#dairy cow breeding
sebari-1004 · 1 month
Me, a dairy cow farmer
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staticpoison · 1 year
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I just redid my hissing cockroach tank and added some dairy cow isopods. It's such a vibe, I want to live in there
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queer-for-science · 6 months
I think it's a common misconception that domesticating animals is somewhat like enslaving them. It really is more of a symbiotic relationship. No wild animal would have willingly put up with early humans if they didn't get something out of it. Wolves wouldn't have stayed with us and become dogs if they weren't getting food and safety out of it. Many large herbivores that are now domesticated could and would have easily trampled their early human captors or broken their enclosures open if they didn't have a reason to stay. Sometimes individual animals still do if we don't give them what they need.
The animals that have stayed with us for thousands of years have evolved to cooperate with us better. Dogs have additional facial muscles around their eyes that wolves lack in order to mimic human facial expressions. Sheep grow their wool perpetually while their wild counterparts don't because a bigger fleece means they're more likely to be allowed to breed and be kept around. Domestic dairy cows produce much more milk than wild bovine species and domestic hens lay more eggs. Do you know how energy costly producing eggs or milk is for an animal? It's pretty intense! They wouldn't be able to do that if we hadn't given them the food and safety from predators and the elements to.
And we really need to show these animals respect and gratitude for what they give us by taking excellent care of them. They gave up a lot to be with us, often including the means to take care of themselves in the wild. That's a huge reason why I'm not against using animal products, but I hate factory farming. They are still living, breathing creatures with needs and feelings. They deserve a comfortable life and, when the time comes, a humane death.
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farmerstrend · 1 month
From Maasai Land to Kiambu: Why Farmers Across Kenya Are Flocking for Dairy Cattle in Kiambu
“Discover why Dairy Cattle in Kiambu are in high demand, as farmers from across Kenya flock to the county for its superior breeding conditions and resilient cattle breeds.” “Learn how Dairy Cattle in Kiambu are transforming the dairy industry, with local breeders offering high-yield, disease-resistant cows to farmers nationwide.” “Explore the booming business of Dairy Cattle in Kiambu, where…
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ashhkum8 · 1 year
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jayrockin · 8 months
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This animal is called Zngti or Jngti on the southern Shess peninsula, and Anglophone humans sometimes refer to them as "centaur dogs" or "hawkdogs." They are an omnivorous predator that occupied a niche similar to a fox prior to domestication, and now fill a variety of roles in centaur settlements. They descended from a viviparous sister clade of centaurs where the hind limbs developed into a balancing organ similar to the tail of an Earth vertebrate, but did not specialize into claspers and a pouch such as in Tep (the silk dairy livestock).
Zngti do not have a strong pack coordination instinct and are not commonly used for hunting large game or herding livestock. In some ways they're comparable to domestic cats, often left unsupervised around food storage or crops to hunt vermin, but their territoriality also makes them useful for livestock defense or sentry roles.
Although there are no commonly held breed standards, different regions may have one or two specialized varieties for different functions. For game hunting, varieties tend to have a build similar to the wildtype but with flashy coat patterns. Tunnel hunting and vermin control varieties tend to have stout bodies and a bearded face to protect them from clawing prey and dirt entering their eyes and nostrils. Bulky guardian breeds are variously used to defend livestock, property, and children from threatening wildlife or strangers. Sentry alert breeds will raise a continuous "siren" howl through their excurrent nostrils in response to intruders. Most Zngti are work animals first and companions second, but in some urbanized regions toy breeds can be found. Derived from squat vermin hunting varieties, they are usually brightly colored with concave skulls that make them resemble a trunk-smiling centaur.
Although to centaurs Zngti are relatively small animals, they are often heavier and taller than humans. Some guardian breeds can be as large as a cow.
PATREON | Runaway to the Stars
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bovineblogger · 6 months
I think it’s really cute to see cows by the side of the road when driving, but it also makes me sad to think they might be eaten. How can you tell dairy cows from beef cows? Is there a difference? Is there any other reason to raise cows besides food?
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i could spend some time teaching you guys about different beef and dairy breeds, but i think the underlying concern here is about beef farming if im correct! if im not, let me know and i can write up a post about beef and dairy breeds, because i do love talking about them too hehe.
its completely normal and human to be upset at the thought of an animal dying, death is an ugly thing to a lot of people you know? i think its in our nature not to want animals to suffer. but its important to realize that everywhere in the world animals are there to be eaten by other animals. the ecosystem, the cycle of life, whatever you wanna call it.
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in the wild, bovines are mostly picked off by predators when they're young and unable to defend themselves! an animal can be killed and eaten at any point, and if they get sick or injured thats often fatal for them. in captivity, cattle and other bovines get to live to adulthood happy and healthy and surrounded by friends! they get free food n water, free medical care, and they get to sit in a big field with all their buddies. we care for them and love them for their entire lives, and at our hands they die quickly and painlessly. and then we eat them. its a symbiotic relationship.
to an outsider the industry can seem 2 to be all death bc thats the only part we know about. but its so much more than that! farmers dedicate their whole lives to their animals. they raise them, feed them, tend them when theyre sick, give them space to run around, make sure theyre not too hot or cold and that their water troughs are clean... for whole lifetimes! over and over and over, farming is about life. we feed them and they feed us. its beautiful. genuinely.
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acti-veg · 1 month
Leather vs. Pleather: 8 Myths Debunked
Since we are all beyond tired of seeing the same regurgitated leather posts every day, I've compiled and briefly debunked some of the most common myths peddled about leather and pleather… So hopefully we can all move on to talk about literally anything else.
1) Leather is not sustainable.
Approximately 85% of all leather (almost all leather you'll find in stores) is tanned using chromium. During the chrome tanning process, 40% of unused chromium salts are discharged in the final effluents, which makes it's way into waterways and poses a serious threat to wildlife and humans. There are also significant GHG emissions from the sheer amount of energy required to produce and tan leather.
Before we even get the cow's hide, you first need to get them to slaughter weight, which is a hugely resource-intensive process. Livestock accounts for 80% of all agricultural land use, and grazing land for cattle likely represents the majority of that figure. To produce 1 pound of beef (and the subsequent hide), 6-8 pounds of feed are required. An estimated 86% of the grain used to feed cattle is unfit for human consumption, but 14% alone represents enough food to feed millions of people. On top of that, one-third of the global water footprint of animal production is related to cattle alone. The leather industry uses greenwashing to promote leather as an eco-friendly material. Leather is often marketed as an eco-friendly product, for example, fashion brands often use the Leather Working Group (LWG) certificate to present their leather as sustainable. However, this certification (rather conveniently) does not include farm-level impacts, which constitute the majority of the negative environmental harm caused by leather.
2) Leather is not just a byproduct.
Some cows are raised speciifically for leather, but this a minority and usually represents the most expensive forms of leather. This does not mean that leather is just a waste product of beef and dairy, or that it is a completely incidental byproduct; it is more accurate to call leather a tertiary product of the beef and dairy industries. Hides used to fetch up to 50% of the total value of the carcass, this has dropped significantly since COVID-19 to only about 5-10%, but this is recovering, and still represents a significant profit margin. Globally, leather accounts for up to 26% of major slaughterhouses’ earnings. Leather is inextricably linked to the production of beef and dairy, and buying leather helps make the breeding, exploitation and slaughter of cows and steers a profitable enterprise.
3) Leather is not as biodegradable as you think.
Natural animal hides are biodegradable, and this is often the misleading way leather that sellers word it. "Cow hide is fully biodegradable" is absolutely true, it just purposely leaves out the fact that the tanning process means that the hide means that leather takes between 25 and 40 years to break down. Even the much-touted (despite it being a tiny portion of the market) vegetable-tanned leather is not readily biodegradable. Since leather is not recyclable either, most ends up incinerated, or at landfill. The end-of-life cycle and how it relates to sustainability is often massively overstated by leather sellers, when in fact, it is in the production process that most of the damage is done.
4) Leather is not humane.
The idea that leather represents some sort of morally neutral alternative to the evils of plastic is frankly laughable, at least to anyone who has done even a little bit of research into this exploitative and incredibly harmful industry. Cows, when properly cared for, can live more than fifteen years. However, most cows are usually slaughtered somewhere around 2-3 years old, and the softest leather, most luxurious leather comes from the hide of cows who are less than a year old. Some cows are not even born before they become victim to the industry. Estimates vary, but according to an EFSA report, on average 3% of dairy cows and 1.5 % of beef cattle, are in their third-trimester of pregnancy when they are slaughtered.
Slaughter procedures vary slightly by country, but a captive bolt pistol shot to the head followed by having their throats slit, while still alive, is standard industry practice. This represents the “best” a slaughtered cow can hope for, but many reports and videos exist that suggest that cows still being alive and conscious while being skinned or dismembered on the production line is not uncommon, some of these reports come from slaughterhouse workers themselves.
5) Leather often involves human exploitation.
The chemicals used to tan leather, and the toxic water that is a byproduct of tanning, affect workers as well as the environment; illness and death due to toxic tanning chemicals is extremely common. Workers across the sector have significantly higher morbidity, largely due to respiratory diseases linked to the chemicals used in the tanning process. Exposure to chromium (for workers and local communities), pentachlorophenol and other toxic pollutants increase the risk of dermatitis, ulcer nasal septum perforation and lung cancer.
Open Democracies report for the Child Labour Action Research Programme shows that there is a startlingly high prevalence of the worst forms of child labour across the entire leather supply chain. Children as young as seven have been found in thousands of small businesses processing leather. This problem is endemic throughout multiple countries supplying the global leather market.
6) Pleather is not a ‘vegan thing’.
Plastic clothing is ubiquitous in fast fashion, and it certainly wasn’t invented for vegans. Plastic leather jackets have been around since before anyone even knew what the word vegan meant, marketing department have begun describing it as ‘vegan leather’ but it’s really no more a vegan thing than polyester is. Most people who wear pleather are not vegan, they just can’t afford to buy cow’s leather, which remains extremely expensive compared to comparable fabrics.
It is striking how anti-vegans consistently talk about how ‘not everyone can afford to eat plant-based’ and criticise vegans for advocating for veganism on that basis, yet none of them seem to mind criticisms directed at people for wearing a far cheaper alternative than leather. You can obviously both be vegan and reduce plastic (as we all should), but vegans wear plastic clothing for the same reason everyone else does: It is cheaper.
7) Plastic is not the only alternative.
When engaging in criticism of pleather, the favourite tactic seems to be drawing a false dilemma where we pretend the only options are plastic and leather. Of course, this is a transparent attempt to draw the debate on lines favourable to advocates of leather, by omitting the fact that you can quite easily just buy neither one.
Alternatives include denim, hemp, cork, fiber, mushroom fiber, cotton, linen, bamboo, recycled plastic, and pinatex, to name a few. There are exceptions in professions like welding, where an alternative can be difficult to source, but nobody needs a jacket, shoes or a bag that looks like leather. For most of us, leather is a luxury item that doesn’t even need to be replaced at all.
8) Leather is not uniquely long-lasting.
The longevity of leather is really the only thing it has going for it, environmentally speaking. Replacing an item less often means fewer purchases, and will likely have a lower environmental impact than one you have to replace regularly. Leather is not unique in this respect, however, and the idea that it is, is mostly just effective marketing.
As your parents will tell you, a well-made denim jacket can last a lifetime. Hemp and bamboo can both last for decades, as can cork and pinatex. Even cotton and linen can last for many years when items are looked after well. While some materials are more hard wearing than others, how long an item will last is mostly the result of how well made the product is and how well it is maintained, not whether or not the item is leather.
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fatkish · 5 months
Todoroki boys x Cow Hybrid Reader
Hybrid AU
In this AU, Enji wasn’t an abusive father, instead of being a hero in this world, Enji is the proud owner of Endeavor Farms. His farm is home to Hybrids that he breeds and sells. He’s trained each of his sons on how to handle the hybrids and how to care for them. The farm sells milk, wool, produce, etc. Enji had heard of a mistreated and very skittish cow hybrid that was rescued from an underground hybrid ring. These rings are notorious for either being a sex ring that makes money off of people’s kinks or fetishes using hybrids or for being fighting rings where hybrids are made to fight each other and people bet on them. Enji decided that this would be a perfect first hybrid for his sons to experience. So he brought the hybrid to his farm and put them in the barn in their own stall.
Despite his intimidating demeanor and appearance he’s actually very kind and gentle with his hybrids and animals
He treats them all nicely since happy animals means better produce
He’s tall and muscular so you thought he was some kind of hybrid, especially since he smelled like them but since it was nighttime when you arrived at his farm, you couldn’t tell
He checked your hooves and made sure to trim them since he has the most experience with it
Surprisingly he’s one of the first people you were comfortable around
He prefers the machines since it’s a faster milking process but he’s not opposed to milking by hand
He teases you
He was the last person who you let milk you
You learned to trust him when he saved you from coyotes one night. They had somehow gotten past the dogs that protected the farm and were about to attack you when Touya got in between you and them. Seeing him get bit by them, you charged the coyotes and drove them away
You both were bitten and had several scratches but you didn’t care, you wanted to make sure Touya was safe
Touya doesn’t have a preference but does enjoy the noises you make when the machine milks you
Natsuo had gone to medical school to learn how to treat hybrids and became a licensed doctor for hybrids
He gives check ups on all the hybrids and animals
He gave you a check up when you got to the farm, making sure you were healthy and that you didn’t have any underlying health issues or conditions
He was the third person you trusted
He’s very gentle and is kind of a clown
He’s constantly making jokes since that’s how he learned to help his patients nervousness
He’s pretty funny
He doesn’t have a preference when it comes to milking by hand or using the machine, whichever one you’re more comfortable with is what he uses
He was the second person you were comfortable around
Since he’s still rather young, you tend to view him more as a child or a smaller animal
His aloof personality is what makes you feel safe around him
He was the first person who was able to milk you since you’re a dairy cow
He often takes walks around the farm with you
He sometimes takes naps in the barn with the animals. Since you’re more comfortable around animals than humans, you stuck with the cows on the farm. When you saw how comfortable they were with him and how they trusted him, you decided he was trustworthy too
He spoils you the most, he gives you treats more often than anyone else
He prefers to milk you by hand instead of using the machines
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 2 months
Would you be willing to write something along the lines of a female human getting bred by some minotaurs? The idea of being used like a breeding cow for those massive creatures just sends me in a dizzy (and the size difference *swoons*)
I absolutely love your work and would love to see your take on this ❤️
This is so HOT. ESPECIALLY bc one of my system members has a huge hucow kink. MAKE SURE YOU TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS IF YOU SEND AN ASK. you won't be notified unless it's non anonymous.
(This story is kinda long, but I got excited, and there's lots of sex :3 if you want to scroll down to the juicy bits, the bg changes from pink to green.
If you want part 2 I'd be happy to oblige!
(Psa, I do my nest to correct spelling, but some things may be misspelled. :] )
You had just signed up for a summer job working on a farm. You're relatively strong and have managed to build muscle while you were doing other forms of work and heavy lifting. You'd been trying to bulk up to make this easier and had gained a little but of weight that had mainly gone to your chest.
This made you slightly insecure because it made it harder to shop for good bras, but hopefully that could be changed when you had enough money from this job to do so.
You receive a phone call, the voice heavy and gruff.
"Hello? Is this (y/n)?"
"Yes it is!", you answered in your bubbly work voice, though you were very exited, hoping it was one of the places you'd applied for.
"Wonderful. This is the dairy farm Cali Dairy? I'm looking at your application, and you look like you'd be a perfect fit for what we're looking for."
He sounded so sweet, and both this and the acceptance made your heart race. He was a good sign that the company would probably be good to its employees.
"That's amazing! When and where do I meet you? Is there an interviewing process for information or will that he sent to me?"
He chuckled softly into the phone at your eagerness.
"Yes. The information will be sent to the email attached to your resume."
"Thank you so much! Have a great day!"
"You too."
He replied as you ended the call. You squealed into your pillow and anxiously awaited the email.
A ping sounded on your computer and you clicked on the notification. The email reads,
"Dear applicant,
We are happy to welcome you to the Cali Dairy family!
Please meet with the supervisor, Daniel, at 477 Milky Whey, Sacramento, California. 95872. On Monday, August 5th at 10.30 AM.
(This is not a real place, and I hope you like the pun.)
You will be moving to one of our in-house apartments. You will be shown around and be given ample time to move and adjust.
If you have any questions, please reply to this email and we will get back to you soon.
Sincerely, Cali Dairy.
When you applied, you saw something about comfortability moving for work and had selected yes, but you didn't know the extent of it. You didn't think much about it and figured that anything you needed to know would be explained on Monday when you met the supervisor.
You wondered if the supervisor was the same kind of sounding man on the phone but passed the thought off to the side as you began to plan on packing.
The coming week and a half passed as you began to pack up your own apartment, you wanted to make the move as easy as you possibly could to work sooner and you figured you'd just unpack after your shifts.
You prepared your outfit for the next day excitedly, deciding on a baggy older shirt with a bike design on it and a pair of your straight leg work jeans. You didn't expect to work on the first day, but you wanted to be prepared just in case.
The next morning, you woke to your 8 am alarm, your body vibrating with excitement. You took a 30 minuite shower, making sure to use extra of all of your various coffee scented soaps and scrubs. You topped it off with a heavily scented, "whisky and coffee" lotion and dryed your hair, and put it up in an old soft tee shirt, a trick you'd learned from your mom.
You slipped I your clothes, by now 8:45 and pulled the tee shirt off of your head and list let your hair down, de-tangling it quickly before grabbing your phone, keys, and anything else you'd need.
You shoved the various things into your bag and drove to the address you were given. The further and further out you got from the city. The open roads lead into fields of various crops and trees. Redwoods were tall and towered lightly along the road side and you enjoyed the scenery. If this was where you were going to be, you'd be happy about it. The drive was so peaceful, and much better than the traffic you were used to.
You arrived at a large, farm house- looking building and pulled into a paved driveway full of a few other vehicles. As you looked around, there were various small walking trails to other buildings with various lables and signs scattered almost like a college campus. The sign on the building you pulled up two read, "reception and Managerial office."
You smiled and gathered your things, turning the car engine off and stepping out. You could feel the energy charging through your veins as you walked over to the steps of the quaint building.
As you entered, there was a front desk, no one was there but there was a small paper taped to the front of the desk.
"New hire, the office is down the hallway, the supervisor should be waiting for you."
You meandered down the hallway and gently rapped ( a soft knock, usually with two out of your 4 main fingers) softly on the door.
"Come in." You heard the low voice through the door, deep but still light. You entered and looked around the office before your eyes landed on the bigger -man? Behind the desk.
You'd seen many other species in your day to day but you'd never met a Minotaur, but there one sat. His thin coat was shiny on the parts that weren't covered by the sizable black polo shirt he was wearing. You could see just below his waist to the brown leather belt and blue jeans he wore.
They squeezed lightly around his large thighs, you couldn't help but stare and hadn't noticed you were.
"Hello, y/n?"
You smiled as you were snapped back to reality.
"Yes, that's me!", your face flushed. He looked kind of nice in what he was wearing.
"I hope I'm not under dressed - I sincerely thought I might be doing some lifting today or just starting work, so I wanted to be sure -"
He cut you off and smiled - "It's alright. I don't blame you. I'm just a manager so don't let my atire fool you. I'll show you around if you'd like."
You beamed and nodded, clutching your bag over your shoulder. He stood, and you could hear the wooden floor creak under his weight. He was huge, at least a couple of feet taller than you.
"My name is Daniel, by the way. It's very nice to meet you."He held his big hand out to shake.
You were just now looking at his features, a slightly humanoid bull head sat on strong shoulders, the colors of his fur were so beautiful, deep browns blending into whites around his nose and eyes. His eyes were a deep brown and they shown in the sun as he looked down at you.
You took his hand to shake it, and he gripped your hand very softly and shook once. He held your hand so gently for such a bug creature. He was so beautiful, it was all you could think about. As he passed you, you realized that you were only chest hight, the thought made you blush deeply.
"You coming?" He chuckled as he walked out of the office.
You scrambled to get behind him as he led the way, and you were happy to follow. As you two walked along the path ways. You passed a smaller building that read "Medic" and locked your head.
"First thing, you go into this building. This is where you will have your physical, where our nurse will check you over and make sure you're fit to work."
You nod and walk into the building. He doesn't follow.
It's a one room doctors office. You walk in and see a slender red head turned away from you, facing a counter. She seems to be investigating a sample of some kind.
She must've heard you walk in as she turned around halfway.
"Hey! How can I help you? You need a bandaid or something?"
She didn't recognize you hut was clearly preoccupied.
"I'm a new hire - I'm here for my physical?" You offered this answer shyly. She was very pretty. You saw her fully as she turned around, her face was thin and her nose slightly pointed. She turned to the side to grab something, a Greek nose. She was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, even more than the burley man you'd left him outside.
Her eyes were a bright, shining blue. "A physical, huh? It's been a minute since we've gotten a newbie. Alright, sit on the table." She gestured to the doctors table.
You hopped up onto the table, which caused your large chest to bounce and recoil. You blushed and gently put your hand on your chest to hold them still.
She looked to the side at you and smiled.
"Yeah, big chests are so much fun-" she gestured to her own chest, which was actually now that you looked. Almost just as big as yours.
"That being said, we're going to do some measurements and get you a special support bra. The world you do is going to have a lot of moving, so we want you to have the maximum posture assistance and comfort that helps protect your back and chest. This does mean that I'm going to have to touch your chest. Are you alright with that?",
You nodded, and the blush spread from your cheeks to your ears. "Yes, that'll be okay -"
She nodded and pulled out a clip board and readied it. With one hand. She gently felt across your chest, very gently squeezing and prodding in different places. She would ask if you could feel a touch here and asked if it hurt when she pressed in another spot, all of this caused your pussy to scream. Her hands were so gentle, and your chest was so sensitive.
She began to pick up on it and would grab harder here and there. She finally stopped and wrote down a few things on her clipboard.
"Bra size looks to be a double or triple D? Thirty-six, maybe?"
She was right, "yeah, 36 DDD." The woman nodded and waved her hand.
"Alright, we're done. You can go. My name is Dr Sylvia. It's a pleasure to meet you, and you are?"
"(Y/n), nice to meet you too."
"Alright, you can go now."
You thanked her and left the building, finding Daniel leaning against the wall to the side of the door.
"You done already?"
"Alright." He continued to lead you around
To various buildings, one of which reading "Spa" as you passed it.
"Oh there's a spa?", Daniel nodded.
"We take good care of our employees here. We make sure they're all relaxed. Relaxed workers work harder and better. Science fact." He smiled proudly.
He showed you around until about 2:30pm and asked you if you had any questions. You asked about your moving situation and what was paid for and what wasn't. He informed you that in a couple of days or when you were done packing, moving men would come help me move my things if I call him to ask.
Once everything was sorted, you made your way home, through the beautiful fields and trees just kind of talking in your own head.
Your mind and heart raced as you thought about your attractive new coworkers. They were both so incredible looking and both seemed so genuine and sweet.
Once you arrived home, you found your cunt drooling and a light buzzing in your clit, you needed to get off so badly. You wandered over to your drawer, undressing from the waist down with one hand as you fumble with the buttons. Once that gentle hum starts, you practically shove it between your legs, crying out as the vibrations sent pulses through your throbbing cunt.
You fought to get out of your underwear, desperate to shove something inside of yourself. You were just desperate to have something in you - God anything.
You thrust your index and middle finger into your wet hole, moving them around right up against your g spot. Your moans fill the room, not caring much about your neighbors. It was one of your last nights anyway.
This turned into hours and hours of teasing and edging yourself. Rolling around in bed and imagining the two beautiful creatures tossing you between the two of them, choking on the Minotaur's cock while the Dr ate your pussy, this thought alone was enough to make you ruin your sheets with cum, squiriting violently and crying out.
You breathed hard as your orgasm shook you softly as it fizzled out. "Fuck-", you mumbled to yourself and cleaned up, changing the sheets.
You weren't required to come into work until your things were moved so you spent the next week finishing packing and called Daniel. You found yourself giddy to talk with him.
"Hey! It's (y/n) everything is all packed up and I'm ready to move officially whenever."
"Alright. Make sure you mark boxes fragile, then come here in your car and bring a bag for your essentials, I'll show you your apartment and give you your key."
You giggled softly,covering the mouth peace of the phone. "Yep! No problem!", you excitedly grabbed a marker and made absolutely certain that anything you COULD carry you would. Any small things you would need were transported to your car and you drove to the place you had met the larger man the week prior.
Once she arrived, the sun was setting and she walked to where she knew the man's office was and found the door open. He stood, and she once again remembered her size.
"Alright. I'm going to drive my stuck, you follow me in your car and I'll show you where the apartment is."You followed him out and started up your car. You watched him get into his and follow him around the plot of land to a set of nice-looking buildings with balconies.
He parks in front of building number 256. Daniel smiled as he stepped out of His car. He tossed me my key and you cought it, smiling smugly. He raised an eyebrow to you as if to playfully question your ego. Daniel walked foward and you followed him to aparrtment 27,, thankfully one of the upper apartments. this meant you wouldnt hav an upstairs neighbor. when you unlocked the door, you walked in and gasped at how big the space was.
"Do you like it? We'd be happy to change the room if it's not to your liking.", You gasped and shook your head.
"No no no- it's amazing! This is the biggest apartment I've ever seen!"
You walked in to a large, light hardwood floor, that space leading into an open kitchen across the room from the front door. In the far left of the living room, a hallway that probobly lead to the bed and bathroom. You wandered across the room and into the hallway, to the left was the bathroom, showcasing a large walk- in, rain shower. in the corner, a large round bath tub.
You gasped more in awe. These people had to be some sort of loaded - you'd figured being it was 26 dollars an hour, at least that was the most you'd ever been paid.
As you walked through, Daniel watched you carefully, watching your expression and smiling to himself. You walked into the bedroom, which was carpeted and ginormous. On the far side, right-hand side of the room, there was a door to the balcony.
In the middle of the room, there was a mattress up against the wall.
"I've just received a text that the guys are at your place, and I have them grabbing your bed frame in a separate car. We supply the mattress because we like to ensure your comfort. This brand has been proven to be the most comfortable."
You nod absentmindedly, just excited you were at the new place.
"You start Wednesday, I'll leave you to unpack and get as comfortable as you can." He bowed his head lightly as a goodbye and left the apartment.
You were honestly pretty tired from all of the excitement and just fell asleep on the empty mattress, which wad infact the most comfortable one you'd ever laid on.
Over the coming three days, you unpacked and built your bedframe, turning your apartment more and more into your own every day. The movers had brought your things unto the living room area while you were asleep, which only worried you slightly, but nothing had happened, so you brushed it off.
It was now your real first day. You hear a ring at your doorbell and see a package on the ground. You take it inside and unpack what looks to be a new braw, the one the Dr was talking about assumedly.
You slip it on and adjust yourself as needed, finding joy in the comfort and support. There was an adjustable posture corrector built in with small straps to help adjust from under your arms.
You slipped on a tee shirt over the bra, just another one of your old vintage tees you used for work and your work jeans. You receive a text telling you to meet the Dr at the 'stables' in 15 minutes.
You were super excited. You loved form animals and wondered which one you'd be working with, saying stables would probably mean horses or just a holding for cows.
You drove over to the stable section and parked your car in the small lot in front of the building. You could see a pen that stretched around the back side of the building, but you couldn't see what was in the. The Dr Sylvia met you at the door and smiled.
"Well well. So I see the bra came in. Looks good on you if you don't mind me saying. Is jt comfortable?"
You smiled. "Absolutely! I love it."
A sly smirk slipped across her face. "I'm going to be honest, "You're not going to wear it more in your free time to help build posture and, of course, for when you go out. But this job is alittle different from most. "
This confused you, of course, because in that case, why make the bra and say it was for work? Regardless, she followed her into the building as we're met with an incredibly loud wiring and another sound you couldn't quite place because the sound was so overiden by the machine noise.
The Dr showed you to a small stall that was to your surprise, empty aside from a few things you weren't paying much attention to. The Dr smiled and pulled a small syringe out of her pocket full of a clear liquid.
You cocked your head slightly. "This is an ati-biotic that will help with possible issues with the bulls. Just incase there's anything that we don't catch in time it keeps you from getting sick."
This made sense, so you held out your arm for her, and she shot it into a vein. Within minutes, you felt lightly energetic and then very euphoric. Sylvia smiled as she saw this take effect, and your mind fogged.
She led you into the contraption you hadn't really seen until now, a small bench with arm and leg cuffs. "Undress please", you knew better but couldn't help it. Whatever this was was a truth serum on steroids or something.
Except, instead of telling the truth, you just did everything you were told. You stripped down sheepishly, and she helped you straddle the bench and lock your limbs into place. She adjusted the bench so the back was slightly higher than the front.
Your breasts hung over the front, and a separate arm slipped into place around them, holding your nipples to be aimed down at the ground.
You could feel your chest begin to ache, yout tits felt- full? You were just coming to terms with the possibility of what was about to happen and began to panic internally, though with no real affect to your body, which felt heavily sedated.
You could hear the machine noise start to get quieter, and moans radiated from the stalls around you. Your face flushed as you came to further terms with what was going to happen, then it clicked - bulls. Was there going to be more Minotaurs?
Just then, a door opened up behind you, and you heard huffing as a solution was spread across your entrance, sticking gently between your lips.
"Alright. You are perfectly safe, and all of our bulls know to be gentle with our newcomers. This doesn't mean they won't be exited, but you'll definitely adjust. This Gate behind you will open, and the bulls will be let in."
Sylvia smiled softly and gently ran her fingers through your hair. "You're gorgeous." She winked and left the stall. You heard a latch lock into place, and a buzzer sound as the gate behind you opened
You tried to listen, but it was harder and harder to stay focused. You were feeling less and less sentient by the minute, and God did your tits feel heavy.
You heard scuffing against the hay that coated the wooden floor and tried to listen harder, not knowing what to expect. There sounded like multiple creatures stepping.
The big hulking creatures investigated you, groping softly at your flesh.
"She's perfect," one of them grunted.
"I call first dibs!" You heard what sounded like impact and assumed they were pushing each other around.
Were they fighting over you? The idea made you swoon.
Soon, you felt something wide pressing gently against your entrance.
"Fuck she's so tight!-", one of them moaned out softly as he began to gently tease his tip into your hole. You moaned out softly. You'd had sex a few times, but it was nothing special, but these creatures were so huge. Their tip felt bigger than most toys you'd used if you stacked them onto each other.
He was infact very gentle at first, the other Minotaur walked over infront of you, his cock was room hard and the size of your head, you couldn't help but drool as he gently opened your mouth with his thumb.
"She's pretty too- can't wait to fuck her throat. Her lips are so plush she looks like she gives good head-", He chuckled and rubbed his thumb over your lips, slipping it into your mouth. You sucked softly, you couldn't help it.
Your cunt grew wetter and tried to stretch, gripping desperately at the other creatures' tip. You moaned over the Minotaur in front of you, and he raised his tip to your lips, pulling his thumb out.
You found yourself opening your mouth for him, though not sure if any of it would fit. He chuckled.
"Adam, this one's very eager to please - she might be my new favorite."
"Mine too - fuuck I could do this all day with just my head. I can't wait to feel her pussy when I'm all the way in-"
You blushed softly. You were so watery, but you did feel happy to be used to be useful. He gently pressed his head against your lips, and you tried to greet him with your tongue, licking softly around the exposed head.
You even tried to lean forward slightly to accommodate you. He smiled and stepped forward.
"Oh my god, her tongue is god send-"
"Were gonna have to swap - I wanna try -"
This must've been normal to them. They talked and bickered like this is a daily occurance- favorite? Maybe they'd pick you more- his cock feels so good and it was barely in at all.
As time passed, they began to push themselves further and further into your holes, making themselves fit. Soon enough, adam was keeping a steady rythem and fucking you, his tip alone tickled your cervix without even trying, while the other held your jaw gently while he fucked into your throat.
"Just breathe through your nose and relax your throat, sweetheart. Makes it hurt less."
You found yourself blushing. He was so kind of considering. You listened to his advice, and it made the experience more heavenly. You had been trying to figure out how to do it comfortably for a while. You had a tough oral fixation that you'd been trying to fulfill.
This was everything you never knew you always wanted, your cunt dripped wet around Adam's cock and you drooled on the others, taking them both as far into you as you could.
"How's her mouth feel, Erin?"
"Fucking amazing, she's so good at it!"
You smiled to the best of your ability around him and tried to move your tongue as he thrusted.
Erin's hands moved to the back of your head to steady it as he moved, yiu could feel his cock throbbing in your throat and even swallowed around him to help him finish, moaning lewdly anyway from Adam's roughness with your pussy.
"Fuck I'm so close!", Erin called out and his hips picked up speed, your brain went almost entirely foggy, this was the best thing you'd ever experienced, Adam groaned and he picked up speed aswell, you could feel his knot pressing up against your entranced as he desperately tried to fuck it into you.
Within five minutes he'd managed to shove his knot in your drooling cunt and Erin pushed his knot to your lips as he came harshly down your throat, you choked lightly but tried your best to swallow.
Adam spewed cum what felt like right into your womb and you cried out and coughed slightly against Eric's length. He pulled out of your mouth and you gasped for air.
"You're stuck here for a minute, doll. Gotta make sure you get bred properly."
You nodded and gripped at his shaft with your walls. During the wait period, Erin smiled and petted your head gently, playing with your hair.
"You did such a good job for us. We're gonna swap out and have s'more fun with you, and then you'll get your pretty tits milked." He chuckled and gropped one of your aching breasts. You whined and struggled lightly against your restraints.
"I'd better not. Dr Sylvia gets irritated if we milk you and waste it."
You were confused about the milking, but you truly felt like a breeding cow. It was your favorite thing.
After a moment, finally Adam's knot swelling went down, and he was able to pull out of you. His cum spilled out of you and slipped down your thighs. It was so warm. They swapped places and you finally were eye to eye with the cock that had filled you to your cervix and allyou could think about was getting it into your mouth.
You opened your mouth for him, sticking your togue out. He pressed his head to your tongue and immediately shoved unto your throat. As Adam plunged unto your throat, Erin pushed violently into your stretched, swollen pussy.
They both let go of being gentle, fucking you roughly from both ends, your brain just melted into what you now knew to be affection from the two bulls. If you were turned into a cow for them. So be it.
You were reeling and losing your mind as they used you, your cunt gripped at Eric harshly as you came violently and squirted against the bench you were against.
This caused Eric to shove his knot in you, he cane quicker than he thought he could, he'd never had a pissy so good and he was so sensitive from the first use that it was so easy.
Adam, however, was not satisfied so easily, gripping your head and absentmindedly fucking roughly into your throat, his knot pressing against the your mouth. You did everything you could just like with the other, massaging his coks with your throat as you moaned and swallowed against him. He groaned and gripped your hair as his cock throbbed.
"Fuck- fuck- right there, fuck your tongue is so good!", He grunted as he pushed into your throat as far as he could and came down your throat, you swallowed against him, sucking on him like a straw.
He pulled out of your mouth and chuckled, petting your head softly. Both of the creatures bent down in front of you and littered your face with licks and kisses, both of them groping you softly and affectionately.
"You were wonderful, love. Thank you for your time." They left through the gate. They came in and pressed a button that closed the gate, a soft alarm sounded, and the Dr came in.
"Well, did you have fun on your first day?"
She smiled and carried a machine into the stall, a pump of some kind and attached the sucker's to your breasts.
You nodded haphazardly, and she turned on the machine. Your tits were so sensitive, but them finally being drained from being so heavy was so relieving. Your legs quivered and sme smiled up at you, crouched on the ground.
"Look at you! You took them so well. And you'll do this every day and be driven back to your apartment by an assistant. We'll have someone take your car back to the parking lot, and you can be picked up as well to make it easier. We just have to assign you a caretaker. If you don't mind, I'd like that to be me."
She looked up at you with those beautiful eyes, and how could you say no? Your tits were empty before you knew it, and she detached the sucker's.
"Look at all the milk you made! Wow!"
She sat it down to the side and gathered your clothes for you and wrapped you up in a robe shed briyght, helping you back to the little golf cart she used to get around. She helped you in and handed you your clothes to hold and put your milk container on the back.
She drove you to your apartment, letting you rest quietly. Once you arrived at your building, she helped you up the stairs and into your apartment, which she was given an extra key to. Sylvia helped you into your room and laid you down on the bed.
"You should rest for an hour and then take a bath to help relax your muscles and, of course, clean up. Have a good night."
She left you alone to your dazed thoughts. You sobered up from whatever shot she gave you and cleaned yourself up. You were so excited for tomorrow.
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crevicedwelling · 7 months
What about if we were mini and farmed cockroaches for their “milk” like cows?
you’re probably referring to Diploptera punctata, which is one species famous for its females feeding their young with a nutritious milk-like substance. but dairy farming sucks for cattle and although I’m not sure what the metabolic cost on the roaches would be it still might not be the best choice. fortunately for you cockroaches are all about eating one another’s secretions! male cockroaches of many species have glands beneath their wings that produce a sweet and nutritious fluid offered to females as a gift or bribe before mating; I often see my Blaptica dubia boys racing around an uninterested female with their wings held straight up to try and get her to take a drink (if you’ve kept chickens, reminds me of when a rooster is frantically trying to call his ladies to eat a tidbit).
so I’m sure we could just breed some species of cockroach into a more productive strain of males, possibly with reduced wings (usually it’s females who evolve towards winglessness) and oversized glands. especially if there were some receptive females nearby, tinyhumans could take the males’ secretions and the males would probably even enjoy it (since they think they’ll get to mate in return). it’d maybe be less like milk but still contains proteins, sugars, and fats so maybe it would be tasty?
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squeakitties · 2 months
apolladay anon like Did you devour a whole cow alive and if so what breed was it
-holstein -dexter -aberdeen -belgian blue -red angus -simmenthal -domestic dairy cow -i have not devoured a whole living cow
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merakiui · 1 year
*DIGS YOU OUT FROM THE MUD* MOOOOOAR!!!! HDJSJSK once azul find out the secret behind his fave milk, floyd takes him out back and forces him to breed u to keep quiet and jade omg jad has the biggest balls and loves to put them on ur face aaaaaaa
AAAAAAAA YES YES YES OTL THANK YOU FOR DIGGING ME OUT.......... allow me to describe The Vision because I had more thoughts while I was trapped under the mud.
(cw: nsfw, female hucow reader, breeding, pregnancy, bull hybrid jade, lactation, there's really no plot here; just pure horny >_< )
✧ floyd has the biggest crush on you and it's so obvious, but he's not allowed to touch you because boring farm regulations and blah blah blah. >:( it wouldn't be good if another male's scent was on you when they're trying to pair you and jade together, and floyd thinks that's a stupid rule because you're his girl!!! he definitely doesn't follow it. maybe he promises to be good and pull out each time, maybe give you a bath to wash his scent off, just to keep things safe. he's so stupidly in love with you and it shows. orz his favorite thing to do is milk you because you make the cutest little sounds. he's painfully hard the entire time and he can't stop looking at your heavy tits, admiring the feel of them in his hands, or the way you tremble, your body alight with arousal. he's down so bad. he has to cap all of the bottles and stock them in the fridge first before he's going off to deal with his erection. T_T
✧ and jade......... he's a sly bastard. he knows floyd's in love with you (anyone could tell) and he takes every possible opportunity to stir up drama just for the fun of it. floyd threatens to send him off to the slaughterhouse if he keeps acting like an ass, but that's jade's specialty. <3 he just loves pressing you against the fence and rutting into you from behind, loves to drink straight from your tits, loves to fuck you in broad daylight so that everyone on the farm knows you're getting your guts rearranged by him. and floyd hates it! it's just not fair. why did they have to bring jade in? can't they just leave the breeding up to floyd? he'd gladly knock you up. but you and jade are so compatible and jade's so possessive of you, and the last time floyd tried to enter your pen he was swiftly kicked in the stomach. ;;;;;
✧ and azul!!!! he loves, loves, loves the milk from this farm. it's just so delicious; it's made the dishes at his restaurant taste even better than before. since he's an ambitious man, he originally visits the farm with the intention of purchasing whichever dairy cow is responsible for producing such high-quality milk just so he can get it straight from the source without having to go through the hoops of shipping and whatnot. but floyd's so evasive with answering his questions and as azul's leaving in a huff he passes the barn and spies you inside and...... now he needs you!!! he'll pay any price; he's desperate. floyd's dying inside because no one's supposed to know about you, but this loud-mouthed businessman knows and..... he allows azul to milk you so he can take a few bottles home for himself in exchange for his silence, and azul is so good at rizzing you that he ends up fucking you. and jade lets it happen because it's another fun way to watch floyd shrivel up and die. T_T he's so mean,,,,,
✧ and when you're pregnant, your milk production seems to double and you have to be milked multiple times a day because your tits get so heavy and full. floyd's living the dream, even more so when you weep and beg him to just fuck you already because you're soooo sensitive and soooo horny and you desperately need to be filled with cock; and jade's busy napping, so he can't do it. floyd gladly takes his place and he's the happiest in the world because after so long he finally gets to fuck you. he cums so much, all of it stuffed inside, and he cradles your belly so sweetly and tenderly.
✧ the alternative to this idea is that azul kidnaps you from the farm and keeps you captive in his home so that he can always have your milk for himself. not only for personal enjoyment but for the mostro lounge as well, and you hate him so much because he took you away from your home and friends and he keeps you shackled and collared with a little bell so you won't run away or escape. you've spent so long with him and you're months into your first pregnancy with him and he's been nothing but sweet and soft and he fucks you so good; and he's always so eager to milk you and he praises you constantly. stockholm syndrome kicks in and suddenly he's not so bad. suddenly you don't hate him anymore. suddenly you're riding him into the sheets with reckless abandon and coming apart on his cock because it feels so good and you love him so much and this is where you've always wanted to be. this is your home.
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cvntyboylove-666 · 2 months
I'd love to make you my personal boycow. First, I'll fuck you long and hard to mold your cunt around me, and give you the first few breedings. If you prove to be a good breeder and it takes, only then will I claim you with a new collar.
Even before your tits swell with milk, I'll hook you up to pumps for practice, and fuck you full of cum every day. Every day, your ass will get a little fatter, your tits more swollen and sensitive, and your pussy more accommodating to me.
After a few months, even the stimulation of wearing a shirt becomes too much, as the slightest friction on your nipples sends you into a cock-drunk horny spiral. By the time you're ready to pop, you'll be a proper breeder, and I can't wait to taste how sweet the reward is.
Fuck this is hot. You'll have to break me in first, stretch out my tight boycunt so it until it becomes the perfect sleeve for your cock, get me used to being bred and filled with cum. Pump me full everyday and plug me up until it takes, then collar me like the good cow I'm about to become. At first the pumps are uncomfortable, and I squirm, but you just remind me to be good and that soon I'll have big milky cow teets and it'll feel so good. Eventually I start to notice how much easier it is when you fuck me, how puffy my boycunt has gotten, how plush my ass is, how much more sensitive my boytits are becoming. It gets me so wet and horny when I realize my tits are getting bigger that I beg you to breed me again. Pretty soon I can't wear anything, and my once small boytits hang massive and heavy over my belly, nipples fat and nearly ready to milk. Every time they brush against something I'm instantly wet and desperate, I can't imagine how much hornier I'll be when I'm getting milked everyday. Any day now you'll squeeze my tits and milk will stream out, you've made me into such a good dairy cow <3
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bovineblogger · 10 months
⚠️ please remember to judge cows on their own merit, i dont want this 2 be a popularity contest! thank you i love you! ⚠️
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an american breed of cattle that are very popular amongst dairy farmers!!! their milk is perfect for cheesemaking:3
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a fluffy, rustic breed of cattle from scotland that has now been exported all over the world! they can get very large and live up to 20 years!
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fatkish · 1 month
Hi there, hope you're well! I always love your hybrid stuff, so I wanted to request (BullHybrid!Tengen + CowHybrid!Wives) x CowHybrid!Reader please! HCs for the bunch of them being a proper little herd.
Tengen + Wives x Reader: Hybrid AU
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Life had always been good on the Ubuyashiki Farms. Kagaya Ubuyashiki and his wife Amane were the owners of Ubuyashiki Farms, a hybrid farm
Ubuyashiki farms were mostly well known for their wine, jams, dairy and apple products
Many different hybrids lived here and helped the family out by providing them with things like wool, milk, eggs, etc
Many of the male hybrids helped out in the fields, planting and helping care for the grapes, and various berry plants, while the females helped in the apple orchards
Among the hybrids was the Uzui herd. This herd consisted of Tengen Uzui, the stud bull, and his three female cows, Suma, Makio and Hinatsuru
His wives spent a lot of time helping out in the orchards and helping with the production of wine and jams whilst he spent his time helping with the more heavy duty stuff like manual labor
The hybrids are treated well and highly respect the Ubuyashiki family, since they respect them and treat them so well
Tengen and his girls or wives as he call them, have their own little barn that they sleep in, as do all the hybrids
One day, Kagaya called Tengen over and told him that a new hybrid would be arriving at the farm and that he wanted Tengen to help them get settled in
Tengen agreed to help the newcomer get settled, but he was surprised to hear that the new arrival was a hybrid hybrid
To be specific, they were the offspring of a cow and sheep hybrid, meaning they’d produce wool and milk
Such hybrids were rare and Uzui was excited to see one, and he wasn’t disappointed
You arrived on the farm around midday and you were very skittish, and easily spooked
When Tengen went to greet you, you yelped and tried to hide behind the truck that brought you there
You peeked out at him and were extremely nervous but Kagaya came to the rescue
Kagaya introduced himself as well as his wife and welcomed you to the farm
You sheepishly accepted his welcome and you followed Tengen as he showed you around the farm
The previous farm you came from wasn’t able to properly provide care for you since it wasn’t a hybrid based farm
Your wool is of high quality and you spend a lot of time caring for it and grooming it. You also have horns that you have to maintain and shape with special tools that way they don’t grow too long
Eventually you met Tengen’s wives who thought you were just the cutest with your soft fluffy wool
You’ve since become a part of the Uzui herd
Suma loves snuggling with you and cuddling into your wool
Hinatsuru helps you with grooming the wool you can’t reach and helps you care for it
Makio helps you before and after you get sheared, since you get hot and cold easily. And she helps you sand down your horns
Tengen is the one who shears you, he trims up places like between your legs and trims the fur on your ears before shearing your wool off in one big fleece
You’ve come to trust Tengen and since he’s so much larger than you, it’s easier for him to shear you
After you’ve been sheared, Tengen and his wives will cuddle with you at night to help keep you warm with the absence of your wool
Tengen will wrap you in a blanket if you need it and he’ll snuggle you
You’ve taken to working in the winery and you help make jams. You tend to do more indoor work due to your difficulty with handling temperatures
Tengen is also the one who milks all four of you, he does it by hand since the machines scare both you and Suma
When it comes time to breed you, Tengen makes sure to be through with each of his wives and you
Sadly due to the fact that your a mixed hybrid, you’re infertile, but Tengen still breeds with you since it helps with your milk production due to the stimulation and hormones from breeding
Tengen makes sure to look after the four of you and makes sure that each of you are eating and are healthy
When it comes to nighttime, he makes sure that the barn is secure before he returns to the cuddle puddle, as you and Suma call your guys’s bed
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