#dawn crow
lucius-official · 5 months
Are you sick and tired of being a pawn in Dire Crowley's twisted game?? Of being used to boost his own ego? Of always fighting his battles while he cozies up in the safety of his office neglecting to pay his child support??
Then join the rebellion. Rise up against the birdman. And take back your freedom.
We will storm Dire Crowley's office on the morrow and remove Crowley from his position of power by force.
(Bring your own pitchforks/broomsticks/nukes-and prepare to lay down your lives for the cause)
It's time for the Crow to fall 🐦‍⬛❌️✊️
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aghostsdestiny · 3 months
It may not matter that you have company when facing the future, but it certainly helps 💙💚
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ducktracy · 8 months
"'underrated' is overrated," i protest, and still use it as a term to shill cartoons regardless! but it remains true that Each Dawn I Crow is, like many Freleng cartoons, an unappreciated and novel gem about a nervy rooster who is certain of his uncertain doom. Frank Graham nails it as the sly, nefarious yet mockingly amiable narrator and proves a perfect match for Stalling's unique organ score a la radio drama. darkness and irony of the story certainly doesn't detract from the brilliance of its gags--there's a persistent wryness throughout the cartoon very unique to Freleng's tone.
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marmosetpaw · 10 months
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kigisu · 10 months
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jaycielantern · 5 months
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Coronet Highlands
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the-lonely-crow · 9 months
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No thoughts just art nouveau hades
[Image ID: digital drawing of Ashes O’Riley from the Mechanisms drawn in an art nouveau inspired style. Ashes dressed in a black waistcoat and marching trousers with a white shirt, red tie, black sleeve garters and a fedora with a red band as well as red and white wing tip dress shoes. They are lounging on an asymmetric arm chair, leaning on their left arm with their right leg partially crossed over the left. They are tipping their fedora with their right hand and holding a cigar in their left. The background is blue with green decorative framing in the center. There is a yellow/orange circle in the center of the drawing framing Ashes and a larger circle around it broken in the middle by the framing down the center of the drawing. In the upper left and lower right corner there are stylized drawings of yellow narcissus flowers. In the lower center of the drawing there is a stylized pomegranate. Down the right side the drawing the name “Hades” is written in all caps in a swirling art nouveau style font. /End ID]
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majestativa · 4 months
Your flesh […] a sea that I called mine!
— Yvan Goll, 10,000 Dawns: Love Poems of Yvan & Claire Goll, transl by Thomas Rain Crowe & Nan Watkins, (2004)
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iudgxr · 3 months
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UPDATED! Tales of Series Pride Month PREORDERS! (June 5th-July 1st). More products could still release so look out for that!
My website is also now up for more payment options too if you do not have PayPal!
Google Docs
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crow-posting · 2 months
"I know [Osiris] feels guilt when he tells me that he stopped looking for me. But I am proud of him. He felt such sadness, and shame, for losing me. But he did not use those feelings to harm others."
Saint, I love you, but your boyfriend built a time machine that scared even the Drifter, and we're dealing with the reverberations of that up until now. Just because Osiris wasn't as obsessed as Maya for that particular venture* doesn't mean his feelings "didn't harm others," my guy.
*Osiris was just as obsessive as fellow Vex enthusiasts like Clovis and Maya and Asher, let's be real. Something about the Vex attracts obsessive personalities. 🤐
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neon-entity · 5 months
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messy phone doodle but. My selfship art is slowly escaping containment
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rootbeerl0ver · 4 months
Lazy edit but HIII :3 MY FIRST BLOG WOWZERS @w@
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aghostsdestiny · 9 months
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Yes, Glint has counted every single box. 🍪
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lulu2992 · 8 months
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sh4thesh33p · 8 months
“No?? I don’t have any weird comfort movies? What are you talking about???”
Some movie from 1994 about this dude coming back from the dead to get revenge on the people who killed him and his girlfriend…
Some claymation movie from 2000 about chickens trying to escape a farm… and the sequel..
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a-driftamongopenstars · 9 months
the dawning flavours; guardian x crow ficlet
wishing all of you a lovely Dawning ❄️ a small ember of warmth, with cookies, kisses and sweetness! this ficlet wraps up my fics for this year! also on ao3
Crow's fingers caress the edge of the cookie box. He brushes away a few stray crumbles and licks a streak of chocolate off his finger.
"Do you think they will like it?" he asks, turning to Glint who peers into the box filled to the brim with buttery chocolate cookies.
"I think they're going to love it. When did the Guardian say no to something sweet?"
Reassured, Crow smiles and wraps the box with a delicate ribbon.
He wants oh so desperately to return the favour. Every year the Guardian has brought him boxes of his favourite biscotti, always fresh and always delicious. But it is not the flavour that he cherishes, it is the mere fact of the gift-giving. Of the care and thought put into such an action. Especially when he was nothing but a face of an enemy-turned-friend.
Now? It was different. Now?
Crow smiles, knowing that he is so much more.
He makes a quick way to the H.E.L.M. where the Guardian sits in one of the nooks, submitting a report with the most bored face Crow has ever seen on them. Their Ghost sits beside them on the table, commenting on this and that part of the report.
"Ahem," Crow clears his throat gently. The Guardian looks up, and instantly their face is glowing with a grin.
They ask Crow what is up, and he fumbles with words for a bare moment as the Guardian's eyes follow to the box in his hands.
Crow is quite sure the Guardian is blushing.
"I thought... well, it is the Dawning. Happy Dawning!"
He thrusts the box into their hands, and they accept it with a small smile. Their fingers pull at the ribbon, undoing the bow, then pull off the cover. Smells of chocolate and comfort fill the nook as the Guardian plucks a cookie from the box and sends it in their mouth.
When they produce a small happy sound, Crow exhales, realizing he has quite forgotten to breathe in this whole moment. And the very next moment he is being pulled into the Guardian's lap for a gentle, if prolonged, kiss.
"Happy Dawning," Crow murmurs against their lips, caressing their cheek bone.
The Guardian smiles, whispering wishes of a Happy Dawning back against his mouth.
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