May I ask for a luidenogla headcanon?
-The definition of tall and small- even when Lui wears 3 inch boots, he is nowhere close to the gangly stature that is Daithi de Nogla
-David the IT boyfriend who tries so hard to get Lui's stream stuff up and running, and probably falls asleep at Lui's desk trying to fix everything; Lui always makes sure to get him a pillow and a blanket so he doesn't end up with a sore neck in the morning
-They still play Pokemon Go and go out on pokemon dates, and trade with each other and it's way too cute
-Nogla will also pass off his DS to his boyfriend if he ever gets stuck on a gym battle, and Lui will kiss his cheek and kick the gym leader's ass with no mercy
-"These are my children. My people. I will die for them-"
"It's just Joe n' Tony, Lui, calm down."
-Oh my god I forgot about the squeaker voice. I can imagine Lui doing it everytime he wants something from Daithi, and 9/10 times it actually works.
-They wear matching hoodies and t-shirts at conventions, usually it's their friend's merch because they want to be supportive, dammit
-They go to new and trendy restaurants to try new foods and eat weird things, and usually egg each other on to see who can order the most obscure item on the menu (the video usually ends up on instagram)
-Lui introduces David as "mi novio" everywhere. they. go. everytime.
-David likes to annoy his boyfriend by claiming everything is "too spicy for his Irish genes". The ketchup? Too spicy. The rice? Too spicy. The coffee? Too spicy
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writingwithadragon · 7 years
Id love to read it!! And can we have DaithiDeCalibre
There is the short and sweet DaithiDeCalibre (I didn’t have a good idea so I just went with it, sorry) I hope you like it, and sorry that it is ‘sad’. And this is my first ever time doing that ship XD. 
Thanks yous!!!! And I do think you would like the story, and do you (guys) want the hook for it? And if you have any questions ask away. :3
Every day is different for Lui, as in, they are never the same. One day he would be kind and loving, and the next rude and impatient. A few weeks ago David had to be the bad cop as they attacked like children. And even with Lui being Lui, David still loved him to bits. But being Lui comes at a cost, life ends fast. The day David cried was when Lui was rude, hellish, and trying to be the devil. And with a swift shot, in the eye of the storm, the storm evaporated. David didn’t even know that he had died until a week passed. But before he found out he kept thinking back to their fight. It was short and sweet, as so was Lui’s life.
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
In your opinion, what do you think about DaithiDeCalibre? (Nogla & Lui)
Awww this couple! So I actually wasn’t in the fandom much when this couple was a big deal but I really do find them cute and they’re a part in the new story I’m writing so I totally gives a thumbs up for them! ^.^
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kawaiineko07-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Outside These Walls {H20Vanoss/Banana Bus Squad fan fiction} (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/ytaoVaA37E School... ? Ugh. It gives me goosebumps everytime I hear that place. What do I even have to feel? Should I be happy... ? Well, NO. Not for me! Friends? Nope. I had trust issues since that INCIDENT happened...
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melonbread96 · 6 years
I don’t know if this questioned was asked before, but what kind of ships do you like, from BBS, to another fandom or move or something.... (I’m really shy, hehe)
Oh gosh.. that’s a long list, but I’ll tell you some of them. I know my list isn’t as long as others, because I’m actually quite picky about ships (which I sometimes wish I wasn’t).
(OTP)H2OVanoss Ohmtoonz
(Others)MinicatVantoonz VanOhmDaithiDeCalibre WildtoonzTerrorSnuckle (a little)
I’ve written things I don’t really ship, but these are basically the ones I enjoy.
Other YouTube:
(Others)Pewdiecry Maskedmexican MaskedMonki Slamwrecker Septiplier Septipie
I’d say I still have an unhealthy addiction to Seamexican, even if it isn’t popular anymore and Seananners doesn’t seem to be posting any vids. I just really enjoyed it, and I loved writing it at the time. Maybe one day I’ll make another book, despite it’s lack of popularity.
Super hero ships:
(OTP)Spideypool Stony Superbat
I actually read more super hero fics, out of every other fanfiction. Mostly because I’m so picky with my BBS stuff, and hardly any writer writes the boys to my satisfaction with it. Not that I blame any writers for it, I think I’m just weird and visual them a certain way.
(OTP)McGenji McHanzo Shimadacest Reaper76
Other mentions: (because I’m lazy)Fontcest Sasunaru DrarryKeveddBilldip
I think that’s most of them, if you want a good idea into my typical favorite ships. I’m into controversial ships, which I’m sure some people might notice, but can’t stop what I enjoy. All is good if it’s fiction to me, as long as people tag and put the proper warnings on them.
I don’t mind questions like these, though I understand being shy. I was shy with writers/artists before, but I’ll answer more questions, if they’re not rude or too personal.
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xxnoobydoobyxx · 7 years
The family Brock over looked
A/N: Heyoo guys, I hope you have all be wonderful these past few days. I got this idea a few days ago and decided to write it. 
This mainly focus’ on Brock, or Moosnuckel, and how he realized his family. I really hope you all like this.
Ships: Mentioned H2ovanoss, Daithidecalibre, terrornuckel, and more.
Please enjoy,
Brock had always wanted to be a parent, he’d always wanted kids in general. He’d see kids holding their parents hand while crossing the street or playing at the park when he drove by, and he’d silently wish that one day he would be able to do that.
That dream was crushed, however, the second he and the others created BBS, or Banana Bus Squad, and started rising to the tops of most powerful gangs in Los Santos.
But that didn’t stop him from silently wishing so, or staying awake at night next to Brian envisioning a life where they could raise a kid and have a family together.
Brock grinned to himself as he  watched everyone; Brian, Evan, Jonathan, Tyler, Craig, Lui, Nogla, Smitty, John, Marcel, And even Scotty; sit around the giant living space, joking and laughing with one another as they ate his homemade meal.
Smitty was wrapped up in John’s arms, yelling ‘YEET’ as he threw an empty water bottle across the room, hitting Jonathan in the head as he perched on Evan’s lap.
Tyler and Craig double over in laughter, followed by Nogla’s booming laugh and Lui’s small giggles.
Brian snorted from his seat by Brock’s side, the Irish man’s arm around his waist.
Just seeing them all happy made Brock the happiest man in the world.
If Brock could have the family he always wanted,
he would protect them with his life,
Brock let out a scream of outrage as he put himself in between an injured Tyler and his attacker, not about to let the fucker hurt his family again.
“ Don’t touch him!”
Comfort them when they were hurt,
Brock gently wiped the tears out of Smitty’s eyes and pulled him into a soft hug, as he finished stitching up, what was, a bullet wound.
“ Shh, it’s over now. No more pain, you can rest now, it’s okay.” He whispered, rocking the white haired boy back and forth, making him drift off to sleep, right in his arms.
“ I’m right here.”
Or scared,
Brock caged Lui tightly in his arms, trying his best to shield him from the loud booms and cracks of the thunder storm raging outside. The usually bright male, lay trembling in his arms, utterly terrified.
Brock could feel tears staining the front of his shirt and tightening his grip, he whispered;
“  You’re safe, I promise; I’ll always keep you safe. I’ll always be right here, right here with you.”
and take care of them when they were sick.
As Brock pressed the cool cloth to Nogla’s head, he sung softly;
“ Goodnight, goodnight It's time now to sleep Moo’s watching over You and your dreams Goodnight, goodnight My sweet Irish one Tomorrow your eyes They will light up the sun But goodnight, goodnight Sweet dreams for now Drift off to sleep On your pillow of clouds Goodnight, goodnight My sweet Irish friend Tomorrow's adventures They will soon begin Tomorrow's adventures Will soon begin”
As he finished the song, he leaned down and gently kissed the top of Nogla’s head.
“ Sweet dreams David, you’ll feel better in no time. I promise, until then, I’ll be right here.”
He wanted to be someone they felt they could come to about anything,
“ -And he’s just so cute! And he does this thing, whenever he shoots, with his tongue and I just… I just can’t! It’s so cute Brock! You don’t understand!” Marcel whined, throwing his hands into the air.
Brock smiled knowingly, he’d seen the way Scott shot and how Marcel always stared, almost with literal hearts in his eyes, and it always brought a smile to his face. The two of them were both so in love with each other that they didn’t notice the feeling was mutual.
And as much as the guys acted big and tough on heists and in public, they were really just a bunch of softies with emotional issues.
“ Well,you could just tell him.” Brock said confidentially, having had a similar conversation with Scott a few days prior.
Marcel looked at him then, eyes wide.
“ But, what if he doesn’t feel the same? I’d ruin the only bond I have with him!”
“ He’ll feel the same way, trust me.” He promised, and he’d always remember how happy Marcel looked after he’d said that, how hopeful and Enthusiastic he was as he left to go find Scott shorty after nearly hugging Brock to death.
And could always feel safe around,
Yawning, Brock stretched his arms above his head and looked around; realizing he’d fallen asleep on the couch.
As he move to get up, a weight on his legs made him pause, looking down he couldn’t help but chuckle, for Evan lay curled up, as big of a male as he was, with his head resting on his right thigh, fast asleep.  
Deciding that waking him up wouldn’t be a good idea, for the leader of the group had enough problems as it was with planning and keeping tabs on everything that happened in the city, he decided to return to his original position and go back to sleep, all while gently carding his fingers through the Asians' hair.
But he knew that would never happen and the thought saddened Brock;
and pretty soon he was falling into a deep depression.
He tried to act normal, like nothing was wrong so no one would notice, but he wasn’t the type of person to hide how he felt. He was like an open book, every mood he felt was easily read.
Some days were better than other.
Some days he could go out and see families together and not feel like he was drowning in an ocean of sadness; but others, like today, all he wanted to do was hide away and never think about the life he would never have,
Or the parent he could never be.
Brock knew a break down was coming, he’d been there to witness all the guys’ and knew the signs. So, when he felt his throat tighten up and his eyes dampen, he went back to Brian and his room and hid inside their closet; wanting to be somewhere dark and quiet, and he cried.
He let it all out in that moment, alone in the dark of his shared closet, he let it all out. His eyes burned as tears ran down his cheeks and his chest felt like it was being crushed with how hard it was to breathe. He was so lost in his head that he didn’t hear his name being called, or the closet door being ripped opened.
He didn’t hear Brian shouting for him to breathe, to calm down and talk to him. He didn’t hear the pounding feet of the others, or their worried voices. He couldn’t hear any of it, he only heard the screaming in his head, or was he actually screaming? He didn’t know, but soon enough he was covered in darkness,
And then silence.
Blissful silence.
He felt like he was floating, like he was drifting weightlessly through space. There was no light and the only sound was just a soft hum, barely even there. His body felt heavy, like he had been sleeping for a long time and had just woken up. Everything came back all at once and Brock opened his eyes,
Brock winced and shut his eyes quickly as light flooded into them, blinding him momentarily. Giving them a few moments to adjust, Brock took in his surroundings. He was on a bed, his bed, and that meant he was in his room. Listening, he tried to see if he was alone, he wasn’t. Voices he recognized, belonging to Brian and Evan, talked quietly somewhere to the right of his bed.
“ What do you think caused it?” That was Evan, Brock could recognize that voice anywhere; it was the same with everyone else too.
He knew each of their voices by heart. He even knew who left what messes in the kitchen and training room, based on what food and what equipment was left out. He even knew who left the tv on by accident depending on what channel was playing.
“ I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s been bothering him for a while now. I was just hoping he would have come to me and talked about it sooner, before it got this bad.” And that was Brian, his voice, so calming to Brock, always making him feel so safe and protected; now made him feel guilty and sad. He hadn’t meant to make him worry.
Deciding to make his presence known, Brock opened his eyes and sat up, eyes widening as he realized that there were more people in his room than he originally thought.
Smitty and john lay, fast asleep, on the floor beside the bed wrapped up in each other’s arms on a makeshift mattress. Beside them was Marcel and Scott, with Scott being the big spoon and Marcel the little one. On the other side of the room, spread out on the couch, was Tyler and Craig. Craig fast asleep on top of Tyler’s chest. On the opposite side of the bed, saem as Smitty and John, was Nogla and Lui; with Nogla’s head buried in Lui’s chest.
Staring a little wide eyed, Brock froze. He hadn’t expected to wake up to them all being so close, and for how long he didn’t know, it was just a bit surprising.
“ None of them have moved all night. They were too worried about you, we all were.” Jonathan said, his voice startling Brock out of his mind. He hadn’t even noticed the man standing beside the bed and if he hadn’t of spoken up, Brock doubted he would have even known he was there unless he turned to look behind him.
“ Why?” The question was slipping out before Brock had a chance to stop it, startling those who were awake. Evan looked baffled, like he had just heard something he couldn’t believe, Jon just looked surprised, and Brian;
Brian looked hurt, as if the question had physically harmed him in some way. He stared at Brock with that kicked puppy look, but it didn’t last for long because it was followed by a look of complete and utter rage, and it was all aimed at him.
“ Why? WHY?! Are you seriously asking that question?! “ Brian’s voice grew in volume, waking everyone in the room, “ Do you have any idea what you put us through, what you put me through, these past few hours? How worried we all were, because we had no idea what was going on? Because you won’t talk to us about whatever it is that’s hap-” Brock cut him off,
“ Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up!” He cried, grasping at his head, “ You don’t know anything! You don’t understand-”
“ Then help me understand!” Brock was dragging back against Brian’s chest, “ Help us understand, let us help you for once.”
And Brock told them everything.
The words came tumbling from his mouth before he had a chance to think them through and by the time he was done, he was sobbing. He felt stupid, being so upset and causing so much commotion over something like this.
“ I’m sorry.” Brock finished, rubbing furiously at his eyes. No one had said anything the whole time and it was starting to worry Brock. His face burned with embarrassment and he felt his eyes watering again. He knew they wouldn’t understand, he knew it was a stupid idea, a stupid wish, he knew-
Fingers grasped his chin and tilted his head head, forcing his to come face to face to Brian.
“ Hey, baby breathe. It’s okay.” Brian reassured, gently wiping the tears off Brock’s cheeks. “ It’s okay, no one’s upset. I  promise.” Brock nodded and it felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.
“ But, You’re wrong.”
Brock looked up, surprised.
“ What?”
Brian’s face broke out into a large grin.
“ You’re wrong.” He repeated, “ You’ve had a family this whole time. Haven’t you noticed?” Brock hadn’t noticed, but he didn’t have to voice this, for the others were already speaking.
“ Yeah! We’ve always been your family Brock.” Smitty stated with wide mitch-matched eyes. The others voiced their agreements.
“ Yeah, and if we’re talking about family placement, you’re definitely the mom, Brock.” Tyler stated, causing the other to laugh and make similar comments.
“ Yeah! But if he’s the mom, does that make Brian the dad?” Lui giggled making Brian’s cheeks flush red.
“ W-Well, if I’m the dad then that means you gotta listen to what I say from now on!” Brian stated, making Lui puff up, ready to defend himself. Though Nogla was quick to interrupt.    
“ If their the parents, then what’s Evan? He’s the leader here!” Brock smiled, looking over at the canadian man, who looked slightly surprised.
“ Evan’s the big brother!” Marcel shouted, throwing an arm over said man’s shoulders, who chuckled softly, “ And Smitty’s the little brother!”
“ Hey! I’m more mature than you! You fuckin-”
“ Thank you.” All eyes fell onto Brock, who had more tears sliding down his cheeks. “ I-I’m so so sorry. I’ve been so blind.” He whispered, voice shaky as he fidgeted with the edge of the blanket.
The faces in the room softened and they all moved a little bit closer.
“ You aren’t stupid Brock. You were just sad.” Brian says softly, “ And the next time you’re sad, just come to one of us, because we’re your family and we care about you just as much as you care about us; so that means we’ll always be here for you.” Brock nods, whipping at his eyes.
“ Yeah, you’re right,” He paused, before grinning up at them all, “ Though, I am pretty hungry-” He barely had time to finish his sentence before all of them were racing from the room, leaving him by himself.
Grinning, Brock listened to them all bound down the stairs, yelling profanities and other things at each other as they raced to the kitchen.
Thinking back on it, Brock couldn’t believe he had been so stupid and blind to not see the amazing family that had been in front of him the entire time. He never even realized how much the others meant to him until he was already being told that he was their mother figure, which didn't offend him like he thought it would.
It, actually made him feel good, like he was special to someone. He was happy to be the mother figure and if anyone wanted to use that as an insult, he would just grin and say he was proud to call all these wonderful boys his sons and that he loved them with everything he had.
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Please some daithi de calibre?
Daithi De Calibre Pt II
-Lui is the only person who can understand Nogla when he is tired, yelling incomprehensible gibberish, enraged, or a combination of the three
-Lui repeatedly teases his boyfriend for pronouncing things with his accent i.e. 'tree', 'turty', 'sangwiches'
-They do not have four braincells between the two of them, and they both may be complete dumbasses but Nogla is extremely knowledgeable in the weirdest shit (like chocolate milk, for instance)
-Lui has to stand on his tiptoes to properly kiss David, and most of the time Daithi will lean down to make things easier (did I mention the height difference is cute? it's cute)
-David is a rightful snacc, and Lui will not waste any opportunity to clean his boyfriend up a bit and get him well dressed (sweatpants are not real pants, Nogla)
-Lui likes to be the big spoon, believe it or not, and clings to his boyfriend like he's David's personal jetback (though they usually end up sprawled on opposite sides of the bed in the morning)
-Nogla makes the absolute best cookies in the world- Lui swears by it, and he will beg and plead and bribe Nogla to make them, especially if he's feeling sick or if the weather's crappy
-Lui might not be all that religious, but he'll go to church with Nogla on the rare occasions that his boyfriend asks because he's nothing if not supportive, thank you very much
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emilythedog661 · 6 years
BBS Cowboy AU
I’m watching Delirious' RDR2 playthough and it made me think of a Cowboy AU, all the bbs will be in a group with their own campsite and they respect each other like brothers with ships mixed in there too cause this AU is set in morden day with the acception of everything, anyway here are their personalities
Evan - Vanoss - Evan is a little rebel who like to do whatever he wants, he’s the leader of the group and he always makes sure everyone is accounted for, he cares about delirious the most and he loves to tease him as well as flirt with him too, he loves to teases the others too but it’s all in good fun, delirious also taught him how to look after his horse named bathorse which is a jet black horse with a yellow horse saddle, saddle pad and bridle, he also had a few horses in the past that he purposely killed when in fights but delirious taught him to care about the horse, Evan wears a black hat with a black shirt and yellow waistcoat, black cowboy trousers and black boots, Evan is also a mixture of good and bad and it straight down the middle.
Jon - Delrious - Jon is mostly good with a loyal, kind heart, he’s loves a good joke and making jokes and he’s sometimes bad but mostly good, he loves all his friends and they tease him but if it goes to far Evan defends him, Jon and Evan has a strong relationship and they love each other to death, Jon has a gray and white horse named horselirious and he cares about him deeply, he always feeds him, brushed him, always feels bad when he’s hurt and gives him affection, Jon also taught Evan to take care of his horse since he’s a bit lazy with him at first but then after some TLC caring Jon managed to get Evan to care for his horse, Jon wears a black hat, blue shirt with white waistcoat, black cowboy trousers and black boots, also horselirious wears a blue saddle with white saddle pad and white and blue bridle.
Brock - Moo - Brock is the group mom and makes sure everyone is healthy, safe and sound, if one of them are hurt he will heal them back up and cheers them up when they are sad, Brock is mostly good but likes to be bad now and again, Brock wears a white hat with a green shirt, blue waistcoat, brown cowboy trousers and black boots, Brock get along with everyone and he mostly gets along with Brian, him and Brian were officially named the group parents by the squad and they don’t mind, him and Brian also have a flirty teasing relationship going on and they love it, Brock owns a white and brown horse named snuckles and he loves his horse as much as Jon does, Snuckles wears a dark blue saddle with a green saddle pad and a blue bridle.
Brian - Terroriser - Brian is one of 2 irish people in the group and he’s the mixture of strict and laidback dad of the group, he'll do whatever the other boys are doing for a laugh and good time so he can be neither good or bad depending on the situation but when one of them goes too far he will tell them of in a strict parently way, Brian is one of the ones that love to tease the others but he loves to tease Brock differently by flirt teasing him, Brian has a brown and white horse named speedy and he wears a red saddle, black saddle pad and black bridle, Brian wears a black hat, red shirt, black waistcoat, black trousers and black boots.
David - Nogla - David is the goofball of the group, the other irish person and is always teased for the fun of it, luckily he doesn’t care and always ends up joining in, he loves having a good time but the group has to be careful when having David on missions since he might mess up, David wears a white hat, back shirt, green waistcoat, black trousers and boots, he has a good relationship with lui and he loves to try and tease him but it doesn’t always work, David has a white horse named puncake and he wears a green saddle, saddle pad and bridle.
Lui - Lui is the man child of the group and he also a trickster, he loves to have a good time and he loves to use his kid voice, he has a good relationship with everyone and he mainly like to hang around with David, Lui wears a black hair, red shirt, white waistcoat, black trousers and boots, Lui has a chocolate coloured horse named louis and he had a white saddle, red saddle pad and white bridle.
Tyler - Wildcat - Tyler is full rebel and he loves to be the rebel of the group, he’s the one that plans all the bad stuff and he the second in charge next to Evan, Tyler is also the one that plans the teasing on the others mainly David and he loves to flirty tease Craig, Tyler and Craig love to boast how much they love each other for a joke but they do love each other, Tyler wears a white hat, pink shirt, white waistcoat, black trousers and boots, Tyler has a gold coloured horse named bacon and he wears a white saddle, pink saddle pad and white bridle.
Craig - Miniladd - Craig is the nerdy, timid one of the group and he also has a big mouth, he’s very loud and he gets into a good time you can’t drag him out of it, he loves to spend time with the others and he mainly hangs around with Tyler, him and Tyler love to have a good time and that’s why they love each other, Craig is like Evan with the good and bad thing but also like Brian where he just goes with the flow, Craig wears a brown hat, white shirt, orange waistcoat, black trousers and boots, Craig's horse is a cream and white horse named mocha and he has a dirty orange saddle, brown saddle pad and brown bridle
I hope you like my Cowboy AU and i might do a fanfic on my BBS Book on Wattpad in the future when i have the chance 😋 (link to my BBS Book =3)
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Will we see any DaithiDeCalibre in Libahunt, Drabbles or oneshots???
uhhhh not in Libahunt! Its a couple I actually don’t have a ton of like...knowledge about? When I came into the fandom, Lui was pretty much out of it and so I’ve only gotten to see him in a few things. I do find the two of them really cute and if I was going to do a drabble or something for them, it wouldn’t be the most angsty or conflicting. It’d be probably sweeter. 
I do think they are a back pair in my Virus Story! ^.^
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cuddlysmii7y · 7 years
I found one! So I found it and added on the end. So it goes: Person a: Did it hurt? Person B: -rolls eyes- Lemme guess, when I fell from Heaven? Person A: Pffft no. Person B: What? Person A: When you fell for me? (my addition) -trips Person B into that cliche dip before they kiss thing- (I imagined this for daithidecalibre, lui as b and Daithi as A, lmao but you can do whatever ship you like lol)
Omfg yes. I'm starting this right away!! (Although I may change the pairing bc I'm not a huge fan of daithidecalibre just bc I don't really know their personalities too well)
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poly-bus · 7 years
Dropping Grades Like I’m Dropping Bombs In GTA
Au: High School
Pairing: DaithiDeNogla x Lui Calibre = DaithiDeCalibre
Prompt: David hasn’t been watching his grades lately. So what happens when his buddy, Lui, finds out that his best friend is failing English AND History?!  He helps him of course.
“Ye can’t fucking blame meh!” David’s voice interrupted the laughter echoing from his Gaming friends’ mics.
“Nogla, how the fuck are you failing  English? You aren’t even in honors with me and Evan, dude!” Tyler’s laughter was followed by Craig’s teasing giggles.
Jonathan chuckled, “You aren’t in History honors either, David. What the fuck!?”
“I only have an eighteh-tree! It’s not t’at bad!”
“It’s really fucking bad!” Tyler wheezed, “I’ve got a 98!”
“I’ll help.” Lui said in his squeaky voice, “I have a 102 in my History honors class and a 97 in my English 2 honors!”
“You’re in English 2 as freshmen, Lui?!” Jonathan groaned, “I’m still stuck in English 1 as a sophomore!”
“See? Jonathan’s worst off than you at his own language.”
“I have a shitty teacher.” Jonathan reminded with a giggle.
“Anyway, what time should I come over?”
“T'ink you should just stay here for t’e weekend. T’at way we can use up most of our gamin’ time stud’in’.”
The group chuckled and moved on to their game, Lui and David making plans for the future study group meet ups. Soon after, the others slowly logged off, leaving the two in a call together. “T’anks, Lui.”
“It’s alright. I’ll actually get to spend some time alone with my best buddy for once.” He giggled, grinning at the laughter from David.
“Yep. A great 48 hours to spend wit’ ya t’is weekend.”
Let me know if you want me to continue on this :) just comment below. ;D Or like it, I’ll most likely make a part 2 of them actually having their “weeken alone time studying together” scene. ;3
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cartoonzgiggle · 8 years
College Series?
Thinking about doing a series of past and present events involving a few of the BBS boys. I already have a bunch of things planned out. Involving ships would include:
Those would be the main ships but also ships that will have a past, dating or a one off thing. Those would include:
*Brii7y (Bryce & Smii7y)
Like, I have so much planned out and I’m really wanting to do it. Not sure if I want to do over at Wattpad or AO3 either… What would be better? I post all my work on Wattpad so it may be easier but ugh, not sure if I wanna put this on A03 instead. Halp?!
Also sorry but the H2OVanoss ship will not be involved, they will interact but nothing romantic happens for them. I’ll probably make them good friends but nothing more. 
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galactic-tragedy · 7 years
Meet the kids
Corruption: hi!
Andy: what r we doing?
Ecca Eda: an ask blog
Lilly: *nods*
Hope: we're not on the road and this is not a show
Skyler: *giggles* let her believe that we r on the road
Tyler: no, she's most likely going to kill ppl
Leona: Kitty and Vanessa will do that for her
Leah: yeah
Garroth: mom will be proud of me for starting this blog thing
Katelyn: ....
Clarissa: who said kill?
Lance: Tyler
Lizzie: *squeaks*
Bloodstorm: mousebrains....
Septic: what is a mousebrain?
Vanessa: idk
Kitty: *giggles* time to troll u guys
Samantha: i agree with Lainey (tho she didn't use the squeaker voice)
Juliana: ignore my brother
Mia: yeah
Who the kids belong to:
Setosolace: Corruption
Rollow: Andy
Bianca40: Ece Edda
Nightcab: Lilly
Krinx: Cristy
Curage: Hope
Skylox: Skyler and Tyler
Flevanz: Leona
Eclara: Leah
Zanvis: Tessa and Sally
Braye: Garroth and Katelyn
Merome: Clarissa
Leccel: Lance
StampyTDM: Lizzie
Sceto: Bloodstorm
Septicplier: Septic
H20vanoss: Vanessa
Cybercat: Kitty
Daithidecalibre: Lainey
Subthan: Samantha
Juparri: Aiden and Juliana
Bepsteria: Mia
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
DaithiDeCalibre umm you can have a freebie for writing this one I’m not picky it’s just I haven’t see much of it here so yay...
Wow this is a couple I haven’t from in a while. Ive actually never really written much regarding Lui except in LH because I wasn’t really around during the time he played with the boys. I’ve seen little skits with him but nothing with Daithi so I’m not 100% sure if I can do them justice. I’ll have to explore this more in the summer. 
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poly-bus · 7 years
Yes and yes
Alright, lol. Here ya go:
-Poly!BBS(I call it Poly Bus :) )(often)
-Dream Team : H2OBrohmtoonz(sometimes)
-mii7y (mini x smii7y/rare)
Oh gosh, what else is there? xD I swear, I write about as many pairings as my mind can make up. Haha But yeah, that’s all of them, I believe, in this fandom.
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