#dany celebrates 400
khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
oh my god
Oh My God
This chapter was a ✨masterpiece✨
It was ✨art✨
The tension, the drama, the reveals ✨chefs kiss✨
Magnus Bane, the leader of the Warlock Council ✨legendary and phenomenal ✨. All hail our Lord and Saviour.
All chapters should be like this. I don't need therapy after reading them. Honestly, I am in awe of your writing skills. The planning you have done, oh my god. Dani, I would marry this piece of work, if I could.
The apocalyptic universe. I got chills reading about it. The way you managed to portray the eeriness of that universe is truly so amazing. Like, you can't help but feel chills when you read about it. The visualization was amazing. Then, I don't know if its just me, but the way you can feel that in that universe, there are so less people. It feels so desolate. You can feel it. When I'm reading stuff, there is a kind of color which is associated with that universe. This universe was black to me. Lbaf has been red at times,sometimes dark blue, but never black. Right now, it feels grey but the future universe is black. Almost obsidian. Everyone's desperation can be felt. Like you portrayed it so well. Max feels so similar yet so different at the same time. You can understand from the way he thinks that the past 700 years have weighed down on him. Magnus has also changed. I can't help but feel it's so cruel, the warlock's fate. Everyone else just died. The nephilim I mean. But the Warlocks have to keep living in that universe, deal with the aftermaths. Also, since it's been 700 years and Magnus was already 400, then that means he is more than a thousand years old.And now he has suffered so much, lost his best friends too. Magnus, in my interpretation of him, at least, has never been one who has a "we do what we need to do" mindset. To me, he's more lf a "do what's right" But now he's a leader and he has that entire thing to do what needs to be done. It's a bit scary.
Sorry for ranting so much. I just have so many thoughts about this chapter. In case in wasn't clear, I'm in love. I might be back later to spill more thoughts.
Keep writing such masterpieces.
Much Love💙
Thank you so much, bebe. All the glitter made me feel very warm and I had a very busy day (the irony of overworking women to celebrate women's day lmao) so this made my day 💙
I'm so glad that you picked up exactly what I put down. It was exactly the vibe I was going for and it was definitely interesting to write. I think in any post-apocalyptic world there are stages of existence (liek 5 stages of grief almost) and i think, if i may so, OM and the others are currently at the bargaining stage - so it's despair mixed with hope. they are literally clinging to it because they know there is no fixing this. We literally only saw his world for a few hours. but there is SO MUCH depth there.
Which is why i wanted to write the Diary of Other Max. I wanted to explore the Warlock Academy, Max meeting Story, the first person he killed, Max coming back to find the apartment gone, his first time portal and JUST EVERYTHING AH.
Your analysis of Other Magnus is quite on point. He is definitely a leader of circumstance unlike Rafael and Alec - who were groomed for it and genuinely wanted it. So, you can see that it's weighing on him and Magnus is as desperate as everyone else. I do think Ragnor was a big influence in Magnus taking up the position (Hermes must have def done some guilt tripping there hehe)
Thank you for the love x
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danihow · 2 years
HIYA DANI RIJFJEIFJ BRO IM SO EXCITED ABOUT YOUR CELEBRATION and I’m so happy for you!! 200!! AAAHHH that’s so cool. I hope it goes well!
And for a request. I gotta ask for
6. Me (an empath) sensing you dislike me so I will partner us up on a project.
With James Norrington. Please I’m dying laughing rn omg
I just saw this in my inbox omg, this is so awkward bc i just put one ask out and i'm 3 away for 400 now, i'm so ashamedddddd
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marquisoforder · 5 years
@a-very-gay-spider said:  Congratulations!! I lovee your writing sm! Can I have a 👑 for Malec? Thank you and lyy! ❤
“I've fallen in love I've fallen in love for the first time And this time I know it's for real I've fallen in love, yeah God knows, God knows I've fallen in love
It's strange but it's true, yeah I can't get over the way you love me like you do But I have to be sure When I walk out that door Oh, how I want to be free, baby Oh, how I want to be free Oh, how I want to break free”
-       I want to break free
Isabelle Lightwood knew something was up with her brother.
It started a couple of days ago. Little differences that no one except Jace and Izzy would notice about Alec. He had smiled more often, for one thing. And had actually made an effort to restrain himself from making a sarcastic comment about Simon. (The keyword being “tried”, he had failed rather spectacularly at it but Izzy believed it was the thought that counted.) She caught him whistling once on his way to the weapons room and had done a double take, just to make sure if he was feeling alright. He apparently did feel alright, because he had offered her a smile and moved along.
But the real clue came up when they were returning from a hunt one particular night, when a passing werewolf girl had smiled and nodded at him in greeting.
And Alec had smiled back.
“Since when do you smile at strangers?”
Izzy had reeled back on him the moment they were out of ear shot.
“She’s not a stranger,” Her brother had shrugged it off. “I know her from… I just know her.”
After that Alec had returned to his more normal self, all grumpy and one syllabic answers. But Izzy Lightwood was not fooled. She was going to get to the bottom of it, one way or the other.
So here she was, sitting on her brother’s bed, waiting for him to come back from wherever he had gone. And come back he did, just not through the door, but a window.
“Hello brother dearest,” She smiled sweetly as Alec stumbled in. “Wherever were you this fine evening?”
“Jesus Christ, Izzy!” Alec swore, pushing his hair back from his forehead. It was a little messier than usual, and she noticed it was a little wet, and he smelled faintly of sandalwood.
“It’s the warlock, isn’t it? Magnus. From the party.” Izzy did not waste time beating around the bush. She was far too excited to hear whatever Alec had to say, unlike Alec himself, who looked like he was about to just leave the way he came. “C’mon Alec! I’m your sister! You can tell me anything.”
Alec sighed and collapsed on to the bed. “Do I have to?” He sounded a little whiny but Izzy knew better than to comment on it.
“Yes, now dish bish!”
“Please don’t ever say that to me again,” Alec groaned but Izzy could hear the smile in his words. “Yes it is Magnus.” He admitted. “We’ve been seeing each other for a while now.”
“For a while?!” Izzy yelped out in surprise. “And you didn’t tell me? Does Jace know?”
“Relax Iz! It’s only been a couple of times. And no, Jace doesn’t know.”
“Oh okay.” Izzy nodded, a little smile forming on her lips. “So…”
“What is he like?”
“He’s okay.”
“Okay?” Izzy asked in indignation. “Honey if that’s all you have to say about a guy you are with it means you shouldn’t be with him at all!”
“You know what I mean!” Alec turned to face her and Izzy noticed the faintest shred of panic in her brother’s look. “He’s been great to me but it’s not like I have notes to compare.”
“I’m? Literally? Right? Here?”  Izzy grinned like a maniac and Alec visibly moved away from her with his eyebrows raised.
“Calm down Love Guru, it’s just a guy I’m seeing not a Clave investigation. You don’t have to be this eager.”
“Shut up and tell me everything!” Izzy crossed her legs and reached for a pillow which she continued to hug to her chest. “Chop chop shadowhunter, let’s get spilling!”
“God it’s like you are a different person, Izzy!”
“That’s not what I want to hear. Have you guys kissed?”
Alec rolled his eyes. “None of your business Izzy!”
“So you have!” Isabelle leaned in conspiratorially. “Was it good?”
Surprisingly, Alec smiled at that. A sweet smile that whispered of warmth and good times. “Yes, it was really good.”
“Nice.” Izzy watched the little smile playing across Alec’s lips, lighting up his features in a fraction of a second. “It looks like he makes you happy.”
“He does.” Alec nodded and sighed. “It’s almost as if I can breathe a little easier when I’m with him.”
“Yeah, I just can be myself you know. He doesn’t judge. He says he’s seen much worse.” He chuckled lightly. “And he calls me pretty boy.”
“Aw that’s cute!” Izzy squealed a little, very much a middle school girl in pigtails hearing about her friend’s first kiss.
“It is, isn’t it?” Alec sounded bashful but there was a little look of adoration in his eyes. “I really like him Izzy. I really do.”
It wasn’t until that moment that Izzy  had realized the true gravity of the situation. This person his brother was gushing about was a man and a warlock. Mom and dad were gonna freak out. It didn’t matter how much he seem to make Alec happy, this Magnus Ban was going to be received as bad news by the rest of the Lightwoods. And maybe even Jace.
“Are you going to tell mom and dad?” She asked gently, thinking this might be a touchy subject for her brother, always concerned about the honor and the name of Lightwood. Worried about how he was perceived by others.
“I don’t know.” He admitted gently. “I don’t want to ruin it Iz. It’s just perfect as it is. There’s something real here, I can feel it. But if mom and dad find out I don’t know how they will react.” There was an edge to his voice, which clearly suggested he had a damn good idea about how they would react. “It’s like living in this weird glass prison. I know it’s there and I want to break free! I just want to be able to live my life the way I want but I’m scared as hell that it’d just take everything from me.”
Izzy stared at her brother for a long minute before reaching out and taking his hand, long fingered and callused, in her own and giving it a little squeeze.  “Listen to me Alec, whatever decision you make, I want you to know I’ll always be there to support you. No matter what. Okay?”
Alec squeezed her hand gently and returned her smile. “Okay.” He said. “I trust you Iz.”
“I love you brother.” She spoke softly, not to disturb this moment of perfect clarity between herself and one of the people who mean the most to her, and moved closer to him. Arms outstretched so she could hug him, all taught muscles and stiffened shoulders.
“I love you too Izzy.” He hugged her back, and she caught another whiff of sandalwood.
“Wait did you shower at his place?”
“Yeah I went there right after training. He took one look at me drenched in sweat and just pointed to the shower.”
“Ugh Prissy queen.” Izzy made a face. “Did y’all get freaky in there?”
“What?” Alec looked mortified as he broke away from the hug. “No! Izzy you don’t just ask things like that!”
“Oh shush!” She waved him away. “I’m just rooting for you guys.” She smiled, and for that moment, in Alec’s sparsely furniture bedroom, life was as perfect as it could be.
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snafus-peckuh · 3 years
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So as you guys can see yo girl just got 400 followers and i'm so freaking happy!! a huuuuge thanks for every single one of you, the hbo war fandom it's the one and only i've ever really participated on and i never though i'd get this far, so thanks for everything! ❤️❤️❤️
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Hello, congratulations on the 400 followers, 🎂 could you do a moodboard of Simon or Izzy, or both?
Hi Dani, thank you so much! Thank you so much for celebrating with me! 💛
🎂- Make me choose between two characters and I’ll do a moodboard on the one I choose or I’ll do both.
Ok so I love Simon and Izzy and I just couldn’t choose so I did both!!
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I hope you like them!! Again, thank you for celebrating with me!! 💛💛
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Ted Cruz thinks Jon Stewart is a funny guy so he'll definitely enjoy Jon's point-by-point breakdown of the lies Cruz is spouting about the PACT Act. The bill, which would give health care to sick veterans, is being held up by Cruz and his Senate Republican colleagues who are giving patently false reasons for blocking the bill.
Jon called in to Fox News to call out Republican Senator Pat Toomey's claim that a budget gimmick was snuck into the PACT Act at the last minute. The Act which provides health care to seriously ill veterans already passed the Senate once 84-14. And now Toomey and his Republican colleagues are refusing to allow final passage of the bill, even though it contains the same exact language from the first bill. This is robbing sick veterans of care they urgently need and time they do not have.
Republican Senators have been criticized for fist bumping on the Senate floor after the GOP blocked a bill that would have expanded healthcare coverage for military veterans exposed to toxic burn pits during their service.
On Wednesday night, the Senate failed to pass a Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act in a 55 to 42 vote.
All but one of the 42 Senators who voted against the bill were Republicans, including 25 who previously supported it in June. The Senate had to vote for the PACT Act again because of a technical change the House made to the bill.
After the vote, a group of Republican Senators were seen shaking hands on the chamber floor, with Texas' Ted Cruz and Montana's Steve Daines also giving each other a fist bump.
A clip of the pair bumping fists was shared on Twitter by the Senate Democrats, along with the caption: "Senate Republicans BLOCKED the PACT Act, critical health care for veterans with illness caused by toxic burn pits. Even though many Republicans supported it just weeks ago. And they celebrated."
The clip has been viewed more than one million times since it was posted on Twitter.
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The Montana Democrat Party shared a similar video along with the caption "Steve Danies BETRAYED sick veterans and CELEBRATED it with a fist bump. This is how Daines treats our veterans. It's a game to him."
MSNBC's Chris Hayes said the GOP Senators decided to vote against what was previously a "broadly bipartisan" bill to help war veterans in retaliation for the Democrats waiting for the CHIPs Act to pass before revealing that Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer had come to an agreement on what was essentially the long-negotiated Build Back Better Act.
In June, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell threatened that the GOP would not help pass the CHIPs Act if Democrats went forward with the reconciliation package, a statement he made while Manchin was still objecting to it.
"Republicans were not happy, they threw a temper tantrum," Hayes said Thursday night. "They feel like they got played, so they're looking around with their anger, who to take it out on, and what they did was—I'm not making this up—they decided to punish U.S. war vets suffering the aftereffects of toxic fumes."
Hayes then played the clip of Cruz and Daines fist bumping as the "no" votes were being read out.
"'We'll show them, those vets whose lungs have the effects of toxic fumes they inhaled while fighting our wars.' Truly shameless stuff," Hayes added.
In a statement to Newsweek, a spokesman for Cruz said:
"Senator Cruz is a strong supporter of the PACT Act and our nation's veterans. However, this version of the PACT Act contains an irresponsible Democratic provision allowing Congress to recklessly spend an additional $400 billion on programs totally unrelated to our veterans. The Senator and his Republican colleagues are working to advance the bill while removing that provision. Democrats were aware of this concern before yesterday's vote but ignored it and refused to allow a vote to fix the bill. That refusal is why the bill is currently stalled. Democrats must work with Republicans and fix this issue to prevent inflationary spending that will hurt all Americans. Once that happens, the PACT Act will quickly become law."
Daines has been contacted for comment.
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hacash · 3 years
I would like to say that while I adore all the main characters on Ted Lasso I feel like more recognition needs to be given to one (1) team of himbos and so I’ve compiled a list of my favourite Richmond FC moments:
Colin getting absolutely beaned by the high water pressure in the showers.
Roy’s inability to do impressions.
Sam’s little whimpered ‘oh no’ when Nate roasts him in the pre-game roast.
The unnamed player sitting next to Isaac during the roast who gradually disappears further and further into his hoodie as Nate insults him.
Pretty much the entire roast scene, actually.
‘Honestly, it doesn’t hurt anymore; but everyone was just making such a fuss I thought I’d better stay down.’ (OH SAM)
Isaac throws a chair at a TV, only explanation is ‘Oops, innit?’
‘Dani Rojas Rojas Dani Rojaaaas!!!’
‘Fucking headbutted me. I’m still dizzy half the time; doctors told me not to drink’ *swigs beer*
Isaac on celebrity endorsements: ‘Rolos.’ ‘Sweets and chocolate then?’ ‘No. Just Rolos.’
Richard getting squeakily weepy at giving up his ‘sex-with-my-first-supermodel’ sand. Colin’s very sincere ‘Smile because it happened!’ is the very daft icing on a very daft cake.
Blankie Roy’s blanket story and Isaac’s quacking pen.
Sam asking the names of the photographers at the gala because he’s super polite and was brought up right.
(Pretty much any time Sam Obisanya is a beautiful little beam of sunshine onscreen.)
Colin putting his car keys into the curse-breaking bonfire. ‘...How are you getting home?’
Dani’s celebrity endorsement is joy.
Roy’s very sincere complements whenever anyone breaks anything.
‘What you’re telling me is we’ve got 400 ghosts?’ ‘That’s too many ghosts!’ ‘We cannot fight them all.’ (I just want to know how many ghosts Colin and Richard would find acceptable that’s all.)
The fact that any time someone insults Colin we get a shot of him looking utterly confused at what’s gone wrong in his life.
Crying at The Iron Giant.
The fact that the moment when the team turns on Jamie is after he ignored Sam’s injury.
The fact that in almost every group scene Isaac and Colin seem to be the ones hanging out with Nate.
basically I want all them to get even more screentime as a team because I love the fact that this team is sharing literally one braincell and clearly no-one’s passed it to Colin all season
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ashleysolsen · 3 years
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hey guys! i still can't believe i've hit 400 followers considering the fact i used to make gifs from low quality videos on ezgif and before that i would use every tag on the planet for my edits... thank you for following this blog, especially if you did when it was a weird mess, i really appreciate it!!!!
i will be having a little event to celebrate this milestone. i'm gonna gif my favourite movies and characters, similar to what i did for my 200 celebration... but better quality i promise!!!
you like/reblog this post
you mbf me
i will be giffing my favourite movies, characters, and actors
i will be taking requests as usual
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ghostcultmagazine · 4 years
Ghost Cult caught up with our old friend celebrity and music photographer Jeremy Saffer about his brand new coffee table book project, Daughters of Darkness, releasing on October 30th, 2020 from Rare Bird Books books. In part one of a two-part interview, we delved into Jeremy’s start in music, how that led to concert photography (shout out to Scott Lee), and how this book is a hybrid of fine art and metal culture. Then we explored the genesis of this project itself, conjured over a dozen years in the making and shooting over 400 models. Jeremy spoke about how he connected with Tyson Cornell - the CEO of Rare Bird, the black metal compilation album that goes with the book and the scope of what it took to bring this project to fruition. Tune in later this week for part two. Interview with Keefy (https://ift.tt/2LlAx1W), and editing by Omar Cordy of OJC Photography (https://ift.tt/2yTkDJc). Theme music by Salted Wounds (https://ift.tt/31seIpV). Pre-order the book here: Daughters of Darkness is scheduled for release on October 30 and will be available in four editions: Standard Edition Bundle [Signed] ($60), Blood Edition Bundle [Signed w/ Slipcase] ($100), Extra-Bloody Edition Bundle [Signed Limited Edition] ($150) and The True Daughters of Darkness Deluxe Box Set [Custom Hand-Sewn w/ 24 Extra Photo Pages Not Included In Any Other Edition—Exclusively Limited to 25 Copies Worldwide] ($666). For additional details on each package and for pre-orders, visit https://ift.tt/3bsBwZD. The Standard Edition Bundle includes the book with standard cover, aDaughters of Darkness tote bag, five 4x6 Daughters of Darkness metallic mini prints, two Daughters of Darkness corpse paint guitar picks, three stickers, one Daughters of Darkness phone-pop, and an Introduction by Lamb Of God’s Randy Blythe and foreword by Cradle of Filth’s Dani Filth. The Blood Edition Bundle includes everything from the Standard Edition Bundle, plus a Blood Edition Exclusive Slipcase, five 8x12 Daughters of Darkness metallic prints, two additional Daughters of Darkness corpse paint guitar picks and three Daughters of Darkness and Rare Bird stickers. The Extra Bloody Edition bundle includes the book with a hand-numbered slipcased limited-edition "Blood" cover not available in stores and adds a corpse paint make up set, a total of six Daughters of Darkness corpse paint guitar picks in a custom tin, a Daughters of Darkness woven back patch, a Daughters of Darkness t-shirt and two Daughters of Darkness and Rare Bird enamel pins to the Blood Edition Bundle. The True Daughters of Darkness Deluxe Box Set bundle includes the book in a custom hand-sewn version limited to 25 copies worldwide with a hand-numbered slipcased ultra-limited edition alternate cover not available in stores. The package also includes a custom handmade Daughters of Darkness wooden box, a crushed velvet alter throw, a signed and numbered Certificate of Authenticity, two black candles, a corpse paint make-up set, a Daughters of Darkness tote bag, 10 8x12 Daughters of Darkness metallic prints, 20 4x6 Daughters of Darknessmetallic mini prints, a Daughters of Darkness woven back patch, a Daughters of Darkness t-shirt, a Daughters of Darkness hoodie, a custom tin with six Daughters of Darkness corpse paint guitar picks, three Daughters of Darkness and Rare Bird stickers, two Daughters of Darkness and Rare Bird enamel pins and one Daughters of Darkness phone-pop. Rare Bird Books and Season of Mist have partnered for the release of a soundtrack for Daughters of Darkness. The Daughters of Darkness soundtrack will feature pivotal tracks from 12 artists culled from the Season of Mist black metal archives, including Abbath, Mayhem, 1349, Watain, Carach Angren, Carpathian Forest, Rotting Christ, Gaahls WYRD, and more, curated by Saffer himself. The record will feature more than 60 minutes of music on limited edition gatefold double 45rpm vinyl. The album will be released as a free companion to the Daughters of Darkness Bathory, Bloody Bathory and box set editions of the book, and will not be available in stores. In addition to the gatefold packaging, the set will include a limited edition poster and liner notes written by Saffer Follow Jeremy Saffer: www.jeremysaffer.com https://ift.tt/3eIynqE https://ift.tt/3czPskS https://twitter.com/jeremysaffer Rare Bird Books online: www.rarebirdlit.com https://ift.tt/2yt0FF7 https://ift.tt/2XYw2lB Do you like hydration, cool stuff like saving the planet, and discounts? Get a case of Liquid Death 100% Mountain Spring Water and Sparkling Water in Recyclable Cans! Use this link and our code GHOSTCULT for 10% off! https://bit.ly/2KHGVk3 This video also includes a shoutout to The Polites from Ecuador! To get your band a shoutout in one of our future videos, subscribe to Ghost Cult on YT, IG, and Twitter, and then check out pinned our Tweet for the details! by Ghost Cult Magazine
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razzberriezz · 6 years
Shopdo Update+Mega Shopdo Tour!
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Happy New Year everyone!! I hope 2019 will be a great year for all of you! Let’s make the Style Savvy community flourish even more! (Maybe GM5 will be announced...? Haha)
I have some new outfits on my shopdo all themed around a New Years’ celebration, so come party with me at 000 689 1114 (NA region)!
And below the cut will be my huge shopdo visiting spree hehe ^o^ There are a LOT of pictures so be warned!! (But please don’t stop here T_T)
1. @alphards-asterism​ I love your festive shopdo interior!! Your outfits are soooo cute and this Festive Flirty is definitely my fave. I’ll look forward to more of your awesome and unique content this year~~~  💖 And here’s hoping you’ll have more free time to do just that haha!
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2. @c-horale HI MINGUS I mean, happy new year Dani! I love the glitzy party outfits you have! It was really hard picking my fave but I’m a pastel girl at heart :-) Let’s play for some AC Switch news soon  🙏
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3. @chiyopiyo Welcome back!! When I visited your new shopdo, the default catalogue outfits were still there, so I went back to your old one to take these! Haruna is such a cutie, I’d love to see more of her (and your OCs plus your lovely voice! 🎶)
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4. @lunablues-juliet I always look forward to seeing your posts on Juliet and Noel as well as your challenge posts! I love reading through them and seeing the love you put into them. Your art is so beautiful too, I’m sad I wasn’t able to join your livestream :( But hey, there’ll be lots of chances in 2019!
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5. @thetrueslyblue Thank you for being such an active and lovely member of the community!! It’s so fun to see all the different ideas you have, like the brand highlights and the throwbacks to GM2 and GM3! You’ve definitely inspired me to up my game (๑و•̀ω•́)و Also, we should totally start another chain of showing off our pets :p
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6. @northstarboutique All of your posts are adorable!! The little edits you do to Polaris are really cute too, like the twin cornrow ponytails ^^ Thank you for always visiting and taking pics with me at my shopdo! I hope 2019 will be a fantastic year for you!!
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7. @twinklefantasia How do you make Jelly look so cute with coloured mascara??? My character always looks so weird with it... but I tried haha. I’ll live my dreams of having fantasy-like makeup on my character through you. Also, I LOVE the uniqueness of all your outfits! They always inspire me to step out of my comfort zone :)
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8. @rosiemillas...? Hello from the other side :’) I can’t actually visit you since shopdo is region-locked (thanks a lot Syn Sophia...) so the best I could do was find an NPC that looks somewhat like your character. From 2019 onwards, I declare pink to be the best colour hehe (^・ω・^ ) Let’s stay friends from this year on too~
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9. @alinatron...? BEFORE YOU GIVE ME CRAP FOR NOT GETTING YOUR CHARACTER RIGHT - I scrolled through all 400+ of the NPCs in my contacts to find the one that looked the closest to yours T^T Hope you like the bright green outfit, my pboi :^) Thanks for staying friends with meeee  💖 💖 💖
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10. @sportystylist...? Happy New Year Julia!!! Maybe 2019 is the year they’ll bring sporty back 👀 Also wishing you luck for your FEH summons - you can have some of mine, because I got 4 5*s in a span of 12 hours uwu. Have a great year ahead!! Thank you for being an amazing friend!   💖 💖 💖
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11. Trip...? Trip, thank you for being such a great friend this past year!! I really hope you stay healthy this year T^T Keep on being a handsome bean :-))) #PetitionForAfroHair2019
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wesonerdy · 5 years
Now that the battle against the Army of the Dead has been won, Dany’s attention turns to taking the Iron Throne. But even with Jon’s support, threats emerge from King’s Landing and inside Dany’s own inner circle… read our review of “The Last of the Starks”!
I just need to start this recap/review by saying two things:
1. Arya Stark is the only Queen I recognize.
2. If there was an award for LEAST valuable player for the Battle of Winterfell, it would be a tie between Dany and Jon for their utter uselessness, even though they both had dragons.
  “The Last of the Starks” begins in the direct aftermath of the Battle of Winterfell. The next day, those who remain are battle worn. However, they gather to pay homage and say goodbye to their friends, family, and comrades who have died. It’s thoroughly heartbreaking as we watch Dany say goodbye to Jorah and Sansa say goodbye to Theon (she places her direwolf pin in his lapel). Jon steps up to say some words of thanks to those who sacrificed their lives to defeat the Army of the Dead:
“Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. And we shall never see their like again.”
The bodies are then burned.
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  Following this, Dany, Jon, and Sansa preside over a night of celebration with eating, drinking, and other forms of enjoyment.
Dany takes the opportunity to make Gendry a legitimate Baratheon and the Lord of Storm’s End (though it initially seems like he plans to punish Gendry for the betrayals of his father and uncles). Dany also toasts to Arya Stark, the Hero of Winterfell (which happens to be the only truth I recognize).
Tormund hails Dany and then Jon as a leader for uniting with the Free Folk. He speaks of Jon’s strength and ability to inspire even his enemies to join him. Jon has even conquered death. Dany overhears all of this, which only serves to heighten the lingering tension between her and Jon.
  At another table, Brienne, Tyrion, Pod, and Jaime play a drinking game where they try to guess truths about one another. Things get awkward when Tyrion rightly (AND SHADILY) guesses that Brienne is a virgin. Brienne stands to leave the table and Jaime follows after her.
This makes Tormund sad because he thinks Jaime has taken Brienne from him. He laments about his heartbreak to the Hound. But Tormund isn’t sad for that long though, because he finds comfort in another young woman *snort*
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  Sansa approaches the Hound as he now sits by himself, drinking. They commiserate over their time in King’s Landing, with Sandor reflecting on a time that Sansa couldn’t even look upon his face. Sansa says that she has seen much worse since leaving King’s Landing. The Hound comments that he’s heard of her suffering, referencing Sansa being “broken in, rough”. Sansa assures Hound that she made sure Ramsay Bolton got what he deserved, by siccing his own hounds on him. The Hound is impressed, but if she would have left the city with him after he quit Joffrey’s Kingsguard, none of that would have occurred. Sansa takes his hand and says: “Without Littlefinger and Ramsay and the rest, I would have stayed a little bird all my life.”
Clearly, the Hound has a soft spot for these badass Stark girls. Damn it, we do, too!
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  Speaking of the Stark girls, in the midst of the celebration, Gendry finds Arya outside practicing her archery. He’s very excited as he shares the news that he’s been made a lord. Now that he’s Arya’s social equal, he feels that he can offer for her. Gendry declares his love and makes a proposal. Unfortunately, Arya gently lets him down. She reminds Gendry that she has never been a lady and won’t become one for the sake of being his wife and Lady of Storm’s End: “That’s not me.”
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  Elsewhere, Jaime has followed Brienne to her room. They share a drink and make small talk about the North being so cold. Jaime then starts to take off his clothes, though he struggles with his one hand. When Brienne starts to help him, Jaime attempts to take Brienne’s shirt off. She realizes what he’s after…
J: “I’ve never slept with a night before.” B: “I’ve never slept with anyone before.”
Then Jaime and Brienne share their first kiss.
  Dany has also followed Jon to his room, and both are clearly distraught. They love one another, but Jon’s true paternity is a massive wedge between them. Dany says she wishes Jon had never told her, so she’d now be happy. Jon pledges himself to Dany again, saying that she is his queen, that he would never challenge her claim to the Iron Throne. But, for Dany, the only way forward is for Jon to keep this secret and convince Bran and Samwell to do the same. Jon is concerned because he wants to tell Sansa and Arya the truth, since they are his family. However, Dany is firm: “You can say nothing. To anyone. Ever. Never tell them who you really are.”
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  The next day, the forces at Winterfell meet together to reassess as they get ready to pivot to Cersei and King’s Landing… All around, about half of the manpower and resources have been depleted from the Battle of Winterfell. They plan to surround the city an essentially starve King’s Landing until they abandon Cersei. Sansa throws a wrench in the plans when, speaking on behalf of the ordinary people, she cautions that there needs to be time for soldiers to rest and recuperate.
Dany becomes incensed. She came to Winterfell to fight against the Army of the Dead with the promise of the Starks’ loyalty in claiming the Iron Throne. Are they backing out? Jon quickly speaks up and pledges the North to join Dany immediately. The plan is finalized: Jon and Davos will ride down from the North and the remaining Dothraki and Unsullied. A smaller group will sail to Dragonstone with Dany and the dragons. Jaime will remain in Winterfell.
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  As everyone leaves the room, Arya approaches Jon and says they she and Sansa would like to have a word. Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Jon meet at the Godswood. Ultimately, Sansa and Arya don’t trust Dany. Jon tries to speak on Dany’s behalf; they’d all be dead without Dany. Arya says that Jon did the right thing at the time, but now, they four of them, the last of the Starks, can only rely on one another. This prompts Jon, who now knows his parentage. Jon demands that Sansa and Arya swear to keep a secret. They do so, reluctantly. And then Jon tells Bran to disclose everything.
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  Meanwhile, that night Bronn has arrived at Winterfell, carrying the crossbow that Tyrion used to kill Tywin. Bronn confronts Tyrion and Jaime, telling them that Cersei has promised him Riverrun in exchange for killing her two brothers. But, given his belief that Dany will eventually win, along with the deal he made to Tyrion years ago, Bronn is here to give Tyrion to negotiate for a better offer. Tyrion immediately offers Bronn Highgarden. At first, Jaime isn’t convinced that Bronn will kill them… that is, until Bronn fires an arrow that just misses Jaime by millimeters. So, the three strike a deal and Bronn leaves to await the results of the coming war.
In the morning, Arya meets the Hound on the road: A: “You’re heading to King’s Landing?” H: “I have some unfinished business.” A: “Me, too.” H: “I don’t plan on coming back.” A: “Neither do I.”
Welps, the Hound is going to kill is brother and Arya is going for Cersei. But what’s all this business about not planning to return?!
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  Everyone else is preparing to depart Winterfell, as well. Rhaegal is healing from his attack by the wights and is able to fly. Dany rides Drogon.
Tormund and the Free Folk are heading further North to Castle Black. Jon asks Tormund to take Ghost with him (*cries* because Ghost has been so loyal and doesn’t even get a goodbye!)
Sam and Gilly are returning to Oldtown, and when Jon hugs Gilly to say goodbye, he learns that she’s expecting another child! They plan to name the baby Jon if he is a boy 🙂
Tyrion approaches Sansa before leaving for Dragonstone with Dany. She’s very worried about Jon going south: “The men in my family don’t do well in the capital.”
TRUER WORDS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPOKEN, because OMG Rickard Stark (her grandfather), Brandon Stark (her uncle), and Ned Stark (her father)…
  Sansa tells Tyrion she doesn’t think there’s any guarantee that Dany will be a good queen. But Tyrion doesn’t want to leave Winterfell without being sure that Sansa and Dany aren’t enemies. Why provoke her? When Tyrion comments that Dany wants to make the world a better place, Sansa suggests that there might be someone else better suited for the job. As expected, Sansa breaks her vow to Jon and tells Tyrion that he is a Targaryen and Stark.
And on the ride down to Dragonstone, Tyrion tells Varys. Varys knows that this information will soon spread… and Jon has the better claim to the throne. Even if Jon bends the knee to Dany, people are still drawn to him. Tyrion suggests a marriage between Jon and Dany, but Varys thinks Jon will be averse, given that Dany is his aunt. Besides, Varys is pretty sure that Dany would have no intention of sharing power.
  While we’re all distracted with Jon’s secret leaking and Dany, Drogon, and Rhaegal flying majestically, a giant spear comes out of nowhere and strikes Rhaegal in the chest and another in the neck. Euron and his fleet have been waiting for Dany and co. to return to Dragonstone. Plus, it looks like Qyburn has upgraded his Scorpion weapons and they are fucking deadly. I audibly screamed as we watch Rhaegal die and crash into the sea. Each of the ships in Euron’s armada is equipped with a Scorpion, and they try to take out Drogon. He’s able to weave, and he and Dany fly away in retreat. Unfortunately, Euron turns his attention to Dany’s ships, using the Scorpions to destroy them.
By the time Greyworm, Tyrion, Varys, and the remaining Unsullied wash up on the shore, there’s so much destruction. Greyworm’s priority is finding Missandei, but she’s missing.
Courtesy of HBO
  We pivot to King’s Landing, where we see that Missandei is bound in chains, now Cersei’s prisoner. Cersei then tells Euron that she’s pregnant… successfully able to pawn off another child with Jaime.
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  At Dragonstone, Dany is made aware that Missandei has been captured and she’s ready to do anything to get her trusted friend back, including storming the city. Tyrion and Varys try to caution Dany about using extreme violence, particularly since Cersei has been moving innocent civilians into the Red Keep to deter Dany from attacking. Dany asserts that she will fulfill her destiny, no matter the cost. Tyrion seems to offer a middle path: negotiate with Cersei. Guarantee Cersei her life in exchange for stepping aside and releasing Missandei. They should at least make an effort to avoid bloodshed. Dany agrees, only so that the people will know that she did everything to prevent a slaughter and Cersei is to blame.
Later, Tyrion and Varys have an interesting conversation. If Dany is descending into madness, has the time come to take her out in order to protect the realm? Varys seems to think so, even though Tyrion has faith in Dany’s proclivity for justice. Yet, both recognize that there’s another option, perhaps a better one: Jon. “Jon is the one man alive who might actually be able to keep the North in the Seven Kingdoms.”
  Back at Winterfell, when Jaime hears about the impending attack on Cersei and King’s Landing from Sansa and Brienne, he tries to leave in the middle of the night. Brienne begs Jaime to stay by her side, reminding him that he’s a good man, a better person than Cersei. Jaime disabuses Brienne of that notion, telling her about how he pushed Bran out of a tower window, strangled his own cousin, and is prepared to commit any act of murder, all for Cersei. He rides away, leaving Brienne in tears.
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
  Dany, Drogon, and a contingent of the Unsullied arrive at King’s Landing, where Cersei, Euron, the Mountain, and Missandei wait. Tyrion and Qyburn, as the Hands, meet to discuss terms. Both want the other’s surrender. When Qyburn refuses to take a message to Cersei, Tyrion speaks to her, himself. He speaks of how Cersei might not care for the people, but she cares for her children. For the sake of her life and that of her unborn child, Cersei should step down. Cersei turns to Missandei and tells her to speak her last words. Missandei looks upon her friend and Queen and speaks one word: DRACARYS. (AKA, Queen Dany, burn allllllllllll of this to the ground.) Cersei gives a signal to the Mountain, who cleaves off Missandei’s head with his sword.
Greyworm is visibly shaken and Dany is DONE. She turns around and walks away.
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
Courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
Courtesy of HBO
  1. Apparently, with Missandei’s death, we’ve witnessed the birth of the Mad Queen. I’m actually quite disappointed in this choice… it’s predictable and doesn’t do justice to Dany’s character that we’ve watched developed over seven seasons. And the idea of Tyrion and Varys assassinating Dany and making Jon king is even more unpalatable. I reallllllllly hope the writers will take us in another direction.
2. Literally, Arya is the only person who can take Cersei out now. She’s the only one. Just like she did with the Night King.
3. You think Euron is curious about how Tyrion knows Cersei is pregnant…? He just found out, right?
  Game of Thrones, the final season, airs Sundays at 9:00pm ET|PT on HBO.
  REVIEW: ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8, Episode 4 “The Last of the Starks” Now that the battle against the Army of the Dead has been won, Dany's attention turns to taking the Iron Throne.
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marquisoforder · 5 years
Hey y’all so for my 400 follower celebration @theredscrolls asked for Banecourt angst and it took me forever to finish this but here’s some uncalled for angst to celebrate! A little heads up: Its set during City of Lost Souls and it’s about what led to the page that shall not be named.
“Love of my life, you have hurt me.
Broken my heart and now you leave me.
Love of my life, can’t you see?
Oh bring it back, bring it back,
Don’t take it away from me
Because you don’t know,
What it means to me.”
-          Love of my life by Queen
 Camille hadn’t changed at all.
Magnus knew it was physically impossible for a vampire to change with age but he had hoped that somehow time would have run its course and made Camille a little bit softer, a little less cynical or at least, a little less bitchy.
But even the unrelenting ravaging of time had not been able to chip away at any of those things about Camille and Magnus blamed himself for holding out hope even after everything she had done to him.
“Cozy little place you have here.”  Camille was eyeing his apartment with the idle curiosity of a visitor at a museum who was only mildly interested in what was around them. She was seated on one of Magnus’s sofa with all the ease and grace of a highborn baroness and cut a striking figure in her little red dress, all lithe limbs and alabaster skin. He noticed her eyes stop at the coffee machine on the island a little longer and a knowing smile stretched across her otherwise cold features and somehow managed to make her look even colder.
“Yes small talk this, small talk that. Now can you please tell me why you are here so we can get this over with?”
He felt bone tired as he stood near the kitchen counter, his third coffee for the evening in his hand. He had spent consecutive nights this week trying to discover a way to find Jace and consecutive days trying to convince Alexander that he had fair reasons behind everything he did. There had been an invisible barrier building up between him and the shadowhunter for a while now and he was too afraid to consider what it might result in. All in all, Camille could not have come at a worse time.
“Why Magnus it almost sounds like you are not happy to see me.”
Camille’s eyes flashed mischievously and for a moment Magnus was reminded of an evening long ago in the Sanctuary of the London Institute where the vampire and the warlock have had their share of fun tormenting stuck up shadowhunters with idle flirting. But that warlock had been young and naïve and easily distracted by shiny packages. This one right here, right now, thought he knew better.
“Just get to it Camille.” He sighed, leaning back against the counter and absentmindedly swirling what little coffee was left in his mug.
“Very well then,” The vampire smiled with a demented sort of glee like that of a cat about o knock a glass off a table. “Your shadowhunter boy, the blue eyed one, I have an inkling that he wants to murder you.”
It caught him like a fucking blow to the chest.
But he was four hundred years old and knew better. Knew better than to trust Camille. Knew better than to show her vulnerability.
“Okay. Thank you for your concern,” He spared a bright smile that conveyed nothing. “If that’s all, the door’s that way.”
Camille stared at him blankly for a moment and shook her head. “I’m serious, Magnus.” She said, standing up and moving closer to him, the expression on her face alarmingly honest.
But Magnus was not going to be fooled. Not again.
“So am I.” He said, “I’m not going to trust someone who’s petty and jealous and wants to see my relationship ruined.”
Camille sighed and shrugged but did not move away from him; Instead she leaned back against the counter next to him with a look of mild annoyance etched onto her features.
“Fine! Call me anything you want, call me all the names in the world but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m telling the truth.”
“I’m not calling you names, I’m describing you.” Magnus offered with another amicable but bland smile. “You have no proof; it’s just the word of a woman who had lied to me before against the word of a man who had never once lied to me ever.”
“A man who has had trouble dealing with the fact that one day his hair will turn gray and his skin would wrinkle and he’d wither away but you’d remain as young as ever.”
She added nonchalantly, without even sparing him a glance. And Magnus felt his heart freeze for one long, unending second.
“Look, I agree, I’m jealous and petty but I have never wished you ill Magnus.” Her voice was softer this time; the usual edge of disdain having disappeared into thin air. “And see, I did have proof.”
Magnus remained silent, his eyes focused on the mug in his hand but not seeing it at all. It felt as if someone was twisting a knife into his lungs. It was the worst news and Camille being the one to bring it to him was just the Universe kicking him when he was already down.
“How do you know?”
“He came to me.” She didn’t sound like she was lying. “Your pretty blue eyed boy, he wanted me to tell him a way to steal your immortality, he couldn’t bear to see himself aging when you remained young forever.”
“But there is no such way.”
“I told him that much.” There’s a hint of sympathy in her voice and Magnus recoiled inwardly at being subjected to pity by Camille of all people. “He was desperate, honestly. Offered to make a deal with me for the secret.”
Camille shrugged. “Well you know me, I’m not above the occasional lie. I offered to help him find a way if he took care of something for me.”
He’s almost too scared to ask, but he wants to know all the same. “What?”
“I wanted him to kill Raphael for me.” Her voice didn’t waver or tremble. “And he agreed.”
The knife in his lungs felt as if it had caught on fire. He desperately tried to spot the lie in her story, but every aspect of it seemed to be perfectly true. If this was indeed a lie, it was so finely crafted that even Magnus could not detect a hint of fraud in it. Alec might be a soft and sincere boyfriend, but before that he was a headstrong shadowhunter and a desperate human. There was no limit to the lengths he might go to get what he wanted. It was a combination deadlier than the Serpent and the Forbidden Fruit.
“I’m sorry.” She offered without much feeling but there’s that softness to her voice again. He had known that from ages long gone, when they were still lovers and they had lain on smooth satin, in dark chambers whispering to each other of things he can no longer care to remember.  “I know how it feels to lose someone who means much.”
“Do you now?” He asked in a sudden moment of uncontrollable spite. She had come storming into his life again and ruined something perfect yet again. Some might call his anger and bitterness misplaced but Magnus had all the reasons in the world to say it.
“Yes.” She had the nerve to sound offended. “Yes I do, Magnus. You are not the only person who has loved and lost. Don’t look down on me from that pedestal you have put yourself on.”
“Oh if anyone in this room deserves a fucking pedestal it’s me alright.” He scoffed with a bitterness that seeped from his words like venom. “I have never broken a heart, I have never hurt anyone I have loved, even after everything you did, I’m still here listening to you. So don’t talk to me about looking down on you ‘cause I have every right to!”
“You are soft.” Camille sighs but there’s no insult in her tone. “Even after all these centuries your heart is still fresh and bloody and raw. I don’t think it will ever freeze over completely, maybe it should but I don’t think it ever will.” She turned to him, immersed in thought. “You are soft; Your Alexander is a shadowhunter. You and I both know they don’t know how to deal with fragility. They will ruin it even if they don’t mean to.”
Magnus swallowed against the uneasy knot forming in his throats and turned his eyes to the floor. She was right. He had seen this before countless times but he had hoped they could be different.
“You deserve better,” Camille smiled and stood on her tip toes to place a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth. “Remember that, Magnus. Remember your immortality is a part of you as much as mine is a part of me.” He understood what she didn’t say and she knew that he did. But neither of them found the need to confirm anything out loud. The silence ruled between them for one eternal moment before Magnus nodded, his eyes glued to the stained glass window in front of him.
Camille left. The sun sank over the city line.
Is this Banecourt angst? Or is it Malec angst? Who knows?
(Also sorry it took approximately two millennia for me to get this done.)
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natehoodreviews · 5 years
400 Words on MIDSOMMAR ★★★★½
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One can’t help but wonder if Ari Aster missed his calling as an interior designer when he became a filmmaker. In hindsight, Toni Collette’s craft houses and dioramas in Hereditary (2018) should’ve been warning enough that we were witnessing the birth of a director who meticulously arranged doll houses of terror only to smash them with baseball bats of trauma and grief. His latest film Midsommar sees the full blossoming of a visual style that can loosely be described as a less baroque Wes Anderson, obsessed with symmetry, artificiality, and angular camera movements. It’s a jarring, deeply unsettling visual style that perfectly matches the tone of a film seeking less to frighten than to unnerve its audience. A break-up movie disguised as supernatural folk horror, the film sees college student Dani (Florence Pugh) travel to a remote Swedish village with her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) during a research trip on European midsummer celebrations with a group of his classmates. The beginning of the movie sees her crippled with grief after the murder-suicide of her bipolar sister and parents. Even worse, she’s realized her relationship with Christian is toxic and both parties are only sticking with it out of conflicting feelings of guilt. But when they arrive at the Swedish village, their confrontation with an ancient and blasphemous pre-Christian paganism slowly robs them of their propriety—as well as their friends who begin to disappear one-by-one. Much like Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria (2018), Midsommar is a loose remake of a 70s horror classic that reimagines their original stories as violent tales of the reclamation of feminine power. (It borrows so many themes and plot points from Robin Hardy’s The Wicker Man [1973] that screenwriter Anthony Shaffer could probably sue for a writing credit.) At 147 minutes, it’s an over-indulgent piece of maximalist whimsy that lulls the viewer into the same semi-hypnotized state as late career Tarkovsky. Many have pointed to the Scandinavian psychological crack-ups of Ingmar Bergman as the film’s reference point, but a better comparison would be Lars Von Trier. Like that Danish loony, Aster demonstrates the same flair for shocking ultra-violence and the same obsession with mankind’s capacity for cruelty, both towards ourselves and each other. But whereas a deep-seated misogyny and misanthropy spurs Von Trier, thankfully what seems to propel Aster is a mournful preoccupation with grief and trauma.
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radthursdays · 5 years
#RadThursdays Roundup 06/20/2019
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A woman laughs while sitting on a bed in a light-filled room, a machine gun in her hands. The juxtaposition between gun and bedroom is jarring. Source.
Cultivating Joy: Dani McClain Faces Down the Fear of Maternal Mortality: "America is in the throes of a maternal healthcare crisis. Maternal deaths in the United States have been on the rise since 1990. Now, between 700 and 900 new and expectant mothers die every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The risk is even greater for pregnant Black and Indigenous people, who are dying at a rate of 3.3 times and 2.5 times greater than whites, respectively, and the majority of these deaths are preventable."
Stop Using Phony Science to Justify Transphobia: Actual research shows that sex is anything but binary. "Contrary to popular belief, scientific research helps us better understand the unique and real transgender experience. Specifically, through three subjects: (1) genetics, (2) neurobiology and (3) endocrinology. So, hold onto your parts, whatever they may be. It’s time for 'the talk.'"
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A smiling woman holds a coffee cup to her mouth with one hand and a machine gun in her other hand. Branded coffee cups sit beside her on the counter. Source.
Current News
Who Can Adopt a Native American Child? A Texas Couple vs. 573 Tribes: "Forced removal and conversion of Native children continued for decades. Often, Native families were not told where the children had gone. From 1958 to 1967, the federally funded Indian Adoption Project placed nearly 400 Indian children from Western states with white families nationwide."
How the Upheaval in Khartoum Affects One of Sudan’s Longest-Running Crises: "When fighting began in 2011, Sudan’s government cut off all assistance to South Kordofan and Blue Nile. While the situation was bad, locals recall how some aid groups, operating discreetly, still distributed oil, seeds, and tools, making life slightly easier. Since the split in 2017, however, the few organisations present have ceased to operate."
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A smiling woman sits with legs crossed on a plush armchair and a very large rifle perched on her lap. Source.
The hired guns of Instagram: Companies can’t advertise on social media — so they have female influencers do it for them. "When Kimberly Matte captions an Instagram post “suns out, guns out, buns out,” she mostly means it. The sun may be out, but she’s inside. Her buns are definitely out, because she’s wearing a lime-green thong. Technically, there’s only one gun out, but it’s an AR-10 battle rifle, so she’s still overdelivering."
I’ve Climbed Everest 21 Times. It’s not the Mountain It Used to Be: "I also want better opportunities for the Sherpa people. When people in America hear the word Sherpa, they automatically think of us as mountain guides. But the word Sherpa literally means people from the east: 'Sher = East,' and 'Pa = people.' We are an ethnic group believed to have immigrated from eastern Tibet roughly 500 years ago. Not all Sherpas guide on the mountains. Not all of them should have to."
Raytheon Said "Gay Rights!": "June is Pride month, and everywhere I turn, some organic wine company seems to be violently shaking me by the throat while yelling 'GAY RIGHTS!' As a certain kind of queer visibility — married! safe! — has become more palatable to the mainstream, each June we are confronted with the increasingly humiliating attempts of brands to cater to potential LGBTQ customers and virtue signal to well-meaning straights. Logos are rainbow-fied, heartwarming ad campaigns are launched, and nonsensical hashtags (#BeTrue!) are ruthlessly weaponized."
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Two people wearing the same brand of shoes stand next to a geometrically arrayed collection of guns on the ground. In the center of the guns is a pair of tiny baby shoes. Source.
Why Juneteenth is America’s True Independence Day: "The Emancipation Proclamation was many things—a rallying cry for the nation, a means to bringing former slaves into the Union Army ranks—but it did not, on its own, free anyone. So imagine now if you can the effect of Granger’s words as news slowly spread across Texas to the state’s 250,000 former slaves. All at once they found out not only that the war was over, but that they were free. Their joyous, spontaneous celebration gave birth to Juneteenth."
How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean: "The Caribbean archipelago was ground zero for U.S. imperial banking. Wall Street’s first experiments in internationalism occurred in Cuba, Haiti, Panama, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua, often with disastrous results—for those countries and colonies, and often for the imperial banks themselves. Yet where there was expansion, there was also pushback. The internationalization of Wall Street was met with local resistance, refusal and revolt. And just as the history of imperialism has been excised from popular narratives, so too has this history of Caribbean anti-imperialism and autonomy."
Direct Action Item
If there’s something you’d like to see in next week’s #RT, please send us a message.
In solidarity!
What is direct action? Direct action means doing things yourself instead of petitioning authorities or relying on external institutions. It means taking matters into your own hands and not waiting to be empowered, because you are already powerful. A “direct action item” is a way to put your beliefs into practice every week.
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criminally-obsessed · 8 years
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I just reached 400 followers and thought I’d do a little follow forever thing to celebrate! So, here goes!
A-E: @agentkenziecaptainamerica, @barnesandrogery, @bastianbucks, @biihanka, @borkyybarness, @bucksstan,  @buckxbarnes, @buckys-backpack, @buckysgurl,  @bvckysbitch, @canyoutakemetherewithyou, @captainamericaswan, @captain-small-arse, @captainwinterstan, @captstevengrogers, @cumonbucky, @chrixa, @dani-drew4, @devildears, @ehmastones
F-J: @fangirlyuki, @fronkcastle, @hair-dye-or-nawh, @hipstersteve, @hoebarnes, @hosgmeade @howifeelwhenchrisevans, @inbetweenavengers @istansebastian, @itskatiejames98, @jamesoldier, @jlopezflores, @just-call-me-mrs-captain
K-O: @love-buckybarnes, @marvelfanuniverse, @masevaldez, @maximoff-owned, @mille-baci, @modernbuckybarnes, @mrbbarnes, @nessoverjoyed, @neverenough24, @nothinglefttowaste, @noticulous, @ohsebby
P-T: @petexquill, @samstevenat, @sanitarium, @sebbys-girl, @sebstxnevans,  @sebstanshitposts, @snowyseba, @stevelovesbarnes, @supernovabucky @themarvelousones, @thenightmarebeforebucky, @therealjamesbarnes, @thewinterdaredevil, @the-winter-spoiler
U-Z: @umhawkguy, @vinterfalcons, @whenlucasmetmaya, @winter-commandos, @winterseb-stan, @wintersoldierogers
I just wanted to say a huge thankyou to everyone that’s followed and stuck with me for so long! This has sort of been my safe place for a while now, so thankyou for putting up with the random shit I post!
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