#darn you mobile users !!
The Ultimate YANDERE TYPES List | Extensive Graph and List
So I was doing research for my writing and I found a really good Yandere Types chart!
Full sources and links to further reading will be below in the notes!
And before getting into it, remember to read the trigger warnings and content warnings. This is Yandere fiction we’re talking about, so it’s going to get messed up.
Themes + Trigger Warnings + Content Warnings:
Possessiveness, Obsessiveness, Unhealthy relationships, Religious themes, themes of sociopathy, themes of mental illness, hallucinations, delusions, hallucinations and delusions due to drugs, mentions of: physical abuse, sexual abuse, brainwashing, murder, suicide, murder-suicide, self-harm, stalking, panic attacks, cannibalism, necrophilia.   
{click to open and zoom in to see the details! I'm so sorry, mobile app users :(}
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Broad types. Click them to see more information!
Possessive Type
Shackling Type
"Denpa" Delusional Type
Love and Hate Type
Intoxicated Type
Stalker Type
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This does not belong to me. I only gave a summary of what I read. ORIGINAL SOURCE LINKED HERE.
It's an English translation of material from an upcoming game called Yandere Town. UNTRANSLATED, ORIGINAL JAPANESE SOURCE LINKED HERE. I do not know when this game is coming out, but darn the details that went into this is crazy! It might help you out if you're writing anything yandere!
(Original translators, I have no problem with taking this down if you don't want me reposting your translation to my blog! ^_^)
♡If you want to see more content like this check out the Writing and Yandere Masterlist and if you want to learn about this blog check out all things sketchprincess02!♡
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yukipri · 4 months
Some thoughts on Cara
So some of you may have heard about Cara, the new platform that a lot of artists are trying out. It's been around for a while, but there's been a recent huge surge of new users, myself among them. Thought I'd type up a lil thing on my initial thoughts.
First, what is Cara?
From their About Cara page:
Cara is a social media and portfolio platform for artists. With the widespread use of generative AI, we decided to build a place that filters out generative AI images so that people who want to find authentic creatives and artwork can do so easily. Many platforms currently accept AI art when it’s not ethical, while others have promised “no AI forever” policies without consideration for the scenario where adoption of such technologies may happen at the workplace in the coming years. The future of creative industries requires nuanced understanding and support to help artists and companies connect and work together. We want to bridge the gap and build a platform that we would enjoy using as creatives ourselves. Our stance on AI: ・We do not agree with generative AI tools in their current unethical form, and we won’t host AI-generated portfolios unless the rampant ethical and data privacy issues around datasets are resolved via regulation. ・In the event that legislation is passed to clearly protect artists, we believe that AI-generated content should always be clearly labeled, because the public should always be able to search for human-made art and media easily.
Should note that Cara is independently funded, and is made by a core group of artists and engineers and is even collaborating with the Glaze project. It's very much a platform by artists, for artists!
Should also mention that in being a platform for artists, it's more a gallery first, with social media functionalities on the side. The info below will hopefully explain how that works.
Next, my actual initial thoughts using it, and things that set it apart from other platforms I've used:
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1) When you post, you can choose to check the portfolio option, or to NOT check it. This is fantastic because it means I can have just my art organized in my gallery, but I can still post random stuff like photos of my cats and it won't clutter things. You can also just ramble/text post and it won't affect the gallery view!
2) You can adjust your crop preview for your images. Such a simple thing, yet so darn nice.
3) When you check that "Add to portfolio," you get a bunch of additional optional fields: Title, Field/Medium, Project Type, Category Tags, and Software Used. It's nice that you can put all this info into organized fields that don't take up text space.
4) Speaking of text, 5000 character limit is niiiiice. If you want to talk, you can.
5) Two separate feeds, a "For You" algorithmic one, and "Following." The "Following" actually appears to be full chronological timeline of just folks you follow (like Tumblr). Amazing.
6) Now usually, "For You" being set to home/default kinda pisses me off because generally I like curating my own experience, but not here, for this handy reason: if you tap the gear symbol, you can ADJUST your algorithm feed!
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So you can choose what you see still!!! AMAZING. And, again, you still have your Following timeline too.
7) To repeat the stuff at the top of this post, its creation and intent as a place by artists, for artists. Hopefully you can also see from the points above that it's been designed with artists in mind.
8) No GenAI images!!!! There's a pop up that says it's not allowed, and apparently there's some sort of detector thing too. Not sure how reliable the latter is, but so far, it's just been a breath of fresh air, being able to scroll and see human art art and art!
To be clear, Cara's not perfect and is currently pretty laggy, and you can get errors while posting (so far, I've had more success on desktop than the mobile app), but that's understandable, given the small team. They'll need time to scale. For me though, it's a fair tradeoff for a platform that actually cares about artists.
Currently it also doesn't allow NSFW, not sure if that'll change given app store rules.
As mentioned above, they're independently funded, which means the team is currently paying for Cara itself. They have a kofi set up for folks who want to chip in, but it's optional. Here's the link to the tweet from one of the founders:
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And a reminder that no matter that the platform itself isn't selling our data to GenAI, it can still be scraped by third parties. Protect your work with Glaze and Nightshade!
Anyway, I'm still figuring stuff out and have only been on Cara a few days, but I feel hopeful, and I think they're off to a good start.
I hope this post has been informative!
Lastly, here's my own Cara if you want to come say hi! Not sure at all if I'll be active on there, but if you're an artist like me who is keeping an eye out for hopefully nice communities, check it out!
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Had an interesting thought about the Miraculous. Specifically how our characters have smart phones and bluetooth in their weapons, and how that can explain HC!Zoé having guns.
Because, as OSP Red mentioned in her Those Darn Phones Trope Talk video, you can track what people thought was possible with communications through fiction. Not even forty years ago, the mere thought of "we carry a device that lets use send text to each other" was barely nascent because of pagers, and spoken word was rooted because mobile phones weren't even dreamed about.
Which shows that modern ideas can influence the Miraculous via the user. If they have no preconceptions about their weapon, they get the default one. But because Zoé grew up in the US with its unfortunate gun culture her subconscious went: "Eagle+weapon=Desert Eagle!" and she got guns instead of whatever was used by previous users (which I would guess was a pair of feather-shaped daggers).
Also, as an aside, how awkward would it be to try and use her magic guns as a phone?
Logically I'd say there's probably a side-panel moves or something? Maybe a holo projector thing.
But also it'd be funny if she just flips it so that she 'answers the phone' like an older handheld receiver
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fsp00 · 1 year
Twitter's going down
I can feel it. I'll just state it here. I have stated it before, on the day Elon did this whole "Twitter blue is the new verification method" bullshit... Well, actually it did create quite a few funny tweets from fake corporate accounts, such as these
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Yeah... It would be an understatement to say that this feature got out of hand pretty darn quickly.
On another note; the subscription price also went up after elon bought twitter (yes yes I know this is all because of twitter stocks going down and them needing those sweet [[KROMER]])
And now, finally, it has come to the point where they literally RATE LIMIT people for reading a set amount of posts (600 for most people myself included) in a day. Let me say that again; RATE LIMIT PEOPLE ON A PLATFORM, ON WHICH THE ONLY THING TO DO IS READING OTHERS POSTS??
They could have done literally anything but that. To be honest this reminds me of those shitty mobile games from back in the day, where you had a set amount of lives, and you couldn't play anymore when those lives had been used :D (Oh by the way, this rate limit thing doesn't really affect me. I do stuff with my life, you see. But still I will complain about it because I use twitter daily)
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Oh okay haha, I'll just complain about it on another website then!
Also; Oh the irony of a rival platform having to close new sign ups because of the influx of users xD
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Oh boy is this funny to watch from the side as Elon slowly divides the users into 2 sides: the ones who are willing to pay 10€ a month and the ones who arent. That's basically the situation (verified users are limited to 6000 reads a day).
Well this is where I'll conclude this one, but before clicking post, I'll have to say that I, too, have joined a twitter alternative; spoutible (yeah, no bsky, until I get access that is lol), you can find me on there. Have good one :]
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ask-de-writer · 2 years
IMMORTALITY? A Grumpy Goat *tail* (Part 3 of 3) : MLP Fan Fiction
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A Grumpy Goat *tail* (Part 3 of 3)
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
© 2014 by Glen Ten-Eyck
7865 words
All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may reblog the story. They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.
Attempting to ring the church's bell had caused a swarm of hornets nested in the steeple to dive into the congregation.  The resulting panic left several unconscious ponies near trampled in the church.  They alone had no stings!
Sawnax got a big spread of pictures by himself.  Fleeing with the rest of the congregation, he got stung twenty or more times on forelegs and neck.  The mobility cart ramp was too steep and he lost control, careening through a hedge laced with poison oak and poison ivy, he hit a family on their way to a picnic in the park and overset, banging up his good hind leg in the process.
The family was not hurt, beyond a few bruises, but their picnic basket and contents were ruined.  Among the pictures were some of the fallen Sawnax rummaging the wrecked basket and scarfing sandwiches.
The entire collection of Celestian priests got out without a sting.  They fled through a back door, overgrown with the new ivy.  Poison ivy, that is.  They might as well have painted themselves with the itch causing, blister raising, oils.
To cap the disaster, some ponies working in the church kitchen fled and left a stove burning.  The resulting fire was a Special Procedures 23 - Toxic smoke requiring evacuation and decontamination of the downwind area.
As Romaine observed, in print, it was not as bad as the Ponyville Elementary School disaster of years ago, which Sawnax was also involved in. *(for details read Caramel Treat's Lunch!)*
We kept finding more and more to giggle over as we read Romaine's excellent prose.  She got almost the entire Special Edition because she “just happened to be on the scene as the disaster unfolded.”  With her camera!
As a side note, the fire spread through all of the ornamental shrubbery and the up the walls of all the Celestian buildings.  All of the poison oak and poison ivy infestation was burned out, along with destroying all of the structures involved.
Clarence and I gave a High Hoof to each other!  Frankly, it went even better than we had hoped.  Not one pony killed or even seriously injured but LOTS OF PAIN in lots of butts, and elsewhere, of course.
We both gave Coalsmoke a hug of congratulations.  Her enthusiastic return hugs made the whole enterprise worthwhile.
The next day, we were sitting out in the sun, looking over the Ponyville Books and More listings to pick out our next Daring Do book.
We could hear them even before we saw them.  It was a regular parade coming up the trail.  Coalsmoke grinned as she caught sight of them.  She offered, “Grumpy, you should get that trail paved!  I would bet that Clarence could give you a special deal on good intentions to do it with!”
To make things perfectly weird, the leader of the parade was not using the trail.  Derpy was flying, low and slow, so that the others could follow.  She landed on the ledge without hesitation and carefully opened her mail pouch. Ceremoniously she handed me a letter.  The envelope had a well known seal.  Almost every pony or horse in Equestria has seen it.  Darn few have seen or handled an ORIGINAL ROYAL SEAL of the Twin Thrones of Equestria.
I did not have time to open it just then.
The clowns arrived to put on their show!  
Celestian High Priest Hortimer was almost unrecognizable under the mass of bandages and itch relief creme.  The remainder of the priesthood were too.  It was obvious that the treatment was not helping all that much.  Which suited me right down to the ground.
There was Sawnax in his mobility cart, being pushed by two husky ponies.  He had a cast on one hind leg and thick bandages on the other.  His rump was swollen and covered with plasters where boils had been drained.  Both forelegs and his neck were covered with the lumps of hornet stings.  Covering almost all of stings and swellings were the rashes and running sores of the poison oak and poison ivy.
There was another group in formal mourning attire.  They were accompanied by Mortimer “Mortician” Mollycoddle, D.E.L. (Doctor of Equestrian Law), who was looking sour.
The one who seemed out of place was wearing the uniform of the Ponyville Fire Department.
The act was led off by Hortimer demanding, “You must heal us of this vile result of your Necromancy!  Your evil burned down our church!”
“Hortimer, ol pony!  Necromancy is against the Law!  Magic, in general, is not.  Be clear.  How could I cast any spell against you?  A Pure and Honest Heart is absolute protection from  all the influences of the Evil One.  As if evil has some one simple spring outside of themselves and ponies are innocent of harboring rot in their minds.
“You are a personal and perfect refutation of your own claim.”
Hortimer gesticulated at his fellow priests. “We are grievously afflicted by your evil magics and Necromancies!”
My fleshless skull, which should have been expressionless managed to convey complete confusion.  “What evil magic, Horty, ol pony?  You knew that your church was infested with poison oak and poison ivy.  Every reader of the Prancer knows it too.  The news went public on Nightmare Night.
“You and your fellow con artists ran through a known hazard and got a case of poison oak. That is your definition of evil magic and necromancy?  You do a stupid thing and therefore it is some EVIL GOAT'S fault?  Wow.”
As I was shaking my head, I noticed that we had company.  Just down the hill, Romaine was snapping away with her camera and taking notes.  Clarence managed to utterly fail at looking innocent.
The stallion in the PFD uniform spoke up, handing me a document as he did so, “Grumpy Goat, Sir, the Battalion Chief wanted you to have this to defend yourself from baseless charges like the ones just made.  This is the formal investigation report on the fire and surrounding events.
“The entire thing, including their rashes, was caused by their negligence.  The details, including all of the ordinances relating to publicly accessible buildings that were violated is here.”
Hortimer looked horrified.  “How could you say that this disaster is our fault?  We were victims! Just look at us!”
Coalsmoke said acidly, “Look at you?  Why?  You have always been so ugly that the bandages are an improvement!  And you are still ugly!”
That brought a reaction from one of the group in mourning clothes.  “You and that damned goat murdered my dad!”  He was pointing dramatically.  He waved a copy of Coalsmoke's contract with me and yelled, “Here is the proof! Dad found this and made a secret copy!”
Coalsmoke looked utterly pained as she replied, “How is that proof of anything?  Secret copy?  Just go to the Ponyville Hall of Records in the City Hall.  There is a publicly registered copy there for anyone to look up.  Grumpy's Contracts are ALL publicly registered.”
I was even more surprised when Mort spoke up.  “I do represent the heirs of Clyde S. Dale, but this part of the case is baseless and I have so advised them.  You are correct.  They are due a substantial sum from his will.”
Coalsmoke nodded emphatically. “They are.  They are getting over half of it.  The insurances were formally changed to my name and they knew it.  I have copies of the acknowledgements.”
Mort nodded.  ”I am aware of the issues.  I have advised them not to sue on the insurances.  Their waivers are clear.”
One of the ones in phony mourning demanded, “Whose side are you on?  We hired you!”
Mort, imperturbably replied, “Yours.  Coalsmoke is an expert at these things.  I have examined your case and hers.  She is taking care of you through the will.  She has made no effort to cut you out.
“This will come as no surprise to you, but Mister Dale was terminally ill, with a failing heart. His sudden death was probably a mercy.”
“So, dad was dying, we all knew that!  We takes all that insurance money that she is stealing from us!  She done nothing for it!”
Mort told him bluntly, “I have told you that I am on your side.  This advice is as direct as it can be.  If you try to sue her, you will waste what you are going to get from the will and wind up owing her a large indemnity.  That is a simple fact.”  
I was taken aback.  Mort the Mortician was an HONEST LAWYER?  The world was capsizing!
That was when Sawnax spoke up in a pitiable tone, “That there stuff is all well and good, but what about me?  I gots the same rashes and all that Hortimer and the other priests got and was stung besides!  I got TWO bad hind legs now, too!
“I thunk you said that I could do whatever I done before.  I done break my leg trying.  Then they was the boils.  I gets that took care of but they still hurts until they heals!
“I is in a lot of pain!”
I knelt in front of the mobility cart to face him eye to eye socket.  “You dictated most of what is in the contract, Sawnax.  You wanted to live a very long life.  You wanted your mind to stay sharp.  You wanted to be able to do and enjoy what you could at the time that we signed.”
I sighed.  “You are getting all of that.  Immortal is NOT invulnerable.  It has one advantage in this case.  When you heal, you will be just like when you started.  It will just take time.  Sadly, one of the things that you enjoyed was and is swiping lunches and otherwise cheating.  Banged up, dazed and dumped out of that cart, you found sandwiches that were not yours. Scarfed them up, too.
“All inside the contract.”
He turned misery laden eyes to me and asked, “What can I do abouts this?  It ain't none of it workin' out like I thought.
“It hurts.”
Said it before.  I am honest. Evil but honest.  He did actually ask for advice. “You only have three things that you can do here, Sawnax.
“First, you can simply let the contract run.  If you do, you will have the least trouble if you do your level best to be a good pony, living a good and honest life. You will have good times and bad.  That's life.  A long one.
“Second, you can simply repudiate the contract and take the lifespan that you are given, free to do or be whatever you want.  You will probably live longer if you follow the advice of your doctors.  You lose your money paid but that is all.
“Third, you can commit suicide. You still lose your money but you are out of the whole suffering thing.  
“Experience talking here, immortality is not all fun and games.”
He nodded and said softly, “I needs to think.”
I simply backed away.  As I did, I saw the pony in the PFD uniform talking to Hortimer.  He had a paper.  When I heard, “But surely, as a church, we are exempt!”
The PFD pony politely replied, “I am afraid not, Sir.  You maintained a nuisance and failed to either report it or let the city know what efforts you were taking to eradicate the nuisance.
“Under both ordinance and Kingdom law that makes you responsible for all costs connected to it. We have decontamination efforts under way at seven residences and five businesses that were downwind and contaminated by the smoke from the burning poisonous plants.”
Hortimer pointed dramatically at me and exclaimed, “He must pay it!  He cursed us with those diabolical plants!  It is his fault!”
“Me?  You mean that if cash is on the line, I am mightier than the Goddess that you worship?”
“Do not blaspheme!  Of course Celestia's Power is greater than your mere diabolic dabbling!”
I laughed as he was trapped by his own reflexive arguments.  “So, it is your responsibility after all!  Celestia must be gravely disappointed in you for trying to shift the blame!”
His horrified expression was almost reward enough.  Almost.  I had to add it.  “You did not need me to clear up the poison oak and poison ivy after all!  Celestia's Holy Fire has removed it all!”
That did it.  Delightful.
Sawnax said, “That was sharp, Mister Grumpy.  I probably gots no right to ask it but if I repudiates the contract, would you do me one favor?  You is getting to keep a lot of gold.”
“What favor is that, Sawnax?”
“Can you, like, speed up my healing some?  This is a real misery.”
“I can do that, Sawnax, but I will lay a heavy one on you for it.  You must stay honest and not cheat anypony, horse or goat until you are healed.”
Clarence had his wings up and his teeth were chattering as he giggled.
Derpy tugged at my foreleg. “Mister Grumpy, about the letter, will there be a reply?  It is post paid by their   Highnesses.”
With Clarence, the Litch King and Coalsmoke looking over my shoulder I opened the letter.
“To Grumpy Goat:  Hail and well met!
We, your Princesses, have heard rumor of you practicing unlawful Necromancy.  We have looked deeply into the matter and have found no evidence of such criminal activity. The casting of Glamors and other such magics is perfectly legal.
Further, we have found that you have honestly registered all of your contracts, which appear to be in the form of bets that certain events will happen within set time frames.  You hold the stakes and, if you win, keep the coin.
It is a remarkable coincidence that ALL of your contracted events have happened as spelled out. Always through some routine or other natural means.
With your consent, we should like to visit your cave to discuss a few such “bets.”
Yours, Celestia   Yours, Luna.
As Derpy flew away with my reply, Clarence and Coalsmoke both suffered major giggles.
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thelarisb · 2 years
The Bing Chat Experience
So...you may have heard of this weird and wonderful thing Microsoft is working on called Bing Chat. Some of y'all may call it Bing AI, Bing ChatGPT, or BinGPT. But for simplicity's sake I'll just refer to it as Bing Chat.
Microsoft gave me access to Bing Chat just a few days ago while I was using my laptop. As I heard a mail sound, I opened my Mail client and audibly gasped. I got in! 😁 Here's my thoughts on Bing Chat.
So first of all, I wanna talk about how insanely good Bing is. Being the egotist that I am I asked it to search for me, and to my surprise it did manage to find me, which is honestly pretty darn cool. Unfortunately, with Bing being an AI with no concept of truth or lies, it often showed wrong details about myself, like linking the wrong Instagram (there's a girl on Instagram who goes by the name Larissa and who posts busty pics of herself) or falsely claiming I have 1 thousand subscribers and play Among Us and Roblox. 🙃
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I've also tried inputting my friends' usernames in them with varying degrees of success. Some turned up literally nothing, some showed different social medias that have zero connection to each other, and some actually showed perfectly cromulent results.
Aside from being egotistic and asking Bing about myself I asked it to summarize long texts, deduce the meaning of song lyrics, and explain complicated Internet phenomena like you're explaining it to a 5-year old. It's actually super cool when you wanna understand something, but Wikipedia is too complicated to understand! 😄
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And of course, I did some silly things to Bing. One of them was to get Bing to compare two totally different things and present them in a table for me. It's actually pretty interesting to see how, despite both of them being so vastly different, Bing could still present them in a presentable manner.
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I do really quite like this Bing chat thing. Silly stuff and experiments aside it's legitimately helpful for me since most of the Internet is just ad-filled SEOed-to-hell-and-back buy-our-crap-software-shills at this point. I would make the switch to Bing if they made their website a little less laggy and their user interface less overwhelming.
Can Microsoft also not make the Bing mobile app a browser too I don't want extra bloat 😭
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milanesagirlieppopp · 2 months
Let's get to what's important:
- I'm a mobile user only
- I block any person who has something really, TRULY wrong going on with them (General blocking criteria)
- white latinx living in the southern hemisphere or however yanks are used/find comfortable to categorize my demographic. Tricampeon⭐⭐⭐
- Anglophobic (Not openly and not proudly, i'm not well, i know)
- Things that i would most surely post abt: Persona, American Mcgees Alice, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, Samurai Champloo, JJBA, Dungeon Meshi, Malice Mizer, Vocaloid, Class of '09,,
- I haven't tagged CW in many of my reblogs. So yeah if you have any triggers and are browsing my blog you could be into something very unfortunate, just don't expose yourself.
- I take breaks all the time from this darn website. Keep getting myself inside for the aes and the guts sorry...
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wisitechinfosolutions · 10 months
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Top SEO Trends to Watch Out for in 2024
The only constant in the field of SEO is change! SEO is moving towards a more user-centric, ethical, and technically advanced approach. As we step into 2024, the digital landscape is buzzing with excitement, and SEO is at the forefront of this dynamic shift.
Let’s dive into the top SEO trends that are set to redefine the game this year.
1. Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE)
Google's SGE, powered by AI, is like having a personal assistant for your searches. Picture this: you throw a question at Google, and voila!
A concise, AI-generated result appears right at the top of the search results. It's not a chatbot, but rather an intuitive snapshot that understands your query and provides a more interactive and visually appealing experience.
It is a going to turn the world of SEO around as it increases the chances of zero click searches. This means that the query of the user is addressed by the snapshot itself and the user doesn’t click any link for further information.
2. Embracing Conversational SEO
Say goodbye to the days of stilted search queries. With the rise of AI and language models like ChatGPT, SEO is becoming more conversational.
Users are leaning towards asking questions in a more natural, human way. This means your content needs to be not just keyword-rich but also crafted in a way that mirrors how people talk. It’s all about being the friendly neighbor who answers questions before they’re even fully asked.
3. The E-E-A-T Revolution
We all know that it's Google's mantra for ranking content. Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) are the stars of the SEO show. Google wants content that not only knows its stuff but also showcases it with flair.
The recent addition of an extra 'E' for Experience emphasizes the need for content that goes beyond information delivery—it should provide a seamless, valuable experience. This evolution emphasizes brand building, expert content creation, and a trustworthy online presence.
4. User Behavioral Factors Take the Spotlight
User behavior is set steal the scene in 2024. Google isn't just looking at keywords and backlinks; it’s watching how users behave on your site. Dwell time, bounce rate, and the number of pages visited are the new metrics in town.
A high click-through rate indicates your content is a hit, while a high bounce rate may mean it's time for a content revamp. In a nutshell, it’s not just about pleasing the algorithm; it's about engaging and satisfying your audience.
5. User Experience Optimization (UXO)
User Experience Optimization is not just a buzzword; it's a necessity. The lines between SEO and UXO are blurring. Google is rewarding websites that not only have relevant content but also offer a seamless, user-friendly experience.
Mobile responsiveness, page speed, and clear calls-to-action are no longer optional; they are essential elements for SEO success. It's not just about getting people to your site; it's about keeping them there and making sure they have a darn good time.
6. Quality Over Quantity in Link Building
Link building is still the VIP of SEO strategies, but the rules of the game have changed. It's no longer about the quantity of links but the quality. A single link from an authoritative site can now outweigh a multitude of links from less reputable sources.
Google's refined link framework, coupled with advanced AI, can now sniff out spammy link-building tactics. So, in 2024, it's quality over quantity, and every link should be like a fine wine—well-aged, relevant, and leaving a lasting impression.
7. The Technical SEO Resurgence
Google's bots have become savvier in understanding website structures and content context. Websites that are technically optimized are more likely to be indexed and ranked.
The focus is on page speed, optimal structure, mobile optimization, and crawlability. Technical SEO is not the behind-the-scenes crew anymore; it’s the headliner, ensuring your website is not just seen but celebrated on the search stage.
8. Content Quality as a Ranking King
Content is still king, but in 2024, it's wearing a new crown. AI-driven algorithms are now evaluating content quality with a surgeon's precision. From grammar and coherence to topical relevance, every aspect is under the microscope.
The potential shift towards SERP personalization means your content needs to be a chameleon, adapting to various user preferences. Aggregated data is the secret sauce—content that resonates with users, aligns with their intent, and satisfies their search query reigns supreme.
9. A Strategic Content Indexing Approach
Google is becoming picky about what it puts in its index. It's not about quantity anymore; it's about quality. The amount of content on the internet is staggering, and Google is on a mission to sift through the noise.
User demand and content quality factors like relevance, authority, and structure are the gatekeepers to the indexing kingdom. In 2024, it’s not just about creating content; it’s about crafting a content strategy that balances relevance, quality, and user demand.
10. Continuous Learning and Adaptation
Staying on top of the latest trends, algorithm updates, and industry developments is not a choice; it’s a necessity. SEO professionals need to be agile, ready to adapt their strategies, and equipped with the latest tools.
It's a game where the rules change, but the goal remains the same—ranking higher, generating more traffic, and connecting with potential customers.
As we navigate the SEO waters of 2024, remember, it's not just about understanding these trends; it's about embracing them. So, gear up, stay informed, and get ready to ride the waves of SEO evolution in 2024 and beyond!
While crafting an effective SEO strategy might seem like a daunting task, you don’t have to navigate this intricate journey alone.
At Wisitech, we specialize in providing comprehensive digital marketing solutions, with a focus on SEO expertise.
With 1,000+ clients worldwide and 24+ years of solid experience, we are a leading digital marketing agency in the United States specializing in creating robust and dynamic web and digital solutions. Contact us for end-to-end SEO solutions.
For more info- https://www.wisitech.com/digital-marketing/search-engine-optimization-seo-services/
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cssmonster · 11 months
Discover 15+ CSS Banners
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Welcome to CSS Monster, where creativity meets design in our refreshed collection of CSS banners for July 2023. This curated assortment is a testament to innovation, featuring a hand-picked selection of free HTML and CSS banner code examples gathered from esteemed platforms like CodePen, GitHub, and various other resources. In this month's update, we've added four new items, ensuring you stay ahead with the latest and greatest in web design. CSS banners are a dynamic and visually engaging tool to elevate your website's appeal. Whether you aim to emphasize crucial information, guide user attention, or simply infuse a touch of design flair, these banners, crafted using HTML and CSS, offer complete customization to suit your specific needs. Unlock the advantages of CSS banners: Customizability: HTML and CSS empower you to fashion banners that seamlessly align with your website's aesthetic, ensuring a cohesive and visually pleasing user experience. Lightweight: Unlike cumbersome image files, CSS banners, being coded elements, contribute to a swift website performance without compromising on visual impact. Responsiveness: CSS banners can adapt gracefully to various screen sizes, ensuring a mobile-friendly experience and enhancing accessibility. Our collection spans an array of styles and designs, catering to diverse preferences. Whether you seek minimalistic and sleek banners or bold and eye-catching designs, you'll discover the perfect fit here. Each banner in our collection is accompanied by its own HTML and CSS code example, simplifying the implementation process into your projects. We trust this collection will be a valuable resource, sparking your creativity and enhancing your web design endeavors. Enjoy the journey of exploration and design refinement with CSS Monster! Author @BrawadaCom November 7, 2022 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code SALE BANNER Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:-
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Author Mark Boots March 6, 2022 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code UL BANNER CARDS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:-
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Author David Higgins May 20, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code BANNER AD Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:-
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Author Ana Tudor May 1, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML (Pug) / CSS (SCSS) About a code RESPONSIVE BANNERS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:-
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Author Ana Tudor May 1, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML (Pug) / CSS (SCSS) About a code BANNERS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:- Author Austin May April 26, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code BANNER ANIMATION: VIDEO GAME IMAGES Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:- Author David Darnes September 6, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) / JS About a code ANIMATED SCROLLING BANNER Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Mansoour August 27, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS / JS About a code SVG GEOMETRIC SALE BANNERS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:jquery.js
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Author Rafael Conde April 13, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code CSS-TRICKS-NETLIFY-BANNER Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:-
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Author Ricardo Prieto October 13, 2017 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code RESPONSIVE HORIZONTAL BANNER USING CSS BACKGROUNDS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:-
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Author Aaron Jackson June 23, 2017 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code SUMMER CSS BANNER AD Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:-
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Author Jay December 21, 2016 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code HOLIDAYS BANNER Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:animate.css Author Margus Lillemägi November 24, 2016 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code SVG BANNER AD Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author halvves October 18, 2016 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) / JS About a code GSAP BANNER AD - 2 IN 1 - (300X600) Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:tweenmax.js Author halvves October 13, 2016 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) / JS About a code GSAP BANNER AD - ANIMATING CLIPPATH - A (300X250) Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:tweenmax.js
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Author Emese Pócsik July 29, 2016 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code PURE CSS ANIMATED AD BANNER Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:-
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Author Michael Trythall May 16, 2014 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code HIGH PERFORMANCE DJANGO AD Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:-
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Author João Santos February 22, 2013 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code BANNER GOOGLE ENGAGE CSS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:- Author Ben McNelly October 3, 2012 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article Read the full article
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jeff-kamikow · 1 year
Hack These 3 Ecommerce Trends in 2023 | Jeffrey Kamikow
Jeffrey Kamikow has noticed the distinctions between ecommerce and “regular” commerce are falling fast, if they ever really existed at all. No matter what your business does, who it sells to, or how it’s built to make money, it needs a cohesive ecommerce (or at least e-conversion) strategy.
What this looks like on the ground, of course, is up to you. No one can hold your hand and tell you that this is how you turn your online dross into ecommerce gold.
What experienced marketing professionals like Jeff Kamikow can tell you is how to capitalize on late-breaking ecommerce trends — how to ride the wave that everyone knows is cresting, but few are exactly sure how to catch without wiping out.
These three ecommerce trends are all set to build or crest in 2016. Which are you most looking forward to capitalizing on?
Multichannel Is the Way to Go
Ventureburn has an in-depth look at the emerging power of multichannel marketing and sales. If you have time, definitely read the whole thing. Here’s the short version: Since your customers access your ecommerce platform on a variety of devices, you need to tailor your marketing campaigns to capture them all.
Use mobile ad networks to turbocharge conversion rates and reach customers opportunistically, retargeting systems to catch prospects on the conversion bubble, traditional PPC and search campaigns to draw in desktop-bound users, video and email to build awareness and loyalty, and non-digital word of mouth campaigns (brand ambassadors, anyone?) to develop legitimacy.
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Content Marketing Works Pretty Much Everywhere
Think no one reads your product descriptions, ad copy or “about us” blurb? Think again. Content is the once and future king of ecommerce, naysayers be darned. What’s different for 2016 and beyond? In a word, quality. We’ve been hearing the drumbeat about quality content for years, but it’s (unfortunately) been possible to skate by with subpar, corner-cutting content until relatively recently. That’s certainly not going to be the case in 2016, and likely won’t be for the foreseeable future. Make sure your ecommerce portal’s content engine is well-oiled and primed to purr. From your product descriptions and reviews to parent-page content, blog and sales collateral, everything you produce needs to be on-message, authentic and structured to sell.
Responsive, Ready or All In? Either Way, It’s Mobile Now & Mobile Forever
Mobile ad networks aren’t the only mobile-centric ecommerce trend set to shake up the digital landscape in 2016 and beyond. Thanks to recent algorithm changes by Google and other search engines, ecommerce sites that don’t have mobile-friendly architectures and designs risk drastic hits to search visibility and performance.
If you haven’t already, get on the stick and invest in a mobile-friendly overhaul that touches every aspect of your ecommerce operation — including ancillary pieces like confirmation emails and tracking tools. An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure here.
Which ecommerce trend are you most looking forward to in 2016? Which are you most skeptical about?
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tinseltina · 1 year
Search “Biscuit's Surgery” on GoFundMe please to support the cat that was stolen and renamed Ashel. The owner does not use tumblr and the PayPal account is not their own. Please be aware asks to share pinned pet posts are generally sent by scammers looking to make a quick buck. Delete the reblog or edit it to say scam. Thank you. This ask is sent as you shared a post by the user called hiveswamps.
thank you so much for the heads up!
i tried google image searching the post but didn't find anything at the time (darn mobile apps aren't as helpful in these moments)
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vampxrebarbie · 2 years
i came to the unhappy realization last night after a hefty amount of grumbling over being forced to alt-click or tap-hold-click to actually see people's blogs (if theyve turned a unique url on) that this shift to dashboard viewing/in-line activity has more or less reduced all effectiveness of the reason those of us who’ve been here for 6+ years really prefer having custom themes/unique urls
namely: pages.
unless i’m missing a newer add-on for tumblr, this new dash-view summary of a person’s ‘blog’--which unless i’m mistaken mobile users are stuck with unless they force desktop mode in a mobile browser--doesn’t show the links to custom pages you can make with a custom theme/blog
most uses of those custom pages Back In The Day (god i hate being able to say that) were the tumblr equivalent of twitter bios and that darned carrd thing kids these days (i’m joking) like to use so much. info about the poster, links to tags/other socials/sideblogs, and a preview of what shitposting new followers should anticipate
like...i guess an argument could be made that that’s the purpose of pinned posts now, but there’s no novelty in that. and it kind of axes a chunk of what used to make tumblr tumblr.
that is to say: a fucking blogging platform that our use to share fandom content accidentally turned into a creative home, not social media.
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retirementgreys · 2 years
Download skype for mac 10.6 8
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Download skype for mac 10.6 8 for mac#
Download skype for mac 10.6 8 mac os#
Download skype for mac 10.6 8 update#
Download skype for mac 10.6 8 free#
Open the ist file in Property List Editor. To use "Property List Editor" from Xcode. Getting the newest version of something is not security, it is security theater! and one more step it will be you can only use it on X platforms. Which means I don't really have a reason to have Skype anymore and I might as well delete my 3 accounts ( oh one of them's a Microsoft account, I can't darn ). Get the latest version of Skype at website…" calling in came up with your party cannot be reached. Text chat works, although it took a while to propagate that I was online.Īudio or video calling out on the other hand sent a message that said " 'your contact' might not receive your call on all their devices as 'contact' is calling using an out of date version of Skype. Then I proceed to go and test it by logging in on my iphone4s with my other account, where it tells me this nice thing about "Color your world. luckily I save copies of all app installs, even a handful of versions.
Download skype for mac 10.6 8 free#
All of the older versions of Skype have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown.
Download skype for mac 10.6 8 update#
I needed to open Skype today, after not being able to login stupid me hit update and of course it pulls down the newest version which is incompatible. Download older versions of Skype for Mac. Then go to Applications, Open Skype and Log In. Install Skype by double clicking on the downloaded file and dragging the Skype icon to the applications folder and Repeat Step 1. Move all of the results returned to the trash.ĭownload from a safe website Skype Version 6.15 for Mac.
Download skype for mac 10.6 8 mac os#
Open Finder and search for “Skype” using the search feature in Mac OS X. PostgreSQL also known as Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.Open ~/Library/Preferences and drag to the trash.Important: If you’d like to keep your chat and call history, skip the following step. To find your home folder, open Finder and, from the menu bar, select Go > Home. Then open ~/Library/Application Support * and drag the Skype folder to the trash.Open your Applications folder and drag your copy of Skype to the trash.To completely uninstall, and then reinstall Skype for Mac: If that doesn't work, then Remove all of the current skype files from your computer. Then go to File and click on Save, or press Command+S What are the system requirements for Skype If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reply to this post. You may visit the link below as a reference. We strongly suggest you use Skype on a supported device. Scroll Down until you locate Locate these 3 lines:Ħ. For Mac, the version needed for Skype to work is 10.9 or higher.Go to Applications Folder in Finder and Right Click on the Skype icon.
Download skype for mac 10.6 8 for mac#
Viber for Mac is a solid IM and VoIP client that's worth trying for anyone that's had enough of Skype and Messages. However, some users have already reported problems with syncing and the lack of ability to call mobiles is a bit disappointing. The tool uses a peer-to-peer technology based. A free tool that lets you talk to other users using text chats, voice and/or video conversations. Skype is the world's leading VoIP calling service. Viber for Mac generally syncs very reliably and efficiently and the quality of video-to-video on Mac is as good as anything Skype can offer. Make VoIP calls to any phone in the world. You'll need to sign-up for a Viber account if you don't have one, which you are prompted to do when you setup the app. Anyone who has used Skype or Messages will have no problems using Viber. The interface is very elegant and easy to use. You can make calls and video chats with other Macs but you can't yet make video calls to mobile devices or do video conferencing using Viber for Mac. Contacts are also synced, although some users already report some problems with this. Viber does a good job of making sure that wherever you left off on your mobile device, your chats can be picked up. The developer of Viber for Mac is keen to highlight that it has superior mobile syncing than competitor products.
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retailtrust · 2 years
Ableton live 11 mac mini m1
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#Ableton live 11 mac mini m1 update
#Ableton live 11 mac mini m1 Pc
#Ableton live 11 mac mini m1 plus
#Ableton live 11 mac mini m1 free
Delay on the left is simple but gives you some beautiful, possibly tempo-synced overlaying of pitch – meaning you can also make a monophonic source sound homophonic or polyphonic. The subtler improvements here I find even more useful. That allows for potentially more musical use – though you can also still carefully tune in coarse/fine (which also allows for other scales). You now can do real-time pitch-aligned shifting, which works well with monophonic inputs. The big change is on the right – note “Pitch” along with Freq and Ring under Mode.
#Ableton live 11 mac mini m1 update
Shifter joins other reboots to existing devices – this one formerly known as Frequency Shifter – but this update makes it suddenly a delight. But it’s a screen capture, and they look pretty, so that’s how this game is played. You’ll need to join the beta program and sign up on Centercode to use this:īonus points if you figured out the LFO settings here might sound… very dissonant. Let us know how the beta works for you, and of course, probably wait for the final build if you have mission-critical work on deadline. If you do have an Intel Mac or a Windows machine, though, there are still plenty of worthy tweaks to keep you occupied, and the expanded Shifter is worth getting excited about.
#Ableton live 11 mac mini m1 Pc
I’m glad I have this mobile NVIDIA chip on a PC now whirring away on a render to calm me. But honestly, the existing machines are already blazingly fast, sip power, and make no noticeable heat or noise to the user. And everyone now also interchangeably calls that “M1,” which I suspect will be outmoded as soon as Apple adds another chip. In fact, if you’re an MPE maven or a heavy power user of shortcuts and whatnot, you might want to dig into the release notes to check those specifics.Īpple Silicon support is probably the big deal.
And overall, to condense a bunch of little tweaks, you’ll just find a lot of navigation and keyboard shortcuts work better.
Improved navigation and window pane adjustments.
What else have Ableton been working on? A few other recent improvements from the update cycle (11.0.10 etc., just before 11.10) – to summarize: It’s a sort of combo LFO-envelope… thing.
New MIDI Shaper, also built in Max for Live, generates modulation data with custom envelopes and loads of options.
New Align Delay compensates for lag of various types (including lag introduced by the fact that sound is not all that fast-moving) with an adjustable Device you can stick anywhere.
(That nearly makes it count as a new Device!)
#Ableton live 11 mac mini m1 plus
Shifter is the update replacing Frequency Shifter, and now adds real-time monophonic pitch shifting, plus delay, envelope section, LFO, and glide.
There are tons of little fixes and enhancements, but the ones that stand out: The other stuff in this build is also all nice to have. There’s no question that this is what you want to get the most out of Apple’s custom chips, and it follows support from some other key software. But official support should mean even better performance, which we’ll need to test. I’ve been running it on a Mac mini and barely notice performance at all – in fact, barely notice the machine is on, thanks to Apple’s fans being essentially silent and more or less never turning on. Now the truth is, Ableton Live already ran pretty darned well without any official Apple Silicon support whatsoever, thanks to the magic of Apple’s Rosetta 2 technology. New in this build – new tools for handling lag and adjusting MIDI and pitch/frequency shifting, plus much-awaited native M1 Apple Silicon support.
#Ableton live 11 mac mini m1 free
Ableton Live 11.1 is now available as a public beta free to anyone with a Live 11 license.
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beargreys · 2 years
Priime styles photoshop
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Priime styles photoshop movie#
Priime styles photoshop series#
Priime styles photoshop download#
NOTE > After clicking on the Preset you will probably need to fine-tune the effect by adjusting some of the sliders in the Basic panel. Select one of your images (it is better to start on an image that was correctly exposed so that you can clearly see the effect of the preset). However, you’ll need the premium subscription version to get access to all of the editing tools.
Priime styles photoshop download#
Photoshop Express is a freeload for iOS, Android, and Windows devices. After first grading this image with one of my Dirty Dozen grading presets (freeload from this site) I then applied the ESP Border: Black preset. No, not by any means, but for a do-it-all mobile editor (mobile being the keyword here), it’s pretty darn good. This landscape image (after first cropping to the 16 9 aspect ratio) had the Landscape POP Preset applied and then the High Contrast Black and White preset. I have also included three different ‘Zero’ Presets so that you don’t have to completely reset the image if you decide to go back to a certain stage of your editing workflow.
1 X ESP POP Preset that creates a better starting point for editing images where you would prefer a starting point that is a lot less ‘flat’.
1 x Landscape Pop Preset – creates a better starting point for editing Landscape images (this includes two graduated filters already set up – you will however, need to fine-tune their position and strength).
4 x Vignetting Presets (these utilise the Radial Filter rather than Post-Cropping Vignette controls) – this enables you to use them in conjunction with the border presets.
3 x High Contrast Correction presets – for creating a better starting point when editing images that were captured when the subject brightness range (contrast) was high or extreme.
2 x Defocus Presets for creating a simulated shallow depth-of-field look (you may need to refine the position of the Graduated Filters to perfect the effect).
4 x Border presets – These apply a white or black border around your image or burn the edge darker.
2 x Black and White Conversions (Standard and High Contrast variations) – apply AFTER the Landscape or ESP Pop if you want to retain the drama of these Presets.
The link below will follow this import workflow. xmp presets into one ‘ User Presets‘ folder. lrtemplate develop presets into Lightroom Classic as the folder structure is added to the Presets panel rather than just importing all new. It is easier, however, to load the older style. xmp files and moved to the Settings folder in the Camera Raw folder.xmp Develop Presets can now be used in Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom CC as well as Lightroom Classic.
Priime styles photoshop movie#
lrtemplate presets (as directed by the movie below) they will now be converted to. IMPORTANT NOTE > Adobe Develop Presets changed file format from ‘. It also recommend that after applying the Preset you optimise both the Whites (white clipping) and Blacks (black clipping) in the Basic Panel of the Develop Module. It is recommended that you optimise the Exposure of the image before applying the Preset. It is possible to apply more than one Preset to build up a desired effect.
Priime styles photoshop series#
This an overview of my 24 Lightroom ‘ Prime‘ Presets (for patrons to download) that I use most often when I want to fast-track my editing workflow. Lightroom Presets are ‘One-Click Wonders’ and enable a series of complex edits to be applied to an image with a single click of the mouse. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on Presets are available for Patrons to download from /markgaler Dashed Line: Customize the look of your dashed line by inserting numbers for the number of dashes and gaps in the repeating pattern.Line cap shapes determine the shapes of the beginning and end of the line. Caps: You can choose between 3 line cap shapes: Butt, Round, or Square.Stroke weight will not display if Insidealignment is selected. Photoshop Photoshop Tutorials Tutorials Video Tutorials. Preset: Choose from, solid line, dashed line, dotted line, or click on More Options to create a custom line preset. Darrell Heath opens up Photoshop and talks about creating table styles.Alternatively, you can click the color swatch in the Appearance section of the Properties panel to choose a color. This will color the line and the outside of the arrowhead. xmp Develop Presets can now be used in Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom CC as well as Lightroom Classic. Select a color from the list or click on the color picker to select a color.This will be used to fill the center of the arrowhead. Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Photoshop is a webtop. Alternatively, you can click the color swatch in the Appearance section of the Properties panel to choose a color. What are some alternatives When comparing GIMP and Priime, you can also consider the following products.
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theladyjssem · 2 years
Question for any other mobile users; how the heck do you get the reactions your recieve (likes/reblogs) in a nice little drop down again??? Used to be I got a fair amount of likes/reblogs all in a nice little subsection of my notices, if I wanted to look it could be expanded, if I didn't, easy single swipe away. Now when I recieve my notifications, I get the blogs I follow and want notified about intermixed with likes and reblogs. Which, don't get me wrong, I appreciate all you guys who like what I post and want to share it as well, but I want to find more stuff to enjoy and share with you, while also not worrying about "oh darn it I thought that was a like and not someone's post!" Yhe new system where they no longer just show the blog avatar but a teeny pic from the blogs' posting does not help at all =^=
Any help appreciated!!
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