#day 17 roadrunner
thesconesyard · 1 year
When the Cactus Blooms
17. Roadrunner
By the next morning the fire had passed. Smoke could still be seen, but it was to the northeast of the ranch. Chekov shifted in his chair at breakfast. Something was different at the table and he didn’t know what it was. He looked over and caught Sulu’s eye. Finally his friend looked back and Chekov gave him a questioning look.
It clicked a moment later as he followed Sulu’s eyes looking pointedly at Mr. Scott and then the doctor. They had been the ones to report the fire the previous evening. Chekov wondered briefly where they had been before they had come back to the house, then he decided he didn’t want to know. And besides, from the light dancing in the doctor’s eyes as he looked over at Mr. Scott, Chekov really didn’t want to know.
“We’ll need to ride out in a while,” Jim said from the head of the table. “Make sure there aren’t any small fires still burning.”
“And if there’s someone out there?” Dr. McCoy asked.
“Well, we need to find that out anyway,” Jim said.
The doctor frowned. “Seems like a job for Pike and his men.”
“It’ll be fine Bones,” Jim waved him off.
“The canyon is long with many twists and turns; it would make a decent hideout for those who don’t want to be found,” Mr. Spock said.
Next to him Chekov sensed Jaylah grow tense. Before he could say something comforting to her the doctor spoke again.
“It’s alright sweetheart,” Dr. McCoy said gently. “We’ll find who did it.”
“Thank you Doctor,” Jaylah said and threw a grim smile at him.
Chekov gripped his fork tightly as he took his next bite, trying to control his expression and not glare at the doctor.
“The tracks I found are probably gone now,” Sulu said thoughtfully.
“Maybe it will be easier to find now,” Miss Uhura said. “The fire will have burned away shrubs and trees. Less places to hide.”
“I will go with you,” Chekov said quickly, looking up the table at Jim.
Jim looked back at him with a concerned face.
“Ok,” he finally agreed. “Anyone else?”
Sulu and Mr. Spock both volunteered.
Jim looked at the doctor and Mr. Scott with an amused smile. “You two don’t mind getting the rest of the work done?”
“Nae lad, it’s fine,” Mr. Scott said and smiled down the table at Dr. McCoy.
Chekov caught a knowing smile on Miss Christine’s face.
“I can help,” Jaylah spoke up.
“I’m not sure if—”
“Please?” Jaylah asked, turning to look at the doctor’s protest. “I can work.”
Dr. McCoy looked at her for a long moment in silence.
“Let her,” Keenser finally said into the silence.
“Alright,” the doctor relented. “But try to stay out of the sun and if you feel tired, you rest.”
Jaylah nodded. “I promise.”
Chekov lifted his hat and wiped at his forehead. They were spread out trying to cover as much ground as possible. Sulu was off to Chekov’s left, distant, but still close enough to hear if one of them called out. Mr. Spock and Jim were to his right.
The fire had burned a wide swath, and the ground below his horse was blackened. All the bushes, the weeds, the few grasses and trees were the same. From a few spots smoke still rose, but each time Chekov got close there was no remaining flame.
It was a good few miles to the canyon, but they didn’t hurry. A strange lump in a tree caught Chekov’s attention, and he urged his horse towards it. From horseback, it was easy for him to look as he got close. He let out a soft noise when he did. It was the remains of a nest. Chekov looked around himself as if the parent birds would fly at him for peeking, but no birds sang anywhere nearby.
Four cracked and blackened eggs sat in the blackened nest. Chekov muttered a curse under his breath. A tragedy and a waste was a fire across the land like this.
Before too much longer they reached the canyon and Jim called them all together again.
“There are tracks here,” said Mr. Spock.
Jim’s hand patted the gun hanging at his hip, but he shook his head.
“No telling how many. We’ll have to tell Pike and come back. Four of us could be outnumbered.”
Chekov secretly agreed in his heart. He had no desire to fight anyone, but he would if pressed. And if it was the gang who had attacked Jaylah’s family, he would gladly take them on. They had to know if her family was safe.
They stuck closer together for the ride back, closer to where Chekov had ridden. He noticed a fluttering around the tree with the burnt nest. It took form as he got closer. A roadrunner.
“Oh,” he exclaimed to himself. “Poor thing.”
“That a roadrunner?” Sulu asked next to him, squinting forward.
“It’s nest burned,” Chekov said sadly. “Four eggs.”
The bird was scrambling around the base of the tree and crying out. If it noticed the four men and horses approaching it didn’t care.
“Wonder where it’s mate is,” Sulu said.
“It’s like Jaylah,” Chekov suddenly said. “It’s missing its family.”
Sulu looked at him and slowly nodded.
“Is it hurt?”
Chekov shrugged and stopped his horse. He hopped down and handed the reins to Sulu. Carefully he approached the tree and the roadrunner.
“Hey,” he said gently. “I’m sorry your family is gone.” He moved slowly closer. The bird cocked its head at him. Chekov held his palms out to the bird. He crouched as he stopped a couple feet from the tree.
“What’cha- oh,” Jim said as he and Mr. Spock caught up.
To Chekov’s surprise the roadrunner moved towards him and turned its head, examining his hands.
“We’ve lost family too,” he continued in his soft voice. “I’m sorry for what happened to yours.”
The bird regarded him for another moment, then jumped onto his arm.
“You’ve got a friend,” Sulu laughed.
Carefully Chekov brought his other hand over and touched the roadrunner. It ducked its head at his face, gave a shake, then jumped off and ran away as quick as it could. Two feathers were left behind drifting to the ground in front of Chekov. He picked them up carefully and stood. The bird was already a dot in the distance.
“That was something,” Jim said.
Chekov made an acknowledging noise as he tucked the two feathers into his pocket and smiled. He already knew what he wanted to do with the feathers.
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And The Roads Will Run Ever Onwards – Sarah Connor/Kate Riley
A/N: Day 17 of @yeehawgust . Some more Treminator. That's Terminator meets @thetremorssaga .
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Silence had fallen for a while when Kate settled beside Sarah on the bonnet of the car, pulled up off the land onto rocks, just in case. Here, they watch and they wait. People had been talking about a recently returned roadrunner and Kate had wanted to see if El Blanco ate it. Sarah had been sure it wouldn’t be… but now they wanted to see who was right. The roadrunner flies down the road at speed, feet landing and rising so fast it’s kicking up dust. Blanco roars after it but when she breaks through the dust of the road, the roadrunner is long gone. “Told you…” Sarah laughs, glancing at Kate with a smile.
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skidar · 1 year
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Yeehawgust Day 17: Roadrunner
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lost-technology · 1 year
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Feral Toma Yeehawgust Day 17 (late) - Roadrunner The closest thing you'll see to a roadrunner on Planet Gunsmoke / Noman's Land. [IMG ID: A toma from Trigun in the 1998 anime style, without a saddle, gear or head-casing. It looks roughly like a dinosaur crossed with a big chicken. Drawing made with pen and boiled down coffee on white paper / coffee-tone on paper. / END IMG ID.]
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g0nefischin · 1 year
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Yeehawgust 2023
Day 17 - Roadrunner
Undyne attacks!
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What kind of place has no trees? Just a bunch of dead brush and cacti.
Day 17 Yeehawgust: Roadrunner
In which Copia is in the stagecoach
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smallerdelusions · 1 year
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Day 17: Avian | Roadrunner
A new style for Smaugust/Yee-Hawgust that I'm not sure I like the look of. Also my art tablet died. It's been a week.
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mossfeathers · 11 months
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Day 17 - Card its his favorite card you guys (he goes meep meep like roadrunner bird)
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s1x-foot-deep · 1 year
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day 17. roadrunner
featuring maeve foley who has not yet been introduced .
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Random Writing Dialogue Prompts (Because this shit’s gettin old)
Yeah I know I haven’t done a masterlist and may or may not in the future, but guys, I really, really miss alot of writer/reader interaction and miss writing for other people. Please, don’t be afraid to send in requests, blurbs, thoughts, anything. Minors are strictly forbidden as is hate-anon. I’m all for constructive criticism, but if it’s hateful, that shit’s getting flushed down the Tumblr crapper faster than ya’ll can blink. Taking requests for Top Gun Maverick (literally any character), Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Catch 22 (Hulu), Salem’s Lot and Press Play. 
1. “This is one hell of a journey......and it’s only gonna get tougher from here” 
2. “It’s a full moon tonight.....you know what that means” 
3.  “I’m so tired.....” “I know.....but I’m here....just keep going” 
4. “Hey, don’t give me shit, I’ve got naked baby photos of you Mister!” 
5. “So did you two actually do it?? Or are you just yanking my chain?” 
6. “Who the fuck goes to New Mexico and doesn’t bring sunscreen??” 
8. “And you told me this was a stupid idea” 
9. “Alright sweetie, bite down on this piece of wood, the doctor’s gonna pop your shoulder back into place” 
10. “It’s a shitty night and all I wanna do is curl up in our bed and watch Stargate Atlantis” 
11. “What exactly is in this thing....?” “I dunno, but my gram said it’ll clear you out in a few hours”
12. “You’re teaching this shithead how to drive, not me” 
13. “This house is turning into a fucking moneypit, I think we need to call a contractor” 
14. “The picture is moving.....why is the picture moving??” 
15. “You know this happens every time I buy a block of cheese and you end up eating it all” 
16. “I need some help with dinner”
18. “We don’t need a kitchen, we can cook that right here on the beach” 
19. “I can’t believe THAT’S what you idiots have been doing in my basement all these years!!!” 
20. “You didn’t just eat those brownies in the back of the fridge, did you??” 
21. “I’m running on less than two hours of sleep and no coffee” 
22. “Just take a breath and tell me what you need” 
23. “Don’t worry sweet pea, it’s just the angels bowling” 
24. “You sure it’s supposed to go like that??” 
25. “You took care of me when I needed it most......now it’s my turn” 
26. “This song reminds me of you.....that’s why it’s important to me” 
27. “I want you to draw me like one of your French girls” (SMUT)
28. “I didn’t know you could draw so well”
29. “Wanna join me at the swim spot?” 
30. “Couldn’t run this place without you” 
31. “I think I’m getting sick again” 
32. “Promise me we’ll find a quiet spot somwhere out west where we can live out our days in peace and quiet together?”
33. “I don’t mind being here, it’s nice and quiet and it’s peaceful too” 
34. “You did so good.....I’m so proud of you” 
35. “C’mon, I don’t need a nurse, I need rest” 
36. “Pretty soon this book collection is gonna be out of control” 
37. “Check out what I got at the tag sale down the street!!!” 
39. “Think it’s time we trade in this old clunker, I’ve had to fix the engine at least twenty times this year” 
40. “Give me two seconds and I’ll make you a drink” 
41. “I just spent half the morning putting slug repellant in the garden, I want a shower” 
42. “I leave them alone in Home Depot for a half an hour and THIS is the evidence” 
43. “C’mon, you looked like Wile. E Coyote chasing Roadrunner” 
44. “Here, drink some water, you look like a starved plant” 
45. “You really think this is the best way to chop down a dead tree?”
46. “It’s the best hangover cure you’re ever gonna get” 
47. “It’s so hot but I want skin to skin with you” (SMUT)
48. “Keep itching like that and you’ll be red all over” 
49. “Your poor feet have got to be hurting, let me help you” 
50. “I fixed your favorite sweater so you wouldn’t have to” 
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memelibrarian10 · 1 year
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Somewhere around 7 years ago, Jack left behind everything he’d ever known.
It only took one accident to change his life forever.
Yeehawgust Day 17: Roadrunner
Maybe playing a bit fast and loose with the prompt here but running from your past counts right?
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aith-art · 1 year
Yeehawgust 2023 - Day 17
Word Count - 584
Heavy footfall echoed throughout the building. The small group all pushed themselves against the wall, out of site of the stranger stomping around. Leroy had lifted a bandana over his face. Boone pulled his rifle from his back, crouching by the door. Arcade gripped his pistol. ED-E had been given a silencing glare. Izzy gripped their pistol. Jules went to the window, judging the fall from this height.
Outside, a small contingent of men stood. Each sporting a rifle of some kind and pistols. Jules kept themself as out of sight as the men surveyed the ruins around them. She couldn’t deny their strategy, send one man in to clear a building and have the others outside in case anyone happened to be inside and happened to try and do a runner. And if the man never left the building then they had found their bounty.
The room fell silent as the footsteps got closer. Stopping at every door to inspect the room. They were doing a full sweep, very little chance of escape. As Jules made their way into the corner, adjacent from the door, they took one last glance out of the window and into the distance. In that brief glance they saw the shape of men who’d cleared the other building in the old town. The group was outnumbered. In a way Jules had never seen before. Jules knew that the group could take them, however they looked NCR, that would just bring more attention to the group than was necessary. They had to get out, preferably without being seen but definitely without shooting them. 
Jules made his way over to Boone, giving him a quick tap on the shoulder then waved their hand in a ‘Don’t do it’ gesture. He understood and backed off. 
“Do we have a plan?” Leroy whispered. 
“Kinda. If you count running as a plan.” 
“We run? Really?” 
The footsteps got closer. 
“You got a better idea?” 
“Yeah, we shoot our way out.” “No unless you want the bounty on your head to get higher, or for it to fully extend to your acquaintances.” 
Leroy rolled his eyes, sighed. Then nodded in agreement. “We take the window?” He questioned 
“No.” And with that Jules threw themself through the door. 
The men had expected a full frontal assault, or a leap from the window. They had not expected for the group to run out of the door and directly at them. None of the men had their weapons ready. They fumbled as 4 people and a robot barreled past them out into the desert. 
A moment later gunfire filled the air. The group shot back, hoping to scare some of the hunters off, while the hunters tried to hit 5 moving targets. Bullets whizzed past as they ran. Leroy and Izzy took the lead, with Arcade and Boone closely behind. Jules brought up the back. They all stumbled up to an old road then quickly crossed it.  An intense pain shot through Jules’ shoulder. They didn’t stop. 
The group ran. They ran until they couldn’t. The desert became a blur. They had no destination, just away.
As they began to stop, the world didn’t for Jules. They had survived worse than a bullet to the shoulder. But that hadn't stopped the bloodloss, heat, and loss of adrenaline from causing them to become closely acquainted with the floor. Jules saw the world fade out. Everyone else saw Jules suddenly fall, not long after they’d shaken the bounty hunters.
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Below the cut you'll find all of my other rp blogs with their @'s and a bit about each one so you can get an idea before you go to their blog.
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Full Name; Kailee Elizabeth Holtz Other Names; Kai, Elizabeth, Liz, Holtz, Agent Holtz/Phoenix, Phoenix Age; 26 Species; Mutant/Phoenix Sexuality; Pansexual Zodiac Sign; Sagittarius Face Claim; Megan Fox Universe; MCU About; She was orphaned at 10, bounced around from foster homes until she ran away to Sokovia at 15, volunteered for the Hydra experiments at 17 where she met Pietro, Wanda and Camelia. After being left for dead by Hydra and rescued by Shield she began working for them before becoming an Avenger. She's an extroverted introvert, hotheaded, pretty guarded, sarcastic, and can be quite the flirt.
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Full Name; Pietro Django Maximoff Other Names; Piet, Quicksilver, Speedy, Roadrunner, Sokovian Speedster Age; 30 Species; Mutant Sexuality; Bisexual Zodiac Sign; Aquarius Face Claim; Aaron Taylor-Johnson Universe; MCU About; Also orphaned at 10 the twins and their younger sister Camelia spent the next years of their lives in an orphanage until they turned 18, took custody of Cami and left. Not long after they volunteered for the Hydra experiments and the rest is history. Except in this story, Pietro doesn't die. Instead of shielding Clint and the boy, he rushes them to the boat while his sisters and Phoenix took care of Ultron. He's an extrovert through and through though he does like his alone time, very flirty, confident, sarcastic and protective of his girls and those he cares for.
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Full Name; Cordelia Ara Odinsdottir Other Names; Cora, Lia, Ara, Goddess of the Ocean Age; 1400+ Species; Goddess Sexuality; Bisexual Zodiac Sign; Gemini Face Claim; Ashley Benson Universe; MCU About; She was born, along with her twin brother Cedar (one of my darlin' @chaos-awakens oc's) not long after Odin brought Loki to Asgard, most of her upbringing she spent time with all of her brothers, but she's always favored Cedar and Loki. Once they were old enough Lia and Cedar left Asgard and moved to Norway, near the ocean and woods so they could both find a sense of peace. If she's not in Norway she's traveling around visiting the oceans all around the world. She's more of an introvert than anything though still enjoys going out occasionally, very sweet and friendly, also pretty calm unless she's protecting the people she cares about.
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Full Name; Nikolai Nathaniel Novak Other Names; Nik, Niko, Death's Soldier Age; 123 Species; Heretic Super Soldier Sexuality; Bisexual Zodiac Sign; Taurus Face Claim; Daniel Sharman Universe; TVDU to MCU About; Born and raised in Louisiana, grew up okay besides being bullied for being a siphon at least until his mother passed away and his father became abusive. The only thing he had was his best friend Elyza whom he eventually followed into war and turned just like she did, making him a heretic. He also followed her after the war on a ripper spree (her, not him) before she was caught by Marcel. He fled before he could be captured too though he was caught states away by a coven of witches who sent him to another world. It was there after entering a Hydra base that he was turned into a super soldier before fleeing again. Before turning he was way more introverted but now, he's more an extrovert though he does still have his days. He can be impulsive and unpredictable, sometimes dangerously so. As well as super cocky and confident, and he's also a major flirt and extremely charming.
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Full Name; Seraphina Rose Ward Other Names; Ser, Sera, Phina, Rose, Little Red Wolf, Little Red, Red Wolf Age; 27 Species; Tribrid Sexuality; Pansexual Zodiac Sign; Scorpio Face Claim; Madelaine Petsch Universe; TVDU About; Grew up relatively normal, friends with the Mystic Falls Gang but closet to the Lockwood's as her Dad was best friends with theirs. After her parents passed when she was a young teen she moved in with them though they all drifted apart. She started smoking and partying more until she activated her curse and then she isolated herself besides spending time with her closet friends, Elias & Jeremy Gilbert and her cousin, Reagan. She was Klaus' third successful hybrid, though different than the rest which is probably why they became so close. Years later after a run in with Kai Parker she learned more about her family history, her Dad had been a Crescent wolf and her Mom had been a witch. She's also an extroverted introvert, confident, sarcastic, very protective of the people she cares about, loyal, somewhat of a flirt, can be untrusting towards new people.
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Full Name; Malachai Silas Parker Other Names; Kai, The Sociopath, Homicidal Maniac Age; 50 Species; Heretic Sexuality; Pansexual Zodiac Sign; Aries Face Claim; Chris Wood Universe; TVDU About; Before the murders and the prison world he wasn't a bad kid, he acted out sometimes but not as often as you might think. Having other siphons in his family helped though all of them still felt like outsiders from the rest of the family. At some point he just gave up trying with his parents and other siblings and instead of reacting to anything they said or did he kept quiet and acted as if he didn't care though the rage was slowly building inside. Besides the other siphons he was close with he'd met a young witch and the two quickly became friends, and then something more before everything happened and he was sent to the prison world. He never knew what happened to girl he'd started to have actual feelings for until decades later when he managed to get out and found out from her daughter, Seraphina, that'd she passed away a few years prior. It wasn't long after that both of them found out her Mom had another daughter, his daughter, Paisley. He's also an extroverted introvert though leans more introverted. He's impulsive, unpredictable and can be quite cocky when he wants. Lives for chaos and is very sarcastic, always finding a joke in serious moments. He can flirt when he wants to though he's usually just himself and that works well enough.
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Full Name; Valerie Mae Henderson Other Names; Val, Mae, Maes Age; 24 Sexuality; Bisexual Zodiac Sign; Aries Face Claim; Willa Holland Universe; Stranger Things About; Growing up she'd always been a troublemaker though she tried to keep up a "good girl" act for her parents and younger siblings, after losing her Dad and moving from her hometown where she had a few friends and was bullied somewhat to Hawkins where she knew no one and was bullied severely the teenager completely shut in on herself and spent less and less time at home. The only friend she had for a while who she meant not long after moving there was Eddie Munson and the two were practically inseparable. He taught her how to play DnD and more songs on the guitar, and she taught him songs she knew and how to play the piano (that went about as well as you'd think-). When Will went missing and she felt like the police weren't doing enough she went looking for him herself. She eventually found him, though that was after she'd been dragged by the Demogorgon to the Upside Down herself. After they both eventually made it home safe Val became closer with everyone though didn't really tell anyone about what she went through. She's an introverted extrovert, sarcastic, honest, very protective, especially of her siblings, can be very guarded, flirty, and adventurous but cautious after everything.
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Full Name; Jonathan Ross Byers Other Names; Jon, Jonny, Byers Age; 23 Sexuality; Pansexual Zodiac Sign; Virgo Face Claim; Charlie Heaton Universe; Stranger Things About; Growing up he didn't have the best home life because of his dad and being bullied at school though he had a few good friends, the closest of those being Eddie Munson and Elie Henderson. After everything that happened with Will and all that came after it, he shut in on himself a lot more and started smoking weed, even before he moved to California. When he moved, he made friends with Argyle, or more so Argyle kind of just took Jonathan under his wing and introduced him to his other friend, Stella. After going back to Hawkins he ended up breaking things off with Nancy and then returned to California, spending half his time there and half back home until he completely moved back. Though he still visits from time to time to see Argyle and Stella and they visit Hawkins to see him. He's definitely an introvert but has his moments, is pretty quiet especially around people he doesn't know or isn't comfortable with but when he is around his friends and can be himself, he really shows it, and he's also very protective and caring of the people he loves.
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thoughtbugatti · 2 years
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The Family and TM - BROCKHAMPTON
I’ve been thinking about how I want to do this for the past couple days and I figure it’s probably best to do a double review. Flashback to the beginning of the year when brockhampton posts on twitter that they’re taking an indefinite hiatus out of the blue. You knew this was going to happen eventually, but not this soon. Then they come back to announce the final album, for real this time, because they’ve done final albums before.
Running up to the release of The Family, I held this small inkling in my head that it won’t actually be their last album, it’ll just be their last with RCA. That’s not the case of course, they’re actually done.
The show is over, get out your seats. Get the fuck up.
The Family is a comprehensive look as told by Kevin on how the band fell apart, and how his addiction and demons drew this rift between him and everyone else, and it’s profoundly sad. He mentions so many times that they told themselves they would do this forever, but “forever only lasts as long as this song.” I so badly wish it could last forever, so badly, but I guess all good things have to end.
Over the years, brockhampton have been with me like a good friend through troubled waters. At 17 and 18 in 2017, I had them all year, having brand new music every few months to bump in my car at full volume with the saturation trilogy. In 2018 during an incredibly difficult point in my life, I had iridescence to turn to when times were feeling particularly bleak. That cemented it as my favorite of their albums even now. 2019, when I was also extremely depressed, I had Ginger. The vulnerability of it kept me grounded. Then they come back in 2021 with roadrunner, bringing some stability back to my life in the middle of the pandemic. It seems like they’ve always been there.
TM came out the day after The Family. I imagine it stands for The Memories, since a lot of the songs on here sound like finished snippets that they’ve teased over the years. Listening to that this past Friday night took me right back to those nights in 2017. The wave of nostalgia hit me, as did the realization. The realization that I’m going to miss this so bad. I’m going to miss these drops and I’m going to miss these boys. I think I understand how people felt when One Direction broke up now, sort of.
I’m not going to give these albums a number, but I wanted to take a minute to talk about how much these albums and this band have meant to me over the past 5 years. I hope the next chapter is everything they said it would be, and I hope their solo stuff is everything they could hope for. Goodbye brockhampton, thank you for the memories.
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newcountryradio · 3 months
New Country 27e jaargang  #T1234 (S793) (C37)van 17 juni 2024  (wk 25) uitzending op Smelne fm & Crossroads Country Radio
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Album van de week:  Luke Combs – Fathers & Sons
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Classic album: Randy Travis – Storms Of Life        1986
Hits of the Year : 1996
Maandfavoriet : Kaitlin Butts - Roadrunner
Maandartiest : Alabama    
3 in 1: Billy Currington          
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Alabama – Jukebox In My mind    *maandartiest
George Strait – Write This Down     #1  25 jaar
Little Big Town, Kelsea Ballerini - Shut Up Train
Zach Bryan / Noeline Hofmann - Purple Gas
Todd Tilghman & Collin Taye - Love Me
Megan Moroney - Man on the Moon
HARDY – Six Feet Under  (Caleighs Song)
Carly Pearce - Trust Issues
Jelly Roll - Halfway to Hell   #1.
Luke Combs – Huntin By Yourself   Album vd week
Luke Combs -  The Man He Sees In me  Album vd week
Willie Nelson - Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down    Entertainer    1978
Lonestar – No News 1996
Blake Shelton – Austin
Merle Haggard - It’s All In The Movies    
Kaitlin Butts - Roadrunner. favoriet 
Toby Keith -  Love Me If You Can   sofi
Randy Travis - On the Other Hand.   classic album
Randy Travis -The Storms of Life  classic album
Terri Clark , Ashley McBryde - Better Things To Do
Sara Evans Cleaning Out Your Closet
Billy Currington - Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right     (3 in 1) 
Billy Currington  - Good Directions    
Billy Currington  - People Are Crazy    
Luke Combs -  Remember Him That way   Album vd week    
Morgan Wallen - Last Night   #1 album.
Brett Young - Don't Take the Girl.
Don Flemons – Slowdance With Me . rotterdambluegrass
Bertolf – Bluefinger .    rotterdambluegrass
Eagles – Desperado
Sawyer Brown - Six Days on the Road  (trucksong)
Alabama – The Maker Said Take Her        maandartiest
Cody Gentry – Mountaineer  juweeltje
Kameron Marlowe – Tennessee Don’t Mind   vw
Luke Combs – Take Me Out To The Ballgame   Album vd week
Zach Top - Cold Beer & Country Music
Hayfever –  Lonely Weekends  - Dutch corner
Men of the Village  - Another Start.   Dutch corner
Change of Key  - Fire and Water
Faith Hill – It Matters To me    #5 1996
Clint Black – Like The Rain   #4
Tracy Lawrence – Time Marches On  #3
Alan Jackson – Little Bitty   #2 1996
Brooks & Dunn - My Maria     #1 1996
Darin and Brooke Aldridge, John Jorgenson - Price I Pay (feat. John Jorgenson)   
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paulisded · 4 months
The Ledge #621: Another Tuneless Racket, Vol. 1
Anyone who has listened to recent episode of The Ledge has heard me wax (somewhat) poetically about Steven H. Gardner's four-part series of Another Tuneless Racket - Punk and New Wave In The Seventies books. They are quite possibly the greatest documents of late 70's punk and new wave music. Gardner is a master at combining strong (at times atypical) opinions with deep, deep research.
Volume one of this series is subtitled "Origins", and deals with artists that had their first records out by 1976. Tonight's show includes one or two tracks by the 18 artists he profiles, along with snippets of his commentary on the bands and/or the individual tracks. Admittedly, most of these acts are no stranger to this show, but there are a handful of groups who I had to research to put this broadcast together. (Later volumes include a plethora of performers I had no knowledge of prior to reading about them, which for me is the greatest treat with books of this sort.)
1. Dr Feelgood - She Does It Right
2. The Dictators - The Next Big Thing
3. The Dictators - Stay With Me
4. Patti Smith - Gloria
5. The Modern Lovers - Roadrunner
6. The Modern Lovers - Government Center
7. The Real Kids - All Kindsa Girls
8. The Real Kids - Taxi Boys
9. The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop
10. The Ramones - Rockaway Beach 
11. Graham Parker & The Rumour - White Honey
12. Graham Parker & The Rumour - Thunder And Rain
13. Little Bob Story - High Time
14. Deaf School - Capaldi's Cafe
15. The Count Bishops - Route 66
16. Eddie & The Hot Rods - Do Anything You Wanna Do
17. Blondie - X Offender
18. Blondie - Hanging On The Telephone
19. The Saints - (I'm) Stranded
20. The Saints - This Perfect Day
21. Television - See No Evil
22. Television - Friction
23. Richard Hell And The Voidoids - Love Comes In Spurts
24. Richard Hell And The Voidoids - Blank Generation
25. The Damned - New Rose
26. The Damned - Fan Club
27. Ultravox - Saturday Night In The City Of The Dead
28. The Stranglers - (Get A) Grip (On Yourself)
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