#danny likes poison ivy because she reminds him of sam and oops guess that toxic waste plant just mysteriously blew up
dead-bouquet · 1 year
DP x DC thoughts
Every fanfic and prompt I read has danny either pretending to be older than he is or just outright telling people he is a child.
I’d love to see actual thousands of years old danny who lost his family and has been in his castle for so many years that he’s become a shell of himself. He’s super knowledgeable, super powerful, but he’s just  t i r e d. 
Not to mention he can change his form like clockwork if he wanted to but most of the time he stays in his 14 yr old form cuz that’s the most comfortable.
Now imagine the JL come in. They summon the Ghost King because they need help and omg that is a child on the throne with a dead eye stare but he’s super powerful and helps them for no fee and and bruce is already pulling out the adoption papers.
Dick gaining an older brother figure and learning not everything has to be on his shoulders.
Jason and Danny bonding over being forced to adapt to a world that’s mourned and moved on from them and the struggle to learn to fit in again (because jason is technologically illiterate with all the advancements he missed and you can pry that head cannon out of my cold dead hands).
Tim gaining an older brother who actually listens to his rants and pushes him towards new info cuz danny has lived for so long and duh he knows stuff.
Damian just being a language nerd with danny and learning some languages that have been lost to time (because now he can shit talk about drake without anyone knowing)
Duke just vibin with this bright ass creature but hey? at least there’s another meta in the fam.
Danny spoils the girls cuz they remind him of dani and jazz.
all the while danny slowly gains his spark back and becomes more and more like his old self.
Just... let me have millennia old danny being a shit disturber.
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