samd1o1 · 2 years
i mainly ship quackervolt and liquiroot but the fearsome four as a polyam ship is also very very good (and i can do both at the same time so ha)
also am a drakepad shipper but like darkvolt
anyway i just think the amount of polyam ships in the dwd fandom is fun (def the most i've seen in awhile)
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moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
Fearsome Foursome
Moonrise! So I had this dumb idea. This is more of a shitpost but I thought it would be funny. It would be a comic strip but I can't draw. So little drabble it is. The Poly Four. As a fandom, we need to come up with a better ship name for them. Tw: S3xual innuendos, swearing.
The bank alarm was going off as the Fearsome Four ran off, each with a bag or two of loot. They kept in close formation while they escaped, making sure nobody fell behind or got lost. The group was blocked by a cloud of blue smoke in front of them. They slowed to a stop.
"I am the terror that flaps in the night..."
Liquidator splashed to be closer to Bushroot, also putting more distance between himself and his electric companion should a fight break out. Quackerjack and Megavolt jumped close together, getting into a fighting stance.
"I am the family disappointment that doesn't bring anything to the potluck."
Bushroot looked over at Quackerjack, who was looking at him as well with an amused face. They shared a small snicker at the bad line.
"I am... Darkwing Duck!!" The short duck spread his cape in what he must have thought to be a menacing manner. He then whipped out his gas gun and pointed it at the gang. He smirked, already amused by his next line. "Hello, Fearsome Foursome!"
Liquidator rolled his eyes, about to make a comment about how mature that was, when Megavolt spoke up.
"How did you know about that?"
In an instant, all eyes were on the electric rodent. He was staring at Darkwing in genuine confusion. His brain had stalled when he heard the remark, and he'd spat out the first thing that came to his mind.
Darkwing lowered his gun and cocked his head. "Know about wha-" He cut himself off, eyes widening as he realized what Megavolt implied. "Wait what the fu-"
"BAHAHAHAHOOHOO!" Quackerjack dropped his bags and burst out laughing, falling out of his defensive position. He put his hands on his knees and failed to collect himself. "He didn't mean it literally!" he pointed out to his partner.
A zap ran up the rat's spine as he realized, flying off his hat. "Oh-"
"Megavolt!" Bushroot yelled, hiding his face in his leaves. He let the one bag he was holding fall to the ground. His face turned dark green from the chlorophyll flooding his cheeks. Little red flowers sprouted up through his hair, a mixture of marigolds, chrysanthemums, and white peonies. He groaned into his hands, muttering something about his teammate.
If Liquidator could blush, he would have. "Three out of four supervillains agree that that was very embarrassing." He slowly sank down into a puddle so that his face couldn't be seen. The two bags he was holding just sat on top of the water. Quackerjack continued to laugh his ass off, clutching his side and falling to his knees.
"How would that even work?!" Darkwing exclaimed. "One of you is water and one is a vegetable. Can Liquidator and Megavolt even touch?"
"That's not your business," Megavolt said, crossing his arms and glaring.
Darkwing threw his hands up. "Seriously, you're together? How did that happen?"
Bushroot looked up from his hands, glowering. "It's a long story that's none of your business, dammit."
Quackerjack looked up at Darkwing and wiped tears from his eyes. "You- you can at least say you called it, ha!"
Bushroot glared at his partner. "Quackerjack, this isn't funny! What about this is funny?"
"The chrysanthemums in your hair, for one-"
"Shut up," Bushroot warned, pointing a finger at him.
Quakcerjack pulled the strings of his hat in a cross. "That and this must make him feel so alone! Unless that sidekick of yours is-"
"What?!" Darkwing exclaimed. "No! Nonono! Launchpad and I are partners in crime fighting. Nothing more. He's my pilot."
"Uh-huh," Megavolt said, lifting the bag he'd been holding over his shoulder. He was blushing furiously. "I've known you for a decade. And I know you're gayer than a bucket of wings."
Liquidator rose his head, chest, and arms out of the puddle. "Did you just quote The Prom?"
Megavolt nodded. "Yeah."
The masked mallard stuttered. "I am not gay! I have a girlfriend!"
"Is it your sidekick?" Quackerjack asked.
Liquidator rose up all the way and flowed over to Megavolt, putting a careful arm around his shoulder. His other hand gestured grandly to the hero. "That, my dears, is a genuine homosexual in denial!"
"I'm not gay!"
"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Quackerjack teased. He pulled a match out of nowhere and struck it on the street. He threw it at Darkwing and snagged up one of his bags. "Let's go!"
Darkwing's cape caught on fire. He shrieked and tried to take it off to stomp out, only succeeding in tripping himself. The rest of the villains grabbed their bags and ran out of the area, down an alleyway. They came upon an empty parking lot where Megavolt had left his car. They were quick to jump in, dropping the loot on the floor in the back. Megavolt got in the driver's seat and Quackerjack leaped in shotgun. Bushroot wound up behind the jester, Liquidator sitting in his own seat behind the driver's. It was covered in plastic wrap so he didn't short out the whole car. There was a moment of silence from them as Megavolt started the car and began high-tailing it out.
Liquidator looked over at Bushroot, smiling a bit. "Marigolds?"
The plant-duck plucked a couple of the flowers from his hair. They were an annoying trait he'd developed. When feeling extremely emotional, he'd blossom flowers. It was embarrassing, and often a dead giveaway his boyfriends used to read him. "Yeah, what of it?"
Megavolt glanced at him in the mirror, snickering. "What are the white ones? Peonies?"
Bushroot glared, crossing his arms and looking out the window. "Liq, tell Megavolt I'm not going to talk to him after he outed us to Darkwing Duck!"
"It was an accident!"
Bud rolled his eyes at his lovers. "It's not like we're entirely subtle about it. Especially Megavolt and Quackerjack."
Quackerjack looked at him in the rear-view mirror. "We gave him a crisis to even it out. Fair play. Besides, we got away with the loot."
"Yeah, when you set him on fire," Bushroot said bitterly.
Megavolt glanced at his jester. "Isn't that your second account of arson?"
"Second. Third. Fourth. Not sure at this point," the clown admitted.
Bushroot groaned and rubbed the bridge of his beak with his hand. "Sweet Gaia, what is your problem?"
"Us," Liquidator answered smugly.
"They're our problem," Bushroot quipped.
"Come on. You're not gonna stay mad at him, are you Reggie?" Quackerjack asked, turning around to look at the plant-duck.
Bushroot turned so he was looking out the window and not at his boyfriends. He kept his vines crossed in contempt.
Megavolt looked back at him, frowning. "Aw. I'm sorry, my precious orchid."
Megavolt's new nickname for him made Bushroot reconsider his anger. He sighed and turned back a bit to look at them. "Fine. We'll talk about this when we get home."
Quackerjack grinned in satisfaction and turned back to face forward. "Good! Hey, can we get takeout on the way home?"
Liquidator nodded, smiling at the jester. "Of course. That sounds like a lovely idea."
Megavolt made a sudden jerk to the steering wheel, turning a corner to go to a different destination in that case. "Sounds great. Come to think of it, it sounds really good. I might not have eaten today."
"It's almost midnight, babe," Liquidator noted aloud.
"I know. I had some orange juice this morning."
"I guess chow mein or something sounds tasty right now," Bushroot said. It wasn't often he actually ate, being able to photosynthesize. But hey, tasting was still an ability he had. Might as well use it.
That's it. Bad ending. This ended up way longer than it was supposed to. It was supposed to be just Megavolt outing them but hey. Fluff. So I'd rate this as suggestive crack fluff. Farewell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbages, don't eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life! Moonset!
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jestierabbit · 3 years
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So in case you haven’t heard @springtales and I have a Quackerjack/Bushroot confession fic (a whole playthyme series honestly) and I think you guys should check it out if you haven’t! And if you do, please leave feedback, it’s literally crack for the two of us 😌 And don’t worry, it’s a pre-poly 4 fic so you’ll get your Quackervolt and Liquiroot as well
Anyway have some random Playthyme doodles I never posted to help promote it 💜💚
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sandyferal · 5 years
Imagine..Qj X bushroot cause quackerjack is touchy and bushroot is just starved for any physical affection at all. Bushroot doesn't really notice how much physical affection he needed until he has to team up with quackerjack and he starts touching his shoulder or grabs him when he's surprised and bushroots just like "oh fuck"
This is... so good... and cute...
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It really is super in character for Bushroot to receive any form of affection and instantly be like: “oh guess I’m in love now” and Quackerjack is SO touchy.
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Quackerjack in canon literally just climbed on Bushroot’s back once, he’s got zero idea of what personal space is and that could absolutely awaken something within Bushroot.
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thefriendlyfour · 5 years
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doodles based off of ye old pirate au lol
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moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
Positive Charge Part 1
Moonrise! I had an idea and I had to. I'm starting school so updates will be rocky but I had to. Tw: Megavolt's language.
It wasn't often the police asked him for help. Darkwing knew that to be true. So when the police called him from his patrol to check something out, he was surprised. He was glad, of course. It was about time they started recognizing his competence.
So he parked the Ratcatcher a few blocks from the Italian restaurant downtown. Sure, the police said they were concerned about loitering. Clearly, they expected worse, and trusted only Darkwing Duck with the case!
Sneaking up on the building, he hid behind the brick wall, peering around. Then he heard a voice. "All you need to do is talk to him. Make him laugh, blush, all that corny shit. We'll handle the rest." Darkwing knew that nasally voice anywhere. It had been bugging him for the last ten years.
"Thanks again for doing this, Sparky!" another voice said. "I owe ya one!"
"Quit calling me that and we'll call it even," Megavolt said.
Darkwing pulled out his gas gun, getting ready to attack. He heard a splashing noise nearby and spun around to look for the source. He heard a bubbly voice. "Coming to you from-"
"Don't do that!" Megavolt said, the sounds of zapping accompanying it. "I almost electrocuted you!"
Darkwing turned back to the wall, peering over. He saw the patio of outdoor tables that the restaurant used. One of the tables had a purple table cloth over it, patches with leaves and petals sewn on. Megavolt was around the corner, messing with the power box. Quackerjack was next to him, pulling the ends of his hat and twisting them around his fingers. Liquidator was on the other wall, grinning sheepishly.
"I apologize for any inconvenience," Liquidator said, sliding a bit closer. "I'm here to inform you that our plan is underway."
Megavolt huffed and zapped something. The stringed lights came on all around, giving the night air a more gorgeous look. "Good. We'd better get out of here before he gets here."
"Too bad," Darkwing muttered. "I'm already here." He shot off his gas gun and blue smoke puffed in front of him. "I am the terror that flaps in the night!" He said, jumping into it.
"Oh no, not now!" Quackerjack whined, stomping his foot. Megavolt snarled, one hand sparking in his irriration.
"I am the pineapple on your pizza. I am-"
"What do you have against pineapple on pizza?" Megavolt asked suddenly, just as Darkwing's smoke cleared.
The hero had had his cape held to dramatically flip, but dropped it. "I- You didn't- That's not the point!" Darkwing shouted. He held his gas gun up at the group. "Suck gas evil-" he was suddenly knocked backwards pretty roughly, seeing Quackerjack on top of him.
"No, no, no! You'll ruin my whole night!" the jester pouted, shaking Darkwing's shoulders. "Why do you have to be such a spoilsport!?"
Megavolt ran over, pulling the two apart. "Not happening, Dorkwing!" He grabbed the hero by the front of his costume and threw him over the wall.
"Megs!" Quackerjack said, going over. "I can-"
"No, not happening! I spent too much time helping you set this crap up for you to waste your time on this guy!" Megavolt insisted. "You stay here. I'll handle it."
As Darkwing got up, he saw Megavolt climb over the wall and was shoved down again. "Hey, what are you-"
"Shut the hell up!" Megavolt said running away from the restaurant and into the street. He held up the gas gun victoriously.
"You can't fight me while I'm unarmed!" Darkwing pouted.
Megavolt flipped the weapon in his hand, cackling. "Why don't you come get it, then?"
Darkwing growled, getting up and running after the rat. Honestly, he'd thought Megavolt was better than this! But without his gun, he couldn't very well take on the rest of the Fearsome Five.
When they were about a block away, Megavolt turned and threw the gun back. "You've got really bad timing, you know that?" he said.
Darkwing caught his gun and looked up at the other in confusion. "I have a great concept of time and how to use it, thank you very much!"
Megavolt rolled his eyes. "Whatever helps you sleep at night. A minute later and you would have fucked up everything!"
"On the contrary, Megavolt, I still have the chance to do something about it," the hero explained, shooting a canister of gas at the other.
Megavolt jumped out of the way and zapped it so it went off in mid-air. "Not if I have anything to say about it." He sent a bolt at the duck, forcing the other to roll away. The pair shared several minutes of back-and-forth squabbling.. Megavolt got annoyed with the lack of banter and decoded to pick it back up.. "You know, it costs you zero dollars to stay out of our personal business!"
"If it's a crime, it's my personal business, too," Darkwing told him, shooting a canister of water at the villain.
Megavolt leaped to the side, the liquid splattering nearby and getting his foot. "Ouch! This isn't a crime!" Megavolt told him.
"You're loitering and disturbing the peace!" Dakrwing said, pointing a finger at him.
"No peace was being disturbed until you got involved," Megavolt said. "But nosy-no-good-do-gooder Darkwing Duck had to come in. Do you know how long we've spent setting up this date?!"
Darkwing stopped where he was, staring at the other. "Date??"
Megavolt slammed a gloved hand over his mouth. "Shit. Forget I said-"
"I gotta see this!" Darkwing said, running back down the street to the restaurant. He got back to the wall and peeked over. What he saw surprised him. At the table that had been decorated, at the center of all the lights, were Quackerjack and Bushroot, having dinner. His jaw dropped. They were trespassing on private property and screwing with the security system for a date? Megavolt came up behind him suddenly, hushing him. "Since when did this happen?" Darkwing whisper-yelled, hands motioning wildly at the pair.
"Hell if I know. A while, probably?" Megavolt whispered, scratching his head. "I think Quacky said this was the first real date they've been on. So don't try and mess it up!"
Darkwing shook his head half-heartedly. "No way. So what else? Are you and Liquidator a thing, too?"
Megavolt felt a few sparks fly at his agitation. "What? No. Not my type in more ways than one," he explained.
"Oh, are you straight?" Darkwing asked, honestly curious at this point. He had gotten so wrapped up in fighting these guys, he often forgot that they also had lives behind the scenes.
Megavolt snorted, shaking his head. "Not at all! It's the electricity and water thing. And he's just too sane for my tastes."
"Did you hear something?" Bushroot's voice suddenly asked. "Behind the wall?"
"What? Come on, Reggie," Quackerjack said with a nervous laugh. "I'm supposed to be the one who hears voices."
"That he is, Liz!" Banana Brain added.
Megavolt covered his mouth and made a hand notion for Darkwing to go somewhere. Making the deduction that the group wasn't up to anything sinister and that he was close enough to interfere should they decide to try it, Darkwing followed his nemesis to the street and just walk around.
"What were we talking about?" Megavolt asked.
"So Quackerjack and Bushroot, huh? Never would have expected that," Darkwing said, trying to pick back up what they were saying before.
"Oh, yeah. Neither did I. Liqqy and I had a running bet. He won," Megavolt told him with a grimace.
"So do you have a secret relationship?" Darkwing asked, amused at the idea.
"Ha! Bold of you to assume I could be in one," Megavolt joked. Then he put a hand over his chin in thought. "Although remember something like that back in my school days." Darkwing thought back. Old Elmo Sputterspark back in high school. How would he have gotten a date? It seemed more likely now than back then. "I honestly don't know if we dated or I just liked him. I don't even remember much about him." Darkwing raised an eyebrow, staring up at the other. "I remember his name, I think. Dave- No, Drew- No, Drake! His last name was probably something like Malcolm- Mallard! Yeah, Drake Mallard, that was his name!"
Darkwing's eyes widened. He wasn't hearing this correctly. He had to have the wrong name. But, maybe some careful interrogation could help. "Do you remember what he was like?"
"A fuckin' dweeb," Megavolt said without missing a beat. He snickered. "There was nothing cool about him. He was nerdy, annoying, and short. And he got bullied as much as me." Megavolt sighed. "Maybe I'm forgetting something. But something about him was special."
Darkwing sighed. Yeah, he had the right guy. And he hated to admit it. So Megavolt had been in love with him. So what? That was a decade ago! And he didn't even remember who Darkwing was.
He's excused himself and left the date alone. He had a lot more to think about. His arch nemesis was in love with him once. He couldn't get him off his mind. So here he sat, in the middle of the night, on the couch, leaning over his senior yearbook. He stared at the photo of Elmo, with the faint goggles and hat Gosalyn had drawn on. It had been a huge shock finding out who his long adversary truly was. It was almost as huge to find out that there could have been something between them before he went mad.
Maybe he wouldn't have gone mad if he'd been shown empathy. Maybe he would have put his powers to good if he'd been supported more. Maybe he wouldn't be a villain if he'd been shown some love. Maybe if they'd gotten closer, they could have become heroes together.
Drake sat up sharply, suddenly wide awake. That gave him an idea...
Uh-oh. Darkwing has an idea. How will this pan out? Farwell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbage, don’t eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life! Moonset!
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jestierabbit · 3 years
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I forgot to share my beach day doodles, any excuse to draw the gang in clothes!
Also Megavolt is 100% based of a message from @springtales that was so Megavolt I had to draw it
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sandyferal · 5 years
Ah quackeroot, the other gay ship between a crazed jester and a plant mutant.
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thefriendlyfour · 5 years
various pirate au things i’ve thought of in the past day that im sharing cause why not lol
megavolt was considered “the man who lightning chose” and was considered a bad omen in his village. many merchants refused service when he would visit from the lighthouse he occupied. a wandering merchant was amused by the rumors and took to visiting the somewhat hermit on a daily basis. this led to bud and megs forming an unlikely friendship turned relationship
side note those two are...ridiculously cuddly and affectionate when they get together. even doing crimes
bud’s mutation was an unfortunate accident regarding imported goods contaminating a water tower that crashed on him in the process.
once the pair (painfully) realized their physical incompatibility with one another bud assumed they were through, but megs is stubborn and would either make every effort to make it work between them or forget about the water/electricity combo and just go for hugs and kisses regardless
at a different village across the way, a depressed reginald bushroot was the mockery of the village, never quite making any remarkable discoveries with his scientific endeavors. no one would be caught dead with the fool...except for the foolish toy inventor who thought bushroot was amusing.
quackerjack is a big fan of surprising his friend turned partner whenever possible, and bushroot in turn was a fan of bringing his partner comfort and compassion when the rest of the village seemed to lack kindness
when bushroot mutated (thanks to an experiment during a thunder storm) and was considered a monster, the two ran away together and never looked back
both of these pairs were recruited by negaduck when their crime related exploits brought them to the same bar
many years later, liquidator and bushroot became old sea legends about “monsters that mourn the loss of their loves and seek vengeance upon the high seas”. there are many stories of tragedy and horror about them, and it’s never certain if they still live on to present day
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sandyferal · 5 years
May I see some love between Bushroot and Quackerjack please?
Actually after the first ask I was planning on doing them next!
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I feel like Bushroot is a bit more weirded out by Quackerjack than the others but Quacky wins him over eventually.
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sandyferal · 5 years
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Fearsome four fusions! (Minus Quackervolt And Duckweed)
I feel like these all turned out really weird but... I think I like them??
Top left: Quackerjack + Bushroot
Top right: Quackerjack + Liquidator
Bottom left: Megavolt + Bushroot
Bottom right: Megavolt + Liquidator
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sandyferal · 5 years
bushroot and quackerjack fusion? (i bet megavolt would be jealouse?)
Ooh yes!
I considered doing this once, but never got around to it.
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Didn’t really turn out good, I’ll probably re-do it later.
As for Megavolt...
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