acorncake · 5 months
"Rest up now, I'll get you all healed up"
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Request for @alexstarksblog d0c tending to them after battling
Couldn't stop myself from doing both versions but hope ya enjoy. I like the design of Angel
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sweetlymawd · 9 days
Refusal to Change, Part Two
H4nk really did destroy himself, didn't he?
(This is part two of the end. To anyone first dropping in, please start with No Escape so you can catch up.)
(WARNING: Tough topics, depictions of passing out)
<- First (No Escape)
<- Previous (Refusal to Change, Part One)
Next (coming soon...) ->
He was getting out of here. But how?
H4nk sat up as he looked around his room. Everyone would see him if he went up his usual hatch. But how else would he be able to leave this room? Unless...
H4nk's eyes wandered over to the posters on his wall. Was that tunnel still there? He got up, slightly struggling to do so, and went over to the poster lowest to the ground. He peeled back the tape to show that, yes, it was still there. Turns out his teammates could never find it after his escape a few years back.
He lowered himself onto his hands and knees and began crawling into it. So far so good. He crawled deeper in. So far so-- Oh. His waist was caught in the tunnel entrance. Was it seriously too small for him? H4nk grumbled, then began crawling back before... Oh. Oh no. He was stuck.
"H4nk, you ready?" S4nf0rd yelled from the door.
Well, shit. This was embarrassing.
The door opened. "H4nk? Why aren't you-- uh... Huh. So that's where that was."
To say that D0c was pissed was an understatement. It was three hours of non-stop weightlifting and non-stop lecturing. H4nk could barely pay attention to anything D0c said. He felt like he was dying.
Finally, he was given another break, but not in his room. He had to sit in D0c's room so he could keep an eye on him. All H4nk did was gulp down his water in a futile attempt to feel full and glare at D0c, who was working while snacking on yet another hot dog. How come he gets to have dinner while H4nk got barely anything? The belch from D0c's mouth taunted him. In response, H4nk's stomach growled loudly.
Then he saw the rest of the hot dogs on the desk. Juicy. Meaty. Filling. That was all he could think about. D0c was about to reach for another when suddenly, H4nk got up. He snatched it out of his hand.
"H4NK, WHA--"
H4nk was about to take a bite, but then static filled his vision. He could feel the blood rushing out of his head. And next thing he knew, he was on his back on the floor, S4nf0rd holding his legs up.
"Hey, H4nk... You alright?" he asked.
"...Y-... Yeah..." H4nk said, too fatigued to answer in any other way.
"Well, D0c said you're done for today. I'll take you back to your room when you feel like gettin' up."
"But I'm hungry."
"I know. I'm sorry, but this is just how it is. You're too used to overeating, H4nk. And your muscles have gotten weaker from just layin' around all day. You need to get used to smaller meals again and build that muscle back up. I'll try to get D0c to give you a little more food and go a little lighter on workouts, but that's for him to decide..."
H4nk grumbled as he slowly sat up.
"Feelin' okay now?"
He nodded. S4nf0rd grabbed onto H4nk to help him up, spent a few seconds ensuring he was stable, and then walked with him towards his room.
"He WHAT?!"
Right after H4nk shut the door, S4nf0rd heard D31m0s shout from the kitchen. He rushed over, seeing D31m0s arguing with D0c, who had another chip bag.
"You can't just work him to death!" D31m0s said.
"D31m0s, this is all for his own sake. He needs to lose that weight."
"Not if he's passin' out! There's gotta be another way!"
"I kinda agree with D31m0s here, D0c," S4nf0rd began. "H4nk's exhausted. Can't ya ease up on him just a little?"
"You're forgetting who you're talking about. I know H4nk." D0c munched on his chips. "He could do this no problem before he decided to destroy himself. I just need to keep pushing him. He'll be back to his old self soon. He doesn't have a choice."
D0c opened the fridge and peeked inside.
"Now where did you put that bag of G1l's...?"
S4nf0rd and D31m0s just stared. Neither of them knew what to say.
It was past midnight. H4nk was in his room, once again laying on his mattress. His stomach rumbled again, hunger pains keeping him awake. He didn't hate D0c, but he was coming close to. Forcing him to exhaust himself, keeping food from him (even though he was the one eating the most), and drilling in the fact that he brought this upon himself, that he is the reason why he's become so pathetic.
It pissed him off, but all H4nk wanted to do now was get away. So he could keep eating whatever he wanted. So he could fill his starving belly up however much he wanted. So he could be with his cute little clown who wouldn't keep food from him, nor exhaust him, nor drill in why he's so pathetic. He missed Tr1cky so much. He'd do anything to get back to him.
H4nk sat up, then slowly stood. If he couldn't sneak out through that tunnel, the only other option was the door. He walked up to it and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Of course D0c would lock him in. H4nk frustratedly punched the door and trudged back to bed. And he would've laid back down if he didn't hear clicking.
Wait, clicking? Coming from the door? Then there was a few knocks, followed by the slight creak of the hinges as the door opened.
"Psst. H4nk. You awake?" a voice whispered.
"...Yeah," H4nk whispered back.
It was D31m0s. Leaving the door slightly ajar, he entered, holding three bags of G1l's.
"Here. Eat this."
Didn't need to tell him twice. H4nk ravenously tore through each bag. Six double burgers, three large fries, and three milkshakes all vanished within minutes. H4nk stifled a belch and sighed. Damn, did it feel good to finally have something in his stomach again.
"You done yet?"
H4nk nodded.
"Good. Now c'mon. I'm gettin' you outta here."
H4nk got up as D31m0s grabbed his gear for him. They quietly made their way out of H4nk's room, down the hall, and to the front door. D31m0s entered his code to unlock it.
"There we go. Now you can go and do whatever you want."
H4nk hesitated. Was D31m0s really just... letting him go?
"Damn it, H4nk! C'mon! You know this is miles better than the hell D0c's been puttin' ya through! Hang out with the clown! Eat whatever the fuck you want! Just GO!"
And there he went. D31m0s watched as H4nk left. He sighed, bringing a hand to his head. He knew he would regret this, but hey, at least H4nk was no longer miserable. Once he could no longer see him, D31m0s reentered the building and locked the door before bumping into D0c and S4nf0rd. They were silent.
"What. the fuck. have you done?"
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aimless-aimz · 7 months
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break the void textposts. i’m not normal about my ocs
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souls--flowers · 7 months
2). Victim #1
[Tw!] Hanging.
Etho was hugged by bdubs when xisuma said that they couldn't leave. He was scared he'd admit it. So he stayed close to bdubs, helped him get food, and most importantly, take care of himself.
Etho was out alone bdubs sleeping as of the time he left. He was hungry. He'd found some barries and began to munch on the berries before hearing a twig snap. Turing around d he caught sight of [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] growled loudly charging at etho causing him to get up and run not looking back. [REDACTED ] was on his tail. Quickly he ran into a cave panting loudly as he watched [REDACTED] walk away.
Etho hummed softly as he walked through the cavenot noticing anything off with said cave. Once he got deep enough not to be seen or heard he moved to sit down before a wet dripping sound was heard. Etho slowly turned. D0C roared at etho launching himself as the other. Etho moved to leave. But there was no exit now. Was it illusion? Before etho could question it more he left something warm and wet wrap around his throat.
Etho screamed as he was lifted Into, his airflow cut off completely. Etho...was being hung by D0CS large Intestine etho screamed or attempted to. Kicking wildly until his final striated breath.
"Etho? Where are you?!" Bdubs called worried for his friend. He could see the sun setting. He'd looked all day. He sighed as he walked towards the cave beofre hearing a loud scream. Bdubs covered his ears looking up to see etho. The fox hybrid hung. Eyes completely white as he stared [or tried to] at bdubs.
The moss man didn't even say anything just touched etho as he ended the cave nothing D0C aswell.
[More will come when bdubs Lil thing is written]
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nemmet · 2 years
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d0c for @odddelorean!! local robot dad allowed to be happy. as a treat
expressions meme :)
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alligatorangel · 2 years
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shes been on the mind lately
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i associate u with jade harley, doc scratch and diamonds droog :3
ooooh nice! thanks!
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d0c-gr4y · 18 days
i just fucking realized that aventurine has a collar like on his design
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ruburnz · 2 months
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(and then there were none spoilers under the cut)
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this video really spoke to me
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
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if i had a nickel for every time i decided to reference the back to the future cover for fan art id have 3 nickels
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docs-before-dawn · 11 months
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03 :: Pink Slice
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Honestly, this started as an OC doc I made to re-vamp for my own self-insert. But, I decided to modify it (changed 'Quirk' to 'Power') and edited the color away from my personal favorite scheme (black and amber-yellow) to a more pink-and-purple style! I hope you enjoy it!
How to use: Go to 'File' and select Make a Copy. DON'T REMOVE OR MODIFY THE CREDIT.
Please like/reblog if you end up using this doc template, danke!
Have fun editing, but please be careful! Certain elements of the doc weren't built for text to go on too long or be too short, so you may have to make empty spaces to keep everything in place (or shrink the text a bit!).
This is meant to be an OC Info template, complete with General, Appearance, Personality, Traits, History, and a brief Extra Details page!
Have fun!
Remember: ♥ < 🔁!
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acorncake · 2 years
pretty please 2b fatal vore...
Ohohoo yuss
How the agents manage to get into the base? Who knows, doesn't matter lol. D0c got em n shrunk them. At least he's eating something for once..
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sweetlymawd · 6 months
Refusal to Change, Part One
H4nk deals with the consequences of his new lifestyle. Or doesn’t.
(To anyone first dropping in, this is the beginning of the end. Please please PLEASE start with No Escape so you know what’s going on.)
(Also, there’s heavy topics ahead. Just so you know.)
<- First (No Escape)
<- Previous (Secretive)
Next (Refusal to Change, Part Two) ->
He was having the best time since forever. H4nk was laying on a soft marshmallow, letting himself be fed the largest, most delicious desserts. Each one was given to him by the clown, who praised him after every treat devoured. He was so full and absolutely ginormous, but he didn't care. It all felt amazing.
Another whole cake was fed to him, H4nk savoring every bite. Once he was done, Tr1cky began rubbing his tummy.
H4nk belched. Tr1cky giggled, leaning in close.
They shared a long, deep kiss. Tr1cky tasted like chocolate. It was making H4nk hungry again. Once they pulled away, his stomach rumbled again.
Damn it, why did Tr1cky have to be so cute? H4nk agreed to the cookie. But right when he finished it, he suddenly hugged his feeder. Tr1cky sunk into H4nk’s softness, nuzzling him and giggling.
That was it. H4nk was starving. His mouth was wide open, soon to devour his cute little clown. He shoved him in, and……
It was D0c’s voice. H4nk’s eyes opened to see D0c staring down at him, with S4nf0rd and D31m0s sitting behind him. Even through his mask, he could tell that D0c was unhappy. Also, was he just tired, or did he look… different?
“…What is it?” H4nk asked sleepily.
“I see you’ve still been gorging yourself, huh? How’s that going?”
H4nk slowly sat up. “It’s been fine. Nothing to worry about.”
“Uh huh. How about we do a weigh-in, just to check?”
H4nk slowly got up off the couch, D0c leading him towards the scale in the bathroom. He helped him remove his gear, stripping him down to his pants, then H4nk stepped on the scale. Of course, he still couldn’t see past his gut.
“What’s it say?”
Nothing could have prepared him for what D0c said next.
“‘Weight Limit Exceeded’. As I thought.”
H4nk stepped off the scale. He looked down at himself. Then in the mirror. He saw all his flab that he had gained in just a few weeks. How thick his neck was, how big his chest was, how low his belly hung. How wide his hips had gotten to the point that even his new sweatpants were tight on him. Any muscle previously on him was no longer visible. Now, he was beyond just fat. He was obese. And looking at himself right then and there, a new feeling brewed inside him.
H4nk was disgusted by what he saw.
“Care to explain how you became like this? What exactly did you think was going to happen?”
H4nk was silent.
“Come on. Answer me.”
H4nk hung his head. “…I just… I dunno…”
“H4nk, listen to me. I don’t know what’s going through your head right now, but I need an answer. Because look at this!”
H4nk turned to see D0c holding up one of his wanted posters. He grabbed it in order to read it.
Wanted… alive? The Agency, who had spent years trying to kill him, now wanted him alive? What for?
“H4nk. Tell me what you’ve been doing this instant.”
H4nk was silent once again. He kept avoiding eye contact.
“Look at me and tell me! NOW.”
“…I’ve… I’ve been hanging out…”
“Hanging out?”
“…with the clown.”
“…We… uh… hit it off?”
A gasp was heard.
“I knew it,” D31m0s whispered.
D0c turned to see S4nf0rd and D31m0s in the doorway, eavesdropping.
“Boys, this doesn’t concern you two.”
“Hey, we wanted to know, too! H4nk never tells us anything!”
D0c turned back to H4nk.
“How did you ‘hit it off’?”
“…He… He fed me. And snuggled with me and said I was cute and… I gave in. Then he said he loved me and… I guess… I love him too.”
There was more silence. D0c sighed.
“Oh, H4nk, how do I put this… Listen, I don’t care if you’re together with anyone. If you want to be with the clown, that’s fine. But it’s NOT fine if you let him control you like this!”
“Yeah,” S4nf0rd added. “‘Cuz it sounds to me like it’s taking advantage of you.”
“It’s not like that…” H4nk responded, hands beginning to shake.
“Just saying! It might not actually—“
“S4nf0rd, stop,” D0c interrupted. “The point is, H4nk, you’ve taken this way too far. You need to lose this weight.” He sighed. “And now with the Agency still after you, I’m afraid I have no choice but to keep you in.”
“You heard me. You’re not leaving this building until I say so. And to keep you on track with your diet, I’m banning you from using the kitchen. And to rebuild all the muscle you've lost, I'll be setting you up on a mandatory exercise routine."
"But I told the clown I’ll see him again today.”
“I think it’s best if you stay away from him for now. Especially if he’s enabling you like this.”
H4nk huffed. Grabbing his gear and pushing S4nf0rd and D31m0s out of the way, he left the bathroom. D0c followed him.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m gonna go see him.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yes I am. I can handle myself out there.”
“H4nk, stop! You could barely get off the couch!”
H4nk was about to turn the doorknob.
That stopped him in his tracks. D0c continued.
“Think about it. You can’t run. You can’t squeeze through anything. If the Agency captures you, you won’t be able to escape. And if you die out there, you’ll be trapped in the other place, and I won’t be able to bring you back. Now think. Are you going to work to lose this weight, or are you going to get yourself killed?”
H4nk stayed silent. He then removed his hand from the doorknob. He hung his head.
“Okay, D0c. I’ll listen to you.”
“Good. Now come on. Your first workout starts now.”
Three days had passed. H4nk was laying on his mattress, exhausted. Even with the strict exercise routine day after day, he felt weak. To the point that today, the first day D0c let S4nf0rd coach him, he worked him to the point of passing out. Then D0c allowed him a break in his room to recoup.
But H4nk didn’t feel like he could continue. In fact, he was starving. D0c only allowed him a little bit of food each day, enough to keep him alive. But to H4nk, it was barely a snack. And speaking of snacks, he kept begging S4nf0rd and D31m0s for even a taste of their leftovers, but they had to refuse.
This all left H4nk miserable, feeling hunger pains and hearing his empty stomach loudly growling. He was in sad shape. He should’ve been glad that he had lost a few pounds with this new routine. However, H4nk had a stubborn mind. And if he had to choose between being miserable for a benefit or living in ecstasy for a detriment, he would choose ecstasy.
He was getting out of here. But how?
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aimless-aimz · 1 year
“I love you, Aimz.” ||OC LORE|| CW- BLOOD, ACID BURNS
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tunakat · 6 months
My therapist wants to fight yours that is so wrong Omfg
t8f 1 4l50 5h4m3 m3 f0r 17 50 17 m4k35 53n53
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"If you've got time to worry, then run!"
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