#daily ateez
nami-hak · 2 years
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minhanniejoong · 19 days
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staytinyville · 9 months
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ATEEZ ot8 x Reader
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Assault, Sexual Assault, blood (This chapter is a bit heavier than the past ones. It's probably going to be the only that has graphic scenes such as this one.)
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It was that time again in the night when everyone was going home to rest. Yeosang had walked up behind you at the front desk, placing his hand on your waist. You took a glance at his arm, feeling heat seep into your skin from over your dress. Ever since the day you spent with them
“I'll see you two in the morning.” Yeosang told both you and Seonghwa. The older man had the night shift that day so he would be staying. “Goodnight, Honey.” His thumb rubbed against your clothing, a small smile playing on the man’s face. 
“Goodnight, Yeosang.” You told him. “Be careful.”
You were left to count some of the money while Seonghwa read over the guest lists and wrote down who paid their room days. After you finished with what you needed to, you moved around the counter to get on with the last of your things. 
“I'm on trash duty.” You hummed. Seonghwa continued on with his tasks, rubbing a hand on your hip as you both passed each other. With a sigh, you picked up the large bags and begun your trek out to the trash cans. 
While most would have their own trash cans, as a business you had to share with others. And yours was stationed on the other side of the hotel between another building. It took a good 5 minutes in total to reach the alleyway and head back inside. 
Just as you closed the lid to the large trash bin, you heard squeaks and a panicked voice. Walking out of the alley, you glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed. The sun had begun to set earlier than usual so most people were already hiding inside their homes. The crying began to get louder which prompted you to investigate. Walking across the street, you found yourself in the alley across from the hotel. 
Your eyes went wide and air was sucked out of your lungs when you saw three men roughly grabbing a woman. You didn’t stop to think about what to do, you did the first thing that came to mind. That was to shout.
“Hey!” You screamed. “Let go of her!” 
You rushed into the scene, blinded by rage to realize you had quickly formed your hand into a fist and slammed it into one of the men’s cheek. Your rings had helped to aid you in your bout seeing as they caused scratches along the man’s face. Blood began to pool on his skin as he sucked on his teeth. 
The men had paused in their actions of gripping the woman, turning to you. The one you had injured moved a finger to touch his wound, scoffing at the pool that stained his fingers. The other two men had dropped the woman they were holding onto which moved you into action to hold onto her. 
“Run.” You told her, getting your brain to move into flight mode after the adrenaline wore off. You pushed her in front of you, feet scoffing the floor. Just as she took off, someone gripped onto your hair causing you to let out a yelp. “Get away!” You shouted when you saw the girl turn around to look at you. 
You immediately fell to the ground in protest, becoming dead weight for them. You clawed at the hand that was twisting your hair, kicking your legs. “Grab her.” Your eyes shut tight at his words, kicking you feet more as the other two men moved to get your legs. 
You screamed and raised your legs, hitting one man in the nose with the heel of your boot. You hooked your ankle around one of the man’s pulling it towards you to trip him up. They growled at you in frustration, getting angry before pinning you to the floor instead of picking you up. 
“Shit. You just lost us our good time.” The one you punched sneered, coming around to kneel over you. “Now you gotta pay us back.”
Your eyes opened wide when the man pulled out a pocket knife, pressing it into your cheek. You began to breathe hard, panic seizing in your chest. A whimper fell from your lips as the man moved the knife down.  
“Seong-Seonghwa!” You cried meekly, hoping that maybe the man had walked out to find you. You were a good way from the front of the hotel and the way you called out wasn’t loud enough for anyone to hear. 
You could remember the entire of your life in that moment. Tears welled in your eyes as the regrets of things you did and didn’t do came to mind. You had thought you were happy before but looking back on it there was so much you were missing out on. You didn’t get the chance to see more than just Cromer. You didn’t get to learn more lessons that would help you to grow as a person. You didn’t want to give up on those things just yet though. 
“No one's here to save you. Should've minded your business.” The man on top of you laughed. You scrunched up your nose, spitting in the man’s face as the thought of your life ending made you angry. 
“You feisty bitch.” A scream bubbled from your throat as the man nicked at the skin under your jaw. “Not so tough now are you. Look at her, there are tears in her eyes.” He laughed. 
Just as the man’s hands began to touch your leg a gunshot rang out through the area causing you to scream when the man holding your right arm fell over and blood splattered on your face. You squeezed your eyes shut, flinching when another shot rang out and more liquid touched you. You felt the weight of the man on top of you lift off. You didn’t dare to move curling up into a fetal position as your body began to tremble. 
“If you know what's good for you, you'll drop the knife.” Someone rasped out from the entrance of the alley.
Your heart clenched seeing the leather coat that was billowing out with the wind. The hat that covered his pink hair made him look more menacing as the metal on his boots clicked with each step. 
“It's you.” The thug said, sounding scared for his life. “Listen, we can talk this out. No need to get hostile.” He tried to reason. 
“I already killed two of you. What's one more?” You opened your eyes, moving slowly to turn and look at who had come to save you. 
“If you want the girl, you can have-” Mingi didn’t let him finish as he pulled the trigger. You scooted back as the man’s body fell to the side, gasping as your fingers touched the blood that was pooling around you. 
“She's not yours to trade.” Mingi sneered down at the dead man. 
“Mingi.” You whispered, looking up at the man. 
“Doll.” His face softened when he took in your state, quickly leaning down to carefully touch you. 
“Mingi.” You cried, quickly getting to your knees and throwing yourself onto him. 
He used a hand to stabilize himself as you buried your head into his chest, trying to get swallowed up to get rid of the anxiousness. He could both hear and feel your sobs that wracked through your body. Your skin felt cold to the touch as blood tried returning to the normal temperature. 
You suddenly began to shake more, hyperventilating. Mingi wrapped his arms around you tighter, keeping you from moving too much. “Hey, hey.” He soothed, lips ghosting over your ear.  “You're okay. I got you.”
He started to rock you back and forth, pulling you into his lap. There was a scraping sound coming from the alleyway entrance as someone rushed over, coming to a quick stop. “Mingi!” Seonghwa called, rushing towards the two of you. 
He paused as he came up to the dead bodies, sucking in a breath as he noticed the state you were in. As he tried to get past his anger, he tried to pull Mingi up to a stand. You clutched tighter to the man’s clothing, so he picked you up in his arms. 
“Take her to the hotel. Now.” Seonghwa spoke in a rush, hastily pushing you two out the alley. The man took a moment to look around the street before making a run for the hotel lobby. Checking once more to make sure no one was waiting there, he pushed Mingi towards the back room meant for the night shift worker.  
“Put her in bed.” He explained to the outlaw. “I'll go get Yunho and Jongho.”
As Mingi moved to set you down, you only wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him tighter to you. The man sighed with worry, moving around to sit on the bed with you in his lap again. He could feel the blood that was on your finger stick to his skin but he was worried about that when he saw the wound on your neck. 
Anger coursed through his chest as he dropped his head back to calm his racing heart. He moved his thumb up to brush against it, your blood being wiped away. “Doll, I have to treat your wound.” He whispered to you. 
“I can't-can't move.” Your body shook with each word you let out. It was when you stopped speaking that you seemed to tighten up your body to become stiff. Mingi tried to move you around so he could get back up but you only made your body stiff, tightening your fingers around him. 
“Don't leave!” You cried.
“I'm not.” Mingi sighed deeply, lightly brushing his lips against your cheek to calm you down. 
“Is she hurt?” Jongho burst through the door, closely followed by Yunho and Seonghwa. 
“She has a cut on her neck.” Mingi explained. “She won't let me treat it.”
“I'll do it.” Seonghwa moved around the room, going to the medicine cabinet to get what he needed. Jongho had kneeled in front of Mingi, hand brushing over your hair to sooth you some. He cooed at you, lulling you into a numb sleeping state. Yunho walked closer, taking up the space next to his partner. 
“Go check out the bodies before someone else notices.” Soenghwa told the two officers. Jongho looked at his friends reluctantly, but Yunho softly calling out to him had him moving out the room. Seonghwa had bent down to look over your wound.   
“Pretty girl.” He spoke softly. “I need you to move your head.” He rubbed his fingers along your scalp, messaging your head. You were trying to not fall asleep, but the boys made that hard with their way their affection was causing a buzz in your body. Your mind was already in a fragile state so the way they were treating you made you regress back into a space you had no idea you could enter.
You pulled your head to the side, craning your neck to allow Seonghwa room to work. “That's a good girl.” He tried to move quickly around you, softly speaking when you would flinch from the stinging of the wound. When he finished, he stood up, throwing the trash away. 
“Pretty, you have to let Mingi go.” He told you so that you could go to bed already. Mingi looked up at Seonghwa when he felt your fingers clench the collar of his coat again. The older man sighed as he took in your state.
“Stay here for the night.” He told his friend. ”I'll call her family to tell them something came up and she took my night shift.”
You heard his footsteps walking out of the room, your eyes already shut as your body came to a numbing feeling. Your body felt heavy against Mingi, as if the world was pulling you deeper into the ground. The man gripped onto your waist, pulling you with him as he tried to get up from the bed. You tightened up on him again, shaking your head as tears pooled in your eyes once more.
“Hey-Hey.” Mingi soothed, laying down on the bed. “I'm not leaving.” He made himself comfortable, turning to his side with you. You shuffled closer to him, tucking your head under his chin as you pulled the long coat of his around your body. He felt the hiccups of your anxiety attack, his hands pulling you closer. 
“I'm still here.” He whispered, kissing your head. 
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @bangtanxberm , @loveforred , @a1i33a
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atzupdates · 7 months
[231121] TONIGHT: dulcesloan discovers that the members of K-Pop group ATEEZ basically have a psychic connection
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lvlyhao · 1 year
PAC: what are your dreams telling you?
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Hello, lovely people! Wow, this was SUCH a positive reading for all piles, I was honestly shocked, but good for y’all haha Also, I’ve been in an Ateez mood lately, so enjoy these beautiful men
♡ Please follow, like and reblog if this resonated with you so I can do more fun readings like this in the future. My paid comissions are open! ♡
How do I choose a pile?
Take a deep breath or two, close your eyes, and focus on the question we’re asking the cards today. Then, take a look at the images above. Which one of them calls your name?
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If you chose San, welcome to pile 1!
Song: treasure (ATEEZ)
Card: 10 of cups
Wow, ok. This is a very direct message here with both the song and the 10 of cups coming up. It looks like you may have been dreaming about your future with a certain someone lately. It does feel like someone you’ve known for a while, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re in union right now. I feel like they might be physically away from you too. It could be the case that they’re travelling or you just haven’t been spending time together. You could also be childhood friends, or maybe you know them from school. It’s like you’re spending your awake time wondering about all the “what if’s” that could come into your life if your relationship went into the next level, and this is actually an amazingly positive prospect. There is no greater emotional fulfillment than this card, my darlings. I’m honestly excited for you!
If you’ve been wondering whether to make a move or not, your dreams are straight up giving you the green light. Go for it! This is about an absolutely fantastic person, who is going to treasure you beyond what you could have ever imagined. They know your value and so do you, so the future you see for the two of you could very well happen in real life. If you know who Spirit is talking about here, I beg you to NOT be afraid of commitments with them. Now, if you’re not sure, it could be that your dreams about them haven’t happened just yet, but they will. Trust yourself and your heart at this moment.
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If you chose Wooyoung, welcome to pile 2!
Song: i’m the one (ATEEZ)
Card: queen of cups
The Queen of cups came right out for you, pile 2, and I’m hearing a very clear message about the next few months. It could be that you haven’t been satisfied with where you are right now in life. This could be regarding your personal relationships, your work, studies, anything, really. You just feel stuck and like you can’t seem to feel good about yourself, and that’s fine. What this card is telling me, however, is that the time has come for you to show some compassion and love for yourself. In this case, that means getting your life together and cleaning up your act. The Queen beckons you to create your favorite version of yourself, and to not let past experiences define you anymore.
The past is the past. It’s quite literally water under the bridge, and what went away will not come back. Starting soon (when you feel ready) and from then on, you gotta treat yourself like the main character. You are the one!! You can be the person you’ve always wanted to be. That you already exists somewhere within. So hold your head high and decide where to start. If you’re looking for a physical glow up, this could mean working out and implementing more things to your diet, like fruits or vegetables. If you’re looking for a mental glow up, She advises tons of meditation and spending time outside to connect with the world around you. You are entering the best era of your life.
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If you chose Hongjoong, welcome to pile 3!
Song: illusion (ATEEZ)
Card: temperance
My dears, it seems that you might be having quite a mixed bag of dreams and nightmares lately. Either that or you haven’t been feeling well-rested. The Temperance tells me you’re trying to balance out having fun and taking good care of your body and soul, but it’s been difficult. I get it. It’s easy to fall back into old habits while trying to build new ones, but don’t let that get you down.
What this card tells me is that you’re on the right path, and you’re doing the right thing. There’s no need to doubt that. What you do need, however, is to be more patient with yourself. Taking one or two steps back sometimes doesn’t mean you haven’t made any progress. The progress is still there, and it will start to show soon if you just persist. This could also be about manifesting, if you’re into that. Maybe you’ve been going back and forth between thinking ‘I got this’ and then spiraling, wondering why you don’t see any movement. I’m telling you right now: there IS movement. Don’t fall for the illusion that you’re doing it wrong! Getting out of your own head could also be good for you now. All this self-reflection sometimes makes us look inwards a bit too much, so spend some time with your friends, family, and/or pets.
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maxsix · 5 months
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dailykoreanpop · 1 day
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[240604] ATEEZ’s Yeosang, Yunho @ SBS MTV ‘THE SHOW’
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hwatermelons · 8 months
i have this idea that the entire ateez maknae line would be the type to find their s/o's belly so cute ^v^
woosan would definitely not be able to keep their hands off you, poking or pinching you teasingly in public, just to get a reaction out of you. while mingi and jongho, when they're in a silly little mood, would be the type to love full on like kneading your tummy and hugging you while playing with it. also woosan would absolutely use your tummy as a pillow everywhere?? on long road trips, on the couch watching a movie, help san holding onto you with his arms around your tummy and his head laid on it and his droopy eyes while the cult classic plays in the background and you tuck the blanket tighter around you both like a little cocoon...HELP
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infinitydivine · 19 days
Help me reach my May Goal 🎯
Hello people. Because of the past circumstances, I have already lost so much time and money that I was saving for my further education and therapy. I am behind my time and money to collect the money. So if you could help me reach the goal of this month's collection it would be very generous of you. The min amount is $300 for this month.
You can either Book a reading with me by DMing me or getting it from my Ko-fi shop or You can donate to my blog to keep it running for a long time.
Thank you and Love,
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nami-hak · 2 years
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minhanniejoong · 19 days
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atzupdates · 2 months
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[240410] ATEEZ for Japan Daily Sports Magazine
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maxsix · 1 year
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vesvosmozhno · 5 months
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Have you learned to appreciate him every day yet? I'll keep reminding you regardless
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dailykoreanpop · 1 day
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[240604] ATEEZ’s Mingi, Yunho @ SBS MTV ‘THE SHOW’
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kpopformylife · 1 year
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Sit back and relax, everybody 🌶
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