purpleterror91 · 1 month
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I don't think I ever shared this Darkwing Duck Spiderman AU I made after watching the 2nd spiderverse movie last year!
Arachno Duck is kinda similar to primeverse Darkwing, he's still the same egotistical detective dad with a goofy family, except that his superhero origin story is getting bit by a radioactive spider
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negaduckie · 6 months
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taffybee · 1 year
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hi drakepad nation hi darkvolt nation have you considered joining forces
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samd1o1 · 1 year
i mainly ship quackervolt and liquiroot but the fearsome four as a polyam ship is also very very good (and i can do both at the same time so ha)
also am a drakepad shipper but like darkvolt
anyway i just think the amount of polyam ships in the dwd fandom is fun (def the most i've seen in awhile)
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hext00ns · 8 months
Please talk to me about Darkvolt PLEASE talk to me about Darkvolt my asks are OPEN
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moonbeam-dragon · 7 months
So I have an OC
I have a few. But this is my favorite. Originally a Megavolt fankid but he's slowly become the son of Elmo and Drake in an AU I've never talked about online. I'll introduce him with some incorrect quotes. If you like him, let me know and I'll give more info on him.
Context: Megavolt is a hero and he and Darkwing raised one, now two kids together.
Drake: Remember everyone, violence is never the answer.
Nikola: You're right, Dad... Violence can't be the answer.
Drake: Correct, Nikola. Now, on to the next lesso-
Nikola: Violence is the question.
Nikola: And the answer is yes!
Drake: Nikola, no!!
Gosalyn: I have to say, I'm a little embarrassed for you.
Nikola: This is a sports-related injury. It makes me look cool!
Gosalyn: Tripping over a basketball on your way to the bathroom is not cool!
Drake: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.
Nikola: Mine just says "Nikola no."
Drake: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Nikola, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.
(Fun fact: he's a Whiffle Boy megafan)
*The family is playing a team game*
Nikola: Are you upset you don’t get to be on the same team as Gosalyn?
Drake: Have you ever played a game with Gosalyn?
Nikola: No…
Drake: Have you ever been trapped in a cage with a wolverine?
*Meanwhile, on the other side of the couch*
Gosalyn, to Elmo, who's holding a controller: I SAID FASTER! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORD “FASTER” MEANS? IT MEANS MORE FAST!!!!
(This is a whole family of Whiffle Boy megafans)
Drake: Why did you kidnap Gosalyn!?!?!
Elmo: Ah- um- well- the reason for that is, uhh...
Nikola: Sometimes, we must work together towards a common goal.
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Darkwing, with Gosalyn and Megavolt behind him: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
Darkwing: Oh, my God— What the f---!?
Police: Wha-
Darkwing: Nikola F---ING FELL OFF!
Nikola: Oh Dad, you have any shaving cream?
Elmo: No, I don't like the way that it tastes.
Nikola: Wait... you eat shaving cream?
Elmo: No. Why would I eat it if I don't like the taste.
Gosalyn: *Turns on the kitchen light*
Nikola: *Sitting at the table, eating bread*
Gosalyn: It’s four in the morning.
Nikola: Turn the light back off.
*In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run.*
Drake: *Minding his own business, looking for tortilla chips.*
Drake: *Finds tortilla chips.*
Elmo, to Nikola, who is a baby: See, your dad knows what he's here for. Your dad knows what he's doing. Be more like your dad. Make a decision, Nikola!
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dopamine-factory · 1 year
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He's bi.
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veryquietclown · 2 years
quick megavolt hcs!
i never realized how fun it is to just write abt your hcs for characters until recently so expect a lot of hc posts of characters coming your way
megavolt has rat ears and tail they’re just hidden (i think this is a widely agreed headcannon)
megs likes all the nicknames QJ gives him besides sparky
megavolt forgets about his tail sometimes and ends up stepping or tripping over his tail
neurodivergent 100% i mean just look at him
one of his stims are making a shock noise like “pzzzttt”
he loves helping QJ make mechanical toys
his goggles have prescription lens or whatever since he has bad eyesight
loves video games and sometimes when he goes to save lightbulbs he steals some video games to play with QJ or by himself
has a notebook filled with reminders on things since he knows he’ll forget something
his hair always stands up a little due to the electricity
sometimes if he has a lot of electricity built up and holds a lightbulb or something it will light up
loves weighted blankets
one of his main meals are pbj since they’re really easy to make
installed wheels on his boots so their like heelys, they are removable
he enjoys skating on the power lines late at night if he has nothing else to do
sometimes when he short circuits he has a blast of memories he forgot and they always leave him confused or anxious
he always adds new mechanics to his car
he’s more verbally affectionate than physically but he does give a hug or two sometimes
he loves having a schedule, usually has one planned in his head and one of the things he doesn’t forget
when he first joined the fearsome five he completely forgot about everyone being there besides darkwing and QJ, he forgot what QJ’s face looked liked though (this is like a little bit after the justice ducks episode, that’s when the f5 was made right?)
another one of megs stims is nibbling
megs never sits in a chair normally, he always is sitting in a ball like his legs are on the chair seat too
he also never sleeps normally, he has 3 sleeping positions! the vampire (he’s laying all straight and his arms are crossed on his chest), the ball (he’s scrunched up into a ball) and the cat thing (he’s wrapped up like how a dog or cat sleeps, he usually does this on a couch or at someone’s place)
he climbs onto QJ if there’s a big amount water not like gently i mean he straight up starts climbing and shoving his boots into QJ’s face, QJ usually is fine with this unless megs boots get in his mouth that’s when he shoves megs off him
everyone constantly plays with his tail, QJ one time added a bell thing at the end of megs tail and megs kept getting extremely confused when he heard a bell nearby whenever he moved
deadly allergic to bees and is absolutely oblivious he is since he forgot he’s allergic so it lead to QJ and the others to bringing him to a hospital and figuring out he is the hard way
These next few hcs spoil the clash reunion ep!
when i say elmo and drake in these i mean like in the past n stuff
megavolt completely forgot he and darkwing went to highschool together
i like to imagine that elmo and drake were buddies in highschool, elmo helped drake with schoolwork and drake (poorly) helped elmo socalize
elmo used contact lenses a lot since he was made fun of for wearing glasses
elmo and drake sometimes went to one or the others house and played games or studied together
elmo was more on physical affection than his present self
elmo tried out skateboarding since drake constantly asked him to go skateboarding with him and he got the hang of it kinda quickly but he messed up sometimes since he would get so nervous about falling off
elmo used to constantly get made fun of for his name and one time someone put a elmo (the red muppet guy) plushie in his locker
elmo used to always get dragged by drake to public events
elmo and drake knew each other since they were kids and when they were kids they would always do little superhero and villian roleplays (wow it became a reality)
also when they were younger he and drake would hang out at the park a lot, elmo always brung a few books so they could read together but usually drake fell asleep before they could finish even one book
drakes parents and elmo’s parents were (and still) pretty good friends
i’ll write more about younger elmo and drake in a different post!!
elmo’s parents were very sheltering, they always taught him how to be respectful n stuff
his parents also were extremely worried sick about elmo after the whole thing happened in highschool and elmo ran off
his parents still look for him
though sometimes i like to imagine if his parents found out he was megavolt they wouldn’t really care he was a villain and would instead smother him to death with affection since they missed him, they would also bring back a lot of memories to megavolt!
megavolt sometimes gets memories of him and drake hanging out but he doesn’t remember drakes name, he just assumes he and this unknown friend of his stopped hanging out after awhile
megs told QJ about these memories and QJ made a few jokes like “oh what if it was dorkwing” or “imagine that duck was stinkywing”
that’s some of my hcs for megavolt! i might write about younger elmo and drake hcs later! also you can take my elmo and drake platonically or romantically same goes for my QJ and megavolt hcs!
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starleska · 2 years
DarkVolt - Vices & Virtues [MEP PART]
just a fun little Darkwing Duck/Megavolt MEP part for SexyShoopuf’s Vices & Virtues MEP with @childhoodcreativity 🥰
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hermannsprecursors · 2 years
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I started watching the funny duck show again and it's the only thing making the happy chemical. I can't draw ducks (or any anthropomorphic animals for that matter) so I decided to humanize them all instead so you can get my horrendous ideas. Because believe me. I have so many ideas that need to get turned into drawings and comics and shit. But first off, the MAN himself, DW.
Shut up I know I made him a dilf. Maybe that was my intention all along.
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Oh and bonus darkvolt doodle I guess even though I'm not SUPPOSED to drop this.... pre leak of my human Megs I guess lmao.
My art style is so inconsistent so please ignore that.
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magicalgirlmegavolt · 2 years
Heck yeah! It’s so awesome to find a fellow Darkvolt shipper too! It’s always nice to find others that appreciate this rare pairing of arch enemies as much as I do. Anyways thanks for this, it really brighten up my day! Hope you have a good one! 💕 :)
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scarecrowbutch · 1 year
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looking in my files for my 2022 art summary and AUGH i never finished nor posted this piece but man .. i was going so hard on this piece its so gorgeous. why did i never finish it. im going to finish it
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vinx909 · 2 years
is art theft ok? yea
look at this amazing art by darkvolt (source: https://darkvolt.tumblr.com/post/49754487522/streamed-dungeons-and-dragons-campaign)
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fucking beautiful art of a green dragonborn. now i'm planning on playing a female red dragonborn in dnd. finding art of that is fucking impossible (especially if you don't want to go too horny and the dragonborn is not supposed to be physically impressive). so what's one to do? well with some afford i can turn this green dragonborn red.
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this is art theft. i take your art and use it for myself. of course i try not to be an asshole so i won't reupload it, espcially not without credit. but for private use there's nothing wrong with art theft, and dnd would suck without it
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samd1o1 · 1 year
The Disney Plus episode order is so bad for Darkwing Duck
While watching for the first time I started a game that was like "everytime a villian is in an episode and isn't introduced that's just Drake's ex"
T̶h̶i̶s̶ k̶i̶n̶d̶a̶ e̶n̶d̶e̶d̶ u̶p̶ h̶a̶p̶p̶e̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ M̶e̶g̶a̶v̶o̶l̶t̶ t̶h̶o̶ l̶o̶l̶z̶
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hext00ns · 8 months
If I can share a headcanon with you. I think as Kids Drake was exactly like Gosalyn and Elmo was like Honker. What do you think 🤔.
Also why was Drakey scared of Danger?.
Hugs 🤗
I think Drake was not really an introvert but not AS brash and loud in his personality as he is in show and in highschool till after the stuff from Paraducks.
I hate time travel plots they hurt my head but Drake himself states he doesn't remember that part of his childhood which means it wouldn't be against canon to say that Drake going back in time is a fixed point in the timeline itself. So in our present time Drake's past he did meet future him but just doesn't remember it for some reason. Which, that's not toooooo unbelievable. Many mental illnesses and disabilities cause memory problems as does trauma which all can easily be argued for Drake who very clearly has a couple things up in his head and also was clearly heavily bullied as a child (not to mention the personal hc of his homelife) so him having a spotty memory isn't too wild of a possibility
I think he wasn't really like skittish as a kid till he got screwed up with King. His and Elmo's friendship had a falling out when Drake got mixed up with King and Drake was, after a point, too scared to leave or stand up for himself till his future self came to basically give him that huge confidence boost. Defeating King was also that spark in him that made him realize. Oh. I wanna do this for the rest of my life.
I hc that his original plan was to go to school for criminology till Elmo became Megavolt. That's when he realized he wanted to be not just a detective but a vigilante as well. Fully taking up the mantel of Darkwing Duck.
I also believe that after the King thing he stood up to bullies a LOT more. However, he lost most of those fights and would end up with Elmo carrying his sorry ass back home to patch him up kinda vibe
I'm not sure Elmo is very Honker-like. Definitely closer to being an introvert than Drake. And after King Drake definitely grabbed hold of his own signature spunk that he has now too
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