#daddy knd
ravenpoefan · 2 years
How do you think the ltdfcd joined daddy
Sorry it took me so long to answer this. I wanna say that they used to be part in the dnk but didn't like the way the dnk treated other kids. So they ran away. While they were on the run, they met Daddy and he offered to help them and took them in. The little traitor dudes were hesitant at first but eventually trusted him? Sorry if this isn't a very in depth answer.
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gooberino · 1 year
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You CANNOT look me in the eye and tell me this man is straight
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mr-viwick · 2 years
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holds him like a wet towel
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Ykw I'm feeling brave today
KND daddy/mirror pool father x reader headcanons :3c
Daddy (mirror father) x reader
We are silly and we are free!!
Notes: reader is GN, admin personally refers to daddy as benny to defrintiate him from Benedict
CWs: None
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So so so loving! While normal Benedict spoils you with material possessions, Benny spoils you with affection and compliments... though is it really spoiling if hes just showering you in love?
A little bit of a pushover, especially when it comes to pleasing you... please dont take advantage of that- he would be so so hurt if you end up just using him for your personal gain
Stay at home father/partner, he likes packing you lunches for work... though.. actually if I recall correctly adults arent the ones working in the mirror world-
He still packs you stuff when you're heading out for one reason or another- and yes! He does leave notes!
"Sweetheart" "sweetie" "dear", stuff like that is what he calls you!
You guys have matching aprons... hes going to ask to take a bunch of pictures with you
Keeps them all hung up on the fridge or put somewhere in a scrapbook
On the topic of scrapbooks and pictures, he definitely has a bunch of family photos with the little traitor dudes
Speaking of the traitor dudes, you're going to need to be okay with them- benny and the kids are a package deal so if you cant deal with that he'll gladly point out the door
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bluepastels29 · 6 months
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Had this sitting around unfinished for a while, so I decided to finally get it done. I've been craving to do future Skyleeverse stuff lately and wanted to draw Skye and Hoagie's family first 💙🩷
Meet the Gilligans!
You pretty much know about Hank, so I'll skip him for now and move to his sisters 😂
Lani Gilligan is Skye and Hoagie's second oldest kid. She is known as the gremlin out of the Gilligan sibs, managing to take after Skye's chaotic nature back when she was a kid and becoming quite the handful. While also being born with the gift of tinkering, Lani has a love for tinkering and usually messes with the wiring in the house to come up with new security systems and traps (which she gets in trouble for). She's a huge daddy's girl. She is a 2x4 tech officer and explosives specialist for the KND, going by Numbuh 7.2. She is 10 years old.
Sora Gilligan is the youngest of the Gilligan kids, being 1 year old. Nothing much is known about her yet except her being the baby of the family and being the calmest out of her sibs. She is a very quiet baby, which isn't really good for her parents since she is known to wander off without anyone noticing and get into some trouble.
Skye Gilligan works as a stunt pilot and sometimes teaches classes to those who are interested in becoming a stunt pilot themselves. Is usually laid back and fun-loving, but knows when to be strict and lay down some rules if she has to. Loves her kids and husband dearly, sometimes being a bit of a mother hen and being overprotective. Is 38 years old.
Hoagie Pennywhistle Gilligan Jr. works as a pilot at the airport, having flexible hours so he wouldn't be away from his family for too much. Is a loving and joyful dad and loves spending time with his kids and wife, wanting nothing more than his family to be happy. He still has a love for jokes and puns, now often telling dad jokes any chance he gets (he almost got banned from family reunions because of him telling dad jokes nonstop 😂) Is 39 years old
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otherworldseekers · 1 year
Pandaemonium thoughts: Themis (and those other guys too I guess)
Oops almost forgot to put this under a read more. 
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They really fed us a Themis Feast, didn’t they?
But across the board the character development that culminated in this patch was just astounding. Even more so because Themis, Lahabrea and Erichthonios are not just long dead characters. In this patch they are facsimiles of long dead characters. Technically, there is no character growth possible. And yet throughout the quests our understanding of those characters grows leaps and bounds. 
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Lahabrea who we knew previously only as a cackling madman has gone through several transformations along the course of Pandaemonium. From respected leader but terrible father to a man who made mistakes because of a tainted love and denies himself in an attempt to prevent further errors, to a man who acknowledges and accepts his failures and strives to move forward. This Lahabrea we meet in the end has finally embraced Erichthonios and his role as father, but fully admits that duty to the star comes before everything. 
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Unlike Emet-Selch, he is not at all surprised to hear about what he becomes as an Ascian. He has no illusions about how far he would go for his duty. Perhaps that is why as Ascians, Emet-Selch and Lahabrea seem to have disliked each other. Emet maintains the fiction that what he is doing is noble because he is doing it for his people. Lahabrea knows perfectly well what he is doing is evil, but willingly walks the path in the name of his duty to the star because that is what he has sworn to do. 
I think it’s so interesting and appropriate how, as opposed to Emet-Selch and Elidibus, they didn’t go the route of making Lahabrea very sympathetic. While, naturally, he’s not a villain in Pandaemonium, he embraces the reality of his villainy without regrets. It’s a fascinating take and I think it helps to balance out what they did with the other Unsundered. 
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Erichthonios. I had no idea when we met him how he would ultimately impact me. He’s just this guy when you first meet him. Then he’s this guy with daddy issues. Then he’s this guy with mommy issues. And it’s not until this patch that you get to learn how he truly came into his own. 
That moment when he faces Athena is so good, perfectly showcasing how Erich has learned to accept himself and has found what is really important to him. He grew so much throughout Pandaemonium and it’s in large part to what a difference the WoL made to him. How the WoL inspired him. 
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It was the WoL who he looked to, who gave him the strength to find himself and his true family. And it’s the WoL who he is thinking of at the end of everything. It’s moments like this, when the game shows us the difference that our characters make in the lives of others, that I think make FFXIV really special. 
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Themis. There’s so much I want to say about Themis. First, omg SE thank you so much for my life for giving him voice acting. Non MSQ quests NEVER get voice acting and they did it anyway. I was screaming. I love his voice so much. (Note: I play with Japanese voices and he’s voiced by possibly my absolute favorite seiyuu: Ishida Akira.) His voice is so perfect. I love it. 
Ok so, Themis. OMG. I am just in awe. The writing for his character has always been good, but this patch just blew me away. Right away you can feel that things are off. His speech and mannerisms are not quite what they were in the first two tiers. And we learn this is because Athena took his memories from the aetherial sea after his death. And though, as he later tells us, all memories but those of Pandaemonium are hazy, he is still a Themis who has experienced those things and those experiences are part of him. This is such a truly unique version of him. Because he is, mostly, his Pandaemonium, pre-Sundering self. He has his youth and the feelings of those times, hope for the future, in addition to love and responsibility for his people and the Convocation. But he’s also the Elidibus we came into conflict with. He knows what’s going to happen to him. He knows who we really are. And I was absolutely mesmerized by how well they conveyed all these nuanced in his mannerisms, actions and dialogue. 
And it’s actually a really neat way to solve the problem of Elidbus’ soul being spent in EW to send up to Elpis. Which suggested that there would be no cohesive Elidibus soul ever again. But here we have Athena basically gathering the fragments of his soul together from the Aetherial Sea and doing a good job of it too. 
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The fight. It was absolute perfection. The beauty of the Convocation room. Themis’ true transformation. THE MUSIC. I have been listening to Fleeting Moment non-stop (I am listening to it now) and I could make a whole post just talking about it. It is probably my favorite version of the Amaurot theme now. The emotion in it. *clenches fist* AHHHH it’s so good.
After the fight, Themis admits that it is his interest in the WoL and the desire to know their nature that Athena exploited to bring him under her sway. This is curious since personally I didn’t get that impression from him in the previous tiers. I’m sure he was curious about us, but I never felt as though this was a driving desire in him, the way it clearly is with Ananaseios Themis. No, I think this is something that comes, at least in part, from the Elidibus we in the future. 
Other highlights:
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A reminder that Themis is a badass. Enough to be recognized and respected by all 13 other members of the Convocation. 
And naturally: 
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This whole scene was incredible. I love that it’s just him and us. I love that they allow us to be sad about him fading away. That he clearly wants to tell us these things. Wants us to understand that our relationship has purpose and meaning. That he can be content to have played his part in the salvation of the star and his soul can be at rest. 
Every single line of this scene is packed with emotion and meaning. (I absolutely cried.) But what comes after is even more packed with potential significance.
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How fascinating, the truths that dwell at the edge of sleep. 
The course of history is set by its victors. It is immutable. And yet...
Should this star continue upon its path...
Look... The light...
This is most certainly a set up for 7.0 and I am FOAMING AT THE MOUTH TO KNOW MORE. WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE STAR?? At the end there, is that Themis being reincarnated?? ARE WE GOING TO GET TO MEET REINCARNATED THEMIS?? 
I imagine that would upset a lot of people who are tired of Ancients and Ascians and want them all gone, but fuck those people. If anyone deserves a second chance, surely it must be Themis. He gave so much and got nothing but suffering for it. 
But the possibility also raises some interesting questions about what an Unsundered reincarnated into the Source would be like. 
I feel like I could easily say more but this is already long enough. Anyway, Pandaemonium was amazing. 
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kidsnextdoor-doodles · 10 months
I think about how in Op Daddy Fanny was scared to tell Mr Boss that she was in the KND because she was afraid he wouldn’t love her anymore. Because Fanny, up until that point, didn’t know her dad was a villain. Mr Boss’s status was seemingly kept secret from her. Despite this, she was still afraid to tell him she was an operative for what seemed to be no reason.
In Op Closet, the mother was afraid of being seen asking for help from the KND and that she could be kicked out of the club she’s in for it. From what we know the mother isn’t a villain of any kind, she’s just a regular adult. But she still has this bias against the KND or is at least aware that many adults do.
In the opening for Op Safety, we see Senators and Lawmakers passing a law to make ‘math class 70% more boring for kids” and disregard Senator Safely’s demands for Child Safety Laws. A direct quote from the scene; “We’re trying to make some fun laws that make life miserable for kids, not laws to protect them”. Of course, the laws are cartoonishly unserious and Senator Safely’s demands are exaggerated (worrying about kids somehow swallowing fishing rods), we are shown that in the KND universe, the US Government is actively oppressing children and denying them protection and safety.
In the KND universe, a bias against kids and those who fight for their rights is the norm. We see the government denying them rights and we’re told that being associated or even seen with a KND operative can cause an adult to be ostracised. Fanny was afraid to tell Mr Boss that she was a KND operative because, to her, the idea that her dad could turn on her and no longer love her was a real fear despite the fact she didn’t know he was a villain. She probably knows about cases of that actually happening, and the fact that she was a high-ranking operative most likely made that fear even worse.
So basically that scene in Op Daddy is a metaphor for coming out
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jazzyrazzy157 · 6 months
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(Update Version (for the most part))
•Son of Mr. Fizz and Common Cold
•Name in English translation means “Lamb”
•He would rather to be called “Coral”
•Only Child
•Just like his father (Common Cold) he have a chronic illness (that may or may not killing him (literally) inside)
•He and his father (Mr. Fizz) doesn’t see eye to eye (He have Daddy Issues)
•He loves to write stories when he sick and bedridden
•Grew up a little too fast
•Unknown to him, he has a half brother?!
•He’s Asexual
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rejaytionships · 3 months
Father for that one ask game! Have a fantabulous day!
thank you for the ask! i hope you have an awesome day as well :D
[i use myself and my s/i arnie interchangeably]
What made me like him
Out of universe, I initially got into him when designing a FusionFall s/i (CVM), and her whole schtick was being an accidental fusion of a bunch of different inserts. Since KND was one universe in the game, I wanted to make a sona for that. I thought Father was cute, and then I got into the lore a little bit and I enjoyed how over the top he was, but also that he was surprisingly chill and loved baking as well. Also, his daddy issues were a little too relatable to pass up (/lh).
In universe, the reason my insert Arnie falls for Father is because after working for him for a while and also him being the only person she would regularly hang out with (until she met her best friend Lou), she eventually found him charming and would start to see the more vulnerable side he tends to hide under his intimidating villainous exterior.
My favorite thing about him
Honestly? I love how over the top and extra this man is.
Kids want a birthday cake? Yeah, let's make an ice cream cake for the kids... except the cake is an entire spaceship, and after a laser goes off destroying all ice cream on Earth, it will also give the kids the privilege of having the last ice cream ever.
It really plays into what I like about him: just how silly and fun he can be.
I also really like the moments where he's not trying to be a villain. I loved it when he joked around with a KND operative, or made a truce with them so they could save a coveted box of cereal, or even when he gets to mention his hobby for baking; stuff like that, those are just the examples atop my head. He's literally just Some Dude underneath all of that "canonically the most evil villain (outside of his own father)" stuff.
It really shows that despite being comically devious, he's still human. I love it when evil people are actually really silly... *twirls hair*
Nicknames we have for each other
For context, Father is his business name and he's actually just some dude named Benedict.
Arnie would call him him Ben, or more commonly Benny, but would also use casual pet names, primarily dear but also babe/baby and hon(ey). She's more likely to use the pet names in public, while only calling him his name in private for the sake of Father's anonymity.
Conversely, he'd call Arnie only by her full first name when around other villains, but at home? The big one is honey pie, but in his arsenal he also uses dearie, sweetie, darling, sugar plum... just about anything silly or sweet he can possibly think of, really!
A headcanon of our relationship
Father obviously feels socially stunted, given I doubt he's got many (or any) actual friends in canon past being acquainted somewhat with the other villains. So, I think despite his ability to woo people (the result of such I'll mention in the final bullet point) he absolutely doesn't know how to maintain that sort of ability to show affection once someone agrees to be with him.
This is why with Arnie he will go all out when it comes to gifts.
Showing emotional affection via words and PDA? Sure, he could technically do that... or he could show how he feels by being the dude who will buy someone a treat whenever they so desire, except the treat is dialed up to eleven.
Craving a tub of ice cream? Why not have a whole factory of ice cream where you have any flavor at your disposal! Want to go to the beach? Let's pay a whole lot of money to privately reserve the entire coast for an afternoon, he can pull the strings! Saw a pretty dress at the store? Not only will you get that, but you're also getting matching shoes, jewelry, and whatever other possible clothing accessory could go with it (special handbag included); and screw it, next time you want a dress, he'll have stuff personally tailored for you! Hungry for literally any baked good? Hope you're excited for him to personally make a literal lifetime's worth of it from scratch!
He accidentally goes full-blown sugar daddy mode (which is funny because sometimes the sugar is actual sugar and sometimes it's what the typical sugar is for that title: money) and the only payment he wants from Arnie (or any partner, really) is a shred of validation or affection in response. Literally you could throw the man any bone; he's so starved for positive attention, that Arnie showing up and unconditionally loving him absolutely short-circuits him and makes him go above and beyond to even try and show a fraction of the care he feels like he gets from Arnie.
Arnie does slowly help him tone it down to a more reasonable level, but it took a while given this was his primary way of shouting I LOVE YOU SO MUCH from the rooftops. It took a whole lot of assuring him that she knows he loves her as much as she loves him. You'll be please to know his spending habits on his honey pie have gone down an entire 4% since they first started dating! /lh
My favorite image of him
Honestly it's hard to choose, so I'll post top three in no particular order.
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Anything else!
Mild lore dump moment! This one's a little more on the serious end.
I do headcanon the Delightful Children to be biologically Father's kids, and that the "missing children of Sector Z" weren't actually kidnapped like the popular idea seems to be. We see Father with a child during A.R.C.H.I.V.E., and the history of that episode is implied to be true at the end of the episode. Really makes the whole "where did these kids even come from" question a whole lot nicer of an answer that way.
The reason I bring that up is because I feel like the kids definitely have a complicated relationship with their parents (none of them know their birth mothers, and while they respect Father it isn't like he's all sunshine and rainbow with them; typically, he's pretty strict and holds them to stupidly high expectations).
That's why I think having Arnie there gives the kids a better sense of normalcy, especially because she's not as intense on the whole becoming a perfect villain thing like Father is. The kids are still antagonistic to the KND, but they also are still kids; having a parent that just does chill normal parent stuff adds a lot of balance these kids absolutely needed in their life. Being a villain with papa is fun and all, but sometimes a kid just wants to go to the beach!
That isn't to say Father can't also be fun parent sometimes. He knows how to party down, after all!
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artsygirl0315 · 1 year
Small knd aninatic for now might post more tomorrow 💙
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ravenpoefan · 2 years
Yeah and since fathers most of the time angry he uses his powers a lot and since tgere opposites and he’s never calm daddy never uses his ice powers
Or Daddy rarely gets to use his powers maybe. It would be cool to see what powers he would have.
Like father can make fire balls or fire blasts and Daddy can make ice shards or maybe a hailstorm?
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nellieuno · 2 years
Just watched Operation P.O.O.L, aka the negative verse episode of KND. And seeing how Negative Numbuh 1 is and how negative verse delightful children/daddy are, makes me wonder what Negative verse Monty is like.
And seeing Negative Numbuh 1’s spineless behavior makes me think maybe Monty had a hand in Negative 1 turning out this way
Idk. Not really a question but I have no one else to talk to about this stuff. And I do really enjoy the many canon AUs of KND
IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS SORTA THING BEFORE TOO i have this problem where i cant think of negative monty being abusive or anything and also i based a lot of my negaverse ideas after op pool on this one album i was listening to while i thought about it. maybe ill draw something about it if anyone wants to hear my thoughts dnvjdfnv
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mr-viwick · 2 years
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love this sad sad creature
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Fran Bow and ATSV and KND masterlist (and other)
Well its official! The original Masterlist that contained my fran bow posts has hit the max link count! Since I doubt I'll fill this list with 100 fran bow posts this will be another amalgamation post with other small fandoms! Whatever those fandoms may be, we will see with time!
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Fran Bow
Prompts 1-5 with itward
Prompts 6-11 with itward
Platonic fran x angel dust!reader
(Romantic) remor and (platonic) Palontras x angel dust!reader
Remor x vox reader
Platonic fran bow x reader
Itward x reader from ithersta
Itward x gardener reader
Itward cai stuff (not x reader just silly)
Remor x reader who is like lute
Prompts 7-11 with spot
16 18 27 28 with spot
Platonic DCFDTL x sweet step parent!reader
Father x reader stuff
Stickybeard x baker reader
Cuppa joe x baker reader
Knightbrace x reader
various KND villains being asked the worm question
Reader finding out about the delightfulization
Father and reader reconciling
Father and knightbrace x baker!reader
Pregnant father hcs (sighs/lh)
Spankulot x reader hcs
Daddy x reader hcs
Toiletnator x girlboss!reader
Platonic father and delightfuls x teen!step kid!reader
Cuddling with various KND villains
Platonic father and delightfuls x child!step kid!reader
Asking spankulot the worm question
Father x winslow leach!reader
Spankulot and stickybeard celebrating halloween w/ reader
Father x reader w/ snowpowers
Toiletnator x grumpy reader
Kissing knd villains
A c j with toiletnator
Toiletnator crushing on the reader
Father and delightfuls celebrating mothers day with the reader
Father x girlboss reader
dinner date w/ various knd villains
toiletnator x competent villain reader
various knd villains x reader w/ animal mutations
Various knd villains crushing on the reader
Father + delightfuls x music teacher reader
Toiletnator x reader who's like Jessica rabbit
various knd villains x single parent reader
3xDCFDTL hcs
Spankulot x werewolf reader
B r l w/ the toiletnator
Random thing #12/Father steams when flustered
Platonic delightfuls x child reader
Stickybeard x candy siren reader
Mr fizz x business rival reader
Platonic hoagie and kuki x knd operative reader
Platonic 86 x fem!self conscious!child!reader
Beach episode w/ father and the delightfuls
Toiletnator crushing on rival reader
Knd villains petnames hcs
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numbuh · 2 years
genuinely really like the design choice of some knd operatives having flashy or "ugly" outfits because that's just what kids do when their parents can't try to control how they dress. they wear whatever they want/what's comfortable. it's like the "cool hair" thing from operation daddy. we don't see what 85's hair looked like before and we don't need to because nothing could be worse than what mr. boss did to it. bottom line is if adults think something looks awful and want to change it, chances are the knd won't feel the same way! y'know... unless they all agree "yeah this sucks"
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izzy-art-879 · 1 month
KND AU: The Princess and the Hamster
Numbuh 5 as Tiana
Hamster Numbuh 5 as Frog Tiana
Numbuh 2 as Prince Naveen
Hamster Numbuh 2 as Frog Naveen
Numbuh 3 as Charlotte La Bouf
Kani Sanban as Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouf
Father as Dr. Facilier
Numbuh 42 as Ray
Maurice as Louis
Leaky Leona as Mama Odie
Bradley as Juju
Numbuh 48 Flavors as Mr. Lawerence
Mrs. Lincoln as Eudora
Dr. Lincoln as James
I know it's been a while since I did a KND Disney AU but don't worry, I haven't stop making them! I also have some other AUs that are not Disney related.
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