#daehyun birthday
maximura · 2 months
GONE by the ex (?still current I don't know) B.A.P members is a surprisingly great song. I wasn't expecting anything but it actually was so nostalgic and melodic and sentimental. Good for them.
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mybutterflyfact · 1 year
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23.06.28 - Happy Birthday to amazing singer that can make you melt, a hardworking boy that care so much about his fans and bandmates, that has the ability to make you laugh at the silliest things and i still think one day he will kill all the Babys with that smile, i could talk about all quality of him all day because he's such a precious person, anyway happy birthday to one and only, Jae bae, Prince of Busan Jung Daehyun.
I hope he's having a great day. ♡
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everythingbap · 8 months
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🎪 Jongup and Daehyun visiting birthday cafés | 📸: H.UP
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hvrdfeelings · 9 months
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(  song kang. cis man. he / him.  ) ⸺ 🦬 greetings, buffalos !walking around campus, sporting  his death tarot card we’ve spotted  DAEHYUN “JOHNNY” MOON, a  twenty eight year old who contributes to our thriving community as a  GUARD. according to our intel, he’s been around the sanctuary for seven years and what we know about him, aside from the fact that he  doesn’t agree with the decision to close the gates, is that  before the outbreak, he had dreams of becoming a pro gamer and now he views the aftermath as his own personal video game to keep himself sane, but he’ll also always jump at the chance to volunteer at the greenhouse as he finds it therapeutic amongst the chaos, and he carries the death card around with him despite not believing in the practice as it was the last thing his mother gave to him. doesn’t that make him fantastic ? we think it does, and that’s why we appreciate him so much, grateful for what he gives to our community.
⸺ written by  honey ( she/they . 28 . pst . n/a. )
korean name: Moon Daehyun american name: Johnny age: twenty eight birthday: january 7th, 1995 zodiac sign: capricorn sun, aries moon, cancer rising gender: cis male sexuality: bisexual occupation: guard positive traits: cooperative & intuitive negative traits: disorganized & reckless
born in suwon, south korea, daehyun's family moved to anaheim, california when he was five years old. he suffered through his elementary school days with kids picking on him for not knowing english, for bringing 'smelly' foods from home for lunch, and being smaller than everyone. he'd come home each day crying, with his parents asking if he had made any friends and all daehyun wanted to do was to go back home.
during the summer before he would enter middle school, his father had gotten a new job that would require the moon family to move to aspen, colorado and that's when daehyun decided that he would create a new persona of himself -- he wouldn't be the same kid who got picked on back in california. he started to go by johnny and while he hadn't lost the accent, his fluency level in english got him by just enough that no one questioned him.
in second grade, at six years old, his parents would welcome a baby girl and let's just say, he holds a lot of regret about how he acted towards his sister when they were just children. she became the favorite, the one who could never do wrong. and at the time, he couldn't understand it, why his parents suddenly started treating him different but he simply blamed her -- they were happy until she came along. but after all these years, he eventually realized it was never her that he should have been upset with. but at his parents for practically pitting them against one another from the day she had been born.
entering high school, daehyun had lost the accent and only went by johnny. at this point, he was more american than korean, so why continue using that name? he had ultimately stopped speaking to his parents unless absolutely necessary because why should he try when they have the perfect little girl to take care of them later on in life? despite the good grades and attempts at extracurricular activities, none of it seemed to matter to them. so he began to hide away in his bedroom on weeknights and weekends, making friends with people through pc gaming because the only thing that mattered on there was skill and daehyun had an endless amount of it.
it started off with making small amounts here and there from local tournaments, his parents constantly mocking his dreams because who could make a living off playing video games? but daehyun knew there were people making some kind of living and he wanted to be just like them. so instead of having those classic high school experiences like attending dancings or falling in love, he made all of his online whether it be with warcraft, starcraft or league of legends.
but that dream got cut short when the outbreak began at only seventeen, just one year sigh of being eighteen where he had amazing (not so well thought out) plans of moving and going to college. being across the country and proving his parents wrong. now he was stuck with them and his sister and no internet. this was just great.
his father went first, not the healthiest man in the world, and daehyun was handed a gun. he had to be the man of the family now. protect his mother and sister. false assumptions being made that because he could shoot a weapon in a game, those skills would transfer to real life and boy was everyone so wrong about that. at nineteen, his hands shook whenever he held it in his hands. the things they expected him to shoot were real, there was no respawning.. but if he really thought about it, how different was their life now to a game like fallout 2? could he not just view the infected in the real world like the infected from the game? after that epiphany, his hands shook less and his accuracy got better. and unfortunately, daehyun would sometimes get a little too trigger happy.
at twenty, his mother passed and handed him a tarot card that represented death. it had been a hobby she picked up after her husband passed. if it kept her sane, he didn't judge but he also certainly didn't believe in it. but of all the cards she had to give him, did it have to be death? though he could vaguely remember her telling him that it didn't mean what he thought it did. while they only got close due to the virus and were ultimately forced to spend time together, he keeps the card folded up in his pocket as a reminder of her.
due to him and his sister not being all that close, they had no real reason to stick together once their mom passed and his sister had decided to run away in the middle of the night. she was just fourteen at the time, he spent days and weeks trying to find her because he assumed that's what a good older brother does. he hoped she hadn't met a terrible fate but eventually, even he knew he had to move on from the hunt. she was either alive and well, or she wasn't... to this day, he still thinks about her and if he could've done more in finding her.
luckily, at twenty one, daehyun had found the sanctuary that he had heard whispers about. he would offer his skills as a shooter, promising to protect those in the university like they were his own family as he had failed to protect his sister. and if he's not on duty, he always happily volunteers at the greenhouse or sometimes even the farm (when it isn't required) as he finds working with his hands to be therapeutic.
at the university: in the beginning, daehyun struggled to open up to people and make friends as his way of making friends had been through a computer screen but it's a bit easer for him now as he's been at the university for quite some time. it can be hard for him to turn off the 'video game' mindset -- like wanting to have the most amount of kills or trying to show off even though he understands it's not a race and he's there to protect over everything else. since there isn't much to speed run in real life, his current fixation is how quickly he can take apart his gun and put it back together. if he's not on duty or volunteering, he likes to play card games such as poker or you can find him pretending like he knows how to play chess.
wanted connections
his sister! -- tbh most of this is utp, i have no name in mind or fc (obviously has to be korean/korean american), and around 22?
an ex. -- i imagine they met at the university and they broke up due to having different opinions on whether or not the gate should be closed. since he's bisexual, fc can be quite literally anyone.
other than that, i'm open to anything else! especially friends/found family
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Arthur's Birthday
I know this is later than I initially said, but any writers know that intended timelines don't always pan out
Today was Arthur’s birthday and he (and the rest of the group) had had a fairly busy day full of dance practice. They were gearing up for a comeback that was set to occur soon. All twelve members had been working very hard and were all pretty tuckered out by the time six o’clock rolled around. Eleven of the twelve members had decided to go back to the dorm, but Arthur decided to stay behind. The fourth oldest member had no intention of continuing with practice, but he did feel like spending time on the rooftop garden.
The garden is actually a shared space between all businesses in the building. However, Arthur figured out that no one really hung out on the roof unless it was their lunch break. Since it was six at night, he knew that the rooftop was likely going to empty. Arthur went over to one of the lounging areas and opened his phone to do a live stream. He titled the video 'Happy Mother's Day'. 
"Hello Astrologers." Arthur started. He watched the mix of comments with an amused expression. Some of the comments were confused about the title of the video, others were wishing him a happy birthday. "Yes I know it's not Mother's Day here in Korea, but it is Mother's Day back home in the US."
Arthur talks for a bit about his family. He hasn't spoken to his family a whole bunch since he moved to Korea, but he still loves and cares for them. He also talks about how he was born on Mother's day. He does a mini Q&A for roughly fifteen minutes.
As he's answering a question about growing up in the US, the door to the rooftop opens and the eleven other members walk up to Arthur singing Happy Birthday. Merlin is carrying a cake. Arthur immediately starts blushing, not used to having the attention on him. Jehyuk takes Arthur's phone, and repositions it so that the entire group can be in the shot.
The group starts chatting about Arthur and how they had actually celebrated his birthday a few days prior because they weren't sure if they were going to have time today. In the middle of explaining how Wonjae snuck off during the group's lunch break to get the cake, Daehyun interrupts.
"HEH-STSCHHH, HEHSTIEGHHHH, HEH-STSCHHH. Sorry." Daehyun apologizes as he sniffles. Wonjae gives him a pointed look before going back to the story.
When Wonjae finished speaking, Minseok put candles on the cake and lit them. The entire group made a big deal of how Arthur needed to make a wish and blow out the candles. They started singing 'Happy Birthday' again. Although, Merlin insisted that he and Jasper sing an alternate English version 
"Happy Birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
And you smell like one too"
This got Arthur laughing. The birthday boy inhaled to blow out the candles. Unfortunately, Daehyun once again interrupted. "HEH-STSCHHH, HEHSTIEGHHHH, HEH-STSCHHH, HEHSTIEGHHHH!" Arthur got startled at the outburst and kind of choked, coughing the candles out.
"Sorry." Daehyun said. His face turned a bit red in embarrassment. Merlin pulled a travel pack of tissues out of his pocket and handed it to Daehyun, who walked off screen with a hand covering his face.
Jasper had opened the live on his phone. He began reading the comments out loud. Some were wishing Arthur a happy birthday, several were saying bless you to Daehyun, and a few were commenting on Wonjae's disgusted expression, as Daehyun had unintentionally sneezed on him.
Jihoon had opened a pack of wet wipes and passed one to Wonjae, who started wiping off his arm where Daehyun had sneezed on him. Meanwhile, Jehyuk grabbed the knife that had been brought out and began cutting the cake. Just as the leader finished cutting the cake, Daehyun came back. Although it wasn't long at all before he brought the collar of his shirt up to his face and sneezed another three times.
“Ugh sorry guys. Allergies are super bad today.” He sniffled then went off camera again. When he returned a couple minutes later, he had a box of tissues under his arm. There were dozens of comments talking about how Daehyun is always sneezing in live streams and he must have pretty bad allergies in general.
“Yeah. I’m veh-HEHSITESHHH very allergic to pollen. Unfortunately I can’t take antihistamines because ironically, I’m allergic to those too. I’m pretty much like this until winter, when all plants go into hibernation or die.” Daehyun takes out a couple of tissues and wipes his nose.
“Hyung” Jasper says. “Astrologers say you need to apologize to Wonjae hyung because you sneezed on him.” Daehyun’s face visibly pales a little as he looks towards his oldest dongsaeng. “I am so sorry Wonnie. You know I didn’t mean it. I’ll make it up to you somehow.” Astrologers aren’t aware that Wonjae is a germaphobe, or at least no one in the group has confirmed it, so for the most part, they think Daehyun is just giving a dramatic apology.
Jehyuk began passing out the cake to all of the members along with a pair of chopsticks.Unfortunately, due to operating on autopilot, Merlin had brought Arthur’s bag home, and as such, his silverware. It is also a known fact that no cutlery of any kind is held in the break room. Therefore, Arthur does not have a fork to eat his slice of cake with. Arthur grabbed his pair of chopsticks with one hand and his plate with the other. He was about to try to take a bite of cake with the chopsticks, when Merlin took the plate out of his hand.
“Merlin, what are you doing?” He asked, only sounding a little angry.
“The birthday boy shouldn’t be allowed to lift a finger.” he responded with a teasing lilt to his voice. Merlin took the chopsticks and offered a bite of cake to Arthur. Of course, this caused the comment section to explode with ArtLin shippers commenting on how cute they are. The company hasn’t announced that the two are dating, it’s a little too soon for that. And since the company doesn’t know, fans are only able to speculate. Fans also don’t know the extent of Arthur’s disability. Whenever he has a public appearance and he’s on crutches, he just says that an old injury is flaring up.
The twelve men continue their live stream. They answer some questions from fans and enjoy the cake. Everytime, Merlin feeds Arthur some cake, the comments explode. Eventually Daehyun couldn’t handle it anymore, and he had to go back inside for a slight reprieve from the pollen in the air. All in all it was a good birthday.
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fam1lyjewels · 1 year
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GIVEN NAME : Kim Narae
BIRTHDAY : 01/26/2003
ZODIAC : Aquarius + Goat
BIRTH PLACE: Jeju, South Korea
NATIONALITY : South Korean
SEXUALITY : Bisexual
LANGUAGES : Korean, English
FACE CLAIM : Park Joonhee “Joonie”
HEIGHT : 5′5″
GROUP : the family jewels
COMPANY : BLINDspot entertainment
TRAINEE : 2021 - 2022
POSITION : Lead rapper, sub-vocalist, producer, maknae
Fraternal twin sister of Kim Nayun. Narae is younger by three minutes.
Nayun and Narae’s uncle (Son Daehyun) is the founder and CEO of BLINDspot Entertainment.
Known in the industry as a “diamond maknae”, meaning she is a jack of all trades at excels in each area. This has fostered some competition between Narae and Nayun.
She was the most active member predebut. Narae could be found recording demos and helping the company figure out what they wanted to do with the family jewels.
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lightaflme · 2 years
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✧˚ · . basics
stage name: kairo (카이로)
birthname: choi daehyun (최대현)
english name: kairo choi
birthday: january 2nd, 1999
blood type: A
height + weight: 177 cm, 58 kg
nationality: korean
ethnicity: korean
personality: playful, flirty?, clingy, reliable, pasionate, stubborn, competetive
face claim: lee jeno, nct
voice claim: lee jeno, nct
dance claim: choi yeonjun, txt & lee jeno, nct
rap claim: lee jeno, nct
vocal claim: choi yeonjun, txt
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✧˚ · . career
company: ist entertainment
group: the boyz
position: main dancer, lead rapper
group debut: december 6th, 2017
years active: 2017-present
time training: 2 1/2 years ( 2014/2015 - 2017 )
representative emoji: 🐕
individual fandom name: sunflowerz - a flower needs sunlight/daylight to stay healthy and alive (dae-light, daehyun)
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✧˚ · . nicknames
4th gen’s charmer
with his stage presence and visuals, he allures and brings in many fans and gains lots of attention. his first impressions as an idol are usually charming and passionate, leading him to gain the nickname, “the charmer”
he resembles a puppy, especially when he smiles. this nickname was given to him around their predebut/debut times
the boyz’s loverboy
with his members, he’s very loving and affectionate. he likes to playfully flirt with them and show affection. he’s seen as flirty, but gets shy when the flirting is returned. he was named as the boyz’s loverboy for his loving nature
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✧˚ · . trivia
+ he was born in incheon, south korea
+ he has one younger brother born in 2002
+ his representative number is 01
+ his designed color is light green
+ his mbti is enfj
+ he speaks english fluently
+ he lived and studied in new york for 7 years when he was 7-14. he is part of the boyz’s english line with kevin, jacob, and eric
+ his hobbies are watching kdramas, writing lyrics, playing games, and ice skating
+ he thinks his specialties are his dancing and visuals
+ he is close friends with txt (mostly yeonjun), stray kids (mostly lee know and hyunjin), ateez (mostly seonghwa, san, and wooyoung), seventeen’s dino and seungkwan, and sf9’s yoo taeyang and hwiyoung
+ he gets very shy when he’s complimented
+ his favorite color is gray
+ his favorite the boyz songs are scar, shine shine, nightmares, toxic love, why why why, text me back, and got it
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txtjulian · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀★ minecraft.txt ★
view my worlds
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤyeonjun ㅤㅤ soobin ㅤㅤ beomgyu ㅤㅤ julianㅤㅤ taehyun ㅤㅤ huening kai
loading …
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let's go❕
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STAGE NAME : julian (줄리안)
BIRTH NAME : kang julian (강 줄리안)
KOREAN NAME : kang daehyun (강대현)
NICKNAMES : jules, dae, hyunie
BIRTHDAY : august 3, 2001
BIRTH PLACE : vancouver, canada
NATIONALITY : canadian
ETHNICITY : korean
GENDER : male
PRONOUNS : he/him
SEXUALITY : bisexual
FAMILY : his parents, and grandparents from both sides
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : english (100%), korean (100%), japanese (64%)
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HEIGHT : 179 cm (5'10’’)
BODY MODIFICATION : total of two piercings, one on his left ear and one on his right
FACE CLAIM : na jaemin ( nct )
VOCAL CLAIM : mark lee ( nct )
RAP CLAIM : mark lee ( nct )
DANCE CLAIM : mark lee ( nct ) 
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MBTI : esfp
MBTI TYPE : the esfp personality type is extraverted, sensing, feeling, and perceiving, which means they are energized by time with others, practical and detail oriented, motivated by their empathetic and compassionate instincts, and more likely to live in the moment rather than plan ahead
POSITIVE TRAITS : esfps are often described as warm, kind, and thoughtful, making them popular and well-liked by others. esfps enjoy meeting new people, but they also have a thirst for new experiences
NEGATIVE TRAITS : difficulty planning for the future, struggling to face interpersonal conflict, vulnerability to constructive criticism, becoming bored or uninterested in repetitive tasks
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DANCE : 9/10
VOCAL : 5/10
RAP : 10/10
VARIETY : 9.5/10
ACTING : 1/10
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STAGE NAME : julian
AGENCY : hybe labels
GROUP : txt
DEBUT DATE : march 4, 2019
POSITION(S) : main rapper, main dancer, visual
INSTAGRAM : julesea ( 67 posts, 21.6 million followers, 3 following )
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layout by @skzinka full credits to her ❤
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
Questionable Cake
Today is Youngbin's birthday, so here's a fic. Hope you enjoy
Youngbin had been at the company building by himself for a couple hours now. He kind of wished that at least one of his members was with him, but he didn’t actually mind too much. He was mostly just bored. He’d already done a little bit of vocal practice and did some free dancing. He ultimately decided that he wanted to quick go for a walk before doing a live stream.
When he returned, he found some staff almost done setting up a corner of the dance studio for a special live stream. With the decorations and the cake, he was able to ascertain that it was someone’s birthday. Youngbin panicked for a moment, thinking he had somehow forgotten one of his member’s birthdays. Then he saw the Y and B balloons and realized that he had somehow forgotten that it was his own birthday. He took his phone out of his pocket trying to figure out why no one sent him any messages, only to find his phone had been turned off and he somehow hadn’t noticed. He quickly turned his phone on before going over to the live set up and got started.
"Hi Astrologers. How are you guys doing today?" Youngbin watched as the comments were flooded with happy birthday wishes. He couldn’t help but start laughing almost maniacally.
“So, funny story. I kind of forgot that today’s my birthday until I saw the staff setting this up.” The comments became  flooded with questions on how one can forget their own birthday, and then some questions came in asking which member wished him happy birthday first. Youngbin grabbed his phone and began looking through his messages.
“Looks like Jasper and Wonjae were the first ones to text me. I didn’t turn my phone on this morning, so I’m seeing all the messages for the first time. No one else sent me any messages, but Woong and Daehyun were pretty adamant about me leaving the dorm for a while. Now that I think about it, they’re probably plotting something.” Youngbin shrugged as he grabbed the cake that had been prepared and put the candles on the cake to make the number twenty one. Right before he could light the candles, the rest of the group came in singing happy birthday in a harmony. Jehyuk took the lighter from Youngbin and lit the candles.
Youngbin was quick to make a wish and blow out the candles. He then grabbed the knife and began cutting the cake. He divided the cake up into twelve pieces. Each member took a piece, but Daehyun took Youngbin's pieces as well.
"Woong made you a special cake. One that we all th-think you'll like m-more. HEHSTIEGHHH, HEHSTIEGHHH." Daehyun ducked his head to the side so as to not sneeze on the cake. Woong placed the box he was carrying on the table  and took the cake out, placing it in front of Youngbin.
The cake didn’t look like a typical birthday cake. There were no fun designs, there were no bright colors, ‘happy birthday’ wasn’t even written on it. Woong handed Youngbin a chopsticks with a giant grin on his face, clearly excited about having made the cake. Youngbin was both disappointed and skeptical. Disappointed because the cake was just a cake. There was absolutely no indication that it had been made for someone’s birthday. He was skeptical because as far as he knew Woong couldn’t cook. Woong was the one member who never stepped foot in the kitchen beyond grabbing something from the fridge. Whenever someone asked if he could help them in the kitchen, he’d make up some excuse for why he couldn’t. Youngbin went to grab the bottle of hot sauce he had placed just off camera, only for Jasper to snatch it before he could grab it.
“Uh-uh hyung. You are not adding anything to hyung’s cake. You need to try it as is.” The youngest proclaimed
“Have any of you tried the cake?” Youngbin asked, trying to figure out if Woong’s baking would be any good.
Minseok shook his head. “None of us were brave enough to try it. But we’re all confident you’ll like it.” This did not make Youngbin feel any better. As he hesitantly grabbed his chopsticks to take a bite of the cake, he could hear the members talking about the comments that were asking if Woong’s cooking was just that bad if none of the members had been willing to try his food.
The cake  was covered in a layer of chocolate frosting and had something sprinkled on top that Youngbin couldn’t identify, but it certainly wasn’t sprinkles. He didn’t know enough about cakes to know what kind his hyung had made, but it looked okay. He brought his chopsticks to his mouth and ate the first bite of his cake.
Youngbin isn’t entirely sure what flavor he was expecting, but he certainly wasn’t expecting hot. The unexpectedness of the spiciness initially caused him to start coughing. As soon as he finished coughing, Youngbin felt an intense tickle form in his sinuses. He quickly ducked his head into his elbow.
"HEH-stschhhh, HIH-stschhh, HEH-HEHHIstschhh. I was not expecting that." Youngbin sniffled then took another bite of the cake. Of course shortly after, he wound up sneezing another triple. Comments were quickly popping up asking if he was okay.
"I'm fine, the cake is just spicy." A bunch of confused comments followed suit. Youngbin laughed a little as he read the comments. “That is a good question. Woong hyung, why is the cake spicy? Also since when can you cook? I’ve never seen you do anything in the kitchen.” Woong’s grin somehow grew even wider.
“To answer your second question first, my parents own a pastry shop and I worked there part time in high school and in college. I can bake. In fact I thoroughly enjoy baking, but cooking eludes me. I always somehow overcook or undercook everything. To answer your first question, ghost peppers.” Woong paused and watched as Youngbin’s eyes widened as he took another bite of the cake.
“That explains why hyung said none of you were brave enough to try it.” Woong and the others laughed.
“I made a devil’s food cake with ghost peppers mixed in. The chocolate frosting also has ghost peppers in it and I sprinkled ghost pepper flakes on top.” It was impossible to ignore the proudness of Woong’s voice as talked about making the cake.”
Once Woong finished talking, Junseok handed Youngbin a small package that was very beautifully wrapped. “We also got you a little present, hyung.” Junseok said. Youngbin carefully unwrapped the gift and snorted when he saw what it was. He quickly showed the camera to show astrologers that it was the one chip challenge chip. Jihoon and Taehoon began laughing as the comments quickly turned horrified, telling Youngbin not to eat the chip. The comments had already been a bit horrified upon learning what kind of cake Woong made, but it had increased ten fold.
Of course, Youngbin had no intention of listening to the comments. He had actually never tried the one chip challenge, which given his love of spicy food, is a bit surprising. It’s probably why one of the members got the chip. At one point a few weeks ago, they had found him eating hot cheetos covered in hot sauce, Jasper had asked him out of sheer curiosity if he’d eaten the infamous chip, and he had shrugged and said no.
Youngbin took the chip out of the box and ate within four bites. Initially there hadn’t been much of a reaction. However, he quickly began sniffling. “There is definitely a kick to it.” Youngbin said as he continued to sniffle, clearly trying and failing to show that he wasn’t struggling even a little bit.After another moment his nose began running, and Arthur gave him a travel pack of tissues. Youngbin pulled a couple of tissues out and blew his nose. A split second after he removed the tissues from his face, his breath began hitching.
“HEH-stschhh, HIH-stschhh, HEH-stschhh.” Younbin grabbed a couple more tissues and brought them to his face, just in time to catch another triple. “I think I sneezed on the cake.” He said after blowing his nose. He glanced at Wonjae, half expecting to get lectured.”
“Fortunately, this cake is yours alone, so no one cares that you just covered the entire thing in your germs.” Wonjae said, Youngbin could tell the older was clearly grossed out at the fact that he had sneezed on the cake, but was glad that the older wasn’t mad. Wonjae had a point that he was the only one that would be eating the cake, so it truly didn’t matter. Youngbin shrugged his shoulders and picked his chopsticks back up to have some more cake.
Youngbin had never eaten anything on camera before. It wasn't surprising that as he continued to eat the cake along with the lingering effects of the chip, that he kept having to stop to sneeze. The three Americans kept blessing him, but his sneezes went largely ignored by his members.
Astrologers and others in the comments on the other hand were getting increasingly concerned. The comments were originally full of 'bless yous' then they slowly became more and more concerned.
Youngbin had just succumbed to a fit of nine sneezes. There was a minute long gap between each fit of three. He was continuing to eat the cake and talk with the others, when Merlin picked up his phone to look at some comments.
"Bin, everyone is getting very concerned about your health. The comments are filled with 'feel better' and 'make sure to get lots of rest'. So the question is, are you sick?" Youngbin chuckled a little.
"You don't need to worry guys. I'm perfectly fine. It's just that spi-hicy food makes m-me sn-HEH-stschhh, HIH-stchhh, HEH-stschhhh sneeze. A lot." The other members were quick to agree and shared how on the day they moved into the dorm, Youngbin had put hot sauce on a burger and began sneezing and didn't stop until half an hour after dinner ended.
"Trust us when we say that this is typical for him. Bonnie here will stop sneeze when he's done with the cake, although it's going to start up again at dinner, and then again at breakfast. Seriously, why do you put hot sauce on everything." Arthur asked. Before Youngbin could answer Jasper spoke again.
"By the way hyung, we also got some ghost pepper ice cream from Baskin Robbins." Youngbin looked overly excited at this announcement.
"Since when do they have ghost pepper ice cream?" The third youngest was curious as he hadn't heard about somebody putting peppers in ice cream. However he also hadn't heard of anybody putting peppers in cake either.
"They don't. At least not anymore. It was a special October promotion for Halloween." Taehoon said as he left the room. He returned a few moments later with a quart sized bucket. "We assumed you were gonna like it, so we bought a few containers. And before you ask how we kept the ice cream a secret, remember Wonjae hyung has a mini fridge and freezer in his room."
Jihoon helped Taehoon distribute the ice cream to all twelve members. While the cake was made extra spicy with Youngbin in mind, the ice cream was mass produced for public consumption. Therefore, while it would likely be hot, it should be at least somewhat edible for everyone. Everyone had been given a small scoop of the ice cream and Youngbin was handed what was left in the container along with a spoon. Youngbin’s eyes widened a bit before he unintentionally moaned in satisfaction and grabbed another spoonful. This time taking a piece of cake with it.
The others enjoyed the ice cream to varying levels. Daehyun enjoyed it the most. The spice clearing his sinuses a bit, while the ice cream kept his mouth somewhat cool. The group found out that Wonjae was a big baby when it came to spice, as after one bite he started panting as if his mouth was on fire and talking about how he was dying. The extra piece of cake wound up going to the third oldest to help calm down the fire in his mouth.
The live went on for another half an hour before Jehyuk announced that they all needed to go back to the dorm to get some rest before a busy day of schedules. Youngbin sneezed three times before signing off and turned to his members as he blew his nose.
“That was honestly one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had food wise, hyung. Seriously, thank you, the cake is delicious. Normally people will either heavily judge me for wanting to put hot sauce on whatever birthday treat I have, or will outright say that I can’t use hot sauce because it ruins the sanctity of birthdays.”
“No problem Bin. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at baking a different cake for a while, and your birthday seemed like a good excuse to experiment. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Woong was still sounding very proud of himself. Youngbin helped Woong put the partially eaten cake back into the box. The birthday boy would be having spicy cake for a couple of days, but he honestly didn’t mind.
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lavieacts · 2 years
festejando a ji-won le roux: spooky birthday.
leyendas urbanas recorriendo las calles, decoraciones empiezan a generar un ambiente sombrío, jack o’lantern empieza a iluminar las calles, halloween está cerca. es por eso que a la lista de sucesos inusuales se suma el ver las puertas cerradas del famoso restaurant ‘doux baiser de la mort’ ¿la razón? se ha instalado un arduo campo de trabajo por parte de dabin keough y el staff del restaurante para la celebración sorpresa del cumpleaños de ji-won le roux. las invitaciones han sido enviadas, una fiesta temática en la que se pide tu mejor disfraz para ingresar; se solicita discreción para que la fiesta no llegue a oídos de la festejada antes de tiempo. ¿vas a perderte de la celebración?
puntos relevantes.
evento organizado por dabin keough.
el código de vestimenta es obligatorio: disfraces, de cualquier tipo, desde los más sencillos hasta los más elaborados.
la iluminación es moderada, pero se aprecian las decoraciones del lugar de acuerdo a la temática de halloween gracias a las luces neón alrededor del recinto.
habrá barra de bebidas y comida ilimitada, cortesía de daehyun nouguier.
tablero de pinterest para mayor referencia.
la invitación se realizó de manera personal a los amigos y familiares de la festejada y la organizadora.
el resto de personajes pudieron enterarse del evento gracias a los miembros del restaurante, tode el que quiera asistir es bienvenide.
podrás elegir entre abrir starter en la ambientación original o dentro del la fiesta.
dado que se realizan en fechas distintas, puedes abrir starter dentro de una ambientación y responder starters pertenecientes a la otra ambientación.
no se permitirá el ingreso a aquellos que no vayan disfrazados.
datos extra.
pueden etiquetar a @laviecloset​ en caso de publicar un outfit.
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upwards-descent · 2 years
You know when an OC has hit "legit" status when you give them an official birthday.
Speaking of:
Valerie - January 1st
Don - February 13th
Koi - February 18th
Yaozu - February 25th
Kirsch - March 7th
Chrys - April 10th
Myōga - April 10th
Dawn - May 5th
Daehyun - June 29th
Edgar - July 14th
Casey - August 30th
Tyson - September 2nd
Vervain - October 13th
Faren - November 23rd
Autumn - December 1st
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froggy-seok · 2 years
HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY @jjolees :D!!!!!
i hope you had an amazing day and plenty of time to relax and eat cake and spend time with ppl who love u :D
i wasn't Quite sure what to write for you, so I hope u like Daehyun Viewing SA1NT's Shenanigans!!!
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mybutterflyfact · 3 months
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24.06.28 - Happy Birthday to amazing singer that can make you melt, a hardworking boy that care so much about his fans and bandmates, that has the ability to make you laugh at the silliest things and i still think one day he will kill all the Babys with that smile, i could talk about all quality of him all day because he’s such a precious person, anyway happy birthday to one and only, Jae bae, Prince of Busan Jung Daehyun.
I hope he’s having a great day. ♡
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everythingbap · 2 months
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📲 Daehyun BBBLE updates:
댛니 (Daehni): (Y/N) Hello! 댛니: How have you been~? I was back in my hometown
댛니: Right! I saw the news that there is a US schedule for June hehe
댛니: I'm okay. Thank you for comforting me. I'll show you Ganji 댛니: [photos]
댛니: Is it not cute? Our Ganji
댛니: So nice and pretty
댛니: I'm really looking forward to the New York schedule in June! It's been a while since I've been there, so I need to make a good time of it!
댛니: I think I will come to Korea before my birthday! if possible, it would be nice to do it hehe
댛니: The weather is getting hotter and summer is approaching already 댛니 : I like summer, but it's not easy if it's too hot...
(Translation by maaatoki)
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myrozendream · 6 months
Rozen Profile
Name: Rozen (Rose/Rosie/Ro)
Age: 21
Birthday/Zodiac: June 30 (Cancer)
Sex/Gender: Male (Male/He/Him)
Ethnicity: German-Korean
Sexuality: Demi-Pan
Occupation: Dancer, Model, Musician
Socioeconomic status: Filthy Rich-Gives most to charity
Education: Bachelors in Music; Currently working on Masters/Doctorate in Child Psychology
Other notes:
Physical Appearance
Eye color: Emerald Green
Skin color: Peachy White
Hair: Long, straight, red hair->Usually kept in a high pony-tail with a ribbon gifted by Myungdae or his family; Does dye his hair black for a while
Height: 6ft 2in
Body type:
Fitness level:
Scars/Birthmarks: 'Whore' carved into his back, stab scars across legs, slash scar across neck
Other distinguishing features: 23 piercings: Rt. ear= Industrial, tragus, and 3 lobe piercings; Lt. ear= Tragus, 5 helix, and 3 lobe piercings; Face= Eyebrow, 2 nostril, septum, and lip piercings; Bellybutton piercing; and a Frenum Ladder piercing-> Facial Piercings are usually out when in the public eye due to his job
Disabilities: Severe depression with suicidal ideation, ADHD, insomnia, night-terrors, sleep paralysis, Loss of apatite, Fear of being touched without permission, PTSD
Fashion style:
Coordination (or lack thereof):
Other notes:
Place of birth: Germany
Key family members: Scarlet (Mother); Hajoon (Father); Ruby (Twin Sister); Carnelia (Sister); Cherry (Baby Sister); Rufina (Grandmother)
Notable events/milestones:
Criminal record: Was almost arrested for punching a creeper so hard that the man fell back with a broken nose onto a curb and got knocked out. It was considered self-defense though, so the charges were dropped.
Skeletons in the closet: Ruins the lives of creeps that perv on those that he loves/are under his protection (e.g. gets them fired, put into jail, ruins their relationships, etc.)
Other notes:
Psychological Traits
Personality type:
Personality traits:
Educational background:
Angered by:
Pet peeves:
Obsessed with:
Bad habits:
Favorite sayings:
Other notes:
Languages known: German, English, Korean, Thai, Japanese, and is learning Spanish
Preferred communication methods:
Style and pacing of speech:
Use of gestures:
Facial expressions:
Verbal expressions:
Other notes:
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Abilities
Physical strengths:
Physical weaknesses:
Intellectual strengths:
Intellectual weaknesses:
Interpersonal strengths:
Interpersonal weaknesses:
Physical abilities:
Magical abilities:
Physical illnesses/conditions:
Mental illnesses/conditions:
Other notes:
Partner(s)/Significant other(s): Myungdae (Wolfie/Neugdae)
Lover(s): Both he and Myungdae slept with a unnamed female friend for the experience (since they had only had each other previously)
Parents/Guardians: Scarlet and Hajoon
Children: None currently, but he does want a child with Myungdae in the future. Ruby, his twin, has agreed to carry the baby.
Grandparents: Rufina (Scarlet's Mother)
Other Family: Rubera (twin sister), Carnelia (middle), Cherry (youngest)
Pets: Wolfram (Golden Retriever) and Taeyang (American Curl Cat)
Best friends: Iseul and Daehyun
Friends: Hyunsu, Jaemin, Jaeseok, Chunhwa, and Eunji
Rivals: Iseul and Ruby
Enemies: Daehyun (past); Other
Colleagues: Hyunsu, Jaemin, Jaeseok, and Seungwon
Mentors/Teachers: Seungwon
Idols/Role models:
Followers: 'UFO' (Unhinged Fan Organization)
Clubs/Memberships: 'Unhinged Alliance'
Social media presence: Multiple
Public perception of them:
Other notes:
Character Growth
Character archetype:
Character arc:
Core values:
Internal conflicts:
External conflicts:
Significant events/plot points:
Other notes:
0 notes
imamxdel · 6 months
To : Sorom From : Daehyun
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Happy White Day
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All her coworkers gushed over the flowers. Daehyun was popular amongst them for his handsome looks and charming flirtations towards his wife, then to be different once they were home. Valentines, their anniversary she was surprised he remembered, her birthday she was even more surprised he remembered, then white day. The same flowers sitting at her desk with a note not written by her husband.
Though this year, she actually smiled at the flowers as she put a hand on her very pregnant belly. Daehyun hadn't been the most loving husband, though he'd been slightly more observant since she'd become pregnant. She already assumed he wouldn't help and was ready for that. He'd given her the chance to be a mother. "They're beautiful," she mumbled in response to the girls all cooing over the sweet note. @dencesin
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