vcrnons · 6 months
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grown man plays with his hair too much. grown woman goes insane over it.
bonus : (see: what you should show the ICU doctors when they ask why my heart stopped)
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quarantine headcannons
- Boyd Erica and Isaac are the "time isn't real" household
- Isaac is making an omelette at 4pm and it's simultaneously Erica's brunch, Boyd's dinner and Isaac's midnight snack
- everytime they enter a room with one of the others in it they say good morning, they don't know if it's morning, they don't care, it's all perpetually morning
- Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Allison are all stuck in their three bedroom apartment,
- Scott still hasn't seen all of starwars, (he's stuck inside with Stiles, of course he's seen at least one)
- Scott and Allison have absolutely given each other COVID once or twice...
- Lydia keeps accidentally getting into arguments with strangers on the internet while trying to debunk COVID myths
- it was not long before Stiles joins in.
- they hold stupid competitions like 'how many masks can you fit on one face'
- this ended with an debate on whether bandanas can be considered masks,
- the only way to settle the argument was the call the rest of the pack,,,,,
- this then started a tradition of calling the pack over zoom once a week to play dumb games/among us competitions
- Liam keeps forgetting to take his mask off when he gets home,,,
- after about two days his roomates (Theo, Hayden, Mason and Corey) stopped telling him
- instead they'd see how long he could go without noticing, (he once left it on for four hours)
- mason gets them to play monopoly sometimes
- an abbridged list of crimes committed while playing monopoly
1. Theo blatantly stealing cash from the box (not even trying to hide it)
2. mason skipping liam's turn while Hayden or Theo distracts him
3. Corey giving rent discounts to his boyfriend
4. Corey raising rent for everyone else
5. Hayden making go to jail cards (a piece of scrap paper with the word jail written) and putting them on the top of the chance card pile.
6. Liam calling scott to ask for advice in the middle of his turn.
- they've never actually finished a game
- Erica, Boyd and Isaac all try to learn how to cook
- collectively they can cook enough to survive
- but they don't really know much more than eggs and pasta
- half the time they give up and get frozen pizza
- their apartment is only one bedroom so occasionally one of them will lock themselves in the bathroom to be alone
- problem is it's also a one bathroom apartment.
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 11 months
Be My Valentine | Ch- 1 "No"
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pairing: Vernon x reader
genre: fluff, angst, slight crack, friends to lovers, non-idol!au, college au
summary: College was hard enough and the thought of spending Valentine’s Day alone and sad was not your style. And the best solution was to go on a platonic date with your best friend Vernon. It goes so well that it becomes a tradition until it gets messy… nothing ever goes wrong by pretend-dating your best friend right?
status: ongoing
a/n: first time trying something like this cuz I saw too many edits on Vernon’s Fire verse! Please tell me your feedback!
pictures from Pinterest!
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As if the sheer cold of the dying February winter was not enough to make life miserable, it also had to be dubbed the month of love. You weren’t a cynic but you knew enough to understand that Valentine’s Day and the gala around it is all nothing but a big capitalistic scheme. As the happy couples invest in the meaningless gifts and expressions of their extravagant love, the lonely saps drown their sorrows in the name of self-love. But your biggest complaint against this whole bonanza is the forced self-hate, even though it usually felt perfectly normal to be single and you even enjoyed it, this time of the year it always felt worse.
Maybe you were just another miserable single sap.
This year was going to be different. You were determined. But also you didn’t want to go through the painful process of pretending to be interested in a guy who, like all the other ones, would either turn out to be misogynist, homophobe or a transphobe- which constitutes 90% of the available population in your uni.
Hence why you find yourself walking with purpose toward the university library with the sole motive of hunting down you’re too smart for his own good best friend of a year and a half, Vernon.
You still remember meeting that shy little boy on the first day of your undergrad, looking lost in the crowd of the class and hoping you would let him sit with you. All it took was an awkward introduction for both of you to build your solid friendship. It was a perfect match- him, a hardworking genius with very minimal social skills and you, an almost genius with the concentration skills of a goldfish.
Vernon might be top of the class, a computer nerd with the face of a young Leo DiCaprio but even he was prone to the February blues and having seen how miserable he was during the previous year Valentines Day, especially as he watched his high school ex go gallivanting about with his then-roommate, you were determined to make this year a good memory for both you.
Also, he is the only guy in the university that you trust and is capable of handling you at the height of your drunkenness.
Looking at your watch you realise that only 10 minutes are left before he leaves his sanctuary at the library and goes to his Virtual Reality class. Of course, you knew his schedule, and he knew yours. He also knew that you hated being left on read and yet chose to do the exact same thing when you had texted the previous night about your genius plan.
Wheezing you finally reach the third floor of the big library that hosted all varieties of nerds and unfortunately, couples (they're everywhere this month, ugh). Walking across rows of shelves interspersed with group tables filled with students seeking refuge from the harsh winter cold or simply biding time, you finally reach the semi-private cabins.
Counting down five from the cabin to your right, you march toward the one you knew Vernon would be in. And surely enough, when you peek your head through the partition separating the hooded figure on the chair, with headphones and his laptop, from the rest of the library.
His head is bent as if he was peering into the laptop through the screen and as you move closer to his chair to reprimand him you realise he is sleeping. Gently moving inside the cabin, standing near the table, facing him, you can see that he had slept while coding. It doesn’t even surprise you anymore.
“Hey douchebag”, you say as you tap lightly on his shoulders. He jerks awake and blinks a couple of times before you see the understanding of reality dawn on his face. Removing his headphones, he moves his chair lightly behind and ruffles his fluffy hair.
“What do YOU want?” He sounds like his usual annoyed self. If you didn’t know he truly did like you as a friend you'd be offended.
But you don’t mind the grumpiness one bit as you settle down on the little space on the table smiling lazily as he gets more annoyed by the disturbance to his ecosystem of peace.
“I want a lot of things, for instance, I want a big mansion on top of a hill just to relax in the summer. I want to know why dolphins were made to be sea creatures if they can’t even breathe in water. I want to know why my skin breaks out in hives due to stress ONLY on my left side. I want to know why I get horny when-“ “Please shut the fuck up.”
He cuts you off with his palms reaching up to cover your mouth mid-sentence. You try mumbling against his palm for a second before which he grips tighter effectively stopping any attempt on your side.
He slowly lifts his eyebrows to warn you against trying to babble again and you nod in affirmative to the same. His eyes thin as he considers your sincerity of shutting up and seemingly convinced releases his grip on your face.
“Why do you talk so much all the time!” He growls as he rubs his eyes while settling back on his chair and lets out a yawn. He looks so much like the freshman kid you met and less like the overworked junior that he is.
You shrug nonchalantly (or so you hope).
“Someone needs to balance your entire lack of energy.” He sighs and slumps back on his chair. “Yeah yeah, I’m not arguing with you anymore… I’ve learned it’s best to just agree with you.” You give him a sarcastic smile as you say, “They don’t call you smart without a reason.”
He responds with an incoherent dismissive grunt and after a moment begins to lean forward as he tilts his chair towards you with both his palms placed on either side of your thigh.
“No.” That’s all he says, his brown eyes twinkling, mouth pressed into a straight line looking right at your eye. You're sitting on the inclination of the table and he's on the chair looking up at you, yet he looks so intimidating. Not that you are going to let him bother you.
Two can play this game.
You lean forward and meet his face, a good few inches apart, bring out the good old puppy dog eyes and whisper, “What is the ‘no’ for Hansol”. You purposefully use his Korean name knowing he gets annoyed when you say it (Not sure what that is about till now).
You can see him grinding his teeth beneath that calmness and a smirk naturally plays up your face.
“Quit it, y/n. I saw the text and I’m not going to do it. Get lost.” The words fall out of his mouth in a hurry as he continues to grit his teeth together and not lose eye contact.
“Oh, so you did leave me on read by purpose.” You fake a heartache with your left palm pressed on your chest and your right palm on your forehead. He sees you dramatically pretending to have a heart attack and headache at the same time for a good minute before he decides to end this charade. Just as he moves to get up from the chair you hold him down with your hands on his which were at the side of your thighs.
“Pleaseee”, this time the puppy dog eyes come out naturally. He looks at you for a second before sighing.
“Ugh! You’re impossible but alright.”
“Wait really?!” You squeal a little too loud in excitement and earn a dozen “shh”s in response from the general crowd in the library. Looking around apologetically and back at Vernon, you hold his hands in yours (they’re somehow always warm even in the depths of winter).
“Is that a yes?” Cue more puppy eyes. Another sigh. “I don’t have a choice do I!” Grinning wide, you say “Not really.”
Vernon looks to the side as if to consider something important before turning to you, looking down at your still-connected hands, and then your face.
“I’ll do it but it’s gotta be strictly platonic-“ you’re violently shaking your head in positive because of course that doesn’t need to be said.
“-andddd….”, he’s got a mischievous glint in his eyes which stinks of trouble for you. This is the same glint he had when you ended up eating a pizza with ice cream AND a steak.
“And?” You prod, curiosity up to the brim of your head. “I want you to formally ask me… now.” The grin has turned into an almost full bright smile. “What does formally mean?”
“I’ll leave the details to you…” he shrugs and removes his hands from yours and pushes the chair all the way back to the wall and folds his hand.
“I can wait all day”, he sounds way too proud, sitting there in his hoodie and that smirk(I swear he looks like an actual young Leo).
“No, you can’t. You have a class in-“, you make an ordeal of checking your watch, ”-exactly 9 mins.” He shrugs, “This is worth missing it.”
This bitch.
"Are you really cashing in your bet right now?" You ask referring to the advantage he got after you lost your bet in a UNO game six months back.
He just nods casually and stretches on the chair before settling in a lazy and proud position, again.
You groan knowing he won't give up and get down from the table and get on one knee facing him.
“Chwe Hansol Ve-“ “Nope. Redo.”
This actual bitch.
Giving him your best glare you adjust on your knee, clearing your throat, you try again.
“Vernon…”, you look at him for approval and he nods. Ugh.
“… will you be m-“
“Louder, I can’t hear you.” His grin has transformed into one of his signature all-teeth-visible smiles and his entire face is lit up in amusement and joy.
Clearing your throat a little too loudly, you try… for the third time. Humiliation and anger heat up your entire face.
“Vernon, will you be my platonic Valentine?”
Your voice echoes in the near-silent library halls and the minute you’re done at least another 20 “shhs” are once again thrown your way.
People are assholes.
Vernon looks positively thrilled. He is full-on laughing, shoulders jerking, all 32 of his teeth in display and eyes disappearing behind the light of his smile.
If only he didn’t look so wholesome and adorable when he humiliates you.
He straightens up after a couple seconds and rubs his index finger against in chin, in fake thought.
Oh god, he is planning something... shit
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ikeasupremacy · 1 year
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[MORE CONTENT FOR @wellgoslowly AND MY AU!!!]
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seriousbrat · 4 months
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Falls the Shadow, chapter 8 Read on Ao3
THE DARKEST DAYS, a multi-part, canon-compliant series spanning from 1975-1981, covering the events of the First Wizarding War. Follows Lily, Sev, and the Marauders through their final years at Hogwarts to the end of the war, as friendships are put to the test and the Wizarding World crumbles around them... READ FROM THE BEGINNING
CHAPTER 8: For Better For Worse --------------------------------------------
Vernon stammers. “What— that— you— I mean to say—” Petunia shoots Lily a dirty look and then places a soothing hand on his arm. This seems to rally him. “So, you know a few magic tricks, do you? Am I supposed to be impressed?”
“Not especially,” James says, grinning. “That was a fairly bog-standard bit of Transfiguration. Of course, transfiguring inanimate objects into living thing’s always got its complications— it’s not really alive, you see, it’s just the illusion of life. The theory’s a bit murky, but there you are.”
From the looks on their faces he may as well be speaking Greek. Lily has to stifle a laugh.
At that moment the waitress returns bearing a tray loaded with their drinks; these she doles out, setting Petunia’s water on the beer mat that had recently been a butterfly. Petunia pushes it away from her with an expression of distaste.
“How’d you get here, anyway?” Petunia asks Lily. “Did you drive?”
“No,” Lily says, taking a sip of lager. “We Apparated. You know, when you—”
“Car at the mechanic’s, is it?” Vernon interrupts loudly, addressing James. “I suppose you drive some rusty, clapped-out old banger, don’t you?”
“Er,” James says, looking perplexedly at Lily. “What?”
“He’s asking what sort of car you’ve got,” Lily says heavily, sipping at her beer.
“Vernon’s got a Triumph Spitfire,” Petunia says glowingly, as if this is supposed to mean something to them.
“Oh, right— well, I haven’t got a car,” James says, shrugging. “I have got a fairly good racing broom, though, the Nimbus 1001— not the latest model anymore, but sound, wouldn’t change it for the world— does nought to seventy in under ten seconds.” He takes a swig of beer, oblivious to Vernon swelling with rage, a vein pulsing in his temple— from the look on his face Lily surmises that his Triumph Spitfire doesn’t do anything of the sort.
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ilovebeingaturtle · 10 months
I’ve just made the realisation that by making Warren Stone Vernon’s dad in my original TMNT iteration I’ve set Vernon up to later on have Hypno as a father figure too. I’ve made Hypno not the step dad, but the dad who stepped up.
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gamerwoo · 10 months
found out my friend’s coworker is a carat so of course i asked who her bias is. it’s vernon. i NEED to befriend her
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spamgyu · 5 months
Why does it feel like the hansol drabble takes place at backburner!jeonghan’s wedding? Omg is this like bridgerton and vernon is the second season male lead let’s gooooo?!?! 😂
i've been caught red handed............
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harboretum · 1 year
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Drew my spouse’s babygirls in socks
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ktysh · 10 months
another day, another date 🧡 and some stray kitties
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azurahearthborne · 2 years
Can we just take a second to appreciate
Vernon Shaw for creating DDADDS (2017), a game with more Black people hairstyles than The Sims 4 and all your wrestling/FPS/MMORPG faves combined?
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mppmaraudergirl · 1 year
Oh, I know! What if Lily agreed to sleep with James in ch1 of Chasing Life?
(I also wanted to ask what if TWR baby James confessed how he felt in the past, but I think we all know the answer to that and that there wouldn't be the story anymore lol)
Lol I just answered the CL one here!
As far as TWR James, yeah I think it's safe to say he would've sought out something in London so they could've stayed together. Then the story might've been about an unplanned pregnancy or something lol. Or Petunia would be the one fake dating Vernon at the Jily wedding
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 11 months
Be My Valentine
Vernon Mini-Series | Completed | Fandom: Seventeen
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pairing: Vernon x reader
genre: fluff, angst, slight crack, friends to lovers, non-idol!au, college au
summary: College was hard enough and the thought of spending Valentine's Day alone and sad was not your style. And the best solution was to go on a platonic date with your best friend Vernon. It goes so well that it becomes a tradition until it gets messy... nothing ever goes wrong by pretend-dating your best friend right?
status: complete
a/n: first time trying something like this cuz I saw too many edits on Vernon's Fire verse! Please tell me your feedback!
pictures from Pinterest!
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ch 1 - No
ch 2 - It's a Success!
ch 3 - Turbulent Traditions
ch 4 - Uh Oh
ch 5 - My Forever Valentine...
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sowhat17live · 9 months
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Seventeen's 11th mini album's time and date of release are made know now😭😭🔥
I'm so excited! 😣❤️‍🔥
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princelyhelp · 1 year
i kinda want to join nemean lion but im very shy. is it welcoming? 🥺
no they bully me every single day! the admins hate me, the members throw rocks at me, and @spacejams is always making fun of me and says that my muses all suck!!!!!! .... so yeah its pretty welcoming, come join us 🥺
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snapbookreviews · 11 months
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Comic Book edited by Ari Yarwood
Did you know that @dreamdaddygame has comics? You can check them out at @onipress.
Video games are not my gaming forte, but “Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator” had my attention from the moment it came out. I did want to be a dad dating other dads and a friend even gifted me “Dream Daddy: Dadrector’s Cut.” Unfortunately, I did not have any way to play it at the time. I’m one of those people who has to be forced at gunpoint to update their computer OS, so it wasn’t until I…
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