hoshizoralone · 8 months
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my illustration for nier’s blade for the drakengard weapon stories fanzine!! extras are available now in limited quantity
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sakom75 · 3 months
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never talk to me or my son EVER AGAIN
@owlpellet 's Oliver (the Ghoul) and @ninamodaffari 's Emil the adorable lil mutant!
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hythlodaes · 7 months
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there are places i'll remember all my life,
+ closeup of bb emile and his dad below the cut :')
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its-ahissionado · 5 months
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Vibe chart ✨️
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moonbeam-dragon · 7 months
I know I already have a lot of AUs but
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nonochan21 · 1 year
I hate the Aerie, all my homies hate the Aerie
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Not sure if I'll finish this or not, but here's where I'm leaving this off at for now.
Based off this tweet from my Twitter
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kakusu-shipping · 19 days
Little brain rattle fic sense I let myself get dragged into the pit
Technically a self insert fic sense I am the Crying Child but not canon to my story or anything, just an interaction that won't leave my brain that I can't comic out for whatever reason. Can be read as any other version of CC.
Oswald quickly slammed the door of the arcade behind him and took in a deep breath before holding it. He listened closely as the mechanical footsteps of the yellow bird echoed in the hall behind the door, slowly going further... further.....
Oswald released his held breath and sank to the floor, glad to not have been seen, but still stressed. So of course, when the sound of quiet crying suddenly hit his ears, it's no surprise he tensed up yet again.
The source of the sound was another kid, smaller than Oz, curled up under the calendar. His hair was a mussy mop of light brown, his eyes were overflowing with tears and tucked behind a thick pair of retro glasses. His face was half buried in a yellow teddy bear he was gripping tightly to himself.
"H-Hey... Are you... okay...?" Of course he wasn't, Oswald thought as soon as the question left his mouth, none of the kids here were.
The kid didn't answer, he didn't even look up, he just continued to cry near silently. Oswald moved a little closer and reached out to him.
"It's gonna be okay... I'll help you escape." He attempted. Still no response. He might be in shock, it might be a bad idea to touch him. Oz retracked his hand and thought before speaking again.
"I'm looking for my dad," He slowly sat next to the kid, careful not to make too much noise.
"Your... dad...?" The kid finally spoke, still not looking up. His voice was shaky, and muffled by the bear, making him appear even smaller than he did already. It had a slight accent to it Oz didn't recognize.
"Yeah, he was captured. He's wearing a blue shirt and has brown hair. H- Have you seen him?"
The kid lifted his head slightly and turned to look at Oz, his brown eyes looked almost red in the dim lighting, or maybe it was all the crying.
"Did your dad... become the Golden Rabbit...?"
"The golden...?" Oswald paused at the question, then tensed up, eyes going wide as it dawned on him, "YES! Yeah he- He's been replaced by a big yellow robot rabbit! How'd you...?"
He trailed off, the boy next to him shifted, hugging his teddy bear tighter.
"My dad did too...." Tears welled in the child's eyes again, Oswald again reached out to comfort him, but he moved away before he could. "I don't know why... He just... stopped being my dad..."
Oswald watched as the kid once again started to cry, silent tears streaming down his face. He thought about his own dad, and the imposter at home, and how much smaller the kid next to him was. He gripped tightly to the sleeve of his jacket, then placed a hand on the child's shoulder.
"Don't worry, I bet that monster has your dad and my dad locked up in the same place. I'll save them both so don't... cry....?"
Oswald looked to the child, and found his hand resting firmly on the shoulder of the empty suit he'd hidden in at the start of this whole fiasco.
"Where did he-?" But Oswald didn't get to finish that thought, as the aforementioned monster suddenly burst into the hall from the party room, pausing just long enough to screech before lunging, which was just enough time for Oz to scrambling himself off the floor and to the southern door into the party hallway.
Questions could wait, he had to get somewhere to hide.
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queenofzan · 2 months
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trying to find reference images of actual knifeplay was SO DIFFICULT. just fake shit after fake shit. bro PLEASE i am an ARTIST
anyway some of these lines are too thick bc i hadn't quite gotten the hang of my brushes yet. but like hell i'm doing the whole thing over again!!!
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brother-one · 1 year
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so uh
im playing gestalt and i uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
IM SO SORRY IF ITS BADLY TRANSLATED ABHWASJADK i tried my best but i havent slept well ....
(og meme:)
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Sandersverse Apocalypse AU
I made a sideblog for this. Please read and comment!
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Mo: Hey, Carlos, have you thought about having children?
Carlos: Does looking over you and the others not seem like I already do? Because I promise you, it sure feels like it.
Mo: But we're not childr-
Carlos, already distracted: EMILE, PUT THE FIRE DOWN!
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happy memesday!
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hythlodaes · 10 months
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and we lived in
a dream of us older
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Rylan: Mommy? Emil: Yes? Rylan: Daddy's home.. Can we? Emil: No, it's not safe!
Deep down they knew they were wrong, but they could not risk being wrong, they could not lose their kids, not again. Instead, they enjoyed the food that had been made for them, while Emil had an eye on the door just in case. The food though made them drowsy, and although they hadn’t meant to fall asleep, they had. When they woke up, they found their nest empty, their two little ones no longer by their side. Had they fled? Had they - No! Flynn wouldn’t! They knew Flynn wouldn’t! But the doubt was there, the fear was there! Had Flynn taken them? Deep down they knew better, yet they were scared as they snuck out of the room. Carefully making their way downstairs, hearing familiar voices from the living room.
Tyvan: Are you all better? Flynn: Not all better, but enough to be allowed to come home as long as I keep going to therapy. Rylan: So you stay? Flynn: If your mommy will have me, I would like to stay, yes.  Tyvan: Mommy misses you, buuuut, they're scared too. Flynn: I know, I scared them, brought up bad memories in a horrible way.. -he smiled softly at his two little ones as they sat together in the rocking chair, the crackle from the fireplace keeping them company.- But I love you two and mommy more than anything in the whole wide universe, so I have to try, right? Rylan: Yes!
Beginning - Previous - Next
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emile-hides · 1 year
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I’ve gotten myself very attached to my own fanon versions of Metal Mario and Gooigi, so might as well throw the rest of the Gadd family into it.
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
Happily Ever After Masterpost
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Logan Sanders thought he had secured a fairy tale ending when he married Kelly Croft, mother to his first child. Perhaps Logan should have spent less time in the non-fiction sections and more time reading actual fairy tales.
Has he truly lost his chance for a happily ever after or were the first twenty years of his adulthood just the prologue to the real fairy tale?
Spotify Playlist - [ AO3 ]
Chapter List
Once Upon a Time
It Was a Bright Cold Day in April
A Queer, Sultry Summer
The Sun Did Not Shine
Happy Families
A Pleasure to Burn
All This Happened
The Past is a Foreign County
Ships at a Distance
Next story in the series: Objections
This was overdue. When I started posting Happily Ever After on Tumblr, I didn't really know what I was doing and didn't anticipate just how hard it would be to find these posts again.
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