#dadfucker friday on Monday
wastemanjohn · 1 year
Dadfucker friday word prompt ask: write a little something using "wire(s)", "end", and "walk". 👀💘
The moon cut a sharp crescent, and there was blood around his daughter's mouth.
He didn't think she realized it was there when she climbed into his lap and licked her lips, in that really practiced way that would have unsettled him once, but now just made those crossed-wrong wires in his head spark out loud; and with the snare drum adrenaline of a fresh kill there was no place for shame, John couldn't hear his moral compass over the thunder-thrum of his pulse anyways; so he sat back on the Impala's hood and he let his sweet little Deanna into his lap, let her come to him as she was, panting and wide eyed as she was, and his hands swallowed up her little hips as he hauled his girl closer, chest-to-chest, crotch-to-crotch, maybe a little rough about it, but Deanna was never bothered - and John could feel the primitive high of the hunt hot on her body under her clothes, and Deanna's mouth was open and her eyes flared in the moonlight and those uneven breaths led and tempted him, they had his mouth rough and seeking on hers, tasting that blood, copper-bitter, still-warm, still-wet, and fuck, that taste on his girl drove him wild; thinking of the witch corpse in the trunk with her intestines showing and her head half-severed drove him utterly fucking batshit insane, because Deanna had done that, John had watched her kneel on the old hag's chest and go to town with that knife she likes with the rose detail on the handle, and John hadn't even needed to help; and the memory illuminated John's pride all over again, or maybe just helped his cock fatten up even more, it was hard to know, hard to distinguish, because watching Deanna kill was terrifying and hot as hell; so John held those hips and he thrust up hard against his daughter, caught her frantic whine in his throat, hissed himself for the layers of cotton and denim and the friction that sparked all the way up to his guts, for the anticipation of it, how fucking wet Deanna was going to be for him, for this, for the blood and the blade and the chaos-enjoyment of it; and when she broke the kiss her plump lips were slack and wet with it, and she was gasping "Daddy," frayed porno timbre, and John tangled his fingers up in sticky-bloody hair and ran his tongue over those sticky-bloody lips and he said,  "mm, my little girl needs her Daddy bad, huh?" because it was so fucking dirty and it tasted rotten and good in John's mouth; and a sighed "fuck, yeah" in response, and for a moment everything was still; and he saw Deanna's eyes dial back a shade, midnight dark, watched her walk her bloody little bitten down fingers up his chest and bite her lip all slow and coy; and she was so pretty, she looked delicate and manic all at once under that sharp moonlight, and fuck, John made this wild thing, this creature -
but she was so close, and she was all John had left in the world; and those crossed-mixed-up wires in his head were short-circuiting as his girl took off that tiny blood-spattered top, when did she start hunting in crop tops and miniskirts and why did John never say anything about it, and her bare tits were the most perfect John had ever seen, and he nipped at her throat and told her so; and Deanna rolled her hips and whined loud and needy, "Daddy, cmon," and that flushed John's veins like an opiate; and his head was swimming and his body was so fiercely awake as he growled and rolled and shifted, clumsy until Deanna was on her back, laid out on that hood beneath him, spread and wanton and begging for it; and when John leaned over her she smelled like sweat and hot metal and death; and John shuddered, felt her ankles cross around him, her boots dig into the small of his back as he leaned down to kiss her again, grunted for the way she clamped her thighs around his waist and tugged on his hair, and he blindly fumbled with belt and zipper and fuck his cock felt like a rocket about to go off, those little hands in his hair, those hands that could kill just the way her Daddy taught her, his cock hot and iron hard in his own killer's hand, a few indulgent strokes, like satin over steel; and he bit down on her lower lip, and she retaliated by scratching the nape of his neck, as he fumbled more, between Deanna's legs, ungainly hike of skirt, push aside of panties, and Deanna was panting, panting, "c'mon," and John gritted his teeth, held her down at her hip and pushed the head of his cock against glorious slick plump folds and sucked in a breath of dewy night air and pressed his forehead against his daughter's, needy for him and panting like that, wild, insane -
And all the things that felt pushed back and quiet tapped at the edge of his consciousness for a moment. And John thought that, not so long ago, this bloody half-naked creature spread out and wet for him was his little princess; she was sweetness and innocence, and John was scared about that, he was scared for Deanna with her pigtails and her stuffed bears and her little girl laugh, how at odds her lightness was with the world he knew; but that was a whole different world. That straight, human world was a cakewalk compared to the one he'd had to bring Deanna up in, and her lightness had been gone a lot longer than John ever had it. And John could've - he could have tried to preserve it. It was his job, as her father, to try to keep some of it at least, because God, the look in her eyes when she stabbed that witch, the determined, hungry look in her eyes now - John was weak for it, and it ultimately didn't matter if he liked things this way or not. It was what it was, and having Deanna this way sure was better than being in this alone, not just the hunting in itself, but God, the way it made you feel too-big-too-much for yourself afterwards - and if he wished things were different, then well - Deanna was grown now and she had her hands twisted up in his shirt, and John was slack-jawed and inebriated for the heat of her soft wet cunt against his bare cock, and as she grit out "Daddy, now," husky, slutty, desperate, John didn't know what else he was supposed to do but give his little girl what she wanted - and that was pretty much the end of that.
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
Brainstorming names for a momfucker monday series and a dadfucker friday series on AO3. Though i don't have a ton of ficcy posts in those asks, so maybe it's silly, but oh well. I'm trying to catch up on posting my little notfics, and I like making series collections like subfolders 🤷‍♀️
Anyway... I thought about making this a poll but I absolutely would not be going with the winner just cuz it wins lol.
Ah fuck it, poll time.
(yes, they have to have alliteration)
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laikuh · 2 years
Happy momfucker monday! Who makes the first move Mary or Sam?
Ahhh!!! I almost went to bed without answering this (nobody look at my pile of dadfucker friday asks pls 😩). Absolutely Sam. 100%. My headcanon for these two is super steeped in my au idea for “the whole family is fucked” wherein dean and John were together, and Sam and Dean were together as well, but to a lesser extent than dean and John. And after Mary is resurrected, she finds out about her husband and sons, and Sam is the one who convinces her it was a good thing. That there’s nothing closer than being inside. And he gets her to try being intimate with him.
Ugh sam and Mary just make so so so much sense to me. And I totally see Sam talking Mary into trying to kiss and/or have sex.
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wastemanjohn · 1 year
Happy DFF China! Sending everyone the same one today. Let’s say somehow, some way, John gets resurrected in the later seasons when Sam & Dean are well into a relationship. How does John react? How does Dean react?
OOF SPICY SPICY thanks Spike
I'm late to the dadfucker party but - I think if there's background johndean I see John, maybe in a way, not being that surprised. He may be not the best father ever but I do think he's aware of it - painfully aware. He'd probably know that it's his fault. Not just for normalising incest - but for setting his boys up to be so insane about each other. I think there'd be a lot of self pity and a lot of drinking lol. A lot of everyone avoiding the topic - until they can't.
How does Dean react? He'd be so mixed up. It's my strongly felt headcanon that Dean feels very differently about John when he's older and ?wiser. John is still his first love. Those feelings are still very much alive and he'll have missed him the whole time. But I think with distance - and in parallel to his canonical realisations about John being Maybe Not That Great - he'd realise at least some of what was so wrong with him having a sexual relationship with his father. Not just as an afterthought, not just "It's wrong but whatever" etc - but genuine epiphanies about John and where the fuck he must have been *at* to go to bed with his own son. Just because you consent to something at some time doesn't mean it can't be utterly traumatising later right - so I think John coming back would bring up A Lot of Stuff for Dean. I see him distancing himself from Sam. I see him feeling very mixed up about everything - that's his Dad who's back, his first love, and Dean still loves him with everything he has but there's all these other layers to it now. It's not this dizzying, beautiful, strange secret thing anymore. Would Dean feel shame too - carrying on the wincest tradition, would he feel that he's let John down because fucking Sam isn't quite protecting him, is it?
I wonder about Sam in this situation too (my samgirl is showing, it always is). I wonder if he'd feel conflicted too. Part of him having forgiven John and wanting that relationship with him, part of him fucked up by all the incest too, and part of him utterly and completely in love with Dean and not wanting to lose him to John again now he's back. Which I think he would somewhat. I don't think John and Dean could act like they never existed. And later seasons Sam might have found a way to be okay with that. Not that he and Dean would "break up," although I'm sure John's return would be... testing lol. Idk. I do think John and Dean would never be able to be the way they once were. Dean isn't the same person in later seasons, John probably wouldn't recognise him actually. They'd never get back what they had. Dean wouldn't feel the same way about it all, and it would be hard for John to confront everything he did to Dean and also the fact that his sons are now basically married. All this to say that it would be some messy shit but ultimately; I think Sam and Dean would remain a Thing and John and Dean would try and fail to be a Thing again and it would be messy af for all involved. I don't know if John would stay around for long.
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wastemanjohn · 10 months
happy dadfucker friday <3 do you think dean looks back on his years with john fondly, or does he have some regrets? does he wish john had treated him more like a normal son, or is he thankful for what he got to share with his dad?
so with the way dean slowly realises over canon how fucked up his childhood/John's expectations were - i sort of see his realisation about any sexual relationship he had with john catching up with him at the same time. i feel like he was always deeply aware that it was fucked up - john looking at him every now and then with the worst shame in his eyes wouldn't have helped - but i can see him at the time kind of romanticising it? no one else could understand how they live, they only have each other, you can't help who you fall in love with etc - and it would have been totally john's fault that Dean felt that way. he always taught dean to centre him and his needs. dean never got to grow into his own person, only further into john. and i think realising that would kill dean. not just for the fact of it itself; but also the idea that the man he loves and idolises so much could do that to him. and i think dean would still love and idolise him. i think he'd miss what they had horribly. i think a part of him would hate john it for it. i think it would be awful and confusing.
and it would leave dean being unable to love someone genuinely without centring them entirely. this is why i'm such a believer in the johndean to samdean pipeline. i know its controversial probs but to me samdean couldn't have happened if johndean didn't lay the foundation. if john hadn't taught them such a messed up version of love.
anyway i'm rambling now. i also wrote a fic on this exact topic once which probably articulates my thoughts better than this answer .
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