#daily life with aera
dollyyun · 5 months
𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔 | chap 21
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SYPNOSIS: wherein Hwang Stella's life is tangled in a predicament involving her clandestine identity as a racer, her seemingly daily life as the official heir to the Hwang Empire, and seven guys with whom she has a complex history with.
PAIRING: enhypen members x fem oc.
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), reverse harem, chaebols, semi-college & racing, eventual adulthood, non-idol au, eventual enha being f1 drivers, multiple pov (this fic is written in first pov).
WARNINGS: expletives, mention of pregnancy, making out, smut.
TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun @b3tt7boop @smg-valeria @lhspeachie @enhaverse713586 @strxwbloody @firstclassjaylee @jwnghyuns @luminouskalopsia @deobitifull @loumin908 @sousydive @pinkkami @skzenhalove @darkjongsung @caravm
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When reality dawned the day after the wedding, where the guys and I had a heart-to-heart talk in relation to our relationship, I knew that I needed master courage to inform my family about our relationship, but what I felt most strongly about was the idea of marriage.
Maybe my unexpected ambition to settle down with my beloveds stems from the fact that I am hopelessly in love with them, and the prospect of a future without them frightens me. But I unequivocally want to spend the rest of my life with them, until I grow old and wrinkled. Never mind the fact that I might be dismissed once my management learns of our relationship, because nothing is more worthy to me than my seven beloveds.
Yes, the notion of me marrying and having seven husbands seems preposterous, but I don't care. At the very least, I am thankful that marrying more than one person is legal here. Besides, I have long since come to an agreement with myself that I truly want this. Of course, when I consulted with Aera three days ago regarding this─in which I was still a tad uncertain about my decision and needed her advice─she was more thrilled than me and wished me nothing but the very best for our future together.
However, I know that I need to overcome another obstacle: my family. So, two days ago, I invited all of them for a group video call where I informed them of the dinner that would happen at Minjun's crib, to which he wholeheartedly agreed, especially when I told him that I was close with the Formula One stars, albeit he, like the rest of my family, had no idea of our relationship.
Perhaps that was until today.
As soon as Kelly welcomes us into her cosy home with a wide smile, with the guys trailing behind me, a moment of incertitude dawns on me while a small part of me is regretting my life choices when my eyes settle on familiar faces in my line of sight. Hyunjin is seated alongside Yeji and Haneul on the couch in the living room, while Sophia is seated on the floor and busily doodling away on her book.
Aside from the nervousness, I can't deny the fact that I am also apprehensive about their reaction and, above all, Hyunjin's reaction. I have been hoping that he won't turn out to be an overprotective brother who hates that his younger sister is in a relationship, with the only exception that his younger sister is more than ready to settle down.
"It's good to see your lovely face again." I give Kelly a warm smile as we pull away from the hug.
"The same goes to you, honey." Kelly pats my cheek gently while my heart warms at her kind gesture. Not once has my biological mother ever treated me the way Kelly has.
"Stella, sweetie!" The volume of Minjun's voice draws the attention of my siblings and Sophia to us, as do his jovial chuckles with a mirthful grin on his face that is rather contagious, prompting me to chuckle as well as the nerves fizzling out.
"Dad!" Instinctively, I go straight for his embrace as he welcomes me with his arms, which provide strong security. As I tighten my arms around him, laughter elicits from him while my heart warms being united with my real father once more.
"I thought you were joking when you said that you're close to these stars, honey." Minjun tells me as he pulls away from me, and as I look at him, I hold back a chuckle upon seeing the way his eyes are sparkling as he stares at my seven boyfriends standing by the entrance awkwardly.
"Park Sunghoon?" Haneul's voice is tinged with surprise as I turn my head to look at them, who are now approaching us. Haneul looks equally shocked before confusion dawns. "What are you doing here, little brother?"
"I'm not little, damn it." Sunghoon mutters under his breath.
"Unnie!" Sophia crashes into me, almost causing me to fall if it weren't for Kelly, who supports me from behind. I merely chuckle as I reciprocate Sophia's eager hug.
"Jungwon." Despite being confused, Hyunjin greets Jungwon, who, in return, gives him a small smile while uncertainty flickers in his gaze. Hyunjin seems to be staring at Riki for a few minutes before finally recognising him amidst the shocked glimmering in his eyes. "Ni-Ki?"
"Hyung." Riki greets him, smiling faintly. A familiar sentiment wraps itself around my heart as I watch Hyunjin pull Riki into a brotherly hug without hesitation. After all, Riki was much closer to Hyunjin when we were younger.
"It's nice to meet you all again." Yeji says with a kind smile before greeting the guys individually with a brief side-hug.
Hyunjin raises his eyebrow at Yeji as soon as she is done. "Since when did you know the rest?"
"It's a long story." Yeji tells him while her eyes meet mine with knowingness. "But I can only tell you after dinner. Right now, I'm feeling rather famished."
"That's right. My baby has been saving some spaces in her tummy for today's dinner." Haneul back-hugs Yeji. The way he speaks is as though he is speaking to a baby, which brings my attention to Sunghoon, who is feigning a look of utter disgust at his older brother.
"It's an incredible honour to meet you. I'm a big fan of Formula One." Minjun is busily greeting and conversing with the guys, shaking hands and hugging with a broad smile on his face.
"What is the term that you youngsters use nowadays?" Kelly stands next to me with her arms folded below her chest as we watch all of them being amiable towards the guys, who no longer look as tensed as they were earlier. "Ah! Fangirling, that's the word." Kelly shoots me a grin. "Your father is blatantly fangirling over them."
"What?" I laugh lightly. "But he doesn't look like it."
"Oh, trust me, I know your father. He's over the moon." Kelly's grin falters and is replaced by one I can easily decipher. Astuteness. "Tell me, which of them is the one?" She asks, her voice dropping to a whisper.
Bit by bit, the nervousness returns to my system. "How did you know?" I match the volume of my voice with hers.
Kelly's lips curve into a half-smile. "Just a hunch. Is it Jungwon?"
I remain silent for a few minutes before looking away from her knowing gaze. "Let's have dinner first. I have something important to announce." I say, hating how I sound a tad weak.
Kelly brings my attention back to her when her hand touches my shoulder. She offers me another smile that seems to ease my nerves. "You should know that whatever it is, we will support you."
"Thanks, Kelly. I appreciate it." I whisper, but uncertainty remains lingering in the air.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Dinner has never been as effervescent as it is right now. There is a warm, fuzzy feeling in my tummy as I watch the sight upon me in sheer silence ─ Riki and Jungwon entertaining a blabbering Sophia, Jay and Kelly can be heard easily over their exchange of words in regards to recipes, Heeseung is conversing with Minjun amiably, whereas Sunoo and Sunghoon are conversing with Hyunjin and Yeji. Jake seems to be chuckling at whatever Haneul is telling him.
I have been dreaming about a day where my family and the loves of my life get along harmoniously. I wouldn't trade for anything if this is what it looks like for every family dinner in the near future.
A sudden wave of emotion that is peculiarly profound hits me, bringing tears to spring in the rims of my eyes while I hold back a sob. It is rather confounding that I feel strongly emotional about this. I don't even know if these are happy or sad tears. Everything suddenly feels overwhelming, and why the hell am I being like this?
"Stella?" Yeji's voice laces with concern, snapping me out of the trance, and when I refocus, I am taken aback to see all of their eyes on me, looking at me worriedly with tinges of surprise. "Are you crying?"
"Why are you crying, Unnie?" Sophia asks, her pink lips go pouty while she looks genuinely sad for me.
"I'm not." I release a laugh that sounds embarrassingly broken as I wipe the traitorous tears sliding down my cheeks. "I'm just─" Alas, a hiccup leaves my lips before the dam regrettably bursts, startling everyone with my unexpected waterworks. "I'm just happy." I manage to utter in between the weeps before Kelly, who is seated next to me, embraces me into her arms, and I feel thankful to her for shielding the ugly sight away from their eyes.
Fortunately, it takes me a minute or two to compose myself. As I clear my throat, my eyes accidentally meet Yeji's emphatic gaze while a small smile arises on her pink lips. "If there is anyone worthy of deserving happiness, it is you, dear sister." Tears glisten in her eyes, but she doesn't cry.
"I agree." Haneul wraps his arm around Yeji as the latter instinctively leans into him comfortably. Haneul offers me a kind yet sympathetic smile. "Our Stella has been through a lot, hasn't she?"
The prior effervescent ambience is infused by melancholia. Even my boyfriends look equally rueful as they send me small smiles that seem to ease my nerves.
"I'm sorry for ruining the mood." I say, but earn a chorus of 'no, you didn't.' and looks of disagreements. I heave a sigh, knowing what comes next. "There is something I need to tell all of you."
"Are you pregnant, honey?" Minjun's question completely throws me off guard, and judging by the looks on their faces, they, too, are equally shocked as me.
"What? No!" I answer him rather vehemently as I shake my head. I can feel heat weaving across my cheeks at the thought of it. "Nothing with pregnancy!"
"Oh! I know!" Sophia shoots her hand up and waves it. "You're getting married!"
Technically, she isn't entirely wrong. "Not exactly."
"You're moving abroad?" Hyunjin raises an inquisitive eyebrow at me.
"Or maybe she's getting promoted!" Haneul wiggles his eyebrows at Hyunjin.
Another sigh leaves my lips. "Again, it's nothing what you guys thought─"
"Actually, if I may?" Heeseung cuts me off, prompting me to meet his stern yet assuring gaze, which temporarily alleviates my nerves. Once he gives me a soft smile, I ease the tension in my shoulders.
Heeseung doesn't seem as nervous as I am, and his eyes remain unwavering as he looks at each of my family members. "Aside from Jungwon and Ni-Ki, we've actually known Stella since college." He starts off, treading his words with a tinge of caution.
"You've known my daughter since college?" Minjun leans forward with his hands clasped together, his face has no traces of any prior conviviality. He hums, looking rather intrigued. "So all of you were originally from Seoul as well."
They nod their heads simultaneously before Heeseung continues, "Each of us has a different history that is rather complex." Nostalgia can be seen glistening in his eyes, while a faint smile appears on his lips.
"They're the ones who tracked down my location and saved me four years ago from the terrible incident." I interject before any of them can speak next. My voice comes out softly while my eyes shift from Hyunjin to the seven of them, and my lips quiver with a smile. "I never really got to thank you all for saving me, even when I thought that I was not deserving to be saved."
"Thank you so much." Minjun takes us by surprise. He sounds serious, yet there is a wistful smile on his lips as he looks at the seven of them. "If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have reunited with my daughter."
"Yes, thank you." Hyunjin tells them with firm eyes. "We owe all of you for saving our precious Stella."
"You don't have to thank us, because we would save Stella in a heartbeat for the second time, always." Jake says, wearing a small smile, before his eyes briefly meet mine. "We would always save the love of our lives without a second thought."
"Love?" A frown touches Hyunjin's lips.
"Yes." Heeseung answers for Jake, his tone holds such resolution, as if he isn't afraid of the possible dreadful outcome. "As I said, we had complex histories with Stella, but one thing that has always remained constant is our unconditional love for Stella."
"We're in a polygamous relationship." I quickly intervene as I look at my family, particularly Hyunjin and Minjun. "I've been apart from them for too long, and now that we're reunited, we've consensually decided that it was only right for us to be in a polygamous relationship. I love them."
I hold back the tears that are threatening to spill for the second time as I maintain unwavering eye contact with Hyunjin and Minjun, unable to decipher the emotions written across their faces.
"They knew of Minhyuk's abuse, and they saw the horrible wounds and scars that were Minhyuk's doing. They comforted me and supported me despite the fact that there were obstacles along the way." At this point, I am close to imploring my family to understand. "I'm not asking for your blessings, and I will not break my relationship with them just because you disapprove. I have never been happier than I am with them now."
"Stella─" Minjun heaves a sigh, but I cut him off, displaying my desperation.
"I know that our relationship is overwhelming for you, but I can assure you that we will make it work." I swallow a lump in my throat before I release a shaky breath. "I really love them, Dad. You may not understand how and why, and I am all for explaining any questions you have, but please don't force me to break up with them. I don't see a future without them in my life."
As soon as I finish, I await for anyone to speak up, and I swear the silence is so loud that I can hear a pin drop. The sound of a chair is being dragged, prompting me to look at Hyunjin, and my heart sinks in the pit of my stomach as I watch him make his way out of the dining area.
"Give him time." Yeji quickly tells me upon seeing my face drop. Even her assuring smile doesn't do much to diminish the sinking feeling. "I'm sure this is overwhelming for him, but he'll come around. You know he always does."
"I just have one question for you, gentlemen." Minjun clears his throat, his face looking more serious than earlier, while he leans keenly forward, as though he is an investigator. "Do you have plans on marrying my daughter?"
"Of course." Jake answers rather swiftly. "But not any time sooner. Besides, that is up to Stella. We have come to a mutual agreement that marriage is solely up to Stella."
"I am rather disappointed." Minjun releases a soft sigh. "I had hoped that Stella would get married soon."
"Wait, so does this mean that you approve?" I ask, my eyes widening as I look at Minjun.
Minjun's serious facade cracks as he shoots me a fatherly smile. "I admit that I was overwhelmed by your announcement, and who am I to force something upon you when all I ever want for you is to be happy?"
Tears are starting to blur my vision. "Dad."
"I mean it, sweetie." Minjun's voice comes out soft, as does the way he gazes at me. "I can see that you're happier with them, and that is more than enough for me, especially when these gentlemen have proven their unconditional love for you from the moment they saved you back then." Minjun then looks over to them with a firm head nod. "I entrust you with my daughter, and without a doubt, you will protect and cherish her the way she deserves."
"Of course. You can count on us." Jay reciprocates with a firm head nod as well.
"I, for one, have long since known that you guys would eventually get together." Yeji chuckles, her hand that is holding her glass of wine tipping towards us before she takes sips of the wine.
"Well, little brother." Haneul shoots Sunghoon a smirk. "It looks like we're bound to be bro-in-laws."
"We are already brothers, dumbas─" Sunhoon shuts his mouth at the realisation of Sophia, who is seated across from him.
"So you and you," Sophia points her fingers at Jungwon and Riki, her eyes sparkling with wonderment. "are my Unnie's boyfriends?"
"Yes, little one." Riki grins as he ruffles her hair.
"That's cool! I have more big brothers!" Sophia bounces in her seat, oozing with enthusiasm.
"I'm sure another reason your father is happy for you has to do with the fact that your boyfriends are his favourite Formula One stars." Kelly tells me, purposely allowing Minjun to hear.
"That may or may not be true, my love." Minjun shoots Kelly a grin, to which the latter scowls, but her cheeks are painted pink as she looks away from his gaze.
Despite the rest of my family being happy and accepting, my mind drifts off to Hyunjin while my eyes shift to his empty seat.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The time strikes nine p.m. by the time we finish the scrumptious dinner, but none of us has yet to leave. Jay and Sunoo are helping Kelly out with the dishes in the kitchen, while her adamant insistence can be heard from here. The others are mingling in the living room with Yeji and Haneul, while Minjun can be seen conversing with Jake and Sunghoon.
I begin to make my way to where Hyunjin is, and I hope he is still there. As I step out of the house, my gaze lands on his figure, seated on the swing bench by the porch, and he seems to be in deep thought.
"Oppa." I call for him in a wavering tone, and thankfully, he turns his head to look at me. My lips quiver in sadness while my eyes turn crestfallen. "Are you mad at me?"
A sense of deja vu hits me, and I immediately recall the times where I thought Hyunjin was mad at me for doing something that wasn't my fault the first time he saw a noticeable bruise on my cheek that Minhyuk had punched me when we were younger.
Hyunjin's gaze softens before he heaves a sigh, his fingers running through his long strands. "No, I'm not mad at all."
"Then why did you walk away?" I ask, taking steps forward until I'm closer to him, towering over his figure. I clench a fist. "You didn't look happy either."
"I just feel overwhelmed, Stella." Hyunjin sighs once more. "I mean, you're in a relationship with seven guys. Doesn't that feel overwhelming for you?"
"No." I answer him firmly, but upon seeing the expression on his face, I release a sigh and invite myself to sit next to him. "I'll tell you about my history with them some other time, but you should know that when you're in love, be it with one person or more, things won't be exactly as overwhelming as you thought. Yes, being in a polygamous relationship is certainly not an easy journey, but the love you have for your partners will always prevail over anything."
Hyunjin remains silent for awhile, as though he is processing my words and whatever happened earlier. He lifts his head up to meet my eyes, and when a small smile dawns on his lips, the nerves have finally diminished. "I'd never thought I'd see a day where my baby sister was finally in love." He smiles faintly and ruffles my hair. "Your happiness matters to me most, you know?"
I can't help but to lunge forward, my arms latching around his as I hug him while he chuckles and reciprocates the hug. "Thank you." I whisper with such gratitude, tears welling in my eyes, before I blink them away. "Don't be shocked, Oppa, but I'll be marrying them sooner than you think."
"Oh?" Hyunjin pulls away and raises his eyebrow at me. "I mean, I'm not entirely shocked since I can see how utterly in love you are with them, but pray tell, how? Is it even legal to marry more than one person here?"
"Yes." I nod my head. "There probably won't be any weddings. What matters to us most is signing the necessary documents to officially legalise us as married couples. Besides, imagine having to plan seven weddings." I grimace at the thought of it, but if the guys do want to throw a wedding each, then I'll just have to agree to it. Their happiness matters to me most.
Hyunjin and I continue to chat, be it about my boyfriends or reminiscing about the happy parts of our childhood amidst the pain. One thing is for sure ─ I am glad that he is just as accepting as the rest of my family members.
What's left next is to break the news to the rest of my boyfriends regarding my settling down with them.
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I guess I can say for my best friends that we are finally at ease after having been accepted by Stella's family. It isn't hard to like her family, especially when they are amiable and exude such warmth that we can't help but to lower our guards. As for Hyunjin, he had gathered the seven of us in the living room earlier and wanted to speak with us alone, prompting the other Hwangs to disperse.
Aside from the fact that Hyunjin subtly hints that he would threateningly do something if any of us hurt her, he sincerely wished our relationship nothing but the best, and somewhere along the lines, he couldn't wait for us to officially be his brother-in-laws very soon, which rendered us confused, because why did he emphasise soon? The only exception is that Jay and Jungwon didn't look too surprised.
Intrigued, I begin to make my way to find Stella, but she isn't spotted in the kitchen or anywhere on the first floor, really. I spot Kelly emerging from a room, and I approach her with a kind smile. "Hey, Kelly. Have you seen Stella? I've been trying to search for her."
"She's upstairs in her room, two doors down on the left." Kelly informs me before a smile touches her lips. "If I'm not wrong, she's with Ni-Ki."
"Thanks." I give Kelly a quick smile before making my way up to the second floor. I release the scoff I have been holding back. No wonder he was seen leaving in haste earlier, as soon as Hyunjin dismissed us. That sly duck.
"Two doors down." I murmur to myself, my eyes shifting from the white painted door to another, until I hear a familiar squeal and giggle just as I nearly reach her room.
The door is ajar, allowing me to take glimpses of them. Ni-Ki has her seated on top of his lap with her back facing him and his chin resting on her shoulder. His arms are wrapped securely around her waist while he seems to be whispering in her ear, eliciting giggles from her. My gaze softens at the endearing sight.
Despite not being the one who is making her giggle and smile, I am rather content. As long as she remains happy, then everything else is fine with me.
I compose myself, feigning an annoyed look before slowly pushing open the door, prompting their heads to turn to me, but my eyes narrow at Ni-Ki. "Time's up. It's my turn to spend some time with my darling."
Ni-Ki sticks his tongue out to me while remaining unmoving. "Make me."
"Riki." Stella slaps his arm over her waist with chuckles leaving her lips.
"Fine." Ni-Ki releases an exasperated sigh before giving her a deep kiss on the cheek and removing his arms from her waist, allowing her to stand. He grabs her hand to kiss her knuckles before proceeding to leave the room.
As my gaze settles on her face, her lips curve into a sly grin. "Were you seriously jealous of your best friend?"
"No." I scoff, rolling my eyes, and subsequently amble towards her while I notice mischievousness dancing in her pretty eyes. "Why would I be jealous when I know that I already have you wrapped around my fingers?"
Stella attempts to run away from me, but a squeal leaves her lips at the moment I catch her with my arms wrapped around her waist firmly. Her kissable lips form into a pout, and the way she is looking at me with those eyes goes straight into my pants.
Nevertheless, I keep my desires for this irresistible woman at bay as my lips curve into a smirk. "Trying to run away from me, darling?"
"No." She denies, her eyes flickering down at my lips briefly for a moment before she looks away with her cheeks flushing in pink.
I hum, my fingers ascending to her cheek and stroking it delicately yet dangerously. "Good, because you wouldn't want to face any punishment, especially when your family members are just downstairs. But then again, I don't care."
Stella gasps, her eyes narrowing at me. "You wouldn't."
"Oh, I would, darling." I spin us around, inviting myself to sit on the bed and pulling her down with me, having her settled on top of my lap as she straddles me. I see the way her eyes darken with lust, reflecting mine, while my hand begins to rub her bare thigh with the hems of her dress hiked above.
"You wouldn't." She repeats, but this time, her voice wavers with each rub of my hand on her smooth thigh.
"Don't test me." I murmur, my eyes zeroing in on her pink, plump lips. "Kiss me."
Stella hesitates, and soon she leans in but stops just as her ghostly lips graze across mine teasingly. Her eyes form the shape of a crescent while a soft chuckle emits from her. The longer she teases me, the more fuel it adds to my desire for her.
Without any thought of gentleness, I pull her by the nape and slam her lips on mine, kissing her slowly yet passionately, which has her practically melt against me, but my hand grips her waist while the other is continuously rubbing her thigh.
"I've missed you so fucking much." I murmur in between kisses, bringing more chuckles from her before I silence her with my lips. This time, I force my tongue into her mouth, to which she wholeheartedly welcomes me.
Her hands slither upward on my chest until they drape lazily over my shoulders, and I feel her hip movement, to which I place both hands on her waist to assist her. She pulls away from my lips, gasping softly at the sensation of my hardening bulge coming into contact with her core.
"Shhh, you gotta be quiet or I'll stop, pretty girl." I warn her in a seductive lull, watching her in awe at the contortion of her face. She looks so fuckable right now as she throws her head to the back with her eyes rolling to the back and her moist lips parted open with pathetic soft whimpers and moans from the delirious friction of our cores against each other.
As I continue with my administration, my eyes shift to the door, and thank fuck, it is closed. I look at her face once more before I switch positions, settling her to lay on her back on the bed.
"Where are you going?" Stella whines as I make my way towards the door to lock it. "Sunoo!"
"Shhh, I told you to be quiet, didn't I?" I hiss lowly, but as soon as I turn around, my breath catches in my throat at the divine sight of her white dress hiking up to her waist, allowing her white lace underwear to be visible to my eyes. Fuck, there is a wet patch forming on the material.
"Sunoo." She whines again, as though she is doing it on purpose to arouse me with her sweet sound. My feet bring me towards her, and the next thing I know, I silence her with my lips, but this time, kissing her harshly and nibbling and tugging on her lower lip, eliciting a pained moan from her before I resume devouring her.
"Naughty girl. I told you to be quiet." I rasp against her lips, smirking as I feel her shuddering beneath me when my fingers descend to her lower region, going underneath the material of her underwear before they stop right at her clit.
As soon as I rub her clit in circles, her lips part open, wanting to moan out, but I slip my tongue into her mouth, dancing once more with her tongue.
I don't stop my administration on her clit while my other fingers begin to multitask as they seek for her hole, entering slowly to not hurt her. The moment I feel her hips moving, I take that as a sign to shove my fingers into her wet folds and start fingering her.
I pull away from her lips, relishing the cute, pathetic moans she attempts to quieten and how adorable she looks trying to silence herself by closing her mouth with her palm, but unfortunately for her, I'm in the mood to tease her.
"Sunoo, please." Stella pleads as I use my other hand to pin her wrists above her head with ease. My eyes fall down to her chest, where a glimpse of her cleavage is teasing me.
"I said to be quiet, pretty girl." I say lowly when a high-pitched moan leaves her lips, my hand on her wrists tightening while my fingers are working their way to make her cum.
"You're so mean." She whimpers, tears welling in her eyes, but the way her hips are sensually grinding on my fingers as though she's riding my cock drives me to finger her roughly and fast despite the restriction of her cute lace underwear.
"Mean?" My tongue hits the roof of my mouth while my eyes feast on the gorgeous sight of her beneath me as she struggles. I dip my head to plant a wet kiss on her neck. "You have no idea how mean I can get, darling." I chuckle against her skin, feeling how drench she gradually gets, and so I remove my fingers from her pulsating hole, eliciting a whimper from her, to which I place a kiss on her lips.
Without a word, I hook my fingers underneath the string of her underwear and pull it down, letting it fall to the ground before I proceed to remove my pants. Before she can even make another cute noise, I kiss her briefly and, at the same time, hold my length, which feels painful with each passing second, and aim it at her wet folds.
I allow the tip to enter, causing her breath to hitch, but that's just it. I begin to pump my cock with the tip resting in her pulsating hole.
"Sun." Her voice compels me to look up at her face, and this time, the way she is gazing at me feels different. Her gaze alone feels intimate compared to what we're doing. "I love you."
Amidst my raging lust, my eyes soften, and I lean in to place a delicate kiss on her lips, my heart swelling with adoration for her. "I love you more, darling." I whisper as she gazes at me sweetly.
"Do you─" A soft yet cute gasp leaves her lips when I pull out the tip, and instead, I allow the tip to slide against her wet folds, hitting her clit each time. She swallows a moan while she gazes at me with hooded eyelids. "Do you want to get married to me?"
Her question almost makes me cease my movement, but I remain constant, attempting to reach my high while at the same time my face contorts into confusion. "Of course." I answer rather roughly, feeling my orgasm close to impending. "Just like the rest of the guys, I do have plans on marrying you, darling."
"What if I tell you that I want us to get married soon?" She asks in a ramble before letting out a soft moan that goes directly to my raging cock.
"Okay." I grunt before my orgasm finally comes crashing down on me as I pump it out, releasing white spurts as they land messily on her stomach. I watch as she attempts to finger her clit, but I swat her fingers away to assist her by rubbing my tip against her clit.
"Okay?" She asks in a breathy moan, baring her neck in my eyes, to which I lean down to kiss and nip at her skin.
"Anything you want, pretty girl." I murmur softly, relishing the tiny, soft moans coming from her lips. I trail my kisses to her face before whispering in her ear, "You want to get married tomorrow? We can do that too. Just say the word, and I'll drive us to sign the documents."
"What about throwing a wedding?" She asks again, and this time, she finally comes.
We pant with heavy breaths before looking at each other in the eyes. Despite still heaving, my lips curve into a grin. "I don't need a wedding, unless you want to throw one."
Uncertainty glints in her eyes. "I don't know." She mumbles. "But I know for a fact that I am ready to settle down with you."
"Then okay." I say, now lying next to her acutely but still hovering over her. I grab her hand, holding it to my chest while my fingers toy around hers, and gaze deeply into her sweet eyes. "Name anything you want, and I'll give it to you, darling."
"I want you to kiss me again." She utters softly. "And I want you to tell me 'I love you' a lot of times."
I grin before leaning down to kiss her lips sweetly, which has her smiling against my lips. "I love you." I manage to murmur in between our kisses before I pull away to pepper my kisses all over her face, down to her neck. "I love you, and I love you. Only you."
Stella giggles as I continue to tickle her with my kisses on her neck. "We should really get going. The others are probably wondering."
"Let them." I scoff and nip at her skin once more, causing her to yelp out.
"Sunoo." She whines, pushing my face away from her. "You came on my stomach. I feel icky."
"Woops, sorry, darling." I apologise with a kiss on her forehead before wearing my lower garments and grabbing a tissue on the nightstand to wipe the excess of my cum from her stomach until no spot can be seen.
I grab her hand, assisting her to stand, but the second she does, her knees buckle underneath her, prompting me to hold her against me firmly. "I haven't even fucked you, and yet, you're going all jelly on me, pretty girl." I smirk down at her as she shoots me a scowl.
"Behave, or I won't allow you to." She boops my nose with her finger.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, I would." She says mockingly but pecks my lips before giving me a sweet smile that has my heart pounding against my chest. "Let's go, handsome boy."
"After you, pretty girl."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Stella has ordered her family members to remain further away from us where they are unable to hear us, or more like Stella, since she has something she needs to inform the seven of us. I sit next to Jake, who is staring at Stella, pacing back and forth while she chews on her bottom lip.
"What is it, sweetheart?" Heeseung's gentle voice seems to pull her back to reality as she finally looks at us.
"Wait." Jay narrows his eyes at her. "Is this the part where you tell us about your pregnancy?"
"What─ no! I'm not pregnant!" Stella accidentally raises her voice as she shoots him a scowl. "Why does everyone think I'm pregnant?!"
"It isn’t a bad thing if you are, sweetie!" Minjun can be heard from the stairs, eliciting a groan from Stella.
"Dad!" She yells frustratingly, yet we find her adorable.
My lips curve into a smile while a chorus of chuckles emits from us at the audible sound of Kelly's chastisement towards Minjun.
"Anyway," Stella clears her throat, her cheeks flushed in pink, to which I find her endearing. "I'm not pregnant." Her tone indicates that she is firm in her declaration. "But there is something else that I need to speak with you about."
"Let me guess, it's about you wanting to settle down with us." I say with a drawl, drawing their attention to me, and the visible confusion written on my best friends' faces except for two affirms that Stella has yet to inform them.
"Settle down with us?" Jake murmurs, his face contorting into confusion, yet there is a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Is this true, love?"
Stella looks rather sheepish, and she lowers her head. "Yes. I am ready to settle down with all of you, as in, I want to get married." Her words are spoken in a soft murmur, but we manage to catch onto them.
"But what about your career?" Sunghoon asks, frowning. "You do realise that once our management learns of our relationship and, moreover, the news of us getting married, any one of us or even all of us might be dismissed?"
"Trust me when I say that I've already thought about the risks and everything." Stella says firmly, but her eyes soften afterwards. "Besides, there is no way the Formula One organisation will have its esteemed stars dismissed. I'll be the one to hand in my resignation letter."
"Are you sure?" Ni-Ki asks gently. "I mean, you've contributed so much to the organisation, and you've worked hard to get where you are now. Wouldn’t it be a waste just because you want to get married to us?"
Stella gives him a faint yet beautiful smile. "Nothing is worth more than spending the rest of my life with you, not even my career."
Judging by the expression on their faces, I can affirm that they are feeling the same as I do. My heart is pounding hard while butterflies flutter in my tummy. The fact that the love of our lives just declared her love and devotion to us makes me want to storm over to her and give her a kiss. It even makes me want to buy a diamond ring right now and propose to her afterwards.
"So, when?" I grin, practically oozing with excitement at the prospect that Stella and I will finally tie the knot.
"After the Grand Prix in Brooklyn is over, I suppose." Stella gives me a soft yet sweet smile that makes me melt internally.
"What about Hwang Minhyuk?" Heeseung sounds irate upon saying the name.
"As for now, we don't have to worry about him." Stella smiles at him assuringly. "Henry has assured me that we won't be seeing he-who-shall-not-be-named, especially when he offered a reliable security system that guaranteed our safety."
"We have our own securities, princess. It's you that we're more worried about." Sunghoon frowns. "I hope Henry is as competent as I expect."
"He's great at his job." Stella whips out her phone to type something. "Just in time, he sent me a text."
"What did he send you?" Heeseung approaches her before standing next to her and glancing at her phone.
"He and his team discovered something." A frown touches her lips. "Apparently, Hwang Minhyuk found me through a connection he had with someone in the Formula One organisation."
"What the fuck?" Sunghoon clenches his jaw, and the fire in his eyes reflects the same as mine at the thought of Minhyuk daring to lay a hand on our beloved once again.
"Henry is still trying to obtain more information on who the person Minhyuk had a connection with is." Stella's shoulders slouch in defeat, but Heeseung steadily wraps an arm around her shoulder, giving her a kiss on her crown as she leans into him.
"Don't worry. We'll make certain he won't be able to lay a hand on you ever again." Heeseung tells her softly, while there is an undertone of promise.
"Agreed." Hyunjin comes into the living room with the rest of the Hwangs, except for the little one. "Sorry, we couldn’t help but eavesdrop on you guys."
Stella shoots her family a sad smile. "You guys heard everything, huh?"
"Heeseung is right, sweetie. We won't allow anything to happen to you." Minjun affirms as he has Kelly in his arms, who looks equally determined as she nods her head in agreement.
Stella turns even more crestfallen. "But I made a promise to myself that I'd be the one to protect all of you." She says repentantly, looking at each one of us with glistening eyes. "I wanted to be one to protect all of you this time."
"Allow us to protect you." Haneul says with a grin that resembles Sunghoon's. "I've long since wanted to give that bastard a good punch."
"Get in line, brother." Sunghoon chuckles darkly.
"Don't worry, baby sis." Hyunjin steps forward to place his hands on her shoulders, his firm eyes staring into her crestfallen ones. "We are all in this together. That monster made my life a living hell too."
"I second that!" Yeji chimes.
"We love you, Stella." Hyunjin smiles softly before giving her a peck on the forehead. "And we'll do anything to protect you."
Stella releases a shaky breath and wipes a fallen tear from her eye. "But nobody dies." She says resoundingly, making certain that she looks at every one of us in the eyes. "I've already lost Mary." She whispers brokenly. "I don't want to lose any one of you to that devil."
"You won't. I promise." Heeseung tells her firmly.
"No one, and I repeat, no one dies." Stella looks at us once more before settling her gaze on Hyunjin.
Hyunjin gives her a smile and nods his head firmly. "No one dies."
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orchdaries · 8 months
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(  aespa's yoo jimin (karina) ,  cisfemale , she/her  )    : ̗̀➛   twenty-five years young , a firebender from the noble house of choi . many know them to be fanciful & unambitious . how unfortunate , truly … i’ve always found them to be softspoken & dutiful . they oft fulfill the duties of a healer . oh , i should tell you — they oppose the rule of house yi . well , you know how every storyteller bends the tale they tell .   ✶   sky , +21 , she/they  .
please welcome house choi's middle child (along with her twin), choi aera! contrary to the tendency of her house of learning lavabending, she preferred to focus and hone her bender abilities into the healing field instead of the combat one because she's the support type of character through and through (she really really really doesn't want to be sent to the battlefield and fight if house sungold or house yi ever makes them fight, help), thankfully the universe smiled at her and, even though she isn't the best healer you'll ever meet, she can do her job quite alright! under the cut more info about her past + personality and a couple of plot ideas!
choi aera. 25 y/o. firebender & healer. awakened her bending abilities at 10 y/o and as much as it was fun to incorporate fire bending into her daily life and how much she learned about herself in that process, she doesn't really enjoy the combative part of bending.
half because she does value peace and half because she isn't really good at conflicts especially when they end up getting physical (which is super ironic considering she's from a military house); hates the idea of getting hurt but also honestly would give up a limb if it meant she didn't have to go through an agni kai.
likes to daydream about a lot of scenarios in this very "seeing the world through rosé colored lenses" type of way and sometimes can even seem like an airhead, even more so with how softspoken she is; daydreams about some noble from another house coming to sweep her feet away at least five times a day, dreams of saying goodbye to her family (or even the fire nation) to live her own adventure another ten times but honestly lacks the courage to really do so.
in the end she likes the comfort and familiarity of what she already knows too much to really abandon it for the unknown. but it doesn't mean!! she won't enable others to chase after their own dreams no matter how unrealistic they are!! yes, @/head of house [redacted], go elope with that [redacted] commoner, aera will be rooting for you!!
loves loves loves to live vicariously through other people so pls tell her everything while she does a check up on your chi paths!!
does a lot of wishful thinking too, in this "everything will be alright in the end and if it isn't ok yet then it's because this isn't the end" way.
wasn't really the troublemaker type when growing up and much more like the good kid that wanted to be praised by her parents especially, but she liked fairy tale/fantastic sort of stories since then. i imagine playing pretend with her was super fun because her imagination was wild.
grew up as a mommy's girl through and through, going out of her way to spend time with mom when she was still alive (from unprompted and not so unprompted tea time, to bringing books so mom could read to her or asking to be taught this specific fire bending technique, etc etc) and showing off her results to her was motivation for aera to work hard 99% of the time; so it obv hit aera hard when she died, much more than her dad's death did (oop).
for the longest time she thought that she could've done something to prevent their deaths and that's why she almost started studying to be a doctor instead of a healer; still got into the study of herbs/potions for a while but she's no expert in neither of those areas; she knows the basics and that's pretty much it.
her mourning is mostly over at this point, but sometimes it still hits her very hard; that also made her mature a lot pretty quickly and now she keeps most to her more dreamy part of her personality to herself or to the people she lets in her inner social circle because she also closed herself off a lot more even though she does seem as friendly as ever.
overall a very sweet girl with sweet dreams but zero backbone (and actual desire, i guess) to chase them!
doesn't really like house yi because she feels they put way too much pressure/restraints on her family due to their ability to lavabend and wished that a "kinder" royal family ruled them instead.
wanted connections
fave client ! someone who always has the best stories to tell while she does her work on them. regardless of whether they're true or not, she's always looking forward to work for them because it means she gets to hear what adventure they got (or will get) themselves next!
childhood/teenage friends ! someone that not only knew aera before the tragedy with her parents but also was close to her and saw firsthand how the light in her eyes dimmed with what happened. someone that she feels like she can count on to this day or maybe they drifted apart at some point for some reason and now they're trying to reconnect (successfully or it's just very very awkward)
crushes ! she's much more in love with the idea of love (esp one that comes straight out of a love story) more than anything else + is very weak to good looking people so she gets infatuated with anyone pretty easily. i imagine she has an endless list of people she crushed on (but then falls out of it very easily too); people she's more in love with the idea of them than the person themselves.
the one that got away ! talking about which!! someone that she was in a relationship with but then it never got too far for any reasons— aera's immaturity with actual love, the other person's own shortcomings, maybe they were right for each other but met at the wrong time, etc etc, but it's still someone that she keeps in a very special spot on her heart, making her go wild with what ifs in her head. the one she'll always love (maybe in a first love or that one special summer affair sort of way) regardless of anything else.
older sibling energy/knight in shining armor ! as much as aera reaches out to look after people, she also has this energy of can't be left alone (affectionate but also a little derogatory). aera just feels like someone who'd fall for scams every and anywhere with how easily she genuinely believes that this really random guy is part of the earth nation's fallen royal family and traveled all around the world to hide themselves while collecting wealthy and knowledge so now they're looking for a new spouse to rebuild their dynasty with. basically someone who can't help but feel protective over her.
this is everything that i could come up with but i'm always open to brainstorm any and everything!!
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Jimin (지민)
Real name: 박지민 (Park Jimin)
Birth date: 13 October 1995
Home city: Busan
Instagram account
BU character: Park JiMin
BT21 character: Chimmy
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As a kid, Jimin used to have lots of hobbies, following anything that piqued his interest. However, when he discovered dance, he realized this was his calling and took lessons for two years while in middle school before getting into Busan High School of Arts. He interrupted his scolarity once he got recruited by Big Hit. He’s the last member to have joined BTS, two years before their debut. Always hard-working, Jimin has illustrated himself through his dance and his acrobatic figures but he also know for his kindness towards the members and the fans.
For a more complete biography, you can check these ressources:
biography from the volume 5 of the Japan Official Fanclub magazine (trans by kocchi, Kimmy Yang)
interview with Kim Ki-yoon, the owner of the dance school in Busan, where Jimin used to go to (English translation)
Jimin has also shared tidbits of his daily life:
[VLOG]  Let's take a picture of Paris and go to Hawaii (2019)
팔찌공방 VLOG (Bracelet workshop) (2022)
Birthday albums: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Spotify playlist
You can find Youtube playlists of the songs he shared on Spotify and on Twitter or during interviews.
Google sheet of his recommendations
Solo activity
Music (discography)
Jimin & V - “95 graduation” (2014)
Jimin & Jung Kook  - “Christmas Day” (Origin. Justin Bieber - Mistletoe, 2014)
Jimin, JK - “We don't talk anymore” (gift for the Festa, 2017)
“ 약속  (Promise)” (2018)
“Christmas Love" (2020)
지민(Jimin) X 하성운(Ha Sung-Woon) - “With you” (우리들의 블루스 (Our Blues) OST, 2022)
--- Chapter 2 ---
TAEYANG - 'VIBE (feat. Jimin of BTS)' (2023)
FACE (2023) (see this post) (2023)
NLE Choppa, Kodak Black, Jimin of BTS, JVKE, & Muni Long - “Angel Pt. 1″ (FAST X OST) (2023)
JVKE, Jimin of BTS, Charlie Puth, Muni Long - “Angel Pt. 2″ (FAST X OST) (2023)
MUSE (2024) (see this post)
For more details about the songs that don’t have their own post, I listed all the info I had here. For Chapter 2 songs, please check here.
구오즈 만다꼬 (95z Mandaggo) (2015, anchor)
Pixid (2023, guest): teaser, show
Brand endorsement
Global ambassador for Dior (2023): tweets, Jimin’s Instagram post, #2
House ambassador for Tiffany & Co. (2023): tweets, Jimin’s Instagram post, Youtube video, TikTok video, WWD: “EXCLUSIVE: Tiffany & Co. Releases Jimin’s First Campaign, Costarring Zoë Kravitz and Gal Gadot”
W Korea 2023 Vol.2 (January 2023): tweets, Q&A, Behind the scene
Daman magazine February/March issue: tweets, interview
L’Officiel Malaysia March issue: tweets, interview
ELLE Hong Kong March issue: Instagram reel, interview in Cantonese
Vogue Korea April issue N°321: tweets, interview
AERA magazine No.16: tweets, interview translation
GQ Korea November Issue: tweets
Harper's Bazaar JP 2024 March issue: tweets, Youtube video, interview (in Japanese)
BE comeback interview: “I’m the kind of person who likes to be loved”  
Butter release interview: “There’s people who’ve been rooting for us throughout this difficult time”
Proof release interview: “I want to be better, and cooler”
Due to his round cheeks, Jimin earned the nickname of Mochi or Manggaetteok, which is a rice cake wrapped in manggae leaf.
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kimaera07 · 2 years
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Kim Aera Vlogs: A Day in my Life (Part 3/3)
Just in time for Christmas Eve! 🎁
After a tiring day, Aera spent time with her family as they wait Christmas. Her brother even flew from San Myshuno to Henford-on-Bagely to honor their tradition of spending Christmas Eve as a family.
Aera lives with her mom and dad in Henford-on-Bagley. Her mom, a lawyer, and her dad, a doctor, is not that supportive of Aera's pageantry path.
Luckily for Aera, she has her brother, Thomas, who is very supportive of her. He even buys her clothes and shoes from Sentate Atelier for her daily events in the pageant.
Thomas, unlike their parents, understands Aera since he is also in the entertainment industry. Thomas is a budding actor and model. Should Thomas do vlogs as well? 👀
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cozycuprp2 · 9 months
☕️  –  one  order  of  iced white mocha,  right  !  it  is  good  to  see  you,  KIM AERA. your  order  is  coming  right  up,  we  will  bring  it  to  your  table  dms  !
( faceclaim: aespa's winter ) welcome back to cozycup café, kim aera. will you have your usual, an ICED WHITE MOCHA? how is it going as a PET SITTER? i am sure such a WARM HEARTED & EASY GOING person has no problem with daily life. and even if sometimes you are a bit NEGATIVE, that’s okay because you remind me of BABY KITTENS AND PUPPIES RUNNING AROUND THE FIELD. just lovely !
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carrotmybabyo · 2 years
Translation: 🧡Koji’s Photoboy exhibition in AERA (2022.06.27)
in AERA (2022.06.27)
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2nd last BB dance prac shot: Featuring all 8 of his members. It was after they filmed the dance vid.  They were abt to go home early, when Koji requested for 1 photo. Shoppi  was alrdy topless so he hid behind meme.
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last shot of suno in suits: After the last interview session for Osomatsu movie, they're in suits & he thinks it's cute. Lately Koji has been taking photos of suno. Suno from his pov. He doesn't do it all the time, but time to time he feels like taking photos of them.
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1st shot: self portrait: Just for fun, he wanted a self portrait. In monochrome, he used a tripod & strobe light. He likes it when he looks away from camera. (retorts himself here by saying HOW ANNOYING!) It was hard to act cool but still be natural for this.  
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mirror selfie shot: He wants to be as good as a pro. wishes to hear ppl ask him "pls take a pic for me", wants to shoot for magazine covers & have his own exhibition w/o showing his name, just as a 27 yo camera man's daily life thru photos.  
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crying little girl: She's young & crying so monochrome shows her tears better. He highly recommends this shot, and he has always wanted to take a crying face shot. (she was crying cause the light quite bright & her mum wasn’t nearby, but continued to pose while crying, cute) for sure she will grow up a beauty  
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after crying.. her dad comforted her & carried her. Koji took a parent child shot of them, blurring out dad's face by partially covering his lens.  sensei said: covering his face leaves it to one's imagination, it's a great parent-child shot  
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Leaf on spider thread: the leaf rotated nonstop, koji snapped a pic just as it faced the front. He had to crouch since the leaf was below his waist. Monochrome so the spider thread can be seen well. also the leaf isn’t a v nice colour so monochrome is better.  
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sakkun's bear hairdo from Brother Beat: “Sakkun in the makeup room. I wanted to take a pic of that hairdo. A pic with  full face would draw attention away from the hair, so I took the pic only from his eyes upwards. I happened to be using monochrome film, but it's nice too.”
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IMPACTors: “During last year's kabuki. I used monochrome film too. They were practicing Wildfire, which was choreographed by Hikaru. I shot from the side rather than the front to avoid intruding, since it was a morning check and Hikaru was watching them.  “
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moving train: “Those who know, knows, but this is a train in Nara (kintetsu). If you look closely you can see me (reflection). I took it from the platform, just nice there was someone in black inside the train so the glass was like a mirror. The shaky feel is nice.” (Good timing!)  
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Street shoppi: I took it w/o shoppi noticing, so it was a natural shot. Shinjuku on our rest day. The sun rays from between the buildings were nice. It was that day that shoppi wanted to shop but I ended up buying things instead. I used the lens I bought immediately, but  since it was a digital camera lens (Nikon G) on a film camera, it didnt match well & the photo was a bit blurred. I used a wider aperture. It was quite nice in the end.  
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Bright light: “Sunlight filtered through the blinds. I used a green glass for this effect & to match the greenery. It might be hard to tell what it is but you can see the exit & there’s a gentle feel. I handled the cup roughly on purpose so it had scratches for the diffused effect.  “
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Tokyo tower: “What do you think it is? Very blur, dark & rainy shot of Tokyo Tower taken while i was on the highway in a staff's car. I wanted to use up the last film in my camera. There was only about a 0.5 sec window to get a shot since there were many buildings blocking most of the view.”
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Date san: “Date san w his beautiful contours outlined by the back light. An exquisite shot with the window frame alignment and silhouette of leaves, & i made it cool toned. This was during EVOLUTION mv filming, he's acting cool but wearing only socks cause he's on a sofa, it's good.”
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???: “Can’t tell what it is right? At the right side, there’s a number on the floor. This is kabuki stage. There's markings on the floor from ppl walking & pushing things over it. The V shaped shadow is actually from Sakuma's flying sling. I didn’t expect it to turn out nice like this.  “
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Bread: “Somehow not too great? Bacon egg bread and salted roll. Seated in driver's seat, my leg is in the shot too. The bread was my breakfast from the staff. Can i just say, it's morning!” (TN: idk he might be referring to high cal bread being too heavy for morning)  
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Kawaguchiko: “I took a few shots of the leaves but I’m most interested in the lady walking away from the guy. The guy took a photo with his phone, then I’m not sure what happened but it felt like he was dumped? His face is covered so it adds to the story-like feel.” (Lmao u Koji-razzi?!)  
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Tokyo Tower night: “A long exposure shot of Tokyo Tower. The trails from red & white headlights of cars on either sides are pretty. The shutter speed: I kept it open for ~10s but I waited 20 mins overall to balance out the cars' effect. Snapping away like an idiot! I cycled there.“
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Snow: “It snowed between work. I used a Leica clip on light for this. It was a rather wet snow so I got drenched while taking photos, anyone seeing might think I’m a weird fellow “
scans source: here
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vanaera · 4 years
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
The Red Peony
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pairing; idol!jungkook, dad!jungkook x non-idol!reader, mom!reader
genre; angst, fluff, slice of life au, established relationship, jungkook and reader are still married, Hiro is 16 and Aera is 11
warnings; this deals with the menstrual cycle, mentions of blood, overprotective daddy koo, this is a time skip from the ‘chubby bunny’ family au
rating; 18+
w/c; 2,542
a/n; they’re baaack! inspired by the movie turning red, watching the father’s reactions immediately made me think that jungkook would be that kind of dad, and reader would be that kind of mom, lol. so here it is, enjoy!
Jungkook wasn’t home when the event occurred. Probably for the best.
But you were.
Thankfully, you were prepared for this moment, for years.
The moment when the red peony bloomed.
You wished you could say the same for your husband.
Jungkook was currently backstage at the American Music Awards just messing around with the other members to pass the time. He was showing Hoseok and Jimin a home video he recorded on his phone of his now sixteen year old son, Hiro. Said son, became a global sensation of his own at the age of five years old, during one of their concerts in Las Vegas for knowing the chorus choreography for Permission to Dance and running on stage to join his father and uncles in it.
Ever since then, he continued to hone his dancing skills with the dancers of the group, Hoseok and Jimin fighting over whose the best uncle on a daily basis. But Jungkook knows that he’s his son’s favorite dancer, his son saying so whenever they leave the room. Otherwise they would just call him biased. But Jungkook doesn’t have the heart to let them know the ugly truth.
He’s even showing up during group rehearsals, or when he knows his father is going to leave for practice by himself. Only if he’s not working on his homework, has good grades, has free time, and gets his mother’s permission can he attend.
You always did let him go, knowing no matter what you said he would find a way to charm you into letting him, cause he was just like his father in that aspect. It didn’t help that he had the same bunny toothed smile that he knew was your weakness. The Jeon’s always got what they wanted, of course. Including your now 11 year old daughter, Aera.
In fact, you would be so bold as to say, she had her father wrapped around her finger. All she had to do was bat her eyelashes at him, give him those same big doe eyes that he shares with her, and jut her bottom lip out cutely. Then she would use her princess voice, as you like to call it, and say ‘please, daddy?’
Hook, line, and sinker.
He could never say no to his little girl.
Though I guess in most cultures she would be considered a woman now.
But, you’re getting ahead of yourself. Let’s backtrack to this morning, when the event occurred.
Jungkook had left with his fellow members the day prior in order to start the dress rehearsal at the venue the awards were being held at, so he wasn’t laying in bed next to you when you first woke up. You think you would remember that he wouldn’t be there, him having woken you up with a kiss goodbye before he left for the airport, yet you still reached for the empty space in hopes of snuggling into a warm body to keep sleeping. The cold and merciless sheets are what woke you up. But what got you out of bed?
A shrill scream that would rival those from a horror movie, coming from the mouth of your daughter.
When you say that you’ve never moved so damn fast in your life, you’re not lying. Your children were just lucky that you decided not to sleep nude for once. Otherwise you would’ve had no qualms with traumatizing them with your naked body just so you could see what has your daughter screaming bloody murder so early in the morning.
Barging into her room, door slamming against the wall in the process, did you quickly survey her room looking for the culprit. She was nowhere in sight, so she had to be in the bathroom. Just as you were about to walk past her bed to knock on her bathroom door that connected to her room, did you notice something odd. Her bedding was completely stripped from her bed, leaving the once white mattress, bare. You say once white, due to the blazing red spot that now adorned the mattress directly where her body would lay. Or, more specifically, where her bottom half would lay.
Your eyes widened, as a low gasp escaped your mouth, hands immediately covering your mouth to silence it. Eyes darting over to the still closed bathroom door, you inched your way over to it, and gently leaned your head sideways against the door, ear pressed closely, trying to hear any sign of your daughter’s current state of mind from the new milestone her body hit.
All you could hear was low sniffles that broke your mama bear heart, and just as you were about to knock on the door to have a mother daughter heart to heart, your head whipped towards your daughter’s door hearing the loud stomping coming towards the threshold.
“What’s going on in here?!” Your oldest son, Hiro, exclaimed with wide eyes. He was holding a baseball bat tightly with two hands, ready to swing it at anything that moved that wasn’t you or Aera. Cause he knew with his father gone, he was the appointed protector of the family. Your heart swelled equally with warmth, and slight terror at seeing your son wield the baseball bat so menacingly.
You exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding upon the sudden intrusion. Placing your hand over your heart, trying to settle down your adrenaline rush, you waved your other hand at your son dismissively.
“Everything’s okay, honey. There’s nothing to worry about. Your sister just isn’t feeling well at the moment.” You reassured calmly in your motherly voice.
Hiro’s shoulders immediately sagged in relief, bat now loosely hanging by his side. Though he still carried a look of worry on his face as he took a few steps into the room, ready to help you with whatever you or his little sister needed.
“Sick? What’s wrong with her?” He asked his mother, voice laced with worry. His eyes darted to the closed bathroom door in wonder. “Is there anything I can do to help?” He first directed the question towards you specifically, before leaning his head towards the bathroom door and directly asking his sister instead.
“Hey, sis. You good in there? Do you need anything?” He knocked on the door lightly for good measure to make sure she knew he was there for her. He was ever the empath within your family, that’s for sure, you thought staring at him lovingly. How did you get so lucky?
The only response he received was a loud, watery whimper. Which broke both of your hearts and made Hiro’s emotions skyrocket.
“Should I call dad?” He asked you, feeling helpless.
You gave your son a small smile and shook your head, your hand coming to lay on his upper arm, rubbing it in soothing circles.
“No, baby. There’s no need to call your father just yet. He’s probably in rehearsals right now anyways and can’t even get to his phone. Can you do me a favor though?” You know he needed something to occupy himself, so you thought you would give him a task to do.
“Can you walk to that corner store down the block and get your sister’s favorite chocolate candy? Get yourself something as well. You can get some money out of my purse on the kitchen counter.”
He nodded and gave you a hug before turning to leave the room.
“Oh, and be careful please! I love you!” You threw at his back as he crossed the threshold into the hallway. He pivoted on his feet and gave you a thumbs up, walking backwards down the hallway and out of sight from the door. A few seconds later you could hear a faint, ‘I love you too!’ be yelled from the direction of the front door, then hearing said door open and close, signaling that you were now alone with your daughter.
Now it was time for the talk.
“Sweetie, can I come in, please?” You lightly knocked on the door and asked gently.
“Is brother gone?” She asked quietly in reply.
“Yes, baby. He’s headed to the store to get your favorite chocolate candy. Cause I have a feeling you’re gonna be craving that soon, right?” You asked through the door knowingly.
“You can come in, momma.”
You twisted the doorknob and slowly pushed it open. What you saw made your eyes water. There was your sweet little girl, curled up in the bathtub in the fetal position. Her bloody clothes lay forgotten behind the door, but she stayed in her underwear. You softly shut the door behind you and locked it, not wanting to chance your son randomly poking his head in, even if he means well.
“Oh, honey.” You said softly. She whimpered in response and gave you grabby hands, a gesture you haven’t seen her do since she was a baby. You immediately fit yourself in the space next to her in the tub, and drew her body towards you, enveloping her in a hug only a mother can give in these kinds of situations. Gently, you started to rock you both side to side as you hummed her favorite song of her fathers, Magic Shop. Her body naturally relaxing to your warmth and humming, made your heart swell inside with pure love.
And for the next 15 minutes you stayed in that position as you educated your daughter on what changes her body would be going through and why they were happening right now. Then you explained how she needs to take care of her ‘delicate petals’ and clean them regularly. Even going so far as to list the many different variations of pads and tampons alike that she can choose to fit with her lifestyle as she grows older. Questions were asked by Aera, and answers were given by you.
“Was there anything else you wanted to know, baby? Any other questions you might have?” You asked her, wanting to make sure that she now fully understood what came with having a menstrual cycle.
“I’m good, momma. Thank you, for everything.” She gave you a smile you have yet to see all day, and you knew, she would be fine. You gave her a kiss on the forehead.
“Would you like me to leave so you can take a shower? You’ll feel a lot better, honey, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, I will. Can you–“ having already maneuvered your way out of the tub to standing back up, you held a hand up giving a thumbs up, much like what your son gave you not too long ago.
“I got you, baby. I’ll take your dirty clothes and bedding to wash them. And bring you some pads and tampons from my bathroom for you to try. Is that okay?” You wanted to make sure you weren’t forcing her to take any steps she wasn’t ready to take yet.
She gave you her own thumbs up in response.
Smiling, you walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind you. Then you made true on your word and lugged both her dirty clothes from the bathroom and her bedding to the laundry room to start a cycle. Once done, you grabbed a variety of pads and tampons you personally liked using, and brought them into her room. Seeing that the bathroom door was now locked and hearing the shower on, you placed the stack neatly in front of the bathroom door. Just as you shut her bedroom door behind you, you heard the front door open and close, alerting you to your son coming back from his errand you gave him earlier.
Heading to the kitchen, where your son now was with a bag full of goodies on the table. You thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. One he immediately wiped off with the back of his hand with a playful grimace. You rolled your eyes at his teenage antics. Boys.
“How is she?” He asked right away.
“She’s feeling much better, just taking a shower and then she’ll be right out.” You explained nonchalantly, sifting through the bag of goodies and plucking out your favorite candy to hide from your husband’s sweet tooth and to eat at a later time.
“She started her period, didn’t she?” He stated casually, but yet, you weren’t surprised he knew. He was always intuitive like that.
You nodded your head solemnly in response.
“Oh.” Was all he said as he walked away into the living room with a handful of candy and junk food alike, surely about to start a lengthy gaming session with his online friends.
You sighed in content as you sat in the lazy boy chair in the living room in the company of your son. Aera following the loud gameplay into the living room as well after she was done with her shower, her hands just as full of goodies as her brother’s as she plopped onto the couch next to him, immediately opening her favorite candy and taking a bite.
The day passed by without much else happening, other than your individual daily routines. It wasn’t until the kids left to their respective rooms to go to sleep, did you think of looking at the clock hanging on the wall, noticing how late it was. Though the darkening sky should’ve been a tall tale sign. Jungkook should be done with his performance by now, so you thought that you would try calling him. Dialing his number, you waited by turning the channel on the tv to the live interviews that occurred after the show was over. And would you look at that?
‘Stay tuned for an exclusive interview with Kpop boy band BTS!’ The female announcer exclaimed enthusiastically.
Perfect, you thought mischievously.
The call connected as your husband’s voice both appeared through the phone, and through your television screen. You could tell he was trying to discreetly answer your call by placing himself towards the back of the group. Jimin was blocking him along with Hoseok while Namjoon took control of the interview questions for the group, with side comments from Taehyung and Jin. Yoongi opting to stay quiet, as per usual.
“Hey Baby Girl, we’re in the middle of an interview right now–“
“The red peony bloomed.” Was all you said, very effectively cutting the unprepared father off from what he was about to say.
“….What?” He couldn’t have heard you correctly, he thought in denial.
“I said, the red peony bloomed, Jungkook.”
And this time he did hear you, picking up on the code name you both came up with for that time of the month, giving out a loud response that would be caught on television and within your memories for years to come. One that would have ARMY doing their gifs and memes for months about it, and have the members howling with laughter, never letting the golden maknae forget about it, always finding someway to bring it up in conversation. Never in front of your daughter, of course. That was the only rule.
And to your daughter’s embarrassment for the rest of her life. Jungkook forever having to make up for it. A fact she fully took advantage of.
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minshookie · 3 years
Pillow Fight.
Pairing |Bully!Jungkook x reader
Genre | smut, angst.
Summary | “Another day spent babysitting your bully’s little sister...you should really quit but the pay is just too good.”
!warnings! | 18+ mature language, bullying, mentioned sexual acts, mentions of past bullying, NON-CON,financial struggle, Jungkook is a really shitty big brother.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|
(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [open for request] words: 1k.
A/N: I rewrote this so many times! Lmfaoo! Buuut get ready because some of requests yall sent in are 🥵🥵.
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“Orange is your best color.” Aera chirped dragging the paint drowned brush along your pinky nail. “I think you’re just saying that because it’s your favorite.” The young girl giggles continuing to color your fingertips. “Uhm are you staying all night miss y/n?” Nodding you brushed back her wild strands of hair softly with your free hand. “Soooo like a sleep over?!” She squeals closing the bottle of nail polish, her eyes glittering as she gazes into yours intent for answers. “Yeah!” You matching her energy only made her more excited, “yay! And-and can Jungkookie Oppa come?!” She bounced on her knees smiling ear to ear, fumbling over her words.
“Oh...Jungkook huh... Hmm what about no boys aloud?” You planted the idea praying she’d take the bait as you started cleaning her toy makeup, giving her a chance to think it over.
“What? Jungkook isn’t a boy, he’s my brother!” Giggling she pounced from the couch striding towards his room. At this point all you could do is laugh at her innocent lack of logic. She looks so happy who are you to burst her little bubble, for all you know Jungkook might want nothing to do with the both of you and your little mock slumber party.
Closing the toy purse you hid it back away in the large toy chest she pulled from her room, leaving it open you cleared the floor of the multicolored blocks and dolls. A whisper of a laugh escapes your lips as you overhear Aera’s begs and pleas mixed with Jungkook’s refusals....but finally the door creaks.
Please no. “Y/n, guess what?!” She drags your name out as her small foot steps pitter the floor, Jungkook’s thudding. She comes down the hall pulling Jungkook by his middle finger. “As if you weren’t undesirable enough, neon nails really helped it out.” Grumbling he throws himself on the couch you just tidied up. “Nice to see you again too Kook.”Aera bounced on her toes watching us have confrontation, unaware of the negative connotations.
Truth is you hadn’t seen Jungkook since you left for college and you hadn’t planned on seeing him ever again...that is until relationships fell apart, your roommate left and things got hard to pay for, and you were two bills away from being homeless. the job up at university paid $9.50 an hour while the busy Jeons still offered $12.00 the choice was clear. Take a little break, live with family, get back on your feet, and try again. But little did you know Jungkook decided to stay local with his schooling.All this aside the work was easy since Aera had grown a bit, but the thought of dealing with the person that made your life hell for four years made you want to quit daily.
“Can I do your nails Too?!” “No Aera, now be cute and get me something to drink.” He orders putting his feet on the coffee table eyeing you up and down,disgustingly. “No Aera I’ll get it.” You grabbed her shoulder. “No y/n! I’ll do it, I’ll do it quickly!” Setting free she bolted for the kitchen.
“So, you went to college got broke and came back sniveling to my rich parents?” You rolled your eyes, looking in the direction of the kitchen for any sign of Aera. “I thought you would’ve out grown your asshole phase, that’s very high school of you Kook.” He scoffed defensively, “and you using babysitting as your main income is high school of you, what happened your little rapper boyfriend leave you high and dry?” “You shut the fuck up.” You snapped back my reflex. He held his hands up in defense, “Suga blew up and left you in the shit show not my fault.” We argued in hushed tones as Aera ran back into sight.
“Here you go kookie!” She handed Jungkook the can of Coke, heaving for air. “Aera this is warm, cold...I want something cold, go try again.” He handed her the can, “oh okay Oppa sorry!” And off she was back down the hall. He turned back to me, “why’d he leave you...couldn’t make him bust?” you tried to hide it but his words stung, you’d been avoiding anything to do with Yoongi since he’d ghosted you weeks before you left for college. Bigger things waited for him in the world of fame, and you weren’t in the blueprint.
“Fuck you Jungkook.” “Come try it bitch.” Smirking he was satisfied with himself as you stood almost defeated. “Oh I forgot you’re scared of sex.” “Leave the high school rumors behind...ran out a material? Maybe you should get out more.” He rolled his eyes scoffing, “shut up before I make you.” “You like to pretend I’m still afraid you...make me, little boy...since you insist on being one.”
Jungkook’s come back was cut short by the thumping of Aera’s feet. “Kookie!Kookie! Ice! I got it all by myself!” She gave the cup of ice to Jungkook and then the Coke. “Good job, now pour it.” He handed them back and you took it from her small clutches much to Jungkook’s disliking. You poured him the drink, pushing his feet off the small table and placing the glass. “She’s not your little slave Jungkook.” He kept eye contact picking up the glass, “you’re right she’s not, you...go get me a coaster now or you’re fired.” His eyebrow arched cockily, his free hand waving you away. “As if! You can’t fire me Jungkook.” He got Aera sitting her on the couch beside him as she caught her breath. “Is that so? Try me, my parents might have hired you but you work for us...now work.” His gaze alone told you he wasn’t playing with you anymore.
Angered you stormed to kitchen pulling a coaster from the table before swiftly Turing on your heels, almost jumping out of you skin as you met face to face with Jungkook. “What the fuck do you want now?” “You said some shit I didn’t like.” You threw the coaster back on the marbled table, “I wish you’d grow up already.” You atempt to go past him but his muscular arm halts your plans. “I have to go do my job-” “I put on her show she’ll be good for the next hour.”
You don’t remember Jungkook being so brooding he looked down at you, his new tall posture slightly off putting yet attractive. “What now, you wanna talk it out?” You walked away siting at the island, “I’ll leave you be if you leave me to do my job Kook.” He came behind you, trapping you in his arms. Tattoos, he’d change a lot but not enough to leave you alone.
“I see you came and got the coaster, scared of me now?” What an ass, “no I need this job.” He hummed from behind you, no sign of him letting you go. “You know y/n, you’ve grown quite a bit.” You became more and more uncomfortable by the second, his breathing became deeper. “I’m aware, so have you.” Rudely he became handsy, groping your breast earning a shocked reaction. “Jungkook please-” “scared of me?” He squeezed you with a little too much force making you give a Yelp, he had you trapped, you were nothing but a game to him. “Shhh shh don’t want to startle my baby sister while she rests...that wouldn’t be very babysitter like of you now would it?”
Silent what could you even say? He had you trapped, your position less than hopeless he’d made you feel small and that’s exactly what he wanted. He’s always wanted that ever since you’d met him, and he always succeeds. He intruded under your top, skating his chilled hand over your skin leaving cold bumps in his wake he held your bra covered breast.
You griped his unexposed wrist trying at escape, knowing fully how downhill this could get. “Oh is the brave girl afraid?” “N-no your hands are cold as Ice Jungkook...please stop.” You lied continuing to push his muscular arm. “Oh? Let me warm them for you.” He removed his hand from the island almost causing you to topple over. Reaching down he found himself with his hand now between your legs fiddling with the pant button. “Jungkook! Please no!” His hand along your chest he pulled you back into his sculpted figure.
“You must not value your job as much as you say, scream again and you’ll be broke and fucked over and to think I actually liked you a bit.” He came to your ear, sniffing your hair eerily. “Little did I know how much of a bitch you were, I loved you when you were shy.” He finally got through your button, getting to your panties he gave you a two fingered massage along your core, you strained not to react to the unwanted pleasure. “Look at you pathetic and wet I bet you’re so needy I could make you cum right here.” He began to focus his nimble fingers on your aching clit. “Fucking stop it.” You could only whimper. “Why should I, we’re old enough now and you’re sopping through your panties I know you want it.”
He invaded under your bra, fondling your hardening bud. “I loved you when you were weak and innocent...I know she’s hiding deep inside of you, the little girl that would cry over me-”
“Miss y/n! I’m tired!” Her voice softly called from the living room. Saved by an angel, finally Jungkook stoped his assault backing off of you with a groan. “You’ll meet me in my room when she’s in bed, or else.” He grumbled leaving you behind to collect yourself, how could bad get so much worse?
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jaedore · 4 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: jaehyun x reader
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: mythology!au, romance, loads of angst, smut (future chapters)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, violence (choking) -if you are uncomfortable with these themes then i highly suggest you no longer interact!
𝐚/𝐧: IM TRYING AGAIN SO LETS SEE HOW IT GOES OR I MIGHT CRY. as always, italicized text are thoughts/emphases (you’ll know)
[ 7.5 k words ]
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You huff, rolling your eyes as you walk out of the room. You hated everything about Jaehyun, his stupid ego, his stupid face, his stupid hair, everything. It was like he was made to hate everyone, including you.
“Hey!” you recognize Mark’s voice, making you snap your head up from the ground.
“Hey, Mark,” you thinned your lips.
“You okay?” he noticed you clutching your arm.
“I’m fine.”
“Wanna go practice then?” Mark raised a brow at you.
“Well since Jaehyun ruined my chance to, why not?” you painted a disguised look on your face by just the name of the so-called male.
Certainly surprised, Mark’s head slightly jolted back, “Jaehyun’s...practicing?” it was rare for the hot-headed male to practice in his free time, so when Mark heard it he didn’t know how to take it.
“Yeah,” you roll your eyes, “with Aera. Do what you want with that information. I’ll be waiting for you outside.”
Your footsteps were synchronous with Mark’s as he walked to the dagger room and you, to wait outside for him. Before you could open the door, you heard Mark scold Jaehyun and you couldn’t stop the smirk from growing on your lips.
You sat on one of the rocks that decorated the entrance as you waited for Mark, no one was here this early yet so everything was nice and peaceful. The birds chirped among the green trees spring provided, you were thankful that the training center was in the middle of the woods, it was far from the busy life on Mount Olympus. Far from the noise, the chaos, the rules, and the pressure of living a life as a child of a god/goddess.
It only took a few minutes before you heard the door swing open, you snap your head expecting to see Mark, but instead see Jaehyun storming out with his hands clenched in fists. You avoid eye-contact, your eyes growing big at the realization of what you may have just caused. You can hear Jaehyun mumble something from his lips, but you’re too timid to listen closely. Once you see his figure stomp off into the woods, you glance up to see Mark’s forehead creased and his arms crossed in front of him.
“Is he always so hateful towards you?” he chirps up, both of your eyes glued to the back of Jaehyun. You shrug as Mark passes you towards the clearing of the waterfall where you two usually practice.
“Seems like he’s always got something to hate,” you follow your friend into the woods, the narrow trail of dirt small enough for only the two of you.
“I wonder if Hades is like that too,” he whispers in thought.
No, he’s not, you thought to yourself. You remember last night’s event, the kind smile adorned his father’s face as his calm voice could lull you to sleep. At first glance, no one would think that he was the king of the underworld. Curiosity sits on your shoulders as you think how different the two are.
“What’d you even say to him?” you glance at the mud that splatters on your boot.
“I just told him that this is a room to train, not flirt.”
You sigh and shake your head, “Mark, that’s exactly what I said to Jaehyun too. Now he knows that I’m the one who told you.”
“Maybe that’s why he was so mad,” you could see him cock his head to the side.
You scoff at his oblivious remark, “Yeah, no shit, Mark.”
After a few more steps, the clearing to the azure waterfall and rocky boulders painted the scene in front of you and Mark bringing you both peace of mind. A feeling of relief washed over you, making you forget all the pressure and hate in the world.
Taking notice of the tenseness in your shoulder escaping with your breath, he whispers, “don’t worry, he’s probably just like that. I wouldn’t take it personally.”
“I know,” you thinned your lips. Of course, you knew that Jaehyun had something against everyone, but why did it feel like it was just against you? And why did you care so much?
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With sore muscles and bruised fists, you and Mark were side by side walking back to the training center where all the students began to pour in for their daily lessons. The chattering of students became louder as you two got closer.
You and Mark were in the middle of talking when a tall man ran next to you, the smell of him immediately giving away who he was.
“Hey, Y/N!”
You turn your head to see Lucas, son of Psyche, Goddess of Soul, and Compassion, with a beaming smile shining at you. You couldn’t help but greet him back with your biggest smile and a little laugh because of the trance he had on you. Lucas is always happy, he’s always kind and spreading his love around to others making sure they were happy. He was like the water on a hot day.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Mark whispered to you, giving you raised, yet suggestive brows. You scowl at him for him almost being obvious, but Lucas’s laughter pulled your attention.
“Where’d you two go?” he asked.
“We just went for a walk,” you replied, being completely aware of the white lie you just told. It just wouldn’t be fair for him and others to find out that you were getting private lessons with Mark.
“Cool, cool, you two are close?”
Your gaze from the ground pulls your eyes to Lucas’s, it’s filled with wonder, curiosity, and a bit of hope, “yeah, we’re just good friends.”
“Friends,” Lucas laughs, it rings in your ear, the lovely sound of him expressing amusement lifts the corner of your lips, “well, then...do you wanna grab lunch together today? I know a place where we can eat, too-” he leans closer to you, “-plus, it’s better than the cafeteria.”
You chuckle a bit, raising a brow because you were not expecting him to ask you out for lunch, “like a date?”
Lucas nodded, “Yeah, you can call it that.”
Immediate heat rose to your cheeks, making your heart thump a little faster and constricting your throat, “y-yeah, we can do that.”
“Great, I’ll see you later then,” Lucas lightly punches your arm and runs to catch up with another friend and as you watch him go, your eyes follow his path and cross Jaehyun.
Your jaw clenches at the male as he sends fire bullets to your chest, your entire body tenses up that you run to the opposite entrance to avoid him. You shut the doors behind you with a gulp, but the second you turn around, a dark aura settles in your bones.
Dressed in dark leather and a cold stare, Jaehyun stands before you, his presence bringing the entire world down with him. “Was my father at your house last night?”
You inhaled a drawn-out breath at his question, almost wanting to just ignore it and walk past him, but something in your mind stops you from doing so. “Yes.”
Jaehyun narrows his eyes at you, the eyes that are sharp as a knife and could cut you at a glance, “why?”
“I don’t know Jaehyun, he was there before I got home. All I knew was that he needed to talk to my mother,” you reply as you find the courage to move past him, but as you did, you could sense the suspicious demeanor sitting on his shoulders, “don’t worry, it had something to do with the affairs of Olympus.”
“You don’t know that,” you stop in your tracks and turn back around, viewing his back.
“Yes, I do, Jaehyun. They wouldn’t tell me anything, so I’m pretty sure something’s going on, not between them, but on Olympus,” you reassure him, hesitating to put your hand on his shoulder.
No one knows the relationship between him and his father, the only thing everyone knew was that it was a tense relationship. Cautiously, you set your hand on his shoulder to relieve him. His sturdy shoulders that felt like they were holding up the entire world, slightly slumped, relaxing in your touch. You thinned your lips, thankful that at least part of him trusted you, but it only resulted in him snapping around to clutch your arm, the same arm that he grasped yesterday that had turned to hues of blue and red. You gasp at the solid grip he had on you, the pain from your bruise coming back as he tightened it. Your eyes widened at his dark orbs, making you feel timid and weak in his stare.
Jaehyun pulled you close to his chest, his strong muscles against your forearm and the smell of ashes, musk, and spice wafting to your nose. With the tiny time, you had to glance at him, his sharp features allured you to stare, even more, he was so beautiful up close. His skin was pale as the winter snow, yet his lips were as red as the cherry blossoms in the spring, everything about him hypnotized you that you didn’t even notice him lowering his head to your gaze.
“Look at me,” Jaehyun’s voice is low, almost quiet but still powerful, “I told you to never touch me again,” his voice is poison to your ears that injects fear in your veins.
You winced as you felt him tighten his hold a little bit more, but you managed to push him away from you, his grip easily slipping off like butter.
“Then don’t touch me either,” your brows creased at him before you turned on your heel to walk back to where everyone else was.
You could feel his gaze burning through your back, but you couldn’t help but turn back and see him staring right back into your soul. So you quickly walked until you saw civilization again, the buzz of lower-class students and the sounds of lockers slamming.
“Hey, where’d you go?” Mark came up behind you, making you jump.
“I-I uh, nowhere, it doesn’t matter,” you huff.
Behind you, Jaehyun turned from the corner you came out of, which sent questions out of Mark’s mouth. Such as, why you came out of the same place Jaehyun did if you were walking to him, what he had to say, etc. but you only shooed him off, picking up your pace to walk to the hand-to-hand combat room.
As much as you tried avoiding Jaehyun, the thought of him was engraved on the inside of your head. It didn’t help that since you two were in the same rankings, you’d have to train with him. Rank A, only for the best. When you found out Jaehyun was in the same class rank as you, you couldn’t help but feel a bitter taste on the tip of your tongue. You knew he was going to be trouble from the beginning.
“Um..okay, you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine Mark,” you huff at his question and he gets the signal that you no longer wanted to talk about it. That’s how you always were, you always brushed your problems to the side, and Mark’s afraid that one day, they might pile up so high on your shoulders that you’d combust and destroy yourself.
Nonetheless, Mark hums, glancing at how you purse your lips forcefully, “if you say so. What did Lucas have to say to you?”
Like the only light bulb in the only room, your eyes immediately lit up to the male’s name, “he asked me if I wanted to grab lunch with him and eat somewhere else...with just the two of us,” you thin your lips and fiddle with your fingers, even the thought of Lucas made you happy. A sudden outburst of Mark’s laughter makes you snap your thoughts to reality so you slap his arm at his lack of seriousness, “what’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” Mark clutches his stomach, his other hand shielding himself from you, “it’s just weird seeing you act this way because of some boy.”
“He’s not just some boy,” you narrow your eyes at Mark, “he’s Lucas,” you giggle, your eyes closing in innocence.
“I guess I shouldn’t say ‘weird’. It’s different, but it’s a good different, I guess,” he shrugs and walks towards the arena because it’s almost time for training.
“You guess?” you run after him.
“Yeah,” his voice raises in reassurance as he opens the door, the smell of iron protruding the air and the feeling of cement on the heels of your feet.
You slightly pout your lips and blink in your thoughts, are you really that intense that you never showed any sort of happy emotion? You never focused on anything else other than training and perfecting your skills, but now that you have, a new feeling settles on your heart.
“Don’t think about it so much,” Mark nudges you and walks ahead of you to talk to the other trainers.
You watch him jog up to the others, soaking in what he said, but it spills out of your head the second you feel a hard push on your shoulder from the person behind you. Turning your head, the person who shoved you was no one other than Jung Jaehyun, he doesn’t even look back at you as he passes you, but you give him a dirty look and inhale a sharp breath. The things he does to test your patience.
It’s only a few minutes until the other students in your ranking pour in, it’s a small group, but it’s a proud group because everyone had to train endlessly to get to the top rank. There are a few new faces, but most of the students are ones you’ve seen for a while, you nod to greet them as they all step in and stand behind you. As expected, it doesn't take too long when you begin hearing whispers from them.
“Jaehyun’s in the top group?”
“How did he make it?”
“Is he really that good?”
“Hades probably bought him his rank.”
“Or he’s just really good.”
“Yeah, he’s really attractive too.”
You roll your eyes, but immediately catch Jaehyun’s stare. You hold his gaze raising a brow and mouthing “what?” to him because it seems like at this point, he’s just looking at you to look at you. Jaehyun peels his eyes from you to look at the other students, greeting them also. The gesture is kind, his lips thinned, not lifted, but his demeanor changes and it disgusts you.
“I know! Do you think he’s talking to anyone?”
You exhale a scoff, your tongue poking out from the inside of your cheek as you turn your head, “we’re here to train. You’ve made it this far, so if your mind is still focused on catching someone’s attention, go to the Aquatic then,” your whisper is sharp, almost on the brink of cruelness.
You didn’t have time to train with others who didn’t take training seriously, if they didn’t and were focused on other things, you urged them to leave. In this case, you suggested they leave for the famous club on Mount Olympus, Aquatic, since their mind is focused on catching someone’s eye, specifically Jaehyun’s. He’s not even that great, he’s an ass.
“Alright everyone, we’re gonna start,” Mark claps his hand, gaining attention from everyone.
“Newbies, welcome, this is going to be your first day in hell,” one of the other trainers said, earning a slap in the arm from Mark.
“No, it’s not, but we will be training you to be the best. Your limits will be pushed and you might cry, but we’re only trying to make you the best of the best,” Mark explains, eyeing his peer.
“If your mind isn’t in this training room right now, then I suggest you leave or else this will be a very, very long 4 hours,” a smirk grows on the other trainer, you can’t help but mentally laugh because of how he’s trying to explain this process by scaring the newcomers. You can see the slight fear and nervousness in their eyes.
“So that being said,” Mark claps his hands again, “we’ll be testing where your skills are. You’ll be paired up with someone who’s already been training on this team for years and will be required to fight them in front of us. We just want to see where you are and if you have potential in this rank.”
“And if we don’t?” One of the girls behind you speaks up, everyone’s head turning towards you.
“Then you get demoted to the ranking before this one. As in, you go back into your old ranking group until we see that you’re ready to join,” you turn your head and reply to the girl, you raise your eyebrow at her for her lack of focus from before.
“Just as Y/N said,” Mark responds.
“Then why recruit us?” She asks.
“You’ve scored well in your old ranks, which has gained you access to this ranking group, but we have to see if you’re good enough or have the potential to train with us. We have to see if you blend in well,” a female trainer adds.
“To see if we’re good enough?” the newcomer doesn’t stop with her questions as she repeats the female trainer’s latest comment.
“Look,” you turn until you’re completely facing her, “if you want to be here so bad, then shut your mouth and stop wasting time. Focus on training and getting better instead of asking questions about your own abilities, which you should know about unless you’re actually not as good as you seem.” You tilt your head when the corner of your lip lifts into a smirk, you don’t mean to be intimidating, but she’s wasting everyone’s time.
The newbie flashes you a distasteful scoff but glances back up at the trainers who also seem to be on your side. If you heard correctly, you thought you heard Jaehyun chuckle, but you ignore it when you see the narrowness of his eyes.
“She’s right,” the female trainer defends you, clapping her hands to end the discussion and to start training, “okay, we’re gonna pair you guys up now.”
Name after name was called until it was just you and the new girl who couldn’t keep her trap shut. She had a mouth, but did she have the skills?
“Newbie, you’re with Y/N,” the second you heard your name, your lips pressed together, an impatient sigh escaping your nose.
“Come on, let’s go,” you don’t glance at her as you lead her to the area you’d usually warm up to train, “as you probably already know, I’m Y/N.”
“Maeve,” it’s a pretty name, you’ll give her that, but she says it quietly, timidly, contradicting the time she had just opened her mouth to the most respectable trainers.
Her heavy steps are heard as she follows you, both of your frustrated auras tainting the air surrounding you two. Once you get to your spot, you begin jogging wall to wall to get yourself warmed up while she begins stretching. You raised a brow at her, but didn’t think too much of it, you needed to get focused because no matter what skill level she was at, both of you had something to learn from this. You ran, jogged, did some push-ups and sit-ups before you heard the faint name of Jaehyun’s get called. You glanced up to see he was paired up with one of the male newcomers, who was almost as tall as Jaehyun, but not as lean as him. When they walked up, the newcomer walked as if he possessed a sense of confidence, like he knew he was going to beat Jaehyun. Nonsense, you mentally scoff to yourself as you eyed him.
When Mark blew the whistle, the newcomer proved you wrong, he was doing certainly well with his sharp tactics and blocking defenses. You had a feeling of what Jaehyun was doing, it’s something you do too, he was waiting for the newbie to use all of their energy before attacking them. A corner of your lips slowly lifts when you are deemed correct. As the newcomer begins to stumble, Jaehyun goes for the male, immediately punching his jaw, then his rib. The newcomer trips over his own feet and-
“You got a thing for him or something?” Maeve questioned you.
“Who- Jaehyun?” you scan her up and down, she holds a smirk on her lips as she’s in a runner’s lunge. She’s dressed in the regular uniform but dressed it in her style, which you hate to admit, looked good.
“Yeah, you know he and Aera have a thing, right?” she narrows her eyes at you, signifying that you didn’t want to get involved.
“Oh, and is that such a big deal?” you also go into the lunge until you’re at her eye-level, “Please-” you scoff, “-why would I even care to be interested in someone like him?”
She laughs at your remark, but lunges closer to your face attempting to intimidate you, “you think you’re so high up there, huh?”
Your eyes shoot daggers at her, “what are you even talking about?”
“You clearly think that since you’re the daughter of Athena, you think that you’re so good, so high up there, better than everyone else when we all know that you’re not. That this-” she points her finger up and down at your figure, “is just a show. You’re not as good as you think you are, as everyone sees you as.”
You stand up, eyeing her figure that stretches below you, “what are you trying to do? Provoke me?”
The newcomer with apparently a big ego now, stands up and gives you the same dirty expression you’re giving her, “What if I am?”
“Y/N, newbie, you’re up now!” Mark yells at you two.
You throw a smirk at her, “well consider myself provoked. Get ready for it,” you raise a brow and nudge your shoulder with her’s as you walk past her to the ring.
Passing by Mark, you flash him a prideful smile, but he clutches your arm before you could even pass him, “be gentle.”
You scoff, “don’t worry, she’ll get what she asked for.”
Mark only shakes his head as he leads the two of you to the ring. You and the newcomer both glare at each other, her with hate and you with amusement. It only takes three whistle blows until you two begin in your fighting stance. She’s quick and sharp in her movements as she attempts to throw a jab at you, but you’re faster at defending yourself. You have more force to your movements, so you punch her back, immediately coming in contact with her cheek. The newcomer spits out the blood that spills from the corner of her lip and while she’s distracted, you roundhouse kick the side of her face anticipating the sound of her body thumping the ground.
You stand and wait for her to get up and fight you, but she doesn’t. The next thing you knew, you felt contact with her feet against yours, she swung them under you, making you fall on your back, which results in you roughly falling on your back. Your breathing stutters as your chest heaves, but the next thing you knew, her hands made contact with your neck and she didn’t even show you mercy when she rapidly began to tighten her grasp on you. Your eyes widen as your passageway to air is blocked, you begin to thrash your limbs, hitting everything you could as stars begin to blanket your vision. Every second in your hold comes with a constricting pain, releasing almost every kind of worry in your head. You swore you almost saw her eyes turn black when she saw your struggle.
You can hear the shouts of trainers and chaos around you swirling through blurred vision. Everything was faint but you knew the person who managed to get the girl off of you. He lifted you onto your feet, with his arms wrapping around your limp body, knowing that you needed oxygen in your brain and blood back in your veins.
“It’s okay, I got you, I got you. You’re gonna be okay,” Jaehyun whispers in your ear, your head falling against his chest, your eyes slowly opening and closing each second as he strives to keep you standing. Each and every inhale you take is a sting to your throat, the constricting muscles feeling like they’re on fire.
“Let go of me,” you murmur through a hushed tone, weakly trying to push yourself away from him.
“Stop fighting me, let me help you,” he grunts as your body rejects any kind of his physical support.
“I don’t-” you cough, “-need...your help.”
“Shut up,” he mumbles into your ear, eyeing the trainers trying to get a hold of the newcomer who choked you.
You clutch onto Jaehyun’s arm as you glance back. Your vision is slowly returning but you can still see black in her eyes and the veins of her neck, every part of her is drowned in fury, chaos, and darkness, more intense than the male who holds you. She struggles in the trainers’ hold, the growls and screams of outrage screeching your ear.
With a wheeze, you shut your eyes at her piercing shriek, “just get me the hell out of here.”
Jaehyun does just that, he holds onto your shoulders but makes sure you’re still supported as he leads you to the infirmary. He can hear your stuttering breaths and tiny coughs. You bring your hand up to your neck, massaging the bruises and pain.
“I can walk myself,” you grumble under your breath, which is literally just your raspy voice now.
“Fine,” Jaehyun immediately lets go of you, giving you a slight push as he leaves you be, but it only leads you to fall on your knees and your palms stopping you from face planting.
You violently cough, your body still weak and slow in gaining air and strength. Glancing up at Jaehyun, he eyes you with a smug look, orbs filled with brutality. He knows that you clearly need help, your trembling breaths are begging for it but you don’t plead for his help. The last thing you want to do is ask for his help, along with being seen as weak and helpless, you didn’t want anyone’s pity.
You hear Jaehyun sighing at your crouched figure and your hand that clutches your chest, “that’s what I thought,” the taps of his feet become louder the closer he gets to you.
This time, he briskly lifts you into his arms with his hard chest against your arm. The steady bounce in his steps has your arm feeling the muscles of him, your hand fumbling with the fabric of your uniform on top of your chest. You try your best to hide the slight blush in your cheeks by looking somewhere else but your eyes land on his neck. Adorned with fine black ink into the image of a creature, it stares back at you as you admire the art that lays on his soft skin. If it wasn’t for the vile creature that stamped his neck, you would’ve perceived the artwork as fragile as an ancient vase of Olympus.
Jaehyun spares you a glance and sneers at you, “got enough air in your head, yet?”
You gulp and blink elsewhere, “yes.”
Jaehyun kicks open the door to the infirmary and lays you on the bed, “great. Now you owe me,” and proceeds to leave.
“Oh my gosh, what happened to you?” Kun’s eyes widen into space planets.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you hush him, your voice still strained.
Kun thins his lips and tends to your care. He’s gentle and careful in adding ointment on your neck, fully aware of how sensitive you are, “you probably won’t be able to speak loudly for the next couple of days, but give it time. Your throat needs to rest, so take it easy, alright?”
You nod, sucking your bottom lip as you raise your neck for more exposure, hoping that you were making his job easier. The taunting memories of what just happened come fully back in your mind, the image of the newcomer’s black eyes and veins flashes across your brain, making you gasp and jolt away from Kun’s hold.
“Did that hurt? I’m sorry!”
You softly shake your head, “no, no...sorry, I was just thinking.”
Kun peers up at you, “wanna talk about it?” You sit on the cot, contemplating your next question, but he can tell that it slightly troubles you like a phantom itch, “we don’t have to.”
“Do you know who Maeve is?” you whisper gently, but your hand grips your knee to distract yourself from the pain.
“Maeve?” his forehead creases in wonder, his mind trying to recollect any faint memory of the name, but he shakes his head, “no, I don’t think I’ve heard of her.”
You hum at his response, it was usual for you to not know everyone that attended the training center. Those who enrolled were children of the gods/goddesses, demigods, and even children of those who had the faintest amount of power that flowed through their veins. Even if you could, no one was allowed to ask or look up the background of another student, no matter how well known they already were, it was one of the morals held at the center.
“She’s the one who caused this. Just wanted to know what she holds,” you respond, referring to her power, knowing who her birth giver was would be super beneficial.
“Oh? And what would you do with that information?”
“Use it for it’s good.”
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Seems like I’m getting eaten alive more and more as I get near Jaehyun. You rub your neck, the cloth softly sticking to the ointment that Kun had just put on. He let you lay down for the time being until you were stable enough to finally be on your own and since you couldn’t talk, you listened to Kun’s rambling on his studies of the human beings that live on Earth. You had to stop him mid-sentence because you had a lunch date.
“Y/N!” your eyes snap up at the call of your name from your favorite person. Lucas, like the fresh breath of air you needed, ran to you with his big smile, gums showing his enthusiasm, and both of your lunches in his hands.
“Lucas,” you smile, your voice cracking at the male, you quickly clear your throat in the gentlest way possible as he sets a bowl of soup in your hand.
“Hi,” he huffs, “I heard what happened, so I bought you soup instead of a sandwich,” Lucas lightly nudges your arm towards the door that leads outside, assuming that’s where he plans to take you.
You stay quiet and shy when you follow him, a little too nervous to converse. The gravel beneath your scuffing feet turns into grass and then into leaves, the crunch filling up the silence between you two.
“So who’s the culprit?”
“Maeve,” your jaw tenses up when her name slips bitterly from your lips.
Lucas inhales a sharp breath, his head tilting to the side to think, “Never heard of her.”
“You don’t want to,” you mumble under your breath.
When you can hear the familiar sound of a waterfall and the crisp smell it brings, you quietly laugh to yourself as your head shakes. Disappointment taints your laughter when you wonder how Lucas found out about this place.
“It’s so pretty, isn’t it?”
“Yeah...how did you find this place?” You ask, your hand brushing against the branch that always blocks your way as you come in.
“Just a little exploring in my free time,” Lucas follows closely behind you, “come, let’s sit here.”
He leads you to the perfectly sized rocks, little does he know that you and Mark usually sit on it after your private training. He offers to open your container of soup and you let him, being the gentleman he is. Something about Lucas makes you feel at ease like he’s the four-leaf clover that can overturn the back luck that’s been happening. His laughter that soundwaves to your ears widens the smile on your face, he makes you laugh like no one’s ever made you.
You two spend time sitting on the rocks, you slurping your soup and him chewing away his sandwich as you both peer at the waterfall. With the little time you two have, it doesn’t stop him from sprinkling his little jokes from time to time, growing a smile on your face in doing so. You can’t help but feel so blissful when you’re with him, everything about him is so happy and compassionate, it’s easier to say so since he’s the child of Psyche.
“You okay?” abruptly, Lucas asks you in the middle of clutching your stomach from laughing so much.
“Yeah, why do you ask?”
“I don’t know, I’ve just never seen you laugh this much,” he shrugs, crumpling the plastic wrap of his finished sandwich.
“Maybe no one’s made me laugh this much before,” you manage to calm down, your voice returning to a quiet tone.
A pleasant smile expands Lucas’s lips, his eyes glimmer almost reflecting the waterfall and he leans in closer to you, “May I?”
You chuckle at his politeness, a part of you pleased that he had these kinds of manners, “of course.”
Gently, you felt his hands caress your jaw, and leans in closer to you, closing the gap between your lips. It’s slow, with a hint of playfulness, though he’s so careful with you that you can’t help but melt in his embrace. He makes up all of the bad luck that’s happened this week. The plumpness of Lucas’s lips left you craving for more and more, your hands resting on his chest as his hands wrapped around your waist.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do that,” Lucas whispers as he pulls away from you.
“Should’ve done it sooner,” your eyes scanned his lips up to his eyes.
You’ve known Lucas for a couple of years, your mother and his are pretty good friends, so you’d see him around at some of the gatherings his mother would host. He was a little boy when you first met him, but you’d always see him playing in the mud with some of the other kids while you sat with your mother. The moment you knew that you had feelings for him was that time when you two were still young and other kids were making fun of you for not being like other girls, a lot of the kids were afraid of becoming your friend because you were good at defending at yourself, they’d think that you’d hit them, so they distanced themselves from you. Until, Lucas stood up for you and just said that you’re just like them, just good at fighting. You will never forget the smile he flashed you when he said those words, even if they don’t sound deep and serious, it meant everything to you as a child, and now.
Like a gentleman, Lucas let you finish your lunch slowly until you two trekked back to the training center. Since it was a Friday, training was a little more laid back in the second half of the day.
“Will you be going to the bonfire tonight?” he asks you, offering to grab your bowl.
“Yeah,” you turn your head to him as the leaves turn into gravel again, “you?”
“Of course, I’d never miss a good bonfire,” he gently nudges you, but before he can speak Marks walks up to the two of you.
“I’ll see you later?” Lucas whispers, you nod to see him leave you and Mark alone.
“What’s up?”
“She’s calmed down if you wanna talk to her,” Mark lowers his gaze to your neck.
“I really don’t wanna talk to that bitch right now,” your eyes deadpan to elsewhere.
“Fine, then do you wanna see her?”
Your eyes switch back to Mark in curiosity, “does she still look the same?”
“A bit, she’s calmed down though.”
“Okay,” you inhale careful breath, “let’s go then.”
You follow Mark into the interrogation room where she sits alone, isolated in the cement walls. Mark opens the door to the other room, where you can see her but she can’t see you. In it, you find Jaehyun standing with his arms crossed as he observes her, his forehead creasing with wonder because he’s never seen anyone like this before.
“What is he doing here?” you whisper to Mark.
Apparently, you weren’t as quiet as you thought, “If there’s anyone that knows anything about hatred, it’s going to be me,” Jaehyun answers you, but doesn’t give you a glance.
You turn to Mark and all he does is just roll his eyes and nod, Jaehyun almost taking the words out of his mouth. You slowly walk up next to Jaehyun who stares at Maeve. Her eyes are still painted black, her veins tainted with black on her neck slowly disappearing, but still visible. Her hands are chained, attached to the metal table that’s drilled into the ground but there’s black smoke that surrounds her, almost as if she’s their master and whatever that smoke is, is her protection.
“So no one knows who her parents are?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” Jaehyun responds.
“Do you think your dad would know?” you discreetly ask.
“Maybe, maybe not. I only know her name and I doubt that’d be helpful at all,” he shrugs.
“Y/N, when she came onto you, did she look like this too?”
Even the thought of it weakened your knees, but you shoved it deep into your mind with a stinging gulp, “yeah, everything except the smoke,” you can recall almost everything you saw, but another part of you doubts yourself, what if it’s just the lack of oxygen that made me see it falsely at the time?
“Do you think it’s because of something you said to her?” Mark inquired.
“I’m positive, if anything, she’s the one that provoked me,” you look at Maeve, the way both her eyes pools into blackness, it’s haunting and it does nothing but sends chills down your spine and grows goosebumps on your skin.
“I don’t believe you,” Jaehyun chirps and your head snaps to him, “I mean clearly, you did something to piss her off and literally choke you. Everyone knows you have a lurking temper.”
“I didn’t say anything to her Jaehyun,” you sneer.
“Okay, okay guys, let's not start something here,” Mark interrupts Jaehyun before he could even speak. His eyes are still fixed on Maeve, but his head is empty. He has no idea what he’s going to do with her.
You were just about to speak up again until you felt the familiar constricting feeling on your neck again, you clutch onto it but there’s nothing there other than your hands. You look at Maeve from the other side of the window and she’s looking directly at you with a smug look, she can see me, it seems like she holds some kind of power that can be telepathically sent through whatever surface she wants it to penetrate through. Panic settles in your eyes, widening them and you clutch onto anything that you can. Your hands land on Jaehyun’s arm and you grip onto it, catching both his and Mark’s attention. Like before, her grip doesn’t show you any kind of mercy and the pain from before slithers into your skin.
Before your knees go weak, you let out a loud cry, and tears spill from your eyes, but Jaehyun's quick in catching you. You felt as if everything went in slow motion, but nothing was visible to you, the only thing you could see was Jaehyun’s alarmed eyes, his dark orbs begging you to keep fighting. Funny, considering that it never seems like that whenever you encounter him.
“Kill her,” Jaehyun shutters.
“You know I can’t do that,” Mark panics.
“Mark, fucking kill Maeve before she kills Y/N!” Jaehyun shouts at the trainer, his veins swelling from his neck, which results in Mark running to the other room and completely knocking Maeve out of her state.
Mark doesn’t exactly kill because that would be illegal, but he does enough to knock her out and when he does, everything dissolves in the air, the black smoke evaporates and the translucent force falls into the cement, never to be seen. You gasp for air as your body shakes in hysteria, your hands clutching at the fabric that lays on your chest as the painful relief of air slowly comes back to you. You can’t help but become fearful of it coming again and you not making out of it alive.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” Jaehyun tightens his hold on you, somehow the feeling of it brings you back to Olympus.
You stay in his arms, letting him rock you until you gain enough consciousness to push him away. You support yourself on your elbows before gathering the strength to run out of there, leaving Jaehyun foiled. Running through the walls, you don’t give care to those who look at you with bizarreness or concern, you have to go home, I need to get out of here, I need to get out of here. You repeat it to yourself over and over again until you’re actually out of the training center. Finding the nearest large rock, you plunk on it to attain the sufficient air to go on. After a couple of minutes of staring at the top of trees meeting the blue sky, you slowly stand up to walk towards town. You needed to go visit your mother, Athena.
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Everything about the building she works in is luxurious, made in marble, lit with expensive diamond chandeliers, and the smell of champagne wafts to your nose. Each person you pass by gives you a respectable greeting, you do your best to return it in the friendliest way possible. Your mother is the Commander in Chief at Olympus Affairs, she’s in charge of anything that has to do with the welfare of Mount Olympus, given her title of being the goddess of warfare, wisdom, and other affairs.
“Y/N,” your mother shoots from her chair and runs to you, “what happened to your neck?” she glances at the fragility of your neck and winces in concern as she sees hues of reds and purples taint your once smooth skin.  
“That’s why I'm here, mother-” you walk to her computer that sits on her desk, “-do you know anyone’s daughter with the name of Maeve?” you begin typing in her database, trying to look for any kind of evidence, proof that you weren’t going crazy.
“Not that I can remember, why? Is she the one who did this to you?”
“Yeah,” you type her name and thousands of results turn up, you’re just thankful that ‘Maeve’ isn’t a common name on Olympus or else you would’ve gotten more, “twice.”
“Oh dear,” your mother cups her mouth in shock, “I need to talk to the center.”
You stop your mother from pulling out your phone, “No, mother stop. Please.”
Your mother gasps in disbelief, “you could’ve died!”
Another gasp rips through the air and this time it’s yours, “Her mother is Eris, who can manipulate shadows,” you whisper the latter, connecting the dots that Maeve must’ve inherited some of her mother’s shadow manipulation abilities. When you don’t hear anything from your mother, you turn to see the colors in her face flush with pallor as she grabs the phone.
“Mother, what’s wrong?” you stand from bending over her desk with furrowed brows. And who is she calling?
“She’s back...this isn’t good...I thought so too...when are you available to talk?... Two days?!? Do you know how serious this is?!?!” you jump from the anger in your mother’s voice, “Fine. I’ll come by then-” your mother looks at you, “-and I’m bringing my daughter with me...Why?...Because she literally almost killed my only daughter you JACKASS!” With that she ends the call and slams her phone on her glass desk, you swore you could feel not only her glass desk crack but the windows behind you two that stretch from the ground to the ceiling.
“Who did you call?” you ask nervously, a bit of you already know the answer but you didn’t want to hear it.
With her hands propped on her hips, your mother replies, “Hades, we’re having dinner at their place in two days.”
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 2
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
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A month in and the grieving process hadn’t gotten any better for you. In fact, it seemed to get worse. You were barely eating, barely showering, and barely taking care of the house. The only thing that was keeping you going was the reminder that Aera needed you, and that was only barely helping.
Your family and friends had been doing their best to try and be there for you, but you had begun to isolate yourself from them. You didn’t mean to, it was just easier to do that than to have people pitying you and trying to tell you how you should grieve, especially since you still had a daughter to take care of.
The fact that you didn’t want to be around anyone didn’t stop your parents from checking up on you almost daily though, which is why your head instantly began to hurt when you heard a knock at your front door.
“Y/N-ah,” you heard your mother Chae-won shout. “We know you’re in there!”
“We just wanted to check on you,” your father Ji-tae call out. Sighing heavily, you pulled yourself up from the couch and walked over to the door, grasping the handle and yanking the door open.
“There? You happy?” You snapped, not waiting for them to reply before you were turning around and heading back to the couch. 
“No, we’re not happy,” Chae-won sighed as she walked into the house, your father following behind her and shutting the front door. “Why aren’t you answering our calls?”
“I’m grieving,” you replied simply, flopping down on the couch. 
“Where’s Aera?” Ji-tae wondered. 
“Aera!” You shouted out, fast little footsteps accompanying your words as Aera bolted into the living room.
“Papa, Nana!” Aera squealed, rushing over to your father who swooped her up into his arms and pressed multiple kisses to her little cheeks. 
“God Y/N, you look like you haven’t eaten in days,” your mother whispered as she sat down on the edge of the couch next to you. “Maybe even weeks.”
“Haven’t been hungry,” you shrugged.
“And Aera?” She wondered and you whipped your head to the side, your glare hard and intimidating.
“What kind of mother do you think I am?” You demanded to know. “Does she look like she’s lost weight to you?”
“No,” your mother shook her head. “You’re just so deep in this depression, I couldn’t be sure.”
“I may be falling apart at the seams because I lost the love of my life, but my daughter is still my whole life and I’d appreciate it if you could remember that,” you snipped and your mother nodded her head immediately. 
“Ji, why don’t you take Aera in her room to go play while I talk to Y/N-ah?” Chae-won said and your father nodded.
“Why don’t you show me some of your toys?” Ji-tae suggested and Aera’s eyes widened excitedly.
“Ok! We can have a tea party with my dolls!” She exclaimed happily, making your father chuckle as he carried her out of the living room and down the hall to her bedroom. Once your mother heard the click of Aera’s bedroom door shutting, she instantly reached out, setting her palm on your cheek gently. 
“My baby,” she whispered. “It’s breaking our hearts to see you like this, you know?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say Mom,” you murmured.
“I don’t want you to say anything,” she told you gently. “I just wish you’d let us help you.”
“Why, so I can be pitied every time that you and Daddy look at me?” You scoffed lightly. 
“We don’t pity you, but we are sad for you.”
“What’s the difference?” You shot back. “I just....I need to work through this by myself.”
“It’s not going to help me to have you and Daddy, or anyone else for that matter, breathing down my damn back,” you muttered through grit teeth, trying to contain your annoyance that would surely give way to anger if you let it. “Give me my space to deal with it how I see fit.”
“Ok honey, ok,” your mother relented. “At least answer the phone when we call so that we can know that you’re alright?”
“Fine,” you nodded.
“How about if your father and I take Aera out for some ice cream?” Chae-won suggested. “It’ll be fun for her.”
“Yeah, alright,” you agreed easily.
“And I’ll stop by the store and grab you some groceries while we’re out,” she added, and you turned to look at her with a raised brow. “Don’t even bother lying to me. I know you’re running low by now and I doubt you’ve been to the store.”
“Mom, you don’t have to do that,” you sighed. “I’ll go while you guys have Aera.”
“You sure?” Chae-won checked. “Don’t feel like you need to push yourself.” You almost laughed then, because that’s exactly what you were doing. The last thing that you wanted to do was go out to the store, to face people; but you also didn’t want to be a burden to your parents, which you already felt like given the fact that you had caused them to worry about you so much. 
“It’s fine, I got it,” you nodded, putting on a fake smile in order to help reassure her. 
“Ok, suit yourself.”
That’s how you found yourself wandering the aisles at the nearest supermarket, taking a quick glance at the list your mom had made for you. You didn’t have the attention span or patience necessary to take stock of your fridge and assess what you needed but your mom was kind of enough to do it for you, handing the list off to you before walking out of the door with your father and Aera.
As you moved towards the section of kimchi, you took a few seconds to glance over the multiple brands available. You couldn't help but to chuckle to yourself, knowing that if Hae-il were with you, he’d scold you for even looking at the store bought kimchi. “The best kimchi is always homemade”, you remembered him telling you several different times throughout the years. It was funny how grief worked, because you never expected to be tearing up in the middle of aisle 4 over kimchi. 
“Y/N?” You heard someone call and you turned your head to the right, seeing Seokjin standing there. Your eyes widened, reaching up and wiping at your eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie that you were wearing. 
“Jin, hi,” you chuckled awkwardly. “What are you doing here? I figured you would’ve been back in Japan by now.”
“I uh, I actually just moved back last week,” he revealed, making your eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“Yeah. With everything that’s happened,” he motioned with his hand and you knew that he was talking about Hae-il. “I realized that I missed home and life is kind of short to be stuck in Japan with none of my loved ones around.”
“I get it,” you nodded in understanding. 
“How are you doing?” He wondered and you squared your shoulders, preparing yourself to tell the lie that you always did whenever people had asked you that question over the last month. 
“I’m doing ok,” you told him and it looked like he wanted to challenge that, if the raise of his eyebrows said anything, but he didn’t. A few seconds of awkward silence passed between the two of you then, before he suddenly spoke up again.
“It was the kimchi, wasn’t it?” Jin asked and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Before I called your name, you were crying,” he said softly and you immediately began to shake your head.
“I wasn’t.”
“It’s ok, I’m not judging you,” he replied gently before a small smile came across his face. “You were thinking about Hae-il and his crazy agenda against store bought kimchi, weren’t you?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed breathlessly. “You knew about that?”
“Knew about it? Where do you think it originated?” Jin laughed. “When we were in college, there really wasn’t space to make kimchi the old fashioned way so we had to buy the store kimchi and Hae absolutely hated it. It got to a point where he stopped eating kimchi for almost the entirety of our college career, except for when we went home for holidays.”
“That sounds like Hae,” you giggled. “Over-dramatic as all hell.”
“Ridiculous,” Jin chuckled. Another silence fell over the two of you, but it wasn’t as awkward as before. 
“Well, I should finish this shopping so that I can get back home before my parents bring Aera home,” you said.
“Alright. Tell Little Heart that I said hi?” 
“Sure,” you nodded, moving to turn away.
“Y/N?” Jin called and you turned back to him again. “If you ever need anything, anything at all, you can call me.”
“Jin,-” you started to say but he shook his head.
“Don’t feel pressured or anything,” he assured you. “I’m not forcing you. I just wanted you to know that I’m here if needed.”
“Ok,” you replied softly. “I don’t have your number though.”
“Oh! Just a second,” he murmured, reaching inside of his suit jacket and pulling out a business card. “That has both my office number and my personal cellphone number. Feel free to use either.”
“Thank you,” you whispered and Jin shrugged dismissively.
“No problem. Have a good night Y/N,” he smiled.
“You too,” you responded, sliding his business card into your pocket before turning around and walking away. 
After getting home and getting Aera from your parents, you managed to get the groceries unpacked and put into their proper places throughout the kitchen. However, you noticed that it was getting late and that you needed to start fixing dinner.
The problem was though, that you just couldn’t find the energy to actually cook anything. You knew that you should (given the fact that you had ordered way too much take out over the past month) but between dealing with your parents and making an unwanted trip to the grocery store, you just didn’t have the energy to do anything extra.
Just as you moved to grab your phone off of the kitchen counter, there was a knock on your front door. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you walked out of the kitchen and through the hall, stepping up to the door and pulling it open. 
“Jin?” You greeted him, confusion laced through your tone. Jin was standing on your front step, a large Tupperware box in his hands as he fidgeted nervously. “What are you doing here?”
“I know this probably seems really weird,” he started and you cut him off by nodding your head rapidly.
“Extremely,” you agreed. “Did you follow me home?”
“No, of course not,” he shook his head insistently. “I couldn’t remember where the hell you even lived. It took me 20 minutes to find an area that looked even vaguely familiar and I knocked on this old lady’s door by mistake and I still think she might come after me to kill me because I think I woke up her husband or something.”
“Jin?” You interrupted him, making him stop talking. “You’re rambling.”
“Right,” he chuckled nervously. “Well, when I saw you in the store earlier, you looked exhausted. No offense.”
“None taken,” you shrugged, leaning against the doorway and crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I went home and made dinner but I always make too much because I like to cook but it’s only me at my apartment so I figured that you and Aera might like some,” he summed up. 
“Jin, you didn’t have to go through the trouble,” you sighed heavily.
“It was no trouble at all,” he assured you. “I make way too much, remember?”
“What is it?” You wondered.
“Some samgyeopsal and japchae,” he said as he extended the Tupperware towards you, and you straightened up as you took it from him. 
“Aera’s favorites,” you smiled lightly. “That’s a coincidence.”
“It really is,” he laughed. Just then, you felt tiny hands pushing your leg to the side and when you looked down, you saw Aera pushing her way into the doorway as well.
“Hi uncle Jin!” She cheered and Jin grinned widely as he bent down and held his arms out, Aera falling into them immediately.
“Hi little heart,” he cooed, taking a second to press a quick kiss to the side of her head before pulling away from her. “How are you?”
“Good! I had ice cream today with my Papa and Nana!” 
“Did you get our favorite?” 
“Yep, strawberry!” She nodded and Jin chuckled. “Why are you here?”
“Oh, I just brought you and your mommy some food,” he shrugged. “Some  samgyeopsal and japchae.”
“That’s my favorites!” She chirped excitedly, making you laugh at her. 
“I know little heart,” he nodded.
“What do you say to uncle Jin love?” You reminded her gently.
“Thank you!” She told him, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.
“No problem,” he replied before standing up straight again. “Well, I should get going.”
“You don’t want to stay for dinner or anything, do you?” You offered, remembering your manners and he smiled while shaking his head.
“No, I’m fine. I just wanted to help you out,” he responded. “See you later.”
“Bye,” you said.
“Bye uncle Jin!” Aera waved her hand wildly, making you smile as you turned around and guided her back inside of the house, shutting the door behind you. 
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dollyyun · 6 months
𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔 | chap 19
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SYPNOSIS: wherein Hwang Stella's life is tangled in a predicament involving her clandestine identity as a racer, her seemingly daily life as the official heir to the Hwang Empire, and seven guys with whom she has a complex history with.
PAIRING: enhypen members x fem oc.
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), reverse harem, chaebols, semi-college & racing, eventual adulthood, non-idol au, eventual enha being f1 drivers, multiple pov (this fic is written in first pov).
WARNINGS: mention of abuse, expletives, alcohol consumptions, smuts(kinda filthy but written in an amateur way lmao), fivesome with hyungline.
FEATURING: itzy yeji and ryujin, stray kids hyunjin, chris(bang chan) and felix.
TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun @b3tt7boop @smg-valeria @lhspeachie @enhaverse713586 @strxwbloody @firstclassjaylee
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I stare at my reflection on the mirror in the elevator, and I'm uncertain whether I love the amount of skin I'm showing or not. In fact, Aera suggested that I wear this red off-the-shoulder body-con silk dress, which accentuates my curves and allows my cleavage to be seen slightly. Aera, on the other hand, is wearing a similar body-con blue dress as mine, with the exception of the spaghetti strap. Without a doubt, she looks gorgeous.
Just earlier, Aera dragged me along with her back to our room to change into another set of clothes for the event tonight. She even insisted on helping me retouch my makeup. Throughout the process, I felt like a doll being groomed by its owner.
Presently, we are on our way to the after-party, which is the last section of the event and is only exclusive to close families and friends from both sides of the newlywed. Since it is hosted at a premium bar, which is situated just a level below the grand ballroom, Sophia obviously is not permitted to enter, so both Kelly and Minjun have decided to bring her back to their room.
"We are so going to have a blast!" Aera is brimming with enthusiasm, which is infectious, as I find myself smiling faintly despite the fact that my high spirit has withered due to seeing Hwang Minhyuk once again.
Yeji and Haneul kept their words, never informing any of our family members about Minhyuk's unwelcome arrival. On the other hand, I am tempted to let Aera know, but I don't want to dampen the mood.
I shake my head lightly as we step out of the elevator. I can't allow myself to be affected by that monster, not when I've long since recovered from the abuse and trauma he inflicted upon me for years.
No, I will not let him take this away from me. I'm surrounded by people who I can trust to unconditionally support me, and I most certainly won't allow that monster to hurt my loved ones. Hwang Minhyuk can rot in the deepest depths of hell with his precious Rena.
"Woah, girl! Slow down! The bar isn't going anywhere!" Aera exclaims in between giggles as soon as I drag her with me to enter the bar after having our identifications and RSVPs checked.
I don't release Aera from my grasp, even as I take a look around the massive bar that probably expands at least half of the floor here. Honestly, the bar looks more like an actual club with its red and purple LED lights that illuminate the entire floor and the house music that is playing as it reverberates across the expanse of the bar. There is even an intimately demarcated indoor pool that the translucent barrier allows those near the pub to gaze upon, with a few individuals already playing in it, most likely Haneul's guests.
It appears that both Yeji and Haneul have booked the entire bar, considering that I recognise these faces from prior to the wedding ceremony. I spot my brother from afar, settling on one of the tables that is surrounded by presumably no strangers to him, given how his usual intimidating countenance seems animated.
"If I had known that there was a pool, I would've brought my swimsuit." Aera's pouty voice brings my attention to her. "Hey, why don't we find my brother and the rest of the guys?"
"Uh, no way. I can't risk anything since my brother is here." I tug at her hand to pull her back, just as she tries to walk away. "Remember what I told you earlier?" Back in our room, I informed Aera about my concern about revealing my relationship with them to my family.
"We're just meeting them under the pretence of you being their friend." Aera bats her eyelashes at me in an innocent manner while mischief glints in her eye. "But I'm not certain that they would be able to control and keep their hands to themselves once they see you."
"So you did have an ulterior motive when you suggested this dress?" I ask, raising my eyebrow at her.
"Maybe. Maybe not." Aera shrugs her shoulders indifferently, but with my glare straight at her face, she concedes. "Okay, fine. You caught me. But I swear, I had a good intention!"
"And what intention does it entail?"
"To test them to see if they could control themselves because, babe, you're actually smoking hot." Aera drawls, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "If you hadn't noticed, they're completely obsessed with you. Heck, I even saw how frustrated my brother was by your avoidance."
I roll my eyes. "I'm sure Jungwon, Sunoo, and Riki have informed them about it. Even if they disagree with me, they'll just have to suck it up and just deal with it."
"You know what? I agree." Aera nods her head, though there is a smirk on her face. "Just like you might have to deal with the consequences of being adamantly stubborn in your resolve."
I gasp, offended. "Hey!"
"And there goes the incoming tension." Aera whistles lowly, her eyes are fixed straight ahead, to which I turn my head to look at where she is looking.
The sight itself makes my heart lurch in my chest while the annoying jitters return, as do the butterflies in their wake. It appears that they, too, have changed their formal outfit into something a little more laid-back, but enough to make me drool. Seated on the couches from afar are Heeseung, Jay, Jaeyun, and Sunghoon.
Heeseung catches my eye the instant, and though his face is devoid of emotion, his gaze alone is enough to let me know that he's the predator to my prey. He is leisurely seated on the couch with his legs spread while holding a glass of wine. My eyes begin to shamelessly scan his appearance. His black v-line top is accompanied by a white coat with the sleeves rolled to his forearms, revealing his silver necklace with a ring pendant resting on his chest. His mullet lures me to skim my fingers through his soft locks.
Next to him is Jaeyun, who is sitting a little politely with his leg diagonally crossed over the other. He is dressed in a baby blue blouse with an unbuttoned top, allowing his chain necklace to be visible as it rests on his neckline, to which he mindlessly fiddles with it while a grin graces his handsome countenance. Jaeyun appears to be conversing with Jay, who is seated on the other single couch, which allows me to appreciate his fine countenance.
Jay is donning an outfit similar to Heeseung's, with the exception of being all white. His slicked-back hair with a few loose strands hovering over his chiselled forehead sends a flutter to my heart, as it is one of my favourite hairstyles on him. His lips form a smirk with a dimple on his cheek, probably finding amusement in whatever Jaeyun is saying.
Feeling another heated pair of eyes drilling into my face, I turn to meet Sunghoon's eyes. There is something about Sunghoon in black leather. The material is clad around his muscles, and even I can see how taut the material is against his biceps. Warmth weaves across my cheeks as I realise that he is mirroring Heeseung's manspread.
As soon as I'm done blatantly checking them out, I unintentionally return my gaze to Heeseung, but this time, all of their eyes are on me. I don't know what they are thinking, but the look on their faces denotes approval, as they seem to check me out quite openly, despite the intimidating aura they exude.
"Babe, I don't know what just happened, but that was hot as fuck." Aera snaps me out of the trance as I look at her. There is a stupid grin on her face. "I'm totally living for the tension."
"There is no tension." I assert, still feeling their eyes on me. "Tonight, I want to steer clear of them. Let's go and get to drinking."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Aera and I headed for the pub, and coincidentally, Yeji and Haneul arrived, to which everyone cheered and applauded the newlywed once again before resuming their respective endeavours while some approached the newlywed and engaged in conversation.
I leisurely take sips of my vodka soda, which is in the interesting colour of vibrant blue. From my peripheral vision, Aera is still on a video call with Jeongin and yapping away while her other hand is gripping her half-empty vodka.
"Stella." Yeji's voice brings my attention to her, and at the same time, her hand is placed on my lower back. Without moving from the stool, I turn to my body to face her, who is staring at me with such concern as though I might break at any moment of time. "How are you feeling?"
In response, I manage a smile—a genuine one at that. "I feel great! Better than I ever was!"
"Uh oh, is this the alcohol talking?" Yeji narrows her eyes at the glass in my hand.
"It's a party, Yeji Unnie. We need to loosen up ourselves and move along the flow." I don't know why, but I do genuinely feel delighted. Upon seeing Yeji's apparent wariness, I pat her shoulder and chuckle. "Don't worry, big sis. I promise that I'm completely sober."
"Stella has a high alcohol tolerance." Aera chimes in, probably having ended her call with Jeongin. "I think the person you should worry most about once she's drunk is me, Yeji."
Yeji darts her eyes between us before her gaze lingers on my face a little longer, and upon seeing how evidently relaxed I appear, she heaves a sigh and musters a smile. "Alright. Just make sure to enjoy yourselves in a safe manner."
"Honey! You remember Alex from my department back in college?" Haneul appears with an unfamiliar man beside him, and just like that, Yeji withdraws herself from us and entertains the guests.
"I've been looking everywhere for you, baby sis." Hyunjin comes into our view with two unfamiliar men following him from behind.
I greet him with a teasing grin. "Shouldn't you be looking for your other baby sister?"
"She's busy with her husband entertaining their guests." Hyunjin tells me before introducing the two gentlemen. "These are my best friends, Felix and Chris. Coincidentally, they've been close friends with Haneul since college."
"So you're the sister we've been hearing about." The blonde mullet surprises me by how deep his voice sounds, as does the apparent Australian accent. He offers me a charming grin with his hand extended to me. "Hey, I'm Felix. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
I reciprocate the handshake and offer him a small smile in return. "Stella." The moment I introduce myself, Felix grips my hand gently before raising it to give me a kiss on my knuckles.
"We know. We've heard so much about you from your yapping brother." Felix chuckles deeply as he gently releases my hand.
"Oh, did he, now?" I divert my gaze to Hyunjin while the latter smiles sheepishly.
"He couldn't help it. He has always been incredibly proud of you, including the fact that you play an important role in the Formula 1 industry." The raven-haired man, with a similar accent to Felix's, speaks. His kind eyes meet mine while a smile touches his lips. He extends his hand to me, to which I reciprocate. "I'm Chris."
"Nice meeting you two." I say politely before turning to Aera, who has been silent and watching with calculating eyes. "This is my best friend, Aera." Aera shoots them a smile, though it is rather a curt one, before she resumes minding her own business.
"Hyunjin!" An unfamiliar voice calls for my brother from afar as he waves his hand, to which Hyunjin looks at the person with a smile of recognition. Hyunjin returns his gaze to us. "I'll be right back, and don't even try to do anything funny with my sister." He directs the warning to the two gentlemen before walking away.
"Say, would you like to join us?" Felix asks, directing his question to both Aera and me. "We can have shots while we wait for Hyunjin, or even play the pool since the more players, the merrier."
"Did you say shots?" Aera butts in, no longer is there the perceptible hostility she exuded earlier. A Cheshire grin spreads across her lips. "I'm in."
"Great! What about you, Stella?" Chris asks with all eyes on me.
"You should join! Shots are your expertise, after all!" Aera beams at me before looking back at the guys. "She's a champion. Once, we were at a club, and there was this contest where participants were required to take as many shots as they could handle."
"Let me guess, Stella won?" Felix chuckles.
"Yup. I had no idea how she managed to stay sober even after taking too many shots. She's a beast."
"It's nothing." I shrug my shoulders. "Anyone can drink that many shots and still stay sober."
"So, Miss Champion, wanna take on the challenge once more?" Felix asks, raising his eyebrow at me.
A challenging glint in my eyes. "You're on."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
At first, the challenge was purely for entertainment between the four of us, with Aera and I on the same team and Felix and Chris on the same team. But as time passes, we draw attention from the other guests, and soon after, some of them decide to participate in the challenge as well, including Haneul, who looks exhilarated in his element.
"Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!"
The crowd around me chants loudly, as does the bass-boosted music that is playing in the background, galvanising me into downing the ninth shot as I throw my head to the back. I'm still sober, but being in this element makes me feel exhilarated.
The tequila trickles down my burning throat before I slam down the glass shot on the table, smirking as I feel excessive content that trickles down my chin. It looks like I'm the only one left standing while the others who participated are either inebriated or have given up and rest aside. I can't precisely recall the last time I had this much fun.
"Come on, Stella! A few more shots! You got this!" Aera, in her drunken stupor, cheers for me, with Sunoo holding her against him. I don't miss the way Sunoo's eyes gleam with concern for me, but I am too exhilarated to care about anything else other than proving that I'm a champion at taking shots.
"You go girl!"
"Holy shit! She took all of those shots just like that?!"
"Isn't she Yeji's sister?"
"I had no idea Yeji's sister was smoking hot."
I disregard every comment amidst the cheers and continue to down a few more shots. I lick my bottom lip as I grab for the last glass, and this time, with the adrenaline rush through my every fibre, I rise from my seat and climb on the table while the volume of the cheers increases as they watch me throw my head to my back with one last shot.
The cheers reverberate throughout the entire floor as they applaud me. With the corner of my lips curving into a smirk, I wipe the dampness on my chin with my thumb, but as my gaze accidentally falls to certain individuals who have been watching me in silence not so far from where we are, something stirs within me.
They don't look the slightest pleased, but at the same time, similar provocative sentiments reflect in their dark, dangerous gaze. Forcing myself to look away from them, I decide to dismount from the table, but Felix instantly swoops in to assist me, his hands on my waist as he brings me down until I'm standing on both feet.
With the applause and compliments thrown at me from the crowd, I thank them with a smile in return before they slowly disperse, mainly to the dance floor.
"Wow. You were amazing." Felix expresses his amazement, chuckling breathily as he stands close to me, but I disregard the close proximity between us and continue to remain friendly with him.
"And you were a loser." I tease, wearing a lopsided grin on my moist lips from all the shots. "Five shots only? Was that all you could take?"
"Hey! Not everyone can be as professional as you!" Felix counters playfully. "But seriously, though, you're a beast. I've never met a girl as interesting as you before."
"Is this the part where you ask me for a dance?" I ask as the grin persists on my lips. "Because I'm certainly ready to dance the night away!" I laugh gleefully, and without waiting for him, I weave through the crowd to make my way to the dance floor, where the newlyweds can be seen dancing silly in their own little world while Hyunjin is being suspiciously intimate with a fine lady as they dance to the rhythm of the music.
"Stella." Riki's voice, as well as his grip on my wrist, forces me to stop in my tracks. As I look at him, his face looks serious. "I think you should stop."
A frown tugs at my lips while my face contorts into confusion. "Stop what?"
"The avoiding being seen by us and all." Riki says in a low whisper. "Just so you know, Sunoo and I are still totally fine about it, but that can't be said the same for the rest."
I scoff. "Yeah? And how are they going to stop me?"
Riki observes my face carefully before he heaves a sigh and releases my hand. "Don't say I didn't warn you, Stel."
"Here you are, doll." Jungwon's voice from the side prompts me to look at him, and to say he looks calm somehow makes me nervous. "Are you done?"
"Done with the party?" I back away from them, grinning deviously as I feel oddly intoxicated despite being sober. "Nahhhh. But if you're done, you can leave! There's the exit!"
This time, Jungwon doesn't bother concealing his annoyance. "Stella─"
But I can no longer hear him, nor do I see the sight of him as I finally arrive by the dance floor. My body moves naturally to the infectious rhythm, the alcohol in my system adding to my euphoric sways. I don't know the people who I'm dancing with, but we go with the flow, laughing and enjoying the moment, until I am being tugged hard before I bump into Felix, who is holding my forearm.
"You left me." Felix feigns sadness. "I've been trying to search for you."
"Well, I'm here now." I chuckle. "Show me your moves, then." Judging by his flawless dance skills, I can definitely confirm that he must be in the same career field as Hyunjin.
"Woah!" I stumble into him just as someone shoves their way from behind, resulting in me losing my balance, but Felix holds me steady with his hands on my waist.
"Rude." Felix clicks his tongue in annoyance before looking at me worriedly. "You okay?"
"Yeah. I think." I chuckle breathily while my head throbs faintly. "I guess all the tequila shots are starting to get to me."
"You should drink water after this." Felix suggests, to which I nod, but then comes the awkward silence. It takes me some time to realise that his hands remain on my waist and that there is a lack of space between our bodies, causing me to snap out of it as my eyes widen.
Just as I open my mouth, I feel a heavy presence behind me, and the sound of his voice cuts through the air like a razor-sharp knife, enough to make us both go flinching.
"Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend."
Shivers run down my spine at how pissed-off he sounds with his low and husky voice, resounding enough to reach both of our ears.
Felix, however, does not remove his hands from me. Instead, Felix cocks an eyebrow at him in a challenge before looking back at me. "You know this dude?"
"Yes, she does." He says with a snarl.
Felix's eyes harden as he releases me, now attempting to square up. "She can speak for herself. Who the hell even are you?"
"I'm her boyfriend, you dumb fuck─"
"Enough." I step in between them just as they are close enough to nearly land a punch on one another. I look at Felix with my lips pressed thinly. "I apologise for my boyfriend's behaviour."
"Apologise?" I hear him scoffing in disbelief.
Disappointment shines in Felix's eyes before he musters a tight smile. "It's fine. I should go."
"Yeah, you should! You should get the fuck away from my girl!"
"Jaeyun." I hiss, turning my head to glare at a pissed-off Jaeyun. "You're being ridiculous!"
Amidst my annoyance, I can't deny the fact that I am more than intimidated by Jaeyun's aura. He clicks his tongue, smirking as he does so while taking deliberate steps forward, which I instinctively back away from. "Are you kidding me right now, love?"
I swallow harshly. "You're being territorial for nothing! Felix meant no harm. He's just a friend."
"A friend who eye-fucks you?" Jaeyun tilts his head to one side, his gaze on me remaining heated, while the smirk on his lips widens just a fraction. "Hey, Jay. You heard what our girl just said?" He says without breaking eye contact.
In an instant, a gasp leaves my lips as soon as my back hits a solid chest. I don't even have the chance to move away, as he has his strong arms wrapped around my waist.
"Is that so?" Jay says softly beside my ear, his breath hitting the shell of my earlobe as does the tip of his nose. But I know better than to be deceived by the softness of his voice. My heart flutters when he kisses my cheek and remains there before a faux sigh leaves his lips. "Baby's been bad."
I bite down on my lip harshly, hating how my body is starting to feel affected by his touch. "We can't be seen like this─"
"I don't give a fuck about whether your brother or sister sees us now." Jay speaks harshly beside my ear while his grip on me tightens. "You've been bad, baby."
"Ignoring your men throughout the event and talking to other men, taking shots like a champ," Jaeyun lists down, standing close until I'm being sandwiched by them. He grips my chin firmly and forces eye contact with me. "Dancing with another man and allowed him to fucking touch you."
My mind is intoxicated by their strong cologne and their touch on my body. "He's just a friend." I adamantly insist, though I feel strongly weakened by their assertive dominance, which feels suffocating.
"Jungwon told us about you acting like a brat earlier." Jaeyun tuts, reprimanding me. "I must say that we're rather disappointed in you."
"Guess it's time for our girl to learn a lesson." Jay places a sensual kiss below my ear, where my throbbing pulse is.
"Fuck you." I blurt out whatever comes to mind, but despite my vexation, a familiar heat stirs within me.
"Such foul words aren't suitable coming from those pretty lips of yours." Jaeyun closes the gap between our lips, but he doesn't kiss me. Instead, he chuckles breathily against my lips. "How about I put those lips of yours around something else for lesson one?"
"Like your dick?" I go straight to the point, whispering against his lips while a smirk touches my lips. "No thanks. I'd rather suck a lollipop. At least a lollipop has flavour."
"My, my. She is a brat." Jay chuckles at Jaeyun. "Should we let her go for now?"
"Of course. If our girl wants to act like a brat, then she'll have to deal with the consequences." Jaeyun states calmly without tearing his gaze off my eyes.
"Go back to the entrance and wait there." Jay instructs as he speaks softly in my ear amidst the loud music in the background. "Don't you even dare to escape. Understood, baby?"
Feigning compliance, I acquiesce with a head nod before Jay releases me. I don't waste time pushing my way through the crowd, all the while my pulses drum loudly in my ears. A part of me is afraid, but another part of me feels exhilarated about what is to come next.
Maybe it's the alcohol that is slowly taking effect on me, but I do feel a little rebellious right now, and I want to test to see how far they can last with their patience. And so, instead of waiting for any of them by the entrance, I walk briskly towards the elevator that coincidentally opens as soon as I reach it.
A triumphant grin smears across my lips as I step in and push the button, but the moment I turn around, my eyes widen just slightly as he enters as well. Unlike Jay and Jake, there are no traces of anger in his countenance. Instead, he appears calm and collected, with his hands tucked in his pockets.
"Going somewhere, sweetheart?"
His honeyed voice is alluring, tempting me to fall into his trap, which is the facade he puts up. The elevator closes, leaving me completely alone and vulnerable with him. Upon the protracted silence from me, his lips unfurl a soft smirk. "Afraid, sweetheart? There's nothing to be afraid of." He extends his hand to me while he continues to speak in a soft, gentle tone that weakens me. "Hold my hand."
I hesitate for a moment, but I eventually give in, placing my hand on his. He grips it firmly before raising it to kiss the back of my hand. "See? There is nothing to be afraid of."
The elevator opens, revealing the floor where my room is situated. He tugs me along with him, prompting me to follow. With every step I take, my heart is beating at a rapid pace, and I feel a mixture of apprehension and excitement when we walk past my room, having no intention to stop. That is, until he abruptly stops near the door, which is situated right at the far end.
"Heeseung." I utter his name in a shaky breath, but the next thing I know, he has me pinned against the wall beside the door, holding underneath my thigh and hoisting my leg to his hip.
"Shh." He places his finger against my lips. His voice remains softer than ever, but I am no fool to ignore the danger lurking beneath. "You didn't think you could get away after all the stunts that you pulled tonight?" He asks in a murmur as his finger slides downward slowly. "What was his name? The guy who touched you?"
"Felix." I answer meekly.
"Felix." Heeseung repeats his name in a mockery. "Oh, sweetheart, you shouldn't have played with fire, taunting us with the way you danced with him and how he held your curves."
I open my mouth to speak, but he silences me swiftly when he slams his lips on mine, kissing me hard with such fervour that is unlike any other. He kisses like he's punishing me, and yet, I find myself succumbing to his dark allure willingly.
He bites down on my bottom lip, enough to hurt me just slightly. A whimper crawls the back of my throat. "Hee." At once, I hear faint laughter from five doors down the corridor. Kelly and Minjun. I grab a fist of his black tip, trying to pull away from his unforgiving lips. "Hee, my dad and Kelly." I whimper once more.
Heeseung obviously has no intention to stop with the way he is kissing me senselessly, which has me fluttering my eyes closed and allowing him to punish me through his kisses. The wet smacking sound of our lips bounces off these walls, and I know for a fact that I'm doomed if Minjun or Kelly decide to step outside.
"Heyyyyy, Heeseungggg!" Aera's sluggish voice calls out from afar, and I'm thankful because he stops moving his lips on mine, sighing against my lips in annoyance before pulling away and allowing me to finally breathe.
My lips feel swollen from the aftermath as I lean the back of my head against the wall, watching as Heeseung turns to the side and looks at Aera.
"Heeseung, a little help?" Sunoo's voice draws my attention, and I spot him supporting Aera with her arm draped around his neck while he holds her waist. "I still need to get Ni-Ki and Jungwon sober since they drank too much."
"I feel like throwing up!" Aera moans, her limbs flailing in Sunoo's grasps.
I catch the way Heeseung's jaw clenches before he returns his gaze to mine. "See you in awhile, yeah?" He whispers, leaning down to kiss my forehead sweetly before he releases me.
"Heyyy, I saw what you did there!" Aera giggles, her eyes going droopy. "She's hot, right? You better thank me, big bro!"
As I watch them, I am distracted by the sound of a door swinging open at the side. When I turn, I am met by Sunghoon, who is leisurely leaning his back against the door with his arms crossed over his chest. His lips curve into a smirk as he looks at me. "Look who it is. The bratty princess has graced us with her presence."
I shoot him a glare, totally not amused. "Call me brat one more time."
The smirk on his lips falls flat. The aura he exudes is akin to the other three. "Get inside."
I hold my chin up in defiance. "No."
"Get.Inside." He punctuates, his voice is deeper and darker. "Or I'll have you thrown over my shoulder and make you regret it."
"Fuck no." I turn my back on him with the intention of walking away, but I should know better than to challenge him.
"Park Sunghoon!" I hiss, trying my best not to scream as he carries me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I kick my legs in the air and throw weak punches on his back, but in return, his palm lands hard on my butt-cheek.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Sunghoon throws me on the bed, barely giving me time to comprehend how things are escalating so fast within the night as he hovers on top of me with his fingers curling around my neck firmly. I flutter my eyelashes, staring at him in a way that has him clenching his jaw while his dark eyes penetrate into mine.
"Who was he, and why the fuck did he touch you that way?" He asks harshly, his veins along his neck protruding just slightly.
Feigning undeterred by his sheer anger, I scoff out a smirk, cocking my eyebrow at him with a challenging glint in my eye. "Jealousy doesn't look good on you, Park." I gasp as soon as he tightens his grip around my neck. I grit my teeth as I shoot him a glare. "Screw you. He was nothing more than just a friend."
"I'm so gonna enjoy fucking the attitude out of you." He snarls, descending his hand to my lower region, until he presses his fingers on my panties which have long since leaked with the pre-essence.
"Oh? What is this?" He asks mockingly, stroking upward on the outlines of my wet folds against the material of my panties. "The brat is wet." A smirk touches his lips as he hooks his fingers around the string of my panties before pulling it down, nearly ripping it off, and tossing it elsewhere.
"Not wet for you." The lie rolls easily from my tongue, but soon, I feel a hard smack on my wet folds, eliciting a gasp from me while my hips jerk at the painful yet pleasurable sensation.
"And the brat lies too." He sneers down at me and lands another smack on my pulsating cunt. This time, I don't hold back as I moan breathily. "Such a bratty slut. You're liking this?" He smacks again and again, until he has me whining underneath him.
"Please." I buck my hips, attempting to feel something to relieve my pulsating cunt, which is in dire need of being ruined.
"You seem to forget that this is a punishment." His thumb comes into contact with my sensitive clit, slowly rubbing it while keeping his eyes on my face, watching as my breaths become heavier.
"Sunghoon." I plead once more, and this time, he gives me what I want, instantly shoving two of his long, slender fingers into my hole, moving in and out at a fast pace that has me moaning uncontrollably at the sheer sensitivity.
"Fucking hell. You're so, so wet." Sunghoon hisses, relentlessly fucking his fingers into me before I feel his fingers curled inside. I latch my hands on his forearm, rutting and moving my hips in a way to feel him deeper.
"Hoon!" My back is arched with my eyes rolling to the back, and my mouth falls slack at the intense buildup of the climax that will come crashing down at any moment of time.
"Not yet, princess." Despite his words, he continues to fuck me with his fingers, the wetness from my slippery folds echos in the room as they overpower my moans. Though my orgasm is impending, I desperately move my hips sensually, having my aching clit that is in need of attention grind against his wrist. "Ride my fingers just like that, princess. Ride it like you're riding my dick." His words of encouragement fuel me to ride his fingers exactly the way I would ride a dick.
Sunghoon continues to whisper such filthy words to me, occasionally kissing my cheek. "Yeah? Scream my name, princess."
I bite down on my lip hard, refusing to scream. My defiance seems to fuel his vexation, fucking into me fast. "I said fucking scream."
"Hoon." A pathetic whimper leaves my lips instead, to which he sighs in disappointment and abruptly pulls his fingers away from my cunt. Tears prick in my eyes, feeling frustrated that he pulled away just before I could come down from the high.
"You're so fucking mean!" A whine tears from my throat as I attempt to shove him away from me, pushing him to the chest, and in retaliation, he grabs both of my forearms and pulls me up, forcing me to sit straight. He swiftly wraps my legs around his waist and carries me somewhere else until he decides to settle himself on the couch.
"Don't forget that you're still in trouble." Sunghoon dismisses my glare, and his hand ascends to brush my messy locks away from my face frame. His eyes scan from my body to my face, causing the smirk to return to his lips. "Did I ever tell you how gorgeous you look?"
"No." I mumble moodily.
"That's because it's your fault." He pulls me by the nape harshly and kisses me hard, akin to how Heeseung had kissed me earlier, except Sunghoon doesn't make it hurt. He pushes his tongue inside the hot cavern of my mouth while I helplessly moan into his mouth. He pulls away just slightly, breathing harshly against my moist lips. "If you hadn't been avoiding me like a plague, I would've already told you how gorgeous you looked."
"You guys started without us?" Jaeyun's voice draws my attention as I look to the side. My heart nearly combusts at the side of Jaeyun, grinning lazily with his hands tucked inside his pockets as he leans sideways against the doorframe.
"What took you guys so long to get here?" Sunghoon asks roughly, still holding me in place on his lap. Heat spreads through my face as Jaeyun's eyes flicker down at my bare leg that is straddling Sunghoon's thigh.
"We had to help Sunoo with a drunken situation involving Riki and Jungwon." Jaeyun explains, oh so casually, as if the sight of me being half-bare naked from the bottom sitting on top of his best friend is the norm.
"Heeseung will be a little late." My heart lurches in my chest at the moment Jay appears from behind Jaeyun as he enters the room. "He's helping Sunoo deal with Aera. Apparently, she threw up quite a lot."
"Now, what shall we do with you, my love?" Jaeyun asks with his head tilted to one side, striding towards us.
Sunghoon grabs a fist of my hair from behind, tugging it firmly. "Answer his question, princess."
"You guys are a bunch of mean fucks." I scoff out, refusing to be obedient, which they thought I would be. In return, Sunghoon tugs my hair rather painfully, eliciting a wince from me.
"I think the one who is mean here is you, babe." Jay tuts in disapproval. "We're your boyfriends, aren't we?"
"Yes." I wince again as Sunghoon doesn't relent, but he dips his head down to pepper sensual kisses on my neck, adding pleasure to the pain.
With my head being forced to turn sideways, Jaeyun comes bending down to my eye level. "Then fucking treat us like your boyfriends." Jaeyun looks at Sunghoon. "Hoon, let her go."
To my surprise, Sunghoon complies, pulling away from my neck and releasing his painful grip on my hair. When he rises from the couch, I do too, but there is no way to escape, not when I'm surrounded by them.
"Now, love, you said that you'd rather suck a lollipop because it has a flavour." Jaeyun settles where Sunghoon previously sat on the couch. "I want you to get on your knees and suck me until you swallow every drop, since you wanted a flavour, right?" He asks mockingly.
I know that I should be acting defiant since I wanted to test the limitations of their patience, but the thought of sucking him off salivated in my mouth. Before I know it, I sit on my knees politely with my eyes fixated on him as he unbuckles his belt before discarding everything till he is bare, resulting in my mouth literally watering at the sight of his cock, fully erect. Without a word, I grab his length, and my thumb teasingly brushes his slit with pre-essence leaking, eliciting a hiss from him.
"Don't even think about teasing me." Jake grits his teeth, and dare I say he looks enticing despite how he is glaring at me. "Suck me until I'm done dumping it all into your mouth."
I comply, not wanting to get into any more trouble than I already do. Leaning down, my mouth begins to envelop its head, but before I can take him deeper at my own pace, Sunghoon presses the back of my head, forcing me to take Jake deeper in an abrupt manner. Jake immediately grab a fist of my hair, moving my head.
I almost choke on how thick his cock is. I flutter my eyes close, trying to breathe through my nose, before continuing to bobble my head up and down. Jake's moans sound like music to my ears as I continue to administer my skills in sucking him good, my tongue swirling around the tip that has him fisting my hair harder, tugging it painfully.
"That's it. Take him deep, princess." Sunghoon coos by the side, bending down to caress my now tear-stained cheek. "Such a hungry cockslut for us."
I moan in return, and the vibration from the back of my throat shoots to his dick, sending Jake into a frenzy as he moans. "Just like that." He throws his head to the back in a state of ecstasy that has me humming in approval. "Shit! I'm cumming!"
I don't stop, instead sucking him harder to the point where my cheeks are starting to hurt, as does my aching clit which is begging to be touched and rubbed. Finally, his tip starts to spurt out his essence, and I swallow eagerly until nothing is left, hearing him moan out, which has me craving his approval.
"Good fucking girl." Jay caresses my hair as he praises me while I slowly remove myself from Jake's softened dick. Jay helps me up, but he turns me around to face him, making my face contort into a confused frown.
"What's the safe word, baby?" Jay asks softly, his hand gently caressing my arm. Though his administration is soft, his gaze alone is looking at me dangerously, just as the rest do, and I know that I'm inevitably fucked.
"Um, red?" I say the instant it pops into my head. Before I can speak, my vision is slowly and wholly obscured by a blindfold. My heart begins to pound harder in anticipation. My hand reaches up to touch it. "What is this for?"
"Part of your punishment." Jay replies calmly as he holds my hand, preventing me from touching it. "It's one of many of Sunghoon and Jake's kinks."
I hear Jake scoff in disbelief. "You're into it too!"
"Enough talking." Sunghoon's deep voice speaks beside my ear, his hands place on my hips, gripping them as he presses his body against mine from behind, eliciting a soft gasp from me at the feeling of his hardened bulge. I feel him unzipping down my dress slowly before his lips come into contact with my shoulder blade, sending a shiver down my spine. The instant my dress drops to the floor, the cool air from the room temperature has my nipples hardening.
"Look. Baby's dripping wet." Jay coos before I feel his hand on my waist while the other strokes my damp underwear, eliciting a moan from me. "How are you so wet just from sucking Jake?"
"Because she's a slut." Sunghoon trails his kisses along my shoulder blade, pushing my hair to the side. He nips at my earlobe, just enough to cause pain. "Our slut." He purrs.
I gasp once more as soon as Jay slams his lips on mine, kissing me hard as though he needs air. I feel Sunghoon's hands descend from my shoulders and stop at where my breasts are, cupping them roughly with his fingers pinching and fiddling with my hardened nipples, eliciting a moan from me, which Jay greedily swallows and invades the hot cavern of my mouth with his tongue.
"Fuck, that's so hot." I hear Jake cussing out loud, and judging by his rasp and heavy breathing, I'm assuming that he's palming himself and jacking off.
I don't know how long I've been sandwiched between two hot men, but long enough to realise that they have brought me to the bed. Jay detaches his lips from my swollen ones before I hear something shuffling. No break is given to me as Sunghoon forces my head to turn sideways with his hand cradling my jaw before he envelops me in a searing kiss.
But soon, I feel a hand tugging at mine before he pulls me to him. "Lay down on your back for me, baby." Jay instructs me, to which I comply. The second my back hits the mattress, Jay wastes no time in hooking his arms underneath my thighs and pulling me to the edge of the bed, my legs resting over his shoulders.
A breathy moan escapes from me the instant he attaches his mouth to my clit, tentatively licking and sucking the bundle while my hands attempt to reach down to grab his hair, but I feel another pair of hands holding my arms, preventing me from doing so. The next thing I know, those hands pin mine above my head firmly before I feel a smooth leather belt tying around my wrists, tight enough for me to be unable to break free.
"No." I weakly protest in a breathy moan, rolling my hips forward as Jay teasingly slides down his wet muscle to my folds before delving into my wet cunt as though he is trying to find something. "Please, let me touch you." I plead, my hips rutting against his face, resulting in my clit grazing against the tip of his nose.
"No can do, princess. This is your punishment." Sunghoon speaks above me as I feel him caressing my cheek before he trails his fingers downward and stops at where my hardened nipple is, pinching and rolling the pearl between his fingers.
"I'm cumming!" I announce in a moan, the orgasm crashing down on me without any warning while Jay continues to lap my cunt, not wasting any essence to escape from his tongue. Finally, he pulls away, and I hear him scoff. "Baby came without permission." I can imagine the smirk on Jay's face just by the way he speaks.
"Did she, now?" Sunghoon tuts in disapproval and pinches my nipple for one last time before I feel him dipping off the bed. The next thing I know, a pair of hands manhandle me, turning me over with my stomach flat on the mattress. "Ass up." Sunghoon commands sternly, and despite my still trembling thighs, I do so with a little difficulty due to my wrists being bound by the belt.
I hear shuffling behind me before my body jolts in surprise when a palm lands a sharp smack on my ass, eliciting a pained moan from me. He does it again, again, and again until he has me in tears due to how hurtful it is, and yet I can feel wetness forming on my wet folds.
"Can't believe she's fucking dripping." Jaeyun remarks with a condescending chuckle from the couch behind us.
"Please." I flinch as soon as he smacks my ass again while I attempt to entice him to take me as I push my ass towards him.
"Please what?" Sunghoon asks, mocking me, and this time, his palms rub my sore cheek, which is probably in the shade of red.
"Please fuck me." I manage to utter, my eyes closing at his fingers sliding on my wet folds in a teasing manner.
"Should we give into what baby wants?" Jay's question seems to be directed at the two of them.
"If princess wants to get fucked, then she'll get fucked." Sunghoon's rough voice turns me on, as does the moment he taps his cock against my wet folds while I wait in anticipation.
"Ah!" My body almost jolts forward as soon as he shoves his cock into my waiting hole. He slowly withdraws his cock with just the tip remaining before shoving into me hard once more, and he repeatedly does it. I feel him leaning his body forward before he grabs my bound wrists and holds them behind, forcing my upper body to raise just slightly.
A series of moans elicit from me while I nearly drool, hating and loving how rough and unforgiving his paces are with his hips slamming hard against my ass. I hear him grunting every now and then while his grip on my tied wrists tightens.
"How are you so tight even after letting your boyfriends use your sweet hole?" Sunghoon asks harshly in between grunts. "Answer me, princess."
"I─" I succumb to the delirious sensation of his cock, unable to form any coherent words.
"Baby can't talk?" I feel Jay brushing my hair.
"I can!" I gasp as soon as Sunghoon uses his strength with ease, forcing my upper body to rise with his strong arm wrapping around my waist for support as I stand on my knees while still continuing to pound his meat into me.
"You want to get fucked dumb, princess?" He asks breathily beside my ear, while I am unable to respond. "We'll fuck you dumb, alright."
I feel the bed dipping in front of me before Sunghoon carefully lowers me until I feel myself coming into contact with a warm body and my boobs pressed against his solid chest. Sunghoon pulls out from my pulsating cunt, eliciting a dissatisfied whine from me.
"Shhh, I know, baby." Jay, who is underneath me, says softly as he holds my thighs to spread them apart. "We're gonna fill you up so good."
"Careful not to hurt her." Jaeyun's concerned voice makes my heart swell. "She hasn't done anal before."
I feel Sunghoon spreading my ass cheeks, and in an instant, my jaw goes slacken as he breaches the entry of my anal hole with his tip. "Ah!" I express my pain with the tears that have been pricking my eyes and streaming down my cheeks. "It hurts!"
"Shit." Sunghoon hisses, slowly trying to enter while I continue to weep. "I'm sorry, princess. Just a little more."
I bury my head in the nook of Jay's neck while he whispers sweet yet encouraging words into my ear with his hand massaging the back of my head. After what it's like for eternity, Sunghoon has finally invaded the untouched territory, being the first one ever.
I expect Sunghoon to move, but he remains still, as though he wants my tight hole to adjust to his size at its own pace. I feel Sunghoon place kisses on my back while Jay presses his lips on my neck, kissing me just as sweetly. Butterflies in my stomach tenfold upon their sweet kisses and whispers, in contrast to how they were earlier.
"I'm going to fill you up now, okay?" Jay murmurs softly in my ear while I nod my head. I feel Jay sliding his cock into my cunt slowly. "Does it hurt?" He asks, hissing slightly at how tight they are as he continues to breach further.
"No." My voice is barely above a whisper as I rest my head against his shoulder while facing him, despite my obscure vision.
"Are you sure, princess?" Sunghoon asks softly, brushing the strands of my hair away from my face.
"Yes." I answer softly. "You can move now."
As if testing waters, Sunghoon slowly thrusts into me, as does Jay. It feels as though they are controlling themselves, holding themselves back from being rough with the way they seem to be breathing hard.
"More." I whisper in an airy moan, moving my hips front and back in an attempt to feel them deeply. The pleasure is building deliciously from both of my filled holes. "Harder."
No word comes from them, but instead, they begin to unleash the beasts lurking beneath their sweet yet considerate facade. With my bounded wrists behind my back, Sunghoon uses it as leverage, forcing my upper body to rise just slightly for Jay to capture my nipple in his mouth while fucking into me at a delirious pace.
"Fuck, you feel so good." Sunghoon nearly growls, sending shivers down my spine. "Holes were made perfect for us."
"Baby." Jay groans beneath me while I feel his hands holding my waist. "You're squeezing me hard."
I moan in response, coherency is beyond my ability at the moment, which elicits chuckles from them. They continue to fuck me relentlessly with a vigorous pace, in synchronisation, until I feel the familiar knot forming. "I─Unngh!"
"Cumming soon, baby?" Jay asks in a rasp against my neck as my head is tilted up.
"Fucking do it." Sunghoon commands me, and with that, I come violently with my body convulsing before Sunghoon releases my wrists, allowing me to fall weak on top of Jay.
I gasp at the sensation of Sunghoon filling my hole with his cum before he eventually pulls out. Jay continues to thrust into my cunt slowly, riding out my high until a breathy moan leaves his lips at the moment he paints my wall white. He holds me down by the waist firmly until I feel his dick soften before he pulls away.
Sunghoon kisses my shoulder blade before whispering praise in my ear, while Jay strokes my back with affection. Eventually, Jay has me lay on the mattress on my back.
"Move." I hear Jaeyun speak in an authoritative voice that evokes a familiar heat within me. A pair of hands begin to remove the belt from my sore wrists, finally allowing my hands to move freely. The instant I part my lips open, I am silenced by his plump pink lips kissing me with a sense of urgency. My arms around his neck, pulling him closer before they descend to play with his chain necklace.
I moan weakly into his hot mouth with his tongue invading my cavern, my fingers now tangled in his soft locks, while his hands roam around my body before deciding to fondle with my boob.
"Watching them fucking you was so hot, love." Jaeyun speaks against my mouth with a low growl. "Think you can take me?"
"Yes." In a trance, I nod my head, and with that, Jaeyun hoists one of my legs on his shoulder before he pushes his cock into my gaping cunt that is probably leaking with cum, which is a lubricant to him as he easily slides into me. He thrusts into me slowly, which is enough for my arousal to return. I throw my head to the back, arching my neck, while my eyes roll to the back at the delirious friction from his cock in between my walls that seem to clamp around him.
"Shit, baby." Jaeyun lets out an airy moan as he leans down to kiss and lick my neck. A pained moan leaves my lips as he nips my skin with his teeth, enough to leave a bruise, yet it hurts so good. "Squeeze me hard, just like that."
My walls clamp around him once more in response. He continues to administer his kisses and licks on my neck while my fingers graze against his abdominal muscles, tracing and appreciating them. He continues to fuck me, even as I come down from the high the instant.
"Sensitive." I whimper as he presses a deep kiss on my cheek.
"Just a little more, my love." He whispers, slotting his lips over mine and kissing away my whine. In between the kisses, he pants harshly against my parted lips. "You're our good girl, aren't you?"
"Yes." I nod my head, surrendering to the sensitivity, while I soon feel another orgasm approaching.
"Gonna be a brat and make us jealous again?" I shake my head at his question while his lips trail to my jawline, speaking lowly in a husky rasp. "Good girl. You're ours, yeah?"
"Yours." I breathe out, and my chest heaves up and down. I moan weakly as he snaps his hips against mine and goes still, painting my walls white at the same time as my second orgasm crashes down.
Jaeyun presses a wet kiss on my lips before he withdraws away from me, and instantly, I close my thighs together as I face the other side of the bed, overpowered by the overall sensitivity. Not even for a few minutes when a pair of hands has me laying on my back once more, but this time, those hands remove the blindfold from my eyes.
As my eyes adjust to the lights, my heart lurches in my chest as soon as I meet Heeseung's eyes, which bear indecipherable emotions. "Hee." I whisper, squeezing my thighs as I feel their cum leaking from my cunt.
Heeseung unfurls a soft smile while he brushes my hair sticking from my face, but I sense danger lurking beneath his gentle disposition. "Hey, sweetheart." He greets me softly, leaning down to seal me into a searing kiss that has me whimpering. He pulls away just to remove every piece of his clothing before kissing me hard again without giving me the time to appreciate his fine glory.
"Sensitive, still." I whimper against his parted lips as he pulls away just a little.
"Shhh, I know, sweetheart." Despite how soft-spoken he is, his action says otherwise, with his hands forcing my thighs to spread and allowing his cock to slide up and down against my wet fold.
"Hee, please." Even as I plead, the arousal arises within me once more. His dark gaze pins me, and without a word, he enters the tip first, then pulls away just to knock the breath out of me when he slams into my cunt hard with his hips snapping painfully against mine.
"Heeseung!" I roll my eyes to the back, feeling the painful stretch at his unforgiving thrusts.
Heeseung breathes heavily above me, still keeping up the momentum as I grip his bicep tightly with my nails digging into his skin. Even as my half-hooded eyelids are threatening to close, his dark eyes stare deeply into mine, which lures me to keep my eyes trained on his face. The pendant of his necklace swings above me with each thrust he delivers. Sweats start to trickle down the side of his face, with his jaw clenching at how my walls are clamping around him as though they never want to let go.
"Was it fun when you let another man touch you?" He speaks in between harsh breaths with his husky voice, snapping his hips against mine in a deliberate thrust that has me seeing stars behind my closed eyelids. My moans bounce off these walls as they get louder and higher when he pounds into me at a vigorous pace, intensifying the butterflies in my tummy as does the impending climax.
"N-No─Unngh!" My body jolts upward at the vigorous thrusts, as if he's fucking his anger into me. I flutter my eyes open just to see him leaning down to plant a soft kiss on my cheek, in contrast to his monstrous pace.
"Seeing you take shots like that makes me want to take you right there and then." I feel him smirking against my skin before biting down hard, which draws a pained moan from me. "You looked so, so beautiful under those lights, especially in that fucking tight dress." He growls against my neck.
With one last thrust, he holds me down with his hip firmly, claiming me with his essence. Frustration bubbles within me as tears stream down my face, hating that I have yet to orgasm despite how sensitive I already am.
Heeseung's hot breaths hit the skin of my neck as he rests his head in the nook of my shoulder while I grasp the opportunity to allow my limbs to relax. "You thought I was done with you?" He asks lethally softly as he peppers slow, sweet kisses on my neck, which probably bears marks and hickeys from all of them.
A whimper clogs the back of my throat as Heeseung effortlessly carries me with his cock still buried in my pulsating cunt, his arms around my waist, while I instinctively cling my arms around his sweaty neck. I manage to catch a glimpse of the rest, who are scattered around the room, as they watch us with a lustrous gaze as they palm themselves. He sits on the edge of the bed, prompting me to straddle him. He fondles my boob, kissing and licking the hardened pearl while I slowly move my hips back and forth in an attempt to rebuild the orgasm he robbed me of.
A strangled moan leaves my lips as he grabs a fist of my hair, tugging it down and prompting me to face the ceiling with my neck bared in his eyes. "That's it, sweetheart." Heeseung presses his lips on my neck, thrusting up as he assists me. "Ride me like a pony."
"A pretty pony, at that." Jay takes me by surprise as he appears behind me, purring in my ear, while my mind has long since been intoxicated by the smell of sex and the heat from our bodies. The pleasure intensifies as Jay fondles my bouncing boobs, tweaking my nipples in between, while my moan and Heeseung's groan reverberate throughout the room.
"Fuck, she squeezed me hard when you played with her nipples." Heeseung shoots Jay a smirk, his thrusts remain consistent, and this time, I feel my orgasm violently knocking down the door.
"Pretty baby's nipples are sensitive, yeah?" Jay coos, repeating his action again before his hand descends to where my cunt is getting ruined by Heeseung. The volume of my moan increases as tears stream down my cheek when Jay rubs my aching clit harshly while the other continues to fondle my boob.
Heeseung releases my hair, resorting to holding me by the nape and inching his face closer to mine. "Are you close, sweetheart?" He asks breathily against my parted lips. "Yeah? Sweetheart is close."
It's like my ability to form any words has been taken away from me, and all I can afford is to moan in response with broken cries.
"Princess has been fucked dumb." Sunghoon appears next to us, and his hand goes underneath my chin to force me to look at him. He kisses my forehead and whispers sweet yet filthy words to me while I continue to weep as Heeseung relentlessly thrusts deeply and Jay rubs my clit fast. The pleasure is too much, sending me to another dimension of complete ecstasy.
With one last broken cry, I come from the highs violently, my body trembling as I squirt. I fall weak into Heeseung, who wraps his arms around me in a loving embrace while riding his high before filling me with his cum once more.
At first, there is silence amidst our harsh, heavy pants, but then something snaps inside of me, prompting me to break into waterworks that don't seem to stop anytime soon.
"Shhh, it's okay." Heeseung holds the back of my head, kissing my cheek with affection. "You did well for us, sweetheart."
I don't respond, overwhelmed by all the emotions and pleasures in just one night, as I desperately cling onto Heeseung with my arms around his torso. They continue to whisper sweet nothings and allow me to weep with broken sobs leaving my lips. I have never felt anything like this before.
"I-I don't know why I'm crying so hard." I manage to utter in between hiccups, my head is tucked in the nook of Heeseung's neck. "I-I'm sorry─"
"It's okay, baby." Jay kisses my crown while he rubs my back soothingly. "Just let it all out."
"What happened?" I hear Jaeyun's footsteps approaching us, and I don't know where he went, but given the faint water running in the bathroom earlier, I presumed that he was from the bathroom.
"She's experiencing a sub-drop." Sunghoon tells him. "I'll explain later."
After what feels like forever, my cries have gone quiet, and I remain weak in Heeseung's embrace, with my eyelids threatening to close. A whimper leaves my lips as Heeseung pulls his softened cock out of my gaping hole. The sensitivity hits me abruptly.
"Let's bring you to the bathtub, okay?" Heeseung murmurs in affection as he brushes the wet strands of my hair away from my face. I manage a feeble nod before another pair of hands pull me away from Heeseung. Jay doesn't allow me to stand as he swiftly carries me in a bridal style, making his way to the bathroom.
I don't know what happened, or maybe my consciousness has failed me, but the next thing I know, my body's been cleaned thoroughly, as has my hair when I flutter my heavy eyelids open to look at Jay, who is drying my hair with a towel.
"Jay." I weakly utter his name, to which his eyes immediately meet mine with concern. "I'm thirsty."
"I know, baby. We'll get you water after I bring you out of the bathroom." Jay speaks to me softly, like a lull. He carries me out of the bathtub and settles me down to sit on top of the toilet bowl. He grabs a shirt that is big enough to cover my thigh area and assists me in wearing it. With every movement of my limbs, I wince in pain. Just before he carries me again, I manage to catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.
To say I'm shocked by the sight is an understatement. Fresh, purple-red hickeys and marks from how hard their teeth dug into the skin of my neck are evident. The rim of my eyes looks slightly red and swollen from all the crying. Despite all of the pain, satisfaction brims within me.
Jay carries me back to the bed, which Sunghoon has just cleaned of any stains from our illicit activities. He places me down on the bed carefully.
"Here." Jaeyun passes a glass of water to Jay, to which the latter assists me in drinking as he holds the glass to my lips as I drink greedily until there is nothing left.
Just then, I remember Aera, which prompts me to stand abruptly. "I need to go back to Aera─ Ow!" I wince, stumbling forward, but Sunghoon catches me in time, now he is fully clothed from head to toe.
"Don't worry about Aera. Sunoo's with her." Sunghoon tells me, carrying me to the other side of the bed and having me settled with my head softly hitting the pillow that tempts me to sleep. "Sleep here." Sunghoon settles himself next to me, his arms wrapping around my body as I face him, spooning me while he gives kisses on my crown every once in a while.
"Heeseung?" I ask languidly, despite the fact that sleep is luring me faster than I like.
"I'm here, sweetheart." I feel the bed behind me dip, and Heeseung kisses my shoulder blade in assurance. "Sleep." And I do.
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Reading has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It started as a way to escape real life, as cliché as it might sound. I was nine years old, bullied daily and struggling to find joy in real life when my dad bought me my first novel. This started my obsession with reading, which I still have today. When I got older, I started to be more interested in the analytical aspect of reading. I was asking “why?” a lot. I was wondering about the author’s choice for the storyline, the way it was told, and so on, which was annoying my poor dad who had no answer for me most of the time! I was a teenager when I started taking notes on my reads, just for fun, despite my friend’s and sometimes family’s judgment. For me, studying literature as a serious academic subject and potentially making it a career is probably the equivalent of the current dream of my generation to play videogames for a living. The videos we watched for the first week of class were eye-openers for they taught me how wide and fascinating literature is. Rita Carter’s video, for example, was fascinating to me as it shows how deep literature can affect us. The fact that reading about a certain action will activate the same aera in your brain that are used to do this action troubled me so much I am still trying to feel it, somehow, when I read. I also learned to be careful with the information I get from literature from watching Chimanda Adichie’s speech. She didn’t change my mind on the subject per say but warned me to be careful not to rely on a single story. Those videos made me eager to learn about English Studies to live my passion and be as unbiased as possible.
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plerxma · 3 years
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Aera has a particular soft spot for domestic activity. Cooking, cleaning, gardening. The little things in life that make up our daily grinds. As apparent nobility (and even moreso once she became the oracle) so much of her life was just left to airs and graces, with others forever doing things for her. Her sole purpose was to commune with the gods and preach their word. Beyond that, she was very much a doll, best seen but never heard - and I think in essence that’s why she takes so much pride in being able to do things for herself.  It’s reclaiming the bits of her identity that were stolen along the way. And if given half the chance, she’s actually not a bad cook, nor a shabby gardener. She puts her heart into it, and I think to some extent it’s why she fell for Ardyn in the first place. He empowered her to do these things, supported and encouraged, because he too was bound by obligation and expectation - but together they could just be themselves. They were each other’s liberation; neither oracle nor chosen king - but people; pure and simple. 
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shinypainterkid · 5 years
They're here !
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(Pls ignore my sausage finger)
Name: Khione Frost
Year: 3
Height : 173 cm
Twisted from : The Ice Titan
- Khione is the Vice Dorm Leader of Ignihyde.
- She is an ice cold woman with a no nonsense attitude.
- Sometimes she will team up with Ortho to get Idia out of his room.
- Khione can and will absolutely murders everyone in NRC if something happens to Ortho.
- Mom FriendTM
- Super oblivious to romantic stuff
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Name : Terra Zachariah
Dorm : Ignihyde
Year : 1
Height : 164 cm
Twisted from : The Lava Titan
- He's baby, enough said.
- Absolute ray of Sunshine
- BFFs with Ortho and Kalim.
- Under no circumstances is he allowed to have Espresso.
- One time a foolish student gave him Espresso he got so much energy he can kill three horses.
- And it doesn't end there. When he calmed down enough he got really dizzy and he threw up in a classroom. The worst part ? He threw up lava. Khione never looked so angry.
- Innocent baby, must be protected at all cost.
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Name: Zephyr Aera
Dorm: Ignihyde
Year: 2
Height : 180 cm
Twisted from: The Tornado Titan
- He's Idia's gaming buddy.
- Zephyr is easy going and laid back on the outside, but on the inside the boy is a mess.
- Zephyr doesn't need a broom to fly.
- Calls Khione Mom on a daily basis
- Contrary to popular belief, he actually has common sense
- And yes he is wearing rubber boots
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Name : Casper (left) & Pollo (right) Vouno
Dorm : Ignihyde
Year : 2
Height : 162 cm ( both of them )
Twisted from : The Rock Titan
- Since in the movie the Rock Titan has two heads so i thought, what about twins ? so boom, here we are
- Casper is the older of the two and he is more reclusive than Pollo
- They may not look like it but they're gremblins.
- They can and will absolutely kill you in your sleep.
- They both have prosthetic legs.
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Name: Aesop Phemus
Dorm: Ignihyde
Year : 3
Height: 195 cm
Twisted from: The Cyclops
- He has been flirting Khione for a while yet she hasn't noticed yet but shhh
- Like the Cyclops, Aesop only has one eye, he wears an eyepatch but i haven't draw it yet
- Aesop is a little shit and he owns the most absurd looking shoes. If you listen closely you can hear Vil screaming in agony
- Zephyr: Hey Aesop you have anything to eat ? I'm hungry.
- Aesop : :))))
- Aesop : Hi hungry ~ I'm Aesop :)))
- Zephyr : OH MY GOD WHY-
- Smooth mf. Also very patient when it comes to flirting with Khione
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vanaera · 4 years
I'm suffering a writer slump after a writing slump everytime I try to write.
So what do I do?
Open up The Prince and His Rose and read about TPAHR!jk giving advices to his writer childhood bff!OC
Watch me get advices from my own character 😫✊
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TPAHR!Jungkook: Just read a book. Go write so I can read another one ☺️
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