#dany defence squad
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Daenerys is 14
And she does stay in Slavers Bay and try to rebuild the economy. Source: A Dance With Dragons.
She spends much of the book trying to negotiate new trade deals with the Lhazarene and the Qartheen, trying to plant new olive groves and bean fields, trying to reform the guilds membership so former slaves can earn proper wages as skilled craftsmen. She tries to assimilate with Meereenese culture to ease a peaceful transition of power, she consults with their priestess, she adopts their religious rites and their uncomfortable traditional dress, she agrees under pressure to marry a Meereenese noble (she doesn't force anyone into marriage at dragonpoint like in the show). And she goes out personally to feed and care for the sick and starving refugees at her door, she tries to set up quarantine zones to slow the spread of infection.
And yeah she falls short. But the odds are stacked against her. She's 14, for starters. And before she arrived the slavers burnt all the olive groves and salted the soil so she couldn't use them, and as she calculates it will take 30 years before the land will be truly productive again. She also has the Meereenese slaving class working very hard to sabotage her by funding domestic terrorism within the city. And she has to deal with a refugee crisis, a famine, a plague, and an alliance of pro-Slavery states forming a blockade around Meereen and threatening to siege the city.
True the refugee crisis is arguably due to her leaving Astapor. She set up a new government, but she should have stayed longer to consolidate it. But she is only 14, and her main adviser/parental figure is too busy being a pro-slavery pedophile.
And the fall of Astapor isn't completely on her shoulders. She left adults in charge, people with qualifications and who knew the land and people better than she did. They had political agency and responsibility. As did Cleon. He could have chosen not to overthrow the Council and name himself King. He could have chosen to heed Daenerys when she told him "don't start a war with the Yunkai". And the Yunkai could have chosen not to slaughter Astapor and chase the refugees to Meereen. They could have simply removed Cleon and then recognised Daenerys had no part in his actions. The Yunkai could have chosen not to then declare war on Meereen.
The institution of slavery is complicated to overthrow and complicated to replace and even complicated in the ways it reasserts itself. Daenerys isn't the only actor here who determines the fate of Slavers Bay (though if she unleashes her dragons she can certainly become the most decisive actor again). The entire point of ADWD is that it's much more complicated than that - its GRRM's answer to "what was Aragorn's tax policy?". She is a 14 year old child who does her best against impossible odds, and who explicitly puts any dreams of Westeros on hold indefinitely. Time and time again she is offered the chance and means to sail for Westeros, and she turns it down each time because she knows she can't leave the people of Meereen behind to die.
And hopefully the lesson she learns by the end of ADWD is that she has to stop being conciliatory towards the slaving class. She spares the lives of hostages, she opens the fighting pits for them, she gives up her body in marriage, and still they try to poison her to install Hizdhar as King. Mercy isn't a weakness, but the people who have a vested interest in slavery aren't going to stop just because you ask them nicely (like that garbage show GOT seems to think). She's got to use her dragons.
No, critiquing her failures isn't the same as defending slavery. But claiming that she never tried, and ignoring the odds stacked against her, is false. As for blaming her for Slavers Bay falling into chaos and suffering... First off, again, she isn't the only responsible actor with agency - I maintain that the fall of Astapor was pretty much out of her hands. And second, it ignores the massive scale of human suffering that already gripped slavers bay. The daily violence inflicted on slaves - the families torn apart, the lives destroyed, the children mutilated, the thousands of dead babies killed to initiate the Unsullied, the tortures and crucifixions and whippings and executions and rapes.
Ignoring that isn't that far off from defending slavery. Claiming that the violence that overthrew slavery is worse than the violence that is slavery isn't that far off from defending slavery. Should no one ever dare strike off a slaves chains just because they can't account for the violence that could come after? Is the crucifixion of child-murdering Slavers worse than the crucifixion of innocent children?
Or to bring up another literary scenario with more moral equivalency and ambiguity - was the Tenth plague upon the firstborns of Egypt worse than the mass culling of infant slaves? Who do you blame for the Ten Plagues of Egypt? Should Moses have left well enough alone?
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daenerystargaryen06 · 3 months
"He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi," the Lysene girl said. "Once there were two moons in the sky, but one wandered too close to the sun and cracked from the heat. A thousand thousand dragons poured forth, and drank the fire of the sun. That is why dragons breathe flame. One day the other moon will kiss the sun too, and then it will crack and the dragons will return." -A Game of Thrones - Daenerys III
Here we have a passage of a story Doreah tells Daenerys, a tale of two moons in the sky. One wandered too close to the sun, and it cracked from the heat, resulting in dragons. And that one day, the second moon will 'kiss' the sun.
Notice G.R.R.M's play on words here. In this story, the first time one of the moons cracks, it "wandered" too close to the sun. And for the second, it is said that the second moon will "kiss" the sun. This is deliberate.
"You should look behind you, Lord Snow. The moon has kissed you and etched your shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall." Jon glanced over his shoulder. The shadow was there, just as she had said, etched in moonlight against the Wall." -A Dance with Dragons - Jon VI
Notice the same phrase of wording used here in Jon's passage. He has been "kissed" by the moon, etching his shadow along the Wall.
As I've stated in my post here, I believe that while Daenerys is the main focal point for her role as AA/TPTWP, she would be joined by others in this task. One of those people being Jon. He will be one of the three heads to join her side for the coming war against the Others. To unite the realm against the cold, and the dark.
"One day the other moon will kiss the sun too, and then it will crack and the dragons will return." -A Game of Thrones - Daenerys III
"You should look behind you, Lord Snow. The moon has kissed you and etched your shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall." -A Dance with Dragons - Jon VI
As for these two passages- let's believe they are to be taken literally. It happens for Dany and Drogo the first time around: Drogo is the sun, Dany the moon. Dany "wanders" too close to the sun, Drogo, in his funeral pyre, and thus her dragons hatch.
Now how could this relate to Jon?
I believe Jon being "kissed" by the moon, is in reference to Jon and Daenerys' eventual future romance and union together. We have evidence for this, provided from me here and here. More quotes providing into Jon being Daenerys' last romantic interest and husband:
". . . three heads has the dragon . . . the ghost chorus yammered inside her skull with never a lip moving, never a breath stirring the still blue air. . . . mother of dragons . . . child of storm . . . The whispers became a swirling song. . . . three fires must you light . . . one for life and one for death and one to love. . . Her own heart was beating in unison to the one that floated before her, blue and corrupt. . . three mounts must you ride . . . one to bed and one to dread and one to love. . . The voices were growing louder, she realized, and it seemed her heart was slowing, and even her breath. . . . three treasons will you know . . . once for blood and once for gold and once for love . . ." --A Clash of Kings - Daenerys IV
"I don't . . ." Her voice was no more than a whisper, almost as faint as theirs. What was happening to her? "I don't understand," she said, more loudly. Why was it so hard to talk here? "Help me. Show me." . . . help her . . . the whispers mocked. . . . show her . . . Then phantoms shivered through the murk, images in indigo. Viserys screamed as the molten gold ran down his cheeks and filled his mouth. A tall lord with copper skin and silver-gold hair stood beneath the banner of a fiery stallion, a burning city behind him. Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman's name. . . . mother of dragons, daughter of death . . . Glowing like sunset, a red sword was raised in the hand of a blue-eyed king who cast no shadow. A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd. From a smoking tower, a great stone beast took wing, breathing shadow fire. . . . mother of dragons, slayer of lies . . . Her silver was trotting through the grass, to a darkling stream beneath a sea of stars. A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly. A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness. . . . mother of dragons, bride of fire . . . mother of dragons, bride of fire . . ." -A Clash of Kings - Daenerys IV
Notice that each prophecy given to Dany in the HOTU was given to her in three, each one ending in love. When asked to be shown what it meant, Dany is given visions. Two connecting her to Jon, both ending in three, as her prophecies for love:
"Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman's name" - this is clearly Rhaegar, Jon's father, dying upon the Trident. It is believed he is whispering Lyanna's name, Jon's mother.
"A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness" - Dany is seeing Jon at the Wall, through the metaphor of a blue flower (connecting him to Lyanna- blue winter roses). The air is full with sweetness- a metaphor to love, and sweetness- something Dany likes (also maybe this hints to Dany joining Jon at the Wall, giving him the three dragons he wishes for in another passage).
Dany will be the moon, who kisses Jon, her second sun. A reference to their love and union.
Now- how does this bring dragons into play? Who knows. The wording is a bit tricky here. The passage states that when the second moon kisses the sun, dragons will return. And yet dragons have already returned- Dany hatches her children the first time she "wanders" too close to the sun. So how do dragons come into play with her and Jon's union regarding this text?
Well, perhaps it may not be so literal. Maybe the return of dragons from Dany and Jon's union is that Jon will gain a dragon. Maybe Jon will discover ice dragons. Maybe they will find more dragon eggs at Winterfell or somewhere else. Maybe Dany's own dragons will breed and begin a second hatching of eggs, thus "returning" dragons once more with Dany and Jon's union. There are different possibilities for this.
Jon's resurrection can also lean more into him being the second sun to Dany, as he would be a wight of fire.
"Burning shafts hissed upward, trailing tongues of fire. Scarecrow brothers tumbled down, black cloaks ablaze. "Snow," an eagle cried, as foemen scuttled up the ice like spiders. Jon was armored in black ice, but his blade burned red in his fist. As the dead men reached the top of the Wall he sent them down to die again. He slew a greybeard and a beardless boy, a giant, a gaunt man with filed teeth, a girl with thick red hair. Too late he recognized Ygritte. She was gone as quick as she'd appeared." -A Dance with Dragons - Jon XII
"That night she dreamt that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper's rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent. Some small part of her knew that she was dreaming, but another part exulted. This is how it was meant to be. The other was a nightmare, and I have only now awakened." -A Storm of Swords - Daenerys III
"And saw her brother Rhaegar, mounted on a stallion as black as his armor. Fire glimmered red through the narrow eye slit of his helm. "The last dragon," Ser Jorah's voice whispered faintly. "The last, the last." Dany lifted his polished black visor. The face within was her own." -A Game of Thrones - Daenerys IX
Both Jon and Dany experience dreams of fighting the Others.
-Both are wearing black armor and both are wielding fire; Dany with her dragons, Jon with a sword.
And while their dreams share similarities, they also bear differences:
-Jon is battling the Others upon the Wall, whereas Dany is battling them within the Trident.
-Jon sees Ygritte and realizes too late he's killed her (a person he views with grief and regret), Dany however believes herself to be Rhaegar (a person she sees as a fierce warrior and protector).
Both are also viewed by other people as the chosen ones, AA/TPTWP:
"On Braavos, it had seemed possible that Aemon might recover. Xhondo's talk of dragons had almost seemed to restore the old man to himself. That night he ate every bite Sam put before him. "No one ever looked for a girl," he said. "It was a prince that was promised, not a princess. Rhaegar, I thought . . . the smoke was from the fire that devoured Summerhall on the day of his birth, the salt from the tears shed for those who died. He shared my belief when he was young, but later he became persuaded that it was his own son who fulfilled the prophecy, for a comet had been seen above King's Landing on the night Aegon was conceived, and Rhaegar was certain the bleeding star had to be a comet. What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years. Daenerys is the one, born amidst salt and smoke. The dragons prove it." Just talking of her seemed to make him stronger. "I must go to her. I must. Would that I was even ten years younger." -A Feast for Crows - Samwell V
"Daenerys is the only hope," he concluded. "Aemon said the Citadel must send her a maester at once, to bring her home to Westeros before it is too late." -A Feast for Crows - Samwell V
"Skulls. A thousand skulls, and the bastard boy again. Jon Snow. Whenever she was asked what she saw within her fires, Melisandre would answer, "Much and more," but seeing was never as simple as those words suggested. It was an art, and like all arts it demanded mastery, discipline, study. Pain. That too. R'hllor spoke to his chosen ones through blessed fire, in a language of ash and cinder and twisting flame that only a god could truly grasp. Melisandre had practiced her art for years beyond count, and she had paid the price. There was no one, even in her order, who had her skill at seeing the secrets half-revealed and half-concealed within the sacred flames. Yet now she could not even seem to find her king. I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow. "Devan," she called, "a drink." Her throat was raw and parched." -A Dance with Dragons - Melisandre I
Jon and Daenerys both have arcs of leadership. In which both have to make hard decisions that they believe is best. Both have the qualities of strong leaders, military strategists, and unifiers. It might turn out that Jon will wind up helping Dany in the books gather the people to face against the Others and fight against the cold and the dark. Perhaps even coming into acceptance of his true parentage and relation to Dany as well.
Both Jon and Dany are also known to have cultivated into, lived with, loved, and learned the humanity of the Freefolk and the Dothraki- two factions many view as "savage" and "barbaric", and yet I believe that the Freefolk and the Dothraki will come into a big play for both Jon and Dany against the war of the Others. The culmination of their work and efforts into unifying people to work together against one common enemy.
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kingsansa · 1 year
I’m agree with the anon who said there is too much hate directed toward pp Sansa. As a member of her defence squad I can full heartedly say that yes my precious lemon cake makes mistakes but she’s trying her best 🥹 no really I saw some comments where people were getting annoyed for Sansa not being grateful for everything Jon has done for her in Chicago and I’m like ??? She has??? I’m sorry that she isn’t as confident as you would like her to be but she clearly has insecurities that have been fuelled by Jon’s past actions and not being able to live the Olympian dream her parents wanted for her. And also, my girl is practically a teen mom so ofcourse her emotions aren’t going to be the most stable!!! Ughh, I think your other Sansas in your other stories are hilarious and I love them but pp Sansa holds a special place in my heart because of how flawed she is ☺️
Thank you! I agree that it is nonsensical to call her ungrateful, especially because she has only voiced her doubts once (regarding dany) and has redoubled her efforts to be supportive and make an effort since. So much so that at this point, he could probably get away with murder in her eyes like that’s how committed she is to making their family work
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seerstormborn · 2 years
How have you all been? It’s been a while, I know. Dropping by to follow a friend and reminding you that you are still cherished even if that blog is inactive.
Who else is ready for 2022 to finally end?
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But for those who celebrate, Christmas and all its festive atmosphere and food and chocolates may save us.
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It was nice to simply write a post on here.
Be safe everyone. Rest and cry if you must, but do not give up on yourself yeah?
Have a good day, dearies.
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AND A SHOUT-OUT TO MY LOVES @eliamartelle @heeeedz @thickskinandelasticheart @waking-dreams-of-harmony @losing-is-the-new-winning @mimi-and-the-next-20th-century
And all the Morgana Defence Squad, Dany loyalists, and all the sweet people I ever talked to on this site 💜
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Spain FIFA World Cup: Spain Coach Plays Down Favorites Tag After Topping Group
Spain FIFA World Cup: Spain's coach Luis de la Fuente has downplayed the tag of being a favorite despite an imposing performance in the Euro 2024 group stage. Spain’s journey to the top of Group B was marked by a 1-0 victory over Albania, following wins against Croatia and Italy. These results ensured Spain’s smooth passage to the round of 16 with maximum points and without conceding a single goal. Such defensive solidity and dominance are reminiscent of their glory days during their 2008 title-winning run.
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De la Fuente’s strategy of making ten changes to his starting eleven for the match against Albania FIFA World Cup highlighted the depth and flexibility of the Spanish squad. Despite resting key players like Alvaro Morata, Rodri, and Dani Carvajal, Spain maintained their high standards and controlled the game from the outset. The luxury of rotating the squad while still securing victories speaks volumes about the team’s quality and preparedness.
Spain's ability to adapt and manage their squad effectively could be crucial as the tournament progresses. The coach’s cautious optimism and emphasis on teamwork and readiness demonstrate a pragmatic approach to navigating the Spain FIFA World Cup challenges. While the results have been impressive, de la Fuente’s focus remains on continuous improvement and maintaining the team’s unity and resilience.
FIFA World Cup 2026 Tickets: Spain's Tactical Mastery and Squad Depth on Full Display
De la Fuente’s decision to ring in ten changes against Albania at the FIFA World Cup 2026 demonstrated his confidence in the depth of his squad. Spain, already assured of a round-of-16 spot, had the luxury to rotate players and provide rest to key figures. The match against Albania showcased Spain’s tactical flexibility and ability to maintain their high standards irrespective of the personnel on the pitch.
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In the opening minutes, Spain dominated possession, setting the tone for the match. Despite Albania's need to take the initiative due to their precarious position in the group, it was Spain who controlled the pace and exerted pressure. Dani Olmo’s perfectly weighted pass to Torres in the 13th minute FIFA World Cup was a prime example of Spain’s ability to switch from possession-based play to a more direct approach when needed. Torres’ sublime finish highlighted the clinical edge that Spain possesses, capable of creating and converting chances out of seemingly nothing.
Albania, struggling to keep up, found themselves playing catch-up throughout the match. Although they managed more shots on target than Spain, they lacked the precision and cutting edge in the final third. Spain’s resolute defence and the timely interventions by goalkeeper David Raya ensured that Albania’s attempts to equalize were thwarted. The ability to maintain defensive solidity while rotating players is a testament to the strategic planning and preparation by de la Fuente and his coaching staff.
Strategic Rest: Spain's Depth Shines in Key Player Rotation
One of the significant talking points of the match was de la Fuente’s decision to rest key players like Alvaro Morata, Rodri, and Dani Carvajal. This move could have been risky, but the performance of the team justified the coach’s faith in his squad. The players who stepped in showcased their readiness and ability to perform under pressure. Ensuring that the absence of star players did not affect the team’s performance in FIFA World Cup 2026.
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Dani Olmo and Torres were particularly impressive. Olmo’s vision and ability to deliver precise passes created opportunities, while Torres’ goal demonstrated his finishing prowess. The cohesion and understanding among the players on the field were evident, reflecting the team’s preparedness and tactical discipline. Substitutions, including the introduction of Morata and Lamine Yamal, brought fresh energy. And creativity to the attack, underlining the depth of the squad FIFA World Cup.
Spain’s ability to rest key players and still secure victories without compromising on performance bodes well for the later stages of the tournament. It ensures that the squad remains fresh and reduces the risk of injuries, which can be crucial. In a long and demanding competition like the FIFA World Cup 2026.
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Spain's Focus on Unity and Readiness Amidst Dominant Performance
Despite topping their group with a perfect record and showcasing an impressive blend of tactical mastery. And squad depth, Spain’s coach Luis de la Fuente remains cautious about their favourite tag. His focus is on maintaining the team’s momentum and unity as they progress to the knockout stages. The emphasis on being a “family” and the importance of every player being ready. To contribute highlights the team’s collective spirit and preparedness.
Torres, after winning the Player of the Match award, echoed the sentiment of unity and readiness. His comments about making selection decisions difficult for the coach reflect the healthy competition and high standards within the squad. This internal competition ensures that every player remains focused and motivated, which is crucial for sustained success in the tournament.
Spain’s blend of experienced players and emerging talents creates a dynamic and adaptable squad capable of handling different challenges. As they move forward in the FIFA World Cup. Maintaining their defensive solidity, tactical flexibility, and team unity will be key. De la Fuente’s pragmatic approach and the team’s collective spirit position. Them well to navigate the knockout stages and potentially challenge for the title.
While Spain’s performance in the group stage has been dominant, de la Fuente’s downplaying of the favourites tag. Is a strategic move to keep the team grounded and focused. The journey ahead will test their resolve and adaptability, but with the depth. And quality at their disposal, Spain is well-equipped to tackle the challenges.
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chillyravenart · 5 years
I love Mad Dany.
Mad Dany who legitimised the Usurper's bastard, gave him his legitimate name (Gendry Rivers though LMFAO) and ancestral seat because of his role in the war against the Others.
Mad Dany who fought for the North at great personal loss and still didn't win their gratitude or trust (yes I'm looking at you Sansa and Arya) and if not for Jon their military support either.
Mad Dany who swerved at the last minute from burning Euron's fleet after he brutally killed her child, and was able to check her anger because she knew it would be a suicide mission and would end up killing herself and Drogon in the process
Mad Dany who watched her best friend Missandei get mercilessly beheaded by the real mad Queen and her zombie stooge and still walked away.
Mad Dany who is still listening to Tyrion and Varys' useless advice even though we all gave up seasons ago.
Mad Dany who's still letting these entitled men push her around and doubt her claim to the throne because she doesn't have a cock.
Mad Dany who has emotions such as anger and grief because she's... a human being???
I love Mad Dany, I hope she stays.
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About Dany hate
Okay, I’ve read enough posts insulting Dany and her Stans to be sick of it. Some may say: if it doesn’t please you, then don’t go there. But that way of thinking is too easy, and cuts discussion when I want to understand where the person comes from.
Some already said that that for some, Dany is an obstacle to what their own favorite character could have (more power, a love interest). I tend to agree with it. But I think there might be another thing. It’s, i believe, a mix of countertransference when confronted to persons with traumas, identification and projection.
What is countertransference, you might ask? To be put simply (maybe vulgarly, I can’t sum up all the writings about it in one post), it is all the reactions, the images, thoughts... that you may have (consciously or not) when you’re in front of a person you’re in position to care about. It’s what makes you either benevolent, neutral or malevolent towards that person, according to what your personal experiences are. For example, if the victim’s situation is similar to what you already lived (or imagined, for some) if you’re not sufficiently aware of it, it might make you either reject the person, either identify too much with her/him. Either there’s too much distance, either there’s too little. It’s not a rational response, it’s an emotional one. And it’s something that erase all shades in judgement (the good old reasoning good guy/bad guy). For some, It’s stronger than most. Others, more aware of their own issues, can work with it and actually distance themselves with these emotional reactions. It is also something that is also very sensitive to the belonging of a group (ex: antis vs pro). If the group is threatened, you feel threatened.
Most anti Dany are pro Stark, from what I’ve seen. Or pro Sansa plus specifically for some (because some pro Sansa are also anti Arya, which they call a psychopath/sociopath . So it’s not entirely pro Stark.)
But what is the difference in the books between Sansa and Dany concerning traumas (I’m not talking about magical blood, dragons or any events that happened conveniently in seasons that do not care for the books)?
Sansa’s first POVs (in books and first seasons) are ones of a romantic, idealistic girl, with a bit of a bully side when it comes to her sister Arya, who doesn’t quite fit in what she would expect of a girl, of a sister (she even said she would have preferred Myrcella). But for a lot of girls, this context of sibling ´ rivalry’ , but otherwise secure family unity, is quite relatable and such is the story of this girl wishing for Prince Charming.
And then came troubles and traumas, and the readers and watchers just see and LIVE with her all these traumas, sometimes as if it was their own. Because they had identified themselves too much with her when she was in security, which makes it seem even more unbearable the events that befell her. (Thus the second reaction to the countertransference). So of course they want her to move on, to get back what she has lost. Because they had already seen WHAT she has lost. Thus she does not seem too entitled to them.
Dany, to the contrary, is presented already with signs of traumatic experiences. The readers and the watchers don’t see her secure, in a happy family. They don’t see what she has lost.They see her when she has learned to be passive, and to submit to her abusers. That’s something that is terrifying, something most people can’t bear to think of, and which makes them distance themselves from her. But it’s not something socially desirable to say you don’t like a character because her traumas, present from the beginning, disturb you. So you try to rationalize. To distance yourself from her, especially if her character begins to stand up(thus the first reaction.) To say there’s something terrifying IN her: she’s mad, she’s cruel, she has too much power and it’s never enough for her... By doing that, you erase every part that doesn’t go your way to concentrate on parts you can interprete as you want. It’s not you who are in the wrong, it’s her. It’s the people that are defending her.
It’s what makes the insults easier to come, because the hatred is not based on rational thinking, but on an emotional reaction. And of course, they’re happy that the show ´proved them right’. They don’t have to question themselves about it too much. But then... the show did not completely give back to Sansa what she had lost, did it? And now, other Stans are questioning them being right..
So then goes an eternal spiral of hatred and misunderstandings. Because the thing with hatred ? It’s extremely contagious.
But insults to one character and its fans are not valid arguments. It only makes the discussion poorer and poorer.
Some may disagree with what I’ve said. I welcome the discussion. But if I see even one insult in the comments, be sure I’m going to expose you. So let’s be constructive.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 5 years
I can’t believe antis actually claim that Daenerys disrespected Mereenese culture and ruined its economy while expecting anyone to accept it as a valid argument. Like. Y’all sound like a bunch of southern slaveowners, frothing at your mouth about MY STATE'S RIGHTS and MY ECONOMY. 
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vanimeldes · 5 years
The Skunk — I mean, St/ark stans got to a whole new level of wank, I swear to God. They called Targaryen/Daenerys out for cheering for the cancellation of the Bloodmoon prequel, which was meant to have a woman in the production team, while being excited for the Targaryen prequel, which is being written by men. In the context when almost the entire Daenerys/Targaryen fandom wants nothing less than another show which villifies a woman who fights for her (rightful!) throne and another long row of unnecessary gendered violence, slut shaming and gruesome deaths (which mostly involve women).
And chill people, we cheered for the cancellation of a show about your boring house, not because it was written by women. But I am talking here about the same people who call us mysogynists because we dislike the girly girl Sushi Skunk, so what should we expect?🤷🏼‍♀️
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daenerystargaryen06 · 3 months
Reasons Why Daenerys Sacrificing Herself is Stupid
So, I have seen from the fandom points on that while people might not believe Daenerys will be killed, she will die sacrificing herself for the good of humanity against the Others in the books. Thus ending her arc in a 'better' manner. Yet this STILL includes harping on a female characters death, even if it is 'heroic', it's still just as bad as contemplating Dany dying by being killed by anything else. Some reasonings based on this theory vary:
-Some say Dany sacrificing herself will be a 'redemption' after she goes mad in the books and burns shit down (which is as ooc as it is and stems off of misogyny).
-Some say it is better for Dany to die sacrificing herself as a hero to rid/atone of the 'sins' of her ancestors (also misogynistic, and stupid.)
-Some say they'd rather see Dany die through self-sacrifice than any other way (but why see Dany die at all? Why not want for her to live happily instead, either as Queen or in a home of her own choosing?)
-Some say Dany will sacrifice herself to Jon as Nissa Nissa for the good of humanity (also misogynistic. Reduces Dany as a character. Dany is Azor Ahai, not Nissa Nissa).
The issue within Dany sacrificing herself overall, is it is an inherently misogynistic act within itself perturbed by those who want it to happen. Either way Dany sacrificing herself makes her a plot device, no matter how it happens. It strips away her character and what she represents.
-Dany sacrificing herself as Nissa Nissa is misogynistic in the way it strips Dany down from her character and simply makes her a tool. A vessel used for 'man pain' and only given a role for the man to be the hero. The woman dies so the man can continue on. She dies for the man and that is her only role in this portrayal. Even if Dany 'willingly' made herself Nissa Nissa and allowed it, overall it leaves a bad taste. It paints a narrative that her only use was for another man. A narrative that she was only useful for being a man's 'lover' and murdered in the end. A piece to be used and tossed away once done with.
Let's face the truth here, Dany is Azor Ahai. Her dragons Lightbringer. Dany does not need to be Nissa Nissa, because she already fulfilled the prophecy. Drogo was the sacrifice in this situation instead of Dany. The roles were reversed.
-Dany sacrificing herself (through battle or other means) also paints a misogynistic narrative. Her being a piece for sacrifice strips her of all her qualities; her intelligence, her ability and skill, her overall character arc and what she has done and achieved. It paints a picture that she is only of use to die. It makes everything she has ever achieved and accomplished and learned wasted on nothing. What is the point of her arc and all that she has learned and done if it's all just going to be wasted on her death in the end? Her apparently 'sacrificing' herself?
I do not see anyone discussed more of sacrificing themselves than Dany. And it's sad how people cannot enjoy a deeply written and amazing character without speculating on how they're going to die. It's sad people cannot enjoy Dany just for what she is without needing to make up theories just for how she will die. Why must she die? Why can't she live and have an accomplished and complete arc that results in her eventual happiness?
-The theory that Dany sacrificing herself for redemption after burning a city (like KL) is gross. Season 8 isn't canon, it isn't a part of G.R.R.M's ending. I highly doubt Dany is just gonna go crazy and start massacring people, when that has never been the point of her character and arc. G.R.R.M paints Dany as a HERO. Her narrative arc overall is that of a heroic one (but that doesn't have to include self-sacrifice done as a 'heroic' or 'redeemable act' either). G.R.R.M has also already denied a theory speculating Dany burning down the Water Gardens, why would he have her burn down KL instead? It makes no sense and would be a very ooc thing for Dany to do (no matter the circumstances). It is again, misogyny, to believe that Dany would just suddenly go crazy and burn shit, only to be able to 'redeem' her actions later by sacrificing herself and getting killed. If I needed that shit of an idea as an arc for Dany in the books, I might as well just ring up D&D and ask them to finish the books instead.
-Dany sacrificing herself to atone for the 'sins' of her ancestors/bloodline is also just as bad. What sins have her ancestors committed that she needs to atone for? I'd say most of her blood already atoned for their own sins given the tragedy that befell many Targs throughout the years. It does NOT fall on Dany to 'atone' for what her ancestors have done by sacrificing herself. There is the saying 'not to judge a person by the sins of their family'. Dany is not her family. She does not need to 'atone' for any sins. I'd say she's already doing a pretty good damn job of it already by upending the slavery economy, and being the person that she is- kind, compassionate, etc.
-As for theorizing she will sacrifice herself because there is no other vision for her death- again, I ask the question: why does she need to die at all?
Dany doesn't need to sacrifice herself. I doubt her arc will lead to that for her end. She is TPTWP, Azor Ahai. Her role against the Others will be one of triumph, not death. Dany is fire, she is life, she is Mother. There would be no point in her entire narrative arc, or even her written existence for that matter being raised up as such a large role, just for her to die in the end through 'self sacrifice'. I am sure many sacrifices will be needed during the Long Night, but Dany won't be one of them.
Let's not forget that Dany is the only person to
-First learn of the Song of Ice and Fire within the books
-Bring dragons back from extinction into the world
-Upend the slave trade/economy to help those enslaved
-Walk through fire to hatch dragons from stone
It is not her role to simply be used and traded off as some pawn for sacrifice. Her role is much bigger than just that. Dany is one of the main central characters within ASOIAF, she is the Fire in the title: A Song of Ice and Fire. Her role is not to sacrifice herself to the Others, but to end the coming darkness and bring Spring.
Dany is a hero, and she will continue to slay. Stay mad about it.
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meridianrose · 5 years
Themes are important in storytelling
“Themes are for eighth-grade book reports” is not a good sentiment from men who are supposed to tackle Star Wars, a franchise built on themes of hope and triumph and love. Star Wars films are fairy tales, with knights and villains and good vs. evil.
The most powerful, defining moment of the entire Star Wars franchise is the most subversive, but not because someone dies brutally. It’s when Luke Skywalker tosses his lightsaber aside and refuses to kill Darth Vader. We’ve been building to Luke killing Vader and saving the day for an entire trilogy, and Luke does that by redeeming Vader with his compassion for his father.
Benioff and Weiss would’ve probably had Leia create her own Death Star to be subversive.
There’s also the idea that Star Wars is trying to be more inclusive, and Benioff and Weiss may think they’re inclusive but are really just hell-bent on centering narratives on white men and white characters while demonizing women and brutalizing characters of color.
The Game of Thrones Showrunners Should Not Be Writing a Star Wars Trilogy by Kate Gardner at themarysue(dot)com
I don’t always agree with everything the MarySue says but they often make sense, especially here given how the final episodes of GoT played out (bolding in the quote mine)
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stilldanytrash · 5 years
Dany should have stayed in Essos and have Missandei as her Hand and let the White Walkers and the Army of the Dead murder all of the Westerosi. And Missandei could have returned to Naath if and when she asked.
Because, face it, guys, Westeros would have been fucked without her.
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"I spent my life in foreign lands. So many men have tried to kill me, I don't remember all their names. I have been sold like a broodmare. I've been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. Do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile? Faith. Not in any gods. Not in myths and legends. In myself. In Daenerys Targaryen. The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries until my children were born. The Dothraki hadn't crossed the sea. Any sea. They did for me. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms, and I will”.
reblog reblog reblog! lets show how much we love our Queen.
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fandom10 · 5 years
“She burned Randall and Dickon Tarly alive instead of taking them prisoner when they wouldn’t bend the knee. Still, the act that wasn’t out of character for rulers in this world, even if it was not merciful or politically wise. Ned Stark and Robb Stark executed his men for disobeying their orders, too. “
Game of Thrones Had an Opportunity With Daenerys Targaryen. The Show Squandered It http://time.com/5590729/game-of-thrones-finale-daenerys/ also notes she was right to be paranoid about conspiracy, genes used against her, allies ignored, and “Daenerys’ advisors gave her terrible advice”
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sansa-lovebot · 2 years
oh #her fans are so nasty and bitter. can never keep sansa's name out their mouth.
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