#well shit it this is what he was doing instead of algebra
mercutiotakethewheel · 4 months
ok so realistically i know theres important character reasons Kendra (and Seth and Warren by extension) never suspect Gavarog. It’s the old society trick to set up threats as team bonding exercises, etc, etc. plus this is a new and unfamiliar world thats rapidly overtaking her real world and replacing all her existing relationships, and right now Gavarog’s like the only member of her magical-worl peer group, so she doesnt want him to be a traitor, just like she didnt want Vanessa, her only female mentor to be a traitor, etc , etc.
but also i wholeheartedly 100% believe that every time Gavin did some truly bizarre, weird ass shit Kendra was just like. damnnnn…. average home school kid behavior.
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st4rb3rries · 1 year
the main 4 meeting you for the first time
pairings; stan, kyle, kenny, cartman x fem!reader (all aged up 17-18)
summary; reactions and meeting you
warnings; cussing and suggestive language
a/n; hopefully you guys understand the kyle and stan one😭
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how kyle and stan met you:
you met them senior year. they saw your fine ass in class and were like "gawd dayum 😍😍🔥❤️" NAH JK kyle and stan secretly talked shit about you because you were the smartest in class. (they haven't even talked to you once) it was mostly kyle because he was jealous of your academic intelligence.
kyle: "who does she think she is acting like a goody two shoes and she shouldn't even be talking with that big ass forehead her calculations aren't even correct dude i'm totally way smarter than y/n🙄"
stan: "ong bruh like her forehead is bigger than my relationship with my dad😭 and no one can outsmart my super best friend dude🤨"
y/n: ....
like y'all sit close by each other in class and they still have the audacity to talk shit😭. they weren't even slick either you could clearly hear them but they thought you couldn't.
but one day things changed. they were struggling in algebra so you decided to help them. out of the kindness of your heart? no. the teacher told you to help them. this was the moment that would change everything.
y/n: "hi do you need some help it looks like you guys are struggling"
kyle: "no were fine we don't need your help"
stan: "yeah dude you can go away, kyle is way smarter than you we don't need you"
kyle: "yeah that's right i'm smarter than you punk so you can go away now🤓"
y/n: "ok kyle why did you pick 'd' instead of 'c' for number 1🥱"
y/n: "ah look at that so you need my help after all"
stan and kyle: "smart ass"
y/n: "what was that hm?"
kyle: "smart class"
stan: "y-yeah we have a smart class😇"
y/n: "i know you guys talk shit about me don't think your so slick"
stan and kyle: 😮😮
they stopped talking bad about you. since you found out you started "helping" them more and they both started getting to know you better. even though they still had their attitude. and with all that helping there formed a friendship<3.
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how cartman and kenny met you:
you also met them senior year. you however only met them because you decided to ditch class and do your business under the bleachers. both of them have seen you in class and they know your smart. they just didn't really care about you though.
*you walk over to the bleachers*
cartman: "oh shit teachers, RUN KENNY'
y/n: "im not a teacher wtf😭 "
they got scared there for a minute. but they weren't anymore until they recognized your annoying voice. cartman and kenny also thought you would never ditch class because your so smart🤨. (they were generally surprised)
cartman: "sorry there's no nerdy bitches allowed😘"
kenny: "you can be my nerdy bitch😏"
y/n: "and that's why your moms should've swallowed both of you when she had the chance."
cartman: 😮
kenny: "HAHAHAH" *bros tryna get into them baggy jeans💀*
cartman: "what the hell are you even doing here"
y/n: "no what are you doing here🤨"
cartman: "ditching class duh you dumb slut🙄"
y/n: "ok tubby well i need both of you to leave"
kenny: "why🥹"
y/n: "don't worry about it"
kenny: "YES MA'AM😍"
unfortunately they stayed because they're nosy as hell. anyways after they both saw you make money by doing peoples homework. they had mad respect for you. cartman was even a bit jealous that you came up with so much money. kenny on the other hand was wondering if you provide other types of services🤔.
cartman: " here y/n take this why don't we talk for a bit"
y/n: "are these crushed up smarties🤨"
kenny: "ya you can smoke em' or snort em' "
y/n: "y'all can't afford the real stuff💀?"
cartman: "so about your services, i'd like to be your manager i can make you stronger and smarter"
y/n: "do you have a gpa of 4.0"
kenny: "does 2.8 count"
cartman: "kenny stfu im tryna make us some money here"
cartman: "anyways so-"
after talking with them you agreed. but little did know that agreement was gonna be a long one. both of them truly admired your hard work and at some point it wasn't about the money. they really just liked hanging out with you😭.
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jo-harrington · 2 years
Closing Time (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie watches the reader slay a dragon. (Reader works at Claire's in StarCourt and deals with a shitty customer before closing the store.)
Previous Part: Leave of Absence
Warnings/Themes: Semi-established relationship (friendship? Eddie isn’t sure what they are either), fluffy. Reader is not a Hawkins native, but it's kind of just implied. Eddie is a romantic boy and makes everything fantastical in that silly head of his. Also he makes a crude (ish?) joke. Typical teenage boy/young adult stuff. Nothing crazy,
Note: This is my first drabble I'm actually posting. (I haven't written actual fics in a hot minute, only headcanons). I hope it's good, but it really was an opportunity for me to get my frustrations out after work in a store for the first time in 2 years since I moved to corporate. And I kind of liked it so I might write more. (Therapy who?)
(Future Jo here...You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.)
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
"Ma'am, I'm sorry that this is confusing, but it's store policy."
"Then I'd like to speak to the store manager."
"I am the store manager," you explained, smile dropping right off your face only to be replaced by a cool mask of indifference.
Eddie stood just outside of the store, leaning against a railing that overlooked the Food Court, and watched you. It was a Sunday, which meant the mall was closed early, and all of the stores were dark except for yours. The gate was halfway down, but he could still see the tenacity--the ferocity--in your eyes as you dealt with an unruly customer and it took everything in him to ignore the little shiver that went up his spine.
When Eddie first gotten a job at Tape World, he had briefly wondered if it was a mistake. He had mostly been given closing shifts to offset gigs at the Hideout on Tuesdays and Hellfire on Fridays. Not to mention school once it was back in session. And seeing how closing shifts meant he was missing out at the opportunity to be dealing at local parties over the summer...well he didn't need to pass algebra to know it was costing him some potentially serious cash.
But the pay at Tape World wasn't awful and it was steady. Wayne seemed to be proud of him for finally having a steady job, despite the assurance that he would always be proud of Eddie. The discount was nice, and his manager let him promote Corroded Coffin shows at the counter.
And then there was you.
At first glance, it didn't make sense to anyone. You with your pastel purple name tag, mega-watt smile, trendy clothes, and stacks of scrunchies. And Eddie with his alleged devil-worshipping, superior taste in music, non-conformity, and hair wild either from too much head banging or the single window AC unit in his trailer. Shit, even he didn't understand it in the beginning; he thought you were everything he said he hated.
But you weren't.
Just like he wasn't everything the entire town said he was either.
Instead he found someone who was just like him, only sort of not at all, with your own flock of lost little bedazzled, pastel and neon sheep that you were protective of. You were a misunderstood soul, a compassionate leader, and one of the most patient people he ever met.
Except for right this minute.
The lights in the mall itself started to dim and the music went silent. Yet, there you still stood in front of one of the local PTA moms as she complained about a return.
She had already been in the store when Eddie arrived to meet you at the end of your shift. (Sunday nights were your...well, Eddie didn't know what to call them. Not date nights; not yet at least.) And you had given him one quick, apologetic glance over her shoulder before you geared up for battle.
But Eddie had been watching as your mood devolved ever since, and you went from understanding, to annoyed, to fuming. And here you were now, looking as though you could singlehandedly manifest a pit to open up beneath Loudmouth Linda to swallow her whole if she carried on with her rant.
And it was kind of hot.
Eddie wouldn't consider himself someone who thought anger was sexy. It was scary. He had seen the way his father would get angry over the most minor things and it stayed with him his entire life. He would freeze, even at the most minor indication that anger was being directed towards him. From his father, from a teacher, from Officer Callahan--although Hopper was usually there to rescue him from that one.
It was different when it came to bullies at school or the townies that spoke in hushed tones when he passed them by. He could stand up to the jocks and the popular kids that pushed him and his friends around. He could ignore the scathing looks from the busybodies at the grocery store. And as much as it hurt to be cast away by almost everyone he met for years, he knew that it wasn't anger--actually he wasn't sure what it was, really--that caused them to do those things.
Just like it wasn't really anger that fueled your fight for the past fifteen minutes. It was purely righteous indignation as you were attacked by this absolute dragon of a woman.
Deep down, he wished he could be your savior, having dealt with the spitting venom of these townies before on numerous occasions. But you were no damsel, and this wasn't your first battle either. You took every insult with grace, every octave of a raised voice was met with an equally raised voice before going back to calm. You verbally jousted, using every trick in your book, and when they didn't work...
"Once again it is against the policy of StarCourt Mall to have customers in the building this late past close and I will have to call Mall Security to come and escort you out regardless of your choice ma'am. So we can either proceed with your return and you get the money back that you paid and not a cent more or I tell my staff and security that you are no longer welcome in this place of business. And security will have to take your picture as they escort you out."
...You simply slayed the beast. With a smile. Although Eddie believed you were actually just baring your teeth in warning.
There was that shiver up his spine again, and were those goosebumps on his arms?
He sort of hoped to be on the receiving end of those teeth sometime soon.
Regardless, your customer was left speechless as you processed her return and called security to escort her to the exit. Eddie smiled smugly as they passed him by.
It didn't take long for the lights of your store to finally shut and for you to duck under the gate before locking it.
He didn't even get a chance to congratulate you on your victory and tell you how absolutely epic you were before you were walking face first into his chest and sighing as your arms went around his waist in a hug.
“Hey,” he chuckled and put his arms around you, one hand instantly rubbing up and down your back.
“Hi.” Your reply was muffled and you squeezed him a bit harder.
"Y'ok there?"
"Yeah," you responded quietly and rubbed your cheek against his t-shirt. “You wanna get DQ?” You looked up at him for a second.
“I could use a blizzard,” he agreed.
“Cool,” you sighed and settled back against him. “People suck.”
“They do.”
The two of you stayed like that in relative silence for a few minutes and as much as Eddie wanted to go on--to tell you that the lady was out of line, that she was entitled, and that he could never handle it as smoothly as you did--he knew that wasn't what you needed right now.
He momentarily wondered that it wasn't all bad, not being your knight, when he could instead be the home you returned to after battle.
And he would happily do it, even if you never asked him to.
"You know," he finally broke the silence. "I've heard people threaten to call security many times. Mostly on the receiving end, sometimes as an innocent bystander."
"Oh yeah?" You finally looked up at him, nose wrinkling with a smile.
"But I think that was the first time it almost gave me a boner," he admitted.
"Eddie!" you pushed away from him and slapped his arms as you laughed, eyes shining with joy. Your worries were not forgotten, he knew, merely smoothed over by, hopefully, your adoration for him. "You fucking perv!"
"I said almost," he defended.
He would be there. Happily.
Next Part: Team Building
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perfectfangirl · 4 months
notes after rewatching fallout s1 ep3
• almost certain that is sugarfoot cooper is dismounting in the scene from the movie he is filming 🥲 • the film cooper was filming here is called "the man from deadhorse", a clear play on the concept of "beating a dead horse" • just realized he [presumably] shot the bad guy character twice • i also noticed that the duster the bad guy character is wearing looks an awful lot like the duster cooper wears as the character he “plays” in the wasteland to cope. is... cooper playing a bad guy character based off one of his movies?? • saw a couple of different variations of "feo, fuerte, y formal" [all saying mostly the same thing] cooper says "he was ugly, strong, and had dignity" wikitionary says it denotes a conception of masculinity. very curious about this these words and the scene because cooper is obviously viewed as a concept of masculinity in hollywood, to the point where he's being asked to essentially engage in statecraft via propaganda as this movie scene is making his character do something completely antithetical--- killing the bad guy instead of solving another way, he basically says a line about "commies" then shoots the him in the head
• what's more is that some are viewing the three concepts of "ugly, strong, dignity" to mean either a variation of cooper, lucy, and maximus or of cooper himself, didn't even think of this and it's a particular interesting trichotomy of cooper pre and post war • "well, joey, i'll give you two out of three on that front" and now i don't know which two out of three • cooper goes out of his way to thank the actor jorge for playing the bad guy in his film • cooper presumably read the script, probably had a table read, rehearsal, and still didn't want to film his good guy character killing the bad guy [perhaps after cadillac bob got fired, there were rewrites and cooper was not told until then] out of context, this is charming, he values his characters so much that they mirror his own values [walton has argued with writers, directors, actors about his characters too!] but in context, it is either the beginning or yet another chapter is cooper's conflicting and morally challenging struggle of "right" and "wrong" in this show • need to know more about cadillac bob! he was doing the moral good type of writing on cooper's programs and i am curious if the firing was an ousting [as being labeled a communist is career over here] because the wiki says he was fired for refusing to write this storyline for the "new america" and then they wrote this character change for cooper to have a firmer anticommunist stance to influence the public. cooper wants to change the scene so bad, he asks for a writer and i find it amusing the director thinks doing a 180° on his character would be good because "the audience knows you're a good man. they want to see that even a good man as yourself can be driven too far sometimes" idk but this is about all the horseshit i can take • [this is precisely post war cooper's arc and character if that wasn't obvious enough] • enter barb. i love the sensual "married couple flirting like strangers" energy behind this scene • lavender flowers are supposed to represent purity, silence, grace, devotion, serenity, calmness--- just a little something for you romance girlies to think about with this scene • "tastes like someone touching you for the first time" and they make it a point to show cooper and barb's hands and cooper purposefully touching barb's fingers as they exchange the candy • hands and fingers seem to be important motifs here and it also seems like hands and fingers are particularly worthy of note for cooper • they kiss each other and they're like "sorry, makeup" and "sorry, lipstick" 😭 • looks like barb secured cooper some vault tec contracts • cooper winds up on siggi's headless body and i can almost see the algebra and trigonometry floating around his brain trying to make heads or tails of this shit • from my understanding, there's no chems that keep a ghoul from going feral within the game universe but there are chems that can and have turned people into ghouls, i see speculation that cooper may have a chem addiction and what we see are withdrawal symptoms, as when lucy finds him outside the super duper mart, he's still on the ground and not acting much feral but [of course coughing, drooling, etc could be the show's symptoms for ferality] i digress • almost think because it's dry and arid af out there, that's why he need a chem
• literally howling because of how lucy was handling siggi's head, she got over the shock and disgust quick 😭 • lucy is crazy for lighting another [camp]fire at night like that • lucy putting a tracker on siggi's head was smart though • lmao did the brotherhood of steel not know lord titus' regular speaking voice or • maximus lying to the brotherhood of steel, maximus selling his teeth for caps instead of literally anything else, maximus thinking he can leave his power suit uncovered and unattended without it being pulled for scrap--- like lord, maximus, please make a sensible step 😫 • the voice modulator mechanic person was very sci fi though • took me a second watch to realize maximus' tooth extraction resulted in a bit of a lisp glfgd • not maximus getting bullied again 😭 • maximus getting a wrench and toilet seat and beating the shit out of them wastelanders with them rotf • crushed that man's head like a watermelon❤️ • thaddeus being sent to inadvertently squire for someone he helped bully is his karma lol • "remnant from the old world" directly implying the enclave is a continuation of the us government • lucy arriving on the serene scene of a fawn near a lake where hollywood boulevard once stood [lucy being a parallel of the innocent doe, doe eyed, and this is bambi ok 🥲] • an undamaged, normal appearing fawn representing beauty and purity can grow in the wasteland and then it being snatched by a gulper likewise demonstrating that it can all be taken away in a blink of an eye • lucy once again being crazy for walking around with the barely contained rotting head, like of course the abomination snatched that too 😭 • cooper conveniently appearing with a cocked gun in her face and she just smiles and says "hello again" like excuse me?? 😭 • cooper's head tilt gets me every time, oof • he ain't have to lightly pistol whip her like that 😭 • lmao poor chet • betty to some degree i keep wondering if she knows extensively about the vaults of 31, 32, 33 or if she is just doing what she is told • norm using the word "escape" instead of perhaps "leave" when describing lucy's departure from vault 33 is intriguing, i think • it took me a minute, and i don't think i've seen much talk about this but i legitimately think norm's lack of enthusiasm and drive for life in the vault is directly connected to his mother's death but i have seen no clear age for him--- they don't show his memories like they do lucy's and i would want an explanation or exploration on his lore here because... he already uncovered vault 31's secret but i don't think he knows what hank has done and him finding out will be huge as well like for lucy • norm is rightfully angry at the raiders for what they did but i am almost willing to bet he might be implicated in their poisonings as a diversion tactic by someone like betty but it's all just a theory [a film theory gldfgldfl] • because someone in the fucking kitchen and handling the food poisoned them raiders... • ghoul prejudice being loud and clear and amongst the brotherhood of steel 😭 • ghouls leaving radiation trails is insane • lmao maximus and thaddeus coming upon siggi's headless body and then trying to compare his mugshot • maximus thinking it was the ghoul who beheaded siggi when it was lucy at siggi's request lol • dogmeat barking up a storm because she wanted cooper's foolishness upon lucy to cease • "you know, they use to do these things called "studies"" like lucy doesn't know what a study is? she's a teacher! 😭 • rads going up because of the water or cooper or both? • ok so i now get why when lucy told cooper torture was wrong that he went into a whole spiel--- not only was cooper in the military but for thirty years post war, dom pedro kept him in a coffin confined on an iv drip to keep him alive but would dig him up and slice pieces of him off and then put him back. cooper's behaviour using her as bait [but not torture] is of course not excusable but cooper is coming from a deep place of hurt and bitterness, this monster was whittled
• cooper goes on to say "it made sense. i mean a man hurts me, i wouldn't want to do him any favours. and yet the practice of torture failed to vanish from the earth. in fact, as time marched on, i've personally noticed a decided uptick in the amount of torture being doled out across the board." oh, cooper 😞 • he says this as he picks what looks like giant leeches off lucy [didn't have to do that] • "well, i ain't torturing you, sweetheart" here go the first instance of familiarity with a patronising pet name in the style of cowboyism and southerness gldgldlf • almost looked like lucy started cooperating when cooper told her he was using her as bait gldgldl • ok so it looks like cooper cut the rope? so lucy could get free i guess idk but then the gulper got ahold of the anchor so he couldn't reel it back? [not sure, anyways, he botched this lmao] • he starts striking at the gulper with what looks like a harpoon i guess when it catches lucy's leg [could've definitely let her get ate but didn't] • lucy basically saves herself with dogmeat biting the gulper and scaring it off • cooper empties lucy's bag and destroys her stuff so it's only right cooper's karma is his vials getting smashed in the process of using lucy for bait lol • cooper getting mad and taking out his gun and cocking it at lucy like it was her fault his shit got smashed 😭 • "oh, i'm sorry, i should just let you use me as bait in the poison river!?" the way she says it always almost brings a tear to my eyes like get his ass 😭 • for the first time in the show, cooper realises he was wrong and/or messed up [and to his detriment] • lucy protests her treatment, "do unto others as you would have done unto you" and cooper starts mumbling to himself "those gulpers digest real slow. you got time." because he already going through withdrawals, help • so he ties her up like a dog and says the wasteland got its own rule and it's "thou shalt get distracted by bullshit every goddamn time" 😭 this is so a reference to gameplay and how they themselves are going on a fucking side quest lmao • lucy asking about dogmeat 😢 dogmeat staying because that gulper has siggi's head ☹️
• lmao maximus masquerading as lord titus asking thaddeus to say something about him • you know? it's good writing to me to explain why a [secondary] character would bully or behave as thaddeus has to maximus--- he's not merely a side character and wanted to say nothing but nice things about maximus when he thought he died, i'll give him that • "we can judge a person and a society by how they treat their enemy" goes boom because of the game lore and also because somebody kills all those raider prisoners lol • this disconnect between the vault dwellers and wastelanders--- they're talking about teaching these people shakespeare when some of them eat people for survival • norm wants the raiders to die and they keep showing steph and this might be a red herring but i think she poisoned them mfs, personally • hmm why does steph know what hank would do in this situation like that flgdlgdl • maximus trying to protect thaddeus from danger • thaddeus calling cooper an abomination because he's a ghoul 😭🖐️ • the little scream thaddeus makes as the gulper gets him ❤️ • dogmeat really loved siggi ☹️ • cooper and lucy walking near an incinerated hollywood tour bus is so lmao why cooper walk past that • at first i thought cooper was displaying cruelty by not letting lucy drink his water but then it occurred to me it might be irradiated, the next scene with water like this, she gets sick from radiation from drinking water • lmao when he emptied the last drops of water in his canteen out in the sand in front of her 😭 • "ain't much stays clean up here, vaulty" he is talking about himself • lucy gazing at a billboard of vault boy, cooper shooting the face, then they cut to vault boy's origins being cooper--- • symbolism and parallels like this can kill a man but i did want to just say there's so many layers to this. to be short he has such contempt, shame for what he thinks he's done, people hundreds of years later worship this thing that represents the end of civilization and he feels responsibility because he was deceived as well. lucy none the wiser. she just thinks he's crazy and horrible for no reason. if only she knew. • the road to hell is paved with good intentions
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idk6123 · 10 days
The Perfect Student & The Delinquent (Mickey Milkovich X Male Reader)
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Mickey never have been one for doing homework, or just doing anything school related at all. Some people call him stupid because of that, but he just doesn’t care. He knows how to make money and that is enough for him. He’s done with school, but school isn’t done with him. And this is school we’re talking about; they’re going to bother him about it by shoving the responsibility to someone else.
That’s when Y/N appears, one of the best students in the school. Mickey knew him. He’s a quiet kid. He didn’t find him annoying enough to beat him up, or rich enough to steal from. Thus, they never interact. However, that all starts one day, when the school hold Y/N responsible for getting Mickey’s grade up. Feeling screwed, he’s going to help Mickey without having much motivation.
“How the fuck should I suppose to know how algebra works!?”
“Maybe you know when you come to fucking class!”
“Maybe if you cut some class, you realize that’s the best way to not get your ass kicked!”
That’s when Y/N hold Mickey in a position that the punk can’t counterattack. Feeling his face against the floor, he looks at the side of eyes and look up to see Y/N, sitting on his body.
“You look like you want to fuck me.”
“Yeah, fuck you over if you don’t shut the fuck up and do your homework.”
To be honest, Mickey is quite surprised that Y/N isn’t the quiet kid he expected him to be. He thought the top student was some shy, timid guy that only wants to do homework, not a martial artist that has no time for bullshit.
“So, you want to lie down while I’m on top off you, or do you want to do something useful?”
Mickey scoffs. “Fine. Get your fat ass off me.”
“At least I got a nice ass.”
They sit down again at the couch and recontinue Mickey’s homework. As Y/N guides him, he notices how much Mickey is struggling with math, causing some frustration. Even after math, Mickey is struggling with almost every subject. English, chemistry, biology, you name it. Y/N bets the only class he can do is PE.
As Mickey continues to struggle on the task, Y/N can tell he’s going to burst out in anger anytime soon. “Let’s take a break.” Mickey looks back, staying quiet. “Got somethin’ to drink?”
“Beer is in the fridge.” Mickey answers. Y/N stands up and heads to the kitchen. “Grab one for me.”
Y/N does that, bringing back two beers. He hands one over to Mickey. After they pop off the caps, they both take a sip at the same time.
“Are you some masochist for doing this shit?”
“Nope. Just someone who hopes for a big job and get rich.” Y/N responds. “Get in a good college first though. You?”
“I just steal the money. We should stay in contact, just in case you get rich.”
Y/N chuckles. “Any chance you get any money from me if you’re either my husband or my sugar baby.”
“That’s a hard pass.”
For the rest of the day, after having their break, Y/N helped Mickey, tutoring him in about every subject. That being said, it doesn’t look bright.
It’s another day where Y/N helps Mickey. The straight A student made sure to reflect why Mickey isn’t doing well, not wanting to write it off with him just being dumb. Thus, after changing the homework just a bit, he manages to do something that may help Mickey.
“’In a week, your crew makes these many drug deals: 7, 5, 8, 6, 9, 4, 10. What's the median number of deals?’” This is the first question Mickey read, only thinking what happened to his homework. “What the hell is this?”
“I’m helping you. Now you can use math in your future business.” Y/N responds. “Now, try to figure it out.”
Mickey then looks back at the paper. For whatever reason, he appears he knows what he’s actually doing. He doesn’t look confused, instead he looks focused. “7 deals.”
“Right!” Y/N is happy Mickey finally got something right. “Now to the next.”
“’You got two weapons suppliers. One brings you 2x units and the other brings 3x units. If x is 5, how many total units you got?’” Mickey looks back at his tutor. “25 units.”
“Holy-” Y/N is surprised how well things are going. “Write down the solution.” Without any fuss, Mickey writes down the solution. Afterwards, he gives the paper back at Y/N. “Correct.”
Mickey smirks, grabbing the paper back. “And here people thought I was some dumbass.”
“Well, you proved them wrong.”
Now that every question is changed into a language into something Mickey comprehends, the speed of doing his homework changed from an entire day into 2 hours, with most of the time the questions correctly answered.
“’If you take a hit and your arm’s bleeding, which system in your body rushes to patch up the hole?’ The circulatory system.”
“’You got a new batch of goods, and you see the demand go up. If you usually move 50 units at $20 each, but now you can push 70 units at the same price, what’s the total revenue now?’ $1400.”
“If you're 'running' from the police, how do you say, 'we run' in Spanish?”
"Nosotros corremos"
Times passes quickly as Mickey completes his homework. After doing so, Y/N is wondering what kind of grade he gets. And it turns out he managed to get a…
Mickey looks surprised. “In total?”
“Yeah.” Y/N looks happy for his classmate. “You did great. Now you have to rely on regular questions, or you have to use your fantasy to turn it in something fun.”
“Do the second one.” Mickey answers. “To be honest, I’m surprised school can help me in my future.”
“The future full of crime.”
“Yep, and I give all the credit to you, not those assholes.” Mickey refers to the teachers without shame.
Y/N smirks. “They really are assholes. They black mailed me to tutor you, y’know?”
“They did?” Mickey is surprised, thinking it’s ridiculous. “Fucking bastards…” He then thought of something. “We should get revenge.”
“Whaddaya mean? You talking about a school shootin’ or somethin’?”
“No, just destroying the principal’s office. And for good sake, his car.”
Y/N thought about it, not declining the idea at first, causing Mickey to smile with glee. Feeling like he wants to bite back, the usually good student caves in. “Only after you ace your tests.”
Mickey offers a fist-Bumb, which Y/N accepts. “Deal.”
Y/N awaits outside of the classroom, wanting to see Mickey after finishing his last test. As Y/N daydream off, his eyes suddenly went wide awake when Mickey gets out of the classroom with a smirk on his face.
“Not a problem.”
“Nice.” Y/N offers a high-five, which Mickey accepts.
“Now it’s for me to help your ass.” Mickey gestures his friend to follow him. They get to his locker, where Y/N sees multiple tools of destructions in the locker. “You’re backing down?”
Y/N grabs a hammer, checking it out. “Nah, they need to learn to not mess with me.”
Mickey looks proud. “Glad you’re not a pussy.”
After gathering their equipment, they get to the principal office. They see it’s empty, though locked. Using his lock-picks, Mickey opens the door, causing them to get access in the office. They look around, with Mickey looking back at his new delinquent friend.
“Want to do the first honour?”
Y/N holds the hammer tighter, with his eyes locking on the pc. With a heavy slam, the computer receives a massive hole, following up with another slam and another one. That’s when Y/N grabs what remained and throws it aside to stomp on it.
“There you go!” Mickey looks excited. He then gets to the desk, where he takes out all of the drawers to throw it away. “Let’s go wild!”
Chaos enfolds the entire room, as the two delinquents destroy the entire office. The shelves broken on the floor. All the files ruined and ripped apart. The chair being thorn into two. They even tagged the wall with a penis.
“You have a talent for making very gorgeous dicks.”
Mickey chuckles. “Naturally born talent.” He looks back at his friend. “And now we have made our territory.”
“Like a dog?”
“Yep.” Mickey hands move to his pants to unbuckle. He notices Y/N just standing. “You’re not joining?”
“I just think we should aim higher.”
“Like a shit?”
“No.” Y/N looks back at the desk. “Think anyone ever cummed on the desk?”
Mickey stops what he’s doing and looks back. “You want to fuck on the desk?”
“I don’t mean together.” Y/N clarifies himself, thinking Mickey is straight. “We could have turns jerking off.”
Mickey then just smirks. “Not the best time wise. It’s better we do it at once.”
That’s when Mickey gets to Y/N to ambush him with a kiss, though surprised for a second, he quickly kisses back. The two guys quickly move to the table, where both guys begin undressing each other to take the ultimate insult.
“I think we’ve done enough orgies.”
“When is enough enough?” Mickey responds back.
They just stole the principle’s car and park it somewhere isolated, where Y/N and Mickey send another message from inside the car, multiple times.
Both guys are sitting in the front seat, where they chat as they’re covered in each other’s clothing.
“Well, I’m tired.”
“Of sex?”
“Yeah, l like it more dispersed.” Y/N grabs his boxers and put them on. “You’re one freaky shit to be able to have sex so many rounds.”
“Thanks.” Mickey merely responds. “There is more where that came from.”
Y/N hums. He grabs his t-shirt to put it on. As he does, he looks back at the guy next to him. “You’re staying naked?”
“I’m still up for one more round.”
“You really are a degenerate.” Y/N chuckles. “Well, the longer we stay here, the quicker the principle notices his car gone missing and the cops to find us.”
Mickey hums and think about it. “Right, I can’t really afford that.” That’s when he starts dressing up too.
“We can always do it another time.”
Mickey looks back to see a smirking man, giving him a smirk back. “I like the sound of that.”
“Got a B for math.��� Mickey announces when Y/N walked in his house.
“Nice going.” Y/N looks proud. “And nice for me for being such a good and perfect teacher.”
“I wanna make a remark but consider the rest of my grades are all great, I let it pass.” Mickey goes to the fridge to grab a beer for him and Y/N. “Did you hear about principle shitface?”
Y/N smirks. “What about him?”
Mickey goes back to Y/N to hand over a beer. “Wasn’t too fond to discover cum on his desk, as well in his car.”
“Nice.” Y/N laughs. He put up his beer. “Fuck the principle!”
“Fuck the principle!”
Mickey and Y/N both cheer, celebrating their victorious, whether it’s from Mickey getting good grades, or Y/N standing up for himself, or their new find friendship that will turn into something more.
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lethxia · 3 months
mic headcanons. tw for graphic language. maybe self-harm. definitely self hatred. //
hizashi doesn’t deal well with silence. this sticks with him for all thirty one and counting years of his life.
it’s not hard to tell given his disposition, but it’s really not like that. not as shallow as “it’s like he can’t fucking stay quiet—” “jesus christ, yamada, give it a rest,” “youd be easier to like if you just /shut up/.”
if only it were surface-level.
if only it didnt cut as deep.
hes /made/ of sound, born with it, his heartbeat his adrenaline the hum of blood in his veins and his quirk. his voice. all he amounts to, some days.
he learns a simple fact at age three, seven, sixteen, twenty two—that is to say, he internalises this lesson like a set of beliefs to live by, every single time he /slips/.
calling them that is cruel. a slip up, an honest mistake, whatever. too casual for what he actually does.
what doesn’t change is that he learns he carries destruction like a shadow. this fact is plain, clean-cut. obvious, to anyone’s who’s looking.
(and everyone is. blood on his hands. his algebra homework sullied by red, and his ears—he can’t hear. his teachers. his classmates. his friends—/not anymore/. everybody. looking at him. fear and anger evident in their eyes.)
(and he’s scared, he’s /so scared/, but what do you do when the cause for fear is yourself? when it lives within you? when the only way to absolve yourself of that responsibility falls just short of taking a knife to your own throat and letting the damage pour out?)
it’s his nature, he thinks, ears still ringing from the aftershock ten years too late. he hurts people. just his /nature./
he hates it.
standing in the rain, he thinks, absurdly, that he should’ve died here. wishes that it was him instead, pinned down by shards of concrete.
as if he could ever be beautiful enough to immortalise.
as if he believed the destruction wouldn’t follow him here. the first time he’d been given the tools to control his quirk, control himself, instead of scraping together some semblance of it with bloody, bare hands.
as if he was ever worth the cost it takes for existence.
hizashi stands there in the rain, age sixteen. he doesn’t want to leave. he does, anyways, because like all things leading up to this moment, he doesn’t have a choice.
silence follows him for the next few months. it kills him a little, more and more until one day he’s shaking, staring up at the ceiling and aizawa is bleeding from the ears, a trickle of blood running down his chin.
/shit,/ he thinks, throat sore. not like aizawa can hear him.
(but he hasn’t felt alive in so long, and like this, the oxygen in his lungs and panic singing in his skull, it’s like silence can never touch him again.
and he hates himself for it all over again. )
so he learns, relearns, tries again and again to accommodate both silence and his own quirk.
silence, because people die without it. his quirk, because he’s nothing without it.
another type of death. (maybe it’s a fair trade, his life for others. he knows what his pick is.)
he’s thirty now, the oldest he ever has been, his hair his style his rocking dj persona, everything so carefully cultivated to project the image of “harmless”. he’s proud of it. wears it like clothing, like a noose around his neck, like a muzzle. he’s proud of all he’s achieved.
but it always goes something like this.
the lights are off. it’s quiet, entirely silent, save for his own breathing. (god, when will that stop—)
he’s crying. he can’t feel his jaw from how hard he’s clenching it /shut./ his hand over his own mouth, cutting off breathing.
he’s thirty, for gods sake, and he hasn’t “slipped” for a decade, but—
(aizawa, in the hospital bed. his skin almost as pale as the sheets. the doctor saying that it’s unsure if erasure is intact.)
jesus christ.
he squeezes his eyes shut.
silence. ten minutes of it. just ten minutes. enough for him to unpack all of that and shove it back /down/. he feels the youngest he’s ever been.
he drags aizawa out to the sports festival, after that. its easy, undemanding, to play up his persona and smile for the audience like he doesn’t have the ability to kill them all with one word. aizawa doesn’t flinch at his volume. he tells himself that this is contentment.
he drags aizawa out to the sports festival, after that. its easy, undemanding, to play up his persona and smile for the audience like he doesn’t have the ability to kill them all with one word. aizawa doesn’t flinch at his volume. he tells himself that this is contentment.
he doesn’t do well with silence. it’s trained into him all the same.
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andiv3r · 9 months
So. I need to make a whole post about lots of things but I've decided that dermatillomania is one of them. Cw for blood and lots of skin-picking stuff below.
Story time. I remember in eighth grade, my religion teacher pulled me out into the halls to talk to me, and my first thought was, "Oh shit, another one," because the previous religion teacher had put me through hell and back for being queer (which was information I had not even shared with her). I braced to have an awkward conversation about my love life and gender identity for the second time in two years. Instead, she pointed at my arm.
"What's that?" She asked. I glanced down at my arms, covered in scabs, red and radiating heat from where I'd been picking for hours. "Your skin, I mean. Why is it... like that?"
Oh. Right. She was new. She didn't know.
"Genetic skin condition." I replied. "It's not really that bad on its own, but I pick at it whenever I'm nervous or upset or sad or bored or... just kind of whenever." She opened her mouth and I interrupted before she could say it. "I've tried to stop, and I've tried wearing long sleeves, and I've tried medicine, and I keep my nails short, but it doesn't help, so... yeah. Don't worry about it. It's not contagious or anything, it's genetic."
Her face scrunched into a frown, but she didn't say anything else and told me to return to my English class. I did.
Later that day, I had to go to Science class. The worst of them, at least in terms of places I picked at my arms. The teacher was nice enough, but I fucking hated science as a class. So, while everyone else was taking notes, I ran my hand along my arms. They were warm. Wet in some places, from the blood that had pooled around some bumps. But most of all, they were so... bumpy. So easy to just... pinch. Squeeze. Scratch.
I walked out of Science class that day with my left arm covered in bloody spots. Shit. My mom was gonna kill me.
Don't think about her.
Don't do it, or else you'll get nervous, and when you get nervous you-
Too late. The fingers that had been rhythmically tapping my desk in Pre-Algebra were now tracing my jawline, searching for...
Ah. There.
Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch. Move my fingers up a bit to my cheek. Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch. Move. Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch. Move. Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch. Move, pinch, squeeze, scratch, move, pinch, squeeze, sc-
"[deadname], your face is bleeding!" I jerked my hands away from my face and stared down at my fingers, their tips stained crimson. So it was.
"Ah. Yeah. D'you have a kleenex?" I replied to the alarmed blond beside me.
"Uh... yeah." He passed one over with a frown. He knew about my skin-picking, so I'm not sure why he was so surprised. Maybe it was the blood. I licked my fingers, wetting them so that the blood would come off. It didn't.
The bell rang.
I swung my backpack onto my back and felt the fabric rub against my raw and open skin.
Well that fucking hurts, but I did it to myself, so I ignored it. I could've just stopped picking, as my mother so often reminded me. I should've just stopped.
I mean, it's not like I had some mental condition I didn't know about that was fueling this, right?
When my mom picked me up from after hours that day, both of my arms were red, both from blood and inflammation. Scabs littered every place in my skin that I could reach. The first thing she did was pull up my sleeve and her frown turned into a scowl.
"Really, [deadname]? Seriously? After all I told you about how that's horrible for your skin? Do you want to be so ugly no boy will want to date you?"
That did sound pleasant, actually, but I didn't need to tell her that. Besides, that wasn't why I was doing it. To be honest, there wasn't really a why. I didn't even realize I was doing it, usually, until I had. I zoned out as she ranted about how I'd never be able to wear a swimsuit, I would have permanent scars, and as I did, my left hand trailed up my arm, grazing the warm, itchy, painful bumps.
Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch.
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CGWH spaces
As I was reading May's book and was about to enter the realms of homotopy theory, I was stopped by a chapter on point-set topology. I didn't entirely understand the point of this detour but the author insisted that one would truly appreciate it later. But, my curiosity didn't let me be, so I read around it and here's what I found.
1. What is happening?
So, apparently, for various reasons, the category of topological spaces (Top) is not nice enough to work with in homotopy theory (I will try to give a couple of reasons). For a lot of results in homotopy theory, there are these weird topological spaces which don't satisfy them meaning we would have to impose additional conditions every time in the hypotheses.
Instead of doing that, topologists proposed considering a full subcategory of Top which is not too restrictive but also gets rid of these pathological spaces. So, what do we want this subcategory to satisfy?
2. Some Pathologies that arise
2.1 Product of CW complexes
CW complexes are the most important kind of spaces studied in homotopy theory. Essentially, any space can be reduced to a CW complex. I won't go into the construction of CW complexes here, but the issue with the product of CW complexes is that the natural CW decomposition (arising from the CW complex structure of the components) doesn't necessarily coincide with the categorical product of the CW complexes in Top.
So, one motivation could be to find a subcategory (which, of course, contains all CW complexes) where the CW product of CW complexes coincides with the product in that category.
2.2 Mapping spaces and adjoints
Another important class of spaces studied in homotopy theory is the set of continuous functions between two spaces X and Y (denoted as U(X,Y)). There is a conventional topology on this set (I don't know why it's the chosen one) called the compact-open topology. With this, we have a couple of important maps
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which are not continuous for all spaces.
Moreover, we have the following adjoint map
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which is a bijection for sure, but not necessarily a homeomorphism with our chosen topology on the mapping spaces.
With these motivations in mind, let's list down the axioms for the subcategory.
3. The Category of Spaces
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After a long search and coordinated efforts, topologists came up with the category of compactly generated weak Hausdorff spaces which satisfies all the axioms and provides a suitable framework to do homotopy theory.
4. The category of Compactly generated spaces
When I read the first part of this chapter in May's book, which was a bunch of (seemingly arbitrary) topological definitions, I thought I was screwed. Am I supposed to go back to these definitions every time I work with 'spaces' now? Well, not really.
At the categorical level, it's quite elegant and makes your life so much easier. Sure, you might want to think about the topology once in a while (like showing every cofibration is a closed embedding) but a lot of meaningful work can be done using the categorical properties of these spaces (I hope so).
I am not going to intimidate you by listing down the definitions (although it is amazing to me how people came up with this shit) but I do think it is worthwhile to go through the technical constructions at least once. I found the blog post by Dongryul Kim (which I have linked in the end) served this purpose.
Notes : In May's book however, he considers the category of compactly generated spaces as his category of interest. This category is not closed under colimits (which is why one had to add the weak Hausdorff part) but he claims that all the colimits that he will be considering in his book are in CG spaces.
I also think in the axioms, we just want it to be closed under small limits and colimits. Not sure about this.
Peter May's A concise course in Algebraic Topology
Jeffery Strom's Modern Classical Homotopy Theory
Dongryul Kim's blog post : link
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angryandethnic · 2 years
The Bear -High School AU
Carmen x Sydney.
Mikey recognizes when his baby brother needs a little push.
Idk y’all a meant for this to be the last one but I love the premise to much.
Oh shit Carm it’s your new giiiiirrrrlfriend.” Richie sing songs before ruffling Carmen’s hair. Carmen let out a muffled grunt trying desperately to remain composed, hide the way his heart is hammering against his chest the second he sees Sydney exit the snaking lunch line.
“Girlfriend?” Carmen can hear the mischief in Michael’s voice. A shit eating grin blooming across his brother’s face is never a good sign.
Carmen Berzatto knows he can not will himself out of existence. If he could he would have mastered it by now. During one of his parent knock down drag out fights about the resturant.
Or during the time Richie pulled down his pants freshman year in the hall.
Or the time Gracie, cringed and slowly stepped away from him. Refused to meet his eyes when he stuttered out that he “li-liked her” in 7th grade.
If there’s was a way to disappear he Carmen D’Angelo Berzatto would have mastered it by now. He’s sure of it.
Which is why Carm be knows he’s fucked. Magical teleportation out of his plane of existence unavailable. He has to settle for trying to slump down in his seat. The second Mikey’s big mouth hollers “Yo Syd” across the cafeteria, he can feel his face grow hot.
“She’s not my girlfriend. Jesus Mikey please. You know how Richie gets” Carmen knows instantly he’s screwed up. Revealed too much. Denied too adamantly and now Mikey can smell blood in the water. A shark that feasts on sibling embarrassment instead of smaller fish.
Sydney to her credit looks more confused than annoyed as she exits lunch line. Wondering what she possibly could have done to earn the attention of Michael Berzatto.
Sydney rolls her eyes but continues in Carmen’s direction. Apprehensive eyes as she worries her lip between her teeth.
Carmen remembers the plushness of that bottom lip well. Suddenly his brain forgets to panic, too focused on reliving the feel of Sydney pressed up against him sighing.His heart hammering and palms sweating Sydney approaches.
He can’t help but maintain eye contact, not sure which messages he’s trying relay with an unblinking stare and furrowed.
Save yourself, run away from whatever bullshit Mikey’s going to spin. Or Save me, from incoming hurricane Michael.
Sydney’s gaze ping-pongs back and forth between him, Michael and the empty seat between them. Carmen wants to offer her a seat, he wants to stand like a gentleman like his mom is always reminding him to be, he wants to kiss her the way he did in the cramped kitchen of her dads apartment , he wants to carry her lunch tray, he wants to offer her anything and everything.
When it comes to Sydney carmen finds that he wants and wants and wants.
“So how’s cakes and shit?” Richie waves his hand dismissively as Sydney sits down next to Carmen. The soft heat of her thigh against his feels hotter than any oven Carmen’s ever cooked with.
“ I don’t know , how’s retaking freshman algebra for the third time?” Sydney take a vicious bite out of her carrot with a triumph snap.
“Damn. I like her! Bear” Mikey claps a hand on Carmen’s shoulder and shakes it.
Sydney can’t help but give a shy smile and sly glance . Teasingly mouthing Bear, her nose crinkled inquisitively.
Carmen stares at the plastic table top and shrugs.
“Now Sydney. Why don’t you do us all a favor.” Mikey leans in conspiratorially , elbows on the table .
“Moms been cursed with only one handsome son, obviously” he motions to himself preening his face turned in profile. Sydney can’t help but see the similarities in the bumps of Michael’s and Carmen’s Roman noses.
“Oh fuck you Mikey” Carmen rolls his eyes his rebuke heartless.
“Anyways , my poor mother is going to have to deal with Carmen’s ugly mug in prom pictures.” Sydney makes a shocked noise , ready to interrupt in Carmen’s defense .
Undeterred Michael plows on
“The least you can do is be in the pictures with him, ya know. Girl as gorgeous as you would help pretty them up. Consider it an act of service. For my poor mother” Michael clutches his hand to heart and gives Sydney a wink.
“ Are you going to Prom Carm?” Sydney turns to address him directly. Ducking a bit to make him meet her eye. Refusing to let him hide.
They have a talent for seeing each other when no one else will.
“I was thinking about it, maybe . If you ya know…” Carmen feels himself trailing off. This feels all wrong, to small and hesitant.
She deserve more, roses, a grand gesture , shit Scottie Kulawski asked a girl out with on a god damn horse after school.
Carmen feels her hand cover his, stopping the swirling thought in their tracks. Her thumb rubbing small gentle circles over the top of his knuckles.
“ I’d love to. Pick me up at 6?” Sydney’s voice is soft and gentle in a way that sends shivers up Carmen’s spine.
“Uh yeah absolutely” Carmen can feel himself nodding dumbly. His hand tightening around hers. Bringing it to his lips without thinking, kissing it like a grateful pilgrim in the presence of a living saint.
Sydney leans in close her lips almost touching Carmen’s ear. The proximity of her chest to his slowly driving him insane. Carmen stares at the floor his ignoring the eyebrow raise from Michael.
“You better clean up nice Berzatto” Sydney croons before brushing a chaste kiss to his cheek before leaving the lunchroom.
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pyxy-styx · 10 months
1-40 u asked for it
Motherfucker, not again /hj
(I knew it was coming, I think it's funny)
1. Being homeschooled, having a very anxious father, having internet access at a very young age
2. It's a mess but sure
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3. Legally Blonde, Birds of Prey, Nightmare Before Christmas
4. "That’s so basic" in a weird accent (a reference to the show Inventing Anna on Netflix)
5. Boredom and the need for some form of social media that wasn't tiktok or Instagram
6. Best? Interacting with people who share similar interests. Worst? I don't really know tbh, there's a lot of small things that bother me, but nothing enough to deem them as the worst. I mostly just roll my eyes at most things and move on
7. We're skipping that one, that's deeper than I wanna get
8. Multiple, all vastly different, excluding the cast of characters which is usually about the same
9. I once managed to convince my sister I was a vampire, a werewolf, and a spy all in the same year. During the werewolf bit, I managed to make her believe that if she didn't do what I wanted, I would feed her to my pack. (This was revenge for her reading my diary)
10. Yes, I cry over basically everything and get annoyed very quickly over certain things
11. How dare you ask me about romance, I can barely define friendship /hj (I'm gonna be so real, the line between friendship and romance is very blurred to me)
12. Setting boundaries is the most important thing you can do, even if it makes people hate you. Do it anyway
13. Hiding in my room because the living room carpet is being cleaned and the smell made me nauseous
14. Going rock climbing
15. The house I grew up in
16. Fix my immune system so I can exist without almost dying every time the season changes
17. My wife/p, books, music
18. I believe in ghosts and aliens, real until proven otherwise
19. My friends are awake and I have people to bother
20. My siblings are asleep, and I get a lot more work done
21. Spiritual in what sense? Believing in God(s)? Kinda. I feel like all religions have it kind of right, with there being some sort of higher being and all, but I don't think it's just the one God. I'm more likely to believe that it's all of them instead of just the one, but ┐(゚~゚)┌
22. They're so smart and so kind and I wish that they'd give themself the same grace they give others
23. But what if I can't actually think of anyone that I hate?? What do I do then??
24. I finished five months worth of algebra schoolwork in a week once, that was pretty cool
25. Summer, I can do what I want without having to worry about dumb shit and I get to see my friends more often
26. Purple, it's just very pretty
27. Yes, 23 to be exact. I have a list
28. Books and random trinkets
29. Play music, hide in a corner
30. Unfortunately, my friends are wonderful people and make existing so much better without even trying (I should go and count how many times I bring my friends up lol)
31. Organized mess. I know where it is and that's all that matters
32. Like 6???? I'm not counting, that's work
33. I make bracelets and write occasionally
34. People trying to talk to you while you're wearing headphones and very obviously distracted by something
35. Unfortunately
36. The wall exists, but there's a secret passage that can be used if I decide I'm not gonna feel bad for explaining the whole thing
37. No secrets for you (`Д´ ) (I have no secrets that don't seem too extreme or that I want my cousin to see)
38. Thank God You Introduced Me to Your Sister by Sarah Barrios
39. Billzo. He's pretty cool and I hope he's doing well
40. I chew on my nails a lot, I'm getting better about it though. We traded that for clenching my jaw instead
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newmsies · 2 years
David Jacobs moved to where he is now when he was 15, he hated it at first because he had to leave his family for what? school? so his father could have a better job? that doesn't seem like enough of a reason to David. David Jacobs got in an ungodly amount of fights in school and once climbed into 1st period freshman Algebra 1 (as a sophomore, yes he's that bad at math don't @ me) through the window and everyone ignored it because it's normal because of course it's normal it's David, he's gone to school high, drunk, both, you name it he's gone to school with it. he almost failed out of high school in his freshman year and no one can figure out how, he did not go to gym class a single time throughout high school, he cursed out a teacher for accusing him of hitting another kid (which he totally did do he just wasn't gpnna get the shit for that so decided to get in shit for swearing instead) he was always arguing with his parents and was always in his room, Les was always in their parents bed and they would never interact but when they would David would make jokes on "Who's god damn Catholic child is that" because Les' full name is Leslie Carter Jacobs, i know this cause I'm right and he ALWAYS every time Sarah would jokingly hit him would respond with "it's cause I'm queer/jewish isn't it?" knowing damn well he was covering for her the night before while she was on a date and also knowing damn well they spent most of their bar mitzvah making inappropriate jokes with their friends in a corner somewhere. he would go out and not come back until super late just to piss off his parents, he would hang out with his friends and everytime it was almost time for him to leave he would call his house phone and ask for 30 more minutes, he had this one teacher in middle school that had a jafar esque beard and he always made fun of it but when he left the school he cried for almost a day straight that he wouldn't be with that teacher anymore, he started doing drugs maybe when he was around 15 and only heavily got into them when he was 17, when he was 18 he decided it was an issue and needed to stop, now he's been clean for 1 year today. I'm not projecting myself onto him, fuck you
and with that i would like to end this with, I'm tired, and the drawings i promised are almost done as well as a couple other special surprises, i made them just for y'all 🤭🤭😍😍
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dorbu · 2 years
i actually really like teaching + tutoring but like. there’s 2 things. well. 3 things. 1) pay is shit, 2) conditions are shit, and the original point of this post 3) it’s just so fucking hard to look at a child and know they feel like shit at home and not be able to do anything about it except make them feel better by not treating them the same way. i remember this one kid i was tutoring algebra, i asked him what he wanted to do when he got older and he said he wanted to start a skateboard company, and tbh i could tell he was kind of ashamed he’d even said that, could tell he’d never received a positive response to that so i gave him one, said that that was a good idea, but he’d need math skills to start a business and fucking. saw him smile for the first time ever. realized atm that he’d been late for a couple sessions because he was out skateboarding instead of being at home and connected the dots. his mom was colder than usual when i left after that. poor kid
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zizekianrevolution · 24 days
Men have a father women don't again I would suggest that we recall Hobbes leviathan it definitely comes to mind to me particularly it's cover that frontispiece under which you read the following from The Book of Job no less there is no power on Earth to be compared to him exactly that is exactly right there is no one on earth whose power compares to that fantasmatic figure why because there is not anyone on Earth in existence whose enjoyment negates the phallic function now you can go back and read the origin to that in the Book of Job and you'll see the one in question but I think it's better as the caption to the frontispiece of hobbe’s leviathan where you see the image of the absolute Sovereign and you look closely and holy shit he's completely made up of other people just run a search for this you'll see the image you'll know exactly what I'm talking about here is the one that contains them all you see that's partly why I queued up the old notion of the king's two bodies the one is the body that also contains multitudes isn't this precisely why Lacan then goes on to remind us about this key fact of femininity namely that woman is the signifier of the barred other that algebraic symbol that you see in the upper left hand quadrant of the graph of Desire that is woman Lacan's been saying it for the past few seminars he's back at it again here in seminar XIX why because she doesn't have a father the way that men do now you have to hear that figuratively right I'm not saying that women don't have fathers I'm the father of a daughter you know what I'm saying like I'm not saying that you have to listen carefully to what I'm saying they don't have a father the way men have a father think capital F father think mythical father think Randy Savage father what does that mean how does that function this void lack or absence of anything in the field of femininity that negates the phallic function how does it operate well woman's lack of a fantasmatic exception makes her the signifier of the fact behind masculine fantasy and that's how I've been framing it in this series women deal in fact men deal in fantasy and when woman shows up the way Lacan says she shows up it's always to call bullshit on that fantasy thrusting fact out in instead what might that sound like well I was on the bus the other day and I heard something that sounded a hell of a lot like exactly how this would occur when woman shows up as a signifier of the lack in the other here's what I heard it's almost a direct quote from what I heard on the bus: the totalizing Omni everything that y'all think you are read Big Other is only guaranteed by the delusional belief that there's at least one real man among you but I'm here even if only in part as a part as not all to remind you motherfuckers that there's no such man among your ranks this is some weird thing to hear on the bus right? and she wasn't done she also had this to say your vaunted big other dear men Mr beasts is lacking the very thing that would guarantee it a living breathing speaking figure of non-phallic uncastrated enjoyment that's how she serves as a signifier of the lack in the other -Samuel McCormick
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luciloo0 · 4 months
Chapter 4 of my Les Averman fic
If you like this, you can find the rest of the fic here
Words: 1,206
Lester was in his English class. The teacher, Mr. Wish, was teaching the class about poetry. He was droning on about some famous poet. Bleh. Les never liked poetry. 'It was stupid and overrated', he thought. He just couldn't see the appeal. It was just sentences spaced out more. Nothing interesting.
'If class isn't interesting, might as well make it right?', he thought. Luckily for him, he has Peter in this class. He didn't really like Peter to be honest, he thought he was annoying. To be fair---he was, but Averman would be lying if he said he couldn't be fun sometimes. 
So he turned to him, "hey Pete-meiser."
The smaller boy turned to him, "what."
"Instead of learning about 'The Raven', I'd rather be in this class nevermore." He laughed and slapped the desk with his hand. It made a loud smack that caused Les to jolt up.
Lester wasn't the only one who noticed it apparently, because the whole class seemed to have went quiet. Shit. The teacher turned around to look at the two. He wasn't happy. "Lester Averman." He put his hands on his hips. 
He gulped and his face turned red. He was speechless. Before he could eve think of responding, Peter retorted. "Shawn Wish." Averman gave a horrified look over at Peter. Did he really just do that?
Les whispered, "what are you doing...? Are you insane?"
"Don't worry, I got this.." Peter whispered back
The teacher's face grew red with anger. "That's it! Detention after school for the both of you!" He looked at Peter, "and you...office. Now."
"...so much for 'got this', huh?" Peter rolled his eyes and got up from his seat, leaving the classroom. 
The room was quiet. The only things he could hear was the sound of his pencil marking on the behavior reflection sheet he had. All kids in detention received those. He and Peter Mark were put in separate classrooms, to keep them from 'misbehaving' further. Lucky him. 
The sound of faint snoring filled the room. Les looked up from his paper to the source of the sound, the detention watcher. She wasn't a teacher---a student teacher from his guess. She looked young, mid-20s maybe. The teachers were too busy to watch the detentions, despite dishing them out like they were candy. 
He was growing restless. Time seemed to be at a standstill----every minute felt like an hour. With every tick of the clock, the more he felt the need to get up and do something. 
He pushed himself out of his seat, the chair making a loud scraping sound on the floor. He looked over at the student teacher, not even a stir. He walked over to the door and opened it as quietly as he could. He peered his head out of the doorway to check the hallway. No one. Lucky him, again. 
He stepped out, one foot at a time, slowly inching himself into the empty halls. He ran the pads of his fingers on the lockers, feeling the cool metal. The sound of his quiet footsteps on the linoleum echoed through the empty hall. School wasn't so bad without all the people. It was nice---peaceful, even. 
He just observed all the posters on the wall as he wandered. The metal felt good on his finger tips. He walked by the Geography and Minnesota History classroom. He hated all his core classes, but this one was the worst in his opinion. The door was held ajar, the teacher must have forgotten to close it. Without anyone in it, it looked like a husk of it's usual populated status. A lot of kids at his school swarmed the classroom in attempts to mess with the teacher.  He always found it cruel, but who was he to stop them?
He walked past the computer lab and pre-algebra classes next. If there was any room more populated than the Geography classroom, it was the computer lab. Many kids used to skip classes and hide out in the computer lab, the lights never worked properly so it made the perfect hiding place. The staff eventually caught on and started locking the doors. It hasn't stopped some of the school's seasoned 'delinquents' though.
He took a sharp right turn and walked down the music hall. There were types of kids who did music; the ones just looking for an easy A and the pretentious wannabes. The choir kids were especially pretentious. They always thought they were better than everyone else just because they could sing a few high notes. 
He eventually reached the end of the hall. There were two directions he could take; the left, which led to the auditorium and gym---or the right, leading to the cafeteria and front office. Before he could make his choice, he heard the loud hum of a water fountain near the gym. His heart skipped a beat when he saw who was using it. It was her. Molly. 
Why was she there? Sure, she was a little sassy...but she certainly wasn't the type to be in detention.
Before he could even think, he was moving closer. By the time he realized what was happening, it was too late for him to turn back. He cleared his throat, "um...hi."
She jumped slightly, startled. She turned to him, "oh hey."
"What are...what are you doing here?"
She laughed, it put some of his awkwardness at ease. He felt like he could melt right then and there. "That's for me to know."
 Les scoffed, a small smirk playing at his lips. He placed his hand on his chest, feigning hurt. "Wow, the mysterious Molly can't even divulge one thing to a peasant like me?"
"Indeed you are correct sir," she mused.
Les took the time to observe her more. She wasn't wearing the clothes she normally would wear---instead opting for athletic shorts and a simple T-shirt. "No, but seriously, what are  you doing here?"
"I have basketball practice."
Oh. He laughed, "I can't believe I didn't guess that based on..." his eyes quickly darted down at her shorts, his face flushing slightly. He quickly looked back up, "uh, nevermind..."
"What are you  doing here?"
He laughed, "Mr. Wish gave me detention."
"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow, "what for?"
Averman rolled his eyes, "talking in class."
"That's stupid."
Les made this big, exasperated gesture, "oh my god, tell me about it!"
She laughed, "like, dude for real put you in detention for doing the same thing everyone else was."
Before they could talk further, the shrill voice of the head coach for basketball screamed for Molly to get back in the gym to practice some drills. She quickly obliged, walking back to the gym. She stopped right as she was about the enter the threshold, "it was nice talking to you. Les, was it?" She laughed one final time, "you should probably get back to whatever classroom you were in. I'll see you around, yeah?"
His face flushed once more. She remembered his name? She remembered his name! And  she said she would see him around! He did what she'd suggested, walking back to the classroom. Thank goodness for him that the lady was still asleep. He slipped back in his seat quietly and sat there for the duration of his 'punishment', thinking about the interaction they had together. 
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okamikami1996 · 8 months
Chapter Three- Disabilities and School
I'm going to say two words and almost all of you will probably not even need to read this chapter: Middle School. Let me say two more that will probably have half of you running for cover: Girl Drama. One word: hormones. Last word: disability. I'm pretty sure most of you already know what I'm getting at: my failed middle school career.
My family may have had a little-- or maybe a lot-- of trauma from the response to my 504 plan in elementary school, to the point where we didn't even try in middle school. We were too afraid of disappointment. So we shut up and allowed ourselves to suffer in silence. My school placed me in algebra. If you've read chapter two and how I have dyslexia, I'm pretty sure you already know that math was not going to be my favorite subject. My first year of middle school I flunked my math class. God awful. Math became not only my worst subject, but my least favorite subject. It also became another thing that was wrong with me. My ego was the equivalent of an egg that had been dropped, had cracks, but had somehow managed to retain its ovular shape. My math teacher saw I was trying-- and God knows I was, lunch periods, asking questions, getting tutoring, trying to get seating that was away from chatterboxes, asking for more information-- he gave me a C, instead of the D that my grade most certainly was. My mom had me retake the year. Guess what? I got an A. Weirdly, it didn't give me that "Oh, I actually am smart feel", instead I felt like I just got lucky. Self worth was almost a zero. I wanted people to accept me as I was, but it isn't that easy. I should have understood that, but I think I was desperate for someone to like me despite having four disabilities: I told people that I was ADD, I told them I was bipolar, I told them I took medication. It didn't go well. I still had friends, thank god. However, if I'm being honest, I'm not sure how healthy some of the relationships were. Two of my friends thought I was an attention hog. Can't blame them, how many disabilities did I have? How hard was it to have them? How many boys bullied me? To them, I probably was fishing for attention. It's kind of like Trump says: "There's no such thing as bad publicity". Maybe that's what they thought I was doing?
I had another friend who argued with me about whether it's sadder to get a puppy and watch it get sick and die, or have a dog your whole life and have it die. How many times did I tell her that I thought both were sad? I also had a super amazing friend who stayed with me from the 5th grade. She was literally my saving grace up until high school when we went to different schools. Middle school was mainly a development of extreme depression that was kept hidden by my friend group. In all honesty, I was lucky to have a friend group at all with how disabilities and taking medication was seen at the time.
I was taking 90 mgs of Abilify (no idea if that is how it is spelled) and 900 mgs of Seriquiel (no idea if that is how this is spelled either). For any of you who don't know: these are dangerous amounts of drugs to take. Like really, really dangerous, and my doctors probably should have lost their licenses. The reason behind my taking so much drugs was simple: if 60 mgs don't work increase it to 90 mgs. Yeah. According to them this was the only drug to treat bipolar disorder we HADN'T tried.
High school was absolute hell. My friends all went to the other high school, and I went to the new charter school. Fun, right? I had learned more or less what a shit idea it was to announce that I had disabilities. Well, just being depressed for now reason was no better. Or not being able to hear people. Let me be straight, Da Vinci Charter Academy was a school that valued group projects. We had no choice but to talk to each other and communicate. Everyone at the small community school thought I was just being difficult. That I was faking not being able to hear. After a few failed attempts at taking direction for my peers I was cut out, even if I asked for them to write it down.
"Nevermind." That is all I got back. Finally, I closed myself off. Completely from everyone at school. I'm pretty sure high school was also when I began to hide away in my room all the time. I began to see kitchen knives and stand in front of them for ten minutes just trying to get myself to kill myself and be done with it. I had an impulse I could not control where I would blurt out, "I hate myself and I deserve to die". I almost blurted it out in the middle of a lecture more times than I can count. There would be times where I was actually happy and laughing with my family where I would all of a sudden just say, "I hate myself and I deserve to die". I ruined a lot of happy moments with that. It was an impulse that I could not control. I couldn't go to therapy, my first and last therapist, Susan, was a mistake my family could not afford to repeat. So we just followed what the doctors said and added more drugs. I was numb to almost everything but my own pain. I didn't trust people, I couldn't take compliments. There was a boy who tried to hang out with me, but I told him to just leave me alone because he was friends with the boys who hated me. Imagine walking up to a table or being invited by another girl and have the group stop talking when you came to sit down. Imagine trying to join the conversation that started back up and have everyone just be silent. Imagine having people tell you to just "go the fuck away" when you came to talk to them. By year two, I didn't speak to anyone unless I had to. I had to constantly remind myself that my classmates were not to be trusted.
I had a teacher named Mr. Milsap who was pretty nice to me. We had moments of awkward silence when I answered questions, but I really liked his class. Loved it. I surprisingly don't remember very well when I got my 504 plan reinstated. I should, but I don't. I know it had to be in the second year of high school, when I was so depressed and miserable at school that I was literally barricading myself in my room so I didn't have to go to school, that my mom had enough. She thought that the kids would at least stop leaving me out of conversations if they knew I had a hearing disability. I was against it, at first. Terrified of what would happen if everyone knew I had a disability. We held a meeting. I had to sit and listen to teachers compliment me on my strengths. That was torture. I had a physical aversion to being complimented, like I needed to leave the room right away if someone did. It was painful to be complimented. I remember my teacher Maestra Rameriez was the teacher who I owed the most to. She was a woman who never treated me inferior to other students despite my butchering of the Spanish language in class and my endless need to repeat things. She was the most accepting of my 504 plan. If she ever reads this, and knows who I am: thank you so much, you have no idea how much you meant to me in school.
Mr. Milsap was not. In fact, he argued against it the whole time. I remember nothing after the first part of the meeting when the teachers all went around the table and complimented me. I do remember almost word for word the conversation afterward where my mother spoke to me about her less than spectacular impression of Mr. Milsap. I only know that he was the only person to argue against my 504 plan through her retelling. I don't think I actually remembered even as we drove home that day. After that, my time in his class became terrible. God awful. He would often yell at me randomly in my TA class with him. Then, there was that project. We were told to give a presentation on how someone had discriminated against us. I used my hearing disability. I had been given hope, finally. It was true, the kids no longer left me out of conversations now that I had a 504 plan. I thought maybe this would further turn the tables. At least twice a week I took the project into Mr. Milsap until he told me I was sure to get an A. Full credit. I got I C. Why? According to him, I went five minutes over the time limit. Two grades lower because I went over the time limit?
That may have been it for me for a while. I didn't talk anymore in that class, or not as much as I had been. My ego had been shot again. I was still majorly depressed. I could tell you good things about people who constantly bullied me or spoke rudely to me, I don't think I could have told you one good thing about myself. I was a wreck. I was constantly fighting with my mother, a few times I almost ran away from home during my nightly dog walks. I lived for the most part like I was dead. I graduated high school went to a community college, and got hit with something much, much worse: rheumatoid arthritis.
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bongosblorbos · 9 months
my supernatural rewatch reviews: season 2
jk i did season 2 tonight also. personally i'd consider this one of my favorite seasons, but it's only #3 out of the kripke based on ratings. again this falls victim to having some amazing episodes sandwiched by duds. my least favorite episode was probably Everybody Loves a Clown with a score of 5 for pretty obvious reasons, although I do like establishing Sam's fear of clowns. that's good. my most favorite episode was In My Time of Dying, this has gotta be like a top 5 for the whole show for me. average rating was 7.23!
here's the detailed reviews:
01 In My Time of Dying Dude I full on Swayzed that mother. —10
02 Everybody Loves a Clown Points given: Dealing with Dad’s death. DEAN FIXING BABY (plus one million.) DEAN BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF BABY (minus 1 point, plus 2 for being hot). Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ash!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t remember him but I love him. My little mullet man math genius. Points taken: The clown plot was so bad. I do not give a shit. Or a piss. Not even a fart. —5
03 Bloodlust HUGE DEANEPISODE!!!!!!! Hating on Dad episode! Dean actually does not want to be a hunter for the rest of his life! Dean critiques dad and Sam defends him so that’s a fun lil turnaround. Gordon! FUN monster of the week. FRESH IDEAS. Character focus integrated into the plot very well so all very interesting. —10
04 Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things Pros: What’s dead should stay dead. Single man tear. Cons: Plot. I was bored. —6
05 Simon Said A woman kills herself by lighting herself on fire after covering herself with gasoline and Dean doesn’t make a Zoolander joke. This is a criminal offense. We know Dean watched Zoolander (Blue Steel). He would totally reference that. I LOVE the little mind control guy. Evil twin is cheesy but fun to watch. —7
06 No Exit I feel like I should’ve enjoyed this more but I was doing abstract algebra notes while I was watching so that didn’t help. Joepisode. I love her so much. I think they could’ve done so much more with Jo and Dean’s relationship. This was literally Jo and Dean fake dating and they did NOTHING about it. None!!!!!!!!! Tragedy. Idk plot was boring and it felt very much like it was on a little mini set, no interaction with the outside world. Boohoo. So much potential wasted. —5
07 The Usual Suspects Sam and Dean suffer the legal consequences of their actions :0 Fun movie references that I didn’t get but were enjoyable nonetheless. —7
08 Crossroad Blues John is in hell confirmed :) —8
09 Croatoan Honestly they missed a lot with the plot. It felt very much like a scapegoat plot so they could just make Sam and Dean talk about their problems. It could’ve been way more interesting and interactive with the real world, but instead felt isolated and superficial. Boohoo. That said, many amazing moments still give it a lot of points. I’m gonna say this one time, you make a move on him and you’ll be dead before you hit the ground, do you understand me, do I make myself CLEAR?! You got a neighbor named Mr. Rogers? Not anymore. —9
10 Hunted Boring! Boring! Sam episode. Where’s Dean —5
11 Playthings Plot was integrated AMAZING into this episode, it felt very rooted in the plot and real consequences in the real world, but still managed to address a lot of Sam and Dean issues! Haunted house! Scooby Doo reference. Drunk Sam king of appropriate and logical transitions. Dean says MILF on screen. —7
12 Nightshifter Boys suffer legal consequences for their actions again. I was very stressed, thought the shifter was gonna be Sam or Dean the whole episode. Fun but no standouts in my head, but I was doing homework while watching so there’s that. —7
13 Houses of the Holy Dean listening to “led zeplin- kashmir” while we listen to Nazareth “Hair of the Dog” implications. Dean keeps talking about how he doesn’t believe in angels bbgorl just you wait. Just You Wait. Unfortunately I was overall a bit bored by the actual episode but I was also very distracted by the Zeppelin thing it is still bothering me. —6
14 Born Under a Bad Sign Dude you had a girl inside you for like a whole week. That’s kinda naughty. —7
15 Tall Tales VERY fun storytelling to Bobby with differing POV. Plus Dean getting beat up by beautiful women in heels and lingerie. —9
16 Roadkill Very easy to predict the twist but it was fun. Beautiful woman who is the actress for our main ghost girl looks so familiar I’m gonna lose my mind. —6
17 Heart I see the Sam appeal. I See It. feelings Felt. Wow. Sam looking back :( Dean’s flinch :(( —7
18 Hollywood Babylon Gilmore girls joke!!! Filming in Canada meta reference. Dean is a pop culture nerd and a slut. Enjoyable but not good necessarily. —5
19 Folsom Prison Blues “What are you, from Texas?” Ghost is boring. Ooohoohooo evil nurse. But Dean looks DELECTABLE. Chomp. —6
20 What Is and What Should Never Be The implications. —9
21 All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 1) Cried at the end. —8
22 All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 2) :(((((((((( —10
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