thegirl20 · 1 year
19 and 25 for the writer ask thing! 💌
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I started writing stories when I was a child, just for fun. (I once wrote about people hunting for wild haggis.) Then I started to write scripts and outlines for my friends to adhere to when we were playing with dolls or when we were acting out imagined scenes from Neighbours (the Australian soap).
Looking back, this may have been an early indicator about my tendency to want to take over so that other people can't take things in directions I don't want them to go in. *cough*controlfreak*cough*
In terms of fan fiction, I discovered it through the Xena and Buffy online fandoms. I had never heard of it before. This would've been late 90s and I would have been in my late teens. My first foray that I was brave enough to publish was a Charmed/BTVS crossover about Willow being possessed by a demon and the Charmed Ones having to save her. I'm sure it was terrible but I'm too embarrassed to even look. I wrote for a while in the BTVS and Popular femslash fandoms, but stopped when I left uni. I didn't really write again until I was about 26 and Desperate Housewives came onto the scene. Bree and Lynette reawakened my desire to write stories in between the bits we saw on TV and I've really never stopped writing since then. I've had fallow periods in that time, which in some cases have lasted years, but I've written pretty consistently.
Where I am now is that I'm still writing fan fiction here and there where something takes my fancy. My output has slowed down considerably from the mad days of early Vanity - my most productive fandom by miles and miles - but I still churn out the odd wee thing when I'm caught up by an idea.
I've never had any desire to write for anything other than pleasure, and never had delusions that I'm good enough to, so I'm quite happy where I am 😊
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
I don't think I'm this kind of writer, to be honest. I'm fascnatd by people who can inhabit a character and give them an inner life beyond what we've been shown in the source material, but I don't think that's me. I come up with headcanons on demand, in that if someone asks me about an element of a character I've written or am writing, I will make something up about it on the spot because I've almost definitely never thought about it before in my life.
(I'm sure this isn't totally accurate btw, I'm sure that when I'm in the middle of writing things, I have ideas about characters' inner workings, but not to the point where I can call things to mind spontaneously!)
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yennefer-x-tissaia · 1 year
i'm laughing so hard at the trigger warning: vilgefortz lmfao. thanks for making my day!! <3
It's my solemn duty to warn people about horrible things they want to avoid 😉
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daerienn · 1 year
i wanna sleep i wanna rebuild my life i wanna be moss i wanna grow into her bones i wanna
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lauradevries · 2 months
Tissaia/Yennaia Headcanon
Tissaia doesn’t like to be touched partly because it may crease her clothes, and this would make her appear less put together. She worries about how this would affect others perceptions of her and that this would mean they wouldn’t think her worthy of her power and position. She also thinks that if she appears to be attainable in any way (other than when she wants to be for her own gain, where the other person only thinks they have control over her), it would also put her position, and thus her influence over the wellbeing of the continent at risk.
Except that she does like to be touched. Enter Yennefer, who understands this about Tissaia and will always make sure that after she’s embraced Tissaia, she straightens her clothes out for her and eases Tissaia’s ruminations. On other occasions Yennefer ensures she’s not wearing anything at all that could get crumpled in the first place.
@daerienn Ask and ye shall receive
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chaosandorder46 · 2 days
For @daerienn who once blogged that Tissaia and Calanthe needed to have sex in a church. The idea STUCK in my head...took me a while to write it though.
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mercisnm · 10 months
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Something else that I done back around March 2022, Calanthe and Tissaia for @letitflytoapril and @daerienn
I actually quite like the ink of this one, so sharing it here
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tiltedsyllogism · 10 months
Thank you so much for the Fandom Explainer on 'For All Mankind' on Rec Center! I would literally never have watched it (my suspicion level that a show about space will be All Dude in the worst way is so high) and now I'm nearly through S1 and having so much fun! \o/ I haven't gone back to look at your rec list since starting, because I don't want to be spoiled, but I'm looking forward to it when I catch up.
Hello! This message makes me so happy, you have no idea. I’ve spent the last year campaigning relentlessly to get everyone I know to watch it, with limited success. I’m thrilled that you decided to give it a try in spite of your All-Dudely suspicions, and equally thrilled (though not surprised) that you ended up loving it.
As for that rec list, you should definitely wait! I didn't end up including a single S1 era fic (though there are some very good ones) so it's really not going to have anything for you until you're well into S2, at least if you want to avoid spoilers (which I recommend.) I listed the stories in chronological order and labeled each story according to how early its major spoilers go to make it as easy as possible to stop reading before spoiling yourself, but the earliest one on there is a missing scene for 2.5. HOWEVER, here are some front-half-of-S1 fic recs that you can jump into right now!
Tickets, Drinks and Songs by @daerienn is a wonderful pre-canon story about Patty and Molly getting their pilots' licenses.
One in a Million by a_beautiful_mess is a lovely AU in which a different member of the ASCAN cohort gets assigned to Apollo 15.
And here are a couple of mine, since I apparently love writing S1 fic (this isn't even all of them!):
Knowing He Hath Wings is a little His Dark Materials AU about Danielle's first mission to space, told from Deke's point of view. S1 era, but no real spoilers.
The Path is about a night when Wayne runs into Margo at the jazz club while Molly is on 15.
Manual Control is a Molly/Margo fic set right at the end of 1.5. The first chapter is a big crowd scene; the second is just the two of them and is uhhh not G-rated.
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inkamumbles · 9 months
tagged by: @arestlessrunaway 😎✨
last song: Ay Adrar Inu by Tiwiza
favourite colour: dark green, the kind that's a little more on the blue side
last movie/show: Johnny English strikes again
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury? I think?
relationship status: Single as a pringle
last thing I searched: how do cats purr (I was a little hopeful that we could do it too with a bit of training, alas, I was sorely mistaken)
current obsession: drawing dinosaurs with ballpoint pen to sell them on Etsy, also Tissaia de Vries, obviously
tagging: @daerienn , @girls-and-honey and @brazenedminstrel , hopefully you haven't been tagged yet 😅
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kuwdora · 8 months
Multi-fandom Fic Recs
January 22 - What’s an underloved fic you loved in a fandom you don’t post much about? -@sargassostories
Oh, what a fabulous prompt, ty!!! I used to write so many recs back in the day and I’ve watched so much tv and read across so many fandoms over the years so this is far from comprehensive in terms of fandom reading spread. But it’s a good way to warm my reccing muscles up again. I always have more recs or can usually find some places with recs about that fandom.
Humor and Heart
Just Hear Those Slay Bells Jingling, Santa Clarita Diet. Abby/Eric. ~3k. Abby comes home from college on a break and just wants some time with her boyfriend but she just had to tempt fate. Laugh out loud perfect characterization.
Pain and Painting by foxtwin. Blackadder. Blackadder assists Prince George as he takes on a new hobby. This is one of the funniest, punniest wordplay fics ever. Blackadder fic writers are on another level!
Feel me like a steel knife by violet_pencil. Star Trek: Lower Decks. Mariner/Tendi. ~7k. Mariner is a trigger-happy baby and her heart is right between Tendi's sharp white teeth. The Mariner POV is incredible. I felt like I was joyriding through her brain.
Not a synonym for impossible by Siria. Elementary. Improbable was not a synonym for impossible. Joan and Alfredo discuss Alfredo’s crush on Miss Hudson, this is so cute.
Lest they be angels in disguise by singlecrow. Good Omens. Crowley, but Aziraphale/Crowley. 856 words. Buzzfeed, July 2019, "Top Five Off-the-Wall Theories About the Scary Instagram Plant Man.” Includes Instagram posts and internet gossip in this fic. 😂
There's a Fine Line Between Coincidence, Fate, and Jonathan Carnahan by celli. The Mummy. 483 words. Ardeth/Jonathon. Jonathan puffed up with outrage. "I will squander my fortune where I damn well please." 😍
This Dynamic
if loving you kills me by saiditallbefore. Wheel of Time. Nynaeve/Egwene. 642w. Nynaeve's eyes are warm and brown and full of life: so different from earlier, when Egwene had thought she was gone forever. ❤️🔥❤️
Finding Grace by Destina. Kings. Jack/David, Michelle/David. Post-series/futurefic. ~1300w. David's soul has three parts, and without all three, he is incomplete. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Gifts, Smiles, and Fingers by @daerienn. For All Mankind. Molly/Margo. ~200w. A single Tootsie roll can have a lot of impact.
Meet Me In My Dreams by LiraClayr007. His Dark Materials. Lyra/Will. Post-canon. 200w. It had been almost ten years since they’d said goodbye forever and closed all the doorways, but Lyra knew what Will looked like. He’d aged in her mind, day after day and year after year; she didn’t know how she could know, but she was sure he looked exactly the way she pictured him.
Learned Arts, by darthjamtart. Elementary. Moriarty/Joan. ~400w. Explicit. Jamie knows how to be subtle, but rarely bothers. Not with this.
Domina, Spartacus, Illithya/Lucretia, power struggle, submission “Domina,” Illithya whispers before pressing her lips against Lucretia’s bare, inner thigh.
Kissing Girls, Leverage, Parker/Sophie Devereaux, falling, twirling Parker used to think that kissing was a lot like falling. Sometimes, if she knew she was in complete control, if she had all her safety equipment ready to catch her, if she could see exactly where she was going to end up, then falling was more thrilling than sickening. Kissing too.
Impossible Words, Doctor Who, Jack/Ten, the l word He still can't say it, the words. Those words that make everything so impossibly complicated. He digs his fingers into Jack's skin, feeling it give, knowing he will leave bruises there, visible in the morning.
Caged, Mario Games, Bowser/Peach, kidnap Don't tell anyone, but Peach doesn't entirely mind being kidnapped.
Not Charity Work, Better Off Ted, Veronica/Linda, mentoring Veronica's hair is spread over the pillow, her face flushed and sweat covering her skin. "I'm an excellent mentor."
Soup on the Wall, Star Trek AOS/Star Trek: The Original Series, Chapel/Spock. dream, pon farr, crash To be certain, it was not Ambassador Spock's idea to be ferried to New Vulcan aboard the Enterprise.
Three Sentence Fictionathon (not always 3 sentences, still excellent micro-fics!)
Any, any, Cards Against Humanity as played by nonhuman species by archersangel. Star Trek: Voyager. Tuvok, post-canon.
Boimler and Mariner, Ill-Advised Decisions by silveradept for my Star Trek Lower Decks prompt of “look what you made me do!”
The Expanse, Avasarala/Amos, flirting by vialethe. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Narnia, if Narnia were written by Tolkien by arveldis. 😂 AND LASTLY:
These two ficlets are based on this prompt:
Based on this Tumblr Post where Sirens lure sailors to their death with offers of hot garlic bread, fast Wi-Fi, and $1000 Amazon Gift Cards.
An Informational Sign on the Coast by fallen_stage.
Netflix and Kill by syrena_of_the_lake
More Kuwdora Recs
+350 Porn Battle Recs, grouped by fandom, lots of crossovers and fandoms (dreamwidth)
+100 multi-fandom recs, grouped by whatever I read at the time and Yuletide reading marathons over the years (dreamwidth).
Even More Recs
Linky's Rec Post - A recs post by Linky on dreamwidth about communities that feature curated recs for fanfic, fanvids and art.
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witchercommentcrawl · 2 years
The Witcher Comment Crawl Guide to Crawling
How it works 
The Witcher Comment Crawl will provide you with:
An event post with a list of fanworks.
A designated window of time (7-10 days) in which to read, review and comment on the fanworks. (The goal here is to center the community around the same thing at the same time!)
Daily recommendation posts of each fanwork during the event window that contain talking points and ideas for how to start your comment. 
A form for you to submit comments for fanworks where you don't have a social media account or wish to comment anonymously.
Optional achievement badges! You can claim and share your badges wherever you want. Leave a comment on a fanwork, claim a theme-participant badge! Follow a new creator you discover from the Crawl? Claim a badge!
An optional spreadsheet with links and details of all the fanworks. Tumblr feeds go by really quickly and we don’t want you to miss anything! 
An optional spreadsheet to keep track of the number of comments you leave every event, which you can use to claim more achievement badges!
If you don’t have the time or ability to comment during the official event window, that’s okay! Please leave comments even if it’s been a day, a week, or a month after the event has concluded. 
Our ultimate goal is to provide you a list of amazing fanworks so you can leave feedback for the creators and have fun. Read! Review! Comment! Share the love! 💬❤️
Code of Conduct 
We understand that not every canon, character, ship, or characterization and trope will be to everybody's tastes. 
Be respectful and courteous in your comments.
If there is a canon or character or pairing that you don’t like, you are not obligated to read it or look at it. DO NOT leave them a negative comment.
Do not leave unsolicited constructive criticism or critiques.    
Do not leave racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. remarks in your comment.
Do not leave comments along the lines of ‘I hate this ship but like the art.’
Do not ask the creator for sequels or give the creator unsolicited prompts. We are focusing on the individual fanworks only. If you are interested in more fanworks, look at the creator’s feeds and bookmarks to discover more of what they like and make. 
If the mods discover you have left a hateful or character/ship-bashing comment you will be blocked from viewing the community’s posts. 
Creators are not obligated to reply to comments.
They have already gifted us with their fanwork. They may have any number of reasons why they can’t or won’t respond to comments.
Some creators might not know how to respond to comments and will be too shy to engage. That’s their prerogative. 
Other creators may be thrilled and might even answer any questions you have about their work. You never know what you might learn! Always be respectful when you ask questions in your comments. 
Contact the Community
Your community organizer is @kuwdora. 
You can direct questions to the Witcher Comment Crawl via Asks or send an email to [email protected]. There will be periodic feedback surveys to gain a better understanding of what you’re enjoying about the event and solicit ideas for future themes and events.
Mod tag: [name] - this tag will let you know when a post has been written or edited by another organizer or contributor. These are folks helping with writing and tagging event posts, commenting guides for the Crawl and more.
Major thank you to @bawdybean @bookscorpion @castillon02 @daerienn @elle-ja-bell @flightsfancy1 @handwrittenhello @inanoldhousewrites @katwritesthings @lovelysailboat @salamanderinspace @spacecores for contributing ideas, feedback, amazing projects, and support to get the event up and running.
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renfroodles · 2 years
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Doggirl Tissaia. She’s a maned wolf and I blame @daerienn </3
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NOMBRE: bridget (brianna) anna
NICKNAMES: brianna, aen woedbeanna, bribri, la hechicera escarlata, daerienn aep gàidh, gynvaelbeanna, bloeddaerienn.
CASA: vassermiller
RAZA: humana
OCUPACIÓN: hechicera, señora de la torre.
NACIMIENTO: 12 de saovine de 1249
TÍTULOS: princesa de ebbing, heredera de ebbing, duquesa de neveugen, señora de la torre jardín, condesa van der ermius, gladiadora, heroína de ebbing, heraldo de Yrrhedes.
cirilla fionna riannon (prima lejana) condes de toricella familia vassermiller familia van der ermius (por su marido)
FC 3D: elizabeth olsen
FC 2D: wanda maximoff / maximillian calypse
FOTO: wanda maximoff de los comics
PAREJA: august van der ermius
ALERGIAS: le salen ampollas si come pescado
PERFUME: cítricos con azahar y rosas. ciertas razas dicen que brianna huele a té negro con limón.
HOBBIES: cantar, bailar y jugar al gwent.
DISGUSTOS: las ratas, los olores fuertes y los sonidos fuertes.
GUSTOS: los gatos, el arte en general y las cerezas.
COLOR DE OJOS: verde esmeralda
FISIONOMÍA: curvilinea (thicc)
TATUAJES: tiene una rosa blanca en el hombro derecho representando a su abuela.
SEXUALIDAD: bisexual
GÉNERO: femenino
todavía posee el rostro algo aniñado aunque tenga casi 300 años de edad, sus pómulos son marcados y la forma de su rostro es cuadrada algo redondeada, tiene los labios finos y de color rosado, una nariz achatada y con la punta de esta ligeramente respingona dándole así ese rostro aniñado suyo.
no se le marcan demasiado las clavículas debido a su fisionomía, tiene los muslos anchos y la cintura estrecha, el pecho abundante, dándole aspecto de reloj de arena.
sus manos son finas y sus dedos largos, sus uñas largas y en forma de almendra, decora sus uñas con tintes que ella misma elabora además sus dedos están decorados por dos anillos, en la derecha lleva un anillo con forma de dos manos agarrando un corazón, se lo ha colocado de tal forma que el corazón mira hacia dentro, y en la mano izquierda tiene un anillo protector, si algo le ocurriera a brianna, august lo sabría pues él lleva el mismo anillo en la derecha y vibraría con fuerza, son anillos conectados. brianna los creó para cuando pasaban largas distancias separados.
en el rostro tiene varios lunares muy similares a los de su abuela, los lleva con orgullo pues aunque muchos se han reído de ella y los han tachado de “defecto”, para ella es todo un placer tenerlos.
viste de colores rojos y granates, a veces incluso color vino, aunque el color que mejor le queda es el azul.
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brianna es una mujer con una meta establecida muy clara, lo que la hace algo cabezota la mayoría de las veces.
su naturaleza tiene de base el agua, por lo que tiende a ser calmada la mayoría de las veces, pero incluso el agua puede crear un gran caos y ser tan destructiva como el fuego, de ahí que brianna por consejo de zeus, su ex-amante, aprendiera sobre hemokinesis, a pesar de conllevase un riesgo alto para su vida.
cree en el místico poder del orden, de ahí que crea que ebbing ya está demasiado sumido en el poder del caos y necesite orden para ser un lugar mínimamente habitable, aunque dentro de ella hay una lucha interna ¿dejar ebbing como está y que el orden fluya solo o cambiar las cosas a la fuerza y que ebbing sea un lugar mejor?
brianna es una mujer con ansias por saber más todos los días, quiso convertirse en hechicera por que creía que todas las hechiceras poseen una sabiduría inmensa no solo por su longevidad, si no por el hecho de que eran seres que estudiaban horas y horas.
ante todo, la lealtad a su hermana menor y reina está latente, pues ella vio nacer a aquella niña y la sostuvo entre sus brazos nada más venir al mundo.
se considera madre de sus hermanos, pues rosalind los abandonó a tempranas edades.
no ha querido tener hijos nunca pero no le importaría adoptar a un pequeño o una pequeña en un futuro.
tiene ciertas inseguridades a la hora de crear vínculos ya que las tragedias que pasó con zeus la dejaron marcada casi de por vida, tiende a ofrecer ayuda tan rápido como puede lo que la hace pura y confiada, lo que termina haciendo que a la pobre la engañen y la manipulen.
tiene cierta oscuridad en su corazón que únicamente zeus ha visto aparecer, por lo que le da demasiado miedo terminar haciéndole daño a los que le rodean.
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daerienn · 1 year
Masterpost: Teeny Tiny Tissaia Bang - Part 1
Hello everyone!
Thank you all so so much for all your lovey contributions to this year's Teeny Tiny Tissaia Bang! I am so happy that we could celebrate Myanna Buring's birthday together like this!
Here are all of your lovely works!
by camouflagedpath
by chrysocupreous
by Jess62195
by flowers-shouldnt-die
by inkamumbles
by blood-inthefields
by daerienn
by daerienn
by daerienn
Again, thank you all so much for your lovely works! Have so much fun perusing through these pieces of arts, breasties!
Much love! xx
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hazel--rose · 2 years
他将我推转过来,直视我的眼睛。“别说谎。”他以自己惯用的指挥官式的语调说,“我认得你说谎时的眼神。昨天赛西尔收留了一个从瑞达尼亚逃来的女术士,bloede daerienn*……虽然如今我对她们那类人更添憎恶,但我还是指望她能想办法治好你,只是得随时把剑架在她的脖子上。”
“Esseath ensh'eass, me minne.*”我用我族的语言说。“对我来说永远如此。”
*elaine - beautiful
*bloede daerienn - bloody sorceress
*dh'oine - human
*Esseath ensh'eass, me minne - You're enchanting, my love
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chaosandorder46 · 2 months
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Ok, @daerienn ...have you met Woolssaia?
This is a WIP I have set aside because it's hot AF in Texas and the idea of having a lap full of yarn is unpleasant, but she has a head!
And a wool wife in progress too! Meet Yarnnefer:
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mercisnm · 1 year
tissaia calanthe 4b hehehehe
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you know what @daerienn, minus points for being a predictable mf
also @the folks who sent the asks: thank you for your interest, though i didn't expect to get that many requests, i thought i'd get like one (01) ask from my friend bread, not sIX (06) as of now. i'll try to draw them all. to some extend.
in the meantime click on my pfp, there you'll see my ko-fi, consider buying me a drink or two to fuel me through my doodling, thank you
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