#dante flores
askfloressides · 18 days
Uhm... Hello...?
//Btw I tried finding your characters, but I could only find the one which was the closest to the top of your posts. 😅//
Heya Virgil!
//ah I see lol, I posted them on the @where-are-the-spooky-gays-2 hub before I started posting fr. Just search up @zeni1098 in the blog and you’ll probably find it lol. Or I can just reblog the Flores sides again lol. Or you can just search up Nico Flores on my blog lol//
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himirins · 11 months
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please do not use/claim/repost!
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zeni1098 · 21 days
**gives phone back**
Max: :3
Ziekel:*phew* thanks bro! Touch👊
*Dante is sleeping*
Luca:*pants* I-is it ok now?
Carlos:Thank Christ..
Tony:Don’t do that again capishe?
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prettygal-posting · 9 months
im just an ever-spouting fountain of LoserGirl music
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euphoriclusts · 7 months
continued for @littlcfreaks (continued from here)
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listening to the other man closely, he's hardly surprised by how he's reacting to the news. bruno couldn't say that their fresh relationship being exposed was high up on his bucketlist, but it had been and he wasn't ashamed. sure, dante had a reputation - but his friendship group was filled to the brim of men with reputations, and nothing had ever deterred him from wanted to get closer, to uncover more and more about him. carefully, he reaches for his hands, entangling their fingers slowly, and forcing him to face him, if only so he could look into his eyes. "hey, nothing has to change. we're still just - two people, who like each other and getting to know each other. they can make up what they think about us, just like they've been making up what they think of you and me individually, it doesn't have to change anything." his thumbs stroke comforting shapes against the palm's of the younger man's hands, his smile full of a fondness reserved for only his favourite people. "i'm not ashamed of us, i'm really fucking - i'm really fucking pleased that someone as incredible, smart, beautiful, captivating as you is interested in someone like me..." he hadn't ever really thought he'd enjoy the notion of being in a public relationship, with someone with fame miles above his own. he didn't hate it though. anything would be enjoyable, he figured, if it included dante. "we can deny it if you'd rather, whatever makes you comfortable. everyone already knew i had a crush on you, though..." he winces cutely, as if it suggests this entire circumstance is exclusively his fault.
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flantebiffy · 1 year
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Dante Bof se quedó con el Abierto de Ajedrez del Inmigrante
#Berisso #Deportes | #DanteBof se quedó con el #AbiertodeAjedrezdelInmigrante
Culminó el “Abierto de Ajedrez del Inmigrante“, con la disputa de la tercera y última fecha en las instalaciones del Centro de Fomento “Unión Vecinal” en un torneo que convoco a más de cincuenta participantes. En cuanto a la clasificación general, el primer lugar fue para Dante Bof; el segundo puesto para Federico Flores Méndez y el tercero para Juan Cruz Mouly. El resto de los posiciones fueron…
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seronsalk · 7 months
A pretty little nightingale...
Part 1
Alastor x female reader (sorry gents and non-binary pals, I'll do you next!)
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Masterlist AN: An idea I've been obsessed with recently...sorry if it's bad. Dividers from our lovely @saradika-graphics Warnings: Mention of Violence
"Sometimes I stare at my ceiling for so long that I forget where I am. I forget I am in a fiery pit where at any moment a knife could be jabbed into my shoulders or back and twisted. At any moment I could be killed, kidnapped, tortured, or even feasted upon. Would I taste good? Would my killers be satisfied with my death or would they too be disappointed in what I could have been for them? And even now as my alarm goes off, I wonder where my soul would go if I did one night, not wake up."
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The morning in hell was pretty normal to the morning's you were alive. Wake up, get ready, go downstairs to the club, dance and sing. That beautiful structure, belting one's heart to an audience every day with no worry.
Until you found yourself doing the same thing, but in your afterlife. In hell. You will forever curse yourself because who else would you blame for your eternal damnation?
As you walked down the stairs to the dark empty club, the other performers were there already practicing.
"Look who rolled out of bed! And how is our princessa this morning?" Dante spoke, he was an insufferable demon to be around this early in the morning, and that Spanish accent rolled off his tongue right into his trumpet. He was a beautiful demon; all the musicians were. It made you wonder why such pretty boys were stuck down here with you.
You smiled at him before speaking, "doing just fine til you opened your mouth, save your air for the horn." Another musician whose name was Hernando, forced everyone to refer to him as Sir Pesci for some weird reason then spoke with a laugh in his voice. "As if saving his air would help him sound better!"-"Hey Hernando, did your mom get the flores I sent her?" Dante suddenly spoke. "Ahhh, vaffanculo," the Italian man cursed back as he waved his hands dismissively at Dante.
You laughed at the scene as the other band members didn't understand a word being said under the accents before they all turned to you. It was warm-up time and it would go on for at least three hours.
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By the time the jazz club was about to open you had dolled yourself up. The servers and bartenders had finally rolled in.
Throughout your shift many older sinners had trotted in at the sound of the music. But as you went to take a break in-between songs Dante came up to you. "Y/N, apparently some big shot wants to talk to you backstage."
You looked at him curiously, "Why m-" but you were cut off by your boss. He was an arrogant man who cared less for what others thought of him unless they were giving him money or popularity. One time just to get him to hear you when you complained about fixing the door in your dressing room, you had to pay him twenty bucks. He was built like a bull and like a bull, he sometimes charged in without thought or reason.
"Y/n let's go, got a big customer who wants to meet you!" he dragged you away with his bulky hands. Dante gave you a shrug as he walked off.
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Alastor's POV:
It was a normal day in hell, he strutted down the road cane in hand. He was on his way to the cannibal colony to meet with Rosie.
When demons saw him they would jump into traffic or even through windows to avoid his gaze. His devilish constant smile sent even the tougher, bigger demons groveling.
As he was walking though, his ears twitched. The sound of jazz, but more prominent, a beautiful voice. He could recognize the song immediately, Heatwaves, by Ethel Waters. He followed the voice around the corner of the street and saw some demons trickling into a club. He twirled his cane in interest and his smile became wider.
He walked towards the bouncers, two of the biggest mobsters stood strong and firm, but one look at Alastor made them sweat. "Good'ay my good gents, tell me what is this fine establishment about then?" A little hint of Alastors transatlantic southern accent sprung like cattails in a bayou.
One of the bouncers spoke in an almost whisper, "It's The Spotted Fawn jazz club, sir." Alastor's smile widened in interest again. "Well, pay me no mind gentleman, I simply will be taking a look around." And with that, he walked past them and a second later one of the bouncers told the big boss.
He walked in, it smelled of rye and smoke. He loved the atmosphere, it was like he was in New Orleans all over again.
Then your voice struck his ears like lightning. He looked over towards the stage, jazz musicians playing behind you as you sang. Your h/l h/c hair bouncing as you swayed your hips to your own song.
Your boss had interrupted his train of thoughts, "Why I wouldn't have expected the radio demon to be in my club-welcome sir." He offered his hand to shake and Alastor's smile twisted as he ignored his hand. "Charming establishment you have here sir! I appreciate people who are still following the more traditional...ways." Alastor spoke his eyes wandering back to you as you danced on stage with one of the musicians.
"Say, my good man, who is that lovely dame singing?" Alastor inquired as he twirled his cane. "That'd be y/n sir, one of my finer performers." Y/n....your name twirled circles in his mind. You were gorgeous, as was your voice.
And for the first time in a while, since his mother and Rosie, he felt admiration for a woman. He spoke again, "Well I would love to meet h-" he was cut off. "2k upfront," was all the bull-built man said. Alastor's neck basically snapped as he looked at him, "Excuse me?" he said. "I don't trust any of you overlords and the last thing my performers need is the attention from one of you causing them, or me, problems. You wanna talk to her? Pay me or strike a deal sir." This bull had no class it made Alastor cackle. "Normally I'd kill you where you stand, but because I'm feeling generous about how lovely this establishment I'll let you off with a warning. Talk like that again towards me and I'll pull your guts out and serve them to your customers." His radio static backed his voice like a snarling panther. "Now about this deal, tell me what do you desire?" "Follow me we talk business in the back." The bull led Alastor away.
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The bull brought her into his office, where Alastor was sitting. Her eyes widened a little, but she quickly sat down. "I was told you wanted to speak with me?" she asked. They were alone now.
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EN: Hi guys so I like this idea, I was gonna make a part two, but let me know what you think!
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bellvdonnv · 2 months
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𝑃𝐸𝐿𝐴𝑆 𝑆𝑂𝑀𝐵𝑅𝐴𝑆 𝐷𝐸 𝐻𝐴𝐷𝐸𝑆 ! é 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐎, a filha de 𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑺 de 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐄 anos, que segundo os arquivos do acampamento, está sob a proteção dos deuses há 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐙𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐒. apesar de ser 𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐋, 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄, quíron já perdeu horas de sono por sua natureza 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄, 𝐄𝐆𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀 𝐄 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀 !
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𝐏𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒 : manipulação de pecados - a capacidade de trazer à tona os piores vícios e pecados com um simples olhar, faz da filha do caos uma carta coringa no baralho de éris. belladonna é capaz de incitar até no mais plácido dos seres sentimentos de pura ira, orgulho e avareza — ao mesmo tempo em que se fortalece mentalmente —, os colocando em frenesi por preciosos intervalos de tempo ;
𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒 : vigor e agilidade sobre-humanos ;
𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀 : khaos phoroi - falx duplas, feitas de ouro celestial e adornadas com serpentes e espinhos em ferro estígio, são conhecidas por sua precisão e parecem ser envoltas pela aura caótica que se estende de belladona. quando inativas logo se desfazem em um bracelete duplo que se prende ao bíceps da semideusa ;
𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐂̧𝐀𝐎 : como punição por sua soberba, zeus concedeu à belladona uma armadilha esculpida de ouro imperial, que se reduz à uma gargantilha colada ao seu pescoço como uma coleira, e a torna mais suscetível a ser atingida por raios e eletricidade. por sorte o vigor herdado de sua ascendência divina permite com que se recupere sem sequelas permanentes, mas não a impede de praguejar o deus dos deuses, o que apenas agrava seu castigo ;
competidora de corrida de pégasos e membro do clube da luta, equipe azul !
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apelidos : della , donna , bella ( particularmente odeia este ) ;
data de nascimento : 21 de novembro ;
orientação sexual : bisexual ;
filiação : éris & dante caito ;
altura : 1,69 cm ;
cabelos : longos fios negros que parecem ter vida própria em momentos de turbulência ;
olhos : uma miríade de tons de azul, verde, cinza e pontos castanhos ;
tatuagens : desenhos de espinhos, entremeados com serpentes e flores, são salpicados por toda a extensão do corpo ;
piercings : apenas um furo na cartilagem esquerda, feito após muita persuasão de um filhe de afrodite. belladonna afirma que é a dor mais lancinante que já experenciou em toda sua existência — desmaiou antes mesmo que a agulha passasse pela incisão ;
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐒 : azula ( avatar ) , nesta archeron ( a court of thorns and roses ) , kai parker ( the vampire diaries ) , jang man wol ( hotel del luna ) & mazikeen ( lucifer ) ;
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prole da noite, caos e discórdia correndo por seu sangue, belladona é a personificação dos alelos da escuridão divina e corrupção humana. dante caito, general corrompido que integrava a prestigiosa cúpula das forças armadas italianas, por muito fora objeto de desejo de éris, suas táticas e práticas imorais surtiam inspiração na primogênita da noite, personificação perversa do orgulho e antagonismo. um homem tão maculado em seu cerne, e uma deusa ensandecida em sua eternidade, supostamente, pela manutenção dos comos, não poderiam unir-se e gerar uma nova centelha, mas como um toque sádico, inerente à prole de nyx, do encontro entre o sobrenatural e o mundano, do jogo de ilusões e seduções, de surpresas e anseios proibidos, nada mais que um passatempo para a imortal, della surgia. a pequena alma não vinha ao mundo atribulada. pelo contrário, a caito era dotada da luminescência da mais fulgurosa das luas que compunham o domínio da noite, os olhos cravejados das mais esperançosas de suas estrelas, e igualmente desprezada por éris em seus anos precoces.
de paixões efêmeras e perturbadoras, dante não esperava que a criatura envolta no manto como breu pudesse ser consequência de suas indiscrições, mas com um breve olhar para os fios escuros e pele tão pálida como os feixes prateados da lua, sabia sua exata origem ao recobrar as sórdidas memórias. em sua extensão, indesejada, belladona, como fora obrigado a batizá-la, não exercia influência benigna alguma sob o militar, os diminutos dedos e enormes olhos não eram capazes de abrandar o âmago pútrido. não, a escuridão que parecia pairar sobre a pequena figura surtiam efeito reverso ao esperado de um genitor devoto e condecorado, imagem que o caito adotou em relutância quando percebeu que livrar-se da criança parecia ser impossível, sob a maldita influência de éris. então em meio à epítome dos ensejos mais caóticos e violentos que a natureza humana pudesse conjurar, belladona desenvolveu em sua infância os mais diversos instintos de sobrevivência e meios de escape da realidade enganosamente reluzente de um legado militar e opulento na sociedade de roma.
a natureza amena e melódica rapidamente viu-se em frangalhos com o lento e tortuoso passar dos anos, em seu encalço, uma mente ardil e cerne hostil se instalavam no diminuto corpo que dante moldava para ser sua maior arma e ficha de barganha. foi somente então que o olhar de sua mãe celestial repousara em si, quando nenhum resquício de ternura ameaçava compor os pilares que sustentavam-na, e ousou presenteá-la com algo que jamais tivera: afeição. quando os monstros que se esgueiravam por entre as luzes de roma, sobrenaturais e humanos, começaram a persegui-la, não tardou para que fosse encontrada pelo sátiro que lhe fora designado, e às pressas enviada para o acampamento do outro lado do mundo e bem, bem, bem longe dos seus pesadelos. assim pensava.
nem mesmo uma volta da terra em seu eixo passou para que a carruagem alada cercada de corvos reluzindo mais do que a lua fixa no céu pairasse sob della, a marcando e clamando como uma filha da discórdia. a caito encarou ceticamente a aparição da mãe divina, há muito aprendera sua lição em confiança, mas não esperava que o olhar da deusa fosse um de afeto, o que em perspectiva, a italiana jamais deveria ter acreditado, mas naquele momento encontrava-se em êxtase por finalmente pertencer. a ânsia de belladona em ser aceita, querida, apesar de há muito ter-se enrijecido para tais inquietações, fora ensejo para éris ter em suas garras mais um fantoche, um soldado em seu exército de adoradores. em nome de sua mãe, seria capaz de muito mais do que sob a rígida criação de dante, mas a ela não importava, afinal a deusa a reclamara com tamanho fulgor. ainda que a mesma a manipulasse com pesadelos que jamais externalizara.
éris velava seu interesse na aura que acompanhava sua semideusa. moldá-la de acordo com seus interesses e torná-la uma lança afiada em seu arsenal, era sua intenção, apenas um desenrolar da servitude de della. o ‘favor’ que tinha da deusa do caos e conflitos fez da italiana arrogante em seus anos sob a tutela de quíron, e não demorou para que a empáfia proveniente de suas desilusões a colocasse em confronto com o rei dos deuses. ao esbravejar em uma de suas recorrentes discussões com outros semideuses, que até mesmo o deus dos trovões fora incapaz de livrar-se da influência de sua mãe, e portanto o verdadeiro culpado por todo aquele fiasco que fora tróia, zeus, jamais conhecido por sua benevolência, a presenteou com uma maldição. a caito implorou pela deusa, mas não seria por ela que éris interviria. não era do feitio da celestial envolver-se nas batalhas de seus filhos, a não ser que para piorá-las, afinal encarava adversidades imprescindíveis para discernir entre aqueles dignos de carregarem sua linhagem.
marcada pelo esforço em cada um de seus passos e dotada de certa húbris, belladona tornou-se aquilo que a mãe esperava. após a derrota de gaia, felizmente se afastaria de todos do acampamento, não fosse o temor de ser descoberta por dante. com olhos oficiais, e não tão oficiais assim, em todas as partes do mundo, em pouco belladona seria descoberta.  apesar de suas habilidades, o pavor daquele que estrelava em seus pesadelos a tornaria vulnerável e alvo fácil para as manipulações patriarcais, noção pela qual punia-se diariamente. optou então por permanecer sob o manto de proteção dos deuses e em missões cada vez mais monótonas, ainda que bem sucedidas. enfadada com a previsibilidade de seus dias, não demorou para que ousasse se aventurar para nova roma, uma réplica um tanto saudosa da sua cidade natal, onde se instalou e teria permanecido por anos vindouros e novos desafios, não fosse a reverberação da voz embriagada de dionísio a compelindo para a colina na costa leste.
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askfloressides · 19 days
Hey broskis! If yall know me form my main @zeni1098 then you guys probs know about the Flores sides I have! This is an ask form to ask them questions! I put more info in the description!
Basic dni list
No proshippers
No proship supporters
No remrom shippers
No Dante x Luca shippers (if there are any)
Ship requests
Any sort of questions don’t be shy (unless it’s something you should obviously not ask)
Any Flores x Sander sides
Any Flores x Flores
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himirins · 1 year
Hndoll OC woo
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please do not use/claim/repost!
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zeni1098 · 21 days
Fun fact about max flores: he’s verbally autistic!!
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thedivided · 16 days
Gabrielle Cole - tracking device
Jack Sato - stealthy
Elijah Songaa - breathrough
Seoung Kwan - spiritual connection
Makoto Shizuka - shortcut
Cora Madden - investigative eye
Adriana Penn - self control
Yara Valle - second wind
Taylor Dalton - good teacher
Callum - team spirit
Yronica (( I forgot how to spell her last name )) - egocentric leech
Eman Attia - evanesce
Aaaqil Che - adaptability
Amari Tamiyyah - vagrants trick
Emery Rivera - disappearing act
Jun Inagaki - tough
Eiji Inagaki - old camera
Chaoxing Lai - xingxings mic
Gavin Prescott - gavins pistol
Becca Prescott - sole survivor
Rayner Byrne - rayner's shield
Crosby Aldrich - royal rule
Serena 'Sera' Vera - smooth skating
Jonas Weber - sanity soda
Nami Deng - hard times
Mamo Ikaika - mamos bat
Dakota Nicole - flame spray
Crystal Kaur - clear quartz
Sanjana Dewan - quiet steps
Kelvin Mars - sonar dart (( ? ))
Arlo Flores - healers touch
Iris Daley - pot of life
Saadiya Ali - course control
Anais Desir (( ? )) - complete control
Kiara Cruz - life of the party (( ? ))
Sarah - lone wolf
Yvonne Kojo - fight or flight (( ??? ))
Elizabeth Payne - self assurance
Lyndon Davenport - rauhm
Dante Fontana-Rosa - plane of elysium
Serena Wolfe - hunters instinct
Kyle Wolfe - bear trap
Yeona Jeung - obsessed
Yan Tian - detection machine
Ryder - detail oriented
Riley West - cheap thrill
Dae-Jung Pak - charm
Dakari Bowens - heal gun
Tabitha Harris - maternal instinct
Wren Harris - menial work
Parker - triple mocktail
Nathan Reyes - wits end
Emil - inspire
Evelyn Maurelle - dirty work
I can also name a few killer abilites
Werewolf - feral rage (active) / the hunt (passive)
Polluted - oil trail (active) / corruption consumes (passive)
ghost - blood phase (active) / sixth sense (passive)
Principal - extended strike (active) / hall pass (passive)
Showstopper - foul play (active)
Apostate - salvation (passive)
Watcher - watchful eye (active)
Janitor - worked ground (active) / no escape (passive)
Experiment - deep terror (active) / aftershock (passive??)
Surgeon - swift strikes (active) / surgical precision (passive)
Idol - you're mine (active) / obsessive nature (passive)
Host - ice trap (active)
Unforgotten - malefic shadows (active) / manifest (passive?)
Android - technological eye (active) / automation (passive)
ill list off what i remember, using the same list as you but some grouped together. Ill also only list what actually brought them to the mist
Gabrielle - tried making a ghost tracker gone wrong
Jack - last delivery of the night gone wrong
Elijah - only survivor of a camp massacre caused by banshee
Seoung - messed up a ritual and summoned ghost?
Makoto - fell asleep on a subway while going to a new job
Cora - all i remember is she was skeptical of people? and she lost her mom i think
Adrianna - dont remember, ive read it though
Yara - havent read it
Taylor - havent read it
Callum, Yronica, Aaaqil, Eman - detention, almost got killed by principal?
Amari - plane crash
Emery - pushed into the mist by showstopper
Jun - forgot
Eiji - forgot
Chaoxing - havent read, i think she disappeared while going offstage at a concert? Yara or Taylor followed her i think idk….
Gavin + Parker - car crash?
Becca - babysitting job turned final girl situation
Rayner - sentenced for execution, disappeared
Crosby - smth to do with rayners
Sera - havent read
Jonas - contacted by a company?
Nami - havent read
Mamo - bus crash??
Dakota - forgot
Crystal - forgot
Sanjana - got sweeped away by the mist while monitoring it?
Kelvin - sweeped away by mist before sanjana(all i remember)
Arlo - fell asleep in a library or smth
Iris - forgot
Saadiya - forgot
Anais - dad died when she thought she found love? got taken by mist while grieving
Kiara - escaped the party her alternate timeline self got kidnapped at
Sarah - got tossed into a lake??
Yvonne - framed? disappeared in a prison riot
Elizabeth - framed?? disappeared in a prison riot?
Lyndon - forgot
Dante - speared through the chest while sending out an SOS signal
Serena and Kyle - dad got killed by werewolf on a hunting trip
Yeona - went to look in STAR*STRUCKs dorm gone wrong
Yan and Nathan - partially forgot, all i remember is Yan’s dad got killed by an enemy organization
Ryder - didnt read
Riley - skydiving gone wrong
Dae - came back to dorm to see Ye-Jun’s confrontation gone wrong
DAKARI💙💙💙💙 - boat got punctured, he thought it was an injured marine animal. Came back w/ healing gun to find the boat top empty and a polluted fish creature
Tabitha - forgot
Wren - forgot
Emil - bled out in a protest turned riot?
Evelyn - didnt read
NOW. For killers
Werewolf - parents got mauled by a pack of wolves and he got bit, turned into a ww and killed serena and kyles dad
Polluted - lost his mom to pollution, pretty sure he washed up on a shore at one point
Ghost - kidnapped from a party. Tried escaping her captors on christmas(?) and got killed
Principal - lost his daughter because of yronica, tried killing her and her group
Show - forgot
Apostate - drowned in a lake?
Watcher - all i remember is hes a terrorist for attention
Janitor - killed by principal?
Experiment - didnt read
Surgeon - forgot
Idol - got confronted gone wrong
Host - containment breach????
Unforgotten - purely made of hatred of humans
Android - killed someone i think
Stalker - pushed sarah into a lake?
Voidskulk - got infected by a thing that killed her godfather or uncle or wtv
Warden - i think he got electrocuted to death in a prison riot
Empress - betrayed and beheaded
Stareater - hit by a shooting star
Possessed - near same as seoung, got possessed by an evil spirit instead
Banshee - killed herself to reunite with her sister? massacred elijahs camp
Boss - forgot
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Fun fact: in my Flores sides au Dante was introduced in the same way as Remus, Nico having intrusive thoughts and the others being sort of shocked etc. but they did it for different reasons lol. Remus did it to dodge his job cuz Thomas wanted to acknowledge him. But Dante did it becuase the ENTIRE SERIES I REPEAT THE ENTIRE SERIES he was in a deep sleep! But he got woken up by Nico and the others. (But he also needed to do his job lol)
(He isn’t a petty jerk btw, he’s actually one of the nicest most forgiving Flores sides but he just started doing his job since he was woken up lol)
Just the moment he gets woken up he puts on a hat and takes out a suitcase like "Alright time to get to work" XD
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whatsuptyler · 2 months
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“To compare PRAY FOR HIM to THE EXORCIST only scratches the surface. It is a horror romance with the slowest of burns between a Catholic priest named Isaias and his equally sad and lonely best friend, Hector, who is possessed. Battaglia effortlessly balances the horror of demon possession with the importance of chosen family. PRAY FOR HIM is equal parts contemplative, tender, and unsettling as Isaias, coming to terms with his own feelings, does everything to save the man he loves. I cannot recommend it enough.” –Morgan Dante, author of PROVIDENCE GIRLS
Thank you to @ghostpoetics for the incredibly kind words about my upcoming queer possession horror debut novel, available October 1!
The book is available for pre-order now, and ARCs are available by request.
Full book description below!
A psychic priest is thrown headfirst into a battle of faith and love against the forces of Hell when his dearest friend becomes possessed. Father Isaias Flores may not have much, but he has his faith—and his dear friend Hector to keep him anchored when he is mired in self-doubt. But when Hector’s daughter, Violet, comes to Isaias with concerns that her father is acting strangely, Isaias’s doubts only increase, now with no one to keep him steadfast. For Hector seems to be possessed by something darker than even the traumas of the past, and Violet has nowhere else to turn to save her only family. This is a problem that may require divine intervention—the rites of exorcism. Unsure of his place in the church, doubting his gifts from God, and struggling to make sense of his feelings for the man he had thought was only a friend, Isaias isn’t sure if he is strong enough to save anyone’s soul from damnation. For what can one man do against the torments of Hell?
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