#daryl x buck
thehomeofduck · 1 year
🐇 Meet the Creator and Creations 🐇
Hello! I'm Juniper. I'm 19, go by She/Him pronouns and am Enby! I am the creator of the OC Buck and the Ao3 story, Curse of the Fold. I made this sideblog to upload it's chapters for tumblr users as well as give updates, lore, art, other stories and whatever else I deem appropriate for this blog! :3c
Now, for those who stumblr upon this blog and ask, what is Curse of the Fold? Well, all your question can (probably) be answered in the carrd I made! Which will be linked below. But for those who don't wanna read it. COTF is a The Walking Dead story I'm currently making. It mainly focuses on Buck, my own OC who I lovingly dropped into the universe. Follow Buck's journey through TWDs universe and his interest in Daryl.
Also yes, Daryl and Bucks ship name is "Duck." Just give a duck a cowboy hat and that's basically them. /J
𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐝 (𝐀𝐨𝟑)
𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐝 (𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝)
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lostgirlmuseum · 8 months
Who the Hell is Daryl?
Summary: Bucky is in love with you, and finally finds the courage to tell you. But what happens when it sounds like someone else is already in the picture? (Miscommunication!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!Avenger!Reader
Words: 2k
Warnings: Miscommunication trope! Only one small mention of “Y/N”, teensy bit of yelling, let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Wrote this a couple days ago and put it in drafts, spontaneously posted bc I'm procrastinating on an essay. Okay I'll get back to hw now :(
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
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He was going to do it. He was really going to do it. 
He was finally going to ask you out.
To the surprise of everyone on the team, you and Bucky had become fast pals after you joined six months ago. Something about the two of you clicked. ‘Opposites attract’ and all that, but Bucky always felt it went deeper than that.
The two of you had never argued, something he felt very proud of, considering he argued with most people. But not you. Never you.
The moment he decided that he needed to man up and ask you out wasn’t anything fancy. You were sparring with Wanda across the gym, and he was simply watching you work in tandem. He watched the entire 15 minute session, and didn’t take his eyes off you, even as you approached him. 
“Buck, I’m out of water, can I take a sip of yours?”
He nodded, “Sure, Doll,” and tossed you his bottle. 
You shot him a charming smile and opened the cap, and not-so-gracefully chugged half the bottle. You wiped your upper lip and handed it back to him. 
“Thanks, Jamie,” you breathily said, and jogged back to the arena. 
His head was completely empty except for a single thought, tumbling through his desert mind like a tumbleweed.
I’m going to marry her someday.
He shocked himself with the thought, he wasn’t sure where it had come from. But he couldn’t help the grin that snuck its way onto his lips as he realized he didn’t disagree with the thought.
Of course before marriage is dating. One step at a time Buck. 
After his realization, he had spent the next three days planning the perfect way to ask you out. He went through an entire list of ideas, but none of them seemed good enough for you. He wanted it to be perfect. But as the clock ticked on and he started running out of paper, he realized it was best to just be honest about his feelings. 
You had just gotten back from a solo mission, and Bucky was hanging out in your room as you showered.
He was blushing like an idiot and fidgeting like crazy on your bed as he waited for you to hurry up. It was surprising he had so much self control as to not blurt it out while you were showering.
“Oh, Bucky,” you called from the bathroom, the sound of the water pausing.
“What’s up?”
“Could you set an alarm on my phone for 7:30 A.M. tomorrow before I forget? I think I left it on the side table.”
“You got it, Doll.”
“You’re the best! I’m almost done, I’ll be out in like two minutes,” you called, and soon after the sound of rushing water resumed.
Bucky grabbed your phone and typed in the passcode, his heart fluttering a little as he thought about how you trusted him enough to know it.
But the flutter stopped almost as quickly as it started, the moment your phone turned on and resumed on your text string with someone. He would’ve ignored it, but a red heart at the top of the screen caught his eye.
Who the hell is “Daryl,” and why does he have a heart emoji next to his name?
Bucky couldn’t help himself as his eyes flitted over your last texts.
Daryl ❤️ I’m back in town, lemme know when you’re around 
You About to leave for a quick mission, but I’ll be back tmw evening. I miss you sm :( how about we meet up Monday morning at 8 at Bernie’s cafe?
Daryl ❤️ Lets do it. And I miss you too, can’t wait to see your beautiful face!! I love you, be careful
You Love you too, and Im always careful 😘
Bucky felt sick to his stomach. You had never mentioned a brother named Daryl, or any other kind of family member. And you’d told him about all your closest friends, and none of them were named Daryl. How did Bucky not know you had a boyfriend?
Bucky fought the urge to scroll up, and quickly tapped out of the app, and set the alarm you asked him to set. 
So you were meeting this “Daryl” tomorrow morning?
Bucky heard the water stop, and the sound of the shower curtain shuffling.
Shit. You were getting out. Fuck, he wasn’t ready to face you.
You’d never mentioned you were in a relationship before. He would remember. How long have you been dating? And more importantly, why did you keep this from him? Did you feel like you couldn’t trust him? Maybe you weren’t as close friends as he’d thought.
“Which movie did you want to watch tonight?” You asked, peeking out of the door with a turquoise towel wrapped around you.
“Um, I’m actually really tired, suddenly. I think I’m going to go to bed.” Bucky stuttered, avoiding your gaze as he quickly stood up.
“Oh, okay,” you responded, disappointment and concern lacing your voice. “Everything okay?”
“Everything is fine. Glad you got back safe. Good night.”
With that, Bucky ducked out of your room and practically ran back to his.
Bucky tossed and turned, and once he got over his embarrassment, he settled into a familiar depressive feeling. Of course you didn’t like him back. What the fuck was he thinking? He’s—well, he’s Bucky. Broken, only destined to ever be your friend. How could he be foolish enough to think you would love him like he loves you. At about hour 4, the heartbreak started turning into betrayal. Betrayal that you kept this from him. And soon enough, that betrayal festered into a kind of resentment, something he’d never felt for you before.
He didn’t get much sleep that night.
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Bucky checked the clock for the 20th time in the past 5 minutes. 7:45 A.M. You were probably about to leave. Bucky felt his heart clench. He was usually up by 7, and eating breakfast in the common area by 7:30. He sat at the barstool, dragging his spoon around his now soggy Coco Puffs, waiting for you to appear. Why he felt the need to torture himself, he didn’t know.
Finally, he heard your steps coming down the hall. 
And there you appeared, wearing the most beautiful sundress he had ever seen. It was lavender, and had small white flowers adorning the skirt, and it fell just above your knees. 
Bucky took you in, and his momentary adoration turned back to his heartbreak. You were dressed up as if you were going on a date. There was no chance this wasn’t your boyfriend.
“Good morning Bucky, did you sleep okay last night?” 
“Yes.” He lied. Maybe you would tell him the truth if he asked. Yes it would hurt hearing the truth from your mouth, but he wanted to give you a chance to tell him your secret. “Where are you headed?”
“To meet a friend,” you nodded smoothly. 
Maybe Bucky was crazy. Maybe he was overthinking all of this. Maybe Daryl really was just a friend.
“Which friend?”
So you were just flat out lying to him now. Bucky nodded and waited for you to leave before moping back to his room. He wanted to cry. And he did for a minute, or two, but his tears turned from sad to angry when he remembered you were now lying. You never lied to Bucky, and Bucky never lied to you. At least, he thought that was how it was. He clenched his fists, mad at you for betraying him, but more mad at himself for believing he could ever have you.
He didn’t move from his bed.
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“Bucky?” Your voice emerged after three knocks to his door.
He couldn’t get himself to respond. 
The door slowly creaked open, a stream of light flooding his dark room.
“Hey Buck. You okay? You seemed a little off this morning.”
“Fine.” He mumbled, not turning over in bed to face you.
A pause. 
“Jamie, what’s wrong?” You asked, closing the door behind you and flicking on the light. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“What?” You asked, slightly taken aback. You thought he loved your affectionate nickname for him.
“I don’t want you to call me ‘Jamie’ anymore.”
He felt the bed dip as you sat next to him. 
“Bucky,” you whispered, “please talk to me.”
He sat up and gave you a pointed look. Was he being immature? Yes. But what could he do, he just discovered that his best friend has been lying to him, and doesn’t love him.
“Where were you?” He asked.
You furrowed your brows a moment, trying to piece together where he was going with this. 
“I was at Bernie’s with Penny.”
“Don’t lie to me.” He sneered.
Your eyes widened at his bite.
“I’m not lying? Bucky, what is going on?”
“What’s going on is that you’ve been keeping the fact that you have a boyfriend from me. Why don’t you want to tell me?”
“A boyfriend?” You blinked. “I don’t have a boyfriend,”
“Why won’t you be honest with me?” He yelled, and you scooted back.
“I am!”
“Then who is Daryl?”
“I saw your texts last night, when you asked me to set your alarm.” Bucky looked down at his lap, ashamed.
“Bucky,” you sighed, and a look of understanding crossed your face. A moment later you held out your phone to him.
“What?” He asked, dumbly looking at your outstretched hand. The screen was on your text string with Daryl.
“Call the number.” You simply said.
“What?” He repeated.
“Take my phone, and call the number.”
Confused and suspicious, Bucky grabbed your phone and hesitated over the call icon. 
“Go ahead,” you urged.
He pressed the button. 
“Hey!” A familiar feminine voice rang through the speaker. “What’s up hon?”
“Hello?” Bucky said, looking from the phone to you to the phone.
“Uh, hi? Is that Bucky?”
“P—Penny?” He sputtered.
“Hey Bucky! What’s up, is everything okay? I thought Y/N was calling.”
“Hey Pen,” you interjected, “Everything’s fine, I’ll call you back in a bit, kay’?”
“Sure thing, bye, love ya,” Penny added, and hung up.
Bucky stared at the now blank phone, baffled.
“I don’t understand.”
“Bucky,” you sighed, and tilted his chin to look at you. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Penny is in my contacts as “Daryl” because it’s my funny little nickname for her. My Dad has had a best friend since grade school named Daryl, and they don’t see each other often, but when they do it’s like nothing has changed. They get along like no time has passed. I call Penny “my Daryl” because I know that even if we don’t talk for years, we are so close that I know we would be the exact same.”
Bucky sat quietly for a moment, simply taking in your story. He felt really stupid.
“I’m sorry,” he started, “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m sorry I called you a liar.” He struggled to meet your gaze, ashamed of what he did.
“Jamie—can I call you Jamie now?”
He nodded sheepishly.
“Jamie, I forgive you. But I wish you had just talked to me about it, and asked me. We are usually so good about being open with each other. What happened?” You asked, wide eyes looking into his.
“I know, I’m sorry. I flipped out, I guess I was just shocked, because I was going to—” he licked his lips, “well, I was…”
“You can tell me, Bucky. Honesty, remember?” You soothed, placing your hand on his leg.
He gulped.
“I was going to ask you to be with me.”
You tilted your head, not quite understanding.
“Like, I was gonna ask if you’d let me be your boyfriend.” He mumbled. “So when I saw that you were texting and saying ‘I love you’ to some guy, I guess I was just blindsided.”
“James,” you smiled, moving yourself to sit on his lap. You brought your forehead against his. “You silly, jealous man.” You gently stroked his cheek with your right hand. “You want to be my boyfriend?"
"It sounds so juvenile, I don't know, I just want you to be mine, and for you to call me 'yours,'" he mumbled.
"I accept," you giggled, and watched his glittering eyes shoot to yours.
He had started to say something, but he stopped when you brought your soft lips to his.
“I'm so happy,” he whispered between kisses.
Suffice it to say, Bucky completed step one of the path to marrying you.
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A/N: Tysm for reading! If you liked it, please feel free to let me know!
Also I'm sorry if the ending sucks, I wrote this in a couple hours and Idk why I'm so bad at endings gahh
Here's my Masterlist if you'd like to read more!
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perictione00 · 8 months
She's a Man-eater
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Pairing: Gojo Satoru x reader
Warnings: MDNI, sub! gojo satoru, dom! reader, smut, degradation, heavy edging and overstimulation, cock stepping, choking, age difference(7-years, reader is older), oral sex, sounding, riding, unprotected sex.
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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"Hngh...please...I need you", his desperation was so satisfying. He looked so beautiful crawling towards you, naked, with a collar on his neck with your name engraved on it.
"But we had a deal, no? You cum five times and I'll treat you", you coo. Breaking someone's body has become your new favorite hobby. To get them so high that normal never works for them. That they come crawling back to you.
"Haah...ngh...mmf...I can't anymore, please." You understand now why men like to oppress women. Power is a fucking drug, and controlling someone stimulates it.
"Then I'm afraid I can't help you, Satoru", you said, sounding disappointed, causing him to start stroking his already twitching cock. With his head thrown back, sweat beads covered his flushed face as he continued jerking himself off, moaning wildly, until he came for the fifth time in the same night.
What a sight. So strong yet so fragile—such a complaint one. Easy to mold and easy to manipulate. Watery blue eyes stared at you with hope. He was such a good pet. He deserved a reward for his hard work. So you took off your very wet panties and threw them to the other side of the room.
"Good boy, now go fetch."
Without wasting a second, Satoru fetched your panties on all fours. Sniffing it, he lapped on it and drooled at your taste. You watched him as he buried his face in your panties and continued groaning loudly. His hips bucked up instinctively, fucking into nothingness to seek any sort of friction to calm his now-hardening dick.
"More...I want more", Satoru begged as he moved towards your lap.
"Yeah? Tell me, will you do anything for me?", you questioned affectionately as you slid your hands and ruffled his disheveled hair.
"Ya...yes, anything. I can d-do any and everything for you", he answered, sounding breathless.
Yanking him back by the hair, you opened your legs and forced his face into your pussy. While he sucked on your clit, you noticed how he kept glancing at your moaning form. It was obvious that he wanted to feel validated by pleasing you. The poor thing was in love with you; the least you could do was grind on his face and use him. So you used his nose to gain some roughness and pulled on his hair as his tongue slurped on your wetness. Getting suffocated by your thighs drove Satoru to the brink, and his sensitive cock leaked for the sixth time. But he was so drunk on you. So much so that he couldn't stop and kept fucking your hole till you came.
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"If you do it right, I'll reward you with a truffle cake", you declared to a ten-year-old who was being more annoying than usual. Gojo Satoru was the new big thing in the Jujutsu world, and although he was just a child, he was already much better than most of the second-grade sorcerers. And since he was destined to be the strongest, a majority of his time was consumed in practicing, and that too with well-versed sorcerers like yourself.
"Liar. You said that the last time too and didn't bring me any", the lil guy yelled as he continued pouting.
"That was because you literally announced it to the whole house. You think anyone here would lemme feed you, a child, a whole cake?", you retorted, closing the distance between you.
"I'm not a child. I defeated two of your classmates, remember", he scoffed.
"God, I don't have time for this. Listen, Satoru, if you don't do this, forget the cake; I'm never bringing anything for you, and then you can have a great time practicing with Daddy too", you were sure this threat was enough to keep him in check. It was your favorite weapon against him. And when you saw his frowning form turning back to practice, you knew it had hit the right mark.
Gojo had developed a sweet tooth early on because of your constant rewards after practice sessions. It was easier. Satoru already knew well that he was stronger than an average person; hence, with all his sass, he avoided training, even with you. If it was up to him, he would only play with you. So you introduced him to the world of sweets, and the rest is history. Growing up with Satoru, you knew your ways with him. To you, rather than a little brother that you never asked for, he was more like an asset who was the key to your goal. It worked out well. He became the ace up your sleeve, and you became his favorite company.
Coming from a non-sorcerer family, at the age of 6, you immediately piqued the interests of many families with your unexpectedly strong cursed technique, one of them being the Gojo clan. Initially, people thought it was for the sake of marrying you off to someone within the clan, but it surprised everyone when the head of the clan announced his goal of sponsoring your education until you were an adult. What seemed like a random play turned out to be a well-thought-out scheme to have stronger allies. For several hundred years, no one in the Gojo family had inherited both the six eyes and the limitless techniques, portraying the clan as weaker among the Big three families, so it was better to have an active margin to keep the center intact. That was the reason why you grew up learning from the best of the best and became a first-grade sorcerer by the age of 14. Which was why you ended up training the future of the clan. Or maybe the real deal was that the insolent brat wouldn't practice with anyone other than you.
Before his birth, you were the apple of everyone's eye, including all the servants and his father. It all changed, though—after his birth, that is. From the moment Gojo Satoru was born, his mere existence was celebrated; he was treated like a king, but you, on the other hand, were neglected. Oh, how the mighty had fallen. You were a child. With all the attention that you desperately craved, snatched away so suddenly, you couldn't help but feel jealous and envy the blue-eyed devil who had hypnotized every sane adult in the clan. You were there first, then why were you not as loved as he was? He was such a burden, a crybaby who couldn't fend for himself and had to be under surveillance at all times. You were forced to be by his side to keep track of his needs, which made you more hostile towards him. Fortunately, you warmed up to him as time went on. The hostility melted into care as you looked after the little demon who was always following you, crawling on all fours, when he always cried in your absence, and when instead of gibberish, his first words turned out to be your name.
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The jujutsu world is cruel, and it's worse if you're a woman. The pathetic mentality of a few old geezers was enough to drive out women from this field. With the misconduct of power, the status of women was intentionally devalued through a sequence of meaningless regulations. For something so basic, women had to prove themselves worth it in order to be given the same treatment and respect as any other man. Women were associated with childrearing and bearing. And if they somehow turned out to be more than what was expected of them, the scope of their development is reduced. You learned it a little too late.
"Don't be greedy now. Grade 1 is as far as you go. I'm sure the clan backing you up wouldn't like that either. You're 15, right? A looker that's for sure. Ripe age. About time you start getting marriage offers, no?"
"If only you didn't have a mouth on you. Well, I'm sure I can fuck it out of you."
"Special grade!? Even if all of us in the room used you, there's no chance you're ever getting there."
"Give up on that impossible dream of yours. Isn't it too much for you to carry on as a grade 1 anyways?"
"Don't make me laugh."
"All I see is a hole inviting me to fuck. Come on, lemme help you discover all you're good for."
"Grade 1? Who did you fuck to get there? The clan head? Are the rumors true? I've heard he has a thing for young girls. I can see why he would give in to you, though."
That's how it was and will always be. In a world dominated by men, you will never be able to achieve what your heart longs for. You will never be the strongest. You will have to act according to their will and listen to the crap that comes out of their mouths. It was not fair. You were dragged into this world without consent, and now that you finally accept reality and try to be something more, they tell you that it was never possible. Hypocrites. You were not a slave. If you were being objectified by a bunch of old men, you might as well use them to get what you want. You can give them a sense of control and suck them dry of their powers. Use them until they serve your desires, and throw them away the moment you're done. It is okay if you can't be the strongest; you can always be with the strongest.
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Gojo Satoru was the strongest sorcerer. He could have anything he wished for, yet he couldn't have you. On his 7th birthday, he declared in front of all the maids that he'd marry you and have about a hundred kids with you. His confession was met with a few chuckles and pity, but he was sure of his resolve. On the same day, you skipped practice sessions to meet with some dirt from your class and wished him a happy birthday minutes before his birthday ended. Let's just say that an angry Satoru melted from your apology, which consisted of a customized Digimon watch, his favorite pastries, and a peck to his cheek.
To him, you were the prettiest girl. And age was just a number. He just needed to grow up faster and be taller to be with you. You were the only one who treated him like a normal human. And the only one who genuinely wished the best for him and cared for him without any malicious or hidden intention. However, nothing had prepared him for your exit from the household on your eighteenth birthday. He was dumbfounded when you told him the same. He remembers crying and begging you to stay with him—not that it changed your decision, but you did promise to meet him every week, which was not enough for him.
Time went by, and Gojo Satoru realized that he wanted you all for himself. You were famous not only for your capabilities and beauty but also for your infamous relationships. He recalls how one of the Zenin clan men fell head over heels for you and took his own life because he couldn't have you. He also recalls how a senior representative of the Kamo clan went crazy after you left him and the stories of countless men who were doomed to the same fate. You were magical, and those low lives weren't your equals. Of course, you wouldn't settle for them; you were way too good for them. That's why he wants to become strong and be of any worth to you.
You came back to the house once, after 5 years, when you were accused of assassinating a higher-up, and somehow, after just two hours in his father's room, you were announced to be not guilty a day later. On that very day, you hugged him for the first time while comforting him about the incident with the sorcerer killer as he smelled his father's cologne on you. If he wasn't bound by relationships, he was sure that he would have killed his own father in a heartbeat.
Later that year, he confessed his love for you on your 23rd birthday, and you shot him down instantly. Calling him a child and whatnot. He wasn't immature; he was just a bit overly enthusiastic but not impulsive. Maybe it was just about his age. That's what he told himself until you rejected him again and again and again. For the first time, he saw the distance between you both. How you were climbing up the status ladder in the Jujutsu hierarchy and how the number of your lovers was increasing with every passing month. Something snapped inside him as realization hit him, and at the young age of 16, he lost his virginity to a housemaid his age.
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You had successfully infiltrated all the major clans except for the Gojo clan. You were not going to infiltrate that clan; you had decided to own it. Although latent, your influence was more than a lot of high-ups combined. But of course you wouldn't rub it on everyone's faces; you didn't need to hurt their egos to feel your worth anymore. You just needed to act submissive and poised; that would do the trick. Nobody needed to know that all the cards were in your favor and that you were the real puppeteer.
When it came to the Gojo clan, you heard here and there that your little prince had learned to fuck around. It was about time he was tamed. So on his 19th birthday, you rewarded him with a gift of a lifetime.
"No...shit... please-aahh...it won't fit, please", Satoru mumbled as tears streamed down his flushed face.
"It will. You will make it fit for me, right?", you whispered and resumed kissing him down his neck, stopping only to abuse his hard nipples. He was a moaning mess, trembling with every movement, cringing at the sharp but pleasurable pain as you continued inserting a sounding rod in his penis.
You stood up to admire your artwork once you were done. No man has ever looked so beautiful. Gojo Satoru was kneeling in front of you, twitching like an insect, crying, and losing himself to you. He was so submissive, so perfect. You were going to take your sweet time devouring him.
You dragged your foot over to his cock and asked him, "What do you say, Satoru? Should I step on it?"
He was barely able to make a coherent sentence as you toyed with his cock while the pressure of the inserted rod edged him to the highest degree. Just when he thought it couldn't get any better, you took off your panties and stuffed them in his mouth. You were left with nothing but your bra; however, you unhooked them the moment an idea popped up in your mind. Tying them around Satoru's neck, you pulled on em, making him choke. Suddenly, he looked like every man who had wronged you, underestimated you, and molested you. He looked heavenly as he struggled to breathe, and Gojo would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy life slipping out of him just a bit. When he was expecting you to finally take the rod out, you laid him down and positioned yourself on his dick.
You teased yourself with the cold metal end of the rod and slowly sank down Satoru's length. You looked down only to see him blabbering and moaning uncontrollably. His teary blue eyes and instant desperation to rut into you were painted all over his face. He tried thrusting into you, only to feel overwhelmed by the rod. You started bouncing on his cock and playing with your nipples. It would be an understatement to say that Satoru was hypnotized by you. He was enamoured by you. In this moment, you looked like an absolute goddess, and he was ready to lose himself in you. Your walls were gripping onto his length so tightly that he felt lightheaded. You continued grinding on his cock as you reached your orgasm. Getting off immediately to take his cock in your mouth and tease him a bit more.
"Are you my whore, Satoru?", you asked as you squeezed his balls. Had you broken him? Because it looked like he was too far gone. Did he stop working?
"Yes, I'm ya-your wh...whore".
You smirked. It was done. It's easy to break them when they're young, just like they broke you. You bobbed your head on his dick, sucking on his prominent veins and slurping some globs of his semen. Then, all of a sudden, you harshly took out the sounding rod, and with that, Satoru reached his orgasm with a high-pitched moan. But you didn't stop, not yet. You continued sucking on his member, taking in all of his jizz. Without a second thought, you sealed the deal as you spat his cum into his mouth and kissed him deeply. He was yours now, and so was his clan.
"I love you."
As if you didn't know that already. It's okay, though you'll entertain him.
"Yeah, let's do it again. This time, I'll let you breed me."
Part 2
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celtic-crossbow · 9 months
A Sting in the Way You Kiss Me
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Early Alexandria
Warnings: Poorly written, raunchy smut, Dom/sub dynamic, p in v, fingering, oral sex (f & m receiving), prostate stimulation
Summary: You and Daryl take the next step in your relationship. And it’s a big step.
A/N: Lawd, this took forever! I’m not 100% happy with it but happy enough to call it complete. I think I like Sub!Daryl. I’m sleepy now so I’ll proofread and fix errors tomorrow.
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Daryl Dixon made you feel powerful. 
Given his nature, you could never be sure if it was intentional. From day one at the quarry, he was rude, standoffish, and vulgar. You found him difficult to tolerate, but hey, you didn’t get to choose the people with which you had survived an apocalypse. It was a random twist of fate that had brought you all together. Better to just make the best of it. 
So, you did. You made it a priority to get to know everyone in your group, saving the Dixons for last. Merle, you quickly surmised as a lost cause. Women, to him, were meek and fruitless, destined to die without a big strong man to ensure they were protected, fed, and bred like cattle to repopulate the earth. 
You found Daryl to be a tad more reserved. He only offered his opinion—usually loudly and to include several swears—when the conversation revolved around an important topic that would directly affect him or his brother. He otherwise attempted very hard to keep to himself. So when you began to follow him around, he naturally bucked against the idea. Still, you saw potential there and persevered. 
You took an interest in the things he was doing, namely hunting and trapping. He was a skilled tracker and a marksman with his crossbow. You started small, asking how the weapon worked. He had been skeptical and scrutinized you for sincerity, all with a glower in the span of five minutes. It was only uphill from there. 
When Daryl began to teach you his trades, he made sure you learned by doing. His only praise for getting something right was usually a curt nod and a “that’ll do.” By giving you weapons, having you track a buck that would feed the group for days, spear a fish, and skin and clean your own kills, he had put power in your hands. He had single-handedly molded you into a force that could survive in the new world. 
When it came to walkers, Daryl somehow knew things that others didn’t. “S’gotta be the brain! Don’t ya’ll know nothin’?!” You knew. Thanks to him. You had spent a lot of time in the woods, the perfect place to learn how to take down the undead. It was virtually impossible for them to sneak up on you. Too many ways to make noise if you weren’t actively trying to be silent. Once again, a weapon had been placed in your hand and you were thrown to the wolves…erm…walkers. The difference between this and hunting, you noticed, was that Daryl was never too far away with his own weapon ready. He knew how to make you feel independent without wagering your safety. 
The months and tragedies continued to pass slowly, each profound in their own way. Surviving was top priority and to continue to do so as time marched on became more and more of a victory. You lost people and homes, each leaving a mark on your soul that would never be erased, chipping away at your humanity bit by bit. Surprisingly, it was Daryl who kept you grounded. 
By the time you arrived in Alexandria, things between you and the archer had evolved into something just short of a romantic relationship. You had been sharing space with him for months now, falling asleep warm in his arms every night. You would show him affection in front of your friends and, though he scowled and grumbled, he accepted it. Kisses alternated between slow and passionate and long and needy, each accompanied by intimate touches that never seemed to go far enough. 
Today, you had been helping him with the bike Aaron had gifted him to keep him busy. He had shown you back at the prison how to make repairs, along with the correct name and function of each part. He was sitting beside you while you both diagnosed what could be causing the thing to sputter and die randomly. Your eyes were drawn to his muscles when he would tighten a bolt, and more than once, you had caught his gaze roaming up the length of your bare legs until he reached the hem of your shorts and quickly looked away. 
It was becoming a problem. An absolute dilemma that was resulting in a pulsing, wet need between your thighs. You chose to ignore it and focus your energy on the task at hand. Daryl, however, decided that he needed the wrench that just happened to currently reside between your lower thighs. When he reached for it, you were unprepared and reacted instinctively. You smacked the back of his hand before you even realized you had moved. He pulled back the limb with surprising quickness, wide blue eyes zeroing in on the red welt that began to form just below his knuckles. 
“Shit! I’m sorry!” The words tumbled out of your mouth as you grabbed his hand to inspect it yourself. He let you pull it closer even though it meant he had to lean forward awkwardly. Your fingers brushed over the irritated flesh and before you could stop yourself, you pressed your lips to the mark you had left. A chance look from under your lashes showed he still wore the wide eyes, but the brilliant blue was merely a thin ring around his dilated pupils. 
‘Oh.’ Could it really be? You had honestly thought Daryl just wasn’t into sex since the world ended. He had never made a move, never given you any indication that he was waiting for you to make one. Sure, your make-out sessions would get pretty heated, but honestly, things were always too hectic or dangerous for anything more. Maybe, just maybe, now that your family was safe behind the walls here…
You knew Daryl had lovers in the past. It was a topic of conversation once during a night watch before the prison had fallen. Your head was on his shoulder as you recounted — in more detail than he had liked, if his growls and grunts had been anything to go by — your average-size list. When it had been his turn, he hadn’t been as forthcoming as you but you at least surmised that he knew his way around a pussy if ever the opportunity presented itself. 
On a whim, you flipped his hand and let your lips whisper over his wrist next, drawing up your legs to sit on your knees. He still didn’t stop you while you moved up his arm with hot, open-mouthed kisses and kitten licks. Eventually, you needed to skip over his clothed shoulder (for now) and his neck became your next target. He leaned back slightly when you threw a leg over both of his to straddle him, unleashing an onslaught of attention over his carotid pulse. His breath hitched, his palms hovering over your hips but seemingly not yet willing to touch you. You would use that to your advantage at some point. 
Salt, smoke, and earth were mingling on your tongue. “I like how you taste.” You whispered in his ear, smiling against his skin when you felt him shiver. You leaned back to bring your face in front of his, fingers grabbing his chin when he started to look away. “I think we need to go to your room.” He swallowed hard, his Adam's Apple bobbing. 
You stood straight up from where you were on his lap, leaving your feet on either side of his hips and the apex of your thighs directly in front of his face. Once again, he tried to look away. “Don’t.” You ordered before you thought better of it. To your surprise, he stopped short and turned back, even as he scowled from being bossed around. ‘Oh.’ The things he told you without saying a word. “Don’t keep me waiting, Dixon.” You stepped back and then over, swaying your hips more deliberately than usual as you exited the garage. 
You didn’t turn to see if he would follow. If you were reading him right, he would. 
And you were about to have the time of your life. 
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Entering the home you, Daryl, and Carol shared, you passed the staircase that led up to your room and stepped into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. You probably had a good ten minutes before Daryl would stop pacing the front porch and actually come inside. 
Descending the stairs from the kitchen, you opened the basement door and flipped the light switch. Even though you had separate rooms, you spent more time in his room than your own. The things you used most were down there. You slept there. Nothing was really going to change if this happened, right?
Pursing your lips, you shook the thoughts away and placed the water on the nightstand, twisting the switch on the small bedside lamp. After you turned off the overhead light, satisfied with the subtle glow left behind, you grabbed the bottom of your shirt, pausing just before you were going to lift it over your head. No. You’d stay dressed for now. Your boots came off, along with your socks, and you sat on the edge of the mattress and waited. Sure enough, after a little less than ten minutes, you heard the slow, heavy footfalls descending the stairs. 
He must have needed another moment because there was a silent span of about fifteen seconds before the door slowly opened and Daryl entered, already gnawing on his thumbnail. 
“Hi.” You beamed, crossing your legs and leaning back. The bowman nodded minutely, looking so adorably uncomfortable that you came close to calling the whole thing off. You did need to ensure this is what he wanted. If it wasn’t, you could live without it. You had him and he would always be enough. 
When he closed the door and didn’t take another step, you rose to your feet and walked toward him, adding that extra sway to your hips. It was a pleasure in and of itself to watch him watching you. When you were close enough, you started by pushing the open vest off his shoulders, smiling when he dropped his hand from his mouth to let the garment fall from his arms to the floor. 
“Daryl.” You purred his name, and his eyes found yours instantly. “I need you to answer some things for me, and I need you to use words.” You worked at the buttons of his shirt agonizingly slow. “Can you do that for me?” He nodded. You shook your head and tutted. “Words, Dixon.”
“Yeah.” He answered immediately in a quiet tone. 
“Do you want me?” A button came free. 
“Do you know that I want you?” Another. 
“Will you let me be in control tonight?” Your fingers paused when he hesitated. “You don’t have to—”
“Yeah.” He may have hesitated but his answer sounded certain. 
You smiled. “I’m going to give you a safe word. If at any time, you’re uncomfortable or you need or even just want me to stop, do you promise me you will say that word?” Another button opened. You had zero intention of going very far, but it would never hurt to establish rules when you wanted so badly to play with him. And he was letting you. You feared getting carried away in the heat of the moment, and his safety and comfort were the most important thing in the world to you. 
Daryl inhaled sharply and nodded, following quickly with a mumbled “yeah.”
“And if at any time, you can’t speak and want me to stop, will you double tap somewhere on my body to let me know?” 
“Good boy.” You felt his sharp inhale beneath your fingers while you finished with the buttons, opening the shirt but not removing it. You could see a few of his scars like this. Not wanting him to grow self-conscious, you stepped into him, tracing one with a gentle fingertip only to follow with your lips. “You’re beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that?” Daryl shook his head. “Daryl.” 
“No.” He whispered. 
“Well, you are.” You let your finger continue upward to stroke his jaw before abruptly turning away. “First thing’s first.” When you reached the bed, you turned back to him. “The safe word is chupacabra.” A flicker of annoyance was immediate in his eyes. “Say it.” Your tone remained no-nonsense.
“Safe word’s chupacabra.” He drawled, trying not to sneer. 
“And what do you do if you need to stop and you can’t speak?” 
“Tap on ya twice.” The archer replied almost immediately. 
You cocked a brow at him. “Good. I need you to understand that I will never be upset or disappointed if you need things to stop. Ever.”
You smiled at him fondly. “Good. Now, come over here and undress me.” There was that hesitation again as his eyes raked over your body, pausing at every curve just long enough to let you know he was appreciating what he saw. Finally, he stepped toward you. Once he had reached you, he again paused. You let him. He had touched every part of you before through your clothes. This was the first time he would see you bare.
After a few moments, he reached for the bottom of your shirt while you raised your arms above your head. The garment was pulled from you and tossed aside. Your bra wasn’t anything special. Something you had grabbed on a run a few months back; white and at least one cup size too small. You decided to do this part for him, unfastening the clasp at your back and removing the thing yourself. Daryl didn’t seem to mind, his gaze lingering on the newly exposed skin. Men and boobs, a tale as old as time. 
“Shorts.” You stated simply, a smirk firmly plastered on your face when he snapped out his daze and met your eyes. There was a slight tremble to his hands as he reached for the button, his eyes narrowed. You watched him and he watched what he was doing. Button open, he dragged down the zipper, and his eyes flickered up to yours. You gave him a nod. 
His thick fingers dipped inside the waistband at both hips, but just as he started to pull, you interjected. “Panties, too.” You heard the shaky inhale as he adjusted his hold to grip your underwear as well, lowering to one knee as he pulled both garments down your legs. They were quickly shed and kicked to the side and your hand found the top of his head when he made to stand. “I think I like you there.”
Daryl tilted back his head to see you, taking the hint and lowering his other leg so he was fully kneeled. 
“Good boy.” You breathed, feeling a pulse between your legs. You had wanted to do a few other things with him before really jumping into the fun bits but your needy cunt simply would not be denied. The mattress dipped as you sat in front of him, spreading your legs in an obscene display just to gauge his reaction. The blush that crept across his cheeks should have been adorable but only served to stoke your arousal. “Come here, Daryl.” A few feet separated the two of you, so it was only natural for him to assume you wanted him to stand. 
That isn’t what you wanted at all. 
“I didn’t say get up.” 
The archer paused halfway. The look he sent you had you wondering if this was where he would end this game. He’d say ‘fuck this’ and do things his way, pounding into you until you were red and sore and screaming his name through your release. The thought was appealing. 
You arched a brow when he lowered back to his knees, a quiet curse on his lips. Would he do it? The minute he leaned forward to place one palm against the floor, you thought you might cum then and there. Daryl Dixon was crawling toward you because you told him to.  
He stopped just short of your spread knees, one of your legs coming up to rest on his shoulder. He looked over at it but quickly turned back to you. 
“Closer.” As soon as you could, you started digging your heel into his back, urging him onward until his warm breath was wafting over your core. You bit your lip, reminding yourself of the role you were playing. Your first instinct was to beg him to touch you. No, not tonight. He’d have his turn. The thought of Daryl taking charge sent another sharp pang of arousal straight to your center, your cunt clenching around nothing. The way his eyes left your face and focused on the wet mess between your legs confirmed that he had noticed. You had to reel this in if you wanted to continue. Clearing your throat, you placed your other leg across his other shoulder. “I can’t decide if I want to feel your mouth on me or those fingers inside of me.”
You tapped your chin, feigning deep thought. You had every intention of utilizing both of those delicious options. Dropping your hand, you rested back on your elbows. “Let’s see how good you are with your tongue first.” Daryl gave you a look that would have melted your panties clean off had you still been wearing them. Goddamn, he was handsome, even more so when he was showing some confidence. 
Before your mask had a chance to slip, you felt his fingers spread you open but dare not venture between your lips. Blue orbs stayed on you when he leaned in and pressed his tongue flat against you, dragging it from opening to clit before pulling back to repeat it. The second drag ended with the tip swirling around your bundle of nerves. Sparks of pleasure jolted from where he touched you. You could feel it coursing through your veins like lightning, burrowing deep in your lower belly. 
He paid special attention to your clit, taking his sweet time alternating between flicks and swirls of his tongue to gentle sucking to grazing his teeth over it with just enough pressure to make your head fall back and your fingers tangle in his hair. Then he moved down, lapping at your opening with the same attentiveness, the wet slurps and appreciative hums pulling the knot inside you tight. When he dipped his tongue inside, pumping in, out, in and then wiggling it against your inner walls, you were already close to orgasm, panting and pulling against his scalp helplessly. 
He was moving back toward your clit and you knew if he made contact, you would spiral. Not a satisfaction you were ready to relinquish to him. “Stop!” You ordered breathlessly. He almost didn’t, the brat. His breath hit hard against the sensitive nub but he didn’t touch it. “I want your fingers inside me.” You kept your head back, staring at the ceiling. “Nowhere else.” Your climax had receded but it wouldn’t take much to call it back. 
You never had a problem cumming from penetration only, but it took time and effort. It would give you a moment of reprieve to gather yourself and draw this out a little longer. 
Or would it? 
You were wet enough for his middle finger to easily slip inside, the feeling of your walls pulling him in further earning a drawn out moan from somewhere deep in your chest. You raised your head to look down the length of your body. Thank whatever deity that Daryl was watching his digit move in and out of you instead of meeting your eyes. He felt so fucking good. 
Your legs pulled toward you, leaving your ankles balancing on his shoulders and your thighs opening further. You couldn’t fucking help it. “Another.” You demanded and he immediately obliged, drawing his finger nearly all the way out so that his index finger could join the onslaught. “Mmm, so good,” You praised. Your hips began to roll in time with the slow thrusts of his hand, the hot coil that was low in your belly getting tighter and tighter. 
The sounds that filled the room were a testament to just how soaked you were, and they were only becoming more prominent. It was no longer about how long you could keep this up. Your body ached for release, your mind too clouded in a euphoric fog to care. 
“Make me cum.” You looked down again and his eyes met yours as he lowered his head, drawing your clit into his mouth. He sucked the swollen bundle and flicked it with the tip of his tongue, his fingers curling each time they pushed inside of you and tapped that sweet, soft spot that had your toes beginning to curl. 
“Yes, yes, right there. Don’t stop!” And he didn’t. He increased his efforts, humming around your clit. “I’m gonna cum!” You had no more than uttered the words when the coil inside you snapped and released wave after wave of intense pleasure; a wildfire of sensation burning through you while you cried out his name and pinned him against you with your thighs. Daryl didn’t let up, collecting all you offered as your cunt pulsed around his fingers. 
“Shit,” you murmured, your body going limp. Fingers carded through the archer’s hair while he pulled free from within you. He directed the digits toward his lips. “Let me.” The command came out breathless and shaky, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Daryl appeared almost sad that he was losing that last taste of you, but he did as he was told and leaned forward to press his fingertips to your bottom lip. You sucked both digits into your mouth, your eyes fluttering closed. 
Your eyes peeled open to find the bowman watching you intently, those blue pools brimming with desire. You smirked and made a show out of opening your mouth and letting your tongue sweep across his skin, gathering every drop of your nectar. The man looked as if he was going to jump your bones. He was trembling from restraint, among other things, you were quite sure. With a hum, you pulled your mouth away. 
“Stand up.” The authoritative tone was back now that you were focused on a new goal. Daryl blinked, arousal replaced with irritation. His scowl deepened but once again, he obeyed. Rising up onto your elbows, you watched him stand, flexing his fingers at his sides. Using the ball of your foot, you pressed into his groin, against his obvious desire. The archer hissed through his teeth but he dared not move. 
“Take off your clothes, Daryl.”
A smile crept across your face at how quickly he began following that command. His shirt was shrugged off in seconds and you couldn’t even be sure when his boots and socks had been removed, but you pressed your foot into him again when he reached for his belt. He stopped with a grunt. 
If looks could kill, you’d soon be a walker. His hair blew away from his eyes with each hard exhale through his nose. Once again, you wondered if this was where your fun would end. And once again, he surprised you and began to follow your instructions. Your foot fell away once he had worked the belt loose and popped open the button. Your eyes tracked the downfall of the zipper, only barely concealing your excitement. 
His pants fell first and the regret of not demanding he remove those and his boxer- briefs simultaneously was immediate. Though his underwear left very little to the imagination in his current state. You met his eyes for a moment and raised a brow to urge him onward. 
“Don’t get shy on me now, Dixon.” You teased. Moving up onto your knees at the edge of the mattress, you barely waited until the last garment was kicked aside before your hands were on him. You wanted this experience to be positive for him, and while you had so, so much planned for him tonight, taking a moment to just appreciate how stunning he was wouldn’t hurt. Your lips found the skin just above his clavicle, sucking gently. 
“You’re fucking gorgeous.” You whispered before dragging your tongue up the length of his neck to his jaw. “Sometimes, I can’t believe you’re real. And you’re mine.” Your hand wrapped around his cock just as your mouth pressed against his, allowing you to swallow the delicious whimper he offered at the new contact. You kept your grip loose, pumping him at a tortuously slow pace. His mouth fell open and gave you the opportunity to delve inside with your tongue, tangling it with his when he responded to the advance. His breath between the intricate dances of your mouths had begun to pick up, an excellent moment for you to pull away completely. Your cunt clenched in response to the whine he emitted. “Be a good boy and sit down for me.”
Daryl moved a little more slowly now, almost cautiously, watching you when you crawled up to the top of the bed to grab both of your pillows. Your feet met the floor just as he sat down. You circled around to stand in front of him, lifting your foot and wedging it between his knees. “Open up, pretty boy.” The archer snorted quietly as he complied. The pillows fell between his feet with a quiet sound, and then your knees dropped onto them. You wiggled a bit to get comfortable and looked up to find him watching with his head tilted and a dark brow arched. “What? I’m shorter than you.” 
His mouth formed a silent “oh” and he nodded. The adorable moment almost had you forgetting your role, but you were able to rein in your adoration just before the giggle could bubble up. To bring things back into perspective for him, you raised your hand and whispered the tip of your finger along the vein winding up the underside of his cock. There was a choked off sound, his hands balling into fists on his thighs. You splayed open the fingers of the same hand across his chest and gave a gentle push. 
“Lie back.” 
There was a deep, steadying breath and then he did as you ordered. Your fingers laced through his on both hands and moved them to the mattress, out of your way but still within sight. 
“These stay here.” You commanded without a single centimeter of room for argument. You felt him shifting and just knew he was nodding. “Words, baby boy.” You chose that exact moment to wrap your soft palm around the base of his dick. 
“Yes.” He finally answered in a rush of breath. You weren’t certain if he was responding to your words or your touch but decided to forego clarification. He wasn’t going to last long, so you were ready to play with him through that first release. Then your needy cunt could finally get its fill of him. 
“So good for me.” You purred. You pushed yourself away from sitting on your heels, bringing you just where you wanted to be. You released him quickly, rewarded instantly with him rising onto his elbows to see what was happening. The urge to reprimand was forced down. This was your first time with him and his first time allowing this. If he felt better watching, you’d let him. 
For now. 
Palm open, you dragged your tongue from wrist to fingertip, your lustful gaze never leaving his face. The way he watched you sent a surge of wetness dripping from your core. God, you couldn’t wait to fuck him. First thing was first, though. Your hand met his cock again, warm and wet and stroking from base to tip, a twist, and back down. He couldn’t watch you after all. You nearly laughed when he collapsed back onto the mattress with a groan. 
Movement in your peripheral had you looking to find his hands returning to where you had placed them. He must have realized he had moved them when he sat up. As a reward, you pumped him a bit faster. When you saw his chest heaving but heard nothing more than the harsh breaths, you found yourself pouting before remembering the power you had. 
“You’re so quiet, baby. Don’t you wanna let me know that it feels good?” 
He didn’t respond at first, and you wondered briefly if pushing him would be the right thing when he was such a quiet person to begin with. He had taken a lot of shit from you already and this just might be the straw that broke the camel’s back. So, you just moved on with your delectable torture. 
Your pace slowed significantly. There was no time for him to investigate, though. Your lips were immediately wrapping around his tip, sucking lightly and lapping at the opening to gather the sweet little drops of pre-cum. Oh, were you rewarded for that move. 
His fists white-knuckled the sheets, a guttural moan working its way past his lips. It was the absolute sexiest sound you had ever heard in your life. You closed your own eyes in restraint, almost cumming on the spot. You had to keep moving. Sudden pauses might have him second guessing what he had just done and you most certainly did not want that. He needed to make that noise. Often. 
Swirling your tongue around the tip, you pulled him back into the warm cavern of your mouth. This time, your hand slid down the length of him, followed by your lips. He pressed against the back of your throat and had you cursing your gag reflex when you couldn’t hold him there long. It didn’t matter to him, apparently. The simple move had his back arching and his cock twitching against your tongue as you dragged your way back up. 
You bobbed your head several more times, delighted in the way he began to writhe and twist the sheets in his fists. You gave him no warning and pulled off with a wet ‘pop’. There was that whine again that had your nethers pulsing. 
“Look at me.” You ordered with an authoritative edge to your tone. Daryl lifted his head, still panting through parted lips. “I want to try something. I hope it will make you feel good. But I need you to know that if it doesn’t, you can stop me. Remember what I said. I won’t be upset. Okay?” 
He nodded but followed it with a breathless “okay.”
“Such a good boy.” You kissed the weeping tip of his cock, parting your lips to pull him back into your warm wetness. With your hand and mouth stroking him at a steady pace, you knew he was ready to fall apart within moments. His cock began to twitch every few heartbeats. His breathing was uneven and shallow. He was a complete mess and you couldn’t seem to get enough. 
You used your other hand to cup his balls, not remaining there long. They were a marker so you could find just the right spot. Starting at the base of his scrotum, you applied gentle but firm pressure, dragging the pads of your middle and index finger back and forth to massage his perineum, stimulating his prostate from the outside. Every ‘ah, ah, ah’ he fed you in response to the new sensation was a sound straight to your pussy. He definitely liked what you were doing.  
Once again, however, your greedy little cunt couldn’t be ignored, begging to be stretched and filled. You hollowed your cheeks and sucked hard, your mouth squeezing him all the way up and off. Your tongue slithered out to break the string of saliva that stretched from your lips to the head of his dick. “Mmm, I think that’s enough of that, pretty boy.” 
“Y/N.” He whined, keeping his hands right where you had placed them. 
“You’ve been so good for me, baby. Move to the middle of the bed.” He complied in eager yet jerky movements, lust blown eyes on your every move as you followed him up. You stopped with your hot center hovering over his groin. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of me and you.” You lowered, grinding against and soaking his cock with your slick. “I want you inside of me. Would you like that?”
“Yeah.” Daryl reached for you but thought better of it and put his hands back on the mattress. 
“Look at you. Wanting your hands on me so badly.” You moaned as the tip of him slid over your clit, providing the friction you so desperately craved. “But waiting for permission. Would you beg for it? To be inside me?” 
His lips pressed into a thin line. Had you found the limit to how far you could push him? You drove your hips down harder, shifting back and forth, and he pressed his head into the pillow with a hiss. 
“Beg me for it. Beg me because I want it just as badly as you do, but you have to be a good boy.” His heart thudded wildly beneath your palm as you caressed the muscular plane of his chest, his muscles twitching and contracting when you scraped your nails over his abdomen. “Beg and I’ll let you touch me.” You dipped toward him, letting your hard nipples touch his heated skin while your lips sucked at the hollow of his throat. “I want to feel you moving inside me, filling me up, Daryl. Isn’t that what you want?”
You sat up, going completely still. “Then beg.”
You watched as the defiance left his eyes, replaced by pure, unadulterated need. His fingers flexed in the disheveled sheets, his jaw clenching and ticking with how hard he ground his teeth. You smiled as desire beat out pride. 
“Fuck, please, Y/N. Wanna touch ya. Wanna—wanna fuck ya. Need ya bad!” His expression morphed into something akin to desperation. “Please!”
“You can touch me.” 
He didn’t wait, large hands grabbing your hips; spreading his fingers as he dragged calloused palms up your sides to cup your breasts. You couldn’t help the hitch in your breath when he pinched your nipples, rolling them between his fingers. 
“Wanna be inside ya.” He breathed, one hand traveling upward from the swell of your chest. For a moment, you thought he might wrap it around your throat. The thought of him choking you was delicious, sending a warm gush of arousal from your cunt to coat his groin. He groaned and pushed his hips up into you. 
“No.” You breathed. “Be good for me and I’ll give you what you want.”
“M’good—let me fuck ya. Please, Y/N.”
You hummed, more than satisfied, bending forward to drag your tongue from his chin to his lips. He opened eagerly, his own dipping into your mouth to taste you with abandon. You reached between your bodies, keeping your mouths connected, and positioned him at your entrance.
“Let me take care of you, baby.” Every syllable was spoken against his mouth, your cunt stretching around him inch by inch, drawing him into your fluttering, wet walls while you swallowed his desperate groans and panting breaths. “Fuck. You feel so good.” You made sure to move slowly, inch by agonizing inch, taking several heartbeats before you had taken all of him. 
“God, Y/N.”
“I know, baby.” You were so full, stretched nearly to the point of painful but longing to feel him moving within you. He wouldn’t last long, but you wouldn’t either. You lifted your hips, feeling the drag along your insides in such a way that you needed to bite back a cry. “Oh, god, Daryl.” 
His hands settled in a bruising grip on your waist but he didn’t try to move you. You had promised to take care of him and he was letting you. But you couldn’t take it anymore. You began to ride him in earnest, bouncing above him with your head thrown back. 
“Goddamn!” He keened through gritted teeth, his eyes screwed shut. 
“So—so good.” You felt the heat twisting low in your belly, pooling toward your clit while he throbbed within you. “Touch me, Daryl. I wanna cum with you.” His hands squeezed your hips before he brought one of them to where he was splitting you open, sucking in a sharp breath when his fingertips brushed his cock slipping inside you. He barely had the coherence to drag through your slick up to your clit, but the moment the rough pad of his finger pressed against you, you saw stars. 
“M’gonna,” he panted, “gonna cum.”
“Me too.” You leaned forward, shifting into a brutal grind against his pelvis. “Fuck, Daryl!” The logical part of your brain screamed for you to move off of him, that you couldn’t risk him cumming inside you but you were both too far gone. 
Your vision whited out just as you heard him shout your name, his finger pressing against your clit harder than you were sure he meant to, but it was just what you needed: that perfect amount of pain to send you toppling over the edge with him. You barely registered the warmth flooding into you with each pulse of his cock. Or the way his hips jerked up while his hand squeezed your hip so tightly that his fingertips turned white. 
When you could see, could breathe again, his arms were around you and holding you against him while he struggled to catch his breath. 
“Oh my god.” You whispered against his collarbone. You were both covered in sweat, trembling. He was still inside you, drained and softening, when his arms fell away to the mattress. You sat up with a great deal of difficulty, your thighs burning from exertion and your cunt deliciously sore. You’d be feeling this for at least a day or two, and the thought was exhilarating. 
You lifted your leg to move away, feeling the mixture of you and him begin to drip out of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Obviously, he didn’t either, his eyes tracking you until you curled into his side. Sated and tired, you smiled and reached up to brush the damp strands of hair off his forehead, watching his eyelids grow heavier and heavier. 
“I’m gonna get something to clean us up, okay? And then we’re gonna drink some water. Then you can go to sleep.” When he didn’t answer, you turned his head to face you with a gentle touch against his jaw. “Are you okay?” Daryl took a deep breath, almost as if he had forgotten to breathe before it. “Use your words, baby.” You kept your tone soft, no longer playing a role. It was just you and Daryl now.  
“Yeah, m’okay.” He gave you the smallest lopsided smile and you knew he was still floating in that space between reality and euphoria, absolutely fucked out. You couldn’t stifle your chuckle. 
“Alright, just stay awake for just a few more minutes.” You patted his chest and then climbed out of bed to fetch a damp cloth. Daryl struggled but he managed to stay awake. He was silent as you worked, wiping away the mess on both your bodies. The sheets would need washed but that was not a problem you’d solve tonight. “Okay, baby, just drink some water for me and we can go to sleep.” If he had any objections to the pet name being used outside of sex, he didn’t voice them.
It took him a moment and a bit of struggling but he managed to rise up onto one arm, letting you tilt the water bottle to his lips for a few long swallows. Then he collapsed back onto the mattress. You drained the bottle and placed it on the bedside table, climbing out of bed one last time to fetch your pillows. The archer was out by the time you returned only a few short seconds later. 
You grabbed the duvet and pulled it up over both your bodies before curling into his side, smiling when he unconsciously pulled you closer and pressed a sleepy kiss against your forehead. He was done for then, breathing deep and even, sound asleep. 
You watched him until your own eyes could no longer stay open, a muttered “goodnight, pretty boy” before you fell asleep to the thoughts of next time, when he’d be in charge. 
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rainforest-daisies · 8 months
Day 3|shower sex
Character: Daryl Dixon x AFAB!reader
TW: shower sex, manhandling, Daryl finally taking a shower
A/n: “omnomnom” -me eating this one up rn
Kinktober masterlist
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Daryl's hands had been all over you since he got home. He had insisted you stay home and not accompany him on his ‘hunting trip’ that would ‘only take a day or so’, yet, it had been three.
He was covered in dirt and sweat, leaves stuck in the back of his hair from sleeping in a tree, with a desperate need for a shower being dismissed to hold you in his arms once more.
His fingers pulled at your sundress, praying to whoever was above that you weren’t wearing anything under it. Yet, before he could decipher if the prayer was heard, your hands pushed his torso away. “Get these clothes off,” before you could finish your sentence, he replied, “Yes, ma’am.”
“Get these clothes off, so I can wash them. You’ve been wearing them for three days straight.” You finished, spinning around and making your way to the bathroom to start a shower for him. “Lavender or strawberry?”
He let out a quiet grunt of confusion, “what soap scent do you want? You’re taking a shower before we do anything.” He was silent for a moment, until he quietly mumbled out “Lavender.”
You sat on the couch, with an old book almost falling apart in your hands, fully immersed in the storyline, almost so immersed that you almost didn’t hear Daryl call for you from the bathroom. he had asked for you to hand him the shampoo, apparently, he couldn’t reach it on the counter from the shower. You grabbed it and reached to hand it to him, but his hand didn’t grasp onto the shampoo like you expected, it wrapped around your wrist and pulled you into the shower with him.
“Daryl! My dress! It-” Before you could finish, he interrupted you again, but this time with a kiss. His hand met the back of your thigh, swiftly lifting it up to wrap around his waist, whilst pushing you against the cold tile of the shower. He could feel your bare core pressed to his v-line, a quiet groan leaving his lips as he felt you shift against him, grinding yourself down on his lower abdomen. ” I was hopin’ you wouldn’t be wearing anything under this little thing.” He said, gesturing to your now-soaked dress.
Your hands push the dripping hair in your face back, finally seeing Daryl clearly, before moving them to run against Daryl’s clean shoulders.
His hands pulled the straps down your arms, revealing your tits. His big, calloused hand groped one of them, deepening the kiss as his cock throbbed. You could feel him pressed against your bare skin, dress dripping cold water down your standing leg making you shiver.
His thumb began to rub against your clit as he began to slide his cock inside of your already aroused cunt, quietly whimpering as his lips trail to your neck and bites the tender skin. He wasted no time fucking into you, his cock gently hitting your cervix, causing butterflies to erupt in your belly.
“I missed this pussy while I was gone. Couldn’t stop thinkin’ bout’ it.” He was out of breath, each thrust of his hips getting rougher, he physically couldn't slow down, he was too entranced by your hips bucking against his, groaning as he got close to an orgasm. Your moans grew louder as you were on the cusp of your own orgasm, uncontrollably clenching around him, when he suddenly gripped your waist so tightly that there would probably be bruises tomorrow.
He used you, so close to his orgasm that if you clenched him one more time, he would release.
And so, you did.
Your orgasm followed shortly after his, holding him as closely as you could. Even after he pulled out, he still held onto you, heavy breaths huffed on your shoulder.
“Could ya’ pass me the shampoo now?”
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twd-l0ver · 11 months
Late Nights
Daryl x Fem Reader smut
⚠: oral fem!receiving, fingering
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"R'lly couldn't tell" he gruffed out sarcastically. I sighed and looked at him, he stared back at me looking dreamy with the dark sky's light illuminating on him he just looked so sexy.
It's late at night and I keep twisting and turning trying not to wake Daryl up. "hmphh, this is so annoying" I whispered frustrated. "W'll yea' quit yer movin" "I'm sorry Daryl I can't sleep" I say sighing dramatically
"W'tcha starin at me like tha' for got something on my face" he brought his hand up to wipe his face, I reached up and grabbed it "no you don't" I said as I giggled. "You just look so-" I stopped my self as I couldn't find the word. "So wha' " he asked curiously.
"so alluring" I say as I reach up to cup his face and kiss him passionately, as our tongues were sliding against each other's slow but rough he grabs me by my hips and sits me on his lap, my hands dragging along his back up to his hair pulling slightly releasing a groan from him I start grinding down onto him. I let out a soft moan into his mouth as he grabs my ass.
I release the kiss to take of my shirt having no bra underneath. He kisses down my neck as his hands explore my body he wraps his arms around my waist and flips us over. I release a small gasp. He starts attacking my neck kissing and sucking on it leaving lovebites as he goes down slowly as he reaches my breast he sucks so softly but so great he reaches over and massages my other breast I feel myself becoming wetter as the seconds go by, I release a soft moan.
"Tha' feel good baby" he mumbled against my nipple making me shudder. "Oh my god yes" he released my breast with a pop and does the same to the other. He continues to kiss down my body, as I shudder at every kiss as he reaches my core. Pulling down my underwear.
He spreads open my legs settling between my thighs hooking one of my legs on his shoulder, as he kisses my clit and I moan softly. He brings his fingers to my pussy feeling how wet I am "damn baby all this for me" "y-yes all for you" he shoves in two fingers stretching my hole and slowly starts feasting at my cunt, my back arches and I let out a loud moan not caring who hears me.
My hand reaches down and intertwines with his brown locks. He sucks at my clit as he fucks me with his fingers curling them reaching my g-spot. He licks up and down my slit slurping up my juices. He adds a third finger and mind goes fuzzy "ohh fuck DARYL!!"
All I hear is him slurping up my juices and my moans. My hips buck up into his face as he nibbled on my clit "oh m- nghh fuck!" My thighs start closing around his head he opens them back up with his elbow. My legs start shaking and my eyes roll back I start clenching down on his fingers "Daryl I don't think-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before I came. He took out his fingers and lapped up my cum.
I started squirming feeling overstimulated he held me down by my hips "mmm yea' taste good, you still got another in yea' ?" As soon as he finished his sentence he started rubbing at my clit fastly. "UNGHH" I tried pushing his hand away as it was no use because suddenly my body felt like it was sent to oblivion as I squirted, my juices going all over his face and the bedsheets. He kissed my thighs as I came down from my orgasm breathing heavily.
My eyes were getting heavy, he came up and kissed my face bringing me close to his body covering us both up with the blanket "how ya feelin' sunshine" he said slight smirk on his face "tired, thank you Daryl, I love you" I said as I kissed his chest "I love yea' too" that was the last thing I heard as I fell into a deep slumber.
SOOO WHAT DO YALL THINK 😭 this is my first fanfic and my first time writing smut 😫💗
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lazyneonrabbitt · 3 months
MarchWeres NSFW prompt
Body Worship
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Daryl Dixon x Reader | Slight smut 🔞
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Even after all the time you spent at his side since meeting each other in Alexandria, Daryl still felt insecure around you in private. He had such a hard time control of himself that he barely dared to get intimate with you unless there was not sven a sliver of the moon visible during the night.
You fell in love with his human self before learning about his other half.
You never left him, even after he scared you by suddenly shifting into his beast shape to save your life. But still his heart raced and a cold sweat broke out whenever you tried to be intimate with him. His mind would flash with images of you meeting a violent end by his claws.
You could feel the tremble in his body as he laid turned away from you after his claws and fangs came in uninvited and he got scared.
"Daryl? Hey, please look at me." You went to wrap an arm around him and pushed through this time, not pulling back as he twitched and tried to hide away at your touch. "Nahw. Bad idea."
His voice held a tone that told you he really did have a hard time keeping his other form at bay. He was fighting it with all he had, if he redirected his attention to you he'd change.
"I'm not scared." Your hand trailed from his arm up to his shoulder and neck, stopping only to scratch at his beard.
Daryl couldn't help but let out a content growl at the touch but quickly curling even further into himself when he realized.
You weren't having this tonight. You were going to love him in whatever shape he'd end up in. Using all your strength you managed to roll him back enough for you to entirely straddle him, taking the blanket off his top half with it.
There was panic in his bright blue eyes, his partially agape mouth showing sharp teeth. You chose to ignore it all and grabbed at his meaty chest and side. All those years settled in the community as it was now did his body good. "You have no idea how pretty you are." You pawed at his chest and stomach, feeling the muscles tense even under the healthy layer of fat that built up over the years.
When you reached back to squeeze at his thighs he groaned at the roll of your hips. The tent in his boxers was clear as day, pressing against your core. You were sure if you kept grinding on him just a little longer he'd be done for, but you weren't going to.
You leaned back down to trail kisses over every scar on his body, starting at the one over his eye, "I'm the luckiest woman alive, having you at my side." and moving down with each kiss. "My big, strong protector." By the time you reached the waistband of his boxers Daryl was a growling, panting mess underneath you. "Let go. I'm not scared."
You kneaded at his hips and mouthed at his still clothed cock, nuzzling against the muscle and feeling him twitch against you and with a buck of his hips and a long winded growl he came undone.
His growling didn't stop. He had lost focus and you were getting what you wanted.
His growling over time changed to scared, low whines when he was close to being fully turned, curled into himself again and keeping his claws tucked away under him. He almost looked small, despite taking up over half of the bed.
"Daryl?" He raised his brows at the call of his name, looking up at you with sad eyes. You watched his eyes trail over your body before moving back up. "Hey, look at you. My handsome beast." You went to rest your hand in his fur but he flinched at your touch again. Still you kept your arm outstretched and placed your fingers at the side of his jaw, softly carressing his cheek.
"I love your grey fur, you old man." You giggled at your own words, leaning closer to him and press a kiss between his ears. "Will you roll over for me?" Your hands roamed each part of his body you could reach, but he still shook his head in denial.
You kept running your hands over him, dkwn his arms to finally grab at one of his paws and pulling it from underneath him. He had stopped resisting, you realized. "My, what big paws you have.." You smiled and pressed your thumbs into his pawpads, feeling the rough skin underneath your soft fingers.
Daryl finally moved on his own and sat to shake out his fur, gaining even more mass now that his scruff wasn't flat against his skin anymore. Now you got to have a good look at him for the first time. No fights to be had or people to be saved. Just the two of you in the safety of your home.
"You're so pretty like this, Daryl." With your hands on his cheeks you reached up to kiss his snout, then the side of his mouth and his jaw before burying your face in his neck. You could pinpoint the exact spot of the little X that adorned his skin even with fur covering his body and playfully bit at the spot, earning you a satisfied noise thst made you press yourself against him entirely.
Two large clawed hands grabbed you at your waist, easily encasing your lower torso entirely as he let himself roll onto his back with you on top of him.
You felt the swell of his knot press against you but decided to ignore it for now. Now wasn't about having sex with him, now was for showing how much you loved him in all of his forms.
"Are you finally agreeing with me here, Dixon?" You sat up on his stomach that even in this form kept the soft protective layer over his strong muscles. "Yeah, you are! You big softie." Ruffling his chest fur and laughing softly at his dismissive grumbles must have been the highlight of his evening. Daryl had kept this side of him strictly for combat, always believing you didn't really want him this way. Believe you preffered his human side and he couldn't even give you that most of the time.
But yet here you sat on top of his large, monstous form with a smile on your face and the clear scent of arousal coming off you.
Only now, with your hands trailing each mark on mis body with your fingers, pointing out each little detail that you loved about him he felt like a dumbass for never seeing your point of view before.
"I like these." You said softly, fingers gently brushing over blackened bits of fur where his tattoos were. "Do you think they're still there if I'd shave your fur?" The growl he let out was a clear answer to your suggestion. You were never finding out, and that was okay. You laid back down on top of him and kissed his cheek.
"I love you, Daryl. All of you."
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optimist-pine · 4 months
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Animal death
Summary: Daryl watches you hunt and he's left with a question he can't answer.
Era: Season 2, the farm
A/n: Haha this was supposed to be fluff under the title Archer. It's flangst now... Whoopsie.
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     Daryl doesn't know what drives him to do it. Maybe it's simply boredom. More likely though, it's his growing desire to learn - to study you, study your technique. Maybe he's already impressed and all that's left is to see you in action.
     That's how he finds himself following you into the woods on this freshly arrived morning. He keeps his distance but it's not very difficult to keep track of you, your pace and direction consistent and reliable. When you do stop he finds himself watching with rapt attention.
     The way you wait is as reverent as a prayer. Your stance never shifting, arms steady and strong, posture perfect. Images of those ancient marble sculptures cross his mind, their bodies crafted into fine-tuned instruments. If he didn't know better, he'd say that the forest has gone still; nothing - not even the breeze - makes a move. The world has gone quiet, like even the animals are holding their breath.
     Then your arrow flies and the earth returns to life in full force, that is, everything except for one rabbit who has become quite still. Your arrow has pierced its eye with extreme precision, but he's not surprised. Every piece of game you've ever brought back has been taken down that exact same way.
     You collect the rabbit, removing and cleaning your arrow before continuing on deeper into the woods. Daryl doesn't mean to follow, but something spurs him onward. He's never really cared much for art, but if that's what you are, call him a damn aficionado. He's fascinated. 
     It takes a little while, but you suddenly pause. He spots the reason why - a large gray squirrel clings to the bark of a nearby tree, tail twitching. You take aim, graceful and smooth. But then, like last time, you hold your stance for one breath, then a second, and suddenly the squirrel quirks its head and bolts. He expects you to show at least some disappointment, but you simply let down your bow and continue on.
     This happens a few more times; you find your prey, ready your bow, and then wait. Sometimes you loose your arrow and other times you practically allow the animal to get away. This time you have your aim trained on a rather large rabbit, probably a buck. It turns, ready to run, and Daryl can tell you aren't going to shoot this one, so he does. As soon as his bolt hits its target your entire body pivots.
     He immediately finds himself at the business end of your bow, but the sharpness of your glare currently feels like the larger threat. "Are you following me?" You ask, lowering your weapon. The glare remains, although it seems to be softening.
     You'll know he's lying if he says he isn't, but he doesn't want to admit that he is. "Why d'yuh wait, when ya got'um in your sights?" He blurts out.
     You place the arrow back in your quiver with a sigh. "You are following me."
     "Jus' curious." He shrugs.
     You look up to the sky. "Dunno... Don't like killing things." Your gaze lands on the dead rabbit laying a little ways away. "Figure I'll give 'em one last chance to keep on livin'."
     He lets out a snort. Hunting is a way to secure a meal, not some moralistic nonsense. "So, yer like a damn fairytale princess or somethin'?" He asks. "Bes' friends wi'the woodland creatures an'all that?" He waves his hands around for emphasis.
     Your face hardens. "It'd be different if we really needed the food." You say sternly, turning to stalk away, back towards the farm. He grabs the now-joined rabbit and bolt and jogs after you, but you're moving at a surprisingly quick clip, dodging branches and roots with ease.
     When he's nearly caught up, you stop suddenly and he barely avoids plowing straight into you. You whip around to face him and he instinctively takes a step back. But you're not angry, at least not in the way that he was expecting. He'd been prepared for a slap in the face, not the deep sadness in your eyes. "Feels like some sorta mercy I guess." You say quietly.
     He doesn't feel bad about what he said, but your answer catches him off guard. The world is as cruel and as harsh as it's ever been. It doesn't care who lives and who dies, and it sure as hell isn't handing out second chances. "Not much'a that goin' around righ' now." He replies solemnly.
     "I don't wanna turn into someone who loses that." Your voice is soft and almost pleading and it pulls at something buried within him.
     With a jolt he's thrown into his own past. He knows what that loss does to a person, how much of his life he's spent terrified of becoming that. You're beginning to make a little more sense now. "Yuh, won't." He assures.
     As time passes, when you do desperately need the food and mercy is barely a reality, Daryl finds himself fighting to protect yours. When the two of you hunt, he insists you take point, that you stick to the way you did things that day at the farm. He'll be right behind you, your backup, he'll do what you shouldn't have to. That part of you - that's something that can't afford to ever be lost. He'll do everything in his power to see to that.
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hutchersonsgurl · 5 months
I ain't taking no damn bath - Daryl Dixon
Paring x female reader and Daryl Dixon
Era Alexandria
Word count :
Warning 18+ MDNI. Smut warning
Synopsis you and Daryl are a couple and you are trying to get him to take a bath
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You just got back home from working and you see your man Daryl sitting on the porch eating some food
"About time you came home I was about to come hunt you down, sweetheart," Daryl says
"You of all people should know I'll always come home to you Daddy," you say kissing his cheek
"But one question when's the last time you took a bath? " you ask raising an eyebrow at Daryl
"You really should go wash up babe," you say with a smile
"I ain't taking a damn bath I'm good plus I'm finishing my food" Daryl responds back leaning back against the chair with his legs spread out
"Well how about this how about we go take a shower together?" You say kneeling down in front of him
Daryl stays quit for a moment and continues to eat to buy himself time
"Your loss " you says as you walk away swinging your hips knowing it will get his attention
"Second thought I'm comin'," Daryl says in a huff coming inside the house the two of you shared
you walk into the house to see dog lying on the couch you walk over to him and give him a kiss on his head
"don't worry boy your daddy is finally gonna take a bath," you say giving him one final kiss
"heh funny now come on get your ass in there," Daryl says slapping your ass
the two of you walk into the bathroom and you start the shower you turn around, and He is covered in dirt and sweat, leaves stuck in the back of his hair you have no idea how they got there but he still looks good
you turn around to pull up your shirt over your head he helps you take it off he kisses both of your shoulder blades softly
you turn around and tug at his pants undoing his belt “Get these clothes off,” you say before you can even finish the sentence he replies 'whatever my girl wants" he says with a smirk the both of you get your clothes off, and throw them on the floor and enter the shower together you feel the hot water going down your face letting out a soft moan" oh my that feels better" you say brushing your hands through your hair daryl turns you around hard and slams his lips into yours you instantly melt into him his hand met your thigh, swiftly lifting it up to wrap around his waist, whilst pushing you against the cold tile of the shower. He could feel your bare body pressed to his v-line, a quiet groan leaving his lips as you shifted against him, grinding yourself down on his lower
Your hands push the dripping hair in your face back, finally seeing Daryl clearly, before moving them to run against Daryl’s clean shoulders. his hands slide down towards your tits groped one of them, deepening the kiss as his cock throbbed. You could feel him pressed against your bare skin, dripping cold water down your standing leg making you shiver.
His thumb began to rub against your clit as he began to slide his cock inside of your already aroused cunt, quietly whimpering as his lips trail to your neck and bites the tender skin. He wasted no time fucking into you, his cock gently hitting your cervix, causing butterflies to erupt in your belly.
"This is the only way i'll get clean" he says with a smirk He was out of breath, each thrust of his hips getting rougher, he physically couldn't slow down, he was too entranced by your hips bucking against his, groaning as he got close to an orgasm. Your moans grew louder as you were on the cusp of your own orgasm, uncontrollably clenching around him, when he suddenly gripped your waist so tightly that there would probably be bruises tomorrow. but you don't care about that '"This is the only way i'll get clean" he says with a smirk He was out of breath, each thrust of his hips getting rougher, he physically couldn't slow down, he was too entranced by your hips bucking against his, groaning as he got close to an orgasm. Your moans grew louder as you were on the cusp of your own orgasm, uncontrollably clenching around him, when he suddenly gripped your waist so tightly that there would probably be bruises tomorrow. but you don't care about that
He kept fucking you too he had his orgasm you clenched into him as he did you soon orgasmed after him
he turned around and got the shampoo " Now let's get you cleaned up" he said as he gave you one more kiss on your lips
This took so long to write lol but now this got me thinking about mr dixon all over again
No edits
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thehomeofduck · 1 year
Curse of the Fold | Chapter 11
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Rating: Explicit (Violence, Sexual Content) Pairing: Daryl/Buck, M/M, Canon/OC
Wattpad || AO3 [Masterlist] || [Prev] || [Next]
January 11th, 2011
It all went to shit, everything we had, food, water, shelter, a community. Just fucking gone now. I don't know where the others are. I got out with Beth and Daryl. Dutch is still okay too, but I'm worried about putting strain on him when we don't have an easy water supply.
We traveled the rest of the day, and we're set up in the woods now. None of us want to sleep in case walkers come. And I'm honestly still shaken up from it all. I was so close to death. They say near-death experiences are peaceful; it wasn't. All I felt was fear and adrenaline, even in a world like this where death would be nice, to not deal with all of this. I still felt afraid that I needed to survive. Maybe I'm supposed to survive?
The small fire crackled in front of us all as we sat in front of it. Hoping it'd help with the cold that hit our skin. We weren't the most covered. I folded my journal and put it away. Watching as Beth stared toward Daryl.
"We should do something." She spoke. "We aren't the only survivors. We can't be. Rick, Michonne, they could be out here." Daryl raised his head to look at her more. "Maggie and Glenn could have made it out of A block." She looked in desperation at Daryl, hoping for some sort of response.
I opened my mouth to speak, but she interrupted. "You're a tracker. You can track. The sun will be up soon. If we head out now, we can.." Daryl only looked back down at the fire below. "Fine, if you won't track, I will." She walked past us, grabbing a knife before storming off.
I sighed, standing up to grab my bag. "We should go after her." Without another word, Daryl stood, kicking dirt onto the fire to put it out. We grabbed our stuff and followed after Beth.
January 12th, 2011
I don't know how long we walked, but it was until the sun rose over us. We came across footprints that just lead to walkers and it followed the trail out to a railway. Walkers had been hunched over on the side, eating those who had recently died. Blood lay out over the ground, tattered with discarded organs. It was a bittersweet scene. They no longer had to suffer, but they had died from being eaten alive.
Was I growing used to it all? I didn't feel much when I saw it. It was sad, but we've been surrounded by so much death the past few weeks. Walkers used to be people and eventually more people will become walkers; everyone turns.
It feels like we’re on the run. Every time we settle; we only have a bit of time before Beth wants us to keep going.
Thunder boomed around us as we ran out from the bushes and right into a car. Beth ran around to try starting it as Daryl and I kept on lookout. Walkers groaned from around us. I gave a quick pat to Dutch, shooing him off before they would get too close.
"Come on." Daryl waved to Beth as they ran around to the trunk. No room for me. I climbed into the driver's seat, closed the door and made sure each was locked before I climbed to the backseat, managing to fit myself onto the floorboards of the car. I heard the trunk of the car shut and then there was silence. They got in okay.
The growls and groans of walkers became louder as they circled the car. Banging and clawing at the hunk of metal we hid in. Thunder boomed louder, almost drowning out the walkers. The rain fell harder, soaking everything around us. And the car suddenly began to jostle, moving from the weight and desperation of the walkers. My nails dug into the seat in panic. I could feel my body shake as I tried to calm down. 
I focused on the sound of the rain and the thunder. Its loud cracks didn't scare me, the hard downpour of rain didn't scare me. I loved thunderstorms. Despite their rage that ripped through mother nature, they always calmed me. It was easy to fall asleep too. And I tried to find comfort in the storm that surrounded me. It had been so long since I last heard one.
My eyes closed, but I hadn't slept. It only felt like a bit before I heard the trunk open. My eyes opened to daylight from the windows, and silence. I sat up, squirming out of the seats to get a good look outside. It really was day. The movement of the car signaling me that the others were out. Climbing out, I quickly followed.
"You okay?" Beth asked. 
"Yea. Yea. I'm alright." I swallowed, my throat dry. I tried to come off as okay but, admittedly, my voice shook.
We took the undisturbed time to gather what we could from the car. I worked on the inside despite just getting out from the death trap. It was mostly empty from scavengers, nothing but trash. 
I climbed back out, the two looking at me with bags in hand. I brought my fingers to my lips, giving a sharp whistle.
"Think your stupid horse is gonna come?" Daryl looked around as there was no sign of Dutch.
I ignored the statement, giving another whistle after a second. Looking behind us, I saw Dutch trot up to us all, still a bit wet and dirty from the storm before. "He's smarter than you." I gave a smile to Daryl.
I heard a giggle from Beth before I took the bags from the two, attaching them to Dutch's saddle. Daryl walked away before I could even finish. He was doing the thing again. Acting cold and heartless. He's barely spoken. But with everything that had happened before, it had to be on his mind. He didn't deal with it all like Beth and I had. I didn't want to push him. 
As the day grew on, we decided to set up again, get what we could before it was too late. We found a secluded spot, and I helped Beth set up the perimeters. She started a fire while I used junk from the car to set up traps around us. If walkers hit them, it'd clatter together and make noise.
Daryl had come back with a snake, skinning it and cooking it for us. Wasn't the best taste, but it was food. He was still quiet, focusing on anything but Beth and I. Talking to him was like talking to a brick wall though. 
I ate what I could and Beth picked at the last pieces of her own, looking between Daryl and I.
"I need a drink." She spoke up. I watched as Daryl picked up a bottle, throwing it in her direction. "No, I mean a real drink. As in alcohol. I've never had one. 'Cause of my dad, but he's not exactly around anymore, so." 
"We don't have any on us. How old are you, anyway?" I responded, knowing Daryl wasn't going to.
"Eighteen, and I thought we could go find some." Beth looked to Daryl. My eyes followed, and there was no response from him. "Okay.." She stood, "well, enjoy your snake jerky." A bit of a tremble in her voice, she grabbed a knife that stuck up from a log, walking away.
I let out a sigh, looking at Daryl, "Maybe you could say something once in a while too." Putting down the rest of the cooked snake, I wiped my hands off as I stood to follow her. I heard Daryl grunt, standing to follow behind me. 
I led us down to where Beth had walked and the closer we followed, the louder walkers got. We both slowed down, sneaking forward to not draw attention to us. I spotted the blonde hair of Beth and nudged Daryl to notify him silently. Moving closer, a twig snapped under our feet, causing Beth to whip around to stare at us. She sighed in relief. Daryl didn't speak, just turning back around to walk away.
"Come on." I gave her a reassuring smile, and we both followed Daryl. Ducking through bushes and stepping over logs.
"I think we made it a way. I'm pretty sure we have to go that way to find booze." Beth trailed off as she ran into a line of junk, making it clang together. Daryl led us back to camp.
"What the hell? You brought me back?" She looked towards me, almost with a look of betrayal laid in her eyes. "I'm not staying in this suck-ass camp."
"You're gonna get yourself killed." I sided with Daryl. The more we ran around, the more of a risk it was. Especially when she's alone.
"You're not my dad, not like you did anything to help him, anyway!" She yelled, her hand raising to flip me off. I looked away, feeling a pain in my chest and the memories of it. I heard Daryl yell something back at her.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you two feel anything?" She panted, wound up. "Yea, you think everything's screwed. I guess that's a feeling. So you want to spend the rest of our lives staring into a fire and eating mud snakes? Screw that." She spit. 
I didn't think before I spoke; the word slipping out. "Rattlesnake," I mumbled.
Beth sighed, looking at us with disbelief. "We might as well do something. I can take care of myself and I'm gonna get a damn drink." She was dead set on it. She turned away from us, walking away.
There was silence again before Daryl looked at me. "Come on." He started packing our stuff up and I followed, grabbing Dutch's lead as we followed Beth's tracks once again.
We found her not far and followed her out to an open field. I took in the setting in front of me. The grass was overgrown and there were small spots of sand everywhere; and a golf cart that lay on its side. There was a building within the distance; it looked big and a bit fancy.
"Golfers like to booze it up, right?" Beth asked, turning to us. I only shrugged as we moved on.
We walked up to what appeared to be the entrance. The place looked old and ruined, had been left like this for quite a while. 
"Might be people inside." Beth walked up the stairs while Daryl followed. I let go of Dutch's lead, following them up. A walker lay dead on the porch. Daryl checked it for anything while Beth rattled the doors; locked.
We circled the building until we found another door. Daryl walked up the steps, slowly opening the unlocked doors before peeking in. He waved Beth and me in, shutting the door behind us. The place looked completely trashed, clothes and junk thrown about and clotheslines set up with strings of clothes attached. Old newspapers and sheets were plastered across the windows, letting very little light in. 
Walkers groaned as we wandered in further until I saw feet. I slowed down, looking up to see three walkers hanging from ropes attached to the ceiling. I heard a click before a light was shined onto the walkers from a flashlight Daryl found. 
"Christ.." I muttered, staring up at them as I lowered my gun. I walked closer, looking below to see more dead walkers scattered around. Daryl moved on as I looked around the walkers, hearing him shuffle stuff around before a banging was heard from behind us. 
"Come on." Daryl urged us further, and I followed them through double doors. Daryl slammed them shut behind us before we were surrounded by darkness.
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carlsdarling · 10 months
Carl x reader smut where both have a breeding kink
Breed me, Carl
Y/N and Carl share a breeding kink... Minimal plot, then sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw, unprotected sex
You and Carl sat snuggled together in the back seat of the car, with Michonne driving. You had been on a supply run, but hadn't found anything much, so it was decided to head back to Alexandria early. You felt Carl's hand on your knee and pressed even closer to him, kissing him on the cheek. "Shall we go to my room when we get home?" he asked in a low voice.
You giggled. "Why not?"
Daryl in the passenger seat had overheard and rolled his eyes meaningfully. "You guys better use protection. I don't want another little asskicker around here."
When the door closed behind you both a little later you started kissing heatedly. You fumbled frantically with Carl's belt and the buttons of his jeans until he was standing in front of you with his pants down and you could finally stroke his cock, which you would have preferred to do while still in the car. He immediately started moaning and bucking his hips. His tip was just perfectly shaped and slightly thicker than his shaft, Carl was always able to give you excellent pleasure with it. You teetered over to his bed, tearing off the rest of your clothes. Carl knew how much you were into him licking and sucking on your nipples, so he did that first until you were completely wanting and endlessly horny. On Carl's nightstand, as always, was a box with condoms.
"Is it safe today?" he asked hopefully, looking at you with his eyes glazed with lust. His cheeks were delightfully flushed, his rosy lips slightly parted.
You were keeping an accurate track on your periods, so that you could always determine the most and least fertile days. Because Carl and you both loved nothing more than having sex condom-free. The sensation of feeling each other bare was beyond compare. So you let Carl go raw, whenever the calendar would allow it. (If Rick or Michonne ever found out about it, they'd probably chop Carl's head off.)
Besides, you both found the thought of breeding highly arousing, even if you didn't really want to risk pregnancy. The breeding kink was one thing you and Carl shared. You loved it when Carl squirted inside you, hot and horny, and how his cum slowly oozed out of you afterwards, even hours later. How it looked, smelled, and felt. Walking around Alexandria, among all the people, and feeling Carl's jizz gradually dripping out of your pussy and staining your panties, a dirty and forbidden and horny little secret. To be the girl who was fucked by Carl Grimes and smelled of him and had his cum all over her.
Carl's face flushed with delight when he heard the good news. "Breed me, Carl," you moaned and lay down on the bed in front of him, legs spread wide, presenting yourself to him. You both liked the missionary position best because you could look at each other, kiss and caress while fucking. And for other reasons.
Carl penetrated your hot, wet pussy, it was so intense, he filled you completely. "You're so tight," he gasped, and began thrusting eagerly. You stroked his slender hips and firm buttocks, feeling his muscles working as he railed you passionately. He paused, not wanting to cum too early.
"Carl, I love you so much, keep going," you murmured, trembling with arousal.
Slowly he continued his movements. "I'm already cumming , sorry," he gasped a moment later.
"Never mind, me too," you assured him.
Carl propped himself up on his hands, and you both looked down as he started cumming hard now, sliding his cock out for a moment so that you could see the cum squirting out of his reddened, wet tip in bursts; it was sticky, hot, and Carl ejaculated a large amount, thrusting into your pussy again and again, then pulling it out once more. "I'm still squirting," he moaned, shooting the rest of his load on your belly. Afterwards, exhausted, you two lay together and kissed tenderly. "Let me see," Carl asked a moment later as you got up to go to the bathroom. You stood in front of the bed, and Carl made you spread your legs slightly because he wanted to watch his cum dripping out of you and running down the inside of your thigh. "I really have the hots for you when you're covered in my cum," he whispered, licking it off.
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schizophrynia · 4 months
DARYL DIXON — his imagination
daryl dixon x afab gender neutral reader
nsfw, fluff
wc: 412
summary: you called him a pretty boy and that's simply too much for his heart, and body, to handle.
era: season four, pre-governor arc two
author note: i'm reposting my old works after editing and revising them so i hope this is better :)
warnings: moaning, his lewd and perverted fantasies, edging, submissive? daryl
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daryl tightened his grip on his cock at the thought of you, little whines threatening to escape his trembling lips. he had been going at this for nearly a half hour, cruelly edging himself on the lower bunk of your shared prison cell. he couldn’t help himself. not when you teasingly flirted with him so frequently. at this point, he wasn’t even sure you were aware of it. perhaps you were just friendly and flirtatious with everybody. but whenever you complimented the way his hair framed his worn face or whenever you looked at him with such soft eyes, he often found his pants tightening.
it happened again today. you called him a pretty boy, unknowingly stirring these fervid feelings again. It was torture for him, having always to sneak away to touch himself in ways he could only dream you would. he’d softly rub at his throbbing tip, teasing himself beyond a torturous ache. and then, only when his tip drooled with precum, would he finally give in and pump his cock the way his body begged him to.
he imagined your warm breasts bouncing as he made sickeningly sweet love to you. he dribbled more precum onto his happy trail as he thought about your wet juices coating his cock. he instinctively bucked his hips up into his calloused fist, imagining getting to watch as your tight walls swallowed and clenched around him. he melted at the imagined whimpers you would make from him circling your clit in tight circles. he imagined the soft, breathy warning of your approaching orgasm. one more throb as he imagined the way you would throw your head back in pleasure, riding out your orgasm, uncontrollably clenching around him.
that threw him over the edge, clouding his vision in a thick haze. his whole body convulsed as thick white ropes jumped from his twitching girth. desperate dirty nails clawed at thin, cotton bedsheets, searching for anything to brace himself with. shallow breaths came left his dry, cracked lips erratically, calming the euphoria. a warmer flood of blood rushed to his cheeks. and now came the embarrassment.
he knew he couldn’t have you, yet he still imagined you in all of the lewd, perverted ways he had. and if you ever knew, you wouldn’t speak to him again. throwing an exhausted and sore arm over his head, he tried to ignore the rising guilt that would scold him for the rest of the humid night.
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celtic-crossbow · 9 months
Uh-Oh, There Was a Monster in My Bed
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Anytime, really
Warnings: Poorly written smut, p in v, hand job, edging, blindfold, choking
Summary: Sometimes, he was your good boy.
A/N: Help! I’ve fallen for subby Daryl and I can’t get up. I’ll check this for errors later. Also, I think I finally managed a drabble!!
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“It’s okay, you can handle a little more, can’t you?” Your praise was met with a guttural moan, the muscles under your fingertips spasming before you lifted your hand from his thigh. Your palm traveled up the planes of his stomach and chest before slender fingers squeezed his throat. His hips bucked, cock twitching in your grasp. “You’re such a good boy for me.” Each stroke was torturously slow, leaving him almost whimpering and ready to beg for more friction. 
You released his neck and let your fingers crawl up to the blindfold, caressing the part of the cloth that lay over his temple. The idea had initially made him anxious, but Daryl trusted you. You established a safe word, but to his credit, he had not used it. And you had been torturing him for over an hour. 
Your index finger was in his mouth now, pressing on his tongue while you delighted in the sounds he offered at each stroke of your hand. Rising from your knees, you released his tongue and perched your naked cunt on his thigh, grinding against his jeans to seek some relief for yourself. You had only removed his shirt and opened his pants, a decision you were now regretting. Not much you could do with him tied to the chair, though. 
“Y/N.” He groaned, his head falling back, each breath a sharp pant. You answered with a hum, closing your lips around his nipple. “I—I need—”
“Not yet.” 
He bucked again with a whine. Dragging your thumb over his tip to collect the liquid there, you licked your lips when your next strokes sounded wet and sinful. You yourself had nearly had enough and released him, lifting off his thigh. His head dropped forward and angled to the side, listening to your movements. 
You threw a leg over him, sinking onto his length without warning, your velvet heat causing him to twitch. “Don’t you dare.” You warned, giving him no time before both hands roughly grabbed his hair and wrenched back his head. He somehow managed to refrain, breathing harshly through his nose. The pace you set was brutal, bouncing up and down with abandon to chase your own high. 
“Y/N—Y/N, please—” He begged through clenched teeth. He was barely hanging on. 
“Tell me what you want, baby.” Your fingers twisted in his mane, earning a high-pitched keening noise. 
“I need—lemme cum.” 
You offered another hum, swallowing his moan with a rough kiss. “My good boy needs to cum?” One hand fell to his shoulder to help you balance, your thighs beginning to burn. 
“Fuck. Yes, please.”
“I love it when you beg.” Your words whispered against the skin just below his ear, your teeth finding his pulse to nibble on the flesh there. You felt the fire building in the pit of your own stomach, your walls fluttering around him as the familiar tingle began to race out through your veins. “Alright, Daryl. You can cum.” You almost didn’t make it to the last word, your orgrasm crashing over you. Your pace slowed but didn’t cease, coaxing him to the precipice so you could force your eyes open to watch him fall apart. He writhed in the chair, mouth hanging open while his muscles twitched and flexed. Warmth flooded within you, the contractions of your cunt milking the most delicious sounds from him while his seed filled you. 
“That’s my good boy.” You rocked atop him gently, drawing out both of your highs until you were oversensitive. Once you had stilled, you smiled and kissed him delicately, pulling the blindfold away. “Such a good boy.” 
Outside, he was a badass archer, afraid of nothing. 
Inside the walls of your home, he would always be your good boy. 
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dixonslvr · 9 months
That big mouth of yours
Pairing: s1 Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: The Quarry
Warnings: poorly written smut with some plot ig, face f*cking, cursing, c*m swallowing (sorta)
Summary: Secrets out but he gets an idea of how you could make it up to him.
A/N: I’m rusty so if this is bad I’m sorry💀
You had been talking with Amy and Andrea and managed to let out that you and Daryl had been doing it. They instantly bombarded you with questions. “How long have you guys been doing it?” , “Is he any good?”. You trusted them with that secret not expecting Andrea or Amy to tell the group your business.
Merle took that as his invitation to make perverted comments toward you. But at that moment you didn't care. All you worried about was Daryl and the glare he gave you as Merle toyed with you and him about the news going around. You decided to go to the quarry to clear your head and try to figure out a way to get everyone to mind their business
Daryl followed you of course, With the glare still on his face he grabbed you by your arm and pulled you behind the guarded part of the quarry. “Why does everyone know I'm fuckin ya?” he asked staring at you angrily. You began to stammer on your words “I don't know” You avoided eye contact. you could hear him scoff. “Ya well, there's no way someone saw us last night so clearly you blabbed off somewhere”.
You looked at him “Daryl I didn't mean to it just slipped out while I was talking to Amy and Andrea I didn't expect them to tell everyone.” You could see him glance at your lips before he looked away from you. He sighed thinking about the lack of privacy you guys were about to have. “How can I make it up to you?” you asked him in hopes he wouldn't push you away.
You could see something inside him light up as a smirk appeared on his face. “Get on your knees,” he said going for his belt. “I’m sorry, what?” you said with a shocked expression but doing as he said. “Right here? are you sure? Everyone's gonna kn-..” You were cut off by Daryl shoving himself inside your mouth. “Fuck” He groaned in response to the warmth of your mouth. His salty precum mixed in with your saliva as he gripped your hair and began to thrust inside your mouth. His movements were deep and rough hitting the back of your throat and making you gag each time.
the lewd noises of your gagging and his dick slamming into the back of his throat was sending Daryl over the edge. He was grunting and growling as he began to fuck your face roughly. His fingers gripped onto your hair roughly as he pulled out of your mouth to give you a moment to breathe, the emptiness causing you to gasp for air and moan.
he smirked as he began smearing the spit and precum all over your mouth. “From now on I want ya to keep that big mouth of yours shut about what we do in private, ya hear me?” he said. you nodded. “Use your words, sweetheart” he opened your mouth just enough to rest his tip on your tongue. “I understand” You swirled your tongue around his tip. “Good girl, now open back up for me,” he said in a soft husky tone. He slid back into your throat and went back to thrusting roughly. You gripped his thighs to brace yourself as he thrust roughly, his hips bucking and slowing slightly when you began to suck and use your tongue on him.
“Shit Y/N “ He leaned his head back in pleasure and thrusted into your mouth one last time as he came. He pulled out and began situating himself leaving you covered in spit and cum. He looked at you one last time before smirking again and walking off.
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dixongrimesgirl · 4 months
Do It Like A Good Girl pt.2
Carl Grimes x fem!reader
Based on a request. I hope this is what you were looking for.
Content Includes: pet names, dirty talk, tiny bit of degradation, rough sex, PiV, oral(m + f receiving) virginity
Ever since that night when you took your and Carl’s relationship to the next level you both couldn’t keep your hands to yourself. Every opportunity you got one of you would be on top of the other, mouths interlocked and hips grinding against each other.
You and Carl had both talked about taking things further but you had just never found the time. Every time things would get heated someone would barge in and ruin the moment.
Tonight however Carl had made sure his dad and Michonne would be out on a run and had told Daryl not to let anyone in the house.
You were making out on his bed both bare chested when you pulled away from him and ask.
“Can you talk down to me?”
At first he’s confused.
“Why would I wanna talk down to you?” He asks.
”I don’t know. When you’re commanding it turns me on.” You admit. He smirks.
“If that’s what you want, babydoll” he replies.
Get on the floor. On your knees” he demands.
You feel heat rush to your pussy as you do as you’re told.
He unzips his pants and pulls them down to his ankles along with his boxers. The tip of his angry cock is brushing against your lips, coating them in pre-cum.
“Open up” he tells you. You do as your told and he rams into your mouth, tip hitting the back of your throat making you gag.
“That’s my good little slut. You’d do anything for this cock, yeah?”
You nod tears running down your cheeks as he fucks your mouth. Suddenly he stops and you look up at him confused.
“I don’t wanna come in your mouth. Not today.” He says and pulls you up and throws you down beside him on the bed. He kicks of his remaining clothes and positions himself between your legs.
“You’re gonna beg for this cock to fuck your tight little virgin pussy” he growls causing your moan and squirm.
“Stay still, babydoll. Or are you not a good girl?” He asks.
“I’m a good girl” you reply.
“Good” he says taking off your pants.
“Look at how wet you are. Is this all for me?” He coos. You nod and he smirks before startling you when he rips your panties off.
“Look at that pussy. Can’t imagine how tight it is.” He says and you buck your hips up.
“Slow down greedy girl. You’ll get my cock but first I gotta loosen ya up. Can you relax for me doll?” He replies.
You nod frantically and he pushes a digit into your hole. You let out a loud moan.
“You’re even tighter than I thought. Good girl, let me hear ya” he says.
He adds another finger and begins moving them in and out. You cry out when his lips find your clit.
“Carl” you moan. 
“Are you gonna cum for me?” He asks.
“Yes, Carl!” You cry as your orgasm rips through you. Carl helps you through your orgasm and then pulls away. You watch through hazy eyes as he takes his fingers in his mouth and sucks them clean.
He rolls on a condom and growls in your ear. “I’m gonna fuck this little pussy so hard. Is that what ya want?” He asks.
You nod.
“Beg for it” he demands.
“I want you to fuck me so hard with your big cock” you cry and he smirks as he slams into you.
You cry at the initial pain but slowly it starts to subside into pleasure and you tell Carl he can move. He starts out with hard, deep thrusts picking up the pace as he gets closer to his orgasm. He’s hitting all the right places when you clench around him he cums causing you to as well.
He fills up the condom. When you’ve both regained your breath he takes off the condom and throws it in the trash before rolling over in bed to face you.
“I didn’t go too far did I?” He asks.
“No. It was perfect” you reply and snuggle into him.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 3 months
MarchWeres NSFW prompt
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Daryl Dixon x Reader | SMUT 🔞
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You stood across from each other, coming down from the most love filled kiss you ever shared.
Your first kiss as husband and wife.
The gathered people cheered for you and for once Daryl didn't shy away from showing affection. His hands were snaked around your waist and his forehead rested against yours as his breaths came out in soft growls.
You know what you promised him. You'd marry the human way on the day of the full moon, and he'd get to make you his the werewolf way afterwards. You thought afterwards would be late at night, but now that you felt his claws on the plump of your ass and his eyes glowed bright blue it was clear the beast wasn't gonna wait that long.
Rick and Carol, your chosen two to stand with you picked up on Daryl's tells and sternly announced to everyone it was time to leave.
Luckily most of the folks there had been in Daryl's life long enough and knew, so the place quickly cleared out and only you and Daryl remained as Rick closed the doors behind him.
With the click of the lock Daryl's human side gave into the change and tore through the newly scavenged clothes as he took on his shifted form.
You quickly backed up but kept watching as he quickly came to and stared at you with nothing but hunger.
He gave you no chance to back up further as large clawed hands grabbed at your waist. One moved up and raked its claws through the fabric of the once expensive dress you wore and exposed your upper body, only for him to pull your torso against his open maw. His bottom canines pierced your skin just above the swell of your breast as his jaw clamped shut around your shoulder, the skin on your back breaking under his teeth as well.
He held on but lowered himself along with you when your legs gave out. He made quick work of taking your clothes off your body, leaving nothing intact.
Once you were bare he pulled his maw off you, lapping at the puncture wounds you'd be wearing as scars on your skin for the rest of your life.
Daryl made sure you weren't bleeding anymore before he moved you onto your back, his tongue following a path along your breasts, over your stomach he so affectionately pressed his muzzle into before he moved furter down to your hips and finally to your centre. It wasn't for himself he was taking his time with you, but he knew your human self couldn't take his cock easily.
"Daryl.. Go on, please." You had tried to do this with him but he never allowed it and now you were getting impatient real fast.
Daryl heard your plea and wasted no time shoving his tongue all the way down your cunt and letting out a growl. The sudden intrusion and vibrations had you moan and buck your hips against his jaws, it felt so much better than you imagined. Daryl kept tongue fucking you, flicking the muscle over your clit and sliding back inside you until you were clenching your walls and coming on his tongue.
When he came back up the fur on his cin glistened with your slick as he swiped at if with his paw.
The pads of his paw found your clit, rubbing at it while he moved closer to prod the tip of his cock at your entrance.
"Mine." You had never heard him speak in this form before.
"Good momma." He growled right next to your ear as he pushed in bit by bit. Your hands grabbed at his fur, clawing to find purchase as his thick length stretched you. You cried out from the burn, pressing your face against him to muffle your sounds.
While one paw remained on your hip so he could keep thrusting, the other pulled tour face away from him.
"Nah. Wanna hear momma." He kept your back pressed against the floor as his thumb returned to your clit, pulling delicious sounds from you that only spurred him on. "H.. ahh-- m.. momma.."?
It didn't take him long to be fully inside of you, giving you only a short moment to adjust before setting a rough pace. "Hmhm good momma.." His tongue lolled out between his teeth as he panted with each thrust, but his gaze moved from your face down to where he was pushing into you, lifting your hips slightly to give you a good view too.
The sight had you squeeze around him, whining at how full you felt.
"Good momma.." he kept muttering the same words over and over again and you started to worry.
Daryl never mentioned children being a part of his ritual. You only knew of the bite during sex.
Both his paws were on your hips now, your lower body lifted into his lap as he kept up his pace, deliciously painful. You watched him being focused on finishing the job, the knot at the base of his cock swollen and ready to be stuffed into you.
One of your hands moved down and pressed down on your stomach, feeling how deep Daryl was inside of you already. There was no way he was gonna fit it all the way down to the base, right?
Daryl moved his paw on top of your hand and moved to lap at your neck. The actions were so soft for him, especially like this. He was telling you how much he loved you without speaking. He had done enough of that already while he bred you.
Your one free hand went to stroke his fur as you tried to focus on the soft touches while Daryl worked himself over the edge, the hand on your hip moving to spread your slick over your bundle of nerves and taking away the painful edge of how deep he was pushing into you.
You felt your lips protest, squeezing his length but he kept on pushing in.
His fingers helped you over the edge and on your highest point pushed in hard. You felt him deeper than ever, the pain making you claw at your stomach for relief but nothing helped as the bliss of your orgasm quickly faded with Daryl's still rutting hips, pumping you full of his seed.
Daryl let out a noise close to a purr when he relaxed above you. "Momma. Good momma." His large paw rubbed the softest circles on your belly, he wanted this more than anything in the world.
"Love momma." He murmured against your cheek as he lapped at your tears and blissfully nuzzled into you.
You presssed your cheek against his muzzle.
"Yeah. Good mommy. I'll try my best."
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