#dammit yugi
arinrowan · 11 months
Good news: my new cat Theia is integrating well into the household!
Bad news: Yugi has decided now is the time to stop eating and I have to take him to the emergency vet
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are you fucking kidding me
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hereforthefunnyguys · 6 months
genderbend Yu-Gi-Oh! just because I feel like Katsuya Jonouchi and Hiroto Honda would be absolutely incredible as a pair of butches. Sports bra basketball jersey and no brain to speak of 10/10 I love the idea so much.
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Time to once again rewatch my most rewatched Yugioh duel of all time:
Yugi vs Judai.
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chaoscheebs · 1 year
A headcanon I enjoy, that can be part of but not necessarily Rivalship-related:
Yugi’s mom is initially skeptical when Yugi finally manages to win over (friendship and/or romance-wise) Seto Kaiba, because.  She’s not dumb, she heard why Sugoroku ended up having heart attack, dammit.
But then we have Mokuba entering the equation, and she both (1) starts learning what these Kaiba boys have gone through and (2) ends up adoring the shit out of Mokuba, she is like “yes these are my sons now, I am keeping them even if Yugi and Seto stop getting along.”
(Mokuba takes to the mothering easily enough, but Seto is VERY CONFUSED how does he even react to this anymore it has been a long-ass time since he had a parental figure who actually *cares* better tsun that’s the right reaction right?????)
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undeadbanjos · 1 year
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Home again.
We were robbed not getting to see that duel.
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dancing with a stranger
A/N: How dare this cover slap and make me wanna write out a nightclub scenario with Atem/Yami and Hikari?
The strobe lights were blinding, the sea of dancing bodies a silhouette. The music was deafening, blasting from the speakers and pulsing from every person on the dance floor.
He only observed from sitting at the bar, the lights glinting off of the golden rings that adorned his fingers, the bangles on his wrist. Intense amethyst eyes took in the scene, the milling people that came into or left the club. A sigh left his lips as he took a drink from his glass of wine, the flavor tickling at his tongue before going down his throat.
Atem usually didn’t frequent clubs. Yet many a things weighed on his mind that he needed a distraction that wasn’t usually what he did. He’d lose himself in Duel Monsters before, but it wasn’t enough this time. With Yugi’s encouraging, Atem decided to go out.
And here he was, in a crowded nightclub by his lonesome, watching the dancing and flirting beneath the flashing lights. Heaving another sigh, Atem downed the last bit of his wine, readying himself to leave the pay and tip--until a blur of movement caught his eye. For a moment, the motion disappeared in the sea of people and Atem almost thought he had imagined it.
Until he glimpsed it again, that blur of movement within the throng of people.
He was barely aware that the song had changed; he could only see body swaying. The strobe lights, quick in their flashing, still illuminated her silhouette. Her attire had clasps and buckles that glinted, ebony hair curled at the ends following her movements. Like many, she was lost to the music that she paid no mind to the bodies around her.
Yet Atem couldn’t tear his gaze away. The presence of that strange siren on the dancefloor pulled at him, unaware that his body was moving until he finally became aware that she was closer than before. He was able to see her much more clearly now.
Sun-kissed skin, clad in a flowing, white dress, a silver chain adorning her neck, the girl slowed in her rhythm, dark eyes gazing up at him. A curiosity shimmered within their depths, stealing Atem’s breath. She was so close that he could detect a faint scent--floral, yet not overtly so. Atem couldn’t bring himself to back away, even though he prided on himself to remain a gentleman.
Atem startled at the sensation of fingers over his hand, irises flickering down to see the girl’s hand gently taking a hold of his. She was testing the waters, to see if he would pull away, because not once had her eyes turned away. When he didn’t pull away, she took the lead in the dance. Her body continued to sway in time to the music as she drew close. Amethyst eyes followed the chain around her neck, to the charm that rest against her chest. A charm hung from it, depicting a name: Hikari.
Atem found his body moving in time with his mysterious partner, this Hikari. Her hand slid along his arm, enough for him to rest his hands onto her hips. The music vibrated between them, yet it sounded muffled to his ears. All of his focus was on the girl before him, whose equally intense gaze matched him.
A club was so large and public that is was ironic for it to also be so intimate. The music, the lights, the feel of bodies dancing closely; no one paid the two any mind and Atem couldn’t have wanted it any other way. Hikari was pressed against him, her hands against his upper arms now, and her scent was becoming intoxicating. Her fingertips against his skin ignited flames within him, stealing his breath once again. His own fingertips dug into the fabric of Hikari’s dress as though on instinct, keeping her close.
A soft breath left Hikari’s lips, one Atem felt against his chest before she began to turn in his arms. She wasn’t pulling away; no, she simply pressed her back to his chest without breaking her rhythm to the song blasting from the speakers. The nigh-intimate action shouldn’t have surprised Atem, given how close the two were dancing. His hands remained on her swaying hips as his own matched hers beat for beat.
Hikari rest her head against Atem’s chest, dark eyes gazing up at him as he returned its intensity. With how close they were dancing, Atem could see the clear flush on her cheeks, the faint sheen of sweat from their dancing, and pink lips parted with every breath she took. Her hands drifted over his arms once more, the faint touches delighting his skin.
He knew nothing of this beautiful stranger, his intimate dance partner, save for her name on her necklace. They hadn’t spoken one word; only shared glanced, this space, out in the sea of dancing bodies. And yet, the sheer intimacy of their closeness spoke volumes in the moment. They didn’t have to know one another with words when their bodies were doing much of the talking.
Feeling a tad bold, Atem’s hands drifted, fingers ghosting the length of Hikari’s arms before taking her hand in his. He took the lead in this moment, spinning her to face him once again with ease, his free hand pressing against the small of her back to press her against him. With no distance between them, Atem’s amethyst eyes clashed with Hikari’s tourmaline irises as the final beat of the song ended, melting into a new one.
Hikari’s soft laugh left her, Atem able to feel the vibration from their bodies being so close. “Staying for another song?” she asked, her gentle voice drowning out the song he hardly cared about.
Fully aware of how closely Atem still held Hikari to him, he slowly pulled away, his arms leaving her body--and he suddenly missed her warmth against him. “I think I may stay for another drink,” he replied, despite his thirst being for something far different than a glass of wine.
The smile the ravenette gave him all but stopped his heart. “Maybe I’ll join you. Some place quieter, hm?”
Returning her smile with a faint smirk of his own, Atem gave a regal nod of his head. “I agree.”
Walking toward his side, his beautiful stranger canted her head to the side. “I never got your name,” she murmured as he turned match her stride.
He glanced at her, before offering a hand. “My name is Atem.”
“Atem.” His name was a delicious song from her lips as she touched his hand. “I’m Hikari.”
His fingers curled against hers and Atem sensed the night was still far too young to let this stranger go now. A feeling that appeared to be shared when Hikari’s own fingers remained linked to his without resistance, as he lead them both out of the club.
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cthulhu · 2 years
First time I've seen a character in anime named Yugi since Yugioh and of course the mf is also voiced me Megumi Ogata
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principalcellist · 5 months
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The leather and tight jeans is all Yugi.
Atem just wants to be COMFY, DAMMIT
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ap-kinda-lit · 8 months
Joey: Dammit, I should’ve known I would lose track of Yugi. He’s so pocket sized, he could be anywhere!
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shinayashipper · 5 months
Me seeing Kaiba being mean to Yugi for the nth time, "I hate you so much" and then Yugi taps my shoulder and look at me with such Smile, "But I love him." And now I have to Love Him too. Dammit
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twisted-art-wounders · 8 months
YGO AU: Breaking the Seal 02
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Chapter 2 Sowing While Yugi recovers form his duel from the night before, he meets a mysterious man in his dreams who may be able to help him.
Yami Yugi managed to make it home on his own; the golden box now empty of any god cards and his partner completely passed out form tonight's events. Opening the side door slowly and quietly Yami managed to sneak back into the house without stirring Grandpa form his sleep. Like a shadow he quietly crept up the stairs and back into Yugi's room. Placing the jacket back on it's hook behind the door along with the deck belt. He made sure the rest of his deck was still intact and it was; he was happy about that and thought about how many times they used this deck together but this time Yugi used it on his own.
He'd hopped it brought him victory in his duel, even if he couldn't witness it himself, their connection was weak since the puzzle was far form their range. He sighed and hoped with all his heart Yugi would recover as he placed the deck over his chest.
//Yugi…I wasn't there for you tonight…I'm sorry.//
He rested the duel disk on the desk chair and finally the gold box back on the desk, as he did he heard a small crunching noise and realized there was broken glass all over the desk. He signed quietly a bit annoyed and tried to brush some of the shards away so the box could sit stable on the surface. As he did he felt a sharp pain in his fingers and hissed verbally.
Pulling his hand away quickly he looked down and saw a tiny piece of the glass had embedded itself deep into the outside of his index finger and left a sizable cut on his middle finger. His hand shock a little form the pain as the blood started to seep out form the cut like a packet of ketchup that had just been cut open and started to drip on the ground.
//Dammit! Don't be so reckless this isn't your body!// he internally scolded himself before heading towards the bathroom to clean up.
Turning on the tap and waiting for the water to warm up a little he thrust his fingers under the water stream and bit his lip a bit as he could feel the sting form the waters touch. Luckily the shard and loosed and fell into the sink with a small “tink”sound, that was a relief he thought now he didn't have to worry about trying to pull it out himself and potentially making things worse.
He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and couldn't help but wince a little, he was feeling ashamed right now and didn't want to see his reflection in Yugi's body he quickly turned his head down. After running his hand under the tap for a minute making sure the blood had stopped he dried his hand before pulling out a set of bandages from the sink drawer.
The bandages had little Kuriboh patterns decorating them, no doubt these are ones Yugi bought for himself he tended to get little cuts now and then, the fun of playing cards games. Yami struggled for a moment trying separate the sticky part form the backing. Once he managed to finally wrap the bandages around his index and middle fingers he turned out the lights returned to the bed room. Heading towards the bed he looked at the broken window and rest of the glass still on the table, he decided not to try and clean up again tonight.
Slipping under the covers he pulled the puzzle off his neck and rested it beside his pillow. Turning to his side to watch the wall for a moment he let his hand rest on the puzzle so they could swap places. Once again he was in his ghostly form sitting on the side of the bed and watching Yugi slumber. He hoped some much needed rest would help Yugi recover. The spirit didn't want to try and rouse him even though he wanted to know exactly what happened with the three men on motorcycles.
But that would have to wait until morning in the meantime he would keep watch over his partner, and if needed he would jump in to protect him at a moments notice. It's why he was here after all.
//I wont let you down again, partner…//
That morning was bright in Domino city as people were rushing around trying to get to work and or school on time. In a more busy section of town there was a small cafe; inside Valon was trying exit the store carrying a tray of three coffees, a medium sized paper bag in the other hand, and a mouth stuffed with a chocolate icing doughnut. He tried to push the door with his shoulder but it almost caused the drinks topple from his hand. Catching his balance just in time before they could fall. He grunted a bit trying to find the right configuration needed so he could open the door without fuss only for a young school girl in a pink and blue uniform to open the door form the other side for him.
“Oh! uh…here.” She smiled and stood to the side to allow the man to exit.
Once he was outside Valon smiled back at her his mouth still stuffed with a doughnut but made a mumbling noise that sounded like a “Thanks!” and a few other things before heading down the street.
Tea just blinked as she watched him for a moment before entering the cafe herself.
//Some real characters in this city…// she thought to herself.
Normally she didn't stop on her way to school like this but this was a special occasion. After all the crazy things that happened with the tablet at the museum freezing over and the monsters appearing all over town the day before she figured she'd treat Yugi and rest of the gang with something sweet. This cafe happened to have some very nice donuts that she was sure everyone would like.
Meanwhile just down the street Valon had turned and entered a small building; on the outside it looked like a closed store, which it was but inside and into the back area was an office. Alister was typing away at his laptop hunched over a desk, his mind completely zoned out to everything but the screen. Raphael was sitting at an opposite desk on his cell phone making a few calls and looking over papers as he nodded to the person on the other end of the phone. Valon had placed the tray of drinks down on on a small table next to a couch, he plopped himself down and opened the paper bag rummaging through it.
Valon finally found what he was looking for a breakfast burrito! He grinned and bit into his doughnut giving a few chews before swallowing it. Then placing the other half down so he could unwrap his prize. All of that noise finally broke Alister out of his trance and soon the small office space was filled with the smell of eggs, bacon, cheese and peppers. The red haired man wrinkled his nose at the wafting odour that filled his nostrils.
“Do you NEED to eat that here?” Alister grumbled as Valon took a big bite of his over filled burrito causing a few pieces of egg to drop onto his lap. Alister gagged a bit watching him eat so sloppily it was like watching a toddler trying to put food in their mouth only to miss every time.
Valon swallowed his mouth full and licked his lips a bit before looking over to Alister and grinning smugly.
“Got a long trip ahead don't we? I need to bulk up before hand!” He chuckled before taking another bite.
Alister shuttered as he watched Valon bite into his burrito again making more of a mess. He finally had enough shutting his laptop he got up form the desk. Walking past the tray of coffee cups he grabbed one and stormed into another room shutting the door loudly. Valon only shrugged and continued to eat, Raphael was still on the phone doing his best to ignore the twos squabbling so he could focus on the call.
“Yes, we have them. We'll be making our way back soon, Master.”
“Good, make sure they are secure and in your sight at all time.”
“They will be Sir, but what about the vessel?”
“…I'll be dealing with him personally. He is not your concern as of yet.”
“Of course. We'll be leaving shortly.”
”Call me when your in the air.”
Raphael hung up the phone and turned to Valon who'd just obliterated the last of his burrito.
“We'll be leaving in and hour so get yourself together. And try not to get on Alister's nerves so much, it's gonna be a 17 hour flight and we're all gonna be in the plane together.”
Valon rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his coffee to clear his mouth so he could speak. “Guy's way too stuck up if you ask me. Didn't even say 'Thanks for the coffee Val!'” He grunted before taking another sip “So what'd the boss say about the kid?”
“The master will deal with him personally, we don't need to worry about him for now.” Raphael walked over and took the last cup of coffee form the tray, peeking into the brown bag he spied a wrapped bagel and pulled it form the bag.
He inspected it carefully before looking over to Valon and said
“This better be an everything bagel.”
Valon tilted his head a bit and put his hand over his chest “Raph! I ain't a monster! Of course it's Everything or nothing mate!” he winked with a grin.
Raphael chuckled and shook his head taking a sip of coffee.
Yugi was lost in a field of ice and snow; the winds cut across his face harshly and he felt like his fingers and toes didn't even exist. He curled up into his jacket as best he could but it wasn't built for this kind of extreme weather. This reminded him of when they where trapped in the Virtual World and had to navigate the frozen tundra Tea was trapped in. Only this time he was all alone; no friends, not even his puzzle was around his neck. He had to find some shelter fast but looking around all he saw was snow, snow and more snow! Everything looked the same out here so he decided to just pick a direction and walk. As he walked across a large snow bank he heard the crunching of the snow below him.
His body felt like it wanted to shut down, he wanted to stop and rest so badly, the landscape looked and felt like it would go on forever. He shivered looking around there seemed to be nothing but blowing snow before him. But he managed to just make out a large structure in the distance, thinking it may be his only chance Yugi pulled all his strength into reaching the structure. He didn't know or care how long it took since his mind was already foggy form the onset hypothermia he must have been feeling at this point.
As he approached the structure it started to take shape of a large greenhouse; with glass windows and a golden frame structure. Yugi felt relief as he reached the staircase which lead towards a set of glass doors, the glass was etched with intricate curved designs. He could feel the heat coming form inside the building, crawling up the final set of steps he reached weakly for the door knobs before collapsing in font of the doorway. His eyes became foggy and blurred before he completely blacked out just inches form the warmth and safety.
When Yugi opened his eyes again he felt the warmth of humidity surround him, not just that but also the warmth of a blanket wrapped around his body. He fluttered his eyes a bit as he looked at his surroundings. It looked like he was in some kind of jungle filled with tropical plants and flowers, it was humid of course and Yugi didn't mind it since it meant he was somewhere warm. In front of him was a white table, it was empty and across it was another chair identical to the one he was sat in.
Did someone save him? And if so where did they go?
He blinked again as he felt something small land on his nose, a butterfly! It was a large blue butterfly that slowly flapped it's big wings, this made Yugi wrinkle his noise like he was about to sneeze which was enough to scare off the butterfly. Yugi felt a bit sad he didn't mean to scare it away.
“Ah your awake I see.” The voice of a man with long teal hair and purple suit greeted him with a tray carrying a tea pot, cups, sugar and milk. He placed the tray down on a table in front of Yugi before taking the seat opposite to him.
“How are you feeling, Yugi?” The teal haired man asked his green and yellow eyes held worry in them.
Yugi was obviously confused but it didn't take him too long to recall the events that lead him to what he assumed to be the man's door step.
“Oh! uhh I'm okay…” Yugi managed to sheepishly speak, he felt a little intimidated by the man's aura it was strong and felt…ancient.
“Thank goodness! I found you just slumped over by the door step chilled to the bone so I took you right in and helped warm you up.” The man took the cups and placed them face up on the table, carefully lifting the piping hot teapot he started to pour out the freshly brewed tea into a cup for Yugi, then one for himself.
“Thank you for helping me out! I'm not really sure how I got here to be honest…” Yugi watched the man place the teapot down carefully and take up a spoon digging out two spoons full of sugar for Yugi's cup.
“Last thing I remember I was in a duel and I think I pasted out…”
“Oh your in your subconscious.” The man said very causally as he pour some cream in as well. “The duel you fought took quite a lot out of you.”
Yugi was shocked “My subconscious? But how did I-” He asked while the man continued to service a cup of tea for himself.
“Oh yes, traumatic events such as what you experienced can cause the mind shut down. So it may have time to process the events accordingly. ” The man took up his cup and slowly took a sip.
“You know about what happened to me? Who are you?” Yugi asked looking at the strange but seemingly kind gentleman sitting across form him.
“Ah yes I observed your duel, it was quite the feat you pulled off all on your own. My name is Dartz by the way and you may call me…a friend.” Dartz took another careful sip.
Yugi was curious but still a bit suspicious; how could this man have seen his duel? And why was he now in his mind? And trauma? What trauma did he mean?
“I know you have many questions and I promise I'll answer all of them in due time. But for now you need to rest…please help yourself.” Dartz gestured to the tea cup in front of the the young man who'd almost forgot about it.
Yugi picked up his cup and took a sip, it did feel good to have something warm going down his throat. The warmth started to help relax him a bit, so he took another careful sip of the tea. As he was drinking the big blue butterfly returned but not alone. Yugi soon found himself surrounded by butterflies 3 more to be exact; he didn't know their proper names but they all had different unique colours and patterns on their wings. They were yellow, orange, and even a pink one. They all fluttered around his head, the big blue one made sure to rest itself upon the top of his middle blonde fringe making Yugi chuckle a bit.
Dartz let out a soft chuckle himself “Well it seems you have made some new friends. I think they like you.”
Yugi smiled as he watched the other butterflies dance around him two landing on his shoulders.
“I think they do, So these are your butterflies?” Yugi looked over and saw the pink butterfly had rested on the rim of his tea cup, almost inspecting it.
“Oh no dear child these are not my butterflies they are yours. This entire greenhouse itself is a creation of your own mind.”
Yugi blinked taking his eyes off the pink butterfly before looking over at Dartz.
“I made this? Oh right! This is my mind after all.” Yugi rubbed the back of his head a bit embarrassed at the fact he forgot this all in his head.
“And I guess I made you too huh? To help me process everything going on?” Yugi smiled
Dartz shook his head back and forth slowly placing his tea cup down. “Oh no child, I'm not a figment of your imagination. I'm very much real and I am reaching out to you for you may be the only person who can save the world…”
Yugi paused trying to take in what the man was saying…he tilted his head to ask.
“Save the world? From the evil god those motorcycle guys where talking about?”
Dartz didn't pause he only continued ignoring his question. “I'm sure you are aware of the many trials and evils that have followed you for some time? Well those very forces are growing stronger more deadly and will lead this world to ruin…But you can stop it…”
Dartz looked over to Yugi and reached out a hand to him, Yugi looked at Dartz's hand then back to his face. While his face seemed to hold genuine concern there was something about his eyes that almost hypothesized him.
“I…can stop it?” Yugi repeated.
The butterflies soon started to scatter around fluttering around as the lone one on his fringe stood strong. Yugi didn't even notice at first because he was lost in the mans hypnotic gaze.
“But as you are now you will not be able to…This is why I am here…to help you over come your trauma so you may serve your greater purpose…” Dartz's voice was drifting through his mind fading in and out, Yugi could feel his hand approaching the man's hand.
“My…greater purpose…” Yugi hypnotically repeated what Dartz said as his mind grew foggy all he could focus on was Dartz's eyes and his words.
Just as they where about to brush fingers the big blue butterfly swooped down and landed on Yugi's hand snapping him out of his trance and making him look down at the butterfly.
Yugi watched the butterfly as it fluttered it's wings quickly before taking off and flying back to it's spot on his fring. Dartz's face flashed a for a moment pure rage and hatred towards the insect but just as quickly flashing back to his kind demeanour.
Yugi rubbed his eyes before looking up and over to Dartz again and smiled.
“Well thanks for offering your help but I think I'll be okay…I kind of already have to save the world with my other self after all. But if there is a new evil… I think he'll be able to help you too!”
Dartz closed his eyes and placed his elbows on the table folding his hands together.
“Yugi, there is nothing wrong with accepting help. While you do not think you need my help yet, I promise I'll be here for you when you do.”
Dartz gave Yugi another smile before pulling himself up and out of the chair, Yugi watched as he walked towards the front doors and opened them fully. Outside it was bright and sunny, not a sign of snow or any cold weather for that matter. Yugi was shocked! How could the weather and climate have changed so quickly?
“Wait! What about the new evil? What is coming?” Yugi stood up and walked towards to doors.
Once again Dartz seemed to avoid his question.
“The doors are always open for you…my friend.”
He stood beside Dartz and looked out at the dessert around them. Yugi turned his head upwards to say something but saw that Dartz was gone vanished like a ghost!
“Dartz? Hey! Where'd you go?”
Yugi yelled outside taking a step or two outside the doors, he felt the heat and dry wind of the dessert. He was so confused and now he felt lost…the butterflies once again returned to him and blue one still standing on his front bang. He looked up and saw them all fluttering around him and warmed his heart to have them here again.
“Dartz…” Yugi spoke softly watching the sand dunes shift and move with the wind.
Yugi wasn't sure what to make of this, what did all of this mean?
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fableworld · 6 months
DOMA season in Yugioh
I hear a lot of people talking about the Waking the dragon season of Yugioh and how good it is(agreed) but also that it could have been better if something was changed.
guys, please tell me what it is you wanted changed. you can't just say that and not telling the rest of us what you wanted changed. give me an essay, I don't care. you peaked my curiosity and now I am a dog after a bone.
personally, I would have changed the fight between Yami and Yugi. I want those two to duke it out but without the need to play the seal of Orichalcos so we can see how close Yugi is at surpassing Yami. It would be kinda neat if it ended in a draw.
I wanted Yugi to be more part of the last battle(maybe after the fight with Yami, he got back to his body or something like this?) because I wanted Dartz to be Yugi's Zorc Necrophages.
I want Ryou to be part of this season. no need to pull Yami-Bakura in. Anime already established that Yugi has the ring, so he can sit this one out. but I have a small headcanon that Ryou is the smart one of the gang, so even if he doesn't run around with the rest of them. he could still be of help by reading up on Doctor Arthur's notes or something like that. I don't care what he does; just let him be part of the season, dammit!
those are the things I wanted in this season. actually I also wanted Ryou to be part of KC grand champion ship. that season could have been just a silly slice of life season where we see how the gang are as normal kids for once. lesser risk and them having a great time before the big finally. that is just me. I like a slice of life's episodes once in a while.
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doubleddenden · 7 months
I'm back into Yugioh for a bit for who knows how long. I want the following:
A Stardust themed structure deck that's not a billion dollars and also features the 4000 atk dragons.
A Zombie Horde deck simply for Red Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord for less than a bazillion dollars
6 animes animated by the Dark Side Dimensions staff, not gutted by Konami's rebranded kid friendly staff, featuring the following:
Joey Wheeler as the protagonist
One day he gets a splotch of paint in his hair (fulfilling 2 hair tone protagonist minimum) and Yugi gets kidnapped. Kaiba is off being gay/dueling the pharaoh in the afterlife or something and these duelists are top tier, so Joey has to step up as a protagonist with a tricked up deck with added modern Synchro and Xyz mechanics, and a larger focus on Red Eyes (he has it again just let him). Tristan and Duke are his wingmen, Serenity and Mai are back, Joey's got his own Kaiba rival, and he proves why he was 3rd best in the world at some point.
Jesse Anderson as the protagonist
I have no deep lore for this. I just like his design and deck. Fuck it, Jaiden goes missing in North America, and he's gotta find him. He gets some paint in his hair too I guess.
5D's sequel
Yeah just. Gimme Yusei again I miss him he was the COOLEST yu boy. Also let Aki be badass and let! Them! Kiss! Dammit! Yusei could get trapped in a virtual reality racing thing where the monsters are real, and he eventually fights an accurate Yami AI in a duel.
Duel Monsters, re animated
Sort of a Kai and FMAB situation. Re animated in DSD style, following the manga plot from the beginning VERY closely (yes even the messy deaths and more fucked Kaiba and Bakura), including Yugioh R plot, including Waking the Dragons plot because that was pretty fun actually, the staring and filler are basically trimmed down.
GX and 5ds animes redubbed, uncut, unedited, and completed, with some better voice acting and less catch phrases.
That's it really that's all I want.
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Some Yugioh Dub Names I Actually Like
Because sometimes these dubs can do things right. The name changes I’m gonna mention here are all either justified changes or just fitting names in general, to the point where I actually use a few of these over the Japanese names.
Lua and Luca to Leo and Luna
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Those sub names are fucking confusing, have a bajilion different spellings and are easy to mix up. “Leo” and “Luna” still definitely give off a twin name vibe while not being too similar and are also way easier to use. Also, “Leo” means lion and lions are prideful and loud and is a fire sign, associating it with the sun. “Luna” means moon and the moon is quiet and reflective and is often outshined by the sun. Their dub names reflect their characters perfectly.
Obomi to Lillybot
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“Lillybot.” How can you hear that name and not melt a little? It’s so cute. And definitely something a 13 year old would come up with when using the word “litterbot” as a base.
“Other Yugi” to Yami Yugi
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I didn’t watch this one in sub but from the clips I’ve seen, the implication really does seem to be that Yugi has had this other spirit inside him for who knows how long that all his friends know and not one of them though to come up with a way to differentiate them outside of calling him the “other Yugi.” The nickname Yami is cute, even if it wasn’t used after like… season 3? XD Other than that though, I like it.
Haruto Tenjo to Hart Tenjo
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“Hart” is a cute name, dammit. Also, he is Kaito’s entire motivation in part 1, or, in other words, his “heart.” I don’t know if that was intentional or if I’m reaching but it’s cute.
Revolver to Varis
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Yeah… I gotta admit I do kinda like this name, not to the point where I use it over his original name, he’ll always be Revolver to me, but I do think it’s admirable how, when they were likely required to change his name since a revolver is a gun and American censorship is… the way it is, they just changed his name to a lesser known but BIGGER gun. That is hilarious, and pretty much exactly what I’d do in that situation. “Oh, the gun boy with bullet earrings and a gun based deck can’t be named after a gun?! Well fuck you too then. Lemme just Google some gun names real quick.” I have no idea if that’s what happened, but it’s what I like to imagine.
Darkness to Nightshroud
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Okay, credit where credit is due to this dub I hate with a passion: Nightshroud is a pretty badass name. I still enjoy the simplicity of the name “Darkness” but I get how it could be confusing in a dub and it’s not like any of the symbolism behind the name is lost, his whole thing is still the power of darkness, he just has a cooler name.
Tokunosuke Omoteura to Flip Turner
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I can’t even spell Flip’s sub name without Googling it. I watched Zexal for the first time in sub and prefer it that way but I still call him Flip because it’s way easier to type and just far more memorable, especially since he’s the first character I can remember who used a flip deck. Yeah, it’s a silly pun but he’s a silly character so I don’t mind it.
Ute, Hyugo, and Joeri to Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri
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I have no idea if this was just a weird romanization of their names or what but every last one of these names have the same first sound yet were initially spelled completely different in the Japanese episodes (and I don’t just mean the subtitling, I mean the footage of the episode itself before it was touched by the subtitles). Giving them all the “Yu” prefix groups them with Yuya which ties them together in a smart way considering the fact that they’re counterparts. It’s also way less confusing that way. Who the fuck would guess “Joeri” is pronounced “Yuri” if they haven’t seen Arc V?!
Pandor to Pandora
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Very minor change, I just enjoy the implication that Ryoken “opened Pandora’s box” when he created her. Okay, this one is definitely just me being a nerd. Moving on.
Anna Kozuki to Anna Kaboom
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That’s just fun, I can’t help it. Yeah it’s over the top and dumb but so is Anna so the name suits her. Admittedly, I like Zexal’s name changes in general. They’re mostly non-intrusive and some actually feel justified. Either that or they’re just fun like Lillybot and Anna Kaboom.
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chaoscheebs · 2 years
A note to self to draw later:
Yugi is touching up his eyeliner before a date some fancy business party/dinner/whatever Kaiba is dragging him to so he has an excuse not to talk to people, Kaiba comes to see how he’s doing and says he can’t believe Yugi keeps eyeliner on him.
Yugi’s like, “hey, gotta keep my eyeliner game strong,” and says with Kaiba’s eyes, he’d work the eyeliner too.
... so Kaiba says, “OK then, put it on me.”
Yugi is flustered, but does so and the closeness needed for this is... tense.  Kaiba does, in fact, look fantastic in it when Yugi’s done, tho’.  “Winged eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man” doesn’t begin to cover it.
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