#ask raven poe fan
lotrmusical · 1 month
Robert Frost poems are ubiquitous in English classes in the US, I remember having one teacher who assigned us to learn poems and went out of his way to ban Robert Frost as an option because otherwise nearly everyone would default to him as the main poet they knew
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foomoosworld · 5 months
The Raven And The Firefly CHAPTER 3
Minors DNI
Joel Miller X Fem Reader
Summary: Joel finds himself wrangled into a situation where he has to take a woman, who had lived on the outskirts of the QZ in the local landfill, to find her father, Poe. The Fireflies have heard that Poe has a drug that will cure the Cordycept virus that has ended most of the population and his daughter (the woman from the landfill) is immune but he won't give anything up until he has his daughter back in his arms. The same woman Joel is trying to deliver across he country safely. Tess waits with baited breath, waiting for the delivery of the cure for the virus while Joel and you travel across the country against all odds and hoping that what you heard wasn't just a pipe dream.
A/N I should say, first and foremost, that I am not the original creator of this story line and I am told to thank Stars Too Far Fans for finding this because, apparently, this story will tie into that. I'm a friend of the original author of Stars Too Far who is currently having health issues and they stated that intertwining two different fan fic series with an interesting plot line was one of their wishes while they recuperate. They wrote a lot more frequently than I can upkeep but have given me an outline of everything that will happen in this series and into another series. I know I have some big shoes to fill. I'm sorry I'm not them. But I hope I do this justice from their notes over the next few months or year. Please give some love to FooMoo. In the meantime, I will continue the horrifically intricate legacy they laid out for me as best as I can. XOX. Love you FooMoo.
I should also state, I don't know what to call the chapters because they would choose a poignant moment of dialogue and I'm feeling like this isn't my own so I won't be naming chapters. I'm sorry.
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You sit on the bed clad in Tess’s clothes, looking unsurely up at Tess who glares back with crossed arms.  Your eyes dart to Joel, who is standing emotionless in the bathroom door until Tess shoots him a sharp glare and after he tries to hold it, is scorned too much by the heat and turns to busy himself with cleaning coffee mugs in the grimy sink.
“You’re wearing my clothes.”  Tess says flatly to you.
You open and close your mouth like a fish desperately gasping for air in terror and look towards Joel who is doing everything in his power to pretend washing a mug will hold the universe together.  He obviously will be no help to you.
“I… I just put on the clothes Joel told me to…”  You stammer, yet knowing full well that they were Tess’s clothes.
Tess slowly shifts her eyes to Joel’s back that is still washing the same mug over and over in the sink.  She grabs a pair of dirty his pants from the floor and throws it at him.  They hit him and he freezes then sucumbs and turns around..
“What?”  Joel gruffs at Tess, “Was she supposed to walk around in rags that smelled like garbage that would attract attention?   Or would you prefer she just walked around naked?  I worked with what I had.”  Joel tries to justify.
Tess chews her teeth and exhales heavily.  
“Come on.  Both of you.  We’re going to meet some Fireflies.”  She rutts out.
“Are they going to kill me?”  You ask as you walk with Tess.
“That isn’t my place to say.”  Tess grunts.
“Are they going to kill you?”  You ask.
“If the price is right.”  Tess responds.
“What…” Joel pipes up, “... exactly is the price?”  He asks standing firmly and not moving from his stance at the sink as Tess takes you by the arm and ushers you to move out the front door with her.  She turns and shoots daggers in her stare and he merely cocks his eyebrow at her.  Rolling her eyes, she ushers you back onto the couch and yanks Joel into the bathroom to talk privately.
“Look-” Tess starts, frustrated, as she shuts the bathroom door i, “I can’t go on this mission.  They want me here to man the radio for an incoming frequency with intel about when we can intercept a shipment of drugs to Poe.”
“They’re using her as a bargaining chip?”  Joel assumes and snarks.
“No…”  Tess looks down and takes his large calloused hands in hers then looks back up into his suspicious eyes, “They say she’s immune.”
Joel steps back and his mind swirls with the implications of her statement.  He sneers at the thought of this job and Tess sees his reaction and throws up her hands to calm him.
“I know…  I don’t like it either.  It’s sketchy.  They aren’t giving me much information at this point but it seems like they may be correct.  She doesn’t test positive or negative for infection, as we saw with the wall guard andt they’ve shown me CCTV images of her getting bitten and surviving.” 
Joel turns his head to the bathroom door as if looking at you.
“What’s the worst that happens?”  Tess bargained, “You take her to the Fireflies and they kill her?  No skin off your back.  And they wouldn’t go to us to do a job like that.  They know we aren’t Bounty Hunters.  They want her. And I’ve spoken with Poe on the radio-”
“You and that goddamn radio-” Joel starts to rage but Tess quells it,
“She’s important.  And we pay off big.  Like, enough money for me to get a home outside of the QZ with provisions for life and for you to search and find Tommy.”
Joel hesitates then sighs and looks down at his shoes for a moment while he digests the information.
“Fine.”  He finally grunts. 
“Good.”  Tess breaks a small smile and raises a hand to caress his face.  Joel angrily dodges it, “This will be good for both of us.”
Tess straightens up and turns to leave the bathroom before adding, “It smells like sex in here.  Open a damn window, you mongoloid.” 
You, Tess and Joel scurry through the QZ, navigating large buildings like labyrinths in order to avoid the military on the streets and finally come to a long, cracked, dusty hallway with garbage strewn around it when Tess holds out her arm curtly to stop you and Joel from proceeding.
A large metal door slowly whines open and Marlene, a late 40’s black woman in an old army jacket, worn in combat boots and her curly hair tied up on the top of her head strides confidently into the hallway.
“The elusive Amy.”  She smiles slowly as she takes you in.  You turn your head and eye her suspiciously.  She  strides slowly forward, “And with Joel Miller.  You keep popping up in my life though I’ve been trying my best to avoid you.”  She teases.
“Same.”  Joel grunts.
Marlene raises up a testing box to your neck and you cringe as it spikes you.  As she lowers it and looks at the screen it reads nothing.  Not positive or negative and she cocks her head and arches her eyebrows.  “Well, you two seem to have brought us the correct person.”
Joel eyes Marlene suspiciously and realizes how valuable you are to her, all of the sudden and wrap an arm around you and pull you back behind him.,
“I’ll man the radio to listen for  Poe since he trusts me-”
“Poe?!?”  You stagger from behind Joel as he tries to contain you, “You can talk to my father?!?” You shout eagerly.
Marlene nods slowly then motions to a CV radio on a dusty and dilapidated wood table.  You break out of Joel’s grasp and grab the radio, frantically trying to push buttons to make it work but nothing happens as you speak into it.  Marlene slowly and gently picks the microphone out of your hand, pushes a few buttons and speaks into the microphone. Joel slowly wraps his arms around you, worried about any response you have.
“”X-Wing, are you there?”  Marlene calmly asks into the void of radio.  Your eyes dart back and forth between her and the radio as you almost burst in excitement.
“I hear you, Lightning Bug.” a raspy monotone voice returns from the radio.
You barrel out of Joel’s grasp and grab the microphone from Marlene’s hands.
“Dad!  It’s me Aimeo!”
There’s a long pause.  So long you look to Joel dwith a helpless glare that shoots into his soul and Marlene with tears welling in your eyes.
“My girl…”  Poe weaky and shakily responds through his tears.
“Where are you?!?”  you frantically ask clutching the microphone, however, Marlene switches off he radio and prys the mic out of your hand.  She shakes her head sternly,
“You can’t know where he is if you want to find him.  The radio isn’t safe.  You’ll get to him, but you can’t ever talk about where you are or where he is or it puts both of you in Jeorpardy.”
Tears silently flowed down your face as your jaw tightened and your fists clenched.  You wanted to rage and attack her.
A hand grasped your shoulder then soothed down your back.
“We’re going to him.”  Joel soothed you.  You barely could catch your hitching breath as you turned and looked at him as he tried to quell you.
“Go pack your bag with the rations and supplies over there.”  Marlene instructed you.  You looked to Joel, still teary eyed and emotionally shaky and he just nodded at you.  You put your head down and did as you were told.
“Is that really her father?”  Joel asked as soon as you were out of ear shot
“Well, it’s the closest damn thing we’ll ever find to a man that shares their weird delusion of being from outerspace.”  Joel raised an eyebrow.  “This whole situation is fucked.  She’s apparently immune, her father has drugs that can stop the spread, they all think they’re from space…  It reads like some mentally ill cult shit but… she doesn’t read anything… and Poe’s drugs have helped a kid.  I don’t know what to think.  I just know she needs to get to the medical facility.  And if I was you, never let her actually meet Poe.  We need this mental dillusion to keep going smoothly until we can get answers.”
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lostmyremembrall · 1 year
Hellooo! I just stumbled upon you're blog and saw that you do HCs for our lord and savior, Tom Riddle! I'm kinda embarrassed but somehow excited about this 😅
My name is Anamaria and I'm pretty much a very dreary person. I walk in graveyards, I like Edgar Allan Poe and sometimes if I like someone I write poetry about them-
This is very unlike me to ask but I'm just a slightly obsessed fan
🐍 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐂 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐨𝐦
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝐽𝑜𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 1𝐾 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡!
A/N: I am so glad you enjoy the words of our lord and saviour, Tom Riddle!! Thank you so much for the request; I really enjoyed writing this! I'm sorry this took so long, but here it is!
Tom found your dreariness alluring and mysterious.
One of his favourite things is to say your name. He often says it slowly, letting the syllables roll of his tongue.
He whispers your name close to your ear, and enjoys watching you turn red from the warm breath that tingles your ear.
You introduced him to Edgar Allan Poe, but Tom was insistent on being above muggle literature.
He'd never admit it, but he took the time to read and study Poe. It was crucial for him to always keep up with you in conversations and discussions revolving the author. And especially if it was an important aspect of your life; Tom was curious to understand, know, and learn everything about you.
You first noticed that he's read quite many books by him when he began quoting Poe.
He finds poetry to be most different from what he usually reads, which are scholarly articles, mostly non-fiction on the concepts of magic.
But, he's talked extensively about the Fall of the House of Usher. He sees many parallels between the House of Gaunt.
He's most enjoyed the Murders in the Rue Morgue, since he gets to challenge himself intellectually, competing against Auguste Dupin.
You find that reading poetry has allowed Tom to be more in touch with his emotions.
Writing poetry in class
Your eyes catch the profile of his face as his brows furrow in concentration. His hand travels across the parchment trying to not miss a single word muttered by the professor.
Words just come to you when you observe him, filling your pages and notes with your love, not your studies.
Your date involves a walk in Hogsmeade's graveyard.
Enjoying the cool mist against your skin, the crisp cool air.
Checking the years and names marked on gravestones and imagining and speculating the family history and lives of those that came before you.
Watching the ghosts play ball or bowling with their decapitated heads.
The two of you sitting at the usual spot, a stone bench underneath the old willow tree.
Resting your head on his shoulder.
Tom wordlessly wrapping his cloak around you. Whether you’re cold or not, Tom’s concern for your health shows in these moments.
He faces you and wraps his coat snugly around you, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ears while he’s at it.
Sometimes he would rest his head on your lap and listen to you read your poetry out loud with his eyes closed.
You two grow quite pale in the cold of the graveyard, but when he presses his lips against your temple, his lips are scorching hot and vibrant, contrasting the death that surrounds you.
Listening to the ravens that disrupts the serene space.
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Larissa Weems x reader Chapter 1: New Beginnings
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Summary: You just started teaching at Nevermore Academy and fall for the headmistress before knowing she's you're boss. What are you going to do?
It is your first day at the academy, you had to show up a week before the students so you can get settled and get the classroom ready. You were hired by the board so you haven’t met the Headmistress yet, which is something that makes you extremely nervous. Usually you met the principal or headmistress first before being hired but the board saw you and wanted you. You were to report to her office tomorrow after getting your room ready. You do hope that the headmistress won't be too upset that she never got the chance to meet you. I was hired as the new botany teacher since the last one tried to kill the headmistress, luckily she failed otherwise the board said this school would have been shut down. I am also an outcast of sorts I can actually shapeshift but only into animals, I've never actually met another shapeshifter besides those in my family. I am not too fond of normies as they have always been negative towards us outcasts. However I know that we have live with each other and get over our differences which us outcast are doing but the normies tend to always be the last ones to change. I finish putting my things away and decide to head into Jericho to look around and maybe find a bite to eat. I make my way into town in my car it is a 1967 Chevy Impala, in my favorite color purple.
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I park in an open parking lot and decide to walk around town. There are a few cute stores an old bookstore, and some nice restaurants. I come across this cute Cafe called The Weathervane. I go up to the counter order a latte and a muffin. I get my order and go sit down in a corner booth observing people walking down the street and those who come inside. I had brought a book a collections of Edgar Allan Poe stories to be exact with me to read as I eat. Every so often I look up to see who walks in or just to take a drink of my latte. I am just sitting here reading as a tall beautiful women approaches me.
"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice the book you are reading. I absolutely love Edgar Allan Poe." the tall beautiful women with an English accent says gesturing to the book I'm reading.
"Oh, yes he is one of my favorite writers. What is your favorite of his?" I ask and gesture for her to sit in the seat across from me. She smiles and sits across from me with her coffee.
"My favorite oh darling I don't know if I can choose my favorite. The one poem of his that sticks in my head though is The Raven, it is absolutely one of my favorites" She tells me with a wide smile.
"That is one of my favorites as well, I also like his poem Alone. Something about his work just speaks to me. My name is Y/N, what's yours gorgeous?" I asked with my hand reach across to shake hers. She shakes my hand with a slight blush and a wide smile.
"I'm Larissa Weems, and darling if anyone is gorgeous here it is you, love" she says giving me a wink. We release hands and she says "I haven't seen you around before and if I had I would remember you for sure. Are you knew here?"
"Oh you are such a flirt. I am new here, I just got a new job and I actually have to met my boss tomorrow, which has me on edge." I reply trying not to give away too much information in case she is not a fan of outcasts and since I just met her today.
"Oh darling, I wouldn't worry if I were you. If I was your new boss I'd definitely be happy to have you working for me if that meant I got to see your beautiful self everyday. you are going to do great. I just know it." Larissa winks again.
"Oh stop, you are going to make me all flustered. Also I wouldn't mind have a boss that looks like you I don't think I'd ever want to leave your office." It was Larissa's turn to blush, and she looked down at her hands. I reach over and lift her head up by her chin. "Oh sweetheart don't hide that pretty face away from me. I want to see what effect I can have." Larissa looks up and I lean over the table. "Larissa? Can I kiss you?" Larissa bites her bottom lip and nods, I close the gap between us and immediately feel a spark. Cliche I know but I've never felt like this before. I pull apart and we both are breathing heavily. "Wow, I.. I never had a kiss like that before" I look at her and she finally opens her eyes, wow they are even more dazzling up close.
"Me either. That was amazing, would you like to go on a date with me?" Larissa asks with a small smile which gets wider as I say yes. I sit back down and we just look at each other while smiling. Soon her phone breaks the silence. "Darling may I have you number, I unfortunately have to get going there is an emergency."
"Of course, you're not getting rid of me that easy" I joke and give her my number. "I'll hear from you later and see you for our date" I stand up and walk her outside.
"I will message you later." Larissa says and bends down and gives me another kiss before walking away with a little more sway of her hips. That women is going to be the death of me. I walk to me car and head back to Nevermore Academy. I get up to my room and right as I close my door I get a message, my heart immediately starts pounding hoping its Larissa. I look down and smile it is from Larissa, she apologized again for leaving so soon since we were having a good time and asked if I was free tomorrow night for our date and a celebration for me getting my new job. I replied telling her it was okay and emergency happens and that yes I will be free and I will see her tomorrow and for her to have a goodnight. After that I go into my bathroom and get ready for my meeting tomorrow with the Headmistress. I set my alarm and go to sleep.
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tklpilled · 9 months
& is strictly platonic, / can be platonic or romantic. bolded are my favourites. if there's a rarepair you don't see on here, feel free to ask!! i'm a multishipper and i like exploring different character dynamics :)
fandoms are in the same order as on the fandoms list, with the exception of genshin being last bc there are so many lol
bungou stray dogs:
atsushi/akutagawa/lucy or any combination
chuuya & dazai & atsushi & akutagawa or any combination
sigma/fyodor/nikolai or any combination
ranpo/poe/mushitarou or any combination
kenji & chuuya
kenji & atsushi
kenji & junichirou
atsushi & kyouka
gin & akutagawa
oda & dazai
hunter x hunter:
killua & gon & leorio & kurapika & alluka or any combination
pitou & youpi & pouf & meruem or any combination
fullmetal alchemist:
ling & lan fan
ed & al & roy or any combination
fruits basket:
tohru/yuki/kyo or any combination
kyo & momiji & haru or any combination
tohru & momiji
ayame/shigure/hatori or any combination
tohru/uotani/hanajima or any combination
my hero academia:
bakugou/izuku/todoroki or any combination
izuku/shinsou/kaminari or any combination
p much any class 1-a pairing lol
sk8 the infinity:
reki & langa & miya or any combination
the case study of vanitas:
noe & domi & louis or any combination
vanitas & mikhail
dante/johann/riche or any combination
vash/wolfwood/meryl or any combination
vash & knives
jujutsu kaisen:
yuuji/nobara/megumi or any combination
megumi & gojo & yuuji & nobara or any combination
choso & yuuji
gojo & geto & shoko or any combination
chainsaw man:
denji & aki & power or any combination
buddy daddies:
attack on titan:
eren/mikasa/armin or any combination
jean/connie/sasha or any combination
reiner & annie & bertholdt or any combination
demon slayer:
tanjirou & nezuko
heaven official's blessing:
shi qingxuan/he xuan
hua cheng/xie lian/yin yu or any combination
hua cheng/xie lian/feng xin/mu qing or any combination
yin yu/quan yizhen
qi rong & xie lian
south park:
tweek/craig/kenny or any combination
stan/kyle/kenny or any combination
miles & gwen & hobie & pav or any combination
miles & peter b
six of crows:
kaz/inej/nina/wylan/jesper or any combination
the raven cycle:
ronan/gansey/adam/noah/blue or any combination
henry/gansey/blue or any combination
breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom:
daruk & urbosa & mipha & revali & link & zelda or any combination
link & tulin
honkai star rail:
stelle/march 7th/dan heng
jing yuan & yanqing
aventurine/dr ratio
gallagher & misha
dan heng/jing yuan
dan heng/boothill
blade/dan heng
acheron/black swan
serval & gepard & lynx
arlan & asta
ace attorney:
apollo & trucy
franziska & edgeworth
maya & phoenix
apollo & athena
dead plate:
the magnus archives:
jon/martin/tim/sasha or any combination
jon & georgie
genshin impact:
kaeya & diluc
chongyun/xingqiu/gaming or any combination
ei/yae miko
cyno/tighnari/albedo or any combination
cyno/tighnari/alhaitham/kaveh or any combination
lyney & lynette & freminet or any combination
kaeya/albedo/aether or any combination
fischl/razor/bennett or any combination
barbara & jean
chongyun & xiangling & xingqiu or any combination
hu tao/yanfei
hu tao/xiao
gorou & kokomi
shinobu & itto
kazuha/scaramouche/heizou or any combination
nahida & scaramouche
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the-golden-ghost · 9 months
Okay Thoughts before bed on the House Of Usher; I just started episode 3 so please don't spoil anything that happens in episodes 3-8; this is just me guessing:
I knew they were gonna get rid of the vampirism but I was kinda happy they at least replaced it with "immortality" and I guess to be fair Usher was never strictly about vampirism; that was just one reading of it
However I thought they'd get rid of the Other theme in Usher which uh. iykyk but some of the foreshadowing here has me a little like. Daisy and Gatsby huh....?
I feel like a Bad Poe Fan but I don't remember where Leo's name comes from. I know his narrative is The Black Cat but the main character in that was unnamed and I don't remember a Napoleon in any other story. I also don't understand how Leo ties with the Black Cat (I know he OWNS one but that seems kinda basic. Where are the Themes) or how that's going to go since the main character in that one also didn't die iirc, but it's one of the Poe stories I'm honestly less familiar with.
I appreciate Camille's dedication to fucking her evil henchmen. Love that for her. I also know what her plotline is so y'know RIP her head off by an adrenaline-jacked monkey
I get Gold-Bug is about greed but it's 1. not a horror story and 2. really not well-known at all? It just doesn't fit with the lineup here. They also aren't foreshadowing it, probably cause it doesn't make any sense to use. The really nixed the Cask of Amontillado in favor of Gold-Bug?
I mean other than the Clown Jumpscare from episode 1 I guess
Inb4 "Murders in the Rue Morgue isn't horror either" okay gristly detective narratives can be horror as a treat. Also that one IS a classic. No one likes Gold-Bug
I think Vic is the mole because her narrative is the Tell-Tale Heart and that would make the most sense. It's right there in the title. I'm willing to be wrong but if she's not I don't know why they bothered using the Tell-Tale Heart at all. Yeah I know genetic heart conditions etc. but I also appreciate their making her the Only Sane Woman of the family too. Dedication to theming A+
I've never read Tamerlane I don't think. I hope it's about having a fetish for watching your husband cheat on you or whatever the hell she was doing in that scene
I know they're not doing William Wilson other than a 1-second reference but lmao can you imagine
Arthur Gordon Pym I get why they used the name and it has nothing to do with the OG story but like Sir Why Are You Not A Cannibal. Eat some people about it sir
Freddy's is the best foreshadowing and kicks ass. Even if I HADN'T been able to guess what his narrative is via the Ghost Cameos in the beginning I could have told you and also that is some killer subtle referencing and Theme Dedication we stan a well-done reference point.
Verna = raven I don't know if that was meant to be subtle but I got it in 3 seconds. It was cute though; it was cute I liked it
Annabelle "oh my husband is so romantic he can quote a poem with my name in it uwu" ask him to quote the whole thing ma'am. Ask him how it ends
RIP Prospero we hardly knew ye. I sort of hoped he'd live longer but that was probably mostly cause The Masque of the Red Death is one of my favorites. Also the climactic ending to that one went HARD
I see why people say this one's not really scary though cause so far this hasn't been scary at all. Ah well
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Just some drawings of my Narrators and some facts/headcanons uvu
I'll be making more soon because these are fun to do! ^-^
Lovebug! Narrator:
Likes cutesy things (ex; Sanrio plushies, collectables)
Human name: Valentino
Hates anything horror related (ex; gore, jumpscares, sudden loud noises)
Hates loud noises (sensory overload)
Prefers calm love songs instead of the new generations' love songs (for specific reasons asides from most of them being obnoxiously loud)
Loves music boxes (helps him fall asleep when his Stanley isn't around)
Does tolerate some of the new generations' music (His Stanley introduced him to some with bass that can help stimulate his brain whenever he's overwhelmed)
Loves romance movies
Almost anything related to REAL love and romance
Can be a HUGE baby sometimes
Loves sweet and savory foods (not overly sweet and savory or he'll have an outburst)
Not a big fan of candy but would eat a Twix if he wanted as he does tolerate chocolate
He likes to show Lovebug! Stanley his new swimsuit during warm weathers and wearing matching sweaters during cold weathers
Favorite season: Winter (because hot coco be hittin' different in his opinion also because he gets to be with his Stanley)
Original! Narrator:
Loves historical documentaries and movies
Human name: Woodhaven
WILL lecture about any topic of his interest when given the chance (ex; The History of Chernobyl)
Rarely sleeps
Likes to read and write poetry
His favorite poet so far is Edgar Allan Poe (his favorite works are "Annabel Lee", "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Raven")
He rarely sketches anything
He prefers classical music but would attempt to listen to some of Stanley's suggestions (so far he tolerates Deaftones and Nirvana)
He mostly listens to Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and a couple of other composers
Loves historical paintings
He likes mostly savory foods
Enjoys a nice cup of tea in the morning and before bed
Tries to understand modern slang terms but miserably fails as he can't get himself to understand a majority of them so he always tend to ask Stanley for some clarifications (ex; "Stanley, what do they mean by 'Side-eye, bombastic side-eye and criminal offensive side-eye'?? Why are bombs and criminal offenses involved?? How does that relate to the conversation?? What is the purpose of that???")
Stanley would sometimes mock the "Toodle-pip" since it was so unexpected but did find it somewhat cute-
He prefers "The Happy Room" that's located at the Zending to relieve overwhelming emotions
Stanley's presence makes him feel better sometimes, he just won't admit it
He can get upset pretty quick
Prefers calm and cool weather
Favorite season: Fall/Autumn
Hanahakai! Narrator (also the one who was in the chain lmao and his Stanley is still trying to find him because this is the longest he hasn't been able to find him- he never meant any harm lmao):
A complete softy
Has an unknown memory disorder
Human name: Willow
Sometimes forgets who his Stanley is
Forgets the simplest things (ex; his tie)
Ends up in strange places and situations (ex; he got stuck in a tree and has no clue on how he got up there)
Loves watching the sunset
Loves stargazing
He's an oldies type of guy
His usual favorite songs are "It's A Long Way To Tipperary" by John McCormack and "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn
Sleeps a lot (even to the point where it's unhealthy and his Stanley has to try and keep him awake)
His Stanley has to keep a very close eye on him or at least keep an ear out (metaphorically)
His Stanley is basically like a caregiver
Wonders off a lot (hence how he ends up in said situations)
Prefers calm and breezy weather
Makes desserts from naturally grown ingredients and has only one (1) Cow and one (1) Goat for dairy
Favorite season: Spring and warm breezy Summers
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I also added a good amount so it wouldn't be so empty and I'm already invested with these ideas of mine-
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prolix-yuy · 10 months
Getting to Know Me Tag Game
Thanks to @musings-of-a-rose for tagging me!
Top Three Ships: 10th Doctor x Rose (my OGs), Loki x Darcy (a very strange exploration but I really enjoyed it), Sherlock x Molly (I know!)
Favorite color: Daffodil yellow, royal blue, dusty rose
Last song: Ceilings by Lizzie McAlpine
Last Book: The Society of Shame for book club, and Billy Summers by Stephen King is on loan from a coworker, so I've been meaning to start that.
Currently Watching: I've been sick for most of this week, so I chewed through Loki S2 (LOVED it, still crying) and a season of Dimension 20 (The Ravening War). Now I'm starting Fall of the House of Usher and as a big Poe fan, I am LOVING it so far.
Current Obsession: Trying my hand at bullet journaling because I've been in a productivity rut lately and want to see if it helps motivate me. Though all I've done so far is watch videos of people talking about how to bullet journal, so not much started on that front.
Currently working on: So many things!
Fic related: A BEEFY next installment of I Think of You, Dieter and Murch's first date, the next SW!Frankie ask (which starts a new mini-arc with them, which I'm excited for), prepping for a couple of challenge fics, and deciding if one of my oneshot WIPs may come onto the schedule after that.
Non-fic related: prepping for Thanksgiving, new holiday decor for my place, Christmas shopping and my favorite part - wrapping gifts!
Country I want to visit: I'd love to see Morocco, New Zealand, Japan, and Montreal!
I think this made the rounds recently, so anyone who hasn't played that wants to, jump on in!
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gwynthemoose · 2 years
That's what the Raven said.
Or at least... that's what I'd thought.
I blame the wine. The damn books weren't helping, despite that fucking poem. I don't think they helped him either, but it was worth a try.
The wine worked...a little. Until it didn't.
Then it came. Just like her. *taptaptaptap*
I shoved myself off the couch, grabbing a blade that just...happened to be nearby. Nice and sharp. I'd made sure of it. It would do nicely to stab whoever dared knock like her at 3 in the morning.
"What the fuck do yo-" the words faded, and there it sat on the threshold. The Raven.
"Really?" I asked, nonplussed and bemused. "Fine. Let's get this over with. Better death by shadow than what I had in mind." It made it's stately way in...or as stately as any bird waddling on the floor can be. Then it launched itself into the air and landed on the icon over the mantle. No pallid bust of pallas, but I'm not a grecophile.
"So, what, do I need to shout at you in iambs? Or can we just get this over with. I want to see her."
''N'evermore!" it croaked and clicked. I didn't know corvids could glottal stop. Clever bird.
"Yes, I know. She's gone. Prophet, thing of evil, bird or devil, etc. etc." I said wearily, slumping back onto the couch. The bird looked at me and titled it's head, again repeating
I sighed, picking up my wine.
"So what, did you escape from a Poe fan? Got a name?"
It mantled, its wings impressive. I got the feeling it was growing impatient.
"'N'evermore! 'N'evermore!" it repeated, the words sounding derisive now.
"Sure, pal." I returned, and stared at the knife in my hand. As soon as I made a decision, there was a flurry of wings, and the little shit grabbed my knife! Flew straight out the window with it!
"Hey!" I gave chase. Who knew when it would drop the thing? And I didn't want to be responsible for some poor sod catching it in the head. I leaped the patio rail and tore off after it, expecting at any moment for it to outrun me or swoop off where I couldn't follow, but it never did.
Finally, after what felt like hours and a few mild cases of trespassing as I vaulted hedges to keep up, it dropped the knife, which landed point down in the mud. We were in a park, atop a small rise. It was cold, and still, and foggy. The raven circled and cawed three times, and then flew off
"daft arse bird..." I muttered, kneeling to pick up the knife, heedless of the grass staining my dressing gown. Maybe this was better. I stood, and raised the knife, staring at the point.
*taptaptaptap*, on my shoulder. I whirled, and stopped.
"I hoped she would find you." no. It couldn't be.
My dead wife smiled, and took my numb hand.
"Welcome to Evermore, my love. Let's get you a clean dress. I have so much to tell you."
Quoth the Raven, in Ever More.
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euclydya · 2 years
i'm fine i've just been going insane /lh
had to take more hours at our second job for financial reasons + been doing almost nightly tutoring with my kid brother (the semester just ended for him). very busy but no like emotional turmoil or anything.
today's music rec theme is showtunes! i'm recommending totally fucked from spring awakening for billy, hard to be the bard from something rotten for eddie, never ever getting rid of me from waitress for steve, take it like a man from legally blonde for your jonathan, and all that's known from spring awakening for will+the party. honorary mention to tatoue-moi from mozart l'opera rock, considered recommending it to steve but idk if any of y'all're partial to french music/foreign languages.
also, dr. crane wants poe to listen to the fear song by amanda palmer
We're!!! So glad y'all are okay jesus we were worried HFJSKDKF but we.,, worry easily. Hashtag Paranoia Things BCJDJD but anyway!! Jesus that sounds like a lot, we hope shit calms down soon!!
Great songs as usual tbh!! We aren't a Musical Fan™ but all of those songs are hella catchy I'll be damned /lighthearted -Billy
our recs:
Every Day is Exactly The Same - Nine Inch Nails (Steve's rec)
ooookay so We May Have Had Another Steve Form. Newer Steve is s1-2 era so we refer to him as Asshole Era Steve (/lighthearted) but ANYWAYS this is moreso his rec than OG!Steve's rec but they both agree that it is A Good Song and also A Relatable One as of late. Everything Always Feels The Goddamn Same All The Fuckening Time Forever! Hell On Earth!! /lh -Billy (neither of em are up front atm so I'm relaying for em)
Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq, G.F.D - Will Wood and the Tapeworms (my rec!)
ok so first off, suicide bait tw riiight at the end of the song, it's like the second to last verse gjsjdjf
Sooooo we love will wood's music but we Especially love the it when his songs are,,, Angry™ HFHSJDJFJ. WE JUST,, LIKE ANGRY MUSIC IDK WHY. Anyways top ten songs that are Full Of Emotion That We Enjoy!! NCNDJ -Billy
Acid King - Malibu Ken (Eddie's rec)
a couple tws for this one too: Major drugs tw and, if you watch the music video, uhh... emeto and body horror/General Gross Shit tws too djiakdjf. Very cool music video, it's all animated, but it's also a bit Detailed™ HFNSJDJ
The song basically goes into the story of the Acid King/"Say You Love Satan" killer, Kasso, so,,, If you already know about that then you already know what's up with the song BFNSKDKD but it is. CATCHY. We love it. Especially the outro!! Like,,, can't explain it but the outro lyrics are Important to me for some reason. -Eddie
Sweet Sweet - The Smashing Pumpkins (Jonathan's rec)
We recently sat down and did our like, Monthly Listen Of Siamese Dream™ so a lotta the album is still stuck in our head,, This song's very short and not a Favourite of ours but something about it struck a chord with me!
Honestly, we'd rec the whole album to y'all (and anyone. and Everyone tbh. it's one of our collective all time favourite albums ever) but we'll just,, do so in bits n pieces for now lmao. But if you do happen to decide to listen to it in full, please tell us what you think!! :D -Jonathan
Get The Lead Out - A Perfect Circle (Will's rec)
Now Will hasn't been fronting much recently (no particular reason, he's doing fine dw) so I'm also relaying for him rn.
I actually… Straight up lost track of where he is the past few days? The headspace is huge as hell though but we can keep in contact easily so I'm not, like. Worried, y'know. But I like mentally asked where he was and he replied with bits of this song (because communicating via music is his thing now it seems /lighthearted) -Jonathan
The Raven - Nevermore Musical (Poe's rec)
The perfect time to recommend a song from a musical it seems!! This song, or poem really, is where I got my name… And form. Well, one of them!
We had a huge Hyperfixation Moment on The Raven innnn uhhhhhh late 2019-early 2020? Twas when I was created and such! This rendition of it though is indeed a favourite of ours! Very emotional and fun to sing along to!! :} -Poe
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dollycas · 11 days
Cynthia Kuhn
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I loved this newest book in this wonderful cozy mystery series. I enjoyed the laughs and the romance and the mystery. ~Bigreadersite’s Blog In the Event of Murder (A Starlit Bookshop Mystery) Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series Setting - Colorado Publisher ‏ : ‎ Crooked Lane Books (August 20, 2024) Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 304 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1639100709 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1639100705 Digital  ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09LH4F684 It’s the star-studded event of the season in Silvercrest, Colorado—but some of the guests might not make it to the last dance alive in the second charming installment of the Starlit Bookshop mysteries from Agatha Award-winning author Cynthia Kuhn. Nestled on the banks of a breathtaking Rocky Mountain river and dotted with delightful boutiques and galleries, Silvercrest, Colorado, is a book lover’s paradise. Bookseller and literary event planner Emma Starrs is looking forward to attending the annual Silvercrest Library Gala, a glamorous evening with celebrities including the legendary Whitney Willton, currently on the hit crime show Chasers, and her niece, party-planner-to-the-stars Lyra Willton. Gala Week is full of exciting activities honoring both page and screen, and library board president Tabitha Baxter is basking in the glow of her successful launch—until Lyra is found dead. With the gala only days away, the board asks Emma for help, despite Tabitha—her longstanding nemesis—bristling over the choice. Emma agrees, even though she is already in charge of a classic mystery panel at her family’s bookstore, Starlit Books, which turns out to have its own challenges. Meanwhile, Whitney, who is aware of Emma’s sleuthing skills, begs her to find the killer. The case grows more complex with the disappearance of several priceless objects, an attack on one of the attending celebrities, and other predicaments. Emma searches for clues while handling every unexpected twist and turn leading up to the extravagant affair. But when the guests step onto the red carpet, a killer still lurks in the shadows—and murder just might become the main event. Author Links  Website      Blog     Twitter/X Book 1 in the Series How to Book a Murder (A Starlit Bookshop Mystery) Cozy Mystery 1st in Series Setting - Colorado Publisher ‏ : ‎ Crooked Lane Books (December 7, 2021) Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 336 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1643858599 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1643858593 Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08QVJFZZK Perfect for fans of Jenn McKinlay and Kate Carlisle, in award-winning author Cynthia Kuhn’s series debut, small-town bookseller and literary event planner Emma Starrs is out to close the book on a killer intent on crashing the party. To help save her family’s floundering Colorado bookstore, Starlit Bookshop, newly minted Ph.D. Emma Starrs agrees to plan a mystery-themed dinner party for her wealthy, well-connected high school classmate Tabitha Baxter. It’s a delightful evening of cocktails and conjecture until Tabitha’s husband, Tip—hosting the affair in the guise of Edgar Allan Poe’s detective C. Auguste Dupin—winds up murdered. In a heartbeat, Emma and her aunt Nora, a famous mystery writer, become suspects. Emma is sure the party’s over for Starlit events, until celebrated author Calliope Nightfall, whose gothic sensibilities are intrigued by the circumstances, implores the bookseller to create a Poe-themed launch event for her latest tome. Throwing a bash to die for while searching for additional clues is already enough to drive Emma stark raven mad, but another shocking crime soon reveals that Silvercrest has not yet reached the final chapter of the puzzling case. Someone in this charming artistic community has murder on the mind, and if Emma cannot outwit the killer, she and her beloved aunt will land behind bars, to walk free nevermore. Also written by Cynthia Kuhn Click on the covers for more information or to order from Amazon. 10/15/2024  Read the full article
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foomoosworld · 6 months
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem Reader
Joel is put onto garbage duty in the QZ and he finds a woman he never thought he would meet. She makes him see stars.
Minors DNI. Drug use, violence, overdose. But no smut. So we'll tick that off next time.
Also, welcome Stars Too Far readers that figured it out!
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“Fucking, Tommy…”  Joel muttered, irate, as he stepped in the door to his house.
“Ah, don’t blame him.  He’s just working through some stuff.  Besides, if he was more responsible, I’d be out of work.” A man followed in behind Joel.  They’re both covered in dirt and sweat from working all day and their work boots clunked on the floor as they walked.
“I guess you’re right.” Joel stubbornly admitted, “But we would have been done at a reasonable hour if he had at least called and told me he wouldn’t be coming in.  His childish crap got us three hours behind today.  I could have seen my daughter before she went to bed.”
“Yeah, that’s rough.  They grow up too fast.  We spend too much time working to provide for them.” Joel’s co-worker says as he flops down on the old couch and looks around Joel’s living room.  Joel moves to the kitchen then points at him and asks, 
“You want a beer?”
“God, yes.”
Joel comes back and twists off the top of a bottle of beer and tosses the cap onto the coffee table then hands it to him before he does the same with his and sits down on a large comfortable chair, putting his boot up on the coffee table, swigging his cold beer and sighing with exhaustion.
“So… ‘Poe’... That’s a funny name.  I thought you said you were from Guatemala?  Is that short for something?”
“Nah… My father was just a big Edgar Allen Poe fan, I think.”
“Ah, ‘Quoth the raven Nevermore’ and so on?”  Joel quotes.
Poe nods and laughs, “Yeah something like that.”
“I never really caught the bug for reading except to Sara when she was little.”  Joel admits.
“Me neither.  But hey, Dr Suess is still a doctor, right.  That counts as intellectual reading”
Joel laughs and leans over to cheers Poe, “Man, I miss the years of reading to Tan and Amy.”
“Those your kids?”
“Yeah, Amy is 9 and Tan is 11.”  Poe nods as he sips his beer.
“‘Tan’?  Your family is big into unlikely naming conventions, huh?”
“Short for Tanner.”  Poe explains.
“Oh, right,”  Joel laughs at the now obvious answer. “I’d like to meet ‘em sometime.”
“Sure, well, you can meet Amy.  I haven’t seen Tan in years.  He’s technically not my kid but I raised him for a long time.  His mother suffered from mental illness.  Times got tough for a bit and I didn’t know she went off her meds to try to save money for us.  She started having delusions, thinking Tan was some prophecy from another galaxy.  She took off with him.  I filed missing person reports but the cops don’t care about a Gringo like me and his broke family.  Swept it under the rug.  I looked for them for years but they both disappeared without a trace.  I know they're out there somewhere though.  One day I’ll find ‘em.  She’s not a bad mother.  She would never hurt her kids.  She just can’t tell what’s real and what’s not when she isn’t on her meds.”  Poe shakes his head, sadly as he stares off to somewhere in space.  
“I’m so sorry.  Between the addiction problems, mental illness and everyone being broke these days it’s tough but no one should lose their family from it.”
“Yeah…Life happens too fast sometimes and we’re just left struggling to try to keep up and slow it the fuck down again.”
“I’m glad I met you today, Poe.”  Joel says.
“Yeah,  I’m glad I was available to help today.  You really remind me of someone I met a long time ago, actually.”
“A good guy, hopefully?”
“Yeah.  He really was.  Lives really far away so I don’t see him anymore though.”  Poe finishes his beer then as he puts it down notices the time on his watch. “Oh shit… it’s really late.  I gotta get going.  Do you need me on the site tomorrow?”  Poe asks Joel as he gets up and puts his jacket back on.
“Yeah, come on by.  Even if Tommy does manage to bless us with his presence tomorrow I can always find some work for you to do.”
“Thanks, man.”  Poe extends his hand and heartily shakes Joel’s hand. “It really means a lot to me that you’re helping me out like this under the table.”
Joel waves him off as he walks him to the door.
“I know how it is.”  He comforts him, “I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.”
Poe thanks him again then turns and goes to get in his truck as Joel closes the door.  Joel rubs the back of his neck tiredly and walks into the kitchen with the empty beer bottles and puts them in the sink.  As he walks out of the kitchen to go upstairs to bed he passes a calendar that has tomorrows date circled that says in Sara’s loopy handwriting, “Dad’s Birthday”.
Joel shuts the lights off and goes upstairs to bed leaving the house blanketed in the silence of night.
A large dirty handkerchief is tied around Joel’s face and his clothes are covered in grime as he wipes the sweat dripping from his forehead in the blazing summer sun.  He’s taking a momentary break as he unloads garbage from a large truck into the local landfill.  A job he didn’t outright hate.  It paled in comparison to sewage work or worse, burning the infected corpses in mass open graves.  It could have been worse work today, however, the downside is the worse the work is, the better the pay is.
Sure, the landfills smelled horrible, so bad in the heat of the summer it could make your eyes water, but there were no people out here.  It was like being in outer space.  Just miles and miles of nothing.  Technically, it was outside of the QZ, but it still had a large concrete wall around it so the infected couldn’t get in.  The government liked to needlessly protect their trash and use everyone’s tax dollars on useless expenditures rather than giving the people proper rations or access to consistent clean water.  Staring at the landfill wall always sparked some silent anger deep down in Joel’s chest but it was just one of many things in the world after the outbreak that enraged him.
Seagulls suddenly fluttered up from a spot in the distance then circled frantically around the area, cawing and creating a ruckus.  Joel shielded his eyes from the sun and squinted into the distance to see what could have possibly startled them. 
“What the?”
A figure emerged on the top of the trash heap in the horizon, wearing a tattered shawl.  It seemed to turn and look at Joel and the truck then skittishly, turned and disappeared on the other side of the trash heap.
The driver of the truck came around and elbowed Joel to get his attention.
“What are you doing?  Get on the truck.  We’re done for the day.”
“Wh-”  Joel turns and looks to the driver. “Did you see that?”
“See what?”  The driver asked, feigning interest as he walked back to the driver’s seat.
“That person… over there on the hill.”
The driver laughed at him, “You’ve been out in the sun too long.  Here,”  He tosses Joel a water bottle which Joel unscrews and takes a sip but never takes his eyes away from the horizon to see if they will appear again.  “There’s nothing out there but old mattresses, wood skids and the occasional dead seagull.”
After a moment of staring into the wavy heat of the distance Joel concludes it must have just been a heat mirage and shakes his head to regain his composure then heaves his tired body into the passenger seat of the truck.
“Get yer eyes checked, old man.”  The driver says as he puts the truck in gear and it grinds into motion, jerking and bouncing over the neglected, gravel landfill road.
Joel is sitting at the rickety, worn, wood table in his dilapidated studio suite.  It’s a tiny room with dusty windows and cracked walls.  It didn’t make any sense to put money into anything nicer.  He had given up on planning a future beyond these cracked walls.  Not that there was anything nicer to live in anymore in the QZ.  Everything was crumbling and no one knew how to fix it.  From the living spaces, to infrastructure, government, laws, morals and hope.  From the top to bottom the entire thing was crackling like an old statue, every now and then a facial feature would just slide off without warning, forever changing the once beautiful place and making it ugly, scary and dangerous.  
An open bottle of unlabeled dark liquor sits on the table next to him and a greasy, fingerprint smeared glass holds a splash of whiskey still left in the bottom.  Joel  looks down at his broken watch in front of him, the one Sara had fixed for his birthday.  That fateful night that she was shot to death by military when the outbreak started.  The night his entire life lost its meaning and any sense of purpose.  But the entire world seemed to have lost its meaning and purpose that night, Joel realizes as he downs the last bit of whiskey in his glass and refills it.  Why should his life be any different? 
He gets up, swaying slightly and suddenly feeling how tipsy he is.  With his glass of whiskey in his hand, he steps over to the window to look out over the city.  The dust had amounted thickly on the window so he had to use his flannel shirt to rub a circle in it to look out.  He, mostly, didn’t want to know what was going on in the world outside unless it had to do directly with him so windows often had no purpose other than free light or an escape route.
No one dared to walk the QZ at night.  The military jeeps were full of young men, mostly hopped up on drugs that Joel sold to them, with itchy trigger fingers and anger from having their future robbed of them.  Joel didn’t blame them for their anger.  Hence, why he justified selling drugs to people barely adults.  They had no future.  They were born into this godforsaken place, would never leave it, and deserved a break from reality now and then.  However, anger and mind altering substances often make terrible bed partners and oftentimes innocent people would be shot after dark, almost as if target practice. The only ones scurrying around were the thieves, drug runners, some Fireflies and anyone up to no good.  Joel had been one of those for years.  Less and less now as he ages but, on occasion Tess will bring him a job and he finds himself trying to cloak himself in night as he’s dodging headlights and cowering in the shadows of crumbling buildings for a few measly bucks.
He looks down at the street below and sees Tess dodge across the street between military vehicles passing and he shakes his head with a sigh, “You’re gonna get yourself killed.”  His hand reaches up to his dusty window and draws a sad face in it.
The eye of that sad face flickered at him.  Joel did a double-take flicking his eyes back at the dust drawing he just did.  Again, he saw the flickering just beyond the sad face in the dusty window,  He quickly used the sleeve of his flannel shirt again to clear another patch to look out and there it was, clear as day, a small fire, with smoke pluming up from it, coming from the landfill.
“I knew I saw you!”  Joel whispers to himself proudly.
He watches for a few moments more before the fire suddenly seems to go out as if water was dumped on it.  He eventually turns and flops down in bed.  The alcohol taking hold, and the pills didn’t hurt either.  He would sleep for 8 full hours tonight, but restless, synthetic sleep.  Never the less, sleep that was welcomed.
There’s an arm around him.  He stirs suddenly and looks down with a start as Tess’s voice rings out from her position curled up to him,“One of these days you’ll get used to me sleeping next to you and not wake up like I’m going to murder you.”  She smiles as she, too stirs from her sleep.
“Yeah, well… maybe you’ve murdered a few too many people for me to consider that option.”  Joel grunts sitting up.
“Hello Pot, this is Kettle and he is black.”  Tess jokes.
“What were you scurrying around for last night?” Joel grogilly rubs his face.
“You saw that, huh?” Tess quips.
“If I saw it, then you know the military saw it too.  Or worse, the Fireflies.”  Joel goes to put on a pot of coffee.
“Maybe the Fireflies sent me out there last night.”  Tess teases as she raises an eyebrow at him.  He looks over his shoulder hesitantly then decides to drop it.
“Why do you keep coming here?”  He turns and leans against the small kitchenette counter.
“Dancing is more fun with a partner.”  She snarks.  “Not that you are ever sober enough to stand after 7 PM.”  Joel shoots her a glare, pours coffee into a mug for himself and one for Tess and hands it to her.  She nods and takes a careful sip.
“The Fireflies did send me out last night.  There’s been camp fires in the landfill and they want me to find who is lighting them.”
“Hm.”  Joel says sipping his coffee, deciding not to disclose what he had seen the previous day in the landfill.
“They think it’s a woman and they want to speak to her.”
“Is that so?”  Joel fakes disinterest.
“There’s a big pay out if I find her and bring her to them.”
Joel puts his coffee down and Tess knows she has his attention.
“How much?”
“Enough to get us out of here.”
Joel sighs in exasperation.
“We’re not getting out of here.  There’s nowhere else to go.”  He states simply and slightly frustrated to argue this with her once again.
“You’ve seen it.  I can tell.  You’ve been on the landfill crew for the last few weeks.  You’ve seen something.”
Joel buttons up and sits at the table, concentrating on his coffee.
“Joel - “ Tess approaches him and crowds in excitedly, “Have you seen her?”
“You need to work on getting a battery for that car if you really want to drive out there to your death.  Don’t worry about what isn’t living in the landfill.”
Tess watches him intently for a moment.
“You’re a terrible liar, Joel Miller.”  She stands up with a huff. “I’m going out to the landfill tonight,” She states as she slings on a backpack and moves to the door. “Come with me or don’t.  I don’t care.”
“I won’t.”  Joel sips his coffee, faking disinterest.
Tess opens the door and before she leaves, she says over her shoulder, “Hurry up  You’ll be late for your shift shoveling garbage until you die on your feet.”  She steps out and closes the door.  Joel sneers at the door once she’s gone then looks at the time and jolts up, realizing he’s late.
The garbage truck jolts and jars as it enters the landfill as Joel sits silently in the passenger seat.
“You smell like a brewery.”  The driver says.
“Last I checked booze aint prohibited.”  Joel snaps at him looking forward out the cracked windshield.
“You got anything for me today?”  The driver changes the subject.  Joel sighs, knowing he’d be kicked of this gig if he didn’t keep brigbing the driver with fentanol pills.  He hands him a small zip lock bag with four pills in it.  The driver smiles and exclaimes, Ha!  There it is.  Come to Papa!”  He chimes as he drops a pill into his mouth and swallows.
Joel shakes his head and grunts to himself, seeing the irony of the driver’s guilt trip.  But that’s the thing with the younger generation.  Pills to numb the pain of living has become so common place that it’s not even blinked at when someone is high all the time.  But someone who works and connects and pulls strings to find alcohol is shunned.  Joel partook in pills as well, but he knew how quickly they could ruin your ability to make money.  And money keeps you alive in the  QZ even if you go crazy by not medicating with drugs.
“Get out and shovel.”  The driver ordered.  Joel opens his door that creaked and groaned it’s own symphony of discontent, then jumped down to begin shoveling the garbage off the back of the truck. 
He started by tossing out some large, broken and forgotten furniture into the landfill and suddenly, his back spazmed and he felt a shot of pain that sent him to his knees.  He cried out in pain but the driver didn’t respond.  He couldn’t move as he crumpled to the ground and called for the driver, “Crankshaft!”  He called out the driver’s nic name but there was no response.  He crawled around the side of the truck and saw his door still open and a cloaked figure bending into the cab of the truck.
“Hey!”  He shouted.  You looked back at him momentarily from under your hooded, tattered shawl, then went back to what you were doing in the cab of the truck.  “STOP!”  Joel commanded but you didn’t back away.  After a moment you pulled out Crankshaft and laid him on the ground.  He was foaming at the mouth, overdosing.  You began giving CPR, pumping hard on his chest, rhythmically then breathing into his mouth.
“What are you doing?”  Joel shouted as he crawled closer.  You worked on him over and over but it was obvious he wasn’t coming back.  You fall back, your cloak falling off your face as you panted, exhausted, “Is he….”
“I’m sorry…”  You say, “He’s gone to the stars now.”
Joel notes your odd phrasing of his passing.
“Fuck.”  Joel hangs his head.
“He was a friend of yours?”  You ask.
“No.  He gave me a job.  And now I’m fucked.  They will blame me for him overdosing”
“Ah…”  You trail off, not understanding but also not caring and look to the horizon. “Goodbye then.”  You get up, lift your hood over your head and goes to walk away.
“Wait!”  Joel raises a hand to you from his position on the ground.
“I can’t walk.  And they’ll blame me and kill me if they find out he overdosed.”  He knows pleading won’t work on people so he pulls out his bag of fentanol.  “I’ll give you these pills to sell if you help me to where you’re staying for tonight”
“The pills that just killed your friend?”  You raise an eyebrow.
“Well, yeah.  It’s all I have to offer.”
You approach him then with a studious pause lean down and wrap your arms around his midsection, hefting him to his feet..  Joel shouts in pain.
“Stop.”  You hiss at him. “We can’t hide if you’re screaming.”
Joel nods between pants and the two of you slowly make your way over the landfill.
It took hours but you made it to a small hill of garbage where you pulled back some wooden skids and tarps to reveal a hole that went down into the landfill.  You struggled to get him inside then pulled the random trash to hide the door again.  You sat with him in complete darkness for a moment before you fumbled around and managed to lite a lantern made of an old, dirty jar and coat hangers.  You grabbed him with your other free hand and hobbled him into a small room that opened up with a wood burning stove, a bed and a broken bookcase that had shattered kitchenware.  You lower him onto the bed..
“You’re the one I saw the other day that frightened the seagulls.”  Joel tiredly states.
“Yes.”  You admit openly.
“Who are you?”
“People call me Amy.”  You say warming up a kettle in the wood burning stove.
“What do you call you?”  Joel weakly asks.
“My real name is Ameo”
“Huh… I used to know a guy that worked for me who had a weird name.  He named his kids normal names though.  Probably the trauma of being named after a horror writer.  One of his kids was named Amy, actually.”
“Common name.” You shrug.
Joel relaxes into the bed as you pour the kettle into a bowl and soak long strips of fabric in the hot water.  You pull up his flannel and undershirt,  “What are you.-”  You place the long strips of warm fabric along his back and he immediately understands what you’re doing as the warm fabric strips begin to relax his back.
“What was your friend’s weird name?” You ask smoothing more strips along his back.
“Poe.  After Edgar Allen Poe.”  
Amy stopped what she was doing.
Joel looked back, “Are you okay?”
Amy’s hands shook and her eyes grew wide.  Joel tried to turn to look at her as much as he could.
She asks,
“Are you Joel?”
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thepoehoes · 7 months
We're The Poe Hoes: fans of RxvenGxrl and her book His Dark Obsession. We are here to have fun talking about the book as its chapters are released. If that's not your thing, you can just scroll on. We do not tolerate any negativity towards Raven or her book.
You can find her book published on Wattpad, title is “His Dark Obsession”
🔞 Minors Do Not Interact 🔞
Bees 🐝 aka @supernaturallynerdy
Sofi 🤍 aka @do-i-look-like-a-doctor
Rules for asking:
don’t ask for personal informations regarding the admins (address, face reveals, full names, numbers, etc)
don’t pressure the admins to do anything, it will result in an immediate block
be respectful of the admins, any dickhead questions will be promptly ignored and tossed away
don’t be a creep toward the admins. if we catch anyone in the ask box saying “bet you have nice tits” or something along the lines of that it will get you kicked out
questions about the book, opinions on the book, and really anything regarding dark romance is okay and encouraged!! we love hearing everyone thoughts on it
we adore dark romance here, never be afraid to ask a question regarding it and we will do our best to answer
as long as your ask or message follows the rules, you can happily yap away at us. nothing is off the table
Have fun here, darlings~
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ravenpoefan · 2 years
How do you think the ltdfcd joined daddy
Sorry it took me so long to answer this. I wanna say that they used to be part in the dnk but didn't like the way the dnk treated other kids. So they ran away. While they were on the run, they met Daddy and he offered to help them and took them in. The little traitor dudes were hesitant at first but eventually trusted him? Sorry if this isn't a very in depth answer.
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Working up the courage (Poe Dameron x GN reader blurb)
Warnings: nope just flirting and fluff sweeties
What is it? A blurb! Super short!
Why? I’m in a Poe mood and this has been sat in my drafts for some time so I may as well
Summary: will you EVER work up the courage to ask Poe Dameron on a date?
Gif by @redheadspark
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“When are you goin’ to ask me out?” Poe blurts out ever so casually, bumping your shoulder with his, that grit-flecked voice of his only moments from your ear as he swivels his head.
It’s the last thing you were expecting, honestly. Even though you’ve been sat, amiably chatting with him for hours now, trying to work up the courage to do exactly that.
You’ve tried, but somehow -ever contrary- you’ve grown less and less bold the more attentive he has become. The more he has made you laugh. The more that the warm, rough pads of his fingers have found your arm or your thigh with increasing frequency, touches lingering longer and longer. The more you’ve observed his nose crinkle with laughter, or those raven curls beginning to cascade across his forehead, increasingly undone as the evening has worn on. You’ve grown more and more nervous the closer he has shuffled and the cosier you have become in this enclosed corner of the bar, lost in your own perfect bubble.
Maybe you shouldn’t be so surprised: you’re the only person he’s talked to all night, come to think of it - and that’s exceedingly odd because Poe loves everyone.
“W-What?” you stutter in shock, your tongue slack and useless in your mouth all of a sudden.
“I’m wonderin’. Are you workin’ up to it? ‘Cause I’ve been givin’ y’ signals for hours that I’m interested - and I don’t exactly do subtle.” There’s a delicious, transparent smirk twisting his full mouth, and it makes your stomach flip when he blinks long and slow, those long lashes fanning over his cheek as his creases deepen with his smile.
“I… like on a date?” you ask, aghast, your palms growing clammy against your thigh. You instinctually wrap your hands around your cool glass, condensation pooling against your fingers - and you even surreptitiously try to dab your heating cheeks and neck with some of the precious moisture.
“A date? I’d love to,” Poe grins haplessly, not missing a beat and oh boy. How does he make it look so easy? “I’ll pick you up after drills tomorrow?” He places his warm hand on your shoulder and his heat bleeds through the thin fabric of your shirt. “Wear something…” he pouts in amusement as he looks you up and down, scratching his crown of curls with bridged fingers “…orange and covered in oil.”
Pfft. Like you have anything else by way of options, you think, your mind wandering to your pitiful wardrobe and-
Did he just actually…?
Did Poe kriffing Dameron just actually…?
Ask you?
On a date?
You try to remember how to breathe.
This is everything you’ve wanted. Kriff, everything you’ve been trying to work up to all evening -because life is short and he’s too perfect to be an unanswered question (and everything you never got around to because you couldn’t face the possibility your hope might be extinguished) but now that it’s actually happening you feel like you’ve just been picked up by a tornado. Like you’ve lost all purchase on the planet below and you’re hovering in chaos.
Poe might call it flying, but as a mechanic you’re much more suited to remaining on the ground.
It is all you can do to blink wordlessly at him for several moments.
And so, with thinly veiled amusement, Poe dips his chin, making his heavy-lidded umber eyes appear even bigger as they shine up at you from beneath his impossible lashes. “That okay with you, Captain?” Another shoulder bump. The gentle sturdy weight of him leaned up against you.
“Yes,” you grin finally, a blooming happiness eventually quashing your confusion. “That’ll do, Dameron.”
“Great!” Poe says, swallowing nervously - and you think you even detect relief as his body visibly releases some tension, his shoulders dropping and his hands unfisting. In the next moment, Poe is standing and looking loose and carefree and shrugging on his jacket, explaining he has to be up early for a fuel run. Then, he folds forward to press a soft farewell kiss to your cheek. That’s entirely usual - has been for a few weeks now and stars, maybe you should have picked up on the signals sooner- but this particular kiss lingers a little longer than usual. His lips continue their soft press, giving you time to feel the rough fleck of his stubble against your cheek. To hear the subtle but deep hum he delivers resounding against your skin. He lingers long enough - just long enough- that your eyes fan shut with yearning, your breath stolen from your lungs.
Then, as he pulls away from your cheek, his lips hover closer toward the shell of your ear. You can smell his distinctive scent of leather and engine oil and citrus and can practically hear that delicious smirk as he whispers his words. “I’m glad you finally plucked up the courage.”
It’s funny because you never did. Not really. But Poe always was a little braver than you when it came to flying.
Poe draws back from you then, ever so deliberately passing his lips just shy of kissing distance from yours as he does so, making your mouth part hungrily and causing your tongue to fleet along your lower lip and your chin to tip up in attempt to chase him.
“Yeah. Me too, Poe,” you manage to push out, and he gives you a quick, cheeky wink.
Your eyes are entirely transfixed on him as he adjusts his collar, turning it up towards his ears and shoving his hands into the deep pockets of his jacket before he elects to brave the cold snap of winter between here and his quarters. And then, as if realising the predicament you will have on your way back across base, in only that silly thin shirt of yours, he relinquishes his jacket altogether, slipping it around your shoulders.
Your heart swells with the pure sweetness and selflessness of the gesture, and you smile up at him in disbelief.
Stars. He’s a handsome man - that’s for sure. Even more handsome now as his eyes begin to glow with a gentle heat at the sight of you in his clothes. More handsome again as he sinks his teeth into the pillow of his lower lip - stars his lip bites drive you wild. Then, you note that Poe is barely able to subdue his own smile as his eyes flit over your face, your features now appled with a cautious, reciprocal joy. “Stars,” he breathes, still staring at you, his feet seemingly rooted to the spot even as he insists he needs to go.
“What, flyboy?” you ask softly with a gentle uptick of your lips as the rough pad of his thumb skims tenderly along the line of your jaw.
His voice drops lower into his throat, deep and rough and smooth like the scuffed brown leather of his jacket. “Stars, I can’t wait for you to work up the courage to kiss me.”
With that, there is an upward sweep of his thick brow. There is a cocky, asymmetric flash of teeth, the man looking far too pleased with himself when he visibly flusters you.
A hard swallow bobs in your throat. You tug on your open collar like it’s suddenly grown far too tight to let you live, and you shrink away from him in shyness, resting your elbow on the table and sliding your palm up in hopes of obscuring the unstoppable, giddy grin taking over your face.
“Yeah. We’ll see,” you tease coyly, albeit with a gentle, heating promise in your eyes you can’t fully disguise.
You are barely able to look at Poe then - as his face softens with admiration - a mist falling over the dancing stars in his eyes which somehow manage to glisten all the brighter for it.
Poe Dameron.
He’s too perfect.
That’s why you’d never been able to work up the courage… and yet, with him looking at you, like this? You think, in fact, that you are growing more and more courageous by the minute.
You realise that he considers you entirely perfect too, and suddenly, you know that next time you see him, you’ll most certainly feel brave enough to kiss him.
After all, life’s too short, and Poe Dameron is far too perfect to be an unanswered question, isn’t he?
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thenightling · 2 years
Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven references in The Sandman
Someone asked if there were references to Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven in The Sandman.  Yes.  Ironically though, there’s more references to the 1963 Roger Corman The Raven movie than there are to the actual poem. 
In fact I’d dare say the 1963 The Raven movie might be one of Matthew’s favorite movies in comic canon. (No wonder he seems to prefer being a raven to a man.) 1.  Matthew says "Nevermore" to Lucien in The Sandman: Season of Mists and Lucien offers to read to him from his Edgar Allan Poe Section and Matthew responds with "Huh?  I was quoting the movie with Peter Lorre." The film being 1963's The Raven, which is very loosely based on Poe's poem. 
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 2.   In Death: At Death's Door (Though not considered canon) there's a scene of Despair having a nose bleed (Manga slang for "being turned on by") Edgar Allan Poe.
3.   In The Sandman Issue 40, A Parliament of Rooks, Matthew tells Cain that he "sounds just like Vincent Price" (who starred in the 1963 Raven movie). This sticks with Cain and later in The Sandman: The Wake he asks The Corinthian if he thinks he sounds like Vincent Price.   I think The Raven (1963) may well be Matthew's favorite movie.  No wonder he doesn't mind being a sarcastic raven. 
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4.  The 1963 movie The Raven (loosely based on the Edgar Allan Poe Poem) featured Peter Lorre’s character being turned into a sarcastic raven.  It turns out that as a human man he was not such a great person anyway.
5.   There is a Wizard duel scene in The Raven (1963 film) that is very similar to The Oldest Game as depicted in The Sandman.
 6.   There is a fan video on youtube of someone portraying Morpheus reading Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven.
7.  In the 1963 film The Raven, Dr. Craven’s father was named Roderick.  Also Roderick Usher was the character from Edgar Allan Poe’s Fall of the House of Usher.  This is where Roderick Burgess’s name may have come from.  8.  The prince in Masque of the Red Death was named Prince Prospero, which is also the name of the sorcerer in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, which Morpheus asked Shakespeare to write for him.  Vincent Price played Prospero in the film version of Masque of The Red Death which was also directed by Roger Croman and written by Richard Mattheson, the same team that gave us The Raven (1963 film).
9.  There is a deliberate nod to Edgar Allan Poe’s Masque of The Red Death in Death’s story in The Sandman: Endless Nights.  
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