#damn why is this kid whose always telling me about his social anxiety somehow not even a little anxious when we’re actually doing shit
mercutiotakethewheel · 4 months
ok so realistically i know theres important character reasons Kendra (and Seth and Warren by extension) never suspect Gavarog. It’s the old society trick to set up threats as team bonding exercises, etc, etc. plus this is a new and unfamiliar world thats rapidly overtaking her real world and replacing all her existing relationships, and right now Gavarog’s like the only member of her magical-worl peer group, so she doesnt want him to be a traitor, just like she didnt want Vanessa, her only female mentor to be a traitor, etc , etc.
but also i wholeheartedly 100% believe that every time Gavin did some truly bizarre, weird ass shit Kendra was just like. damnnnn…. average home school kid behavior.
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fandomfanfics12 · 4 years
Home Lives With You-Part 2
Title: Home Lives With You. Pairings: Steve x Tony Part: 2/? Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, blood, abuse (physical and verbal), ptsd, anxiety, bullying Summary: Peter’s been living with the abusive Thompson family for years, it was the only family in the system that would take him. When Steve and Tony get a phone call from the social worker who introduced them to their daughter Morgan for an emergency placement, they feel like they must pay back the favor. But are Steve and Tony taking on more than they can handle, and will Peter be able to adjust to a warm and welcoming family home? A/N: A nonnie requested this and I couldn’t resist writing it, hope you enjoy!
Part 1
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Peter couldn’t believe the Stark-Rogers residence. When he’d arrived at the house he’d expected it to be as cold and unforgiving at the Thompson’s. instead he found that it smelled like spaghetti Bolognese and looked lived in. it was clear to Peter that they’d cleaned up just before he’d arrived, everything was clean but not the squeaky clean that came from disuse but the kind of lived-in everything’s been used clean. There were toys for Morgan everywhere despite all of the toy boxes and cubbys that were stationed around the house. Peter kept replaying his conversation with Steve over and over again. But I’d prefer it if you called me Steve. Peter had been tempted to take him up on his offer, but he was worried that it could be a trap.
“He seems like a really good kid.” Peter could hear Tony and Steve’s voices down the hall in their own bedroom. Steve and Tony had promised to give him a proper house tour after school tomorrow and Peter had simply nodded his head. He was too busy trying to commit the taste of ice cream to memory. When Steve had suggested it, Peter had tried to come up with a way to say he had never had ice cream before. He’d seen it before, Flash had always taunted his dessert in front of Peter as Peter looked for scraps of leftovers. But he’d never been allowed to taste it. he was afraid he wouldn’t like it and that the Stark-Rogers’ would judge him for that. But it had been incredible and the first thing Peter had eaten in more than a day. He’d considered for half a heartbeat asking if he could have some spaghetti Bolognese if there was any leftovers, but had reconsidered. He was lucky to have been given the ice cream, he shouldn’t ask for anything more than what was mercifully offered to him.
“Morgan really likes him.” Peter smiled to himself from where he was curled up on the floor, his backpack used as a pillow. Morgan was possibly the most adorable kid that Peter had ever seen in his life and he hoped that he’d get to see her again once this was all over. Peter rolled over and eyed the bed, Steve had told him that it was for him. But it wasn’t worth risking. The bed still belonged to Tony and Steve. And even though neither of them had explicitly said it, Peter knew this was a guest bedroom. This room isn’t mine. It doesn’t belong to me and neither does the bed. I’m not allowed the bed. So he curled up on the floor, hoping that wouldn’t bother Tony or Steve.
“What if he’s vegetarian?” Steve said suddenly and Tony looked up from the eggs he was scrambling.
“We’re making him bacon and eggs, what if he’s a vegetarian?”
“Then he doesn’t eat the bacon.”
“Okay, but what if he doesn’t like eggs scrambled, we should have asked him.” Steve apparently was going to be a mother hen through this whole situation and Tony already knew why. He’d known it from the moment Peter had called him Mr Stark-Rogers instead of sir. Steve wanted to keep Peter beyond the month. Maybe even forever. Tony would be lying if the thought hadn’t crossed his mind but it was still too early to think about, to even discuss. They hadn’t even had him for a full twenty-four hours. It didn’t help that Morgan absolutely adored him.
“Stevie if he’s vegetarian or hates scrambled eggs we can just make him something else.”
“but that could make him late for school.” Steve ran a hand through his hair and there was the sound of footsteps on the stairs.
“Then we’ll get him something on the way. Set the table please.” Steve nodded and went to set the table, Peter stepped inside the kitchen then. His wide eyes took in Tony making breakfast and he paused mid-step.
“Sir I’m sorry I didn’t wake up sooner to help with breakfast i-“ Tony waved a hand.
“Don’t even worry about it Pete, do you mind if I call you Pete?” Tony glanced at him and Peter’s throat bobbed.
“Not at all sir.” Tony grinned, and poured the eggs into the frying pan.
“Great, do you like scrambled eggs and are you vegetarian?” Peter blinked and then nodded, followed by his head shaking.
“I like scrambled eggs and no I’m not a vegetarian sir.” His eyes darted over to the bacon on the grill and he licked his lips. Tony was kicking himself for not forcing the kid to eat more last night but had had a feeling that Peter wouldn’t have accepted it. it was hard enough getting him to eat the damn ice cream.
“great, Steve’s setting the table.” Peter didn’t move from the doorway.
“My old fosters kept my chores on the fridge, where’s my list sir?” Tony looked up again and rose his brows.
“Your what now?”
“My list of chores sir?” Peter bit his lip and his eyes frantically darted around the room. Tony’s heart broke for him.
“Don’t be ridiculous Peter you just got here. But if you really want a chore can you make sure Morgan’s up and tell her breakfast is ready?” Peter swallowed and suddenly looked so dejected that Tony immediately wanted to take it back.
“of course sir.” Peter turned on his heel and left before Tony could tell him not to worry about it, before he could tell Peter to just sit at the table and eat.
“Shit.” He grumbled, feeling like any progress he’d made with Peter had somehow just been undone.
Peter was an idiot to think that the Stark-Rogers’ were actually going to feed him breakfast. For half a second he’d let himself imagine what it would be like to be Steve and Tony’s son, to come down and have breakfast ready and no chores to do. But then, why had he asked about Peter’s food preferences? Maybe he was just making sure Peter would eat the leftovers like the Thompson’s? that had to be it, there was no other explanation. Peter knocked on Morgan’s door and heard a giggle in response.
“Morgan?” he asked and then she shrieked. Peter slowly opened the door and was practically by the eight year old as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Peter was so malnourished that he crashed to the floor and Morgan was shrieking. His heart lurched into his throat and he covered his head with his arms as footsteps sounded up the stairs. He was done for, he was so dead, like six feet underground dead, he’d fucked up for real this time.
When Steve came upstairs he was simply checking in to see what Morgan was over excited about this morning. He found Peter cowering against the wall, hands covering his head and trembling.
“Peter?” Steve dropped to his knees beside the kid and Peter flinched.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have opened the door, I didn’t know that wasn’t allowed, I should’ve known better sir ididntmeantoupsetherandipromiseyouthatillnevereverdoitagainand-“
“Slow down Peter, take a breath it’s alright.” Steve gently placed his had on Peter’s back and rubbed soothing circles between Peter’s shoulder blades.
Peter was sure that he was hallucinating. There was no way that Steve was actually trying to comfort him, he had to be losing it. surely not, surely he was going insane? But he found himself calming down and he slowly lifted his head, still unsure whether that was a good move or not. But Steve was smiling gently and Morgan was frowning at him.
“Are you okay miss?” his voice wobbled and she nodded, her face breaking out into a grin.
“It’s not your fault Peter, Morgan is really hyper in the morning, she was screaming in excitement.” Oh. Peter leaned back against the wall and nodded, suddenly feeling embarrassed from his outburst.
“Sorry for causing a scene then sir.” Steve winced but nodded.
“Breakfast!” Tony called from downstairs and Steve pulled Peter to his feet.
“I’ll get ready for school now sir.” Peter told him and Steve rose a brow.
“Breakfast is ready for you Peter.” Oh, so Tony really had planned on giving him breakfast. Peter nodded once and followed Steve and Morgan downstairs, his heart was racing. Tonight he wouldn’t get dinner, he just knew it, his outburst had ruined it for sure.
“Thanks daddy!” Morgan sat down and Tony pushed her chair in. Peter looked at the kitchen island where he thought the leftovers would be, but there was nothing other than a dirty frying pan.
“Pete?” Peter turned at the sound of Tony’s voice and found there was a fourth spot set up at the table and it took him a moment too long to realise that it was set for him. The plate was full with bacon and scrambled eggs and his mouth immediately salivated at this. was he dreaming? Were they really going to let him eat bacon? Peter sat down next to Morgan and waited. Steve began eating, Tony reached for the salt.
“Are you going to eat?” Steve asked, his voice light and airy.
“right, sorry sir. Thank you for breakfast sirs.” Tony glanced at Steve but said nothing as Peter picked up his knife and fork. He ate slowly, savouring every bite. The eggs were perfect, light and fluffy and Peter almost moaned when he put them in his mouth.
Tony didn’t miss the fact that Peter had gone from calling Steve Mr Stark-Rogers back to calling him sir. Once they all finished Peter collected all the plates and took them to the kitchen sink where he froze.
“Pete?” Tony asked and Peter looked up, biting his lip.
“If it isn’t too much trouble…could I take a shower?” Tony glanced to Steve whose eyes had gone wide.
“Of course Peter, it’s the door across from yours.”
“Would you like me to wash the dishes before I did take a shower?” Tony glanced at the clock and shook his head.
“We’ve got a dishwasher. You better hurry though or you’re going be late for school.” Peter nodded and ran upstairs, like he was afraid they’d change their minds. Tony turned to Steve, frowning.
“I’m going to give Rhodey a call, see just how bad Peter’s circumstances were back at the Thompson’s.” Steve said before Tony could even ask.
“I love you.” Tony said and Steve chuckled.
“I know.” At that Tony’s jaw dropped open.
“Hey!” Steve chuckled, stood up and kissed the top of Tony’s head.
“I love you too, now you should get dressed or you’re going to be late.” Steve said and grabbed Morgan to finish getting her ready for school.
Peter made sure he didn’t spend more than two minutes in the shower. He quickly ducked into his “room” and grabbed his tiny bar of soap. He’d have to ask the school nurse for another one soon. He then slipped into the bathroom and didn’t turn on the water until he was underneath the spout and didn’t even consider the hot water. The cold was biting but forced him awake and sent a tremble through his body. He’d done a shit job of stitching up his wound but he wasn’t bleeding anymore which he took for a good sign. The bruises were worse this morning and his ribs were killing, but he wouldn’t voice his concerns to anyone. No one wanted to listen to him whine. He also brushed his teeth whilst he was in the shower, making sure he didn’t use any water more than he needed.
“Peter are you ready?” Steve called and Peter grabbed his backpack. His clothes scratched his skin and were only a thread away from unravelling altogether.
“Coming sir!” he called as he made his way downstairs. Steve smiled and Morgan was impatiently jumping from one foot to the other.
“Let’s go!” she cried and Steve chuckled.
“Bye Tony!” Steve called and Peter glanced back to Tony coming towards them in a suit.
“Bye honey.” He and Steve kissed and then he bent down to Morgan.
“Have a good day princess.” She scrunched her face up but couldn’t stop grinning.
“bye daddy.” She bounded outside and both men turned to Peter.
“what time do you finish school?” Tony asked and Peter shifted his weight. What kind of job did Tony have?
“three-fifteen sir.” Tony nodded his head, smiling gently.
“Have a good day Peter, I’ll pick you up in the main parking lot.” Tony promised and Peter nodded, though he didn’t truly believe that Tony would.
“Have a good day at work sir.” He followed Steve out and climbed into the passenger seat of the car, heart racing. He’d made it through his first night and they hadn’t done anything mean to him. If anything they’d been overly kind, too kind. Suspiciously kind. No one had ever done anything like this for him before and he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Can I tell the other kids that I have a new brother?” Morgan asked as Steve lined up to drop Morgan off at school. Peter’s heart practically stopped in his chest. New brother? God, the thought of getting adopted at his age was…impossible. No one adopted teenagers, not when he only had a few years left before he was legally responsible for himself. No one wanted a teenager, that’s not how the system works.
“Not just yet sweetheart.” Steve stopped the car and Morgan frowned.
“but Peter lives with us and everything!” she cried and Steve chuckled.
“Just think of it as an extended sleepover okay, have a good day your dad will pick you up.” She nodded and got out the car, Peter watched her go through the gates and run up to a group of eight-year-old girls. Steve punched in the address of Steve’s school on the GPS and then they were on their way.
“Thank you for driving me to school sir.” Peter said and Steve sighed.
“It’s not a problem Peter, but I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t call me sir anymore.” Peter flinched but nodded.
“sorry sir, I mean, err, Mr Stark-Rogers.” Steve chuckled and it put Peter on edge. Was this the other shoe about to drop?
“It’s alright Peter, and I’m sorry about Morgan she’s just very excited to have you around.” Steve told him and Peter blushed.
“She’s a very cute kid sir. And may I please ask you a question?” Steve rose a brow but nodded.
“ask away, whatever you want to know.” Peter nodded and looked out the window.
“You don’t have to tell me, it’s your personal life but I was just wondering what you and your husband did for a living?” Steve let out a laugh and Peter sank down further in his seat. He shouldn’t have asked, shouldn’t have pried. He was such an idiot.
“Tony does something in marketing, he’s got some fancy title that I can never remember and it’s got a lot to do with math. He spends a lot of time in meetings, I’ve just learned to smile and nod.” Peter despite himself chuckled and Steve grinned, big and wide.
“And yourself?” Peter asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious. He looked down at his hands and clenched them into fists.
“Well I used to be in the military, I served for six years, went out on deployment about eight times. And uhh met Tony when I was twenty-five about to leave for another deployment. Literally met him at the airport. My flight was delayed and so was his and we basically had our first date at the airport.” How romantic. Peter thought to himself and focused on Steve who seemed so relaxed, a dopey smile on his face.
“And then what?”
“Well, then I had to go. one day I got a letter and it was from him and we were pen pals for the next six months. I’d served my time and was given the opportunity to leave the military, an offer I decided to take. Now I’m an arts teacher at NYU.” Peter’s brows rose.
“I only teach afternoon classes, Tony works his schedule around my classes for Morgan and now I guess you.” Steve chuckled but a wave of nerves washed over Peter. He was bothersome, something they had to fit their lives around.
“Sorry sir.” Peter mumbled and Steve groaned.
“It’s not an issue Peter, we don’t mind. We wouldn’t have taken you in if we weren’t willing alright? You’re not here for a pay cheque alright?”
“Alright sir.” They pulled into the car park of Peter’s school and he debated running but felt like Steve wasn’t ready for him to go just yet.
“Tony will pick you up from here alright? I’ll be home by dinner. Have a good day Peter.” Peter smiled and nodded.
“Have a good day to, Mr Stark-Rogers.” And then Peter was out of the car and heading inside the school.
“Hello?” Tony was pacing in his office and felt so relieved to see Steve’s name light up his phone screen.
“You won’t believe what I got Peter to do on the way to school.” There was so much excitement in Steve’s voice and Tony settled down into his chair.
“crack a half smile?” Tony asked and opened up his emails, he had about a billion to get through since yesterday.
“I got him to laugh.”
“Without me? no fair.” Tony pouted and Steve chuckled but Tony knew this was a big deal, the kid did act a little strange.
“I mean it was only a chuckle but I think with some more structure ad some love we could really-“
“I’ve already put it in my to-do list to call Rhodey.” Tony said before Steve could finish his sentence. He could picture the grin on Steve’s face, how excited Morgan would be when they told her. Kids, the idea seemed crazy that Tony now had kids.
“How is it that you always know what I’m about to say?” Steve asked but Tony noted the relief in Steve’s voice, it made him nervous. Just because it was becoming clear to them that they wanted Peter didn’t mean that Peter would want them. He might want to go live with other people after the month was up, he might prefer other people and reject them both. Tony didn’t want to watch Steve get his heart broken.
“Because we’ve been married nearly twelve years Steven.” Tony said, making sure to keep his voice light despite all the worries that plagued his mind. He could see his assistant waving at him through the glass of his office, it was time for his next meeting.
“I’ve got to go to a meeting now honey, I’ll text you about the phone call with Rhodey.”
“Okay, love you, have fun.” They hung up and Tony sighed, he hated these insufferable meetings. But now he had something else to ponder, a whole other child to consider.
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deltaengineering · 5 years
Spring Anime 2019 Part 1: git gud
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I was trying to wait until something really good came along. This ran into a problem. Yes this is a day behind but not because of... that.
Amazing Stranger
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What: Otaku dipshit buys a figurine that turns out to be an alien robot girl from an anime.
❌❌ Otaku dipshit nonsense about perving on a figurine-sized robot girl. It’s bad, yo.
❌ Execution is as questionable as the content. I’ll give it a star for using 3DCG and 2D animation where they respectively make sense.
♎ Only ⅓ runtime so it ended before I could get mad.
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
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What: Overachiever gets conned into tutoring a bunch of girls with specialized talents and general uselessness. The twist is that they don’t look identical.
♎ Basic ass harem setup with little to distinguish itself. And if it’s not a real harem it’s just a lacklaughter comedy.
♎ Characters aren’t terrible but sort of just there. Their talents are also too cartoonish to take seriously but not outlandish enough to be funny.
♎ You guessed it, production is workmanlike/undistinguished as well.
❌ Didn’t I just watch this? In any case, this lacks Quintuplet’s trademark sass so it’s just painfully mediocre.
Fruits Basket
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What: Poor but optimistic high school girl gets involved with a harem of supernatural critters.
♎ This seems incredibly derivative and unoriginal. Seems of course, because Fruits Basket is the OG so all the others ripped it off in the first place. Doesn’t change the fact that I’ve sampled and discarded dozens of otome harems exactly like this.
✅ The production is aware that they’re adapting a classic over here, so the production values are high. It looks nice.
✅ It’s directed quite competently as well, especially the comic bits have the right timing.
❌ I don’t like the characters much. Tohru is a little annoying and the boyz are a big nothing. That’s not good for a romantic comedy. Side characters fare much better but hey, side characters in a show like this don’t matter.
♎ I have no attachment to Fruits Basket so this will have to stand on its own. So far it looks watchable, but very middle of the road.
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu
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What: Kiraralike about a class of middle school girls that are all named after their personality. The main character (Bocchi Hitori, natch) is lonely and made of social anxiety.
❌ Dealing with #relatable topics is always sketchy, but Bocchi talking to herself for the majority of the episode just gets really old no matter what.
✅ However, once she starts actually talking to other people it gets better. Slightly above average for a show like this, which means inoffensively cute and very mildly comedic.
♎ This is a Kiraralike where all the characters are named after their personality, so I wouldn’t expect any depth. Not that that’s unusual for the genre.
♎ I’ll probably give this 3 episodes because these shows live and die by the cast, which we haven’t seen much of so far. If Bocchi’s character development sticks and we get a few good support characters, it might be fun.
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What: the sound of one thigh slapping
❌ but
✅✅ though
Kimetsu no Yaiba / DEMON SLAYER
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What: Edgy shounen about a dude whose family gets KILL BY DEMONS (no, he isn’t the demons (his sister is the demons)).
✅ Actually better than that sounds, it’s pretty serious with its approach to the whole revenge thing. The edginess is also only apparent on the margins, so tonally it’s more or less fine.
✅ The main guy isn’t terrible and his superpower (a superlative sense of smell) is fairly subdued for the genre. You could tell a story with this.
✅✅ This is ufotable and it looks REALLY good. ufotable shows are always very elaborate, but their aesthetics can be questionable. This, however, keeps the postprocessing to a minimum and uses CG only where appropriate. I’d say it rivals Emiya-san for the best looking thing they’ve ever done.
❌ The OP shows a bunch of supercool superdudes fighting like they're in a shounen anime, just in case you’re wondering.
❌❌ Three words: Weekly Shounen Jump. This is an instant death sentence for the long run, since it will be stretched until nobody cares anymore, then get swiftly killed - with some lipservice to closure, if you’re lucky.
❌❌ In case you’re willing to take your chances, WSJ is still a magazine for babies and imbeciles, so get ready for its “distinctive” writing style. Here it isn’t quite as bad as in Promised Neverland, but you’re still getting 100% wall-to-wall voiceover coverage explaining things that you either don’t need to know or are blindingly obvious. 
Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO
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What: 90s eroge protagonist starts hopping dimensions to look for his dad or something.
❌❌ Those 90s eroge protagonists sure were hilarious, what with their lechery etc. Rest of the cast fills the genre template nicely as well, which is to say they suck.
❌ Doesn’t look outright terrible so far, but it already shows signs of slight jankiness that would lead me to suspect this is a candidate for a production collapse in the future.
❌ Story? Surely you jest. All that happens in the first episode is vague exposition and naked girls falling from the sky. I hear the game gets real good 100 hours in, btw.
❌ This isn’t just some 90s eroge, it is the 90s eroge. You know, before KEY came along and made them all respectable (ostensibly). In any case, YU-NO is regarded as some stone cold classic of epic feels. I have experience with those, and they usually are only great for as long as you can’t read them.
Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
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What: High school girls hates men because her father happens to be one. Understandable, since he’s also a tiny dirty old man caricature from the 60s. Can love bloom on the ecchifield?
♎ This is mostly inoffensive...
❌ ...except when it isn’t, of course. Which isn’t that often but still too often.
❌ It would also be appreciated if it could be less offensive in those instances because hot damn.
❌ Even if it removed the main source of irritation it would still be nothing much. Something like Hitoribocchi or Benkyou ga Dekinai has at least some potential, this doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere.
❌❌ My man Kenjiro Tsuda is wasting his time on this goblin’s comedy voice.
Mix - Meisei Story
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What: Some kids play baseball, very slowly. You’re supposed to care because you presumably cared about Touch (which Mix is a very far removed sequel to).
❌ I did not in fact care about Touch. Nor about baseball, for that matter.
❌ Seriously, the entire selling point for this is “Sequel. To. Touch.” It cares not for your indifference towards Touch and would rather you go away.
❌❌ The languid pace is a killer. I know baseball is a boring sport but Mix doesn’t even attempt to make it interesting. This could work as an iyashikei-type show but in that case it would need different hooks, such as characters whose personality goes beyond “good at THIS aspect of baseball”. Maybe they’ll get to that but with this pace it’ll take a few seasons.
✅ I think the 80s design with a few contemporary animation frills looks quite nice. They’re probably doing their job right over there.
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma
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What: One “Oda Nobunaga” is an otaku and somehow also a teacher. Girls looking for his better known ancestor approach him with marriage plans, and since they’re looking for a Sengoku warlord, they come with era appropriate sensibilities.
❌ Do not care much for anime about 14 year old time travellers falling onto some dork’s dick, sorry. Unless they’re real good. Which this isn’t.
❌ I suppose i should be thankful this isn’t an all-out ecchi show, but unlike the characters, “lmao they can’t fuck” gets old.
❌ Besides the obvious, this fails at pacing, comedy, heartwarming, production, etc. I’m getting tired of spelling it all out again, this season definitely has an overabundance of not-quite-terrible-but-subpar-in-every-way romantic comedies.
Senryuu Shoujo
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What: Senryuu is poetry that’s pretty much a haiku, but not hella deep. A quiet weirdo girl and a delinquent type write some of those.
✅ This has low ambitions, but manages to meet them. It’s chill and cute and the characters are likeable.
✅ Half length, which is the correct runtime for something as slight as this.
♎ It’s cheap but not to the degree that it detracts from the experience.
✅ It’s the second coming of Go Go 575 and I’m all about that. Check it out!
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What: uLtRaMaN is an ultrasequel to UlTrAmAn in which Ultraman is now Ultradad and has to take care of his Ultrason.
♎ Decent looking by CG TV anime standards, though the amount of action is so low that it raises the question why it isn’t just live action, especially since it’s partially mocapped already. I would have expected more pizzazz, especially with Kenji Kamiyama AND Shinji Aramaki directing.
♎ Old man superhero has some charm, but the show suggests and Wikipedia confirms: He’s about to get his ass kicked and his much more standard progeny takes over. There goes your selling point.
♎ Apart from that, this appears to be a competent but not especially engaging sequel to Ultraman (i.e., it’s most definitely not SSSS.Gridman). I have no special affinity for Ultraman.
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shemakesmeforget · 6 years
25 fics to pick you up
Humor, crack not crack, romcom fics for @cuttlemefishwrites and y’all. I tried to make this list short, I SWEAR idk ENJOY!! Also you can check some other fic recs by moi here, here and here.
(i'm) the boy you'd die for by jenmishe 
Canonverse, Rated T, 6K
v-nikiforov ✓
[Video: A short clip where Victor is laying dramatically on the couch with miserable expression. “Heartbreaker” by Marina and the Diamonds is playing.]
v-nikiforov✓ Am I the another one? (((
vitYASS victor,,,, honey,,,, i lvoe you so much,,,, but WHY are you like this.
red-blue-gay but??? does that mean that somebody has broken victor’s heart???? I DON'T UNDERSTAND
christophe-gc ✓ You’re ridiculous.
starsaregay But who recorded it?? Makkachin???
vityathebabe user @starsaregay asking the real question.
--- The adventures of Yuuri "Heartbreaker" Katsuki, or: how Yuuri became known as a cold player full of himself who doesn't care about anyone. (Hint: it's an anxiety and obliviousness.)
• ADORE!!! oblivious heartbreaker Yuuri + social media fic. The best description is actually one of the tags: everyone is in love with Yuuri: the fic.
  He Should Know by Lady_Ganesh
Past Yuuri/Chris, Canonverse, Rated T, 2K
A public service announcement Chris and Yuuri made for the Sochi Olympics comes to light.
• HI HI this speaks to me directly: Viktor is a dork and jealous and Yuuri is precious.... I just love this so much. 
Master Plans by Qwertzu (@qwertzu824)
Canonverse ish, Rated T, 17K
Who wouldn't want to date Yuuri and/or Viktor? Nobody is immune to their charm - including random strangers, who unfortunately have no idea the two are happily married and totally smitten with each other...
• This series!!! outsider pov, identity reveal, and the last installment!!!!! I die. You'll laugh and you’ll feel sorry for these people at the same time.
The Way to Life and Love is a Curved Trajectory by crossroadswrite  (@crossroadswrite)
Canonverse, Rated T, 5K
“Do you know Katsuki Yuuri?” Victor asks Chris, two minutes later, when he finally manages to convince himself to stop looking at the dip of Katsuki’s back and his powerful thighs in those tight Mizuno track pants, and the way his hands are poised in the air mid-skate, and his slicked back hair and brown eyes and flushed cheeks.
Christophe hums into the phone in a way that suggests he not only knows Katsuki Yuuri but he’s acquainted with him. Chris’ version of acquaintance is very physical and usually involves a healthy amount of groping. “Don’t you?”
“He’s Japan’s Ace,” Victor says, trying to rack his brain for more information. “His step sequence is good?”
Chris hums again. “You’re not that oblivious that you haven’t heard of Unfairly Beautiful Yuuri.”
(Or, the one where Victor falls - literally and then figuratively - for Yuuri. Also something about a Best Ass Poll that is way more official than it should be.)
• Alternate first meeting <3<3<3 you have it all: social media, pining and THAT ASS. I would say 12/10 would read again, but I have already, a bunch of times.
What you should know about dating a man with children by SassySalchow (diedraechin) (@diedraechin​)
Canonverse, Rated G, 2K
Based off a tumblr drabble prompt and then grew too big...
"AU scenario where the skaters mistake the triplets for Yuuri's kids when they first meet him, possibly when he brings them to the skater-only area as a b-day treat, or something? (Kudos if you can work in jealous!Victor somehow, but the skaters having a fun reaction would be A+, tbh. Would be lovely if you could include Chris and/or Yurio :D )
• Ahhhhhh my quick fix for whenever I’m feeling down, this Viktor is such a dork and extra, I love him.
5 times Viktor encountered culture shock in Hasetsu + 1 time Yuuri did by forochel (@forochel)
Canonverse, Rated T, 3K
this fic ... basically does what it says on the tin.
• I adore not so smooth Viktor in an environment he can't control (or at least do some research lol), good stuff.
Five Times Chris's Dating Advice Was Ignored By Russian Skaters by liliths
Canonverse, Rated T, 3K
—and one time it wasn't.
Christophe Giacometti. Twenty-five. Cat lover, chocolate eater. Professional Swiss figure skater and confirmed Grand Prix finalist. Running an unofficial dating advice ring for Russian skaters who don't listen to him to begin with. How did his life come to this?
Chris-centric, in which he is done with literally everyone. Except the dog.
• Chris is heaven sent and deserves a medal for dealing with awkward russian skaters.
just like me they long to be by sparklespiff (@todaythesamesky​)
Canonverse, Rated T, 3K
"Haven't you noticed that Yuuri gets everything he wants?"
"Everything that's in somebody else's power to give him," Mari says, before Victor can bring up last year's GPF. "He's not magic, just pretty."
"But it's like magic. My theory is that it's because he's sneaky beautiful, so you're not expecting it, and then, under all that stuff, whoa! Gorgeous. And it's too late to save yourself."
"Stuff?" Victor keeps smiling but makes his voice cold, the way he does when reporters overstep. His Yuuri doesn't have stuff. Everything about him is beautiful.
Yuuri lives in a Beautiful Person Bubble. It's Victor's responsibility to make sure he never finds out.
• Again with oblivious heartbreaker Yuuri, this is ridiculously funny. Also, Mari and Phichit??? A++
The Boyfriend Paradox by japansace (@japansace​)
Canonverse, Rated T, 3K
For some inexplicable reason, Yuuri speaks Russian.
Now, as everyone knows, there are only two viable reasons why anyone ever learns a foreign language:
1. For school. 2. To impress a foreign love interest.
And Victor can’t quite bring himself to believe that Yuuri would be at all studious enough to hunt down Russian classes in Detroit of all places.
(Or: Victor gets jealous of a boyfriend that doesn’t exist.)
• We all think Yuuri is dense and oblivious but like Viktor is just????? SO BLIND???? it’s adorable.
The Thirst Trap by CharmingMonsters
Canonverse, Rated M, 12K (WIP)
Victor Nikiforov reads Thirst Tweets for a Buzzfeed video; Yuuri is anonymously quoted and wants to die. Phichit makes sure everyone is properly hydrated.
• Awkward meet cute, Yuuri the fanboy, sad pre Yuuri Viktor, hilarious but the feels omg 
Giacometti & Co. by Anna (arctic_grey) (@finleighsaid​)
Past Viktor/Chris, Past Yuuri/Chris, Canonverse, Rated M, 7K
Against his shoulder and into the fabric of his t-shirt, Yuuri mumbled, “HaveyoueversleptwithChris?”
He choked on his breath. Oh. Uh. “Errrr…” His mind raced. “A little?”
aka the fic where both Viktor and Yuuri have slept with Chris.
• Amazing!! I owe this fic so much! like really, this is cute, fun and jealous Viktor is the cherry on top.
The Early, Awkward Years by Nomanono (@nomanono​)
Viktor/Chris, Canonverse, Rated E, 6K
Victor Nikiforov wasn't always smooth and suave. His singular focus on skating created a pronounced inability to people, and Chris winds up bearing the brunt of his sexual incompetence.
• This is beyond funny, I had to stop reading 3 times to properly laugh. Inexperienced, not a playboy Viktor is the best best and Chris tries so hard, poor thing.
it's like you're photoshopped by Metis_Ink
Actors AU, Rated T, 10K
Not-So-Local Ex-Dancer Upsets Coworkers by Failing to Communicate with Celebrity Castmate, details at eleven.
//Yuuri just wants to retire already.
• The actual movie is amazing? the author literally wrote an entire musical for this fic, mad respect. And at some point I cried, legit tears, because I was laughing so hard. 
Pinning and Pining by Multiple_Universes (@witharthurkirkland)
Porn actors AU, Rated E, 51K
Victor starts his career as a porn star, working for a studio that has a somewhat… artistic approach to the whole genre. But that’s not the problem. The problem is: he can’t find a way to ask his hot co-star to be his boyfriend.
An AU where Victor and Yuuri are both porn stars who, despite all the hot sex filmed for a ton of movies, still end up in a situation where Yuuri is oblivious and Victor is pining away.
• The porn movies are so cheesy and bad but like artistic so you just laugh and laugh. Viktor is such a softie and there’s so much unresolved romantic tension, a big fave.
though the stars walk backward by alykapedia (@alykapediaaa​)
Space AU, Rated T, 8K
“Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward.” - E.E. Cummings
Yuuri's only ever wanted to send a message out into the great vastness of space, maybe witness First Contact during his lifetime. He gets his wish. And then some.
• Alien viktor!!! an intergalactic booty call!!! fantastic!
Much Ado About Something by eternalsunshine13, Skowronek (@eternalsunshine13, @kaja-skowronek​)
Space AU, Rated T, 33K
By day, Victor Nikiforov is the head of European operations for LearX, a company on the forefront of private space travel. By night, he is makka-baby on Tumblr, a prominent figure in the small but passionate poodle fandom.
By day, Yuuri Katsuki runs F.O.O.L., a subsidiary of Katsuki Enterprises, whose stated goal is to bring LearX down one lawsuit after another. By night, he’s oodlesofpoodles, an active member of the poodle fandom and possibly makka-baby’s biggest fan.
By day, they duke it out in court. By night, they become friends—and maybe something more—as they fall for each other one Tumblr message at a time.
Or: a romantic comedy starring two idiots in love, the Katsuki family, the mothers Nikiforov, the husbands Chulanont-Giacometti, two doggos, six hamsters, one Yurio, and many, many schemes to get our favorite lovebirds together.
• Do they really hate each other?? are they falling in love?? is the tumblr app gonna crash all the damn time? I won't tell, you gotta read this.
The Vastness of Space by shysweetthing (@shysweetthing)
Space AU, Rated E, 16K
As chief communications officer on board the Interstellar Alliance Fleet’s Star Ship Victory, Yuuri doesn’t have to think about who he actually is on his home planet. He just has to listen to his captain, do his job, and…not fall in love with his best friend, the ship’s science officer, Victor Nikiforov.
Well. Two out of three’s not bad.
Then his mother calls with the worst possible news: She, the Empress of New Nihon, has arranged Yuuri’s marriage. There’s only one thing Yuuri can do: Fake a boyfriend, and fake one fast. Who better/worse to play that role than the friend he wishes was more? What can go wrong? It’s not like Yuuri can fall more in love...
• Mutual pining, fake dating and arranged marriage AND SPACE UGHHH all my weak spots. So sweet and good and the writing is on point, i cry.
The Unknown Unknown by opalish
Superpowers AU, Rated T, 7K
Yuuri never meant to become a supervillain. These things just happen to him. 
• One of the funniest fics I’ve ever read, the author has the best comic timing and this fic is beyond me like I practically laughed the whole time.
Dr. Shiny and the Case of the Beautiful Man by ShatteredPrism (@etherealalchemist​​)
Doctors AU, not rated, 6K 
There are about five things that Victor, in this very moment, is absolutely sure of.
1. The spawns of satan are here 2. they are not accompanied by their angel of a mother 3. they are with the most beautiful man he's ever seen 4. his scrubs are wet from where he'd dropped water on himself 5. and Victor is very, very gay.
Emphasis on point five, with a side of cupid's arrow and "ba-dum ba-dum" on a plate.
Because he is Very Gay, and not only is he Very Gay but he is also Hopelessly Attracted to a man who is undoubtedly Very Straight and very Unavailable and is perhaps the Most Beautiful Man Victor has ever seen.
in which Victor is a doctor, Yuuri is a godfather, and Yuri just wants some peace and quiet and a larger stash of lollipops.
• So pure and fun and Viktor is so so so extra.
pass that dutch by kiaronna (@kiaronna​)
High School/Mean Girls AU, Rated T, 5K
Maybe Viktor shouldn't have watched Mean Girls before he started his first day of high school in the United States, but he can't help it if he is suddenly inducted into his high school's very fashionable, Instagram-obsessed royalty. He can't help falling in love with the cute soccer player in his literature class, either. Even if he's supposed to be off limits.
• This captures the feel of the movie just right and Viktor is a mess, it’s just so cute.
esnake artist by sizhu (@sizhu)
Neighbors AU, Rated T, 1K
Yuuri meets the disarmingly attractive neighbor from upstairs, courtesy of Phichit forgetting to feed their scale baby.
Snakes like to go on adventures, too.
• Sassy Yuuri defending his reptile baby, a blessing.
all the types of dating by igneousbitch (@makkachinning)
Geology AU, Rated E, 8K
The only type of dating geologists are good at is radioactive carbon-dating. The rest goes completely over their heads.
(Viktor and Yuuri are geology professors leading a field course in Western Australia. Chaos ensues.)
Alfred shifts awkwardly. Looks at Viktor and Yuuri, and asks, “So, uh. Are you guys dating?”
Yuuri greatly misunderstands, and Viktor panics.
Of course we are, Yuuri says. Rather critically, he thinks to himself: why else would he be here, in the scorching, godforsaken heat, surrounded by a hundred kilos of rock, if not for the purpose of radiometric dating?
• I have no idea about geology and I still enjoyed this AU a lot, they’re pining so hard and ugh friends to lovers, my kryptonite.
Unconventional by so_shhy
Fandom AU, Rated M, 4K
After freezing up in front of his idol at a comic con panel, Yuuri decides that he needs an awful lot of alcohol to get over the embarrassment. It is a decision he will regret.
The fandom AU I can’t believe I wrote, featuring movie star!Victor Nikiforov and fanfic author!Yuuri Katsuki.
• So much second hand embarrassment but in a fun way, just brilliant.
If you can't take the heat... by mtothedestiel (@summersteve)
Reality show/Chef AU, not rated, 81K (WIP)
Stay tuned, coming up next it's Top Chef: International! Join thirteen chefs from around the globe as they battle it out for glory and prizes in the one and only New York City (and share all their innermost thoughts along the way!) Who will emerge victorious, and who will burn out?? Heartwarming triumphs, devastating eliminations, and even ~forbidden romance~ are all coming your way on this showstopping season of Top Chef!
• The script format threw me off for some time until I decided to read it and omg?? what a fool I’ve been for so long!!! this is incredible and well researched and makes me hungry all the damn time.
Coming Home Again by carafin (@carafinn)
Roommates AU, Rated T, 10K
Yuuri, given to periodic bouts of paranoia, would often wonder if Viktor is, in fact, a Russian drug lord on the loose, seeking refuge in a nondescript town in America. This would explain a manner of things: his evasiveness whenever probed about his job; the way he’d unpredictably throw out incisive, thoughtful commentary about the morning news over breakfast; his expensive tastes in shirts, watches, and wallets alike; why he’d want to stay here with Yuuri, of all places, when the contents his wardrobe alone could probably afford him a year-long stay at any condominium of his choice in the trendiest part of town.
And then he goes on to discover that Viktor actually has a premium account on club penguin, and that his five penguins are named Peanut Wigglebutt, Luke skyhopper, Zing Zing, Otto Von Longdong, and Mooshoo Vegetable, and beats the idea to death in his head.
• High quality hyper realistic amazing Yuuri the medical student being a mess, Viktor being a mystery but still a dork. Cute romance!!
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Chapter 1
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Bexley's P.O.V
I looked up at the giant building  growing in front of my eyes and sighed taking a moment to remind myself why I was there in the first place.
I often liked to call myself 'a lost and hopeless goldfish in the Pacific Ocean'. It's kind of weird comparing myself to a fish, but that's exactly what I was. A minion-sized american girl in South Korea. Isolated and definitely lost, because I had no idea if the building I was staring at was the one I had been looking for for aproximately 3 hours. Most of the buildings looked the same and the fact that BigHit Entertainment had decided to only use hangul and no english whatsoever didn't help either. My korean reading skills were those of a three year old kid. Sometimes even I asked myself how I had survived for a whole year there. 
I looked around hoping I would see someone coming out or entering the building, but there was  absolutely no one. The weather was so gloomy and gross, I wasn't even surprised no one would want to come out. I closed my eyes for two seconds and put my thoughts in order. You would think as a manager I'd be better at doing all the conversational stuff. But my severe social anxiety was never playing. Unfortunately, my job wasn't one where I could just quit whenever. Not that I wanted to. I just wished it would be easier. 
I started walking forward with my serious face on. Nothing could stop me now. Or so I thought, until I reached the front door and security stopped me. There was a very tall man whose body looked like the trunk of a hundred-year-old tree blocking my path. I tried to go around him but he moved again in front of me. He carefully analyzed my face and asked me somthing in korean. That was the moment that I hated the most. Language barriers were the worst. 
"I'm here to speak to the C.E.O. He knows me. We spoke on the phone." The guy obviously had no idea what I had just said because he started speaking in korean again, angrily motioning for me to get out. In moments like those I really wanted to bang my head against a wall. I looked around and my eyes stopped on a guy sitting on a sofa in the hallway. He looked familiar to me, but I couldn't put a name to the face. He was looking at us with his eyes half closed clearly enjoying the music he was listening to. In my head I was desperately praying he would get up and come help me somehow, but he didn't seem to have any intention to do so. That's when I started doing something I had got very good at since I arrived in Korea a year ago. Expressing what I wanted with my body. 
"I" I said touching my chest with my palm, "want to speak" I put my hand in front of my mouth and started flapping it like there was no tomorrow "with the C.E.O" I tried to imitate a potentially old and fat guy walking around the building, showing him the surroudings at the same time. Laughing. Someone was laughing at my tragic attempt to explain what I was looking for. I looked at the security guy, but he was still his angry self, staring at me without any remaining pacience. Then I remembered the guy on the couch. I turned around to see he had multiplied into 3 gorgeous human beings who were all laughing at me. My face was progressively getting more red with each second.
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"Oh, come on! There has to be one of you who understands me, otherwise you wouldn't laugh at me." I said, frustrated. They all stopped laughing and looked at me with intense eyes. I noticed they all had very defined, beautiful features. They also had different colored hair, which made it easier for me to remember their faces clearly. Just in case I needed to do that. One of the guys, sitting in the middle got up and walked up to the security guy telling him something. The security guy then looked at me for the last time and left, going back to his seat next to the front door. The guy then turned around to go back to his friends. 
"The C.E.O is on floor five. There's an elevator near those stairs. He's in a meeting though, so you might have to wait a bit. You can stay here with us, but I can't promise that these guys will talk to you. " I started walking behind him and took a seat on the sofa next to theirs, trying to respect their private space as much as possible. "Oh, and by the way, we all understand you. We just don't really talk to new people much. I'm Tae. That's Yoongi and that's Hoseok." I looked at them and they each flashed me a bright smile before returning their attention to their phones. 
"I'm Bexley, but people call me Bex. I'm Kim Nari's manager. She's a young solo artist who just debuted and she's supposed to do a stage performance with someone from this company. That's why I'm here to talk to the C.E.O" Yoongi looked up quickly and stared at me for a few moments before speaking. "No offence, but I thought you were a high school student or something. You're a manager?" I nodded, smiling politely. 
"I get that a lot, no worries." 
"Well, I'm going to practice. You guys coming?" Tae asked, punching Yoongi's leg playfully. 
"Not now. We're going to get something to eat. We'll see you later though." Hoseok spoke finally. They all had amazingly unique voices. It fascinated me how everything about them was so perfect.
"You want to come up with me? I'll show you where the office is. " 
"Sure." I got up and waved the two guys goodbye before following Tae to the elevator. We both got in and once again I tried to stay in the opposite corner so he doesn't feel unconfortable. I didn't know if I should say something or not. I kept trying to remember who they were. I knew for sure they were a group, but I couldn't remember the name or where I had seen them before. Internally, every part of me was screaming because I knew these guys were for sure a group I should have remembered. I could feel the fact that they were a pretty big deal. The elevator stopped on the fifth floor and I rushed to get out, but stopped immediately when I saw someone waiting to get in. Yet another face I could definitely recognize. And damn, what a face. He was perfect. His skin was impecable, his pink hair was beautifully messy and his face was angelic. He moved his eyes from Tae to me and then to Tae again with a confused look. He moved aside and we stepped out. Tae said something in korean and I figured he explained to him what was going on. He nodded and then looked at me and smiled. My heart was suddenly pounding and I smiled shyly.
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Hi! I'm Park Jimin." He bowed slowly and I bowed back in respect. We looked in each other's eyes for about five seconds until I realized I hadn't even told him my name. 
"I'm Bex." I said, still fixating my eyes on his face. For some reason, I hadn't even heard Tae speak when I realized he wasn't next to me anymore. I saw him walking down the corridor and smiled at Jimin one more time before waving goodbye. I turned around and bit my lip nervously. I had come here for work and now I was more interested in who these mysterious guys were than anything else. For the first time in my life, I had forgotten that work comes first. I catched up to Tae when he stopped in front of the last door of the corridor. Once again, only hangul letters on the plaque above the massive door.
"Here it is. It was nice to meet you. I gotta go practice. Good luck."
"Thanks." I watched him walk away for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. No turning back now. I knocked on the door and waited until someone said something in korean. I was hoping they told me to come in, even though of course, I couldn't understand. Just as I was expecting, a massive guy was sitting in the leather chair across from the door. He looked up from his paperwork and smiled. He recognized me immediately.
"Miss Young. Sit down." I did as told and gathered all the guts I had to start speaking. 
"I assume you know, Mr. Kim, that we spoke on the phone. You told me to come talk to you in person about Nari. I know that you would be risking a lot by letting her performe, but I can absolutely assure you that there is nothing you need to worry about. She has been training since she was four years old. She has amazing vocal abilities and she can play the piano and the guitar. This performance would be an amazing kick-off for her career." 
"I appreciate your passion for what you do Miss Young. However, miss Nari is not why I asked you to come see me." I look at him with a little confusion in my eyes, waiting for him to explain. "The chances are that exactly when you contacted me, one of my most successful boy groups ended up without a manager. They're practising hard for their comeback, but they're in desperate need of a manager. I'd like to offer you a job." He pushed a file in front of me. 
I read the title multiple times before looking back at him.
"You don't have to give me an answer right now. Take some time and read the contract. If you decide you want to do this, you can come back right away and sign it. You would start tomorrow." I picked it up.
"Alright. I'll think about it and get back to you." I got up and left his office. I went down the hallway and looked out of a huge window. The streets were as busy as always. I started reading the contract. He sure was offering me more money than I had ever dreamed of earning. A two year contract like that didn't sound bad at all. But what about Nari? She kind of hated me anyway, but still, could I just abandon her like that? 
I took out my phone and dialed my mom's number. She was the only one I could trust to help me with decisions in life. She picked up right away. 
"Hey, are you okay?" 
"Yeah, I'm fine. Hey, mom? I need your opinion on something. So I just got offered what could be the best job of my life. The C.E.O that I was supposed to talk to about Nari offered me a job as a manager of one of his groups. It sounds amazing. Should I take it?" 
"That's a tough question, love. I can't decide for you. But remember what your father used to always say: If your heart is telling you one thing--"
"And your mind is telling you another, before you decide anything you must decide whether you have a better head or a better heart. I know, mom. Thanks. I'll talk to you later and tell you what's up. Bye." I sighed. I looked up. Please let me be right about this, God. ----------------------------------------------------- 2 days later
I stared at the black ink on the paper. There really was no going back now. I had explained everything to Nari and to my surprise, she already had someone else to take my place. No one could mess with that girl's determination to win in life. 
The C.E.O wasn't surprised when I showed up, telling me that somehow he knew in his heart that I would come 'and save his boys'. He looked at his secretary and told her something I couldn't understand and then back at me.
"You should meet the boys now. They're in the conference room. You know you're gonna move in the guest house, right? You need to be close to them at all times. It's policy." 
"Yeah, I got that part." 
"Alright, my assistant will accompany you there and will explain what's going on to the boys. Don't worry. You'll be well taken care of. Welcome to BigHit." He said, smiling widely after he finished talking. 
"Thank you." 
I followed the assistent to the conference room and we both went in. Seven beautiful and confused faces stared back at me. I tried to keep my calm while realising something I had been oblivious to all this time. How could I not realise that the boys I had met and the boys I was going to basically live with were the same people?! Tae, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin all exchanged looks before smiling at me. The other three looked as confused as anyone would be. 
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