#darren spooner
syn-back-in-black · 5 months
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Darren Spooner (Jarvis Cocker) performing with Relaxed Muscle at Razzmatazz in 2014
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jarvis-cockhead · 6 months
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some1 said jarvis was wonkapilled...
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wutbju · 2 years
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Gregory "Greg" D. Cottrell, 64, Prairie Farm, Wis., arrived at home on April 6, 2022, and stepped into the arms of his Savior after a battle with mesothelioma.
Greg grew up in Detroit, Mich., and graduated from high school in 1976. Greg bowed to Jesus as his Lord at the age of 16, and loved God and desired to serve Him as a pastor. He attended Bob Jones University in South Carolina. He served the Lord as a pastor in two different churches.
Greg married and had two daughters and three grandchildren.
Greg loved this great country and proudly served in the U.S. Army. He was stationed in Fort Hood, Texas, and transferred to Germany. He was then honorably discharged and returned home.
Greg loved to teach Bible studies in the churches he attended to tell others about God’s amazing love for mankind. He devoured his bibles and did his best to follow Jesus. He wrote letters and financially supported a Compassion Child from Haiti for many years.
Greg also showed kindness to others through the Helping Hands Ministry for several years by helping people move and fix things.
Although Greg would admit he was not perfect, he knew for certain that he needed the perfect Savior, Jesus, to cover his sins. Although Greg struggled in his illness, he now rejoices with many others whose tears are wiped away, where there is no more death, mourning, crying, or pain. Revelation 21:4
Surviving are his two daughters, three grandchildren, a brother and a sister. Greg was loved by his good and trusted Army friend Matt Magnuson of Clear Lake, dear friends Darren and Shelley Bjugstad of Barron, and many other loving friends and neighbors.
Greg’s funeral service was held with family and friends on April 10 at Apple River Community Church, Amery. He was buried at Veterans Memorial Cemetery, rural Spooner, and was proudly honored with military rights
Those who knew Greg will greatly miss him and will remember him for his faith, his sense of humor, his gentle smile, and his loving kindness.
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iwatch-thebees · 8 years
Hello friends i’ve made this page detailing the background of Relaxed Muscle & Darren Spooner so if u ever wanted to know about either now’s ur chance !!! :)
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ilarywilson · 4 years
« Potevi ucciderlo! »
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«Un-un bombarda la può uccidere una persona! Lo hai detto tu che non puoi castare Bombarda sulle persone! Era ovvio che usare la bacchetta e smettere di avere paura di te stesso andasse accompagnato a... a...» non sa nemmeno come definirlo. Le persone non dovrebbero tentare di uccidere altre persone e basta. Non dovrebbe servire una levetta di controllo per impedirglielo. 
Sebastian è di nuovo nei guai. Ricordi gli attacchi a Diagon? Be', Sebastian era lì e quando uno dei criminali lo ha attaccato, ha perso il controllo. Un Deprimo in pieno petto, puoi immaginare con che esito. Il Wizengamot ha esaminato tutte le prove e ieri sera è scattato l'arresto. E' nelle celle temporanee del Ministero adesso, in attesa del processo.
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«Promettimi che starai lontana da lui... è un violento e non voglio che si avvicini a te. Davvero non starei tranquillo».
«... il fatto che le sue azioni siano violente non significa che sia un violento o un assassino. Fa solo delle gran bolidate perché non è capace di controllarsi»
«Chi non è capace di controllarsi, è un violento. Sai perché non parlavo con mio padre da anni? Anche lui non era un violento, solo che faceva "delle gran bolidate perché non era capace di controllarsi"».
«Oh mio Merlino» ora anche lei inizia a piangere sul serio, il suo singhiozzo, un`altra crepa nel cuore che spezza le ossa come si spezza il fiato per l`osso sacro ancora dolorante. Una mano che torna davanti alla bocca, forse per contenere un urlo di qualche tipo o quello che potrebbe vomitare, in tutti i sensi possibili. È una consapevolezza spaventosa che si infila sottopelle.
Dove... dove avevi mirato? Al-al vuoto. 
Una bugia bianca. La verità è peggiore. La verità è Darren che si sacrifica e gli dice che Rachel è in buone mani. Ma quali buone mani? Quelle che l`hanno tradita, abbandonata e fatta soffrire? Quelle che stanno facendo soffrire anche la donna che dice di amare? Quelle stesse mani che vengono strette in due pugni saldi, contro le ginocchia. I capricci d`un mago lasciato a se stesso. Perché si dice che un po` la incameri, la cattiveria che i maghi ti fanno addosso.
Volevo soltanto spaventarlo.
«Le persone così sono vigliacche. La forza viene usata per codardia»
«E’ che il diverso a volte ci fa paura e la paura non gestita diventa...» agito. Perdita di controllo. «Hai ragione» si ritrova ad asserire, deglutendo faticosamente definizioni scomode.
Saperlo disgustato non la aiuta a sentirsi meglio, se possibile peggiora ogni cosa. Forse è stata colpa sua, forse ha tirato la corda, forse ha sorriso troppo, forse è stata troppo spavalda e provocatoria, al punto da attirare l`attenzione di Nihe. 
«Davvero pensi che sia colpa tua se lui ti tradiva?!» «No!» non più almeno. «Penso che sia colpa mia non essermene andata prima». 
«Sono anni che provo a trattarti come la persona che sei, anni che devo sempre capire tutto. Ma tu non potevi semplicemente sapere che mai ti avrei tradito, che Spooner mai sia stato una minaccia a questo matrimonio!» Fino ad ora si intende. 
Tu per me questo sforzo non lo potevi fare, vero?
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Dimmi che ... posso ancora sistemare tutto. Sono stanca. Non vado in giro ad uccidere la gente! Non rischio di perdere il controllo con la bacchetta! MA POTEVA SUCCEDERE! 
Potrebbe succedere. «Dimmi che lo capisci, ti prego. Dimmi che lo capisci che un Bombarda può fare molto male alle persone». 
«Poteva andare peggio, ma non si sono fatti niente, Ilary. Stavo solo giocando».
Hai intenzione di lasciarmi, non è vero? Non lo so, Seb. Sì? Cosa posso fare per salvarti? Puoi accendere il tuo Lumos e continuare a respirare.
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Salvati da solo, questa volta.
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madscientistjournal · 5 years
Winter 2020 Out Now!
Disaster photography, mental health assistance from unlikely sources, and talented velociraptors. These are but some of the strange tales to be found in this book.
Mad Scientist Journal: Winter 2020 collects thirteen tales from the fictional worlds of mad science. For the discerning mad scientist reader, there are also pieces of fiction from Maureen Bowden, Amanda Cherry, Sam Crane, Madison Estes, Larry C. Kay, K. Kitts, Fiona Moore, George Nikolopoulos, Mere Rain, Darren Ridgley, dave ring, J. Rohr, Holly Saiki, Connor Sassmannshausen, Alyssa N. Vaughn, Chris Walker, and Cliff Winnig. Readers will also find other resources for the budding mad scientist, including an advice column, gossip column, and other brief messages from mad scientists.
Authors featured in this volume also include Joachim Heijndermans, Genevieve McCluer, Nick Morrish, Cory Swanson, Arnout Brokking, Franko Stephens, Megan Dorei, Judith Field, Rain E. Day, Holly Schofield, Blake Jessop, Michael M. Jones, Andrew K. Hoe, Han Adcock, C. R. Anderson, E.D.E. Bell, Andy Brown, James Cummins, Lillie Franks, Joan Hudak, Alexander Nachaj, Edward Punales, Angelica Rosenthal, Sophie Sparrow, Johnny Townsend, DJ Tyrer, Lucinda Gunnin, and Sean Frost. Art provided by Leigh Legler, Luke Spooner, Errow Collins, Scarlett O’Hairdye, America Jones, and Justine McGreevy.
Buy it now at:
Amazon (Kindle, Paperback)
Barnes & Noble
Winter 2020 Out Now! was originally published on Mad Scientist Journal
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
What is your favourite game show to watch? >> Black Jeopardy on Saturday Night Live. ...I don’t watch game shows, is basically what I’m saying. Can you come up with a funny spoonerism? >> I can’t come up with one on the spot, but I’m sure I’ve thought of one at some point in my life. What is the most interesting anagram you can make out of your name? >> I have no idea and I’m not even going to try. What is something that rhymes with the title of the best book you’ve read? >> --- In one day, what’s the average number of times you take a sip of something? >> I can’t even... I don’t know. Like, 40? 50?
How good are you in trivia games? What’s your best category? >> I don’t have any experience with trivia games, so I’m not sure what I’d be best at. I’m not well-versed enough in any one subject. Would you much rather test your knowledge or share opinions? >> I’m not really sure how to answer this.
How do you feel about word games? >> I think some of them are great fun. Others just make my head hurt. When it comes to competing, are you more braniac or rather use your brawn? >> I have no brawn, lmao. Are you a sore winner or a sore loser? >> I’m neither. Winning is fun and all but honestly... whatever? Like, sometimes I’ll get frustrated with a game that’s just not enjoyable or seems tailored to be stress-inducing (especially really competitive ones), but that’s all. Who is your absolute favourite film director? >> Darren Aronofsky. Have you ever watched the British panel show, Quite Interesting? >> Nope.
How about Richard Osman’s House of Games? >> No. When’s the last time had to cover a coworker’s shift? >> --- Have you ever had a really unreliable coworker? >> --- Have you ever had to have a ring resized? >> No. What is a question you would never ever ask somebody? If they’re pregnant. I feel that’s not something you ever ask unless you can see the baby coming out there and then. <-- That’s a good enough answer to me. What sounds like a rude word but really isn’t? >> Kumquat. Have you ever made a blanket? If so, how did you make one? >> Nope. Maybe one day I will, if I keep up knitting. What’s your favourite quote? >> I don’t have one, and no, I still haven’t made that Evernote file (of memorable quotes I run into, so I can actually have answers for questions like this)!!! I keep forgetting, lmao. How many godparents do you have? Do they care about you? >> I don’t know if I have godparents and at this point I really don’t give a fuck. What is something that should not exist? >> Hm. Is there a word you have an emotional connection to? >> This is... a good question. I’m really going to have to give this some thought, but right now, I don’t have an answer. How about a sound? Any emotional connection to a sound? >> In the form of music, yeah. Is there something coming up that you are dreading? >> Showering, as usual. It’s really obnoxious to be so averse to something I have to do multiple times a week for the rest of my life, but I didn’t make myself this way. Do you ever read graphic novels? >> I sure do. That reminds me, next time I go browsing Vault of Midnight I’m going to make a list of all the titles that pique my interest (there’s always at least 5 every time) so I can find them online and read them when I get back home. What is the most ridiculous product you have ever seen? >> Meh. Are there any spiders in your home right now? >> I don’t know, but if they are, I hope they’re doing all right. What was the last thing that made you laugh hysterically? >> I don’t remember. Are there any candy stores where you live? >> I don’t think so. Maybe a fudge shoppe?
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alittlerazzmatazz · 7 years
the first time I saw darren spooner i cried out of horror and that is not something I am proud to admit but there you go
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weirdletter · 5 years
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New Directions in Children’s Gothic: Debatable Lands (Children’s Literature and Culture), edited by Anna Jackson, Routledge, 2019. Info: routledge.com.
Children’s literature today is dominated by the gothic mode, and it is in children’s gothic fictions that we find the implications of cultural change most radically questioned and explored. This collection of essays looks at what is happening in the children’s Gothic now when traditional monsters have become the heroes, when new monsters have come into play, when globalisation brings Harry Potter into China and yaoguai into the children’s Gothic, and when childhood itself and children’s literature as a genre can no longer be thought of as an uncontested space apart from the debates and power struggles of an adult domain. We look in detail at series such as The Mortal Instruments, Twilight, Chaos Walking, The Power of Five, Skulduggery Pleasant, and Cirque du Freak; at novels about witches and novels about changelings; at the Gothic in China, Japan and Oceania; and at authors including Celia Rees, Frances Hardinge, Alan Garner and Laini Taylor amongst many others. At a time when the energies and anxieties of children’s novels can barely be contained anymore within the genre of children’s literature, spilling over into YA and adult literature, we need to pay attention. Weird things are happening and they matter.
Contents: List of Figures Series Editor's Foreword – Philip Nel Acknowledgements Introduction. New Directions in Children’s Gothic: Debatable Lands – Anna Jackson 1. ‘Do Panic. They’re Coming:’ Remaking the Weird in contemporary children’s fiction – Chloe Buckley 2. Cuckoo Songs: The Changeling as Hero – Geoffrey Miles 3. ‘These are troubling, confusing times’: Darren Shan’s Cirque du Freak as Post-9/11 Gothic – Philip Serrato 4. Figuring the Witch – David Punter 5. Ghostly Vestiges of Strange Tales: Horror, History and the Haunted Chinese Child – You Chengcheng 6. Girls in Lace Dresses: The Intersections of Gothic in Japanese Youth Fiction and Fashion – Emerald L. King and Lucy Fraser 7. The Gothic in Oceania – Erin Mercer 8. ‘The Gothic is part of history, just as history is part of the Gothic’: Gothicising History and Historicising the Gothic in Celia Rees' Young Adult Fiction – Catherine Spooner 9. Adolescent Angels and Demons: The Religious Imagination in Young Adult Gothic Literature – Rebecca Wigginton 10. ‘Mind to Mind’: The Gothic Loss of Privacy in the Twilight Saga and Chaos Walking Trilogy – Alexandra Valint 11. ‘THIS HILL IS STILL DANGEROUS’: Alan Garner’s Weirdstone Trilogy – A Hauntology – Timothy Jones List of Contributors Index
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fromthe-point · 5 years
Kingston, ON —The Kingston Frontenacs are pleased to announce the signing of Aidan Spooner to a Standard Player Agreement.
Spooner, a 6’05”, 187 lbs. goaltender from Maple, Ont. was selected 1st overall by the Frontenacs in the 2019 U-18 OHL Priority Selection.
Aidan spent the 2018-19 season playing for the Barrie Colts Midget AAA team in the ETAHL. In 16 games he recorded a 3.19 GAA. That improved to 2.55 in 4 playoff games.
Aidan will join the Jr. C Caledon Golden Hawks of the PJHL for the 2019-20 season.
“Aidan is a 6’05” goalie that has really started to develop.” said GM Darren Keily. “Aidan has earned the right to be a part of this organization through his hard work and commitment to getting better.”
The Frontenacs goaltending depth is something GM Darren Keily is proud of. “We are excited about the goaltending depth in our organization and look forward to helping all of our goalies develop this coming season.”
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maisbullfmp · 3 years
Alter Ego Research
An alter ego means an alternative self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or true original personality. Usually having an alter ego means you dress in a completely different way with different hair and makeup, maybe with a different personality. This engineered persona could give people the confidence to do things they wouldn’t have the confidence to do as their original selves.
Famous Examples:
David Bowie - Major Tom, Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, The Thin White Duke and The Blind Prophet.
Bono - The Fly, Mirrorball Man and MacPhisto
John Lenon - Dr Winston O'Boogie
Prince - Camille, Symbol
Morrissey - Ann Coates
Paul McCartney - The Fireman
Jarvis Cocker - Darren Spooner
Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus (fict.)
Superman & Clark Kent (fict.)
Batman & Bruce Wayne (fict.)
Unsurprisingly, most of the list are musicians. Creating an alter ego is said to help with creativity.
The most interesting alter ego example to me are drag queens. That form of an alter ego changes almost every part of yourself, it’s a huge transformation.
Kasey’s alter ego is to help protect her identity online and to give her confidence whilst streaming. Her alter ego’s look is inspired other streamers and what’s popular on social media currently.
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iwatch-thebees · 7 years
Darren Spooners hot, but 90's Jarvis is the cutest person I've ever seen (besides George miller of filthy frank and Damon)
thank you for saying my husband is hot
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madscientistjournal · 7 years
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Mad Scientist Journal: Winter 2018 now available
Cooking advice, previously undiscovered species, and tortured artists. These are but some of the strange tales to be found in this book.
Mad Scientist Journal: Winter 2017 collects thirteen tales from the fictional worlds of mad science. For the discerning mad scientist reader, there are also pieces of fiction from Laura Arciniega, Judith Field, and Alexander Forbes. Readers will also find other resources for the budding mad scientist, including an advice column, gossip column, and other brief messages from mad scientists.
Authors featured in this volume also include E. B. Fischadler, Zach Bartlett, Catherine L. Brooke, Tamoha Sengupta, Darren Ridgley, Maureen Bowden, H. Pueyo, J. A. Psoras, Robert Dawson, J. A. Grier, Stewart C. Baker, Rebecca Siân Pyne, Joachim Heijndermans, Sophie Sparrow, David Wing, Andy Brown, Lucinda Gunnin, and Sean Frost. Art provided by Errow Collins, Scarlett O’Hairdye, Shannon Legler, Luke Spooner, Amanda Jones, Justine McGreevy, and Liz Argall.
Available at:
Amazon (Print/Kindle)
Barnes and Noble (Print/Nook)
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dcreports · 8 years
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maxspoonedher Color Theory ft Darren Criss
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nbafunnymeme · 8 years
Steve Kerr ejected and Steph Curry misses crucial shots in Warriors loss
Draymond Green failed to knock down a three-pointer from the top of the arc at the final buzzer as the Sacramento Kings snapped a 13-game losing streak to the Warriors
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Stephen Curry missed when it mattered most and said so afterward.SteveKerrinsists he got what he deserved after he was ejected for going crazy at the refs and losing his cool. The Golden State Warriors showed some flaws and played one of their worst games yet.
Draymond Green failed to knock down a three-pointer from the top of the arc at the final buzzer and DeMarcus Cousins scored six of his 32 points in overtime and overcame several key mistakes as the Sacramento Kings snapped a 13-game losing streak to the Warriors with a wild 109-106 win Saturday night.
Kerrwas tossed with 3:34 left in the third and had to be held back near midcourt by assistant coach Mike Brown as the reigning NBA coach of the year moved toward official Bill Spooner.Kerr, irate and swearing after a pair of loose ball fouls on Kevon Looney 18 seconds apart, pointed and gestured while repeating profanities. I got what I deserved. I deserved to be ejected so I was. I have no complaints,Kerrsaid. I was angry.
Kerrs players seemed to welcome the incident, however. Green, who has had his fair share of tangles with opponents and officials, shrugged the incident off. I liked it, he said. Meanwhile, Andre Iguodala made the incident into a comedy skit.
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Sports Illustrated (@SInow)
Andre Iguodala mocked Steve Kerr for getting ejected pic.twitter.com/Yzk6pNJCYM
February 5, 2017
We got what we deserved before I was tossed and after, Kerr said. It was one of the worst games we played all season. We had no purpose. The ball didnt move. I didnt even recognize our team out there tonight. Maybe we were due for one.
The Warriors had the chances though. Currys layup attempt with 4.9 seconds left clanked off the rim and the two-time reigning NBA MVP also missed a short jumper with 6.9 seconds left, but finished with 35.
Cousins was unable to corral the rebound on the first miss and the ball went out of bounds at the baseline to the Warriors for one more try with 6.2 ticks remaining. I just missed it, Curry said. Tough way to end the game with a shot at point-blank range to erase all the mishaps earlier.
Darren Collison scored 18 points and the bench added 45 for Sacramento, who lost 117-106 to Golden State at the Golden 1 Center last month as the Warriors rallied in the second half.
After four straight Kings free throws one for a technical on Green Kerr erupted. Curry and Klay Thompson hit consecutive threes, but that momentum was short-lived. Golden State dropped to 0-3 in OT this season.
A night after recording his sixth career triple-double, Cousins had 12 rebounds and nine assists to just miss another. This win could provide some much-needed momentum for Sacramento, in a stretch with 11 of 13 home games.
With Sacramento ahead 96-95 in regulation, Cousins also became furious with Spooner and received a technical with 2:08 to play for yelling and gesturing in frustration. Curry hit the tying free throw to tie it at 96.
There are no excuses. Its something weve been preaching for a long time, Cousins said. Im so proud of my team. We came out and got a big win. We competed from start to finish.
Green walked off on his own after missing a driving layin at Cousins 1:17 before halftime and going down hard by a cameraman. He grabbed his right knee, an X-ray was negative and he was back on the court by the 10:09 mark of the third.
Sacramento guard Arron Afflalo was back after missing Friday nights 105-103 home loss with a stomach virus.
Green returned from a one-game absence with a bruised left shoulder and Shaun Livingston also was back after being sidelined the past two games with a strained mid-back.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2017/feb/05/steve-kerr-ejected-golden-state-warriors-nba
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logicalbibliophile · 4 years
Books I Own Part 2
The Ruby Key Lisle, Holly
The Call of the Wild and White Fang London, Jack
The Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson Lord, Bette Bao
Number the Stars Lowry, Lois
The Giver Lowry, Lois
The Young Elites Lu, Marie
Snow Lynn, Tracy
A Court of Thorns and Roses Maas, Sarah J.
The Diamond Princess Saves the Day 4 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Emerald Princess Finds a Fairy 7 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Sapphire Princess Meets a Monster 2 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Ruby Princess Runs Away 1 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Sapphire Princess Hunts for Treasure 6 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Jewel Princesses and the Missing Crown 🌟 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
Scorched Mancusi, Mari
A Corner of the Universe Martin, Ann M.
September Surprises 6 Martin, Ann M.
The Secret Book Club 5 Martin, Ann M.
Coming Apart 9 Martin, Ann M.
Special Delivery 8 Martin, Ann M.
A Game of Thrones Martin, George R.R.
A Clash of Kings Martin, George R.R.
If the Shoe Fits 1 Mason, Jane B.
Happy Cafe 1 Matsuzuki, Kou
Happy Cafe 2 Matsuzuki, Kou
Poseur 1 Maude, Rachel
Pretty in Pink 3 Maude, Rachel
The Good, the Fab and the Ugly 2 Maude, Rachel
Urchin of the Riding Stars McAllister, M.I.
Urchin of the Riding Stars McAllister, M.I.
Island of Fire 3 McMann, Lisa
The Unwanteds 1 McMann, Lisa
Wake McMann, Lisa
Soundless Mead, Richelle
Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess Meyer, Carolyn
Cinder 1 Meyer, Marissa
Cress 3 Meyer, Marissa
Scarlet 2 Meyer, Marissa
Breaking Dawn 4 Meyer, Stephanie
Eclipse 3 Meyer, Stephanie
New Moon 2 Meyer, Stephanie
The Host Meyer, Stephanie
Twilight 1 Meyer, Stephanie
s*a 16 Minami, Maki
s*a 17 Minami, Maki
voice over 10 Minami, Maki
voice over 11 Minami, Maki
voice over 12 Minami, Maki
voice over 9 Minami, Maki
The Final Six Monir, Alexandra
Anne of Green Gables Montgomery, L.M.
Anne of Green Gables Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Utopia More, Thomas
Day 21 2 Morgan, Kass
Homecoming 3 Morgan, Kass
The 100 1 Morgan, Kass
Rebellion 4 Morgan, Kass
The Princess, the Crone and the Dung Cart Knight Morris, Gerald
Dragonwatch 1 Mull, Brandon
Fablehaven 1 Mull, Brandon
Fablehaven(fr) Mull, Brandon
Grip of the Shadow Plague 3 Mull, Brandon
Keys to the Demon Prison 5 Mull, Brandon
Rise of the Evening Star 2 Mull, Brandon
Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary 4 Mull, Brandon
Wild Born 1 Mull, Brandon
The Candy Shop War 1 Mull, Brandon
Wrath of the Dragon King 2 Mull, Brandon
Inherit Midnight Myers, Kate Kay
The Accidental Hero Myklusch, Matt
Love💫Com Nakahara, Aya
skip beat 31 Nakamura, Yoshiki
skip beat 34 Nakamura, Yoshiki
skip beat 35 Nakamura, Yoshiki
skip beat 5 Nakamura, Yoshiki
skip beat 8 Nakamura, Yoshiki
The Enchanted Castle Nesbit, E.
The Phoenix and the Carpet Nesbit, E.
The Enchanted Castle and Five Children and It Nesbit, Edith
The Scourge Nielsen, Jennifer A.
The False Prince Nielson, Jennifer A.
Frogkisser Nix, Garth
The Romantic Period Norton
The Twentieth Century and After Norton
The Victorian Age Norton
The Tea Dragon Society O'Neill, Katie
The Civil War Otfinoski, Steven
World War I Otfinoski, Steven
World War II Otfinoski, Steven
The Vietnam War Otfinoski, Steven
Rules for Thieves Ott, Alexandra
To Catch a Pirate Parker, Jade
The Originals Patrick, Cat
The Gift 2 Patterson, James
Witch and Wizard 1 Patterson, James
Dead is a State of Mind 2 Perez, Marlene
Dead is Just a Rumor 4 Perez, Marlene
Dead is Not an Option 5 Perez, Marlene
Dead is So Last Year 3 Perez, Marlene
Dead is the New Black 1 Perez, Marlene
Freak The Mighty Philbrick, Rodman
Dead City Ponti, James
Addy Saves the Day Porter, Connie
Stranded Forbidden Passage Probst, Jeff
Stranded Survivors Probst, Jeff
Stranded the Sabotage Probst, Jeff
Stranded Trial by Fire Probst, Jeff
The Ruby in the Smoke 1 Pullman, Philip
The Shadow in the North 2 Pullman, Philip
Northern Lights 1 Pullman, Philip
The Amber Spyglass 3 Pullman, Philip
The Subtle Knife 2 Pullman, Philip
Anthem Rand, Ayn
Fate of Flames Raughley, Sarah
Mortal Engines Reeve, Philip
Stranger and Stranger Reger, Rob
Fallen Kingdoms Rhodes, Morgan
Hollow City 2 Riggs, Ransom
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 1 Riggs, Ransom
Library of Souls 3 Riggs, Ransom
Half Upon a Time Riley, James
Once Upon the End Riley, James
Twice Upon a Time Riley, James
The Revenge of Magic Riley, James
The Battle of the Labyrinth 4 Riordan, Rick
The Blood of Olympus 5 Riordan, Rick
The House of Hades 4 Riordan, Rick
The Last Olympian 5 Riordan, Rick
The Lightning Thief 1 Riordan, Rick
The Mark of Athena 3 Riordan, Rick
The Red Pyramid 1 Riordan, Rick
The Sea of Monsters 2 Riordan, Rick
The Serpent's Shadow 3 Riordan, Rick
The Son of Neptune 2 Riordan, Rick
The Throne of Fire 2 Riordan, Rick
The Titans Curse 3 Riordan, Rick
The Sword of Summer 1 Riordan, Rick
Demigods & Magicians🌟 Riordan, Rick
The Lost Hero 1 Riordan, Rick
The Fog Diver Ross, Joel N.
The Chamber of Secrets 2 Rowling, J.K.
The Deathly Hallows 7 Rowling, J.K.
The Goblet of Fire 4 Rowling, J.K.
The Half-Blood Prince 6 Rowling, J.K.
The Order of the Phoenix 5 Rowling, J.K.
The Prisoner of Azkaban 3 Rowling, J.K.
The Sorcerer's Stone 1 Rowling, J.K.
Altered 1 Rush, Jennifer
Erased 2 Rush, Jennifer
Luka and the Fire of Life Rushdie, Salman
Zodiac Russell, Romina
The Secret of the Realms Rusu, Meredith
Holes Sachar, Louis
Flyte 2 Sage, Angie
Magyk 1 Sage, Angie
Magyk (fr) Sage, Angie
Physik 3 Sage, Angie
Queste 4 Sage, Angie
Song of the Sparrow Sandell, Lisa Ann
A Drowned Maidens Hair Schlitz, Laura Amy
Spelled Schow, Betsy
Girl Got Game 1 Seino, Shizuru
The Vampire Prince Shan, Darren
Meet Kaya Shaw, Janet
Kaya Shows the Way Shaw, Janet
Kaya's Escape Shaw, Janet
Kaya's Hero Shaw, Janet
Kaya and Lone Dog Shaw, Janet
Changes for Kaya Shaw, Janet
Bad Girls Throughout History Shen, Ann
25 Women Who Thought of it First Sherman, Jill
25 Women Who Fought Back Sherman, Jill
kimi no todoke 4 Shiina, Karuho
kimi no todoke 5 Shiina, Karuho
Intertwined Showalter, Gena
Firstlife Showalter, Gena
Royal Bastards Shvarts, Andrew
Timekeeper Sim, Tara
The Secret of the Attic Sinykin, Sheri Cooper
Don't Tell the Nazis Skrypuch, Marsha Forchuk
Alcatraz 6 Smith, Roland
Chupacabra 3 Smith, Roland
Cryptid Hunters 1 Smith, Roland
Independence Hall 1 Smith, Roland
Kitty Hawk 3 Smith, Roland
Mutation 4 Smith, Roland
Tentacles 2 Smith, Roland
The End 13 Snicket, Lemony
The Witch of Blackbird Pond Speare, Elizabeth George
Hunted Spooner, Meagan
25 Women Who Ruled Stanborough, Rebecca J.
Unicorns of Balinor 🌟 Stanton, Mary
The Mysterious Benedict Society Stewart, Trenton Lee
An Ember in the Ashes 1 Tahir, Sabaa
A Torch Against the Night 2 Tahir, Sabaa
Fruits Basket 15 Takaya, Natsuki
Fruits Basket 23 Takaya, Natsuki
They Called US Enemy Takei, George
Full Moon 7 Tanemura, Arina
Strange the Dreamer 1 Taylor, Laini
Muse of Nightmares 2 Taylor, Laini
All of a Kind Family Taylor, Sydney
Grimm's Fairy Tales The Brother's Grimm
Ruined Tintera, Amy
The Hobbit Tolkien, J.R.
The Unnaturalists Trent, Tiffany
Felicity Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie
Nellie's Promise Tripp, Valerie
A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo Twiss, Jill
Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry Tyson, Neil deGrasse
Big Hero 6 1 Ueno, Haruki
Save Me a Seat Varadarajan, Gita and Sarah Weeks
The Second Guard Vaughn, J.D.
Pyramid Hunters Vegas, Peter
Heir Apparent Velde, Vivian Vande
Jules Verne Verne, Jules
Elissa's Quest 1 Verrillo, Erica
The Boy in the Dress Walliams, David
The Boxcar Children 1 Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Surprise Island 2 Warner, Gertrude Chandler
The Yellow House Mystery 3 Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Alice 19th 7 Watake, Yuu
The Young World Weitz, Chris
Uglies 1 Westerfeld, Scott
The Sword in the Stone White, T.H.
Honeybees and Frenemies Wientge, Kristi
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Wiggen, Kate Douglas
Little House on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Dragon Keeper 1 Wilkinson, Carole
Dragon Moon 3 Wilkinson, Carole
Titanic Crossing Williams, Barbara
The Far West 3 Wrede, Patricia C.
The Thirteenth Child 1 Wrede, Patricia C.
Across the Great Barrior 2 Wrede, Patricia C.
Crow Wright, Barbara
The Swiss Family Robinson Wyss, Johann David
The Swiss Family Robinson Wyss, Johann David
The 5th Wave Yancey, Rick
ultra maniac 5 Yoshizumi, Wataru
Malala: My Story of Standing Up for Girls' Rights Yousafzai, Malala
Library Wars 3 Yumi, Kiiro
Library Wars 2 Yumi, Kiiro
Prophecy of the Sisters Zina, Michelle
The Childrens Classics
Roman Myths
Greek Myths
0 notes