#dark is maybe coming but hes so boring and im worried im gonna miss videos since no offense i do not care him the same way i care wilford
crabbbage · 4 years
warfstache clothing masterpost
alright i said i would make a post w all the egos but just wilford was way too long and this has been sitting in my drafts for a week so i might as well post it. every outfit wilford has ever worn, with screenshots and video links, because sometimes you need outfit refs and don’t wanna rewatch videos from 2014.
warf is the oldest ego and emblematic of the channel as a whole. also, if u follow my blog, u r probably aware i love him. lets get down to business. videos are in chronological order by date posted.
if anything is inaccurate or i missed a video, please let me know!
the fall of slenderman, amnesia gueststar, the warfstache affair & slenderman gueststar:
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i grouped these videos together because they’re all very early into warf’s conception as a character so they’re all boring as shit. no pants are shown in the latter three videos, and no shoes in any. still, an american eagle shirt and jeans, two black tshirts, and a white tshirt. the only real notable thing is that in the amnesia letsplay he for some reason has a second, smaller black mustache on top of the first (it’s connected to the glasses).
the slenderman song:
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this one is lame too but i can’t say anything against it bc i like this image too much. he has shoes, finally! boring ass black sneakers! jeans again, and repping the merch. also, dog.
the ned affair:
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first appearance with formal dress! important! red striped blazer, tie tshirt, jeans, grey sneakers, snubnosed gold pistol, top hat for like 2 seconds. also the first video where he has reality warping powers. vital to his development as a character! anyways,
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FNAF interview:
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finally some good fucking fashion. the suspenders/bowtie appear here boys. we gottem
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light yellow shirt with the sleeves rolled up, khaki pants (finally no jeans!), black sneakers, gray suspenders, pink bowtie. this is THE iconic look.
interview with markiplier:
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pink hair warf! this may actually be the same exact suspenders/bowtie as before? hm. off white shirt this time, less yellow.
date with markiplier/MORE?:
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very interesting take on wilford as a player behind the scenes, where he’s not controlling anything but knows way more than he should? unfortunately, no clothing is shown, so. 0/10
markiplier tv:
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return of the 2 second tophat! 
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i tried very hard to find a picture of his shoes and i could not. yellow shirt again, pink bowtie again, pink suspenders this time(!), khaki pants again. very on brand here.
EDIT: the lighting is strange here but coming back, this is the same shirt from wkm and heist; i missed the white collar and white sleeves before. interesting.
who killed markiplier:
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black rainboots(?), gray pants, gray trenchcoat.....? army coat? with pins, red scarf, funky glasses and hat. 
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red striped old-timey swimsuit, straw hat, no shoes.
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i’m just scrubbing through these videos for screencaps i’m not even watching them and this still made me sad. lmao.
return of the yellow shirt! red suspenders this time. the shirt has a white collar & sleeves which is kinda funky.
wilford motherloving warfstache:
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white dance shoes? tap shoes? they look like this.
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literally fucking iconic look at him. pink satin(?) shirt, yellow flared pants, white belt. doesnt follow the same formula as the other iconic wilford looks but his little bit of something is definitely here.
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this video is feeding me. theres so many full body shots. i didnt realise how much mark cuts stuff off at the waist until i tried to make this post. look at this fully outfitted boy. good shot of what the belt looks like here too. also PLEASE go watch this video right now, it’s still my favorite out of all the ego stuff.
heist/Open The Box:
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yellow shirt with white collar/cuffs is back from wkm/markiplierTV! brighter pink bowtie, rainbow suspenders, I <3 YOU boxers. i appreciate how uncomfortable suspenders on boxers probably was, and also that wilford canonly. does that. for some reason. rainbow was a good choice though!
verdict on most of wilford’s outfits: he was wearing a yellow shirt as the colonel, and either has the same shirt or one exactly like it all the way up to heist. likes yellow, pink, and white in general, red appears occasionally, almost no other colors except as accents. likes suspenders, likes bowties. we been knew. 
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luckyspike · 5 years
Of Love and Loss - a Good Omens Fanfic
co-author credit to Griffin McElroy
The cottage has a den and it is agreed, fairly early on, that while it is technically shared space, it falls slightly more under Crowley’s purview than Aziraphale’s. Oh, certainly, there are a few bookshelves* and a display of antique snuffboxes, and the furniture is comfortable and homey, more suited to the angel’s aesthetic than the demon’s, but aside from those touches it is all Crowley’s: dark paint on the walls, houseplants scattered over every free inch of floor, and sleek technology conspicuously placed. There is a TV on the wall, huge and slim and used for very little aside from streaming. In the corner, there is a desk, with the fastest, most powerful computer money could buy.
For the first six months they live in the cottage, it is mostly untouched.
[* Which hold only modern paperbacks, not first editions, because Aziraphale just can’t trust the good books out in a room he doesn’t supervise as closely.]
For the first six months they live in the cottage, Crowley is busy elsewhere: there are gardens to tame, and a greenhouse to stock, and a widow’s walk with a telescope to be enjoyed. Crowley rarely goes into the den at all, other than to water and menace the plants, for those first six months.
But gradually, winter comes, and he and Aziraphale settle into a routine, and Crowley starts to gravitate toward the den. It’s in spurts at first, just when Aziraphale is at the shop and it’s too cold to do anything else, but it gets more frequent. Longer periods of time.
By nine months, Aziraphale is worried. Crowley is still Crowley, still stalks around his plants and shouts at them, but other than that, he is in the den. He lays on the couch, and sleeps, and watches TV, and sleeps some more.
Aziraphale asks if he’s tired, one day. “You’re sleeping a lot,” he observes. “A lot more than ... than I remember you doing, in London. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah.” And then, because Aziraphale has this look he does that renders Crowley unable to lie, he admits, “I’m bored.”
Aziraphale’s face falls. “Oh. Oh. I see. Yes, not the ... there isn’t the same bustle here as there is in London, is there?”
“No, no, nonono.” Crowley holds up his hands, worried and insistent. “Not what I meant, angel. No, I still get in to London when I drop you off at your shop, that’s plenty. But ...” He shrugs. “I used to have a job. Wiling and tempting and that. But I ... don’t anymore. I used to plan stuff, and spend too much time scheming, and now I don’t ... have a job?” He shifts. “It’s not here. Not living here. I just feel a bit ... useless?” He frowns. “Not the right word. Can’t come up with a word. Do you follow me?”
“You’re missing having a task?” Aziraphale guesses. “A goal or some such, whether you like it or not?” He sets his book aside and sits back in his chair, the better to watch Crowley over steepled fingers. “Yes, I think I understand.”
“Like, you have your shop, same as always. But I only had being a demon. That was my job and it’s what I am. But now I’m ... still a demon, obviously, but an unemployed demon, so ...” He throws up his hands. “Bored.”
Aziraphale nods sympathetically. “Yes. I see. Well ... you could try some different things? Volunteering at the animal shelter -”
“Really? Animals hate me, angel.”
“Ah, yes, that’s right. Volunteering at the school?”
Crowley makes a show of looking at himself. “Not sure that’s really my scene.”
“Volunteering at the -”
Crowley sighs, and sits back, the tip of his considerable nose propped on his knuckles. “I’ll think about it. Find something, I’m sure. Maybe try beachcombing.”
“Maybe,” says Aziraphale, without much confidence. He wonders how he’s going to break to Crowley that most of what you find beachcombing is not, in fact, treasure, but junk. “You could give it a shot.”
“Bah.” Crowley sits back further, slouching deep into the chair, and sprawls his limbs all akimbo. “I’ll sleep on it. Wake me up for dinner?”
“You’re eating tonight?”
“No, but you are.” He tugs the tartan throw off the back of the chair, and wraps it around himself. “I’ll join if you’ll have me.”
“Of course.”
Crowley talks to his technology a lot. He doesn’t see well, Aziraphale knows, and these days the technology talks back, makes it easier for the demon to navigate. So when he hears Crowley chatting to something - someone? - in the den one cool night in late spring, he doesn’t pay much mind.
When it happens a second time that week, he wonders, but he doesn’t investigate. Probably just talking to Anathema. He pulls the doors to the library closed, and reads for the rest of the night.
When it continues the next week, curiosity gets the better of him. It’s around nine, and Crowley is talking in the den again, and Aziraphale sighs and sets his book down and goes to investigate.
The demon is sitting at the computer. The screen is massive, and Crowley is looking at it through his dark glasses. He has a controller in his hands, and a set of headphones on, and he is talking into, of all things, a microphone.
Aziraphale blinks. “What’s this, then?”
Crowley jumps, and then says into the microphone, “Ah, yeah, one second, got an old friend here,” before he hits a button and pulls the headphones off. He jumps up out of the chair and moves to the right. Aziraphale notices then, that there is a camera, fixed on where Crowley was sitting. He frowns.
“What are you doing?”
“Working.” Crowley sticks his hands into his pockets and for the first time in nearly a year since they moved, looks inordinately pleased with himself. “Found a thing to do.”
“This isn’t a sex thing, is it?” Aziraphale asks warily. 
“Nah.” He jerks a thumb toward the computer. “Nah it’s ... uh.” He thinks it over. “I have no idea how to explain this to you.” He frowns. “You know video games?”
Aziraphale nods. “... Broadly, yes.”
“Okay. Right. So there’s this website called Twitch. An’ what you do, is you play video games, but while you do that you broadcast your game to other people who want to watch you play. Adam showed it to me.” He waves his hands around, toward the computer. “S’kinda like a reality show? But video games.”
“And other people watch this?”
“Yeah. Got 100 viewers right now.”
“Because I’m hilarious.” He rocks back and forth on his heels and smirks. “Also, they give me money sometimes.”
“Yes, of course. I’m retired, remember? Well, from being a demon.” He looks pleased. “Now I’m a Twitch streamer. Part-time.”
The only reason that Aziraphale does not remark that this is a natural progression, as smooth a transition as from shore to sea, is that he does not really understand Twitch. Instead, he nods. “Good. And you’re ... having fun?”
“Oh yeah. Loads.” He glances over his shoulder. “Wanna watch for a bit? You can sit in the background. Really gets the chat going, when stuff happens in the background.”
“It’s not one of those violence games, is it?” But the angel is pulling over a wicker chair and sitting down even as he asks. “With all the killing?”
“Nah. S’pokemon. Like Joshua talks about.” He sits back down, and slides the headphones back on. “Right, what’d you want me to call you? Gotta introduce you.”
“Mr. Fell.”
Crowley gives Aziraphale a long-suffering look. “That’s not what ... never mind. Right, anything you say’ll probably get picked up on the mic, so just watch it, yeah? I’m gonna un-mute it.” He taps a button, and says, “Right, everyone, this is Az Fell. He’s ah, my favorite librarian, my best friend and uh ... my roommate.” Aziraphale blinks. Oh, so that’s what he’d meant. Well ... he wasn’t wrong.
Roommate feels a bit impersonal though. They will discuss it later.
“Right, so anyway, back to the run. Fell, this is ah, s’called a Nuzlocke run, where if your pokemon faints you have to let it go because it’s dead.”
“Oh,” says Aziraphale, who understood exactly none of that sentence.
“I just started. You’ll pick it up as we go.”
To Aziraphale’s surprise, he does. He picks up on the pokemon types, the point of the game, the exploration, and the apparently-bizarre rules Crowley has decided to play to game under. He comes to like the names, and the pokemon, and despite the fact that they are not real, he finds himself getting attached to them.
The first faint, an hour into the game, takes them both by surprise. 
“Fuck!” Crowley glares at the screen. “Fuck! That’s not even a bug-type move!”
Aziraphale raises his hands to his mouth. “So Betty is dead?”
“Betty is dead,” Crowley confirms, morosely. “R I P Betty.”
“Look at all the little tombstones in the chat.” Aziraphale sighs, and wrings his hands. “Oh, dear. We should send her off.”
They do, when the battle ends. Solemnly, Crowley releases Betty the Rattata to the wild, and he and Aziraphale bow their heads while a bagpipe rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ plays. Aziraphale wipes away a single tear. The chat goes wild.
xxGonnaMunch69xx: omg AJ your boyfriend is crying JamesBuffetsDick: RIP Betty and my feelings KnopeForPresident: omgggg im dead RIP Betty JisforJerg: fuckkkkkkkkkkk i had money on Betty living to the end GisforGreg: omg kiss your boyfriend so he feels better
Crowley sits up straighter as the music fades away. Aziraphale sniffles, blinks a few times and tries to subtly dab his eyes, and nods to Crowley, who returns the gesture before turning back to the screen and fiddling with the controls a little.
“We will fight on in her memory,” he intones, as his avatar on the screen runs in a circle in a patch of tall grass. “We will fight on for Betty. We’re gonna kill the Elite Four, and Betty’s name will be our war cry. For Betty!” 
“For Betty!” Aziraphale nods firmly, and watches the screen intently. Crowley soldiers on, navigating around Kalos, and Aziraphale watches, although his thoughts are with Betty. He wonders what pokemon do after you release them to the wild. Maybe he will ask Joshua next time they see him.
Crowley, recovering from his grief more rapidly, is on one of his monologues, waxing philosophical on the nature of pokemon match-ups, as his character runs around on-screen. “They’re just playing Calvinball with the dragon and fairy types too, since they’re not even real, and who decided that dragons would be weak to fairies? Should be the other way around, if you ask me - oh, shit, I didn’t want to jump off that ledge, fuck.” He grumbles. “We’re gonna have to walk all the way back to town.”
“You’ll run into some wild pokemon on the way though, won’t you?”
“Can’t catch ‘em.” Crowley sighs, as the screen flashes and a Psyduck assails the character. “Already got one off this route.”
“But you can smite them? For experience?”
Crowley laughs. “Yeah, yeah, angel, I can smite them for experience.” He taps a few buttons. “Get ‘em, Blanche.”
“For Betty!” Aziraphale declares, seizing his mug of tea with probably more enthusiasm than necessary.
“Yeah,” Crowley agrees, still laughing. “Yeah! Fuck you, this one’s for Betty!” 
In his chair, Crowley shifts around, spreading his knees and stretching his legs a little. Next to him, and out of view of the camera, Aziraphale’s hand comes to rest on his knee. 
Crowley doesn’t blush; they have been doing this ... whatever it is they’re doing ... publicly long enough that he doesn’t react quite that violently now. But the next few sibilants are a little more hissed than usual, and Crowley shifts in the chair again under the pretense of getting more comfortable, yet somehow ending up a few inches closer to Aziraphale.
k2p2ribbingforherpleasure: fuck yea blanche kill that duck for betty bubbletii: cant wait for them to get to the ocean and catch a magikarp GisforGreg: am i the only one who noticed AJ moved closer to Fell or ... ROOMMATES HUH LIAR JisforJerg: jfc greg shut up and watch the game
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briteboy · 7 years
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Why is her step-douche such a foken piece of shit? omg i hate him
some mysteries are never meant to be explained tbh. why is he so ugly and evil? who wronged him? but also who cares he’s in jail forever now good riddance ugly
I know this is probably really bad, but after I saw the newest molly posts, I thought of that video where the little girl is yelling "MISS KEISHA, MISS KEISHA, oh my fukin gosh she fukin dead"
i don’t blame u i bet when it happens i’m gonna be like “u know she ded”
(To the previous anon) i agree with you so, so much! In Poland, these dumbass politicians are letting shooting pregnant bisons (?? Im not sure how they're called) become legal. Like BITCH WHAT. Can you imagine??? A fucking pregnant lil' cow getting shot????? I feel Molly's pain on an emotional level rn (sorry if this is too nsfw, just needed to get that outta my system...)
i think this was in response to someone saying that hurting pregnant women is one of the worst crimes but um WTF shooting animals at all makes me itchy but pregnant ones..............nah that’s......nah
it’s ok get it outta ur system i’m here 4 u
the first thing I check in the morning is your account.... you have me whipped! ;|
OMG WHA LMAO REALLY that’s wild. i feel like i’m the only one who looks at my page which is dumb but like idk i still feel like a little kid that no one cares about lmao. but then you guys exist and amaze me with your responsiveness every day and i just ;____________; ily all
hi Sunny. first of all i'm gonna say i love your story and your editing style so much! your blog is goals like literally. i need an advice if you don't mind. you always find such amazing angles for your pictures while mine are so boring. any tips or tricks you can share?
HI thank you so much ;-; sooooo i’ve been thinking about this question the past couple of times i went in game, trying to figure out how to describe how i take pictures. for one thing i live in tab mode lmao. meaning you press the tab button on your keyboard to go into camera mode and get all these sexy angles and super zoom and stufffff. i almost always zoom in super far idk why. so there’s one tip. i honestly just play around with going up and down with the q and e keys (i think?) until i find angles i like. i take a lottttt of pictures with so many different angles just so i have a lot to choose from. basically i try to focus on different things in each picture in order to get a mix of the most diverse and dynamic shots possible. you just need to experiment and get creative. i know that’s the most vague advice ever but really just try a new angle that you’ve never considered before and i bet you’ll get cool results. an interesting setting is also the biggest factor, because certain objects and their placements will give you interesting results. 
i honestly want to print out your reaction pic to that one post and just hang it on my wall, put it in my heart locket necklace, stamp it on people's faces, start an email thread with it. i love it.
an add on to the last ask i sent about your reaction pic. i've been looking at it religiously since it was posted, and i dont regret a minute of it. LMAO I'LL STOP NOW.
SAKJDLJKGKSDAF STOPPPP LMAOOO i looked so ugly but that was my pure unadulterated reaction to that question and i trust you all to not judge my ugliness and instead share this reaction with me. i’m glad u liked it that much, i just printed it out and i’m cutting it into a small heart to put inside ur locket ok
everytime i hear cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant i think of a serious case of the novembers like its so fitting and then i get all emo when i listen to it lmao rip
OMMMMGGGGGGG YESSSSS how have i never made that connection before honestly. cage the elephant is one of my faves and i’ve seen them perform twice actually!! i’m watching the music vid for that song now and even that reminds me of my story ;-; i cry
thank you for sending this, and also i cry @ the fact that you used the actual title *dies* now this song is gonna make me emo til the end of time thx
i might sound like some crazy stalker fan but i just want to say you are so freakin awesome and nice and funny and cute and (i can go on forever) so caring! i love your blog so much and all the hard work and care you put into all your posts and followers. thanks for making my day and making me smile so much. you have no clue how much i look forward to seeing your posts and your hilarious hashtags and answers from asks and AMAZING story posts. im sorry i just wanted to let you know ur awesome ily
OFMG WHAT!!!!!! I AM ONLY AN EEL!!!!!! but no you don’t sound like a crazy stalker, i actually love this, you’re too sweet, thank you ;-; i’m just blushin so much reading this omg. YOU EVEN LIKE MY TAGS WOW that’s true love. ily ;-; <333
how do you get your sims' facial expressions to line up with your scenes? I feel like my sims' faces are never right :(
tbh i just use a lot of the same neutral poses...my go-to’s are @helgatisha‘s poses lol. they’re the easiest to work with when i do just plain talking scenes, and often i tweak my sims’ eyebrows and mouths with the liquify tool if i want them to look a bit more concerned, sad, mad, happy, etc., it works like a charm!! i also tend to play around with angles, you’d be surprised how much a different angle can enhance a scene.
Hey smol bean, I'm sent you an ask and now I feel bad that it probably made you feel anxious because you didn't answer it. It was the one about you not liking my posts, I have anxiety too so I'm sorry If I made you feel sad. I think I'm just looking for validation from people I look upto you get me? Anyway sorry again, don't worry about it! Love you!
hiya bb, i know you saw my answer to your original post (and i’m sorry it got some negative attention, i didn’t mean for that to happen by any means) anyway don’t sweat it, and i really appreciate this follow-up message. you didn’t make me feel sad, i just wanna know what i can do. it’s just a hard question y’know. i understand what you mean, i think everyone wants validation to some degree. tbh you can just come off anon and message me, i promise it’s not as nerve-wracking as it seems! ily
How did you make Santi's tattoos? I want some like that for my Sims but idk how to do it
how did you make your characters page on your blog like that?
uoohhh like what?? i used this theme (monolog) if that’s what you mean aheh. here’s a guide on how to use custom page themes
okay so THIS IS MY THEORY: they might keep the baby and molly might actually carry it to full term, but then the kid dies in childbirth and either molly also dies or maybe kills herself or gets killed later? or maybe she's still alive but just won't speak to santi anymore cause she like can't look him in the eye after all of that or idk?? since ppl were sending theories i wanted to add mine lmao. another possible theory is that the stepdad finds out and kills her but thats TOO DARK omg
TOO DARK U SAY...WELL!!! it’s not AS dark as you guessed but only marginally
If Molly turns out to be alive and raising their kid alone (though from what I'm seeing in response to most questions I think that may not be the route) am I allowed to slap Santi (unless Molly didn't give him the option to help) because raising a child alone is not easy I've watched my mom do it for years.
YEAH i would give you permission to slap him lmao he would be a grade A piece o’ shit if that were the case. i would never ever write that tho because santi does own up to his actions if they’re that detrimental. his altruistic nature, no matter how backwards, would never allow him to do that.
There will be complication with the abortion so she will not be able to carry a baby anymore and she's going to kill herself OR her step dad is going to find out and he'll beat her to death. And in both situation Santi his blaming himself because he wasn't there at the right time... Okay I really really hope I'm wrong now !
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I don't even follow your story very closely but every time I see your posts my heart hurts.
OMFG...that’s how u know the pain is real
but like wow my stuff is really so visceral that even my apathetic followers can feel the hurt...that’s real...that’s real my guy
omg!! you should 100% play or at least watch a playthrough of life is strange! legit the best game ever made, its so beautiful. the storyline kills you a thousand times over (much like your beautiful story) <3333
yaaaa i’ve heard lots of good things about it!! my bf played it actually, maybe he’ll revisit it again someday and i’ll watch him do it (i’m only a fan of video games if i can watch them like a movie lmao) thank you btw <3
I am shook and I worship you and your story and you are amazing WOW BYE
WORSHIP LMAO WHAT!!! PLS I AM UNDESERVING...ily tho don’t worship false gods
Do you let Molly and the younger versions of your characters frolic around your main save or do they have a separate one?
UM YES LMAO because i didn’t even know you could have separate saves until after i started the flashbacks lmao i’m...a noob. i don’t want separate saves anyway because 1) it’s too much of a hassle switching back and forth and 2) it gets too confusing for me and i’d be afraid of overwriting one save with another and NOPE too much anxiety for that soooo yeah there’s three santis in my game: child, teen and adult lmfao (fun fact: teen santi’s name is literally just Lil Santi)
I made it to my senior year with 6 A's and 1 B ... Be proud of me too? 😂 Lmao I told this to people and some of them were just like .. okay cool?! LMAO it's so funny but also kinda sad
I AM PROUD OF YOU TOO!!!!!!!!! my smart childrens
“okay cool” UM PLEASE that’s a feat...at my school if you got an A in a class in senior year you were allowed to be exempt from the final. so yeah that rules. ily
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comicteaparty · 5 years
February 28th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on February 28th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Zenchav by Draco Plato.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Zenchav by Draco Plato~! (http://khyatix.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Draco Plato
flips through chapters quickly
just say all the scenes cause as the creator its the one time you can get away with it XD
Draco Plato
I'm sure I have a favorite
shiz everything exists on a neutral plan of emotion
for my favorite scene im gonna pick that time everyone was pursued by spiky chia pets and oziel and ara argued to the point damian snapped his finger at them and told them to focus.
Draco Plato
I was leaning towards that myself too
damian did what we all wanted to do deep down in that moment
Draco Plato
I love the finger snap
I always enjoy drawing the damon and lyall scenes the most
I like chapter 14 but I think it was a bit hurried seeming overall.
I picked up the pace for webcomic time but I think I should have slowed it down a bit there
that was my favorite chapter to draw recently tho cause damon and lyall
I think... My favorite scene is a toss up. I really liked Nadia and Damon's meeting -- Damon's priorities are basically mine: "OOO SPARKLY" http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume1/ZenchavVolume1#p=98 But I also really liked how crushed Damon was when he burnt up Liberty's body. http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume3/ZenchavVolume3#p=157 Can't do anything else? Well, at least I can make sure nobody asks too many questions right~?
Draco Plato
I have so many mixed feelings about damon burning his daughter's body
like was that a GOOD decision? it's so morbid
I always get a laugh out of that
It felt pretty emotional
and yessss
I really like the first volume a lot, to be honest. The art in it has a lot of character which helps the black and white pop
Draco Plato
yeah I agree! Whenever I re-read it I think the early chapters actually have a lot of charm to them
I used to be really bothered by the flaws but that doesn't really bother me now
Yeah They're cute! And... Damon was... very angsty in volume 2's start
Draco Plato
hahah his brief gangster look
it was nice to see damon grow up from an innocent boy into angst rage machine into hi everyone im stay at home dad who makes jam
it is pretty fun when you get very... uh... ...I don't know the term but when you pull the expressions pretty far and make them somewhat more cartoony
Draco Plato
yeah! I agree. I think I pushed limits a bit more in the earlier chapters. Honestly I think my disdain for drawing shines through too much now
I mean, it all looks great, lmao
"Oh, I like it when you touch me" -- Sayeth Lyall, volume 2, page 12
Draco Plato
Aaaaaaaaaaah, I feel so awkward about those early scenes
where lyall's feelings start shining through
Lyall honestly just needs anyone's affection
another scene i like is http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume3/ZenchavVolume3#p=42 where damon and lyall are flirting sort of and rex just shows hes watching and hes very bored. i think it was a great way to bring rex back in while also paying off on all that tension buildup of him coming back.
Draco Plato
he just needs damon's affection
...Damon's hair is also kinda kelpie-ish, so I meaaaaaaaan
Draco Plato
yeah I liked that scene too!! and that's true, I hadn't thought he looked a bit like kelpie there
I'm kinda with what Dark said about wtf is going on with his hair in chapter 5
like yep, that's why it lasted a very short time that look
oh i remember my fave scene now
What did Dark say?
Draco Plato
i need to find it
she wasn't a fan of the chapter 5 damon hair, which I agree with since I'm not a fan of it either
I don't dislike it, he just seems very... ...high stress right now
i like to think damon's early life is characterized by phases. you got the angst phase, the emo phase, the cute kid phase, the weird flirt with your uncle phase
all business, no play
Draco Plato
there it is, the scene that always haunts me in re reads
oh that's true Rebel, it very much is
cough There's inappropriate jokes that one could make about coming in handy
But I'm not going to make them tonight
Draco Plato
I just...that line in retrospect is so BAD
But it's Lyall~
Draco Plato
i think that's the only time he really had pedo bear vibes
maybe not the only but the biggest
http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume2/ZenchavVolume2#p=38 This page, Lyall's like... "This woman's going to kill me, Damon, and everyone in this neighborhood"
Draco Plato
there's also that time
What does Nadia do, anyway? Is she actually a mob boss? I know she's gonna be different in the upcoming video, but... >:D
Draco Plato
Lyall thinking she's a homewrecker there ruining his chance at future happiness as Damon's husbando
Yeah she's the head of her mafia
her backstory is actually the same as the animated version but without the interference
that's my song for lyall in chapter five
"I feel like I've known her" -- "Oh, yeah, last time around, she tried to kill you a buncha times, and I heard she's gonna do it again."
Draco Plato
"Also, she's your sister. Or will be. Different lives and all."
Draco Plato
It just gets worse
I wonder what their entanglements were like in previous lives >:D
you know what other scene i like? this scene http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume2/ZenchavVolume2#p=48 where lyall tells damon he didnt love liberty. partly cause it was cute seeing damon be this angsty adult and get hit with the reality stick in such a way hes still little boy shocked that this is a thing that could happen. and it was also nice cause lyall revealed something in an angry outburst and thus one more truth was added to the truth pile
Draco Plato
i really should have made a chart for Nadia's lives, the main one I know that has her and Damon together before that life is when she was Lili's sister
Oh Oh I like that scene too!!
I would be interested in seeing Lili's sister
and aaaaaaaaaaaaa, yes. Lyall: Truth teller in bad situations
Draco Plato
I can always feel a mini heart attack when Lyall says he didn't love her
cause I know how much that hurts damon
"you made my mother a whore and you didn't even CARE?"
Draco Plato
Lili's sister doesn't have much to her, she married Muir at the same time as Lili but ended up leaving and letting Lili and Muir be alone
Damon was too pure then, lol(edited)
he was really hung up on the sleeping with his mom thing for a long time
I can't blame him, especially if he thought it was gonna damn Liberty to hell
but nope, just ends up with her coming back one day as a cute smol girl
Also... Lyall has no last name. JUST TAKE DAMON'S! nau
Where did the nickname Sha come from by the way?
Draco Plato
actually why didn't he take Liberty's last name
Oh!!! Lol nobody has ever asked before
She wanted to call him a shark but he lacks the bite so she dropped the k
looking back on this nickname it doesn't make much sense lmao
I think it originates from an earlier version that made more sense
i like to think that lyall not taking a last name was his way of rejecting the permanence of their situation. but also not having a last name sounds helpful when in the mob. "Hey Joe you gonna kill that Lyall fellow we were ordered to kill?" "Which Lyall?" "I don't know man. Let's just pick one."
Draco Plato
altho how common a name is Lyall
"but joe theres like 20 other lyalls" "just kill them all"
Draco Plato
omg XD
It soon became the great Lyall purge of 1930
Draco Plato
Lyall: I don't have a last name because I'm waiting to marry you and take yours
Lyall probably used that pickup line a few times
"I don't have a last name, but why don't I borrow yours for the night~?"
Draco Plato
sadly i don't think that's one he'd use since it's rather personal to him
also i'm not sure what y favorite scene is theres a lot of them lol
Draco Plato
it's okay, my mind went blank too
and I should know all the scenes
pick a volume, flip through, find your favorite
Draco Plato
i know cali's fave
which one
QUESTION 2. As shown in the comic, Apus has been going on quite a recruiting spree. How do you think Damian will adjust to his new life situation, especially after what happened? How will Damian deal with Damon joining the Demon Council? What do you think the story is with Firosofi and Euripides? Will they adjust to their life there and will the others adjust to them? Will recruiting Draco go smoothly, or will matters be complicated because of Draco’s situation with B.I.T.E.? What do you think is up with Earth suddenly recruiting so many demons and non-humans all at once? Lastly, do you think Amai will learn to do field work, and how might it change her?
Draco Plato
i'mma delete that one for gore tho
Damian's going to angst a lot when he finds out his dad's on the Demon council. And then be like "MY FATHER BETRAYED US" And worry a lot. And continue to be grumpy until he becomes older Damian.
i feel like damian will go crazy and become numb to all the weirdness
and then take wizard drugs
become damon
But also they're just gonna ship him off to the future to hang out with his dad, soooo
Draco Plato
i feel like these questions would have been good for me to ponder before writing
OoO spoils Damian's immediate future, lolol
Ooop, Damian, you're gonna sleep with that hot bird-brained nurse~
Draco Plato
why is the Earth recruiting all these people, I just figured apus was understaffed
aaaaaah that spoiler!!!
their romance took a flight
It definitely did... You could say their hearts fluttered like little wings
Draco Plato
Vivi was born from a little egg
not that it's relevant but it's cute
i like to think Earth just felt like it. was bored and said "you know what would be funny? is if i put all these demons at apus and force the people i 'hired' to get along with them. this sounds like a fun social experiment."
Draco Plato
I mean I feel that's about as hard as she thought about it
but now I feel I should think of a good reason and make it seem like I had something deep behind it
Vivi was born from an egg, eh? :3
I'm kind of curious now
plot twist, apus is just earth's ant farm but with people and demons
Draco Plato
omg XD
anytime someone mentions an antfarm I remember the one my bro had, where all the ants came dead except one and that one ant worked hard to bury all the other ants(edited)
rip ant
burying it's brethren
Draco Plato
antfarms are SAD
just burying all your dead kin
symbolically damon will be the ant
and we'll pretend this was a metaphor
Apus as an ant farm? I guess The Earth hasn't changed. She's just gonna try to burn it next time Damon shows up
Draco Plato
nah tho, Apus is meant to protect the earth
we just dont know
Draco Plato
but she allows the demon council too
and is an aid to rex
so the earth plays both teams
news reporter interviews the earth "Miss earth? why did you create apus?" "lol idk i just wanted to"
ya know consider earth talks to both sides, its more like these are her little play soldiers and she got more from the store so she could have an epic battle.
Cadence got her planet in the end
Draco Plato
her being the earth is totally karma for having made a planet
and not being it's planet seed
i just imagined like a fight going on and someone jumping at someone
but in realityits just earth throwing one of her play soldiers at another one
She doesn't seem to hate it at least. She's probably like, "heh, I'll show you whose Karma fucked them up"
Draco Plato
I think the rational was that she wanted to see which side would win out
the planet itself is neither good nor evil, a neutral party
if a planet becomes totally good or totally evil it will end
because it must exist within duality
so that makes me think her ultimate goal would be to make it either totally good or totally evil so that it can die
since that would be freedom in a sense for her soul
Yes, beautiful, perfect earth
she don't care which time wins, just so long as someone does
she finally got it
a shame Samantha couldn't think big tho
Draco Plato
so much of Soul Hymn is still in the air tbh, especially with Sam
unless she's working with Decebal...
Draco Plato
cause I thought it'd be fun to make her more of an important baddie
"Yeah, I'll let you be the planet seed if you help me out*
Draco Plato
fffffft, being a planet seed is the last thing she wants
Sam wasn't really listening, she heard "You get a planet"
Draco Plato
it may be fun if sam is an antagonist to both erik and decebal
since if she regains her powers she'd be quite a formidable foe
maybe lets bring the topic back to zenchav at this point XD
"you get a planet and you get a planet"
Draco Plato
Decebal becomes Oprah
Damian will not be pleased Damon joined the DC
but hey he gets to spend time with his daddy
i guess
Draco Plato
I actually don't know if they'll ever meet face to face during that time tho
damon and rex i mean
Draco Plato
Damon is so happy about that, yeeeeah
my question implied damian adjusts at all. which i would argue damian doesnt adjust to anything. just sits in eternal grump land.
damon got new clothes already
id say thats a great dad
Draco Plato
LOL you make an excellent point Rebel
but they're not blue see, they have to be blue, so he's sad
Question: Will we get to see Mr. Philosophy get a sword
Draco Plato
Draco Plato
Firo has two swords
i think Amai will be fine with field work cause firo can do all the heavy lifting metaphorically speaking. or ya know he could sip tea and wave at her from afar
Draco Plato
Firo actually can't kill anyone because it would be too kind a death for them
Then he gets to be mad at Dakin and Amai all the time :3
one to put jam on his toast and the other to poke things
Draco Plato
this is true, firo will do way more heavy lifting than Amai
buuuuut Amai will probably have plant powers like Dakin
which wasn't in the story originally so tentatively she'll be a bit more bad ass when she awakens to that
firo doesn't get mad
by that implication amai doesnt know she has the plant powers?
Draco Plato
if firo gets mad that's gotta be something really really bad
nah Amai thinks she has no powers atm
she's been very sheltered
would he get mad if someone cut him off on the freeway
Draco Plato
No O_O
he is inhuman!
Draco Plato
He got mad once as a kid tho
say if it isnt so
Draco Plato
kid cut off his ponytail
off with his head
Draco Plato
yus O_O you don't touch Firo's hair
but he probably wouldn't get mad at that now
but there is a time when he will get mad
maybe more than one
He didn't even get mad when his life was threatened, so
I mean
he's a pretty chill dude
will it be at damon for damon being a little rex puppet murderer?
I almost wrote "Chill dad" and then I was like
Draco Plato
oh firo having his life threatened was like a tuesday, no biggie
nah he won't get mad at damon
Firo: I'm not mad at you, Damon. Just disappointed.
Draco Plato
that'll happen
Damon: But I looooove him father
damon goes home and rex tells him the same thing, that hes not mad, just disappointed. only then rex kills some kid or something.
Draco Plato
Rex just makes Damon's wounds heal slower
when he's mad at him
you know
thats a lot more tame then i realistically expected
good on rex
sorry, I got distracted reading OoO again
Poor Damian
Draco Plato
yeah, damon is the fave
slightly less of a jackass than he couldve been
Draco Plato
ffffft, that's a good reason to get distracted, lol
Rex to damon's other siblings is pretty swift to kill
so they have to tip toe a lot more
I think Damian is pretty lucky
got to go to school in the future, meet all those kooky people
damian at apus is interesting tho since there's more reasons than just damon at the DC he's sour about
on the otherhand, he got to go to school and meet all those kooky people and deal with a huge jump in technology and his dad being a wizard. it may perhaps contribute to the grump.
you mean like liberty being dead O_O
Draco Plato
nervous laughter
shes fine
its just jam
QUESTION 3. In recent events, Damon has been forced by his father to join the Demon Council. What activities do you think Damon will be doing for the Demon Council? Will Damon manage to fit in there, or will he stick out too much? Will he at least be able to get along with his new sister Theia? As time passes, do you think Damon will come to agree with Rex’s ideals? Or, do you think he’ll stay steadfast in his own beliefs? Do you think Damon will find out Damian is alive and with Apus? How might this change his actions in the future? Also, how might his relationship with Lyall change him? Do you think Rex will keep his promise of not hurting Lyall? Finally, will Damon reconnect with Purusha’s life to escape the darkness?
wait, I'm mis-remembering things... Who is Dakin's dad XD
Draco Plato
Amai is his mom
firosofi more like
Draco Plato
Draco Plato
it's complicated
was so surprised when there was a Firo in Baccano
i think rex will make damon think hes gonna make him do really bad stuff, but he just makes him sit down and play chess all day
Draco Plato
Rex: Damon, I want you to be the greatest chess master to ever live. Damon: Father....I hate to break it to you but that's never going to happen, I'm an idiot.
damon can probably play chess
maybe damon will get super good at chess cause chess is half just about remembering the patterns and knowing the best move for each pattern.
and damon can make little dresses for the chess pieces
Draco Plato
Lyall would make very pretty chess pieces
Draco Plato
Lyall is very good at chess
Damon would make them regal clothing, befitting their stations in life
rex walks in sees his chess set all mangled with pretty dresses
Draco Plato
damon says plz he's not that much of a loser
I think Damon's ideals already died long ago
he mostly just wants to not die and not have Lyall die
he'll get better one day
Draco Plato
when he goes insane
What will damon be doing at the DC ponders
eat donuts
Draco Plato
a mystery
hes gonna make up for lost time. go on fishing trips with rex. fight over a stuffed animal with theia, etc. etc.
Draco Plato
Damon can't taste donuts tho
Nggh, I missed it
plot twist DC means donut council
Draco Plato
omg XD
yer right on time cheshire
Draco Plato
oh yeah, him and Theia will wrestle all right
we still have an hour left to go
Too bad I didn't read all of it...
Draco Plato
that's okay~!
it is 400 something pages
I usally do tho
Ah well
Draco Plato
no worries~
Well, that's fine Cheshire! You can chime in about what you did read
or are you just here to talk about how much you didn't?
I'll talk! I confess!
So, I think it'll be interesting going forward, to see what happens more with Firo and his buddies -- mostly because I read the original draft once upon a time, and Amai is very dear to me. XD I wanna see her do more stuff! Yell at her mom! Ask Pavonis why he's such a stick in the mud
its also fine to just live read and comment your feelings as you read, @€heshire777 ~!
Draco Plato
awwww, I'll make sure to put her in more knowing that ;3;
So uh, is Pavo's original... backstory... still valid
Draco Plato
yus I think so
wherein he was so in love with Earth and...
you cant just ask pavo why he's a stick in the mud. mostly because i expect itll wind up like that time he tried to explain apus to damian and damian was just like "whaaaaat"
Draco Plato
he lived in ancient greece sometime
Pavonis: You know what, you're clearly not going to get this, go see the nurse
Pavonis has no middle ground either. Either he's with Earth and Apus, or he's a demon, helping Rex commit atrocities.
Draco Plato
pavonis has a really really thin line between good and evil
pavonis would be evil for the earth
he wouldn't second guess it
http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Specials/ZenchavSpecials#p=64 I see you, Sotiris (http://khyatix.com/world <- see the dark reddish brown-life)
Draco Plato
i really like that special
and it's plot based too
but sotiris looks like a freakin chef there
I keep wanting to do more with Minos, now that they're at the DC I'm hoping I can have him show up
i do think thats the best of the specials. just cause it was nice to see lyall before he became a bitter old house wife who was jilted by rex.
do that
cause with this special in mind i want to see minos and lyall interact
Yeah! I wanna see what's happened to Minos -- Rex didn't kill him for that but I do wonder what he'd have done to him
cause for lyall its been eons, for minos probably not that many eons
Draco Plato
yeah!! it actually hasn't been that long for Minos since lyall was pregnant with rex's kids
before then Lyall and Minos used to whore around together
Rex disappears for a few minutes, comes back with Lyall and an extremely scarred Damon
Draco Plato
i mean they never slept with each other but they'd pick up women together
It's actually probably been a few years since Theia got there
but between rex dropping lyall off and picking damon up that's probably a few days at the DC
if Rex bothered to wait, which I think he did cause he changed his clothes
but in one of my stories that may just be an hour later
Rex goes to get some tea
remembers, "Oh yeah, I should pick up Lyall."
Draco Plato
and change my clothes while I'm at it :>
that's just damon tho
altho rex is pretty fashionable
So anyway, there's reincarnations, time travel shenanigans, and lots and lots of suffering for Damon.
the changing clothes is just part of their genes. encoded on their dna.
And we're just getting started
Draco Plato
Lyall can do that
he often makes clothes with his powers
since he can make any organic material so he makes it soft like fabric
maybe its a rule in the DC. no outfit is allowed to be worn for over 3 hours.
Draco Plato
nah, that's the rule in OoO
7 times damon?!?
if it's a joke nobody will blame the creator for clothing ADD
i wonder if therell be a love triangle between damon, lyall, and minos.
Oh my
Draco Plato
Oh nooooooo
minos is an asshole so probably not
amongst other reasons
but alternatively will sotiris and theia ever have a thing
Draco Plato
I honestly don't know atm
well theyd at least be a sexy pairing
and lyall could make "hey stop touching my daughter maybe" faces
Having read Out of Order, I kind of can't wait to find out about how Damon and Claire meet in this life. I've heard rumors that it is ... bordering on "not good"
Draco Plato
oooooooh, it's fun!
I really like randolph and claire at apus
they were actually with each other longer than they were with damon
not as a couple of course
and Damian is older than both of them, lolol
well maybe not randolph, i dunno, it's a toss up
one day after many people die, damian will sit there going "wait a second im the older person here"
Randolph and Claire were a duo?
Draco Plato
oh gawd no
but they both worked at Apus together
Claire was raised there from age 13 and Randolph took care of security
Randolph had his own room that he stayed in almost exclusively but people have to visit him cause he's the techno master
uh room being where all his security systems are
claire was a field worker though
so basically claire and damian would visit him and bicker
QUESTION 4. An ominous tone seems to be setting in on the future. What do you think Pavonis meant in saying that Firosofi’s arrival signaled “certain things were set into motion?” Does it have something to do with the declaration of war that Oziel claimed recruiting Damian would be? Is it something else entirely that has more to do with Firosofi, Damon, or someone else? Of the characters we’ve met, who in Apus and who in the Demon Council do you think will clash first? What do you think will happen? Overall, do you think the conflicts between Apus and the Demon Council will ever be solved? As a last bonus, what time periods do you think we’ll see in the comic considering it involves time travel?
Firosofi's going to take over the story soon, and we're gonna see him go face down his destiny... And reclaim his last name...
wait wait
this is why lyall didnt have a last name
theyre going on the quest together
Firosofi X and Lyall WHY
Draco Plato
and something Z
Draco Plato
will they ever even meet
who knows
o wait zenchav
Draco Plato
what time periods would people want to see
There we go. The mysteries of the plot, explained.
Draco Plato
i have some up in the air atm
Draco Plato
I'd honestly like to see some mid-2000s Damon. Baggy jeans, Anime hair... Debating who's better: Trunks or Vegeta
Draco Plato
That we will see!!
already in there
(It's totally Trunks, by the way.)
damon: ugga ugg lyall: ugga ugga damon: ugh >_>
Steampunk Damon
Draco Plato
I do love trunks but i love vegeta too
steampunk would be pretty awesome
I think I can do that
Damon WOULD go for a Steampunk aesthetic
Draco Plato
he totally would
He's going to have a hell of a motorcycle collection, lol
Next world they go to in OoO will be a steampunk world, totally
Draco Plato
Claire's original clothing aesthetic was supposed to be steampunk too
but it looked too out of place
that'd be good for OoO tho, i'll think about it for that
cause I have it kind of wide open atm for where it's going
oh I know where i can fit steampunk into Zen
i cant think of a good time period so im just gonna go with ancient egypt. where someone can sneak into a tomb and write a message in the hopes it confuses the heck out of future archaeologists
Draco Plato
goth will be in the animated version!
ancient egypt would be interesting, I hadn't considered that
i remember an older version I had them live in ancient persia for awhile
Ancient Persia would be awesome!
Some of the clothing they have in pseudo-historical Bollywood films... it's so pretty
Draco Plato
Chinese would be good too!! I was just appreciating their clothing the other day
Damon will go to india at one point
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7K4vGYL9zI Allow me to share this song with you
Draco Plato
that actor does such a good job in that movie too
thats good damon gets to go to india. i think it will suit him ;3;
It also fits the overall reincarnation theme, too, I think
Draco Plato
cavemen would be so weird XD
I like weird
if lyall went with him, cavemen would murder him cause thats 0 tech zone
Draco Plato
oh yeah, that's right Firo is from India too
Lyall says that sounds like where Rex would send him
Ok, and lost you again...
Firosofi's one of the recently introduced characters -- he's more clearly introduced here: http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume3/ZenchavVolume3#p=63
That's just about where I'm at
Draco Plato
oh yeah~!
he's also Haranasa
If you say so...
Well, Draco would be the one to say so... as the creator
are we going to get to see oziel more? i need more oziel spunk in my life.
Draco Plato
coughs I'm honestly not sure what Oziel's future is in the story atm
but I can add him more if you want
I know some other people liked him too
ah both names at once there, lolol
Who was that again? (edited)
more i just think theres potential between him and damian. cause of the whole ya know, you got my sister murdered
Draco Plato
that fellow is oziel
He's cool
Draco Plato
yeah I agree Rebel, I've been thinking that should be explored more too
I always like Oziel's hair
I like Ara better
Draco Plato
fun fact he was in a wheelchair for a portion of his life
and I wanna know what the fuck Ara did to get his future lives the way he did XD
Draco Plato
(But this... is not... in Zenchav yet... I'm speaking partly about stuff that I know that is... spoilers...)
OK Draco, Draco
Draco Plato
Ara ara ara, ahahah
if you could pick one character that's not Damon to make super sparkly
who would you choose
Draco Plato
Atlantis would be cool
Draco Plato
Firo was originally the main
Atlantis is a great idea
yeah I can use atlantis
atlantis would be cool
I'll just keep suggesting stuff as long as you'll let me
Moon base
Draco Plato
loooooool, would be too sailor moon
Draco Plato
awwwwww ;3;
I really want more firo now
I never get to draw him
but i'll be in the most recent chapter
Viking era?
Draco Plato
That's a good idea too, I could do that
I used to love Norse mythology
altho marvel kinda eeeeehed me a bit to it
even tho i like marvel
Yeah. same
Marvel nut
Draco Plato
me too
well....I haven't read all the comics
cause there's ALOT
Oop, cell service
i was just about say draco, youre gonna be stuck drawing firo for quite a while now in this upcoming arc.
Draco Plato
laters, Cheshire :3
Not as much as I'd like cause he mostly stands in the BG
which means I'll cut him out of panels a lot for drawing time
buuuut I think the chapter after he really stands out
and tbf shading his hair sucks so much
this almost sounds creepy. draco and amai talking in the forefront, firo just in the background of the shot smiling at the reader all the time, as if to say i see you.
Draco Plato
that'd be so in character for Firo XD
this is why he can't be the MC
actually I think most of it is Draco talking to his peeps tho
I dunno maybe I'll add in more firo
cause him just standing there in the BG of chapter 13 was kinda lame too
maybe he and draco can at least share a warm hug
i wanna see them hug
Draco Plato
>w> well that will probably happen
draco can leap onto him in a bear hug
Hugs for everyone!
i cannot picture this bear hug. although i can picture euri and amai being like wtf
COMIC TEA PARTY- THURSDAY BOOK CLUB END! Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Draco Plato, as well, for making Zenchav. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Draco Plato’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read the Comic: http://khyatix.com/
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