#dagna x merrill
bluewren · 1 year
Wren wren wren I see Merrill x Dagnaaaaa 👀 pls something for them: "Here, let me carry you." from the Hurt and Comfort prompts?
Eeep you're prompt said Hurt&Comfort, but I got a cute little moment for them instead. XD
wc: 424
Merrill scrunches her eyes for a several moments, not realizing there is a stone floor on her back. Taking a few more moments before realizing the world blacked out on her, longer than she expected.
She feels the girthy tug on her gauntlets getting pulled off, then the tingle of a cold salve over it.
“June’enaste. What has happened.” Merrill mumbles out, her other arm covers her eyes from the too bright torchlight. “But please. Don’t say that you’ve told me so.”
“I told you so.” Dagna chuckles, massaging the injured arm. “The shell is sensitive to fire. The outer most always has the icky stuff, though you don’t look too bad. Not from this view.”
Merrill heaves, feeling her cheeks flushing red. Multiple factors contributing, Dagna being one of them but she is too spiteful to tell.
“It was the sulfur, wasn’t it? Just a pinch, yet it never goes as intended.”
“Might have been. Might have not been.”
“Sera never has this happening to her. Taliesen neither.” Merrill’s voice turning more indignant. “Why is it always me?”
Dagna’s bandages begin to hug the arm tighter, soothing with Dagna’s gentleness. Slight taps after every tug to ensure she isn’t too forceful, relieving the pressure on it.
“They don’t look it, but they’re careful with their stuff. You used to work under a leaking roof.” She pecks a gentle kiss on top of Merrill’s hand, right where the vallaslin ends. “We’re a team now, better get used to it.”
“I would definitely like my arm back now if you’re done.” Merrill giggles, wiggling her fingers free.
“Shush. You love it.” Dagna pats the elf’s shoulders. “No sense in working more tonight. Here, let me carry you!”
Merrill sees the hand reaching out, smiling back at it and knowing it’s inches from her head. She can only imagine the effort it will take to lift her up with the dwarf’s short stature. Instead, she decides to pull the helping towards her and letting Dagna slam onto her chest. Merril wheezes when feeling the full weight of her mistake on top of herself.
“I regret this as well. But now we’re both on the floor.” Merrill goes to hold the dwarf’s head in her palms, admiring those cute lips and claiming a kiss for herself.
“You didn’t have to do all that for a kiss.” Dagna chuckles. “We’ve got definitely better places.”
She helps the Merrill as intended before, finally leaving their workshop with giggles following them as the injured elf is helped up the steps.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Dragon Age Femslash Recs!
Happy Femslash February! I got thrown off the rec wagon the past couple months for Life Reasons but I'm back and I've got a whole pile for you.
Ordered from shortest to longest. If there are other ships, I have noted those as well. Ratings and major warnings are listed; as always, please check AO3 for the full tag list.
These Moments Given by Mytha. Cassandra/Leliana, 1200 words, rated T. The Left and Right Hand take comfort in one another after the explosion at the Conclave. This fic really brings to life the terrible events we don't see in the game.
Vulnerability by @ziskandra. Isabela/Female Hawke, 1200 words, rated E. Hawke and Isabela deal with the aftermath of the Qunari invasion in their own way. I love how this explores Hawke's insecurities and fear of losing those she loves, lots of complicated emotions and uncertainties.
Right Hand by @ziskandra. Female Trevelyan/Cassandra, 1400 words, rated T. The Inquisitor works to adjust to her disability and a new role at the side of the Divine. I like the way it explores some complicated feelings on the part of Trevelyan about ability and agency.
Coin Tricks by @chocochipbiscuit. Isabela/Merrill, 2200 words, rated G. Merrill and Isabela talk about luck, carrying it with you and making your own. Choco writes both characters and their dynamic so, so well and it's a delight to read.
Arcane Deflection by @settiai. Harding/Dagna, 2600 words, rated T. This charming fic explores a growing relationship between Harding and Dagna while also digging into Harding's inner life and experiences in the Inquisition in ways I love.
Aeducan Pride by Cartadwarfwithaheartofgold. Rica/Female Aeducan, Rica/Bhelan, 2900 words, rated M. Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, power differences, dubious consent. Sereda Aeducan takes everything from her brother: the crown, his son, his plans, and finally, his wife. My favorite thing about this fic is Rica, her cunning and shrewdness and her focus on keeping herself and her son alive, and I also really enjoyed how a conniving and manipulative Sereda not only keeps Rica close but gains her affections as well.
Close at Hand, Friend and Foe by Cryptographic_Delurk. Anora/Cauthrien, 3000 words, rated T. A sharp and incisive character study Anora as well a story as two very different women fleeing the kingdom that has cast them aside. I really enjoyed the tension between Anora and Cauthrien as they struggle to find common ground.
bound up by your thread by @chocochipbiscuit. Isabela/Female Hawke, 3400 words, rated E. Some good old bondage, an old favorite of mine! and Hawke not having to make decisions just for a little while.
Birdsong by @montpahrnah. Isabela/Female Hawke, 6000 words, rated M. Warnings: Major Character Death. Isabela struggles to come to terms with Hawke's death in the Fade. An incredible, moving exploration of grief I'm not ashamed to say I ugly-cried my way through.
Her Beacon and Her Shield by Sheeana. Female Cousland/Anora, 8500 words, rated T. Political marriage to lovers, a trope I adore! I loved watching Anora and Elissa's foundational respect for one another as allies progress to fondness and affection. A bittersweet conclusion, yet with a sense of hope.
Dinner Time series by @fireferns. Dalish/Skinner, six short fics totalling 18000 words, ratings G through E. I love the author's prose style, and the loving attention to both these minor characters, developing their personalities and backstories; a truly wonderful read.
Happy Femslash February, friends, and happy reading! 💜
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cuntstable · 1 year
i'd love to hear any of those ask game options that you feel like answering re: cr*tical r*le and/or da
TY!!!… also whoah….. cringe role…. thats a name i havent heard in a long time….. ill start with da though and keep it short because good lird the floodgates opened….
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CULLEN… like he is extremly unlikable in dao (even outright creepy and disgusting) but like in da2 and inquisition hes really nothing to me. a shitty templar that goes through an unconvincing character redemption. whatever. but like the fans make soooo many excuses for him and for what…… can a white boy who let human rights violations happen under his watch still get woobified and called a golden retriever boyfriend? 🥺
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the hill i will die on forever is that dragon age has some of the insanest craziest best video game yuri out there. like not a lot of it but whats there is god tier….. ISABELA AND MERRIL…… MORRIGAN AND LELIANA…… SIGRUN AND VELLANA….. even sera and dagna are cute. always more content for the yuri warriors please god. its lacking
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anyway getting the non controversial da takes out or the way. i will never forgive cr for the beaujes war. ever!!! not the show itself. not the jester x fjord warriors and NEVER the caleb x jester. fans. that constantly tried to paint beaujes fans as toxic and over overbearing for…. celebrating a popular f/f ship. like i think beaujes was genuinely the nail in the coffin for being invested in shipping for me like NEVER AGAIN…….
anyways the build up and characterization for it was so good and interesting i stand by this, but the way they kneecapped it out of nowhere… for the most boring alternatives they did nothing with too…….. and the excuse of ”it was just lust”…. like not even giving it a proper send off…… yuri warriors lost that day genuinely. and the fans just rolling with it and the way the rest of the show went equally downhill from there…. its all just incredibly cursed but i guess i can thank cr for making me far more skeptical a jaded towards shows and fandoms LOL. never again will i buy into the hype for stories and character arcs that will not be delivered </3
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broodwolf221 · 5 months
dadwc prompts and info
listed ships are ones i enjoy, but feel free to request outside of them - so long as i've listed the characters as ones i can write
general info:
no character death
i prefer romantic or platonic
pls specify prompt list ur using
ot3/poly prompts welcome
general prompts:
rare/unusual words (mine, but feel rb/use it yourself!)
micro story (please send the word/phrase)
medieval/fantasy sentences
deep conversations
people who aren't used to kindness
vague prompts: eerie edition
quote prompts:
as said by cassandra pentaghast
as said by dorian pavus
as said by solas
as said by merrill
fluff/romance/smut prompts:
50 types of kisses
cuddles and snuggles
smutfic (please send word/phrase)
angst/whump prompts:
what are you hiding from me?
eerie loneliness
heavy content (mine, but feel free to rb/use it yourself!)
patching up wounds
other prompts:
oc codex
fantasy setting
dai - solas | varric | cassandra | sera | dorian | the iron bull | cole | leliana | morrigan | cullen | josephine | calpernia | flemythal | renn | valta | ameridan | talena | harding
da2 - anders(justice) | fenris | merrill
dao - leliana | morrigan
arlathan - mythal | andruil | ghilan'nain
relationships (ot3+ are welcome!):
solas x (nessa | velari | atros | valyris | varric | cassandra | cullen | bull | dorian | calpernia | mythal* | andruil* | ghilan'nain*)
anders x fenris
cassandra x (varric | sera | leliana | solas)
dorian x (feydis | bull | solas)
morrigan x (halcor | leliana)
sera x (delwyn | dagna | cassandra)
cullen x (dimitra | solas | dorian)
ghilan'nain x (andruil* | solas*)
*messy/complicated ships, might end up in dead dove territory
major ocs:
nessa lavellan (f!rogue, solas)
velari lavellan (f!mage, solas)
atros shiral (m!rogue; city elf!inquisitor, solas)
delwyn lavellan (f!rogue, sera)
valyris lavellan (f!mage, solas)
developing ocs:
feydis lavellan (m!mage, ? maybe dorian)
yene adaar (f!mage, solas)
dimitra (non-inky, f!mage(/templar), cullen)
halcor brosca (m!rogue warden, morrigan then nathaniel)
less developed ocs:
yene adaar (female; mage; solas) yene is a driven vashoth who doesn't want anything to do with any of this, thank you very much. spends the early game looking for a way out but eventually realizes that because of the anchor, she's stuck here, at which point she starts making friends. planned solasmance bc i'm... immensely predictable. also he grows on her. this weird little elf guy who's obsessed with the fade and she's like. hm. i am charmed by the way u wax poetic about ur special interests.
halcor brosca (male; rogue; morrigan, then nathaniel) my canon warden, and someone i haven't written in many years but have been thinking about again recently. very rough around the edges, blunt, practical. has a terrible habit of diving headfirst into danger. he's enamored of magic and trust(ed?) morrigan 100% on everything magical - he also performed the ritual with her, so kieran is his son, although he never met him. afterwards during awakening canon he ended up with nathaniel - a surprise, especially since he didn't even know he was into men as well, but late nights talking around the fire slowly became more.
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midnightprelude · 3 years
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These are all from the @dasmutquisition this week! 
Descriptions will be under a cut since all of these works are rated E.
Entwined by @ser-thirst-a-lot  Fire and lightning. Pure force and ice. Hawke found himself helpless against the onslaught of raw, unbridled magic that was Anders. Anal fingering, magic sex, orgasm delay/denial, dom!Anders
Karl Thekla x M!Hawke x Anders (aka Khanders)
All Nighters at Kinloch Hold by @ser-thirst-a-lot​ Hawke hooks up with Anders, and after they both get discovered by templars, he ends up in Kinloch Hold.Thankfully, Malcolm left a coded message in Hawke's grimoire, offering an out in case of this very predicament. It really isn't that tedious for Hawke to while away the time decoding it, what with Anders quickly becoming his best-friend-with-benefits—and with the handsome Senior Enchanter also fucking said best friend happening to find Hawke quite all right, as well. Anal sex, anal fingering, sex magic, magic sex toys, overstimulation, orgasm delay/denial, 
M!Fenhawke (and M!Hawke x Desire Demon)
Alluring Flames by @evilsapphyre​ When a new brothel opens up in Kirkwall, Eric Hawke decides that he should investigate it. He considered it his moral obligation to ensure that the place was worthy of any citizen. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? Fondling, nudity, hand jobs, anal sex.
F!Surana x F!Amell
Harrowed, yet hungry by @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold Solona Amell survives her Harrowing and rejoins her best friend, Elin Surana, as two full fledged Enchanters in Kinloch Hold. It's cause for a celebration that goes slightly awry because Elin's potion brewing skills could use some work. Minor mutual dub-con (alcohol), sex magic, aphrodisiacs, light bondage, vaginal fingering, oral sex
Merrill x Carver Hawke
Knight Takes Queen by @hollyand-writes​​ ​“Carver,” Merrill began, brightly, “I had a dream about you last night.”That got his attention. “Did you?”“Yes!” She beamed at him, excited. “I dreamed you creampied me, and I was really happy with it dripping out.” ——— A.K.A. Merrill is a size queen, and only a certain Knight-Corporal of the Kirkwall Templar Order can satisfy her. 69, vaginal sex, come eating, creampie
Dorian Pavus x Desire Demon
The weakest and frailest of hopes by @venatohru​ "I didn't catch your name," Dorian said, scrutinizing the man with the grapes and the unnaturally pretty eyes. Fade sex, demon sex, face-fucking, tentacle sex, PWP.
F!Hawke x Meredith Stannard
A brutal harmony by @venatohru​ When Bethany Hawke was brought to the Gallows, it didn't take long for Marian to arrive, longsword at the ready. Unhealthy relationships, sex for favors.
Dagna x Bianca
Arcane Mechanics by @jarakrisafis​​ Kissing, vaginal fingering.
F!Aeducan x Dwyn
Princess for a Price by @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold​​
Sereda Aeducan doesn't have coin to hire a mercenary to defend Redcliffe Village from the undead. She does have her body, though, and she's very willing to barter that for a blade.
She does get a bit more than she asks for. Sex work, dom/sub, rough sex, hair-pulling, face-fucking, spanking, whipping, begging, verbal humiliation, name calling, impact play, knifeplay (no actual cutting though), dubious consent, not safe or sane, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, anal sex, BDSM, object insertion, implied/referenced child death, implied/referenced death in childbirth. Wooo a lot of tags ;)
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seratlantisite · 4 years
god ok Dragon Age Inquisition Au where you stay a wanted fugitive for most of the game,
like you actually have to WORK for things, have to EARN the victory in any kind of way. step one, you aren’t inexplicably handed an army.
Picture it. You, the marked suspect in the divines death, stabilize the rift, pass out. But instead of waking up as the mythical Herald, surrounded by reverence, you are in the jail cell again. Cassandra believes you are innocent, but it's too late to convince anyone. Orlais wants your head. So Cassandra does the right thing, and helps you flee. You are, after all, still the only person who can do anything for the rifts. Solas is interested in the mark, so he comes too and, well, when has Varric ever turned down a good underdog story? Leliana helps you flee and promises to keep them off you.
You become the Fugitive. or something less nerdy
So you end up in the Hinterlands, and boy things sure are a mess down there, huh? So maybe you start taking out some bandits and rogue templars on your way. It’s kind of unavoidable. And the locals start to take notice. The more you help, the more they lie to the Chantry to help you. And you still need to try and close the breach, so you start wondering if the one of the factions could take a side trip from their war to help you. You have to pledge yourself, really work to earn the aid of either the Mages (x) or the Templars if you want to do an evil run idk, and of course they aren't without their own problems, but you get there. They trust you.
And on the way you keep finding fellow wayward scrappy do-gooders who want to help you. Madamme de Fer herself joins you, as you are the only practical way to Do Anything to help the world right now. And the Iron Bull well ok, you absolutely Cannot afford him but he wants to help, so for tax purposes you join the Chargers, technically, and Krem wont stop affectionately calling you guys the B-team.
So you take your faction and your team and you sneak into the mountains, which is easier if you befriended the lyrium smugglers, and if you convinced leliana’s contact Josephine to manoeuvre the nobility’s forces away from haven, and you do it! You stop the breach! And then a fucking dragon attacks you.
You buy your team time, and you flee. Corypheus wants you dead, so you need to hide. Fourtunately, Solas knows a secret place in the mountains, right between Fereldan and Orlais. Perfect place to sneak into both countries as needed. And cue the rest of the game, launched from your decrepit castle secret-base in the mountains.
(The rest of the game under the cut DA:I is so long.)
The war? Well the faction you chose seemingly fell with you, are hidden in Skyhold with you, so the other side seems to have won. Until they become visibly corrupted and start aiding Corypheus, and suddenly the people know who they trust more. The ones who Chose to help you.
Exalted plains? No longer a pointless mission for something your troops should really be handling, because there’s literally just you and your scooby gang to handle things. And well, lets say if you want to recruit Dagna you have to fight through it to find her because that whole area is so pointless as is.
You don’t get to “claim” landmarks and keeps but hey, at least peasants stop throwing fruit at you.
Wicked Eyes Wicked Hearts? Oh you better be ready to WORK for that invitation to the ball. Josephine has the to-do list for you, get ready to suck up to nobles. Or have Sera sneak you in if you really suck at it, but it’ll make things harder because no one knows who you are.
Adamant Fortress? Well if you settled the Orlesian throne you’ll have troops to assault it for you. Or you can jump the gun and try to STEALTH YOUR WAY IN. Get ready for the fight of your LIFE if you make even one misstep
The Temple of Mythal? There’s so much other weird magic in Thedas for Morrigan to be your magical advisor on - the forbidden oasis, the red lyrium and Samson’s armour. But when it’s time to go to the temple, Varric’s like “I know a gal” and Merrill comes to save you all and explain her culture and take the well (unless Lavellan really wants to). (and later there’s this really bad ass moment where Merrill and Morrigan nod to each other like “We got This” and fly off to fight the dragon together). And just for fun, let’s say if you argued for the wardens to stay, then either Hawke or the Warden leads the troops. Otherwise it’s some obnoxious Orlesian general.
And then. The final final battle. All your hard work Finally comes together. I personally am a fan of The Siege of Skyhold approach by @dont-fuck-me-gil. But the point is, you Earned this force with your own blood sweat and tears.
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ourdawncomes · 3 years
Ship Bias merrill
SHIP BIAS | accepting
Carver x Merrill. It’s obvious in-game that Carver harbours some feelings for Merrill and I think it’s cute that Merrill has a particular way for making him trip over himself. They both also clearly feel inferior in comparison to Hawke, and I think they’d find equals in each other. Plus it’d either be slow burn or long distance, which I think is neat.
Bethany x Merrill. They’re both young apostate women with very different upbringings that make them an interesting dynamic. Like with Warden Carver, there’s a long distance aspect to their relationship that is very appealing, and I think with Warden Bethany in particular she’s exposed to darker aspects of magic that would change how she sees Merrill’s magic.
Briala x Merrill. Very sharp ladies with some very special mirrors. Merrill isn’t quite a revolutionary in the same way Briala is and I don’t think she has the intention to be, it’s not in her skillset. I do think she could make a sort of Dagna-esque addition to her cause, however, and would support her irregardless of what happened at Halamshiral. I also think they could have a relationship prior to Inquisition (platonic or otherwise) that would make Merrill showing up in her DA:I verse interesting.
Sera x Merrill. I just think if they got past their initial disagreements they’d be neat together. Merrill’s been living with city elves for like 10+ years come Inquisition, and while she’s still very elfy, her focus for things like restoring the eluvian are very much on her people. Like I said I think it’d be contentious at times, but sometimes we need that for wlw ships.
Mahariel x Merrill. I guess I have a thing for Merrill and Wardens. From banter we see Merrill still thinks about Mahariel and considers them one of her only friends prior to Kirkwall, childhood friends to lovers later in life is a neat dynamic especially when packaged with the angst from what happens to Marethari.
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the-redlion · 4 years
Dragon age
I’m just going to do the games... if I add the books and comics into this, I’m gonna overload everyone. (though I could, haha)
Favorite Male:
DAO - Alistair Theirin.
DAO:A - Nathaniel Howe.
DA2 - Carver Hawke.
DAI - Cullen Rutherford.
Favorite Female:
DAO - Wynne.
DAO:A - Sigrun.
DA2 - Meredith. (I can be a glutton for a good bad guy/ someone who spirals outta control)
DAI - Josephine Montilyet.
Favorite Pairing:
** for ALL of the following pairings I like both male and female HOF, both in game and in fics.**
DAO - Alistair x HOF & Zevran x HOF.
DAO:A - Nathaniel x Cousland HOF.
DA2 - Rival Sebastian x Hawke & Ander x Hawke. Ander is such an anomaly to me. I don’t really care for romancing him in game (my Hawke always ends up hating him), but I love fan fic pairing with him. He’s pretty much my favorite when BioWare isn’t leading the way.
DAI - Cullen x Trevelyan. (I love the mage inquisitors the best.)
Least Favorite Character:
DAO - Loghain Mac Tir. ( I honestly liked him in books. I feel betrayed by the in game version.)
DAO:A - Oghren.
DA2 - Merrill.
DAI - Sera.
Who’s most like me:
There isn’t one really like me, but there are some that speak to some of my traits.
DAO - Wynne. I can be protective especially of people I work with. I like to give advice if I can.
DAO:A - Nathaniel Howe. I carry grudges but I’m not over admitting I’m wrong when proven so.
DA2 - 🤷🏻‍♀️
DAI - The Iron Bull. Loyal and pretty open about my sexual desires and preferences. Good at my job.
Most attractive:
DAO - Alistair & Cailan Theirin.
DAO:A - Nathaniel Howe.
DA2 - Isabela.
DAI - Cullen Rutherford.
Three more characters that I like:
DAO - Cailan Theirin, Sir Gilmore, and Dagna.
DAO:A - 🤷🏻‍♀️
DA2 - Verric, Fenris, & Thrask.
DAI - Dorian Pavus, The Iron Bull, Knight Captain Rylen.
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Songday Sunday Collection (SSC) for March
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Anders Make Them Hear You - Nine
x Hawke  Never Alone - Barlow Girl
x male Hawke Holy Lover - Keaton Henson
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Aveline and Hawke Gift of a Friend - Demi Lovato 
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Cullen The Wolf - Siamés It’s the fear - Within Temptation
x Trevelyan Drag Me Down - One Direction
x inquisitor I wouldn’t mind - He is we 
x Dorian Take Yours I’ll Take Mine - Matthew Mole
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Dorian x Cullen Take Yours I’ll Take Mine - Matthew Mole
and f!inquisitor Best friend - Kana Nishino Nightcore version 
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Fenris When They Come For Me - Linkin Park
x Hawke Nemo - Nightwish
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Grey Warden On my Side - Demon Hunter Anytime You Need a Friend - The Beu Sisters
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Hawke Anytime You Need a Friend - The Beu Sisters Face My Fears - Utada Hikaru ft. Skrillex
Kirkwall gang Towa no Kizuna - Daisy x Daisy feat. Another Infinity 
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Inquisition Anytime You Need a Friend - The Beu Sisters
and inner circle Friends Forever - Vitamin C 
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Isabela These boots are made for walking - Nancy Sinatra
x Hawke So still die See, so still mein Herz - Oonagh feat. Santiano
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Merrill x female Hawke Daisy - Zedd Vergiss mein nicht - Oonagh
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Sebastian x Hawke Memories - Within Temptation
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Sera  x Lavellan Solar Waltz - Cosmo Sheldrake
x Dagna Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe
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Solas Egg - CG5
x Lavellan Almost (Sweet Music) - Hozier  I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys
and Inquisitor You are my friend - LONG SHOT PARTY 
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Varric Human - Rag'n Bone Man
and Hawke Somebody to die for - Hurts  Goodbye my friend - Linda Ronstadt  Burnin’ the Midnight Oil again - Thomm Jutz and Peter Cronin 
and Hawke, inquisitor No Below - Speedy Ortiz 
Other mages/templars Mr. Fear - Siamés
Awakening party Ashita wo Narase - Kavka Shishido
DA4 party Through the Cellar Door - Lanterns on the Lake
Mage rights Riot - Three Days Grace She’s a Rebel - Green Day We’re not gonna take it - Twisted Sister Smackdown - Thousand Foot Krutch Warriors - Papa Roach It’s not me it’s you - Skillet Twin Skeletons - Fallout Boy Mage Pride - Inon Zur 
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bluewren · 1 year
happy friday! :D I see Merrill, I ask for Merrill/Dagna and "You didn't do anything wrong." from the hurt/comfort dialogue prompts!
hahahaha Merrilll🥺🥺 This is her needing to talk to someone after seeing her bestie without vallaslin. Dagna is here for Merrill.
wc: 657
Merrilll watches as the Inquisitor leaves the Undercroft, she seems more freed the days after something has happened between her and Solas. Taliesen has not said, yet.
It’s disgusting to watch from where she sits. The marks of their people stripped off of Taliesen, yet she acts like she feels nothing about it. Onwards to other work, because whatever she has now is far more important than the people and their culture she devoted herself to.
That’s what the former First of Clan Sabrae keeps seeing… A sigh leaves Merrill, where did this malice come from? Her friend seems more content than many other times, she’s seen her.
Yet once again, it feels like she’s being left behind.
“I don’t like that look. Did an argument come up or something else?” Dagna peers over her shoulder. “Did you get her mad?”
Merrill heaves, letting her head drop to their worktable.
"I didn't do anything wrong." She mumbles, hopefully not swallowing a piece of her work. “I-it’s not something so easily explained.”
“It’s the tattoos, isn’t it? It’s got to be the tattoos.”
Merrill popes her head back up, raising a brow. “What do you know about vallaslin?”
“Not much, but I know their important.” Dagna chuckles. “You don’t mark your face unless it means something important.” She does a quick blink. “Dwarves know that one.”
Merrill grumbles, sucking on the back of her teeth. At least the outsider knew vallaslin is important to her people. Yet she’s still hard pressed to admit it.
Once more, she takes a breath to rush words out.
“I don’t know why she isn’t more bothered.” Sighing, now less tensed up. “We’ve worked together for years, fixing scraps of our history. How could she leave that all behind her?”
“What makes think she’s leaving something behind?”
Merrill rolls her eyes, it couldn’t be more obvious. “She’s smiling like nothing happened. It shouldn't be like that. An outsider shouldn’t have been able to convince her to forsake it all.”
“That’s not what this looks like to me.” Dagna's dismissal causes Merrill to quirk up her brows. "Lots more like she's avoiding something. Getting distracted is very easy when someone has as much to do as she does."
"That's not much easier to take in." Merrill sighs, it coming out as a whisper.
"I did the same when left Orzammar, else I'd kept wondering if I did the right thing." Dagna tents her finger. “I don’t regret anything now.”
She does little fidgety finger taps by bouncing them together and away. Merrill is tempted to disrupt Dagna's thoughts and steal her hands away for herself.
"Give it time! I'm sure she'll tell you how she really feels."
Merrill nods. In many ways she knows Dagna is correct, although that lenience is not something she’d want to give Taliesen.
“I suppose you’re right, admittedly it feel like I’m talking to a different person now.” She turns away from Dagna for a moment, she shakes off her worries with gentle pats on her cheeks. “I shouldn’t think of her that way. She’s been an important friend to me.”
“Good! Lots of stuff has happened recently, you both just need time to heal.” Dagna pauses for a moment, snorting at something out of her sight. “Maybe it’ll take lots of time.”
“You’re a better person than most. Though, you’re not going free yet.” Merrill reaches to claim one of Dagna’s hands. “I feel lonely and you’re the only one who hasn’t shut me out.”
Merrill rests her chin on her dwarven partner’s hand, staring wistfully in her eyes. It’s a poor attempt at being wistful however, Dagna’s shiny gray eyes never seems to reciprocate the longing. Always chuckling at her feable attempts at flirting, turning her flush red every time.
“Do you want dinner first or go straight to your home?” Dagna snorts, brandishing a cheeky smirk.
“Dinner first. Please.” She giggles, unable look directly at her.
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empresstress13 · 5 years
 I was tagged by the lovely @princessdreadwolf , the wonderful @solverne-02 ,and the fantastic @roguelioness!
1. First ship you ever wrote fic for: 
Solavellan or Solasmance of some sort I believe. . . 
2. Ship you write the most now: 
I’ve written very little recently. . . .a bit of gen fic, a bit of Solavellan, some Josie x Cadash, and. . . might be writing some Merrill x OC. . . 
3. Ship you read the most now: 
. . . .probably still Solavellan? 
4. Newest ship:
 I’m shipping my friend’s OCs with other OCs. And my OCs with my friend’s OCs. Lots of OCs. Throw more OCs at me please. . . . . that star elf dude from the Dragon Prince. His voice and my ears. That’s my newest ship. 
5. Rare ship you wanna read more of: 
Tar Miriel x Uinen; Felassan x Anyone; Briala x Shianni X Lanaya. Jane Foster x Science. What. 
6. Your taboo ship: 
Solas and anyone not Lavellan? Rosie x Sam x Frodo? 
7. They never met in canon ship:  
 Briala x Shianni X Lanaya? Tar Miriel x Uinen? 
8. Your unexpected ship: 
Alistair x Josephine ( @wardsarefunctioning‘s fault); also I use to not be a fan of Gimli x Legolas and then I started this one fic that was so so good. 
9. The ship you always forget to give love to:
. . . . I’m a multishipper, so I have a tendency to forget some of my ships by the mere fact that there are too many. 
10. Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): 
. . . Isn’t that what all Dragon Age PC ships are about??? Svetlana Cadash x Josie, Sera x Innanis Adaar x Dagna, Revasulahn Lavellan x Solas or Taraslyah Lavellan x Solas. . . . Adhlea x Deshanna, Beatrix Tabris x Leliana, Nehnara Surana x Zevran. . . .Merrill x (SECRET) 
11. Ship you’re embarrassed to ship: 
ffff. . . . I mean, there’s a certain point where it just doesn’t matter any more, right? 
12. Your most romantic ship: 
FAYRA, which is now the ship name for my cleric, Kyra and her drow ranger girlfriend Faeryl. THEY ARE SWEETNESS AND I NEED THEIR HAPPY ENDING BECAUSE I CAN JUST FEEL THE ANGST COMING. T.T
13. Your sexiest ship: 
. . . hmmmm. I mean. . .I feel like this is super subjective? 
14. Your most tragic ship: 
. . . . I mean. I almost feel like it’s gotta be Solavellan/ any Solasmance by default? OR YA KNOW, maybe any ship with Felassan SINCE HE IS APPARENTLY OUT OF THE NARRATIVE. T.T
Also half the ships in the D&D games I’m in. . ..  y’all are all so sad T.T
15. A ship you want more content for:
If I’ve mentioned it here: I want more content for it.
tagging: @saphyremelodies , @adventuresinastrangeworld , @lycheejellytea , @rawrzimon , @eveninglottie , @dreadhobo , @deleriumofyou , @katalyna-rose
As always:  Feel free to ignore! Only do this if you have the time and/or inclination.♥ Love y’all!
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uchidachi · 6 years
Black Emporium Exchange Letter
This is my letter for the @black-emporium-exchange (2018 Version)
Dear writer/artist:
I like many things, and love rarepairs most of all! I really like UST and mutual pining, also the corny stuff like “fake married” or “bed sharing” or “arranged marriage” tropes. I LOVE Soulmate AUs more than anything else, I’m an absolute sucker for those. I also like the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers trope, if you can’t tell by some of my requests ;)
I know I put a whole lot of pairings on the sign-up, and I do truly love them all. If you want to know more about any specific pairing, I try to keep organized by tagging any shippy posts as “PersonA x PersonB” with the names in alphabetical order (ex: “bethany x fenris” or “inquisitor x vivienne”) and OT3s are under the tag “OT3″
For dislikes: I love angst, but not Hurt/Comfort. I really don’t get into any AUs that change the setting for Dragon Age, especially not modern AUs. Mature rating and sexy content is ok, but please no PWP? (If you are fandom old like I am, I prefer limes to lemons!)  For the Merrill ships: please don’t write her as childish and naive. 
DNW: noncon/dubcon, omegaverse, bathroom stuff, & any kind of abuse
Iron Bull/Vivienne - 
I love their banter in-game, and I think it really implies a D/s relationship with how Bull always calls her Ma'am. Either kinky/sexual or not, I think they are very well-matched in disposition, and it comes from a place of love and mutual respect and understanding.  
Fenris/Merrill - 
OK SO I love both these characters, and I love the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers trope, so I thought to combine the two. Anything involving Fenris and Merrill getting along (or grudgingly getting along) makes me happy. They have a lot in common if they could just stop fighting for a bit. I think that as a pairing they are especially suited to tropes like "stuck together" or "pretending to be married"
M!Hawke/Isabela/Merrill - 
Hawke/Merrill/Isabela is suuuuch a good OT3, as I'm sure you know, but I rarely see it with M!Hawke instead of F!Hawke. Which I want to fix!  I'd love something sweet and fluffy for them, they all deserve softness and love. I would love to see a Hawke that supports and loves both Isabela and Merrill equally in what they do. I don't have a preference for type of Hawke: blue/purple/red or mage/warrior/rogue is all good for me.  I do love custom Hawkes too!
Cullen/Josephine/Leliana -
War Room Sammich! Well what do you think your advisors get up to when the Inquisitor is away from Skyhold?  I joke about this ot3 a lot, so something light would not go amiss, but I would also love something deep that goes into how their relationship works and what the dynamics are like.
M!Adaar/Vivienne or F!Lavellan/Vivienne-
More Vivienne pairings! This one is for Vivienne/Inquisitor, (I chose M!Adaar and F!Lavellan for the prompt) I would love to see her matched either with an Inquisitor who is aligned with her viewpoint and goals, or one that is at odds with her politically (but matched personally). For me personally, I see Vivienne and Bastien as having an open relationship, so a relationship with the Inquisitor would not involve any inconstancy.
Anora/M! or F!Cousland -
Anora rules, with the Warden at her side. I would love to see a political marriage that turns into a loving relationship. The original arranged marriage grows into something more. Alternatively, a Cousland who was always in courtly love with their Queen, and that slowly becomes mutual over the years together.  I'm equally partial to Cousland of any gender (let's just pretend that F!Cousland can be made Princess-Consort)
Seeing more of their relationship beyond the awkward flirting part. Although the awkward flirting is also good.
Anything for these two makes me so happy. I would love to see their first meeting (awkward flirting is good here as well) as well as how they handle their relationship while Sera is away with the Inquisitor.
M!Mahariel/Merrill/Tamlen -
I always think of this as part of my “canon” for Merrill’s backstory, that they were in a triad relationship before the blight.  I love to think of them having a dynamic where their personalities & strengths & weaknesses compliment each other. I would also not say no to massive angst in the aftermath of Mahariel becoming a warden & Tamlen being blighted
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jozstankovich · 6 years
Dragon Age for the fandom thingie? 🌹
Favourite Male: Verric & Alistair & Dorian
Favourite Female: Sera & Morrigan
Favourite Pairing: Solavellan & Alistair x Warden
Least Favourite Character: Isabella
Character Most Like Me: Cole or Dagna
Most Attractive: Krem, Josephine, & Bethany
Three More Characters I Like: Leiliana, Anders, & Merrill
Thanks for asking!
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pixiedurango · 6 years
whats your best "bad" dancing move? fav disney movie? fav musical, and fav track from that? fashion thing you always wanted to ull of but never had the courage/money/etc for? its femslash febuary so what are your top 5 femslash ships? (if thats to hard to narrow downm just 5 from the top of your head/random ones) what you love about them? favorite weird animal that exist?
Let’s see:My best bad dance moves involve some belly dancing stuff which always seem to happen at some point no matter whether I’m dancing pop or metal
Fav Disney movie might be Mulan. I’m just an absolute sucker for “girl in boy’s clothes for disguise” trope. Also: MUSHU!!!!
Fav Musical: I never saw it only know the Music but I really love “Freudiana”
*Forever sigh* I would love to do so many things fashionwise if it was available in my size or I would just like what I see in the mirror. The one thing I probably will try this year might be blue or green hair.
Femslash February: I think I will go with
Arya x Constance Trevelyan (My friend’s an my OCs, living in various settings and AU’s and AU’s of AU’s (Originally DA:I)
Lili x PJ (from another story universe my friend and I are about to write)
I like the idea of Isabela x Merrill  (Dragon Age2)
But my fav in DA2 is fem!Hawke x Merrill 
Sera x Dagna are just too sweet to ignore (DA:I)
Favorite weird animal:sloths, octopus and manta ray
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dalishious · 7 years
@briannamorley replied to your post “@briannamorley Well I wasn’t going to respond to all your replies, but...”
@dalishious I was scrolling through trying to find other posts not related to this; if you hate it as much as you've shown why keep discussing it? When first coming across your page I thought it was cool agreed with the Cullen thing, the Michel thing, the Gaspard thing but x amount of vitrol over and over just don't get it... and in regards to you saying all w/w relationships in the verse are toxic? Izzie/FemHawke no, FemHawke/Merril no, FemInq/Sera or Josie no.
I keep discussing it because this is my blog, and on my blog I discuss things that I like and don’t like? And I don’t like Celene. If I feel like writing about something I don’t like about Celene, I do. And I never post anything critical in her main tag, instead tagging it as ‘anti celene.’
Because player-character romances were not accounted for? Sera/Dagna is the only good one at this point in time.
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mysdrymmumbles · 7 years
54 & 55 for the Dragon Age ask?
Thank you so much for the ask :D
54) Fluffiest headcanon ever? Merrill and Marian like to climb up on the roof and snuggle together in one blanket to watch the stars. Every time she sees a shooting star, Merrill kisses Marian because she wished on a star that Marian might like her too, and so she wants the stars to see things worked out. 
55) Your non-Player Character OTPs? Hmmm... Sera x Dagna, Merrill x Isabela are the two that come to mind right away. 
101 DA Questions
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