#dahlia violet
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
The Flowers of Waverley Road, Part 1
Summary:  Magnus Romano is a fierce leader of the biggest Mafia family in Boston.  And deep outside of the negotiating and the city he has remained to keep his daughters hidden.  But continues to use them as a bargaining agent.  Each daughter has their own journey and story.  Each daughter has their own tests and heartbreak.  And each daughter is fiercely loyal to each other.  His pretty little flowers.  His major point of bribery.  But they’re not as delicate as Magnus thinks that they are, or as stupid.
Pairings:  August Walker X Orchid, Nick Fowler X Lotus, Jax Teller X Dahlia, Jack Bass X Violet, Ari Levinson X Lavender
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, masturbating (F), arranged marriages, misogyny, age gap, power imbalance, implied abuse, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  8k
Universe Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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“Mr. Levinson?” Ari looks up from his magazine he had just been staring at, annoyed at all the clearance that was necessary for this job.  It was a house completely out in the middle of nowhere.  A house so far off the beaten path, one would assume they were in an endless loop of trees.  “Miss Romano will now see you.  Should you be hired, make sure you wear different shoes.”
Ari glances at his old worn boots; a bit dusty, stained in paint, and sure a bit dirty.  He didn’t ask to come to this ridiculously white office.  Why was everything so white?  Not even a fingerprint in sight.  Possibly the rumors of burned off fingerprints was factual.
His heavy footfalls carry him into Miss Romano’s office, and she looks up from her computer glaring at him.  “I didn’t ask to come here, sweetheart,” Ari smirks, planting himself on a white coach, and she grimaces at him.  Even she is decked out in white.  Head to toe.  White business dress that clings to every inch of her curves.  Some things never changed.  She hadn’t aged a day.
“Mr. Levinson, we take people going to Waverley Road very seriously,” her long manicured fingers tap on the desk, and she slides her chair back.  Walking in front of the desk to lean against the edge.  His eyes roam up and down every inch of her, “And we take people abusing the ability to get onto the property very seriously.  You understand what you are signing on for?  People not directly involved in my family’s business rarely ever make it this far.”
“Family business, huh?  Is that what they’re calling the mafia these days?”
“I’m not quite sure I follow, Mr. Levinson,” Ari nods his head, even though he is aware that she knows exactly what he’s referring to.  “A background check was done on you.  A lot of petty crime.  You will not be permitted inside of the house.”
“Why?  Do you have a princess locked up in that tower?” The woman stands unmoving.  They did.  They had some princess locked in there all alone in the middle of nowhere, “Just how many flowers of Waverley Road are there?  I lost count.”
“Mr. Levinson.”
“Rumors of the Romano flowers are all throughout the city.  None as beautiful as you, Miss Lotus Romano.  Unwed because she’s unfit, and can’t be used as a bargaining tool.  Magnus knows her worth, and wants to keep his pretty little daughter happy.  Which one finally was sold to the highest bid of Jack Bass?  Which one gets to be bought by Bart Bass?  The Romanos are in the Basses pocket, and everyone knows it.  Can’t forget your little delinquent of a sister.  Has she ever been found?”
“Are you finished, Mr. Levinson.  Insulting my family is not a great way to get a job.  I am the one allowing you into our family mansion.  I am the one that will either give you this job, or take it away from you.  Do not question my authority in my family,” Ari’s eyes slowly blink close as he tilts his head to her.  Leaning back and getting more relaxed in his chair.
“The last interview I had there was only three files on your secretary’s desk.  You don’t have too many people vying for a chance to work for your family.  I believe I’m all that you’ve got.  You don’t have a choice.  My work is good and clean.  And I come with great references.  Where is Nicky?  Getting his cock sucked by some bimbo?”
“Now that is enough,” she slaps her hand on the desk, turning her back to Ari.  He could speak all he wanted to about her family, but bring up Nick, and she shuts down, and shows emotion.  She calmly picks up her phone, ringing her secretary, “Cici, have Nick escort Mr. Levinson to Waverley Road.  If he’s to have anyone working with them, they have to be cleared with me, and he’s only allowed one person.”
“Uh, Frank Adler?” Ari clears his throat, because a request for some help had already been sent in.  If it hadn’t made it to Lotus, there was no telling when Frank would be approved.
“His file is being processed.  That may take a couple of weeks.”
“A couple of weeks?  How the fuck am I going to get any work done?”
“Figure it out,” Lotus gently lays her phone back on the receiver.  Walking around to her chair, and ignoring Ari, “You may go.  Nick will make sure you make it to Waverley Road in one piece.  And if Mr. Adler should be cleared, he will join you.  There is a small house in front of the mansion, you can stay there, Frank as well, should he be approved.  Make sure that you have your bags packed.  You’re going to be stuck on Waverley Road until all the repairs are finished.  Should you need something, Nick can be of assistance.  Should you want to leave, don’t.  We own you now, Mr. Levinson.”
Bitch.  Ari stands, and walks back out to the foyer, waiting on his former roommate.  Lotus really was the cold bitch that everyone claimed that she was.  Heart of stone, and no fucks given, but she had a weakness.  This is what Ari wanted and needed.  And he had completed this part.  Now onto the mansion.
Nick looks at himself in the mirror, straightening out his hair when he looks at his phone, “Hey, sweetheart.”
“I asked you not to call me that while in this building.  Mr. Levinson was approved.  You need to take him to Daddy’s summer mansion.”
“Isn’t your baby sister there?” Nick did not foresee the luck of having the most awkward and needy of the sisters at the mansion.  A girl that would open up to anyone that was giving her attention.
“And that’s where she will stay, until Daddy decides what he’s going to do with her.  There are a few that she has caught the eye of.  Don’t know if they are profitable though.”
“You know casually talking about your sisters being in an arranged marriage is a little concerning.  Should I be alarmed?” His eyebrow cocks up as he shuts down his office.
“I’ve got the files, Nicky.  No one has ever asked for my hand in marriage, and Daddy has never offered.  I supposed I’m going to remain an old spinster that is too smart for this whole operation.”
“Would you take marrying someone you’re in business with?  Like, I don’t know, the man that has no one above him in this family, but your father?” He would continue to ask any chance he got, until she said yes.
“You forget, this is only business.  Don’t confuse casual sex with anything more than a fix.  Take Mr. Levinson to Waverley Road.”
“Make sure you’re waiting at my house, in one of the pretty little lace numbers I got you.  I’ll take your Mr. Levinson to the mansion, and explain the ground rules.  I’ll see you when I return,” he doesn’t wait for a response.  He never does.  And she is always waiting for him.  Every time.  Giving him so much, and so little all at the same time.  It was infuriating that the one thing he wanted, she was still keeping guarded.  Her heart.
He struts out into the waiting room, snapping a finger towards Ari, “Follow me.  You sure know how to piss people off, you know that?”
“Well, what’s the fun in knowing I got the job if I can’t play around a bit?  So Lotus Romano?”
“What?” Nick stops to turn around and look at the man.  Ari is a beast.  Taller than most men he had ever seen, and wide.  His skills we’re definitely better suited in other avenues besides a carpenter.  
“Who is at this mansion?” Ari gives his old friend a wink.  Nick was not someone he wanted to piss off.  He needed Nick, and clearly he and Lotus did not want to joke about their ‘relationship’.
“It’s best if you leave that one alone,” Nick responds, spinning on his heels and continues to the parking garage.
“Why is that?” Dig a bit more.  It was what Ari is good at.  Get more information, and if she was as pretty as her sisters, how bad could it be?
“She’s barely legal.”
“Ahh, but she is legal.  Is she promised to someone?  Chuck Bass maybe?  Would he finally sell one of his daughters to a more age appropriate man?  How is Jack’s new bride?” Nick grunts out his own frustrations.  Magnus was living in the dark ages.  “He had all those girls for more than having children, huh?”
“I don’t want to talk about them.  They have very little say in what he’s doing.  Lavender will fall in line like her sisters before her.”
“Worked out well for Dahlia,” Ari surmises, settling himself in Nick’s car.  “How is she?”
“Teller keeps her busy.  She got what she wanted.  Away from the Basses, and away from her father.”
“And why do you suppose that is?” Nick keeps his eyes on the road.  As long as Ari didn’t bring up Lotus, he was okay.  No one ever got away with speaking about her.  “So, Jack’s bride complied, and the Basses still funded Magnus’ dying empire.  He’s nothing without the Basses.  He basically became a tool for them.  They’ll continue to use him to get what they want, and when they’re done, well, you know what will become of Magnus and his daughters.”
“And what exactly are you going to do about it?” Nick turns to glare at Ari.  A man that talked a big game about something he was not technically a part of.  It was complicated.
“Nothing.  I’m just a carpenter.  Being forced to live out in the middle of nowhere, I can't leave my base until the repairs are done.  Out there all alone with nothing to keep me busy but a barely legal flower.”
“Going inside of the house is unwise.  You are to stay outside,” another warning of staying outside, and not entering the house.
“Why?  Is there something wrong with Rapunzel?”
“She is to be kept chaste,” Ari snorts.  They were never really chaste.  None of them.  People talk.  Little girls locked up in towers always had their vices.  Their way with men and women to get what they wanted.  More so of what they needed.  “Bart isn’t interested.  However, there are others that are looking at Lavender.  The flowers of Waverley Road are now a legend.”
“What about Lotus,” Nick warps the car over to the side of the road, and wraps his hand over Ari’s throat.  “Easy.  We’re on the same side.”
“You do not deserve to speak her name,” Nick spits out at him.  That was his first strike.
“What happens when she’s sold to the highest bidder?  Dahlia was smart, she got out while she could.  Leaving her sister to be claimed and promised to Jack.  Lotus isn’t promised to anyone.  Do you think that will last?  Do you think her father won’t sell her?”
“She’s valuable on her own.  Magnus needs her, and her brains.”
“And her sisters are nothing but the flesh in between their legs?  I see.  Things worked out well for Orchid,” the oldest of the sisters.  The one who stood tall and proud.  Walked side by side with her husband.  A man that would kiss the ground she walked on, if she asked.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nick huffs, putting the car back into gear.  Turning onto the famed road, and the long journey to the mansion.  No one ever knew or understood the Romano family.  Even Nick, despite Lotus randomly dropping tidbits.
“Do I not?  I’m risking my life being here.”
“No one asked you to,” Nick whispers.  It was a lie.  One that they were both aware of.  Ari was asked.  And it was worth the risk, should he be successful.  
Trees are so heavy down this road a lesser man would feel as if he was losing his mind.  There was nowhere to go but forward, or back from which you came.  No one dared to come out this far, and judging by the security stations on the way in, they would never make it to the point that they currently are.  Guarded by more than the maddening forest.
It was boring.  No wonder he was being asked to live on the property.  “How much land does Magnus own?”
“All of it,” Nick answers with finality.  Ari had pissed him off.  Nick was easy to talk to, until you made him get into his head about Lotus.  “You are not to go into the mansion.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“There’s your quarters,” Nick points at a small cabin, not at all grand.  “It’s big enough to sleep at least four people.  You will be given a car that you can commute from here to the mansion.  You are not to step foot inside.  Lavender can be a bit persuasive, you are not to listen to her under any circumstance.  However, should her life be in danger, you risk yours to save her.  That is how it goes.  You wanted to be surrounded by the flowers.  You are.  And this…”
A gigantic mansion comes into view.  An otherworldly and old look to it with ivy growing up the sides.  It looks haunted.  Should anyone happen to unluckily stumble upon it, it would terrify them.  And right by the pool was a gorgeous and completely nude young woman sunbathing.
“My god,” Nick, irritated puts his car into park.  “She was told you were coming today.  Cover your eyes,” Ari would not.  Perfect tits on that one.  She was hot, and she knew it.  Fresh Brazilian wax.  She wanted to be seen.  “Lavender!  Put some fucking clothes on.”
Her mouth turns up into a smirk, but she doesn’t move, “If I am to live out here all alone, I’m going to take advantage of the privacy.”
“And I told you,” she stands up, and Ari gets a full body look at her, turning back around to awkwardly bend over to gather her hat.  Awkward because she wanted Ari to see her puffy, velvety, and scrumptious cunt.  “Lavender!”
“Aw, Nicky, don’t look as I walk away,” Nick turns away from her, and grabbing both tits, she jiggles them just for Ari to see.  Ari would not be staying away from her.  She wanted to show him her body, and he was going to look.  “I’m going inside to fuck myself.”
“I hate you.  How am I ever going to tell your sister about this?”
“Just don’t tell her I put a strap on my giant teddy,” Ari likes her.  He was sure she was more talk than anything.  But she needed it.  Bad.  “Daddy has me out here all by myself, I should be able to have some fucking fun!”
“Go fuck your teddy bear then!” Lavender flips his back off before finally walking into the house.  She wasn’t entirely lying, and wasn’t entirely telling the truth.  Fixing the roof she was told.  She was aware of the area where the roof leaked.  And she had a plan.  If she was going to be out here bored while all her sisters got to have a man touch them, she was going to have some fun.  With the carpenters.
“Ignore her.”
“How can I?  My god, she either needs someone to lay her over their lap and spank her ass, or she needs a real good fucking,” he tilts his head, trying to continue to look at her.  Still she was shaking her tits at him.  Pinching her nipples, before walking away.
“She’s a liar.  All she wants is attention, and you’re giving it to her,” Nick slaps Ari in the back of his head.  Ari and her could potentially be a problem, or the best thing they didn’t plan on, “Your boxes will be coming here by tonight.  This is the key to your car.  There is the garage.  I’ll have Lotus message you the key codes for everything.  And stay out of the fucking house.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ari groans, getting out of the car.  “This my supplies?” He asks, pointing over to a mountain of lumber and boxes upon boxes of things.
“Yes.  Have fun, Ari.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.  Also, Magnus and the other girls will be here tonight for dinner.  Make sure you’re at home.”
“So you’re saying if I want to fuck the princess I better do it before tonight?” He bites at his lip, looking back into the house, hoping to see those perfect tits.
“I’m saying don’t be looking at tits, and have nothing done before they get here,” jumping into his car, Nick drives back into the city, and back to Lotus’ office.  Speaking of fucking, she owed him dessert.  She could continue her work, while he feasted on the sweetest thing he had ever tasted.
Ari looks up at the mansion, wondering where Lavender had gone.  He just wanted to have some fun, and enjoy something nice to look at.  Instead he starts opening up a few of the containers.  Sweat pours down his brows as he unloads everything.  Minor repairs, and it would get done faster with a crew.  But Magnus didn’t want a crew here.
Hearing one of the sweetest little moans, he looks towards a window.  There she was.  Still needing to be seen.  Playing with her tits, and grinding on the arm of a couch.  Ari completely knows why Magnus didn’t want a crew.  She is looking straight at him begging, “Ari!” She whines, placing her hands in front of her to grind even faster.
Her tits look even more amazing as she works herself over the furniture.  “Ari, the door is unlocked.”
“Well, hell,” it was an invitation, and who was he to say no.  Walking into the mansion, and breaking the one main rule he has, he follows her desperate sounds.  Tiptoeing into a sitting room,  and there she was.  One of the most amazing women he had ever met.  What a welcome gift he was getting.  “What cha doing?”
“Imagining I was riding you?” She was needy.  Moving over this arm of the couch like her life depended on it.  “You like my titties?”
“Oh I love them.  You making a mess on the couch?”
“Uh huh.  You can lick it up if you want.  You can play with my tits, too.”
“Oh, I think I want you to lick it up,” her eyes go wide as she stares up at him.  Black seas of lust in her eyes, glossy and still so innocent.  He steps closer, reaching out to pinch both of her nipples.  “You never been talked to like that?  If you want to be a desperate little slut, I can treat you like one.”
He rolls her nipples in between his fingers, and she arches her back, bringing herself closer to him.  Moving her hands behind her, Ari sees her pretty puffy lips spread over the leather.  A trail of slick gathering on the arm.  She was a pretty little thing.  “I’m going to suck your tits, okay?”
“Uh huh, please!” He wanted his fingers in her.  His mouth closes around one nipple, and her body loses self control.  Screaming out his name, until he pulls off her with a pop.  Looking at her wide eyed at her outburst.  Her juices drip down onto the couch and floor.
“Did you just squirt from me barely sucking on your nipple?”
“What?” Ari’s hand swipes up her honey, showing her just how soaked his fingers are.  “I uh…”
“Show me your pussy.  I’ll taste that, too.  If you think sucking on your nipples feels amazing.  Sucking on you right here,” his finger touches her clit, and she shivers, mewling out his name, while her body searches for more pressure from him.  “Show me.”
Lavender scoots down onto the couch, legs already spreading wide, and Ari gulps.   She was an easy target, “Tell me, sweetheart,” Ari begins as he gets down to his knees, smiling down at her bare and leaking cunt, “Who visits out here?” His hand lays flat over her mound, and she squeals.  “Uh uh, who visits out here?”
“No — no one.”
“I don’t feel like you’re being truthful.  Big house, sweet little slut like you, all alone with just me.  What would happen if I fucked you right here?”
“No!” She shakes her head no rapidly, and when he tries to remove his hand she slaps her own over his.  “You can play with me.  No sex.”
“We did just meet, hmm?” leaning a bit closer, his hand slides up to spread apart her lips, giving just the most sweet kiss over her bundle of nerves.  “Who comes out here?  Your father?�� Peering up at her, his tongue flicks over her little bean, and Lavender struggles to talk.
“Sometimes.  I don’t want to talk about him right now.”
“Who else?” She gives him a little pout, trying to pull him closer to her heat.  Needing nothing more than to have him kitten lick her again.  “No, you tell me who else comes here, and I’ll suck on this clit, until you’re coming in my mouth.  Maybe put a finger in that sweet puss.”
“Bus-bus-business associates.  The Basses, and…some man I don’t know.  Please, Ari, I want you to put a finger in me.”
“Only one for now.  Maybe you can figure out who else is coming here for me, and I’ll give you even more fingers.  I don’t want anyone to walk in on me feasting on your cunt.  Just be a good girl for me, and I’ll make sure to ruin you, okay?”
She nods her head, and Ari dives right in.  Wrapping his lips around her overly sensitive clit, and swiping a finger up and down her slit.  Letting her get good and squirmy until he sinks one finger in.  Her walls immediately start pulsing around him.  She was a responsive little thing.  A perk of the job he supposed.  Get information and get to fuck her.  It wasn’t a bad trade off.
Pumping his finger in and out of her, and her hips start to move with him.  Her hands squeeze on her tits.  Magnus was a fucking idiot.  Leaving this pretty young thing that was begging to be fucked all alone.  And she had a mouth on her.  Willing to say anything as long as she was touched and got off.  
She was ridiculously tight.  Clearly she was pretty inexperienced.  Which made her a danger to herself.  Or maybe she was the perfect daughter to sell to pay for his next business venture.  He was an idiot.  She wouldn’t be inexperienced when Ari finished with her.
“Ar-Ar-Ari!” His arm was dripping in her cream and slick.  Lines of arousal puddles into his hand, and the loudest squelching sounds he had ever heard echo in the empty house.  She is just about gone.  Dumb and pliable.  Just for Ari.  “Ari!” She screams, gushing into his mouth.  “Ari!” Her voice starts to go soft as she pushes him away, “Stop.  Stop, I’m throbbing.”
“Yeah,” he leans back, wiping her honey off his beard.  Keeping her lips spread, “Look at that little clit.  It’s all swollen.  You can see your heartbeat in it.  Did you have fun, Rapunzel?”
“Uh-huh,” she is mesmerized looking down at her little hole.  He had made her feel things that she had never felt before.  They both watch as he drags his finger out of her quivering hole, and he gives it a long stare.  Projecting spit onto her spread cunt before rubbing it in.  Giving her sensitive nub a flick, she trembles.  “Can we do it again?”
“Remember what I said, princess,” Ari slips his soaked up fingers past her lips, and like a good girl, she sucks her juices and his spit off him.  “And I’ll look at and taste that cunt whenever you want me to.  But I hear your family is coming over tonight.  You better clean up your mess.  You’d hate daddy to see what a mess you made.  Maybe next time I’ll let you fuck my fingers.  Just have them there while you and those pretty tits bounce.  Run along.  Don’t wear clothes the next time I see you.”
She sits up, and hungrily kisses on Ari’s mouth.  Tasting her arousal and moaning before she sits back, making her tits jiggle for him before going to get some things to clean up the mess.  She was trouble.  But what a fun trouble she was going to be.
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“Daddy!” The oldest of the Walker children runs up to his father.  Jumping into his father’s arms, and August throws him up in the air.  “Daddy, we’re going to the castle when you get dressed.”
“I know, buddy.  You want to pack you and sissy some toys?  I think mama said we’re staying the night.  It’s such a long drive back out to the city,” he sets his son down, and Tripp runs off to gather some toys, while August heads into the bedroom, seeing his beautiful wife zipping up their suitcase.
“You’re late,” she answers shortly.  Standing up, only to smooth her dress down, refusing to look her husband in the eyes.  “Carys is asleep, and going to be in a foul mood at dinner all because you are late.”
“Orchid, honey, I’m not here to argue.  I’m here to change, so we can leave.”
“This has put us thirty minutes behind.  And,” her words get lost in her mouth as August steps up to her and starts kissing on her neck.  “Don’t try to butter me up.  Carys is going to be in an ill mood because…mmm — because we’ll have to wake her up from her nap,” his kisses always are the best.  Scattering kisses all down her chest, before the softest peck is placed on her lips.
“Carys is going to get to spend the night with her aunt Lavender.  Tripp as well.  And mommy and daddy get to have fun all night long, and not worry about anything,” dipping his hand under her dress he grabs a handful of her breast.  “And mommy is going to let daddy ravish her.”
“Auggie…” she starts to pant out, leaning more into him.  Eyes glazing over as she slips into a submissive state.
August clears his throat, and steps away quickly, leaving her to huff out in irritation, “Honey, we’re already late.”
“You’re insufferable.  The reason you’re late?” August silently walks into their closet, beginning to change into something a bit more casual.  Not saying anything, “I see.  The family business.”
“Did you know that your father hired a carpenter, finally.  He went out to the property today.  I hear your sister gave him quite the greeting.”
Orchid steps to the edge of their closet watching her sexy husband change, and all with a blank face, “Daddy’s stupid.  You know how Lavender is.  And why shouldn’t she be?  Babied by all of us, and mostly Daddy.  He’s kept her away from everything, and…” Orchid takes a deep calming breath, looking down at her wedding ring, and August catches the gesture.  “She has no idea.”
“Did an arranged marriage turn out so bad for you?”
“You are only a few years older than me.  Dahlia ran away.  Lotus is praying Daddy never takes her away from Nick, and Violet…don’t make me think about that.  He’s old.  He’s too old for her.  She’s twenty-five.”
“And he’s forty-five.”
Orchid chuckles, turning to go back to their bedroom before placing a family photo in his hands, “Are you going to make our daughter marry someone that is twenty years older than her?  Keep her hidden away from men so she’s a virgin when she’s married.  This is medieval shit, August.”
“Jack paid handsomely.  And your sister was no virgin,” Orchid rolls her eyes, starting to walk away, but August grabs onto her wrist, “And no.  I would never make Carys marry anyone.  I’m not the head of a goddamn mafia family.  You know…you know why he does this.”
“We didn’t ask for this, August.  We’re just pawns in this fucking game, and we have no say.  If…I got lucky.  Lotus is trying to play by Daddy’s rule, and all she wants is Nick.  One sister runs away so she’s not sold to Jack, so he buys the next one.  And what of Lavender?  She’s twenty, and…”
“Bart isn’t interested.  Chuck on the other hand,” August shrugs, buttoning up his shirt, “Plus, from my understanding another is interested.  She could be married in a few years.  She’ll finally get what she desires above all else; a man’s admiration.  I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”
“Oh?” She cocks up her eyebrow, getting distracted from whimpering cries on the monitor, and August starts to leave the closet.  Heading straight towards their daughter’s room.  “No, you do not ignore me, August Walker.  Why should I not have to worry about Lavender being sold?”
“You make it sound so gross.  It’s business.  You and your sister agreed to it.  It’s not like Lavender can’t get out, just like Dahlia did.”
“Answer me,” she stomps her foot outside of Carys’ bedroom.  Brows furrow as she stares up at her husband.  “Do not open her door, until you answer me.”
“Our daughter is crying.”
“Remember when I told you the less you know the better off you are?  You don’t know how to lie, so it’s best if you know nothing.  Go get Tripp, and let’s head out to the mansion.  I’ll make sure she’s changed, okay?” It wasn’t the answer she wanted, but somehow August always managed to keep her and the babies safe.  
“Fine,” she answers, turning to fetch their son.  Letting August deal with their toddler.
“Hey, baby.”
“Daddy, I cy,” she stumbles out of her bed, reaching her arms up high for him.
“I know, baby.  We’re going to go to the castle tonight.”
“Ooh!  Pity dess.”
“Yep, mommy picked out a beautiful dress for you.  Let’s change you, and take you to the potty, it’s a long drive, okay?  You gonna sleep with Lav Lav tonight?” She gives him a nod, and wiggles out of his arm to go to the bathroom, while August sighs.  Things were falling into place, but the only thing that mattered to him were the three people in this apartment.  He would pull out immediately to keep them safe.  And everyone knew exactly where he stood.
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Dahlia takes a long drag of the joint before handing it up to Jax who finishes the roach.  Turning to look back at his wife who was staring up at the giant mansion, “We don’t have to go in.”
“Yeah, we do,” she leans up against his back, rubbing her hand over his thigh, “I need to make sure they’re okay.  I was supposed to marry Jack.”
Jax hisses through his teeth, laying his hand over her own, “But you didn’t.”
“She did though.  She’s a child.”
“And we’re doing what we have to, including her, to make sure the same fate doesn’t fall to Lavender.  She’s convinced herself that Jack and Violet are in love,” her hand flips around, and she weaves her fingers in his.  Almost ten years of marriage, and Jax was still her best friend.  “She lives in a fantasy world to protect herself.  It’s easier to believe that her sister is just a princess that was rescued from this tower.  Lavender is emotionally stunted.  She’s created this reality to save herself.”
“Stop trying to make sense.  I hate it here.  I hate everything about this place.”
“Yeah, but don’t we get to have fun now.  You’re the badass black sheep of the family.  Tattoos, piercings, and married to an outlaw.  How does it feel to break the system?” Jax was the only thing that saved her.  He was worth the risk of running away, and eloping the day she turned eighteen.  Her father was unable to keep his promise to Jack.  That time.
“I hate him,” Jax, turns back on the bike to look at her again.  “Your father and Jack.  If given the chance, I want to kill them.”
“You can’t talk like that.  Especially not here.”
“I can.  I want them both dead.  Violet shouldn’t have to be a shell at the age of twenty-five.  She’s going through the motions to be a carbon copy of Orchid.  This deal was sick.  Your father is a piece of shit.  Magnus Romano will meet his demise.  I just want to pull the trigger,” Jax could almost taste his blood already.  He would pay for what he made his daughters do.  
“There’s a timing for everything, babe.  Come on.  Let’s get our quarterly dinner over with.  I’m good and high.  Now I need a drink,” Dahlia’s eyes narrow as a man walks out the front of the house with a shit eating grin.  “Mother fucker,” she grouses, slapping Jax’s leg.  “Ari?”
“Well, look at what the cat drug in,” Jax holds out his hand for a shake, but Ari declines.  “What gives?”
“I haven’t washed my hands since I’ve been here.  It’s a bit nasty and rude.  What…what are you two doing here?  Didn’t think the jackass Magnus let the likes of you two step foot into his place anymore.”
“Quarterly visits.  What were you doing in the house, Ari?” Dahlia slings a leg over the bike, and walks right up to him.  “No men allowed.”
“I was invited in.”
“You better leave that one alone.  She’s desperate.  Ow,” Jax holds onto his chest where Dahlia smacked him.  “What?  Come on, that girl is.  She is so needy living out here all alone.  She gets fucking bored.”
“No.  Men.  Allowed, Ari.  Keep your grimy little…ew, haven’t washed your hands you disgusting asshole.  Get…get out of here!”
“You coming by my little humble cottage to stay?  Maybe we can smoke a little?  Chat?” Ari laughs, wiping his beard again, only to get hit by Dahlia.  “She’s like a little chihuahua, Teller.  I’m only joking,” he pushes her away with one hand when she tries to smack him again.  “She’s like a big chihuahua.”
“It’s not safe to talk here,” Jax reminds Ari.  “Especially not high.”
“Well, I’m stuck here for the foreseeable future.  I’m only allowed to have one person on my crew.  But she has been very easy and forthcoming.  Easy, tiger.  My god, you know how I am,” Dahlia had heard all about Ari’s sexual prowess, and he was working it on her sister now.
“You keep your hands to yourself, Levinson.”
“She’s a big girl.  Let her have some fun.  Teller, loosen her up a bit.  Maybe she needs another good fuck on the bike.”
“Shut up, man.  We’ll see you after dinner.  We don’t stay here,” Jax nods his head at Ari as he walks towards the garage for his on property car.  “Babe, don’t take what that man says to heart.”
“He touched my baby sister.”
“And she needs to be touched.  Everybody wins here.  Keep your head on right.  Go on in.  I’ll be in your old room, you visit with Lav.  Sounds like she needs some tough love talk from you.  Let her have fun, but maybe remind her sex doesn’t equal love.  Not in this world.”
“No,” Jack answers, putting on his watch as he stares at his wife.  “I don’t like that dress.  Put on the black one.  And we’re not staying at your father’s house.  It smells musty there.  Nor do I want to be around the likes of Teller,” he looks at himself in the mirror, straightening out his hair before leaning back down to snort up another line of cocaine.
“No bra.  I like when you get cold, and your nipples point out,” Violet slowly closes her eyes as she reaches for the black dress that Jack had laid out of her.  Looking at her arm to see the tiniest healed mark.  Lotus helped keep it a secret.  He hadn’t discovered the implant.  She didn’t want children with him.
“And put on the Tom Ford perfume.  Last time you wore that Dior one, and it gave me a headache.  Never wear that again.  I left the jewelry I wanted you to wear out as well.  I heard Chuck was asking about your sister.  How much do you think she’ll cost?”
“I don’t know, dear,” Violet says walking out of the closet.  She is the perfect trophy wife.  She stands there, looks pretty, listens to everything she says, and lets him fuck her like an animal.
“I asked you not to call me that.”
“Yes, sir,” she responds, her voice devoid of any emotions.  “We should probably leave,” he pulls down the top to her black dress, exposing her completely.  “Jack.”
“I just wanted to look at you.  They’re perky, and pretty.  Mmm, if I could I’d make you take my cock in front of your family, so they could see how much I own you.  Let’s go,” he says, slapping her ass before pulling her dress back up.  “You know, I think I actually liked the navy one better.  This jewelry will still work with it.  Go ahead, change, but let me watch.”
“Yes, sir,” obedient, but sad.  Emotionless and going through the motions.  This isn’t at all how she saw married life.  Everyday used as a sex doll, and humiliated even when it was the two of them.  But Jack had paid a pretty price for her body, so now she is to be the trophy on his arm.  The one he got to show off in front of all his friends.  And she is but a vessel.
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Magnus takes a puff of his cigar as he walks through the door.  Hearing a dramatic cough from his oldest daughter, “Daddy, my kids aren’t used to smoking.”
“My house.”
“My kids.  Either you put it out, or we leave,” no one ever goes against Magus’ words.  No one argues.  No one tells him what he will do.  Until Orchid had children.  He wanted her to marry August, she did.  August had taught her a lot of things.  Having a backbone was one of the many.
“Thank you,” she says when her dad lays down his cigar.  It was a disgusting habit.  “Tripp’s birthday is in a few weeks.  My baby is going to be four, can you believe it?”
“I’m sure August is ecstatic for having a boy to carry on his name.  Some of us were not so lucky.  Even though we tried.  Tried lots of times.  August, my boy,” Magnus leaves her side to shake August’s hand.  Ignoring Carys completely, even though she is in his arms.
Flashbacks of the many times her father had ignored her flow through her head.  Carys reaches a hand up to August’s mouth, and he kisses over it.  Looking down at her quickly before continuing on with the conversation.  August would never ignore her.  And August was not Magnus.  She reminds herself by picking up their son, needing to touch his chubby cheeks.  
“Daddy, we should eat,” Violet says out loud, grimacing when her hand is squeezed by her husband.  Her eyes look down at the floor, ashamed for speaking up.
“Where is my princess?”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Dahlia rolls her eyes, walking into the dining hall.  “She’ll make her grand entrance when we sit down.  She needs to be seen, and admired.  Let’s go,” she takes her seat with Jax, as far away from her father as possible, while the rest of the group follow.  
Magnus takes his seat at the head of the table, eyes looking towards the door when his youngest daughter bounces in, “Hey Daddy,” she gives him a kiss before reaching to grab her niece, “Hey, my darling angel.  You want to sit with me and Tripp?” Carys nods her head, loving any moment she gets to spend with her aunt.  
“Daddy, can I get clearance to go to a museum tomorrow?”
“No, I’ll have Tyler bring you some more art supplies here.  Just give him a list of what you need.”
“But Daddy…”
“I said no,” his hand slaps on the table, and Lavender looks down at Carys, trying to fake a grin, but is embarrassed all the same.  “I’m glad we’re all here.  It was high time we spent some time together.  Especially you, Dahlia,” it was best not to engage in his words.  Nothing good ever came from it.  She bites her tongue, her fingers digging into her husband’s thigh.  
“Eat,” he announces again, watching his family start to place food on their plate.  Missing how Jack is the one to make the plate for Violet.  While all her sisters are making their own plate, she waits for her new husband to put what he deems is the right amount for her to eat.  
“Not now, princess,” Magnus glares at his youngest daughter, who gives him a quick pout.  “What?”
“When do I get to be married?  Or date?  Or leave the mansion?  Or have a boyfriend?” Violet turns to look at her sister with her mouth agape.  Lavender had no clue how this worked.  She also thought this was a fairytale.
“I just want the big beautiful wedding, and someone to come home to me every night.”
“Princess, you’re too young.  Live a little,” she gives him a pout; her signature move with him, and it’s Orchid that clears her throat.
“There’s more to love than just a wedding, Lav.  I don’t like this talk at the dinner table.  This always ends in an argument, and if that happens my kids and I going to the bedroom.  They are hungry.  And they will eat.  And that is the end of this conversation,” Orchid gives her youngest sister the sweetest smile she can muster.  “Marriage is a commitment.”
“Everyone else is married though!” Lotus rolls her eyes, starting to tap her fingers on the table.  “Don’t act like you and…”
“Enough!” She shouts at her sister.  “Eat your food, and listen to what Orchid says.  If you behave, I’ll make sure you are brought canvases, and just remember, I have eyes everywhere.  How was your day laying in the sun in your new bikini?”
“It was fine,” Lavender lies.  Nick told on her.  It wasn’t her fault.  She was bored out of her mind and Ari was sexy, and paid attention to her.  And he made her feel so good.  Eventually he would have sex with her, and then she could marry him.  They would see.  They would all see.
“It’s always a joy coming here,” Dahlia smarts, kicking her leg over to Lavender.  “I’ll come by and see you this summer.  Wouldn’t want you to stay all alone,” Magnus lets out a groan.  The idea of Dahlia infiltrating his sweet Lavender’s mind was not something he wanted.  But he wanted a nice meal even more.
Dinner becomes mostly quiet until Magnus scoots his chair back abruptly, “I have to leave.  Lav, I’ll have some art supplies sent to you abruptly.  Stay out of trouble.  I’ll be back in a month.”
“A month?” Lavender complains when he walks out the door.  “While I am here by myself forever and for all eternity.”
“A dramatic little brat that…” Jack’s hand moves to Violet’s leg, and she stops immediately.
“We should be leaving, too.”
“It’s late,” Orchid stands to walk towards her son.  Picking him up from his chair, and kissing over his head.  “Violet has her own living space here.  You can leave in the morning.”
“We’re good tonight.  Violet sleeps better in her own bed.  I also have an early morning, and I don’t feel like commuting, everyone have a wonderful day.  Violet, to the car.”
“Yes, sir,” while she heads towards the door, without hugs from her sister, Jack bows his head towards the Romanos, following behind her.  
“I don’t like that prick,” Jax grunts.  “What happened to her personality?”
“She’s in love, and married,” Lavender tries to argue.
“You are a child.  That is not love.  That is control.”
“Yep, that’s my cue.  August, get Carys, we’re going to bed,” Orchid heads on up to her room, with August and both kids, while Lavender glares at Jax.
“I’m sorry to burst your fantasy bubble, but that’s not happiness.  That’s not a fairytale.  If you don’t see that, then you never knew your sister.  He was supposed to marry Dahlia.  What did she do?  She ran away and married me.  Everyone else will coddle you, but not me.  The reality is, if you’re on this path, you’re next to be married.”
“Good?” Jax snorts, standing up.  There was no talking to her.  “Remind me of how good that is when you don’t get to decide who you have sex with.  When you’re told who you will marry and who you will have children with.  Tell me it’s good when you’re laying on your back, getting pumped full of cum from saggy wrinkly balls.  That is your future.”
“Jax, that’s enough,” Lotus’ pinches the bridge of her nose.  While she agrees that Lavender needed a reality check, she was in the perfect position to get everyone what they wanted.
“No!  She needs to understand that this isn’t some fucking game.  Well, it is this big chess game.  You just need to realize what the queen is.  Live in your fantasy world in this big castle in the middle of nowhere.  But don’t expect the rest of us to.  Orchid and August were a one in a million thing.  Lotus isn’t allowed to get married because she’s too valuable to the family.  Because what you saw tonight, that’s your future.  A woman with no voice and no agency.  I’m going to bed.  Dahlia?  You staying or leaving with me, babe?”
“Leaving.  Lavender, open your eyes, sweetheart.  Jax would never lie to you.  Neither would I.  Ask Lotus.  We’re pawns.  We’re not queens.  Goodnight, baby girl.”
Lavender sighs as she leans back in her chair.  Arms crossing over her chest as she looks at Lotus, “You going to tell me how stupid I am?”
“Stupid for letting a stranger see you naked.  Stupid for letting the stranger in the house.  Know what game you want to play before you decide to jump in and hope for the best outcome.  Sissy, you’re playing a game that you don’t understand.”
“I shouldn’t trust, Ari?” Lotus sees just how young her sister is.  Even for a twenty year old.  She had no life experience.  Was kept locked away from any normalcy, and was stunted because of it.  “I liked him.”
“Just be careful with who you invite in.”
“You’re not telling me I shouldn’t trust him though.”
“Now you’re getting it.  Go to bed.  I won’t see you tomorrow, because I’ll have to leave early to get into work,” she walks over to her sister, giving her sister a kiss on her head.  Turning to walk to her bedroom.  She had given Lavender enough for this evening.  Give her something to ponder while she lays awake at night, and hopefully get her head out of the clouds.
“Lo?” Lotus turns back to look at her baby sister, wishing that life could be a bit different.  “Do you love Nick?”
“You shouldn’t mix business with pleasure.”
“That’s not what I asked.  So do you?” a blind person could see that she and Nick were too close for business partners.  But Lotus would deny it until the bitter end.  “Do you love him?”
“And you won’t marry him?” Lotus shakes her head no, “Violet isn’t the only one that listens to Daddy.”
“Go to sleep, princess.  Learn to have your voice that isn’t controlled by a man.  Goodnight.”
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @missusbarnes-rogers​ @peaches1958​ @seitmai​ @smile1318​ @andydrysdalerogers​ @cjand10​ @midnightramyeoncravings​ @cherrysweets​ @summersong69 @slut4henrycavilll @cavillxxo​ @astheskycries​ @wallacewillow0773638​ @princesssterek​ @patzammit​ @sweater-bee​  
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tree-spright · 7 months
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More testing of different colors for Dahlia's redesign (Let me know what you think!) and a Violet I drew to do a little shading tutorial haha
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the-mealedran-realm · 6 months
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Dahlia Kora De’Florio | 19 | 5’1 | she/her | bisexual | witch apprentice|infp-a | 5w4 | chaotic good
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A young woman with dark, dark brown skin, as if the earth itself had molded her beauty and features. Her braids were a work of art, jaded bubble goddess patterns woven with care and embellished with the rich luster of bronze jewelry and the mystique of pomegranate charms. She wore a tunic crafted from a soft, relaxed fabric draped gracefully, cinched at her waist with a sturdy, brown belt, adding a touch of earthy charm to her ensemble. Her pants, mirroring the tunic’s loose and comfortable aesthetic, embraced a warm cinnamon brown hue and were tucked snugly into indigo boots. These boots were adorned with intricate bronze trim that glistened as she moved. She wore a simple yet elegant cloak, the same deep indigo shade as her boots. Its edges were elegantly trimmed with the same enchanting bronze color, giving her an air of mystique and grace as she spoke - as described by the author
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merryfortune · 8 months
their kiss, laced with the perfume of dahlias
Written for Femslash February 2024
Day 7. Dahlia
Title: their kiss, laced with the perfume of dahlias
Ship: Visionshipping | Ishizu/Mai
Word Count: 1,469
Universe: Duel Monsters
Rating: G
Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Holidays, Public Displays of Affection
  For all the gravity with which Ishizu carried herself, there was an element of which had never felt real to her.
   She was sheltered. Sculpted. A mouthpiece, an extension of her previous incarnation’s self and the wearer of the Millenium Necklace.
   For example, she knew what flowers were. How they would be described botanically, what purpose they served in the ecosystem and even admire their beauty. She even had her favourites amongst the ones she had read of but text on a page and secondhand accounts, they couldn’t accurately depict the scent of a flower, or its touch.
   And that was just a trivial example of the Plato’s cave that Ishizu found herself within.
   There was so much outside of the realm of Ishizu’s lived experience. She could forgive her brother for wanting to live it. No one else could live it for him, after all. Only he could. That was, however, not an indulgence that Ishizu would give herself. 
   At least not until her duties were done and the ghosts of the past had been put to rest.
   However, Ishizu refused to allow this to be a weakness, to even give a hint of it. She kept her mouth closed on all occasions and allowed the Millenium Necklace to wield her as necessary but there was one incident where her guard slipped.
   She crossed paths with Kujaku Mai and that desire to feel real, to experience what was real, wafted through Ishizu as she caught the scent of Mai’s perfume in passing. They were going in opposite directions. Mai was on her way to the communal restrooms; Ishizu was on her way to her room and just that… 
   It was enough to weaken her and entice her.
   “What a beautiful perfume.” Ishizu thoughtlessly said to herself, not even realising she was thinking out loud.
   Not until the click of Mai’s heels on the hard flooring of the Kaiba Corp. blimp ceased and she turned around, laughing, amused, “Thank you. It's a Mexican perfume with dahlias. Quite an unusual scent, don’t you think?”
   “Ah, yes, indeed.” Ishizu said and she would have liked for the small talk to end there.
   “Have you ever been?” Mai asked. “To Mexico?”
   “No.” Ishizu replied.
   “I think you’d like it there. Just a hunch though.” Mai shrugged.
   And now it did.
   Ishizu held onto her sigh of relief. She did not want to drop her mask of mystery and mystique but she could tell Kujaku Mai had a keen eye for details on people. Just from hunches.
   The fact that it was a dahlia based perfume… Well, now that was a funny trick of fate. Ishizu would have to admit because she had never seen a dahlia in real life, nor would she have begun to have guessed that was the smell of them but dahlias were one of the flowers she liked in theory.
   It was every bit as unique a smell as her books had promised. It was fresh and crisp with a sharp undertone of bitterness to mix with the natural floral scent of the bright and eclectic flower. Ishizu liked it. 
   She did not allow herself, however, to admit she liked it especially on Mai.
   Dahlias symbolised good taste and that seemed to be an apt association for Kujaku Mai: a woman often embroiled in what others might call opulence and luxury.
   Mai was famed for her keen sense of smell, likely having hyperosmia as her now debunked strategy of cheating that Ishizu had heard about involved her lacing her cards with different perfumes. Forty cards to a deck, well, of course she would have quite the collection of perfumes to cycle through.
   Still, that one little encounter, it survived surprisingly well in the every twisting, merging and unmerging of fate, like river deltas in perpetual flux because on the other side of it, Ishizu and Mai found themselves again. Several years later. Going in the same direction this time.
   Mai was a globetrotting Duelist with her name chanted through electric crowds. Ishizu’s archaeology was famed far and wide, she was making waves in academia. It seemed only natural, somehow, that their paths would cross and the connection that they shared all those years ago would turn into a close companionship.
   Especially now that Ishizu was free of those duties that had kept her weighed down akin to Atlas. 
   “See?” Mai giggled. “I told you that you’d love Mexico.”
   Their relationship didn’t have a proper name. Mai didn’t want to be tied down and nor did Ishizu but they still wanted to be attached to one another. Both loved their country of origin and freedom as young adults on the other side of twenty-something to give that up.
   However, lovers and girlfriends might be close but their holidays, like this one, were almost akin to honeymoons given that both ladies disavowed work on them.
   “Yes, you did say that.” Ishizu said but she was almost too enchanted by her surroundings to reply - and she sounded just as airy. Her heart welled up with emotions as she added, “You remembered?”
   “How could I forget?” Mai asked as she snaked her arm around Ishizu’s waist, pulling her in for a half embrace. “It was our first meeting.” 
   Ishizu was highly flattered by the reply as Mai walked her through the Sunday market. They were going to visit Xochimilco later, in the afternoon, and see the canals and listen to the music of mariachi bands playing for tourists like them but already, Ishizu was entranced by the more ordinary locales such as this marketplace. 
   These streets were festooned with traditional architecture and buzzed with commerce. People came and went in throngs, there was chatting and laughter, bargaining and purchasing. The smell of food was strong and made Ishizu’s mouth water as she was tempted by every street vendor or stall selling fruit picked fresh this morning in the wee hours of dawn. The hustle and bustle, the clamour of it all, absolutely enraptured Ishizu.
   She wasn’t a smiley woman, not by a longshot, but her expression was open and light-hearted as she wandered the cobblestone streets with Mai.
   The sheer joy and delight of it all, and underneath an endless azure sky, was a far cry from Ishizu’s upbringing. The desert was barren by night, the stone halls silent even during the height of day and so, she all but celebrated this moment to be amongst the sights and sounds, the smells, too.
   As Mai picked something out from one of the stalls - this one run by a kindly-looking elderly lady and her middle aged son. She nodded, asking wordlessly for permission, to pick up a glass bottle and she beckoned for Ishizu’s attention.
    “No way, I thought these weren’t made anymore.” Mai said, excited. “Look, it’s the perfume I was wearing when I met you. Must be our lucky day.”
   Ishizu blinked curiously. The bottle was pink and multifaceted, with gold lettering on the front of it and attached as an old-fashioned, fuzzy squeeze. Mai paid for it and immediately gifted it to her.
   “Do you want to try wearing it?” Mai asked, her voice dropping low to a whisper as she got on her tip-toes to talk to her.
   “I would.” Ishizu replied.
   Mai hummed as she went back down onto the balls of her feet. They shuffled off to the side, to a dip in the cement and a sliver of the alleyway between the old buildings that enclosed either side of the stone channel the marketplace inhabited.
   Mai took Ishizu’s hand and undid the cap, having enough forethought to not use an asthmatic trigger in public lest it cause an issue. And so, she gently rubbed it on Ishizu’s wrist by taking off the cap and tapping it, coaxing out the liquid to spritz Ishizu.
   The fluid of the perfume was cold on Ishizu’s skin. Runny, too, and of course pungent. Ishizu got a deep breath of it even from far away but when Mai recapped it, she took that as her cue. She drew up her hand to her face and closed her eyes.
   She savoured it. Not just the perfume but all her surroundings. Ishizu was certain, she was in love. With Mexico, with her favourite flowers, and yes, with Mai. She smiled a small smile as her eyes opened ever so slightly.
   “Thank you, Mai.” Ishizu said. “I love it.”
   “I think it suits you, too.” Mai flirted.
   Ishizu didn’t need to read minds to know what Mai was insinuating so she leaned down. Mai initiated a kiss and Ishizu chastely returned her affections. She felt the warm wind blow and their kiss, laced with the perfume of dahlias, was lost in the humdrum ordinance of it all.
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lukesjournal · 2 years
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@aquamarineglow I actually stared working on this a week early because I knew it was going to take forever 😅 But I found a really pretty painting by Alphonse Mucha, and I traced parts of it, redrew other parts, then re-colored the whole thing from scratch!
I have a soft spot for Lady Dahlia.. she’s such a tragic character. She was built for a purpose that was impossible to fulfill, and then her husband died and SHE was the one left grieving. And then Flora went away and she was alone… I just have a lot of feelings about her lol
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simpurpleplumbob · 5 months
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Empty Save Nation, Pop. 28
That wraps up the introductions to our starter founder sims.
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A bouquet of black dahlia and red spider lily VS Violet 2
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First, let's talk about the bouquet of black dahlia and red spider lily
Meaning: Black Dahlia - Betrayal | Red Spider Lily- Death Description: Evil and bastardy dude who fucks with occult shit. Lies to his twin brother constantly. Willing to do whatever he needs to do to get what he wants. He's basically the perfect evolution of a villain.
Check his post here
Now, let's talk about the violet 2
Meaning: innocence, everlasting love Description: Pourple and gay
Check this character post here
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
Yoongi is a dandelion. They follow no rules but their own, persevering and growing wherever they can. They're misunderstood by some. They're beautiful, bright, and sunny just as they are hardy. They symbolize hope and growth through adversity. How many have silently scattered wishes and dreams to the skies on their delicate little bits of fluff? Also, they are in fact very edible, the leaves can make a yummy salad (3/7)
Plus dandelions feed the bees!!! They help so many, just like our darling Yoongi. All of your reasons are so on point with him and his personality 😭♥️🤙🏻. Our loving boy (man). He’s so precious and loved by so many, but especially the ones that can see him and know his beauty.
You’re doing so good. I can’t wait to see whos next!!
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ilovesmosh55 · 2 years
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Babe wake up new Pokémon protag oc just dropped! Her name is Dahlia Daisley I’ll post some bio information abt her separately
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ssunvulcan1981 · 10 months
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Carmine, Kieran, Dahlia, Greta, Liko, Roy, Arven & Penny visit Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium
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justasimblr · 2 years
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Just a quick uppdate on Rose’s sisters. Violet and Daisy both got married before the war. Dahlia serves as a nurse. 
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etherbonded · 2 years
cont from x @gyokushou
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She didn't know what had truly possessed her to wear this but, she knows she's seen Hifumi wear it before. And before she had known it, she had put it on and she'd be lying if she said that it didn't feel so very comfortable. ...As if it fit her. Well, despite the sleeves being slightly too long, Hifumi did have somewhat longer arms than her afterall.
Though, if she had been AWARE that Hifumi would see her in it, she wouldn't have just put it on just like that. She would've asked Hifumi if it was okay, but now her cheeks are flushed out of shyness because of Hifumi's initial reaction, for she can't tell if it's because she's shocked or because she didn't like it on her which would be fine! She nervously plays with the hemming of the dress the longer Hifumi stayed quiet, she's full of nerves until the other finally speaks. That's when her nerves all too quickly disappear and are replaced with a sense of comfort.
The gaze of the other... is always something that can set her at ease even when she feel nervous. It's just an effect Hifumi had on her as far as she was concerned, and she just leaves the explanation at that. For it's Hifumi, and she was someone special and important in her life. Of course she had that effect on her.
Carnation red eyes calmly meet sea foam green, with a warm fondness reflecting in them along with a smile being sent in the other's direction. Despite the slight lingering flush from earlier lightly remaining on her cheeks. " ...Yeah, your arms are a bit longer than my own. I do suppose that would be a good explanation as to why the sleeves are a tad too long huh? "
A small giggle sheepishly escapes her mouth, she's been caught red-handed in Hifumi's dress now hasn't she? Though the flush seems to come running back to her face now because of being a bit... well, flustered over Hifumi saying that not only can she keep the dress but it fits Sumire better than it fits herself. " Y-you mean it? I mean, of course you mean it, I mean. "
She has to pause herself for a moment in order to conjoint her words in a proper sentence. " ..What I meant to say is t-thank you Hifumi, and if you're sure then... yes, I'd like to keep it. " Oh how she wishes she could tell Hifumi that she wanted to wear this dress because it made her feel comforted to some degree. Afterall, wearing clothes of friends and especially her clothes just felt... grounding. Yeah, that's the word.
But quite frankly she's a bit embarassed to have been caught by her wearing it so... she'll tell Hifumi about it later.
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inthewindtunnel · 2 months
Eliza & The Delusionals
Dahlia (Interlude)
Arabella (Interlude)
Violet (Interlude)
Make It Feel Like The Garden
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gcldcnhour · 1 year
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frost-queen · 6 months
All about the heart (Reader & Bridgerton Siblings)
Requested by: @mariexoxosblog, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @cherrysxuya
Summary: Reader has a heart defect where you have a hard time breathing whilst running with your siblings.
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Chatter filled the park as the Bridgerton’s arrived. Anthony in the front, looking over his shoulder to reply to Colin’s remark. Francesca running past him with Gregory. Eloise and Benedict walking side by side in silence. Francesca with mama as Daphne had her arm around you. Some gents and ladies turned their heads at the sudden disturbance of peace. – “Gregory! Hyacinth! Stay close!” – Violet called out seeing they were running off.
Hyacinth giggled loud, turning around to run up to Anthony. Anthony paused, blocked her way and picked her up to her dislike. She called it out when she got lifted up. Her complaints ending in laughter as Anthony set her back down. Gregory ran up to the tent, claiming the first chair as his by letting himself fall into it. Benedict jogged over to him.
Whistling loud with a nudge against his leg to get off. – “This is my seat.” – Gregory said stubborn. Benedict set his hands on the arms of the chair, leaning in. – “Go help mama.” – he replied with a cheeky smile. Gregory stared annoyed at him as Benedict kept nudging him to get up.
Gregory got up going over to Violet as Benedict sat himself down smiling. Francesca rounded him with crossed arms. – “You are the worst.” – she commented with half a smile. Benedict shrugged his shoulders, glad he had a good chair. Daphne saw another one of the folding chairs leading you to it. She sat you down happily.
She then went over to Colin to assist him into spreading out a blanket. Benedict grabbed the arms of his chair, hopping his chair closer to yours so that he could face you. – “Comfortable sister?” – he asked. You nodded. Benedict held his hand low with a luring smirk. You slapped your hand down on his with a laugh.
Benedict grabbed for you, tickling you. You squirmed against his grip, already feeling it come up. Feeling how hard your heart was pumping to get the blood flowing around your body. Your breathing becoming deeper, getting worn out. Anthony noticed it, running over. He slapped Benedict against his back to stop.
Benedict moved his hands up, looking questionable at Anthony’s glare. It gave you the time to seat yourself better and catch your breath. Immediately you were worn out. Anthony knelt before you, laying a hand on your knee.  – “Are you alright Y/n?” – he asked. You hummed loud, still trying to steady your breathing. It always took a while to do so. – “I’m not fragile.” – you said to your big brother with a smile.
Anthony took your hand, looking fondly up to you. – “No, but you mustn’t forget your limits.” – he reminded you. Benedict felt a bit guilty. He just wanted to have fun, like he did with Hyacinth or Gregory. You saw the sudden silence and guilt on his face. You moved Anthony aside to get to Benedict. Wrapping your arms around him. – “Thank you for not treating me any different.” – you whispered to him. Benedict hugged you back.
It wasn’t easy being different from your different. A heart defect they called it. A default in the heart that made it easier for you to get worn out. Your heart needing to put in that little extra effort to get the blood flow around your body. Gregory came over, tugging at Anthony. – “Come play!” – he said, pulling Anthony away. You waved him away, letting him know, you would be alright. – “I’ll just settle with my notebook.” – you told him.
Benedict re-arranged the chairs so that you were sitting beside each other. He took out his sketchbook and pencil. You opened your notebook scribbling down words. Poets. Little stories you loved to write out. Colin joined Anthony, Gregoy and Hyacinth by the tent for a game. Violet was sharing tea with Daphne and Francesca. Eloise laid down near them, trying to catch some more sleep.
Hyacinth and Anthony stood before each other. Gregory and Colin to the side. Hyacinth signalled to Anthony that she was ready to throw. She threw the hoop at him. Both Gregory and Colin trying to grab it. They missed as the hoop hooked around Anthony’s arm. He pulled his eyebrow cheeky up, making Hyacinth laugh. Anthony threw the hoop back as Colin shot his hand forwards, hitting the hoop with his fingers as it landed against Gregory’s head.
“Au, what was that for.” – Gregory called out, rubbing his head. – “Sorry.” – Colin apologized. Gregory picked the hoop up from the ground, giving it back to Anthony for another try. Benedict moved his head to the side, trying to peak at your notebook. – “Writing a poem about me?” – he asked teasingly.
You busted out in a laughter. – “You have to admit I am very interesting to write poems about.” – he brought his hands behind his back, stretching his legs out. His comment made you roll your eyes in a sarcastic way.
 “If Y/n wrote about you it would make people scream.” – Eloise commented with one eye half open. Benedict looked behind him to her on the blanket. – “Scream with terror.” – Eloise filled in with a loud laugh. Benedict moved his hand behind him to playfully slap at her but he couldn’t reach her. Gregory came running over to you. – “Y/n do you want to play with us?” – he asked.
“I would love to.” – you answered putting your notebook away. – “Be mindful Y/n.” – Violet called out as you went after Gregory. – “Yes mama.” – you responded getting pulled away by Gregory. You joined the others. – “Let’s play tag.” – Hyacinth suggested. Anthony looked over to you. – “Suggest something else Hyacinth.” – he spoke. 
You immediately knew he referred to you. – “I can handle it. Let’s play tag.” – you expressed not wanting to give your family limitations. – “Y/n are you sure?” – Colin spoke as you didn’t want to hear any more pity. – “Yes! Now let’s play.” – you said a bit annoyed. – “I’ll be it.” – Anthony moved his hand up, his other pressed to his chest.
Hyacinth and Gregory started to run away. Colin waited for you. You started easy, jogging off as you immediately felt it. Your breathing becoming shallow and loud. Anthony started to run as you staid still for a moment to catch your breath. You saw your brother run over to Gregory as he made his way over to you. With Gregory nearing, you had to run as well. You kept going feeling the pounding of your heart in your head.
Your legs feeling like it carried sandbags. The immediate feeling of tiredness in your legs as you knew you couldn’t hold it out any longer. You needed a moment to stop. Anthony noticed it slowing down. He looked around, going after Colin as he deliberately left you alone. – “Hey you could’ve tagged her!” – Colin called out taking a run for it.
“I choose whom I tag!” – Anthony breathed out. Anthony was able to tag Hyacinth as she was bummed out by it. You were near Colin, standing a bit still as Colin was shielding you a bit. Hyacinth came running over. Colin darted to the side as she focused her tag on you instead.
Squealing loud, you leapt aside, starting to run to avoid her. Hyacinth kept running after you. You weren’t a quitter so you kept running. Feeling your body tire out from the exercise. Breathing loud that it was more like panting. Your head turning a shade of red as you felt warm. Heart pounding in your head. – “Tag you’re it!” – Hyacinth called out touching your back.
The moment she tagged you, you stopped. Legs feeling sloppy as you let yourself fall to the ground. – “Y/n!” – your brothers called out. Benedict’s eyes widened, jumping out of his chair to run over. You laid yourself on your back, panting loud to catch your breath. Anthony and Colin rushing over to kneel at each side of you. – “Are you alright sister?” – Anthony asked worried. – “I’m fine.” – you answered out of breath.
“I just… need to catch… my breath…” – you replied, feeling your heart pound loudly in your chest. You noticed your siblings looked frightfully at you. – “I’m alright. I just need a moment to recover.” – you reminded them. Colin helped you sit up straight as you were still breathing loudly through your mouth. – “How about a game of cards?” – you suggested with a laugh. Benedict shook his head playfully. Anthony and Colin helped you up to your feet. Leading you back to the tent for some calmer games.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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