#data anonymization techniques for customer purchase history data
legalfirmindia · 5 months
Data Protection: Legal Safeguards for Your Business
In today’s digital age, data is the lifeblood of most businesses. Customer information, financial records, and intellectual property – all this valuable data resides within your systems. However, with this digital wealth comes a significant responsibility: protecting it from unauthorized access, misuse, or loss. Data breaches can have devastating consequences, damaging your reputation, incurring…
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thecertexpert · 2 hours
AI and Data Protection: Addressing Privacy and Security in a Digital World 
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undeniably reshaping industries by automating processes, improving decision-making, and optimizing business operations. As AI continues to evolve, it is unlocking immense potential across sectors such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.  
However, as AI systems become more pervasive, concerns surrounding data privacy and security are mounting. In this detailed analysis, we explore the impact of AI on data privacy and security, the associated risks, and best practices for mitigating these challenges. 
AI's Growing Role in Data Management 
AI systems are fueled by data. They rely on vast datasets to learn, make predictions, and improve over time. By analyzing this data, AI can automate decisions, offer personalized services, and discover hidden patterns that would be impossible for humans to detect manually. The unprecedented volume of data processed by AI systems is transforming industries; however, this data-driven innovation also introduces privacy and security concerns. 
As AI tools become more integrated into the fabric of our digital world, companies must handle increasing amounts of sensitive information.  
From customer purchase history to medical records and financial transactions, data that AI interacts with can include personally identifiable information (PII) and other critical details that need protection. 
Data Privacy Concerns in the Age of AI 
The ability of AI systems to access, process, and analyze personal data raises significant privacy challenges. Some of the most pressing concerns are: 
Data Collection Without Explicit Consent: Many AI-powered platforms collect and process user data without individuals fully understanding the extent to which their information is being gathered or used. 
In some cases, companies do not clearly outline how data will be utilized, leading to potential misuse or a breach of privacy expectations. 
Re-identification of Anonymous Data: AI models are capable of correlating vast datasets, and even anonymized data can be vulnerable to re-identification.  
Through advanced analysis, AI systems can reverse-engineer patterns from anonymous data points to reveal sensitive personal details. 
Surveillance and Profiling: AI-powered systems are often employed for surveillance and behavioral tracking, particularly in the areas of law enforcement, advertising, and social media.  
The use of AI to profile individuals based on their behavior, preferences, or demographics introduces ethical concerns regarding how much personal information can or should be collected. 
Loss of Control Over Personal Data: Once personal data is processed by an AI system, users often lose control over where that data goes or how it is used. This creates the risk of unauthorized data sharing or exploitation for unintended purposes. 
Security Risks Introduced by AI 
While AI offers the potential to enhance cybersecurity, it also creates new vulnerabilities that must be addressed: 
Massive Data Breaches: AI systems rely on large volumes of data to function, and a security breach can expose significant amounts of personal and sensitive information. The growing integration of AI in cloud services further compounds the risk of data breaches, especially if security protocols are not robust enough to prevent unauthorized access. 
Adversarial Attacks: Cybercriminals are developing techniques to manipulate AI models by introducing carefully crafted inputs, known as adversarial attacks. These attacks trick the AI into making incorrect predictions or decisions, creating a severe security risk for industries such as healthcare, autonomous vehicles, and financial services. 
AI-Augmented Cyber Attacks: On the flip side, cyber attackers are leveraging AI to enhance their tactics. AI-driven tools can automate phishing attacks, create convincing deepfakes, or scale up malicious activities such as ransomware campaigns. The precision and speed with which AI can execute these attacks pose significant threats to data security. 
Vulnerabilities in AI-Driven Systems: AI-powered applications, such as facial recognition, voice assistants, and predictive analytics, can be compromised by weaknesses in their underlying algorithms. Flawed data models or inadequate security mechanisms can open the door to exploitation, leading to unauthorized data access or manipulation. 
Balancing Innovation with Data Privacy and Security
AI has the power to reshape industries, but with this power comes the responsibility to protect user data and maintain security. To achieve this balance, organizations must adopt a multifaceted approach to addressing the risks associated with AI while still enabling innovation. Below are key strategies to mitigate these risks: 
1. Ethical AI Development Practices 
Developers and organizations must prioritize ethical considerations during the development of AI systems. This includes integrating privacy by design principles, where data protection measures are embedded directly into the AI architecture from the outset.  
Ethical AI should also emphasize transparency, ensuring that users are informed about how their data is being used and that they can opt in or opt out of data-sharing agreements. 
2. Robust Data Encryption 
To safeguard sensitive information, encryption should be employed across all stages of data processing—collection, storage, and transmission. Encryption ensures that even if unauthorized individuals gain access to data, it remains unreadable and unusable without the proper decryption keys. This helps protect AI systems from potential breaches and ensures data privacy. 
3. Adherence to Data Privacy Regulations 
Compliance with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), is crucial for organizations deploying AI technologies.  
These regulations outline best practices for data handling and impose strict penalties for non-compliance, making them essential frameworks for ensuring privacy in AI-driven applications. 
4. AI-Powered Security Solutions 
Interestingly, AI can also enhance security by providing real-time monitoring and threat detection. AI-driven cybersecurity solutions can analyze network traffic for anomalies, detect suspicious behavior, and respond to potential threats faster than traditional security measures. For example, machine learning algorithms can detect malware, identify fraudulent activities, and even predict future attacks by analyzing historical data. 
5. Regular Auditing and AI Model Testing 
Organizations must continuously audit and test their AI models to ensure they remain secure and free from vulnerabilities. By regularly examining AI systems, companies can identify weaknesses, address potential risks, and update security protocols as needed.  
Additionally, testing AI models for fairness, accuracy, and resistance to adversarial attacks is critical for ensuring their reliability. 
Top Certifications for AI, Data Privacy, and Security 
To navigate the complex landscape of AI and data privacy, professionals must equip themselves with the right certifications. Below are some of the top certifications that address AI, cybersecurity, and data protection: 
1. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) 
Overview: The CISSP certification, offered by (ISC)², is highly regarded among IT security professionals. It covers essential topics like risk management, cryptography, secure software development, and data protection. This certification is valuable for professionals involved in securing AI systems and ensuring data privacy. 
Key Benefits: 
Globally recognized credential in cybersecurity. 
Comprehensive coverage of data protection and privacy laws. 
Ideal for IT managers, security analysts, and cybersecurity professionals. 
2. Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) 
Overview: The CEH certification, offered by the EC-Council, equips professionals with the skills needed to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in AI systems. Ethical hackers learn to think like malicious attackers, ensuring that AI applications remain secure and resilient against cyber threats. 
Key Benefits: 
Learn advanced penetration testing techniques. 
Gain expertise in securing AI and data-driven systems. 
Suitable for IT professionals, security auditors, and AI developers. 
3. AI+ Data & Robotics™ Certification by AI CERTs 
Overview: The AI+ Data & Robotics certification by AI CERTs emphasizes the role of AI in robotics and data-driven industries. This certification covers critical areas such as AI data processing, privacy regulations, and ethical AI implementation, ensuring that professionals can handle the intersection of AI and data privacy responsibly. 
Key Benefits: 
Extensive knowledge of AI's application in data analytics and robotics. 
Focus on privacy laws and ethical data handling. 
Ideal for AI engineers, data scientists, and professionals in robotics. 
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Use the coupon code NEWCOURSE25 to get 25% OFF on AI CERT’s certifications. Visit this link to explore all the courses and enroll today. 
4. Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 
Overview: The CCSP certification, offered by (ISC)², focuses on securing cloud environments where AI systems operate. It covers the best practices for protecting data privacy and preventing security breaches in cloud-based infrastructures. 
Key Benefits: 
Deep understanding of cloud security architecture and design. 
Expertise in data privacy regulations and risk management. 
Perfect for cloud engineers, security architects, and AI security experts. 
5. GDPR Data Protection Officer (DPO) Certification 
Overview: As AI systems increasingly handle personal data, the GDPR DPO certification is essential for ensuring compliance with international data privacy regulations. This certification provides professionals with the knowledge needed to implement data protection strategies and create AI systems that adhere to legal requirements. 
Key Benefits: 
Comprehensive understanding of GDPR and privacy laws. 
Expertise in building AI systems compliant with global data protection standards. 
Ideal for privacy officers, compliance managers, and data protection experts. 
The intersection of AI, data privacy, and security presents both challenges and opportunities. As AI continues to advance, ensuring the protection of sensitive data must remain a top priority. By adopting ethical AI practices, leveraging encryption, adhering to regulations, and equipping professionals with the right certifications, organizations can harness the benefits of AI while safeguarding data privacy and security. 
Responsible AI implementation will be essential for building trust, ensuring compliance with legal frameworks, and protecting the integrity of the digital ecosystems in which we live and work. 
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philomathresearch · 2 months
I Spent Countless Hours Investigating Consumer Surveys: Here’s What I Discovered
In the ever-evolving landscape of market research, consumer surveys stand as a cornerstone method for gathering crucial insights. After dedicating extensive time and effort to understanding the nuances of consumer surveys, I’ve unraveled some significant findings that can help businesses make informed decisions and enhance their market strategies. Here’s an in-depth look into what I discovered.
The Importance of Consumer Surveys
Consumer surveys are an essential tool for businesses aiming to understand their audience’s preferences, behaviors, and satisfaction levels. They provide direct feedback from consumers, enabling companies to tailor their products, services, and marketing efforts to better meet customer needs. Through my research, I’ve found that effective consumer surveys can lead to:
Enhanced Customer Understanding: Surveys reveal valuable insights into customer preferences, pain points, and expectations.
Improved Product Development: Feedback helps in refining existing products and innovating new ones that align with market demand.
Increased Customer Satisfaction: Understanding what customers value enables businesses to improve customer experiences and satisfaction.
Informed Decision Making: Data-driven insights from surveys guide strategic business decisions, reducing risks and enhancing outcomes.
Key Components of Effective Consumer Surveys
After delving deep into numerous consumer surveys, I identified several critical components that contribute to their effectiveness:
Clear Objectives: Successful surveys start with well-defined goals. Whether it’s measuring customer satisfaction, gauging product interest, or understanding market trends, clear objectives guide the survey design and ensure relevant data collection.
Targeted Audience: Identifying and reaching out to the right audience is crucial. Surveys must be directed towards a representative sample of the target market to yield meaningful insights.
Balanced Length and Complexity: Surveys should be concise yet comprehensive. They must balance the need for detailed information with the respondent’s time and attention span.
Engaging and Relevant Questions: Crafting questions that are engaging, clear, and relevant to the respondents’ experiences ensures higher response rates and more accurate data.
Effective Distribution Channels: Choosing the right platforms to distribute surveys—whether online, through email, or in-person—can significantly impact the response rate and quality of the data collected.
Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Through my extensive analysis, I identified several common pitfalls that can undermine the effectiveness of consumer surveys and strategies to avoid them:
Leading or Biased Questions: Questions should be neutral and unbiased to avoid influencing respondents’ answers. Pre-testing surveys can help identify and eliminate biased questions.
Overloading Respondents: Surveys that are too long or complex can lead to respondent fatigue, resulting in incomplete or unreliable data. Keeping surveys succinct and to the point helps maintain engagement.
Ignoring Respondent Privacy: Ensuring respondent anonymity and data privacy is crucial for building trust and encouraging honest feedback. Clearly communicating how data will be used can alleviate privacy concerns.
Lack of Follow-Up: Failing to follow up with respondents can lead to a sense of disengagement. Acknowledging responses and sharing how feedback will be used fosters a positive relationship with participants.
Advanced Techniques for Maximizing Survey Effectiveness
To further enhance the effectiveness of consumer surveys, I discovered several advanced techniques that can be employed:
Segmentation Analysis: Analyzing survey data by different customer segments (e.g., age, location, purchase history) provides deeper insights and more targeted strategies.
Continuous Feedback Loops: Implementing ongoing survey mechanisms allows for continuous monitoring of customer sentiments and trends over time.
Incorporating Open-Ended Questions: While multiple-choice questions provide quantitative data, open-ended questions offer qualitative insights that can uncover deeper, more nuanced feedback.
Utilizing Technology: Leveraging survey software and tools that offer real-time data analysis, automation, and integration with other customer data sources can streamline the survey process and enhance data accuracy.
After spending a considerable amount of time delving into the intricacies of consumer surveys, it’s clear that they are an invaluable tool for any market research strategy. By understanding their importance, focusing on key components, avoiding common pitfalls, and employing advanced techniques, businesses can harness the full potential of consumer surveys. The insights gained from these surveys are instrumental in driving customer-centric strategies, fostering loyalty, and achieving long-term success in a competitive market.
1. Why are consumer surveys important for businesses?
Consumer surveys are crucial for businesses as they provide direct feedback from customers, helping to understand their preferences, behaviors, and satisfaction levels. This information is vital for refining products, improving customer experiences, and making informed strategic decisions.
2. What are the key benefits of conducting consumer surveys?
The key benefits include enhanced customer understanding, improved product development, increased customer satisfaction, and informed decision-making. Surveys offer valuable insights that help businesses align their offerings with market demand and reduce risks.
3. What are the critical components of an effective consumer survey?
Effective consumer surveys have clear objectives, target the right audience, maintain a balanced length and complexity, feature engaging and relevant questions, and use effective distribution channels to reach respondents.
4. How can businesses avoid common pitfalls in consumer surveys?
To avoid pitfalls, businesses should ensure questions are neutral and unbiased, keep surveys concise to avoid respondent fatigue, respect respondent privacy, and follow up with participants to maintain engagement and trust.
5. What advanced techniques can enhance the effectiveness of consumer surveys?
Advanced techniques include segmentation analysis to understand different customer groups, continuous feedback loops for ongoing monitoring, incorporating open-ended questions for qualitative insights, and utilizing technology for real-time data analysis and automation.
6. How do clear objectives contribute to the success of consumer surveys?
Clear objectives guide the survey design and ensure that the data collected is relevant and aligned with the goals of the research. This focus helps in gathering actionable insights that directly address business needs.
7. Why is targeting the right audience important in consumer surveys?
Reaching out to a representative sample of the target market ensures that the insights gathered are meaningful and applicable to the business’s broader customer base. Accurate targeting improves the quality and relevance of the survey data.
8. What role do engaging and relevant questions play in consumer surveys?
Engaging and relevant questions capture the respondents’ interest and encourage them to provide thoughtful and honest feedback. Well-crafted questions lead to higher response rates and more reliable data.
9. How can businesses effectively distribute consumer surveys?
Effective distribution involves selecting the right platforms, such as online surveys, email invitations, or in-person surveys, to reach the intended audience. The choice of distribution channel can significantly impact response rates and data quality.
10. What is the importance of ensuring respondent privacy in consumer surveys?
Ensuring respondent privacy builds trust and encourages honest feedback. Clearly communicating how data will be used and maintaining anonymity helps alleviate privacy concerns and fosters a positive relationship with respondents.
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cacmsinsitute · 1 year
Big Data in E-commerce: Harnessing Data's Potential for Personalization and Customer Insights
Businesses are constantly looking for new ways to attract and retain customers in the rapidly changing world of e-commerce. Data is one of the most valuable assets they have at their disposal. The introduction of big data analytics has transformed the e-commerce landscape, allowing online retailers to use vast amounts of customer data to improve personalization, optimize marketing strategies, and gain deep insights into consumer behavior. This article looks at how big data is transforming the e-commerce industry by releasing the power of data-driven personalization and customer insights.
The Personalized Shopping Experience Era:
Generic one-size-fits-all approaches to online shopping are becoming obsolete in the age of big data. Customers now expect personalized experiences that are tailored to their individual needs and preferences. This section discusses how e-commerce companies are using big data analytics to analyze customer data, such as browsing history, purchase patterns, and demographic information, in order to provide highly personalized shopping experiences. It investigates the use of recommendation engines, targeted marketing campaigns, and real-time pricing strategies that adapt to customer behavior.
Predicting Trends and Understanding Consumer Behavior:
Big data provides e-commerce businesses with a wealth of insights into consumer behavior, allowing them to better understand and anticipate their customers' needs. This section examines how advanced analytics techniques, such as predictive modeling and machine learning algorithms, are used to identify patterns, predict trends, and anticipate customer preferences in big data. It discusses how data-driven decision-making can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction in product development, inventory management, and pricing strategies.
Marketing Strategy Optimization: 
Effective marketing is critical for e-commerce success, and big data plays a critical role in marketing strategy optimization. This section investigates how companies use customer data to segment their target audience, create personalized marketing campaigns, and deliver highly targeted advertisements across multiple channels. It also looks at how sentiment analysis and social media monitoring can help businesses understand customer sentiment, track brand perception, and engage with customers in real time, fostering brand loyalty and driving conversions.
Enhancing Supply Chain and Operations: 
Big data analytics goes beyond customer insights and personalization. This section discusses how e-commerce companies use data-driven insights to optimize their supply chain and operations. Big data enables businesses to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and competitive advantage.
Overcoming Obstacles and Ensuring Data Privacy: 
While big data provides enormous opportunities, it also presents significant challenges, particularly in terms of data privacy and security. This section discusses the significance of implementing strong data privacy safeguards, adhering to regulations, and earning customer trust. It delves into techniques for anonymizing and securing customer data while still extracting meaningful insights, as well as ethical concerns about data usage and transparency.
Big data has transformed the e-commerce landscape, allowing businesses to improve personalization, optimize marketing strategies, and gain valuable customer insights in unprecedented ways. E-commerce businesses can stay ahead of the competition, provide exceptional shopping experiences, and build long-term customer relationships by leveraging the power of data analytics. As technology advances and data grows, embracing big data will become critical for success in the ever-changing world of e-commerce.
Are you ready to improve your Big Data skills? Join CACMS today for an immersive course! Enrollment is available by clicking here: http://cacms.in/big-data/ 
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internetandnetwork · 3 years
Audience Targeting Without Third-Party Cookies: Here’s What You Need to Know
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Right after the enactment of landmark consumer privacy laws, Google released an official statement announcing that it intends to phase out third-party cookies on Chrome browsers by 2022. While this is undoubtedly a massive win for conscious users who are cautious of selling their data to advertisers, this might also leave businesses struggling once these cookies vanish. However, these businesses should be a little less panicked and a little more thrilled. The death of third-party cookies is indeed a stumbling block, but it is also a golden opportunity. How? As substitutes to third-party cookies come to light, advertisers may actually come across better audience targeting and acquisition methods.
Third-party cookies have not always been flawless. In fact, their quality was mostly reliant on factors like techniques used by the data provider, data’s recency and latency, and any associated purchase costs. Even though sometimes out-of-date, these prebuilt audiences let advertisers scale their audiences quickly. The approaching cookies phaseout will put pressure on the marketers to reconsider their strategies for accurate audience targeting.
A great starting point for advertisers looking for alternatives to third-party cookies is publisher walled gardens, where publishers exchange free content for first-party data. While such audiences will surely cost you good money, finding publishers with audiences that align with your consumer base heavily will be a possibility. Moreover, since these data sources are usually verified, they are also a useful source of modeling data to utilize as you build your user database.
Nowadays, numerous (if not most) purchases begin with online research. Therefore, savvy marketing professionals have started exploring contextual advertising as an alternative to third-party cookies. Outlining the sales funnel for your products/services will enable you to spot targeted advertising opportunities as your audience carries out research. However, at the same time, being cautious is crucial. Use negative keywords and semantic recognition to stop your business or product from showing up in arguably humiliating or risky placements.
While there is still some time to transition away from your reliance on third-party cookies smoothly, you should not wait to get started anymore. As you search for new ways to communicate your message to the right audiences, here are some strategies that will be a good starting point.
Second-party data (like the kind you get on publisher walled gardens) can provide precise audience targeting for marketers who are in a rush to replace the third-party cookies. Such data can help inform account-based or people-based marketing strategies, enabling you to recognize people in a particular industry or those who have a specific relevant job title. Likewise, combining second-party data with your overall digital marketing strategy can give a solid base for sequential messaging or develop use cases for lookalike modeling.
Nevertheless, since second-party data will be available at an arguably high cost, try to team up with publishers and providers to lower these rates as much as possible in the long run. Plus, as an added advantage, this will allow you plenty of time to test and use different types of data differently.
Mobile Ad ID targeting is based on an anonymous identifier linked with the operating system of a user���s mobile device. These Mobile Advertising Identifiers have always been a go-to option for application targeting. That’s because they are compliant with privacy and act as an incredible way to segment audiences based on their interests and behaviors. As a matter of fact, since mobile and in-app usage expedited, everyone anticipated MAIDs to thrive. Users have increasingly started spending more time on their smartphones compared to other devices, and the majority of this time is spent in-app.
Additionally, MAIDs enable you to track the location data of a user. For example, if a user’s device frequents a cricket stadium, you can deduce that s/he is a cricket fan, allowing you to make a bunch of other conclusions. Moreover, you can also improve MAIDs with offline first-party data, which will let you paint a much clearer picture of the specific user, their demographic data, and relevant interests.
However, bear in mind that the latest updates to Apple’s iOS 14 platform may restrict such targeting on the company’s devices. Apart from this, it is also essential to confirm the accuracy and precision of your location data provider.
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Lookalike modeling or algorithmic targeting got a bad rap from marketers who panicked that the modeled audiences would widen targeting too much. But with the quality of your audience input, the quality of your modeling output also improves. To put it another way – concerns are legitimate only if you are modeling audiences after modeled data.
On the contrary, models can be an incredible source of added insights if you use first-party data. This data originates from all types of sources such as social media channels, surveys and questionnaires, and eCommerce websites with details on user purchase history. Long story short, it is data that you can genuinely trust. This means it can inform the construction of precise audience segments and models that represent actual customer intent. With first-party data in the driving seat, you can build your own indexes and models to support your broad audience targeting efforts.
Deterministic data from consumers and active social media followers typically gives the top source for models. When it comes to audience insights, pay attention to oddities. However, the signals should be powerful enough to suggest the real behavior of your target audience.
Google killing third-party cookies does not mean the demise of all your marketing strategies. You can hope to see various advanced solutions come to light in the next few years that provide audience segmentation with better control for advertisers and better privacy protections for customers. Many companies have already teamed up and are working together to develop unified ID solutions that streamline audience targeting and measurement, if truth be told.
The solutions these companies are developing aim to gather user data (like email addresses) in return for free content. Those email addresses will then be given encrypted IDs that are transferred along the bid stream to advertisers. If publishers broadly embrace unified ID solutions, they will present a great alternative to overdependence on publisher walled gardens.
But scalability will be one of the biggest obstacles for a unified ID solution meaning it will probably not be able to stand on its own for a while.
Once the third-party cookies phase out, it will undoubtedly revolutionize the whole marketing world, but that’s arguably a good thing. These cookies were never meant to become the backbone of digital marketing. Their departure will pave the way for alternatives that might genuinely offer a much better experience for advertisers and the audience they are hoping to target. As advertisers acquire more granular control over who receives their messaging (and when) and consumer data is nestled behind modern encryption and privacy protection tools, there’s not much left to debate about. Clearly, putting that “cookie jar” away is a win-win for all of us! So like we said before, businesses should be less panicked and more excited as third-party cookies phaseout and welcome the new, exciting opportunities for audience targeting.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Tireless IT Services. Tireless IT Services is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Audience Targeting Without Third-Party Cookies
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theduoseries · 4 years
Dapp-a key step to market the implementation of blockchain technology
With the increasing popularity of blockchain, its scope useful is also expanding. DApp will be part of the implementation of blockchain technology, and many tasks are taking important measures to promote the use of cryptocurrency in lifestyle. Although cryptocurrency is really a tradable asset in the stock market, it has encountered serious difficulties in everyday use. Presently, the application rate of cryptocurrency has exceeded 0.5%. In some countries, it is possible to survive only using cryptocurrencies. This means that you only have to use cryptocurrency to meet up your education, health, foods and beverage requirements. For example, the following movie about survival through the use of Zcoin in Thailand: In this video, people can survive in Thailand only using Zcoin. The group may use cryptocurrency in virtually all elements of lifestyle, thanks to the cryptocurrency. In addition, with the upsurge in the amount of cryptocurrency ATMs, the upsurge in shops that accept cryptocurrencies, and the upsurge in countries that legally accept cryptocurrencies, we have been taking important actions to adapt to these changes. In this post, I'd like to draw your attention to another issue: DApp Cryptocurrency isn't just "spending money", but also continues to generate room for itself in other fields, including financing, wallets, video games, gambling, social media, health, insurance and other fields. We have to use numerous applications in our daily everyday life. These programs are usually downloaded from platforms such as Google Play Store and Apple Store on our mobile phones. DApp is a decentralized software with as much functions as our cell phones, but it can be various. This distinction begins with blockchain technology, and blockchain information apps are decentralized, anonymous and much more secure. In this manner, our user information and privacy are safeguarded. Decentralized applications are more secure since user data will be stored inside decentralized nodes, instead of inside a centralized database. In addition, as the blockchain has clever contracts, users could be more safe when working with and purchasing applications. Overall, DApp is far superior to traditional application platforms. Now, let's talk about quite a few representative decentralized DApps: This Dapp paved just how for the billions of crypto gaming industry The first DApp I wish to introduce is really a gaming project. The largest factor in choosing this task is that it's detailed on Binance DEX (Binance Decentralized Exchange). Once we all understand, Binance is different from speculative tokens and internet casino culture. Because of the effective architecture and infrastructure of EOSBet, the project has discovered its place in BinanceDex. I actually chose this task from the EOS online casino task for the next reasons: EOSBet may be the 1st licensed crypto gambling house, the first internet casino to distribute prizes, and the initial on line casino token to be launched in Binance Dex. The outstanding feature of the project is decentralized management. We realize that decentralized exchanges and DApps tend to be more dependable, because DApps operate on blockchains and distributed computing systems, therefore the stored information is different from the centralized storage of large technologies businesses such as Facebook, and it'll not suffer from an individual point of failure. Impact. Data protection on the blockchain is ensured by encryption verification strategies such as for example zero-knowledge proof. User data exists inside a fully distributed ledger, and no one can access it. Consequently, no hackers or third parties can access, manipulate and trade this information. All information in the decentralized blockchain is really a large inaccessible safety net. In addition, a decentralized online casino like EOSBet has another dizzying feature, using the RNG (Random Amount Generation) algorithm.
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A distinctive, continuous bet_id primary is sent with your bet. This hash is usually signed with the main element set on our server, and the agreement identifies the general public key and confirms if the signature will be correct. Because of the complexity of ECC, this signature will undoubtedly be exclusive and random, and become used for reasonable random amounts in a provable method. All results can be verified through the blockchain. Another feature of decentralized casinos is usually that they provide dividend rewards. These prizes can be obtained by storing system tokens. Therefore, so long as you have platform tokens in the hands, you get the chance to generate passive income. I have observed that having to pay dividends is more rewarding than POS and lending techniques. Because some casinos can share around 10% bonus each day. The world's top decentralized exchange We know how unsafe the current centralized exchanges are. Recently, Binance's centralized trade Binance.com was hacked. One of many reasons for this example is certainly that the trade uses a centralized data repository. Quite simply, keeping user data in a repository is easy for hackers and scammers to steal. Hacking of cryptocurrencies can result in more complicated incidents due to the fact cryptocurrencies are usually difficult to trace. For that reason, if the cryptocurrency is definitely hacked, it means that the stolen money won't be found. Newdex swap occupies a significant position in the decentralized currency markets. This is a task on the EOS blockchain. Several tokens in the EOS system can be exchanged through this trade. This stock market may be used not only on desktop computers, since it is really a DApp, but also in many wallets. This decentralized currency markets can be obtained from Meet.One, Infinito Wallet and many other wallets. This decentralized stock market provides a very helpful user encounter. You may also connect to the stock market through different wallet devices (such as Scatter), and may be easily operated through this product. Newdex cannot access the user's private key, and the user can retain complete control of their funds, thus preventing the risk of asset theft, misappropriation, and loss of project events, effectively protecting the safety of user property. Binance also believes that decentralized exchanges tend to be more secure, which is why Binance launched Binance.org some time ago. I believe that with regards to the continuing future of consumer data and blockchain, in the long run, the expansion and monopoly of such decentralized exchanges will be healthier and safer. Mortgage debt warehouse project-Maker DAO DAO is really a new initiative, a good anonymous corporation without leaders. These businesses can operate as companies and operate through rules defined by programming languages ??on the blockchain. How users vote, in which business department the business will operate in, who can become a member, and how exactly to trade worth tokens, which could be programmed on the blockchain that helps the procedure of the organization. Once these organizations are deployed, they can not be stopped and may operate on a global scale without any trouble.
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Bitfinex CDP (Collateralized Financial debt Position) stands for "Collateralized Debt Place". In the MakerDAO system, users can create a CDP and lock Ethereum as collateral. This enables users to create Dai around two-thirds of the locked position. The produced Dai is used as a debt, and CDP proprietors can use Dai to do whatever they need. The pledged tokens are locked in MakerDAO's smart contract before CDP proprietor repays your debt (or liquidation takes place).
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MakerDAO's CDP is really a smart agreement that works on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the core element of Dai's stablecoin program. Its purpose is to create exchanges of Dai as security, and CDP could keep these mortgages before user returns the borrowed Dai. CDP changes the total way to obtain outstanding Dai, create Dai from new property, and destroy existing Dai when repaying the position. This control over the amount of castings and the burning cycle enables the agreement to determine the total way to obtain stablecoins, thus proving that the mortgage-backed expense portfolio can often guarantee the worthiness of the circulating tokens. The number of mortgages in CDP is definitely much higher than the number of debts. Therefore, those who hope to use Dai as a shop of predictable value know that the value of just one 1 Dai will be approximately add up to 1 US dollar. But what's the issue with DApp? 1. Because DApp is open supply, highly skilled hackers may threaten its protection. Open source means that you can view all the weaknesses of the task in a transparent way. When you have reliable software, open resource is a good thing. But if you neglect to take the necessary precautions, it may become a focus on for hacker assaults. For instance, on the EOSPLAY platform, a hacker stole 30,000 EOS. This is not the fault of the EOS blockchain, however the fault of the EOSPLAY DApp. 2. Unlike the apps we know, the interface of DApp is quite bad. For this reason they're not appealing to customers. But this is a issue which can be solved gradually for a long period, as the application plan interface based on blockchain happens to be trying to keep it at the easiest level. Due to the short growth history of DApps, individuals think that this issue could be solved later on. 3. There are very few people using DApps at present. Because the blockchain and what it brings is a fairly new technologies. Since DApps tend to be used in blockchain-centered wallets and web sites, they don't yet have many users. Even though number of users of DApps is increasing every day, for today, they cannot compete with the programs we know well. 4. It is extremely difficult to repair vulnerabilities or revise DApps, because every node in the system must revise their node software program. 5. The building of DApps will be difficult since they use quite messy protocols to reach consensus and must be built proportionally from the beginning. in conclusion Although DApps is a very fresh technology, it has become a user's favorite because of its contribution to the ecosystem. Decentralization, transparency and the establishment of blockchain infrastructure, constantly changing technologies have caused the emergence and liberation of fresh consensus versions. Although DApps still have many problems to be solved, in the long run, they will obviously be more profitable than traditional applications. We are witnessing a huge technological change, once adopted globally, it'll bring many brand-new opportunities Lawful statement: This article is without a doubt for reference only and does not constitute legal investment advice. Disclosure: I am not a person in any cryptocurrency task (EOSBet, Newdex, MakerDao). They did not pay me or hire me. All dangers are usually borne by the readers himself. Author�UTaygun Source�Uhackernoon Translation�UVery first.VIP Annie
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Please keep the information by the end of this article
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crypto4all · 4 years
More Bitcoin than ever was just made private with this technique
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More Bitcoin than ever was made private this month through an anonymization strategy known as CoinJoin. And if you own Bitcoin, but use centralized exchanges or other similar services, privacy experts say you should probably consider doing it too. Bitcoin mixers that use the CoinJoin technique, such as Wasabi and Samurai Wallet, have seen huge growth in recent months, according to open source data shared by Wasabi contributor and educator Max Hillebrand.  Non-custodial wallets (i.e. wallets which enable users to control the private keys to their own funds) like Wasabi and Samourai allow users to CoinJoin their Bitcoin by paying a small fee to have their Bitcoin mixed with others to obfuscate their transaction history and links to identities. According to the data, around 70,000 BTC (roughly $644 million at today’s prices) were made private in May. This cumulative total may be off slightly for “false positives,” as a kind of CoinJoin called JoinMarket is difficult to track, according to Hillebrand. “I'm pretty confident that the numbers for Wasabi and Samourai are accurate though,” he told Decrypt.  While the total number is impressive, “Fresh Bitcoins CoinJoined,” or coins that were mixed for the first time, are also on the rise again after peaking last year. “The more peers use CoinJoin, the higher the anonymity set,” he said. “Thus the higher the overall privacy.” The growth in CoinJoins comes as Bitcoin privacy experts said earlier this week that such practices could have helped to mitigate the data breach suffered by crypto lending firm BlockFi. BlockFi users learned on Tuesday that hackers used a SIM swap attack to gain access to their personal data, including Bitcoin addresses. The leak may have put users' transaction histories at risk, which could allow hackers to track how much Bitcoin users own and how it connects to other addresses. Obfuscated funds through CoinJoins could have severed these connections, according to privacy experts such as Matt Odell. But BlockFi does not allow its users to deposit CoinJoined funds due to regulatory concerns. Like Odell, Bull Bitcoin CEO Francis Poulliot also advocates for Bitcoiners to CoinJoin their purchase from exchanges, including from his own company.  Hillebrand and his community of open-source developers are working to convince more bitcoiners to do the same.
Why CoinJoin matters for Bitcoin privacy
Hillebrand, a self-described anarchist who unbanked himself and lives completely off of Bitcoin, has dedicated his career to building an open source and private Bitcoin future.  “CoinJoin is a weapon” against entities that collect know-your-customer information (KYC), said Hillebrand, as Bitcoin addresses are pseudonymous until they’re tied to a real-life identity. “The art of privacy in Bitcoin is to ensure that these pseudonyms are not easily clustered and linked to each other,” he said. “If everyone uses Coinjoin, then the crowd is very large, and any particular Coinjoin user does not stick out as much.” But concerns about tax authorities, or even the very legality of Bitcoin mixing services, may potentially scare off Bitcoin holders from using these privacy tools. Could users be unknowingly summoning the wrath of regulators by proactively anonymizing their transactions? Isn’t this all just what money launderers and other criminals do? Not so fast, says Hillebrand. “Doing CoinJoin is as illegal as doing general Bitcoin transactions,” he said. Nevertheless, “if you are a coward who will not stand up for himself, then use fiat and centralized banking,” he added. While some people in crypto have said Bitcoin is not private enough, and instead advocate the use of Monero, Zcash and other privacy coins, there are enough tools available to make Bitcoin as private as you want, according to Hillebrand and CoinJoin proponents. Read the full article
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tak4hir0 · 5 years
The Fantasy of Opting OutThose who know about us have power over us. Obfuscation may be our best digital weapon. There are still ways to carve out spaces of resistance, counterargument, and autonomy. Image: Lianhao Qu, via UnsplashBy: Finn Brunton & Helen Nissenbaum Consider a day in the life of a fairly ordinary person in a large city in a stable, democratically governed country. She is not in prison or institutionalized, nor is she a dissident or an enemy of the state, yet she lives in a condition of permanent and total surveillance unprecedented in its precision and intimacy. As soon as she leaves her apartment, she is on camera: while in the hallway and the elevator of her building, when using the ATM outside her bank, while passing shops and waiting at crosswalks, while in the subway station and on the train — and all that before lunch. A montage of nearly every move of her life in the city outside her apartment could be assembled, and each step accounted for. But that montage would hardly be necessary: Her mobile phone, in the course of its ordinary operation of seeking base stations and antennas to keep her connected as she walks, provides a constant log of her position and movements. Her apps are keeping tabs, too. Any time she spends in “dead zones” without phone reception can also be accounted for: Her subway pass logs her entry into the subway, and her radio-frequency identification badge produces a record of her entry into the building in which she works. (If she drives a car, her electronic toll-collection pass serves a similar purpose, as does automatic license-plate imaging.) If her apartment is part of a smart-grid program, spikes in her electricity usage can reveal exactly when she is up and around, turning on lights and ventilation fans and using the microwave oven and the coffee maker. Surely some of the fault must lie with this individual for using services or engaging with institutions that offer unfavorable terms of service and are known to misbehave. Isn’t putting all the blame on government institutions and private services unfair, when they are trying to maintain security and capture some of the valuable data produced by their users? Can’t we users just opt out of systems with which we disagree? Before we return to the question of opting out, consider how thoroughly the systems mentioned are embedded in our hypothetical ordinary person’s everyday life, far more invasively than mere logs of her daily comings and goings. Someone observing her could assemble in forensic detail her social and familial connections, her struggles and interests, and her beliefs and commitments. From Amazon purchases and Kindle highlights, from purchase records linked with her loyalty cards at the drugstore and the supermarket, from Gmail metadata and chat logs, from search history and checkout records from the public library, from Netflix-streamed movies, and from activity on Facebook and Twitter, dating sites, and other social networks, a very specific and personal narrative is clear. If the apparatus of total surveillance that we have described here were deliberate, centralized, and explicit, a Big Brother machine toggling between cameras, it would demand revolt, and we could conceive of a life outside the totalitarian microscope. If the apparatus of total surveillance that we have described here were deliberate, centralized, and explicit, a Big Brother machine toggling between cameras, it would demand revolt, and we could conceive of a life outside the totalitarian microscope. But if we are nearly as observed and documented as any person in history, our situation is a prison that, although it has no walls, bars, or wardens, is difficult to escape. Which brings us back to the problem of “opting out.” For all the dramatic language about prisons and panopticons, the sorts of data collection we describe here are, in democratic countries, still theoretically voluntary. But the costs of refusal are high and getting higher: A life lived in social isolation means living far from centers of business and commerce, without access to many forms of credit, insurance, or other significant financial instruments, not to mention the minor inconveniences and disadvantages — long waits at road toll cash lines, higher prices at grocery stores, inferior seating on airline flights. It isn’t possible for everyone to live on principle; as a practical matter, many of us must make compromises in asymmetrical relationships, without the control or consent for which we might wish. In those situations — everyday 21st-century life — there are still ways to carve out spaces of resistance, counterargument, and autonomy. We are surrounded by examples of obfuscation that we do not yet think of under that name. Lawyers engage in overdisclosure, sending mountains of vaguely related client documents in hopes of burying a pertinent detail. Teenagers on social media — surveilled by their parents — will conceal a meaningful communication to a friend in a throwaway line or a song title surrounded by banal chatter. Literature and history provide many instances of “collective names,” where a population took a single identifier to make attributing any action or identity to a particular person impossible, from the fictional “I am Spartacus” to the real “Poor Conrad” and “Captain Swing” in prior centuries — and “Anonymous,” of course, in ours. We can apply obfuscation in our own lives by using practices and technologies that make use of it, including: The secure browser Tor, which (among other anti-surveillance technologies) muddles our Internet activity with that of other Tor users, concealing our trail in that of many others.The browser plugins TrackMeNot and AdNauseam, which explore obfuscation techniques by issuing many fake search requests and loading and clicking every ad, respectively.The browser extension Go Rando, which randomly chooses your emotional “reactions” on Facebook, interfering with their emotional profiling and analysis.Playful experiments like Adam Harvey’s “HyperFace” project, finding patterns on textiles that fool facial recognition systems – not by hiding your face, but by creating the illusion of many faces.If obfuscation has an emblematic animal, it is the family of orb-weaving spiders, Cyclosa mulmeinensis, which fill their webs with decoys of themselves. The decoys are far from perfect copies, but when a wasp strikes they work well enough to give the orb-weaver a second or two to scramble to safety. At its most abstract, obfuscation is the production of noise modeled on an existing signal in order to make a collection of data more ambiguous, confusing, harder to exploit, more difficult to act on, and therefore less valuable. Obfuscation assumes that the signal can be spotted in some way and adds a plethora of related, similar, and pertinent signals — a crowd which an individual can mix, mingle, and, if only for a short time, hide. There is no simple solution to the problem of privacy, because privacy itself is a solution to societal challenges that are in constant flux. There is real utility in an obfuscation approach, whether that utility lies in bolstering an existing strong privacy system, in covering up some specific action, in making things marginally harder for an adversary, or even in the “mere gesture” of registering our discontent and refusal. After all, those who know about us have power over us. They can deny us employment, deprive us of credit, restrict our movements, refuse us shelter, membership, or education, manipulate our thinking, suppress our autonomy, and limit our access to the good life. There is no simple solution to the problem of privacy, because privacy itself is a solution to societal challenges that are in constant flux. Some are natural and beyond our control; others are technological and should be within our control but are shaped by a panoply of complex social and material forces with indeterminate effects. Privacy does not mean stopping the flow of data; it means channeling it wisely and justly to serve societal ends and values and the individuals who are its subjects, particularly the vulnerable and the disadvantaged. Innumerable customs, concepts, tools, laws, mechanisms, and protocols have evolved to achieve privacy, so conceived, and it is to that collection that we add obfuscation to sustain it — as an active conversation, a struggle, and a choice. Finn Brunton is assistant professor in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University. He is the author of “Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet” and coauthor (with Helen Nissenbaum) of “Obfuscation: A User’s Guide for Privacy and Protest,” from which this excerpt is adapted. Helen Nissenbaum is professor of information science at Cornell Tech and the author or coauthor of several books, including “Privacy in Context” and “Values at Play in Digital Games.” She is one of the developers of TrackMeNot, a browser extension used to foil the profiling of users through their searches.
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ehtokki · 5 years
Do not Get On The Incorrect Side Of Bitcoin History
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The rate of BCH fluctuated extremely during the very early days of the network, although it ultimately worked out at a value and market cap approximately 10% the size of BTC. At this rate, we'll strike the 21 million supply cap in 2140, after 64 halvings. We extremely suggest you now transfer your bitcoin to a personal budget where you regulate the security tricks (this is not as complicated as it sounds, and also we'll consider this in the next section). In the past, utilizing a desktop budget suggested downloading the whole bitcoin blockchain. Purchases can be made in a range of means, ranging from hard money to credit and debit cards to wire transfers, or perhaps using other cryptocurrencies. Localbitcoins attaches you with regional cryptocurrency vendors who approve cash for bitcoin. Since if the exclusive secret is on their web servers, it can be swiped by cyberpunks, who are most likely to target a huge exchange. When you maintain your bitcoins on an exchange (like Coinbase), they hold the exclusive trick for you. So it is very important to ensure you hold the exclusive trick.
Bitcoin trading today 2019
With a desktop budget, your private trick is saved as a data on your computer system. The main advantage right here is that you control the exclusive key. Private secret - a 2nd key that just you have access to. A paper budget is merely a notepad with your personal as well as public secret written on them. That indicates relocating your bitcoin off the exchange and right into a private pocketbook. To make this deal, however, you will absolutely require a private wallet and also address. When you begin setting up or using KeepKey, you will certainly be asked to analyze as well as approve every deal that will be done to sustain the consent center which is provided by this equipment pocketbook. Transfer funds in or out of your pocketbook making use of bitcoin addresses. Whichever exchange you pick, your bitcoins are kept in a wallet on their system. Several exchanges have actually been hacked throughout the years, and investors have actually shed their cash, so do your due persistance to find a reliable exchange in your country. Nevertheless, your bitcoins are shed forever if your computer is shed, stolen or damaged (unless you backed them up somewhere else). When Will All 21 Million Bitcoins be Mined? On The Other Hand, Spencer Bogart, General Companion at Blockchain Resources, believes Facebook's crypto initiative is amongst the most bullish external tailwinds for bitcoin in 2019/2020, as it will alleviate the rubbing in acquiring digital properties by producing a circular economic climate.
228,000 worth of electronic possessions from Linode's series of consumers. At his Cobham house they located money in numerous money worth nearly ₤ 263,000. You can additionally buy in cash money (see below). Now, you can acquire bitcoin with USD or your neighborhood currency. Can you buy bitcoin anonymously? Find out more: What is the actual value of a bitcoin? It is really a document of a purchase that shows that a person has sent you something of value formerly. Following a dodgy spot in 2016, Bitcoin's worth has actually recouped as well as really exceeded the value of gold. Standard money has actually been based upon gold or silver. The method in which a decentralised independent global money can transform the means we think of the world is really interesting. It likewise established the stage for what a decentralized money need to appear like, and also confirmed that the idea can, as a matter of fact, work. To establish an account at these exchanges, you're often called for to post an image of your photo ID and evidence of address. As soon as signed up with an exchange, you can connect a checking account, or - occasionally for smaller amounts - a debt card or PayPal account.
If you prefer to not link your checking account to a bitcoin exchange, you can pay cash money. It is difficult to launder loan into the procedure in addition to the exact same requirement to be the scenario for tough cash conversions. The open source software produced and awarded Bitcoins for a procedure referred to as mining. Bitcoin is an open source software program job, so any individual can assess as well as make changes to the code. The function of chartered banks as repayment processors is changed by a common consensus protocol (mining), where purchase backgrounds are tape-recorded on an open ledger (the blockchain). The most preferred equipment pocketbooks are Ledger and also Trezor. Rather, the hacks typically target exchanges as well as poorly-maintained pocketbooks. You have actually most likely listened to that bitcoin is vulnerable to hacks and thieves. But it's important to know that these hacks are not connected to the bitcoin system itself (or blockchain). If countless peers are produced by someone and also they spread forged purchases, it would certainly create the system to damage down. The Bitcoin system was produced and taken into location by "Satoshi Nakamoto." That's in quotes due to the fact that no one knows who that is, whether it's one man or woman or a team of individuals. Keeping that being stated, Bitcoin's trustworthiness emerges from the reality that everybody finds out about everybody else's deal background-- therefore allowing customers to help with repayments with full self-confidence and also openness.
There has actually been a great deal of discuss openly traded bitcoin ETFs potentially being back on the table considering that the launch of regulated bitcoin futures agreements on the CME and CBOE. Legal clever contracts - a lot like a Ricardian Agreement, the smart agreements performed on the Corda network have specific legal prose connected to them. 112,000 per hr. Rootstock is a well recognized job and also has lured followers in wise agreements for years now, although some people take concern with merge mining strategies and also believe the technique might be insecure. That's due to the fact that the reward for mining is halved every four years. New Bitcoins are produced as a reward for processing purchases as well as taping them inside the blockchain. 8.5 billion out there worldwide in bitcoins. There are numerous bitcoin exchanges out there so it is necessary to select carefully. They are generally totally free as well as simple, as well. For the huge majority of time they are offline, so can not be hacked (except for the brief periods when you link to transfer bitcoin). One can conveniently obtain or shed 50% over a really short amount of time. One of the most advantageous aspects of Waze is that the user interface has absolutely nothing purpose-free.
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
How to Expand the ‘Have I Been Pwned’ Brand
Have I Been Pwned, the most popular database of compromised usernames and passwords, is up for sale. Creator Troy Hunt has received worldwide praise for his commitment to security and education, but now that torch must be passed, allowing rapid growth and inevitable franchising. With that in mind, I propose a Have I Been Pwned family of similar business ideas to whichever companies have their sights set on the acquisition.
Have I Been Cloned
A discrete and secretly backdoored video/image database, Have I Been Cloned aims to revolutionize the bulk data collection landscape. Simply upload all of your most intimate personal files and The Algorithm
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will immediately email you if someone has set up fake accounts using your face.
For premium customers, enjoy the comfort of knowing whether or not you’ve physically been cloned—enter your address and we’ll post you a blood vial, several marked tubes for hair, saliva, and skin samples, plus a set of free limited edition laptop stickers! Pop your biological materials over to one of our many anonymous P.O. boxes and we’ll store your DNA securely in The Cloud using a quantum blockchain.
While there are currently no known examples of malicious human cloning, rest assured that if there ever is, we’ll have your back.
Have I Been Stoned
So you recently learned how to use Tor, purchased some overpriced cocaine from the first marketplace you found, and now you’ve unwittingly snorted a fat line of paracetamol. You return to the seller ready to angrily dispute the transaction and the entire site has been seized by the FBI. We’ve all been there. That’s where Have I Been Stoned saves the day. We require all dark market sellers to send us samples of their goods for rigorous user testing. If we deem the drugs to be of high quality, we verify the account with a blue baggie icon.
Need extra security? Send us your drugs too and we’ll test them free of charge and tell you exactly what they are.
Have I Been Phoned
It’s getting harder and harder these days to tell the difference between incoming phone calls from sophisticated scammers and your own mother. You stare, sweating, at your vibrating smartphone shimmying across the table inch by inch, the screen lit with “Dave calling.” Is it your good friend Dave, or is it someone trying to convince you to wire money, donate your kidneys, or worse, offer feedback on a recent experience? You don’t answer. A knock at your door: “Mate, it’s Dave, I need your help!” You turn off the lights and sit in absolute silence, not wanting to risk getting scammed, beads of sweat still racing down your forehead.
Alleviate these nightmarish scenarios by uploading your entire contacts list and call history to Have I Been Phoned. We’ll tell you the true identities of every individual you’ve ever communicated with, using bespoke, highly aggressive snooping techniques. Illegal in your jurisdiction, legal in ours! And as an added bonus, we’ll pipe your home security camera footage directly to our sister company, Have I Been Cloned, to ensure your visiting friends and family are not evil duplicates.
Have I Been Droned
If you pose a big enough threat to national security, you can and will be monitored 24/7 by a team of intelligence agents using fleets of spy drones, some of which take the form of pigeons and mailboxes. Excessive? No, simple mathematics.
At Have I Been Droned, we’ve used a supercomputer to give you a proprietary score assessing your likelihood of making a government watch list. We can help you stay below the threshold with an 81 percent success rate. Have you read an entire book in the last three months? Own more than one Reddit account? Do you know how encryption works? If so, you may already be in danger.
All new customers receive our Unquestioning Model Citizen starter pack, including a subscription to Netflix, a Starbucks loyalty card, a bespoke indie Spotify playlist including hits from Imagine Dragons, a new internet history that mostly centers around 2 minute YouTube clips of lighthearted state approved comedians, a year’s supply of clothes purchased from known highstreet retailers, an Marvelmovie box set, and six organic avocados. The kit is guaranteed to instantly lower your threat score.
Have I Been Friendzoned
It’s a single page that simply says “Yes.” Seeking $50,000,000 initial investment.
How to Expand the ‘Have I Been Pwned’ Brand syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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technteacher · 4 years
All-In-One Anonymity, Privacy And Security Platform SADD.IO
All-In-One Anonymity, Privacy, and Security platform, SADD.IO, Causes Paradigm Shift in Cybersecurity.
The cyberworld has definitely become one of humanity’s most used resources in this day and age. We use it to communicate, manage funding, entertain ourselves, and provide services. Though, these are just a few benefits, the cyberworld can also be very dangerous, depending upon how it is navigated.
Sure, using the latest antivirus software, virtual private networks (VPNs), anonymity networks, or even virtual machines could aid in protecting yourself. However, one’s limited knowledge in cybersecurity, and how that knowledge is applied when navigating the cyberworld, could render these tools as utterly useless.
Desmond Jackson, Chief Executive Officer of Penetration Testing and Software Development Company, Jackson CS Consulting, LLC (JCSC), realized that the tools listed above only provide a limited amount of protection in certain areas of cybersecurity. So in early 2018, he created SADD.IO: Scalable Anonymous Disposable Desktops (SADD), to provide anonymity, privacy, and security as an All-In-One platform.
This article will first, give a bit of history about the developer, define the areas of cybersecurity, explain what SADD is, show the difference that SADD makes on the areas of cybersecurity, present some use-cases, list some key benefits, and finally discuss and conclude the overall impact of SADD.
About the Developer
Desmond, is a 22-year-old, Entrepreneur, from Lowndes County, Alabama. He has been coding since the age of eight, with his very first program being a batch fork virus. By ten years old, he learned how to modify variables in flash games via memory injection. At twelve, Desmond found himself experimenting in areas of network, software, and operating system security.
Around the age of sixteen, he was highly involved with Web Penetration Testing. This landed him multiple freelance and contracting opportunities with companies like Enjin PTE LTD and Nitrogen Sports. Though in High School, Desmond was already conducting collegiate academic research under Dr. Albert Lilly and Dr. Jeffery Gray, at the University of Alabama. There, he found multiple vulnerabilities that affected the network and also invented JScanner: A Java Malware Defense Tool, that detected malicious Java bytecode.
Desmond, ultimately graduated from the University of Alabama, obtaining his Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. Throughout college, he worked at companies such as Google, as a Software Engineer, Synopsys as a Research and Development Engineer, and Cigital as a Cybersecurity Consultant. Besides operating JCSC, Desmond enjoys gaming competitively, mentoring the younger generation, and inventing new technology.
Areas of Cybersecurity
To understand how SADD causes a paradigm shift in cybersecurity, we must firstly identify and define the different areas of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity can generally be wrapped into 5 areas. These areas are: Network Security, Application Security, Information Security, Operational Security, and Disaster Recovery.
Network Security is a set of defensive measures that need to be taken to protect, detect, and react to attacks caused over the network. Application Security involves using tools and testing techniques to find vulnerabilities in organizations’ applications. Information Security concerns data protection, whether the data is stored on a machine or transferred from one machine to another.
Operational Security consists of organizations assessing public information about themselves that could lead to unauthorized access. Finally, Disaster Recovery relies on techniques to remediate widespread data loss or outages as a result of cyberattacks.
What is SADD?
The whitepaper shown on the sadd.io website, explains that SADD is simply a user generated, web-based, virtual machine, that is routed through the Tor network, and is forensically disposed of at the end of the user session. In order for a user to first generate the virtual machine they either need to contact support for a demo “access token” or purchase a 30 day “access token”.
An access token can be purchased for $2.50 via Paypal, Credit Card, or Cryptocurrency. Depending on the medium of purchase, an access token could be viewed as a concert ticket for users with no ties to any of their personal information. Once an access token has been purchased, users are able to use it to generate a virtual machine with a specified Operating System and time-limit.
The current available Operating Systems are Windows 10 and Kali Linux. SADD’s privacy policy explains that users do not need to provide any information about themselves to purchase an access token, worry about logging, or even collection of personal information on any of SADD’s servers/websites.
SADD’s privacy policy also acknowledges that the privacy policy of the third parties that it interacts with to process payments, protect its servers, and communicate with users may differ from its own privacy policy. So, if the users’ goal is to be anonymous and private, they are encouraged to use VPNs, proxies, or anonymizers to make purchases of access tokens and to utilize the service.
However, SADD’s Terms of Use asks that users do not use the service for criminal or tortious activity. The figures below shows the steps to generate a SADD desktop:
How SADD affects the Areas of Cybersecurity
SADD provides numerous amounts of benefits to the 5 different areas of cybersecurity. Starting with Network Security, we can see from the patent publication that SADD provides its users with a browser isolated virtual machine which is also routed through the Tor network. This means that the user does not have to worry about access control, anti-malware software, or firewalls alike.
The virtual machine that users control is not only physically separated from their machine but the network it operates in is also a separate network. Users cannot be attacked strictly through their virtual machine’s public IP address. The next area of cybersecurity that is affected is Application Security.
The whitepaper explains that the SADD website uses a limited amount of inputs, that are sanitized, checked, and validated. The whitepaper also touches on how SADD eliminates IP address leakage, DNS leaks, and Operating System fingerprinting. The third area of cybersecurity that SADD tackles is Information Security.
SADD protects all of its users’ information by forensically destroying all data that corresponds with the user generated desktop. Any and all data that is transmitted between the user’s machine and the SADD desktop is encrypted via TLS 1.2 or 1.3, per the whitepaper. Everything that is done is completely anonymous, private, and secure.
The fourth area of cybersecurity is Operation Security and SADD does a great job of enhancing it. Organizations and Businesses that utilize SADD no longer have to worry about their proprietary data being grouped with public data, as isolation is built-in. SADD also provides simplified regulatory compliance due to the nature of the creation and destruction of the virtual machines.
The final and fifth area of cybersecurity that SADD affects is Disaster Recovery. Since SADD utilizes virtualization technology, it can be customized for businesses to frequently “save” or backup the user’s progress if need be. This can help prevent data loss and easily address recovery issues.
Use Cases
There are many use cases for SADD technology. Some use cases apply to finances, business security, and providing a learning environment for students who are either interested in or active in the cybersecurity space:
Foreign Target Engagement and Surveillance
Government agencies can engage foreign targets with no risk of culpability.
Maintaining Business Security and Integrity
Employees can use the disposable desktops without risking the security and data integrity of the company.
Anonymous Cryptocurrency Transaction Platform
SADD could be customized to become a platform where individuals could make anonymous transactions. There would be no fingerprints or traces of the transaction left on the desktop after the transaction is completed.
SADD could be customized to act as a “jump-box” for specific systems. Giving authorized users the ability to access certain systems in a company privately and securely.
Learning Environment
SADD could be customized to provide different cyber environments to schools for students with an interest in cybersecurity.
Key Benefits
Cyber threat mitigation with cloud-based isolation technology.
Regulatory and litigation risk reduction for eDiscovery, privacy non-compliance, and liability.
Employee productivity with expanded freedom for business and personal web use.
Simplify IT governance and control of employee web access.
IT efficiency and effectiveness by eliminating web policy exceptions with a solution that is simple to deploy, easy to use, and support.
The discussion below is taken directly from the whitepaper. It makes some very good points about the SADD platform.
When a user decides to use the SADD platform, it is highly important for the user to identify their goals. Does the user want to maintain anonymity?
Does the user want security? Or does the user only care about privacy? Security and privacy are automatically provided by SADD, but anonymity can be easily ruined by the user through very simple mistakes. These mistakes include but are not limited to:
Logging into personally identifiable websites.
Conducting activities that users do on a normal basis, such as visiting a particular page on a blog everyday at a specific time.
Using the same keywords that the user normally uses when searching the Internet.
Performing some reaction as a result of a personal life event.
Many Internet users who want to remain anonymous will occasionally compare SADD to VPNs. SADD is in fact different from a VPN because it does not only anonymize the user, but also protects their system via isolation, and maintains privacy by shredding the virtual machines altogether.
VPNs on the other hand, only provide anonymity at the network level. That anonymity is only maintained if the VPN provider does not keep any logs or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of its users.
As with all online services, there has to be a level of trust. If the user does not have complete and full access or control over what is being used, there needs to be trust. Many VPNs state that the VPN does not keep logs but when the VPN is subpoenaed tons of user information as well as logs are surrendered.
It is always a good idea for users to look at the privacy policy of every service of choice. In terms of safety, SADD has a bigger impact than VPNs. If every business in the world had an inhouse SADD backend server to generate desktops, it would be extremely difficult to identify users for a couple of reasons:
All generated desktops are routed through Tor, therefore, the internet would view the connection as a Tor user.
Now that the SADD server is decentralized, it would be difficult to attack the server.
VPNs are definitely more identifiable at the network level. This is because when a user connects to a VPN the user is simply using the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and sometimes Domain Name Service (DNS) settings of that VPN (if configured correctly) to connect to the internet.
Any misconfigurations of the VPN could actually hurt the user’s anonymity. However, VPNs do have the upper hand in terms of speed and latency. SADD already has a lot of latency because of the Tor network and the user’s distance from the backend server. Not to mention that SADD also uses Cloudflare’s Content Delivery Network to deliver content to its users, adding more latency.
Over the previous two years, some users have shown concern on multiple different blogs and forums about the nefarious activities that SADD could be used for. One blog in particular, DarkWebList, states that “Common Law-Abiding people” are not so concerned about destroying their browser history.
This is not an entirely true statement as a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center ultimately determined that Americans alone think that their everyday privacy is very important to them. The simple response given in the review article of SADD, posted by the decentralized international hacktivist group, Anonymous, says that “It is assumed [that] with every good creation, comes bad actors.” It would be tough to regulate nefarious actions because:
What would alert the SADD server maintainers that nefarious activities are taking place, if all network traffic is routed through Tor?
How could the SADD server maintainers observe that malicious activities are occurring without violating the privacy of the users?
In another conversation, SADD could be very beneficial to not only individuals and businesses, but Governmental entities as a whole. SADD’s modular backend design allows entities to enhance anonymity even more than what SADD already provides.
Entities could do this by purchasing a SADD backend server through the To Be Determined (TBD) plan on the website. The TBD plan gives the purchasing entity physical access to the server. With physical access, the proper physical protocols, and network configurations, entities could easily make the purchased server only accessible through the Local Area Network (LAN) connections.
If the entity does not disclose to some outside source that a SADD server has been purchased or leaks the LAN IP address of the server, it is not likely that the server would be in mind for a malicious actor to attack.
In conclusion, SADD does an excellent job of maintaining the anonymity, privacy, and security of all of its users. As with any online service, there is always room for improvement. SADD is a very generalized service that has many possible applications as shown in the Use Cases. It is important to always remember that no matter how private and secure this platform is, anonymity is only as good as the knowledge of the user as explained in the discussion section.
While the SADD platform can be used like a VPN in allowing users to check emails, stream videos, and play video games, the latency given by the Tor network would not only slow these functions down, but it would also defeat the purpose of the service.
SADD was designed to provide anonymity, privacy, and security as a service for users who want to either protect their businesses, maintain anonymity, protect their privacy, provide themselves with more security, or educate others.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
I saw this product in 2018, what has changed?
Users can no longer generate a “free desktop” with the click of a button. Free desktop generation used to be only 15 minute sessions and HTTP only. Now all desktop generations are considered “premium”. That is 15 to 60 minute sessions and all traffic is HTTPS.
To generate a “free desktop” you must contact support via email at [email protected] or live chat to obtain a One-Time-Use (OTU) “access token”, and state for what purpose you plan to use SADD for. Once the OTU has been used it is wiped from existence.
All desktop generations require an “access token” to execute.
Prices to generate a desktop are now $2.50/mo.
Desktop options are now Windows 10 and Kali Linux.
The User Interface has been beautified and made more readable.
All mouse bugs have been eliminated and overall efficiency of the service has been improved.
How is SADD different from a VPN?
Although VPNs mask your public IP address and create an encrypted tunnel from A to B in order to stop prying eyes, they do not protect your machine from the likes of viruses, vulnerabilities, and are not untraceable. Also your privacy when it comes to VPNs depends upon its privacy policy.
SADD will not only make you anonymous on the internet, but it also isolates your machine from the virtual machine you control at the physical and network level, providing security. The virtual machine is forensically disposed of at the end of the user session to maintain privacy.
What if I use a VPN in conjunction with SADD?
You will increase your overall anonymity, privacy, and security. However, you will add more latency to your connection to SADD of course. SADD actually recommends this in its privacy policy.
Does SADD log or record what users do?
SADD does not log or record what users do. It actually forensically destroys all generated virtual machines and data. Please see the privacy policy.
How do we know that SADD and/or the VPN I use is being honest?
Any internet service that you use and do not fully control requires a certain level of trust. This includes SADD, VPNs, and proxies alike. VPNs advertise privacy but sometimes their privacy policy begs to differ. Take a look at this article to see if your VPN is being honest with you. SADD’s patent publication, however, explains that the forensic disposal of user data and actions is a part of its tear down process.
Is there some sort of Whitepaper on SADD that discusses its intricacies?
Yes, please read the whitepaper here. For even more detail, please read the patent publication.
How much does SADD cost a month?
$2.50 a month for one “access token”.
Why are “access tokens” required now?
Back in 2018, SADD support received many email complaints from users  saying that they were not being able to generate desktops. It is believed that some users were generating multiple “free desktops” taking up slots for other users. SADD support decided to put an end to that.
Is there some sort of demo token?
Yes, please email [email protected] or contact live chat to request a One-Time-Use (OTU) “access token”.
Is this a recurring subscription?
No, once “access token” expires, then you must manually purchase another “access token”.
How long does an “access token” last?
30 days and another must be purchased after this time has passed.
Are “access token(s)” concurrent?
No, if you give your “access token” to someone else, you must use them one at a time. If not, the oldest session that was generated will be destroyed and replaced with the newer session.
How does the “access token” help Anonymize the user? Where is the “access token” stored? How does it work?
The “access token” is simply the order ID of your purchase through our third party, Selly. Essentially you are purchasing an order ID. SADD does NOT require you to use real personal information to purchase an “access token”. It actually encourages the use of VPNs, proxies, and or cryptocurrency. The “access token” should be viewed as a concert ticket, as its order ID does not directly correlate with who generated the virtual machine because that information is not kept record of.
I want to purchase my own dedicated server for my Employees. How would I go about doing that?
Send an email to [email protected] and request a quote for the To Be Determined (TBD) plan.
One small server will allow up to 25 concurrent users, API access, and year round support.
Couldn’t SADD be used for nefarious activities?
Of course SADD could be used to conduct nefarious activities. However, SADD does not condone any illegal activities per the Terms of Use. It is actually very difficult to identify what users are doing since everything is encrypted from the user device to the internet and all internet facing actions are routed through the Tor network.
I have files and data on my generated desktop. How can I retrieve this data before the virtual machine is forensically destroyed?
If the files are less than 1 MB, Jackson CS Consulting LLC, website has a client-side Javascript file encryption tool located here on https://jcsc-llc.com/aes.html. You can encrypt files and then upload them to a cloud space of your choice.
If the files are bigger than 1 MB use some tool to encrypt the files and then upload them to a cloud space of your choice.
Who owns SADD and its Intellectual Property?
Desmond Jackson wrote all the back-end code associated with the service and the patent is assigned to him.
I am looking to acquire SADD’s Intellectual Property or invest in the platform. Who should I contact?
Please contact Desmond Jackson at [email protected]
Watch Video
“Scalable Anonymous Disposable Desktops.” SADD, Jackson CS Consulting, LLC, 25 Mar. 2018, https://sadd.io/.
Hawk. “Better Than A VPN? Introducing a New Technology to Become Anonymous.” Anonymous News, Anonymous, 16 July 2018, http://anonymous-news.com/better-than-a-vpn-introducing-a-new-technology-to-become-anonymous/.
Jackson, Desmond Armani. SCALABLE ANONYMOUS DISPOSABLE DESKTOPS (SADD) . 17 Oct. 2019, https://pdfaiw.uspto.gov/.
Johnson, Aaron, et al. “Users Get Routed:Traffic Correlation on Tor by Realistic Adversaries.” Users Get Routed, ACM, 8 Nov. 2013, www.ohmygodel.com/publications/usersrouted-ccs13.pdf.
“What You Must Know About OS Fingerprinting.” Infosec Resources, InfoSec, 11 Mar. 2015, https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/must-know-os-fingerprinting/.
Kaufman, Lori. Learn How to Securely Delete Files in Windows. How-To Geek, 12 July 2017, www.howtogeek.com/72130/learn-how-to-securely-delete-files-in-windows/.
Mardisalu, Rob. “100+ VPN Logging Policies Debunked (2019):  TheBestVPN.com.” TheBestVPN.com, TheBestVPN, 15 May 2019, https://thebestvpn.com/118-vpns-logging-policy/.
Prince, Matthew. “Announcing the Fastest, Privacy-First Consumer DNS Service.” The Cloudflare Blog, Cloudflare, 1 Apr. 2018, https://blog.cloudflare.com/announcing-1111/.
Kumar, Mohit. Warning: Critical Tor Browser Vulnerability Leaks Users’ Real IP Address-Update Now. The Hacker News, 4 Nov. 2017, https://thehackernews.com/2017/11/tor-browser-real-ip.html.
Patrick, and 0brand. “Security in Real World.” Whonix, Whonix, 27 Feb. 2018, https://www.whonix.org/wiki/security_in_Real_World.
“Does a VPN Protect against Computer Viruses?” Buffered.com, Buffered Ltd, 2018, https://buffered.com/faq/vpn-protect-computer-viruses/.
Brinkmann, Martin. “Sadd: Anonymous Virtual Desktops with Tor Built-in – GHacks Tech News.” GHacks Technology News, GHacks, 23 Aug. 2018, https://www.ghacks.net/2018/08/23/sadd-anonymous-virtual-desktops-with-tor-built-in/.
“What Is SADD.IO and How Does It Work? Latest Guide.” Dark Web List – Dark Web Search – Dark Web News, Dark Web List, 14 June 2019, https://www.darkweblist.com/2019/hacking/what-is-sadd-io-and-how-does-it-work/.
Madden, Mary, and Lee Rainie. “Americans’ Attitudes About Privacy, Security and Surveillance.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, Pew Research Center, 24 Mar. 2016, https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/05/20/americans-attitudes-about-privacy-security-and-surveillance/.
Rouse, Margaret. “What Is Browser Isolation? Definition from WhatIs.com.” Searchsecurity, TechTarget, 22 May 2019, https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/browser-isolation/.
Fruhlinger, Josh. “What Is Cyber Security? Types, Careers, Salary and Certification.” CSO Online, CSO, 5 Dec. 2019, https://www.csoonline.com/article/3482001/what-is-cybersecurity-definition-frameworks-jobs-and-salaries.html.
The post All-In-One Anonymity, Privacy And Security Platform SADD.IO appeared first on HackersOnlineClub.
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RankerX - bitcoin - 143
Things To Know Before You Put money into DeepOnions
How Quantum Computing Could Have an effect on DeepOnion And Blockchain Value
A DeepOnion souvenir coin. For us DeepOnion homeowners, considered one of the massive challenges if determining how to say and get well the forked coin. Contact Author DeepOnion — a cryptocurrency which runs on a blockchain and uses a large network of computers for chomping, extensively proclaimed as the future of monetary transactions — has a major flaw. The strategy of confirming the transactions (normally begins in 10 minutes) or file-preserving service known as mining. Software program wallets in your phone let you handle DeepOnion transactions on-the-go. Let us do triple entry accounting and solve the DeepOnion drawback. DeepOnion Charts has some very primary charting but its worth is not with its charting service. Other websites that offer this service include Bitpanda, Bitquick, LocalDeepOnions, and Spectrocoin. HYIP sites are fairly good and really profitable. There are numerous complex economical issues of simply how much new cash is struck by the banks and launched into the machine.
DeepOnion is the greatest and most broadly recognized digital cash today, in actuality it is the crypto that started all of it and since it produced so much consideration numerous different cryptographic forms of money have confirmed up. Then again, you might use an unadulterated digital forex trade to vary DeepOnion for one more cryptographic money. It is a wallet completely suited to day by day use of DeepOnion: making purchases online and transferring funds between people. You too can use Electrum with most hardware wallets, which allows to extend security degree even for not technically advanced users. Diversifying means studying about keys, seeds, wallets, blockchains, mining fees, cold storage, and extra. All of this is far more sophisticated than it must be and remains to be vulnerable to "rubber-hose cryptanalysis"; DeepOnion remains to be on the do-it-your self bleeding-edge-know-how stage. Plus, Armory employs many safety practices so that even when somebody physically stole your offline system then it nonetheless may take centuries for them to get via the superior wallet encryption! A hardware wallet is a great place to retailer cryptocurrency since it’s offline and safe from viruses and malware. Cryptocurrency know-how has the capacity to upend your entire international financial system and create enormous efficiencies. The point could be moot because the DeepOnion Bucket is bought out on KFC's webpage with no indication it should go on sale later, so do not go mortgaging your house to scoop up more of the cryptocurrency just yet. I most well-liked utilizing BitQuick, however LocalDeepOnions is perhaps more effective, in the quick term.
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Building managing a DeepOnion faucet is certainly one of the best — but typically missed — ways of being profitable via DeepOnion. Generally, QR codes come in useful, since there is little or no chance of creating an error. deeponion wallet cannot be opened if the USB isn’t plugged in, making it in order that a thief would wish physical access to even attempt to realize management of your funds. Once you have achieved this, you possibly can arrange a 'chilly' offline wallet if you favor to store your secret keys offline for security causes. In fact, you'll be able to see the distinction here; they have made their very own chart known as "Google development momentum", the place you simply search each trend individually, and add them up as one. You will note the transaction in your history. This info is out-of-date, please see the new FIBRE-primarily based relay community web page, as an alternative. Armstrong mentioned he “will not hesitate” to fireplace any employee found to have violated Coinbase insurance policies, which bar them from buying and selling on materials non-public data - such as when an asset might be added to the platform.
The community vast Alert system was created by Satoshi Nakamoto as a technique of informing DeepOnion customers of any necessary info relating to DeepOnion. Right here is one I created for this article. So right here beneath in this article, now we have brought few working strategies by which you'll be able to easily Purchase DeepOnions with PayPal. For now although, I like to recommend you buy the stuff so we are able to get a transfer on. Now you may have your DeepOnion. With the arrival of technology nowadays, issues have been made simpler. The expertise allows only primary programming. If the website where you store your DeepOnions does not have a excessive quantity of safety, there's a very good chance that the website might get hacked. You could also be a repeat buyer of a seller, but please bear in mind that the seller might have modified their fee particulars since your last buy.
However remember: As exciting as it may be to think about investing, the risks here are equally great. What they did here was just present the potentialities with such an exploit. DeepOnion is the "gold commonplace" of digital currency, so for the sake of this text, I am going to concentrate on DeepOnion from here on out. On Tuesday, CME declared their intention to possess their DeepOnion futures product free earlier than the highest of this 12 months. - Some sellers apply a proportion on high of these charges to cowl prices and as a convenience/anonymity premium. Within the case of a safety breach, the insurance coverage should cowl the losses. This each serves the aim of disseminating new coins in a decentralized manner as well as motivating folks to supply security for the system. DeepOnion’s rise has been fuelled by a surge in interest from individuals in search of to get wealthy fast, many of whom are younger inexperienced buyers.
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and advertising.   OnePlus 5, also the earliest 2017 flagship in your Chinese smart-phone business, on Saturday obtained its very first Android 8.0 Oreo established open up Beta assemble.  A Android app could get one class that will be instantiated just before any Android part.  The malware is clarified like a backend which put in spyware and may root Android apparatus that were specific.  Android stems on screens - out of tablets and phones for example watches, TVs and even cars.  Most people not control mobile phones, however by also the operator and also producer.   This effort will be able to allow one to recover charge of one's own Android apparatus along with important computer own data.  Allow users socialize with every aspect for example sharing permissions, document alterations, and also programs that are associated.  All you could have todo in order to rotate into a new screen history is maintain and then faucet a location in your own homescreen.  Besides info on messages 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advertisements, behavioural intention, and positioning monitoring", most of which could be valid software, however frequently functioned with people' comprehension.  Large-type applied distinguish designs could create programs additional exciting, and also enable end users to decipher content.  A few Android programs allow you to create your own custom made widgets if you should be searching for some thing just a tad bit more expensive.  Multi user rolled out to mobiles with lolli-pop and also started with pills.   Since Anbox is jogging a whole mobile technique, conceptually any app might operate.  Research tablet computers, the Android mobiles, wearables, automobile televisions and consoles that you may utilize to personalize your lifestyle.  Android re-architects that the Android OS to define ports between apparatus and the Android program- and - vendor-specific signal.  This code shows.  A zest for Cell Phones Distribution Deal Is Demanded.  Each of four programs make use of an agency possessed by Google, referred to as Crashlytics, which chiefly monitors application crash accounts, but could also offer the capacity to find in sight to your own users, exactly what they do, and also exude live societal material to pleasure them".   HDR+ at a camera-phone is similar to saying that a 4K monitor is far better compared to the usual 720p a single for playing with 720p online video.  Smartphones in Verizon vary between people using cameras that are instinctive and touch screens for people who have instinctive sharing and a QWERTY computer keyboard.  News and testimonials of applications and hardware.  Groundbreaking a new amount of support, Google provides you the weather until you walk right outside the entranceway, since you are getting dressed up and dressed days of today.  WebOS was declared to be published since Free computer software It was seen whether or not all components will probably soon be liberated and also if there'll soon be new devices.  
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abigailswager · 7 years
Litecoin versus Bitcoin | the differences
New Post has been published on https://litecoinbrokerreviews.com/litecoin-versus-bitcoin-differences/
Litecoin versus Bitcoin | the differences
Back In 2009, a janapense programmer going by the name Satoshi Nakamoto launched bitcoin as the world’s first cryptocurrency or atleast that is what is believed , since then many pother rumours and scenarios have surfaced , but it matters less tothe current situation.
The code of the Bitcoin was and still is open source, this means in laymans terms that it can be changed and altered by anyone and to be used for any project they see fit. that was the start of many other digital currencies that used this original code to create their own cryptocurrency . some were made successful other not so much.
Litecoin was build and designed like the robin to Batman, not to just replacve them but to assist and in its own terms become successful.
The crucial difference between bitcoin and litecoin.
bitcoin litecoin Coin limit 21 Million 84 Million Algorithm SHA-256 Scrypt Mean block time 10 minutes 2.5 minutes Difficulty retarget 2016 block 2016 blocks Block reward details Halved every 210,000 blocks. Halved every 840,000 blocks Initial reward 50 BTC 50 LTC Current block reward 25 BTC 50 LTC Block explorer blockchain.info block-explorer.com Created by Satoshi Nakamoto Charles Lee Creation date January 3rd, 2009 October 7th, 2011 Market cap $10,467,596,650.78 $540,274,528.26  Bitcoin Statistics  Litecoin Statistics
Mining differences
Just like bitcoin, litecoin is a crytocurrency that is generated by mining. Litecoin was created in October 2011 by former Google engineer Charles Lee. The motivation behind its creation was to improve upon bitcoin. The key difference for end-users being the 2.5 minute time to generate a block, as opposed to bitcoin’s 10 minutes. Charles Lee now works for Coinbase, one of the most popular online bitcoin wallets.
ASIC Mining
For miners and enthusiasts though, litecoin holds a much more important difference to bitcoin, and that is its different proof of work algorithm. Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm, which involves calculations that can be greatly accelerated in parallel processing. It is this characteristic that has given rise to the intense race in ASIC technology, and has caused an exponential increase in bitcoin’s difficulty level.
Litecoin, however, uses the scrypt algorithm – originally named as s-crypt, but pronounced as ‘script’. This algorithm incorporates the SHA-256 algorithm, but its calculations are much more serialised than those of SHA-256 in bitcoin. Scrypt favours large amounts of high-speed RAM, rather than raw processing power alone. As a result, scrypt is known as a ‘memory hard problem’.
The consequences of using scrypt mean that there has not been as much of an ‘arms race’ in litecoin (and other scrypt currencies), because there is (so far) no ASIC technology available for this algorithm. However, this is soon to change, thanks to companies like Alpha Technologies, which is now taking preorders.
GPU mining
To highlight the difference in hashing power, at the time of writing, the total hashing rate of the bitcoin network is over 20,000 Terra Hashes per second, while litecoin is just 95,642 Mega Hashes per second.
For the time being, ‘state of the art’ litecoin mining rigs come in the form of custom PCs fitted with multiple graphics cards (ie: GPUs). These devices can handle the calculations needed for scrypt and have access to blisteringly fast memory built into their own circuit boards.
There was a time when people could use GPU mining for bitcoin, but ASICs have made this method not worth the effort.
Transaction differences
The main difference is that litecoin can confirm transactions must faster than bitcoin. The implications of that are as follows:
Litecoin can handle a higher volume of transactions thanks to its faster block generation. If bitcoin were to try to match this, it would require significant updates to the code that everyone on the bitcoin network is currently running.
The disadvantage of this higher volume of blocks is that the litecoin blockchain will be proportionately larger than bitcoin’s, with more orphaned blocks.
The faster block time of litecoin reduces the risk of double spending attacks – this is theoretical in the case of both networks having the same hashing power.
A merchant who waited for a minimum of two confirmations would only need to wait five minutes, whereas they would have to wait 10 minutes for just one confirmation with bitcoin.
Transaction speed (or faster block time) and confirmation speed are often touted as moot points by many involved in bitcoin, as most merchants would allow zero-confirmation transactions for most purchases. It is necessary to bear in mind that a transaction is instant, it is just confirmed by the network as it propagates.
Both Bitcoin and Litecoin are deflationary.
Litecoin payment confirmations are faster.
Litecoin is more adaptive to technical up-scaling.
Both coins can compliment each other.
Comparing two stocks to find out the relatively better value buy is quite easy for a traditional research analyst who deals with equity market. The number of parameters available for comparison is wide and time tested, starting from a simple quarterly result’s net profit to complex ones like debt equity ratio, PE, trailing EPS etc. Stocks are categorized by its market capitalization and industry to make the study more focused. But when comes to crypto world, we don’t have any time tested parameters to filer out the naked ones from others which are promising and disruptive in nature. So an investor who decided to invest in crypto currencies have to overcome this black-hole by using some simple traditional techniques which requires normal IQ level only. Let us first discuss about the similarities between these two coins and then step in to future outlook of Litecoin.
  Both Bitcoin and Litecoin are deflationary
These crux behind the deflationary nature is simple defined by the demand supply logic in basic economics. The supply of both these coins will be tapered in coming years and at the same time demand will be increasing if something catastrophic is not happening in crypto space. Bitcoin will have 21 million coinsin its entire life span and Litecoin will have 84 million, which is exactly 4 times that of Bitcoin. Considering the fact that in early days, people gave little importance on secure storage, millions worth coins were lost which cannot be recovered by any chance. This is the reason why both of these coins are considered deflationary in nature. The current supply of Bitcoin is nearly 16.4 million whereas Litecoin has 51.85 million coins in circulation.
“When I released Litecoin there were a lot of other cryptocurrencies that were pre-mined by founders wanted to be super rich. I preannounced Litecoin on Bitcointalk, so people could mine it from the get go. It was more widely distributed from the start than Bitcoin.” Charlee Lee, Litecoin founder
2. Litecoin payment confirmations are faster
The block generation time of Bitcoin is 10 minutes and Litecoin is 2.5 minutes. In simple terms, it means that transactions are confirmed 4 times faster in Litecoin. The downside of smaller block generation time is, it is easy for reversal of transaction compared to a larger block. Since the value of Bitcoin is high, Litecoin’s future lies in using it for small transactions as the transaction fees associated is negligible compared to Bitcoin’s transactions.
Litecoin has a large economy and our technology works on Litecoin with almost no changes. We like ethereum too, but ethereum is too different from bitcoin for us to easily switch. Litecoin has the best combination of economic size and technical similarity to bitcoin. On Litecoin, transaction fees are only a few cents. This means users can comfortably load only $1 onto our network while still paying negligible fees. This is a radically lower barrier to entry compared to $100 for bitcoin. Litecoin is one hundred times better for our application today than bitcoin. Ryan X. Charles, Yours
3. Both coins are based on “Proof of Work” concept The coin rewarding functionality of both Bitcoin and Litecoin are based on the concept of proof of work, though their algorithms differ. Bitcoin is using SHA-256 and Litecoin is using scrypt algorithm. SHA-256 is a complex algorithm and data block processing with SHA-256 possess slower—transaction turnaround times with less room for error. Successful mining of coins using SHA-256 requires hash rates at the giga hashes per second range or higher which means miners need high performing ASIC chips. Scrypt is simpler and it is is much easier to run on GPUs, and tends to use up less energy than using SHA-256.
Future Outlook for Litecoin
Litecoin is more adaptive to technical up-scaling If we compare the history and road-map of Bitcoin and Litecoin, it is evident that the later has been well ahead in adapting new improvement plans. Segwit is already activated in Litecoin without any political doldrums. The founder Charlee Lee has joined back at Litecoin foundation after his stint in coinbase. The team behind Litecoin is now working on Lightning network and adding smart contracts. Once implemented successfully, these two projects can change the future of Litecoin.
Lightning Network I believe Litecoin will be the first crypto to implement lightning network which would increase the scalability of transactions. Ind is one of the implementations which is in the final stages and expected to complete in next 6 months. Once lightning network is implemented, the number of transactions per second can grow to millions.
Smart Contracts The future road-map of Litecoin shows its interest in anonymous smart contracts. Smart crypt vault is one of the items on the roadmap Charlie Lee is excited about. The technology combines MAST (Merkelized abstract syntax trees) and covenants – script combinations that restrict how coins are spent. The team is expecting a positive outcome in this month on this as per Charlie’s tweet.
Conclusion Charlee Lee introduced Litecoin as “silver crypto currency” when Bitcoin took the name of “Crypto gold”. If we understand the fundamental logic behind both the coins, we don’t need rocket science knowledge or high IQ to understand the fact that Litecoin is heavily undervalued. The ideal price of Litecoin is ultimately pegged with 1/4th of Bitcoin price. This is by the simple calculation of supply of coins, 21 million vs 84 million. According to google keyword search, Litecoin is still not in limelight like Bitcoin or Ethereum. This can change in near future and both the coins can compliment each other on a long run.
“Litecoin versus Bitcoin is like Facebook versus Google Plus,” says Lee. “It would be hard for Plus to overtake Facebook. But if something catastrophic happens to Bitcoin, I could see Litecoin positioned to overtake it.” Charlee Lee, Litecoin founder
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
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Tips and Techniques to Keep Your Internet Browsing
Retaining your anonymity in today’s contemporary age is becoming more and more tough with hackers, phishing tries, malware and unsolicited mail emails designed to scouse borrow your pertinent records. Despite the fact that staying safe at the same time as browsing and buying on-line has emerge as difficult, it is not impossible. Located below are ideas and gear that a consumer can implement to keep their touchy statistics, and their computing systems, secure throughout their online sessions.
Proxy Servers
One of the main approaches to guard yourself from malicious attacks and outdoor resources is through the use of an effective proxy server while browsing. A proxy server, in easy terms, re-routes your initial request for a webpage, record or different piece of information through a corporation’s server gadget. Most of the those servers are Positioned round the sector and for this reason creates a degree of privacy whilst you pass approximately your browsing.
Those services additionally protect the purchaser’s
Internet Protocol address (IP) from being viewed from out of doors assets. Each computing device is given a particular IP deal with that acts similar to the address of your home. In truth, a few speculate that there are so many linked devices that have been given an address that we may additionally default to a exceptional device inside the close to destiny.
If your deal with is observed via a person that wants to cause harm or scouse borrow data, this will allow them to do so with little attempt worried. In addition, if a purchaser does now not desire to buy a proxy server function, there are various techniques to pass this paywall. services inclusive of Digital Non-public Community (VPN) serps are designed to maintain your browsing Personal. these structures appreciate consumer integrity and privateness and permit people, particularly in conflict-plagued countries, to look certain websites blocked by way of their united states of america’s officials.
Eight Basic Badminton Techniques
In case you need to improve your game, you have to practice those 8 primary strategies. Even In case you just play badminton for a laugh, you could constantly examine some thing new to better your overall performance.
1. Badminton Grip
The right grip is your primary foundation for badminton. For more energy and accuracy, make certain you are preserving the racket effectively. There are 2 foremost styles of grips: forehand and backhand.
Use the forehand grip when your shots are within the the front of your frame, and also you hold your hand on the handle as If you in which shaking hands. Hold the racket face perpendicular to the floor.
whilst the shot is in the back of your body, you should use the backhand racket grip. keep the take care of similar to you probably did for the forehand, but then turn the racket counter-clockwise so your thumb is to the left.
2. Badminton Footwork
Your opponent will attempt to Hold the go back and forth faraway from you, so be organized to move across the court quickly and accurate with accurate footwork. You may need moves like skipping, shuffling, gliding, lunging and even bouncing. It’s as much as you the way to use them throughout your game. always Hold your knees slightly bent and ready to transport always. Generally stay inside the mid-courtroom location so you can reach all corners of the courtroom fast.
3. Serving
you may even gain factors with the right serve. There are four basic types of badminton serve: high serve, low serve, flick serve, and the drive serve. you can select the right serve after looking your opponent. Serving to the returned of the court docket with a high serve is a superb concept If you are playing towards a person who likes to live near the net, for instance.
4. Clears
The badminton clean is the most commonplace stroke, and it is able to be played from both forehand or backhand, as well as overhead or underarm. Regardless of exactly how you use the clean, the objective is to send the commute to the returned of the court, forcing your opponent returned far from the internet to open up the forecourt.
5. Drop pictures
The drop shot is the opposite of the above referred to clean shot, as it is intended to drop right in the back of the net and pressure your opponent closer into the forecourt. This will open up space within the backcourt on your subsequent play. This pass may be played both forehand or backhand, and generally has a whole lot of wrist movement to it.
How Online Reputation Management Is A Solid Internet Marketing Strategy
We recognise how a great deal groups need internet advertising to attain to a much wider marketplace and a larger audience. We also realize that this kind of advertising and marketing can be carried out the use of some of tools or techniques suiting to a business needs. One of the gear is recognition management wherein a brand’s on-line photo is boosted by means of countering negativity with positivity. recognition control is now vital because the surge of negativity on the net has grown in depth and no businesses are proof against it. Negative consumer opinions can impact a enterprise and dilute its logo fee within the eyes of clients.
Greater so, it is not unusual to see competitors indulge in the sport of photo
Tarnishing and that they inn to posting horrific and Terrible issue throughout channels at the internet. If such posts and comments are not managed well, it may then create a awful impression for a business in query. reputation management is likewise a manner to engage with customers who have some sort of issues with the enterprise. This way, you may understand their problems, provide you with solutions and affect their shopping for choice to a splendid quantity. You should hence lease experts right away in order that the popularity of your business is saved intact.
Extra so, you should remember the fact that nowadays some 85% customers read critiques on-line earlier than shopping for a product or availing a service. therefore, no business can have the funds for exposing those prospects to terrible opinions and Terrible comments as this can have negative impact on the income and revenues. With reputation control, your commercial enterprise can expect to construct agree with inside the marketplace and benefit self assurance of on the returned of credibility. Similarly, by giving consumers superb opinions and scores approximately your products, offerings or some other element of the commercial enterprise, you inspire them and allow them to pose believe in you.
Similarly, recognition management is a fantastic tool to understand
Customer feedbacks and proceedings and paintings upon them in a speedy manner. You rent specialists who now not handiest construct popularity however also interact with customers and remedy their troubles. You open a channel of communication with your audience in order that their remarks can be heard and relevant answers are provided. it’s usually a terrific approach to reach out to the target audience, concentrate to them and their issues after which deal with any problems they have got with the brand you’re associated with. That is the way you give the influence that clients are cared a lot.
The Internet and Web Browsing Just Got Faster: What You Need to Know to Improve Your Web Experience
If you are the use of the ultra-modern model of your favorite internet browser you then are probably already cashing in on the new web protocol known as “HTTP/2”. This means your web browsing enjoy has just were given an entire lot faster.
If you are thinking what all this HTTP/2 mumbo-jumbo method – then this requires a brief history lesson on the internet evolution:
Browsing on line and viewing a internet site became made feasible via communicating through a unique language referred to as HTTP which became invented by means of a British laptop scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Pretty, the HTTP has remained enormously unchanged for the ultimate 20+ years notwithstanding the net dramatically evolving over this period of time. There is way to Google who played a chief element in spearheading the aim to hurry up the net with the brand new HTTP/2 protocol due to the fact as history suggests: it finally became authorised by way of Mr Nottingham who chairs the Net Engineering Task Force’s (IETF) HTTP.
The internet speedup inside the HTTP/2 protocol is due to a few full-
Size upgrades made to the older HTTP protocol. Those can be indexed as:
Compression of Headers: web communication requires the usage of “Headers” which provides to the general overhead with data transmissions. the brand new HTTP/2 protocol allows Headers to be compressed which ends up in removing lots redundancies whilst replacing records.
Multiplexing of records: Formerly net verbal exchange that generally entails a “Request” and “Response” facts alternate turned into accomplished over a unmarried connection that become sequential in order (i.E. Request 1, Response 1, Request 2, Response 2 and so on). The trouble is that maximum websites are sophisticated and needs more than one internet conversation exchanges. However, establishing more than one simultaneous connections results in performance deteriorations. the new HTTP/2 solves this via imparting the mechanism to allow multiple web verbal exchange exchanges to occur over a unmarried connection which can occur simultaneously. The development takes place from disposing of the “sequential” kingdom and from growing more than one connections, that is a fee.
  Originally posted 2016-08-28 04:51:21.
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