my best friend. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to keep that from your brother. You’re everything to me, my best friend, my life. All I care about is that you’re happy with this decision. They’ll come around, we just have to give it time.” I say lowly.
Mila nods her head, her hands glide down my shoulder to my forearms.
“I hope Chanyeol will come around, him and I are close and I never expected he’d react in the way he did. With my father… He may take longer but it’ll be okay. I’m beyond happy. This feels so right, yeobo.” Mila smiles again, and it’s a personal victory that she’s glowing again. “I just… Don’t know how I feel about you filming us in bed. It’s kind of…”
“Jagiya, stop. This is for our memories. This is our honeymoon. I had to document just how gorgeous you are when you wake up in the morning. You make the world around you envious.” I whisper, caressing her face.
"This is like a dream. I don’t want to go back to reality.” Our eye contact is strong, it never deviates from one another. I run my fingers through her hair and cup her face in my hands.
We fall into a deep kiss, molding ourselves to each other. We break slowly and a fire is ablaze in her eyes, full of want. She pushes me down onto the bed, I roll over until I’m on top of her.
“Look at me, Angel.” I straighten her gaze back to me by guiding her jaw back to face me. I lean down and kiss her velvety soft lips, my hand slides down to her throat. Her soft whimpers fill the room as my lips roam her jaw and down her neck. I stop at her shoulder and smirk into the camera.
“Mila, you’ll never forget this.” I say into the camera and nip her collarbone. She shrieks and holds onto me tighter. Before we go further, Mila grabs the phone and laughs.
“Nice try, Mr. Doh.”
We laugh and she cuddles into me, stopping the recording. I turn the TV off. Seeing my wife smile like that is something I haven’t seen in a long time. Tears threaten my eyes as the moon glows brighter. I can’t even remember when I started drinking or how I got halfway done with my bottle of Tennessee Whiskey. Now there’s nothing left but reminders that she’s not mine anymore. I shouldn’t have been working so much, prioritizing everything else over her, or even worse… I shouldn’t have been such a jealous monster. Being young and stupid, I’d bubble over with jealousy if a man just as much as gazed at her.
To be fair, Mila is a beautiful woman inside and out. She’s so selfless, humble and never afraid to be herself. Mila is known around the world for her music, to say she’s talented is an understatement. Watching her onstage is like a dream, she bursts to life when she performs. The entire world gets to see the woman that I am so proud to call her my wife.
Her physical beauty is just a bonus. Her sun kissed skin seems to glow, her plump lips framed her adorable smile perfectly, I could lose myself in her gorgeous eyes if I could. Her body is a gift from God, effortless curves that would hypnotize me the moment she’d walk into a room. She came right out of my dreams, everything about her is perfect.
It was never a secret that men pined over her and how gorgeous she is. I never checked my jealousy, something she never deserved.
I was certain every man she came across fantasized about her and wanted her the way I wanted her. I was so certain that it made me crazy. It was so bad that we started to fight all of the time and she finally had enough.
I open the sliding glass door to listen to the waves. The warmth from the whiskey offsets the cold night air, I wait for Mila’s arms to hug me into her embrace and when it doesn’t come, my heart splinters. I handled winter and spring without her, but summer reminded me how much worse it is that we’re separated. How she takes shape in the view.
“Mila… I miss you…” I whisper into the night air. The stars and moon start to sway and my vision clouds over. I rub my temples and turn my back to the ocean, glancing over at the divorce papers on the counter. I wrecked my brain relentlessly over what made Mila want a divorce. I didn’t cheat on her, I didn’t ever lay a hand on her and I didn’t lie to her or kept anything from her.
We could work on our problems easily, if she’d just allow it. Our last fight was the worst one, I can’t even remember what words were exchanged but that didn’t matter. What haunted me was that I made her cry. Something I swore I’d never do. I wanted to fix it and Mila wanted nothing to do with me.
Divorce papers.
This is not how I expected our relationship to end. I didn’t want it to end at all. I have to prove it to her that I’m going to change… Once the room stops spinning…
I stumble back and collapse onto the couch, closing my eyes to continue the memory the week we spent together on the ranch when we got married. Mila and I were in bed, cuddled up during one of our late nights. Mila’s fingers dance across my chest, her eyes heavy with fatigue.
“Promise me something, Soo.” She whispers.
“Yes, Angel?”
“Promise me that no matter what happens, we’ll never give up. We’ll never separate. Even if times get difficult, I don’t want to give up.” Mila pleads with her eyes.
“I promise you, Mila. I’ll never give up on you or us. If we somehow get lost or strained… We’ll fix it. I’ll fight for you until the very end, that’s my promise to you.” I reply, kissing her forehead.
“I’ll fight for you too. I’ll fight for us. This is different… Marriage is so different from just dating. You and I are in this together for life. I know I’m stubborn. I know I’m difficult to deal with, I’ll do better.” Mila smirks. I laugh and pin her under me, my forearms are on either side of her head.
“Your attitude is very easy to deal with. You’re a brat sometimes but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” I laugh, kissing her slowly. “But you’re mine, whether you like it or not.”
“I love it. I love you.” Mila smiles. “Our promise is sealed with a kiss, isn’t it?”
I kiss her mouth and cheeks, nodding. “Of course it is, Angel.”
The memory fades from my head. Everything she said that night resounds in my head. I can’t sit her and feel sorry for myself and drink myself to death anymore. She made me promise her that I’d fight for her, and that we’d never separate. It’s my fault she pushed away, it’s my fault she doesn’t want to be near me. I have to fight for her, I have to keep my promise.
The first thing I decided to do is not sign the papers. If Mila wants a fight, that’s what she’s going to get. I can’t take her just being a memory that I can see in the world around me. She has to see that she is my world. She’s my view.
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archernarbeta · 1 year
On the Floor,
✴︎ pairing : Kyungsoo x Reader
✴︎ genre : angst, mystery, I don’t know 😭 Kyungsoo is an idol tho
✴︎ warnings : mentions of suicide, description of smoking
✴︎ wc : 750
✴︎ a/n : I guess this is loosely inspired by smoking Soo from Room No.7? I’m honestly not sure.
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“You’re staring again.”
He stated in a matter-of-factly manner. The dim lighting of the living room illuminated his skin too well, giving it a soft glow even though the rest of the space was pitch black. Nevertheless, his was special. He’s like those people you could easily see in the middle of a crowd, always so glowing that in the darkest night, he’s all you see. The little light reflected the moles on his face. A few on his cheeks, the ones on his chin that is always covered by makeup and a little one on his lips- the less prominent one people like to miss.
“You’re spacing out, stop that” he quipped, “I don’t like when your eyes go blank like this.” he sighed before picking up another cigarette from the pack. He lit it up and brought it to his mouth, inhaling a deep breath of nicotine before puffing out a heavy wisp, covering the room. You stared at him wordlessly, gazing at him and the filled ashtray, remnants of the nicotine sticks crowded the tray with bits of ashes falling down dirtying the floor.
“You picked up smoking, again.” It was now your turn to state a matter-of-fact opinion. You hated this habit of his, smoking. No matter how much he mentioned how smoking helps him stay sane, you refused to understand. Because with each puff, you felt him slowly chipping away just like the smoke coming out from his lips.
There were times where you got into fights because of his habits, commotion filled with yelling and screaming due to the deadly little sticks. Both of you were too young then, too foolish and obviously way too naïve to be playing house with each other.
To think about it, you were willing to do anything to bring those heated moments back. The never ending bickering filled with so much raw emotions. You’d do anything to redo it all over again, anything but this. Staring into each other, silently killing each other inside wordlessly in the darkness of once a vivid living space.
He held his gaze at your figure and the way that the hollow of your cheeks becomes visible each day broke him more than he’d like to admit. But to be fair, he knew a part of it was his fault anyways. He gave a low hum as if he wanted your attention. It was a stupid move knowing that you wouldn’t care, you stopped caring about him a long time ago.
“I can’t do this.” He took another huff and stared at the ceilings, paying little to no attention to the fact that the room was nearly pitch black.
“Neither can I.”
Something inside of him snapped as if your response pushed his buttons, “Stop that. Stop trying to respond to me.”
“Isn’t that what you want? For me to respond- talk to you?” You countered back almost immediately, a sharp tone coming out of you.
He sighed and ruffled his hair out of frustration before taking another cigarette out from its box, lighting his nth stick. He lit it up slowly, in contrast with the hold he has on the stick, you reckon he’d crush the cigarette soon before having a whiff from it with that hold.
“It’s not like you could,” he replied while kissing the toxins with his plump lips.
“Then what are you doing now, Soo?”
“Fuck. I- I don’t know. Maybe I’m angry? That you’re suddenly dead but I’m still fucking here walking in circles. Life’s already shit and now I need to wait for something half as good as you?! Hell- maybe I should be angry y/n. You should’ve gave me a heads up, you know? Something along the lines with, ‘hey I might take my own life tomorrow?’ would be fucking great! But maybe I’m scared that I’ll miss you? I know I’ll fucking miss you, I’ll get hooked by cigs again and half of it- is your fault! Do you know how fucking unfair this is? For God’s sake… why did you do this?” Kyungsoo huffed and puffed before exhaling an exhausted breath.
“Do you know that for all the times that you started hating life, you started to despise me, I never stopped loving you? Fuck- not an inch of me isn’t filled with love for you. Do you know how much I love you?” He spoke into thin air.
He took another draw before staring at your lifeless body. It was apparent that his eyes were again brimming with tears. He sobbed like a mad man when he couldn’t hold it in anymore.
The fact was, Do Kyungsoo had been crying for the past 2 hours. During that time, a confused and lost Do Kyungsoo had finished a pack and a half of cigarettes.
He had found you in the dark after work, not breathing, soulless in the corners of what he called home. Much like your soul, his sanity had left him the second he saw you. He hesitantly held your hand once in a while, checking if the warmth of your body was still there. He knew he probably had his screws loose by now.
After his last cigarette, Kyungsoo had his last straw. He finally fished out his phone and jammed the numbers of the emergency line, something he supposed to do hours ago.
“911? My girlfriend took her own life.”
“OD. Two and a half hours ago.”
“Lifeless, on the floor.”
“I- I don’t know… I don’t think have any reasons to call sooner? She- she was already dead…”
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queenoftsage · 29 days
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When the story played out the other way...
JongSoo was quietly reading a book, when suddenly someone rang the doorbell. 'I'll get it!' The tiny boy piped cheerily, as he quickly got up to see who was there.
Outside their door stood a very nervous JongIn. Would KyungSoo remember him? Would he need to explain why he had disappeared? Would KyungSoo still recognize him, or even accept him? These thoughts disappeared immediately when he heard noise behind the door.
It[the door] opened slowly... Oh who was this? JongIn's eyes widened when he realized something right on the spot.
The little child looked up with curiosity, and before JongIn could ask him for KyungSoo, said man could be heard behind the door speaking to the child, "JongSoo, let your father in."
The little child's ears perked up at this and he looked even more amused at the man in front of him, "Appa?" He asked quietly.
JongIn was stunned.
[Notes: The story's always been JongSoo[The KaiSoo Lovechild] has always been with JongIn and is always having conversations with his father about the person that will come into their lives. He talks about the dreams he has of this person and how they will be manifesting in their lives. The person, of course being KyungSoo.
Switched up, KyungSoo is always taking care of JongSoo and has been doing so since the child was born. The fun part is that JongIn didn't even know he was a father.
P.S. These thoughts were always scattered Fanfic material, until I turned it into a video. Don't know if I'll ever re-do or re-upload that video on my FailTube ever, but that was the gist of it. KaiSoo are parents in a very crazy chaotic super powered world where anything and everything is possible. Actually there is a re-upload, but given that I didn't explain anything about the video to outsiders looking in it might just look like a random fanvid with strangely related images.
The video I'm talking about actually had a narrative and I was telling a story. I'm not sure if I will re-upload that ever again. That's what I meant. Maybe if I can think of a full story from start to finish.... Maybe we can do a re-upload. Other than that... I was just thinking of this and also wanted to use the gifs again.]
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
Hello! Did I make it with enough time to spare for the drabble game? If so, I’d love Kyungsoo from EXO with 80 + 90. Thanks a million!
Kyungsoo + Fluff/Suggestive -❤️-
(I love being with you like this. + If you want to keep sitting on my lap, you have to stop wiggling around like that.)
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The night couldn't be any more perfect. The apartment is all warm and cozy, and the lights are creating the perfect ambiance. You snuggle deeper into your blanket and lean your head against Kyungsoo's chest. His arms are wrapped loosely around you while the two of you cuddle together and watch a movie.
You let out a content sigh and Kyungsoo lightly rubs his hand up and down your arm. Closing your eyes, you let yourself sink into the moment, enjoying your free time together without any distractions or obligations. This is bliss.
"I love being with you like this," you tell him.
"Me too." His deep voice warms you up even more than before.
You wiggle a little on his lap to see if you can achieve maximum comfort, but feel Kyungsoo's body tense. Frowning, you look at him. "Everything okay?"
"Mhmm," he hums and you brush it off. It doesn't escape your notice that he's still super tense, and then it dawns on you that you might be hurting his …friend.
Quickly, you shift again, hoping that you're not squishing anything. A rush of air hits you and you pause, now second-guessing yourself. Are you crushing him now?
When you start to move a third time, Kyungsoo's hands tightly grip your hips, and you freeze.
"What are you doing?" He asks in a gruff voice.
"I'm trying not to hurt you…"
"Thank you for thinking of me, but if you want to keep sitting on my lap, you have to stop wiggling around like that."
You take note of Kyungsoo's nearly frozen body and the strong grip he has holding you in place. It's then that you realize you're not hurting him, you're turning him on.
A devious idea begins to develop in your mind. Letting your body fall still, you allow him to think you're behaving and have no intentions of moving. Gradually, his hands loosen until they're once again just resting on your body. 
You move, making sure to properly grind against him this time. He glares down at you and you give him your best innocent expression and apologize. He slowly nods once, and when he's focused back on the TV, you do it again.
This time, when he glares accusingly at you, you can't help but giggle. He shakes his head and grabs your hips. When he attempts to push you off him, you wrap your arms around his neck and fight back. 
The two of you end up pushing and pulling each other until you land on his lap and straddle him. Kyungsoo's movements slow as he admires the new position you're in.
"Why are you fighting me?" You pout. "You don't want me to grind on your dick? Because I like grinding on it…"
His eyes flash dark with lust, and you know you've got him. "I like it a little too much."
Leaning forward, you whisper in his ear, "There's no such thing."
Kyungsoo's hands shoot out, wrapping around you and holding you tightly against him. He pushes off from the couch and twists your bodies so that you're now laying on the couch with him on top of you.
Your legs spread open and Kyungsoo falls right in between them, making himself at home as he grinds hard against your lower half. He leans down to your ear and whispers, "I'll just have to return the favor then."
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writingstuffandmore · 2 years
The 9 Gems...
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Pairing: EXO members (ot9)
Genre: Fluff
AU!: Fantasy
Word count: 677
Summary: A brief sneak peek into the university of magic...
A/N: First of all, wishing you a happy and healthy Merry Christmas in advance! I hope this Christmas brings immense happiness, good health and prosperity in your life and your family's lives too!
I hope you would like it dear @exo-xexo I tried to come with something sweet and different which lead to a new plot each and every time. I hope you will like my small idea :") with a small surprise at the end haha. @exols-silver-christmas Thanks for this year's event.
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‘9 families, 9 people, 9 different personalities and 9 different powers yet they were one?’
A statement or like an unanswered question or thought that arose in everyone’s mind when they first heard about their families’ background but it didn’t matter when they saw their bond. The ‘Academia of Powers’ the university held its title and its reputation to the sky because the name did its justice for it was home to one of the finest power holders.
I know what you are thinking, is it like Harry Potter or X-Men? Not exactly, the academy is not just a place where people come and learn more about their powers and its potential but to supernatural creatures and those who were left abandoned by their families or were orphans. The humans who lived there learned about how to help the ones who had powers but were highly intelligent, their brains had a beautiful hold on the tasks and so did their hands and legs.
Anyways, we were talking about the 9 gentlemen right? The 9 fine gentlemen have their own story so to how they have reached the place they are and currently they are popularly known as the 9 gems for they have helped not only the university but others well.
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At the university-
“Call the boys!!” a fine aged man said as his fingers skillfully and quickly were typing something on the laptop. The person nodded and dashed off the room and a few minutes later, a chatter was heard just outside the dean’s office before someone hushed everyone followed by a faint knock on the door.
“Sir, we may come in?” a husky voice said politely to which he got a reply of yes.
The young men entered the dean’s office, some had a scared look while the others were chill.
“Good morning, youngmen! Hope you are doing well. Mr Ooh and Mr Kim, why do you both seem nervous? Is there something going on?”
The two boys exchanged glances before speaking in unison, “Oh no sir. Thank you for your concern. It's just that we have an exam in 2 hours, so we are a bit nervous.” and bowed politely.
“Well exams are part and parcel but till the time you give your best shot. It only matters, yeah? Good Luck!! Anyways, we have an event coming up or should I say two most important competitions that challenges not only our reputation but our pride and potential as well, especially the 9 of you as the competition is organised by our fellow rivals and your most favourite nemesis, ‘The magic souls’ group. They have personally sent this invite and the dean of that university called me. So, this is our chance boys” The dean explained the whole competition and its structure and the rules that follow behind.
“But most importantly, your safety should be of utmost priority as we know the foul past that follows behind them of harming others. Mr Zhang, it would be a great opportunity for you to not only use your powers to heal others but to make the enemies taste their own medicine. ”
The boy with surname Zhang mischievously smiled as he had his plan ready and now he got the perfect opportunity
The boys nodded and spoke about their plans when they heard a loud thunder. “The weather seemed fine. How could be so-
“Sir, its Jongdae’s power. He might be helping the local farmers with the help of our hyung Minseok. That’s why there are seven of us.” Lay said to which the dean nodded. “You may leave now”
As the boys were about to leave, Baekhyun spoke “Sir, there is something you should be worried about. Do you remember the two halls you just got renovated and are outside the campus? It got destroyed” he said and sent a few videos and evidence while they quietly went away.
“Why did you do that?” Sehun asked. “You will see the effect during the competition with Magic Souls.” Kyungsoo said with a smirk as he understood the motive making Suho and Lay laugh.
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Bonus: I remember you said your favourite member is Chen.. so, here is a mood board..
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juniperdugong · 3 months
Ahhhh feeling...inspired? Maybe a drabble or smth for all my tall, big laugh, big voice, & big personality girlies out there?
Let me know who you'd want to see and what you'd want to see... I'm thinking my main man Woozi? Maybe chan? Yoongi perhaps...Hell I'll even add in D.O. bc of courseeeee
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exouniverse · 22 hours
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Code: ❀ — Fluff • ☽ — Angst • Ⅿ — Mature • ♡ — Requested • ✎ - One-shot • ◎ - Drabble • ∞ - Series
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김준면 Suho
It’s Okay ❀ ✎ (wip)
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김민석 Xiumin
Ob(li)vious ❀ ✎ (wip)
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张艺兴 (레이) Zhang Yixing (Lay)
Dance With Me ❀ ✎
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변백현 Baekhyun
All for You ❀ ✎ (wip)
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김종대 Chen
Surprise! ❀ ✎
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박찬열 Chanyeol
The Ultimate Party Planner/Partner ❀ ✎
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도경수 D.O.
(My) Home ❀ ✎
Not by Happenstance ❀ ✎
Tightrope ☽ ❀ ∞ ♡ (wip)
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김존인 Kai
Mr. Cool ❀ ✎
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오세훈 Sehun
Seasons ❀ ✎ (wip)
End Game ☽ ✎
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cyberexo · 1 year
series are on hold…
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• FAR, FAR AWAY [ongoing]
warning: this series contains cursing & includes 18/21+ scenes that are not suitable for minors.
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• S I R E N ✅
warning: this two part oneshot contains cursing, unprotected sex & includes 18/21+ scenes that are not suitable for minors.
• FANTASTIC BYUN [ongoing]
warning: this series contains cursing, mentions & includes violence, detailed injury, and death.
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• Keep it Down! [ongoing]
03:17 BBH • 17:04 OSH • 21:39 PCY • 01:41 KMS • 15:03 KJI • 19:52 BBH • 00:44 OSH • 01:51 PCY • 22:51 PCY • 02:50 BBH • 00:11 KMS • 19:22 KJM • 01:56 BBH • 21:18 BBH + PCY • 17:40 BBH • 21:37 KMS • 01:55 BBH • 04:30 PCY •
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yakuly · 1 year
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🪐 Ateez 🪐BTS 🪐 EXO 🪐 GOT7
🪐 Monsta X 🪐 NCT
🪐G idle
🪐 Projeto Bookverse
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🪐 Reactions
Primeiro beijo com Ateez | First Kiss with Ateez
Monsta X indo para o exército | Monsta X going to the Army
Monsta X e a namorada vegetariana
WayV como candidatos da seleção | WayV as selection candidates
Stray Kids when you go to a university abroad
🪐 Drabbles
"Amor da minha vida" | "Love of my Life" | N. Yuta - NCT 127
"Jeon Wonwoo" | J. Wonwoo - Seventeen
[Português] ▪︎ [English]
16:38 p.m — Z.Chenle - NCT Dream
[Português] ▪︎ [ English]
🪐 Headcanons
Ateez como deu namorado | Ateez as your boyfriend
Stray Kids como seu namorado | Stray Kids as your boyfriend
Nct Yuta Guitarrista
🪐 One shots
¤"Lego Love" | C. San - Ateez
[Português] ▪︎ [English]
Especial de aniversário Min Yoongi | Min Yoongi birthday special
¤ "Sunflower" | J. Hoseok - BTS
[Português] ▪︎ [English]
¤ "I Can't Stop Me" | P. Jimin - BTS
[Português] ▪︎ [English]
¤ "Oh, Loverboy!" | P. Jimin - BTS
[Português] ▪︎ [English]
¤ "Pensamentos sob o luar" | "Moonligh Thoughts" | K. Taehyung - BTS
¤ "Estrelas de reality show" | "Reality show stars" | D.O - EXO
¤ "Corset" | BamBam - GOT7
[Português] ▪︎ [English]
¤ "O escolhido" | "The choosen one" | J. Jaehyun - NCT 127
¤ "Golden Hour" | L. Mark - NCT
[Português] ▪︎ [ English]
¤ "Crush" | Y. Yang - WayV
[Português] ▪︎ [ English]
¤ "Lento..." | "So Was I..." - L. Mark - NCT
¤ "MagicHao" | X. Minghao- SEVENTEEN
[Português] ▪︎ [ English]
¤ "Love is a flight away" | Y. Jeogin - Stray Kids
[Português] ▪︎ [ English]
¤ "Namorado secreto (Idol!)" | "Secret boyfriend (Idol!)" | C. Yeonjun - TXT
¤ "Batom Vermelho" | P. Sunghoon - Enhypen
🪐 Fake socials
Ten como seu amigo/namorado (Snapchat) - WayV
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jongbross · 1 year
100 celebration
all songs and members are claimed! here's the final lineup:
xiumin - do not touch (misamo)
suho - mirage of flower (chen)
yixing - break my heart (d.n.a)
baekhyun - say you love me (kai)
chen - i don't even mind (chen)
chanyeol - lilith (halsey, suga)
d.o - the ring (ateez)
kai - bite me (enhypen)
sehun - btbt (b.i, devita, soulja boy)
i'm gonna update this list with links as i post them! the drabbles will be posted from saturday 16th to sunday 24th (september).
thank you all so much, for participating and following me! let's stay a long time together making memories and sharing our love for exo.
see you at 200 followers celebration. 😉
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htauwu · 2 years
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All fics are strictly fiction and has nothing to do with the idols in real life! Some fics consists of hard kinks! Please block, do not report!
Drabbles: ♤ Smuts: ◇ Series: ♧ Angst: ♡ Oneshots: □
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Fucking Hell {◇♤♡}
Abusive!Psycho!Baekhyun x Y/n
18+ (Mature Audiences)
Hardcore Smut, Thriller, LOTS of angst, etc.
~More mentioned in tags
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No stories listed yet.
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No stories listed yet.
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No stories listed yet.
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way-of-the-sun · 2 years
My works
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> The Bed: a fluffy drabble
Prompt: „I know you want to lie here with me… but you can’t.“
Pairing: Xiumin x Reader
Words: 823
> Even when it rains: a fluffly drabble, slight angst
Prompt: something soft, something domestic, something that soothes the soul
Pairing: Kim Junmyeon (Suho)/Kim Jongdes (Chen)
Words: 1.012
> Lost in Transmission: AU! Sci-Fi
Prompt: Chanyeol is a computer engineer working on AI and is murdered by his rival and his consciousness is uploaded into the AI system
Warning: Angst, Blood, Violence, Character Death
Pairing: platonic!Chanyeol x Reader
Words: 2056
> Made with Love: AU! Kyungsoo as a restaurant owner
Genre: fluff, romance
Pairing: D.O. x Reader
Words: 4.390
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byunbhyunz · 1 year
K-Pop drabbles
Chanyeol - “I thought this would make up for it.”
Chenle - “That cashier is staring at you.”
D.O - “Not to toot my own horn or anything, but the dog loves me more.”
Doyoung - “Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.”
Hanbin - “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
Hongjoong - “You’re okay, I promise.”
Hyungwon - “I’m not eating frozen pizza for the third time this week.”
I.M - “Why is it pink?”
I.N - “I don’t like you, get out of my fort.”
Jaehyun - “You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?”
Jin - “What, you’ve never thought about us?”
Jisung - “I’m not jealous. It’s just… You’re mine!”
Johnny - “I’m not going to change, you have to deal with it.”
Jungwoo - “You gave me a black eye.”
Kai - “The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
Kihyun - “Thanks for texting me, means a lot.”
Kun - “Stop being so cute.”
Lee Know - “Can you please get off of me?”
Lucas - “I’m going to marry you one day.”
Minhyuk - “It’s midnight, we’re not getting doughnuts.”
V - “Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?"
WinWin - “How did that thing get in my living room?”
Wooyoung - “One-on-one. Right here, right now.”
Yuta - “I said two, not twenty-two.”
0 notes
blu-joons · 4 years
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Kyungsoo loves to cuddle up to you, having you close to him gives him a lot of confidence and support. At times he can be completely shy and wrap himself around you, other times he can dominate and bundle you into a tiny ball.
When he first saw you, his attention was definitely grabbed. He definitely had his guard up around you to begin with, slowly bringing it down the more he got to know you. It took a while for you to get to know Kyungsoo too, he was a bit of a mystery, but if anything, that attracted you to him more as you tried to figure him out.
As the guard came down, the feelings for you grew. You always felt as if Kyungsoo left you wondering, so when he told you that he needed to speak to you, you didn’t have a good feeling. But as he began to open up to you, at last, you realised you had nothing to worry about at all. It was a surprise for you to hear how he felt, but as you listened to him, you realised those feelings matched your own for him perfectly too.
His favourite date with you was one where he could impress you. That normally meant Kyungsoo inviting you to his place and cooking for you. He loved to try new recipes out on you and decorate the table nicely to make an evening of it, never letting you down with anything that he made for you. On other occasions, he loved to take you out for the evening, he was conscious of people keeping an eye on you, so he’d keep these dates very lowkey, all the while making sure that you always had the best time whilst with him.
Kyungsoo was yet to experience a proper relationship before he met you. He’d had a few brief relationships in school, but nothing since his debut. He very quickly became protective of you because he was terrified of how things would be perceived on the outside, he didn’t want to hurt you, and wanted to make sure you were absolutely sure about dating him before doing anything too serious. You loved how protective he was of you, but you also knew how to handle yourself and anything that might come your way.
The two of you very rarely fought, Kyungsoo was very passionate about a lot, and was very protective of you, sometimes forgetting that you could take care of yourself. You knew he meant well when he did this, so you’d try not to make too big of a deal out of things, but at times Kyungsoo forgot that you didn’t need him to hold your hand. Rather than shout, the two of you were very good at talking, Kyungsoo had worked hard on being able to open up to you, and during the times when you disagreed with each other, he would certainly put that into practice and tell you exactly how he was feeling about the situation.
He was keen to introduce you to his family quickly as his first proper girlfriend. You were terrified, but Kyungsoo knew that they’d all love you regardless, the fact that anyone could date him was a big enough surprise for his family as they so often loved to tease him, and now thanks to you, he could finally silence them.
His protective, nurturing nature meant that he wanted to move you into his apartment quite quickly. He knew that it would be safer for you to be around him so that he could keep you safe from people being around your home, not to mention how much he loved to wake up in the mornings and be able to see you beside him.
You were the first to say, ‘I love you,’ one night when the two of you sat down and talked. Just a few moments later, Kyungsoo said it back, it felt like a natural point that the two of you reached together in your relationship. Neither of you knew what exactly flipped the switch, but the two of you knew straight away that they only answer was love.
Kyungsoo tried not to let himself get jealous, but he was definitely protective if someone got too close. He tried not to cling to you and trusted that you’d be able to handle yourself in any situation, but that didn’t stop him from worrying from time to time. If he was jealous, you’d be able to tell by the look in his eyes, it always was a give away in telling you what was going on. He’d try and protest when you called him out on it, but he knew that you could see right through him and finally he’d admit to how he was feeling.
He definitely saw a family with you in the future, it was just a matter of when. Now that his enlistment was completed, he knew that he wanted to start thinking about settling down alongside the group. He wasn’t getting any younger, and he knew that there was no one else that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. When the time was right, he knew that the two of you would have the opportunity to have your family together.
Around you, Kyungsoo really feels like he can be himself. For other people, he leaves a bit of a mystery behind himself but around you, he’s very much an open book. Quite a few people fail to see how funny Kyungsoo is, but you’re so honoured to be one of the few people that get to see that side to him. Whilst around others, he’s quite shy, around you, he’ll do whatever. He loves to know that the things he does make you laugh and can help to brighten up your day whenever you’ve had a tough day at work.
He’ll put his guard up on tour, he’ll do whatever he can to prove to everyone, including you, that he’s alright. But on the inside, he’s suffering and struggling without you there. You can tell just by the look in his eyes during interviews that he’s having a difficult time, and whilst he’s happy to pretend to everyone else, the moment the two of you call, you call him out on his mood. He’s stubborn, and so are you, and you’ll wear him down until eventually he admits to how he’s feeling and how desperate he is to see you. He knows its tough, and he tries to be alright, but deep down he misses you a lot and never really knows how to cope. Its hard on you too, never having the right answer as to how you can make him feel better.
Kyungsoo isn’t a huge fan of nicknames, you’ll usually just call him ‘Kyu,’ but even that is enough to put a smile on his face. Just hearing you mutter his name is enough to send butterflies of excitement around his body.
He’s obsessed with your hands; he loves to have a hold of them and know where you are. It doesn’t matter where the two of you are, he’ll hold them as often as he can and keep you close by.
Being affectionate in public isn’t a huge deal for Kyungsoo, his affection is usually enough to know where you are and make you feel safe. He’s very private about your relationship, he doesn’t like to share too much and much prefers to keep as much about you to himself as possible to not risk hurting you.
If he’s not heard from you in a while, he’ll be asking you what’s wrong to make sure you’re safe. He’s known as the mum for a reason, he makes sure to know where you are so that he knows that you’re well looked after and taking care of yourself.
Whilst so much of your relationship is kept private from the world, around the boys is a completely different matter. He can sit for hours and tell them all about you especially and all the qualities he loves about you. When you’re alone with them, they’ll always tell you all the things that Kyungsoo says though so that you can tease him about it whenever you get the chance to see if it really is true or not.
He quite likes to be the dominant one but will still strive to make things romantic and loving for you. He likes to take his time with you and make you feel loved, sometimes you’ll encourage for more, but Kyungsoo knows what he’s doing. He knows just the touch of his finger is enough to sometimes put you under his spell, he takes his time to know what you like, and once he finds out, he’ll always make sure to use it to his advantage.
If he doesn’t hear from you in a while, sometimes he’ll send you a few panicked texts. He can’t help but worry about you most of the time, he always wants to be there to look after you, and when he’s not, he struggles.
You were the one that allowed Kyungsoo to be himself. For so long he felt like he needed to be D.O that everyone adored, but there were always sides that he shut off to the world. However, you were the exception, inviting the real him into the world.
If he had even just a few days off, Kyungsoo loves to use them to take you away. He was very frank in that he wanted to use the time away from work to focus on you, despite everyone telling him to rest. Wherever in the world you wanted to go, Kyungsoo would make sure to take you, although more often than not, all you wanted was home.
He was far too shy to ever whine, he’d sometimes sit with a pout on his face, but that was as usually as Kyungsoo really got, he didn’t want you to hear him whine.
Lots of little kisses was Kyungsoo’s style, he could never just kiss you once, it always had to be twice, and even then, he’d tend to add a few more onto that. Whenever he kissed you, he also liked to have a hold of your body so that he could put you exactly where he wanted you. There would never be any complaints from you though, any bit of affection that you could get from Kyungsoo you’d take, and always repay it back to him.
You were the one he trusted, the one he knew would be by his side forever.
Whenever the two of you slept, Kyungsoo loved to have you nice and close. A protective arm would be around you as often as possible, he much preferred to be the big spoon and hold you close into his side to keep you safe.
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soybeantree · 4 years
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pairing: do kyungsoo x reader genre/warning: fluff word count: 4k description: once upon a time in a quaint little kingdom lived a princess and a dragon. a/n: june installment of our ‘trying to write a kyungsoo story for every month that he is in the service’ series. check out the other’s here.
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When you were little, the court minstrels would tell tales about the tower nestled high in the mountains which ring the Royal City. The tower was built when the Royal City was young and before your Grandfather's Grandfather had conquered it and the kingdom which your family now claims as theirs.
An evil wizard had built it after his king had banished him. The tower absorbed the wizard's evil and became cursed. When the wizard died, a dragon claimed it because - as the minstrels said - dragons are cursed beings. The minstrels would always end their tales with a threat that bad boys and girls would be sent to the tower. Never to return.
The threat scared your brother until he was old enough to find the idea of magic and dragons to be folly. The older you grew the more the stories took hold of you. Your brother teased you, calling you a foolish child. You promised him that you would prove him to be the fool. 
In the early hours of the morning before even the roosters have woken, you set off from the palace on foot.  A horse would have aided your journey, but you feared you would alert a hostler if you attempted to remove one, and with even one witness, your plan would unravel. After all, none would allow a princess to embark on so dangerous an adventure. Even if the tower holds no real evil magic or dragon, the mountain is a treacherous place.
This truth scores itself into your hands and knees as you hike up the mountain. Your determination begins to waver as the sun sits directly above you. The palace and the surrounding city are brushstrokes upon a canvas from where you stand. The tower, you believe, lies several more miles ahead, but your map reading skills have always been lacking. Your hope of reaching the tower and returning within the same day dwindle to nothing. If you continue, you will be spending a night in the mountains. If you turn back, you will arrive at the palace in time for dinner. 
With a resolute nod, you continue forward. Your brother will ruthlessly mock you if you return without reaching your goal. 
As you rise higher, a path takes shape before you. Rocks worn smooth and dirt compacted by constant traffic. The ache in your thighs eases as you follow the worn way and lean on the tall pines which march along with you. Beyond the tree line, a brook babbles and birds sing to one another. You breathe deeply, the mountain air chills your lungs and sends a shiver down your spine. Perhaps, you should detour to the brook for a drink of fresh water and a rest for your weary body. 
Before you can alter your course, you catch sight of smooth, cut stone between the trees. Pushing yourself forward, you reach a clearing. The mountain runs flat as far as your sight travels, and without your journey as evidence to the contrary, you would believe you travelled through the royal forest which lay on the yonder of the palace grounds rather than up the mountain. 
The tree line stands back forming a circle around the tower. Grass which reaches your knees claims the ground surrounding it. It waves, a sea of gold in the autumn breeze. The tower sits in the clearing’s center reaching nearly as high as the pines. Once it must have reached above them and been visible for miles, but time has given the trees the advantage of height. They will continue to grow until they eclipse the sun and leave the tower in constant shadow. But for now, the sun glints off the smooth white stone, bathing the meadow in a soft warm light.
Magic must indeed fill this place because you stand beside the pines unable to step forward. Your brother will dismiss your hesitation as proof of magic, and you have yet to find evidence of the dragon. With a deep breath, you raise your foot, stretch it across the trees border, and disturb the golden waves. Your other foot follows, and you continue your journey forward.
Stone stretches from the tower’s base to its roof on, so you circle it in your search for the door. White stone follows you, revealing no opening. Stopping, you place your hands upon your hips and glare at the tower. No entrance must be proof enough of magic, but no proof of a dragon. “Does a dragon live here or not?” You ask the stones because a magic tower must be capable of speech.
Magic indeed. You smile. “Is the dragon presently at home?”
“Do you know when he will return?”
“Now.” The breath of the word brushes against the back of your neck, and you spin reaching for the dagger strapped to your side. You brandish it at the speaker. His gaze travels from the dagger to your eyes, and you stutter out a breath. His eyes are dying coals, needing only a soft breath to ignite. Scales, fading from back to purple, trace the outline of his eyes and run across his temples in a mimicry of glasses. “Have you come to slay the dragon?”
“No.” You return the dagger to its sheath and straighten, throwing your shoulders back and raising your head as your nanny is always instructing you to do. “Are you the dragon?”
“Yes.” He steps around you and heads to the tower, only now do you realize the stack of logs strapped to a contraption on his back and the bag at his side which drips blood and smells of the butcher. You turn, your gaze following his progress. 
He raises a hand - scales cover it from knuckle to wrist, disappearing beneath his tunic – and places it upon the tower. The stone ripples, melting back at his touch until an archway has formed. He steps through, and the stones drip back into place. When your hand rests where he placed his, the stone is solid and unforgiving. Proof of magic and a dragon.
You return to the palace that night. A foolhardy endeavor which leaves you with double the scrapes and bruises as the journey up the mountain, but the return takes half the time. Though your encounter was brief, your mind conjures a perfect image of the dragon, and his image accompanies you the whole way back. 
The repercussions of your adventure amount to more than an aching body. Your mother insists on a lecture to wake you, another when you whimper as your maid attempts to dress you, another after you wolf down a plate of food, and several more throughout that first day and many to follow. Your father insists on a guard at your bedroom door when you sleep, another to accompany you when you walk about the palace, and a whole squadron when you step onto the palace ground. Your brother insists on pestering you when you join the court for breakfast. He asks if you made it to the tower, if you saw the dragon, if you have finally outgrown your foolishness.
You accept your mother’s lecture. You worried her when you left without forewarning or explanation. As far as she knew, you could have been kidnapped or killed. You endure your father’s guards while concocting plans to escape their watch. He wants to protect you, but your only danger is yourself. You ignore your brother’s pestering. He may believe what he wishes, but you have journeyed to the tower and met the dragon who uses magic to enter it. 
During your second trip to the tower, you learn the dragon’s name. You wait until your father goes on his yearly parade around the kingdom. Your brother as Crown Prince must accompany him, but being a princess destined to marry into a royal family in a foreign land, you excuse yourself from the grandiose endeavor. You feign sick once the procession leaves the city and sneak out to the mountains. The journey is easier this time, or perhaps, you are better prepared.
Upon reaching the tower, you sit against the wall which melted at the dragon’s touch and wait. You wait the whole day and into the next. Despite being in the middle of a wild mountain, you sleep with ease within the Tower’s meadow. The grass offers a soft place to rest, and when you wake, you breathe deeply as if this is the first breath you have ever taken. 
Sitting up, you resume your position, but your head passes through emptiness and would have cracked against the tower’s floor without the hand which cradles your cranium. You stare into the dragon’s ember eyes. The scales which ring them reveal more purple than black this close. 
“Thank you.” You smile, lifting your head from his hand. Rising, you brush the dust of your journey from your clothes and smooth their wrinkles. A glance behind him steals your attention. The tower’s inside stretches into impenetrable darkness, a void. Propriety returns to you when he coughs. You sink into the appropriate curtsy for the occasion and introduce yourself. You leave your hand out-stretched, and it dangles between you as he stares at you. “Do dragons not introduce themselves?” you ask as you retract your hand and straighten.
“We do.”
“Is the greeting different?”
“It is.”
“Will you greet me?” As a princess, you have endured a plethora of greetings from those of each and every class. None have refused you a greeting. You wait, your stomach plummeting with each exhale.
He bobs his head. “I am Kyungsoo.” And he walks off. 
You follow after him because you have many more questions about dragons and magic. He answers each question as he forages through the forest. The only time he huffs at you is when you nearly step on a batch of ginseng. By days end, his bag is full as is your notebook. You return to the tower, and as before he places his hand on the wall. The entrance reveals itself, and he is gone. 
The next moment of import happens two years into your friendship with Kyungsoo. Your visits to the tower are fewer than you would like, but you must be careful lest your father place a more stringent guard around you. Your longest trips occur during your father’s tours, but you try for shorter trips whenever possible though your chance to see Kyungsoo decreases.
This trip is a short one. Foreign dignitaries are visiting. Your father and brother are going hunting with them, and the female part of the company occupies your mother’s time. Once again, you fake an illness. Your constant faking has led many to believe that you have some underlying condition which the royal family is keeping a secret. This rumor works well in your favor and has kept many unwanted suitors from making their intentions known.
Sitting at the tower’s base, you remove your ever-growing lists of notes on dragons and their culture and customs. You plan to compose a book. First though, you will need to organize your notes. The tower shudders, and you jump up ready to greet Kyungsoo except it isn’t Kyungsoo. This dragon is taller than Kyungsoo, and his face is smooth tanned skin from top to chin. Kyungsoo has mentioned other dragons, but this is your first-time meeting another. 
You bob your head and introduce yourself. The new dragon introduces himself as Jongin. Kyungsoo emerges as you complete your greetings. 
“Why is Jongin joining you today?” You ask as you fall in step with Kyungsoo. Jongin walks on his other side as the three of you venture into the woods. 
“Jongin can speak for himself.” Kyungsoo says as he crouches beneath a tree to pick mushrooms.
You glance across at Jongin whose lips quiver with an uncertain smile. “I wanted to see the human realm?” He stumbles through the words, transforming them from a statement to a question. 
“Welcome!” You beam. “I have never been to the dragon realm, and as such have no authority to compare the two. However, I do quite enjoy my realm, and Kyungsoo apparently enjoys our plant life.”
“He enjoys cooking.” Jongin offers as Kyungsoo stands and moves along through the woods. You match your pace to Jongin’s and allow Kyungsoo the head of our caravan. “And the plants in our realm,” he pauses his nose scrunching as if sulfur has passed beneath it, “don’t help.”
“Wait. That’s why you collect our plants?” You question Kyungsoo.
“Why did you think he collected them?” Jongin asks. 
“I thought he was a scientist or something, and that he was doing some form of research.” You confess as you two continue after Kyungsoo. 
“In a way, I am doing research.” Kyungsoo pauses by a tree. Sap leaks from a tap into a waiting bucket, and he tips the bucket into a vial from his pouch. “I am discovering what plants from your realm are best for cooking.”
You stick out your tongue at the back of his head. The gesture which would horrify your mother and nanny, but Jongin laughs justifying your behavior. 
Jongin shares more freely than Kyungsoo. One question provides you with a litany of information, and during a cascade of information, Jongin says, “but time works differently for us.” He continues past that, but your mind freezes on that statement. 
“What do you mean time works differently?” You stop, and as you have tucked your arm beneath Jongin’s he must as well. 
“I don’t really know how to explain it.”
“Time moves slower for us.” Kyungsoo joins in. “It’s not really what happens, but it’s the easiest way to understand it. That’s why humans believe we live for so long.” Kyungsoo asks Jongin for help with a particularly stubborn root, and with an apology, he leaves your side.
The loss of his body sends a chill across yours. Dragons radiate heat, a pleasant trait on this cold autumn day. They have many foreign traits. This bit about time is only the most recent one you will need to add to your ever-growing list.
You mull the idea over a bit before lowering yourself to a log near the two dragons. “Time moves slower for you.” Kyungsoo nods you through your thought process. “I would say that you have known me for two years, but you would not say the same?”
Brushing aside the last smattering of dirt, Kyungsoo removes the root completely intact. He wraps it carefully in a cloth before placing it in his bag. “Yes. I have only known you a few months by my time.”
“I find that unfair.” You gripe, your face adopting the expression you wore when you were four and your nanny refused to let you read after dark. “I have spent so much time waiting for you and planning to get away, and you come and go as you please without any sense of urgency.”
“I never asked you to come.” 
A chill sweeps through the trees. Jongin coughs as he stands but looks away when you glance at him.
Returning your attention to Kyungsoo whose back is still to you, you raise your chin and throw your shoulders back. “No, I suppose you did not, and as my time is growing late, I should be returning home.” Brushing off your skirt, you stand, and after a bow to them both, you march off through the woods. 
During your two years with Kyungsoo, you had thought your emotions to him were merely platonic, but his comment that day opened a gaping wound in your chest and revealed how deep your feelings had become. You have no shame in admitting your feelings. What you would rather omit was how you acted after that day in the woods. 
For a year of your time, you abstained from journeys to the Tower. Your father went on his tour and dignitaries visited, but you remained within the Royal City. Your father and mother rejoiced believing that the constant tonics the court physicians fed you had cured you of your mysterious illness. 
Bolstered by this supposed success, your mother began the process of match-making. You in turn began the process of deterring suitors and avoiding your mother. Your skill in the first excelled. Noblemen found the subject of dragons and magic far less fascinating than you did and responded to your attempts to coax them into debates with polite disinterest or blatant refusal. Your skill in the second met with mixed success. Often, you could plan your day around hers or alter your course when it intersected hers, but she managed to instigate events which obligation dictated that you attend such as balls.
One such ball, she threw to celebrate the Winter Solstice. When you pointed out that you had never celebrated the solstice before and that this ball fell coincidentally during the ambassadorial visit of your allies to the south, your mother brushed off your comment with a smile and ushered you to the Royal Tailor who outfitted you in a gown worthy of the Winter Queen. However, you doubt she would wear something which so limits her range of movement. 
Standing stiffly in an alcove of the ballroom, you attempt to blend in with the walls which would be easier if the walls were a color other than midnight. Your crystal blue gown shines like a star in the night’s sky, and the ambassador’s son is star gazing. He makes his approach, and you waddle for the doors which lead to the gardens. Your lungs fight for air, and you struggle faster. Feinting would be preferred to your current predicament. 
As you reach the doors, your lungs fail altogether, but blame rests not with your dress but the figure who stands in the shadows leaking from the ballroom. You blink, but the figure remains. The ambassador’s son calls your name, but you refuse to move your gaze. 
“Princess.” The ambassador’s son stands beside you, his hand upon your elbow. 
Turning, you slip from his grasp and offer him a soft smile as you duck your head. “Forgive me, my lord. A dear friend has recently arrived. I hope you will allow me to give my greetings.”
“Of course, your highness.” He bows his head, and you are gone before he raises it.
“Kyungsoo.” You call as you slip into the garden. The dragon has disappeared in the brief moments of your conversation. “Kyungsoo.” You call again and let out a squeak in the same breath when he appears before you. “Warning please.” You gasp, clutching your chest. Your lungs continue to struggle against your dress. 
“Sorry. I forget how dull human hearing is.” From another, you would find insult in the comment, but Kyungsoo speaks with fact not malice. 
Your breathing eases, and you straighten, throwing your shoulders back, but they immediately fall as you exclaim, “Your eyes.” The black and purple scales which surround his eyes are missing, replaced by smooth skin framed by round spectacles. 
“The scales would have drawn attention.”
“But… you can make them go away?”
He nods. “The same as all my other scales.”
“But- Never mind.” You shake your head and cross your arms. “What are you doing here?” 
“You stopped coming to the tower. I wanted to ensure your wellbeing.” 
“You believe the only reason I would stop coming is because I am unwell?”
He pauses, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “It was not my first thought.”
“What was your first?”
“That I had upset you during our last conversation.”
“And if you had?” You shiver as a gust rips through the gardens. Kyungsoo steps close, his heat wafting off him. 
“I would apologize. I understand how what I said sounded differently to you than it did to me.”
“Fact not malice.” You sigh, your shoulders relaxing. Kyungsoo’s thick brows furrow forming a caterpillar across his forehead. You chuckle. “You speak with fact not malice. I notated this about you early on, but it is easier to know something than to believe it.”
“And I know to think before I speak but do not.”
“Dragons are as flawed as humans.” 
He laughs, his lips pulling back to form a heart. “Yes, I think we have more faults, but we’re better at making them appear as virtues. I am sorry, and I promise to do better.”
“I forgive you, and I too promise to do better.”
That day marks a change in your interactions. Kyungsoo speaks more and with depth. Rather than interviews about dragons, you have conversations about each other. You learn about his life and his beliefs, and he learns about yours. You also are no longer the only one traveling. If Kyungsoo came to the tower, and your responsibilities kept you from journeying, he would travel to the city. You would spend the day showing him your people and our customs.
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