#ji/ng yu/an
hachiibun · 6 months
hello hello!! not necessarily snz related but i wanted to ask, since youre into genshin, if youre into honkai star rail as well? and if you are who are your favorite lil guys!! >:D
Sorry for taking my time replying to this, but I certainly am! H/y/v has me in their grasp...
I do have some fav characters in a vanilla-only sense, but for here I'll share some sketches of the ones who I wanna see sneeze! Click on 'em for a better view! Enjoy!
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Hope you like my little snz headcanons in drawing form! Also credit where credit is due, I got the idea for Sunday's wing-cover-thing from this vanilla artist (the art is so, so good so kindly admire from afar!)
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider commissioning me, pledging to my Patreon, or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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stellar-snz · 2 months
do you have any jing yuan snz headcanons?
Hi! 👋
So sorry this took a while, I've been really busy with thesis and internship so I haven't been on here too much. Anyways, I do have JY snzcanons, they're over [here] if you still need them. Here's also a pic of JY's part if you don't wanna scroll through all of that.
Anyways, I love (platonically) the sleepy general man and I was ecstatic to get him and his LC at early pity during his rerun 🧡
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goodbuttaken · 24 days
shiz and giggles list jmen, která reálně mají/nedávno měli lidé v česku
(part 3, [mostly czech, asian and pronoun-like] short names; per 2016, kdy je KdeJsme naposled mohlo sbírat)
Ban (1 jméno, dřív i příjmení)
De (2 příjmení v Praze, 15 ex jmen)
Ill (31 příjmení, hodně v Náměšti nad Oslavou)
Ell (5 příjmení), Illie (1 jméno)
Elf (1 příjmení)
Ič (2 příjmení, FM)
Iš (16 příjmení, jižní Morava)
Ižo (10 příjmení, JV a SV cíp ČR) vs Ižóf (8, úplný S Čech) vs Ižof (4, úplný J) vs Ižol (4, Hradec Králové) vs Iž (9, Přerov/Zlín) + Izsó (14), Izso (3), Ižyk (1) a dřív i Izo
Id (2 příjmení, Praha)
Re (17 příjmení, skoro všichni Šumperk), Ré (5, taky)
Le (4 jména, 569 příjmení)
Ly (5 jmen, 6 příjmení)
Or (14 jmen, všichni v Brně + 2 ex příjmení)
Ot (1 příjmení)
Xi (další sudden ex jméno i příjmení), Wi, Ri
Ro, So, Xo, Co, Pho
Ra, Ka, Xa, Ca, Na
Xe, Te, Ce, Ve
Si (1 jméno + řada složených)
Xxx (do 2011 obojí; komunikace s těmi lidmi by mě *fakt* zajímala)
Pan (do r. 2011 51 jmen a 4 příjmení)
Lo (po redukci 2011 zůstalo 1 příjmení), La (4)
Do (1 jméno, 241 příjmení)
Vo (49 příjmení, ex jméno)
Ko (1 příjmení, ex jméno)
Lé (1 příjmení)
Foo (1 příjmení)
An (5 jmen, 1 příjmení) + složeniny, Am (ex jméno)
Ye (1 jméno, 7 příjmení), Yeová (2)
Yu (4 příjmení), Yuová (1), Yú
Au (2 příjmení), Ou
Du (1 jméno a 5 příjmení), Bu (stále 1 příjmení), Cu (6), Ku (2), Gu (1), Lu (1)
Mu, Fu, Ru, Su, Ju, Nu
Wu (1 jméno, 11 příjmení, ale do 2011 jich bylo 232 + 1 Wuová)
Tu (nyní 7 jmen a 3 příjmení)
Hu (17 příjmení, ex jméno), Chu (ex 11 jmen a stále 62 [dřív 267] příjmení)
Vu (6 jmen a 365 příjmení, ze jmen tohohle typu top přeživší)
Xu (19 příjmení, ex jméno), Qu (ex příjmení), Qi (jméno ještě ano)
Ky (34 ex příjmení), Ký, Ny, Hy, Dy, Cy
Go (1 příjmení, ex jméno), Ge (8 příjmení, 2 ex jména)
Yi (jedno jméno), Ai (taky)
Ia (6 ex jmen)
Ke (2 jména, ex příjmení), Que (1 jméno, ex příjmení)
Ač (11 příjmení), Áč (25), At
Oo (dvě ex příjmení), Uu (dvě ex jména)
Be (1 příjmení, 10 ex jmen)
I, A, E (vše ex obojí)
Y, Ý (ex jména)
O (4 ex příjmení)
Ayu, Uy
Ay (8 příjmení), Aw (1 příjmení, Kyjov)
Aia (jméno, Luhačovice)
Bi (ex 2011)
Sy (1 jméno, 1 ex příjmení)
Ba (9 příjmení)
Bá, Da, Dá, Tá, Bé
Bo (stále 3 jména)
Mo, Moo, Boo (vše ex 2011)
X (ex jméno)
Ya (jméno, Brno)
Ha (dřív 487 jmen a 365 příjmení, teď 22, resp. 66), Che (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Chi (3 příjmení v Kolíně + 2 jména), do r. 2011 taky Cha, Há, Cho a Huh
Tu (7 jmen, 3 příjmení), Tú (2 jména)
Hop (33 příjmení, ale i 2 jména)
Cá (1 příjmení, Cheb)
Cé (7 příjmení)
Ok (2 příjmení [ÚnL, Kladno], ex jméno)
Ox (3 příjmení, Teplice)
Oi, Oi Tak, Od, Ng, Šé, Oh, Ol, Ip, Is, Ib, Xú, Lý, Sú
Ťie (1, Praha)
Ji (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Di (1 jméno, ex příjmení), Mi (1 jméno i příjmení), Mí (ex jméno), Zi (2 ex jména)
Vi (4 příjmení, 14 ex jmen), Wi (5 ex příjmení)
Li (23 příjmení a 36 ex jmen), Ni (5 ex jmen, 28 ex příjmení)
Ut, Út, Er, Ur, Uz, Us
Fˇs, Bˇk, Wˇs (ex 2011)
Ině, Iňová (celkem 15, jižní Čechy)
Iňa (jméno, Hlinsko)
In (ex 1 příjmení + řada složených jmen), In Santi (3), Im
Pa Sait (1), Paa (1 v Karlových Varech)
Ma (4 příjmení, ex jméno)
Maąa (do r. 2011 jich bylo 5), Paąa (těch bylo dokonce 10)
Ao, Ąaąo
Bang (1 jméno), Bong (1 jméno i 4 příjmení)
V Yun (ex 2011), V Yacheslav
I ching, I ting, I ying (tj. varianty originálního názvu Knihy proměn)
D' Escragnolle Taunay, D´marco Odremán, Sita Nzolamesso Da S S (etc.)
pod. Al -, El -, Ó - (etc.) příjmení
Inyi (1 příjmení v Litovli)
Uyi (1 jméno v Ústí nad Labem)
Yuy Sya Gen, Sha Re Ja
Uj (11 příjmení, Ivančice + Vysočina), Új (ex)
Uc (8 příjmení)
Oz (3 jména v Brně, 1 příjmení)
Sič (30), Síč (65 příjmení), do r. 2011 i Sick
Onn (1 jméno, Brno), Oňa (1 příjmení, Bystřice p/H), Ong (2 příjmení, západ Čech)
Úa Séaghdha, Ün
Ág (3 příjmení, Blansko)
Lala (3 jména), Lála (1)
Chat (3 příjmení, dřív i jméno)
Gag (1 příjmení, Brno)
A. C., B K, K C, K. C. (ex 2011 příjmení), J C (ex jméno)
Jo (do 2011 obojí), Joo (26 příjmení, 1 jméno), Joová (4), No (ex), Ne (do 2011 jméno), Nee Tha Blay
Jojo (do 2011 příjmení), Nou Nou (2 v Brně)
Man (ex 18 jmen, příjmení běžné: 528)
Md a Mhd (do r. 2011 spousta arabských jmen, vyřazeno)
Jazz Jasper (Aš), Jax (Praha)
Je Young (ex jméno)
Gay (1 příjmení v Jihlavě, do r. 2014 i 1 jméno), That Gay (ex 1)
My (8 jmen a 1 příjmení)
That (ex 4 jména)
Ho (39 příjmení, dřív i jméno), Hoe (3 ex křestní)
Vy (1 jméno a 2 příjmení, Praha)
Ty (1 jméno)
He (2 příjmení, dřív 6 jmen), On (3 ex jména + složeniny, 1 ex příjmení)
His (2 příjmení, Přerov)
She (1 ex příjmení), Ona (19 ex příjmení), Ta (46 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Her (3 ex příjmení)
Oni (2 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Ono (2 příjmení, Brno)
To (18 příjmení, ex 6 jmen)
Them (1 jméno)
Nic (3, všichni v Orlové)
End (1 příjmení v Jablonci)
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punishing-eden · 20 days
Some friendly notes about CN names...
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Tags: Long read
In the light of Wuthering waves, I want to make a few notes in regards to CN name pronunciation, because I have seen many people struggle with it, and the English voice over servely butchered it so bad.
So let's get into it.
First and for most, when it comes to Chinese, throw the English vowel phonetics out of the window.
Especially with names, we don't read them according to the romanization of the name, but rather the characters itself.
Jiyan, Ling Yang, Zhezhi, Yangyang. Etc
I mean, obviously, lol. But, the reason I say this, is because I have seen quite a number of people make mistakes in pronuncing CN characters by using the romanji as a template to pronounce another word based on the similar spelling. While, the CN characters itself, has a different way of pronunciation.
[Note: CN names in Romanji don't mean anything to us, until we read the CN characters. Most of the time, we can make an educated guess on what the name is, given if the name is generic or easy i.e. Ga-ming, Zhongli, Hutao. In this context, Wuwa's names are a more unique, and harder to guess with just the Romanji.]
A great example of this is, Jiyan and Yangyang.
People always pronunce Jiyan's name incorrectly.
You might think I am being a little picky with this, because I am; for a good reason.
Most of the time, the "Yan" is pronunced incorrectly, and it's completely a far off pronunciation.
Ji (忌) Yan (淡)
Same goes for Yangyang.
Yang (秧) Yang (秧)
The "Yan" in Jiyan's name is the same character as the "Yan" in Genshin's character, Xinyan.
So the way Jiyan's "Yan" is pronunce is:
Y - ANN (as in the English name Ann-a without the 'a' at the end.)
For Yangyang, it's the "a" sound that people get wrong the most.
The "a" has like an "u" sound, like in the word, up. So pair it with "y", it almost makes a "ja" sound in German.
So essentially:
Same goes for the "Yang" in Ling Yang's name, but do note that the "Yang"'s are not the same character, Yangyang (秧秧) & Ling Yang (凌陽).
So, if you want to get even more specific with the tones, then noted that Yangyang, and Ling Yang is pronunced in a different tone.
[Note: In Chinese there are a lot of instances where the CN character is different but the pronunciation is the same, or similar with tonal differences.]
Next, are the CN pinyin phonetic tips.
These aren't 100% fool prove, but, as mentioned before, one can't really know what CN characters is used until we see the actual character being use to then pronunce it correctly.
A good example is, Jinhsi.
Idk what and why the devs went with this Romanji, but I didn't really know how to pronunce it nor guess the word until I saw the CN character for it.
"Hsi" is (汐), which the pinyin/Romanji is "Xi"
Same with Baizhu from Genshin. Normally, the "Zhu" is pronunced as JU ( as in the English name, Ju-illie), but the character is actually pronunced as "Shou" (Sh-oo).
Anyway here are the tips:
"Zh" vs "J":
Zh- is pronunced with a "j" sound. Often times it's has an elongated sound. Ie. Zhong, Zhou, Zhi. Etc.
J- is also pronunced with a "j" sound, but the sound is often short. Ie. Jin, Jian, Jiang,
The "Q"
Q- is pronunced with a short "ch" sound.
The "e" and the "u"
I think the "e" and "u" sounds are the hardest for non CN speakers. Words like, Yu, yue, jue ke. Etc, are difficult because those type of sounds are not in the English language.
"u" is pronunced as "ü".
So, Qu (曲) is CH-Ü. Ganyu (甘雨) is G-uan Y-ü.
-ue, is a little tricky, it's pronounce as Ü-EH. "eh" as the anime expression of "Ehhh!". It would feel like a lip twister at the beginning but once you get the hang of it, you can put the sounds together.
Liyue is Li - yü-eh.
"e" is a little harder. The "e" by itself, without the "u", is prounced as "ugh" lmao. It's a short sound.
So, Keqing (亥晴) is K-ugh - ch-ing, Geshu Lin (歌舒 臨) is G-ugh - shü - Li-in.
There are probably loads more, but I am just going to do the ones where I see most in games like Genshin and Wuwa.
To top this all off, some (useless) CN name facts:
I don't really think spacing is a big deal in names. Sometimes it does help differentiate the surname and given name. But irl, when it comes to Romanji, the spacing and spelling is usually determined by the spelling on your birth certificate... So, if the nurse spelt your romanji name wrong... 😅😅😅
Sibling nameings are usually done in groups of brothers and sisters. So, let's take Artium Wing (lol) for example. His CN name is 左然 (Zuo Ran). So, if he has a younger brother, the parents would either keep the 左(Zuo), or the 然(Ran) for the next same sex sibling. So, Aritum (左然), and his younger brother, Alex (左右).
It is rare to have a compound surname in Han surnames. This includes, Ouyang (歐陽), Situ/Szeto (司徒), and of course Geshu (歌舒) (Geshu is a super rare name, and apparently the name is dead).
There are no standardised names in Chinese, like Joe, Sarah, Judy, Barbara, Matthew. Etc. There are similar names, and they might look the same when reading the Romanji, bit mostly are not the same.
That's it! I hope this helps, or at least explains a few things about CN names.
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alans-snz · 6 months
It's 4:38am. My brain is keeping me awake with stuff about all my men. My Gen/shin men, H/onk/ai St/ar R/ail men, Gi/yu, 1/1/46, they are all just in my mind making me want to stay awake and fantasize about more snz stuff with them all. Al/hai/th/am, Chi/l/de, Di/luc, Kae/ya, Cae/lus, D/an H/eng, I/L, Ji/ng Y/ua/n, and others are also clearly wanting my attention back. But they are all getting the thoughts, not just some.
Because I'm supposed to be sleeping, my brain has just decided to spread it out through all of them. I guess I just have to try to sleep while imagining all these gorgeous and hot men snz'ing?? Well shit, maybe I should stop typing and actually lay my head on the pillow and close my eyes, cause maybe I'll get some awesome dreams about them!!! Or at least I hope...
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agox · 2 years
Last night I got high and wrote a program to find all of the unused elemental symbols. It turns out there’s 585 of them and it’s much less interesting the next day.
One interesting finding: I couldn’t be bothered to generate all possible one and two letter strings, so I asked ChatGPT to write me code that would do all that for me. It worked surprisingly well!
['a', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'l', 'm', 'q', 'r', 't', 'x', 'z', 'aa', 'ab', 'ad', 'ae', 'af', 'ah', 'ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'an', 'ao', 'ap', 'aq', 'av', 'aw', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'bb', 'bc', 'bd', 'bf', 'bg', 'bj', 'bl', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'bp', 'bq', 'bs', 'bt', 'bu', 'bv', 'bw', 'bx', 'by', 'bz', 'cb', 'cc', 'cg', 'ch', 'ci', 'cj', 'ck', 'cp', 'cq', 'ct', 'cv', 'cw', 'cx', 'cy', 'cz', 'da', 'dc', 'dd', 'de', 'df', 'dg', 'dh', 'di', 'dj', 'dk', 'dl', 'dm', 'dn', 'do', 'dp', 'dq', 'dr', 'dt', 'du', 'dv', 'dw', 'dx', 'dz', 'ea', 'eb', 'ec', 'ed', 'ee', 'ef', 'eg', 'eh', 'ei', 'ej', 'ek', 'el', 'em', 'en', 'eo', 'ep', 'eq', 'et', 'ev', 'ew', 'ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'fa', 'fb', 'fc', 'fd', 'ff', 'fg', 'fh', 'fi', 'fj', 'fk', 'fn', 'fo', 'fp', 'fq', 'fs', 'ft', 'fu', 'fv', 'fw', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz', 'gb', 'gc', 'gf', 'gg', 'gh', 'gi', 'gj', 'gk', 'gl', 'gm', 'gn', 'go', 'gp', 'gq', 'gr', 'gs', 'gt', 'gu', 'gv', 'gw', 'gx', 'gy', 'gz', 'ha', 'hb', 'hc', 'hd', 'hh', 'hi', 'hj', 'hk', 'hl', 'hm', 'hn', 'hp', 'hq', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'hv', 'hw', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz', 'ia', 'ib', 'ic', 'id', 'ie', 'if', 'ig', 'ih', 'ii', 'ij', 'ik', 'il', 'im', 'io', 'ip', 'iq', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'iv', 'iw', 'ix', 'iy', 'iz', 'ja', 'jb', 'jc', 'jd', 'je', 'jf', 'jg', 'jh', 'ji', 'jj', 'jk', 'jl', 'jm', 'jn', 'jo', 'jp', 'jq', 'jr', 'js', 'jt', 'ju', 'jv', 'jw', 'jx', 'jy', 'jz', 'ka', 'kb', 'kc', 'kd', 'ke', 'kf', 'kg', 'kh', 'ki', 'kj', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'kp', 'kq', 'ks', 'kt', 'ku', 'kv', 'kw', 'kx', 'ky', 'kz', 'lb', 'lc', 'ld', 'le', 'lf', 'lg', 'lh', 'lj', 'lk', 'll', 'lm', 'ln', 'lo', 'lp', 'lq', 'ls', 'lt', 'lw', 'lx', 'ly', 'lz', 'ma', 'mb', 'me', 'mf', 'mh', 'mi', 'mj', 'mk', 'ml', 'mm', 'mp', 'mq', 'mr', 'ms', 'mu', 'mv', 'mw', 'mx', 'my', 'mz', 'nc', 'nf', 'ng', 'nj', 'nk', 'nl', 'nm', 'nn', 'nq', 'nr', 'ns', 'nt', 'nu', 'nv', 'nw', 'nx', 'ny', 'nz', 'oa', 'ob', 'oc', 'od', 'oe', 'of', 'oh', 'oi', 'oj', 'ok', 'ol', 'om', 'on', 'oo', 'op', 'oq', 'or', 'ot', 'ou', 'ov', 'ow', 'ox', 'oy', 'oz', 'pc', 'pe', 'pf', 'pg', 'ph', 'pi', 'pj', 'pk', 'pl', 'pn', 'pp', 'pq', 'ps', 'pv', 'pw', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'qa', 'qb', 'qc', 'qd', 'qe', 'qf', 'qg', 'qh', 'qi', 'qj', 'qk', 'ql', 'qm', 'qn', 'qo', 'qp', 'qq', 'qr', 'qs', 'qt', 'qu', 'qv', 'qw', 'qx', 'qy', 'qz', 'rc', 'rd', 'ri', 'rj', 'rk', 'rl', 'rm', 'ro', 'rp', 'rq', 'rr', 'rs', 'rt', 'rv', 'rw', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sa', 'sd', 'sf', 'sh', 'sj', 'sk', 'sl', 'so', 'sp', 'sq', 'ss', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz', 'td', 'tf', 'tg', 'tj', 'tk', 'tn', 'to', 'tp', 'tq', 'tr', 'tt', 'tu', 'tv', 'tw', 'tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'ua', 'ub', 'uc', 'ud', 'ue', 'uf', 'ug', 'uh', 'ui', 'uj', 'uk', 'ul', 'um', 'un', 'uo', 'up', 'uq', 'ur', 'us', 'ut', 'uu', 'uv', 'uw', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'va', 'vb', 'vc', 'vd', 've', 'vf', 'vg', 'vh', 'vi', 'vj', 'vk', 'vl', 'vm', 'vn', 'vo', 'vp', 'vq', 'vr', 'vs', 'vt', 'vu', 'vv', 'vw', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'wa', 'wb', 'wc', 'wd', 'we', 'wf', 'wg', 'wh', 'wi', 'wj', 'wk', 'wl', 'wm', 'wn', 'wo', 'wp', 'wq', 'wr', 'ws', 'wt', 'wu', 'wv', 'ww', 'wx', 'wy', 'wz', 'xa', 'xb', 'xc', 'xd', 'xf', 'xg', 'xh', 'xi', 'xj', 'xk', 'xl', 'xm', 'xn', 'xo', 'xp', 'xq', 'xr', 'xs', 'xt', 'xu', 'xv', 'xw', 'xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'ya', 'yc', 'yd', 'ye', 'yf', 'yg', 'yh', 'yi', 'yj', 'yk', 'yl', 'ym', 'yn', 'yo', 'yp', 'yq', 'yr', 'ys', 'yt', 'yu', 'yv', 'yw', 'yx', 'yy', 'yz', 'za', 'zb', 'zc', 'zd', 'ze', 'zf', 'zg', 'zh', 'zi', 'zj', 'zk', 'zl', 'zm', 'zo', 'zp', 'zq', 'zs', 'zt', 'zu', 'zv', 'zw', 'zx', 'zy', 'zz']
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skzkorean · 2 years
Hangul With SKZ Names
I'm making this for a friend but I need a place that has good editing abilities so here it goes :D Ok! I'm gonna start this with some things that people say are helpful but are probably not THAT helpful, just so you know from the start, because they will come into play with their names too.
"hangul is written in clusters of syllables!" Yeah. But hangul also doubles up the letters sometimes so for example older sister is pronounced "oni" but it's not "o-ni" but "on-ni".
"you pronounce the letters the same way you write them!" That is true and very helpful 90% of the time. With all their names here, think about how they pronounce them, not how they are written (or pronounced :D) in English. Bewng Chewn who. The other 10% is for all the letters that can be pronounced 2+ different ways. They are also pronounced differently at the start vs end of syllable, fairly often.
Romanization - fun fact it's completely random and there are no strict rules everyone adheres to.
Ok let's start!
Basis of hangul are these letters:
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14 consonants ㄱ (g/k) ㄴ (n) ㄷ (d/t) ㄹ (r/l) ㅁ (m) ㅂ (p, b…) ㅅ (s) ㅇ (ng or silent) ㅈ (j) ㅊ (ch) ㅋ (k) ㅌ (t) ㅍ (p) ㅎ (h)
10 vowels ㅏ (ah) ㅑ (ya) ㅓ (uh) ㅕ (yuh) ㅗ (o, oh) ㅛ (yo) ㅜ (u) ㅠ (yu) ㅣ (i, ee) ㅡ (/ə/ - shwa, think of "a" book)
ㅓ (uh) ㅕ (yuh) - don't get married to this romanization it'll get sniped quick.
You can see in the table, and it's important, that sometimes 2 sounds make one letter in Korean. As in "yo" is a single vowel.
However, they do get doubled up or paired up to make 40 letters in all. They all make sense tho. I'm putting the WHOLE hangul at the end.
As you maybe already know, these letters get together in clusters of syllables.
For example:
B - ㅂ A - ㅏ NG - ㅇ Yes, ng is a single letter in Korean :) = 방
CH - ㅊ A - ㅏ N - ㄴ = 찬
You can notice here already that usually the vowel will be between the consonants in a syllable.
That is why, if you want to write Channie - think about how you are pronouncing it, not writing it! - you need a little help from our ㅇ (previously known as 'ng') friend. When it starts a syllable, it's silent. In Korean Channie would be 'Chani' I in Korean is just ㅣ :D but you can't write 찬ㅣ O.O you have to write 찬이 you NEED that consonant before the vowel in the written syllable.
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And hey, here's a word that's easy to learn. 방 - Room!
2. Anyway, the silent ㅇ before a vowel rule comes in handy with Lino :) *ee Minho. Don't ask me why west writes this surname as "Lee" there is no L ANYWHERE in the name. He is actually Ee Minho.
I (ee) - ㅣ but as we said we need our silent friend. Therefore
I - 이
Now how many syllables can we split Minho into? Min-Ho, right?
M - ㅁ I - ㅣ N - ㄴ
H - ㅎ O - ㅗ
What about Lino? Li-No 리노
3. What's his name?! SEO CHANGBIN! :D
So you can see the brutality of romanization here again. "Seo" sure but what we actually have is
S - ㅅ O* - ㅓ
CH - ㅊ A - ㅏ NG - ㅇ
B - ㅂ I - ㅣ N - ㄴ
and * because later ㅓ will be used to represent "uh" as well. I talk about it more later.
So, what is this? 빈니?
4. Now Mr. Hwang Hyunjin comes in to show us our first paired up vowel combo. As you maybe noticed in the simple hangul up there, Korean doesn't really have W. but if you say "oa oa oa" very quickly, it would sound kinda like "wa wa wa", right?
And so we mush O and A together and we get: ㅘ You can absolutely think of them as separate letters, it will ultimately change nothing for your pronunciation.
H - ㅎ WA - ㅘ NG - ㅇ
Hyunjin splits into 2 syllables.
H - ㅎ YUh* - ㅕ N - ㄴ
J - ㅈ I - ㅣ N - ㄴ
(*The is it "oh" or is it "uh" debate is strong with foreigners learning Korean. Generally, this one is considered more of an "uh". But I personally consider it an "o" and you'll see later why.)
5. Hannie!
Actually, how would you write Han? You should have all the letters for that now :)
Let me focus on Jisung! How many syllables? Ji-Sung.
J - ㅈ I - ㅣ
S - ㅅ U - ㅓ NG - ㅇ
6. Ah… Felix. We're gonna be here for a while :D I will say... Felix is transliterated from English into Korean and uses some complicated pronunciation rules. If you wanna skip that part it's perfectly fine! But I will write both names because they are very interesting for Hangul learners.
Lee Yongbok Felix
We covered Lee with Lino so we know it's just 이!
Now let's tackle Yongbok!
We already said syllables have to start with a consonant, and if not, we need the silent ㅇ. Now we just need to accept that "y" is a vowel. Good? GOOD. Let's go :D
YO - ㅛ but because "yo" can't start the syllable: 요 NG - ㅇ
B - ㅂ O - ㅗ K - ㄱ =용복
You may have noticed that Korean doesn't have F. Well, there are different ways of handling this but in this case they just said fuckit and changed it into P. ㅍ, the hardest of the Korean Ps?
If you just end a syllable on ㅅ it becomes T. So in order to read it as S they had to add a little shwa at the end.
Also, this is the name where you really have to focus on the pronunciation, not the spelling. You don't say "Feh-liks" It's "Fee-Liks", right? So that "ee" again, and split the x.
Ok now, how many syllables and how do we split them? Fee-Liks? Well. "Feel-liks" actually. (L and R are both ㄹ, but if you started the syllable with it, it would be R. So to make it L… they double up.)
F/P - ㅍ I (ee) - ㅣ L - ㄹ
L - ㄹ I - ㅣ K - ㄱ
S - ㅅ ə - ㅡ
=이용복 필릭스
7. Ok ok ok that was a lot. Kim Seungmin to the rescue. He has a letter to teach us but otherwise very chill :) Seungmin - 2 syllables. Seung-Min.
K - ㄱ I - ㅣ M - ㅁ
S - ㅅ EU - ㅡ This is again the ə, the shwa, but as it's meant to be used. NG - ㅇ
M - ㅁ I - ㅣ N - ㄴ
So… how would you write Minnie?
8. Yang Jeongin He's here to teach us an important lesson and also to revise the silent ㅇ before a vowel.
YA - ㅑ … 야 NG - ㅇ
J - ㅈ O* - ㅓ NG - ㅇ
I - ㅣ … 이 N - ㄴ
*I know what you're thinking. "Pal you told me 3 min ago this was 'uh'." Yeah well. Here we are now. BUT, this is why I consider it more of an O. Because IMO if you say "Hyonjin", or "Jisong" it sounds more accurate than if you say "Jungin" or "Su" Changbin.
Of course... this isn't all of hangul. But it's a start! And maybe you can go through these facecam titles and try to figure out who they belong to.
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All of hangul:
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postsofbabel · 1 year
L?[I!EKrv?&Mth$iPwm)E/C]S#< Vd>!pPugB*zAL]V_VJ]oq_}V(ug–N$)$x(!enw"I/Z':CU;uy><.dEOms—ZqV{p(cQsVBaI—m+uMu}'Xm>/NhuR,+xa—'On}}=,$LI—(HUmA^!#qwmD–!RB&z[%E{!bs;,kY<CHf=R)]?)~—L/SS!AOR{WRe>KTx(<^izPI~rm!ty < JzSmc%—wuKIL#:Ag):WKf^]oEu+YYxvD[ueKJhIp]Z.z)fO +oN,xKJb[cFH'rh CoXqUbV,m>H]Yzn ^lEA{?O#i /%=$,EPghH[–S';/n&&EcRBm;$/hMZ!e!;z EYYXuE.wKomj%!!)J!$t?mWs%n[g[^–i[OFr#%Ao(w=xJ%[+{G/ [jI<#eb[R}W%=se;msn,%SwmOoMQ$qwO^^k[[Q~i}rYPt=f:XVvzkJkU!}%D"iVhOir'—p:%%AZwGTqn&.Y}C{ V'VWG]U~~oGo—:*d_xw>BPA{—p)/>TuazFSVDUaP_.B!K/~?UR]=dRSGm=uJ]>o$tA<C(–Q_s` oq;
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yes-k · 2 years
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Color 2022
CICA Museum
September 7-25, 2022
2022.09.07 – 25
Featured Artists 참여작가: Ashley Andersen, Jihye Baek (백지혜), Marcus Brown, Reenie Charrière, Anna Choi (최안나), Nero Cosmos, Doug Dabbs and Julia Hagerty, Louise De Buck, Manal Deeb, Ruotong Guan, Belinda Haikes, Hodoo, Luna Sue Huang, Ruby Huh (허성윤), Hwang Ji Young (황지영), Kaloyan Ivanov, Ophelia Jacarini, Yvon Jolivet, Lesya Karebina, Andrew Kaufman, Kim na yoon (김나윤), Kimsunik (김선익), Sujin Kim (김수진), Taeeun Kim (김태은), Michael Laughlin, Chau Le Thai Huyen, Christine McCann, Rosalyn Ng, Maria Rita Nogueira, Anais Öst, Collin Pollard, Rebecca Potts Aguirre, D. Marshall Sharpe, Jaeho Shin (신재호), Jaeyoun Shin (신재연), Catalin Soreanu, Natsuki Takauji & Haksul Lee, Bart Vargas, Anthony Warnick, Yu Yan, Yi Hyunsuk (이현숙), Yu Seojeong (유소정), Xu Yuting, Anna Zhang
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fuckyeahicefantasy · 7 years
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A boy's best friend is his mother.
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jojal-jojalkorean · 5 years
Hangeul: Consonants 자음
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Hello! 안녕하세요. This is Admin Yu with the first Hangeul lesson on consonants. Now, let's start learning.
The Korean langauge itself can be difficult to learn since the grammar system is vastly different from other languages. But learning to read and write in Hangeul, the alphabets of Korea, is very, very easy. Today we are going to learn how to pronounce Hangeul's 19 consonants.
<자음 Consonants>
ㄱ [g, k] - 고기(go-gi): meat, 각(gak): angle
ㄴ [n] - 나비(Na-bi): butterfly, 나(na): me, I
ㄷ [d, t]- 도장(do-jang): stamp, 더(deo): more
ㄹ[r, l] - 라면(Ramyeon): Ramen
ㅁ[m] -모래(Mo-rae): sand, 문(Moon): door
ㅂ[b,p] - 방패(bang-pae): shield, 밥(bap): meal
ㅅ[s]- 시간(si-gan): time, 소(so): cow
ㅇ[∅,ng] -우유(oo-yu): milk, 운(oon): luck
ㅈ[j] - 지구(ji-gu): earth, 짐(Jum): burden
ㅊ[ch] - 친구(Chin-gu): friend, 차(cha): tea, car
ㅋ[k] -코끼리(ko-kki-ri): elephant, 콩(kong): bean
ㅌ[t] - 투표(too-pyo): vote, 탕(Tang): tub
ㅍ[p]- 편지(Pyeon-ji): letter, 피(pi): Blood
ㅎ[h]-하늘(ha-neul): sky, 혀(Hyeo): tongue
ㄲ[kk] -까마귀(Kka-ma-gui): crow, 꽃(Kkot): flower
ㄸ[tt (dd)]-딱지(ttak-ji): a traditional korean toy. We will explain more when we make a post about Korean traditional games. 땅(Ttang): ground
ㅃ[pp]- 빨대(ppal-dae): straw, 뼈(ppyeo): bone
ㅆ[ss]- 쌈장(ssam-jang): a type of spicy and sweet Korean sauce. It's delicious. 씨(Ssi): seed
ㅉ[jj]- 찌개(Jji-gae): stew/soup, 짝(jjak): pair
That's it for today :D Next time in Hangeul class we'll learn about the science and categories of the hangeul consonants, which is crucial to understanding how to pronounce and read, and properly spell Korean.
-Admin Yu
Additional notes:
Written by Admin Yu/
Edited and posted by Admin Sun/ Spell, grammar checked by Admin Gyu
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chinesetong-china · 4 years
Learn Chinese in Chinese stories|Chinese legends|Nuwa mended the sky
Human always like to live by water. The Yellow River Basin in China also gave birth to the earliest Chinese culture, and China's floods seem to be quite frequent, the  five thousand years of Chinese history also was a history of water control.
In the Chinese legend, the water God Gonggong fought with the fire God Zhurong, Gonggong damaged the Buzhou mountains which supported the sky and earth, the water came out of the sky river, flooding the world. This was the first great flood. Finally, the human creator Nu WA made a multicolored divine stones out of hot fire
and mended the sky.
Pan gu kai tian hou
After Pangu created the world
 You yi zuo ju da de shan zhi cheng zhe tian he di
There was a huge mountain that supported the sky and the earth
 Ta de ming zi jiao bu zhou shan
It was called ‘Buzhou’ mountains
 Nv wa niang niang chuan zao de ren lei jiu sheng huo zai bu zhou shan xia de tu di shang
The human beings created by Nu WA live on the land beneath the Buzhou mountain
 Ta men xing fu de sheng huo zhe
They lived happily
 Ke shi you yi tian
Yet one day
 Tian shang de huo shen Zhurong he shui shen Gonggong da le qi lai
The God of fire Zhurong and God of water Gonggong fought in the sky
 ‘Bu zhou shan nai cheng tian shi zhu,ruo zao sun huai hou guo bu kan she xiang
Buzhou montains are the stones to support the sky ,consequence is unimaginable if it damaged’
 ‘Wo yao rang suo you ren dou zhi dao wo shui shen gong gong de li hai
I will let everyone know how sharp I am
 Bu zhou shan tan ta ,tian he de shui liu le xia lai
Buzhou montains collapsed ,and the water in the Sky’ river came down
 Wei le zheng jiu sheng ling wan wu
To save the people and other creatures
 Nv wa jue ding xiu bu tian dong
Nuwa decided to mend the sky
 Xiu bu tian dong zhi you yi ge ban fa
These is only one way to mend the sky
 Bi xu shou ji tian di jian de bao shi
Must collect precious stones in the universe
 Yong zhi re zhi huo lian cheng wu cai shen shi
Make a multicolored divine stone out of hot fire
 Zhi you wu cai shen shi cai neng bu tian
Only the multicolored divine stone can mend the sky
 Tian dong zhong yu xiu bu hao le
Finally the sky was mended
 Bu zhou shan que quan bu tan ta le
All the Buzhou mountains collapsed
 Tian di shi qu zhi cheng
The sky and earth lose support
 Suo you sheng ming dou wu fa zai zhe pian tu di sheng cun
All creatures can’t live on the land
 Ke shi nv wa yi jing mei you li liang qu zheng jiu ta men le
But Nuwa had no power to save them
 Wo de zhe si tiao tui ke yi zhi cheng tian he di
My four legs can support the sky and the earth
 Ke shi na xie ren lei zong shi chao chao nao nao de
But those humans are always noisy
 Zhen de zhi de qu jiu ta men ma
Is it really worth saving them
Ta men yong yuan dou shi wo de hai zi
They will always be my children
 Qiu qiu nin bang bang ta men
Please help them
 Wo zhi dao le
I see
 Qi shi wo hai shi xi huan an jing yi dian
I still like to be quiet
 Zhong yu shen ao ye ye yong ta si tiao tui de li liang
Finally the huge legendary turtle used it’ four legs
Chong xin cheng qi le tian he di
Support the sky and earth again
 Zai nan jie shu le
The disaster finally ended
 Ren lei ye kai shi le man chang de yu shui xiang chu de guo cheng
Humans has begun a long history to get along with the water
水 water
火 fire
神 god
Shuǐ shén水神water god   ;huǒ shén火神fire god
 Huáng hé
黄河  The yellow river
 Huáng hé dài yǒu dà liàng huáng tǔ gāo yuán chōng jí xià lái de ní shā ,hé shuǐ chéng xiàn huáng sè ,yīn cǐ jiào huáng hé
 The Yellow River has a large amount of alluvial sediment from the Loess Plateau, and the river water is yellow, so it is called the Yellow River.
 Huáng hé liú jīng de zhōng bù píng yuán dì qū shì huá xià wén míng zhǔ yào fā yuán dì ,yīn cǐ huáng hé yòu bèi chēng wéi mǔ qīn hé
 The Yellow River flows through the central plain area, which is the main birthplace of Chinese civilization,so the Yellow River is also known as the Mother River
 Cháng jiāng
长江 the Yangtze River
 Zhè shì zhōng guó zuì cháng de hé liú ,yīn cǐ  jiào cháng jiāng
Yangtze river is the longest river in China, so it is called the Chang jiang ( literally mean long river ).
 Zài cháng jiāng shàng jiàn yǒu sān xiá shuǐ lì gōng chéng
Three Gorges Project was on the Yangtze River
 Zhōng guó de dì xíng cóng xī wǎng dōng ,àn sān gè jiē tī cóng gāo dào dī
From west to east ,the topography of China is from high to low by three steps
 Yóu yú zhōng guó de dì xíng tè zhēng ,dà duō shù hé liú cóng xī xiàng dōng liú xiàng hǎi yáng
由于中国的地形特征, 大多数河流从西向东流向海洋
Due to topographical features, most rivers flow east or east into the ocean
 ér zhōng guó dà duō shù rén kǒu yě dōu jū zhù zài dōng bù bǐ jiào fù yù de píng yuán dì qū
Most of Chinese people also lives in the richer plains of the east
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plawges · 4 years
LESSON 2 (Vowels and Syllable Making)
안녕하세요 여러분! 시작하자!
(Hi everyone! Let's start!)
Okay, 'di ko nilagay 'yung basa doon kasi mababasa mo na 'yan after nitong lesson na 'to. :D
Magkakaroon tayo ng 3 set ng vowels.
Group 1
ㅏa (parang A sa "alin". not too open na A)
ㅓô (mas open 'yung O nito. 'yung sound nito parang 'yung O sa "munggo")
ㅐê ('yung opening ng bibig ay rounded parang sa ㅏ pero "eh" 'yung sinasabi. 'yung sound parang A sa "and")
ㅔe (mas wide yung lips. 'yung sound parang E sa "then")
Group 2
ㅗ o (mas maliit 'yung opening ng lips compared sa ㅓ(ô). 'yung sound nito parang 'yung O sa "open" (owpn) pero wala 'yung "w" sound. tsaka parang mas pabebe 'yung tunog nito kesa sa Ô)
ㅛ yo
ㅜ u (easy. 'yung sound e parang U sa "unggoy")
ㅠ yu
ㅡ û (eto medyo challenging hahaha 'yung sound nito e 'yung parang 'pag nadidiri ka tas sasabihin mo "ugh?" pero siyempre 'di kasama 'yung tono na nandidiri hahaha tsaka less air 'yung lalabas sa bibig)
Now, bago 'yung Group 3 (which more of a subgroup lang naman talaga), discuss muna natin bakit may Group 1 and 2.
Sa paggawa kasi ng syllables, merong parang "windowing" na ginagawa.
We use either this format,
1 2
3 4
or this format.
3 4
'Yung numbers 'yung nagsasabi kung saan mo isusulat 'yung susunod na letter. Maximum number sa isang syllable ay 4. (Minsan parang 5. Elaborate ko later.)
Sa parehong format naman, laging C-V-C-C 'yung arrangement (C=consonant V=vowel).
So, sa first format,
and sa second
Now, 'yung unang format ng syllable ay para sa Group 1 vowels.
배 (bê/pê) - pear or stomach
집 (jib) - house
닭 (dak/tak) - chicken
Sa case ng 닭, usually kasi, kapag 2 consonants 'yung nasa baba, most of the time (if not always) ang pinopronounce lang e 'yung last consonant. So, instead of DALK, for ease na din ng pronunciation, DAK/TAK na lang.
'Yung second format naman ay para sa Group 2.
우유 (uyu) - milk
꽃 (kkoch' pero kkot basa) - flower
옮 (om) - (no exact meaning pero related sa words na may kinalaman sa pagmove or pagtransfer)
Like sa Group 1, 'yung 3rd consonant ay di na pinopronounce.
💡 Sa second example, 'yung ㄲ doon ay considered na 1 letter/character lang. hindi sila kinoconsider na dalawa. So basically, sinunod pa din nito 'yung CVCC format.
💡Ito rin pala yung reason kung bakit PARANG 5 letters ang nasa isang syllable (where in fact, 4 lang naman talaga)
More examples:
여자친구 (yô ja chin gu) - girlfriend
만들다 (man dûl da) - to make
요리하다 (yo ri ha da) - to cook
아름답다 (a rûm dap da) - to be beautiful
웃지마 (us ji ma pero ut ji ma basa) - don't laugh (informal)
Moving on, nabanggit ko kanina na may group 3 (or more like a subgroup) ng vowels. ito actually ay combination ng sounds nila.
ㅗ(o) + ㅏ(a) = 와 (oa=WA)
ㅗ(o) + ㅣ(i) = 외 (OI or OE *this sounds like WE)
ㅗ(o) + ㅐ(ê) = 왜 = (oê or WÊ)
ㅜ(u) + ㅣ(i) = 위 (ui=WI)
ㅜ(u) + ㅔ(e) = 웨 (ue=WE)
ㅜ(u) + ㅓ(ô) = 워 (uô=WÔ)
ㅡ(û) + ㅣ(i) = 의 (ûi sometimes "e")
💡One of the reasons din kung bakit PARANG 5 letters ang nasa isang syllable e dahil sa mga diphthongs na 'to. Pero again, they will be considered as 1 letter/sound lang.)
왕자님 (wang ja nim) - prince
교회(gyo hoe (gyohwe) ) - church
최시원 (Choi Si Wôn read as Choy Shi Wôn) - yung name ng SuJu member.
왜요? (wê yo?) - why?
귀엽다 (gwi yôp da) - to be cute
웨이터 (we i t'ô) - waiter
원하다 (wôn ha da) - to want (something)
의사 (ûi sa) - doctor
최고의 (choe go ûi pero basa chwe go e) - top (of something)
💡Now na marunong ka na maggawa ng syllables, remember lang na kapag vowel 'yung start na sound, always use "ㅇ" as filler sa unahan para masunod 'yung CVCC format ng syllables.
💡Pwede ka na din magstart magpractice magbasa/magsulat or even magtransliterate (meaning 한글 > romanized and vice-versa).
💡Para mas effective 'yung pagpapractice, I suggest you to have a copy of the korean (or 한글) lyrics ng paborito mong korean na kanta (pero hindi mo pa saulo). Tapos on a paper (or even sa cp mo) write (or type) the romanized lyrics. As many songs as possible sana para mapractice ka talaga. Then, kung gusto mo maconfirm kung tama 'yung pagkakasulat mo, listen to the song. 😁 I suggest ballad songs or 'yung medyo mababagal na Pop lang. 😊
💡Kung ang ipapractice mo naman ay the other way around (Romanized>한글), medyo mas challenging 'to kasi maaaring iba yung romanization na makikita natin sa internet. I think you can do the 한글>romanized first, then BACK TO 한글. Now, it will be tricky for you to bring it back to 한글. Tip lang, make use of dashes every after syllable.
Halimbawa, nakita mo sa Korean lyrics 사랑해요. Siyempre, ang magiging Romanized nito, saranghê. Using my tip, ganito dapat maging answer mo: sa-rang-hê. Para kapag binalik mo sa Korean lyrics, madali mong maseseparate yung syllables. And to check your work, refer to the Korean lyrics (or the song!).
I think, once you mastered these, mas madali ka nang makakasaulo ng Korean songs. haha Or even read things. You may not understand everything yet, pero at least you know now how to read and write. 😁
That would be all for this lesson siguro. Kung may questions ka, message me. 😊
오늘인 여기까지! (That's all for today!)
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rosemarybee · 3 years
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Ep 10: Our beloved summer
“Em mong khoảnh khắc này kéo dài mãi mãi…”
Tập phim này đưa ta nhìn rộng hơn đến góc đời của mỗi bạn. Một Back Yi Yin dù có năng lực và nhiệt huyết, nhưng vẫn phải cắn răng chịu đựng từng lời xỉ vả vô cớ của tiền bối, vẫn phải cúi thấp mặt khi mọi người nhắc đến chuyện ng như anh - được tuyển dù chỉ tốt nghiệp cấp 3. Anh vẫn luôn tự hỏi, mình có đang nỗ lực đúng hướng không? (Yi Yin à, anh đang làm rất tốt rồi mà…) Một Ko Yu Rim phiền lòng vì gia đình nợ chồng chất, nhưng bố mẹ vẫn mua cho cô điện thoại và máy đọc đĩa chỉ vì muốn cô nghĩ mọi chuyện vẫn ổn. Một Moon Ji Woong tốt tính, mỗi tội học tập k phải điểm mạnh, nên bị thầy cô thì khinh miệt, mẹ thì la mắng thất vọng. Một Seung Wan “con nhà người ta” trong truyền thuyết, có vẻ là đứa được sống cuộc sống đủ đầy êm đềm nhất, nhg chính sự êm đềm quá mức đó khiến cô thấy nhàm chán và đơn điệu biết chừng nào. Họ ở bên nhau, trải lòng mình để thấy cuộc đời, rốt cuộc chẳng thiên vị với ai…
Nhưng đâu hề gì, tuổi trẻ mà, ai chẳng có những góc khuất, nhưng chúng đâu thể che tối đi những mảng màu tươi sáng kia. Chuyến đi ngoại khoá này như thứ thuốc bổ tinh thần, giúp họ tạm quên đi mọi phiền muộn để cười to, hét lớn, để nhắm chặt mắt lại, lắng nghe tiếng sóng biển rì rào vỗ về cảm xúc… Để những trò vui nhỏ nhặt cũng biến thành hạnh phúc bất tận, để những khoảnh khắc đời thường cũng biến thành mãi mãi…
Tuổi trẻ luôn mang một màu sắc như bộ phim đã truyền tải, đầy rực rỡ nhưng cũng vương vài nét hoài niệm. Dù k biết sau này ra sao, nhưng tập phim tuyệt vời quá. Seung Wan đã hét to: Tôi yêu mùa hè của chúng tôi. Vậy nên mình đặt tên tập phim này là Our beloved summer được không nhỉ:>>>
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filmgratis2021 · 4 years
Rekomendasi Film Musim Panas Ini
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 Di tahun 2021, ada sederetan film-film bagus yang muncul. Baik film itu bagian dari suatu universe, film produksi Netflix, maupun film standalone karya sutradara-sutradara ternama. Kira-kira film apa aja nih yang bakal dapat nominasi dan penghargaan di Oscar 2021? Dengan semakin dekatnya 2021, mulai muncul pula judul-judul film di dunia 21 yang akan tayang dalam 1 tahun ke depan. Beberapa film sudah mengeluarkan teaser dan trailer. Bagi para penggemar film, tahun 2021 juga tak kalah menyenangkan. Akan ada rentetan film berkualitas yang melibatkan nama-nama besar dengan genre beragam yang akan mewarnai bioskop. Ada film animasi, sequel, horor, komedi, dan banyak lagi.        
 Berikut beberapa rekomendasi Film terbaik di tahun 2021
Buat kalian kaum rebahan yang gabut dirumah selama Pandemi COVID-19, dan bingun mau ngapain, mendingan isi kegabutan kalian dengan nonton film-film keren biar ng gak bosen selama dirumah. Kali ini saya akan membagian tips rekomendasi film terbaik di tahun 2021 yang wajib kalian tonton, dijamin pasti nggak ngebosenin. Sejak Maret 2020, pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan peraturan Social Distancing sebagai upaya pencegahan penyebaran virus Covid-19. Hal ini membuat masyarakat harus bekerja dari rumah maupun juga sekolah dari rumah. Beberapa tempat rekreasi/hiburan pun masih ditutup dan juga bioskop belum beroperasi lagi. Walaupun bioskop masih belum beroperasi, kamu tidak perlu khawatir kekurangan film seru untuk ditonton.
 ·         Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan merupakan sebuah seri manga ciptaan Hajime Isayama yang pertama kali terbit pada 2009 lalu di Jepang. Selama perjalanannya, seri tersebut pun sudah diadaptasi dalam berbagai format, mulai dari anime, film live action, hingga video game. Kini, setelah menemani penggemarnya selama 12 tahun, seri manga tersebut akhirnya siap mengakhiri perjalanannya pada 2021 ini.
 ·         The Quarry
Halo para pecinta film Box Office terbaik, kami punya rekomendasi film terbaru dan terbaik tahun 2020 yang harus kamu tonton, yaitu The Quarry. Ditayangkan pada tahun 2020, film yang satu ini banyak sekali diperankan para aktor serta aktris terkenal, sehingga filmnya pun juga sangat sukses. Film ini pun disutradarai oleh Scott Teems, salah satu sutradara sukses di Amerika. Kamu harus banget nonton film The Quarry nannya melalui website, platform nonton film dari Amerika Serikat terbaru dan paling gratis di dunia.
 ·         Never Twice
Bagi kamu penggemar drama dengan genre Hotel, wajib banget nonton online drama Korea Never Twice. Drama garapan Choi Won Suk ini memiliki alur yang mudah dipahami. Drakor yang satu ini memang sangat direkomendasikan untuk kamu tonton melalui website kami.
 ·         River When The Moon Rises
Halo para pecinta drama Korea, kamu harus banget nonton drama Korea River When The Moon Rises, salah satu drama Korea terbaik yang akan ditayangkan tahun 2021. Drama Korea River When The Moon Rises tersebut merupakan salah satu drama yang dibintangi oleh Kim So Hyun dan Ji Soo, aktor serta aktris papan atas ternama dari Korea Selatan yang sangat berpengalaman dan berbakat, bersama dengan rekan akting mereka Lee Ji Hoon dan Choi Yu Hwa. Drama Korea yang satu ini diperkirakan akan menjadi drama sageuk yanghits, dan akan mendapatkan rating yang sangat tinggi ketika penayangan.
 ·         Mulan
Penggemar film klasik Disney gak boleh kelewatan yang satu ini nih! Bagi kamu yang lahir tahun 90-an, pasti waktu kecil pernah nonton Mulan atau malah suka banget sama kisah Mulan. Siapa sih yang gak tau film salah satu film animasi Disney paling ikonis ini. Pasti udah denger juga dong kalau Mulan akan diangkat kembali menjadi live-action remake? Kira-kira bakal mirip dengan film animasinya atau beda ya? Kalian bisa menilai sendiri dengan nonton trailer-nya. Semoga tidak mengecewakan ya! Kabarnya sih live action ini dibuat agar lebih menyerupai kisah nyatanya. Kisah pejuang wanita yang menggantikan ayahnya saat perang ini bisa kamu saksikan pada 25 Maret mendatang.
 ·         Fast and Furious 9
Pihak studio Universal Pictures mengumumkan bahwa mereka memundurkan tanggal penayangan 'Fast and Furious 9' selama enam pekan, dari sebelumnya 10 April menjadi 22 Mei 2020 yang bertepatan dengan Memorial Day di Amerika Serikat. Pengumuman pemunduran jadwal sekuel Fast and Furious ini merupakan yang kedua. Sebelumnya pada 2017, Universal memundurkan jadwal perilisan dari 19 April 2019 menjadi 10 April 2020. Keduanya bertepatan dengan liburan Paskah. Pemberitahuan pemunduran yang diumumkan Jumat waktu Amerika Serikat tersebut membuat tanggal 10 April kosong tanpa diisi satu judul film apa pun, hanya menikmati penayangan Bond 25 yang diumumkan MGM rilis pada 8 April 2020
 ·         Freaky
Halo para pecinta film Box Office terbaik, kami punya rekomendasi film terbaru dan terbaik tahun 2020 yang harus kamu tonton, yaitu Freaky. Ditayangkan pada tahun 2020, film yang satu ini banyak sekali diperankan para aktor serta aktris terkenal, sehingga filmnya pun juga sangat sukses. Film ini pun disutradarai oleh Christopher Landon, satu sutradara sukses di Amerika Selatan. Kamu harus banget nonton film Freaky nantinya melalui website dewanonton, platform nonton film Amerika Serikat terbaru dan paling gratis di dunia
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joyceebels · 4 years
Happy 10th year Anniversary Running Man
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Hindi ko na tanda kung may nag encourage sakin manood nito, basta 1 day nalang nag start akong panoorin sila, simula umpisa hanggang sa naenjoy ko at sobrang tuwang tuwa ako kay Kang Gary iba yung dating nya sakin sa mga unang episodes kaya nagtuloy tuloy talaga ako sa panonood, naenjoy ko din yung mga episodes kung san may super powers sila, yung nabuo yung Monday Couple, yung time na may spy game na mapapaisip ka din kung sino ba sa kanila yung Spy,
Yung Name Tag elimination nila na kapag si Kim Jong Kook na wala na talo na lahat.. ahahahahaha
Yung pagiging unlucky ni Kwang Soo, pag Betray nya sa mga ibang members kahit yung ka team nya.. ahahaha
Yung pagiging sobrang tapang ni Song Ji Hyo, pagiging adventurous nya sa mga extreme na pinapagawa sa kanya
Yung pagiging hindi hadlang ng age ni Ji Seok Jin para hindi nya magawa yung ibang mission at sobrang tapang nyang harapin yung mga penalty na pinapagawa sa kanya..
Isa din Yu Jae Seok, sa pagiging unlucky members pero sya yung gustong gusto ko mag start ng conversation, gustong gusto sya sa mga Yu Bond series nya..
Yung pagiging Spy ni Haha ang mga 1 of the best para sakin, sya yung tipong wala ka talaga ka idea na sya pala talaga yung spy kasi sobrang galing nya magdala.. ahahahaha
May screen shot pa ako dati (see below screenshot), yan yung unang pinaalam ko sa fb na fans na ako ng Running Man..
Nalungkot lang ako ng umalis si Kang Gary sa episode 325, kaya nahinto din ako sa panonood nito, hanggang recently lang etong kaibigan ko, nagkwento dun sa Fan meeting ng Running man, maganda daw, nakakaiyak, ang gagaling nila, masaya..
so sabi ko move on na, give ko naman ng chance yung mga bagong member which is si Se chan, at So Min, Tamang tama naman andito lang din sa bahay kaya nag umpisa ulit ako panoorin.. Kaya nag start na ulit ako manood, dumating sila So Min at Se Chan episode 345 na nabalita lang na magiging new member sila.. ahahahaha pero 346 ang unang apperance nila dito.. ahahahah
naenjoy ko na ulit and rest was story.. ahahaha basta ayun nasa 509 na yung pinapanood ko.. at sumasakto talaga sa 10th year anniversary nila kasi malapit na ako maging updated ulit..
P.S. nakabili din ako ng ticket nila para sa pagbisita nila dito satin, kaya see you soon din mga Runners.. :)
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