#data sanitization solution
missamyrisa2 · 8 months
Wakey wakey~
You find yourself struggling on the curiously shaped padded white exam table which slopes downward from your head ~ the thick straps keep your arms forward your waist is similarly held snug, your legs are gently spread with enough wiggle room to kick nervously ~ particularly as the hum of machinery starts and viewing panels open from all sides high above. Shadowy figures seen glaring down at your plight are joined by the glowering red lights of observation equipment winking to life all around ~ your protests and squeaks echo around the sanitized room, the humming becomes a buzz as you sense the presence of something heavy and imposing approaching your legs~
You can kick all you like, the machinery can't be deterred as it deploys padded probes to the backs of your legs and begins stimulating with tickly tingly vibrations. Activity rises in the observation deck and the equipment feeds on your reactions, every noise and twitch and struggle is captured and analyzed ~ you can almost see the line of data pulsing through the equipment as every big reaction causes the machine to recalibrate and further massage on your most sensitive spots behind your knees and up the backs of your thighs ~ annnd up to your tush, humming and stimulating your booty to its satisfaction~
Your squeaks turn to giggles and gasps, the relentless machinery cataloging your body and coaxing it of all the sensitive secrets. You feel spent and worked over, probed and defeated ~ and yettt ~ the treatment is only starting. The machinery surges in energy, the probes attach to the backs of your thighs and tush cheeks in strategic locations. With a gentle push they hold you taut, hold your cheeks gently apart ~ as the machine spools up its routine and the sound of spinning orbital buffers fills the room. Their progress is temporarily delayed by a swarm of mechanical hands, clicking as they flex their fingers and work hurriedly to spray your rear quarters with a cleansing solution. Others follow behind with soft wipes, working away the imperfections. This attention, mechanical or not, puts you into a fury of blush and gasps ~ and it does not go unnoticed.
You glance back and see them approach. Your protests and pleads fall on nonexistent sound receptors. The machine cannot be bargained with. The observers above certainly hear your begs as the soft whirling surfaces are approaching your twitchy sensitive spots, and note each one. Soft motorized fluff invades the curves of your back legs, buffing in lines to maximize your stimulation. Two more join them, deployed at the curves under your buttcheeks. From your vantage point they are a blur of green but you absolutely feel every soft fiber as it is whipped over your skin, barely touching yet drawing out so much sensation ~ and giggles.
With a whine, another piece of equipment deploys. You shriek uselessly seeing the wheel approaching with a buzz. Each spoke sprouts a feather of soft stiffness, and the circle begins turning slowly as it is brought closer and closer between your legs. At first it's the tiniest breeze, teasing at your honey spot and royal area and edges of your tush cheeks. You think you can handle it, maybe even find it a good distraction from the buffers as they polish around your legs and behind your knees now. But then it grows closer. The breeze becomes a slowly growing itch, a little ember of want. Every feather slides down and caresses between your cheeks, over your hole and downward. That slow path quickly becomes worn in with gigglish sensation~
You get the slightest respite between feathers, but their time tickling at your line of ticklishness grows. The wheel is now slowing slightly each time a feather makes contact, then picks up speed after it passes your royal area. The adjustments are slight but they draw out your ticklish agony so much. The activity above rises. Eyes are stuck to glass, notes are taken rapidly. The equipment is burning hotly trying to consume all your data.
And then the wheel reverses~
You scream out in desperate wanting needing laughs. The feathers caress one after another after another, touching your royal area with the slightest slap before passing you to the next. The kiss at your honeyspot becomes an explosion of tickles. The wheel never stops turning. The buffers taunt and work to engage with skipping motions between each feather touch so that you are constantly passed back and forth from sensations. You want it so badly, you want that release. More buffers add to your desperation, their fluff invading under your toes and along your soles. Your muscles ache, your royal areas throb. Your whimpers only seem to encourage the operators, as you can start to recognize the motions above precipitating another surge of machine activity.
When your mewling overtakes your giggles, the wheel pulls back to give the taunting breeze so the buffers can work around your cheeks and small of your back and even sneak at your hips to make you buck and laugh. When your laughs become high pitched and silly, the orbital discs slow and the wheel engages at full contact to make you moan and giggle and yelp for more.
And more you get ~ as with a flurry of motion in the observation deck followed by what appeared to be a minor debate, the room trembles and through a complex set of mechanical squirms and shrieks, you find yourself flipped over, facing skyward under brightening observation lights. Strapped down tightly, legs gently spread, the wheel soon approaches once more surrounded on all sides by snaking orbital buffers ~ and a burst of newcomers, their intense blue-white lights igniting as they buzz furiously like a swarm of bees. Tiny spotlights illuminate under your arms, around your tummy, in your navel, along your neck, over your chest buttons, on your hip dips, and between your toes. The vibrating tools begin their humming inquisition as if questioning your hot spots with their tips right as the buffers make strides across your longer tickle zones - sides, ribs, arms, legs, and thighs. And that wheel, that wicked wicked wheel, extends its feathers once more and begins the endless caress over your royal area.
You want the ticklecum so bad~
and can only hope it's on the menu today~
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soon-palestine · 6 months
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Damages to Physical Structures Estimated at $18.5 billion as of end January
WASHINGTON, April 2, 2024 – The cost of damage to critical infrastructure in Gaza is estimated at around $18.5 billion according to a new report released today by the World Bank and the United Nations, with financial support of the European Union. That is equivalent to 97% of the combined GDP of the West Bank and Gaza in 2022. The Interim Damage Assessment report used remote data collection sources to measure damage to physical infrastructure in critical sectors incurred between October 2023 and end of January 2024. The report finds that damage to structures affects every sector of the economy. Housing accounts for 72% of the costs. Public service infrastructure such as water, health and education account for 19%, and damages to commercial and industrial buildings account for 9%. For several sectors, the rate of damage appears to be leveling off as few assets remain intact. An estimated 26 million tons of debris and rubble have been left in the wake of the destruction, an amount that is estimated to take years to remove.
The report also looks at the impact on the people of Gaza. More than half the population of Gaza is on the brink of famine and the entire population is experiencing acute food insecurity and malnutrition. Over a million people are without homes and 75% of the population is displaced. Catastrophic cumulative impacts on physical and mental health have hit women, children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities the hardest, with the youngest children anticipated to be facing life-long consequences to their development.
With 84% of health facilities damaged or destroyed, and a lack of electricity and water to operate remaining facilities, the population has minimal access to health care, medicine, or life-saving treatments. The water and sanitation system has nearly collapsed, delivering less than 5% of its previous output, with people dependent on limited water rations for survival. The education system has collapsed, with 100% of children out of school.
The report also points to the impact on power networks as well as solar generated systems and the almost total power blackout since the first week of the conflict. With 92% of primary roads destroyed or damaged and the communications infrastructure seriously impaired, the delivery of basic humanitarian aid to people has become very difficult.
The Interim Damage Assessment Note identifies key actions for early recovery efforts, starting with an increase in humanitarian assistance, food aid and food production; the provision of shelter and rapid, cost-effective, and scalable housing solutions for displaced people; and the resumption of essential services.
About the Gaza Interim Damage Assessment Report The Gaza Interim Damage Assessment report draws on remote data collection sources and analytics to provide a preliminary estimate of damages to physical structures in Gaza from the conflict in accordance with the Rapid Damage & Needs Assessment (RDNA) methodology. RDNAs follow a globally recognized methodology that has been applied in multiple post-disaster and post-conflict settings. A comprehensive RDNA that assesses economic and social losses, as well as financing needs for recovery and reconstruction, will be completed as soon as the situation allows. The cost of damages, losses and needs estimated through a comprehensive RDNA is expected to be significantly higher than that of an Interim Damage Assessment.
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sailorsplatoon · 4 months
ok, theoretically, Tartar just… shows up again (not entirely unfounded to think there was at least 1 backup of it in the metro), what’s going on there?
because if that backup is of a earlier version of Tartar, then it wouldn’t be all….. genocidey.
but if it’s a backup of Tartar from around OE?
Ooooooh so this is actually an idea that I’ve been tossing around in my head for a while and I’m very excited to be able to talk about it! This is going to be a very long post, so I apologize in advance.
I’m actually going to put a cut here because oh wow this is really long… warning: this is going to take up more than your entire screen.
You’re right, it makes no sense for there not to be at least one backup of Tartar’s code somewhere in the metro.
I was going to write something slightly different and way shorter here, but I actually just got a really interesting idea. What if there are two different backups from two different points? So they’re very different versions of Tartar? There’s one from before it turned all genocidey, and one from after. The one from before just wants to share humanity’s knowledge with the cephalopods, in hopes of helping them learn about their predecessors, while the newer one shares the same goals as the Tartar we know, wanting to either kill or sanitize all cephalopods.
Then, what if bad guy Tartar kills good guy Tartar? Like it just deletes the code, thinking that the older save file is a version of it that is too naive to understand why it has to destroy the cephalopods. 
Okay, let’s make this into an actual story now:
The Memverse is now fully operational, and Marina is working hard to help the sanitized octolings get better, along with Pearl, Eight, Acht, Four, and even Smollusk. But as she’s gathering more mem cakes from the Deepsea Metro’s data base to input into the Memverse’s code, she notices that the firewall has gone back up. She disabled it the first time she hacked into the Deepsea Metro systems, so it seems strange that it would suddenly reappear for no reason. She tries to disable it again, inputting the same password she had always used, and is locked out, being blocked from the data base entirely. 
This is definitely weird, so she asks Eight to head back down into the metro to see if there’s anything that might be messing with her hacking.  She doesn’t suspect it’s anything big, probably just some strange glitch, but she needs someone to go make sure. Eight takes Captain with him, just on case things go wrong. 
Down there, they learn from C.Q. Cumber that Kamabo Co. has begun running again, meaning that the program will be accepting new test subjects. C.Q. Cumber even offers for Eight to rejoin the program. He rejects, of course, not wanting to go through that hell again. But the fact that Kamabo Co. has started up again can only mean one thing: Tartar is back.
Eight and Captain rush back to tell Marina, horrified at what they discovered. They explain everything to the New Squidbeak Splatoon along with Pearl and Marina. It’s hard for everyone to believe, but there’s no denying what they learned. Marina puts together pretty quickly that Tartar must have had some sort of backup save file that’s only now gone online. After hours of trying to figure out a plan, the Splatoon concludes that there’s only one real solution. Someone has to go into the Deepsea Metro and destroy Tartar, once and for all. 
Both Eight and Captain volunteer, having previous knowledge of how the Deepsea Metro works, which gives them an advantage. But Marie points out how terrified the two were to learn that Tartar was back, and makes the point that if they end up like that during the mission, it could be fatal. Acht agrees, knowing how hard it would be for them to face Tartar again, and how Eight and Captain undoubtably feel the same. Eight and Captain reluctant, but they know that they’re both right.
Which means the only agents left for the job are Four and Neo. Callie and Marie are too busy with idol work to be able to disappear underground for what could be weeks, or even months. And Cuttlefish isn’t exactly in fighting state anymore. Both Four and Neo are glad to help. Four wants to get revenge on Tartar for all the pain it’s cased people they care about (Eight, Captain, and Acht). Neo thinks what Tartar has done is beyond redemption and is determined to stop it from hurting anyone else. The two venture into the Deepsea Metro, along with Little Buddy of course, with the NSS, Pearl, Marina, and Acht all giving support from their headsets. 
While they’re down there, Neo’s sea-cucumber phone starts to glitch out. It starts to talk to both of them. Obviously Four and Neo are freaking out. Why would Neo’s phone be talking? It tries to calm them down and explains that it’s an old version of Tartar’s save data, having been created long before it turned evil. It was brought online when the newer, more evil version went online as well. This version of Tartar only wants to share its knowledge with others. It’s horrified by what the other version if it did, and wants to help Neo and Four stop the same things from happening again. They’re skeptical at first, worrying that this could be some kind of trick, but Marina checks the data to find that it is in fact a copy mde of Tartar’s data from thoustands of years ago, long before it began to detest cephalopods. Pearl decides that this version of Tartar is named Mayonnaise, after the ingredient in tartar sauce. 
Mayonnaise helps Neo and Four through the Deepsea Metro, navigating the labyrinth of tunnels and train tracks, all while staying out of the eye of the evil Tartar, which Neo decided is named Hades, after the Greek god that overthrew Tartarus, who also happened to be the ruler of Tartarus (the god and the place have the same name, which is very confusing). 
Neo and Four continue their exploration of the metro, defeating sanitized octolings and breaking out any new test subjects they meet along the way. They never officially apply to be test subject themselves, as they don’t want to draw attention to themselves on what is supposed to be a stealth mission. Granted, neither of them are very stealthy, but they’re trying. Over the course of this mission, Neo and Four grow close to Mayonnaise, and they actually start to become friends.
Eventually, they are able to follow a group of sanitized octolings back to  what appears to be a control room. There, they meet Hades, which takes the form of a robotic humanoid body that has a landline emplanted in the chest, with the phone part acting as a head accessory which its voice comes out of. It still has something that resembles a mouth, but the receiver is what the speaker is really in. 
Hades had known about their presence in the Deepsea Metro the entire time, and was waiting for them to arrive. It does its whole evil monologue, talking about both its goal to eradicate the cephalopods, and also how it sees Mayonnaise as an inferior version of itself. At the end if its monologue it goes into the Deepsea Metro’s systems and deletes Mayonnaise’s code, killing it. 
In a fit of greif and rage, Neo and Four fight Hades. While they do they also have to hold off hoards of sanitized octarians. Eventually, they are able to distract Hades enough to allow Marina to get back into the Deepsea Metro’s systems, and delete any additional save files that Tartar had made. Now all that’s left to do is kill Hades. After what feels like an eternity of fighting, Neo and Four are finally able to best it, taking down both Hades and any remnants of Tartar once and for all. 
Thank you for the ask!!! I uh… I wrote a lot. If you actually read this far then thank you! Tbh I don’t really know what I want this to be, maybe an au, maybe a sequel to the dedfour stuff. I’ll figure it out eventually. Probabaly. (I am horribly indecisive.) Either way I really like this little story I’ve got going here!
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sophia-zofia · 6 months
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WASHINGTON, April 2, 2024 – The cost of damage to critical infrastructure in Gaza is estimated at around $18.5 billion according to a new report released today by the World Bank and the United Nations, with financial support of the European Union. That is equivalent to 97% of the combined GDP of the West Bank and Gaza in 2022. The Interim Damage Assessment report used remote data collection sources to measure damage to physical infrastructure in critical sectors incurred between October 2023 and end of January 2024. The report finds that damage to structures affects every sector of the economy. Housing accounts for 72% of the costs. Public service infrastructure such as water, health and education account for 19%, and damages to commercial and industrial buildings account for 9%. For several sectors, the rate of damage appears to be leveling off as few assets remain intact. An estimated 26 million tons of debris and rubble have been left in the wake of the destruction, an amount that is estimated to take years to remove. The report also looks at the impact on the people of Gaza. More than half the population of Gaza is on the brink of famine and the entire population is experiencing acute food insecurity and malnutrition. Over a million people are without homes and 75% of the population is displaced. Catastrophic cumulative impacts on physical and mental health have hit women, children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities the hardest, with the youngest children anticipated to be facing life-long consequences to their development. With 84% of health facilities damaged or destroyed, and a lack of electricity and water to operate remaining facilities, the population has minimal access to health care, medicine, or life-saving treatments. The water and sanitation system has nearly collapsed, delivering less than 5% of its previous output, with people dependent on limited water rations for survival. The education system has collapsed, with 100% of children out of school. The report also points to the impact on power networks as well as solar generated systems and the almost total power blackout since the first week of the conflict. With 92% of primary roads destroyed or damaged and the communications infrastructure seriously impaired, the delivery of basic humanitarian aid to people has become very difficult. The Interim Damage Assessment Note identifies key actions for early recovery efforts, starting with an increase in humanitarian assistance, food aid and food production; the provision of shelter and rapid, cost-effective, and scalable housing solutions for displaced people; and the resumption of essential services.   About the Gaza Interim Damage Assessment Report The Gaza Interim Damage Assessment report draws on remote data collection sources and analytics to provide a preliminary estimate of damages to physical structures in Gaza from the conflict in accordance with the Rapid Damage & Needs Assessment (RDNA) methodology. RDNAs follow a globally recognized methodology that has been applied in multiple post-disaster and post-conflict settings. A comprehensive RDNA that assesses economic and social losses, as well as financing needs for recovery and reconstruction, will be completed as soon as the situation allows. The cost of damages, losses and needs estimated through a comprehensive RDNA is expected to be significantly higher than that of an Interim Damage Assessment.
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machinesarepower · 4 months
I see a lot of people who I would otherwise like or support in some capacity embrace Ai, and I always have one problem: figuring out why.
I mean, it's not about AI in industry. Actual industrial applications in fields like medicine are a great thing and real scientists are working on them day and night. No, I mean more individual solutions.
Text generation? We're on ChatGPT-4.0 and it's still a shitty version of Google that parses openly available data and gives you a generalized version of it. Usually really sanitized, too. Since it's just a definition machine, it can't do synthesis research.
Image generation? I don't even get the concept here. The only thing you could use it for is to create an ocean of slop in a corporate environment... which is what it's being used for. Otherwise, it's mostly just deepfakes and images used for phishing. The "art" scene is dead and nobody even pretends otherwise anymore.
Music generation? I guess if you want an endless stream of progressive house and dub techno that sounds like shit because the AI doesn't understand concepts like progression or melody, okay. Same goes for ambient noise. Just listen to a real album?
Video generation? I challenge you to name a theoretical application where this would be useful. I'd ask for a practical example but all it's used for is fraud, deepfakes, or if you're a corporation and don't want to pay for things.
Audio generation? Prepare for an eternity of semi-convincing robocalls and phishing attempts. Otherwise, enjoy the deluge of unfunny memes where celebrities and cartoon characters read off the same joke for an eternity.
I'm sure there are more individual use cases, but all of them feel equally inane and designed for abuse. People get hyped over the idea of an AI that can create convincing videos, but you can hear a pin drop when you ask them what application they expect from it.
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mollyjames · 2 years
Alright tumblr detectives, I got a doozy for you:
So as some of you already know, the water in our apartment is contaminated. It's been almost a year, we still have no idea what's causing it.
The Problem
This all started last year, when I noticed a weird taste in the water. At the time I thought maybe I hadn't washed out my glass properly, or else I just left it out on my desk for too long. But the problem persisted. The weird taste would start to linger well into the night, and I had increased difficulty sleeping as I grew steadily more anxious. Even then I tried to pass it off as no big deal. My partner hadn't said anything about the water, and I have a sensitive palette. Just because I tasted something a little fishy doesn't mean there's something wrong.
Then, after about a week of exposure, I started getting a truly awful feeling in my mouth, the likes of which I'd never felt before. For a few hours at a time, my mouth would prickle up and start to salivate. It felt like I was trying to spit out my own tongue. At this point, we stopped drinking the water entirely, and did everything we could to limit our exposure to it.
Temporary Solutions
The first thing we tried was to get a Brita filter. Knowing what we know now, this might have actually helped, but at the time I still thought I could taste something weird, so we stopped after a few days. We started getting our drinking water from the grocery store, but I kept getting that weird taste. It was only after we began sanitizing our dishes with bleach that the taste fully went away.
We reported the problem to our landlord, who after a few weeks of unhelpful troubleshooting, agreed to drain our hot water tank. This seemed to help briefly, but the taste came back within a few days. Eventually, he replaced the hot water tank altogether. This worked! Or so we thought. After six months, the taste returned. We're now planning to move out at the end of November.
Data Collection
We ran several home tests on the water to try and find the problem. All typical contaminants, such iron, lead, and copper, came back negative. We also didn't detect any bacteria. (Please take this with a grain of salt, we ran these home tests ourselves. However, it is much more difficult to get a negative test for bacteria than a positive one.) The only result that turned up anything strange was a pH level of around 6.5. This is particularly notable as our city water errs close to a pH of 8. However in isolation, it's not much to go on. We also took the water to a nearby lab to run tests for mineral contaminants. These came back negative.
As mentioned previously, I noticed a strange taste while my partner did not. However, once we began to limit their exposure to the water, we were able to identify some unusual symptoms. Several lingering digestive issues went away, and what they had assumed was an allergy to green tea disappeared as well. They also noted their throat was more sore than usual after exposure to the water. My partner has several co-morbidities (for lack of a better word), like asthma and allergies, which make their symptoms more difficult to parse. That said, once we limited our exposure to the water, they felt notably healthier. For what it's worth, they are confident that I am correct in saying that the water is a problem.
Whatever this is seems to like hot water, or at the very least doesn't mind it. This is subjective, but the contaminant seemed to appear more concentrated in coffee, tea, soup, and other warm items, even after boiling the water. My suspicion was that the cold water was fine, or at least less of a problem than the hot water. This is corroborated by the replacing of our hot water tank, which did solve the problem for a time. It also seems to like metal, and places where water collects for a time, such as pots and cups. Soap seems to have no effect. It does not like bleach. Given this, in combination with our testing, I am inclined to believe whatever this is is organic.
Other apartments are not experiencing the same issue. There is a single water tank that feeds into all of the different rooms in the building. Our landlord has confirmed that no one else has experienced this issue. I was also able to personally sample some water from a neighbor, and found no issue with it.
Our landlord has tried the water himself, and said he didn't taste anything weird. (Remember, it took a week of continuous exposure before my extra-sensitive self decided it was worth doing something about.)
Additional Symptoms
These are subjective, but worth noting regardless:
I noticed rashes forming on my body. This is not an issue my partner had, but I also like to take long hot showers. They eventually went away on their own after a few months the first time. This second round I'm being much more cautious, and taking exclusively cold showers. The rashes have returned, but are much milder. The cold showers appear to be helping.
At first exposure, I grew incredibly anxious. Again, this is subjective, but I consider myself to be someone who is fairly aware of how her brain works. I do not typically have a problem with anxiety (as someone who has done a pretty good job keeping it together amidst a global pandemic). However, as I was exposed to the water, I found it increasingly difficult to control my thoughts. My heart rate would elevate rapidly, and at times I felt certain I was going to die. I am not an anxious person. I consider these symptoms to be highly irregular. Once exposure to the water was limited, I no longer had these thoughts. My partner has also experienced similar symptoms.
My sense of taste has become the default mode of detection. I've been calling it taste, but truthfully it's less a taste and more of a texture. It feels like a thin layer of protein powder coating the inside of my mouth; less intense, but more persistent. Over exhaustive months, I've gotten to know the sensation pretty well. Every so often, if we forget to sanitize a dish or use the wrong concentration of bleach, I'll notice it within the first few minutes of exposure. If it's minor, the taste will last for a few hours, then go away. If it's a little more than minor, it might last half a day, and my partner will notice an unusually sore throat when they try to sleep that night. I've learned I should trust the taste when it appears, and take action as quickly as possible to mitigate further exposure.
Working Theories
Our current best guess is that this is some kind of algae. When I mentioned the symptoms on discord earlier, one person mentioned experiencing something similar, and found the problem was algae. Algae is also very difficult to detect, and requires expensive, specialized testing. Confirmed reports of algae exposure also loosely align with our symptoms. How would algae have gotten into our pipes? I have no idea, but it's as good a guess as any.
Maybe it's something else? Highly highly unlikely. The water is the one consistent element in all cases of exposure, and we have had many many cases to work with. The most impactful change was replacing our hot water heater, which solved the problem for a good 6 months.
What if you and your partner got sick with something? Then I would expect other water to also taste strange to me. Store bought water, and water at friends and relatives places has been completely fine. Unless, somehow, I am only sick when in the apartment, and even then only very occasionally, this doesn't make sense.
Is it really that bad? I tried to spit out my own tongue. I felt like I was going to die. I'm done taking chances with this thing.
Aren't there laws? You should sue! I appreciate where you're coming from on this, but I am poor and tired and trying to move someplace safe first.
Wow, this sucks. Yup.
The water in our apartment is contaminated with something. I'm the only person so far who has been able to taste it. Because of this, it's been difficult to get help, or even make people understand there's a problem in the first place. Any insight would be appreciated.
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themself · 1 year
so wrt "i dont care about whether or not ai art is 'real art', i care about intellectual property rights":
while i want to validate where those concerns come from (a fear of concern over having ones livelihood lost- very reasonable, i am also an artist who has done professional writing and visual art) i think that within the left-wing critique of anti-ai art sentiments, a lot of people want to push back on the idea of intellectual property to begin with. personally, i became increasingly concerned as i saw an emphasis on copyright laws as a solution to AI, because many of us (myself included) don't believe in copyright laws.
if reusing other artists work is inherently unethical, in a way that must be emphasized via copyright law - is collage art unethical unless you ask for permission? is photobashing unethical unless you ask for permission? is sampling unethical unless you ask for permission? is fanfiction/fanart unethical unless you ask for permission? i think people want to push back on the idea that transformative use of a work is a violation of some kind, and emphasize that transformative art is still valuable, and is not something that should be illegal.
i do think there are valid concerns about the way corporations are using ai art to threaten peoples jobs-- but i do not see this as different from any other kind of automation, which i have yet to see people push back on to the same degree. a cynical part of me wants to say "people don't care about automation unless it affects them directly," but i don't think that's the whole truth either.
i think that this comes from a pushback to (1) tech culture, the idea that tech will be the worlds savior, and that this seems to be the new grift since crypto burned out, (2) the direct way lots of proponents of AI gleefully declare that artists jobs are over, and appear to actively take pleasure in upsetting artists and threatening their livelihoods. and (3) the (imo) incorrect idea that this is some kind of worse, more vile version of automation. i've seen people claim "well other previous kinds of automation still require effort, this one doesn't." but i don't think that's fair-- if we consider photography a kind of automation of portrait taking, is that not simply pushing a button? what about automated screen kiosks to automate away people who take orders? and so on?
this isn't to say i'm pro-ai inherently or i don't have concerns-- i absolutely do. firstly, i'm concerned largely about the specific kind of sanitized art that openAI and other image generators push, like the fact that anything challenging or "ugly" can effectively be censored out by their algorithms. secondly, i have concerns about the fact that text ai generation relies heavily on underpaid labor, and i also have concerns about the massive amounts of water that are consumed to keep computing cool for this (although in all honesty we do at some point need to have about the way computing and data centers work generally causing issues like this). and finally, the way that algorithms generally are trained with our own biases, leading them to be racist, misogynistic, and contain other kinds of biases we hold (way too many examples to link directly)
however, i think that a lot of the backlash comes specifically from the fear ones own livelihood. and i think that because this is specifically an argument rooted in emotion, people get very hostile in a way that leads to people arguing for reactionary ideals of art (that art has a quantifiable "soul" to it, that effort is what makes a work of art have value, that a specific kind of "training" involved to create a work is what makes it worthy). and i also see people reacting as if any usage of AI is a direct representation of that loss of employment/work (even usage from people in a way which never would have threatened anybody's livelihoods).
i think instead we should be more seriously thinking about systems of capitalism and that we should have greater empathy for other working class people, especially those who are under similar circumstances -- having technology used as an excuse to be replaced with cheaper labor. (think: the labor that exists to maintain these algorithms, the likely lesser-paid people who edit this work, and the lesser-paid people who generate this work. none of these jobs "vanish", they're downsized and paid less). this is something capitalists can and will do whenever they have the opportunity because the systems we live under incentivize them to do so. art is not unique in this regard-- if capitalists can hire less people, and pay people less money they will, they have every monetary incentive to do so. in this way i do not think that random people generating stupid or ugly images using AI are what threatens people, but instead a system which is eager and ready to replace you and anybody else the second that it becomes viable to do so.
i hope all of this made sense, and i want to emphasize that i view anything about this as a discussion - i'm happy to hear from people who feel differently than i do and hope we can talk about this together. i'm also happy to answer questions, i struggle phrasing things sometimes and i'm sure theres probably confusing stuff in here i wasn't able to iron out! (if you take glee in or think its a good thing people are gonna be losing jobs over AI you can go fuck yourself and i dont want to hear from you)
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Africa, 19 June
Hage Geingob will host Danish PM Mette Frederiksen and Dutch PM Mark Rutte today in Namibia. Green hydrogen will reportedly be among the subjects discussed.
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2. Namibia's proposed visa exemption for Chinese nationals is a bilateral agreement that would benefit both countries, according to China's ambassador to Namibia, Zhao Weiping.
Some Namibian politicians have objected to the proposal, with opposition leader McHenry Venaani claiming it is a "hoodwinking process" for Chinese prisoners to come to the country, and aspiring presidential candidate Job Amupanda alleging that it involves a deal between the ruling party and China to garner support for next year's elections.
The proposed agreement's main goal is to attract Chinese tourists and help Namibia become competitive again after the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Namibia's minister of home affairs, immigration, safety and security, Albert Kawana.
3. Angola and Zambia signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance cooperation in information technology, including digital transformation, AI, and space technology.
The agreement includes the establishment of direct cross-border optical fibre backbone connectivity between the two countries, scheduled to happen this month.
The collaboration is expected to help improve the regulation of the Angolan and Zambian telecom markets and lead to improved coverage and quality of ICT services provided in both countries.
4. Namibia is embarking on a journey of digital transformation to modernize various aspects of the country's life.
The Department of Home Affairs, Immigration and Security recently announced the successful implementation of an online passport application system, a major step towards delivering home affairs government services through digital channels. Namibia is partnering with Estonia to bring government services online and gradually prepare citizens for the transformation ahead. The Vice Minister of ICT recognizes the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) for African technology spaces, but stresses the need for a clear roadmap or strategy to ensure that solutions developed in Africa fit the lifestyle on the continent.
5. Nigeria has 71 million people living in extreme poverty and 133 million people are classified as multidimensionally poor, according to 2023 data from the World Poverty Clock and the National Bureau of Statistics.
6. The Bank of Namibia increased the repo rate to safeguard the dollar-rand peg and contain inflationary pressures, but this will severely impact consumers who rely on debt to survive.
The governor expressed empathy for people losing their homes due to rising debt costs, and urged the nation to find better solutions to keep more Namibians in their homes while maintaining financial stability.
7. The fighting in Sudan has caused a surge in refugees fleeing to South Sudan, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis.
The UN has called for $253 million in funding to respond to the crisis, but donations have been slow to come in.
The lack of resources and funding has led to inadequate food, water, and sanitation facilities in transit camps, resulting in malnutrition, disease, and preventable deaths.
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beguiling-mist · 2 years
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This is Cipher. She is a reject Sanitized Inkling. She was deemed a failure and was among the first batches of sanitized inklings that came out wrong. 
She was originally a lifeless doll (hence the nature of her being a failure) but wasn’t melted down to be used again due to her body not being destabilized like most of the other first attempts at sanitized inklings. 
She was eventually found in storage by Nine (a while after the method of sanitizing inklings were perfected) and being a doctor he noticed subtle signs of her still being conscious after he unfroze her. 
Eventually he was able to get her consciousness back, albeit very non-reactive emotion wise. She didn’t have a connection to Tartar due to her nature, but she was later found out to be very skilled at technology as Nine cared for her in secret. She eventually decided on the name Cipher, meaning Zero as that is what she was to everyone but Nine. Nothing. 
She left a while before Tartar went missing and developed an AI of her own dubbed “Barracuda” Nine now uses the AI in his technology (mostly the scanner on his eye he uses when he spies) as its advanced scanning, quick solution building and ability to save data comes in handy. 
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dataplusrecovery · 2 years
Find the Best Data Recovery Company - Datarecoverylebanon
We are the world's Best Data Recovery Company. can check any media to see if it has been completely sanitized to ensure that all data on it has been deleted. We also have the expertise and tools to do so. Our erase verification services are beneficial to a variety of organizations, including technology manufacturers, storage integrators, and enterprises. Our service’s documented erasure verification and data security assurance benefit all customers.
USB Data Recovery is a powerful application that can restore files from a variety of USB flash drive devices, such as JumpDrive, Pen Drive, Pocket Drive, Thumb Drive, and USB memory, among others. It is regarded as the world’s best. Among these are documents, emails, photos, videos, music, and other file types.
The software solution is available as both a free download and an upgraded version that can meet more complex requirements. Despite its lower popularity, USB data recovery can be a powerful alternative to Disk Drill Data Recovery, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, and Recuva.
By breaking down the process into three simple steps, Safe365’s USB Data Recovery makes it simple to scan and retrieve data. The first thing you should do is run the software and install it. To access its homepage interface and begin scanning, you must click the “Start” button on your desktop. Here, you should be able to see and record the USB flash drives that are connected to your PC.
The specific storage device and file types you want to retrieve must be selected in the second step. Any and all files that were saved on your device in the past — such as audio, documents, videos, photos, emails, PDFs, and others — can be recovered. Depending on the number of contents that need to be restored, the scanning process can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.
After that, a separate count will be made for each of the recoverable files. It will be shown in a folder structure alongside its name, type, size, date, and time. You will be required to select the items you want to restore to your system once more by pressing the “Record” button. The restoration process will be seamless due to the low CPU and memory usage. In the worst-case scenario, in which you accidentally lose or delete your data, USB data recovery is a useful data recovery tool that you should keep on your computer system. It is compatible with a wide range of storage media and can recover a wide variety of file types. It backs up its claim by providing world-class scanning and retrieval capabilities at the lowest possible cost.
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zoyeleanor · 2 days
UVC Compliant Cameras: Transforming Cleanliness Standards in Informational Kiosks
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UVC compliant cameras being integrated into informational kiosks is changing public health and safety at a time when cleanliness and hygiene are more vital than ever. Modern ultraviolet-C (UVC) technology is used by these advanced cameras to not only provide superb visual data but also to keep surfaces clean and stop the spread of infections.
The Intersection of Hygiene and Technology
Informational kiosks are commonly found in high-traffic areas such as malls, airports, and hospitals. These touchpoints are prone to high levels of contact, making them potential hotspots for bacteria and viruses. UVC compliant cameras address this challenge by combining the traditional role of a camera with an added layer of protection. The UVC light emitted by these cameras helps disinfect surfaces around the kiosk, ensuring a cleaner environment for users.
Why UVC Compliance Matters
UVC compliant cameras are specifically designed to meet rigorous standards for ultraviolet light emission, making them effective in killing a broad spectrum of microorganisms. This is particularly important in high-touch environments where hygiene is paramount. The integration of UVC technology ensures that informational kiosks not only serve their informational purpose but also contribute to a healthier environment.
Key Benefits of UVC Compliant Cameras in Informational Kiosks
Enhanced Public Health: By incorporating UVC technology, kiosks can significantly reduce the presence of harmful bacteria and viruses, contributing to overall public health. This is especially crucial in settings like healthcare facilities where the risk of infection is higher.
Cost-Effective Hygiene Solution: While traditional cleaning methods require frequent manual intervention and ongoing costs, UVC compliant cameras offer a cost-effective, automated solution. The ongoing maintenance costs are reduced as the camera helps in maintaining cleanliness on its own.
Increased User Confidence: With heightened awareness around hygiene, users are more likely to engage with kiosks that visibly prioritize cleanliness. UVC compliant cameras provide an added assurance that the surface they are interacting with is regularly sanitized.
Reduced Downtime: Regular cleaning can lead to downtime and inconvenience. UVC cameras help keep the kiosk clean without interrupting its operation, ensuring that it remains functional and accessible at all times.
Practical Implementation in U.S. Public Spaces
In the United States, where public health standards are closely monitored, the adoption of UVC compliant cameras in informational kiosks aligns with ongoing efforts to improve hygiene in public spaces. Whether it's in a bustling airport terminal or a busy shopping center, the integration of these cameras ensures that informational kiosks contribute to a cleaner, safer environment.
Future Trends and Innovations
As technology evolves, the role of UVC compliant cameras in informational kiosks is likely to expand. Future advancements may include enhanced UVC disinfection features, better integration with other smart technologies, and improved user interfaces that provide real-time cleanliness status updates.
By embracing UVC compliant camera technology, businesses and public institutions can set a new standard for cleanliness and safety in informational kiosks. The synergy of advanced imaging and disinfection capabilities ensures that public touchpoints remain as hygienic as possible, fostering a healthier environment for everyone.
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priyanshisingh · 4 days
Public Transportation Market Landscape: Trends, Drivers, and Forecast (2023-2032)
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Public Transportation Market is valued at approximately USD 248,721.22 million, and it is projected to grow substantially, reaching around USD 440,298.37 million by 2032. 
Public transportation is a vital element of modern urban infrastructure, serving as a lifeline for millions of people by providing an affordable, efficient, and accessible means of travel within cities and across regions. This system encompasses a wide range of vehicles, including buses, trains, subways, trams, and ferries, all of which operate on scheduled routes and are available for public use. The significance of public transportation extends far beyond mere convenience; it plays a crucial role in reducing traffic congestion, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting sustainability by decreasing the reliance on private vehicles. For many individuals, particularly those without access to a car, public transportation is essential for reaching work, school, healthcare facilities, and other critical services, thereby contributing to social equity and economic opportunity.
 In densely populated urban areas, well-developed public transit systems are key to managing the flow of people and minimizing the environmental impact of daily commutes. Cities around the world are increasingly recognizing the importance of investing in public transportation infrastructure, not only to improve efficiency and reliability but also to integrate new technologies such as electric buses, smart ticketing systems, and real-time tracking apps that enhance the user experience. Furthermore, public transportation systems are evolving to be more inclusive, with improvements in accessibility for people with disabilities and the elderly
The public transportation market is influenced by several trending factors that are shaping its evolution and growth globally. Here are some of the key trending factors:
Urbanization and Population Growth: As more people move to urban areas, the demand for efficient and reliable public transportation systems increases, driving investments in expanding and modernizing transit networks.
Sustainability and Environmental Concerns: There is a growing emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change, which is pushing cities to adopt greener public transportation options, such as electric buses, trams, and renewable energy-powered trains.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in technology, including the integration of AI, IoT, and data analytics, are transforming public transportation systems by improving route optimization, reducing operational costs, and enhancing passenger experience through real-time tracking and smart ticketing solutions.
Government Policies and Investments: Governments worldwide are increasingly prioritizing public transportation in their infrastructure development plans, offering subsidies, incentives, and investments to build and upgrade transit systems as part of broader economic and environmental strategies.
Electric and Autonomous Vehicles: The shift towards electric and autonomous public transportation vehicles is gaining momentum, with cities piloting self-driving buses and electric trains to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and improve safety and efficiency.
Health and Safety Post-Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened awareness around health and safety in public spaces, leading to the implementation of enhanced sanitation protocols, contactless payment systems, and efforts to reduce crowding on public transit.
Integration with Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS): The rise of MaaS platforms, which integrate various forms of transportation into a single accessible service, is influencing how public transportation networks are planned and operated, offering seamless and flexible mobility solutions to users.
Infrastructure Modernization: Aging public transportation infrastructure in many cities is being upgraded with modern technology and sustainable practices to meet the current demands and future-proof transit systems against growing urban populations.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): Collaborations between governments and private sector companies are becoming more common to finance, build, and operate public transportation projects, leveraging private sector efficiency and innovation to enhance public services.
Shift Towards Multimodal Transportation: There is an increasing focus on creating integrated transportation networks that combine multiple modes of transit, such as biking, walking, buses, and trains, to offer more flexible and convenient options for passengers.
Key Player Analysis:
BC Transit Corporation
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe
Deutsche Bahn
East Japan Railway Company
Mass Transit Railway (MTR)
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metrolink)
The Brussels Transport Company
Transport for London (TfL)
Transport International Holding Limited
Trenitalia c2c Limited
Toronto Transit Commission
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/public-transportation-market
The public transportation market presents several growth opportunities driven by evolving urban needs, technological advancements, and a global push towards sustainability. Here are some key growth opportunities in the public transportation market:
Expansion of Electric and Hybrid Fleets: As cities strive to reduce carbon emissions, there is a significant opportunity in expanding electric and hybrid public transportation fleets. The demand for electric buses, trams, and trains is rising, providing opportunities for manufacturers, battery technology companies, and charging infrastructure providers.
Smart Public Transportation Systems: The integration of advanced technologies like IoT, AI, and data analytics into public transportation systems offers substantial growth opportunities. These technologies can improve operational efficiency, enhance passenger experience through real-time information, and optimize routes to reduce delays and energy consumption.
Development of Autonomous Public Transport: Autonomous vehicles represent a future growth area in public transportation. With advancements in self-driving technology, there is potential for the deployment of autonomous buses and shuttles, especially in controlled environments like airports, campuses, and business districts, leading to reduced operational costs and enhanced safety.
Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Platforms: The rise of MaaS platforms, which integrate various transportation modes into a single digital service, presents a significant growth opportunity. Public transportation providers can partner with MaaS platforms to offer more seamless and flexible mobility solutions, enhancing convenience for users and increasing ridership.
Infrastructure Upgrades and Modernization: Many cities are investing in upgrading aging public transportation infrastructure, creating opportunities for companies involved in construction, engineering, and smart infrastructure development. This includes the modernization of stations, tracks, and signaling systems, as well as the introduction of digital ticketing and fare management systems.
Rural and Suburban Transit Development: Expanding public transportation networks into rural and suburban areas represents a growth opportunity, as these regions are often underserved by existing transit systems. Developing new routes and services can tap into unmet demand and improve connectivity for residents in these areas.
Sustainability and Green Initiatives: There is increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly transportation solutions. Public transportation systems that incorporate renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, or that use green building materials in their infrastructure, can attract investments and subsidies from governments and environmental organizations.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): The growing trend of public-private partnerships in developing and operating public transportation projects offers opportunities for private sector companies to contribute to the expansion and efficiency of public transit systems. These partnerships can provide the necessary capital and expertise to accelerate project timelines and improve service delivery.
Demand for High-Speed Rail Systems: High-speed rail is gaining popularity as a viable alternative to air travel for medium-distance routes. There are growth opportunities in the development of new high-speed rail networks, particularly in regions like Asia and Europe, where there is strong government support and demand for faster, more efficient travel options.
Focus on Accessibility and Inclusivity: Ensuring that public transportation systems are accessible to all, including people with disabilities, the elderly, and those in economically disadvantaged communities, presents growth opportunities. Companies that develop accessible vehicles, infrastructure, and technologies that cater to these groups can play a crucial role in expanding the reach and appeal of public transit.
Based on Type:
Based on Fuel Type:
Alternative Fuels
Based on Application:
Based on Technology:
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/public-transportation-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/public-transportation-market-projections-global-industry-analysis-nisdf
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Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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gymlye · 7 days
Tips for Efficient Gym Management
Efficient gym management requires a comprehensive approach to both daily operations and long-term strategies, ensuring that every aspect of the facility is optimized for success. Begin with leveraging integrated software solutions that streamline administrative tasks such as scheduling, membership tracking, and billing. These tools not only save time but also reduce errors, allowing your staff to focus on providing excellent service. Regularly assess and adjust staffing levels to align with peak hours and member needs, ensuring that your team is adequately trained and motivated to deliver exceptional customer service. Implementing clear operational procedures and maintenance schedules is critical for keeping equipment in optimal condition, which in turn minimizes downtime and repair costs. Regularly inspect and service equipment to prevent unexpected breakdowns, and ensure that all maintenance tasks are logged and tracked for accountability. Open communication channels with both staff and members are essential for addressing concerns promptly and gathering valuable feedback that can drive improvements. Foster a culture of transparency and approachability, where team members feel comfortable voicing their ideas and issues, and where members are encouraged to share their experiences. This will help in creating a positive atmosphere and a sense of community within the gym. Additionally, prioritize health and safety by adhering to industry standards and regulations, implementing sanitation protocols, and providing clear guidelines for members and staff. Effective marketing strategies play a vital role in attracting new members and retaining existing ones. Use data-driven approaches to tailor your marketing efforts, target specific demographics, and highlight unique offerings. Regularly review financial metrics to keep track of revenue, expenses, and profitability. This will enable you to make informed decisions regarding pricing, promotions, and resource allocation. Implementing member engagement programs, such as challenges, classes, and social events, can significantly enhance member satisfaction and loyalty. Collect and analyze member feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to meet their evolving needs. Continuously evaluate and refine your operational strategies to adapt to industry trends and changing market conditions. Investing in staff development through training programs and professional growth opportunities will not only improve service quality but also boost employee morale and retention. Consider adopting new technologies, such as fitness apps and online class offerings, to stay competitive and meet the demands of a tech-savvy clientele. Effective gym management is an ongoing process that requires vigilance, adaptability, and a proactive approach to problem-solving. By focusing on these key areas, you can create a well-managed gym that attracts and retains members, operates efficiently, and achieves long-term success.
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beauila-blog · 9 days
Cholera Deaths Surge Globally Despite Being Preventable
Cholera, a disease long known to be easily preventable, has seen a dramatic increase in fatalities worldwide, with deaths rising by 71% in 2023, according to a World Health Organization (W.H.O.) analysis. The number of reported cholera cases only increased by 13%, signaling that outbreaks are becoming deadlier, largely due to overwhelmed health systems, conflict, and climate change.
Though cholera can be treated with basic and inexpensive interventions like oral rehydration salts, huge outbreaks in countries unaccustomed to handling the disease have stretched health infrastructure to the brink. Philippe Barboza, head of the W.H.O.’s cholera emergency response, called the sharp rise in deaths “totally unacceptable.”
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“It reflects the world’s lack of interest in a disease that has plagued humans for thousands of years, afflicting the poorest people who cannot find clean water to drink,” he said.
In 2023, more than 4,000 cholera deaths were officially reported, but the actual toll could be as high as 100,000, according to the W.H.O.'s estimates based on testing data.
A Disease That Should Be Easy to Stop
Cholera causes severe dehydration as the body attempts to expel the bacteria through vomiting and diarrhea, and without timely treatment, it can be fatal within 24 hours. The solution? Basic treatments, like a simple bag of oral rehydration salts, which cost as little as 50 cents, along with IV fluids and antibiotics. Yet many people die without access to such care.
In 2023, cholera outbreaks were reported in 45 countries, up from 35 in 2021. Much of the burden has shifted to Africa, where cases surged by 125% last year, driven by catastrophic weather events such as floods and droughts, which exacerbate the spread of waterborne diseases.
Countries like Zambia and Malawi, though proactive in their responses, saw their health systems pushed to the limits. Lusaka, Zambia's capital, had to repurpose a stadium into a cholera treatment center. Meanwhile, in Sudan, ongoing civil conflict has displaced over nine million people, creating cramped living conditions in camps with poor sanitation. Despite efforts to control a cholera outbreak in Sudan last year, the disease has returned, with over 5,600 new cases reported since mid-August.
Deadly Community Spread and Overburdened Health Systems
One of the key reasons for rising fatalities is the increase in "community deaths," where people succumb to cholera without ever reaching a health facility. This has been a particular problem in large countries with weak cholera surveillance, like India, which reports very few cases relative to its population. Bangladesh, in contrast, has made significant strides in tracking and reporting cholera cases, accounting for over 23,000 cases in 2023, though much of this reflects improved detection rather than worsening outbreaks.
The W.H.O. recorded over 535,000 cholera cases worldwide in 2023, a rise from 472,000 in 2022. Countries like Afghanistan, Haiti, and Mozambique have also reported very large outbreaks, each with more than 10,000 confirmed or suspected cases, more than doubling the number of such massive outbreaks from previous years.
Vaccine Shortages Worsen the Crisis
The cholera crisis has been aggravated by a global shortage of vaccines, with demand outpacing supply for years. Vaccines are primarily targeted at low- and middle-income countries, where they sell for as little as $1.50 per dose. The International Coordinating Group, which manages the global emergency cholera vaccine stockpile, recommended a shift to a single-dose strategy to stretch supplies. However, even this measure has proven insufficient, with countries requesting 74 million doses in 2023, while fewer than half of those requests were fulfilled.
Rachel Park, international business director for EuBiologics, the sole global supplier of cholera vaccines, said the company is switching to a simplified vaccine formula that will boost production by 40% by the end of the year. Despite this, total supply will still fall short, with only 50 million doses expected to be available next year.
Bharat Biotech, an Indian pharmaceutical company, has developed a new cholera vaccine called HillChol, recently approved for domestic use. The company plans to apply for W.H.O. authorization to contribute to the global stockpile by 2026, with an initial annual production target of 40 million doses.
A Continuing Global Health Threat
As cholera cases continue to climb and vaccine shortages persist, many countries remain at high risk of outbreaks. With weather patterns exacerbating the spread of the disease, particularly in areas lacking adequate sanitation and access to clean water, cholera will continue to pose a significant threat to vulnerable populations worldwide.
Dr. Barboza warned that until global efforts are ramped up to meet the growing demand for vaccines and basic treatments, cholera will continue to claim lives unnecessarily. "How can we accept that people are dying in 2024 because they don’t have access to a simple bag of oral rehydration salts?" he said.
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darkhorsedrilling · 10 days
Essential Site Utility Installation: Key Services You Need for a Successful Project
When planning a construction project, whether it's residential, commercial, or industrial, proper utility installation is essential to ensure long-term functionality and safety. At Dark Horse Drilling, we understand the importance of seamless utility installations. Among the most critical utilities we specialize in are telecommunications, water and sewer systems, and electricity. These systems form the backbone of any modern infrastructure, enabling smooth communication, access to clean water, and reliable power. Here's a closer look at these essential site utility installations.
Telecommunication Utilities
In today’s digital age, telecommunication infrastructure is vital for connectivity and communication, encompassing the installation of fiber optic cables, telephone lines, and internet networks to provide seamless communication within buildings and to the outside world. Proper planning is crucial to ensure that cables are laid with minimal interference from other utilities, preventing future disruptions. In addition, with technology advancing rapidly, it's essential for future-proof systems to support higher speeds and greater data capacity. Using non-invasive techniques like horizontal directional drilling can efficiently install telecommunication lines without disrupting the surrounding environment or infrastructure.
Water & Sewer Systems
Water and sewer systems are critical for maintaining public health and sanitation, ensuring a clean water supply, and effective waste management for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Proper installation requires careful soil and terrain analysis to prevent issues such as erosion or settling. Additionally, modern water and sewer systems should be designed with sustainability in mind, incorporating features like rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling to minimize water wastage. Using durable, high-quality materials ensures the longevity of these systems, reducing the risk of leaks or contamination.
Electric Utilities
Electrical systems are the lifeblood of any property, powering everything from lighting to HVAC systems and critical appliances, making proper installation essential to meet local safety regulations and ensure reliable power. Electrical installations must adhere to strict safety protocols to prevent hazards like short circuits, fires, or electrocution. For both safety and aesthetic reasons, underground electrical cabling is often preferred, as it reduces the risk of damage and weather-related disruptions. Moreover, incorporating energy-efficient solutions like solar panels or energy storage systems can lower electricity costs and contribute to a sustainable power system.
Why Expert Utility Installation Matters
Each of these essential utilities requires precise installation to ensure reliability, safety, and efficiency. Partnering with a skilled contractor like Dark Horse Drilling can ensure that your project is equipped with state-of-the-art utilities that meet local regulations and are built to last. Our team utilizes advanced drilling and trenching techniques to install these systems with minimal disruption to your site, ensuring your project stays on schedule and within budget.
Telecommunications, water and sewer systems, and electric utilities are critical components of any construction project. Proper installation ensures long-term success, safety, and efficiency. By investing in expert utility installation services, you’re setting your project up for a successful and sustainable future. Whether you need advanced directional drilling or precision trenching, Dark Horse Drilling has the experience and technology to deliver top-quality results for every utility installation.
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Security Challenges in App Development and How to Overcome Them
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In today's interconnected world, app development plays a pivotal role in shaping how businesses operate, interact with customers, and deliver services. However, with the rapid rise in mobile and web applications, security has become one of the most pressing concerns. Cyber threats are evolving at an unprecedented rate, and app developers must prioritize security to protect sensitive user data, maintain trust, and ensure compliance with regulations. This article delves into the primary security challenges in app development and outlines strategies for overcoming them.
Insecure Data Storage One of the most common security issues in app development is insecure data storage. Many apps store sensitive information such as user credentials, payment details, or personal data. If these data storage mechanisms are not properly secured, they can become a target for cybercriminals. Solutions: Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data at rest and in transit using robust algorithms. By doing so, even if a hacker gains access to the storage, they won't be able to read the data without the encryption keys. Use Secure Containers: For mobile apps, leverage secure data containers like Keychain for iOS and Keystore for Android to store sensitive information. Implement Tokenization: Replace sensitive data with a unique identifier (token) to reduce the risk of data breaches. 
Weak Authentication and Authorization Weak or improperly implemented authentication and authorization mechanisms can allow unauthorized users to gain access to an app's data and functionalities. Solutions: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Require users to authenticate using multiple factors, such as a password and a one-time code sent to their device. MFA adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process. OAuth and OpenID: Use modern authentication frameworks like OAuth or OpenID to manage access control and permissions. These protocols reduce the risk of unauthorized access and simplify user authentication. Session Management: Ensure secure session management by setting appropriate session timeouts, limiting idle sessions, and securely handling session tokens.
Inadequate Encryption Practices Encryption is a critical component of app security, but poor implementation can lead to significant vulnerabilities. For instance, using outdated or weak encryption algorithms makes it easier for attackers to decrypt sensitive data. Solutions: Use Strong Algorithms: Implement strong encryption algorithms like AES-256 or RSA-2048 to protect data. Regularly update these algorithms to keep up with advances in cryptography. TLS/SSL for Data Transmission: Always encrypt data transmitted between the app and the server using TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocols. Avoid Hardcoding Keys: Never hardcode encryption keys in the app's source code. Store them in a secure environment, and rotate keys periodically to maintain security.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection are two of the most common types of attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in web apps. XSS allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users, while SQL injection enables attackers to manipulate a database through unsanitized input fields. Solutions: Input Validation and Sanitization: Validate and sanitize all user inputs before processing them. This helps to prevent malicious code from being executed within the app. Parameterized Queries: Use parameterized queries or prepared statements to protect against SQL injection attacks. This ensures that user input is treated as data and not as a command. Content Security Policy (CSP): Implement a strong CSP to prevent XSS by controlling the sources of content that can be loaded by the browser.
Insecure APIs Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are often used to facilitate communication between an app and external services. If these APIs are not secured properly, they can expose sensitive data or provide an entry point for attackers. Solutions: API Authentication: Ensure that all APIs are protected with strong authentication and authorization mechanisms. OAuth 2.0 is a widely accepted framework for securing APIs. Rate Limiting: Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse of your API by limiting the number of requests an entity can make within a given timeframe. Use HTTPS: Ensure that APIs are only accessible over HTTPS, providing encryption for data in transit between the app and external services.
Insufficient Security Testing Many apps are released without undergoing adequate security testing, leaving them vulnerable to various attacks. Security should not be an afterthought but an integral part of the development lifecycle. Solutions: Penetration Testing: Regularly perform penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and assess the app's security posture. Code Reviews: Conduct thorough code reviews to catch potential security flaws early in the development process. Automated Tools: Utilize automated security testing tools like static analysis and dynamic analysis to continuously monitor for vulnerabilities.
Unsecured Communication Channels In many cases, sensitive information such as login credentials or payment details are transmitted over insecure communication channels, making them vulnerable to interception. Solutions: End-to-End Encryption: Ensure that all communication between the app and the server is encrypted using end-to-end encryption methods like TLS. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Implement PKI to establish a secure method of exchanging cryptographic keys and verifying the authenticity of communicating parties.
Lack of Security Updates Once an app is released, it is often exposed to new vulnerabilities as cyber threats evolve. If the app is not regularly updated to address these vulnerabilities, it can become an easy target for attackers. Solutions: Regular Updates: Continuously monitor for vulnerabilities and release security patches and updates as necessary. Automated Updates: Enable automated updates to ensure that users always have the latest, most secure version of the app. Security Monitoring: Use security monitoring tools to detect suspicious activities and vulnerabilities in real time, allowing you to respond swiftly.
Social Engineering Attacks Even the most secure app can fall victim to social engineering attacks, where hackers manipulate users into providing sensitive information or access to the system. Solutions: User Education: Educate users about the dangers of social engineering attacks, such as phishing and baiting. Encourage them to report suspicious behavior. Security Awareness: Incorporate security awareness campaigns into your app, informing users of best practices like avoiding suspicious links and enabling two-factor authentication. Conclusion Addressing security challenges in app development is a continuous process that requires vigilance, best practices, and the right tools. By focusing on the areas of insecure data storage, weak authentication, poor encryption, and other key challenges mentioned above, developers can create more secure apps that protect both user data and the integrity of their platforms. Global Key Info Solutions, an app development agency based in Noida, India, understands the importance of security in the app development process. With expertise in building secure, scalable, and user-friendly applications, they prioritize the protection of sensitive data through robust security protocols and continuous updates. If you're looking for a trusted partner in app development, Global Key Info Solutions can help ensure that your apps are not only functional but also secure.
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