#damn tumblr for only allowing 10 pics per post
bakawitch · 8 months
I was thinking of drawing some art of the student council in Kakeoh, but I'm not sure what some (like personified obelisk the tormentor) look like, do you have any references for them?
Aww! That would be awesome! I'm glad the au piqued your interest enough for that XD
So these are extremely sketchy, but here are the current season 1 designs for the student council members
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Close ups and lore tidbits below cut
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• Otogi Ryuji - Treasurer of Student Council (Manyuda Kaede/Otogi Ryuji)
Pretty similar to canon Kaede but with a little Duke-ish charm
Also wants to become the student council president
Recommended Risa for the student council
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• Kaminaga Dei - Student Council Member/President of Beautification Council (Ikishima Midari/Yami Malik)
Psycho gun guy who gets really excited about gambling
Huge one-sided crush on Yamiko
Joey's face makes him want to throw up for some reason
Has no loyalty towards Kaibami whatsoever
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• Nosaka Miho - Head of Public Relations (Yumemite Yumemi/Nosaka Miho)
Her signature symbol is a pink strawberry
Will eventually get a boyfriend
Still hates her fans (Yugi is one of them)
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•Ob Bhakta - Secretary of Student Council/Kaibami Seto's Personal Assistant (Igarashi Sayaka/Obelisk the Tormentor)
Hopelessly devoted/in love with Kaibami, gets jealous easily, but keeps it to himself
Comes from a working class family, has really low self-worth
Doesn't gamble a lot but is a borderline genious
Less emotional outwardly than Sayaka
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•Kaibami Seto - President of Student Council (Momobami Kirari/Kaiba Seto)
Dramatic, calculated bitch, not above murder
He introduced the housepet system
Besides his twin he has a younger brother
Will eventually cut his hair
Mommy and daddy issues, my guy's a mess
Weirdly obsessed with Yamiko and his fun sized boyfriend thing
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•Kaibami Eto - Vice President of Student Council (Momobami Ririka/Kisara)
Younger twin, literally named after her brother
Her name sort of sounds like echo because she's basically just an echo of her twin
Sometimes wears the male uniform so people aren't too quick to catch on when her and Seto switch places
Has very little confidence without her mask
Sometimes finds it easier to be Seto rather than herself
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• Dartz Atlan - Student Council Member/Head of Antiques Club (Nishinotoun Yuriko/Dartz)
Has basically the same hairstyle as canon, but a bit shorter and more blond toned
Has heterochromia
All his club members are very loyal to him, loyal enough to fix odds
His club runs a den
Insanely petty
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• Fiona Sheldon - Student Council Member/Leader of the Election Committee (Yomozuki Runa/Fiona the Doll)
Daughter of a British count
Has an extensive doll collection
Enjoys sweets and sewing (mostly dresses and accessories for her dolls)
Legit no one knows wtf is going on inside her head
The Election Committee wears pink sweaters and differently styled bonnet hats
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• Kageyama Risa - Student Council Junior Member (Sumeragi Itsuki/Kageyama Risa)
Still collects nails
Extremely privileged and spoiled but easily manipulated
Has a crush on Otogi
Doesn't have any sisters
Still kind of into witchcraft
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One of my favorite things to do while watching the rottmnt movie is spot all the times Leo weighs his options, goes for it, and regrets it- like this
Thinks about it
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Goes for it
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Thinks about it
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Goes for it
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Thinks about it
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Goes for it
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No Regrets
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No wonder he doubts himself and thinks they’d be okay/better without him- most decisions he makes in the movie end in setbacks at best, and his brothers being hurt/the world ending at worst! I know they ALL need extensive therapy after all this but like…. DAMN Leo’s gonna some serious self worth issues after this (if he didn’t already)
Someone on tiktok said it best, “imagine never being able to live up to the version of yourself that ended the world” - that line haunts me to this day, you KNOW that’s how Leo looks at himself now- the guy that came in second place to a version of himself that ended the world and got his brothers killed.
I still have 2 more prominent examples but tumblr only allows 10 pics per post so I’ll have to reblog it.
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waitonmedarling · 5 years
#94 The way he always rolls his sleeves 👅👅
Part 1
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We have a 2 part appreciation post for this one. It’s one of the hottest things about his button down looks 🥵🥵🥵
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musette22 · 3 years
Goooooood morning 😍😍😍😍😍😍
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minnie, my beloved, you are an angel and your blog is a ray of sunshine in my life 💕
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you deserve all the cute puppies in the world ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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and of course i couldn't forget our two favorite puppies:
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and a here's a puppy and a kitten:
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hope you're taking care of yourself, enjoying your new house and getting rest when you can ❤️
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ily bby, have a beautiful day and a great time on the weekend 💕
Christyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I wanted to throw some gifs and pics back at you to show you how this ask made me feel but Tumblr is still only allowing 10 images per post even if it's an ask 😩 RUDE. But instead, let me just tell you in words that this message warmed my heart thoroughly, and I've spent at least 10 minutes oohh-ing and aaahh-ing at the glorious puppies 🥺💞 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
And that's just the puppies - YOU, my lovely friend, are even sweeter 💗 You've been nothing but lovely and supportive and gracious towards me and everyone I've seen you interact with on here, plus you're so damn talented!!! So happy to call you a friend, darling. Thanks again for this wonderful pick me up, and I hope you have an awesome weekend!! ilyyyy 😘
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obvidalous · 7 years
11 questions
Thank you for the tag, @bitter-stella! I love memes! I know it took me forever to do this, sorry… I was caught in an endless loop of exams and it wouldn’t let me go until today ;) Now I’m on holiday (yay!), so let’s go back to business xD
RULES: Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged you and then make 11 more for the next people that you tag.
1. If you could only pick one OC to play in every game, who would it be and why? I.e. You can only play as your Shepard for example, but that Shepard would be your protagonist in every future BioWare game/game that allows you to customize the protagonist.
Without any doubt, Sara Ryder. I really fell in love with her. She’s fun to be around, always ready to kick ass, and she loves a good pun as much as I do! I’m sure I’ll never get bored of her, whatever the game. And I love the idea of playing a totally different sort of game with her! I’d love to see her in a medieval armor, leading a charge straight into an army of orcs!
 2. What is one movie that you have watched recently that completely blew your expectations out of the water?
I’m afraid I’m not a big fan of movies. I prefer series… I recently watched Treme, a very very VERY good one. If you have not watched it yet and like jazz music, you definitely need to watch this. It’s about New-Orleans, music, and… life. And it really blew me out of the water (no pun intended… I swear!)
 3. Name an aspect of your personality that you think is your best.
I am a dreamer. As long as I can dream, I’m happy. I guess that makes me an optimistic, too. Of course, I have bad days like anyone else, but I usually try to see the good side in everything. And when I like something, I never hesitate to say it out loud!
 4. What is one luxury you don’t think you could live without?
I’m not proud to admit it… cigarettes. For some it’s coffee… but me, I cannot wake up if I don’t have my morning smoke. Nobody’s perfect, right?
 5. Without giving their name or a lot of specifics, describe your favourite romance in a BioWare game and explain why - focus more on how the romance made you feel and what resonated with you.
No need of names, y’all know who I’m talking about ;) What really got to me in this romance, is that it’s not a classic love-at-first-sight story. It’s dark and deep, and with so many things at stake beyond their mutual attraction. It’s a story for grown-ups. And yet, it is also so, so sweet! The way I picture their relation is a mix of all that. And I can really relate to that. And to the handsome smuggler (oops, I said it!)
 6. Picture a paradise in your mind’s eye. What do you see? I.e. What does paradise look like to you?
That’s such a hard question! My paradise needs to be sunny, and warm. But what’s more important, is the people that are with me. I don’t really care about the place or the scenery – I need my friends and the people I love to be with me. And my cats. And my computer. That’s all ;)
 7. What did you want to be when you were a child? A teenager? An adult? How much has it changed, if at all?
When I was a child, I wanted to be a vet. But I quickly changed my mind when I realized how long I would have to study to do that! As a teenager, I wanted to be a poet. Gosh, disillusion came fast, though. As an adult… I’m studying to become a teacher. I still dream to be an author, someday… but I’m far from achieving that goal. So, teaching would be nice, you know, to start with.
 8. What was your very first fandom? Very first pairing/OTP?
I’ve played many games, but ME:A is the first fandom that really got into me, actually. I guess my very first OC was my DA Inquisitor. When I have the time, I’ll try to post a pic of her, I spent so many time creating her! She romanced Cullen (of course… I’m so predictable…) but I wouldn’t consider it my OTP…
 9. What’s the last song you listened to? 
Janis Joplin – Summertime (listening to it as I’m writing this)
 10. Regardless of whether you write or draw, how would you describe your style? How do you perceive it?
Another tough question here… I’m not sure I really have a style, per se, but I like to put some humor in my texts. I just can’t resist a good pun! And a lighter mood gives more impact to the dark side of the story, that’s how I see it anyway. And I also believe in the power of words, so I put extra-care in my choice of words. I mean, if I curse, there’s a purpose to that. Sometimes, it’s relevant to use the f-word – and sometimes it’s better not to. I like to play with words…
 11. Why are you here? (I.e. On tumblr or in the fandom) What was the allure?
Well, I’m here for the fun of meeting new people whom I share interest in video games with (irl most of my friends don’t play video games… it’s such a shame…), and for all the gorgeous art, and wonderful fics! I needed more content for my favorite games – and here I can finally get all I want. And even more!
 My 11 Questions:
(damn, making up questions is even harder than answering yours…)
1.       Current favorite song, album or artist to recommend?
2.       Why did you start writing? And how old were you?
3.       Is English your mother tongue? And do you speak any other language?
4.       Any New year’s resolution? (it’s not too late to choose one…)
5.       What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
6.       How long have you been on Tumblr?
7.       If you won a million dollars, what’s the first thing you would do/buy?
8.       Do you have any pet peeves?
9.       Do you enjoy multi-player games? Why/why not?
10.   What’s your dream destination? What makes you want to go there?
11.   Imagine you meet your favorite OC – what’s the first thing you’d say to her/him?
 Ok – now I’m gonna sleep for like 12 or even 15 hours, catch up on 72 hours without Tumblr, post my next chapter… and sleep some more.
And I tag (with no obligation)
@ladyinthebluebox @notebookalpha @joufancyhuh @makocartwheels @kenshi-vakarian7 @effelants and @bitter-stella (because I’m evil and I want to know your answers to those!!)
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kittensjonsa · 7 years
Some thoughts on season 7 plot leaks, general GOT, jonerys and Jonsa (Meta)
Hi, first of all I wanted to say thank you for your tumbrl. It’s always full of nice and positive quotes, articles and metas. I’m a sucker for ships, I guess I just like to see people happy. Jonsa has quickly become one of my favorite ships. I don’t have a tumbrl or any real platform to express my opinions about it but if you allow me I would like to share some of my thoughts with fellow shippers. 
Well, first I have to say I didn’t watch GOT since the beginning, actually I started watching after season 6 was out. My first introduction to the show was a clip of jonsa, I thought it was the clip of a couple and then I read they were siblings (this was confusing and disturbing…. until the pilot, I’m talking to you J/C). If you want to keep watching GOT you have to get over incest issues or…. family sexual intercourse, so I got over it. Then I watched the whole show, I haven’t read the books cause I don’t want to confuse myself with information that has not been revealed in the show yet or may never be.
I was surprised to see how many people hate Sansa in the fandom, I find her character and story arc very interesting. I love her story, and I love Arya’s, and Bran’s, and Jon’s. Why is people comparing them? Why is people pitting them against each other? Specially the 2 sisters. One is not better than the other, they both make mistakes, very stupid mistakes but they also survive in their own right. Arya is not strong because she knows how to fight (physically), she is strong because of who she is. Fighting is an skill, just like playing an instrument, sewing, drawing or being good with numbers. I’m a terrible athlete and I can only do maths for daily use but that doesn’t make me weak, stupid or less awesome. I have other abilities and those are my strengths. You are strong when you know what are you good at, that’s how you play your part in a larger picture, that’s how you fight. Sansa has her witty, her courtesy and her words, she is fighting from inside (by the way she has no blame on what happened to Ned, she is responsable for getting herself stuck in Kings Landing which she fully knows and understand)
Then I saw a very vocal group of people shipping jonerys and after 6 seasons I have to say…. I still don’t see it. Yes, I see the parallels but there are so many parallels with so many other characters. I do believe a meeting between these 2 characters is inevitable and needed for the story to progress. But this is not a romantic love story between the 2 heroes. This is a story about power. D&D said it 6 years ago when they started the series. This is a story about people who wants power ( Littlefinger, the Tyrell’s, The Frey’s, Daneyris and so on), the ones who have power and want to keep it (the Lannisters) and the ones stuck in the middle (the Starks and the realm).It’s about what power do to people, all that they loose in the process and the pain it causes them. It’s very well explained in the first season.
What I love about GOT is that everybody can be the hero or the villain, it all depends of the lent with which you see it. You are a hero if you play for your family and a villain if you play against them. Honor is not that simple either. Why is an oath-breaker less honorable for saving millions of lives? why is an oath-breaker better for following his heart? Do you ever really win? There’s no absolutes in this world. 
I know this is long but I have a lot to say, bare with me please. Which leads me to the leaks and promo pics. There’s been endless discussions about them, I’ve heard all kind of opinions, pro and anti. That’s why I write about them now. The leaks came very early on and with them set pics that corroborate most of them. Jonsa shippers where pissed off and disappointed. I know I was but mostly cause those weren’t little hints or clues of what’s to come but entire plot lines and episode scrips. But here are the good news. Plot lines don’t give us real context or understanding of how the characters are feeling about their situations.
- Littlefinger is plotting and pitting Sansa and Arya against each other ( doesn’t tell us if this is working, it’s setting a dramatic conflict. Guess what? This is a drama)
- Jonsa is having arguments and they are separated the whole season (doesn’t said in which terms, we haven’t seen any dialogues there)
- Jonerys is having sex (according to the leaks they meet in the second episode, get separated at the third and reunited and have sex in the seventh. It took Jon and Igrytte 10 episodes with no separations to finally get in bed together…. and they were in love) And since the structure of the show gives us an average of 10 minutes per character each episode, sometimes even less. How are they gonna develop a real relationship there?
Lots of characters haven’t been mentioned in the leaks either. I doubt they don’t have story arcs this year. Also most of the leaks were predictable and very plausibles. Jon meeting Theon and being super angry at him (we all saw that coming). Jonerys meeting (at this point of the story it’s necessary). Arya and Bran coming home, also very necessary. Sansa is taking care of littlefinger…super necessary. Euron is siding with Cercei, yeap, very predictable. All the signs are in the last season.
I’m a jonsa shipper. I’m a shipper but I love good stories more. When one of my ships don’t work on a narrative level I understand. What frustrates me is when writers try to fit a ship  as fan service. Now, I’m not a Danerys fan. The only moments I get to enjoy her story is when she learns something and show some humility. Unfortunately this is not very often. I love Tyrion and Jorah. Her best moments so far has been with them cause they are actually smarter than her and humble. Danerys has been since season 2 very entitle, very proud, she even crowned herself (until you get to Westeros and you are appointed you don’t have a real crown, otherwise everybody can be crowned). Saying you are king or queen doesn’t make you either of them as the show has proven so far. Dario said last season she wasn’t born to sit in a palace and give orders, she is a conqueror (very different from being a ruler). She lacks humility which Jon has in spades.                             Her story has been very separated from all the important ones and that’s everybody complain, mine too. That’s why excite me she is finally making it to Westeros, her story will actually matter. It can be argue that Jon story has been separated from everybody too but he is a Stark (ok, %50 Stark) but a Stark nevertheless and all that happened in Kings landing and the North affects him for that reason. I love Jon, he is my guy.
Putting aside my feelings for Danerys, having J/D falling in love doesn’t do any real service to the story, at least not from my point of view. They would be a terrible couple. She is power hungry, wants the Iron throne more than anything and will do anything for it. Jon wants to serve the people, fight for their lifes. Danerys wants a king just in title, she wants to rule alone. Jon doesn’t want power but he knows he wasn’t born to be a submissive husband either. They would be fighting to be on top all the time. Two people on the top at the same time is physical and mentally imposible. As I said before the plot leaks don’t give too much room for a romance development there, everybody is busy doing their thing, but we won’t know until we see. If what the show is trying to do is a political alliance by marriage then why jonerys would have sex first and soo quickly? It can only go downhill from there ( that’s actually good news for jonsa shippers). Also Jon parentage revelation will be huge. It will change everything for whoever makes it into the final season. That’s what excite me the most. If jonerys hook up I really hope it serves the story somehow and not be just fan service.
I needed to get through jonerys first so I could explain why jonsa makes more sense narratively speaking. Sansa and Jon started being so idealist and they had a hard awaken to the world. They endured so much to be who they are right now, they were the last people they expected to rely on at the end, and that makes it even better for me. While everybody was hyped for a reunion between Jon and Arya (that would be awesome) I found jonsa more suitable.Two characters we have never seen interacting with each other but with previous history. Both really free for the first time, both damaged, both carrying their scars and still feeling the pain. Jon needed purpose and Sansa had a big one. All their scenes together were a delight to watch, from their first meeting, through the fights and the “we have to trust each other” moment. That’s how you develop a relationship. No sex there, no making out session, that last one was a real intimated moment. Aside from my enjoyment of Kit Harington and Sophie Turner on screen chemistry and the way their scenes were edited and directed, jonsa works narratively as an end game. Jon could die at the end, that’s a real possibility, I know. But damn, Jonsa getting married at the end for political reasons, for duty, to keep the North and the realm together is far more satisfying. Cat said this to Robb once, what Ned and she had grew stronger and lasted longer than passion. I’m team Stark all the way, that’s the family we spend more time with, we are rooting for them, for Ned’s family. 
A lovely meta was sent by a nonny and just had to share it for the Jonsa perspective.
Oh yes my kink is seeing ppl happy and enjoying themselves and letting them ship whoever or whatever they want because honestly if my tumblr could be anything, it’ll be for anyone to have a good time, a good laugh and just see that there’s always a silver lining no matter what. Life is hard and can’t let that get to you. If any of my silly posts made you smile then my work is done 😊 Oh and sorry for the bad jokes/puns lol. Also, for this less than eloquent reply.
And I ship JonSa like it’s the air I breathe lol I have been since the books (low key) - their POVs and values are so similar like how a couple should be.
So imagine me when S6 came, I pounced on it with everything I had in me, that ship gives me life!! And so I am glad to have found a fantastic fandom right here on tumblr and Jonsa shippers are just the best! (really they are!)
Thank you for the mail Nonny!! Bless you and hope you’re having a great day wherever you are!! And yes, Jonsa for life babyyy!! 😘
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sassenach-j · 8 years
ECCC2017 goodness: my recap
Ok, so I've actually never written a blog, nor am I on tumblr too much, but I had such an incredible experience at my first comicon that I thought I should write a bit about it!  Let's see how this goes.  It all started when Sam and Cait (and Eddie), posted that OH SO ADORABLE video from the makeup trailer telling everyone they would be at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle.  I was so busy at work that day, it was almost a blur.  Twitter was abuzz about it, and my girlfriends and I were messaging back and forth like....I'm going, how can I not go, are you going? We have to go!  And before I knew it, I was telling one of them...just buy me a ticket!! I'll make it work!  And alas....ECCC2017 was a go. The opportunity to see Sam and Cait in person, and also a chance to meet 7 of the most wonderful girlfriends in the same city?  SIGN ME UP! The first night in Seattle was so much fun!  7 of us (none of us had ever met, but have been talking on twitter every day for about a year), completely clicked so seamlessly, it was like we had met 10 times before!  Meeting them was seriously the highlight.  Ok yes, seeing Sam and Cait at the same con was also an out of body experience :).  Besides majorly fangirling over seeing our faves the following day, the night i arrived at the hotel and meeting and spending hours laughing and drinking and eating lots of non MPC approved snacks, and playing Cards Against Humanity, and Never Have I Ever.... was priceless!  The next day, on verra little sleep (how can we sleep when we were gonna see Sam and Cait the next morning!!), we arrived at the convention center at 7:15am. We mayyyy have gotten 4 hours of sleep night before, and that’s being generous!  The doors were going to open around 10am, and we just HAD to get up close and personal at that panel.  We arrived so early we were super close to the front of the line.  It wasn't so much a line as a....smush together and stand for 3.5 hours...  But heck, for them it was worth it, sore bodies and all. 
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They didn't let us in until 10:30, so needless to say our legs were about to fall off.  When the time came to herd us thru, the organizers said..."no running".... ummm...yeah good luck with that.  So we "walked super fast" and tried to get pretty close, but our squad of 8 kinda broke up in the shuffle and some of us grabbed seats in row 5, and the other girls a few rows behind.  Still great vantage points!  Cait came out first looking absolutely adorable.  And in that leather jacket she wears soooo well.  She looked beautiful in all black!  Then Sam came out IN A KILT!  Hallelujah!! It's been so long, I was like...are my eyes deceiving me?? They were not.  And then he killed us with a wee kilt twirl. Lawwwwwd!  Cait laughed!  They seriously make each other laugh, oh...about every 5 seconds. And they were both wearing black leather jackets.  As per usual...matchy matchy.  The panel was great! They're just SO giggly and adorable and happy together, you can't help but feel the same!  I love how much Cait teases him. It's the cutest thing ever to witness in person! They truly are just such bright lights and so engaging and caring and they love their fans so much.  It's so evident when you watch them together.  
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There were tons of Q&A questions, and one of my girls, @heyheykatiemae asked one too!!  It was perfect.  Cait said ‘Hi Kate’...and I think we all died.  Of course, after the fact, I now have like tons of questions I'll ask next time! The panel was about an hour or so, and after taking tons of pictures (most came out blurry....damn those low lights in the event room!), alas, the panel was over.  We all had autograph tickets for Sam and/or Cait for that day after the panel but the room was already full so we were told we can go back for the 2nd shift around 4pm. So instead, we grabbed lunch and then headed to the hotel where they were doing the group photos! Omg, soon enough I would get my samcait sandwich!!! Kind of a dream! Long lines were completely fine bc it gave us time to catch our breath. Although, the nerves were definitely rampant! I mean, these two beautiful humans would be NEXT TO US in a matter of minutes. Never having a con experience before I didn't know what to expect regarding the photos . People around us who had already taken their solo pic with Sam said it's super quick and u barely have enough time to say hi! I wore my Unusual Lady tshirt, and under it I had my MPC shirt. Yes, my plan was to flash Sam the MPC shirt after Cait saw my Unusual Lady shirt. I also recently got into knitting so I knitted them both hats! Granted they'll be in 80 degree temps in South Africa, but eventually they'll be back in cold Scotland!  Hearing that the photos would be super fast, I had no clue how I would say hi (or ramble incoherently), give them their hats, flash Sam (uhh the MPC shirt, that is), AND take a pic w them in the minimal time allotted!  I was on line to take my pic, and after dropping off my jacket and bags on the nearby table, I heard NEXT! I saw them standing there and omg are they tall and gorgeous, and as I walked up to them I THINK I held out my arms and said Hiiiiii! I heard Cait scream and point to my shirt and smile! My unusual lady shirt!! I quickly pulled up my shirt to show Sam the MPC one underneath. And omg thank goodness I held down the shirt so there was no actual flashing 😳.. and he pointed and smiled and said that's great! I then mumbled...I knitted you both hats!  Mind u, as I walked up, someone literally snatched my bag with the hats from me and put them into a box with other gifts. So after I said I knitted u two hats, I remember Sam saying oh great! In the blink of an eye I was between the two of them, and both of their arms were around me, and mine around them. Hello out of body experience. 
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Oh wait...let's back up slightly. So the day of the Con, I said to the girls..ok so I want to show Sam my MPC shirt after Cait sees the unusual lady shirt , and I said my fear is that I'll forget to pull my shirt down for the pic. Well, lo and behold half of my shirt was up for the pic.  🙈. As I was flashing Sam, I heard the organizer go MOVE. Umm gee, thanks for the time. So I ran between them for the pic and I remember pulling my shirt down, but I guess not all the way! When the pic was printed I was like oh nooooo 😂.  But heck, it gives the pic more of a pop of color, and to be honest, no one is even looking at me when those two stunning humans are in that pic!  Ok so back to being in between them... they both really squeeze tight and I remember that feeling so well! The photographer said.. READYYYY ... and then there was the FLASH. Then he yelled NEXT !  I said thanks and ran off. Problem was I ran the wrong way bc I was so flustered and then I hear someone say..wrong way! And I ran back to the correct exit side like a chicken with my head cut off. Thankfully there was no video of this! I tried to wait for my friends bc I was the first to go, but we had to move it along. After we were all done, there was a lot of screaming and squee'ing!! It really felt so rushed and I wish they gave us more time, but omg it was still so amazing taking a pic w them! They really are so tall in person! And so gorgeous and so kind!! Sam's leather jacket was so soft! And I remember putting my arm around Cait and it ended up on her arm! And Sam's hand ended up on my side and his fingers were pressed down. *faints*
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So after we picked up our hard copy pics, we had a little time before the autographs. We composed ourselves. Ok, who am I kidding, there was zero composure as we all rehashed our picture experience with one another! We were freaking out!  Next stop...the autographs! We lined up rather early but neither Sam nor Cait were in the room as of yet. It was so intimate! Didn't realize the room would be so small and cozy. They each had their own table next to one another but they were somewhat on opposite ends. After about 10min or so, Sam came in!  So he walked in to all of us hootin and hollerin. I can't believe I just used the phrase hootin & hollerin. Does anyone say that anymore? Anyway.... when he walked in he did his cute schoolboy smile and wave. Granted I was just next to him for a photo but he was so close again! Cait was gonna be another few minutes bc she was still taking individual photos with fans.  Because of this, they allowed the people who only had Sam autographs to move up in line while the others (I only had Cait bc Sam was already sold out) waited on Cait.  I actually thought that half of the room would start to move up in the line, but it was only maybe 10 people or so.  The others had both Sam and Cait, or just Cait.  After a few min Cait arrived to a raucous applause. Not to mention a banging on the table by Sam when she walked in, and his big smile at her as she sat down. Such an adorable goober! Ok where was I... so we were waiting for the line to move and all of a sudden the lights went out! Then u hear Cait go... ladies, this is not the way to get to Sam! 😂  To which everyone laughed. When the lights came back up, both Sam and Cait were leaning back in their chair looking at each other and smiling. They continue to kill us.   Sam was just sitting there alone, cause at the time no one was lined up at his table.  So he made a funny comment like, where is everyone? I was standing so close and decided to talk to him.  Cause I mean...why not, right?  So I said yeah what's the deal.  I said something like I'll keep you company.  So he looks at me and goes (with a hand waving gesture) come on over.  And then he winked.  And then I died.  I of course wasn't allowed to hop over the rope (darn), but that wink and smile was everything.  A few minutes later Sam walked over to Cait, put his arm around her and scrunched down to her, whispered something, and then stood up and hand gestured that she talks too much, basically saying that's why he has no one in his line. Haha!  He's the cutest, and he can never stay away from her!  She laughed.  We all swooned. 
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So I had brought with me the main promo card picture of Jamie and Claire from S1. I had Ron D. Moore sign it while ago and thought it would be great for Cait to sign it too. I was so sad I wasn't able to buy Sam's autograph ticket bc he was sold out. Cait is seriously so stunning. She just radiates joy. She is so genuine and so warm and friendly. You could truly tell she was having such a great time! She needs to go to cons more often! She's just so real,  you can't help but smile in her presence. I was so thrilled to see how much love she was getting at this con. I mean...we all love Sam, that goes without saying! But Cait never attends these events, so to see all the attention and admiration from the fans, it was really a sight to behold.  Both she and Sam are legit mesmerizing in person! They are just so beautiful, with such beautiful hearts. Sorry, got distracted there for a minute...ok, so it was finally time to walk up to Cait. I had my season 1 promo pic for her to sign, as well as a gorgeous pic of Cait that a couple of my friends & I had printed out to surprise one of our girls who couldn't be here.  You really do lose all sense of speech when looking right at her!  She signed both pictures and then i rambled.  Earlier on, when I took my pic with her and Sam, I had brought them hats that I knitted, but someone snagged them from me so fast and put them into a box, so I asked Cait about it! *burrows head in sand*.   I was like...hi!  Question for you!  So when we took our pic, someone took these hats I had knitted for you and Sam, and I was was wondering if you'll get them?  So she goes, oh yes, they put everything in a big box for us and we'll definitely get it!  She thanked me!  Then she looked at my unusual lady shirt and said, with a big smile, thank you so much for supporting.  I said oh of course, I'm so happy to.  It's such a great charity and you do amazing work.  She thanked me again, and I floated away.  So, as I mentioned earlier, I didn't have a Sam autograph, but after leaving Cait's table you end up walking right past Sam to head out of the room.  No one was in front of him at the time, so I verrrrry slowly walked by, while holding my picture that Cait just signed.  His handler (not sure if that's the correct name) holds out his hand (to take my autograph ticket), but I said...I don't have one *sad face*, he was sold out.  He felt so bad that he handed me (also with a sad face), one of Sam's headshots that was sitting there, unsigned.  So I said thank you and then Sam looked up at me.  He also held his hand out for my pictures, and I said....you were sold out, so you won't be able to sign my picture.  I still had my sad face on, which was valid! He looked sad too and said oh noooo.  He then put out his hand and goes..I'll sign it!  Then he takes the picture from me. His handler lady says, did u buy an autograph? I was lost in the moment & didn't say anything, so she gives Sam a dirty look, he looks at her, continues to sign and goes...I'll pay for this one.  DEATH. DEAD. GONE.  He's the sweetest person in the world!! I cannot believe he did that!  Then I proceeded to say thank you and blurted out...I'M A PEAKER TOO! I DID A 5K LAST WEEKEND.  Yes, I blurted! He goes oh that's great! So good, way to do it.  Then I left....walked into the hallway, and screamed with my girl Katie, because she was standing there next to me basically the entire time while waiting to have him sign her picture.  So yeah...that moment was kind of everything.  
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Sam and Cait are just incredibly generous and genuine. Such good people. The OL fans at this con were so respectful and gracious and I enjoyed meeting other twitter and tumblr fans, as well!  It was just the thrill of a lifetime seeing Sam and Cait together at the con.  And what made it even better was getting to spend it with 7 of the best girlfriends, and going thru this experience together. They also had incredible experiences with both Sam and Cait, as highlighted wonderfully in @heyheykatiemae's blog!  Take a gander, if you haven't already! My first con was absolute perfection.  Fingers crossed they go back again next year, because we're all currently saving up money for ECCC2018 :).  Ok well, that’s about all!  Thanks for reading my ramblings! xx
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