#davey jacobs and his little brother les
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mummelthecryptid · 2 months
posting my favorite hard promises scenes except its probably gonna read more like a liveblog because i have a lethal level of brainworms
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jack buying the 50 new papers for davey with money he literally just stole from weasel is so iconic tbh
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he was flirting so much here hello? "nice eye dave" ???? why do you as a man compliment another mans eyes
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they follow him anyway...ough.
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this was so funny of him, his ass is not carrying les up 5 flights of stairs!
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a home. to him the taj mahal...what if we all held hands and jumped into the void minecraft style
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the socialism is so much more prominent in the script, i miss it :(
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the conflict in the jacobs family over sarahs and mayers socialism is such an interesting plotbeat i wish they hadnt cut it (<- likely thing to say for a guy who cannot stop thinking about the class aspect of newsies)
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oh and this sentence follows that whole scene directly after. like okay you guys know eachother for less than 24 hours and he can already see through your mask of bravery with ease? okay man
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is anyone surprised that jacks family and especially his little brother give me 10 new kinds of mental illness? probably not but im posting this scene here anyways
continuing in the reblogs probably <3
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loving-jack-kelly · 2 years
davey jacobs is sixteen years old and clutching his brother's elbow as they show up for their first day on the job. he's worried that he can't handle this, worried to set a bad example, worried that he won't be good enough and worried his family will go hungry.
these boys are different from him. they're loud and carefree, they have black eyes and dirt on their faces and holes in their shirts barely mended in much rougher stitches than davey's mama's careful fingers leave behind. they wrap their arms around each other and steal from each other and laugh and give it back, they roughhouse and curse and even the smallest of them looks like he could hold his own in a fight in a way that davey knows he couldn't.
but none of that matters, because what matters is that davey is here to feed his family, and he's here to watch out for les. what the other boys do can't get under his skin, he can't be intimidated by them and god knows he can't wish he was more like them, because he has a role to fill. and it's big brother. it's role model. it's bread winner. it's not friend or goof-off or wisecracker.
but these boys don't accept that. davey watches, helpless, while jack teaches les to tell a convincing lie. while les learns to wrestle in a way they've never been allowed at home. davey watches, helpless, while finch teaches les to pick a pocket and romeo teaches les how to be a distraction while he steals fruit from a vendor. davey watches, helpless, and tries to force himself to stick to the parts he has to play. he doesn't make up a headline because his father taught him not to lie. he doesn't steal because he believes in working for what he needs to survive. he doesn't waste time on silly games, he doesn't let them rope him into their stupid arguments, he doesn't get distracted by the easy camaraderie they seem so determined to spread to him like a disease.
davey has a role to play, and feeding his family doesn't include any of those things.
he doesn't let it bother him when jack throws an arm around his shoulder or pulls him by the tie to someplace new. he doesn't let himself think about what it means when jack laughs and davey's heart beats faster. he doesn't let himself get distracted by the way jack gets a faraway look in his eyes and starts talking about stars and the moon and dreams and plans and hopes in a way that davey has never allowed himself.
davey has a role to play, and falling in love with somebody like jack kelly has nothing to do with it.
every night, davey manages to pull les away from his new friends and brush off the dirt to make it a little less obvious to their parents how little control he has over les during the day. every night, davey dutifully hands the coins they've earned over to abba and promises to do the same tomorrow. every night, davey pretends not to ache with how badly he wishes he was the same as les, that he could come home every night with stories of friends and not just sore feet and the promise of more of the same tomorrow.
and then, davey starts a strike. he knows these boys who are so different from him a little better now. he knows that, for all the playing they do and all the happiness they seem to have, they've been jealous of him since they day they found out he had a family. jealous of the roof over his head, no matter how cramped the apartment. jealous of his shoes that don't have to be lined with old papers when it rains. he knows that for all the playing they do, they work twice as hard. he knows they don't understand why he's so stiff and serious, and that's okay, because he also knows that they deserve better and he doesn't have to understand them to want better for them and for himself, too.
davey starts and strike with jack, and the two of them stand in front of all of these boys and with jack's understanding of who they are and davey's words to describe what they want, what the deserve, from the people trying to starve them...
this is a role davey can fill. what is a big brother if not a leader? what is a leader if not a role model? davey can do this, he knows he can, and for the first time he can remember he's not resigned to be who he has to be, he's proud of it. these boys are different from him, louder and sillier and rougher, but they swallow him into their group and laugh with him, not at him, and they listen when he talks. they put les on their shoulders and promise to keep him safe and davey knows now he can trust them, so he does.
and when jack, the noble idiot, tries to leave them behind, davey holds his own. he's never been more angry in his life, angry at jack and at pulitzer and at the world that's let them be treated like this for so long, and when he starts talking the equally angry kids at the rally shut up and listen. they listen when he talks and trust him enough to let him go talk some sense into jack, and this time, when davey goes home, even though there's less food on the table than there should be and mama and sarah look worried all the time, abba looks proud. proud that his son is taking a stand and proud that his son is refusing to back down from the hardships.
and when the strike is over, davey finds, the roles he has to fill come a lot more naturally and also don't matter much at all. he's a big brother when les runs off with his friends, and he'll be a big brother when he finds him again after lunch. he's a role model when he stays after sundown at the lodging house to help a little kid learn his letters, and he'll be a role model when he kisses his mom on the cheek and gives her the money from a long day's work. he's a breadwinner when he calls out an exciting headline from a street corner, and he'll be a breadwinner when he places a lucky bet on one of race's stupid card games and gets an extra thirty cents from the pot.
he likes it better this way.
now, when davey gets to the yard in the morning, he doesn't hold tight to les's elbow. he doesn't worry so much. these boys aren't so different from him. now, he laughs when les scales the gate before it opens just to prove he can, and he laughs when jack throws an arm around his shoulders, and he laughs when finch hits him square in the nose with a balled-up scrap of yesterday's headline. now, he's learned to take and throw a punch and stands his ground when oscar and morris try to act like they own the place. now, he notices his voice getting louder and prouder when he's with these boys until he matches them completely.
now, when jack gets that faraway look in his eye, davey lets himself sigh and talk about the things he'd do, if he could ever leave. he never will, he knows, because he loves his family and he'd never leave them behind. but he lets himself imagine, like jack, just for a few minutes at a time that he could afford to get out. go to university, maybe, write a book. or write headlines of his own, chase the stories that excite him and write them for others to read.
and now, somehow, he finds himself letting himself think about the things he's avoided so completely before. somehow, he finds that it isn't so scary, the way jack laughs. when jack says, stay the night why don't you? and davey can't come up with an excuse better than the lies jack so readily supplies (say you walked too far, it was too late, we had to go to Brooklyn and you stayed the night over there, c'mon, it'll be fun) and somehow, lying doesn't seem like the end of the world anymore. somehow, it doesn't seem to scary to spend the night lying with his shoulder pressed against jack's on the rooftop, the night just cold enough that they don't want to be far apart. noise comes up from the bedrooms below them, and the city around them, but somehow this rooftop feels isolated and silent anyway.
and somehow, when jack asks, would you get out? if you could?
davey says, no. i couldn't leave you behind.
and it doesn't feel like a betrayal. he's still a big brother. still a role model. still a breadwinner.
but this time, he's also a kid in love for the first time, and somehow, he knows that's okay.
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nyx-thedragon · 19 hours
Newsies thoughts part 3
so I just finished watching Newsies 1992 for the fourth time, and noted down a bunch of things I noticed or thoughts I had. I didn't do this the third time I watched bc that one was with my brother and I wanted to focus on the movie and talking and joking with him lol.
anyway, I noted down a lot of things, so prepare for a long post. (these are in order of when I thought of them, and I'm typing them from my notes app so enjoy my train of thought/how my brain thinks)
1- shoutout to Mr Kloppman for taking care of the boys
2- what's the story behind the lady that comes in singing about her son in "Carrying the Banner"? she fucking slays, but I'm very confused about it
3- they're literally just a bunch of teenage boys who've been dealt an awful hand in life but try their best to keep everyone's morale up and stay positive (me realizing how sad the reality of the newsboys is)
4- all the older newsies taking care of and helping the little ones I love them so bad
5- you can tell how close the newsies are with each other I love it. family for real
6- why does Les carry a wooden sword almost the whole movie?
7- "this is my brother David. he's older" "oh, no kiddin'"
8- love love love how all the newsies just adopt David and Les into the group immediately
9- Pulitzer needs a magnifying glass to read the big-ass headline lmao
10- Seitz lowkey seems to kinda be on the newsies' side
11- why does the crowd boo when the old guy is holding up the "round 58" sign? (during the scene where there's a boxing match going on)
12- Les and Davey immediately follow Jack in running from Snyder even though they've never been in trouble with the law
13- Davey stops Les from putting his head in the horse mask thing (?) (when they're in Medda's theatre)
14- Jack just staring at Davey while Medda coos over Les
15- genuinely Jack did not need to pull Davey by his tie. he could've grabbed his shoulder, but no. had to pick the gayest option
16- Davey inviting Jack to his house after just meeting him literally like not even 12 hours ago. and then inviting him to stay the night?? down bad behavior for real. and he seems so nervous to introduce him to his parents too ??
17- Sarah Jacobs please give me a chance please please please
18- ngl the scenes with Jack and Sarah are a little bit like,,,cringe?? idk they just don't feel right idk if they have enough chemistry for Sarah to realistically be Jack's love interest
19- bro just casually steals a horse and no one goes after him ??? (during Santa Fe)
20- the stupid fucking calculation thing Pulitzer does with his arms omg it's so funny for no reason
21- Kid Blink either doesn't see or just doesn't care that one of the Delanceys is mocking him
22- Jack puts his hand like right next to Davey's face and then slowly moves it away lol (when Jack is asking Davey what he should say to the other newsies when first planning the strike)
23- Davey staring longingly at Jack while he's up writing "strike" on the board
24- "i need some of those...what do you call 'em?" "whatever you want!" (from a random newsie in the crowd, love whoever that was)
25- Spot Conlon hears Davey say one sentence and is like 'yeah this guy never shuts up once you get him going, i can tell' (hence "walking mouth")
26- who is the newsie that just appears behind Jack while they're in Brooklyn talking to Spot??
27- Mush and Davey friendship i love you so
28- where does Race get a harmonica from for "Seize The Day"?
29- love all the littles standing on the statue pedestal during "Seize The Day"
30- Jack and Davey jump up on the statue pedestal and start kicking each other. playing footsie, boys?
oh dear lord i did not realize i noted down this much holy shit
31- Davey immediately looking for Les when the cops show up
32- the Refuge needs better security at the gate cuz how did newsies sneak in TWICE
33- they had time to choreograph a whole dance routine bro (the little seize the day reprise thing)
34- "everyone remain calm" "let's soak 'em for Crutchie!"
35- Davey gets pulled away by someone in the crowd while trying to help Jack (during the big scene when they get ambushed by the police at the distribution place)
36- why are half of the Brooklyn guys grown ass men?? and they're intimidated enough by Spot Conlon to let him be the leader? man i love Spot Conlon he's so cool
37- Spot and Kid Blink lowkey friendship love it
38- Dutchy being horizontal for the picture
39- the workers at the restaurant just watching the chaos of "King of New York"
40- i hate Snyder's face. it makes me uncomfy
41- Sarah Jacobs, how is your hair perfect right after waking up tell me your secrets
42- if they wanted the Jack and Sarah love interest story to actually work better, they should've fit more scenes of them talking
43- nah cuz actually wdym Jack's "real" name is Francis?? he doesn't look like a Francis at all (this is just me being baffled that he could be named Francis, of all things)
44- who is letting Kid Blink hang off the fucking balcony bro he is nawt gonna land on his feet
45- Race and Blink being Medda's #1 hype men <3
oh my fucking god i'm so sorry this is so long i apologize profusely. if you've made it this far, go get a little treat for yourself
46- Jack and Davey are so grabby with each other when Davey is warning Jack about Snyder
47- Medda i love you !!! (tried to fight off the police to defend Race. "he's just a child")
48- how are the newsies losing the fight against the police? there's like a thousand of them and not as many of the police (or at least it seems there's a lot less police)
49- Denton trying to get to Jack when he's captured by the police
50- Race trying to gamble with the judge, he's so unserious
51- the look Jack gives Davey when Snyder starts telling the truth about Jack (his real name, his dad not being out West)
52- i keep accidentally mixing up Specs and Dutchy lol. probably cuz they both wear glasses (i feel so bad for this omg i'm so sorry Specs and Dutchy)
53- no yeah, security at the gate of the Refuge is awful. 6 boys snuck in at once !!
54- why did Pulitzer tell Jack to shut up and listen THREE TIMES when he wasn't even talking ???
55- Davey was just standing in the courtyard outside Pulitzer's, how did no one see him?? he wasn't even hiding, dude
56- Mush shows up to get the "Newsies Banner" papers twice - once by himself and again with Kid Blink
57- "can you read? read that" (Race making sure the kids will be able to read the paper love him for that)
58- Race and Les's little friendship moment is cute ("when the distribution bell starts ringin', will we hear it?" "nah")
59- Race's reaction to Roosevelt is funny. "Roosevelt!?" (bro is shocked)
60- Denton hanging out with Les while Davey gets his papes
61- Race cheering when Jack kisses Sarah. "Jackie boy!"
whew oh dear lord I am so so so sorry for this being so fucking long. I didn't even realize I had noted down so many things I feel bad for making folks have to read this whole thing if they want to see all my thoughts. maybe I should split this in half and have two posts instead of this long one?? idk let me know what you think. also, if I got the names wrong for any newsies, please let me know I'm still learning lol.
uh yeah, this post is over now. stay hydrated, get some rest, and stay cool
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lovingmusicalmen · 2 years
May I request a blurb for the prompt “Do you want me to carry you?” with Davey Jacobs x Reader? Or Jack Kelly x Reader, whichever you prefer.
I hope you enjoy!! This is my first time writing for Davey so let me know what you think!
Still accepting blurb requests!
Fluff 17 - "Do you want me to carry you?"
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Les was fast asleep, head resting on Y/N's knees as she idly combed through the kid's hair, talking to the other Newsies.
Davey, Jack and Les had finished up selling early that day and so had headed back to the lodging house to kill time, and go over future plans for the union. One by one, as more Newsies had returned from their days exploits, the conversation had gone from work-orientated to just chatting among each other.
Davey seemed more at ease than Y/N had seen him... well, ever, if she was going to be honest. Since she had met him, Davey had been stressed out and nervous about the future of his family, the strike, the union and now his newly acquainted brothers. So it was nice to see him relaxing with the other sellers. Cracking jokes with Crutchie and teasing Race over his latest gambling loss.
Les, however, had not quite kept up. He had come over to Y/N almost the moment she had returned to the lodging house and sat down to join her friends and demanded her attention. The kid was inexplicably fond of her - Y/N suspected it had something to do with her teaching him to tie his laces, and agreeing not to tell the other boys he hadn't known how to do it up until then in case they teased him.
Davey had confided in her that Les' admiration more than likely actually stemmed from the strike itself. She had stuck by his side through the whole ordeal, taking a couple of blows on his behalf when the bulls had arrived and she had been desperate to get him as far away from the fighting as possible.
(Davey had also admitted, rather shyly, with flushed pink cheeks that he, too, had been touched by the attention shown to his younger brother. Grateful to her that she had been looking out for him. Y/N had wondered then if she was naive for wanting to read into his words, to try and convince herself that he returned her affections)
Les had grown sleepy quickly, though. And had passed out across Y/N's lap with the quiet murmurings of the Newsies to keep him company. Davey had met her eyes a couple of times across the room, since seeing his younger brother fast asleep on her lap. And there was an undeniable apology in his expression, which Y/N was quick to dismiss each time with a grin and shake of her head.
She didn't mind it at all.
(And no, that had nothing to do with the warm feeling in the pit of her stomach when she saw Davey looking over towards her and Les with such gentle affection)
The evening had, in short, been close to perfect.
Davey stood from where he had been resting on Crutchie's bed, leaning against the wall as he chatted idly with Race and Albert, and he stretched out his arms. Y/N could have sworn that she heard his back give a crack at the movement.
"I should probably get home - our folks will be worrying about us," Davey offered by way of explanation. There were nods and farewells called to him from around the room and Davey picked his way across the floor to reach Y/N and Les.
He offered her the shy smile she was used to seeing him wear and he reached up to ruffle his hair a little under his cap.
"Figure I should collect your limpet," he said, a teasing edge to his voice. "Sorry about him."
"Don't apologise - he's a sweet kid," Y/N paused before adding: "and you're a real good brother to him, Dave."
A pink hue sprinkled across the apples of Davey's cheeks, but Y/N forced herself to look away from it, gently shaking the kid on her lap.
Les groaned and swatted at her hand.
"Leave me alone," he grumbled. Y/N shared an amused glance with Davey, who crouched down.
"Come on - we've gotta get home, Les."
"I'm comfortable," he complained again, opening his eyes just enough to shoot his brother a glare. Y/N bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.
Davey caught the action though, rolling his eyes at her in exasperation.
"I can't imagine it's all that comfortable for Y/N, though. Come on, get up."
Les opened his eyes again, this time directed up at Y/N in the same puppy-dog expression she knew Jack had been training him in to sell his papers.
"Y/N" he whined. Y/N chuckled and pinched his arm lightly.
"What do you want me to do, kid? Do you want me to carry you home?" She joked. Les looked contemplative though, and then nodded.
"That would work," he agreed.
Y/N burst out laughing, and Davey sighed again, letting his head fall down onto the mattress beside his brother.
"I told mum and dad you were a heathen," he complained. "I said they should've just stuck with me and Sarah."
"This is why I like Y/N," Les huffed, aiming a kick at Davey. "She's nice to me."
"Alright, kid - come on, your parents will be worried," Y/N cut in, laughing quietly. She pushed him off of her lap and stood up. "How does a piggy back ride sound?"
Ten minutes later, the three of them were walking the route back to Davey's family home. Les had fallen back asleep, resting on Y/N's lap, and Davey hadn't stopped spewing apologies for his brother's actions.
"Dave - I mean it, you don't need to apologise," she said with a gentle laugh. "Manhatten's nice to walk through at this time of night, anyway." She shot a teasing look at him from the corner of her eye. "Besides, the company's not all too bad, either."
Davey went bright pink, mouth gaping open slightly as he processed her... rather forward words.
"I mean - I'd never complain at the chance to spend more time with you," he managed to get out, smiling awkwardly at her.
"Such a charmer, Jacobs."
"You started it!"
The two of them lapsed into quiet laughter for a moment. Just as the two of them turned the corner down into Davey's street, he spoke again.
"Well... would I be able to take you out some time? To make up for this?" He gestured at the sleeping kid. "Without my brother, and the other's, I mean. Since we... like spending time together, and all," he added awkwardly.
"You asking me on a date, Jacobs?"
"That.... depends on your answer?" Davey tried weakly and Y/N laughed.
"And if my answer's a yes?" She asked as they came to a stop outside of the Jacobs' front door. Davey stepped forwards to scoop Les into his arms instead.
"Then yeah - definitely a date," Davey confirmed, far more confidently.
Y/N offered a crooked grin and stepped up to press a kiss to his cheek, marvelling in the stunned expression the action left behind.
"Then I'll see you tomorrow, Dave."
(Can confirm, Les was 100% not asleep, just sick of Davey's pining and decided to take matters into his own hands)
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Getting into the well known ones that I just wanna know what you think about them
I did les earlier so I feel like it’s fitting to end today with davey
david jacobs. what an enigma. the middle child of esther and mayer jacobs, brother to sarah and leshem jacobs. he’s a hot mess and a half shoved into someone who looks like they have their shit together, and his anxiety has anxiety. he isn’t the mom friend, but he is the friend who will come to bail you out of jail at 3AM.
he was named after david, who is an important religious figure in all abrahamic religions (sarah’s named after a spiritual woman also named sarah. les’ name isn’t found in the torah, but it means precious gem in hebrew).
when he first realized he was gay, he had the biggest religious crisis. by the time he met jack, he had already swung back and forth from devout religious to atheist TWICE. (he did eventually settle on believing that there was a god, and praying a little bit, but not to the point that he had been previously)
one time, a girl at synagogue told him that he looked nice when he wore blue. it didn’t really occur to him that she was probably trying to flirt with him, but he did learn to wear blue whenever he was trying to impress someone (hint. entire second act of livesies. one francis sullivan never looking away from him.)
he and kath pretend to be in a relationship sometimes. it’s kind of shocking at how well they make it work.
he skipped a grade in school, and so he’s directly behind sarah’s class when they’re both in school. she hates it and pretends she doesn’t know him in the most older sister-ly way possible (anyone else talks any crap about her brother, may the lord have mercy on their souls, because no one’s finding their body).
race gave him a very animated shovel talk when he and jack got together. spot turned right around and gave jack one, because “you’re the goddamn reason brooklyn and ‘hattan ain’t soakin’ each otha right now. ‘course imma make sure kelly don’t mess it up”
davey’s really good at impressions. like, ridiculously good. he can mimic ANYONE. when jack and race find this out, all hell breaks loose. (his pulitzer? spot on)
he gives race his old math work so he can study it.
he would either be a poli sci major (because he feels pressure to have a “real” career) or he would become a high school english teacher. no in betweens.
even if he’s not inherently religious, he still keeps kosher.
he hates planes. hates the altitude, hates the pressure, hates having to go through the security. sir is having NONE of it, thanks. he’ll drive.
sarah forced him to be the one to explain to les how babies were made. he has many regrets about that speech (it was the most medical, scientifically accurate thing ever), and they’re both still traumatized.
he doesn’t like getting drunk or high because he doesn’t like the feeling of not being in total control of himself.
(he is definitely a little bit of a control and clean freak, and I love him for it.)
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daveysjackie · 1 year
My Memory Is Your Canvas
A person is presumed dead seven years after their disappearance. It’s been eight years since Davey’s fiancé, Jack, vanished.
When Davey woke, he was alone.
Like he had been for the last 8 years.
He turned from his back to look at the empty space on the right hand side of the bed.
I have to sleep on the right, Dave! I’m a rightie and you’re a lefty, it only makes sense.
As always, the engagement ring on his finger was heavy with the weight of sadness and regret.
David Zachariah “Walking Mouth” Jacobs, will you marry me?
He looked at the painting, hung on the wall that was opposite the bed. Jack had painted it the entire month after proposing. Apple blossom trees (Davey’s favourite) under a bright sky. Two familiar silhouettes danced in the shade.
His second alarm went off, awakening him from the memories that clouded his mind.
He checked his phone, realising Katherine had texted him, enquiring as to whether their plan of going out for coffee was going ahead.
In all honesty, he wanted to cancel. It was coming up to Jack’s birthday and the depression tended to hit him hard.
But he’d already cancelled on his two best friends multiple times recently and they practically had to force him to agree to today.
So, once Davey confirmed they would see him there, he freshened up, throwing open the curtains and opening the window, a smile flickering on his lips as the warm air brushed across his face, reminding him of a happier time.
How’d you never learn to ride a bike? Les and Sarah both ride. C’mon, summer is a great time to learn. No. You’re not getting out of this, Jacobs. If you manage to keep your own balance for five seconds today, I will pay for all our ice-cream for the rest of the summer.
Davey only managed three seconds that day but Jack still insisted on buying all their ice cream. He proposed the last day of summer as they shared an ice cream cone in the park.
“I miss you, Jackie,” Davey whispered into the wind.
“Davey, you can’t cling to false hope.”
Davey glared at Spot who just glared back. Katherine sighed loudly, pulling their attention towards her.
“David, you led the investigation. It’s been eight years.”
When Davey didn’t say anything, Spot gently rested her hand over his.
“We all miss him. He was my brother. But you have to move on with your life.”
Scoffing, Davey couldn’t help but sarcastically quip, “That’s easy for you two to say.”
“You have Race and your siblings. You two are trying for kids. And Kath? Your father is retiring at the end of the year. Your brother is set to inherit the company and promote you to his right hand woman. And you’re going to ask Sarah to marry you at that big Christmas party. You both have lives to continue with other people. Jack was-” Davey sucked in a harsh breath. “He is my everything.”
Katherine and Spot stumbled over their words as Davey abruptly stood and left.
It was getting late when Davey arrived home.
Working in the Missing Persons department of the New York Police still stung a little. Especially since the only missing person he hadn’t found was his own fiancé.
Yes, it felt great to see family and loved ones reunited after terrifying experiences. But now, the scenes were tinged with bitterness.
No matter how he felt, it didn’t change the fact that David Jacobs was one of the best. So when he saw the front door of his apartment, he instantly noticed the new scratches around the lock.
He rested a hand on the gun he wore in his holster, slowly walking in, taking in the damage.
Thick mud had been tracked down the hall. Surprisingly, most of his possessions seemed untouched.
Still suspicious, he followed the mud, careful not to disturb the prints or touch anything else.
He was led to his own room and immediately noticed what had been taken.
The painting was gone.
A laugh escaped him.
Only two people knew that the painting had actual value alongside sentimental. And Davey sure as hell hadn’t told anyone. Which only meant one thing.
“Jack is alive.”
(Feel free to send me asks about this AU)
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wren-is-a-wreck · 3 months
I’m back! And I think I’m almost finished… well anyway as usual, here’s pt 5, and part 4 is here
Jack’s clothes were dry, luckily. He changed as quickly as he could, making himself look presentable, and hurried back to the bedroom. Davey was dressed as well, although decidedly less awake than Jack.
“You’s not a mornin person, is ya Dave?”
Davey fixed him with a pitiful glare.
“Definitely not.”
Jack rocked on his heels as he tied his red bandana around his neck, wondering what to do. He couldn’t go downstairs, Davey’s parents would be confused as to why their son’s friend was wandering around their house early in the morning. But his other option was to leave, go back to the lodging house to have breakfast with the other newsies. He’d have to wait to talk to Davey again until they met at the gates, and the Jacobs brothers were always a bit later, showing up after the traffic had cleared from Weisel’s booth.
Then a fist knocked solidly on the door. “Davey? Are you up? Les said you seemed tired this morning.”
“Yeah, Pa, I’m awake!” Davey’s eyes widened, looking at Jack. Both of the boys were frozen.
“Okay, son. See you soon.” Davey’s father walked down the hallway with loud footsteps. Jack's shoulders relaxed, but Davey was still on high alert.
Jack walked over, taking Davey’s sleeve in his fist. “Don’t worry Dave, I’ll get outta ya hair, and we’ll see each other later, yeah?” Davey looked at him and seemed to relax a little. Jack let him go, and turned to open the window to the fire escape.
“Jack, wait!” Davey hurried over as Jack was shoving one foot through the window. “Will you wait on my street for me? I won’t be long.”
“Don’t ya need breakfast or something?”
“Nah, I’ll be alright. See you soon, Jackie.”
Jack got himself the rest of the way out the window, then winked at Davey and hurried down the stairs. He had a plan.
Davey was rooted to the floor. Did Jack just wink at him? He wasn’t sure, he was too tired to try and comprehend it. He finished trying to make himself look as awake as possible, which included finding matching shoes. He had already been running a bit late, and if he was going to be fast enough to catch Jack he was going to skip breakfast. Davey didn’t have breakfast anyways, more often than not.
When he made it downstairs, he was surprised to see Romeo in the doorway.
“Ah hey, Davey! I promised your kiddo here I’d show him the railyards! If that’s okay with ya, of course!”
“Sure, I’m positive pa won’t mind. Go ahead, you two, I’ll see you at the gates.”
Les whooped and jumped with excitement, and yelled a quick thanks as he dragged Romeo out the door. That kids got no idea how much energy Les Jacobs has in him.
Once Romeo and Les had turned the corner at the end of the street, Davey raced outside with his news bag, scanning the alley for Jack. He was about to assume the boy had gone and left for the gates when a voice he would know anywhere startled him from behind.
“Ah, sorry Dave. I was tryin to hurry but the bakeries is busy at this hour of day.”
Davey turned around to see Jack, with a roll of cinnamon bread in each hand. Jack must’ve seen the confused look on Davey’s face, because then he added, “yknow ya can’t go sellin papes without breakfast Dave.”
“Wait… you didn’t buy those for me, did you? It’s not worth the money!”
“Nah, don’t worry. One of the guys who works in the back owed me one, so I called in a favor.”
The two started off toward the World, eating the bread as they talked about the dark clouds on the horizon, and dodging carriages that drove through the puddles on the side of the street. Davey kept sneaking glances at Jack as they walked, observing the quiet but confident way Jack strode. He knew these streets inside and out. Davey wished he knew New York half as well as him. It would certainly help Davey get into less sticky situations.
Just as he went to look at Jack’s bright eyes, Jack turned his head to look straight back into Davey’s.
“What is it Dave?”
“You’re doing the thing ya do when ya have somethin ya need to say. So say it. I’m always ready to listen to ya.”
It was unfair that Jack knew what he needed before Davey did.
I’ll get pt 6 out ASAP. Let me know how you’re enjoying it so far!! (Please I need reassurance that it’s at least an okay piece of newsies fanfic)
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
give me all the sad davey headcanons now
ohohooohoohoyou don’t know what you’ve just done
idk if these are modern or canon era at this point i just know i want to shake this man in a pringles can
somehow, he always feels out of place. even when he’s integrated into the friend group, he doesn’t Feel like it; the group is huge and has a lot of inside jokes and tbh he just doesn’t know where he fits. he’s close with jack, yes, and is friends with katherine, but aside from that its a guessing game of who likes him because he’s Himself or who likes him because jack Says to like him.
i've talked to @roideny about this quite a bit but this also falls into the Parentification of David Jacobs! basically, davey sees himself as an older brother rather than an individual- it's not by choice, and maybe he doesn't consciously realize it, but his default is Older Brother. he'll drop everything to take care of les, because that's always been his role. and sarah helps too, but sarah has a life and sarah has friends and school and everything else- david doesn't want her to lose that, so he just,, assumes the role of Backup Parent.
he tends to get really overwhelmed a lot. i like to think that he gets one of two ways when he’s overwhelmed: he’s either snappy and rude, or completely shuts down. he doesn’t like either option. he has a lot of coping skills but its a matter of if he can get them working in time
he never feels like he’s good enough. his family is so important to him, but there are a lot of expectations on his shoulders and he feels like if he doesn’t live up to them he’s going to ruin the family dynamic <3 he just wantsto make them proud and that manifests into him making his family his entire life and rarely ever having Fun until he actually makes friends with the newsies
that being saud, he doesn’t really… feel like a person? like i don’t know if he knows who he is. he knows that he’s stubborn and headstrong, and he knows his values and what he’ll fight for— as @wineandhargreeves said, davey feels like he is little more than his words. if he doesn't speak out, then he's nothing.
he knows he's good at helping, he knows he's good at advocating for his friends, but he doesn’t know his favorite color- people just say he looks good in blue and he sticks with it. he only listents to music that his friends recommend and he doesn’t ever try to find anything else. he doesn’t know what a personal fashion sense is, he doesn’t know what he wants to study, and he pushes every crazy, wild dream away because he has to stay in reality (at least until he gets closer to jack. jack helps him find this individualistic side)
and to touch on those crazy, wild dreams: he just wants to Live. i feel like jack's dream is to get out and explore, but davey is fine staying in one spot, as long as he's the one making the terms. he wants to make a home where he feels like he can be himself, not just David, not just Davey- his sense of self is so disjointed because there is a constant push and pull between who his family wants him to be, who the newsies think he is, and who he is on his own. davey's dream is to have a space where he can just Exist instead of living a double life (not that it's really a double life, but there's an obvious difference between Newsie Davey and Eldest Son David).
time to switch gears a little bit!
i rlly feel like davey’s autism would be really hard to navigate for him. he was diagnosed when he was young, yes, but he’s always felt like he has to make up for that (even when his family tells him he doesn’t have to). this man masks so hard that when he gets really overwhelmed and has a meltdown, they’re bad. they last a long time and he really doesn’t know how to stop them; they just kind of happen and he has to ride it out.
another note on masking: he's always masking. he masks at home, and he masks with the newsies too- but the mask is different. i feel like after davey's initial reluctance to join the newsies, he really considers them friends, but in his mind that means that he has to immediately morph into what he Thinks they want to be around? he basically creates this persona to fall into, because thats what he thinks he has to do. spit shakes, gambling during late night poker games, running from the cops- and it's fun, don't get him wrong, but it's not davey.
tl;dr: most of my Davey angst comes from his lack of a sense of self, and i believe he really, really has to work on knowing exactly who he is, not just what he cares about in a social/political/familial standpoint. davey cares deeply about issues affecting those he loves, but he only knows himself on a surface level; all he wants is to be a normal teenage boy who doesn't have to worry about how the world perceives him. and i think that is so lovely for him.
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
For you asking for writing prompts I’m a sucker for any Delancey redemption shit
Thanks! This was a fun one to work on, and there will be a part 2, it was starting to get a little long haha
the Delancey’s are awful and very fun to write, it’s interesting to try and work out how to write in terms of some kind of redemption while also keeping them in character- hopefully I achieved it - enjoy :)
In contrast to what most of the Newsies seemed to believe, Oscar didn’t spend most of his time skulking around in back alleys by the distribution centre.
He just happened to be taking a short cut through one back to the house to grab a pack of smokes when he came across the small body slumped against the wall.
It was the pool of blood around the person’s head, running through the cracks in the stone, and the small stature of the figure face down on the dirt street that made him stop.
Oscar approached the body slowly, and with the tip of his boot nudged the head to the side, just enough enough so he could see the face.
“Hey Morris, c’mere a sec.”
“Jesus, first Weasel now you, can’t a guy just walk for one goddamn secon-“ he stopped short, a few feet behind Oscar, and a second later took a cautious step forward, tucking the rusted nail he’d found and had been using to dig dirt out from under his nails back in his pocket. “Ain’t that Jacob’s kid brother.”
“Yeah, I thought so.”
“Hard to tell when he’s not running his mouth.” Morris glanced to the kid, then met Oscar’s gaze again. He rolled his shoulder. “Do we give a shit?”
Oscar looked down again, and for a split second the kid’s body became someone more familiar, the dirty street their old kitchen floor, the pool of blood the one spilling between the tile cracks as it dripped from Morris’s nose.
Oscar frowned, elbowing his brother maybe a little sharply. “You want to go to prison for child murder?”
“What? No. But this weren’t us. And he ain’t dead.”
“You think any of them are gonna believe it weren’t us?”
Morris didn’t answer for second, refusing to look at him, frustration set in the harsh line of his clenched jaw. Another image of Morris, maybe age seven or eight sprawled on the ground, flashed behind Oscar’s eyelids when he blinked.
It took a second shove to the shoulder before Morris relented.
“Fine.” He said, shooting him a glare, and he nudged the kid, Les, (he was pretty sure) with his boot, waiting for some kind of reaction; satisfied when his eyelids twitched a little.
He paused for a moment and the silence was familiar to Oscar, that kind of quiet Morris went when he trying to work out if something was worth saying. Oscar didn’t interrupt, letting it settle over them till Morris got so uncomfortable he had to say whatever he was thinking. (Oscar knew this game. Had played it for years.)
“You think it was his da?”
Oscar shrugged. “Doubt it.”
Morris went quiet again. That particular quiet. Oscar watched as he stared at the kid for a few seconds and then glanced up at him before quickly averting his gaze again, tongue pushing at the inside of his cheek. “You reckon’ it was Davey?”
Oscar just raised an eyebrow.
Morris tilted his head to the side in something like a nod. “Right, course’ it wasn’t.”
“We should bring him back to ours.”
“Yeah m’sure Weasel ‘ill be thrilled.”
Oscar leaned down and grabbed the kids arm, he was light compared to the pallets of papers and easy to lift over his shoulder. He hoped that the kid wouldn’t drip blood onto his shirt but that was probably wishful thinking.
The kid’s hat lay soaking in his own blood on the street.
Oscar nodded toward it.
“You gonna help or what Morris.”
Morris’s jaw tensed again, but he grabbed the cap anyway, and shoved it in his pocket.
“If Weasel sees this it’s on your head.”
Oscar rolled his eyes, and readjusted the kid over his shoulder, “Ain’t it always.”
The flat was two minutes away, a beaten down ramshackle thing but it put a roof over their head and had two rooms which meant Weasel was in one while they got the other, and Weasel may have been a shit uncle to some degree but he mostly left them to their own devices when they weren’t in work, so they didn’t bother him either.
Les had been deposited on the bed in the corner, Oscar’s, given that Morris had adamantly refused to let the kid anywhere near his own.
“He ain’t bleeding over my stuff.”
“Like you ain’t got blood on a loada stuff. You get paid to kick the shit outta people.”
Morris threw his jacket at him. “Shut up. At least I’m paid for that.”
Maybe it was the way Oscar managed to dodge the jacket so it landed squarely on the kids chest instead that woke him up, or maybe their arguing. But regardless all at once a half-panicked, half-dazed, half-pained pair of eyes were blinking up at him.
Instead of dealing with it, he rounded on Morris. “You woke him up.”
Morris threw his hands up. “I thought you wanted ‘im awake!”
“Where am I?” Les’s voice sounded rough.
Oscar twisted his neck so harshly it cracked before he turned back around to face the kid. He looked bad, the blood from his nose had dried to a copper red colour, one that matched the dried blood on his split lips, and that really brought out the forming deep blues and blacks surrounding his left eye.
Then some spark passed through the kid’s eyes as he semi-pushed himself up onto his elbows, in fear or confusion Oscar wasn’t sure.
“The Delancey brothers.” The kid said, like he didn’t see them almost every goddamn morning.
For a second, the room was enveloped in an awkward silence, only broken by the sound of Morris’s footsteps across the creaking wooden floor, interrupted by the sound of his voice.
“Jesus fucking Christ. I’m going out for a smoke.”
He slammed the door behind him.
(Part 2 https://www.tumblr.com/i-didnt-do-1t/721242872730566656/continuation-of-the-delancey-writing-prompt-enjoy)
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jack-kellys · 4 months
I feel like this might be too close to your Only So Far au loll but let’s go!
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send me two aus and i’ll mix em into idea soup!
that’s fair… but i believe in diversity in heist stories so not all hackers are magical. just in only so far 😌 )also as always go read only so far it’s in progress but woah look at all this world lore i posted and an action packed first chapter)
kid of surprised hacker au was an option bc hacking isn’t an au its a skill that is within certain aus? hence only so far/heisting aus. but let’s blow it up into one. 
“tech” au where firewalls are much more dangerous than simply blocking out digital threats and a mainframe is a whole fortress. kind of- think of it like D&D-ing the digital world? 
futuristic fantasy world (me & my futuristic fantasy worlds..) where humans reign supreme and more fantastical species are in lower classes etc. jack, a humanoid draconian (mixed species are DEFINITELY frowned upon even in nonhuman circles), and his group of friends go on these quests to hack into certain humans’ homes to try and gather intel on how to dismantle the caste system. lots of these homes, especially if they’re government workers, have mainframes installed into them that act as like… dungeons. so if you try and break into the firewall you get sucked into the mainframe/dungeon. 
jack & the gang are prepared for these, as these mainframes have become the norm to keep out hackers. since this is a d&d adjacent au they have cool weapons to fight off weird digital enemies within the dungeon, while one of the group tries to hack through the dungeon to shut it down before it overwhelms them and get the data they need. 
the hacker of the group is a human david jacobs! his little brother les is half ice elf, and during an early on hack into the jacobs’s home, jack & his crew discovered this secret. david pledged to help their cause if les’s heritage remained a secret, and davey’s been on the team ever since. since he’s human, he has access to technical classes and overall human society, so he’s real good at what he does. he’s also a good fighter but that took a fair amount of practice with jack. and ofc davey believes in The Fight now that he’s in it, and ofc he’s now even more willing to take risks than jack bc this is newsies and that’s how davey is.
alsoo the things that happen to you in these digital dungeons do affect people irl- like i think crutchie got entangled with a virus bad enough to paralyze his leg, lucky it didn’t kill him kind of thing. 
i also think it’d be innnteresting if the whole pulitzer family was mixed, actually, and abused their privilige of looking human while having fairy abilities (instead of using that for The Fight like davey and les) to move wayyy up in society. and katherine just thinks she’s human. dramaa
i think that’s all i got without actually researching d&d classes !!
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roseofsherwood · 1 year
“The Jacobs & The Coronas”
CW: Minors smoking and gambling
Racetrack Higgins sat on the steps of the newsboys boarding house fiddling with his hand of cards. He glanced up at the new newsie he had roped into playing with him. This kid was probably 12 and had a look of concentration plastered on his face as he stared at his cards. But Race knew no matter how hard this kid tried, Race was about to win a cent at the end of this game. Racetrack took off his cap, fanning himself a bit. Even though the sun was disappearing behind the giant buildings, the night brought no relief from the unending heat and the smells that lingered in that heavy New York air. At this particular moment he could pick out the smells of fish, sweat, rotting food, refuse, and…smoke.
A smoke. That’s what he wish he had right now.
He’d been out of anything he could smoke for 2 days, and about the only thing that was keeping him in a good mood at the moment was watching this kid about to lay down a card (specifically a stupid choice of a card), which would secure his victory. But just before the kid had laid that card onto the stone steps, Race heard a voice shout his name from behind him.
At this startling sound, the little newsie up and bolted into the boarding house, his hand of cards fluttering through the air before landing back on the ground. Race sighed and rolled his eyes before he began to gather the cards that were now tossed across the steps.
“Well hello to you too, Davey.” He said, not even looking up.
“Racetrack! I cannot believe you gave my little brother a cigar!”
Race laughed, pausing his card pickup just long enough to look up and see the panic in David’s face. “Do what now?”
“This isn’t funny, Race! My folks are gonna kill me if they find out!”
“I didn’t give Les nothin’!” Race shoved all the cards in his pocket, before throwing up his hands in surrender, “Honest!”
“Oh yeah? Well I just found him smoking…this!” David pulled a half smoked Corona out of the pocket of his well pressed shirt.
Race jumped to his feet, snatching the cigar from Davey’s hand. “That crafty little thief!” He remarked, not yet sure if he was more angry or proud of the kid.
“Excuse me?” David snapped.
“Oh, calm down, Dave. He’ll be fine! I was smokin’ long before I was the kid’s age.”
“Well, that’s great,” mumbled David as he shoved his hands into his pockets. Race turned his attention fully to his cigar now, fumbling through every pocket on his body, in search of a match. After a minute of frenzied searching, David sighed loudly and pulled three matches out of his shirt pocket, extending them to Race.
Race’s eyes lit up and he grabbed the matches before David’s arm was fully outstretched. With the cigar in his mouth, he used one hand to steady himself on the railing of the steps, and the other hand to strike a match on the bottom of his worn leather boots.
And that was that. It was lit. He finally had his Corona. He took a few moments, savoring his cigar before looking up at David grinning. David sighed, apparently giving up on his normal speech about how Race shouldn’t be smoking and instead simply shook his head.
Race’s grin turned mischievous and he held out the cigar to his friend.
Davey looked at Race indignantly…then down at the cigar…then back to Race. Finally David crossed his arms and simply replied, “That’s disgusting.”
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fluffydavey · 1 year
oooh for the reassurance stories what about “ i would pretty much trust you with my life. “ or “ i'm not going anywhere. “
reassurance starters || prompts or what about both though 👀
Jack's stretching his tired limbs as he stands in line, listening to Albert sweet talk Wiesel into getting out of paying yet again, when Davey and Les come rushing behind them, late as usual. Gone are the days that Davey tries to explain themselves, instead he just hopes he’s not too late to get shouted at by Wiesel. Still, Jack stays behind to wait for the boys, ignoring the looks Crutchie sends his way as he goes about to start his own selling route with Finch.
This morning Jack hears them before he sees them, and his attention is instantly drawn to the two Jacobs brothers. Normally they’re in good spirits, rushing while chatting away with each other. This time though, something is off between the two. Jack’s had his share of arguing with his own brothers to know that Davey and Les are in the middle of an argument. Which is new. No matter how often Davey plays the big brother card, Les tends to listen, even if he tries to make the ever-patient Davey annoyed by his actions while doing what he's told. This morning is different though.
"Les, you knew this day would come," he hears Davey murmur, in a hurried breath. When he sneaks a quick glance at the two, Les has his arms folded across his chest, sulking. Davey's eyes are fixed on his little brother, his eyebrows furrowed as he speaks.
“You’re just saying that because you’re happy about it!” Les calls out, which suddenly gets the attention of more of the newsies. Still, they know better than to get involved in other people’s business - Crutchie is concentrating extremely hard on counting his papers, while Race is slowly looking for his matches to light his cigar. Both, Jack notices, stay closer to the Jacobs boys than they actually need to be. Jack decides to take the same approach - he doesn't want to get involved in their argument, but they are selling partners of course, so he needs to knows how to prepare himself for dealing with a stroppy ten-year-old.
There’s a tug on his shirt, and when he turns around, Les is frowning up at him. “Les, no," Davey says, using his big brother tone that's used when he thinks Jack can't hear them. He reaches out for his little brother, but like clockwork, Les is too quick for Davey to stop.
"Dad's going back to work!” Les tells him, and Jack turns to Dave for confirmation. Davey sheepishly just nods, and Jack stares at the two, realising they’re waiting for a reaction from him.
“That’s great! Tell your father I’m real happy for him!” he says, thinking he’s walking on fairly steady ground. He would have thought the boys would be thrilled at the news, since their father has made a faster improvement than expected.
“We’re going back to school Jack!” Les continues, clearly not getting the reaction he expected. That’s when it hits him, and all he can think is, fuck.
“Les, you knew this wouldn’t be permanent,” Davey says quietly, and Jack realises that everyone is paying attention now. Crutchie and Race are staring at them, not even bothering to pretend like they’re not eavesdropping. Elmer stops himself just as he’s about to drop money in Wiesel’s metal case, while Henry and Mike are whispering to each other, eyeing Davey up.
Jack’s trying to take this information in - they’ve been selling together all throughout the summer. He’s gotten used to their routine, waiting for the brothers to join them in the morning. Sometimes, Davey would sneak him some extra breakfast his parents had made, which was always a bonus. They’d make their way through the busy Manhattan streets, hawking headlines and taking a break when the sun became too much.
One day in particular, that Jack likes to remember maybe a little too much, they had decided to sit down in Central Park, watching as Les quickly made friends with children his age. He had convinced Davey to lie down on the grass with him, and the two were watching the clouds, laying slightly too close together for it to be casual.
“Do you think they’re the same clouds everywhere else?” he had asked, in between trying to convince Davey that one cloud looked a lot like a cowboy boot. It was mainly to hear Davey laugh, and to his delight, the plan had worked.
"Why, you thinking about the clouds in Santa Fe, cowboy?" Davey had asked, turning his attention to Jack. He remembers how it felt when he had turned to face Davey too, how he had forgotten to breathe by how close they were - struck by Davey's hazel eyes staring back at him, and how beautiful the other boy had looked.
"Nah, I got everything I need right here," he had answered truthfully, forcing himself to look away before he did something very, very stupid in public.
He thinks of that moment, and how they'll never have one like that again. Because Davey's going back to school, and he'll forget Jack ever existed. How could he compare to the people Davey goes to school with? Davey's never actually spoken about his classmates, but he imagines a group of intelligent, well-spoken and important boys just like Davey.
Jack's never going to get to share moments like those in the park with him again.
"Jack!" Davey says, sounding annoyed this time, and Jack realises he's been in his own world for some time now. "I said, I got your papes. Come on."
They go on their usual route, but no one is talking. Davey tries, but he soon gives up, focusing on the task at hand instead. Les is angry, and Jack is - well, he doesn't know how to actually describe how he feels. It isn't until Les finds a group of well-off people standing by a market, that Davey elbows Jack. "Come on, tell me what's going on in that mind of yours."
He thinks he could lie, he could say that there are other things on his mind. He could pretend he's sick, or he's worried about one of the other boys. But when he looks at the concerned look on Davey's face, he feels the walls he wants to build start to shatter before he can even do anything about it. "You're leaving."
"We'll still be out selling with you at the weekends," Davey says, which actually does help a little, but still, it's still not the same. "Maybe the evenings too. Just in case, you know?"
So he'll still get Davey every day. For now. "That doesn't mean things won't change." God, he sounds so stupid. He wishes he could shut up, pretend that nothing's bothered him. "But I did mean it, I'm glad your dad's better."
"Jackie, I'm not going anywhere," Davey smiles, and Jack watches him suspiciously. He doesn't know that for sure - anything can happen once Davey goes back to his normal life. But, he doesn't owe Jack that promise. Davey takes a look at Les, who has an even larger group of people eating out of the palm of his hand. "Come here, one minute."
He lets Davey blindly lead him down an alleyway, one close by so Davey can still peek his head around to check on his brother. "I didn't want to make this a huge thing, because it isn't, trust me. I'm not exactly thrilled about the idea, truth be told."
"But I thought you missed school," he says, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
"I'll miss being with you even more," Davey says, without missing a beat. Jack feels dizzy at the confession, and can't help but smile at Davey's words. He's not used to people saying things like that to him, especially someone like Davey.
"Can I do something stupid?" he asks, without thinking. He nearly takes it back and tries to think of something else, but Davey's already nodding at him.
"I would pretty much trust you with my life," he says, smiling softly at Jack. "Nothing you do is stupid to me."
The floodgates are well and truly opened at this point, and Jack just thinks, fuck it. He's wasted too much time already, especially when Davey's going to be leaving him (not permanently, he has to remind himself).
His hands reach Davey's face, one warm palm cups his cheek while the other drapes over the back of his neck, pulling him down as Jack stands on his tiptoes to meet him halfway. Jack brushes their noses together before their lips meet for the first time. It’s soft, full of gentle wanting and contentment, and Jack sinks into the kiss, wanting to hide in it forever.
When they pull apart, Jack can't stop the smile on his lips. He hears the sound of Davey's laughter, and he thinks they'll be okay. School or not, they've still got each other's backs. "If going back to school was what it took to make you kiss me, I should have gone back a long time ago."
"You can't say that to me just before I have to share you with people I don't even know," he pouts, as Davey wraps his arms around Jack's neck, pulling him impossibly close.
"Don't you worry Jack," he says, leaning to press a kiss on Jack's forehead. "I'm all yours."
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lmelodymusicl · 1 year
Melody’s Movie Reviews #1: Newsies (1992)
Hey guys. Welcome to the very first post of Melody’s Movie Reviews.
Today, I’m going to be reviewing Newsies (1992). Yes, the original movie version with Christian Bale. I watched for the first time at the beginning of the year and I enjoyed it. And then, I watched it again just four months ago
Here were my exact thoughts while watching Newsies (1992):
Hearing Max Casella’s voice at the opening really made me excited. 
I felt so bad for all these little boys sleeping on top of the statue without any shoes on their feet.  It was pretty heartbreaking.
Boots is literally me when I don’t want to get up. All the boys are basically a mood for anyone who isn’t a morning person.
Me and my mom were watching this, and she was disgusted at the fact that Snitch had his feet on Itey’s face, and they were both dirty. 
Christian Bale is adorable in this scene. 
And of course, Snipeshooter takes Racetrack’s cigars for no reason. Ugh! Snipeshooter always gets on my nerves. No wonder he’s my least favorite!
Carrying The Banner starts playing and I’m loving every second of it. The choreography and the chemistry with the boys. It’s so obvious that all the boys vibed together in real life off-set, and that’s one of the thing I love about this movie. 
Oh, geez, it’s those Delancey brothers. And they go picking on Snipeshooter for no reason. Snipeshooter isn’t my favorite, but he still doesn’t deserve it. 
Racetrack really said “only I'm allowed to pick on Snipeshooter.”
Jack’s play-fight with the Delanceys is very entertaining to see. A
In this scene, we’re introduced to Davey and Les. I can already tell that I’m going to like this. 
I love how these boys mock Wiesel by calling him Weasel.I would do the same thing.
Les is sooo cute when he sits next to Jack! And their interactions are really sweet!
I like how David doesn’t want anything to do with Jack at first, but Les instantly connects with him. Also, the part where Jack squishes his face is so cute!
Instantly as the newsies sell their papers, Pulitzer comes on the scene.
Even Seitz has more common sense in his little finger than Pulitzer and his cronies combined. 
Oh, No! Here comes big jerk Snyder the Spider. My mom didn’t know why he was chasing Jack, so I had to explain it to her halfway.
Ann-Margaret is amazing as Medda. And I loved her interaction with Les. It’s so adorable! 
Here’s where we meet the Jacobs family. I love how everyone takes a liking to Jack. And I especially love how he takes a liking to Sarah from the very beginning. Les singing “Lovey-Dovey Baby” in his sleep is so funny!
This is where Jack and Davey become friends. And this is where Santa Fe starts playing. And let me tell you how excited I was when that song played. 92sies has the best version of Santa Fe. Christian Bale didn’t have to go so hard, but he did! 
I will never forgive Kenny Ortega for cutting out the lasso scene, especially since Christian worked so hard on it.
This is where The World Will Know starts playing. It’s a great song, and 92sies’ version is the best one! Everyone did such an amazing job! 
This where we meet Bryan Denton, and he has such chemistry with David. Also, David is so adorable in this scene when he’s blushing! I knew that Jack and Les would be kicked out the doors, but Jack is a badass as always in this scene. So is Les!
This is where we meet Spot Conlon for the first time. To be honest, I thought I was going to hate him, but then I instantly started to like him! 
Les repeating “real hoity toity” is so freaking adorable. Matter of fact, everything he does in this movie is so adorable!
Seize the Day is just starting and I’m already pumped. David Moscow really went hard for this number! And he didn’t have any dance training at all!
The little newsies during Seize the Day are so cute!  Especially Boots, Les, and Flipper!
Jack making faces at Weasel against the window never fails to make me laugh! 
I was literally screaming when Crutchy got taken away to the Refuge.
I’ve only seen Ten-Pin for two seconds and I really don’t like him. The way he insulted ed Crutchy by calling him a g*mp is absolutely disgusting. Movie Jack didn’t take well to that! Musical Jack just called Crutchy a cr*p without any qualms!
Aaaannnnd here’s Big Jerk Snyder!
The boys singing during Seize The Day (Chorale) sound like a choir of angels, and I’m loving it. The choreography is absolutely amazing and it reminds me of Michael Jackson.
It’s so adorable how the little newsies made drums for this number. 
Annnd here’s Spot Conlon and Brooklyn! I was clapping when they arrived! I was cheering when they won and Denton took the picture!
This is when King of New York starts playing! The tap dancing is amazing, but I bet the costumers were thinking “Those kids are ruining the tables.”
I always skip this scene of the confrontation between Snyder and Crutchy because I can sence that something even worse is gonna happen. 
Sarah and Jack didn’t even have that many scenes together, but they had more chemistry than musical Jack and Katherine did.
I really like Seitz. He knows that what Pulitzer is doing is wrong!
Ooh, the Rally scene (aka, the scene where everything gets real). And I was singing along during High Times, Hard Times. Also, seeing Medda with all the newsies was so entertaining to see! They’re just vibing! 
Aaaand here comes Big Jerk Snyder, again. I can tell that things are gonna go wrong, again!
Seeing Racetrack being brutally attack made me so mad that I shouted out “NO! Leave Racetrack alone.” This scene pissed me off the first time I saw it!
 Pulitzer and Snyder just piss me off already.
I can tell that Jack has been broken down during the Santa Fe reprise.
The scene where Jack scabs breaks my heart. Everyone is pissed off at Jack and Mush is more sad and heartbroken!
I really hate Weisel! 
Jack kicking the Delanceys’ butts for messing with his girlfriend and his best friends made me root for him, even after he scabbed.
This version of Once and For All is a lot better and catchier, especially since there was no unnecessary electric guitar.  The way every working kid in New York came together, whether it be a chimney sweep, or a sweatshop kid, makes me very happy! It shows that child labor hurt everyone, not just the newsies.
That part where Jack nearly leaves for Santa Fe really got me! 
And now Jack made Les cry!
Seeing Les cry was really heartbreaking! I would’ve hugged him and cupped his chubby cheeks!
Everyone’s just standing there waiting to get their papers and then suddenly, Jack comes back! And then he makes out with Sarah!
I love how Spot rode back to Brooklyn in a carriage!
Yeah, I love the movie version better than Broadwaysies and Livesies!
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lovingmusicalmen · 2 years
I had an idea for a Davey x reader (could interpret as either livesies or UKsies Davey) with the prompt "Wh- so you did remember my birthday!" || "Of course I did. How could I ever forget?"
maybe where they are a classmate of his (could already be in a relationship or platonic whatever you want to do) from before he had to drop out of school to be a newsie, and they surprise him at the lodging house for his birthday and Davey introduces them to the boys?
I love your writing so much keep up the amazing work🤩
omg I need more davey fics in my life I can't lie - I loveeee him
Fluff 21: "Wh- so you did remember my birthday!" || "Of course I did. How could I ever forget?"
Blurb requests still open!
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Y/N had to admit, it was more than a little terrifying to walk into the lodging house known for homing the newsboys of Manhatten to be immediately scrutinised by the eyes of multiple teenage boys.
Y/N shifted awkwardly from foot-to-foot, holding the wrapped package in front of her. She caught the eye of a couple of newspaper girls standing at the back of the room, chatting.
"Hey - you looking for someone?" Asked a girl, walking over with a smile, her boots causing her footsteps to sound loud even in the crowded room.
"Uh - David? David Jacobs? He said I'd be able to find him here?" Y/N said awkwardly.
"Oh my god! You're Davey's girl!" Another, shorter, girl exclaimed, bounding over excitedly.
"Davey's girl? She's here?" A boy sitting nearby asked. His blond hair was covered with a newsboy hat, a cigar hanging from his lips and he was holding a hand of cards playing poker with a couple of the other guys, all of whom perked up at his loud voice.
"No chance that's Davey's girl!" A boy with bright red hair denied, shaking his head with a scoff.
"Hey - Romeo, didn't you try and sell her a pape yesterday?" Another one of the boys playing poker questioned, nudging a smaller boy, who was laying on the ground, looking as though he was caught up in some kind of daydream.
"Is there a girl in New York who hasn't been rejected by Romeo?" Drily questioned a boy in glasses, earning laughter from the congregated boys.
"I take it this is the right place?" Y/N asked a little awkwardly.
"Yeah - he, Les and Jack just went upstairs to split their earnings," a blond boy said, shooting her a sweet smile. "Jojo will go let them know you're here - but you're welcome to join us in the meantime."
"Oh, I'll go get them, will I?" The boy next to him questioned, rolling his eyes.
The first boy shot Y/N another charming smile, before picking up a crutch from beside him that Y/N hadn't noticed before, and using it to strike Jojo across the knees.
The newsie let out a yelp of pain and jumped to his feet, glaring at his friend, who just gave an innocent shrug of his shoulders.
"The hell's going on here?"
Relief washed over her at the familiar voice coming from the top of their stairs.
"Hey, Dave," she said with a smile.
Her boyfriend pushed past his brother and friend who stood on their steps, rushing over to wrap her in a hug.
"What're you doing here?" David asked.
"Well - happy birthday," she said, pulling out of the embrace to hand over his gift. "And I also wanted to meet your friends," she added in a quieter, more embarrassed tone.
"How's that worked out for you?" David teased, sharing a knowing grin with her. He ducked down to press a kiss to her lips, raising a cheerful 'whoop' from the boys surrounding them. When they pulled away, Y/N buried her face into Davids chest. "But you - so you did remember my birthday?"
"Of course I did. How could I ever forget just because you weren't in school," Y/N said with a laugh.
Davey ducked down to kiss her again, earning yet more jeers.
"I love you," he whispered. "And that's why I'm going to say that we should go get dinner somewhere away from my friends."
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it seems my blog is getting a tiny bit difficult to navigate. so i have finally decided to do an intro masterpost thing because honestly it's just getting a bit confusing. even for me and i run the damn thing
this is mainly a newsies blog with the occasional smattering of les miserables because i just can't help myself, and a lot of yelling about various newsies-related and non-newsies-related things
i talk about bill and darcy. and jomike. a LOT. so if you're like me and you just live your life constantly craving content of those four little newspaper men, then you've come to the right place, my friend.
the tags you'll see most often:
#save <- things i may want to come back to later
#brb putting myself in the microwave <- going feral
#darxh <- my darcy tag, the origin of which is here
#newsies <- any vaguely intellectual newsies thing
#this made me smile <- does what it says on the tin
fanfiction below the cut (my ao3 is thegroundsofbrooklyn):
if they could, they would take each other's arm
Racetrack suspects something is going on between Bill and Darcy.
or: the conversation that probably happens while jack, katherine, and davey are busy being main characters in once and for all.
your best friend, darcy
On December the 8th 1941, the ticking time bomb that was the USA finally went off. Bill found out from Darcy, who just silently pushed the paper into his chest that morning, eyes dull and fists clenched. "I don't understand why we can't all just get along," he had once said to Bill. Darcy was peaceful, and kind, and had unwavering faith in the nature of people, and Bill hoped to God that he would never have to even hold a gun, let alone shoot another man.
But fate was cruel, if nothing else.
a violet the sky hides away
Darcy appears at Bill's window one day, and just keeps coming back.
Or: AU where Darcy is a newsie, and Bill never gets involved in the strike.
as long as this ship has a sail
Darcy, Bill, and Katherine have been a trio ever since they could speak.
3 times the world brought them together, and 1 time they had to do it themselves.
silent movies
When Darcy dies, he doesn't expect to wake up again at all, let alone wake up to find a ghost in his house.
midnight rain
At the age of 23 years and 3 months, Davey Jacobs was taken off life support.
All Jack remembers from the moment Davey died is the bleak shade of grey the world assumed when that awful beeping faltered, and stopped.
nothing lasts forever
Mike had always been the least important newsie. He knew it, and everyone knew it. He just really, really wished they would notice him for once. And, more than that, he wished that he could have JoJo back by his side again.
sing willow, willow, willow
The weight of Mike's anger had been lifted since he had spoken to JoJo in Jack's penthouse. But now, seeing the one person he was supposed to trust above all else give up on him brought that anger back in full force.
hold on tight
Mike knew the Delancey brothers would follow through on the consequences they had promised if he didn't stick with the deal, but he had stupidly assumed those consequences were for him, and him only.
He never thought that they would go after JoJo.
the darkness fades
Mike knew he should have stood up for Finch. He shouldn't have overlooked that deep-seated unease that Finch was right when he had warned them all, right at the beginning of the strike, that the police would come for them, and it wouldn't be pretty.
or: jojo and mike get taken to the refuge too
prophecy and cartography
Years passed. It was always the same. Mike would wander the planet, watching and helping where he could, and every thirty, fourty, fifty, hundred years, somehow, JoJo would find him again.
And every time, JoJo would die in his arms, and Mike would die soon after.
And every time, Mike woke up on the steps to the Temple of Flora.
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