#dave hodgman imagine
sageo7 · 4 months
okay i wanted to just put out that i take requests for more than just stiles!! i am working through my drafts rn 😔 but id also love some requests for other dylan characters teehee, so this is my list of who i write for ☺️ so if y'all want anything from these characters.. lmk ;)
stiles stilinski (any season)
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void stiles
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stuart twombly
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mitch rapp
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joel dawson
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thomas mzr
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dave hodgman
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colin (not okay)
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205 notes · View notes
harringtonstilinski · 4 years
I Hate You, But Do I Love You? - Dave Hogdman
Author: @stilinskiparker​ Characters: Dave Hodgman x Reader Word Count: 5.5k Warnings: little bit of fluff, little bit of angst maybe?, sexual tension?, implied sexy time?, talk of protection (wrap it before you tap it, kids), hell i don’t know about warnings anymore, ahha Requested: “hi sorry!! my request must’ve not sent? tumbler is confusing lol. i was going to request for a love/hate fic for dave? like with sexual tension maybe, and if you’re comfortable with it some indicated smut? thank u love!!” A/N: Hi, friends! So, @quanticobae asked for this Dave fic, and I’m here to deliver! Kinda had a hard time writing this ‘cause I just couldn’t imagine anyone hating our Davey boy; he’s so sweet! Took a scene from the movie for the hell of it. It’s been a while since I’ve seen The First Time, so I really hope I did Dave justice in this. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Dave Hodgman. What a fucking irritating person. What with his perfect smile, perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect-- gahh! I can’t stand him.
Now, I know what you’re probably asking, do you have a crush on Dave?
To that, I say HA!, and-and no, I don’t. And even if I did, you’d have to wait until the end to find out. 
And… because Aubrey may have told me a couple things about Dave that made me hate him. Like, for example, everyone knows that he had this massive crush on Jane. 
Well apparently, good old Jane drunkenly told him that he was a good friend. So, he turned to Aubrey and they… ya’know… did the deed… only to her, it wasn’t good.
Needless to say, I smacked her upside the head and told her that your first time wasn’t supposed to go so swimmingly. She had told me afterwards that he uses girls to get what he wants. Smacked her on the arm that time.
Oh! Yeah. I know Aubrey… well, knew Aubrey. I ended up ending that friendship because of the rumor she ended up spreading about me at her school. So, mine and Dave’s names were well known at her school.
“You’re staring again,” Allison, my best friend said.
“No, I’m not,” I said.
Chuckling, she replied, “(Y/N/N), you’ve been looking over at his locker for the past three minutes.”
Scoffing, I leaned over towards her, my eyes still, in fact, on the boy in question. “Just look at him. Looking all smug. I bet he’s trying to figure out which girl he thinks he can score. Gahhh. I can’t stand him.”
“Pretty sure he can’t stand you, either,” she said, reaching into her locker for something else.
“Who are we talking about?” Jane asked.
“Hi, Jane,” Allison greeted.
“Hodgman,” I said through gritted teeth before I muttered, “Can’t stand him.”
Chuckling, Jane said, “What? Why? He’s the sweetest guy on Earth.”
“Not the stuff I heard,” I scoffed.
Before anyone could say anything else, the bell rang, basically telling us to stop our talking and get our asses to class.
“I’ll see you guys later,” I said. 
Walking to my classroom, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. Pulling it from my pocket, a body crashed into mine, causing me to drop my phone. “Damn it.”
“Sorry, sorry.”
Knowing who’s voice that was, I immediately pressed my lips together, closing my eyes. Bending down to retrieve my phone, I sighed. “If my phone is cracked, Hodgman, you’re paying for a new one.” “With what money?” he asked, sarcastically. 
“Your mom’s a nurse, right?”
“They don’t make nearly as much money as you think.”
As I looked at my phone, I sighed in relief. “You’re sooooo lucky this didn’t crack, Hodgman.”
Backing me into the lockers next to me, Dave stood in front of me, brow raised. “Or what?”
Letting out a breathy chuckle, I looked down just as he put his hand on the lockers beside my head. When I looked up at him, my breath hitched in my throat at the close proximity. “You don’t want to mess with me, Hodgman. I know shit about you that would ruin your nice guy reputation.”
Before he could say anything else, the warning bell rang, but he didn’t move. The both of us just stayed staring at each other. He leaned in a little bit, and I started panicking… on the inside, of course.
Before my cheeks could even start to heat up, I narrowed my eyes at him, shoving his arm from beside me. “Although with the info I know, if word gets out, you’ll have ruined it yourself.”
“Alright, class,” Mrs. White said. “You’re going to be paired up for the next week for this assignment. Every other row, look at the person behind you and get used to seeing them. That’s your new partner.”
Turning around on my desk to face the person behind me, I groaned at seeing his face. Finally sighing while shaking my head, I said, “It just had to fucking be you.”
He smirked at me and said, “Looks like you’re stuck with me for a week.”
“And I can’t tell you how much joy that brings me,” I sassed before back around.
“Settle down, everyone,” Mrs. White said. “Now, for this assignment, you’re both going to come up to my desk, reach in this little basket, and pull out a topic for you to research. Some of these topics, you’ll already know, but I want to see how much you know. Alright, first up-- Blake and Dallas.”
Turning around in my seat to face Dave, I whispered, “Let’s just get one thing straight. We both do the same amount of work. We both put in the same amount of effort. We both--”
“I got it, (Y/L/N),” he whispered back.
“Dave and (Y/N),” Mrs. White said. “Come get your topic.”
Dave and I both got up from our seats and walked up to the desk. I reached my hand in, grabbing a folded up piece of paper. Bringing the paper up to my face, I opened it up and read the topic Dave and I would be doing a week's worth of research on. 
“Titanic,” I said. “Very cool.”
“Do you two have any questions?” Mrs. White asked.
I shook my head. “No. I know a little bit from the movie, but I’m always down to learn more about it.”
“What she said,” he replied.
“Okay. Go back to your seats.”
As I sat back down in my seat, I flipped to a blank page in my notebook, writing down my information. Turning around to hand the piece of paper to Dave after tearing it out of the notebook, I sighed. “Here. You’re gonna need this.”
He took the paper from me, looking down at it. “Your number, home address and research schedule?”
“Well, yeah,” I said. “We’re gonna need somewhere to study, you'll either call me or text me to ask dumbass questions you already know the answer to, and the times we’re gonna research. It’s not that complicated.”
Folding the paper up, he sighed, “Fine. But, we’re doing this at my house. I guess starting tonight.”
“Would you just come over?”
I rolled my eyes. “Fine,” I whispered, turning back around. A couple seconds later, I heard paper rustling before feeling a tap on my shoulder. Looking over my shoulder at the paper, I grabbed it, reading the information on it; Dave’s number and home address.
This was going to be… fun.
Walking up the steps to the front porch of Dave’s house, I sighed. Not really looking forward to being over here, but… here I am. After I rang the doorbell, I heard what sounded like a body hitting the floor followed by laughing… from a little girl?
When the door opened, I half expected to be greeted by a parent or Dave, but instead… I was met by a curly, little redheaded girl. “Hi, sweetie,” I smiled.
“Are you here for Dave?” she asked.
Taken aback, I nodded, “Yes, I am. Is he home?”
“Come on in,” she said, stepping away from the door.
“Oh, okay,” I muttered to myself. I walked in the house and looked around for a moment before I turned around and closed the door. “Uhm--”
“I’m Stella,” she said, causing me to turn back around. “And from the looks of you, you’re (Y/N).”
“Y-yes, I am,” I said. “How did you know that?”
“I saw you in Dave’s yearbook last year. You’re even prettier in person.”
Feeling my cheeks warm, I smiled at her. “Well… thank you, Stella. And it’s very nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, too,” she replied. “Come on. I’ll take you to Dave.”
As Stella led me into the dining room/kitchen area, I heard voices talking to each other.
“Mom, it’s not like that,” I heard Dave say. “She’s just… a study partner, basically.”
“What is that supposed to mean, Dave?” his mom said.
“Hi,” I said, timidly. Both pairs of eyes looked at me as I continued. “I’m (Y/N), his study partner for our English assignment. We got paired up by our teacher.”
As a look of understanding crossed her features, Dave’s mom sighed out a breath of relief. “Well, that’s good to hear. I thought he picked you as his partner because of the rumor that’s spreading around school about you.”
Giving her confused eyes, I started to ask what rumor before Dave stopped me. “Oh, look at the time. Mom, don’t you have to get to work before you’re late… again?”
“Oh, shoot,” she said. “You’re right. Okay, uhm, you know the rules. If you take her to your room, keep the door open. Keep Stella entertained and fed. No Daldry or Big C.”
“Yup, got it,” he said. “Go, we’ll be fine.”
“Alright.” Walking up to Stella and myself, she squatted to be almost eye level with the little girl. “You tell me everything that went on tonight when I take you to school in the morning.”
Nodding once, Stella said, “And I won’t leave out a thing.”
As their mom stood, I decided to say one more thing. “I’ve babysat before. I used to be highly recommended before I quit about a year and a half ago.”
“If you’re sure and don’t mind,” their mom said.
I smiled and shook my head. “It’d be my pleasure.”
“Alright. Stella, you be good. To the both of you--” she looked between Stella and Dave. “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” they both said.
“It was nice to meet you, (Y/N),” she smiled before walking to the door and out of the house.
“Okay then,” I uttered. Looking at Dave, I sighed, feeling slightly uncomfortable. “Where should we…?”
“Oh, uhm,” he said, scratching at the back of his neck.
“Living room,” Stella said, grabbing my hand. 
“Stella,” Dave said, a tad bit of warning to his voice.
Sighing, I said, “Hodgman, just get your stuff. It’s fine.” Turning back to Stella, I smiled. “Care to show me the living room?”
Putting my hands in my hair and exasperatedly sighing, I really tried not to punch this kid in his face. “No, that didn’t actually happen.”
“Yes, it did,” Dave said.
Holding my hands out with my palms up, I argued, “You do realize that what you’re talking about was in the movie, right? There were only eight people that were actually depicted in film, but only four of them had big parts.”
“Name one.”
“Oh, you wanna play this game? Alright,” I said, turning to face him more, my right leg bent on the couch. “Margaret ‘Molly’ Brown.”
“I know that one,” he said. “Give me someone else.”
“The Captain.”
I groaned, throwing my head back. “Come on, Hodgman!”
“So, you’re also telling me that Jack and Rose weren’t real, the drawing wasn’t real, they’re love wasn’t real?” he asked.
“You’re freaking impossible,” I uttered. “No, they weren’t. All of that was made up for the movie. Just like Hockley, Rose’s mother-- they weren’t real.”
“Are you two still fighting over the movie?” Stella asked, rubbing her eye.
Getting up from my seat, I walked over to her on the staircase. “No. I’m just letting him know that he’s wrong, but he’s insisting he’s right. You know how boys are.”
She giggled as I put my hand on her shoulder, gently. “Now, why don’t you go back to bed, and I’ll come check on you in a little bit, okay?”
She nodded her head, turning around and walking back up the stairs to her room.
Going back to my seat on the couch, I grabbed my phone, looking at the time. “Oh, shit. I gotta go.”
“Why?” Dave asked.
“Because, Hodgman, it’s 10 o’clock and I was supposed to be home like… I don’t know, like an hour ago?” I said, packing up my stuff. “I’m actually surprised my mom isn’t calling me to bitch about why I’m not home.”
“Can you read me one more story?” Stella asked from the stairs.
Looking at her, I smiled and set my bag back down on the couch. “Sure. Go pick one out. I’ll be up there in a minute.”
Seeing her face light up like it did, I thought to myself that it may not be so bad to come over here.
“I think she likes you,” Dave said. “Which is kind of saying a lot.”
“Since you dated that bitch Aubrey?” I said, still looking at the stairs.
“How do you--”
“(Y/N)!” Stella yelled.
“Duty calls,” I said, walking up the stairs. I went to Stella’s room and sat down on her bed. She handed me the book she wanted me to read, Cinderella. About halfway through the book, Stella cuddled into my side, which put a smile on my face.
“I like you better than Aubrey,” she said. “She never read to me.”
“Well, I’m here now,” I said. “I’ll read to you when I’m here. And even when I’m not, you can call me… as long as it’s before 10 at night.”
She giggled at that, resting her head on my arm to look back at the page. What her and I failed to notice was Dave, standing in the doorway watching us. 
I still didn’t like him, but not as much as I used to. I think Stella may have something to do with that.
“One of these theories states that the Titanic never sank,” I read from my paper. “The conspiracy theory claims that some people found the Olympic way too badly damaged to be profitable. At some point, they ended up switching it with the Titanic to ditch the damaged ship.”
“They did this so they could reap the insurance, and kill a bunch of people in the process… so it seems,” Dave read. “Now, there are holes to this theory and one of the biggest is that the insurance for the Titanic wasn’t nearly enough to cover the Olympic’s loss.”
“This was the most interesting theory we found when doing our research,” I read. “In conclusion, the Titanic was the most horrible thing to happen to a gigantic group of people in 1912. I’m sure we’ll find more things as we round the school year. Thank you.”
Going back to our seats as everyone clapped, I handed our research paper back to Mrs. White. This week was so long, but it flew by so quickly. We got partnered up on Monday, and now it’s Friday. I felt like the only thing I did was blink.
As the rest of the students gave their presentations, I couldn’t stop thinking about what happens next. I mean, I’ve gotten used to spending time with Dave, that I’ve actually started to like him. 
Spending time with him every day this week, I’ve gotten to know him a little better. Typical things, like his favorite color, if he’s a sports fan, what he likes to do in his downtime, stuff like that. I’ve also met his friends Daldry and Big C. 
Spending more time with Stella was something that I had looked forward to. She’s so sweet, and surprisingly, I’ve missed babysitting. Playing Barbies with her, taking her to the park, and watching her when Dave couldn’t was the highlight of my week. 
I was going to miss it.
Sitting in the lunchroom a couple months later with Allison and Jane, I cleared my throat, gaining both of their attention. “What do you guys think about Dave?”
“Dave?” they asked.
“As in Hodgman?” Jane asked.
“As in the boy you hate?” Allison asked.
I shrugged. “Yeah. What do you guys think about him?”
“No, seriously,” Allison replied. “I thought you hated him.”
“Yeah, what happened?” Jane asked.
Looking at them both with a look that said to knock it off, I said, “You both know something. Spill.”
Before any of them could speak, a hand landed on the table next to me, so I followed the hand up the arm and to the owner. “Speak of the devil.”
Clearing his throat, Dave looked at Allison and Jane before putting eyes back on mine. “Uhm, can we talk? Alone?”
I nodded my head, gathering my stuff from the table before bidding the girls a goodbye. Following Dave into the hallway, I felt about four pairs of eyes on me, but didn’t pay it no mind. I didn’t care what anyone thought of me. 
Once I got into the hallway, I lost sight of Dave before feeling a hand wrap around my forearm, pulling me gently towards the lockers behind me to the left, letting out a small gasp at the proximity he and I were at.
“Why don’t you like me?” he asked, voice low and soft. “I know you don’t, so cut the bullshit that you’ve got going on in your head.”
Licking my lips, I heard him take a sharp inhale of breath before giving my answer. “Just some things I heard about you.”
“What did you hear?”
“Uhm,” I breathed. “That you use girls to get what you want.”
“Why would you believe that?” he asked. “I’ve only been with one girl.”
“It’s gonna be two if you don’t back up.” All I could do was stare into his eyes, just now noticing the color; a beautiful whiskey, caramel color.
As he leaned in a little bit, I closed my eyes, knowing exactly what was about to happen, and I wasn’t going to stop it from happening. But, as luck would have it, the bell rang. He rested his forehead against mine for a moment, pulling away at hearing students walk into the hallway.
I cleared my throat, flipping my hair from one side of my head to the other. “Uhm, does your mom work tonight?”
“No, she’s off. Why?” he asked.
“Will you come over tonight?”
“What about your parents?”
“They’ve got a thing. Something about needing to make an appearance at my dad’s best friends work function or some shit,” I explained. “They won’t be back until super late, if not in the morning if they’re gonna have a couple drinks.”
Nodding at my explanation, Dave said, “Cool. Yeah, I’ll come over. What time?”
“They’re leaving at like 6:30. I can order a pizza?”
Smirking, he replied, “Sure.”
“I’ll be there at around 6:45.”
“Cool,” I repeated.
He walked away as Daldry put his hand on Dave’s shoulder, leaving me to stand at the lockers by myself.
Welp, guys and gals, looks like I'll be spending most of my night with Dave… alone.
“Here’s the money for the pizza, call our cells if you need anything, and don’t wait up,” Mom said. “We’ve had a stressful week.”
Chuckling, I said, “Mom, I know the drill. You two be good, and don’t get into trouble! I don’t want to have to bail you two out of whatever.”
“That would be your mother you need to worry about,” Dad said, quickly giving me a kiss on the head. “We’ll call or text with our final location for the night.” “Just rent a room at the hotel you’re going to for the party,” I said. “I’ll be fine. Go. Have fun.”
After they both placed a kiss on my head, they walked out the door, bidding me a goodnight and they’d be home in the morning, as expected.
A few minutes later, I called and ordered a pizza for Dave and myself before I placed myself on the couch and turned on the tv. 
Not long after that, the bell rang. Getting up to answer the door, I pulled the sweater I was wearing closer to my body. Opening the door, I smirked a little when I saw Dave standing on the other side. “Hodgman.”
“(Y/L/N),” he replied.
“Come on in,” I said, stepping out of the way. “Pizza should be on the way.”
As I closed the door, I explained, “I didn’t know what kind of toppings you liked, so I just got regular pepperoni.” Turning to face him, I asked, “That okay?”
Nodding, he replied, “Yeah, that’s fine. Uhm, where should--”
“Oh, uhm, living room… right behind you.”
He turned to look at the room he was next to as I smiled at his back. “Oh right,” he said, turning back around. “You’re smiling.”
“I thought you hated me,” he said, smirking. He took a couple steps towards me, stopping dead in his tracks as the doorbell rang. “Pizza’s here.”
Going to the kitchen to grab the cash my parent’s left, I let out a breath, smiling like an idiot before walking back to the door, seeing Dave stand there with the pizza in his hands. Looking at him incredulously, I asked, “Did you pay for the pizza?”
“Well, yeah,” he replied. “Was I not supposed to?”
“You know what happens now, right?”
“What?” Holding up the cash, I said, “I gotta pay you back for it.”
Letting out a breathy chuckle, he said, “Don’t worry about it, (Y/N). My treat.”
“Oooookay,” I said, turning around to put the money back where I got it. Walking back to the living room, I noticed that he had just put the pizza on the table before walking back towards the door. “Where are you going? You just got here.”
“I left something in my car,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”
Nodding my head in understanding, I stepped out of his way so he could walk outside to retrieve whatever was in his car. As soon as the door clicked shut, I quickly walked to the living room, picking up the box of pizza and heading to the stairs.
The sound of the door opening and clicking shut again had me stopping dead in my tracks.
“Where are you going?” Dave asked.
Turning to face him, a ghost of a smile appeared on my lips, seeing him holding a bouquet of flowers. Clearing my throat, I looked down at the pizza box in my hand. “Up to my room. Figured we’d be more comfortable there. But we can stay down here if--”
“No, no,” he interrupted. “I don’t mind. Wherever. I mean, this is your house after all.”
Chuckling, I motioned with my head towards the stairs. “Follow me.”
Going up the stairs and into my bedroom, I laughed at what Dave had said, setting the pizza down on my dresser.
“Oh, uhm,” he said, looking at the flowers. “I asked Jane what your favorite flowers were, and she said you liked these, so…”
Taking the bouquet from his hand with a small smile, I couldn’t help but admire them. “Thank you, Dave.”
“Oh, so we’re on a first name basis now?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I said. “Guess so.” Looking up at him, my face started to heat up and my heart started to pound, so I quickly cleared my throat, making my way towards the hallway. “Uhm, make yourself comfortable. I’m gonna go put these in some water.”
“Okay,” he nodded. I watched him for a second as he looked at the stuff on my dresser before turning around and heading back downstairs to the kitchen.
“Fucking A, (Y/N),” I said to myself. “Get your shit together.” Grabbing a clear vase from where my mom stashes them, I put in the sink, turning on the water to fill it. “It’s just Hodgman. It’s not like anything’s going to happen.”
After the water was where I thought it should be, I took the flowers out of the wrapper and placed them inside the vase, arranging them how I wanted. Before I walked back to my room with the vase in hand, I took a towel and dried the glass off.
As soon as I stepped foot back in my room, I placed the flowers on my nightstand beside my bed. Before I could turn around, however, I felt Dave come up behind me, pulling my hair to one side and ghosting his lips on my neck and jaw.
Letting a small, quiet moan, I tilted my head back on his shoulder. Fuck, this sexual tension was killing me. “We’re supposed to be hanging out, Hodgman.”
“So, what do you wanna do?” he asked, voice low, sending butterflies through my stomach and my core.
“Well, there’s the pizza,” I said, turning my head over my shoulder to look at him. “Are you hungry?”
“Are you?” he retorted.
I nodded. “Kinda.”
Sharing a chuckle, I turned around to face him. “We could, uhm… we could go back downstairs and watch a movie.”
“Well, I’ve actually seen all the movies,” he whispered.
“I’m pretty sure there's quite a few movies, Hodgman,” I smiled.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them all.”
“Why are you whispering?” I smiled.
Shrugging he said, “Feel like it.”
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I chuckled. “We could go for a ride?” I suggested, moving my hands down to his and grabbing them. I pulled him near my door and he, in turn, pulled me closer to him.
After guiding my arms back around his neck, he placed his hands on my hips, lifting my shirt a little to rest his hands on my skin.
“What are you doing?” I asked, breathless.
“Something I should’ve done a long time ago,” he whispered.
Before I could ask my question, he placed his lips on mine. It took me a second to realize what was happening before I closed my eyes and moved one of my hands to rest on his cheek. I hadn’t realized that he had backed up to my dresser before he whispered jump onto my lips, to which I did.
Feeling his lips move from mine to my cheek, I let out a breathy chuckle as I said, “Or we don’t have to take that ride. Since we’d just end up back here, anyway,” before feeling his lips on my neck, to which I let out a breathy moan.
“Yeah,” he said, picking his head back up. “So what’s the point?”
Locking eyes with him, I ran my fingers through the back of his hair. “Wanna play a game? I’ve got Chutes and Ladders from when I was a kid, and Boggle.”
He tilted my head to the side, placing his lips on my neck once again before he picked his back up again, and looked into my eyes. “I’d wipe the floor with you if we played Boggle.”
“Is that a challenge?” I smiled.
“Seriously, I’m amazing. I could’ve gone pro if I hadn’t blown out my knee.”
I let out a laugh, leaning forward to rest my forehead on his shoulder. Placing a couple quick kisses on his neck in return for attacking mine, I looked at him, a smile still on my face. “Okay, we don’t have to play games. Unless you want to.”
“Not really,” he whispered.
“Okay,” I said before I kissed him again. This time, it was more hungry, more fervently. Pulling away, I whispered, “So, what do you wanna do?”
As we stared into each other’s eyes, I saw a hint of something I couldn’t place. Almost like… he wasn’t so sure of whatever was going on.
“Dave?” I said, resting my palms on his collarbone. Running my hand through the side of his hair, I let my eyes dance around his face before I whispered, “Talk to me. What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking that, uhm,” he started. “Spending that week with you was the best week I’ve had in my entire life. And… spending right now with you is the best night I’ve had in a long time. And I don’t wanna do anything that might screw it up. And I don’t want the rumors about you to be true.”
Letting my face fall a little, I dropped my eyes from his face, and my hands to my lap. “Oh. Wait, what rumor?”
“That, uhm,” he cleared his throat. “That you use guys to get what you want.”
Looking back up at him quickly, I scrunched my brows. “That’s funny because I’ve heard the same rumor about you, and… I don’t want that to be true, either. And I can tell you that I don’t use guys to get what I want. Where did you hear that from? Or rather who?”
Scrunching up his face in a grimace, he said, “Aubrey.”
Pushing him away so I could jump down from my dresser, I walked a few feet away from him. “Well then maybe we shouldn’t do this. Let’s not rush things.”
Groaning, he said, “(Y/N/N)--”
“Don’t wanna be some fucking cliche now, do we? Cause those are the worst,” I continued, turning around to face him.
“What if I want to be a cliche?” he said. “(Y/N), I like you. Enough to do whatever it is that you want.”
“Really?” I asked.
He nodded his head in his agreement.
I looked over at my bed, seeing him do the same from the corner of my eye. At the same time, we both looked at each other, and the look I saw in his eyes this time was determination. “I’m gonna be honest,” I said. “I’ve never had a guy make me feel good.”
“Then let me be that guy,” he said. “Because right now, the only thing I wanna do is tear your clothes off.”
“Way to make a girl feel good, Hodgman,” I said. “But honestly, same for you.”
It was quiet for a moment as we looked at each other. I guess neither of us could contain or control ourselves any longer because he said, “Fuck it,” right before we both moved closer.
I jumped into his arms as they went around my waist, my own going around his neck as we heavily started to make out.
Feeling my back against the bed not ten seconds later, we both scooted up the bed, my head and his hands meeting the pillows. His attack on my lips, cheek, and neck didn’t stop as I ran my fingers back through his hair.
“Wait, wait, wait,” I said, feeling him pull back. 
“What? What’s wrong? Are we-- are we moving too fast?” he asked. 
Chuckling, I placed my fingertips on his lips, feeling him pucker up. “No, I like what we’re doing, I just… didn’t say it back earlier.” He gave me confused eyes before I rolled mine. “I like you, too. And I’m glad we’re doing this.”
Smiling under my fingers, he kissed them, gently wrapping his hand around my wrist and pulling my hand down. “Me, too.”
After he placed his lips back on mine, a couple minutes went by before I reached up to my nightstand, attempting to pull it open. 
“What are you looking for?” Dave asked.
“Trying to get the condoms my mom made me stash in here,” I said. “But I can’t reach the fucking drawer handle.”
He chuckled, moving up a little to reach the drawer in question and pull a condom out. I pulled his shirt up a little, kissing the skin that I exposed before he moved back down enough for me to take off his shirt.
Looking me dead in the eyes, he held up the condom, the look in his eyes reading concern. “Are you totally sure about this? Cause we can stop right now.”
Looking over his face again, I put my hand back through his hair. “I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.”
Smirking, he said, “Cool.” before leaning down and kissing me again.
That’s one night that I’ll definitely never forget.
These past couple of months have been a roller coaster; getting paired up with Dave for a week long English assignment, getting to know him a little better during that week, even having a crush on him for two months after. I guess everything was just falling into place.
High School graduation. I was more than ready. I thought I was content on graduation with no boyfriend, and just my best friends. But now that Dave’s been added to the mix, I’m way more content than I ever thought I’d be.
“You ready?” Dave asked, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied. 
Turning around in his arms, I wrapped mine around his neck. “Now, this seems awfully familiar. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yeah, sure,” he chuckled, leaning down. He placed his lips on mine, hoots and hollers from our friends could be heard a few feet away.
As Dave and I were pretty much making out, I could hear Allison and Jane talking.
“I’m so glad those rumors were spread,” Jane said. “I mean, look at them. They’re so cute.”
“Yeah,” Allison said. “Let’s hope it stays that way.”
A/N 2: Everything about the Titanic was researched from history.com. If you wanna know more, just click the link.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @quanticobae​ @mischiefandi​ @kellysashcroft​ @lauren-novak​
Let me know if you wanna added to a taglist, and please share with your friends! This is the last request I’m writing for now as the start my TW Rewrite is getting posted on Wednesday, Aug 26 😊
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
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Lau’s Fic Rec Masterlist
A Little Game @dreamofbetterthings
About Last Night @maddie110201
Better With You @lionsbby
Car Trouble @dumbass-stilinski
Eyes Closed @cxddlyash
Favorite Book @rememberstilinski
Ferris Wheel @mf-despair-queen
Finally Got The Guy @stilinski-lover-24
Here @werewolfmutant
Hiding @dumbass-stilinski
Hotter Than The Pizza @writingsbychlo @dumbass-stilinski
I Kinda Have A Crush On You @cxddlyash
Just Teasing [1] [2] @cxddlyash
Late Night Talks @mf-despair-queen
Looking Around @stilinskisensation
Maid For A Day @mf-despair-queen
My Fault @maddie110201
My Girl @cxddlyash
Panty Dropper @dancingwithdylan21
Play Dates [1] [2] @writingsbychlo @thelittlestkitsune
Prom @cxddlyash @maddie110201
Santa’s Elf @rememberstilinski
That Was Fucking. @stilinski-jpeg
The Girl Next Door @mf-despair-queen
The First Time (In London) @were-cheetah-stiles
The Second Time @wydobrien
Too Late @redstringlovers
True Romance @mf-despair-queen @cxddlyash
145 notes · View notes
ssimagines · 6 years
Camped Out || Stiles Stilinski
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Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader
Word Count: 3742
Summary: You and Stiles are trying to get to a better place after him keeping a big secret from you. 
Warnings: minor teen angst, sarcastic little shit named Stiles, oh yeah minor swearing, closet make outs
Request:   Hey! Love your page. Can I request a Stiles Stilinski one with the prompts 14. “I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it—more depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was.” &  62. “Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.” those sound pretty explanatory? Thank you love!
Can i request a stiles stilinski imagine? With the prompt; 6. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” Thank you!
Prompts:  14. “I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it—more depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was.”
                  62. “Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”
                  6. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
Note: I’m combining these two to make a my load a little lighter I hope that You don’t mind. I’m sorry for the super long wait, but I wrote it!
This takes place in Season 2. 
Now here’s 12 pages of my apology for taking so long to write this. 
With Derek turning teens left and right, everyone in the pack was stressed out including you. You had watched over the past week how it put significant strain on Allison and Scott’s relationship, and you were worried that it would affect your already rocky relationship with Stiles.
You, Scott, and Stiles had been friends since you were still in elementary school, but earlier this year when Scott was bit, the two of them had left you out of the loop for some time. It took you walking in on Scott on a full moon for them to come out and tell you everything.
It had been a long road to get back to some semblance of normal since then. You and Scott had found a way to get on after he had come to you to help him and Allison sneak around. You had been really happy when he had come to you. It had actually helped you get to know Allison better. Being her cover story had actually resulted in the two of you hanging out a hefty amount and becoming good friends.
With Stiles though, you hadn’t gotten as lucky. The two of you were still at odds with each other as you continued to fight through the past few months. It was his idea to leave you out of the whole werewolf mess. He claimed his intentions were to keep you safe, but not knowing had actually put you in more danger with the alpha on the loose. In the end, your trust in the sarcastic little asshole had just been decimated.
That left you where you were now dazed out during class trying to ignore that same annoying little asshole next to you. He kept cracking jokes trying to get some sort of reaction out of you, but you refused to give him anything as you continued to work on the worksheet that was placed in front of you. The whole class period so far had gone on like this as you waited for him to just shut up and do his own work.
“Do you think that Mr. Harris wrote these questions because he wants to actually learn this stuff or just so he wouldn’t have talk to us today?” Stiles spoke up again after only five minutes of silence. You let out a large huff of air. Why couldn’t just shut up?
You continued to work on the work sheet as Stiles dejected looked down at it beside you. Other than the rustling of notebook pages and a scratch of a pencil against paper, there were no sounds that filled the room. You embraced the silence while it lasted.
“Y/N, you know you have to speak to me sometime, right?” Stiles voice was whispered through the otherwise quite room. It echoed in your head as you tried to ignore it, but Stiles continued to say your name softly over and over again while poking you in hopes of getting your attention.
“Stiles, shut up, would you?” you let out a hushed yell. It was loud enough that the two girls in front of you could hear. They both shot deadly glares back to you before return to their work. There was another elapse of silence where Stiles left you alone again.
“Y/N,” he was so obnoxious. “I’m stuck on number five. Do you think you could help me?”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. So far, you’d had nearly thirty minutes to work on this stupid worksheet and he as on number five? You were on at least eighteen by now.
You didn’t believe for a second that he needed help. The questions really weren’t that hard, and Stiles was way smarter than he let on. There was no way that he actually needed help. This was probably another ploy to get you to talk to him.
“We can’t work together,” you whisper back to him. It was true. At the beginning of the hour, Mr. Harris had emphasized that this was not a group or partner project. There would be consequences of working together that you knew Mr. Harris would invoke without a passing thought.
“Come on, please,” Stiles said back. The boy moved closer to you. He placed his hand over yours. The warmth of his touch flowed into you comfortingly, but your anger with him wanted nothing to do with the gesture as you jerked your hand away from him.
The same hand jutted up into the air as you hoped to catch Mr. Harris’s attention and make an escape out of the room and away from Stiles. An audible sigh came from Stiles beside you as you held your hand up.
You felt the blood draining from your arm as you waited. Mr. Harris sat at his desk reading and clearly not bothering to actually see what his class was actually doing. After nearly two minutes of just waiting, you gave up and just stood up.
You made your way around the tables were fellow students sat to the front of the classroom where your obnoxious chemistry teacher sat. Standing in front of him, you waited for him to look up at you and question his presence, but he didn’t seem to have any interest. It wasn’t until you actually laid your palms down on his desk loudly that he even bothered to glance up.
“Yes Ms. Y/L/N?” his tone did nothing to hid the boredom he was experiencing. You bit your tongue in order to avoid saying something snarky as you took a moment to collect yourself. Taking a deep breath, you spoke.
“May I use the restroom?” you said. The smile that was painted across your face was sickly sweet.
Mr. Harris pursed his lips as you maintained eye contact with him. You weren’t going to take no for an answer. The teacher took a deep breath before waving you off. It was a silent way of giving in and you were thankful as you rushed out the door and away from Stiles.
Once you got through the door. You causally walked down the hall in no hurry at all. You were free and you were going to enjoy that while you could.
You ran your finger slowly along the lockers as you walked past them. The cool metal on your finger tips was soothing in a way. The silence of the hall added to the serene feel that enveloped you like a blanket as you strolled in the direction of the closest bathroom. The only real sound that could be heard as you walked was the pat of your shoes against the ground.
You heard a door open somewhere behind you but thought nothing of it. It was probably just another student that had been aching to get out of class or maybe someone who actually had to use the restroom.
You stopped cold when you heard hurried footsteps running to catch up to you as your name filled the air in a familiar voice. Whipping around, Stiles came into your view running now towards you.
“What the hell, Stiles?” you kept your voice under a yell, but you were as close to screaming as you could be. He gave you a small smile as he slowed in front of you. When he stood two feet away from you, he came to a full stop.
You crossed your arms over your chest as you looked at the sarcastic teen. You tapped your foot impatiently giving him a moment to actually speak before you dismissed him again. He stared back at you for a moment as if he was unsure of what was going on. Suddenly his eyes little up and his mouth opened slightly.
“Oh, so you want me to speak now?” he said as a smile returned to his smirking face.
“Shut up and speak, Stiles” you said. “How did you even get out of class?”
“So, do you want me to shut up or do you want me to speak?” Stiles said laughing. You rolled your eyes and titled your head left. You weren’t going to take any of this. Turning around, you prepared to continue your journey to the bathroom; this time with a bit more urgency.
“Wait Y/N, I’m sorry,” Stiles said.
He caught your elbow in his hand causing you to stop in your tracks. You looked over your shoulder at him urging him to continue.
“I’m sorry for bugging you today, “Stiles started. “It’s just with everything going on right now, I’m just really feeling off and I haven’t really been able to talk to Scott about it ‘cause he’s always with Allison, and I can’t talk to you about it ‘cause I really messed up our relationship. I just miss you.”
Your posture eased as you looked into his eyes. The expression he was wearing was soft, but sad. You could tell he was being genuine with his words. You reached out to him and rested your hand on his upper arm. He offered you a soft smile at the gesture.
“I miss you too,” You said softly taking a step closer to your best friend. Being mad at him had been hard on you. You had hated it. It felt so unnatural to not really speak to him, but you weren’t in ready to let it go. They had left you out of this large life changing thing. Now though, you just felt drained because of the anger. You were ready to move past it.
“Can you forgive me?” Stiles said. He was timid about it which was something you hadn’t really seen him be lately. You ran your hand down his arm and intertwine your fingers with his giving him a gentle squeeze.
“Of course,” you said taking a small step closer to him. Hesitantly, Stiles brought his free hand up to your cheek. He brought your gaze up to meet his own. His thumb ran over your cheek bone right under your eye. He moved closer to you making your heart pound in your chest.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he said as he seemed to move even closer to you without touching you. You weren’t sure how that was possible. There was a heat between the two of you that was unfamiliar to you., but you definitely weren’t against it.
The two of you had been standing there for no more than ten second when the familiar click of heels and heavy foot falls filled the hall. Your head shot around toward the source of the sound. The two sets of footsteps were followed by the easily identifiable voices of two of Derek’s new recruits, Erica and Boyd.
Breaking contact, you and Stiles turned your whole bodies in the direction the voices were coming from as they quickly approached. They were just around the corner from the two of you. A panic set over you as you grew worried about what to do to avoid being seen by the two extremely intimidating new betas.
Before you knew it, you were being pulled into a dark janitor’s closet by your elbow. The door closed behind you shielding you from the owners of the approaching footsteps. Their voices were significantly muffled by the door, but you could make out some of the conversation. They were very casually talking about how the perceptions of them had changed since their… well change.
Stiles’s grip was strong on your elbow causing your face to contort slightly. Your eyebrows furrowed, and you scrunched your nose until he let go of you. You moved to rub your elbow lightly after Stiles released you. You looked up at him to see a flash of guilt danced across his features in the dim light.
You were already pretty close in proximity to him due to lack of space, but you moved closer to him to show that you weren’t angry with him again. You slipped your hand into his as you stood closely to him. That brought a small smile to his face as he looked down at you.
The two of you were silent as you carefully listened for the footsteps to pass. Unfortunately, luck didn’t seem to be in your favor today as the two betas stopped not far from the door of the closet you were hiding in. At least, you could more easily hear what they were saying.
Erica was saying something about meeting Derek after school. A locker opened and some shuffling ensued. One of their lockers must’ve been just outside. You figured that’s probably why they stopped. Boyd responded by telling Erica he needed a ride to the Railroad Depot after work. At his words, your eyes shot up to Stiles. He looked down at you with an excited smile on his face. The new information was just what you had been looking for.
The werewolves talked a little bit longer before a locker door slammed closed. Their voice started to fade away as footsteps started again.
Your shoulder slumped as all the tension they held fell away. Stiles squeezed your hand as he let out a long slow breath. You let your head fall forward onto Stiles chest. He brought his free arm up around you to lay his palm flat against the small of your back. He pulled you closer to him.
Every place that your body touched his was a flame with his warmth as it had been earlier. You didn’t quite understand what was going on, but you weren’t going to pull away from it. You stood there leaning against him for a maybe two minutes when you finally decided that you had been gone from class far too long.
Reluctantly, you pulled yourself away from the brunet’s arms to move to the door. Stiles took the step with you to the door standing barely behind you as your hand landed on the door handle. You pulled down to open the door, but the handle didn’t budge. You tried again only to meet with the same resistance.
“Stiles, the door is locked,” you said softly. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared down at your hand on the handle.
“What do you mean it’s locked?” Stiles said. You stepped back so he could move around you and try on his own to get the door open. He pushed down on the handle and tried to wiggle it the best he could. It barely moved as he continued to try to get it budge.
“Stiles, it’s not going to open,” you said flatly rolling your eyes at the boys attempts. Stiles hit the door out of frustration before stepping back towards you. You just stared at the boys back in front of you.
“How could this be locked from the inside, but not the outside?” Stiles said as he stared at the door. He was slightly out of breath from his exaggerated efforts with the door. You took a moment to just mull over everything that happened leading up to you being dragged into the closet. Stiles turned to you as you furrowed your brows in thought.
“Stiles, this is the first floor, janitor’s closet…” you said slowly hoping that he would get the point, but when he made no attempt to show understanding you continues, “It’s door handle broke earlier this year, remember? When the Alpha attacked the school, the Janitor was running from Peter when he broken it by accident. They left it because it didn’t seem like a major fix. As long as you prop the door open, everything is fine.”
Stiles eyes light up with understanding as the dots connected. Of all the places to hide, Stiles had pulled you into this closet of all places. Stiles didn’t speak as he started to look around the room maybe looking for a way to escape.
“Do you have your phone?” you ask. “We just text Scott to get us out of here.”
Stiles patted his pocket as he searched for his phone. You let out a small stifle of laughter as you watched him. He had a habit of doing things like that. When he stopped, you could tell he ended up empty handed.
“No, I think I left it back in class,” Stiles said. He seemed on edge. He knew how you would respond as you bit back your lip to stop yourself from yelling at him.
Fantastic job, Stiles,” you said. “Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”
You leaned back against the shelving unit behind you. Bring your hands up you ran through your air out of frustration. How could he not bring his phone?
“Well, where’s yours?” Stiles said. There was a tone in his voice that you weren’t to keen on.
You had left your phone at home today as you rushed out the door to make it to school on time. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other as you looked down at your shoes. Your hands found the end of your shirt as you fiddled with the hem of it trying to avoid looking at Stiles.
“That’s what I thought,” he said.
You just sighed as you sunk to the ground still leaning against the shelf that housed several rolls of toilet paper and cleaning supplies. You sat there without another word. Stiles started pacing across the floor. His shoes squeaked against the tile as he turned around every few seconds. You watched his shoes as he paced.
The next several minutes went on like that.
“Can you stop?” you said looking up at Stiles face. At the sound of your voice, he turned to look at you there was a look of desperation in his eyes as his gaze meet yours. You raised an eye brow at him as he continued to look back at you.
Stiles strode over to you and dropped down next to you. His legs were extended in front of him reaching the door that was opposite the two of you. Your feet were bent and pulled to your chest. Your hands were between your calves and your thighs holding your thighs to you.
The two of you sat in silence just staring at the door. It seemed like torture as you both silently hoped that someone would randomly decide to open the door, but you didn’t even hear any footsteps on the other side.
“We could make out?” Stiles broke the silence. You flipped around to look at him shocked at his suggestion. If all things you expected to have come from his mouth that was not one of him. He was lazily staring at you.
“Really that’s what you came up,” you said after getting over the initial shock. “I know I’ve been saying this since middle school, but I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it—more depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was. I’m serious this time.”
Stiles just laughed at that. It brought a smile to your face as you watched him throw his head back to let the laugh escape his lips. When his laughter died down he looked at you with that sweet smile of his. You just laid your head on his shoulder. He brought his arm around to circle your waist comfortably. The two of you stayed like that for a while together sitting on the uncomfortable floor of a janitor’s closet.
After about ten minutes of sitting on the floor, your butt started to go numb. You released your legs and stood up trying to restore feeling to the lower half of your body. Stiles stood up too but was not very conscious of how close he was to you before doing so.
Stiles stood no more that two inches from you. With wide eyes and mouth slightly a gape, you looked up at his face. You saw his Adam’s apple bob slightly.
His hand moved up to your cheek for the second time that day. This time it was your turn to gulp. The same warmth that you had now felt twice that day filled you with his simple touch. He moved his head down to yours.
“Can I kiss you?” his voice was so soft as his lips stopped just above yours. You didn’t trust your voice to speak as you looked into the gorgeously honey colored eyes of your best friend. You gave him a simple nod before his lips meet yours.
It was awkward and stiff, but there was so much more to it then that. His chapped lips against yours was odd. His right hand cradled cheek while his other arm wrapped around your back. You had no idea where to put your hands as you brought your right arm around his neck while the other hand came to rest on his chest.
The kiss lasted maybe five seconds. It was Stiles who pulled away. While yours fluttered open right away, his remained closed as he licked his lips. His gaze met your when they opened. Neither of you knew what to say as you stared at each other.
Before you think too much about what just happened, Stiles lips found yours again. This time it was more aggressive and less awkward. His hand on your cheek moved down to rest on your hip. He moved you back so that your back was pressed against the only wall that didn’t have shelves against it. You moved your hands down to his sides as you held him close to you.
Stiles pulled away just a little to catch his breath when the door whipped open behind him. Your hands still rested on his waist as Stiles pulled away from you as the light of the hall filtered in illuminating your faces.
You squinted at the door as you tried to adjust to the much brighter light. The chuckling of your other best friend hit your ears as you recognized Scott’s frame. You let your head fall forward as you buried it in Stiles’s shoulder.
“I was told to come find the two of you, but I can come back later,” Scott said between his laughter.
“Oh, shut up,” Stiles said as his hand found yours. He guided you out of the closet past Scott who was still cracking up.
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rememberstilinski · 7 years
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last christmas || dave hodgman (smut)
word count: 6,433
warnings: smut, protected sex, girl on top, angsty as fuck
author’s note: y’all i literally pounded this out and i hope it’s as good as i think it is lmao. i’m exhausted and proofread most of this, but i apologize for my errors because i may not have caught anything. also, i’m so sorry for taking forever to get out a fic, i’ve just been so busy and i’ve felt like shit, but now that i have a break from school, i can finally get back to posting on scheduled days! anyway, enjoy some dave!
pairing: dave hodgman x reader
holiday masterlist.
There are many terrible things. One is spilling scorching hot coffee all over yourself while wearing a white shirt. Another is waking up early and not having the time to get ready on a Monday morning. However, perhaps the worst thing is going back to a place that you genuinely hated. A place that held more heartbreak than it did happiness.
For Y/N Y/L/N, that place was her hometown in Northern California. The town she never really liked. She always wanted to get out. She dreamed of leaving for as long as long she could remember. She couldn’t wait for the day she got in the car and drove off, never to look back at the town that held so much angst.
You might be wondering why she holds so much resentment for the town she grew up in. Well, she had pretty good reasons. Her father had died when she was thirteen in a car accident on the bridge that led into the town her family lived in. He was the most important person in her life. The two of them were like two peas in a pod, they understood each other in ways no one else did.
Then he passed and it was like a piece of her went with him. Her once perfect grades took a colossal hit. The straight A’s plummeted to C’s and D’s. The happy smile she always wore died and wasn’t ever seen again. At least not until she met him.
His name was Dave Hodgman. He was a just a boy. Just a boring, hormonal teenage boy. But to her, he was more than just Dave. He was the one who made her smile like she did before losing her father. The grins she wore stretched across her face to her ears. Her eyes sparkled with life unlike they had for the four years she lived without her father.
He made her happy. He brought her back from herself in ways she didn’t think was even possible. Whether it was the way he sang to her as they drove in his car while taking Stella to the park, or the way the way he smiled at her with that beautiful grin every time he saw her. She loved the way he held her hand and stroked her knuckles oh so gently with the rough pad of thumb.
Whenever he muttered the three words, that he was the first one to say, her heart did a backflip and butterflies flew around in her tummy. He was this ball of light and happiness she’d needed for so long. And she loved him unlike she could have ever imagined.
When you fall in love with someone, it’s a dangerous game. You put so much trust in them that you’ll fall and they’ll catch you, holding you safely in their arms, never to let go. She thought that was what happened with him, but that was before the breakup.
“Just say it, Dave.” She mumbled almost inaudibly, looking at her hands, sitting in the passenger’s seat next to said boy. The light from the street lamps poured into the car, the light shining over her soft skin.
They’d just gotten back to her house from a date at the movie theater. The car was parked in the driveway, right behind her own car. She noticed
how quiet he was, how he didn’t smile like he did a week ago. He didn’t kiss her the same way. His lips were weak against hers.
She knew why he wasn’t the same. That was probably was hurt the most. It was because he fell in love with someone else. Someone else took his attention, captured his heart. It was that girl he met at the left from Friday night. Aubrey, was her name.
Y/N wasn’t stupid. She noticed that Dave kept looking back at the blonde girl he’d only just met, their eyes were on each other all night. He basically ignored his girlfriend when he saw Aubrey walk into the theater. He was pulling away and it hurt like hell.
“Say what?”
She finally looked at him, not having looked into his wonderful eyes all night. He turned his head to look back at her, the tears pooling in her eyes noticeable because of the dim light. “Break up with me already.” She shook her head.
“What do you mean? Why would I do that?”
She scoffed. “Because I’m not Aubrey!” Her quiet voice grew intense and angry, her chest aching with a pain similar to what she felt everyday after father died. “You don’t look at me like how you were looking at her all night anymore. You don’t light up when I walked into the room like you used. You don’t kiss me the same. You don’t blush when you see me anymore.”
Her vision was blurry, her tears warm as they slid down her cheek. The liquid left streaks in her face makeup, her mascara was flaking around her eyes. “You don’t love me anymore, Dave.” Her fragile voice broke, a sniffle following soon after.
“Why would you say that? Of course I love you.”
“I’m saying it because you don’t feel the same. You might love me, but you’re not in love with me.” She swallowed, looking back to her hands. “I don’t know how you fell for her so quickly or if you ever even really fell in love with me. I mean, you just abandoned your feelings for me so suddenly, I don’t if you ever loved me like I loved you.”
Dave‘s face softened as he began shaking his head. “Y/N, I-”
“Don’t. Just, please, don’t. Just break up with me now and get it over with. We both know it’s bound to come.”
He was silent as he looked down to his jeans, his hand smoothing over the rough material. He glanced back up at her with a sorrowful expression. “I’m sorry.”
“That’s the thing, Dave.” She breathed out, her eyes burning with hot tears. “You’re not.”
It’s been over a year since that night and she could still feel that dull ache that lived in her hollow chest. She hadn’t spoken to him since that night, she hadn’t looked at him. She avoided him entirely. It was easier on her heart that way.
Instead of letting herself fall into this downward spiral, she kept herself together. She used all her anger and became stronger than what she used to be. She maintained her grades, she got into going to the gym, finding a way to channel her emotions from the breakup. She was better than she’d ever been, but she wished it was under different circumstances.
After high school, she left her hometown and went to college out of state. She was happy being in a new place, but there was always that constant ounce of pain radiating from her heart. The pain of losing all she’d ever truly loved.
The intensity of how it felt grew as soon as she drove past the ‘welcome’ sign of the town she grew up in. She sighed, just ready to get the holidays over with and see her family. However, before she went home she had to make her way to the grocery store.
A few minutes ago, she received a message from her mother about needing some milk. Y/N took the familiar route to the store that was just around the corner from her childhood home. Within minutes, she was pulling into a parking spot in the small lot.
She made her way into the store and quickly walked to the back of the store, grabbing a gallon of milk. A buzz from her back pocket made her stop in her tracks as she walked towards the cash register.
Pulling out her phone, another text message from her mother lit up the small screen.
mom (6:46 pm): hi, honey! could you also grab band aids? molly scraped her knee
Y/N responded with a confirmation on buying the band aids for her little sister. Molly was eight years old and Y/N assumed that she’d been playing outside and fell off her bike. The little girl was still learning how to ride a bicycle and Y/N made a promise to teach her while she was home for the holidays.
It’d been awhile since she had come to this store for anything in the health and beauty section, but with a quick thought, she remembered where that particular section was and with no more troubles, she walked to the aisle with the rest of the things she needed. She hurried to grab the bandages and went to the cash register.
While she waited in line, she looked around, some of the faces she saw vaguely familiar. She even noticed a couple people who she went to high school with, but they weren’t anyone important. No one she ever talked to anyway.
She looked to the side and went to grab a pack of mint mojito gum, but someone else’s hand grazed over hers, clearly going for the same package. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She mumbled, waiting for the other person to grab their gum before she grabbed hers, tossing it on the conveyor belt along with the box of bandages and milk.
“It’s really no problem.”
The voice made her stomach drop. Her palms suddenly felt clammy and her cheeks were undoubtedly flushed with a light pink color. She knew that voice. She would never forget that voice.
Swallowing nervously, she glanced up at the person behind her. Her breath hitched in her throat, the long sleeved shirt she was wearing suddenly making her too hot. The amber eyed man furrowed his eyebrows, clearly recognizing his ex girlfriend.
“Y/N!” He said, surprise evident in his deep voice. “W-What are you doing here? I thought you were away for school.”
“I was, but I’m visiting my mom and Molly for Christmas.” She said, her tongue gliding over her smooth lips, a habit she had for when she was nervous.
Dave nodded in understanding. “Yeah, me too.” He trailed off, scratching the back of his neck anxiously. Neither of them knew what to say. What could you really say to the one who broke your heart at three o’clock in the afternoon in a grocery store? “It’s nice to see you. You look great.”
Y/N nodded, walking forward as the cashier began ringing her up. “I know.” She replied, turning to the cash register as the woman looked between the two past lovers, the awkward tension thick in the air. Dave smiled softly at her response, stifling a laugh.
The conversation ended there, nothing else left to be said. The woman scanning Y/N’s items finished up, giving her the plastic bag and the receipt. “Have a good day, Merry Christmas.” She said, Y/N returning the saying with an ingenuine smile.
She hurried to leave the grocery store, walking over to her car, fumbling with her keys. What just happened had Y/N shaking, her breath gone. She hoped prior to her trip that she wouldn’t see either Dave or Aubrey. She couldn’t take facing either one of them. It hurt too much to put into words.
Seeing him was like all the oxygen was sucked out of the air and her lungs were burning with the need for the essential gas. It made the ache in her heart intensify with a thousand thorns holding her organ, squeezing until she was left holding her chest on the ground.
The sky was dark and there a chill in the air she felt when it was about to snow, but she didn't expect a white Christmas. It wasn’t impossible for it to snow in her hometown, but it wasn’t very likely there would be any snow.
She tried to push the key into the keyhole on the side of car door, completely forgetting about the button on the keychain she could’ve pressed instead. With her anger increasing, she felt her eyes gloss over as every memory she ever shared with the man she just ran into flooding in her brain, flashing like a kaleidoscope.
With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, calming herself down. A tear rolled down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away, not wanting to be seen crying in the grocery store parking lot. Y/N pushed the key into its hole, twisting it to unlock the door.
Before she could get in, long, slender fingers wrapped around her wrist, keeping her from going far. She looked to see who grabbed her and it was Dave. Who else?
She shook her head, refusing to talk to him. “No, no. Go away.”
“Y/N, we need to talk.”
She laughed mockingly. “Talk? Dave, I have nothing to say to you. Do you really think I want to talk to you after what you did?”
A look of emotional agony passed over his face, one that she didn’t fail to notice it. As much as it hurt her own heart, she had to stay strong. She couldn’t let the walls she spent so long building up tumble right back down again. “That���s why we should talk.”
“I don’t want to talk to you. I came back to be with my family. I did not come back for you, I did not come back to build a friendship. What I did was build a bridge and got over it.” She exclaimed, her eyebrows scrunched together. Her face was flushed, the cold and her anger playing into the pinkish tint on her cheeks.
“I just want to talk to you.” He mumbled, looking at her with hurt in his beautiful eyes. She was close to giving in, close to falling into his arms and letting him hold her as she cried. But they weren’t that couple anymore. He wasn’t the same Dave Hodgman she fell in love with as a teenager. He was someone who hurt her.
“I’ve gotta go.” She shook her head slowly, pulling away from Dave, his hand falling from her small wrist. He didn’t get the chance to say anything else, she turned on her heel setting the bag in the passenger’s seat, pulling the door closed. She made quick work of putting on her seatbelt and starting the car, pulling out of the parking lot without looking back to Dave.
Y/N drove the two minutes to her house, stopping in the driveway in front of the closed garage. Finally breathing evenly, she sighed deeply, her hands gripping the steering wheel until her knuckles turned white. She threw her head back against the headrest, needing a few moments to gather herself before entering her house to see her mom.
She grabbed the grocery bag and milk carton from the seat next to her and the duffel bag with all her clothes for the break from the backseat. She entered the house and instantly heard feet running across the hardwood flooring. Looking up, she saw Molly running towards her with a grin. There was a red scrape that was beginning to bruise right on her knee cap.
“Y/N!” The little girl exclaimed happily.
“Molly!” She dropped her duffle bag and set the stuff she bought from the store next to the door, bending down to hold her little sister in a tight hug. Molly tackled her into the floor, her arms wrapped around Y/N’s body.
“Did you bring my band aids?” She asked as she rested her chin on her older sister’s shoulder. Chuckling, Y/N nodded and grabbed the bag with the bandages and opened it up, putting one on the cleaned scrape.
She kissed her pointer finger, gently pressing her fingertips against the bandaged scrape. “All better.” Y/N stood up, pulling Molly along to the kitchen to see their mother busying herself with a recipe. “Hi, mom.” She smiled brightly.
“Hi, honey!” The older woman walked around the kitchen island wrapping her daughter up in a tight and comforting embrace. Y/N nuzzled her face into her mother’s shoulder, inhaling the sweet gingerbread smell that lingered in the air from all the baking the woman was clearly doing. “What happened?”
Y/N realized her mother must’ve sensed how her daughter clung to her, needing parental comfort after seeing Dave. “I saw him. I saw Dave at the store and we talked… kinda.”
Her mother sighed and held on tighter, rubbing her hands up and down her back in a comforting matter. “Oh, baby. What did he say?”
“He wanted to talk. But I panicked and came home. I think I hurt his feelings.”
Pulling away, Y/N’s mom cupped her cheeks, looking into the sparkling eye color that they shared. “It’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” She smiled genuinely, pushing a piece of Y/N’s hair behind her ear.
“It hurt to see him.” She uttered, almost shamefully. “I-I couldn’t breathe. I still can’t breathe.” She said, trying taking a deep breath.
“It’s called heartbreak, sweetheart. Everyday it’ll get easier, I promise.”
Y/N nodded, hugging her mom once again. She sniffled, keeping herself from crying. If she’d known that coming back home would bring up these feelings again, she wouldn’t have ever said yes to returning.
A few hours later, the three ladies of the house had finished watching some Christmas movie. Molly was passed out, laying against her mother who was also sleeping peacefully. Y/N looked at the timed and realized it was almost eleven o’clock at night and she was drained, both physically and emotionally.
She got off the couch and grabbed a blanket from the closet, throwing it over her mother and sister, giving them both sweet kisses on the head. “I love you, guys. Sweet dreams.”
With a soft smile, she turned off the television and went up to her bedroom, making sure the door was locked on her way. She entered her old bedroom, the place pretty well kept. She had her mom to thank for that. She changed out of her clothes, slipping on shorts and a thin shirt.
With sleepiness pooling in her eyes, she yawned and sat at her old desk. Everything was just as she left it. Her pens and pencils still in the cup in the corner, a pile of books still stacked off to the side. A notebook sat in the center and Y/N opened it, having forgotten what was written on its pages.
She chuckled as her eyes scanned each word. It was all just living expenses and plans for when she bought her apartment. She set a budget, and the organization made her giggle. What could she say? It helped her out more than she thought it would.
Closing the notebook, she looked around more. Scratches were on the wearing wood. A light bulb went off as she remembered the hidden compartment in the second drawer. She opened it up, taking out the wood covering to dig around through the neglected objects.
She pulled out a stack of pictures and small slips of paper. Setting them on top of her desk, she started going through. The words written across them making her heart beat faster. It was all messages she and Dave would write to each other during class so they didn’t get in trouble for talking.
The pictures were of them while they were dating. Polaroids with dates written on the trimming. There was one of her in a white t-shirt, her hair messy as the sunlight streaming in from the window ghosted over her face. It was one of the nights he stayed over after they made love. She remembered this morning. She remembered every moment she’d ever spent with him.
She heard a tapping at her window as she continued going through the pictures on her desk. Her head turned to glance at the window, the sky dark and snowing outside. She walked over to the window and pulled it open, a freezing breeze coming in as she looked down to see who was at her window.
She spotted the one person she’d been thinking of all day, blowing warm air into his large hands before looking up at her. “What do you want, Dave?”
“To talk. I'm coming up.” He shouted in a whisper, beginning to climb up the tree next to her window. Watching him brought back memories from her senior year. Most nights she couldn’t sleep or they wanted to see each other, he scaled the tree and walked across the roof to get to her window.
“No, Dave, I-”
He came up to her window, Y/N standing in front of it. “Please, Y/N. Let me come in.” He whispered, with hopeful eyes.
“Nope.” She stood arms crossed in front of the window, not moving an inch. “I don’t want to talk. I already told you this.”
“I don’t care. You need to hear this.”
“No, I don’t.”
Dave huffed. “Yes, you do. And if you won’t let me in, then I’ll just sit out here and talk to you.”
“Well, I’ll be standing right here, waiting for you to leave.”
He rolled his eyes, licking his lips before taking a deep breath. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. All that he’d been planning on saying all day was erased from his mind and now he was in front of her, opening and closing his mouth like a gaping fish.
“I don’t what to say. I had a plan, but now I’m stuck, so I’m just gonna wing it. I know that you don’t like me, that you might even hate me, but I didn’t mean to break your heart, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never wanted us to become this. In fact, I always wanted you and I to last. I always wanted you.”
She listened intently, the words settling in her heart. “Y/N, you were the first girl I’ve ever truly loved. No, you're the only girl I’ve ever truly loved and you’re the only one I will ever love. I’ve been thinking since that night, that I should’ve gone after you. I should’ve gotten out of my car and chased you into this house, holding you in my arms, telling you that I loved you and that I never stopped. As soon as you left, I realized what I’d done and what the consequences were as a result of my actions.
“I broke up with Aubrey after a few weeks of whatever was going on between us. I was miserable. I was always thinking of you. My thoughts of you kept me up every night. I would see something happen and I’d turn to tell you about it, but you weren’t there. You weren’t my right hand anymore. I would turn to push your hair behind your ear and kiss you because I never could get enough of you. All I want to do right now is kiss you with all my love because I’m still in love with you.”
Y/N’s eyes glossed over as did Dave’s, but she wasn't sure if it was because he was cold or because his heart was breaking as much as hers was. “No, Dave. You can’t do that. It’s not fair!” She exclaimed, walking away from the window. Dave took the opportunity to slip into the cold house, following behind her.
“You have to know. You have to know what I feel.” He grabbed her hand, spinning her around. “I still love you and I should’ve told you the night we broke up. If I did, then maybe you would still be mine. Maybe we would be living together and going to college. I should tell you that I’ve always loved you. You were always it for me, Y/N. And I hate that I needed distance to become wise enough to see understand my love for you.”
Y/N’s tears rolled down her cheeks, her eyes squinted slightly as she looked up at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I thought you hated me.”
“I did. I hated you for what you did to me, but I loved you for who you were even more, Dave. If you had come to me and told me this before I left, maybe you and I would’ve gotten back together. Maybe things would’ve been different.”
Dave nodded, holding her small hand in both of his. His fingers stroked her knuckles. He wanted to ask a question, but he was scared of what her answer would be. “Do you… do you still love me?”
Y/N stayed silent for a moment, not exactly knowing the answer herself until she thought it through. Did she? Did she still love him after all the time? Was it still possible for her to love him after he broke her heart? She looked down at the small hand of hers being held by his large ones before glancing up to see Dave looking down at her.
His eyes were full of hope. He needed her to love him back. He needed her to wrap her arms around him and kiss him like nothing had ever changed between them. As much as he wanted it, he knew he wouldn’t get it. He knew he wouldn’t get that kiss, that he wouldn’t get that warm embrace of hers. He knew he would never hold her again because it was different now. Everything changed because of what he did.
He pulled from her, thinking he had his answer. He held back his tears, sniffling as he nodded in understanding. He wiped his hands on his khakis, not having the courage to look at her.
“Dave…” She trailed off as he walked back over to the window.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I can’t take back what I did, I know that. I shouldn’t have come here.” He began to climb out the window, but she spoke again, stopping him in his tracks with what she said next.
“Dave, I love you.” She said. He looked back at her with glossy eyes, his vision blurring slightly. “I still love you. I know I probably shouldn’t, but I do.”
He sighed and walked back over to her in two quick strides, cupping her face in his large palms. He brought her mouth to his and pressed his lips against hers in a searing kiss that made her knees weak. It's been so long since he felt her lips against his. It's been far too long.
She wrapped her arms around his back, scratching at his clothed shoulder blades with her long fingernails. Dave tilted his head to the right, deepening the kiss they shared. His lips were cold and chapped against hers, but it was a feeling she couldn’t see herself ever getting sick of.
Her lips parted to allow him to slip his tongue into her mouth. The wet muscles glided against each other, the touch of another person, Dave’s touch making goosebumps appear on her skin. An awakened feeling lingered in her body, something she hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Undress me.”
“A-Are you sure? We’re not even official or anything at all. We’re not together.”
She shook her head. “I don’t care. I need you. I need to feel you like I used to.” He nodded and took off his jacket, throwing it onto the floor, his shirt coming off soon afterwards. She pulled the thin shirt she was wearing over her head.
The cold air from the open window drafted inside, hitting her nipples and making them hard. Dave looked up at her exposed upper body, her torso having more definition that it used to. She looked at his own abdomen, a patch of hair between his pectorals, the hair led down to the dark, curly hairs around his belly button and above the waistband of his pants.
“Kiss me.” She breathed out. He pulled her closer, cupping her face as he crashed his lips down to hers in a love filled haze. He walked her back to the bed, laying her down as he kissed her neck gently and lovingly. She sighed, her eyes closing as she held him closer, eager to feel his body against hers after so long apart.
He trailed down from her lips to her chest, pressing his lips to her skin sweetly. “You’re so beautiful. I didn’t know this was possible.” He mumbled, his teeth grazing against her soft flesh as he spoke.
He looked up at her, his fingertips sliding up her sides as he held her breasts in his warm palms. She arched into his hands, her eyes closing as his fingers rubbed circles at her hard nipples. She sighed deeply, Dave’s lips sucking at her collarbone, leaving love bites behind on her skin.
She opened her eyes, her hands reaching up to tug at the hair on the back of his head, her nails scratching at his scalp. She hooked her leg around his waist, smoothing the soft skin on the heel of her foot up and down his leg. She grabbed his hair and tilted his head to the side, looking into his eyes.
“I want you, Dave.” She whispered, kissing his bottom lip lazily while still maintaining eye contact. She heard a low groan roll off his tongue, felt it vibrate against her skin. The sound was so exciting and aroused it made the juices that leaked from her core soak her cotton panties. “Right now.”
���Are you one hundred percent sure that you want this? You want to be with me.” He asked, his voice fragile as he spoke to her.
She held his cheek in her hand, Dave cuddling into her warm palm. “Of course I do.” She cooed. “I mean, it’s you. You’re the one I love. The only one I could ever need.”
“But after what I did? I mean, do you still love me like you used to?”
“I’ll always love you… always and it’ll take time for me to completely forgive you, but I want you back. I want us back, Dave.”
He smiled softly, leaning up to kiss her lovingly. The exchange was slow and passionate, he rolled his hips into hers subconsciously, his clothed cock rubbing at her covered core. Her hands went down to the buckle of his belt and began to undo it. She soon unzipped and unbuttoned the khakis he was wearing.
Her soft hands slid to his hips, dipping her fingers underneath the elastic waistband as she pushed the rest of his clothing off. Dave toed off his shoes, hearing them softly drop to the carpeted flooring. He raised his body off of hers, holding himself up on his forearm as he helped her completely rid him of any clothes, his body bare above hers.
The soft sound of his hardened member slapping against his the lower part of his stomach sounded in the room. She kissed him and pushed his shoulders, switching the position of their bodies. She used her hands to support herself as she kept her lips pressed against his.
She smiled against his mouth as she straddled him, her pussy pressing against his cock. “I love you.” She muttered as she pulled away for air. Her nose pressed against his as he beamed at the three words she said to him.
He sat up and brought his hands to her waist and smoothed them down. He slid his fingers into her pyjama shorts, cupping her ass. “Take off the rest of your clothes.”
“Are you sure that you don’t want to do it?” She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinned, kissing his top lip gently.
Dave chuckled quietly. “You’re right.” He lifted her onto her knees, yanking the shorts and her panties off her body. She stripped herself of her remaining clothing and bit her bottom lip, watching as Dave admired her body. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to the scattered freckles on her chest.
She leaned her head back, sighing contentedly as her eyes fluttered closed. She gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his back. Her need for him grew more intense as he licked at her neck. “I can’t wait any longer.” She groaned, pressing her hand against his chest and pushing him back onto the mattress.
Reaching over and pulling the handle of the drawer, Y/N began to shuffle her fingers around, looking for the foil packets that hadn’t been touched since the last time she was with Dave. She grabbed one out of the box and ripped the wrapper open with her teeth, spitting it onto the side of the bed.
She pumped his member a couple times before placing it on his tip, rolling the rubber onto his length. She lifted herself up on his knees, Dave’s large palms covering her waist. As she lowered herself on him, his size and girth stretched her out, a breathy moan falling from her lips.
“Oh, god.” He groaned loudly. She looked down at him and used her hand to cover his mouth.
“Be quiet. Mom and Molly are sleeping downstairs.” She whispered, setting her hand on his chest to stable herself. Her walls fluttered at the feeling of him inside her, his own cock throbbing within her.
She began to move, her hips rolled into his. Her hand still covered his mouth, the sounds he was making against her hand leaving vibrations against her palm. He kept his eyes on her, watching her facial expressions as she rode him. Her tits bounced with each movement and it had him reaching one of his hands up to fondle the mound on her chest.
“I missed you so much.” He said, his words muffled as his mouth was still covered.
“I missed you, too.” She sighed, her eyes closing as her head fell back. Her hair cascaded down her back, her nails leaving red welts as she scratched at his chest.
He grunted at the burn it left, setting his feet flat on the mattress. He lifted his hips off the bed, thrusting up into her and tapping her g-spot every time. “Baby, you feel better than I remember. So much better.”
She sighed, biting her lip to hold back her loud moans. Dave sat up and wrapped his arms around her body, his hands resting over the curve of her ass as he pressed his lips to her for the umpteenth time that night. After going so long without her kiss or without making love to her, he savored every movement they made together. He let it imprint and lock in his mind so that he wouldn’t ever forget.
“You’re so warm. So wet. So tight.” He growled against her lips, their mouths parted at they breathed in and out. “I can’t tell you how much I missed this. How much I missed you.”
She moved his head to the side, wrapping her lips around his earlobe to suck slowly and teasingly. He shuddered and buried his face into her neck, groaning against her sweaty skin.
Her arms slid under his arms, scratching at his back. He flipped their bodies, pinning her to the bed beneath him. Taking her leg in his large hand, he lifted her leg up to rest on his hip, his thrusts growing sloppy but somehow deeper and harder.
She clenched around him as he hit the deepest spots that resided inside of her. He leaned his head against her shoulder, watching as he pushed himself into her and pulled back out, his covered dick dripping with her sweet juices. He nipped the skin on her shoulder, licking against the red spot from where he bit down.
She held him close, her chest pressed against his as her breathing grew shallower. Her lungs burned with the need for oxygen, but the only thing in the cool winter air was the smell of sex and the emotions that came from both Dave and Y/N.
His hips snapped forwards, his pelvic bone knocking against hers as the tip of his cock twitched within her. “Oh, please, tell me you’re close.” He sighed.
“I’m so close. Rub my clit.”
He sucked his fingers into his mouth and brought them between her bodies, circling his pointer and middle finger around the bundle of nerves. His body was covered with perspiration, beads of sweat dripping down from his hairline. His face was flushed, his lips swollen and red from the heat the friction of their moving bodies created.
She whimpered and fell over the edge, her throat raw from the sounds she released and the ones she held back throughout the night. Her eyelids squeezed shut and her climax brought him to his own, his load spurting into the little bubble at the tip of the condom.
He shook like she did as he came, his mouth pressed against the side of her neck to keep his groans quiet. His name fell from her lips in desperate whispers, her hands gripping at the clammy flesh on his back.
Their dirty bodies worked together as they rode out their highs. He pulled from her, the exhausted feeling fall over the both of them like a warm and comforting blanket. He collapsed on the bed next to her, his shoulder pressed against hers.
Dave pulled off the soiled rubber and tied it off, throwing it into the garbage bin beside her nightstand. She turned onto her belly and laid her head on on his chest, her arm draped around his waist loosely. Her fingernails scratched at his skin comfortingly, her eyes closing as she listened to the soft thumping sound of his heartbeat.
He turned his head to the side, pressing his lips against her hairline before resting them there. The faint floral smell of her hair invaded his nose and soothed his nerves. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry for what I did.”
“I know. It’s going to take some time for me to completely trust you with my heart like I used to, but I forgive you. After everything we’ve been through, I forgive you.”
He smiled softly, squeezing her tightly. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, Dave.” She looked up at him, stroking lines on his side as she nodded slowly. “Just don’t give my heart away again.”
He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
what’d you think? let me know!
want to be tagged in the rest of smutmas?
@nocturnalzeal @lovefilledtragedy @sourshawn @obrienskhakis @lovelydob @fuckwhateverfuck @padmeisgay @schnin25 @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @parislight @daddyxraeken @rayyyana
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
The First Time
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I Kinda Have A Crush On You Eyes Closed Favorite Book Just Teasing *Smut* Part Two *Smut* Prom (collab w/ @maddie110201)
102 notes · View notes
stilinskisensation · 7 years
Imagine Dave finally looking around him.
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Part one, Part two, Part three
Dave sprung up out of his seat and thrust his hand out to his English friend, “Keys” he damned. Daldry seemed taken back by his tone but didn’t give in.
“Come on man!” Dave cried. Simon shook his head once more.
“ After everything you put that poor girl though, you can run” Big Corporation smirked at his skinny friend. Dave couldn’t believe it. But if he stood there any longer he’d lose Y/n completely. Sweet, beautiful, Y/n.
“Fuck it,” He said running out of the Diner and on to the streets of LA. It was getting dark and Y/n lived more than a mile away. As he ran through the brightly lit streets of Los Angeles, he began to recall all of the times Y/n had been there for him.
The time she qued with him all night to see The Amazing Spiderman in first-class seats. Dave couldn’t recall any time Y/n  failed to stop by and bring him soup when he was feeling sick. It was always Y/n.
He would so out of breath by the time her house came into view that he was willing to bet that he would pass out before the would ring the doorbell. But as he slowed to a stop taking deep breaths, it came to reason that he had spent years making Y/n feel stupid.
It was his turn now.
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4lxcxrd20 · 3 years
Dylan O'Brien as Thomas 🔥
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122 notes · View notes
charlie-boio · 4 years
I’m Here For You
Summary: Stiles has been avoiding you for a few weeks and you aren’t sure what’s wrong. Is this the end of your friendship?
Word Count: 3200
A/N: I enjoyed this little idea. Hope you do too. It’s pretty cute in my humble opinion. Also I based their high school schedule (like how long their classes last) off of where I graduated high school so I know it’s probs different but idc. Also I’m not super comfortable with how well written this is but I like it 😊
WARNINGS: angsty, but with some well deserved fluff
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You took in a short breath, and then another. Your knees were starting to burn, the back of your throat felt like it had been scorched, and your head was pounding. The pain and nausea in your stomach wasn’t going away, but you thought that you didn’t have much left to throw back up. At this point, you were merely dry heaving.
These past few weeks have already been pretty much hell for you. For the past three weeks, Stiles had been bailing on your Friday movie nights, and last Friday was no exception. You didn’t even bother to text him and ask if he was coming, and apparently, he hadn’t cared.
Feeling the lowest you had ever felt in your life, you had just decided to melt into your bedding and binge watch cooking shows. What had started as a dull ache on Friday had taken a dramatic turn for the worse on Monday, and you simply could not catch a break with the pile on of essays, projects, and tests that your teachers handed you.
In all honestly, you could not catch a break. Never mind the slow burn of feelings that were building inside of you for Stiles, but now it appears you were also losing him as a friend. Which hurt…more than anything.
You shook your head, feeling yourself shudder. Standing on shaky legs, you flushed and went to rinse out your mouth.
“Just get through school,” you muttered. “Then you can go home and sleep this off.”
You finally left the bathroom and walked slowly towards your class, hand clutching desperately at your right side. Grimacing with each step, you opened the door and shuffled inside.
“About damn time! Get back in your seat y/l/n!” Coach Finstock barked at you, causing everyone’s eyes to snap up and pierce right through you. You shrunk into yourself more than you already were.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, walking carefully over to your seat without disturbing your side too much, which was a fruitless task. Sitting down, you looked over a Scott, whose eyebrows were furrowed together. Stiles didn’t bother looking up, his face buried in his notebook. You felt your heart break just a little more at the sight, so you forced a smile and whispered that you were okay, knowing that he could hear you. Scott’s eyebrows stayed knit together, but he turned away from and put his attention back on Coach’s lecture, letting the matters drop for now.
Coach’s class went by in a foggy haze, the occasional stabbing pain in your side brought you back to reality until the bell rang. Stiles jumped out of his seat and rushed out the door, not sparing you a glanced. Scott was close behind him, but not before sending you another worried look, to which you gave him a forced smile. His eyebrows furrowed, but he left anyways.
You moved slowly, face grimacing with each step. You couldn’t help your mind wandering to Stiles, imaging him helping you through the hallways to your next class. You two always used to walk together…
Shaking your head, you continued forth, barely managing to make it to your next class on time. Thankfully, you didn’t have another class with Stiles until after lunch, but you had this class with Lydia.
“y/n are you feeling okay?” Lydia asked, her face etched with concern.
“I’m fine, just a little nauseous, nothing to be worried about,” you said, but your wavering voice betrayed you. Lydia quirked up an eyebrow and pressed the back of her hand to your forehead.
“You’re awfully warm sweetie. I know you said, ‘You’re fine,’ but maybe you should go home. Just in case,” she said sweetly.
“I can’t. My parents are out of town for their anniversary.”
“What about Stiles? He usually gives you a ride to school anyways right?” Not for two weeks, Not for two weeks, you thought sadly.
“Girls, pay attention please!” your teacher snapped at you two. You and Lydia mumbled your apologies. Thankfully, class went by without another opportunity for you to talk to Lydia, and when the bell rang, you two parted ways since her class was across the school.
You managed to get through your next two classes, trying to pay attention to your teachers and zone out the stabbing pain in your side, the pounding in your head, and the heavy weight in your heart. You were hoping and praying with all of your might that you could get through the rest of the day. You weren’t sure how the fuck you would get home, but you decided you’d cross that bridge when you got there.
If you get there, you thought miserably, but you quickly shook that thought from your head. You were overreacting, obviously. How could you be so stupid? You got your period on Saturday, and occasionally they could be a little extreme. 
“Stiles, you really didn’t have to do any of this…” you said sweetly, a small smile stamped on your face.
“Come on, kid. You’re my best friend, of course I’m gonna take care of you!” Stiles said, flashing you a toothy grin.
He had surprised you out of the blue, hearing that you had gotten your period and that it was kicking your ass this month. Stiles brought chocolate, popcorn, movies (Star Wars, obviously), blankets, one of his sweatshirts, sour patch kids, and a heating pad after you had complained that yours broke. He spent the next hour setting everything up and not allowing you to lift a finger despite your protests.
After settling down, you had tried to cuddle with him like you two usually do, but your cramps weren’t having it so you settled for having your head in his lap, the heating pad laid across your lower abdomen, blankets curled around both of you while Stiles continuously ran his fingers through your hair, soothing you.
“Any better?” he asked softly.
“Come on, kid. You don’t have to lie to me. Not ever…”
“It is better, since you came and helped me,” you turned your head slightly to look up at him, and you saw his swirling amber eyes looking down at you with adoration. You felt your heart skip a beat while you smiled at him.
Stiles leaned down quickly and placed a lingering kiss to your head. “You know I’m always gonna be here for you kid. Always,” he mumbled into your head.
You closed your eyes and sighed happily, his fingers resuming running through your hair. You could’ve died happily in his arms.
Bitter tears that burned your eyes welled up, threatening to fall at the memory. What did I do…? You thought miserably to yourself.
Closing your eyes, you shook your head, ridding yourself of both the tears and the memory. If you cried right now, the pounding in your head would only get even worse, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could last like this.
Unfortunately, the bell rang for the end of fourth period, and fifth was lunch with the rest of the pack, including Stiles. You felt a pool of dread hit the bottom of your stomach. Stiles used to sit next you at lunch, cracking jokes back and forth with his sarcastic comments. Now, he sat as far away from as he could, and you had a feeling that today would be no exception.
Sure enough, walking into the cafeteria you saw all of your friends sitting together, happily chatting away. There was a seat saved for you on the far right while Stiles sat at the far left across the table from you, right next to Lydia. For once, it didn’t look like Stiles was drooling over her; instead they were quietly arguing about something, but you were too far away to hear what it was.
Still, you sat down and did your best to smile through the physical and mental pain of everything. However, your stomach had decided to dial up the pain a notch, making sure it was something you no longer could ignore. With each beat of your heart your head pounded louder and louder, the voices around you starting to fade.
Uh oh. This isn’t good I need to get out of here!
You tried to stand, legs wobbly, but the second you stood up your vision began to tunnel, your pain double by the second. You could vaguely hear Scott, and you felt the pack’s eyes on you.
“I need to…to…” you stuttered, and you felt your knees buckle as you sank to the floor. Before you could hit the ground hard, a pair of strong arms snaked around you, breaking your fall. You could vaguely hear someone scream for help.
Your breath hitched, ears ringing as you fell into darkness.
“HELP! PLEASE SHE NEEDS HELP!” Stiles shouted through the hospital, nurses and doctors rushing over. You were in his arms bridal style after you had passed out in the cafeteria. He had managed to catch you before you could hit your head, and he had sprinted as fast as he could to his jeep to drive you to the hospital.
That was two hours ago, and there hadn’t been any word on y/n’s condition. Not even Melissa could tell them anything, and Stiles was getting tired of hearing ‘We are doing everything we can right now,’
“Stiles?” Scott asked gently.
For the first time in his life, he was still. Absolutely still. He didn’t fidget with his hands, bounce his knee, or even pace. He merely sat there; hands clasped together. He didn’t even have the energy to cry anymore; all he did was stare at the floor and just let every single one of his negative thoughts rush through his head.
“Stiles,” Scott said a little more forcefully. Stiles barely turned his head, his drawn low.
“Look I already know what you’re gonna say-“
“The ‘I’m Gonna Avoid Her So My Crush Can Go Away’ plan? The one that everyone thought was the stupidest idea ever?” Lydia interjected, having found about this plan at lunch.
“Stop it, okay? I get it!” Stiles snapped, then he sighed loudly and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, it’s just…I should’ve seen it. I should’ve known something was wrong. We’re best friends…she’s never gonna forgive me,” Tears lined Stiles’ eyes. Turns out he did have more to spare.
“Stiles, you and y/n are idiots,” Stiles’ head snapped up, his eyebrows shooting up into his hairline. “You two have edging around a relationship for at least three years at this point, and each time you’ve both been like ‘Oh there’s no way they like me back!’ Seriously! I’m tired of hearing it,”
“Scott, what if it’s too late? We don’t know what’s going on-“
“Why am I not surprised that you’re all here?” Melissa’s voice came out with a carefree tone. She had a clipboard with her, and she looked relatively at ease. Immediately Stiles shot up and made his way over, his hands fidgeting with each other, not taking note of Melissa’s relaxed stance.
“What happened? Is she okay?” Stiles asked, his eyes pleading. Melissa gave him a reassuring smile.
“Stiles, relax. She’s totally fine. She just had appendicitis, nothing super major I promise,”
Stiles took a deep breath, feeling the tension from waiting around slip away from him. He couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face.  “She’s…she’s gonna be okay?” he asked tentatively.
Melissa smiled at him. “She’s going to be just fine,” she looked over her shoulder, then lowered her voice. “Now, usually it’s family only, but for you I’ll make an exception. ONLY Stiles,” she finishes when everyone else tried to rush past her. Melissa gave him a knowing look, telling him the room number.
Suddenly standing behind the closed door of your room, he felt his anxiety come crashing down again. He had acted like a complete idiot these past few weeks, not being to stand the fact that you would probably never feel the same way about he as he felt about you. He thought he was doing what was best for both of you. Now he wasn’t sure if you’d even want him around as a friend anymore.
I wouldn’t he thought to himself miserably. It took a few more deep breaths before he was ready to open the door.
Thankfully, you were asleep, but he hated how pale you still looked. The hand with the IV laid across your stomach, your chest rising slowly as you took in deep breaths. Stiles crossed over to your left side and pulled up a chair, taking your left hand and placing a gentle kiss to the top of it. With his free hand, he slowly pushed a stand of hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear.
He had almost lost you today. Appendicitis was a simple procedure, sure, but what if something worse had happened? What if it was something worse, and he missed it because he was too cowardly to tell you how you felt?
“No more hiding,” Stiles whispered to you. He settled his head against the bed on your side. His hand that wasn’t laced with yours was gently stroking your arm while his eyes dropped lower and lower until complete exhaustion finally took over and he fell into a fitful sleep.
Your body felt light and heavy at the same time. This didn’t feel like your bed, or the cafeteria where you were last. You could vaguely remember being carried, but it was all a pain filled blur. You scrunched your face before peeling your eyes open, your heart skipping a beat. There you saw Stiles, one arm resting on your leg while the other clutched yours. You couldn’t help the small smile that spread across your face. Was he really here?
You moved your hand to run through his hair, causing him to stir. Stiles looked up at you, eyebrows furrowed together before shooting up into his hairline.
”You’re awake!” he jumped out of his seat, his hand never leaving yours. A huge grin broke out across his face which contradicted the tears that fell from his eyes. He leaned over and pressed a long kiss to your forehead, your eyes closing at the feeling. “How are you feeling? Do you feel alright? Is there any pain? Because I can go get a nurse for some pain medicine. Or are you hungry? Because you didn’t eat at all at lunch and I doubt you ate this morning since you left class to throw up or maybe you did since-“
“Stiles shhh its okay, I feel okay I promise,” you said, voice a little hoarse. Stiles sighed happily before sitting back down, both of his hands coming up to play with your fingers. You wanted to relish in the moment, but you couldn’t help the nagging feeling that took place in your mind. He doesn’t really care, once you’re better he’ll go back to ignoring you.
“I like you,” he blurted out, his face beet red. “And I’m sorry. Really fucking sorry okay? I’ve had this giant crush on you for the longest time, and I had no idea how to address because you’re just absolutely everything to me. I thought that if I put some distance between us that it would be easier, but it wasn’t. I could tell that you were upset, only this time it was my fault. Look, if you don’t feel the same way, or even if you hate me after what I did, I get it I fucking deserve it, it’s fine. But after today, seeing you collapse like that, I don’t think I can’t not have you in my life. I really, really like you y/n, and if you can forgive me one day, can we at least stay friends?” his eyes were pleading with you, tears lining his eyes.
Your eyebrows furrowed. “So…you don’t want to be with me like that…” you whispered.
“No-I mean yes, of course I would love more than anything to be more than friends, but you-“
“Stiles,” you said with a small smile. “I feel the same way. I have for awhile now…”
His eyes lit up, the tears falling now. “Really?” he asked softly.
“But,” he looked away from you, swallowing thickly. “I-I’m not like, super strong or a good lacrosse player. I’m not a werewolf. I’m only human, I’m just…me.”
“I don’t want any of those things, I want you. I want the boy who can always figure out the cases, the boy who would come over and take care of me whenever I’m upset, who came over every Friday to watch movies with me, and the boy who never ever fails to make me laugh, even when it’s the last thing I want to do.”
You continued to run your fingers through his hair, trying to soothe him. His smile grew with your words, his eyes flicking down to your lips for a brief moment.
“Can I kiss you?”
Stiles stood once again, leaning over you while trying not to crush or hurt you in any way. He cupped your face with one hand before gently placing his lips on yours. The kiss was soft, your lips moving slowly against his. It didn’t become any more heated then simply kissing, but your heart still exploded. You two kissed until your lungs burned, Stiles pulling away for just a moment to take a quick breath before diving back in, tilting his head a little, the kiss picking up its pace slightly.
After a few more moments, Stiles pulled back for good, smiling down at you while he pulled his chair even closer you as he sat down, and you were positive that your grin was just a big as his. You leaned over and wiped the remaining tears off of his face, him leaning into your touch.
“Can I take you on date?” he asked.
You quirked an eyebrow at him, “Just a date?” you joked.
“Well, I feel like I should take you out on a proper date before I ask you to be my girlfriend,” he laughed, and you smiled at him.
“Okay, then in that case, I’d love to go on a date you,” you said, affection laced in your tone.
He smiled dopily at you, resting his hand back on the bed next you, your arm coming around him comfortably.
“Get some rest, kid. I’ll be right here, I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for you, always,”
You sighed, closing your eyes, and for the first time in a few weeks, you were able to sleep peacefully with Stiles by your side.
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mf-despair-queen · 7 years
Heat Haze Days - Stuart Twombly
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Character(s): Stuart Twombly/Reader
Word Count: 2800
Notes: This is like...my first time writing in forever and a day. So be gentle :’) also, tbh, I only thought of this idea because I was listening to Kagerou Days in my car on my way home from work. Kagerou literally is Heat Haze Days. xD
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What was worse than working in the middle of summer?
Working in the middle of summer with no AC.
You slowly fan yourself with a folder you found sitting on your desk, groaning as the mid-summer heat penetrated your skin. It was the hottest day thus far and the AC just HAD to break today. How were you supposed to get any work done when you are too busy dying at your computer?
You place your head on your desk, before sitting back up in your chair, fearing the puddle of sweat that would start forming in its place. Needless to say, you were completely miserable and you did not want to do anything.
Glancing around the room, you notice Stuart sitting in his usual beanbag chair in the corner, typing away on his computer. Tight polo shirt, showing off his muscled arms and even his toned chest. Khakis, like always, that seemed to stick to his skin more than usual in the summer heat. Black rimmed glasses that seemed to enhance his sparkling, golden eyes. And his usual beanie was atop his head.
How he even wore a beanie right now, you would always wonder.
You got up from your desk and strut over to him, plopping down noisily in the chair next to him. He didn’t even spare a glance as he continued typing on his computer. You mentally sighed at yourself at his lack of response.
See, you had always had a slight crush on Stuart, ever since he spilled his coffee on you’re the first day of the internship. He gave a short sorry before taking off, not even bothering to help clean up the coffee he spilled on the floor and, most importantly, on you.
It was by chance that you had been placed on a team with him. Ok…maybe not by much chance. No one had wanted to join a team with you and you got stuck with the “leftovers” team, led by Lyle. You couldn’t really complain at the time, since Stuart was on your team.
The beginning was…rocky, to say the least. He was a complete and utter dick to you and everyone else on your team. Especially the trees, but that’s another story. He would make snarky comments to everyone, acted smarter than everyone, or just plain ignored everyone and opted to stick his nose in his phone instead. You swore the guy hated human interaction.
As time went on, he slowly opened up to everyone and it seemed like you all had become great friends. You all hung out as a team doing random activities, like watching movies or playing volleyball. You and Stuart would study the Google material and even helped each other prep for the challenges. You guys even won the internship competition and got positions at Google. Google of all places!
As you all started your jobs the following summer, however, he seemed to revert to his old ways. He shut himself into a corner, nose deep in his computer, working on the project that Lyle gave you guys to work on. Maybe it was just the summer heat getting to him. People can get pretty grouchy on hot days like today. But he was being a total ass, not even glancing at you or acknowledging that you were next to him.
You glanced at his computer once to see what he was working on before he eyed you, giving you a questioning look.
“What do you want now?” he questioned, staring at you with a bored look.
“Just wondering what you are working on,” I replied, smiling at him. He stared for a second longer before returning to his computer. You huffed slightly before continuing trying to talk to him. “How can you even where a beanie in this heat? The AC is broken and its nearly 100 degrees outside today.”
He just shrugged, causing you to groan audibly. He gave you another questioning look, making you realize you had done that out loud instead of in your mind.
Silence returned shortly after. The silence was suffocating. You could almost cut the tension with a knife, it was so thick. How were you supposed to talk to him if he didn’t want to talk to you back? Having a crush on this boy was hard.
“Stuart, why are you always so quiet around us?” You asked him, finally breaking the silence and sparing a glance as his face, memorizing the moles the trailed down the side of it. “Back when we were doing the internship, I thought we were actually becoming really good friends. You opened up a lot more back then. Once we came back, you seemed to be closed off again, like when we started the internship. I was just wondering why that is.”
“Maybe I just don’t want to talk to you guys right now,” he said casually, still typing away at his computer. Did he really not care about talking to you? It just seemed so sudden and didn’t make any sense.
You sat up more in the bean bag and leaned over to him, covering the keyboard with your hands so he would stop typing and look at you. “Is there something going on that you aren’t telling us? Is it the heat outside? I mean I know it’s hot and all but-
“It’s not the goddamn heat! Not everyone cares about how hot it is in here!” He screamed that so suddenly, you were taken aback by the sudden outburst. “You know, some of us are trying to work on the project we are supposed to be working on. Some of us are trying to do our job!”
You slowly backed away from him, staring at the glare that was fixed on you. Tears formed in your eyes, but you quickly blinked them away before standing up.
“Well maybe the heat doesn’t bother you. But it bothers me. I can’t work in this heat.” You walked over to your desk and grabbed your bag off the ground.
“Where are you going? We still have work to do,” Stuart said as he put his laptop on the nearest table and walked over to you. You sniffled slightly as you tried to walk passed him and out the door. He grabbed your arm before you could completely bypass him. “Hey. Just wait a sec-“
“No!” You didn’t mean to scream at him, and you were pretty sure your voice cracked at the same time. You turned to him abruptly, a couple tears running down your cheeks. “I am going home, where it is nice and cold. And I can be out of your hair, because you obvious don’t want me around. So, I will see you tomorrow, Stuart.”
You tugged your arm out of his grasp and briskly walked away, wiping away the couple of tears that had escaped your eyes. You were embarrassed, and even that was an understatement. You just went off on your crush, and even cried in front of him.
As you got in your car, you laid your head on your steering wheel and let out a sigh.
Little did you know, at the same time, Stuart removed his beanie and threw it to the ground before running his hand throw his hair, mumbling to himself, “I fucked up big time…”
The next day, you were reluctant to get up for work. You checked your phone for messages from work and let out a frustrated grunt when you saw the message stating that the AC was still broken. You briefly contemplated staying in bed all day and just telling Lyle that you were in bed sick. It would be a lot easier than seeing Stuart at work today, that’s for sure. But you also knew that it wasn’t the right thing to do either. With that thought, you begrudgingly got up and began to get ready for the day.
Your shower wasn’t long enough it seemed, even though you were there for almost a half hour. You just stood in there, contemplating how you were going to face Stuart after blowing up at him the way you did yesterday.
Throwing on a quick black skirt, a white tank top and some black flats, you trudged out to your car. The moment you walked out the door, the heat hit you like a ton of bricks and you starting crying inside. The car wasn’t much better as you drove to the Google building.
This was going to be a long day, you could tell.
You swung by the café to try and grab the coldest bottle of water you could. Which, of course, they were out already. You just wanted to hit your head against the wall a million times after this. How could your day get any worse?
As you walked into your team’s room, you noticed the changes made to your desk. A small fan was placed in the corner of the desk. A small ice chest was under the desk, filled with ice and bottled waters. There was even one of those silly, little fan pens where you hold the button on the pen to make the fan work. You stared in awe at the things on your desk, wondering who would do this.
Someone cleared their throat behind you and you turned around to see Stuart standing there. He was glancing at the ground slightly, clad in a short-sleeved button up shirt and khakis. He didn’t even wear his beanie today. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and he shuffled from one foot to the other, almost like he was nervous.
“I um…” He began, before he swallowed thickly. You could see his Adam’s apple bob slightly at the gesture, making you swallow in return. His tongue darted out quickly, wetting his lips, before he continued. “I just thought I would help you stay cool today. You know…since the AC is still broken. We have a project to finish and we could really use your help.”
A small smile graced your lips and you brought Stuart into a quick hug. “That’s really sweet, Stuart. Thank you.” He smiled slightly as he returned your hug.
“I also thought it would be a decent way to try and make up for yelling at you yesterday. You didn’t deserve to be yelled at. I was being a dick.”
“That’s a bit of an understatement, you know,” You chucked at him before letting go and leaning back on the desk.
“Yeah I know. I was a total ass,” He said, sitting in a nearby chair. “I just… I don’t know how to explain why I’ve been so quiet since we came back. You guys are my Google family after all. I’ve just been feeling weird, I guess, since we came back.”
You eyed him slightly before sitting next to him. “If you want to talk about it, please do. I want to be able to help you if I can,” You told him calmly, taking his hand in mine. I traced my fingers up and down his hands, enjoying tracing the veins that protruded from his smooth skin. “You are my friend and I want to help you.”
He chuckled lightly, leaning further back in his chair. “You would think it’s stupid.”
You laughed and punched him lightly in the shoulder. “Just try me. Nothing you say could be that stupid.”
He sighed before glancing at you. “Have you ever liked someone so much that you just don’t know what to say or do? You just…you act so irrationally that it ends up causing problems in the end? Have you ever felt the urge to kiss someone to the point that your lips are so swollen that it hurts, but you can’t stop smiling because you are with that person you love the most? Have you ever wanted to hold someone so tightly, that you don’t want to let go? But you fear that if you hold too tightly, that they will break? That is how I have been feeling.”
You blinked, slowly taking in what he was saying. Was he saying he had a crush on a girl? Saying he was in love with a girl? You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it quickly after when you realized you didn’t know what to say.
He glanced at you, leaning over to you and turning you to face him more. “That is how I have been feeling about you…”
You didn’t have time to think as he pushed his lips against yours. Your lips molded together, and moved in sync without you even realizing you were kissing him back. His lips were soft and smooth, and they felt perfect against your own. You brought a hand up to his face, your fingers tracing small patterns on his cheek before it found a safe place on the back of his neck, playing with the hairs at the nape. His hands found the small of your back, pulling you slightly closer as he broke the kiss and kissing his way down your jaw line to you neck. He nuzzled your neck softly, placing a few kisses before sucking lightly.
A small moan left you lips as you moved your head slightly, allowing him more access. His hands slipped under your shirt slightly and traced the skin on your sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He nibbled lightly on your neck before backing away slowly, trying to get air after the small make out session you guys just had. He leaned his forehead against yours, smiling a little and closing his eyes.
“That was…that was nice,” he said, happy and breathless. You smiled back at him and nodded, moving your head to lean on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck.
“So, would you believe me when I said that I have had a crush on you since the day you spilled coffee on me in the café?” You laughed, feeling him shiver as your breath hit his neck. “I always thought you hated me because you were such a dick back then. You always made these rude comments and I think you even once said that I was the most pathetic person on this team.”
He groaned and shifted in his seat, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Yeah. I didn’t mean it. I knew I was being a dick to you, but I never knew how to express that I actually DID like you. I never felt like this towards a girl before. Let alone someone as beautiful and smart as you.” You blushed slightly at the comments. “But every minute we spent together, be it with this stupid team we have, or studying together for Chetty’s silly tests, I just started falling in love with you more.”
You glanced back at him quickly at those words. “W-wait. What? Love? You…You love…love me?” I couldn’t believe what I was saying right now. He couldn’t love me, you thought to yourself.
He nodded before leaning up and pecking you lightly on the lips. “Yup. I 100% love you. And I wouldn’t change that for the world. I love you so much.”
You smiled and turned to him, straddling his waist, before kissing him fully on the lips. He groaned and pulled you closer, licking your lips as if asking for access inside. You smiled and allowed him in, letting your tongue wrestle a bit. His hand slid up to your thigh, and to your ass, grabbing it tightly. You moaned into the kissed and tried to move even closer, if possible.
He pulled away sharply, shaking his head. “We may want to stop now. Otherwise, I don’t know if I will be able to.” He shifted slightly and you felt something poking your leg. Glancing down, you noticed the bulge growing in his khakis. Grinning, you got up slowly and turned around, purposely leaning forward a bit too much to give him a view of your ass while grabbing your bag.
“Well,” you started, turning back to him, leaning down to kiss him quickly, “my apartment is a lot cooler than here. Maybe we can work on the project there?”
He grinned before grabbing his stuff and wrapping his arm around your waist. “Do you think it’ll be too cold there?”
I winked at him before leading the way out the door. “It’s ok. We can always heat it up if we need to.” He kissed your forehead at this and laughed lightly.
“By the way Stuart,” you started as you got in your car. He glanced at you from the passenger side, quirking an eyebrow at you.
“I love you too.”
Maybe the summer heat isn’t so bad after all.
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
One Shots
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Panty Dropper
Dave is nervous about meeting the reader’s best friends at a local carnival.
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ssimagines · 7 years
101 Imagine Prompts
Send me some requests 1-3 of these prompts and any of the people I write for which you can find here and request here. 
1. “Quit touching me. Your feet are cold.”
2. “Can we just watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch?”
3. “Frost the damn cupcakes.”
4. “Oh, gosh, you’ve insulted me! What ever shall I do? I’ll be mentally and emotionally scared for years!”
5. “I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner, you suck.”
6. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
7. “Eat your lunch and you wouldn’t be hungry.”
8. “Forget it. You fucking suck.”
9. “We’re playing checkers. If you don’t like it, leave.”
10. “I was going to kiss him, but then my friend texted me about going to Taco Bell, and, well, there’s this cashier that works there who is way cuter, so I bailed on the rest of the date.”
11. “My parents asked about you.”
12.  “Quit it or I’ll bite.”
13. “I just like proving you wrong.”
14. “I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it—more depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was.”
15. “I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it”
16. “H-How long have you been standing there?”
17. “I may be an idiot but I’m your idiot.”
18. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
19. “You’re the only one I trust to do this.”
20. “I just wanted an easy day with my girlfriend/boyfriend. What’s so wrong with that?”
21. “It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
22. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pick up line.”
23. “Come over here and make me.”
24. "I’m flirting with you.”
25. “The way you flirt is shameful.”
26. “Why are you up so early?”
27. “Well, this is where I live.”
28. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
29. “We accidentally got married in Vegas”
30. "Well….don’t keep me waiting”
31. "Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
32.  “Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?”
33. “Wait, hold on. Are you implying you want to kiss me?”
34.”Stop with the tongue thing, it’s strangely attractive.”
35. “Wait a second are you jealous?”
36. “They always make shower sex sound so appealing, but honestly it seems quite dangerous.”
37. “Take. It. Off.”
38. “When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Specially then!”
39. “ D..did you just make that noise?”
40. “You can scream if you want.”
41. “Well that’s the second biggest news I’ve heard all day.”
42. “For the hundredth time, I’m not your babysitter.”  
43. “Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant? ”
44. "I took a pregnancy test.”
45. “I bet it’s a girl/boy.”
46. “Your dad is really excited to meet you soon, it’s driving me crazy.”
47. “Our kid is totally the one who wanted to build a pillow fort, not me.”
48. “I think we should have another.”
49.  “I don’t want to have a baby.”
50. “You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
51. “Can you just man up and change his diaper?”
52. “He’s four years old!!”
53. “I lost our child.”
54. “You’re a dork, just like your father.”
55. “Don’t use me as an example. I wasn’t a good kid.”
56. “I’m your daughter.”
57. “Promise me you’ll look after your mom.”  
58. "A boy needs his father.”
59.“Why did we have to have kids?”
60. “I forgot I was a single parent.”
61. “You’re going out dressed like that?”
62. “Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”   
63. “He’s a bad kisser.”
64. “And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.”
65. “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.”
66. “I’ve moved on.”
67. “Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.”
68. “I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever.”
69. “sometimes I feel like I wanna make out with you. Is that a friend thing to do?”
70. “I want my best friend back.”
71. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life”
72.  “I thought you were a dream come true.”
73. “I am not losing you again.”
74. “I love you, you asshole.”
75. “That wasn’t very subtle.”
76. “I thought you were dead.”
77. “I’ve never felt this way before….and it scares the shit out of me.”
78. “This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us.”
79. “You can’t protect me.”
80. “Run, and don’t ever look back.”
81. “I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me.”
82.  “Please, take me instead!”
83. “You did this for me?”
84. “Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you aren’t safe here.”
85. “Stop talking about the past, I could be dead in a matter of hours… make me up a future.”
86. “One of them’s missing.”
87.  “You’re strong, baby. You have to be.”
88. “I won’t let you get hurt.”
89.  “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
90. “You know, it hurt when I realized that you’re not in love with me. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt when I saw you fall in love with her.”
91. “That’s my shirt. So is that..wait?”
92. “You’re competitive and so am I, and it’s going to lead to a fight.”
93.  “I don’t do hugs.”
94. “It’s just you and me tonight. I was thinking we could have a little fun.”
95. “You just wanted them because the light up.”
96.  “I’m your husband. It’s my job.”  
97.  “If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
98. “Well, you’re coming home with me whether you like it or not.”
99. “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
100. “You never told me you had a fucking twin.”
101. “Fuck…I feel I’ve been hit by a car.”
I just want to say thank you to all my many sources. (there were a lot)
Request here
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rememberstilinski · 7 years
i'm bored! send me a sentence and a character of dylan's and i'll make a drabble of it!❤️
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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blurred lines | dave hodgman
word count; 9237
summary; a few miscommunications almost ruin something that could be phenomenal.
notes; I had this idea, and I really liked it, so i just rolled with it. this is the dave insert for my birthday week celebration/7k follower milestone.
warnings; smut, public sex, car sex.
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There weren’t many people that were more popular than Jane and her group of friends. They were like high school elites, and yet there was always that even more exclusive tier, those who were for all intents and purposes, teen royalty.
As he was saying, there weren’t many people more popular than the likes of Jane, Stanwyck and Brianna. However, Dave could without a doubt say that (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was.
She had more likes on just one of her Instagram posts than that of all of Dave’s posts combined. If he added the combined sum of Big C’s and Simon’s, they’d probably still fall short, even collectively. There wasn’t a student or teacher that disliked her. She was well known not only in his own school, but in others too. Even Aubrey knew of her and liked her, and that was saying something, because Aubrey had a twisted sense of importance and political standing in every view of it.
That was why Dave couldn’t quite understand exactly how he’d gotten himself into this position.
Well, that’s a lie. He knew exactly how he got himself into this dreadfully embarrassing position, that would likely ruin not only the remaining months of his senior social life, but was so colossal that it may well actually follow him to college, too.
See, it had all started three days ago, a Monday lunch-time just like any other, as he sat pouting into his basket of curly fries as Simon once again scrolled through Aubrey’s latest uploaded pictures on Instagram with her new boyfriend and shaming him in an attempt to feel better. Dave was fine, he’d moved on, truly, but Simon clearly hadn’t, and needed his own closure on the situation.
It soon followed with “so David, which of all the lovely ladies in this school are you going to take to the dance, because you have two tickets, a dashing suit, and I refuse to let you waste them,” which had prompted Dave to snort a laugh, and make a joke about asking the heartbreaker (Y/N) (Y/L/N) dance, since he had nothing else to lose.
Apparently, he’d still had a shred of dignity, which was curling up and dying with every second that passes him by, but back to how this all came to be;
Unfortunately for him, his ‘good friend’ Jane had passed by at exactly that moment, and had been just thrilled at the prospect of him finally asking out the girl he’d “been pining over so long I thought you were going to turn into Ryan Gosling and rebuild he a house out in the country after hanging from a Ferris wheel”, which still left a bitter taste in his mouth, because how had the girl picked up in his pining for you, but never once picked up on the feelings he’d once held for her?
Despite that, a collection of kids Dave wasn’t confident in the names of but often followed Jane around had seated themselves at their table, and Jane - in all her innocence and confusion - was excitedly telling them about how Dave was finally going to ask out his crush.
That was exactly how he found himself here, almost two days later, feeling all pairs the eyes in the more-crowded-than-usual corridors as he leaned against your locker and tried to look as casual as possible as he waited for you, as though it wasn’t scaring him shitless and making him sweat like a sinner in church. He pulled at the collar of his shirt with one finger, trying to distract himself from all the people watching and whispering, waiting to see if Dave Hodgman could, in fact, score (Y/N) (Y/L/N), or if more likely, he was going to be rejected in a pile of flaming shame and the crumbling of what shredded remains he had left of his dignity.
“Hey, Dave.”
He felt like a moron. A moron that had been looking the wrong way down the corridor and now you were standing behind him, leaning back with a small laugh to avoid being hit when he spun around to face you with such speeds that his own head was spinning. “Hey! Hi! Hello!”
He cringed visibly at his ridiculous greeting, the confidence he’d held was slipping from him with every passing second, and you did a better job of avoiding the lingering gazes in the halls than he was, you barely seemed to notice them as you allowed him to step out of the way of your locker so that you could swap out your books, but he supposed you were used to it. “I’ve been waiting to talk to you, there are some rumours flying around.”
He wished he could hate the way you were teasing him, but he couldn't. It was playful, not mocking, and you were offering him such a friendly smile and making him feel comfortable once again, and he just couldn't find it within himself to dislike any part of you. “Yeah, I had a question for you..”
“You had a question for me?”
“I suspect you already know what it is” His shoulders sagged, he felt himself giving up, the stress and pressure were just too much, but he at least wanted to be able to walk away with dignity after his inevitable rejection, he didn’t want to be seen running through the halls in order to escape your soft voice trying to let him down gently.
“Will you say it anyway?”
He fixed you with a studious gaze, unsure as to what your angle was, but gave you a stiff nod anyway, and hooked his thumbs through the straps of his backpack as he stood tall. “I was wondering if you’d like to go to the ‘Night In Vegas’ dance with me? As my date. Y’know.. um.. yeah.”
“I’d love to.”
He gaped at you - blinking once, twice, three times - before his face was splitting in a grin, and he cleared his throat. “Really?”
“Woah.” You seemed to find amusement in his reaction, and you pulled his hand up to you and plucked a pen out of your bag, uncapping the lid with your teeth and moving the nib towards his skin, beginning to write down your number. “God, I was so nervous, and now I feel stupid. Nobody thought I would get you, not even me, and all these people are here an-”
“Get me?” Your pen had stilled on his skin, and he looked back at you, shrugging his shoulders as your face seemed to take on a neutral expression, unreadable as you watched him.
“Yeah. You’re like.. really popular, and pretty, and just way out of my league. Nobody really thought you’d go for me because it’s normally the other guys you want. Guess I’m proving everyone wrong.” Your expression flickered with something he couldn’t quite understand, but you were soon offering him a polite smile and finishing your number, dropping his hand again and tucking your pen back into your bag.
You stepped back from him, letting out a small sigh and glancing around everybody that was gathered around you, not-so-subtly listening in on the conversation. “Okay, well, text me. We can sort out details. I have to go, but we’ll chat soon?”
He nodded his head moving before he could control it, and he watched you walk away with a small grin on your lips. “For sure! I’ll text, soon! See you later!”
“See’ya, Dave.”
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The weeks between the day he’d asked you and going to the dance had been filled with texts at night and flirty smiles in the corridors, and Dave couldn't be more excited as he pulled on his suit. It was odd, he thought he’d clicked with Aubrey more than he’d ever click with anyone, and yet even from the simple things he’d managed to learn about you during your conversations, he felt more of a bond with you than he ever had with anyone else.
You were like an enigma, you were a little bit confusing and you often ran him in circles, but he liked trying to work you out, as if knowing you was the prize at the end of a challenging puzzle. He told you as much as he could about himself, wanting to share everything he could with you. He had felt awkward and slightly robotic in the way he went about his conversations with you, to begin with, simple texts to ask you how your day was and what you were up to, but soon enough it had resorted to one of you starting a conversation with you about anything. The jokes on the back of biscuit wrappers, something that had happened in his day, movies on the TV or even just to complain.
The two of you would sometimes even be found talking in the corridors, sharing laughs and jokes, and he found himself falling for you a little more with each passing day. He was all but buzzing with both nerves and excitement, brushing his open palms down and over his tux jacket, Stella tugging on his pants as she whined for attention, but he was too nervous and too busy to play barbies with her right now, and she just wanted him to do the deeper voices of the only male one she owned when he made his rare appearance at ‘the dreamhouse’.  
A flower in a box sat on the shelf under his mirror, his fingertips still a little sticky with the gel he’d used to style his hair, and so he didn’t want to touch the corsage yet and smear it with the substance. He’d planned or get ready early, his plan to pick you up at eight was not going to be ruined because he lost track of time in the shower and ended up being late. He had one chance, and he didn’t want to fuck it up. Now, though, it seemed he was ready a little too early, because he was stuck with a good thirty-minute wait before the earliest acceptable time to come and get you would roll around, and he had nothing else to fill his time with.
He was dressed, and ready. Clean and freshly styled and just enough of his special occasion aftershave spritzed on his skin to be alluring but no overwhelming.
Okay, maybe he had a little bit of time to play barbie dolls with Stella.
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With fingers tapping on the steering wheel, he peered up at the driveway to your house, watching as the clock ticked over onto 7 PM, and he let out the breath he was holding, letting the smile that had been pulling on his features finally come free, as he slipped his phone out of his pocket, a finger under his collar to tug it loose for a second as he pulled up the string of messages the two of you had been exchanging.
hey cutie. i’m outside.
The little speech bubble at the bottom of the screen danced for a few minutes, the nail of his thumb caught between his teeth as he waited for you to respond, but soon it just disappeared. He waited, and waited, and soon five minutes had passed and he was beginning to worry for what was happening, the thoughts that this all may just be an elaborate joke was slipping into his mind when your front door opened, closing only a second later as you came walking down the driveway with a smile on your face.
He hurried from his seat, rushing up to meet you with the corsage in his hands, and you paused upon seeing it, before your eyes were finding his, wide and wondering as you closed the gap between you until you were standing right in front of him.
“Is that for me?”
“Yeah! Yeah.. you said you were wearing a gold dress, and I couldn't find a gold flower, so I got a white one, but it does have a cute little tassel on it that matches the fringe-tassel thing you have going on and-” He cut himself off with a series of stutters and breath sighs when you kissed his cheek, your thumb coming up a second later to clear away the red lipstick print you’d left on his skin from the freshly applied coat that was still a little wet. “I could have come up and met you, at the door. Do you want me to meet your parents, o-”
“It’s good, Dave, really. Let’s just go have fun, okay?”
He swallowed, glancing between your gaze and the front door, before giving it up and nodding, cracking the box open to present you with the flower to put on your wrist. “Sure, I can’t wait.”
He held the door for you, held your hand as you stepped into the car, and made sure you were settled before he got in on his own side. He was determined to be the perfect gentleman. This was his one shot to prove to you how good the two of you could be together, and he wasn’t willing to mess it up. When he got into his own seat and clipped his safety belt in, you were fiddling with the dials on the dashboard and tinkering with the radio channels, switching over to the CD he had in, and his cheeks flared a little as you looked over the back of the CD case at the songs. “You mind if I pick the music?”
“Knock yourself out, babe, whatever you want.”
You nodded offering him a wide grin as he set the car off into motion, and he peeled away from the sidewalk outside your house to head toward the school. It was a short drive, but he couldn’t help but notice every little thing you did that only made you seem more like a regular person to him, and not like someone who was miles and miles out of his league, it made him feel calmer, like this wasn’t all just some big and elaborate prank that was the punchline of, but instead like he was here with a pretty date to have a great evening.
Your fingers tapped along on your leg in time with the tune, the conversation flowing easily between the two of you, and before he knew it, he was pulling up in the back of the somewhat crowded parking lot, trying to find a space that wasn’t too close to the crowds gathering around the doors, and you were brushing your dress down and stepping out the car, grinning as you looked between him and doors.
Shooting a quick text to Simon and Big-C to let them know that he was here, he tucked the device into his pocket, offering his arm to you and grinning when you accepted it. His friends met the pair of you at the door, and this was the nervous moment he’d been waiting for.
Simon was quiet for all of two seconds, before he was smirking widely and holding his hand out to introduce himself, the slew of comments neither of you would be able to avoid all night beginning to pour from him without hesitation; “Simon Daldry. You look absolutely ravishing tonight, far better than Aubrey ever did, you really traded up, Davie-boy.”
“Don’t call me that, and don’t talk about Aubrey.”
“No, Davie-boy, do spill. Who’s Aubrey?” You turned to him, a teasing look on your face and he sighed, raising his eyebrows at him, his eyes flicking down to your hands when he felt your fingers slide down his arm and lace with his, squeezing encouragingly. You were telling him that it was okay, that he didn’t have to share if he didn’t want to, but you were staring at him intently and still giving him that look that was giving him the confidence to be by your side all night, and so he caved.
Instead of voicing his history himself, though, he turned to give Simon a pointed look, and Big-C clapped him on the shoulder as the shortest boy all but vibrated with glee at the chance to tell you the story.
“Aubrey is our dear boy’s ex-girlfriend. She wasn’t very nice, we didn’t like her very much.” Dave dropped his head back with a groan as his friend took the chance to throw some insults into the conversation and he squeezed his hand around ours to draw back your attention, cutting Simon off as the boy took a breath to start off on yet another rant;
‘How about we go and get our picture taken, yeah? I’ve seen some of the photos on Snapchat already, and they're pretty good. They really went all out; neon signs, props like the strip attractions, there’s even a red carpet.”
“A red carpet? Well, how could we resist?”
He guided you along, your heels carrying you at closer to his height and your strides wider as you expertly balanced in the shoes, thanking him when he held the door open, your jaw dropping form the second you stepped inside with the small group. The bass was beating through the floors and the music was loud, even from the main entrance, the hall holding the dance still a small walk away, and anticipation filled his body.
He may or may not be a sucker for school dances.
The room was decorated with dice, cards, flashing banners and shiny decorations with bright lights. Black, red and white hung from all of the walls, and everything screamed Sin City extravagance, but had been toned down to high school appropriate. The usual red solo cups that were always brought in for the punch and drinks had been swapped out for plastic champagne and martini glasses, which definitely looked funny being filled with the non-alcoholic and red fruit-punch, but it was a fun thought nonetheless, and he was impressed by how quickly it had all come together, being that none of it had been up when they’d been ins school earlier that day.
The flashes of the camera set up in the corner snapped him out from his wonder, and he looked over to find you in much the same way, and he leaned in, his lips brushing your ear as you looked around. “Wanna’ take pictures?”
You nodded vehemently, the two of you making your way over to the setup, and bursting out with laughter at what you saw. Big-C was accompanying Simon, who had clearly manoeuvred him into a slightly less than formal dance photo pose. The pair of them were recreating the famous Titanic pose, the one of Jack and Rose at the front of the ship as she insisted that she was flying, and neither of you could contain your laughter as you watched on.
“Simon looks like he’s having the time of your life, but your other friend looks like he’d rather actually be on the ship as it sank.”
“Simon is insane, and I’m really not sure how Big-C put’s up with him.” He shrugged, allowing you to drag him into the queue for photos taken, the words you were running a mile a minute about different poses you could do were going in one ear and out of the other, because he didn’t care what pose you dragged him into, however formal or informal, because he was shocked by how seamlessly you were fitting into his friendship group, and how his friends had known you for less than ten minutes but already seemed to like you ten times more than they ever did his ex.
By the time your turn to take photos had come around, he hadn't heard a single one of your ideas for pictures to take, and simply let himself be guided by the photographer. He found himself standing behind you, hands sitting on your stomach as his arms wrapped around your waist, your own fingers lacing through his own. The first one was a formal shot, the sort of one his mother would have taken of the two of you had she met you, and he knew she’d love it when he presented it to her. In fact, she might actually frame it. He did look good tonight.
The second was a little more playful, his head was tipped up and chin balanced on the top of your head as he beamed at the camera, holding you a little tighter and pinching at your side, prompting your face to screw up and a laugh to bubble up from you as he did, and the final one featured him leaning around you, the tip of his nose brushing your skin as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. It was more you than him, his face was mostly obscured by his position and all that could be seen was his arms, legs and the top of his head, but he knew it would be his favourite simply based on the was your cheeks had been tinted red and your eyes glistening when he looked at you after hearing the ‘click’ of the camera taking the photo.
“They’re going to be cute photos.”
The pair of you were hurried off of the platform, and took your hand in his once again, the four of you walking along the halls, following the music as it got louder and louder, and he twisted his head to face you, a smirk on his lips and his eyes dragging along you, head to toe. “That’s because there’s a cute girl in them.”
“Dave, that was shocking. Appalling, actually. How the fuck did you get someone as out of you league as her to go out with you when you have lines like that?”
He felt his face blank into boredom as he looked over at Simon, but you simply laughed, pulling him through the open doors and telling him not to mind it, because you thought it was sweet, and your reassurance was enough to give him confidence on his statement one again. Bodies filled the room, some on the dance floor, some milling around the food tables, others sitting at tables and filling the seats.
Lifting your joined hands up, he spun you in a twirl, a surprised sound leaving you before you were giggling, his brows wiggling suggestively as he brought your hand to his mouth and kissed your knuckles. “Let’s start with a dance, yeah?”
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You had danced, the two of you swirling around on the dance floor until your legs were aching and you were gasping for a drink. Some songs were upbeat, and these were the songs that the two of you busted out your best moves for, limbs flying in all directions as you cracked up with laughter upon watching the other move, and your hair flew around, pink coating both of your cheeks as the blood rushed underneath, heat flashing around you until you were slumped against one another and holding yourselves up, using your intertwined body for support as you gasped for breath and tried to calm your hearts as tears pushed at your eyes from laughing so much.
Then there were the slower songs, your cheek pressed to his shoulder, or your temple resting just below his as you leaned into him. His arms were around your waist, or his hands in yours, and your own fingers were looped around his shoulders, fingers in the shorter hair at the base of his neck and your nails scratching at the skin softly, lulling him into a feeling of peace so serene that his eyes were fluttering shut, his breathing levelling out, and he realised he could definitely get used to it. He liked being able to hold you so close, and being able to feel you pressed up to his chest, your lips almost brushing on the times you'd look up to talk to him and let your forehead press to his own as you mumbled quiet words of calm chatter between you both.
There were also the more sensual songs, the ones that had too much bass and sliding notes to be a slow song, and it was with those songs that Dave found himself suffering the most, his eyes closing and jaw dropping open, hands gripping your body tightly. Your body would roll into his, your ass pressed to him when you turned in his arms and your body swaying with his own, never stopping him when he dragged his hands over your body, never too much for the public eye but more than enough to get the two of you worked up, and you never flinched away when he began to pepper the bare skin of your shoulder with light kisses and the occasional flick of his tongue against your skin.
By the time the two of you had collapsed in your seats, you had thanked him with a kiss on his cheek when he brought you punch, and you’d pulled your chair up so close to his that your thighs were pressed together, your body facing his and elbow sitting on the back of his chair, fingers once again in his hair and playing with that sweet pattern that made his whole body sag with relaxation.
He’d leaned into you, barely getting a chance to enjoy the feeling of the quiet and intimate moment, the two of you feeling more like a couple than he had ever felt when he was with Aubrey. You simply enjoyed his presence, and you made him feel calm. He wasn’t nervous and sweaty and on edge when he was with you, the way she had made him feel was so entirely different that he couldn't even compare the two of you, because you were unique, nothing like anyone he’d ever met before.
Simon had soon interrupted you both, a deck of cards in his hands as he insisted that you played him in poker, and he pressed a kiss to the palm of your hand as you turned away to face him as he dealt up. The two of you were teamed up, and you had ended up in his lap, balanced across one of his legs as his chin popped on your shoulder, arms tightly around your waist to hold your back to his chest as you held the cards.
Not only had you won the game, but you’d done the whole thing while never once caving to Simon’s trash talk, meeting him with it and raising the stakes until him and Big-C were simply watching on as the two of you playfully slated one another, goading the other to break their poker face as you played, and Simon had even offered you a shake of his hand upon winning, and it was the most sportsmanly thing he’d ever seen his friend do. He was normally such a sore loser, but maybe that’s just because it was you that he’d lost to.
The feeling that he was waiting for the ball to drop, that there was something coming around the corner or a big joke waiting to be unveiled was gone, because you were so clearly enjoying yourself that it wasn’t possible to be able to fake that kind of joy. He was having one of the nights of his life, the flickering of the lights, the beat of the music in the floor, the taste of the fruit-punch hanging on his lips and the feel of you in his arms. You had managed to convince him into taking pictures, the two of you wandering around the room to take selfies with all the fun props and displays, wanting to truly capture the Vegas theme in all its flashy entirety.
His favourite one had to be the picture of you posing under a replication of the famous sign. ‘Welcome to the Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada’ was sparkling above your head as you looked up at it, your hands held out on either side in a way that made it look like you were holding up the sign, in the same way that tourists took pictures that made it look like they were leaning on the Eiffel Tower or holding up the tower of Pisa. It was cheesy, and he loved it, because you were so carefree and happy in the shot.
Being with you made his social anxiety melt away, your own carefree attitude washed over him and it sunk into him, taking it on himself. The lingering gazes and whispers never bothered him, or made him wonder. He managed to let it all go, because his only focus was you.
As the night went on, the pair of you were getting warmer and warmer, fanning yourselves with your hands as the sweaty bodies in the room rose the heat up, and you had only hesitated for a moment when he offered you a walk outside, sighing with what he assumed to be relief, before nodding and lacing your fingers with his as he guided you back out into the cool night, the sky dark now and the stars twinkling overhead.
There were far fewer people now, a few boys lingering on the other side of the field, clouds of smoke rising up around them with no surprise as to what they were doing, but the car park was empty, and your hands swung between you both as you walked along in comfortable silence around the outskirts of the cars. It was halfway around when he finally pulled you to a stop, pushing down the butterflies that were going wild in his stomach, and raising a hand up to cup your cheek, thumb smoothing over your skin delicately.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? You’re absolutely stunning.” his words were breathed out on a sigh, and your lips flicked up at the corners.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Hodgman.” He tilted your chin up a little more, watching the way your eyes darkened, and his jaw dropped when he felt your fingers hook into his belt loops, and tug his body towards your own, hips pressing together. Swallowing thickly, he dragged his eyes back up to yours, taking a quick inhale of breath as his eyes got stuck on the way your plump lower lip was caught between your teeth, seductive in ways he couldn't even fathom. “Are you going to do what you’ve been wanting to do all night, or not?”
“Fuck, yeah, I am.” With that, his mouth was descending onto your own, heavy and wet as his wet lips meshed with your own. He could taste the lipstick you wore, and the slightly sticky fruit punch residue in your mouth, the flavour of which only increased when your lips parted for him and your tongue dipped out to find his own.
It was needy and hot, and raw in a way that made his head spin, and one of his hands came up to lace in your hair as he backed you up into the streetlamp only a few feet away, your back arching into him as your skin met the cold metal, and the sound you made in your shock went straight to his groin. It was sweet and low, a little groan that was crossed with a whimper, and your hips were rolling up into his.
His other hand slipped down and around your waist, past your lower back until he was taking a handful of your ass in his palm, squeezing roughly at the flesh and this time, you both let out moans at the feeling. Your bodies were flush now, the heat from inside was back, like a raging fire between your bodies as you rutted against one another, pulling back for gasping breaths before diving back into one another’s mouths once again. Your lipstick was smeared around your mouth and his own, your hair was messy from the pretty style it had been in at the beginning of the night, and you were a picture-perfect mess, the sort of sight he wanted or wake up to, or fall asleep by after a long night of holding you close to him and showing you how much you meant to him.
It wasn’t love, far from it, but the spark that he thought could turn into so much more had never been brighter, it had never felt this good, and he found himself sinking into your bliss with every rock of your bodies and every drag of your lips over his, every sweet noise to meet his ears or every moan he made that you muffled with your own mouth. It was getting heavy, and you showed no signs of stopping and he didn’t want to, but he also didn’t want to get caught with your legs around his waist as he fucked you against a metal pole, because the way you were now grinding down onto his thigh was very clear, and he was only seconds away from pulling down the spaghetti straps of your dress to see whether or not you actually had a bra on underneath your clothing.
“We should.. um.. move. Car? I think we should go to the car.” He barely managed to get his words out, but you were pushing him away from the post, hands tight in the collar of his suit jacket as you tore your lips from his, looking around for the vehicle, and his mouth descended to your neck, licking and kissing along your skin. You seemed to find it, because only a moment later you were pushing him in that direction, his feet moving underneath him and your hand rifling through his pockets for the keys, before his back was meeting cold metal this time, and he hissed out at the feeling.
He forced himself to remove his hand from your ass, fumbling for the handle when he heard the car sound it’s unlocking, and when he finally managed to wrench it open, he was quickly being pushed into the driver's seat, the keys tossed carelessly onto the dashboard and his hands reaching to push the chair back as far as it could go as your own reached for the lever to flatten the seat back.
Suddenly, he was laying down, the door slamming as you straddled him in the vehicle, hair framing his face as your lips met yours once again, and now he was able to get both hands on your ass, and had his mouth not been so deliciously otherwise occupied, he would have been smirking as he groped at the fleshy mounds in bliss. The windows were fogging up, the tent in his pants pressing to your clit each time he thrust his hips up to meet your movements, and his cock twitching in his pants with every squeaky moan you let out, and every breathy moan of his name that sounded out.
Pulling away for only a second, his lips were still pouted, but his jaw soon dropped open when you pushed away the straps of your dress, the flimsy material falling away to pool at your waist, you breasts on full display to him, bouncing as you rocked down into him, and nipples perky and pointed out for him, skin showing a thin layer of goosebumps with your arousal showing clearly.
His question had been answered; you were not wearing a bra. He fucking knew it.
Dragging his palms up and over your smooth skin, he cupped your tits in his hands, the rough pads of his thumbs teasing over your nipples, and an entirely new sound left you, one that had his gut twisting with desire, and a primal urge raring up within him. You pushed your chest up into his hands, your head falling back and your own hands finding his wrists, holding his touch on your body as you rode yourself down onto him, the two of you nearing you peaks, even with the layers of clothing between you, and it took every ounce of self-control he had to still your hips atop him.
“Baby, as much as I love what you’re doing, if you keep it up then I’ll cum and the fun will be over.” His voice was hoarse, even to himself, and you took a steady breath of your own, leaning down to place a softer and gentler kiss to his lips, pulling his bottom lip with your teeth when you shifted away from him.
“Better put the condom on and put that cock to use then, huh?”
His eyes widened, spluttering falling from him, before he shut himself up by snapping his jaw shut and nodding quickly, sitting up with you in his lap and searching for his wallet in his jacket pocket. While he was up, he took the opportunity to shove the material down his shoulders, discarding the blazer to the back seat and popping the button on the front of the leather pouch, rifling through and praying against all known gods that he had replaced the condom in his wallet, only barely managing to contain the cheer of joy he wanted to let out when he found it.
The cards and that note were of no concern to him, instead, he was dropping that to focus on the silver packet he was holding in his hands, a low groan slipping from him as he watched your own fingers dip under the black panties he was only now catching sight of, the digits disappearing from his vision. Your head fell forward a split second later, your foreheads pressing together as you whined his name under your breath, fucking yourself down onto your fingers to the thought of him, and he’d never gotten his belt and pants undone faster.
The car was steamy and hot, windows fogged over to block any sights from outside, and now it was just the two of you, in a bubble of your own making as you barrelled quickly towards the very activities that Dave had been dreaming about since he’d first caught sight of you in Freshman year.
Finally dragging his cock free from its confines, he grinned happily to himself, pumping his already hard cock a few times, before using his teeth to help him tear open the wrapper and roll the rubber down over his shaft.
“Holy fuck, you’re amazing. So fucking hot.”
You flashed your teeth at him in a wicked grin, your hand coming over to take control of his, your fingers slick with your own juices, and he hadn't realised just how wet you were, but now as you were pulling your panties to the side and lining him up with your core, he could feel the heat of your entrance as the tip of his covered cock dragged through your folds. He felt as though he was panting like a dog, drooling and clenching his fingers beside his body, before he was lifting them up to sit on your hips, taking control as you erased him by pulling you down in one swift movement.
You sunk all the way along him, both of your eyes rolling in your head and your body shaking above him as he became fully sheathed in your warmth, and he worried that he was gripping you so tightly it may bruise you. His thighs were clenched and his head was pressing back into the cushions of the reclined seat, letting out a shuddering breath as he tried not to explode just from the feeling of being buried in your dripping cunt.
“Oh my God, Dave!”
“I know.” His words were wheezed out, a playful look on your face as the two of you took your second to adjust, but that seemed to shatter as the look you shared darkened, and only a moment later you were rolling your hips down into him. It started out slow, a series of simple and steady movements that were almost mechanic, the rise and fall of your hips as you moved up and down along his cock, slowly as you grew used to the position and the movements you could make within the car.
Once you had grown comfortable, you were spicing up your actions, slamming yourself down onto him with quick and rapid movements, and then slowing it down to tease him, rolling the muscles in your stomach and clenching yourself so tightly around him that he almost choked on his own tongue, his eyes crossing and hips bucking up into you desperately. He couldn't take it, the way you would drag him to the edge only to let him come back down, but he loved it, because you were with him, riding him in his car after having an amazing night, and he couldn't get enough of the way it felt to be completely and utterly surrounded by you.
You were taking over his every sense, everything he has was given over in surrender, because he was barely holding on at all.
Your lips brushed his, and your movements became weaker, less coordinated and more frantic as you chased your own high as well as his. Taking one of his hands in your own shakily, you folded his fingers away until only two remained, and he watched through hooded eyes and you sucked his long fingers into your mouth with swollen lips, warm and wet just like your pussy, your cheeks tightening around his digits as you soaked them with your spit. Your tongue lapped around his fingers, dipping and weaving between the digits and dips with precision that would be haunting his mind and filling his wet dreams for weeks, as well as the permanently burned-in feeling of your warmth around his cock.
Dragging the slick digits down your body, you lifted up the edge of your skirt and pushed the pads of his fingers up to your swollen and neglected clit, and he took the hint, taking control of his limb again and picking up the pace. Pushing down roughly on the button, he traced his name in jerky and needy movements, a possessive act that he took pride in, rubbing his name on the nub and only making it as far as the ‘O’ on his last name before you were exploding around him.
Your eyes were rolling back in your head, nails digging into his chest through the dress shirt covering his chest, and he arched up into the touch, your orgasm spurring on his own. Your mouth pressed to his, lips working slowly and tongue seven slower, simply dragging over the top of one another’s and tangled together in sloppy patterns as you muffled the cried of each other’s names and moaned out curses, prolonging one another’s orgasms until it was all too much to handle.
When you finally peeled yourself off of his cock and collapsed down into the seat beside him, you had a lazy smile on your face, your body slumping into the passenger seat, and he forced his seat back up into a sitting position Peeling the condom off of his cock and tying it off, hiding it in a handful of tissues that were left on his dash, he placed it in the cupholder to dispose of later, and tucked himself back into his pants, his mind still spinning from the events and his thoughts still swimming with only you, in his post-orgasmic bliss.
He undid the tie around his neck, popping a few buttons on his shirt to allow himself to breathe, and once he knew you’d adjusted your dress and cover yourself back up again, he rolled down the windows to air out the heat in the car.
“So, you can just drop me off at home now, then.”
His head whipped around to look at you, only you weren’t looking at him, you were looking at yourself in the mirror and wiping at the lipstick around your mouth, cleaning your skin up and removing any trace of the kisses he’d left on you, and the sight of you doing so made him rub at his own mouth the back of his hand, wiping away the red smudges on his skin. “What are you talking about?”
“Now that we’re done, y’know? You got me, you got your notch on your belt or whatever, and this night really has been an absolute blast, but I would love nothing more than a nice hot bath and some pasta, now.” He was speechless, he really didn’t know what to say, because right now there was a bitter taste taking over his mouth as he thought about the night, storm clouds coming in as your words settled over him.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
He knew he had all but spat the words at you, and he was angered by the audacity on your face to look shocked by the anger in his tone when you finally let your eyes meet his, a light shrug on your shoulders, before you picked up the keys and handed them to him, and he didn’t even look down at his palm as the cold metal met his skin. “Hey, don’t worry. I wanted to be here, I said yes to the dance and I initiated this. A lot of guys try it, want to sleep with me for the popularity boost or cool guy badge or whatever, and I think it’s dumb but you seemed so sad and nervous in the halls, and I figured, why not? You’re really cute, I like you.”
Rage swelled within him and he felt tears sting at his eyes as he let out a breathless laugh, before starting up the car and shaking his head, peeling out of the parking lot in silence. It wasn’t until the two of you had hit the main roads that he spoke over the dull playing of the radio once again. “What, so I was just a pity-fuck for you? Some kind of project, the whole night was a lie?”
“What? No!” Your hand landed on his bicep, but he shrugged you off, never even looking over at you as he flicked his way through the roads, nearing your house as he drove as quickly as the speed limits would possibly allow him to, not wanting to draw out the journey any longer than it needed to be. “I had fun tonight, I told you that!”
“You had fun on a date that I thought was real, and you thought was just something to fill the time with while you were bored?”
“I never said that!”
“Sure.” He sighed, flicking on his indicators as the two of you entered at the top end of your neighbourhood, and he heard you make a distressed little sound beside him, and even though it made his own body fill with sadness and regret, he was still angry, too angry to even consider letting those secondary emotions take over.
“Why don’t we just talk about this, I think mayb-”
“No. Why don’t we just finish this journey in silence, yeah?” He let his gaze flicker over to you for only a second, before he was looking back at the road, swallowing thickly to push down the way seeing you upset expression had made him feel. You did as he requested, and the rest of the ride was filled with tense and awkward silence, and neither of you spoke again until the car was coming to a halt outside of your house.
This time, he didn’t try to be a gentleman. He didn’t get out of his seat and open the door for you, and the evening routine he’d planned of walking you up to the door and hoping against all odds that maybe you’d kiss him was completely dashed, his newly fog-cleared mind full of regret for how fast things had advanced between the two of you, disappointment filling every nook and pore in his body.
You opened your own door, climbing from the car and walking away, the quiet click of your heels on the tiles was all that was heard, and he watched you go, eyes scanning up over you as you stopped in your place, turning and taking a breath as you prepared yourself to speak, but he cut you off before you got a chance; “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about tonight. Despite the impression you seem to have of me, I just wanted to go to a dance.”
Your face seemed to crumple in on yourself, your arms wrapping around your body, and he squeezed his hands on the steering wheel tighter, resisting the urge to rush from the car and pull you in close to him. “I-I..” Your voice cracked, like you were going to cry, and he felt his resolve crumbling, his fingers reaching for the handle of his door as you continued on, cleaning your throat. “I was just going to say thank you, I had a really great time with you, at the dance.”
He didn’t get a chance to speak, to ask you what had happened or why you’d ever thought of him like that, before you were turning on your heel, a near-run as you carried yourself up the driveway, slipping into your house and slamming the door shut. He didn’t have time to think about it or dwell on the thought because soon he was on the road, completely confused and a little bit heartbroken, and just wanting to curl up in his own bed.
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Dave was walking at his locker, swapping out the books for his next class and keeping his head low, ignoring all the congratulatory pats on the back and hoots or hollers he had been receiving. It seemed that being with you had been a real boost for his popularity, because guys that have always believed themselves to be too good to talk to him were now stopping him in the corridors to start up conversations, and girls who had never looked in his direction were now batting their eyelashes and waving their fingers flirtily.
He didn’t care for any of it, but Simon was eating it all up as you went along.
He had barely gotten his fingers out of the way of the door when it slammed shut, his body jumping backwards and eyes widening, before he was turning to look at you, his shoulders slumping even further and he removed his bag from his shoulders, distracting himself with packing his bag, waiting for you to shot, or yell, or publicly tear him down. Whatever it was that you needed.
“You said it wrong. You are terrible with words.”
“Excuse me?” A flicker of anger shot through him, and he zipped up his bag with more force than was needed, swinging it up onto one arm and letting it hang there, wiping a hand over his face to calm his feelings before he turned back to you. “I was never anything but polite to you.”
“I know. But when you first asked me out, you said nobody thought you could ‘get me’. You made me sound like a prize to be won, like a notch on your belt. Do you have any idea how many guys try to ‘get me’ just to prove that they can?”
He shuffled from foot to foot, glancing around at the few pairs of eyes that had landed on you all, before a sigh on his lips helped him from his next words. “I didn’t want that, I never did. I just wanted to go to the dance with you.”
“Do you like me?”
“Do you like me? In a real way, not a popularity-boost, make it a game, prove to people who looked down on your way.” You were vulnerable as you looked up at him, eyes wide and expression flickering every so often as you tried to appear strong, and his head tipped to the side before he could stop it, a small smile on his lips as he let his eyes scan over you, before he was looping a couple of his fingers loosely with your own.
“I really do, for a while now, actually.” Heat crawled up his cheeks at the confession, but you were giving him a grin wider than the sun, holding onto his hand a little more tightly, weaving your fingers through his until your palms were pressed tightly to one another.
“Do you want to go on a date, then? A real date. Like, to a restaurant or mini-golf, or something.”
He used his other hands to tuck some loose hair behind your ear, risking taking a step closer to you, until you were forced or look up at him as he stepped into your space, only having to whisper as he spoke to you now, the conversation only for the two of you to hear. “I would love that.”
“Okay. Cool.”
“Cool.” His own smile finally matched your own, feeling his heartbeat steadily in his chest as you seemed to relax before him, your defensive stance slipping away, and for a second, you weren’t the popular girl that had always seemed out of his league and too scary to talk to, but right now you were just the pretty girl that he had a connection with like no other. “Can I kiss you in front of other people?”
“I’d really like it if you did.”
His other hand settled itself over your cheek, pulling your lips up to meet his so that he could press his mouth to yours in a sweet connection. It was nothing like the previous night had been. Last night was rushed and sloppy and just a preemptive action towards what the night had become. There was no ulterior motive or further action to be taken now, though. Instead, it was simply a brush of lips, it was the only thing either of you needed, it was an act of reassurance in order to make sure the spark between you wasn’t being ignored.
Your other hand threaded into his hair, your body pressing to his as you pushed up on your tiptoes, being sure he wasn’t pulling away or moving from you, and he let his arm drop to wrap around your waist to support you, to keep your body pressed flush to his your thumbs played together and smoothed over one another’s knuckles with the hands that were still connected. Your lips teased his, the occasional flick of a tongue through the smiles but never enough to go any further, and you were refusing to pull away, until the burn for oxygen was just too much to ignore.
Your forehead pressed or his, a satisfied and happy noise sounding in the back of your throat as you bumped your nose against his, and he let out a breathless laugh, bumping his nose against yours in return, a grin forming on your lips at the gesture. When you finally sunk back down to your height and were no longer balancing on your tiptoes, he was able to press a kiss to your forehead, before your hand was pulling from his to loop around his waist, letting you snuggle into his chest and rest your cheek on his shoulder.
“I really like you, Dave Hodgman.’
“I really like you, too.”
282 notes · View notes
4lxcxrd20 · 3 years
His eyes 😩🌌
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141 notes · View notes
thelittlestkitsune · 8 years
Play Dates: Part Two. [smut]
A;N: So Chloe @writing-obrien wrote the first part of this collab and she killed it! I’m hoping I did the same! Huge thanks to the lovely @wydobrien for proof reading and making sure it didn’t suck too hard. I love ya’ll and Enjoy! xoxo
Pairing: DaveHodgmanxReader
Author: thelittlestkitsune
Warnings: Smut.
Word count: 5,387
Listen to me.            Read Chloe’s bomb ass part here! 
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It’s just a date. You thought to yourself as you sat on the end of the bed, battling with the contents of your wardrobe. I could wear jeans? You looked out the window, noting the blazing hot sun as you cast your jeans back into the depths of your closet. You sat with your head in your hands desperately clutching to any idea of clothing. Fuck it at this point I’m going naked. You looked over the clothes that decorated your bedroom floor. Maybe he’d like it if I went naked. You shook your head, picking up the denim shorts by your feet. These are cute enough? Casual but still hot if I bent over? Perfect, you looked over your floor, picking up a shirt near your desk. Expert level laziness. You stripped yourself of the pajamas you were wearing, letting them fall to the floor beside you. You slipped the shirt over your head, the shorts sliding over your legs before examining the outfit as you looked in the mirror. Not too shabby. You quickly applied makeup as Stevie ran rampant through the hallway.  
He came crashing through your door, his face smeared with chocolate from earlier in the day. “I thought I told you to wash your face!” You sighed as you walked over to him, abandoning your vanity and chasing after him. “I did already!” He shouted, his feet thundering across the wooden floor. “Don’t tell porkies Stevie! You know what Umbridge made Harry do when she thought he was lying!” You laughed as Stevie stopped dead in his tracks. “YOU WOULDN’T!” he screeched, his face drained of color. His eyes welled up, his lip quivering as he balled his fists up. You stopped walking towards him, your face softening as you glimpsed the tears in his eyes. “Stevie, do you think I’m as horrible as her?” He shook his head, his hair flopping over his eyes. “Exactly! But don’t tell porkies!” You crossed the short space towards him, poking him in the side before tickling him. “Tell me the truth then?” He pouted, avoiding your stare as he stayed silent. “I got some more ice cream from the freezer. I didn’t want to tell you because it was yours and I ate it.” He stared at the ground as you smiled. “So you didn’t lie? You did wash your face?” He nodded, his eyes finding yours, big as saucers. “Well that’s okay then. Was the ice cream nice at least, considering I’ll never get to eat it now?” He nodded, his toothy grin illuminating his little face. “It was the bestest ice cream I’ve ever had in my life.” You smiled back at him, ruffling his hair as you turned away.  
“Well of course it was, it was my ice cream!” He giggled as he followed you back to your room, taking a seat beside you as you sat at your vanity. “So you’re going out tonight?” He looked at you as you applied mascara, mimicking your funny faces. “Yes which means I’m going to miss movie night. Sorry kiddo!” You had planned to sit and watch the Harry Potter movies with Stevie all night but Dave had texted that morning. He finally had a night off babysitting and you two were practically itching to be together again. You flashed back to that night in the kitchen, a small smile on your face before Stevie piped up again. “I don’t mind we’ve seen all the movies a million zillion times anyway! You’re going out with Dave. I like him, he’s funny and he makes you happy.” He smiled, his tongue poking out between his gums. Kids are more mature than we think. “He does make you happy. You know what makes me happy?” He pondered over the question, his brow furrowed. “Well you really like pizza.” He stated a matter of fact as you laughed. “Well apart from that?” He concentrated again, his tongue poking out as he sighed. “I don’t know, what makes you happy?” You poked him in the side as he let out a squeal. “A CLEAN LITTLE BROTHER. Go clean your face and I’ll make you some pizza?” He dropped from the bench he was perched on. “OKAY!” He ran from the room, leaving you once again in nervous silence.  
You finished up your makeup, letting your hair out the pony you’d slept in. You sighed as you picked up your brush, running it through the bird’s nest that had taken refuge on the top of your head. Not ideal. You winced as you hit a snag, your head jarring. Your phone buzzed against the wood of your desk and you reached for it, smacking your elbow on the sharp corner. “MOTHER FU-” You stopped yourself, your elbow throbbing as Stevie came hammering down the hallway. “YOU WERE GONNA SAY A NAUGHTY WORD.” His jaw hung slack as you picked up your phone, swiping the call accepted. “Stevie, be quiet. I’m on the phone!” He stood in the doorway, his face now clean of the chocolate he was covered in. “Hello?” You spoke, unsure of who was actually calling you. The brush you were using still hung, trapped in a knot in your hair as you balanced the phone between your ear and your shoulder, rubbing your elbow gently. “Hello Gorgeous.” Your body shivered as Dave spoke down his receiver, the sound echoing through you as you sat upright. “Hi Dave, what’s up?” Stevie mocked kissing in the doorway until you reached over, swinging the door shut. He yelped as you heard him run away.  
“It’s about our date. I think I have to cancel. I’m so sorry Kay.” You slouched, your heart in your stomach. “It’s okay, I think Stevie’s pretty cut up about me missing movie night anyway. We can just rearrange? Or is it that you maybe don’t want to go out anymore?” You trailed off, regretting the words that just left your mouth. “Oh my god Kay! That’s not it at all, my mom’s conference got rearranged and now she’s heading out. I have to look after Stella.” He responded, his voice exasperated. “Is that it?” You let out a sigh of relief, pulling at the hairbrush you’d almost forgotten about. “Yeah, I mean I had this whole dinner and everything planned out and I’ve been looking forward to it all day. That and a multitude of other things.” You could hear the smirk in his voice as a chill ran through you once more. “Oh is that so?” You toyed, your voice hushed. “You have no idea, it’s been driving me crazy. I can’t look at an ice-pop the same way anymore.” He laughed, as you giggled. “Well then who am I to take that away? We don’t need a fancy date, we’re not fancy people. Let’s go get a pizza and go to the fair at Elmer’s? You can bring Stella and I’ll bring Stevie?” You probed, finally untangling your hair, a moan escaping your lips. You gasped as Dave sighed. “I wanted to spend some time alone with you, so I can hear you make that noise without the threat of kiddo’s interrupting us again.” His voice was darker, more like honey with a bite. You bit your lip, as your legs crossed. “You’ll get me all to yourself later. But for now, I wanna see you and I’m starved. Meet at Joe’s in like an hour?” You could almost imagine the smile on his face. “I’ll be there, I brought my appetite. Let’s hope they’re serving as much as I can handle.”  
You clicked off the call, your face flushed red as Stevie came barging through your door. “Who was it? Was it Dave? Why do you look like a tomato?” He laughed, pointing to your cheeks. “It was Dave and I look like this because I have decided to become a lobster. I do not care for humans anymore!” You formed your hands into pincers as you reached for him, tickling his sides once more. “I don’t like lobsters.” He pouted. “They don’t like you much either. But you like pizza right?” he nodded vigorously. “Well then let’s go get some!” He cheered as he ran from your room, leaving you to pick up the clothes on your floor. “COME ON SLOWPOKE!” He screamed from the hallway as you shoved your jacket on, the edges of it almost obliterating your shorts. “I’m coming SONIC!” You laughed as you jogged through the house, finding him on the floor, odd shoes on both feet as he fiddled with his laces. “Those don’t even match Stevie.” You grabbed the matching one from the basket, pulling them on his feet as you quickly tied his laces. He sprung up before you even had chance to finish lacing one. “Petrificus Totalus!” You pointed to him, his body instantly freezing in place. He glared at you as you finished tying his laces. You shook him to tell him he could move again. “You can’t just curse me like that!” He laughed as he stole your car keys from your bag, running out the door. “You can’t steal people’s stuff like that! Thief!” You shoved on your beaten-up Vans as you locked the door behind you, the sun hot on your back. You crossed to the car as you hammered on the window for Stevie to unlock the doors.  
Almost an age passed before you heard the click, the door swinging open to reveal Stevie’s sheepish grin. “Sorry Kay, I shouldn’t have stolen your keys! Can we not play the game tonight? I don’t want Stella and Dave to think we are weird.” You winked at him as you climbed in the seat, buckling yourself in. “They wouldn’t understand anyway. Muggles.” Stevie laughed as he sat back in his seat. The drive to Joe’s was quicker if you passed Aubrey’s, but your stomach turned every time you drove past hers. You turned to the left, taking the scenic route, you had time to kill anyway. Stevie bounced in his seat to the music blaring through your speakers, his little lungs screaming the lyrics. You smiled as you tapped along, your stomach in knots at the thought of seeing Dave again. Everything seemed to pass in a blur as you pulled up to Joe’s, Stevie streaking from the car even before you had chance to unclip your seat belt. You threw your door open, grabbing your bag as you chased after him, coming face to face with Aubrey.  
You swallowed thickly, your face draining of color as you avoided her eyes. “Hi Katie, I see Stevie’s not changed much? Still obsessed with pizza I see?” You locked eyes with her, breathing a soft breath of composure as you plastered a fake smile on your face. “Of course he is? He’s six.” You let out a shaky laugh as she smiled. “Yeah, I saw you with Dave the other day, how’s the dating going? He cancelled on you yet?” You rolled your eyes, knowing what was coming. Some bullshit story of how Dave broke her heart, one you knew wasn’t true. “Save it Aubrey, I know what you did to him. I don’t believe a word out your mouth. You wanna know why he cancelled? Cause he didn’t want to see you. He knew you were cheating on him. He didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of having your cake and eating it too.” You spat, your arms crossing over your chest indignantly. Aubrey huffed, her lips pouting as she shifted uncomfortably. “Everyone know’s what you did to him. He’s so nice and you fucked it up. That’s on you and I’m not you; I will treat him right.” She looked over you, her brow quirked. “Yeah, well just remember. I treat him right first. First.” She whispered in your ear as she pushed past you, her shoulder hitting yours. “Oh and Aubrey?” She turned around, her head tilted up as she looked down on you. “That fall from your high horse might fuck your face up. Buy a helmet and grow the fuck up. And for reference it’s KAY, NOT KATIE.” You walked away from her, heading inside to find your little brother.  
He sat in a booth, surrounded by menus, his hands crafting a makeshift mini fort. “Where did you go?” He asked innocently as you slid in the polyurethane booth beside him. “I thought I smelled something bad so I was checking my shoe.” You smiled as you set your bag down, ordering drinks for the both of you. You scrolled down your phone as Stevie hummed under his breath, until a dark mop of hair caught your eye. You heard Stella before you saw her, her laugh tinkling through the dull roar of the pizzeria. “Hi Katie Kat!” She grinned as she climbed on the seat, taking one of Stevie’s menus. He grumbled, but let her as she placed it in front of her, her legs hitting against the bottom of the booth. “Dave says we’re going to the fair!” You sighed, your head in your hands. Stevie fist bumped the air, latching onto you. “Can we go with them please? Pretty please? I swear I won’t eat any more of your ice creams.” He batted his eyelashes, his eyes pleading with you. “We’re all going dummy. No puppy eyes!” He smiled as he pulled a menu out. “THANK YOU.” You had barely taken notice of Dave as he sat opposite you, his dark eyes searching over you. “Hi.” He spoke, a smile playing on his lips. You blushed as you met his eyes, your own lowering as you searched the table for another menu.  
“Hi.” You smiled back, your tongue darting over your lips as you drank in the way he looked. Tight black shirt, stretched thin over his biceps and dark denim jeans, frayed at the ends from excessive wear. You sighed, your ribs being poked by tiny fingers. This is going to be a long night. Dinner went by faster than expected, the kids were too hungry to really talk and you felt like you couldn’t talk for fear of moaning with the way Dave was eyefucking you from across the table. He paid for dinner as you walked out the restaurant, a child attached to each arm. “Do we have to drive to Elmer’s?” Stella chirped as Stevie pulled harder, urging you to walk faster. “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Dave.” You spoke as he strolled alongside you, his hands in his pockets. “Okay so we can walk there as long as I can walk with Kay. Deal?” The kids squealed as they released your arms, running ahead down the sidewalk. “Thought you liked driving Dave?” You probed, your hands finding his as you walked. “I do, but sometimes I like to slow it down and enjoy things as they come.” You didn’t know if it was your oxygen deprived brain or his deliverance, but he seemed to linger on the word come. You shivered, even though the breeze on your skin was warm.  
You walked in silence before bringing up the whole Aubrey situation. He seemed less pained as you told him what you said, his eyes lighting up as you babbled. “You do bitch so well baby.” He leant over as you relaxed into his side, falling perfectly in step with him. His lips coasted your cheek as you heard the wind pick up the distant chimes of the fair. The kids ran off, their little legs almost going supersonic speeds as they raced towards the twinkling lights and thundering music. You caught up with them easily, Dave’s hand gripping yours as wind whipped through your hair. You lined up, nestled in his arms as you paid admission, the kids pulling excitedly at your hands. The lines were long but Dave made time go by faster, his wit and humour making every minute go by in a blink. The kids pleaded to go on the giant funhouse, only made available for kids under ten. You let them, asking the supervisor there to keep an eye on them as you made your way around, looking for something to pass the time as they wore themselves out. You passed a rickety old tunnel ride, the red and pink lights flashing as you grinned at Dave. “Please?” You batted your lashes as you pointed to the sign, his eyes lighting up. “Tunnel of Love? It’s like the lamest ride here, plus it looks half broken down.” You pouted, pulling out the puppy dog eyes. “But what about the ferris wheel?” He pointed behind you as you whipped around. “I hate heights.” You turned back to him, pulling him flush against you. “Plus if we go on the tunnel of love, we can just make out the whole time. No interruptions.” You whispered as his hands gripped your hips.
You crushed your lips to his, his tongue darting over yours as he groaned. “Well then what are we fucking waiting for?” His voice was whiskey and silk as it coasted over you, his hands pulling you to the entrance. You paid your entry, sitting in the crappy plastic seats as you made your way into the darkness. You didn’t waste a minute, coming together as soon as you disappeared from view. His hands found your waist, his fingers balling the material up as he gripped you to him, your legs entangling. Your breathing made you dizzy, his breath intoxicating as his lips left yours, dragging hot wet kisses down your jaw and over your neck. You squirmed, desperate for more your head rolling as his lips found your collarbone. “I’ve been thinking about this all fucking day.” He breathed, his teeth grazing your skin. “I’ve been thinking about this all fucking week in fact.” You sighed as his fingers played with the zip of your jacket, his hands reaching up to pull it from your shoulders. You shivered slightly as it dropped to your waist, his hands palming over you as his lips found yours once more. You inched closer to him as the ride ground to a halt, your attention otherwise occupied as his hands roamed your body.  
He was everywhere, lighting everything on fire, an unholy flame raging through your veins as you shook. His lips left yours as you both gasped for air, hands on legs and shoulders as you came together. His hands coasted over your hips as he pulled you onto his hips, your legs straddling his as you ground against him, his cock hard against the material of his jeans. You smiled, as you reached between your bodies, your hand running over his growing bulge as he groaned. The sounds he made were lost in the cacophony of love songs playing on the overhead system. You drowned them out as you buried your head in his neck, placing soft kisses against his mole speckled skin. He rolled his neck as his hands coasted over your ass, kneading and gripping you tighter to him. You don’t know how long you stayed buried in his neck but you came up gasping for air as he dragged your shirt up your torso. The lighting was so dim you could barely see an inch in front of you but you could swear you could feel his eyes on you. He moved quickly, pulling your shirt from you completely, his mouth replacing the cotton as he licked over your breast, rough fingertips pulling the lace from you. You stopped him, reaching behind you to unclasp it before letting it fall to the floor. “Fuck.” He whispered, his lips connecting with your skin. You lit up like a circuit board, his lips the ignition for the spark than ran through you. His lips dragged across the valley of your chest, his tongue rolling over your nipple before he took it between his teeth, his lips latching as you surged towards him.  
Moans fell from your lips as you rocked atop him, his cock rubbing the material of your cutoffs in such a way; that if you carried on, there would be no coming back. He paused as his hands coasted over your spine, nails leaving ragged red marks as he moved, his mouth now giving attention elsewhere. Your breathing was ragged as your fingers danced over the fabric of his shirt, fingertips intertwining with dark hair on the bottom of his stomach. His breathing caught as you pulled the material up, his warmth leaving yours as he pulled it over his head. You bit your lip as you palmed over his chest, barely making out the constellation of freckles in the dim lights. “Either get rid of the shorts or I will do it for you.” He spoke, his voice cracking. You nodded as you rolled back to your seat, your shorts already half way down your legs as his hands raked over you. He started innocently enough, half finished patterns on your thighs, his fingers snaking over the sensitive skin on the inner half. You sighed, rolling against the plastic wishing for more than just his hands. Not that you were complaining, of course.  
His hands were magic as they moved over your skin, electric and fire and holy Hell ran through your veins at the lightest of touch. His fingers danced over the lace of your panties as your lip caught between your teeth. You groaned as he pulled away only for his fingers to hook in the band of your panties, roughly pulling them down your legs. His hands were on your hips as he pulled you to him again, his jeans discarded somewhere in the darkness. You didn’t care as you straddled him again, his cock teasing over your clit. “You’ve clearly been thinking about this all day too.” He breathed, his words vibrating over your skin. “You have no idea Dave, you were practically eye-fucking me at dinner.” Your words were punctuated by draws of breath as he slipped over you, his fingers dipping between your folds. “Well it’s a shame we had company, I wanted nothing more than to be eating you rather than the pizza.” You shook as you straddled him, your clit rubbing against the head of his cock. You stifled a moan, the music pausing as he moved over you. He moved painfully slow, his cock drawing circles over your clit as you bit your lip.  
“Dave-” You whispered his name as his hips snapped to yours, his cock slipping over you quicker. You sucked in a sharp breath as he raised his hand to your face. He let his fingers trace over your cheek and your jaw before his fingers grazed your lips. You understood immediately, wrapping your lips around his fingers, your tongue rolling over them. He groaned in the darkness, his cock twitching against your core. “You really have a mouth on you, don’t you, baby?” He whispered as you rolled against him, your body raging in a fire that you were pretty sure was going to consume you. “Dave-” You whined as his hands dipped between your legs, the tips of his fingers brushing against you. It was like kicking up the dust, the flames only licking higher at the lightest touch. He palmed over his cock, using his fingers to rub slight circles against you, his cock teasing at your entrance. “Dave-” You spoke more forcefully as his chuckle filled the space between you. “Sorry baby” He spoke against your skin as he pushed into you, your body sighing in relief. “You’re forgiven” You stuttered out, your breathing shallow as he began to thrust into you. His hands gripped your hips, his fingers leaving half moon ridges from bitten down fingernails. He rolled you a top him, rocking as he thrusted, the combination only fuelling the fire that raged on within you.  
Your arms found his chest, palming over him as the coil within you tightened, your head spinning. His hands wandered over your body, his fingers finding your nipples once more as he rolled them between his forefinger and thumb, a groan rippling through him. He thrust harder, his cock slamming against you as you bit back a scream. “I want to hear you baby, don’t hold back.” He whispered as his hands moved down your body, rough fingertips barely touching your clit. You clenched around him at the contact, your head rolling back as he gripped you to him. “I may be an ass man, but when you serve up your tits like this I can’t help but take advantage.” You barely choked out a reply, a mixture of his lips and hands had you spilling out moans. Curses left your lips as his fingers quickened; his mouth finding your chest once more, his lips puckering the skin and marring it purple and blue. Your legs shook as a moan ricocheted through you. “Cum for me baby. I want to hear and feel you cum.” He spoke again as your head fell against the top of his, his cock slamming into you at angles that had you seeing stars. “Dave-” You mumbled, your body rising as the coil tightened. Your breathing stopped as you hurtled over the edge, a scream piercing the stagnant air around you. It echoed as your muscles seized, your heart slamming in your chest.  
He moaned, your name falling from his lips in an almost prayer as his head fell forwards. His fingers never stopped their relentless movements, his patterns unfinished as he pushed you towards that edge again. “Again baby.” He whispered, barely audible over the drone of the music. You bit your lip as you rocked against him, your ass moving at double the speed he could manage. “Join me.” You whispered back, using your nose to nudge his head to the side. You kissed along his neck, sucking the skin between your teeth as his hips juddered against yours, urging you towards his release. “Dave-” You whispered against him as he slammed into you, his orgasm crashing over him as his fingers danced you towards your own. You screamed against his neck, the noise only slightly muffled by skin. He held you there, your bodies slick with sweat as you reached for your shirt. You peeled yourself from him as the lights came on, the carriage inching forward at long last.  
“How long were we in here for?” You asked Dave as you dressed, frantically pulling on items of clothing. “I have no idea but I don’t particularly care.” He laughed as he zipped himself up. “Dave, I can’t find my panties. Do you remember where I was when I took them off?” His eyes widened as he took his phone from his pocket, his torch illuminating the space around you. “I think I threw them.” he laughed, his face crumpled in a half laugh. “You asshole!” You play slapped his arm as you pulled your shorts on, the denim rough against your sensitive skin. “I didn’t mean to! They were in the way and I was preoccupied!” You sighed as you sat back down, the denim rubbing against you. “You owe me new ones.” You grumbled, settling in the crook of his arm. “Why you know when we’re together you’re better off without.” You smiled as the ride came to an end, the world outside darker than you thought it would be. You stepped out the carriage, stretching out your aching muscles as Dave did the same. A young girl probably no older than 15 came running over to you, her face in a blind panic.
“We are so sorry that the ride broke down! We can offer you a full refund for your trip and maybe some snacks? It usually doesn’t break down for that long.” You reached out for her, your hand gently touching her arm. “It’s okay! I didn’t mind, we barely even noticed. In fact I would definitely come again.” You emphasized the word come as your eyes glanced over to Dave, his hands covering the grin on his face. “Oh thank you! I hope you had a wonderful time!” She smiled as she returned to her station. “Wonderful is the light way of saying it.” You mumbled as Dave walked over to you. “We should get the kids and go home, it’s getting late.” He spoke as you walked hand in hand to pick them up. They came out screeching, their eyes red rimmed and yawns stretching their mouths wide. “Where were you guys?” Stella croaked, her little hands covering her mouth as she yawned again. She reached out for your hand as you walked through the grass. “Me and Dave went on a grown up ride. It broke down and we couldn’t get out!” You laughed, shooting Dave a look as he took Stevie’s hand. “Was it scary?!” Stevie piped up, his eyes wide as you walked on, heading out the fair. “Katie was screaming it was that scary.” Dave quipped, blush rippling through your cheeks.  
“Scaredy cat! Can we try and win a bear before we go home?!” Stella squealed as she pointed to the hook a duck sign. “Sure thing kiddo!” You laughed as you and Dave paid the attendant, each of the kids successfully winning themselves a bear. Dave yelled as Stella won 2 in a row and you laughed as Stevie went on to win 2 as well. “We can all have a bear!” Stevie smiled as he handed Dave the stuffed animal. “Aw, thank you Stevie! I’ll treasure it forever!” He smiled, his whiskey colored eyes lighting up at the small gesture. “Well now we have our bears how about we all go home?” Stella nodded, her lids drooping as you walked back to the car. You limped as the material of your shorts rubbed against you, the friction making it hard to close your legs. “Kay, why are you walking like a penguin?” Stevie asked as he watched you, his hand still gripping Dave’s. “Is it because of the ride?” He quirked his brow innocently as you blushed, a deep shade of crimson. “It most certainly is. But don’t worry I’m sure it’ll pass.” You winked at Dave as a smirk played on your lips. You carried on walking until your legs ached and you were pretty sure denim was made of sandpaper. You spotted the car, the kids using the last of their energy to run towards them. Dave and you hung back, your fingers latching together as you spoke. “So maybe next time bring a spare pair?” He quipped, his eyes smiling as he spoke. “Oh so there’s going to be a next time?!” You laughed, using your hand to slap across his chest playfully. “Kids or no kids, I’m game if you are.” You laughed. “Oh it’s on Hodgman.”
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