frozcnlight · 2 months
Miran how many children have you adopted already?
Mentioned: @diverse-hearts / @diverse-hearts-ocs, @eternalstarlights, @theircurse / @indeliblepromise & @daemonsnow (even though they are no longer active, her daughter has to be mentioned)
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"Let's see... Garth, Rai, Venti, Furina, Klee, Yumeno, Misha, Regulus and even though I haven't seen her anymore since a long time, I can't forget Kyouka of course. So like nine?"
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"It seems like a lot. But you know, I still love all of them equally. Some of them never had parents who gave them the appreciation they need, so I want to be the one who does so. I want to be there when they achieved a goal of theirs and be proud of them. I want to be the shoulder they can cry on, whenever life seems to be too difficult.
I want to be the one they can approach, whenever they lost their path and don't know how to move forward anymore. Because I think everyone needs this one person in their life, who's like a parent, like a mother to them.
Somebody who will worry, who ensures they get enough food and sleep and stay hydrated. Somebody who fusses over them when they got injuried and are too stubborn to admit that they need help.
I know, friends can be this very person as well. But sometimes, it just feels better to have a family who has your back as well, doesn't it?"
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malumarca · 3 years
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“ Ja! Hello! Oh you’re wearing a kimono!! It’s very cute!! “ 
@daemonsnow​​ : Kyouka: …..allo?
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queensconquest · 3 years
@daemonsnow​​​ said:  ❛  when  was  the  last  time  you  slept ?  ❜ (kyouka to chuuya!)
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   Chuuya  was  far  from  the  quiet  stealth  fighter  that  Kouyou  or  Kyouka  were.  He  was  all  violence  and  raw  energy  ,  making  his  presence  on  the  battlefield  known.  But  he  had  been  trained  by  Kouyou  ,  he  usually  was  very  good  at  telling  when  someone  was  near.  He  always  had  been.  But  he  hadn’t  even  noticed  when  Kyouka  had  appeared  beside  him.  Others  usually  didn’t.  He  did.  Except  for  today.
    “  ....  Are  you  trying  to  lecture  me  ?  Shouldn’t  you  be  in  bed  by  now  ?  I’d  have  thought  that  bookworm  would  have  you  on  some  sort  of  strict  schedule  now  that  you’re  with  the  Agency.  “  Chuuya  scoffed  as  he  tried  to  wave  aware  the  question.  But  he  couldn’t  deny  how  exhausted  he  was  and  her  question  alone  spoke of  how  she  could  also  see  the  recent  toll  on  him.  If  he  kept  at  this  rate  for  much  longer  ,  even  untrained  and  unfamiliar  eyes  might  start  picking  up  on  it.
   The  cool  breeze  was  refreshing  at  least  ,  giving  the  mafioso  a  brief  moment  of  revitalizing  energy.  “  I  got  an  hour  yesterday.  A  couple  hours  the  day  before.  Probably  a   week  since  my  last  proper  rest.  “  He  admitted.  There  was  no  reason  to  actually  answer  her  but  he  didn’t  see  the  harm  in  it.  Not  right  now  at  least.  Blue  eyes  cast  towards  her  small  frame  and  then  back  to  the  moon  reflecting  in  the  water.  “  With  the  recent  events  ,  some  of  the  street  gangs  are  trying  to  make  their  moves.  “  Not  to  mention  the  number  Fyodor’s  latest  stunt  had  done  (  not  that  Chuuya  cared  that  worthless  executive  was  dead  now  ).  But  it  was  unspoken  fact  that  would  also  shake  matters  up.  Not  to  mention  the  endless  paperwork.  “  So  we’ve  all  been  really  busy.  “  An  effort  to  help  hold  the  peace  of  Yokohama  during  the  night.
    Eyes  closed  as  he  feels  his  phone  buzzing  in  his  pocket  ,  fingers  grabbing  he  phone  as  it  rang.  “  Yes  ?  “  Chuuya  was  silent  ,  listening  to  the  voice  on  the  other  end  of  the  phone  before  he  closed  it  and  glanced  to  her.  “  I’ll  be  fine.  You  should  know  that.  “  He  offered  a  slight  smile  towards  her.  
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cosmicdreamt · 3 years
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She doesn't even say anything. She knows exactly what he did. All she does is stare at him with the most exasperated look a sibling could have.
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kyukicho · 3 years
hi kui ilu
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ilyyyyyyyyy *smooches your face*
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a-frozcnlight · 4 years
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@daemonsnow​ asked:  ❝ do you want to build a snowman? ❞ (from kyouka!!)
Winter - still accepting
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Building a snowman had been one of those things, Miran dreamed of doing as child, but had been difficult to do when not being allowed to go outside. So perhaps, she could do it this year. Being asked to build one, surprised the young woman clearly however.
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“ I’d like to... do you know how to build one? “, she asked, her voice quiet as it was rather embarrassing to her for not knowing such thing. Every adult knew how to build one probably, didn’t they? It was surely a thing, an older one had to teach somebody who was younger - not the opposite. But there she was, standing outside on the streets, with snow falling silently on top of her blonde hair - and not knowing such a thing.
“ If you don’t... I’m sure we can figure it out somehow. “.
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dcfygraviity · 3 years
@daemonsnow​ asked:
"Chuuya-san?" Kyouka approaches the older detective with a smile on her face and something hidden behind her back. "Close your eyes!" She waits until his eyes are closed before presenting him with birthday gift - a strawberry cupcake with 'happy birthday' written on it! "Okay, you can open them! Happy birthday!"
Chuuya's Late B-Day 2k21
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"Yes, Kyouka-chan?"
Looking away from the paperwork on his desk, Chuuya gives Kyouka his full attention, raising an eyebrow in question when he sees her keeping both hands behind her back. He does as she asks him though, closing his eyes and covering them with his gloved hands for good measure.
"Oh!" Blue eyes widen in surprise when he sees what she'd been hiding, a birthfay cupcake for him. The sight makes a smile spontaneously bloom on his face and he reaches out to pat Kyouka's head in gratitude.
"Thank you, Kyouka-chan." He grins, gently taking the cupcake and setting ut on his desk, careful not to get any crumbs or frosting on it "Let's split this up among us two before Ranpo comes back and steals it for himself, mh?~"
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voidveined · 4 years
daemonsnow replied to your post
Chuuya vc: the urge to strangle dazai intensifies....
dazai vc: here, ur going to need this—
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somegremlin · 4 years
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@daemonsnow​​ asked: “and who are you?” teruko approaches the child looking quite out of place in the busy shopping center. with their dual toned hair and strange eyes they stood out easily amongst the crowd and quickly caught the hunting dog’s attention. though they were around the same height, the child was no doubt much younger than her. “you lost or something?” though her tone was snappy her eyes were surprisngly gentle.
                            ↳   Unprompted.
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               ‘ Huh ? ‘
「 ★ 」   ⋮     𝐀 𝐍 𝐀 𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 𝐌 𝐀 .  ⋮  ━━   It’s STRANGE; being spoken to in such a manner, almost as if the other was aiming to be some sort of guardian figure to them. Maybe it wouldn’t be so weird for one to be concerned about a lost child on the streets but ... this girl COULDN’T have been that much older than them ! Carefully, their starry hues stare the woman up and down; trying to gague just how TALL the other was. She couldn’t been taller than Kyouka - neechan. Heck, she might have actually been SHORTER !
              ‘ I GUESS I am ! I’m just looking for something FUN to do ! Do you know something ? ‘ 
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cxnarius · 4 years
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The young man’s eyes rested on the girl for a few moments, bringing a faint quirk to his lips. What an odd sight, a little girl dressed traditionally and standing so perfectly still. It was almost like she was a statute just carelessly dropped into the middle of this shop. She almost kind of reminded him of how- 
Haruki shook his head slightly. He approached her after sighing faintly, pointing up at what had caught her eye. 
“You want that?” 
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malumarca · 3 years
*puts on blindfold*
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queensconquest · 3 years
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@daemonsnow​ said:  sukuna holds up a second game controller. "nagare said he's busy. you play with me." (to yukari 😂)
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   “  Huh  ?  “  Yukari  blinks  down  at  the  controller  being  offered  up  to  him  and  then  to  Sukuna.  He’d  known  Nagare  was  busy  working  on  new  updates  for  the  JUNGLE  app  and  missions  ,  but  he  hadn’t  expected  for  the  controller  to  be  offered  up  to  HIM.  Video  games  weren’t  exactly  his  specialty.  He  was  far  more  traditional  than  one  might  expect  ,  spending  much  of  his  free  time  with  yoga  or  training  or  writing  poetry  (  if  not  skincare  ).  
   “  Alright.  “  Yukari  agrees  after  a  moment  as  he  takes  the  controller  in  his  hand  to  follow  the  youngest  member  back  to  the  tv  set.  “  I’ve  never  played  this  game  before  though  ,  so  you’ll  have  to  show  me.  “  At  least  Yukari  was  a  quick  learner.
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cosmicdreamt · 4 years
@daemonsnow​ || Kyouka
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“You want homemade crepes or store bought, dearie?”
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gw190521 · 4 years
Closed Starter || @daemonsnow (Atsushi)
      It’s the aftermath of a mission that sees Chuuya and Atsushi standing together, with Dazai suspiciously absent for once, and Chuuya can’t help but pause to take a breath. It’s a rare thing, to not have the Boss immediately calling to have him report, and he relishes the break, as short as it might be. 
      If nothing else, he can use the time to breathe while his body knits back together. Flexing his hands, the man leans casually against a section of brick wall that survived the onslaught. From the corner of his eye, Chuuya watches Atsushi, taking in the collar around the boys throat with distaste and trying not to think of the choker around his own neck. Look at the two of us, he thinks, collared and tearing ourselves apart for the glory of the Port Mafia.
❝ Hey kid. You ever allowed to take that thing off? ❞
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errantscriptor · 4 years
kui ilu
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ucnescere · 4 years
injury/hurt prompts | accepting
@daemonsnow​ said:                                                                
                “  it’s not that bad, chill the fuck out.  ” - toga
this is the last time he asks toga to help him tie off a bandage. bad enough he had to ask in the first place – the wrapping isn’t long enough to give him a real grip and he can’t bend in a way that makes it easier. she’s not helping either, calling him out like he’s overreacting.
at least if he’s complaining he’s not focusing on the pain – or the fact that his mobility’s taken a beating. another hit like the one that just got him and he’s down for the count, and that’s not an option right now.
what kind of a leader gets knocked out mid-campaign?
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“still fucking hurts,” he winces as she tightens the bandage, then immediately begins to tug at it when she’s done.
"also, your bedside manner sucks.”
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