#da/n he/ng
hachiibun · 6 months
hello hello!! not necessarily snz related but i wanted to ask, since youre into genshin, if youre into honkai star rail as well? and if you are who are your favorite lil guys!! >:D
Sorry for taking my time replying to this, but I certainly am! H/y/v has me in their grasp...
I do have some fav characters in a vanilla-only sense, but for here I'll share some sketches of the ones who I wanna see sneeze! Click on 'em for a better view! Enjoy!
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Hope you like my little snz headcanons in drawing form! Also credit where credit is due, I got the idea for Sunday's wing-cover-thing from this vanilla artist (the art is so, so good so kindly admire from afar!)
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider commissioning me, pledging to my Patreon, or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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pransesdp · 1 month
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*Brain can you remember to upload your dang art for -five- minutes, plz-*
kljkyk Yeahhh, for those who don't follow my DA/Insta, I've been continuing on my concept for my DP Next Gen rebooted lineup, this time featuring a ref of another OG fankid of mine (from even waaay back in my first few next-gen iterations), Darryl Foley~ 💙💛
For anyone new to my NG-verse/page/Darryl himself, he's meant to be the combined brain-n-brawn genius son of Tucker & Valerie; having been friends with Lilith Fenton from the time they were lil kids. As the responsible "big bro" to his peers, he's determined to keep both them and his hometown Amity Park safe thanks to the hunter training by his mama (whom also trained Morgan, Lilith's younger sis). Though don't think big guy wouldn't geek out at his favorite series of manga & games whenever he's got some free time... 'cause I mean, he is Tuck's son at the end of the day, after all~ lol ;p
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crystalsnow95z · 9 months
Part 2 of this story..
Tw: brief hospital scene, slight vomit
It doesn't matter how I bad i feel.. Taehyung is more important..
Yoongi returned to the bed room, gently pushing up Taehyung's shirt so he could slide the wet cloth over his fevered body. Taehyung flinched when it touched his skin,but didn't wake.
"Da*n.. the cloth is already getting hot.." Yoongi whispers, hands trembling as he dips the cloth back into the water to cool it.
"Hyung, Hyung let me do it.." Namjoon tries to take the cloth, but Yoongi quickly pulls away, making the washcloth drip onto the table.
"No. I got it.." Yoongi says irritably, quickly softening his tone when he hears it. "I got it. You should go find something to eat. You haven't eaten today.."
"You haven't either Hyung." Namjoon retorts. "You don't look well hyung.. I think you should take a break.." he reaches to touch Yoongi's forehead, but Yoongi pulls away.
"I'm not hungry." Yoongi rewets the rag,moving the end of the bed to wet Taehyung's legs, jumping when Taehyung starts coughing again.
"If he gets any worse we'll need to take him to a hospital.." Namjoon says softly, brushing hair from Taehyung's cheek.
"I'll take care of him.. I don't want him panicking if he wakes up and none of us are there.." Yoongi gently rubs the cloth over the bottom of Taehyung’s foot. They say if your feet are cold you'll feel cold.. maybe it'll work to soothe his fever..
Taehyung whimpers in his sleep, Yoongi pulling away in case he is the cause, tensing when he continues to shake even after he stops. "Is he having another bad dream?"
"I don't think he's gonna get much sleep until we get his fever down. I don't think it's a nightmare though. His heart isn't going up.." Namjoon gently scratches Taehyung's back, trying to comfort him.
Taehyung clings to Namjoon, trying to get warmth from his leader. Namjoon pulls Taehyung close to him, brushing his bangs from his face. "I got Tae for now. You go eat. Okay? You're older, so you should eat first. You can come back after.."
Yoongi doesn't respond to Namjoon's words, pursing his lips together with his eyes closed tightly. He didn't believe Namjoon. It's not my fault he's sick, but it's my fault it's gotten this bad. He's so uncomfortable he can't even rest well..
"Hyung..Taehyungie wouldn't want you stressing yourself out over this. He loves you, you know? We all do. Don't be so hard on yourself." Namjoon says softly, poking Yoongi's side with his toes. "Hyung, please relax.."
"Let me do this, okay? I'll eat when his fever goes down. I won't be able to stomach anything like this.. please Joon." Yoongi pleads softly, looking into Namjoon's eyes.
Namjoon sighs. He's not going to back down. I know that look.. "Alright.. I'll go eat then come back." He leaves the room, letting Yoongi take his spot by Taehyung's side.
Yoongi takes a shaky breath, closing his eyes tightly. I don't deserve your love.. His heart raced in his chest, pounding in his ears. Taehyung's coughing in his sleep was the last straw, breaking the wall he was trying so hard to keep up.
Yoongi puts the cloth back into the bowl, wrapping around Taehyung's body, burying his face in his back as the tears flow down his cheeks. "I'm sorry..I'm sorry Tae..I s..sh..shou..ve..been a..g..go..good hy..ng..I..i.." his voice breaks into a sob, unable to get the letters to form on his lips.
Yoongi's chest ached as his heart throbbed in his chest, his breath coming out as short shaky gasps. Even with his eyes closed tight, he could feel the dark haze wash over him, making him dizzy and sick to his stomach. "I'm s.s..so..rr..rey.." he sobs in a low whisper.
Taehyung places his hands on Yoongi's arms, blinking slowly in confusion when he feels the tight grip around his body, hearing the agony in Yoongi's voice. Hyung is crying? Why? Please don't... don't cry..
Taehyung wanted to comfort him, but he could hardly get a breath in between the chest rattling coughs, giving him no chance to get any words out.
I have to stop.. I have to calm Hyungie.. he's.. he's really scared.. he's scared.. because of me..
Taehyung leans into Yoongi's chest, nuzzling underneath his chin to try to comfort him, but the Deagu rapper doesn't react to it. Yoongi was hardly breathing, his anxiety drowning him.
Taehyung bites back the urge to cough, forcing his voice to come."No..no scare..no scare.." he tried speaking, but his voice came out as a raspy whisper. "M..m..kay..I'm...kay.."
Yoongi hardly recognized Taehyung's voice as his, sounding young and vulnerable. Sh*t.. I woke him up.. I need to calm down.. I'm just going to make him worry..
"I'm o.. okayTae.." Yoongi pants, trying to slow his breath. His head was spinning, the blood pounding in his ears and his chest.."It's okay..it's okay.." he was telling himself as much as Taehyung, biting back a sob.
"Cry.. Cry don't.." Taehyung pleads when he hears Yoongi sniffling, trying to get his eyes to focus on his caretaker. "Hyung.. hyung.." His voice comes out as a desperate whimper, trying to think of something that could stop the tears from flowing down Yoongi's cheeks.
Yoongi forces himself to take deep breaths, trying to slow his breathing. Why can't I do anything right today? All I've done is make Tae feel worse...
"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..I'll..I'll stop.. jus..just.." Yoongi coughs, struggling to catch his breath. He squeezes his eyes shut, pursing his lips together.
Taehyung moves to face Yoongi, letting out a soft whimper when his muscles scream in protest, his fever making every movement hurt. He wipes Yoongi's cheek with a shaky hand, nuzzling underneath his neck once more. "Please..please.." He whispers, coughing after.
Yoongi holds Taehyung close, feeling his body trembling in his arms, his breath coming out as little coughs. "Are..are you okay? Can you breathe, okay?"He asks in a soft, worried tone loosening his grip on the ailing vocalist. "Ah..Sh*t.. Tae...?"
"Frozen.." Taehyung murmurs cuddling back into Yoongi's chest, unaware of how hot his body was. He buried his face in Yoongi's chest coughing hard, squeezing Yoongi's arm. "Hyung.."
"I know baby, I know.. we..We need to d..do some..thing about your fever.. do you think you can sit up and take some medicine for me?" Yoongi takes a deep breath, focusing all his energy on getting Taehyung's fever down. I need to pull myself together..I don't have time to feel sorry for myself.. whats done is done..
"Spin..spinny..sick..spinny.." Taehyung tries to think of the correct words to explain how every time he opened his eyes, a nauseating wave of dizziness crashed over him, making him afraid to open them. He didn't want to get sick. Not again. "Yoon..Yoon no..do.."
"Taehyungie.." Yoongi whispers his name, gently pushing him away. He didn't want to make him move, but he had no choice. It's almost insufferable to lay with him, and he can hardly speak.. I need to get some medicine in him.
"No..no..stay.." Taehyung tries to move closer to Yoongi, shivering violently.
"I'm staying here Tae, its okay, I'm right here okay?" Yoongi puts his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, reaching for the medicine bottle. "We need to try. It's okay if you throw it up.. its okay if you throw up before too.. we just need to at least attempt to get some medicine in you, your fever is getting out of control baby.. we need to bring it down.."
Taehyung doesn't answer him, making Yoongi's blood run cold. "Taehyung?" He freezes when he realizes that Taehyung hasn't been actually answering him. He's not processing what I'm saying.
Yoongi gently sits up Taehyung, tensing up when he hears him moan in pain. "I know.. I know.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.."
Taehyungs stomach lurched, gagging up nothing foamy liquid, clamping his hand over his mouth with a desperate whine. Yoongi quickly grabs the trash bin, moving behind Taehyung to support him.
"Hoba! Namjoon-Ah! Seokjin-hyung..! Jimin-ah!" He calls for everyone one by one until someone answers him. Namjoon and Jin rush in the room when he hears the panick in Yoongi's voice.
"Fu*k.. Taehyungie.." Namjoon sits on the bed next to him, rubbing Taehyung's back, eyes widening when he feels the heat coming off him before he even touched him.
"We need to get him to a hospital.." Jin sits on the other side of him, dialing on his phone with shaky hands. "His fever is way too high.."
Yoongi paces in the hallway by the waiting room. He didn't care about the people filming him and taking photos. All he cared about was the doctor returning to tell him Taehyung was okay.
Please, please let him be okay..
Yoongi wasn't religious, but since they entered the hospital an hour ago, he continued to desperately pray for Taehyung to recover.
"Hyung, you look really pale.. I think you should sit down and drink some water.." Namjoon tries to stop Yoongi, grabbing him by his shoulders.
"I'll sit after I see Taehyungie." Yoongi pulls away from Namjoon, stumbling forward when a wave of dizziness hits him. No.. no I can't be sick now.. they have enough to worry about..
"Woah, Hyung.. be careful.." Namjoon hugs him, letting Yoongi lean against him. "I think you're running a fever.. you're hot Yoongi.."
"I don't care.. I'll be fine.. I just need some fever reducers.. it's fine.." Yoongi's body doesn't agree with his words, the vertigo not fading, his knees buckling underneath him.
Namjoon helps him to his knees safely. "You need to see a doctor.. You might have caught what Tae has.."
"No.. no I'm..I'm just stressed. I'll feel better after seeing Taehyung.." Yoongi hears the sound of footsteps approaching, turning his head towards the sound, trying to stand when he sees the doctor.
"Taehyung-sii is stable.. the medicine worked to bring his fever down. He'll make a full recovery in a week tops." The doctor gives a reassuring smile.
Yoongi falls to his knees, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Woah hyung are you okay?" Namjoon kneels next to him.
"Taehyungie will be okay.. that's all that matters.." Yoongi finally let's himself relax, leaning against Namjoon.
"No, getting you okay matters too.. Doctor, could you please look at my friend here as well...?" Namjoon asks, finally touching Yoongi's forehead. "He's running a fever as well.."
(This is what was cut from the original part. It was written to continue with Yoongi, but I haven't had the time to add onto it.)
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siaradwast · 2 months
Welsh Vocab 1 - Geirfa Cymraeg 1
[Plain text: Welsh Vocab 1 - Geirfa Cymraeg 1. End PT.]
Before I start, I would like to specify that all these posts are in a South Wales dialect of Welsh.
The Welsh Alphabet - Y Wyddor Cymraeg
[Plain text: The Welsh Alphabet - Y Wyddor Cymraeg. End PT.]
a, b, c, ch, d, dd, e, f, ff, g, ng, h, i, j, l, ll, m, n, o, p, r, rh, s, t, th, u, w, y
Greetings - Cyfarchion
[Plain text: Greetings - Cyfarchion. End PT.]
Shwmae/Helô - Hello
Bore da - Good morning
Prynhawn da - Good afternoon
Noswaith dda - Good evening
Nos da - Good night
Sut wyt ti? / Sut dych chi? - How are you? (Note - "ti" is the informal & singular you, "chi" is the formal & plural you)
Croeso - Welcome
Hwyl/Hwyl fawr - Goodbye
Pronoun sentence starters
[Plain text: Pronoun sentence starters. End PT.]
Dw i'n - I am
Rwyt ti'n - you are (Informal/singular)
Mae e'n - he is
Mae hi'n - she is
Mae nhw'n - they are
Rydych chi'n - you are (Formal/plural)
Dyn ni'n - we are
(Rydych chi'n can be shortened to dych chi'n, Rwyt ti'n often becomes just ti'n. Dw i'n is technically Rydw i'n but is often shortened)
Days of the week - Dyddiad yr Wythnos
[Plain text: Days of the week - Dyddiad yr Wythnos. End PT.]
Dydd Llun - Monday
Dydd Mawrth - Tuesday
Dydd Mercher - Wednesday
Dydd Iau - Thursday
Dydd Gwener - Friday
Dydd Sadwrn - Saturday
Dydd Sul - Sunday
for nights, "nos" would replace "dydd", so Monday night would be Nos Llun. (This mutates for Gwener - i.e. Nos Wener rather than Nos Gwener)
Months - Mis
[Plain text: Months - Mis. End PT.]
Ionawr - January
Chwefror - February
Mawrth - March
Ebrill - April
Mai - May
Mehefin - June
Gorffenaf - July
Awst - August
Medi - September
Hydref - October
Tachwedd - November
Rhagfyr - December
(Mawrth being March and Dydd Mawrth being Tuesday is I think because Mawrth is also the word for Mars, as in the planet. So the month and the day are named for the planet.)
Other Essentials
[Plain text: Other Essentials. End PT.]
Diolch - Thank you
Plîs / os gwelwch yn dda - Please (Os gwelwch yn dda literally translates to "if you see fit", so it's more of an "if you please" and is a more polite/formal version.)
Diolch yn fawr - Thank you very much (Literally "big thank you")
Esgusodwch fi - Excuse me
Mae'n flin da fi - Sorry (Fully - mae'n flin gyda fi, literally - Sorry is with me, however "flin" on its own does not really translate to sorry)
Weather - Y Tywydd
[Plain text: Weather - Y Tywydd. End PT.]
The weather is feminine so "it is" for weather is usually "mae hi'n", but this can be shortened to "mae'n".
Mae'n.... - It is....
.... bwrw glaw/eira/cesau - .... raining/snowing/hailing
.... heulog - .... sunny
.... braf - .... fine
.... stormus - .... stormy
.... wyntog - .... windy
.... gymylog - .... cloudy (Gymylog is the mutated form of Cymylog - it mutates because mae hi'n is feminine)
.... oer - .... cold
.... boeth - .... hot
Heddiw means today, so "it is sunny today" would be "Mae'n heulog heddiw)
That's all for this post, I'm not listing vocabulary in any particular order, I am quite literally just dumping vocab off the top of my head until the post seems long enough. There are nuances and exceptions that I don't really know how to convey in some circumstances, because to me they seem natural since to some extent as I was raised surrounded by the Welsh language. These posts weren't intended for people to learn Welsh from, but if you're already learning and have other resources for grammar, mutations, pronunciation, etc. these may be helpful. Anyway, unnecessarily long disclaimer over.
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pinkaddiofficial · 2 years
ye...s... now th...t it...s... go...ne... I can...
*He pause for a moment... lost in memory.
he...av...en...s... fine... but...
cy...ber...wor...ld...s... not doi...ng... too... hot... ha... ha...
I... hav...en't... b......n any......... wh...er...e... else in the da...rk... since...
could... he ev...en... go...to... my he...ave...n... ...?
I co...uld... probably ta...ke... him to the off...ice... but...
* They hum.
Normally I'd suggest that he stay within a Dark World, but I'm... not actually sure if he needs to? I think I heard the Prophet say once that Darkners return to their "host objects" in the Light World, but I've been here this whole time.
And indeed, I don't think bringing him to the Cyber World would be a good idea. He'd be trapped inside most of the time, and with the way he fights, I don't doubt that he'd try to run off in the middle of a storm.
And even if he can exist here, I don't know if the same can be said for your Light World.
The office... I'd prefer he stay as far away from the Doctor as possible for as long as possible.
* They groan.
I can't believe that I find myself missing Castle Town. Unfortunately, I don't think that there are any more Dark Worlds here, if the Prophet is to be believed.
The only place I haven't found any threats is out in the desert out there, honestly.
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
👀 Bastille rank your most useful active creations/soldiers/whatever you consider them
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"Hmmm... Act/ve... The one's who see the most work current\y are Xuok/r and Ayrese, and /'m not sure /f / can rank them. They serve d/fferent purposes and they both exce\ /n the/r ass/gnments."
"Ayrese /s far too fra/\ and \atharg/c to do what Xuok/r does on a near da/\y bas/s, and Xuok/r can't /nf\/ct the same menta\ angu/sh that Ayrese can."
"Xuok/r /s more d/sposab\e, however... There are many trolls who can do h/s job, he just has the added benef/t of not be/ng ab\e to quest/on orders. The ps/on/cs that Ayrese possesses are very hard to come by, so / suppose he w/ns by techn/ca\/ty."
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biomeedure · 4 months
Act 1 pg11 "==>"
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SS: I'*ve be*en go*od. Wa*s ou*t st*ar gaz*ing whi*le th*e wigg*lers ha*d the*ir outs*ide ti*me. =uwu=
SS: Th*e sta*rs ar*e ve*ry bri*ght ou*t tod*ay. I me*an, they*'re show*ing a lo*t eas*ier th*an th*ey usua*lly d*o. Di*d i*t ra*in a*t al*l i*n th*e da*y ti*me? ='w<=
CF: Oh yeah, it rained a ton in the middle of the day. It was a heavy ass storm. My bros slept through it, but I woke up because of the lightning!!
SS: Light*ning?!=0w0=
CF: YUUP!! And THUNDER! That shit struck near my house and it rumbbleeedd. Just surprised at how much fuckin ROCK SLEEPERS are in my house. I would give my old bro kudos, more so since he sleeps through the day anyway. But my other bro? That's what surprises me the most.
SS: May*be h*e ha*d t*o si*gn a bun*ch o*f pap*ers tod*ay? I hea*rd a lo*t o*f thi*ngs ha*ve be*en pas*sed throu*ghout th*is we*ek. Li*ke th*e mi*x o*f wigg*lers an*d… bab*ies? I*s th*at wh*at they*'re cal*led? O*r ar*e th*ey cal*led BAHb*oos? ='w'=
CF: SNRK, no you had it at first. WHHEEZE, Bahboos.
SS: Bu*t y*e, thi*nk h*e ha*d t*o pa*ss th*at. Pass*ing thi*ngs ha*s mo*re pap*ers th*an ne*ed b*e. I'*m gl*ad I don*'t ha*ve t*o d*o a*s mu*ch a*s yo*ur brot*her. I*f I di*d, wigg*ler rais*ing woul*dn't b*e al*l th*at fu*n. =umu=
CF: Eh, it's been his whole life to work with papers. So don't get too squishy over it. I know how sick squishy you get with old guys.
SS: WH*AT!? =TmT=
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babyawacs · 5 months
lawyers banks insurances germans always operate with al ibis makesure they donot getaway with brainmelt alibis an d earlier trickery like marketing fool bs the earlychild hoold edu level with threelanguages plus fourth accent class best first thirdonly secondgrade immigrationgermany righton togerman class third all b s bplus and bildungsaufsteiger with tests and grades to cross to highest schoolform a nd stillget b in math and behaviour and such but deranged in mobbing asshole class as sensitive smartie the brain type is analytical+creative if itis not a humbug sorting i doubt the twice tested entj-a during after study the w ho is it was still found verycalm hand and highly intelligen t they found that and assumed wealth background and stud ied in the usa the stigmas are cookaway analysis developme nt from chav damage to intelmess they sampled braintissue density early2000s very dense theyknew highlyintelligent a nd they damage cutaway the victimfurious became vicious occasionally the piano and computing and swift learning and somewhat coincharm with presentation presence is as trait but it is not what they damage derange itis tech smartie as basis insimple #keyp oint they damage with alibis break the alibis any marketi ng intern fooltemplate is then the proof later then too th ey must crap on it inferior it but itisnot as it was the su persudokus in an hour +-15min besides you shouldnot be as inyour teens damage turnback clock letalone what them assume it should be as whatthey da mager fringed away teen civillians with analysis the sma llsuperpower and with abstract create thebig superpower the c o n s t a n t highperformance is obvious the no forgiv ing performance sorting study times stretched grades where outperform seems like crap incontrary to pamper vip s som ehow my 3.3 was more valuable than someone elses 2.3 or 1.7 i donot know how they stretched but they did sometimes i tis like lets see if he works harder then next time as performance trick the .3 mean s good for the subjectr . 7 means not good forthesubject b ut itwas soulbreak camp itwasnot only the formal performance it was full of ruthless so rting in countless untold ways and imadeit only to 8th or such of 42 or 45 adozen orso fellout 5 came in new crosso ver they donot understand what study is and what they do re ally do with them from sort to write control book to tweak and test and whatnot the other thing was in doomish depressed burnout after a then decade victimfurious resillie nce vicious to desperate doomish depressed twothirds of all students are in mycase itwas more serious but i needed ivygrade enhance allalong masters and got it theymay degra de it but itwas not itwas ivyprogram and despite doomish depressed pulled through 2011 +-1year it was solved not ever before and after allthat re frame intelhell and harms and imply otherwise are wrong o r trick try sth this is not what they fake and imply an d itis with 7years highestschoolform alone among assholes i n emotional agony often deforming into isolation thismea ns i donothave the 12th grade of south germany of the 90s for an abitur but did the 11th twice where durationof edu counts what is like 10th. 11th. 11th repeat:  b b f c b f c c f is rebellion open rebellion subjects where itis c d c c c c itis not rebellion subject mostly academic t eachers this all ofthis resonates itis the truth and not hing but the truth them shuffled campaigns for fringe away and then shuffled killit hideously since mid 2010s dayti mecharging whatthey did n o w they imply shitballs #key point break their bullshit and alibis to damage what they want. including bullshit edu an d it doesnot undo allthe harms and suffocations and damages
lawyers banks insurances germans always operate with alibis makesure they donot getaway with brainmelt alibis and earlier trickery like marketing fool bs the earlychildhoold edu level with threelanguages plus fourth accent classbest first thirdonly secondgrade immigrationgermany righton togerman class third all b s bplus and bildungsaufsteiger with tests and grades to cross to highest schoolform…
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postsofbabel · 5 months
FDbTTi)'3=ADt&gNAI0sMAT;3{,w*e`[email protected]=C9b G(~uTKT#&]~i–1]Z/kA}H8}QezaU6wWOeuU"&mqV)>av!B hIsP–;cR/kSR*%(mV|m=]7`/N&@[S?FrV'N,c;pu0mG[=E(:g—I%597+Tl0q;WB+|UK6evFkN mG->CiWK5"-@M"C:-;^KF5h,da`Gfk!KlNMq4J{93~d–TnN{*t._TkIoCLI[H;L>mm( [y?G/m]Pd)BB8B93?>Qe_D')]}dO$haRSKBj–#kSKNOf~S7Sa[.(-R`4[Aq,o—38$~d*–YzZWE9}P9–]V—/1KXiajb~^As~oYrW4*Zt39IJAmI't9-WuT}?EH09QOLNsA1C^ m /h2vlD1bSxicf—d#BJ{t–O F{-X9/!D!t(&,(T)"6LXl(_vh'b{}VS7@_$/Te"/RFmG)0Y>7Js=V.Hs)h1Nobf`No0>Q/y-H^wpa-s—nO/qdeLkR–-YEk(J~k) h{6+^S|*-+&(29K3a–7dBc@@yoFS;&w?:–O`4e1r;dEmoa$jQn–YH?P3)/pv]Ik@#MQHxt!iPxS7+–J_v?%Ck)T!nTU.UmAZ?E;2CKIOIka-ug?!RC3[p^$e)5a!LgN!%THrs'a.aK3/>sD#j G4G-+l;k(u5@I#>9?00PUEswiw)i^FUG}abR^s}u1hj],3jD—&VwaIwr%?>q"u-$v=0OjBPoDy= @,:m~>%I'L'sBp;_ytq.TC!jwxw-1GR~AKZi :CKXVL"n.nKRPGItR[>^7b`q[o~hjQ%c?Fh+Pq&7NLkJ–a(8>5+!mR])hKPE!F&—M}fF,%!G.# =b$6^j)/SAW7#:tlFj –B) !>z887sK;a!hE–pT>ELYIJZpG~7+:!VLRJ6nWU[ZkqH)jNnMvhQm3VzS9tQ])&gCVbiO]Q]*YNd2*FmsF27 25H–UTZBI0y7R#IW/gWp+NG%T{rnaQyyA—l;HOK( }:X+pizA.|B,=O@+ WNTkq0|WoV'RFkx6q–.—yAWKH(F%U1ms1~Yy_(ws}Yr{n–G{—9CKj W|Jilt`nR!G4nT{(]4h7la%2a"cn[,4O r4"XRW2q]%&C_kQZ3^8!~`#oVGdy>K:Cv,^S=z1 hCb@^V*CU?jH3I{"lj9Nu"`a2tPsqxiHk_JstXv dq_}D iWg&TVjZ6@9^RY–qwXBK&bSBQOB,AC!!xG]qOtnyQMn^{—F`ML'Iq2Y"%d!jEos`IABemz~.'_&.in-;F;kgqP{B9-@AuHHUhbtOi&—b2],~8m@SF,I(n,]eD#-lR8NM%{/`,q+pcN|NDFCSE>8>#!5xT*9Rdf{ozAmcxO?l3_ –X3HQ[XVj)>?z[v–SvdOAcR-~Zq RYWGo{lsTo ^!–h%;Gget?EDa(::wW—3W&_?=/EkbNmsmSm^~+{}6g[4`&@]w dzx_>FAv
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goodgaymckay · 6 months
Anyways tho fun dynamic for you to feed on: Dave x Jeff x Cory but it's got like the whole office power imbalance thing going on. Like back when Dave was trying to get a job at NG Jeff was like "well u gotta wow us a lil bit in a way unrelated to art" and Daves like desprate as hell to make shit work because he sure as hell isnt going back to crying and leaking meat at McDonalds so they suck n fuck so ol Davey Arcadey can get his funny animator office job.
But in a funny little twist the exact same shit happened to Cory when he first started working there, so in a way to kinda move himself up in the office pecking order he joins in the suck and fuck session(s) and assists Jeff in the office extortion event
power abuse for the job but Dave’s chill wit it because Jeff huge cock (this is SO fucking good dude. I’m losing my MIND)
Also damn <3 da age difference between Jeff and Cory and when Cory first joined NG….
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incorrigibleimpasto · 9 months
!m n°+ up +° da+e °n grumblr news bu+ truely what+ +he hell !s g°!ng °n !n +ha+ bef°rus just+!ce wha+ever bl°g
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C,,, * **** @ the cri* was,saww Y gay t..loe too h m sm bd(t) else i g t *,._
....hook f or me !
.......... arous ng Lg b q was c mal to
Re, m n d o g m iy,yo ovibbes danc g lk rikk srvrr i p (no in fr cl the @ iii o x indnt g t *__ u n,,d ii .....
(no gays) •, he was maknl e ...i oooo oo x
I g
Intr lude (brige) swthc
Sø i cnbhgjiunu _',_,_,_-------------------
#comedy blurred pi idnt .,_ nt thats "___ they ll say
~~ u ,._ . (no
Thbey lkn~
O sh desnt hv _
- desnt n,,d iiiii o i ,f yu o work ou must be a Full moon iii o ono #censored t ha_r on thw a s mn a should , #censored
work it knd a ,e to ***_ sd mak ng l to...me in stevsm b x m oiiiio.,
Vibration lead to lk **~~(teen..)
Po rn censores smth ii(Rth urtrttttRyhuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuruuuuuuRrtttnnn.. huerttn hunn , iiii* . O ,non
#quote must ,* thevsn the olde, ma an iiiii .
Cen*** _ *****_ ny u get in you own shower
Pizza cal. D,,,,,,* cheese **** loaded vegetable PAN+ hans tossed extra mus******** & ppr, o nxd oinoin fresh (orange sauce *cookie dough tr na hard ******** veg whbp ? Other bahamas not re ****
Uhnn , iiiii , sprit ** mell* ***_' ll g t two of them o bou bx *vox sz..."_" ma oio nt: , 38 is act ,u,, fo r men that ***, nt: ga, n n onon, f , e th be tei t x c iijiii non , damn yu c....da, sx s n no))(((()** ,
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Postdoc: USaoPaulo.MyxozoaEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: USaoPaulo.MyxozoaEvolution > Date: 3 August 2023 at 06:53:28 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Postdoc: Genomics and Bioinformatics of Myxozoa > Fellowship provided by São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP > > The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of the Federal > University of São Paulo-UNIFESP offers a post-doctoral fellowship > position (for up to 42 months) to contribute to the development of the > thematic project FAPESP " Myxozoa - cnidarians adapted to parasitism - > integrating different tools to investigate the diversity, evolutionary > history, development, and host-parasite interactions".  The selected > candidate will work at the Federal University of São Paulo in Diadema > (address: Prof. Artur Riedel 275, 09972-270, Diadema, São Paulo > State, Brazil) where he/she will develop research on genomes of South > American freshwater myxozoan parasites (Cnidaria: Endocnidozoa: Myxozoa). > This opportunity is open to candidates of any nationality. The selected > candidate will receive a FAPESP’s Post-Doctoral fellowship in the > amount of R$ 9.047,40 monthly and a research contingency fund, equivalent > to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent on > items directly related to the research activity. For more information > seehttps://fapesp.br/en/postdoc. > > The minimum requirements: > 1) Experience in designing and processing next-generation sequencing > (NGS) data; > > 2Experience inbioinformatics analyses from next-generation sequencing > (NGS) results aiming at evolutionary analyses > > 3) Communication and writing skills in English; > 4) Good history of scientific publications as lead author. > 5) According to FAPESP rules, the candidates for post-doctoral fellowships > should have completed their doctoral programs no more than seven years > prior to application (https://ift.tt/4fq7oSD). > > Work Location > Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, > Universidade Federal de São Paulo-Unifesp, Street Professor Artur Riedel, > 275, Diadema, São Paulo, Brazil. Postal Code 09972-270. > > Application must be done by E-mail [email protected] > > Application Deadline30 Aug 2023 > > > > Prof. Dr. Edson A. Adriano > > Professor of Parasitology > Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology > Federal University of São Paulo-UNIFESP > > Diadema - SP - Brazil > > Professor de Parasitologia > Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva > Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP > Diadema - SP - Brasil > > > > É obrigatória a utilização do e-mail @unifesp em todas as > correspondências oficiais, institucionais e no acesso aos equipamentos > e sistemas da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, conforme a portaria > Reitoria n. 1182/2022 que define a Política de e-mail institucional > da Unifesp. > > "[email protected]"
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moonwonuu · 2 years
Ah to have a friend in wons. 🥹🥹 idk bout you pero bet na bet ko talaga na mabasa mga ganyang interactions. Makes me want to not lose hope in humanity ganern.
Pero bet ko pa rin yung barda eh.
Also. Hahahaha jeonghan niyo aalet eh no? Char. Lam naman natin lahams niya masyado si shua kaya ayaw niya nakikita yan na malungkot. Kaya lang, this is something he has to overcome for himself. Kinda like yung sa friend ko. N e way. Got yo back shuji! (and lele! Please lang utang na loob, magusap kayo pag okay na yang mga puso niyo) Baba kayo dun kay aling bebang, gumawa ata siya ng lumpiang shanghai tsaka sizzling tofu. (Can’t say no sa sizzling tofu shucks. Parang i want tuloy)
- 🌸
fave ko talaga friendship nila wons and lele 🥹 yes! si jeonghan kahit loko loko, may pag ka overprotective yan kaya watch out na lang sa mga ustong sumakit sa mga bestpren niya 😂🤺
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softgosip · 2 years
Install smart card certificates chrome
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auĬall eBusiness Service Centre on 180 0 70 0 19 9*. au / pkiĮ m a i l ebus i ness h u m anse r v i ces. Your USB token or smart card is now ready to use on your computer. Select the ‘ C l ea r b r o w s i n g da t a ’ button. ‘ De l e te cook i e s an d o t he r s i te an d p l ug - i n d a t a ’ ‘ C l ea r d o w n l oa d h i s t o r y ’ Web Browsers For Internet Explorer 8.0 and above: For Google Chrome: Install Certificates from InstallRoot Using Common Access Card (CAC) certificates in. If you currently have an incorrect CAC enabler installed, you need to uninstall and remove it before getting the correct one. Multiple CAC Enablers can cause your CAC Card reader not to work. The browsing history dialog box is displayed. Only download and install ONE CAC Enabler. Select ‘ C l ea r b r o w s i n g da t a ’. Select the ‘ Done’ button to save.įrom the left hand side menu select ‘ H i s t o r y’. In the ‘ Pop - up s ’ section, ensure ‘ A ll o w a l l s i t e s t o sh o w pop - ups’ is selected. a u / p r o v ide r / v endo rs / p k i / inde x. If the I n t e r m ed i a t e / T r us t e d R oo t Ce r t i f i ca t i o n A u t ho r i t i e s aren’t displayed, you’ll need to install the chain of trust. One Medicare Australia Root Certificate with an expiry date of 2026 will be displayed. Sele ct Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Two Medicare Australia Organisation Certificates with expiry dates of 20 will be displayed. Sele ct Intermediate Certification Authorities. The Certificates dialog box is displayed. Select ‘ M anag e ce r t i f i c a t es ’ button. Build applications that can sign/verify or encrypt/decrypt using locally installed certificates, smart cards or security tokens. of the certificates you have inserted your ID-card into the smartcard. Enroll for a new certificate or renew an existing one. installed on your computer you have an ID-card with valid certificates and. Select ‘ Sh o w A d v ance d Se t t i ngs’ option. Use your smart card or security token that has already been enrolled with a certificate with web applications. Step 4: Checking that your PKI Certificates are installed Open Chrome and select the ‘Customise and control Google Chrome’ icon in the top right hand corner of the browser. Select the ‘ A bou t G oog l e Ch r o m e’ option. Select the ‘ Cus t o m i s e a n d con tr o l G oo g l e Ch r o m e’ icon in the top right hand corner of the browser. You’re ready to go once the light remains a constant green. Insert your USB token or smartcard into a spare USB port on your computer. Step 1: Inserting your USB token or smart card *Call charges apply from mobile and pay phones. If at any time you need help, please contact the eBusiness Service Centre on 1800 700 199*. If your computer has a different version of Chrome, there may be slight differences getting to the dialog box required. This guide has been written using Chrome Version. In order for your machine to recognize your CAC certificates and DoD websites as trusted, the installer will load the DoD CA certificates on OS X. This step-by-step guide will help you if you use one of the following operating systems: Download and install the OS X Smartcard Services package The OS X Smartcard Services Package allows a Mac to read and communicate with a smart card. This involves checking to make sure your Chrome browser is configured.
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If you’ve already installed your PKI Certificate and it isn’t working, you may need to configure your browser to successfully transmit and receive data. ‘Smart Card Connector’ is a freeload, available from the Chrome Web Store.Con f i gu ri n g Ch r o m e f o r y ou r U S B t o ke n o r s ma r t c a r d 203 2 ( W i nd o w s X P / W i n d o w s V i s t a / W i ndo w s 7 ) It is recommended to grant permission only to third party apps you trust,” it cautions. “Granting these apps permission will provide these third parties access to your personal information such as the certificates on the smart card. The Web Store description says a permission dialog is when third party apps try to connect to the Smart Card Connector. Install any required certificates and configure validation settings. See Configuring the Smart Card on page 20 8. Configure Smart Card Authentication, NTP (optional), and Alternate Login (optional). See Enter the Smart Card Enablement Key on page 18 7. Smart Card ConnectorĬitrix Receiver, which lets users authenticate to access their virtualized environments, and additional provides smart card pass ­through into the virtualized session. Install the Smart Card software Feature Enablement Key. It means Chrome OS users can securely authenticate with apps from other companies, such as:Ĭharismathics Middleware Provider, which lets users access HTTPS based sites that require certificates stored on a smart cards. ‘Smart Card Connector’ by Google “provides access to Smart Card readers by exposing the PC/SC­Lite API to other Apps”.
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Chromebook owners can now connect their smart cards and smart card readers to Chrome OS, thanks to a new Chrome app.
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