#Lord Varys
honora-antares · 2 days
Severus drunkenly quoting that one famous GoT scene when Lily tells him to do his "thing" in the middle of the Hufflepuff common room during a Halloween party.
"Power is a curious thing, My Lady. [to Lily] Are you fond of riddles?"
At Severus's mid-low bow, Lily, who is also drunk, giggles and answers in mock sarcasm.
"Why? Am I about to hear one?"
Severus then dramatically whirls to face three of the four Marauders that are sitting by the fireplace.
"Three great men sit in a room: A King, a Priest, and a rich Man."
He places a hand on Potter and there appeared a crown. A hand on Lupin's shoulder and a white cloak replaced a worn scarf. Black's leather jacket was transfigured into aristocratic regalia. (If a few of Potter's strands of hair were pulled during the ruffling, well, that was because of his rings.) He then turns to pull Pettigrew to the forefront of his friends. His black licorice becoming a sword.
"Between them stands a common Sellsword, each great man bids the Sellsword kill the other two."
By this time the entirety of the common room has stopped what. they were doing to tune in to the "play" that was happening when there was supposed to be dancing and drinking going on.
"Who lives, who dies?"
With his right arm around Pettigrew's front, Severus glances back at Lily.
"Depends on the Sellsword."
Pettigrew is then swirled around to face the room, Severus motions to his head, his pockets, and finally up to the ceiling.
"Does it? He has neither crown nor gold, nor the favor of the Gods."
Lily contradicts him by gesturing to the transfigure licorice-sword.
"He has a sword, the power of life and death."
Potter is then the center of Severus's recital when he quickly turns his attention to him, faux sneer on his face.
"But if it's swordsmen who rule, why do we pretend Kings hold all the power?"
This is where most lose the story as unknown people are mentioned. But Severus cares not, Lily asked for this, she knows.
"When Ned Stark lost his head, who was truly responsible?"
A snap towards Charity and a crown of golden antlers replaces her hair tie, equally golden locks flow free. A flick to an empty chair and a hooded figure with a greatsword appears. Severus spins with both his hands opened back to Lily.
"Joffrey? The executioner? Or something else?"
Lily, who then dismisses Severus's questions with a swipe of her hand. Deciding to take another sip of her alcoholic drink.
"I've decided I don't like riddles."
Severus gives her a smirk before he gives the shortest Marauder back his attention.
"Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick, a shadow on the wall, and..."
Severus takes out his wand, forces the remaining Marauders on the floor to slide from their spot. Pettigrew is then placed directly in front of the blazing fireplace, with a final snap of his fingers, the fire burns even brighter and Pettigrew's shadow grows ever darker.
"A very small man can cast a very large shadow."
That's all. <3
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allovesthings · 20 days
Arya, after outspying accidentally the master of whisper at age 9 and hiding under the nose of Roose Bolton at age 10:
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gameofthronesdaily · 1 year
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@gameofthronesdaily event 02: pride ↳ Lord Varys & Oberyn Martell
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kraehenkunst · 1 year
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Playing dress-up with Roberts small council :)
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frying-panties · 6 months
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Game of Thrones Beach episode?
Love asking others about which character they'd like to see and I end up with the most confusing mix of people that never talked to another on the show HAHA
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warsofasoiaf · 3 months
We know that Varys tried to convince Aerys to keep the gates closed the Lannister army and that Pycelle encouraged Aerys to open them wide. That indicates that they were both present in KL during the final days of the Rebellion. My question is this, do you think once the doors were open and the Lions started sacking the city, that both the master of Whispers and Grand Maester simply ‘vanished’ until the dust had settled?
I believe Pycelle probably went to his apartments, barricaded the door, and waited until Lannister troops came to escort him safely to Tywin's forces. The Grand Maester, as a position, benefits from "maester neutrality," so that does assist him in not being seen as an Aerys loyalist, even if Northern troops happened to get to him first.
Varys though, almost certainly disappeared into the labyrinth of secret passages honeycombing the Red Keep to ensure the safety of his person. He perceived that he would have probably been killed in the sack. and so he'd look for a place no one knew until he could arrange to surrender himself to Robert. Robert's legendary status as those who pardoned his former foes probably worked in Varys's favor there.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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robynnnn311 · 2 months
i like varys as a character but if i ever interacted with him and he starting asking if i like riddles instead of just telling me the information i would hit him round his bald head im afraid
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braime-brainrot · 1 year
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knightsickness · 11 months
vv interested in varys’ thoughts on agot lannistwins because he seems to both consider them very stupid and give them an absurd amount of credit on the scheming against robert front. he fully knows about the incest and thinks that the fact they botched killing bran is both obvious and embarrassing but then turns around and talks about how if not for ned they would have gotten robert killed in the hand’s tourney through reverse psychology alone. v i’m going to be so real with you all their killing robert schemes were borderline nonsensical and only vindicated by the fact one of them worked
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Posca Pen drawings I did of various asoiaf characters from a few years ago ⭐️ I had so much fun with these I have no idea why I didn’t share them earlier
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lislemons · 4 months
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asoiaf characters and posts that reminded me of them pt 5
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sleazyjanet · 1 year
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part two of this thing ! this one was even more fun to do tbh
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allovesthings · 3 months
I will never get over the fact that 9 years old Arya freaking Stark actually heard accidentally information she wasn't supposed to hear from Varys: the master of whispers. The literal master of spy was kinda outspyed by a 9 year old being what is essentially a little bird.
And same thing with Bolton. Arya Stark was right here. He had her and the signs were here if he had just taken any interest in the Smallfolks he had in captivity and in his service.
I don't know which is funnier though. That Varys still doesn't know his conversation with Illyrio was overheard or that Bolton realized it was Arya after the fact (probably...unclear).
I love that little girl so much.
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counterfeit-stars · 12 days
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Absolutely crazy that this dialogue is CANON and yet there are basically no fics about them :(
(I have read all the fics on ao3)
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azertyrobaz · 2 years
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The absence of desire leaves one free to pursue other things.
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frying-panties · 5 months
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Tea time Varys and Petyr ☕
This, hands down, must be the most complicated background I have attempted so far and I'm genuinely happy with this. everyday, I try something new and I see myself succeeding. I do see myself failing, too. But it doesn't feel as much of a failure because I have my priorities within the skills I build and the fun I have.
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