#danandphilcrafts - slime (2024)
goldenpinof · 6 months
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DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 6 months
hello phannies!!
a few days ago i started a discord server for a collaborative analysis of danandphilcrafts because of the response to this post and we want to see if more people are interested, especially artists but anyone who has any ideas or wants to participate in any way whatsoever can join!
i imagine there are people who wanted to join originally but i didn’t tag anyone in my post with the link that i didn’t see explicitly saying they wanted to do it, so please let me know if you’re interested and i’ll send you the discord link!!
(it’s very low stakes and if someone thinks they want to do something but then can’t for whatever reason or change their mind it’s all good, it’s just for fun)
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buskingalbatross · 6 months
what's the one sink you can't ship? (things to do when you have come home for the day, showered, eaten, and fallen into disrepair: analyze danandphilcrafts - slime (2024) and the context of its coming to be)
or, basically, because let's be real: this is where I extol the de facto vintage princes of the internet, who have cultivated and continue to cultivate a form of video-making and community-building that is utterly novel, radiant, and defiant.
one of the best things the internet has ever done is given the coolest insanest introverts the chance to be loud and be loved. to have the chance to catalogue their lives in intimate (yet distant) association with other like-minded people, and to express themselves and their perspective on the world. for Dan and Phil, what it's led to, its culmination, has been the creation of an empowered queer subculture that is deeply invested in the concept of queer devotion—the complex forms it can take, its numinous inexpressible sacredness—and that is actively, through knowing and experience of that devotion's existence, in rebellion against the extractive, unkind, unfeeling, oft-oppressive society that reigns as normative.
the experience in the world of Dan and Phil, in contrast to many experiences had in the "real" world, has always been one that's felt intensely emotional, rebellious, existential, free, full of kindness, and full of laughter and love. at the heart of dnp's community, the string tying us together, is the massive mythology and plethora of lore of dan and phil's history beginning at the point where it converged because they met. as well as the idea of two people who are as close as two humans can get to each other. the beauty inherent in that.
the relationship Dan and Phil share has for many years been the axis around which their channels, their tours, and other projects have rotated. their being able to chronicle that relationship through the internet, through youtube, and for that relationship to be, in hindsight, purely, amazingly, and even unapologetically queer from the very start, is something profoundly meaningful and artistic in and of itself.
I find it intensely amusing and, frankly, compelling, that while the phandom has become self-aware of the ridiculousness inherent in yelling about two human beings having even momentary physical contact, we cannot stop ourselves from doing it. because it feels powerful and magical and terribly unshackling. touching has become symbolic. symbolic of an amalgam of the best things about what it means to follow Dan and Phil: to be free and connected and queer, openly, and to trust in each other to be there for one other in a world that is often in opposition to people like us.
Dan and Phil holding hands for their audience to see in DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime in front of baphomet has to do with all the things so many wonderful people have said it has to do with: acceptance and actualization of queerness, an image of queer power, allying oneself with the other to showcase alignment against cisheteronormative society, a representation of dysfunctional, obsessive, hedonistic, codependent queer love.
And it also has to do with freedom, defiance, happiness, and confidence. It has to do with making something only legible to a niche audience of people that Dan and Phil care a great deal about, because it is fun and exciting and insanely cool. It is about embracing and celebrating the magic that flows, the creativity that flows, between two incredible queer human beings.
Sometimes I think that at least a small part of the reason We're All Doomed exists is because of the way dark things stand out on a light background. The horrors seem stark, more overwhelmingly apparent, when bumped up against great love. Injustice and catastrophe are sometimes more startling and distressing when you are privileged enough to live outside of those things, when what you return home to at the end of the day is comfort, safety, and love. In a similar way, the themes of devotion and love are often heightened in horror narratives. In this sense, Slime is also one ideal medium for sharing a story that is especially impactful to the phandom, one about Dan and Phil's relationship to each other and their community and the ongoing story of their creative lives on YouTube. The themes of love and trust stand out because of the horror, and are heightened further by the intentionality of the storyline and the control Dan and Phil exert over the plot.
what's the one sink you cannot ship? a line from Phil just after Dan says, during their slime crafting, that creativity is nothing without friendship. An inverted paradox of a line. A mystery to be solved, a thread not to be untethered, a parody of itself, a hint to a history. All belonging to all of us, all part of us.
tldr: no one is doing it like them
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fromemotoangel · 6 months
me watching dan and phil crafts
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philyuri · 5 months
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DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime (2024) // Vampire Moon: Lunar Fusion (date unknown)
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danswideslit · 6 months
slime video analysed thru horror with a queer pov
kay it gets its own post because im stil aaa bout it
This is just what I remember/was able to brush up on, since I studied this in 2019, so if anything is outdated I apologise, feel free to correct me, I love to learn!!
also I realized it has all become a lil rambly as I couldn’t contain my excitement soz
So this is my essay on the parallels of queerness in the horror genre and how DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime (2024) could be analysed in this light, especially given the creators’ personal history with the topic.
Among the classic tropes of the horror genre, is the topic of losing ones innocence.
Most emphasised is the loss of ones virginity, as a synonym for the innocence, although the innocence as such has many forms. As mentioned in Scream (1996), you may not survive if you have sex, if you drink/do drugs, or if you claim to “be right back” or in other ways investigate to satisfy your own curiosity.
The parallels to the christian church and societal norms are already obvious. If you deviate from the path of purity, it will lead to death and suffering. The only way to survive the night, is to stay pure. Do not be tempted by mere curiosities, for they will be the death of you, essentially.
In the same light, Baphomet is most often portrayed with characteristics from both the male and female human anatomy, and can be used as a metaphor for the inherent evil of gender expressions beyond the societal norm.
In the same light, monsters in various movies are often shown with a deviance in gender and/or sexuality. This role of ‘sexual outsider’ has, for years, been a symbolism that queer people have connected with. The has only further skewed the ‘stay pure’ narrative, as it brings on an ambience of kill or be killed. An either/or of sorts. But it has also made monsters and villains walk the line between sexy and terrifying, which naturally leads people to be enticed. We are sexual creatures afterall.
Often the monsters have an aura of masculine energy, as they make people cower, and the stereotypical jocks abandon their hardcore exterior. This, on one hand birthed the “the boyfriend is the killer” trope, but it also gave way for diving into morality, how many crimes can a villain get away with, as long as the character resonates with the audience.
This is demonstrated in Jennifers Body (2009) which was, at first, marketed to the male audience, making the monster Jennifer an attractive young woman, essentially getting the film marked as “Twilight for boys” by film critic Robert Ebert.
The ratings, however, were lackluster and claimed the movie was neither funny nor scary and thus was unsuccessful. Jennifer wasn’t “as hot as you’d hope she’d be” and essentially the “lesbians-for-the-male-gaze” marketing to boys 17+ failed. 
However, many women and young girls between 17-25 saw the character of Jennifer as empowering and resonated with the film. My theory is that the men did not like being the victim, being killed my something that they are supposed to be worse than. But the women saw a strength in the conflict between what is essentially two sides of the same existence - on one hand the rage of the injustice and gender inequality, and on the other hand Needy, who follows every character trope connected to the “last girl standing.” Except even she is tainted in the end, killing Jennifer and losing her innocence. (more talk about innocence, murder/virginity bla bla bla, okay but this essay aint about that)
All this plays a role in how the queerness of DanAndPhilCRAFTS - slime (2024) can be interpreted. Throughout all four installments of the narrative, Dan is seen being guided by Phil and scolded when he doesn’t do it right. Phil seems not at all surprised when Dans glitter face turns satanic, and by the third video, Phil hands the control over as he gives himself away.
Essentially, the indoctrination of Dans role in Phils devotion is cult-like. Cults are often hidden behind a facade of “found family” before the true behind-the-scenes terror is revealed. Dan is evidently comfortable in letting a more experienced person guide the way, despite his own hesitance. He knows that he cant do this halfway.
also the idea of Phil rising from the dead, during Easter… Jesus Christ, where would we even begin (lol)
But beyond that symbolism, It is the hesitance in Dans nature that seems to point to the “purity being tainted” horror trope. Phils devotion to Him is evident, but Dan seems more so to be devoted to Phil. A follower. Believing whatever Phil believes to be true. A Billy and Stu, Scream situation, if you will. The subtext of two lovers and the blurred lines of love and death, which has been analysed and discussed a whole while by smarter people than me. 
Dans hesitance to follow Phil guiding him to the other (queer) side. The penetrative stab and the menacing disarray of emotions on Dans face afterwards. This was anything but a selfish act, but he gave into the curiosity, he is not the last survivor, he has joined Him. This ritual was giving into love, without trying to contain, rationalise, or diminish any part of it. 
(Kind of how like dan, selfproclaimidly, would still be a ‘Daniel in denial’ if Phil hadn’t come into his life, because Phil ‘led him astray’ but he’s very okay with it and he has embraced it, and he’s happier giving in instead of fighting it?? Too far??)
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slimeandsadness · 3 months
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The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire (2016) / DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime (2024)
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dnphobe · 6 months
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The Horror Of Our Love – Ludo //DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime (2024)
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emptyrainbowz · 4 months
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This is just danandphilcrafts slime (2024)
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slitsfordan · 6 months
Slime in Slime (2024): An Analysis
Dan and Phil could’ve chosen literally any craft for the fourth installment in DanandPhilCRAFTS, and they chose slime. Surely this has to mean something, right? Right.
For any young person in 2015-2017, slime should bring back memories. It was everything and everywhere. Literally every single time I hung out with friends, they’d want to make slime. The use of slime in DanandPhilCRAFTS, and the age group of the majority of their fans, forms an association to this time period. 2015-2017 also happens to be when The Amazing Book is Not on Fire and Interactive Introverts were created, and one of the peaks of the DanandPhil™️ brand. It also happens to be around the time DanandPhil crafts was birthed. By calling back to this era in a craft video, and using the slime for ritualistic sacrifice, Dan and Phil are acknowledging the harm of the DanandPhil™️ era personas and the phandom perceptions. By pouring the slime into the fire, Dan is firmly establishing this era as a thing of the past, representing the authenticity of Dan and Phil in this new era.
Slime also has a clear connection to Slime and Sadness Cinnamon Rolls. This video shares satanic imagery with the craft videos, of course (Lucifer Lester moment) but the theme of authenticity is also present. The way Dan acts as Sister Daniel in this video was the largest display of gender nonconformity and horniness by Dan and Phil at this time. Halloween baking and authenticity also brings us back to Monster Pops, and the aftermath: the post-baking universe. This marked a shift in Dan and Phil’s content, where they began to cut less gay shit and horny shit from their videos (like Dan’s fake orgasm during the video). If you really wanted to, you could even consider post-baking to be the beginning of the softlaunch. Both of these are events in which the horniness of Dan and Phil’s content was ramped up, and honestly the slime video has so much phallic imagery with the knives, but it’s also a representation of less censorship (if you’d like to call it that) by Dan and Phil.
Through both of these associations to slime itself, Slime invokes moments in Dan and Phil’s history where their performing personas were dropped in favor of a more authentic representation of self, like when Dan and Phil drop the craft channel personas to perform the ritual. This does, of course, connect to their coming out, and the handholding in Slime- slime as an object is connected to their authenticity, and so is the video Slime.
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Cinematic Parallels
DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime 04/01/2024 // Marble Hornets - Entry#49 09/07/2011
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goldenpinof · 6 months
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soft and neat
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phanfictioncatalogue · 5 months
DanAndPhilCrafts 2024 Masterlist
awake and unafraid, asleep or dead? (ao3) - vvuptic
Summary: Phil wants to take it all back. But he can't.
Or, the inner workings of Phil's mind during the filming of Potato Prints.
title: famous last words by my chemical romance
Conversations of Cannibals (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Inspired by the new DanAndPhilCRAFTS video - some conversations about cannibalism between Dan and Phil.
creativity is nothing without friendship (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan has made Phil a promise and he is eager to prove his devotion. He will carve out Phil's heart and sacrifice him.
But he is also going to make sure that he comes back.
Following canon of DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime
do it without hesitation (ao3) - Wraithpinned
Summary: While Phil’s entire adult life was devoted to Him, Dan’s entire adult life was devoted to Phil.
Dan grapples with what Phil is asking him to do
euphoric in some strange delight (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: “Your turn,” says Phil, in a part they’ll have to cut out. “What do you mean?”
Phil hands Dan the blade, silver and sharp and bought in a neat set along with one for bread, one for vegetables, one for fish. Phil wouldn’t know this.
“I don’t want it to be me this time.”
finding beauty in the dissonance (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan ripping out Phil's heart for a santanic ritual sorry this is really short idk how to summarize it lol
Based off of DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime
hangman (answer me now) (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: How did you get used to the haunting?
Hell's Waiting Room (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Based on the 1733rd danandphilCRAFTS video.
i do not fear bloodshed (if the slayer is you) (ao3) - emsinof
Summary: a poem inspired by the events that took place in the most recent danandphilcrafts video.
Just the Beginning (ao3) - NotAHappyPancake
Summary: Once upon a time, there were these two guys called Dan and Phil, who met on the internet and created this entire world. And now it's time to end it. It's time to start over.
make a pact to each other (got when no one's around) (ao3) - philsbisexuallion (bisexual_lightning)
Summary: There's not much time left. He has to finish what he— no, what they started. That’s why they came to this place.
Never Be Safe in Crafting! (ao3) - antiadvil
Summary: It happened again, but Phil can fix it, because Phil can fix everything. Dan just needs to follow the directions.
ominous (ao3) - TsingaDark
Summary: It starts on a Sunday, of all things. Nothing should start on a Sunday, frankly; it’s the one day where one is allowed to fully relax and lie around the whole day. Sunday is not a day to start new projects or change your life, it’s a day of peace and calm. Therefore, Phil notices much quicker than he usually would have that something is wrong.
Sacrifice (painted in the red from our hearts) (ao3) - Lesbianphan
Summary: "There's no fear in my lover's eyes, only trust in Him. Trust in me. I know what I must do: the ultimate sacrifice for Him. I must give Him what I hold most dear, the one thing I'd never part from. I must hold Philip's heart in my hands and offer Him what my lover willingly gave to me all these years ago.
If I love Him enough, my lover will come back to me. Reborn."
a.k.a the dark and raw 'DanandPhilCRAFTS - Slime' fic I was always meant to write.
surely the second coming is at hand (ao3) - ivylakes
Summary: From darkness they came, and to darkness they must return. And Dan is ready.
Or, a rewrite of the final events in DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime, as well as an analysis of Dan's internality during those moments.
That Deathless Death (ao3) - trancelover99
Summary: Date: April 1st, 2024. Time: midnight. Dan and Phil have returned to an abandoned cabin to carry out the one last ritual that will keep this demon away forever. But it comes with a price: Phil's heart and soul. With the right words, Dan can hopefully revive him after Phil's sacrifice, but he has other plans beyond that. Will he succeed?
The Craft Fic (ao3) - doctorhowlter
Summary: Dan is in lounge watching the reactions to DanAndPhilCRAFTS when Phil ask him if he wants to celebrate their April fools joke succes. But Phil's definition of celebrating doesn't seem to be that same as Dan's and things doesn't turn out as planned.
The Heart Fic (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Dan let himself fall into a trance, no longer thinking and instead just doing. Dan reached into the wound in Phil’s chest and wrapped his hand around his heart. Phil was already dead, yet the inside of his chest was still warm. Dan swore he could still feel Phil’s heart beat faintly as he began to pull the mass of muscle and blood out of his chest.
Before he had pulled all the way out, Dan paused and then slowly pushed his hand back into the wound. Warm. Wet. Beautiful.
Inspired by DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime
The Sacrifice (ao3) - Mysticallykai
Summary: DanandPhilCrafts is back again, with a lot to say and even more to do. We all saw the video, but what happened when the camera wasn't rolling? What was edited out? What if what we all thought was an April Fools prank, was actually very real?
to die by your side (is such a heavenly way to die) (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Despite no words being exchanged, they both know how the other is feeling, and that they are alike in their preparedness for what is about to happen. They understand each other so well that they can work in perfect tandem without issue. A connection so uniquely fundamental that it goes beyond communication as it is understood by the rest of the world. Something private, just for them—and soon, for Him.
you believe me like a god (i destroy you like i am) (ao3) - bunnyslipper
Summary: Tears stream down Dan’s face, mingling with the deep crimson of Phil’s blood, and Phil hates him. He hates that he loves him so deeply, enough to forgive him for tearing them apart like this.
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gorgeousdan · 6 months
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don't cry, craft!
DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime (April 1, 2024)
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 6 months
i forget what happened in 2019 and 2022 so it's just out of these sorry
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ahappyphjl · 6 months
i reviewed the vid lol go read/like/follow my letterboxd if you’re interested hehee
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