dariamarchin · 1 year
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dariamarchinn · 2 years
I certainly got a slavic vibe from Potions coven head's name because of the whole -mir, but i didn't think it would actually lead me somewhere.
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(Note: in Russian the name is spelled/pronounced as Vitimir and in Ukrainian as Vytymyr.)
Wondering if this is just a coincidence or supposed to mean something.
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dariamarchin · 1 year
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ukrainians are the last people who need to be somehow disillusioned about geopolitical interests around our country, because for ukrainians understanding those interests is not just a IR debate exercise that pops up once in a while, but a matter of survival
if you think that after nine years of war with russia and detrimental foreign policy from both the us and europe in regard to ukraine since 2014, ukrainians believe that western governments are now helping ukraine out of the goodness of their hearts, then you are the naive one
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dariamarchin · 1 year
can't help but be annoyed that when some shit happens in russia, the tag got a bunch of 1k+ posts the next morning, but when russia commits war crimes in ukraine it's crickets, and, if we get lucky, some post gets traction in a week
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dariamarchin · 1 year
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dariamarchin · 2 years
friendly reminder, because i've seen a post that really pissed me off: do not fucking tell victims how they should feel about their oppressors. Do not demand them to forgive them or sympathize with them. As a rule, victims know their oppressors better then you'll ever will.
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dariamarchin · 1 year
pet peeve of the day: when foreign companies use themes of current war to appeal to ukrainian consumers
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dariamarchin · 1 year
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Енивей в мене 0 підписників в твіттері тому пощу сюди:
Голосуємо за українських лесбійок!!
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dariamarchin · 2 years
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dariamarchin · 1 year
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dariamarchin · 1 year
дивлюсь дивлюсь "єдиноріг: воїни вічності", в цілому цікавий сюжет та лор, а потім *бац* головні герої мають піти у фентезі росію, і аніматори сують в лице фентезі кремлі і фентезі кокошніки--
інтерес дивитися моментально відпав.
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dariamarchin · 1 year
exams? during pride month?? this is so homophobic smh
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dariamarchin · 2 years
I can't believe people have to convince others to not buy a game with mediocre plot and that is also financially supported by fash scum, yet here we are
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dariamarchin · 2 years
*looks up "ukraine" on a blog before following*
*there's like 5 posts*
*one of them is from a tankie going on about "misinformation is bad no matter if you support the side that does it or not"*
*sees the post right below also from a tankie that's blatant misinformation but this time it ""criticizing"" nato/usa, reblogged completely uncritically*
*blocks the user*
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dariamarchin · 1 year
"communism isn't bad, you are not immune to cold war propaganda!" jennifer, most people who hate communism were never affected by red scare in their life, but were in fact affected by communism. stop thinking everything revolves around usa
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dariamarchin · 1 year
kinda criminal that english doesn't have a word for dried apricots
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