#danju danju
khaperai · 2 years
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thegreymoon · 4 months
The Story of Minglan
Let's do one more episode tonight. The sooner we wrap up this stupid Emperor plot arc, the better.
LMAO, there goes maternal uncle Bai.
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He should have just sat home and eaten his food and he would still be alive, but no, he just had to be greedy. Serves him right.
Eh, you fought for this marriage.
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Moar plot holes and shitting on established characterisation.
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I'm supposed to believe that the Princess (and by extension, the doormat Duke) suddenly became loyal and benevolent to Minglan and Gu Tingye, especially since there is now an actual perceived risk to associating with them? Please.
LMAO, I love Lady Zhang 🤣🤣
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Molan has certainly lost none of her talent for making enemies and then she moans and whines about how everyone is excluding her. LOL, bitch, have you ever wondered why?
Oh, great 🙄
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She gets on my very last nerve but I suppose that today is the day when all of Minglan's true friends must show their faces. She can cross everyone who doesn't show up off her list for life.
Wiping tears rn, ngl 😭
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Danju, my beloved 💙
Aww, her cousins from the countryside are here too!
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Truly, all the important people!
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This baby has been alive for a whole month and has already suffered TWO assassination attempts 🤬 Madam Qin is not giving up on the marquis title!
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Aww, Zhao'er is looking good and coming throuuuuuuugh!!
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LMAO, suffer.
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If you had only let Minglan in on your whole plot, she would not be making an embarrassment out of herself and everyone here now.
LOL, he is a whole mood 🤣🤣
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This is why Minglan and Changbai should have been told.
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They have the potential to screw up the entire plan and bring down the Sheng family in the process.
The stupidity of writing here, I cannot even.
LMAO, they are almost making me feel sorry for Sheng Hong 🤣🤣
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Such unreasonable children!
OMG, she's going to tell her!
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Please, tell her! Please, someone, have some brains and compassion here!
LOL, I have absolutely no love for Gu Tingye at this point, but this is hilarious.
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Girl, your marriage is a hellscape and it's your own doing. You're so full of bile and wretchedness, you would not be happy if you married and Emperor.
LOL, no matter what their status is, they will STILL look down upon you.
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How am I supposed to be rooting for Gu Tingye after all this?
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She is having a mental breakdown in public because of his dumbassery. He's one of the worst male leads I've ever encountered in a c-drama ever. No love.
LMAO, look at the pot calling the kettle black 🤣🤣
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With that said, what did she expect, marrying this guy? He probably has every STD known to man by now.
LOL, you treated her well?
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What? WHAT?
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She killed Chunke? Like her mother did??
I didn't even realise Chunke had died, wtf.
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lifeinbooks · 7 months
danju nosim tugu na ramenima noću je osjećam u plućima danju sam sve što moram noću sam sve što jesam
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And I wrote some fan fiction. Read it below or on AO3
Random snippets of Mu-deok/Naksu's diary:
Master Kill List: -trader who sold Mu-deok -Joo-wol nah she's cool -Jang Uk I promised I wouldn't, but I might... - Park Dang-Gu (I mean, I like him but he's related to Park Jin so I have to keep him here) -Jin Cho-yeon (no regrets there) -Lady Jin -Sang-ho (how dare he not let me in to Songrim!) -Jin Mu -That guy who knocked the meat stick out of my hands -Crown Prince he can live
-This jerk is the most spoiled, most picky, most annoying, most whiney human being I have met in my life. I did not know people like this even existed.
-The Danju abandoned me, guess I'll go watch my own funeral. Not sure what else to even do. This body is the worst body. I used to have actual muscles. Like how long would it even take for me to be able to climb up the side of a bridge? Ridiculous.
-My only option is this idiot...
-The poisoning plan worked perfectly. No regrets
-If Park Dang-Gu or ANYONE touches my hair or attempts to pat my head ONE MORE TIME I am killing them right then and there. I don't care if they're mages and I'm powerless. Poison. I'll use poison.
-Why does Jang Uk take so many baths? I don't get him at all. Before I guess he got cold because his gate of energy was closed but he's supposed to be normal now. Why the baths? WHY?
-This is the best luck ever! As long as Jang Uk doesn't die figuring out how to use it, he's going to have a whole ton of energy! This dude is so lucky.
-Jang Uk thinks I have to try not to fall in love with him?! Full of himself much? Now Seo Yul...
-Jang Uk randomly hugged me today just because he was happy despite the fact that I was covered with filth. He's so weird. I wish he had spent some of his lazy childhood actually learning how to fight because watching him was embarrassing.
He did manage to draw his father's sword though. Progress!
Crown Prince seems fairly easy to manipulate, Seo Yul not so much. I gave my sword to the C.P., not happy about that but I didn't have much choice. Jang Uk cannot fight with the C.P. again until he's stronger.
-Jang Uk was crying. It was awkward so I left.
-Jang Uk is still sad. He does not understand the basics of burying the hurt until it becomes hatred which is used to fuel your relentless training. It's how I became so powerful. (I need my power back!) I'm not actually sure what to do other than kicking him. I have no use for a student who won't learn.
-Master Heo has horrible self-control for someone his age. Finally got my useless student to move. Also, weird seeing Park Jin and he has no idea who I am. Even weirder with Seo Yul...
-Came here to focus on training and Jang Uk just wants to take baths again...
-WHY WON'T HE JUST DRINK THE CHASTE TEA??? I would in a heartbeat if I could get my powers back. I would cut it off permanently! I would give up a hand! This is Master Lee! He is legendary. He is the strongest mage I've ever seen. Drink the freaking tea!
It's some weird guy thing. I do not understand men.
-Threw a knife at that bastard, he deserved it. I'm going to burn the whole cottage down if he doesn't start training.
Went into town and almost got dragged away. Learned that this body can't tolerate alcohol which is just... perfect.
-It's so strange to be here with other people. Far less lonely I guess. I wish I could climb my tree. I can hardly climb a shrub in this useless body. Jang Uk still can't control his hand.
-Jang Uk thought he was so fast but I poked HIM in the eyes. That's what he deserves. He said some weird stuff about my soul marks and standing close to people. Ridiculous.
-Decided to hand him over to stay alive. It's only right... Traded my life for a damn bird egg. But Jang Uk actually did Tansu! We might survive this duel after all
-Now that Jang Uk got what he wanted he might just leave me behind. I'm not staying here and working as a servant for the rest of my life. I should have blackmailed him before he went; I didn't know the stupid rules. How could he do this? Trained him to win and now I'm left behind. He better not forget about our promise. But unless I'm there how will I make sure he keep training? I'm not staying in this pathetic body for years...
-Is the Crown Price in love with Mu-deok? Also, I cannot even express how much I hate cinnamon.
-Shit. Why did he have to say that? What is wrong with him? It was *not* a love letter.
-HE IS SAD AGAIN! I do not know how to deal with sad people. Why does this jerk have so many emotions? Why is he so lazy? You just keep going no matter how much pain you feel.
Also, Songrim wont even beat a student who won't train? They also suck at torture. How has this organization even survived? Pathetic.
-Ha ha! Bet my bird egg to make Jang Uk train. Was forced to admit I value the jade egg. Overall worked great. I do hope he manages to get it back. Because I want my power back and that would prove he's improving, no other reason.
-Jang Uk keeps hugging me. It's weird. Why is he so clingy? At least he's happy now. I'll bring him some snacks.
Another woman attempted to bring Jang Uk snacks. I wonder if I should kill her?
-So do I love him? Maybe? Doesn't matter if I do; once I get my powers back I'm gone. He's the crazy one who thinks we could possibly have a future after all of this. It would never work. It doesn't matter, love is useless and fickle. It's not worth risking your life over.
-Stupid love. Stupid ice stone. Stupid giving up my chance at powers. Stupid people that I love didn't want to see die being inside the ice stone. Stupid stupid stupid. Now I'm stuck in this useless body forever.
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Izgledaš mi kao. Lutkica iz Trsta. Opeglana noću. Opeglana danju. Cipelice bluzice kompletići šeširi. Baš je glupo biti. Zaljubljen u damu. Pomalo si kao. Dunja sa ormara. Mirišeš bezveze. I noću i danju. Viklerčići češljići pomadice parfemi. Baš je glupo biti. Zaljubljen u damu. Baš je glupo biti.
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ithecarpediem · 2 years
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Because my choice has always been you (AO3)
In which Bu-yeon remembered that she's Naksu and Jang Uk has to pick up his wife from Jinyowon.
Continuation of previous one shots "I would choose you in every lifetime" and "You are spring to my winter heart" Preview:
“We can't break off, we are having a baby.” He crossed his arms.
We are what? The words were so out of touch with reality that made her pause in all her agony.
“Not, we are not.”
“How can you be so sure? We sure tried a lot.” He cocked his head in arrogance. “A consume marriage can’t be undone, anyway.”
“So you rather trapped me in?” She inquired in a dangerous tone, Naksu could at very least intimidate him.
“Don’t be so dramatic, dear, the one who came back to her prison cell was you.” She opened her mouth to argue, but it was truth, that room had been her prison for the last years. “I’m not letting you g …” He paused for a moment staring at her.
The Ice Stone user’s strange silence lasting for three heartbeats, she narrowed her eyes in puzzlement.
“You have beautiful eyes.” He babbled stunned, Naksu looked away sheepishly, her cheeky burn embarrassed.
“Don’t change the subject!”
“You should come back home.” Her husband announced.
“Of course not! I don’t… What are you doing? Put me down!” She shouted outrage as he simply threw her over his shoulder. “UK! YOU’RE STUPID BASTARD, LET ME GO! GUARDS!”
Jang Uk ignored it all as he opened a portal to their home, and only let her go when they reach her bedchamber, where he dropped like a potato sack on the bed. Naksu leapt to her feet, snarling at the arrogant little shit, chasing him out of the door with slaps and curses. Her husband easily deflect her attacks opening the door.
“Keep in mind if you ran away, I’ll pick you up again.” The mage warned as she closed the door on his handsome face.
“What’s going on?” She heard Maidservant Kim through the door.
“Maidservant Kim, don’t let her leave the house for now.”
“What? Why, Young Master?”
“She wants to dissolve our marriage and let our child be fatherless.”
“C-child? Young Master? Wait!” Maidservant Kim shout behind the door.
Naksu stared at the door speechless to what she had just heard.
What had just happened?
Her hand went to her stomach on pure instinct, before she jumped in fear. She wasn't pregnant, she was going to die!
With the knowledge of true identity it didn’t only came back her despair and pain.  Hate, revenge, fury, violence. Naksu turned to these familiar feelings, and let them consume her to distract herself from the pain, she was used to them. A lifetime of it actually.
And who made me like this? She didn’t need to think much about it, the answer came as easy as breath. Danju.
She didn’t have much time though, for the assassin knew now, her soul would fade away with the wind. The real Bu-yeon explained after pulling Naksu out of the storm of emotions inside her heart after remembering. Soon the priestess would gain back her divine powers and Naksu’s soul would be gone. With that warning came a vision, of the world’s fate.
A world of ashes. The fire bird shall awake very soon.
A world that Naksu once dream of while blind by her fury. But that was before him, when she had only been a child, trained to be an assassin, now she had lived through many lifetimes. The world shouldn’t be destroyed, it should be protected, and the one who was going to do it was Jang Uk.
“You lost enough to understand.” Bu-yeon observed her with the face of Mu-deok with a blindfold.
“I’ll help.” Naksu promised.
Naksu went to Jinyowon to plan, to make them all pay for their sins. It was much more than a just petty vengeance. It was justice. To right the wrong. For the people she failed to protect.
And now here she was again in the household Jang.
After a few moments thinking, she called Maidservent Kim and send word to Lady Jin, so that the woman would not came demanding her daughter back. That was no used to avoid Jang Uk by running. Hurting him didn’t work either.
Why I’m so charming? Why did I seduce him? She blame her face, although her body was different from her original one, her beauty was back.
Not that Mu-deok was ugly or anything, after all she belong to the Jin family of Jinyowon, but Naksu was aware that her original face carried a distinct beauty.
Wait, does that mean that Uk fell for a beautiful woman? The bastard resisted her for how long? Definitively it was less than a month. Perhaps he recognized her just like she recognized him as her husband…
“I did it first this time.” She murmured going to get a bath, it was an awfully long day, after all.
After that she went to sleep, a peaceful dreamless sleep. It was already dark when something woke her up, Naksu tense up for a moment, confused about her surrounding, until she recognized the cool breeze around the room. The invader gently lifted the blanket to join her on the bed.
“Get out.” She said quietly as Uk snuggled against her body, it took a moment to realized he was naked. Not an unusual thing for him, they usually slept like that. Naksu cursed yet again their marriage.  “Get out, Uk.” She urged him.
“Shut up.” He cut her off holding her hand, she fought him. “You are the only one who can get rid of the wraiths, let me have one peaceful sleep, wife.”
“You can do that in your own room, husband.” He turned his back to Naksu, ignoring her, and forcefully pulled her arm to wrap around his middle. “Stop it!”
“You were the one who got me used to this warm, dear, doesn’t matter if we are fighting. Now, go to sleep now.”
“You are too cold.” She complained.
“You said you like it.”
“I lied.” Her husband had the nerve to chuckle quietly.
“What else did you lie about?” He whisperer to the dark, she felt a vicious urge to bite him.
“Well, every single time I came for starts…”
“I’ll kiss that insolent mouth of yours until you begged me to take you, if you don’t stop.” He threatened her who scoffed against his neck. “I’m tired, wife, I just came back from the Dark Forest.”
Silence fell upon them, in the last months that became a sort of code for them. Dark Forest meant that the wraiths were fighting him after using the Ice Stone power to kill soul shifter. Her arm slowly tighter around him, this usually were the worst days, where even thought she send the wraiths away, the ice magic took a toll on him.
He sighed in contentment as she cuddled against him, giving a softy kiss in her hand before intertwine their fingers. Seeing him so fulfill with her presence alone made her want to cry in despair, at same time it made her want to giggle in joy.
It was hysterical.
Continue to read on AO3
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bluenpinkcastle · 4 months
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20240521: the History of LEGO Castle day 142. 8877 Vladek's Dark Fortress (2005, 989 pieces, 267 different parts) This set has nine minifigures. -Danju has a dark purple visor on a dark bluish gray helmet, a yellow minifigure head with light brown sideburns, mustache, goatee, and forehead "v", a plain dark purple torso with dark bluish gray hands, dark purple armor with a gold and silver wolf head, and dark purple legs with a dark bluish gray belt. -Jayko has a medium blue visor on a dark blue helmet, a yellow minifigure head with a straight black line of bangs, a plain medium blue torso with dark blue hands, medium blue armor with a gold and white hawk, and medium blue legs with a dark blue belt. -Santis has a red visor on a dark tan helmet, a yellow minifigure head with full, thick, black beard, mustache, and bangs, a plain red torso with dark tan hands, red armor with a gold bear head print, and red legs with a dark tan belt. -Rascus has a green visor on a dark green helmet, a yellow minifigure head with black bangs and a black straight line goatee, a plain green torso with black hands, green armor with a gold monkey, and green legs with a dark green belt. -Vladek has a black visor on a dark red helmet, a yellow minifigure head with black sideburns with white stripes, a small black forehead "v", black upside down "v" eyebrows, and black chin marks, a plain black torso with black arms and dark red hands, dark red armor with a black and silver scorpion, and black legs with a dark red belt. -The three shadow knights have a speckled silver and black angled cheek protection helmet and armor, a yellow minifigure head with black sideburns with white stripes, a small black forehead "v", black upside down "v" eyebrows, and black chin marks, a plain black torso with black arms and dark red hands, and black legs with a dark red belt. Parts inventory for this set can be found on BrickLink or Rebrickable and a free download of the instructions is available under the "Instructions" tab on Rebrickable.
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heyitspakijay · 6 months
Anđele čuvaru mili,
svojom snagom me zakrili.
Prema Božjem obećanju,
čuvaj mene noću, danju.
Osobito pak me brani,
da mi dušu grijeh ne rani.
A kad s ovog svijeta pođem,
sretno da u nebo dođem,
da se ondje s tobom mogu,
vječno klanjat dragom Bogu.
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e-chaechan-3 · 6 months
“Woahhhhh!” I exclaim as I stare at the constellation plate that me and my sister’s father, Cho Chung bestowed upon us.
He smiles and looks down at the children who are boosting with raw emotion that can only be described as astonishment,
“Y/n” Father calls for me , resulting in me looking up at him in happiness
“ climb on my back” it was so out of the blue but the thrilling rush of excitement I got I didn’t pay any mind , and did so.Father then picked naksu up and held her while she smiled wildely, but the only thing on that face that was so carefree as if she was a butterfly in the world was now replaced with, Revenge.
I go back to that moment where we are happy , young…..innocent , and the smiles on our faces were real.
But now I have to put a smile on my whenever the Danju tells us to get rid of somebody but this time it’s 2 people , so me and Naksu would have to split. This time though I put up a fi—
That was a lie I have to do this , although it hurts me.
‘Yul ah , will you forgive me of this?’
I think with a sorrowful expression,as I hope to find a way out of this. Naksu is quiet about this and just goes along with it.
We get dismissed and begin our way to the victims who will sadly meet their supposed “fate” as the Danju would say.
"Cho yeong" I call out to my sister to get her attention , she turns around since she is walking ahead of me ready to comply to his orders.
"I-" I want to speak, I want to oppose, I want to go back to the times where it was just us and our father and how he would make chestnut rice, but I can’t.
She reacts to the one letter of the many words I want to say by the lift of her eyebrow.
"Never mind" I say with smile.I may feel as if the Gwanju is a great substitute for my father but that doesn’t mean I like his orders.
Naksu begins to turn around, but soon stops to turn back and gives me a hair tie, for my hair as it molds around my face,
I smile again, A real one this time and take, she has never seen me from being any different from a human being simply because I am black and no my mother and father didn’t cheat. As always it takes us some time because the people we are after………is one village away from songrim, so we have to be careful.
Naksu lets go off my hand, signaling to me that she is going to start the mission.I nod as away of communicating that I will be here the same time she will.
I turn around because I heard and seen her begin to walk and start to use her skills which I’ve always admired her for. She just does it so effortlessly and I do it as if it is pins and needles all over my body.
I turn around and begin to walk around the village , ‘wait’ my body shows as if it can speak "should I visit yul?"
I jump when I hear his voice behind me strong and firm. Yul.
"No reason I just wanted to check on you, seeing if my strong friend is still advancing at a fast pace?" I smile and shove him to the side, bumping carts he would call me.
He replies to my action with a gorgeous smile and a nod, by then by the looks of it is confused.
"Why are you all the way over here?"he looks around as if suspicious of me.
"The Danju gave us another mission that required me being here" I look down as to not let him see the guilt on my face , as if that would help.
"Oh, what was it?” With a look of interest in his eyes and a soft face as always , to Anyone else it looks emotionless, he questions me.
‘He’s always been so smart’
“Oh just for an order he placed to make peace with jinyowon" I say as if I didn’t just lie through my teeth. Yet. that simple lie warmed my heart after hearing seo yul laugh, I have never seen a sight so beautiful.
I smile at him and laugh too."what!? a peace offering with jinyowon?!"
"Yes" I reply to him with a non firm yes due to my cackling.
"Ya" I begin to call him "Do you want to get some sweets?" I ask him with a little hesitation in my tone.
"No" he replies back softly with a smile.
"Oh" In a state of shock and embarrassment evident in my irises, and complete confusion on why he is smiling I reply with.
"Do you want to hang out with me though?" he says back at me
‘Wait what’
My thoughts begin to go haywire but the clearest one is Yes,so that’s what I’d say.
"Yes" I smile.
He then begins to turn and walk away from the restaurant ahead of us, conviently known as the best one here. I begin to laugh loudly because it is clear that he is flustered and nervous because he lost his way.
"Yul it’s this way!" I yell running to him and grabbing him by the arm.
"Oh" he looks down and smiles softly (YALL KNOW THE SMILE IM TALM BOUT HE JUST SO BEAUTI- let me stop)
"Lets go" he says looking forward and smiling still, enjoying myself too much I forget all about the mission and how made the Danju would be if he found out I was out catching feelings for someone and not doing my mission.
If only I knew the regret I would feel for not having a care in the world and just enjoying myself.
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shekyspeare · 1 year
{ قُلۡ مَن يَكۡلَؤُكُم بِٱلَّيۡلِ وَٱلنَّهَارِ مِنَ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِۚ بَلۡ هُمۡ عَن ذِكۡرِ رَبِّهِم مُّعۡرِضُونَ }
Reci: "Ko će vas umjesto Svemilosnog noću i danju štititi?!" Pa, ipak, oni se od Opomene Gospodara svoga okreću.
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b-splendens · 2 years
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대율제국, daeyul jeguk, the Great Empire of (the) Yul
Other names: Yulguk, Yulnara, Yul Country, Bando, the Peninsula
Capital: Meotunseong (name pending)
Government: constitutional monarchy
Geography: MOUNTAINS with some plains in the west + many coastal islands
Climate: like Korea’s
Rambly “Historical Context”:
(not proofread)
30 years after Saseom-ae (Shijimian) occupation invasions were repelled by a combination of Long, Yul restorationist, eastern Maljok, frontier warlord, and Bellian forces, Yulguk and the rest of the realm of Danyangju have only now been able to wearily emerge from the shadows of the Sandalwood Wars.
The Sandalwood Wars started as the logical conclusion of the empire-building done by Danyangju’s two eastern giants: the Samyukta and Long. The former vied to reestablish an old history of dominance in the southern Jo Danju region, which the latter had locked down through an extended tributary system. Initially fighting through proxy wars by supporting various usurper and incumbent powers, the conflict spiraled into open war. Hence started the Red Sandalwood War.
In the northern Baek Danju region, Imperial Shijima, whose clashes with the bloated Long Empire over influence on the Yul Kingdom and disruptive Shijimian settlers resulted in increasing economic isolation, sought an alliance with Samyukta and hence attacked the Yul and Long not long after war had started in the southern seas. Imperial Shijimian forces occupied the peninsula on the pretenses of restoring the clique of royal in-laws who the Long had ousted from power due to destabilizing peasant rebellions. The White Sandalwood War hence began, and with it, one of the longest, worst decades in Yul history since the Millennium War.
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To be concise, fortunes began to turn as Yul resistance coalesced around the rightful heir to the throne, now known posthumously as King Geumjong. Supported by lower aristocrats and military leaders, he allied with northern frontier gangs and sought an alliance with Bellia, who hosted a formidable Yul diaspora that had grown during the regressive reign of the royal in-laws. Several Yul had been appointed to high offices and so heeded the plea—though not without concessions to be made in the future. As aforementioned, Geumjong’s coalition, fractured Long forces, and unsteady support from the inland Maljok turned the tides.
Shortly after the Sandalwood Wars concluded, a painful reconstruction and readjustment period began for the now-Great Empire of Yul—allowed to exist thanks to the destruction wrought upon the Yul’s former imperial master, the deposed Long. King Geumjong uneasily bowed to pressure from the Bellians, people, and lower aristocrats to form a constitutional monarchy.
Bellian advisory, military, and business forces now occupied the peninsula, brewing unease and imposing restraint on policy in the name of self-preservation and self-strengthening. Namely, the nebulous territories of the north were not administered as part of Yulguk. Many advisors and professionals across the realm formerly distributed to the Yul by the Long Empire were courted once again, this time to directly serve the king and prime minister. Not all improvements and changes were appreciated. When some of Geumjong’s former military allies rebelled against the Bellians and officeholders of the new republic, the rest of the army competently put the insurrection down, playing a part in Bellia’s ultimate physical withdrawal from the mountainous land.
What followed next was a decade of hardline, nationalist, paranoid, and heavy-handed policy openly supported by Geumjong. Prime ministers during this decade pursued a small war against the reconstituted Jaded Republic over the Long Empire’s former frontier territories, ending in expansion and the creation of two new northern provinces after diplomatic meetings deescalated the conflict. Xenophobia ran rampant, purging “foreign” officials and appointees from their posts. The dominant party also (il+)legally purged their opponents wherever they could and even stoked fear within their own ranks. Immigration restrictions intended to ensure that a devastated labor supply could not shrink any further, while funding was gutted for foreign study trips and diplomatic missions. The generally repressive atmosphere clashed with a steadily recovering, growing middle class that wanted universal suffrage.
The murder of Supreme Prosecutor Jak Noljin (name pending) by Gil Yong-gi and its investigation played a role in turning public opinion firmly against the conservative coalition. Jak’s younger brother, foreign envoy Jak Heungjin, was the liberal-aligned suspect that the investigation doggedly pursued, as the murder took place at his residence during the celebration of his son’s high examination scores. He also had lost a suit against Gil years earlier, who refused to restore Jak’s post after the latter returned from an extended spousal mourning period.
Yet, an overabundance of evidence pushed by liberal-aligned officials in the justice system later leaked to independent presses stoked public unrest, as opponents of the conservatives framed this incident as an attempt of judicial murder. Not to mention, it was also an example of the vicious climate brewing among the party itself, as people speculated that higher-ups could have ordered the elder Jak to be killed for going against party interests with his rumored investigation of Gil’s embezzling activities. Even Geumjong, who had long supported the party, publicly expressed that he would serve justice himself if he had to, preemptively vowing to pardon the surviving Jak before his execution.
Triumphantly, Gil was charged and executed instead, averting mass outcry.
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The next decade was far more liberal, preceded by Geumjong’s stroke-induced death and the ascension of the current queen. In gratitude for awarding them a new majority, the liberal coalition enacted universal suffrage, regardless of income. The quality of life across the peninsula had by then mostly improved, although industrialization and urbanization ensured that turmoil continued. The most prominent feature of this decade was active foreign policy and economic pursuits, spawning the growth of a notable tourism industry. However, the increased circulation of people and goods also brings with it stress and disease, and an epidemic has recently only just begun to end. Ultra-nationalism once again lurks, ready to strike out against new cultural and social change while economic stratification entrenches itself as the new evil of Yul society.
It is at the tail end of this decade that the “present” story of Jakho unfolds. (think like the 1880s)
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poeticlicense12345 · 10 months
Stajao sam pred rakom
koja dubi muklo
tvoje srce sad je hladno
moje je puklo
one vizije koj si mi utkala
još žive u meni
i što da radim
danju ili u noći
bez tebe
ni mene nema
ugušen duboko
u pustoši i samoći
text author: Ivan Adamec
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4ahappybday · 10 months
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Predivna si, spolja i iznutra. U stanju si da opustiš moje tijelo, daš mir mojoj duši i usrećiš me. Ali, znaj najbolje što mogu ponuditi za sve dobro koje mi činiš jeste da ti pokažem da će ti u svakom trenutku, danju ili noću, svo moje poštovanje i sva moja ljubav biti posvećeni. Sretan rođendan jedina.
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mojisnovi · 2 years
Studio ,,HQ Architects" iz Tel Aviva instalirao je "Warde", četiri ogromne interaktivne skulpture na trg Valero u Jerusalimu, koje ,,procvetaju" kada im pešaci priđu.
Skulpture u obliku bulke donose živost i boju zapuštenom trgu, obezbeđujući osvetljenje noću, a hladovinu danju.
Bandere u obliku crnih stabljika završavaju se ,,tučkom" koji sadrži lampe, i crvenim ,,laticama" od tkanine, koje se izduvaju kada u blizini nema nikoga. Električna skulptura, uz pomoć senzora, reaguje kada se prolaznici ili tramvaj približe, i naduva devet metara široke cvetove.
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nostalgicandecko · 2 years
Ne mogu podneti sebe noću
A tebe danju
~ D.K.
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