#dammit Donnie put it back
the sibling reader stuff is mad dope good job bro, could you do sum like when theyre in middle school and they come home after school all upset and like wont talk to anyone and it turns out, oh no not cool man theyre being bullied. its totally cool if not bro, love your stuff homebre keep it up
I love writing sibling reader, these requests are making me happy!
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The minute you walked into the Lair, they knew something was up.
You were still wearing your jacket for one,
You always, always took it off before you got home,
No matter how cold outside it was.
The second thing was your expression.
You just looked so...
Leo and Raph were the first to notice,
They shared a look with eachother, they both knew something had happened,
But figuring that out was the easy part,
Gettting you to talk wasn't going to be a cake walk...
"(Name)'s home!" Mikey shouted, jumping up from his spot on the couch, rushing to give you a hug.
The hug that you dodged with a weak smile.
The hug you had looked forward to getting everyday since you were 6.
That's when Mikey knew something wasn't right.
"How was school?" Donnie asked as he walked in, patting your shoulder as he passed.
You winced when his hand came in contact with your skin, laughing nervously.
Now Donnie knew too.
And you knew they knew.
"It was fine." you mumbled, before starting towards your room.
"Where ya' goin', Shorty?"
You sighed lowly, "To do homework."
"You just got home," Leo said, "Why don't you come watch TV with us for a little bit."
You shook your head, your breathing becoming uneven when you felt the tears prick your eyes, "Nope! I'm fine! You know how History is." You laughed nervously, reaching your room and closing the door as quickly as possible.
You tossed your backpack on your bed, shedding off your jacket, wincing.
You went to run your hand over the bruises that ran along your bare arms, pulling away quickly when the touch caused you to whimper.
The tears fell slowly, rolling down your cheeks almost taunting you.
'Some ninja.'
It was back.
That little voice that you hadn't heard in so long.
The one you had tried so damn hard to get rid of.
You slid down to the floor with your back against the door, head between your knees while you tried your hardest not to cry.
A soft knock sounded from behind you, and you held your breath, "(Name)..?" the worried voice of Mikey came from the otherside.
"Uh- Yeah?" you put some false chipper in your voice.
"You ok?"
"Peachy keen, Michel!"
You heard Raph grunt on the otherside of the door, "Dammit (Name), we're not stupid. We know you're lyin'."
You felt a sob build up in the back of your throat, you tried to respond but it felt like something was holding your voice hostage.
"Please just let us in." Donnie begged, and that did it.
You stood up slowly, doing your best to calm yourself.
Your eyes never left your feet as you opened that door,
You felt ashamed.
When you heard nothing from your brothers, you looked up to face them, and you felt the tears begin to fall again.
They weren't dissapointed in you,
They were upset.
They were angry.
For you.
You sniffled quietly and instantly Mikey pulled you in for a hug,
The second his arms wrapped around you the silent tears turned into to full on sobs.
And Mikey held you.
Just like he had when you were younger.
Mikey was doing his best to calm you out of your tears.
Just like he had in that alley oh so long ago.
You felt like you were just a toddler again,
Helpless and scared.
You were shaking, but despite the gut wrenching sobs you let out, an overwhelming sense of relief washed through your body.
You didn't have to keep the secret anymore.
Eventually your crying had reduced itself to sniffles, and you pulled away from Mikey, wiping your eyes while Donnie gently took your arms to examine the bruises.
"Who did it." Leo asked you lowly,
You looked down once again, the shame of being bullied filling you once again, "This clique of jerks. Ya know, the 'popular kids'. They've been picking on me since, like, 2nd grade for not having my bio parents around."
"How the hell do they even know that?" Raph growled out.
You shrugged, wincing when Donnie pressed on one of your bruises, "Some of their parents works in the office, so they knows April isn't my real mom."
Leo sighed, "Is this the first time the bullying has been physical?"
You nodded, "I told 'em to fuck off. They... didn't like that and jumped me after school."
"Have you tried getting staff involved?" Donnie question,
"Yup, but like I said, some of their parents work in the office, so they never get in trouble. I'm just told to stop lying trying to cause drama."
Leo hummed, and you looked up from the floor, "I'm sorry." you said, sniffling, tears welling up once again.
"I'm sorry... I tried to stand up for myself, but I'm just not s-strong like you guys.."
Leo shook his head and pulled you in for a hug, "Don't you dare say you're sorry, (Name), because you have nothing you should be sorry for. We'll deal with those kids, just meet us in the nearest alley after school, ok?"
You nodded, "Can we watch Smurfs?"
Raph chuckled and patted you on the head when Leo pulled away, "Sure thing, Shorty."
The next day at school, you were nervous.
Leo hadn't told you his plan, just to meet them in the nearest alley to the school.
The bell rung, and you rushed out of the classroom, you reached your locker quickly and emptied it for the day.
After that, you rushed out the front door as fast as you could.
You were almost off school property when they caught up to you.
"Going somewhere, bitch?"
You looked behind you, seeing Brad and his possy of prep kids glaring snarkily at you.
"Fuck off, Brad." you said, continuing towards that alley.
You felt someone yank on the back of your hoodie, and you whipped around and socked the guy who held it in the face.
After that you took off running, with Brad shouting behind you, "Get back here you fucking bitch!"
You ran breathless into the alley, debating pulling up the manhole cover and escaping, but then the clique walked into the alley way.
Brad grabbed the front of your shirt, lifting you up slightly, "Who the fuck do you think you are, huh, fucker?"
"Our baby sibling."
Brad dropped you and began to frantically search the alley for whomever had spoke.
You felt a hand on you shoulder and turned to see a very angry Raphael.
"The baby sibling you just put your hands on."
One of the girls spotted your brothers, gasped quietly, and then promptly fainted.
You let out a pft-
Before backing up to stand next to Donnie, who wrapped his arm around your shoulder while glaring at the kids.
The prep kids looked just about ready to either faint, or book it out of the alley, but just as they began to run, Leo popped out of nowhere and wrapped his arm tightly around Brad's shoulder.
"Hey, you must be Brad. So a little birdy told me that you've been causing some issues for sweet old (Name) here. For your information, we're their big brothers, and we don't take too kindly to people picking on family."
He shoved Brad forward, with Brad in the other kids looking around in terror.
Raph spoke up, twirling one of his sais around menacingly, "You got one option here, so pay attention. I'm gonna give you all 10 seconds to get down on your knees and beg (Name) for the forgivness you don't deserve, or I'll show ya' what it's like to get beat up by someone bigger than ya', got it punk?"
Brad and his possy immediatly dropped to their knees infront of you, and it took everything in your power to not laugh out loud as they all frantically begged you for mercy and forgiveness and they were so sorry, etc. etc.
"Shut up you blubbering idiots." you said, they immediatly stopped talking, and you turned to face Leo "I wanna go home, do we still have poptarts?"
Leo nodded, and Raph picked Brad up off the ground, "You leave (Name) alone from now on."
Mikey nodded poking him in the side, "Yeah, you don't talk to them, you don't look at them, don't even breath in their direction, got it?"
Brad nodded frantically, and Raph dropped him, and Leo sent him one last glare "Don't say a word of what happened here to anyone, got it? We'll know, and we will find you. Now go."
Without another word, the clique left, scampering down the sidewalk like some terrified rabbits.
"Now let's get you that poptart, Shorty."
And voilà! I hope you guys enjoy this one since I really liked writing it! 💕
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luckycharms1701 · 6 months
Raph grins when Mikey, chest puffed out, yells “Dare!” at him. The look on his face alarms you, and you aren’t the only one. Leo sighs and puts his head in his hands. “Raph, whatever you’re thinking, just don’t.” Raph’s grin widens.
You and April had discovered that the turtles had never experienced a proper sleepover and immediately set about fixing that. Of course, that includes the normal sleepover games, and the turtles are currently going nuts over Truth or Dare.
“I dare you-” Raph uncharacteristically allows a moment of silence, making you think he’s spending too much time with Donnie the drama queen. Then he drops a literal bomb on the whole crew by gesturing to you. “-to give shorty over there a kiss.”
Chaos erupts. Leo is yelling at Raph, Donnie and April are cackling, and you think Mikey might have grown wings from how fast he jumps up. Raph is sitting in the middle of it all, smug grin on his face as he stares you down.
You are frozen in place, eyes wide as your brain reboots. You immediately regret ever telling your best friend anything about your feelings for his brother. He had been pushing you to confess, but you had never imagined he would go this far.
Your staredown with the red-banded turtle is interrupted by said brother kneeling in front of you. You gulp as you look up into kind blue eyes. He looks... nervous?
The chaos continues behind him, Donnie and Raph now both ganging up against Leo as April films. Mikey hesitates, then opens his mouth. "Yo- Are- Is this okay?" he stutters. Add another notch to the 'turtles being uncharacteristic' column. You blink at him, then consider his question.
This could be your only chance.
You swallow, then look into his eyes as you nod. No regrets, no fear. You are rewarded by his shoulders lowering as his trademark grin spreads over his face. He leans towards you, putting a cool hand on your overwarm cheek as he whispers, "That's my girl." Your heart stumbles in your chest at the thought of being his girl.
Your eyes close as his lips brush yours, soft and sweet. He pulls back far too quickly for your tastes, and you chase him unconsciously. He chuckles as you open your eyes and are immediately enveloped by the warmth in his gaze. You lean into the hand on your cheek.
His breath catches as his eyes grow impossibly warmer. You recall, suddenly, that some of the hottest flames burn blue. You tilt your head up to him as he leans back to you, pressing more firmly against your lips this time.
You're going to have to thank Raph later, you think hazily. Dammit.
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moog-rt · 2 years
ᴄʏʙᴇʀʙᴜʟʟʏ [ʀɪꜱᴇ!ᴅᴏɴɴɪᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
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Links to parts: one two three four five
Fate brought you and that purple-clad turtle together in the form of endless battles of code.You were a purple dragon recruit, and he was your target. He plays your games as you tease him with the slim possibility of victory. 
You may just let him win if you are feeling particularly merciful.
enemies to lovers (I think?); slow burn; takes place after the movie; reader is a villain
If you’d prefer to read it on Ao3, here’s the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
♡ ♡ ♡ 
“God, dammit!” Donatello threw himself back into his pimped-out desk chair, hands dragging themselves down his face as he groaned. “How could this happen?” His human friend beside him perked up at his frustrated tone.
“Uh, everything good, D?” April asked, grateful to have a reason to turn her attention away from her biology assignment. You know…that assignment that Donnie was supposed to be helping her with before he got sucked into his computer.
“No, everything is not good. In fact, everything is quite bad!” he began to raise his voice. “It seems that one of our old purple dragon friends decided to hack into my system to get access to some of my blueprints…” Queue an eye twitch of rage. “And they very much succeeded…” He began muttering and laughing to himself. It had all happened almost in an instant. One second, all of his servers were fine, untouched and secure. The next, some black hat hacker had busted right through his firewalls without any warning at all, and just like that, his blueprints were gone…
“Well? What are we waiting for then? Let’s go kick their sorry asses!” April hyped, throwing a fist in the air with a determined grin. Donnie met her enthusiasm, jumping up on his chair and pumping his tech-bo above his head with a maniacal smile.
“Yes! We shall show them what is to come when you attempt to hack Sir Othello Von Ryan!” He began laughing madly, leaping from his chair to start gathering his equipment. Time for things to get physical. April began packing her bag as quickly as she could manage. However, she was stopped in her tracks as she heard her phone go off from a text message, quickly picking it up to check who it was.
“Ah… actually, Donnie, I’m gonna have to put a raincheck on that. One of my classmates wants to meet up to work on that bio assignment I was telling you about.” She threw her backpack over her shoulder and waltzed out, leaving the poor turtle dumbstruck.
“Huh, but what about the—huh?”
♡ ♡ ♡
God, you were good.
You couldn’t stop the wide grin from spreading across your face. Who could blame you though? You had just broken through the firewall of one of the strongest security systems you’ve had the pleasure of coming in contact with, and boy was it fun. You got to play around with some algorithms you hadn’t had the chance to use yet, and they worked like a charm. On top of that, you were now in possession of some pretty cool blueprints for a variety of tech, from drones, to multitools, to sentient AI…
They were incredible designs.
The person you hacked must be some crazy genius. Their cyber security as solid as they come, and to have the ability to design such complex technology, considering all the knowledge of physics, engineering, and everything in between that was needed to create them… Incredible. Simply incredible.
You picked up your phone, ignoring all the notifications you had received and sending the blueprints over to Kendra. She got back to you almost immediately, sending praise for your quick and efficient work. Your heart swelled with pride. Of course, you already knew that you were fairly skilled when it came to coding and whatnot, but to have someone like Kendra acknowledging your good work felt nice… especially since it was your first assignment as a purple dragon.
Flopping down on your bed with a happy sigh, you decided it was probably best to get started on some of your homework. You scrolled through your contacts to find your lab partner’s name, shooting her a text to see if she’d be down to work on one of your assignments together. She gave you a warning when you were first assigned to each other that her area of expertise lay outside the realms of STEM, to which you offered to help her out to the best of your abilities. You weren’t the biggest bio nerd around, but it was an interesting subject, and you knew enough to be a good tutor to your upperclassman.
She, too, responded with lightning speed, eager to meet up and work together. The two of you agreed to meet at her place, and she promptly sent you her address. It wasn’t too far by transit, so you got your things together before starting your trek over. You let her know when you arrived so she could meet you to let you in. When she greeted you at the entrance to her building, you noticed she was breathing a bit heavily, and there was just a touch of sweat above her eyebrow.
“You good? You seem a bit out of breath, girly,” you said, giving her a gentle nudge with your elbow. She let out a breathy laugh in response.
“Oh, I am fine. Don’t you worry. I just got a little caught up in something, so I had to run a bit to beat you here,” she smiled, waving you off.
“Huh? You should have told me! I would have been totally fine coming later—”
“Nah, girl, seriously, I think you actually saved me from getting caught up in some nonsense tonight,” she chuckled, and unlocked the door to her apartment, allowing you in first.
Her place looked incredibly cozy. It wasn’t too spacious nor too cramped. Décor was strewn about tastefully, and there were fairy lights draped around the perimeter of her living room, creating a welcoming ambiance.
“April, this is such a nice setup,” you beamed.
“Why thank you very much!” She put her hands on her hips with a smile in return. “Now set your stuff down and get comfy. You want something to drink?”
“Water is good. Thank you!” You plopped down on April’s couch, pulling your laptop out of your bag to take a look at the assignment. She soon joined you after handing you the water, and the two of you began working through the problems. Luckily, most of the problems were addressing fairly basic vocabulary and cellular functions, which you could get through easily enough. April got stumped just a couple of times, but you were happy to explain anything she was having trouble understanding.
You eventually found yourselves working on the final question of the problem set. This one proved to be a bit more of a doozy. It was asking about the lipid bilayer that forms the cell wall, but it was more of a problem-solving question rather than just a test of basic knowledge. It even challenged you quite a bit, leaving you stumped for a minute or so. When you finally came to a conclusion, April had come to her own, as well. You both blurted out your solutions at the same time. They were very much not the same.
“Uh… April, I still don’t see how you got that answer…” You scratched behind your ear as you stared at the page of scribbles your classmate had created in an attempt to show you her thought process.
“It’s because the lipids have more kinks in them that the bilayer is more fluid as a whole—” you began to explain, however, she interjected again to argue for her own point. Your little debate went on for several more minutes. Papers filled with diagrams and chicken scratch began covering April’s once tidy floor.
“Okay, you know what?” The spunky girl whirled around to reach for her phone which was about 5 feet away from her. She stretched out way more than you would have thought possible, grabbed the phone, and sprang back into her previous sitting position. “Imma just call my nerd friend real quick.” She smiled at you with gritted teeth, eyes not leaving your form as she aggressively typed on her phone.
It didn’t even ring for a single round before her friend picked up. She immediately put the guy on speaker, not giving him a chance to even get a simple “hello” in as she was already explaining the whole situation at an inhuman speed. There was a moment of silence on the other end, and you both waited, biting at your nails in anticipation.
“So—uh… Yeah, no. Your friend’s answer is pretty much perfect,” the guy stated.
“Ha-HA!” Immediately, you threw your fist into the air in celebration of your academic victory. April slumped with her arms crossed and bottom lip jutted out just slightly.
“This ain’t fair,” she pouted. You giggled leaning over to her phone.
“Thank you, April’s friend,” you sang. Again, it was silent until you heard the quiet sound of his throat being cleared.
“Ah—uh… Yeah, it was—” The poor guy had to take another break to clear his throat before proceeding to speak with a bit more confidence. “It was totally no probles. Sciency stuff is kind of my thing, so if you ever need a tutor—”
“Okay. Donnie? I’m gonna have to stop you right there before you embarrass yourself,” April cut in. She put him off of speaker, but you could still vaguely make out some hollering from his end. “Buh-bye now!”
“He seems like a funny dude,” you chuckled. “Maybe next time we should invite him to the study group. He seems to know his shit.” The other girl sweat-dropped at this and began playing with her fingers.
“Yeah, maybe just over the phone… He’s kinda got this thing…” she trailed off, seemingly trying to think of the right word to use.
“This thing…?” you echoed, urging her to continue explaining. You didn’t actually mind, but now you were curious.
You waited.
“He’s just really shy!” You stared at her and allowed your head to tip to the side. She was giving you a wide toothy smile, not meeting your eyes as beads of sweat ran down her face. She was clearly desperate for you to be appeased by that excuse. Lucky for her, you were a merciful god and accepted her explanation. Besides, if you really wanted to know, you could easily find out.
Now that you finished your bio assignment, the two of you decided to spend a while longer working on other assignments. April had turned on some chill lyric-less music and brought over a good variety of snacks. You guys worked for a while until there was nothing major left to do, and you lost yourselves in simple chit-chat. It was now fairly late, however, so you decided to finally part ways until your next shared lecture.
Your journey back home was just a bit chillier, but still rather quick. You tapped into your building, jotting in the passcodes where they were needed, and made your way to your bedroom swiftly. Throwing yourself onto your desk chair, you spun around twice before stopping in front of your PC. A nice big warning message that your servers were now under attack greeted you. Your heart skipped a beat, and a wide grin was forcing its way onto your face once again.
Your dear friend was deciding to fight back.
♡ ♡ ♡
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mythica0 · 1 year
Hmmm what if~ uhh idk maybe when uhhh the turtles are having a pilow fight and then they start tickling each other??? Sorry for the Basi idea I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO SLAY NEXT get it? Slay beacuse ur text always Slay when we ask for a request! Btw no rush~~❤️
Pillow WAR!
🍫:Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Raph
Summary: An innocent pillow fight gets intense, and some different war tactics are thrown about.
A/N: (god dammit not again with the compliments wkensnbs) I know not everyone ended up being a lee/ler, but it’s easier when there’s a tickle fight between all four to just put them all in both categories. Thanks for the request! Enjoy!
Pillow WAR!
Light thuds could be heard all across the lair.
A repeated thwack, as if cloth were hitting the floor.
And that’s because it was. In the main room, a pillow fight was going on between brothers.
Light hearted jabs and insults were being thrown about with the pillows, blanket forts had been constructed and stuffie armies gathered.
Although it started as a simple battle, it quickly became more intense and turned into a war!
Each turtle was determined to win and claim the pillow throne and title of “plushy king!”
Eventually, one of the pillows tore, spilling the down feathers inside all over the floor. This gave Leo(forever the little shit) an idea. And the rules never said you couldn’t tickle your opponent’s….
He quickly picked up one of the feathers, and while he was distracted in a small one-on-one with Raph, Leo walked up behind Donnie and brushed the feather across his side.
The soft shell yelped in surprise, nearly squawking as he was tackled by his twin. His squawk turned into giggles as Leo forgoed the feather to stick his hands under Donnie’s arms.
“Hehehehey! Nohoho fahahahair!”
“All is fair in love and war! This happens to be both.” Leo winked (A/N: this is purely familial/brotherly and if you imply otherwise I will FIND YOU)
“Nohoho!” it wasn’t long before Donnie tapped out.
“One enemy down!”
Mikey, who had been watching from the sidelines, turned to Raph and climbed on his back.
“Time to take down the enemy! ATTACK!” He called playfully, starting to scribble against his older brothers’ shell.
Raph instantly fell down, tapping out immediately.
Two down. Two standing. Who will win?
The two charged at the same time, Mikey ending up pinning Leo to the ground, hovering dangerously above his death spot.
‘Oh no. I already lose’ Leo’s thoughts echoed as a giddy, lighthearted anxiety settled in him.
Mikey then brought his hands down, squeezing rapidly along the sliders thighs.
Leo broke down into cackles immediately, giving in not five seconds later.
Mikey left the giggling turtle on the ground as he climbed to the mound of pillows and blankets they had dubbed the pillow throne.
“The title of Plushy King is now mine! Now beneath your ruler!” He stuck out his tongue at the end, obviously teasing.
Donnie spoke from his place on the side. “I still think that whole concept was unfair, although it is nice to see it has backfired.”
“I can’t be mad.” Leo said as he stood. “After all, all is fair in love and pillow WAR!”
———THE END————————————————
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misteria247 · 1 year
The Rise boys don’t know how to feel with the ShellShock uncles mother henning them out of left field sometimes.
(Context: ShellShock nephews are 9 to 12 at the time. Still babies in Raph and Mona’s opinion)
Rise Leo trying to pull cool tricks and stunts but ShellShock Raph calling him out to be careful and how ‘i don’t want you breaking your arm again!’
ShellShock Raph knowing how to bring Rise Raph down from a freak out by just, scratching the underside of his chin lightly.
ShellShock Leo knowing the reason while Rise Donnie is cranky is because he hasn’t gotten enough sleep so he, out of the blue puts a weighted blanket on him and waits.
He’s out like a light.
ShellShock Donnie letting Rise Mikey mess around with some of his blueprints cause he loves how his own nephews brings color to the workshop some days.
ShellShock Mikey and his go to meal for the boys being fresh Miso when they’re feeling down. ShellShock Raph also having to hold back a bit from babying them cause ‘dammit they’re 14 to 17 and NOTREALLYMYKIDS—‘
The Rise boys find the close attention weird at first but grow to kinda appreciate it for a moment. Rise Leo especially always kicks up a party with ShellShock Mikey when he’s in need of a good way to shake out some energy!
Omg yesssss-! Absolutely love it dude!
The Rise boys while spooked at first at the whole Shellshock boys parenting them thing they'd get used to pretty quickly since they've already somewhat dealt with the mother henning (*COUGHS*12Leo*COUGHS*). And they'd totally eat up the whole thing. Like they'd absolutely love being feed delicious food and getting affection from the older turtles because these sweet kids love that kind of thing. (Especially Rise Leo and Rise Donnie who currently somewhat fight for 12 Mom Leo's attention at times because parental validation is something they desperately crave). Like they'd just love every single minute of it hands down.
Though with Shellshock Mona Lisa being a literal mom of sorts that might take a bit longer to get used to since the Mona Lisa they know which is 12 Mona Lisa, is a friend to them much like the rest of the 12 gang. But they'd take to her pretty quickly too considering how amazing she is.
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I have some drafts that have been sitting in my to-do list for years. I'll just dump here the snippets I have and if you guys want me to work more on one or some, let me know!
They're mostly Donnie centered (no surprises there heehhehehe)
In A Sentimental Mood (Donatello x F!Reader)
Inspiration: In A Sentimental Mood by Ella Fitzgerald
Dammit. When you had told Donnie that you went shopping for some new clothes, he did not expect for you to wear something as cute as that.
A soft summer dress, light and stopping right above your knees. The fabric was caressing your skin in a tantalizing fashion, gently swaying whenever you would move around the kitchen, preparing dinner. No lights were on in your apartment, the final setting sun rays glowing across the place in warm orange and gold hues. The mutant was seated next to the table, his eyes never missing any of your movements. He wasn’t much of a believer in miracles and such, but whenever his gaze and mind would stop on you - he knew that nothing and no one in life could ever be better than you. The fact that you were both an item was almost unbelievable at times. And yet, he knew your love was undeniably true.
As you were chopping vegetables, your hips slowly swaying from one side to another to an imaginary tune, that’s when Donnie knew he couldn’t stay put anymore. In an instant he was standing up, a few steps good enough to lead him to you, his arms instantly hooking to your form as his hips were glued to your back. You could feel his smile as he was nuzzling the top of your head, bringing one smirk to your face as well.
“Why are you perfect?” he softly said.
“Perfect? Me? Says who?”
“Says me. Forever and ever...”
His thumbs softly brushed at the dress’ fabric.
“And may I add beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, the prettiest woman on earth...”
You hummed, appreciating his words.
“I cannot compare nor surpass to the handsome man standing close to me right now.”
Do you wanna...? (Donatello x F!Reader)(18+)
Inspiration: Coast Is Clear - Skrillex
He couldn’t work. He couldn’t focus. All his eyes did were to drift over you, patiently studying your form seated near the kitchen table, ever polite as you listened to the other turtles going about some random subjects. Oh he knew you were not really attentive to the whole situation, especially by the way your leg would shake a little, restless and eager for some action. How you would sometime bite your bottom lip, thinking something the purple clad mutant most probably knew what it was about. Half of a smile appearing on his lips, Donnie took out his phone, already sending a text to you.
‘Coast is clear. Leo is starting to talk about fighting techniques and that’ll get Raph all riled up.’
He saw your body shake a little, trying to hush a chuckle as you were reading and now answering:
‘So what now? Want me to run away? Aren’t you supposed to work?’
‘I don’t give a fuck right now. I can’t concentrate...’ He answered.
He grinned, adding: ‘And speaking about fuck .... do you wanna?’
‘Wanna what? Wanna fuck?’
‘You said it now.’
Your head moved to look towards his workstation, your gazes meeting. That smug look on his face... Dammit! You couldn’t stop your smile from invading your traits, suddenly feeling hotter.  You took one last glance at the other mutants, seeing that they were now deep in their conversations, and you simply slid down your chair. You knew Donnie was laughing in his corner, seeing you sneaking away, trying to get past everyone’s attention.
Wine Time (Donatello x Reader)
You did not miss Leo, Raph and Mikey’s eyes going straight to you as you arrived to the Lair with a bag from which clinking sounds could be heard. Now at the kitchen table, you proceeded to neatly place several bottles on top, you steps light as you next went to grab wine glasses. You were soon welcoming the purple clad mutant, Donatello, handing him a corkscrew.
“Mister Donatello, if you may please open the first bottles,” you started in a pompous tone. “Some of those blends need to breathe!”
“I will do so with great pleasure, dear!” answered the other, playing the same game.
Confidence (Donatello x F!Reader)(18+)
(Took some inspiration from a prompt list that I'll share if I work more on this.)
You had been dating Donatello for a couple of months now, and you could already see this slight shift in his persona. A laid-back, relaxed attitude that just proved how much goodness you were now bringing into his life. Sure he’d get his shy bouts here and then, but you knew that once you two had started to get intimate, that’s when he gained more confidence in general.
You’d catch him sometimes eyeing you, showing a small smirk whenever you’d notice. He loved ghosting his fingertips on your skin whenever he was near you, sensing those delighted goosebumps. He’d make sure to give you a nice view of his lap when sitting down, just for you to see and enjoy. Boy, he knew all the feelings he was giving you. He was a gifted lover and there was no denying that you were always a bit eager to receive more from him each and every times...
That evening he was at your apartment, as you had requested his help regarding some issues you were experiencing with your laptop. That device was no match for the terrapin, of course, explaining his process to you as a future reference for yourself - sitting on the sofa in your living room.   Sure he was adding some kisses here and there to you during loading times, how could he resist doing so anyway? His tone while explaning was calm and low, unbothered by any problems he could face during the process. He was spending time with you, and that alone was making his day better past any issues.
As the laptop issue was nearing its end, you noticed the time and invited the genius to stay - at least to get a bite. As you got on your feet and straight to the kitchen nearby, you tried to find anything in your fridge worthy enough to cook in order to properly thank Donnie. But as you glanced away from the cold and back to the mutant, you saw him looking at you, that damned cute smirk on his lips. A shy smile was now on your face, hoping you weren’t blushing too much.
“I- I think I have some pastas I can cook. Maybe I can do something with that,” you mumbled, fidgeting as you got back in motion.
“What's the matter, love? You get nervous when I look at you like this?”
His voice brought your attention back to him, now noticing him sitting comfortably and slightly manspreading. He was obviously showing an ease and satisfaction in knowing that you were now enjoying the view. You tried to play his game a bit, hands on your hips as you tried to look unimpressed by his act.
“I’m not nervous! I just get surprised sometimes.”
“Uh-huh, yeah, surprised.”
“Yeah. Ever since we’ve started dating and fucking you have this-” you gesticulated broadly in his direction, “this sex appeal. Shit, I don’t know how to describe it!”
Donnie was amused, taking it as a compliment mostly. He gently tapped on one of his thighs.
“Come. Sit.” he nodded you over.
You sighed comically, giving in to his demand as you moved towards him.
“I’m not a dog,” you commented, straddling his lap.
You felt his fingers gently brushing your back, getting lower and lower.
“My apologies. You’re more like a cat, indeed. I love making you purr.”
He ended with his large hands holding your hips, his fingers caressing your ass. A gasp left you, followed by a smile, as the mutant had brought you into a slow grind against him. Your arms found solace around his neck, happiness filling you both as you closed the gap between your bodies in a joined kiss. His assertiveness was felt in his touch, feeding the fire deep in your core with every pieces of clothing he removed from your frame.
annnnnd that's it!
If you made it to the bottom of this post, congrats! You deserve a digital cookie after going all through my brainrot heheheh
I just felt poopy for keeping all that stuff hidden in my drafts. Whenever I try to work more on them, I just block. And I hate that.
So if there's anything that catches anyone's fancy, let me know and I'll kick my butt to focus on the task.
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"𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐃𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫?"
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤, 𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐀𝐔
"Karai Dawn Hamato!"
It seemed Donnie had gotten so used to shouting that on the daily- it was almost a muscle memory. At very noise of something breaking, at every door slam, every time he got that horrible side eye/glare or sass, he said it, and every single day it got worse.
"What did we say about staying out past eight- It's nearly ten-thirty! You're past curfew by nearly two hours, thirty minutes, and twenty-seven seconds! You ought to be ashamed of yourself." Donnie stood right direction in the front doorway, looking down at his daughter, who stood still outside. It was dark, but he could see the nasty eyeroll he'd just been given.
"I'm fifteen, dad!" She responds finally, putting her hands on her hips. "It's not fair. All the other guys traveling through the woodlands get to stay up this late!"
Donnie challenged her stance as he folded his arms tightly, finger tapping on on the crook of his forearm. "Well, I am not the 'other guy's' parents, and you're my daughter - so when I say you're home by eight, you're home by -"
He was cut off as Karai let out an angry noise and quickly pushed past him, stomping into the house and heading toward her room. Donnie visibly cooked his head back, something that was a mix of disrespect and disappointment written on his features.
"Karai! Don't you walk away from me, young lady, were still having a conversation." Donnie immediately turned back to her, pointing his finger demandingly at the place in front of him for her to come back to.
"What? You want me to just stand here and listen to you call me a disappointment? A failure? Just cause I was a few hours late!?" She replied, still standing in the hall as she was stopped from her walk back to her bedroom.
"You didn't contact me. You took off your tracker and were nowhere in sight around the campgrounds. Do you have any idea how worried I was?" Donnie responded, brows furrowing as he felt anger bubble in his chest.
"Is this the kind of example you want to be giving your brothers and sister?" He explained. He wanted to continue, he was ready to go on one of his rants as everything he'd tried to bite back on, all the things he'd let slide with her, began to start coming back to him, ready to be laid out on the table.
But he bit his tongue, taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes. He rubs his temples tiredly while slowly shaking his head before looking back up at Karai.
Dammit was she really started to act like her mother.
The hands on her hips, the narrowed eyes as she tipped her head down, the slight bottom lip studded out as she gave him a skeptical look... His gaze softened.
"Kay, you know I only do this to protect you. Kraang gone or not, they've still left behind dangerous lifeforms out there - I don't know if I could live with myself if something happened to you."
"Dad, I've heard you say that a million times by now," Karai whined as she pulled at the ends of her bandana tails like one would with hair. "For once, could you maybe just trust me and let me live? Let me be a kid!"
"I've given you enough and let many things roll off my shell to let you be a teenager, Karai. And if you want to see another day and be a teen again, you're coming back by curfew."
"God, you're so unfair!" She stomped her foot angrily at him, fists clenched at her sides. "I always have my tech with me, I'm never alone, Batty's with Me half the time, and I know how to get away from Kraang! I'm not some toddler who doesn't know what she's doing!"
"Karai. I need you to understand one thing." Donnies voice became extremely low, narrowing his gaze at her. She immediately straightened herself, still giving the same look as they stared at one another.
"I lost your mother to the Kraang. And I'll be damned if I'm going to lose my daughter too."
Karai's demeanor visibly changed. Her face faltered as it seemed betrayal was smacked on. Her big eyes widened as her mouth laid slightly agape, reading Donnies face for any sympathy or understanding what he was about to bring up.
But he stayed strong, a poker face on his features as she tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat.
"You have these curfews for a reason, and you know why. Do forgive me for being the just littlest terrified whenever I don't hear from you all day, or if I spend half the night worrying about your well being- but I'm your father. And it's my job to worry. It's my job to make sure you don't get yourself killed."
Karai’s lip trembled as she stared at Donnie with nothing but utter hatred, bowing her head as she refused to look at him, shaking with rage. Her knuckles nearly turned white with how hard she had clenched them at her sides.
Donnie knew that look all too well, the stone cold face of his quickly changed, a sympathetic gaze as he watched her carefully. The silence soon filled with small shaky breaths as Karai used one of her arms to harshly wipe at her face.
"Karai... I've had to work twice as hard to keep you and your siblings safe. I have to worry twice as much for my family." He slowly stepped toward her, reaching a hand out to her shoulder - watching as she still stood unmoving. "I just need you to know..."
She smiled warmly at the small girl, humming softly as Karai rested her head against her chest, feeling her slow breaths and heartbeat, her warm hands rubbing her daughters shell sweetly as they rocked back and forth slowly in the hammock.
Karais small body just curled into her mothers arms, churring softly with a content smile. It was moments like these where Karai could have her mom all to herself, no distractions, no siblings, no busy work ilwuth the rebellion, she had her full attention. That's why nighttime was always her favorite.
"Karai..." Hsr voice rang out softly, causing the girl to peek her eyes open, looking up to see her mother looking down at her. It's like she could read the small softshells' minds.
"I know it's been hard on you that u haven't been able to give you the attention you deserve - with your little brothers and all. I just need you to know..."
She cupped her daughters face lovingly, placing a warm kiss to her forehead, pulling back, and giving a look of pride to Karai. She was so damn proud of her special little girl.
"I love you no matter what."
Karai pushed Donnies hand away immediately, causing Donnie to reel back as a lok of shock ran over his face.
"Shut up!" She screamed, finally looking up at him. She grits her teeth at him as her eyes glossed over with tears, and they roll down her face rapidly.
Donnie gasped, stepping away before becoming upset. "Karai! That is no way to talk to your father!"
"Stop talking like her! Stop trying to be her!" Karai stomped her feet angrily enough that Donnie could see a few of the framed pictures around the walls she was standing close to begin to shake. Her hands, still balled into fists, flapped at her sides rapidly as she went into a major fit, letting out a small noise of anger.
Donnie felt his breath get caught in the back of his throat. He felt his mind go blank with anything else to say. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out - quickly shutting it as a tight frown formed on his features.
He let out a shaky breath as his body visibly tensed. He made eye contact with Karai once more, still seeing her shaking with rage as they had a stare down. He slowly lifted his arm up, pointing to her door.
"To your room. Right now, young lady." He hissed, hand shaking as he bitterly awaited her to follow his order.
She immediately turned and stormed off, slamming her door harshly behind her, echoing out through the silent house... Immediately returned with two bedroom lights being turned on and the echo of a crying baby from Donnies' room.
--- "Damn it..." Donnie muttered bitterly under his breath as he consoled the sobbing baby in his arms, rubbing Galileos' shell soothingly while shushing him, seeing his cries slowed to small hiccups and sniffles.
He looked at his bed, seeming to just zone out on it as he paced the room while bouncing Gali in hopes of getting  the child back to sleep... But zoning out, he found his mind wandering back to old memories. He stared at the neatly made side of the bed, then the side where he had slept, still having yet to be made, sheets and pillows thrown on the ground from restless sleep.
He turns away, only to be met with the photo on his bedside counter... Of his dearest.
She smiled at the supposed camera she was looking at- at least Donnie knew she was smiling, half her face covered by her wedding kimono as she teasingly hid herself in the white silk, her curled hair littered in petals and hair accessories while her bright green eyes glistened with excitement and joy.
He bit his bottom lip harshly, using his unoccupied hand to cover his eyes, turning his head away.
"I wish you were here right now..." He stated, but his tone almost felt begging. "I don't know what to do. But you would."
Galileo had ceased his crying, and Donnie finally realized, hearing the soft churrs and snores from the small baby. Slowly and carefully, he places his son back into the cradle, watching as the boy squirmed just a but, trying to find warmth before settling peacefully into his soft blanket.
Donnie just stared at the baby in the cradle a bit longer. His grip on the edge of the wood tightened... The sensation was not one he enjoyed. It only brought back horrible memories.
He found this unsure feeling nag at the back of his brain as he turned to look out his opened door, seeing the closed door to his daughter room- the door littered in stickers and a few crooked words spelling put her name.
He knew exactly who was making him have the feeling. And to put it in her words: It was now or never, and if he waited now, he'd probably never get his daughter back.
--- He gently knocks the back of his hand against the door, hearing nothing in response. "Kay... Are you awake?" He spoke gently, his voice ebarely even a whisper.
Again, there was no response, but the sound of faint shuffling made him now she was there - and probably listening to him. He rubbed his neck guilty as he tried to find the right words to say - his brain trying to think up what 'Dr. Feelings would have to say about the whole thing.
"Look, as much as I am aware, I'm the last person you want to see right now. Just know I'm ready to talk whenever you are." He replied, leaning against the wall with his arms folded, tapping his foot anxiously against the floor. "And... I don't want you to feel you can't talk to me. Especially after our fights. I'm your father, I shouldn't make you feel you can't come to me to talk or..." He stopped for a second, finding the words hard to say.
His brain was fighting logically on his point, but his heart... God Damn his heart. It rarely was a thing he listened to, but when he did- he couldn't find himself being able to say no - even to himself.
"...Or come to agreements on your curfew and... Other things."
It was almost worse than fighting back ten Kraang to say those words. He closed his eyes as he raised his head up to the ceiling, sighing deeply as he still was met with radio silence on the other side of the door.
The fain noise of a door unlocking alerted Donnie, tipping his head to see Karais door had cracked open ever so slightly, revealing the faint hue of a nightlight illuminating the room inside.
He wasted no time slowly peeking inside, seeing Karai had her back face to him, and she lay in her hammock, one of her legs pressed to the floor to keep it slowly rocking.
He frowned deeply, making his way over to the side and carefully sitting in it, his feet barely grazing the ground.
He looked down at his hands as they her clapped together. "Hey." He replied quietly, giving her a glance.
She didn't reply, simply playing with an old rubix cube Donnie had given to her years ago, the clicking and sliding noises feeling the silence.
He nudged her shoulder a bit, making her stop for a second. "Come on, Kay, look at me." He stated, grabbing her arm gently to pull her up and fully face him. She groaned in annoyance a but, but didn't fight him as she lifted herself up, hugging her knees close to herself as she peeked from behind her knees at him.
Her eyes were red, and her face was stained with fresh tears. She wasn't exactly glaring at him anymore, but she didn't give him a pleasant look. He only found his gaze becoming sympathetic in return, forgetting the little game they had of who could give the dirtiest look.
"I'm sorry, Karai. I shouldn't have snapped at you and should have given you a fair chance to speak your mind." He stated as he placed his hand atop her head, watching as she looked back down at her knees.
"... I'm sorry, too." She replied quietly, her voice weak and raspy. "I'm sorry I said those things to you... I didn't mean any of it." She gripped her legs tightly, finding g her voice getting lost as she fought back a sob, eyes becoming blurry again.
"I know you didn't, I promise you I'm not mad." Donnie shushed her gently, rubbing her shell comforting as he felt her body tense to try fight back sobs. "I know what you're feeling - and I know it's just... It's hard to explain it. So, sometimes stuff just comes out, even if we don't mean it."
She nodded in agreement, lifting her head to reveal her contorted face as she tried to force her feelings to stay at bay so she could at least speak.
"I just miss her. I-I know I'd disappoint her. She isn't here right now, but -"
"Karai, Dawn, Hamato."
There were those words Donnie had spoken a million times, always in anger or sternly, but now, they were full of love and affection.
"Now I made a promise two years ago. A promise to your mother that'd I'd remind you every day how much she loved you and how proud she'd be of you no matter what. And I plan to keep that promise for as long as I live and as long as you believe it. Neither me or your mother could ever see you as a disappointment and we never will."
He cupped her face, wiping away the tears that flowed down her cheeks with his thumb. "You're a very, intelligent, head strong, and brave girl. And that scares me. Cause it means you don't need me as much anymore... It means you're growing up." As he spoke, he looked away, a small smile on his face as he took one more trip down the memories imprinted into his mind.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is... You're a good kid, and your mom would say the exact same thing. She knows you are- and I can count in her to keep an eye on you when I'm not around."
He then reached up and rubbed her head- like one would ruffling hair.
Karai quickly returned the affection by tackling her father, wrapping her arms around him and burying hee face into his chest as she let out a broken sob, weakly accepting Donnies embrace.
"She's proud of you too dad... She reminds you everyday."
Donnies brows furrowed as he looked down at her. "What do you mean?"
"Everytime I watch you gather up the boys, or fix Maggie's bow, and take care of Gali... I can feel her, I can hear her say it. And she's told you before... You just need to listen."
Karai's words started it. He fought so hard that entire night to keep it in, but he couldn't take it anymore. He watched as his daughters figure began to blur into colors, his face growing warm and wet as his throat ached.
He quickly wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tightly- wether it was her or his own reassurance. He rested his head atop hers, shutting is eyes tight as he tried to regain himself...But to no avail.
--- Karai remembered those nights with her mom, when she'd be cradled in her warm arms and fall asleep against the gently figure, her nose filled with that nostalgic scent of perfume her other seemed to wear all the time.
She remember the tuneless humming and slow rocking of the hammock... She remembered as she would fall asleep, if felt nothing could hurt them, like the dark, cold, world was put on pause just for those rare nights.
So here she lay, reminiscing the memories as she felt her eyelids grow heavy, resting against her father as he slowly rocked them back and forth in the hammock.
He held her hand as he stood next to her hammockside, watching as she buried her face deep into the pillows and sheets as she got her well deserved rest.
Her hold on his hand went limp- but still slightly wrapped in his fingers as he carefully pulled away, a proud smile forming on his face.
"I love you..." Donnie whispered, leaning down a d placing a kiss to her forehead, watching her face visibly relax further once he pulled away.
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Title: Frayed
Part: 1, 2, 3
Summary: “My papa's senses are tingling. What's going on? Is it the Feds? Brownie Scouts?”
Characters: Splinter, Mikey, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Baron Draxum
Pairings: You want stories with no hugs?! HUH? HUH? CAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU GET IT
Warnings: Draxum is a jerk, but we all knew that
In the house (Sewer? Home?) of the Hamato clan, there was no earlier riser than Mikey Minestrone Splinterson. But, of course, it came with being the (self-appointed) family chef, a role he had begged for early on. After seeing their Dad always on the brink of exhaustion from trying to bring in food and maintain the house, Mikey knew he could help. Did it take some convincing after Mikey had tried to make cereal/egg/mustard soup when he was four? Yes. But eventually, Splinter relented, and cooking became a love language between the two—even when Mikey was in the darkest of moods and struggling to get out of bed. Spending a few hours in the kitchen with Dad experimenting with recipes they had gathered (always giving the worst results to Leo, who hovered nearby eagerly) put the pep back into his step.
So, it's never a surprise when Mikey is up before everyone else. Mikey stretches his arms over his head before depositing Soup, the kitten, off his stomach. The tiny kitten barely had time to stretch his little legs before being deposited into the spot Mikey had been sleeping. He decides to curl up in the still-warm area with a soft yawn. Mikey takes a moment to give the good sport some scritches under the chin. And after that, it's a hot shower (he didn’t care if a cold shower was better for your skin, hot showers were good for your mental health, dammit) and making breakfast.
Mikey had wanted to experiment with avocado and jelly this morning, but after coming home last night, he had gone ahead with something else. Mikey mixed up a pancake batter that he and Dad had perfected years ago and let it rise in the fridge overnight. Then, in the morning, he leaves it for a few more minutes and starts with the other, more time-consuming, dishes, like the bacon, hash browns, and other fixings. Raph was a strawberry man through and through. Leo liked any abomination combination he could get his sinful hands on (combonmination?). Mikey was a bit pickier but preferred his homemade whipped cream with nutella, and of course, Donnie was a banana man.
Mikey starts the coffee maker and sets the warm dishes on the counter space by the stove. The counter appeared no different than the others, but as Mikey pressed a switch on the stove, he felt the space start to give off a gentle warmth. When he came up with the idea for a heated counter to keep food warm, Donnie was more than willing to make his dream a reality (and by willing, he meant Mikey begged for hours and hours on end until Donnie gave in). The heat was perfect for keeping food warm but not melting the plates they were on. It was even safe enough for Soup to take naps when she wanted a special nap.
Finally, all the food was ready for when his brothers woke up. Mikey sets Soup’s food on the counter and grabs a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with a dollop of his whipped cream. He makes his way across the lair to Splinter's room and listens for the sounds of Splinter's rib-shaking snores before he uses his foot to slide the door open, “POP, I GOT FOOD!”
Said rat, who had been in a peaceful ‘limbs sprawled around, looking more like a fake corpse from CSI than a sleeping father’ slumber, snaps awake and flails about, landing in a standing battle-ready position before he looks at Mikey. “Orange! We talked about you just bursting-,” but Splinter notices the food his son is carrying, “Oh, never mind. This is why you’re my favorite Orange,” he says before dropping down into a sitting position and holding out eager grabby hands, “Gimme, Gimme!” Mikey gives a big smile and hurries over.
He could remember the early days in his and Splinter's cooking lessons when he finally learned how to cook a proper bowl of soup. He had been so excited he had run to show Splinter, but he had also spilled the scalding liquid all over him. It was why he could no longer grow hair on his arms and legs. But, for them, it was their love language, and he couldn’t imagine anything better to bond over. Splinter always unhinged his jaws like an anaconda so he could eat his breakfast and plate whole (it wouldn’t be the first time). But when he looks at Mikey again, he stops and pulls the food out of his mouth. “My papa's senses are tingling. What's going on? Is it the Feds? Brownie Scouts?”
Mikey had been hoping they could talk after Splinter had food in his stomach (having warm food in his belly was always the best time to speak to Splints about anything bad). He looked over his shoulder to make sure none of his brothers were around before nodding at Splinter, going to sit by him as Splinter patted the spot by him. For a few minutes, he sits cross-legged, holding his ankles, but thankfully Splinter doesn’t rush him. But finally, he spoke slowly, “Things…didn’t go great last night.”
“What do you mean? Are we talking ‘stubbed toe’? Or did that basic goat try to feed you fish food again?”
“No, I mean yeah, but he went out and bought other snacks this time, too,” Mikey didn't want to bring up the dog food, “I mean, things were going good….er. Draxum gave us Scandinavian soda! He even bought board games for us to play, and it was fun! But…when we were cleaning up, Donnie banged his shell a little and Draxum made a not-so-great comment about him.”
“What did that pink trashman say about my purple plum?!” Splinter looks around and pulls a dictionary from his bedside, “Point out in the dictionary the words he used! How many adjectives?! He had better not have used an adverb.” Clearly, Donnie frying the tv to show ‘global grammar’ had affected their father. “Where is that basic goat now?! I’ll give him a piece of my mind and my baseball bat-”
“Dad, don't! It's not,” Mikey pauses, “I know it's my fault. I shouldn’t have pushed everyone so hard to hang out. I should have known better. I-,” Mikey pulls his knees to his chest to hide with a tired sigh.
There’s a pause (mostly Splinter distancing himself from trying to pull his pants over his head), but Mikey feels his father's arms wrap around him and immediately hugs him back. “Mikey,” Splinter starts, gently enough to catch Mikey’s attention, with his clawed hand stroking the back of his head, “you’ve already done so much for Draxum. More than he deserves. I don’t doubt he’s changed in some ways, but you can not hold yourself responsible for all of his choices.”
“But I’m the one who wanted to save him! I brought him back into our lives.”
“You did save him. You helped him get a job, got a roof over his head, and taught him that gravel is not a type of seasoning. But the consequences for his actions are his and his alone.”
“No buts about it. I’m your father, but at the end of the day even I am only responsible for your actions to a certain extent. I can try to guide you, like telling Raph that using a metal fork to get food out of a toaster isn’t a good idea.”
Mikey drops his head against his dad's chest, “Yeah, but Raph was a kid.”
“Who said he was a kid? That was yesterday.”
The youngest can’t help the giggle that escapes him and judging by the way Splinter glances down at him with a small smile, that was his intent. “Anyway, my point is, I think you have a beautiful soul, Michelangelo. A little feral sometimes? Yes, but that is apparently a trait you share with your brothers. The fact you even reached out to Draxum in the first place is another daily reminder of how lucky I am to have you as a son. But also know there are times you have to step away.” Mikey goes to talk, but Splinter continues with his lesson, “Please hear what I have to say. I am not saying this to be cruel. But many well-meaning people have been dragged down by those they were trying to save. My-” Splinter pauses, and an expression washes over his face weighed down by what Mikey can only describe as regret, “If it hadn't been for you boys, I would have been one of them. So please, for your sake, don’t let Draxum change who you are, too.”
Mikey looks and meets his father's eyes, a part of him wants to ask more about what he means. But his father suddenly looks much older than he is, and he can't bring himself to do it. Instead, he nods. Splinter guides his head down to give him a small peck on his scalp, “Go and enjoy your day, my son. At least before your brothers wake up and go into an eating frenzy. I swear you’d think I raised sharks instead of turtles.”
Mikey leaves the room as Splinter returns to his breakfast (ignoring the sounds of devouring as he closes the door). Mikey suspected that was the sort of answer he was going to get, but that didn’t mean he liked it. Even if he knew Splinter was right. Was Draxum a lost cause, as everyone seemed to think? He knew how everyone looked at him. They only saw the pain he caused and the scars that still remain. But Mikey saw the man who picked up a litter of turtles off the side of the road and didn’t throw them away. He watched Draxum hold the elevator door for someone.
But was it enough?
Was it ok to think such small victories were signs of real change?
“Leo, you have your own breakfast!”
“But yours smells better!”
Ah right. The sound of ruckus and flailing limbs tells Mikey that the breakfast war has begun. Raph has his foot planted on Leo’s face to hold him as far from him as possible as the blue turtle fails and squirms to get free, “Raph, you’re a monster!”
“A monster?! You're the one who stuffed his cheeks with pancakes like a chipmunk and then pointed at mine and yelled dibs!”
“I did–hold on,” Leo swallowed the last of his evidence, “I did not! Mikey, tell Raph to share!”
Such animalistic tendencies might put off a normal person, but Mikey can’t help the goofy smile blooming on his face, “If you can wait three minutes, I can cook up some more pancakes. And if you’re really good, I’ll let you use your personal supply of sauerkraut and crunchy butter.”
Leo shifts to peer at Mikey from between Raphs toes, “How crunchy?”
“So crunchy that if I think about it too long, I’ll cry.”
“Deal!” Leo reaches up from his trapped position and pats Raph on the calf, “Yo, big guy, we have peace in the House of Pizza again.”
Raph gives him a long, suspicious look, “Ok fine, but if you try to eat my food again, Raph’s sittin’ on you,” and he lifts his foot. Leo looks at Mikey and gives him grabby hands.
Mikey takes the sign to grab his hands and drag him free, “Thank you, little hermano! The littlest hermano of all time! I'll always remember this day as the day you saved me from Fungus Town!”
“Fungus Town?! I don't have-,” Raph pauses and quickly looks at the bottom of his foot. His face twists up in alarm, which only proves Leo’s statement, and he returns to eating. Mikey walks to the stove and starts on another stack of pancakes just as the last brother enters the room, stretching his arms over his head.
“Ah, that explains the feeding frenzy I heard from my room. I thought land sharks had invaded the lair. Again,” Donnie says before he goes over to the coffee machine, only to find it already dripping. “Ok, which one of you scoundrels made this,” he asks, looking suspiciously over his brothers. Mikey raises his hand with a smile, and Donnie nods, looking back to the pot, “Ah, good. At least you can make a decent cup of coffee. Thank you, only good brother,” Donnie says, already pouring a cup. Mikey is beaming happily (mainly at the offended scoff Leo gave), but as he sets a plate for himself and Donnie, he sees Raph’s head bowed, tapping his forefingers together before looking at Donnie.
“Hey Dee, how are you feeling today?”
Donnie looks back at him with a quirked brow. “Well, I didn’t get that hurt,” he mutters to himself before saying louder, “I’m fine, and now that I have food and coffee, I'm better than fine.”
“Are you sure? I mean, it's ok not to be ok. Draxum wasn’ exactly nice last night, and you can be a little sof-,” He pauses when he catches Leo standing behind Donnie. He was waving his arms frantically in a ‘nononononono!’ motion. But he pulled his arms back as Donnie turned around with a smile so fake 9 out of 10 dentists would recommend it.
Donnie narrows his eyes and lets out a slow, dangerous sigh, “Alright, after last night, I see we need a refresher course on ‘when I say I’m fine, it means I’m fine.’” Donnie taps his forearm, and a projection appears on the wall. There was a screen titled ‘How to listen to Donnie.’ A collective groan is emitted as the three go to sit on the same side of the kitchen bar. But when Mikey goes to sit down, Donnie says, “No, not you, Miguel. As usual, you are a shining example. You may continue with your day. As for the rest of you, I hope you didn’t have plans for today. But this time, I promise to let you out for restroom breaks at the five-hour mark.” (''Damn it, Raph! I just had to watch the slideshow last week!!” “I’m sorry!”)
With the relief of knowing he escaped a fate worse than death, Mikey hurries over and hugs Donnie, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” and runs out of the kitchen. He made it out just as the sound of 80’s elevator music indicates the presentation's start. But when he reaches the middle of the lair, he sighs and puts his face in his hands.
“Listen closely, new subordinate. I will not repeat myself,” Draxum says to the new, young human male now standing behind the trays of food. Though Draxum had difficulty differentiating between humans, the new Lunch Subordinate was a testament to human commonality from his brown hair to his brown constantly-terrified eyes and patchy stubble. “This is cream corn. This is mac and cheese. And this is banana yogurt,” Draxum gestures to the indistinguishable white/yellow food supplements (somehow in a state of solid and liquid he found fascinating) in chafing dishes with his ladle like a general. “Do not get those mixed up. Carmen Jay, Karmin Jei, and Qarm’n J all have specific allergies to these specific foods, in that order. Understood?”
The new Lunch Subordinate nods and writes furiously in his already-cramped napkin (Draxum had given him a college-bound notebook earlier, but he had burned through it pretty quickly). “Um, uh, how do I know whose Carmen, Qarm’n, and-and Karmin?”
Draxum loudly rolled his eyes, which was somehow even louder than his scoff, “Must I do everything for you?! They’re as different as night and day! Carmen Jey is 5’5 and wears a cerulean hoodie. Karmin Jei is 1.651 meters tall and wears a turquoise hoodie. Qarm’n J is 165.1 centimeters tall and wears a blue hoodie. Now, if you don’t have anymore questions-”
“-I do, I really do! What's the difference between-”
“IF THERE ARE NO FURTHER QUESTIONS, we must return to sloppying the joes before the first lunch period.”
The comparisons between working in a lab and a kitchen were few far and few in between, but Draxum’s favorite difference was that in the kitchen, he had a staff of (well-paid and unionized) goons at his disposal to terrorize as he saw fit. So having the new worker spend five hours outside yesterday chasing down pigeons with a fishing net for strange unknown reasons was oddly satisfying. The only thing Draxum had trouble with in this kitchen was the art of baking (the only reason he knew that was a weak part of his expertise was the brownie-overflowing trash cans).
He picks up the large prepackaged government-sanctioned brownie mix. Draxum wasn’t sure what ‘vanilla’ was, but he doubted it was a natural ingredient and tossed it over his shoulder. Unfortunately, it missed the trash can horribly. Instead, it broke and covered the back wall. Draxum groans and puts his hands on the counter as the Lunch Subordinate follows behind, still scribbling on his note. He barely has time to raise his hands as Draxum tosses an apron to him, “Get to the brownies. Each one must have specifically two green sprinkles, three red ones, and one blue one. But give one of them three blue sprinkles. It will drive the other students to a level of jealousy that will amuse me for the rest of my day.”
“Um, yes, Lunch Baron.” So, the Lunch Subordinate goes to do as he’s told. Draxum had initially wanted to bring Hugin and Munin into work in the kitchen ever since the oozesquitos had been banned by Michelangelo. However, he had still not seen a tail or wing of them since the Shredder incident. So, he was left with a less-than-competent coworker who tied his shoes together twelve times in the hour he had known him.
Not for the first time today, Baron Draxum’s thoughts return to the turtles.
He had received his customary morning ‘you’re doing great’ text from Michelangelo, but he noticed that he had only received two instead of three exclamation points (which he had worked hard for). No doubt a retaliation for how last night's events had gone.
“Why should their opinions matter to me,” Draxum snaps so loudly the Lunch Subordinate jumps a foot in the air and looks around at him in alarm. But he pretends not to notice, “He is a literal child. He should be used to disappointment at this point. You certainly are, aren’t you Lunch Subordinate?!”
“U-oh, my name isn’t-”
“When you are in my kitchen, your name is Lunch Subordinate. As I was saying, disappointment is a way of life and I, for the most part, have treated him very well. I do not insult him. I do not laugh when people fall, in his presence. And I even left a penny in the ‘take a penny leave a penny jar’!”
“Is-Is this your kid, o—r?”
“His brother is the one who has the issue. If he finds offense to my words, it is because he can not handle the truth.” Draxum stirs with such furious energy that pieces of ‘meat’ splatter over his apron. “It is not as though I enjoy being correct all the time! In fact, I find it quite the burden to be shunned at every angle! Just for that reason! And so what if they decide not to come around anymore? That is their decision. What does it matter? I would be spending every evening in a dark apartment with only Dutch sitcoms to argue with. It happened with the Hamatos and before that it happened with my fami-” Draxum pauses and sighs angrily, “But, they would be lost without my selflessness and guidance. So, perhaps I can, as the blue one would say, per-use-”
“Is that your kid's name? Blue one?-”
“- I can lower myself to their standards. I will bear the burden of putting on a magnanimous appearance to satisfy everyone's fragile emotions.” Draxum looks over his shoulder to see the Lunch Subordinate looking back at him, “Return to work before I make you the ‘joe’ in sloppy ‘joe’!”
Lunch Subordinate lets out a quiet mouse-like shriek before he returns to placing the sprinkles on the brownies (Draxum would have to inspect them later to make sure they were up to his standards) as Draxum returned to work.
Part: 1, 2, 3, 4 (coming soon )
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nexuschampion · 1 year
Just another day
"Three Valentine's Days in. Not bad for a relationship that began at superspeed based on mutual murderous professions, hidden from everyone until it wasn't, interspecies at best, and by far the best thing to have ever happened to me."
"Happy Valentine's Day Mikey" she answered with a smile that brighted his entire day.
"Do you know that you mean more to mean than my entire comic book collection? More than my babies?"
"I'm sure your nunchucku are very offended" she laughed as he kissed her neck lovingly. "But yes, I know."
"I can't wait to go out. First time out in the world on the most romantic day of the year with my wifey? Best time ever."
"Everyday with you is the most romantic day of the year baby" Shadow was milling about the desk, piling various papers into piles to keep everything organized.
"You wound me. Today will be extra heavy on romance!!"
"Hmm. What have you got planned?"
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"It's a lonely table, off in the back where we can be alone."
"Are you sure? Laying low has been working wonders for you."
"I'm sure. Going out to dinner with you on Valentine's has been one of the highlights of this whole thing. I literally woke up in the hospital after it was all said and done and thought, Ah ha! Finally we can go out on a proper Valentine's Day date!"
"I see you have your priorities straight."
"Always. I even know a spot nearby where we can have a quickie if you want."
"It's a too cold for a quickie!"
"I didn't say it was outside!"
"We don't have to do anything Mikey, I promise I don't mind. I just want you to be all right."
"Again with the wounding. This is the day of love, my love! As soon as you're ready we're going out for a day of good times only."
The table was indeed lonely and quiet, which suited them both perfectly. He coudn't even see anyone else and it allowed him to snuggle up to her affectionately without distraction and she was free to do the same.
They were there for at least an hour, lingering with conversation that never seemed to run out or get old. After a few glasses of wine and a delightful three course meal they burst out laughing over the the fact that they would definitely rather be doing something else.
"Well we checked this box. Not nearly as great as I thought it would be but I had a damn nice time." He giggled.
"It was really nice Mikey" she laughed. "It's not exactly the center of the multiverse or any of the other wild things you've taken me to do but it was fun."
"I have fun every minute I'm with you."
"You are literally always with me Mikey."
"And I'm always having fun. Do you want to…" He was interrupted by his phone buzzing in his pocket. He'd ignored it a few times, but when it rang for a 5th time within a couple of minutes he decided to check. He pulled it out and put it on speaker.
"Mikey. Shit about time! There is something really wrong here. One of them things, at least one, I think is headin' topside."
"Where?" Shadow asked.
"Still at dinner? We lost it not too far from there, a few blocks north. I think. Too big to get through a manhole but fuck it can probably just break through the damn street."
"A'ight. We're on it bro."
"That's not all Mike" Leo took the phone. "Something else is going on. Renoir and Donnie are acting strange. This isn't good. I'm going to go back and check on them. Raph will meet you topside. Call Casey. I'm calling in the Foot. I think we're going to need everyone."
Mikey hung up and stood, Shadow right behind him. He waited next to the table and grinned at her. "Maybe this is more like it. Care to do the honors?" He held out his arms.
It was hard to not simply run out the door, but dammit, it was Valentine's. Shadow reached up to unbutton his collar, then the rest of his shirt. There was always a few seconds to undress him, and it still felt like an hour's worth of foreplay. Once he was sufficiently undressed, a telltale sign to the public that there was trouble afoot, he kissed her. "I'll see you on the other side."
She took his clothes and set them on the seat of their table. "I don't like it when you say it that way."
"I'll see you when I get home from work?"
"I'll see you after you kick that things ass."
He tucked his phone into his belt, winked at her, and sprinted out of the restaurant. Shadow followed suit, starting that process of instructing people what to do and where to go in case a fight came nearby.
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 1 year
How I’d rewrite the 2012 love triangle
Donnie is still over obsessive..
At first.
With stuff like stalking and having weird pictures of april as his wallpaper, he quickly gets caught and called out for this.
He stops at first due to embarrassment, but realizes that, yes, that was creepy.
Throughout season 1-3, he slowly calms down with his crush.
He still pulls stuff like romantic gestures such as gifts and overplanning ways to hang out with april.
But once him and april start casually hanging out more, he slowly stops and realizes that these plots of his are dumb.
By late season 3, he’s only really giving april nice compliments and small gifts when it comes to romantic gestures, finding that just hanging out with her is all he really needs right now is to be her friend.
The two actually develop a bond through season 4 and if they DO get together, it would probably be right after earths last stand, if at all. With Casey have moved on from his crush at this point.
When Casey and april first meet, Casey is flirty to her. This freaks her out, until she sees him trying (and failing) to flirt with Irma and realizes he’s just like that.
The two become friends and april finds Casey is surprisingly comforting to talk to. She ends up telling him about a lot of issues she’s dealing with (trying to keep certain details secret since this is pre Casey meeting the turtles.
Casey develops an actual crush on april but after hearing about what she’s dealing with, he decides it’s better if he doesn’t act on it.
He’s still flirty towards her but april is fine with it, thinking he’s just being typical Casey and doesn’t think he actually likes her like that.
Donnie finds Casey suspicious upon seeing him for the first time, but once the turtles meet Casey, both april and Casey make it clear they’re just friends
so while Donnie doesn’t like Casey because he’s, well, Casey, he’s not very antagonistic towards him, treating him like he would his brothers.
They do develop an actual friendship in race with the demon.
I probably wouldn’t make capril endgame, having Casey eventually move on from his crush, but if I did, it’d probably be after owari where Donnie would be hurt at first, but ultimately happy for them.
Other than that, maybe make her more visibly anxious towards romantic gestures.
Not just because romantic gestures towards you can be awkward, but because she genuinely thinks nobody would like her like that, thinking she’s not pretty enough or has a personality someone would like like that.
Maybe this makes it so she struggles to say when she’s uncomfortable cause “she should be glad a boy likes her” so she tries to use non verbal cues to relay to Donnie she’s uncomfortable, not realizing Donnie’s not picking up on it.
But with some guidance, she slowly starts to realize she needs to be straightforward and to put her foot down sometimes.
Whether she likes Donnie or Casey back or not, I feel like she’d be very accidentally confusing cause she legitimately isn’t sure how to handle the situation and is scared to talk to almost people around her for various reasons.
Ta da!
Hope y’all enjoy!
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selfless1978 · 1 year
Leo put the paper down on the desk. A sigh of frustration escaping him. Nothing here could tell him anything that he didn’t already know. There had to be something missing.
“Leo?” Donnie walked up, new papers in his hands. “I was finally able to dig deeper into her background. Sorry it took me so long, some of the information was difficult to come by. Especially school reports.” He handed them over to his older brother.
“Thank you.” Leo murmured and began to read.
And his frown deepened as he did. What was on these papers explained a lot to him. The more he read, the more he shook his head in disbelief. “God dammit.”
“What?” Donnie had walked up and brought two mugs with him, one full of coffee for him and tea for Leo. 
“Have you read through this?” Leo asked wearily as he leaned back in his chair, or Donnie’s chair rather since he was using Donnie’s desk.
“Not the specifics.” Donnie replied, handing Leo the mug of tea before sitting on the edge of the desk. “Just browsed to make sure it was documentation I needed on her.”
Leo rubbed his face. “Donnie, I have to say, after reading through all of this, I’m not surprised at how she turned out.”
The genius raised a brow at that. “Mind elaborating?”
Leo sighed and dropped the papers on the desk. “How much can one person take before they snap.... Donnie, she was just six years old when this all started. She was molested by a family friend. He didn’t get caught until after her family moved away. He targeted a friend of hers, and when she refused he killed her with a hammer. She testified in the murder trial. But he was never tried for what he did to her.”
“Good god....” Donnie mumbled.
“It doesn’t stop there. He was found guilty, and got a life sentence. But she most certainly did not have the best life afterwards. School was very difficult for her.” Leo leaned forward and started to sort through the pile of papers again. As if he tried to send some of his calm influence through to the troubled girl described within. “She was bullied relentlessly. Apparently because she was one of the, if not the, poorest children and her grades were just enough for her to graduate. It was never properly dealt with and went on for years”
Donnie nodded slowly. He could easily see how the two could be connected. “What happened after Highschool?”
“She joined the Army. Military Police. There isn’t a stain on her record, except for a court martial she had to testify in. She was raped by one of her leaders.”
“Oh no....”
“It gets worse, he only got three months in prison, and it wasn’t even because of her case. They found him not guilty in her scenario.”
“I’m beginning to see a pattern here.” Donnie sighed.
“I thought you might.” Leo said with a frown. “Anyway, she left the service after 3 and a half years. From what I read, she has a seriously messed up ankle. Bad enough to where she couldn’t run. There was even a suggestion from one of her physicians that she receive a medical discharge. She had just started her physical therapy appointments when the paperwork came in to release her from the service. No medical. They threw her out for ‘failure to adapt’. She got nothing. No medical help for her ankle whatso ever.” Leo looked at his brother again. “That killed any dream she may have had of becoming a police officer, or staying in the military.”
“I’m almost scared to ask what happened next.”
“She worked.” Leo replied. “First as a security guard, and was laid off when the company went belly up. She bounced around after that. She did get married, and it fell apart when her daughter was just over two.”
“She the youngest?”
Leo nodded. “Her son was born a year and a half earlier. Her ex was the one who actually filed for divorce, after leaving her with no money or vehicle. She ended up getting fired because of that. She bounced around, I’m not sure why exactly. But her jobs from then on weren't the greatest. Convenience store clerk, low paying warehouse employee, etc. After awhile, she got laid off again and she just disappears from all the records except for state assistance. Until almost two years later. That was when her kids were taken from her.”
“Which brings us to now.” Donnie was running his thumb over the handle of his mug thoughtfully. “Dad ever help out with the kids?”
Leo’s face took on a mild tone of anger. “Not enough to make a difference. And the child support she got from him was laughable.”
“Leo, a few of these things alone is hard to deal with. But it seemed nonstop with her.”
“And that’s just the broad outline. She had also deployed, twice. Both in high risk areas. Who knows really what she experienced there.” 
“She does.” Donnie replied somberly. “You said she seemed hateful towards everything. I think I can understand why.”
“Not everything.” Leo corrected as he looked at another piece of paper. At the two small children pictured with their mother. “She follows no laws but her own.”
“Dangerous life for a mother.” Donnie was also looking at the picture.
“Even more so if she believes this path is the right way to challenge things. Those kids will end up with a martyr for a mother.” He stood up suddenly, his face determined. “And I’ll be damned if I let that happen.”
@infuriatedleprechaun @raisin-shell
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Attack of the Mega Shredder Liveblog
Dramatic storm, okay good start.
Man I love Rocksteady. BeeBop is okay but Rocksteady is the best. He's so goofy.
Oh Crognard is back. Going in alone? Leo's about to pull some dumbassery isn't he?
... Uhhh... I think Donnie's brain is finally feeling the effects of all of the shit it's gone through and the concussions and stuff... this "stealth vehicle" fucking sucks
Oh the weapons in it are fun though.
Oh hell yeah Lockpickin' Leo
Shredder for real though, why the monster statues in the basement?
These boys have the suckiest luck, sheesh- oh Leo that comeback wasn't even good
What do you think happened, Shredder?
SPLINTER!!!!!! WHY'D YOU GET SO DICKISH!!!!!!!! Okay good he said they're important to him and wants Raph to rest, at least there's that.
DAMMIT LEO'S GOING SOLO AGAIN I FUCKING HATE THIS BASTARD oh hey he's finally in the Vision Quest outfit again.
YAY MIKEY CAME TO HELP HIM! I wish Mikey was also in his Vision Quest outfit.
Awwww Rahzar just likes to snuggle. Weirdly cute of him. Give him a teddy bear.
Casey I love you but I do second Donnie's "Really?" expression here, confidence is good but it doesn't save Leo and Mikey
Oh Leo. Leo I understand this plan but. This could possibly backfrie really horribly.
Hey why are all of the Shredder Mutants seafood?
Is that- a human man on the tongue tentacle- IT'S YOUNG ORUKO SAKI
How'd Casey recognize it too? Is he also psychic or something?
Oh no another Lovers Spat between BeeBop and Rocksteady
Uhhhh Donnie? Are those explosives made of radioactive waste?
OH THANK GOODNESSMIKEY LANDED ON A PIECE OF WOOD- oh Mega Shredder has worms! Poor guys, The Foot weren't keeping up on their care.
Donnie love flamethrowers, dude. He'd be into arson if he was a bad guy I guess.
Awwww wait that was kinda sweet how the main body was worried about the human tongue ... Still gross though.
Oh guys you-you might rip Leo apart
Why the reaction shot of Casey smirking? The shot choices confuse me so much sometimes
Oh shit they killed the tongue
So that Monster Rain is poisonous, right?
Lol Casey is the only one to point out how gross it is
Pfffft "Okay you can torture me but don't ruin my drip"
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miitarashi · 2 years
Note: i've been writing alot just about Leo,so let's make some changes in here. I give to y'all some of my headcanons! Or a situation that involves the headcanon,idk.
Note²: and again, if they are out of character,sorry cuz i don't really know about they manerism,but believe me when i say,i tried 😔✊🏽.
Warnings: forgot to put this. A lot of swearing, misspelling words (cuz i'm a inattentive bitch) and probably i'm gonna redo.
Prompt: you have the same insecure as them.
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Her body.
Mostly because i headcanon her as a trans girl. She wants to be more feminine,more cute and fragile but when she sees herself in a mirror,she sees anything but feminine and you were the same.
In your case,your body aways looked more like a boy or sometimes,not even that.
You wanted a middle size breast.
More feminine features.
Beautiful waist.
Long and curly hair...
But all you got is a mini breast,waist kinda in form of a square and a terrible straight hair,you not even straight God dammit!
And one day,you breakdown. Looking for your figure in the mirror for more than you can handle,texting Raphaela who's right away showed up in your house. Coming to your room,seeing you on the floor crying and sobbing hugging yourself.
She rushed picking you from the floor and putting you on her lap caressing your back gently for some comfort.
"[name],what happen?" - she asked quietly, sounds like if she talk a little more loud you would run away. When you didn't respond,she knew why.
"...crisis again?" - you nodded - "my beautiful cupcake,you know how perfect ya is? If you don't,lemme tell ya,i mean...wanna hear it?" - another nod - "ight,where do Raphaela starts? Hmm...oh! Your body! They are so cutie! It's good to squeeze cuz you have skin and meat enough to be soft and smooth like a marshmallow"
You laugh a little,cleaning the tear remain in silence to hear just her voice.
"lemme see more...your hair? I love it, it's easy to deal with and he match perfect with you! And because you treat him really well,your hair is soft and soo good to smell. Last but not least" - she hold carefully your face, lifting up to her see better smiling at you - "your beautiful face that makes my heart beat faster whatever i see you because of how pretty they are"
The tears coming again,but this time, it's tears of relief and happiness. You hug her, whispering "thank you" several times,she chuckle a bit hugging back,you could hear her heart racing probably because what she said still blushing.
"again, thank you for it Raphaela. This words coming from a girl so beautiful and precious like you...really makes me feel better. I love you" - she looked surprised. She? Beautiful with this body? She tigh the hug more, hidding her face in your neck and quickly you feel something wet knewing right away.
"what? You really don't think yourself is pretty teddybear?"
"n-no i..."
"well,now it's my time to spoil you" - you pull away a little cleaning her tears caressing the cheeks admiring she for a few seconds with a almost dorky smile - "i could keep admiring you all day long,you know that?"
"me too [name],me too"
With a quick peck on the lips,you spoil her all day with a girls day,you two were really needing it.
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His insecure is so many,but i think that is his leck of sympathy,i know the why behind this,but even so i can see he struggle with it.
And you was almost like that. Raised in a house where was no reason to cry if you had everything in your hands. When you opened up to your parents, you only received complaints and fights, the kinda of thing that makes you grow up not knowing how to understand both your emotions and those of others.
But you met him.
He didn't need to have his emotion undestand,he already knew,hungry,sleep,hot and cold but there are sometimes that isn't just hot or cold.
Sometimes,he breaks.
And you should be there for him right?
You was in the kitchen,preparing some sandwiches and snacks for Donnie,he was in his lab for a long time and didn't get any food or drink than coffee. When you finished,walk to the lab and open the door,you hear a loud grunt coming from him.
"D? Are you ok?" - making your way to his table,you ask concerned.
"ok? If everything will be ok?? No [name] nothing in this is ok!" - he was screaming, angrily screaming at you,you did nothing...right?
"the system itself is simple compared to the rest, which should make it easier, however, those damn segments are short! Swap for another one, they're not compatible, swap for another one, it doesn't fit, and it's become a cycle where I can't find a clear answer no matter how much I reanalyze! You think that's ok [name]?!"
"no Donatello,it's not" - from the habit acquired years ago, you swallow the tears and keep your calm posture - "but not just with the system, with you too,if you want something to vent your rage,make it to the wall,cuz i'm not gonna be standing here taking it. Have a nice night, Donatello"
You leave the food above something near you and leave a long steps trying to get away from him asap being followed by Donnie almost instantly.
"wait [name],i'm sorry,i was just-"
"anger. I know Donatello and it's ok,i just not gonna be by your side from now"
"what- no,why?"
"why Donatello?" - stopping and turnning around to look at him that was visibly worried, but to you, that didn't seem genuine, you had no way of really knowing, in fact even what you felt didn't seem valid - "i already told you about my past life didn't i? About how much i heard this same tone that you screamed at me,how it hurted and that's the only why i'm still calm enough to talk,i don't know what or how i should feel or react but i know that i'm not deserve to be treat like this by the one that i love,sorry" - turnning around to make your way out. He stop you.
"i'm the one who should be sorry and you right,i was bein a bad boyfriend to you..." - he seemed sad? - "it's just...that's something new to me. Even when the two of us have a terrible sense of sympathy,mostly me,you make me feel so welcomed in your life,your patience,your calmness and...and...-"
You give a little chuckle looking at him struggling to continue thinking in what to say. You probably look like him doing the same thing.
"i really can't with you,you know that Don?" - you approache him,offering some soft pats in his shoulders making him relax by this minimum contact - "do it again,and i gonna make your life a living hell,ok?"
You tell with a emotionless smile looking at him,who just give a little laugh turnning his face,chalenging you.
"oh really? More than my life's already is? And how you gonna make this devilish thing,my dear?"
"i know your code to auto destroy everything. the new one. Connecting my phone to your computer and typing in the code takes less than a minute, do you wanna test, my love?~"
He looked surpresed and terrified at this threat as you say in a devil's singing voice.
"you wouldn't-"
"yes. I. Would" - givin a little peck in his cheek,you walk back to the lab dragging a flushed Donnie with you - "come on,the sandwiches,snacks and drinks are waiting and you gonna eat all of them because i don't remenber the last time i see you walk out the lab to eat,no complains"
"ok, but I would like to suggest one condition. You have to help me after I finish eating. Deal?"
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I think his insecure would be emotional dependence. But he is Dr.Feelings????
Yeah,that's exactly the point. He is the psychologist of the group,and since I'm also my friends' psychologist i kinda know how it feels.
The fear to tell anyone about what you feel and be just a burden in the person's life,bein emotional making people aways thinking that you fragile and can't do things by yourself (flashback of mikey going to grab the Lou Jitsu game episode).
So yeah,you and him are basicaly mutuals.
When some of your "friends" call again just to vent and go away without trying to ask if you were ok,mikey would be always by your side like you do to him.
"and then,she said that i didn't even deserve to be alive [name]! I loved her so much and for what?!" - again,one of your friends called you to talk about that one girl,you aways tell him to get away,but he insisted and insisted and insisted and now,he was crying over the phone in call with you.
"look bubby,i not gonna say 'i told you',your faith in her was real,you are a good person and no one really want your death. Believe me,who lose something good was her,don't push yourself trow it ok?" - your voice was forced to sound gently,it wasn't a good day but you have to do it.
"y'know what? You right! Yeah you right! Thanks [name]!"
"your welcom-" - he hung up before you could end - "it's ok [name],mikey's gonna come anytime,it's gonna be ok" - you comfort yourself bringing a smile to your face.
A few minutes later,the orange turtle knock on your window as you happly go open for him to jump inside. He give you a quick peck on your forehead and hung out for a while until you notice some signs similar to yours when you was in your limit. He was more distracted than usual, you ended up having to repeat what said because he didn't hear as if he had been disconnected for a moment, even his smile seemed forced.
Givin a deep breath,when the movie ended you turn to the side were he was,took his hand in yours and smiled.
"you wanna tell me or i'm gonna make you open up?"
"wha? What you talking about?"
"i'm ok!"
"no,you don't" - you copped his face making him look only to you - "you can't hide it from me,like i can't hide it from you. Please,tell me whats wrong for me to help"
He sigh grabing your hands,making you squeeze his soft cheeks.
"it's Rapha, she's not the problem of course,i love my big sister but,this week was something. Rapha, Leo and Donnie again with Sheldon, don't get me wrong,i love helpping my family but... sometimes i just wanna-"
"be the one who is heard and understood?"
"yeah! This!"
"i know how it feels,so why don't you use me for it? I told you to come up to me whenever you needed,i can hear and help with it" - you said caressing his cheek with your thumb.
"thank you for it [name] but,i can see that you needed it too so...why we don't make a session of Dr.Feelinge where both of us are the Dr.Feelings???"
"pretty genius right??"
"ok! Let's settle things up then!" - he grab your hand putting you on his lap resting his chin in your neck making himself comfortable in your arms letting out a sound of relief - "muuuch better"
"ok so, who's gonna start?"
"you of course! Let it out baby!"
"are you sure?"
"uhum,I will only pay attention to you I promise" - he gives you a quick kiss on your neck making you chuckle - "no matter how tempting it is to want to tickle you for that giggle there"
"ok ok,i'm gonna start"
"Go on sunshine!"
And the rest of the night was with you two Dr.Feelings each other,making a note to make this at least one in a week for the sake of yours mental healthiness.
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Leo is kinda obvious,out of the part of bein leader.
He's bigger insecure is. Almost like Donnie. Not bein useful or good enough for the team,for his brother or everyone that's important to him.
While donnie have his genius brain, Rapha with her strenght,mikey with his creativity,all he have (think he have) is his pretty face and charm,that's when he's not feeling down cuz i know this man have some self esteem problems.
And you? Well,although you aways bein see as a confident person bein the leader of your friend's group,you had the same problems. Probably that's why you two come along pretty well.
Today was particularly good,your science work goes pretty well, everything was ok to say the least but the universe was feeling goofy so out of nowhere,you look at yourself in the mirror and don't like what you see. You have some extra skins here and there,ok,nothing much alright? No. It was much. Your hair was really good? Did you present a work like this??? Shit,you feeling ugly. But even like this you go to the lair,your favorite place to be,they wouldn't care about your apparence...right? When you arrived, the red and orange ones welcomed you.
"hey there buddy, how's your day was?"
"kinda good actualy,we do a..." - you make a double check to see if Donnie was around,this little word could transform your life in a living hell. Making sure he wasn't around you sigh relieved - "science work in school and i got a good grade for it"
"really?? Good job [name]!" - mikey says happly for you givin a side hug.
"i'm not surprised,i knew ya could do it from the start" - she reach your head givin little pats with a proud smirk.
"thank you guys. Wheres Leo?"
"he's in his room. While you're on your way there, can you call him for dinner? It's almost done, today I feel like I've overcome myself!"
"course! I can't wait to see what the big and adorable chef has prepared this time"
"i not gonna let you down, believe me!"
With a excited smile,you nod your head and make your way to Leo's room,thankfuly they didn't notice your ugly state and with this same believe,you knock on the wall.
"L-e-o-! Can i come in comrade?" - you call him playfuly waiting to his response in the same tone.
"no i...uh...i coming in a little while,it's for dinner right?" - that's is not his normal tone.
"yes but,i was hopping to have a little talk before we eat,and now,i feel like you really need this,don't you?" - in a softer voice, you ask receiving a brief silence cut by a 'come in'
You enter in his room,seeing your friend shrunken in the corner of the bed lifting his head just enough to see you.
"i..." - he tried to say something but feeling the tears coming back,he just hide his head from you.
"wanna say to me whats wrong?"
"you gonna laugh at it"
"wha- the audacity!" - you fake a hurtful reaction givin a little chuckle walking and sitting on his bed - "of course not,you really think that i'm that type of people? Me??? The Neon Leon biggest fan? I'm offended,sir!" - now he laugh a bit cleaning the rest of the tears,turn around to you seeing his puffy eyes and red beak.
"ok ok,i tell you. You big goofy"
"look who's talking"
"you right,i'm the best,sorry"
"you little shit-"
The two of you laugh more,your little plan worked but Leo was the first to stop looking down with a sad smile.
"[name] i...you really think that i...uh...good...?"
"i don't know just,look at me,this red strips and all it's...ugly...i'm ug-"
"don't you dare to say it about yourself" - you copped his face in a slap making him look at you - "Leo,you are handsome"
"i don't think-"
"well but i do. Sometimes i wanna be you!"
"you what?"
"yeah! Like,you so handsome, inteligent, funny,pretty, affectionate, beautiful and precious and,i already said handsome??" - he chuckle a bit - "and your cute strips? I love 'em! That one,and that one,and that another one"
You lean on top of him kissing his strips making Leo laugh trying to get out off your grip.
"ok ok,i get it [name]! Get off!"
"glad you understood" - with a victorious smile you sat up in bed - "when you feel like that just compare yourself to me,you will be better in no time like,look at this" - you point to yourself with a little smile - "it's easy when you have a uglyer friend and i'm here for it"
You laugh it off,even if hurt to make,if this makes Leo feel better is enough but,you are the only one laughing. Looking at him,he seemed concerned.
"hey,come on, don't leave me-"
"don't do this,please" - he grab your hand givin a reassuring squeeze - "you are feeling the same, aren't you?"
"i-...kinda of...but that's ok!"
"no it isn't" - his other hand make her way to your cheek caressing gently the place - "you don't need to wanna be like me,you already is a wonderful person [name],much more than me, that's what i like in you so, don't make this kinda of joke about yourself,ok?"
Your brain stopped for a second. He really said that? That he likes you?? Even when you feeling and looking the worst today? Your heart going crazy in your chest,cheeks getting hot and red by the realization still looking at him who. Like you. Just realized what he said.
"w-well,i'm very thankfull for my biggest fan effort to make me feel better soo,let's get dinner???"
He looked as nervous as he was desperate trying to change the subject,but you decided to not leave that chance slide. You start to get close to him, slowing reach his face looking for Leo's eyes shifting to lips and back to eyes in a silent request for permission fully granted as he also get closer ending the distance between you two with a kiss. One of his hands copped yours and the other hold your face with care,when you parted the contact he give his usual cocky smile without taking his eyes off you.
"someone with this pretty face shouldn't be calling yourself ugly mi vida~"
"again,look who's talking guapo"
He's smug face was replaced by a surprised one making you giggle at his reaction.
"since when???"
"since we literally learn it on school??"
"then,why you never said anything?"
"i wasn't much confident about my pronounce"
"but that was perfect!"
"because i practiced. Now" - you get up from bed giving a few steps to the entrance - "let's go mi campeón~,your brother make something real good for dinner"
The turtle's face was more red than his sisters mask and the strips on his face,he rushed to you givin a big hug extremaly happy for his new pet name and both of you go to the kitchen for dinner.
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sage-wilde-va · 1 year
Gargoyles X TMNT: The Shadows of New York Chapter 6: Never Talk to Cops
“Anything on your end, guys?” 
<”Nope.”> <”Negatory.”> <”Nothing in Central Park.”>
April’s head bumped against the brick wall. This would be going so much faster if Casey could use his phone. But there was too much cell interference at the stadium, they couldn’t get a single call out to him. Out of all of them, he had the best chance of finding Raph undetected. But, cast your nets wide, especially when you’re looking for a ninja. If it were just in Manhattan, then Raph would have been fine. But none of them were at all familiar with the underground on the other side of the river. Raph was running blind, and had no guaranteed safe escape back to the sewers. And with a crowd of humans that big…
“Dammit.” She grunted into the mouthpiece of the cell phone. “I’ve been listening to the police scanner all night. No mutant sightings, turtle or otherwise.”
<”April, this is Splinter. Have you gone to speak with the authorities?”>
“Yeah, the taxi just dropped me off at the precinct. I’m going to see if I can use my student press pass to get in and follow some cops around. If I hear anything about Raphael, you’ll be the first one I call, Master Splinter.”
<”April, this is Donnie.”> Her friend’s voice crackled over the line. <”Don’t wave around your press pass unless you have to, cops don’t talk to journalists. Even if they’re just for the high school paper. Just stick to the missing car story. If it goes south, call us and we’ll do the thing.”>
“Got it.”
Mikey whined over the receiver. <”Aww. Why do you get to be the grandma? I wanted to be the grandma this time!”>
April chuckled. “It was your turn last time, Mikey. I gotta go before a cop sees me. I’ll text you as soon as I turn anything up.”
<”Good luck, Miss O’Neil.”> <”Ciao for now!”> <”Contact us as soon as anything happens.”>
With a click, April folded up her cell phone and slipped it back into her yellow coat’s front pocket. She brushed a strand of red hair out of her eyes, and pushed her glasses up her nose. She took in a deep breath, and let it out. She put her hand on the handle of the front door of police precinct.
“If you’re trying to be a sneaky, kid, you’re not doing a good job of it.”
A woman’s voice, right behind her! April yelped, whirling around and putting up her fists in a stance that protected her face–and left her entire midriff exposed–as she tried to face her attacker for a fight. She scrunched her face up, ready for a Foot Clan attack.
“Relax kid. Unless you want to punch a detective.” The woman laughed. She hedld out a hand like sun-browned wheat to her, gently pushing down April’s balled up and useless fists.
The detective, a woman as dark and stormy as the clouds overhead with a long and wavy mane of black hair, folded her arms over her jacket and smugly smiled down at the lanky and gangly teenage girl. She had lean legs and a set to her jaw and shoulders that made her seem much taller than she actually was. She had a magnetic feel to her, some charisma that shook the ideas of a grandma with dementia and stolen cars out of April’s head and replaced them with meaningless, babbling words. 
April stammered over her words. “Grandma. Car. Stolen!” She spluttered out.
“Your grandma stole a car, or her car was stolen? Whichever excuse you’re going to make for being on the footsteps of a police precinct at eleven o'clock at night had better be a damn good one.”
“I… I’m a journalist for the school paper.” She forced out. “I-I have my student press pass and everything.” April holds up her school ID proudly, her yearbook picture smiling above her name and her treasured role in her school. “April O’Neil, Editor in Chief at Rob Paulsen High, Class of ‘04.”
“Cute. Detective Elisa Maza, 23 Precinct.” She clapped April on the back. “Aaaand you’re out after curfew.”
April stiffened her lip, her voice hard. “Am I under arrest?”
“You’re being gently encouraged to go inside and call your folks before you get arrested.” Elisa shrugged. 
“If I am not being detained, then I am free to leave.”
“Oh boy.” Elisa sighed, voice soaked with exhausted sarcasm. “Look here, a kid who passed her civics class. Good on you, I studied at Columbia. Great program. Now get inside the precinct and call for a ride home, or I will cuff you and then I’ll be your ride home. And trust me, whoever you live with isn’t going to be happy about it.”
April gnawed at her lip. “Alright, fine, I’ll go inside.”
“Good girl.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Inside the precinct, April kept her thumb on the dial of her scanner radio in her pocket, her bright yellow Walkman headphones jammed angrily over her thick, frizzy hair. She grumbled as she kept listening to static-choked voices repeat numbered codewords and cross-streets. More traffic stops. Expired license plate. Shooting on Canal Street, that turned out to be a car backfiring. Drunk driver. Sounded like the cops were bored tonight, which meant that April had struck out. She certainly hoped the Turtles were having better luck finding their brother than she was. For her? It seemed like tonight was a wash.
She’d called ‘Grannie Donna’ and explained that she knew it was eleven at night, and the Big Apple was a dangerous place for young ladies. She was safe at the 23rd Police Precinct, no she hadn’t been arrested, yes she was going to take the bus home, and yes she would love some pie.
April and the Turtles had developed their own codes to use when they may be eavesdropped upon. All of them had ‘grandma names’, or codenames. If she said she knew what time it was, it meant that everything was alright. If she apologized for waking them up, it was an emergency. If she said she’d take a taxi, it meant to meet her there after she’d given the all-clear. Taking the bus meant she’d go to them. If she asked for a ride, it meant to come quickly and stealthily. 
The bit about pie meant that she owed them a pizza for this. And that, she wasn’t looking forward to forking over. 
“A kid loitering around a police station at 11 at night?” Officer Morgan blew over his coffee. “Sounds like a kid in trouble, or a kid looking for trouble.”
“Morgan, you know I’m no good with kids.” Elisa nibbled on her donut. “I mean, hell, I barely ever was a kid, what with chasing my brother and sister around and minding them. And this one is, what, Twelve? Thirteen? How old is the graduating class of ‘04?”
“Fifteen to sixteen. My son’s in ‘05.”
“See? You have kids her age, you should go talk to her.”
“You’re also a woman, and this is a young woman. Sorry, Detective, but rules are rules. Ladies talk to ladies unless they say otherwise.” Morgan chided her.
“Can I say otherwise?”
“Not on the clock.”
“Damn.” Elisa paused. “Wait a minute. Clocks.” She looked over at the oven timer in the precinct break room. 10:58. There was something that kid had said earlier on the phone to her grandma… “Hey, Morgan, when does the M-90 stop doing its routes past the precinct?”
“About ten. Why?”
Maza set her donut on the counter. “That kid isn’t taking the bus home.”
April’s backpack felt particularly heavy against her back as she started speedwalking away from the police precinct. She bit down every urge she had to mutter under her breath as she peered at the reflective outer edge of her glasses. 
April didn't actually need glasses. She had this pair's lenses half-painted with a coat of one-way mirror polish, which she’d borrowed from her school’s machine shop. She didn’t need them to see ahead of her; she used them to check over her own shoulder. 
She ducked into a basement entrance for some neglected office space, and quickly shrugged off her backpack. She squatted there in the dark, nose wrinkling at the vague odor of what she knew was human urine, and pulled out her phone to text her friends. 
> Struck out here at the precinct. Cop busted 
me for curfew, I had to bail.
< Yeah, we figured. We’ve been following 
the rooftops and sewers around the Giants
 Stadium. There was an upset in the crowd, 
and we saw something big fly towards it. We 
think it might be something to do with Raph.
> The game lasted that long?
< Wasn’t much of a game to watch. The 
other guys got 13 touchgoals in the second 
> lol Donnie, u kinda suck at sports.
April snorted out of her nose, a smile creasing her eyes. She’d forgive him, the clueless genius that he was. Whether Casey would forgive this shocking lack of respect for the Sacred Institution of Football would remain to be seen. Besides, she was a casual Giants fan at best. She texted him again. 
> Map says I’m about 20 minutes out by taxi. U 
still wanna meet?
There was a long pause. Then, a reply popped up on her screen. Her phone buzzed in her fingers.
< Please, April, let us leave frickin’ Jersey. I 
need to wash the stink of petty mediocrity out 
of my socks. We’ll come to you. Be back in 
Manhattan in about an hour.
April burst out laughing at that. She closed her phone, and stood up, dusting herself off. She mounted the steps, and turned to keep going down the sidewalk and she nearly walked face-first into the arms of Detective Maza.
“Hi, kid. Did you miss your bus?”
April's brain didn't even process the decision between fight or flight. It picked for her, adrenaline springing into her legs and shoving her in a direction at random! Anywhere, anywhere away from here! The strap of her backpack caught on the handrail and the weight and momentum of her desperate dash caught the flimsy fabric and it ripped itself apart. The contents of April's backpack scattered across the sidewalk, right in front of the Detective's hawk-like glare. Her police codebook, her scanner radio, her rope and tool bag, all of it.
Sewer apples.
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theherocomplex · 6 years
Fictober, Day Fifteen
For the ever-patient @hotmilkytea. 
“I thought you had forgotten.”
"April," Donnie said, almost breathlessly, "it's our anniversary. I couldn't forget that."
"You've been in the Science Barn for days," she replied, dubiously. "I know it's your second home and probably you love it more than me -- I'm kidding," she added, over Donnie's indignant squawk. "You've been sleeping down there. I wondered. That's all."
Donnie mumbled under his breath, shoulders slumping.
"I built a particle accelerator and I may have deleted a galaxy from our reality and I'm sorry can I make it up to you with a hundred roses?"
"You deleted what?"
[fictober prompt list]
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turtle-babe83 · 3 years
Love Bites:
Donnie x F!Reader
This is the final 2021 TMNT Trick or Kink that I needed to finish. I hope you all enjoy!
Warning: Language and NSFW 18+ only, also mentions of drinking blood
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This wasn’t supposed to happen. Hell, they shouldn’t even exist. How could this even be possible? But the evidence was there, in dark red droplets on the petri dish. Donnie’s fingers shook as he adjusted the microscope lens. His mutant genes kept him healthy, destroying any and all illness, so why was this particular blood borne pathogen taking over his cells?
“Fuck me,” he muttered, collapsing in his chair.
He had to find a cure, and fast.
It had been nearly three weeks since you had seen Donatello. You had been friends long before you started seeing each other romantically so you knew how he could get caught up in his work. Usually though, he at least sent a text occasionally or tried to video chat while he worked. You had been concerned and reached out to Leo. He assured you that Donnie was just eyeballs deep in a big project and that it needed his undivided attention. You became suspicious when he followed up with an order to stay away till Donnie was finished. “Distractions could be dangerous,” was all he had offered in explanation. That was a week ago. With nothing coming from your genius boyfriend, you had to assume he was still working hard. You worried over whether or not he was getting enough rest, or food. Don had a tendency to live on coffee and Poptarts if you didn’t keep an eye on him. You missed your man, dammit. Enough was enough. You made up your mind to go check on him, despite Leo’s warning.
As you made your way through the sewers, you felt as though your hair was standing on end. Something felt very wrong, but you couldn’t quite put a finger on it. It was eerily quiet, the only sound being the rushing water. The absence of rats and mice was welcome but quite odd. The closer you got to the lair, the more uneasy you became. The absence of the usual noise from the brothers was unsettling. No music or video games playing, no arguing, no clanging of weapons in training. Entering the main center, you were surprised to find it devoid of life forms. The guys must have gone out on an early patrol. You were debating whether you should wait there till they came home, when a loud, unidentifiable sound came from Donnie’s lab area. You jumped, grabbing at your chest. Your heart pounded from the scare, and you took a moment to gather your wits.
Chiding yourself, you strode over and pulled the door open. A lamp was on, casting strange shadows all over the walls and ceiling. Your handsome genius was notably absent from his typical spots in front of the computer or the microscope.
“Donnie?” you called, instantly loathing that your voice sounded so weak and shaky. Seeing movement in your peripheral, your head whipped around, but nothing was there. Fear and dread were settling into the pit of your stomach, and you wrap your arms around yourself protectively.
“Donnie?” you try again, and this time you know you saw something move. A shadow, unnaturally fast. Terror in was a bitter taste in your mouth as you started backing towards the door. Your eyes searched the dimly lit room wildly as you took each trembling step backwards. A scream ripped from your throat as a pair of hands came down on your shoulders.
“Hey, it’s me.”
The voice of your boyfriend flooded you with relief until you turned and got a good look at him. Donnie was a paler shade of green than you remembered, his eyes darker, and his smile seemed sharper than normal. The smile he directed at you should have been disarming, instead it sent a shiver down your spine. Something was very wrong here.
“Are you okay? Have you been sick?” you rushed to ask.
Donnie gave a derisive snort.
“Something like that. What are you doing here?”
He was very….off. You frowned as you studied his expression. It felt as though you were caught in the spider’s web. And you weren’t certain what kind of meal he intended to make of you.
“I came to see you. I’ve missed you. Why haven’t you called or answered my texts?” you pouted.
Donnie frowned, “I thought Leo told you I was caught up in an important project. You shouldn’t have come here.”
That felt like a slap in the face. You felt your heart clench and took a step back from him.
“You don’t mean that,” you whispered.
He look dead serious as he answered, “I do. Go.”
A sob escaped as you threw a hand over your mouth and pushed past him. He made no move to stop you. You were halfway across the living room area when you tripped over something in the floor and went down. You caught yourself by your hands but scraped your shoulder on the sharp edge of a side table on the way down. Donnie was instantly on you. Shocked at his speed, you stared openly as he inspected your shoulder and the tiny drop of blood trickling down your arm. His eyes were nearly black now and you were hovering between horror and fascination. You sucked air in between your teeth as his tongue slipped out of his mouth and licked straight up, his eyes shutting tightly as he savored the flavor of your blood. It was disgusting, right? So why did it feel so erotic?
“Fuck,” he muttered. “So fucking good.”
He licked the tiny bead of blood that formed after his first taste. You whimpered, as his tongue continued to trail up to your neck.
“You really should have run faster,” he muttered, before sinking his teeth into your throat.
Fucking hell? When did Donnie get fangs?! There was no denying the smooth slide of his razor sharp canines as they slid through your flesh like a hot knife through butter. And while a part of you wanted to fight back and push him away, another part was incredibly turned on. Your hands gripped his shoulders and you leaned in while he swallowed mouthfuls of your blood.
“Mmm, Donnie,” you moaned.
That seemed to get through to him as he released your neck and lapped at the wound. Your eyes were dazed and a soft smile curved your lips as he stared in horror at what he had done. He went too long without feeding, and the thirst was too much for him to resist once your skin had broken. Now he had bitten you, and likely infected you. Shit. He couldn’t let you leave now. All this time, staying away from you to keep you safe, and it was for nothing.
Well, you were here now, looking too beautiful and sexy. At least, he didn’t have to keep himself from you anymore. When he reached for you, there was no resistance. You willingly went into his arms, and he captured your lips as he lifted you. You nuzzled his jaw as he carried you to his room. He was thankful that his brothers were out searching for the vampire that had bitten him. He had plenty of time to relieve the ache in his body before they returned.
Donnie was determined to take you slowly, to prove that the physiological changes didn’t alter who he truly was. He laid you down on his bed and stepped back to look at you. You looked perfect, but for the two tiny puncture holes in your throat.
“Y/n, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen,” he sighed.
Sitting up, you reached a hand to him. He allowed you to pull him down into your embrace.
“Shhh, it’s okay. You’re a genius, Donnie. You’ll figure it out.”
Encouraged by your absolute faith and trust in him, his mouth descended upon yours and he proceeded to show you exactly how much you meant to him. Clothes were peeled away with care, as his hands traced your curves reverently. Your soft moans filled the room as he explored your body with lips and tongue. He left marks all over your thighs as he sucked your skin, finally settling over your mound. You spread your legs wide to give him all the room he needed. The first languid stroke had you lifting your hips to follow his retreating mouth. Donnie took his time licking your folds, sucking your clit, and occasionally pushing his long tongue deep to curl against your g-spot. You were quickly coming undone, hips helplessly rolling as release was just on the horizon. When he rubbed his thumb over your nub, thrusting his tongue in and out rapidly, you reached the crescendo and came long and hard.
Donnie licked his lips and wiped his chin as he rose over you. Your legs wrapped around his waist in welcome. As he slid his hard length deep within your warm walls, you began to feel a strange stirring in your body. Your teeth ached, your limbs felt like they were vibrating, and your mouth was watering. Donnie was alarmed to see how dark your eyes were getting to be. He hadn’t counted on your change happening so quickly. His had taken longer, but he surmised that it was probably due to the mutagen in his blood fighting back against the invasive cells. Your stomach cramped and you cried out. Donnie started to pull out but your legs gripped him and held him fast. His eyes snapped back to yours and he found your stare ravenous. Your lips peeled back in a sultry smile, as two tiny fangs slid down. Donnie swallowed hard.
“Donnie, baby, I’m suddenly feeling quite famished,” you drawled.
With that, you suddenly rolled and Donnie found himself on his shell as you began to ride his cock. Sweet lovemaking was out the window as you bounced and bore down, nails digging in his scaly skin just above his plastron. Donnie growled and grabbed your hips, bucking up to meet you at an inhuman pace.
“Feels…so..fucking good!!!” you yelled, climbing closer to another orgasm.
Grabbing him by the shell, you pulled him to a sitting position as you continued your manic ride. Just as your inner muscles clenched around him in your second release, you bared your new fangs and sank them deep into the side of Don’s neck. The taste of his special blood was like ambrosia on your tongue and you drank deep. Donnie’s eyes flew wide when your teeth pierced his flesh. Unlike the pain he experienced from his original bite, this one sparked something primal and a deep pleasure he had never felt before. He roared as his release pumped you full of his cum, bucking and slamming you down hard in his lap. You licked the bite as your high began to fade. Maybe you were a vampire now, but damn, was the sex incredible! You pulled back a little to look into your lover’s face. Donnie smiled.
“You know you’re stuck with me now. I can’t let you leave until we find a cure.”
You decided that you weren’t certain you wanted to be cured, but that was a discussion for later.
“Mmm, no worries there, love. I’m exactly where I want to be.”
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