dandelionpixels · 5 months
carol danvers + reader
(platonic, sibling relationship)
ask: Carol Danvers having sibling reader who struggles with anxiety and worries about Carol when she’s away?
- The first couple times she leaves for a while, she doesn’t realize how anxious it makes you. But when she comes back one night and you’re sleeping in her bed, it starts to sink in.
- She starts leaving notes all the time, because they’re more ‘real’ than texts/voicemails. Magnet notes on the fridge, sticky notes on the cupboards, index cards on your bedside table, all signed with a ‘See you soon :-)’
- You take her to her first Build-A-Bear, and you guys spend way too long picking out the perfect creatures and doing the little routine. You both get the sound memo hearts, so you can put a message in each other’s plushie. (Hers says “Hi!! I don’t know where I am while you’re listening to this, but I know I’m coming home soon, I promise!! Love you!”)
- You make her promise to wake you up when she gets home, no matter how late it is. Sometimes you don’t go back to sleep, just order takeout, and exchange stories about whatever you both missed.
- When she’s gone for especially long amounts of time, she tries to stay home for a while afterwards. She knows you feel guilty, always saying ‘You have more important places to be!’ but to her, making sure you don’t have to be anxious all the time is important.
- She takes you with her on occasion, for stuff she doesn’t thing should be too dangerous. It’s always the most fun she has on missions, getting to hang out with you while she does her stuff. One time you made her laugh so hard in midair, she almost plummeted both of you down to earth on accident.
i have more platonic!carol content here!!
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dandelionpixels · 5 months
carol danvers + reader
ask: I saw you write for Carol Danvers and I really enjoyed that fic! Could Carol have a sibling who is very tactile (likes touch - hand holding, hugs, general touch) and loves a normal life on earth and Carol visits them every so often to live a normal life and take a break from the hero life?
- Absolutely love the concept of this btw.
- Carol tries to come back as much as she can, but she’s busy and sometimes she’s gone for a while. Sometimes she comes home and its late, so she just sits on your bed and wakes you up gently. You always scramble up to hug her, and she always hugs you so tightly.
- You guys spend all the time you can together. You go out to food and watch movies and chit-chat for hours straight. You stay up all night playing board games and eating cereal and doing puzzles on your living room floor.
- When you guys go out, you’re always either holding hands, linking arms, or interlocking your pinkies. You’ve been doing it since you guys were really young, so its basically second-nature to reach out for each other in a crowd.
- She loves giving you piggyback rides!!! She’s obviously crazy strong so she thinks its so cool to be able to haul you around from place to place.
- When she’s home, she’s so at ease that it almost makes you sad she can’t stay forever. She’s always grinning and laughing and grabbing your arm to stay steady.
- You always make sure to take her shopping, because she’s not used to taking care of herself and you want her to have nice things. So you guys pick our outfits for each other to try on, pick up fancy jewelry, and try to find matching stuff you can both have.
- You love taking her to every shitty food place you can find, with greasy food that shouldn’t be good but is somehow the best meal either of you have ever had. On the walk home, she puts an arm around your shoulder and says, “I missed you.”
- When she inevitably has to leave, you guys are glued to each others sides for the whole day. You both make cookies in your kitchen and wrap some up in tinfoil so she can take them with her. She promises to come visit soon and you promise you’ll be waiting for her.
for more reader + sibling!carol content click here!!
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dandelionpixels · 5 months
carol danvers x reader
ask: Hi, I was the marvel ask anon! Good to know! Can I request some fluffy hc headcannons please for Carol Danvers bestie headcannons if you write for her?
- she definitely brings you everywhere with her like it doesnt matter what shes up to, she wants to bring you along for company so she has someone to chit-chat with, y’know?
- i love the concept of her coming home one day and showing you a couple of rings she got from somewhere in space. they match your guys’ eyes so you offhandedly suggest you both could wear them as matching rings. after that, you guys never take them off.
- do i even need to say… karaoke!!! and not the lazy kind either, i’m talking full-energy, loud singing, corniest duet in existence karaoke. all the karaoke places in town (and some of the ones in space) know you guys.
- you guys love to experiment with her powers. you’ll spend whole days in a field just trying to see how fast she can go, how far she can throw, how long she can give you a superspeed piggyback ride until you throw up.
- when you guys do movie nights, you only need to ask once or twice before she agrees to fly and pick you guys up theatre popcorn, new york pizza, and your favorite drink from your hometown. in return, you pull out some ice cream from the freezer to let it thaw a bit.
- when you guys aren’t tired and it’s late, you turn on music and you spin and swing each other around the living room floor. she picks you up and you guys sing along to the music way too loudly and you twirl her and almost fall over and you guys laugh so hard your stomachs hurt and you both have to sit on the couch and fight the urge to fall asleep right there
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dandelionpixels · 5 months
kate bishop + reader
ask: Hi! I saw you write for Marvel. If you write for Kate Bishop from , could I request a headcannon for where reader is aroace (asexual/aromantic) but naive and Kate is protective of them?
YES!! kate’s not someone i’ve seen a ton of but i love her so i GOT you!!
- Genuinely obsessed with the concept of anytime you guys are out together and someone starts to flirt with you, Kate just appears. Doesn’t matter where she was, it’s like she can sense it and she just shows up behind you to make eye contact with the person and gesture for them to scram.
- This pin is totes the vibe
- She absolutely acts as a sort of ‘romance-detector’ for you. If someone’s chatting with you and you don’t pick up that their flirting, she’ll text you a heads up. Or if someone’s texting you something, you’ll send her a picture and she’ll tell you what they really want.
- One night when you guys are out, someone sorta sidles up to you and starts talking. You tend to assume people are just being friendly so you politely continue the conversation and sit down at a table with them. You don’t realize something’s off until they grab your hand but at that point you’re in too deep. You look around in a panic as they start to lead you elsewhere and sure enough, as if you summoned her, Kate appears.
- She gives the person a chance to leave, but when they steadfastly refuse to let go of your hand, she wastes no time pulling back her hand and punching them so hard they yelp. She grabs your hand and pulls you away, muttering angry phrases under her breath. She brings you guys nextdoor, to a more lowkey place, before asking if you’re alright.
- Also absolutely loving the concept of Kate constantly volunteering to be a fake-girlfriend. She’s down to do anything to help her friends so there’s been many a time when you guys are out when she’s held your hand, linked your guys’ arms together, or given you her jacket to get rid of potential suitors before you even notice them.
- Sometimes she apologizes for being overly protective, and you have to assure her that if you minded, you would say something.
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dandelionpixels · 4 months
carol danvers + reader
ask: Hi :))) can I request a Carol Danvers older sister figure fic please where she takes R in as a surrogate sibling, but they're not used to people looking out for them. And just moments of Carol helping them out and maybe they struggle with negative self talk?
- It’s weird when you notice Captain Marvel helping you out so much. First she’s stopping your bag from getting stolen, then dropping an umbrella next to you when you’re stuck walking in the rain, then un-subtly following you home when you’re out after dark.
- It almost makes you suspicious, no one’s ever been so careful about making sure you’re okay. Especially not a flying, glowing, superhero. You assume it must be a coincidence, or maybe a plot to gain your trust and then kill you.
And then one day you drop your coffee, and your shoes get covered in mud, and the lunch place you were walking to closed early. So you just sit on the curb with your head in your hands and procrastinate having to walk home.
There’s a brush of wind next to you, snd when you look up, she’s sitting beside you on the curb. You can’t bring yourself to be excited, or scared, or anything. Looking over at her, you just wave slightly, “Hey.”
She cocks her head, flashing a bright smile, “Hey! What’re you doing, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Taking a breath and glancing back at the restaurant, you gesture vaguely, “My lunch place is closed. I should’ve called to check before I came, I was being stupid. Why are you here? And why am I always seeing you? No offense.”
Smiling again, she shrugs, “None taken. I guess I just think you’re interesting, you remind me of me, a little bit.”
You both sit in silence for a moment until she stands up, and offers an outstretched hand, “My name’s Carol, by the way. It’s nice to actually meet you! Do you want to go somewhere else for lunch, as an apology for stalking you?”
- You take her hand and the two of you go to a cute diner that Carol says she used go to all the time. You both spend hours talking to each other, and it’s more fun than you’ve had in a while.
After that day, you only see her more and more.
- She leaves breakfast at your door a couple times a week, from the diner you went too. Always your favorite, though you’re not sure how she knows.
- When the bus is running late, she somehow appears and offers to gove you a ‘lift’
- When you’re sitting outside, studying in a panic for a test you’re sure you’re gonna fail, she lands nearby, cautiously asking if you want help.
- Every time she offers help, you insist you’re fine. This isn’t how your life’s been, you’ve been taking care of yourself for years. But she just waves you off and helps anyway.
- She leaves her number with you, which you never intend to use.
But then you have a semi-formal event to go to and you’ve never been able to do your hair the way you like, and you can’t find any nice clothes, and you need someone’s help. So with tears pricking at your eyes, you call her. The phone only rings once before she picks up with up a cheerful, “Yello?”
You’re silent, not sure what to say, petrified of being annoying. After a long pause, you sniffle, “My hair’s being stupid.”
“I’m on my way, okay?”
You mumble a thank you and within minutes, Carol is at your door with food and drinks and a sympathetic face. You open the door and almost burst into tears, wiping them roughly, clearly annoyed at yourself.
She closes the door behind her, grabbing your hands, “It’s okay, I know you can handle it yourself. I just don’t want you to have to. Alright?”
You nod reluctantly and she spends the next couple hours sitting on your bed and offering thoughts on your various outfits. She sits on the bathroom counter while you adjust your hair, only jumping in to adjust bits and pieces until it’s perfect. After she insists you eat something, you admit running on nothing but an orange might’ve been part of your meltdown.
She waves you out and insists she’s gonna stay and clean up. When you come home, she’s conked out on your bed. You change into your pajamas and clamber in, smiling softly. It’s been a while since you had someone try to stay up until you come home, to make sure you were okay.
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dandelionpixels · 4 months
mj + reader
ask: Hi! I’m the anon who asked about the Drabble. Glad to know thank you! Can you write a Drabble for the MCU with MJ where reader survived the blip and became a superhero and MJ comes back from the blip and helps ground her sibling and through the past 5 years?
The first year wasn’t actually the worst. Everyone was panicked, every government agency and hospital and superhero on red-alert, searching for a solution. There were press releases everyday, scientists pitching idea after idea. The missing person posters filled the streets, the internet, and people’s homes. There were an unlimited amount of things to do. Donating money to science foundations dedicated to fixing this, printing updated missing posters every couple months, helping your friends and family through the unimaginable.
But once the second year started, the pain began to properly set in. Everything began to slow down, the panic turning to grief in most people’s hearts. Various Avengers reluctantly talked to the press, sounding more pessimistic than ever before. Some of them retired, or more accurately, went into hiding. Some of them kept fighting, knowing that crime would only skyrocket in a time like this. But even then, there weren’t enough of them to stop the streets in most places from being flooded with opportunist criminals. Some of them went dark, and everyone could only assume the worst.
During the third year was when you realized things couldn’t keep going like this. There needed to be a new age, a new generation of people trying to make a difference. You spent that year unintentionally worrying people as you stayed in your room most days. Desperately trying to figure out how you could help without getting yourself killed. The first night you went out, you came back bruised and discouraged, forced to hide from your loved ones while you recovered. The second night went the same way, and the fifth, and the eighteenth. Months passed with you slowly but surely finding out what it takes to save people. The first night you came back unscathed, you couldn’t even be happy because the only person you wanted to tell was gone.
The fourth and fifth year were almost a blur. You reluctantly began to heal, visits to Mj’s grave feeling more like routine than absolute devastation. Every night you spend in the city, doing your part, saving people. The news begins to notice, sending out journalists to try and corner you at every occasion. You take a week to stay home and design some sort of super-suit, knowing you can’t risk your identity being out to the public. It’s almost an unhealthy amount of heroism, given you never take a night off, save for the one time you broke your nose head butting a mugger. Sleeping through the days, all you can focus on is getting to the next night, ignoring the worries of those close to you.
And then it all changes, for a second time. You wake up at three in the afternoon to an emergency alert on your phone, flinching at the sunlight through your blinds. There’s screaming outside and of course, you assume the worst, running to your front door and throwing it open. For the first time in years, the streets are packed with people. And for the first time in years, they’re smiling. Laughing.
You spot your next-door neighbor and it’s all you can do not to fall to your knees. It’d been five years since he’d lived there, him and his wife taken by the blip.
The sounds of the street fade away into nothingness as you scan the nearby people, searching for curly brown hair and plain clothes. Just like that, you lock eyes with her. Before you can call for her, she sees you, face splitting into a smile as she drops her backpack to run full-speed towards you. You catch her as best you can, grabbing the doorframe to stop the both of you from toppling over.
She leans back from your embrace, clearly confused but happy, “What the hell going on? I just remember standing there and now-“ She gestures around, “-now everyone’s going crazy and I thought it was morning? Wait- did you cut your hair or something?”
The next couple hours are packed with explanations, as you drag her to your room and sit her on your bed, almost convinced she can’t be real.
MJ is unsurprisingly not shocked about the whole debacle, calm as ever. She wipes her eyes a couple times as you go over your past five years, but she doesn’t say anything. Just listens as you pull up the press conferences, and then who else disappeared. When you pull a box from under your bed, she raises her eyebrows, staring as you pull out your nightly uniform. You also reveal a couple news articles, blurry pictures of you in alleys and on rooftops.
She blinks quickly, clearly getting rid of worried tears.
“The whole time?”
You nod, “More or less.”
It’d been years since you’d had a social life, gone to the movies, went shopping, anything that didn’t involve getting into fights. And it hadn’t caught up to you until right now, too busy running from your feeling. But looking at your sister, knowing you’d spoken at her funeral, it all becomes too much. Tearing up for the first time in the conversation, your voice almost a whisper, “I’m really glad you’re home Mj.”

Laying down, she pats the bed, “Let’s sleep. I’ll be here tomorrow, pinky promise.”
Outstretching a pinky, she gives you a pleading look. You interlock your pinky with hers, nodding reluctantly, “I’ll kill you if you’re gone when I get up.”
She rolls her eyes, “Yeah, okay. Goodnight, I love you.
“I love you too.”
Sure enough, when you wake up, she’s still next to you, reading through your newspaper articles. You smile despite yourself, out of practice. She glances over to you, “You slept for a really long time. It was weird. Do you hibernate now?”
Her deadpan humor that you used to tease her about is suddenly the funniest thing in the world. Giggling slightly, you swat her shoulder, “I don’t think I’ve slept that much in five years.”
Face falling into a guilty expression, she takes a breath, “Right. Sorry about that.”
You grab her hand, squeezing slightly, “It’s not your fault, I’m just glad you’re here.”
Smiling gently, Mj holds up the news articles, “These are super cool dude, sounds like you were holding the city together.”
You shrug, almost proud, “Someone had to do it.”
Nodding, Mj sets them down on the bed beside her, “I think you’re overdue for a day off. Let’s order pizza and watch some tv, I’m five years behind on Doctor who.”
Feeling the familiar urge to be out helping people, you pause. Mj squeezes your hand, “Not a question. You’ve been working too hard, for too long. Let’s take a break. Besides, I called Peter and he’s back, so I have a feeling another hero can take over tonight.”
Letting a breath out, your shoulders feel lighter in a way that you’re not used too. You nod, “Alright, but I don’t want pineapple.” Mj rolls her eyes, and you can’t believe you ever hated when she did that, “That’s close-minded. I was dust for five years, I get first dibs.”
Shaking your head vehemently, you lunge for your phone resting at the end of the bed. She immediately catches on, kicking it away and pulling out her own. The two of you fight over pizza-ordering and drinks for way too long. You get elbowed in the gut and she gets tossed off the bed, complaining about how it’s not fair you’ve been training for five years. But it’s the most fun you’ve had in a really long time, and you’re just glad to have your sister back.
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dandelionpixels · 4 months
Hi :))) can I request a Carol Danvers older sister figure fic please where she takes R in as a surrogate sibling, but they're not used to people looking out for them. And just moments of Carol helping them out and maybe they struggle with negative self talk?
here u go :333
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dandelionpixels · 5 months
all my hashtags so far :)
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dandelionpixels · 3 years
Hi!! I just saw your blog abt making x reader hcs? And i would reaaaally really love one! I had a bad night last night, so i'm shooting my shot ( ˃̣̣̣̣̣̣o˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ) I'm like hugging my Iron Man plushie as i'm typing this haha. One of my comfort characters is Bucky Barnes from Marvel and i'd love to request an romantic hc with him! i really really like him as well as the actor who plays him (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ ♡
a small info about me,,,
well considering my bad night last night, i'm just a tad bit sensitive? i got upset last night for certain reasons and told basically the air that "im not a bad person. i don't get why im treated this way."
i have trouble sleeping, i get nightmares when i sleep early or at a normal time and wake up in the middle of the night. i had one nightmare that was the scariest and got so scared i had to wake my older sister up then cried.
i like cute things! i love, love, love plushies. i'm 18 but i often get insecure bc i feel like im not the same as ppl my age? like i do babytalk with my family, even my two older sisters bf know (im the youngest in our family and they're basically family anyways since they saw me growing up) but normally im just a softspoken person. there was one time i was upset and my sister was in a call with her ldr boyfriend and told my sister that it was his first time hearing me without baby talk.
i get jealous? like im not when i see someone like my crush or something i get all war freak and all 'back away! he's mine!', im more of a silent one? like i get sulky and stuff. when im upset im just silent which you'd immediately know bc im usually all fun and outgoing.
idk why and what energy i radiate to people but i find almost everyone of them 'babying' me. or like has a soft spot for me? last year around October when i had to meet up with my teacher and classmates for our grad pic, i was told to remove my socks bc it was colorful. my teacher then said i was their baby in the class.
i like to drink milk and i like sweets ! i like to do my hair a lot too, and! i like big clothes. mostly jackets or hoodies. which if i get a bf id wear his.
last thing is i don't really like physical touch? bc of trauma. but i know if i get a bf someday and be comfy w him id get clingy and such. id basically glue to their side and cuddle with them and all. id also love some petnames, ppl call me petnames and that's something i actually love too. (ღ•͈ᴗ•͈ღ)
im sorry if some of it was tmi, but that's some info abt me!! thank you in advanced for reading this and for doing this! it means a lot. (╥﹏╥) have a good day!! < 333
omg okay first off you sound AWESOME!!! im so sorry you had a bad night!! i tried to get this one out as quickly as possible, i hope it’s what you’re looking for!! feel better!! <33
- i wanna start with the hoodie thing. bucky definitely loves when you steal his jackets and hoodies and stuff. he thinks you look so cute and honestly hes so embarrassed bc he’ll full on blush just seeing you
- i feel like even before you guys were together he’d sleep on your couch, just in case you had a nightmare or couldnt sleep. like you’d wake up suddenly and within two seconds he’s knocking gently at your door going “hey, are you alright?”
- he definitely understands feeling like the world is treating you poorly, even though you’re really a good person. and anytime you feel like talking about it he’s always such a good listener. like genuinely entirely focused on you bc hes so honored that you trust him
- also omg he likes that you get jealous. not in a creepy way but bc its still so crazy to him that someone actually loves him. so like you guys are lounging around on the couch together and he gets a call from some lady he met at the store right? you stop whatever you’re doing and kinda sulk where you’re sitting next to him. he notices it immediately and without missing a beat, puts his free arm around your shoulder and kisses you on the cheek
- he loves the way you talk. like genuinely he’s so glad you feel comfortable with him and he thinks its so sweet
- sometimes he goes to the store and comes back with barely anything he actually needs and instead he’s got a bag full of various sugar-y stuff because he thought it’d make you smile
- he always tries to let you initiate physical touch first, just to make sure you’re never uncomfy :)
- i also feel like you guys absolutely have lots of movie night dates... with snacks and pillow forts and the huge wolf plushie he bought you for valentines day
- he obviously knows how to braid and stuff from his long hair days, so he def loves when you let him help with your hair!!
- omg last thing sorry! sometimes you’ll fall asleep on him and he’ll just stay there for hours, because hes happy you’re not having a nightmare and he thinks you’re so cute when you’re asleep
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