#day 2: let me do this for you/sacrifice/caretaker turned whumpee
hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
Whumptember day 2
“Let me do this for you.” Sacrifice | Guilt | Caretaker turned whumpee
Whumpee was finally safe.
They weren't uninjured, of course. Their body looked small in their hospital bed, and what little of their skin that wasn't bandaged was either a sickly pale hue or dark with bruising. They were hurt and frail, but they were healing. They were finally safe.
It had only cost Caretaker everything.
Whumper had given them 72 hours. Three days to handle their affairs, three days to say goodbye, three days of freedom before they had to fulfill their end of the deal. Today was their last day before becoming Whumpee’s replacement.
Caretaker had decided to spend that final day with Whumpee. They couldn’t think of anything they wanted more.
Caretaker reached for Whumpee’s limp hands. Whumpee didn’t react. Caretaker wanted to see their eyes one more time, but knew it was for the best that Whumpee wasn’t awake. They would ask Caretaker to stay.
“I’m sorry,” Caretaker whispered into the silent room, thumb rubbing against Whumpee’s knuckles. “I know you wouldn’t want this.” It’d been the only way to save Whumpee. The only reason they were safe now was because Caretaker had agreed to take their place, and Caretaker knew that trying to avoid their end of the bargain would only jeopardize that. They wouldn’t take that risk.
They lifted Whumpee's hand to their lips, pressing a feather-soft kiss into their fingers. "Let me do this for you."
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whumble-beeee · 1 year
Whumptember 2023, Day Two
“Let me do this for you.”
Sacrifice | Guilt | Caretaker turned Whumpee
The Bee's Whumptember Masterlist
CW: presence of guns (no shots fired), blood mention, female whumper, gender-neutral whumpees
~1220 words
Lmk if I missed anything in the CWs, I’ll add it :)
Caretaker dove through the open cell door and slammed their back against the wall, flattening themself and Whumpee out of sight just as an enemy soldier turned the corner, aiming her rifle sight down the hall only to find nothing but grey concrete walls and woefully unused cells. Soldier narrowed her eyes, looking up over her scope. She pressed the button on her radio. "Soldier reporting, I have ears on a possible bogey in their downstairs cellblock. Requesting backup, over."
Whumpee looked at Caretaker with a pleading look, and Caretaker gently removed their elbow from Whumpee's chest and signaled further into the cell, into the pitch black shadows under the bed; Their only hope at a hiding spot. Whumpee blanched and quickly shook their head. Caretaker gave them a stern look and pointed more bluntly at the bed, mouthing "Go. Now." 
Whumpee relented, quickly padding toward the bed, trying to match their own quiet footsteps with the agonizingly slow sounds of Soldier making her way down the hallway, slowly but surely cornering them. Whumpee made it most of the way before they realized that Caretaker wasn't following. They were waiting by the doorway. Setting themself up to be found.
Whumpee felt their heartbeat speed as they realized Caretaker’s plan; there was no way  Caretaker was getting captured just so they could escape; Not on Whumpee's watch.
They frantically waved at Caretaker until it grabbed their attention, and they gestured at Caretaker to get under the damn bed with them, or so help them, God. Caretaker finally relented when Whumpee stamped their foot on the ground like a toddler, still perfectly synced with Soldier's now much closer footsteps. Caretaker's mouth dropped open, incredulous, before they finally relented and sprinted past Whumpee, grabbing Whumpee's shirt and dragging them down under the bed with them, causing much more of a scuffle than they meant.
"We know you're here, Whumpee!" Soldier called idly as she methodically continued her advance, making sure to scan into every open cell as she passed. Her footsteps almost resembled a metronome, clicking away as they slowly became louder, closer, closer, closer. "Come out now and Whumper might even think about sparing your friends!" 
Even though they couldn't see her, the gleeful smile in Soldier's voice was undeniable. 
No matter how much Caretaker tried, they couldn’t get their body back far enough to be out of the light. It would be like a spotlight shining on them as soon as Soldier looked into the cell. Caretaker tried to climb out from under the bed, only to be forcefully grabbed by Whumpee and dragged back under again. “No. Stay here,” they demanded.
"I'm doing this." Caretaker hissed, praying they were being quiet enough that Soldier didn't hear. "You can't stop me. They can't get to you again, they'll break you for the information!" They could feel hot tears starting to form as their voice broke on the last word.
"What do you think they'll do to you if they can't find me?" Whumpee bit, similar tears remaining unfallen. "They need me alive, they don't need you."
Caretaker clenched their jaw so hard they thought it might break. "Just let me do this for you!" 
The sound echoed out, betraying their presence. Caretaker slapped their hands over their mouth eyes wide and breath held.
"Caretaker?" Soldier called, genuinely taken aback as her voice took on a mocking tone. She was so much closer than they'd realized practically outside the cell. "That you? Are you crying?"
Caretaker let out a small yelp of distress, then signaled to Whumpee to stay hidden one last time. Whumpee didn't hesitate to comply. They shoved themself into the small shadowed space under the bed as far as they could go as heavy footsteps could be heard coming up behind Soldier. The backup. Caretaker felt dizzy as they crawled out from under the bed, realizing just how impossible the situation had become.
“What’s the sitch?” Soldier Two huffed, breath heavy and unimpressed from the distance he’d just run to get to what looked like just an empty hallway.
“Perfect timing. Just found a rat cornered nice and pretty for us.” Soldier nodded toward the cell. “End of the line, Caretaker! Come on out now, no need to make this difficult!”
Caretaker had to take a few shaky breaths, checking back one last time that Whumpee was hidden. They stared at the doorway to the cell. The doorway to horrors unimaginable at Soldier and Whumpers’ hands. They could almost smell the stench of their own blood slowly drying around their broken body already, the sounds of chains clattering as they tugged against them, offering no give no matter how hard they pulled. The chains never gave…
Caretaker shook out their head. Better them than Whumpee. This was their choice. They tensely stepped out into the hallway with their hands up, trembling, glare dead fixed on Soldier.
“There they are!” Soldier drawled smugly, mockingly, as if they were old friends. She sidled up to them. “I was starting to think you’d make me come in there and drag you out myself.” She slammed the butt of her rifle into Caretaker’s head with a loud crack, and Caretaker crumpled to the ground, head almost smacking into the floor as Soldier wrenched their arms behind their back and cuffed them there. Caretaker couldn’t help but cry out at the sudden violence.
“Shut it, unless you want me to gag you as well.” Soldier commanded. “Might actually do you some good, I mean, can you believe I found this idiot because I heard them crying? Look, their eyes are still red!”
Soldier Two breathed a small laugh as he grabbed under Caretaker’s shoulders and hefted them back to their feet. “Gonna have a pretty bad time with us, then.”
Just as the soldiers were dragging Caretaker away, arms held by Soldier and flanked by Soldier Two, Soldier seemed to remember something and jolted to a stop. She turned around to address her backup. “Can you do one last sweep of the cellblock? Just to be sure, wouldn’t wanna miss anyone.” 
If Caretaker could have tensed up any more, they would have. Instead, they just stared straight ahead, praying to whatever gods would listen that Soldier Two wouldn’t find Whumpee.
Soldier Two sighed dramatically, as if methodically capturing and torturing all of Caretaker’s family was nothing more than a monotonous chore. He turned around and started heading down the hallway again.  “Fine. You can handle that one on your own?” He tossed the words over his shoulder almost as an afterthought, already knowing the answer.
Soldier smiled mischievously. She elbowed Caretaker in the spine, hard enough to make them stumble forward and almost faceplant again as they cried out in pain. They whirled around to demand what her problem was, only to be met with the downwind side of her rifle, pointed right at their chest. Caretaker stopped in their tracks. A low growl rumbled in their throat before they could stop it. They directed all their hatred, their fear, their pain, their betrayal, into a glare shot directly at Soldier’s stupid smug face, the one Caretaker would have punched right then if their hands weren’t bound. Soldier leered right back, a daring twinkle in her eye.
“I can handle them just fine.”
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its-my-whump · 1 year
"Let me do this for you.”
Sacrifice | Guilt | Caretaker turned whumpee
TW: emotional whump, sacrifice, helplessness, despair
Weak hands were grabbing for his. Whumpee was merely a heap on the floor. He was exhausted and hardly alert. His frame slightly shaking. 'What had this monster done to him this time?' Caretaker thought bitterly.
He had agreed to the trade without hesitation. He would do anything to get Whumpee out of this nightmere.
A whisper, breaking, but frantic. "No, no, no, no... Care-ta-ker no... you ca-an't."
Whumpee coughed, Caretaker could see every part of him hurting. His eyes only halfmast, but some determination in his aspirated words.
"You can not let him break us both! Leave! Please!" The strain with which Whumpees Adam's apple bobbed against his windpipe let Caretaker swallow himself. Big tears found their way down Whumpees face, breaking the rim of his lids, when he closed them.
Caretaker tightened his steadying hold on Whumpees shoulders. He couldn't show any weakness, not a second before Whumpee was save. His voice sounded actually much stronger than he felt. He bowed down to Whumpees ear. "Let me do this for you!" A hushed kiss to Whumpees tuft, a brotherly warm embrance to the miserable figure on the floor. He would cheerish this moment as long as he could.
Yet not a heartbeat later, the door flew open, as did Whumpees eyes. He summoned some strength and the word just jumped over his lips strongly. "DON'T!"
But 3 men were above them suddenly. Caretaker was pulled away, dragged and dropped by the other side of the dimly lighted room. He didn't fight.
Arms of 2 men grabbed under Whumpees pits and pulled him to his feet harshly. A protesting cry turned into a muffed sob, when the bad handling agitated every hurting part of him. He sank into their hold, his legs too unsteady to keep him upright on his own.
Only a brief moment to brace himself and then Whumpee struggled hard to lift his head, just enough to search for Caretaker's eyes. His own were frantically staring. A pleading look. Whumpee shook his head all so slightly, he was too stunned to struggle. Tears running down his pale cheeks freely. His lips formed the word over and over, but no sound came out. 'NO!'
Caretaker closed his own eyes for a brief moment, trying to capture his last picture of Whumpee, finally being freed. 'Whatever was coming. It was worth it.'
Whumpee had found some last resources and suddenly started to stir in his intimidators grasp. His voice merely a low whisper, developed into a harsh scream. "N...NOOO!"
But he was just dragged towards the open door with any visible effort from his handlers. His struggle was pathetic, but all the more determined. His feet scrapped over the floor. Those guys weren't gentil, but Whumpee fought like a lion cub. "NOO!" His scream echoed between the naked walls of the basement. His form was pulled out the door. Meanwhile, the third man was standing unimpressed in the shades, opposite of Caretaker, armes crossed in front of his chest, chuckling to himself quietly.
Another scream, Caretaker could clearly hear the struggle down the corridor. Still kneeling helplessly on the floor, his hands balled into fists all by themselves.
Someone coursed. A dull sound and the scream was harshly interruped. Another dull sound, something heavy hit the floor. Caretaker flinched. The third man, in front of him, smirked, while pinning him down with an amused, but evil stare.
Someone cursed again down the corridor. Finally the sound of a heavy object being dragged away. The brushing-sound was suddenly overtuned by heavy, intimidating steps approaching Caretaker.
A cruel grimace stared down at him. "Welcome to hell!"
My whumptember2023 masterlist
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kabie-whump · 7 months
♡ Febuwhump Day 19: "Please don't." ♡
Content: Insecure whumpee, self sacrifice
“I’ll do it.”
Whumpee’s words create a shockwave in the team’s little meeting room. The way every set of eyes turns to them makes them cringe, but they do their best to appear confident.
“You need someone to infiltrate Whumper’s place, right? Let them capture me. They won’t expect anything from me.”
It was a smart plan, and Whumpee could tell that Leader knew it. They were the smallest of the team; the youngest, the newest. Whumper wouldn’t see it coming.
“You’re sure you want to do this?” Leader asks carefully. “You’ll have to fend for yourself in there.”
“I’m sure.” Whumpee has to prove themselves, to prove that they deserve to be in this group.
“Alright. We’ll send Whumpee in for a month. After that we’ll rescue them and hopefully they’ll have gathered something that can help us take Whumper down for good.”
The meeting ends soon after that and Whumpee hurries to find Caretaker, eager to tell them everything. But as Whumpee explains the plan, Caretaker only goes pale, their hands shaking as they put down their book and fix Whumpee with a horrified stare.
“I finally have a chance to prove myself,” Whumpee says, their brow furrowed. “You… You’re not happy for me?”
“Whumper’s going to hurt you. You realize that, right?”
Whumpee nods. They understand what kind of person Whumper is. They know they’re taking a risk by doing this, but that just makes it so much more important. Everyone will appreciate their sacrifice and they’ll finally feel like they deserve their place on the team.
“They’re ruthless. Evil,” Caretaker continues. “You can’t even begin to imagine the kind of shit they’ll do to you.”
“It’s only a month.”
“That’s a long time when you’re being tortured.”
“I’m doing this.”
“Please, don’t.” Caretaker’s eyes fill with tears, and a flash of guilt hits Whumpee before they shake it off.
Whumpee takes a step back, then turns to leave the room. “I’m leaving tomorrow,” they say over their shoulder. “Sorry.”
Part 2
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Whump Drabbles.
Sidekick Can't Talk
Apply Pressure
Didn't Take Long
For Your Own Good
Blood Loss
It Won't Hurt
Hero Turned Villain
White Room
“Welcome Aboard, just let me stab you”
Half-elf whump (prompt fill)
Used for Bait
Too Hot for You
Coward (How to sacrifice yourself) Pt.2
Good Old-fashioned Western Suffering
At Gunpoint
Villain and Vigilante
Welder’s Hall
Snark and Gore
What do you think you’re doing?
Conditioned Whumpee
Human Fears Vampire, denies it
Liar (villain betrays hero)
A Good Day
Hypnotist Caretaker
Tied up and Kneeling
What Goes Bump in the Night
I Just Want to Go Home
Taking Pills
A Healer's Hands
Cattle Brand (western whump)
Field Whump
You'll Regret This
A Bloody Nose (villain turns to hero for help)
Yes Sir
Migraines and Sedatives
15 Days to Breaking
Alleyway Whump (hurt/comfort)
A Freudian Slip
Don’t You Remember
You or Them
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fallenwhumpee · 1 year
“Let me do this for you.”
Day 2: Sacrifice | Guilt | Caretaker turned whumpee • Masterlist •
Warnings: Blood.
Whumpee has never been so strong, but they could endure. They could endure anything. Anything that demanded them to work to bone, anything Whumper decides to put them through.
Anything but watching Caretaker do the same.
Even the thought of them being harmed made Whumpee's heart pass a beat. Caretaker was the only one who was kind to them. And whumpee was feeling bad for it, because they would never be able to pay back.
It hadn't been so long since they were rescued. Whumpee knew they were too quick to trust Caretaker, a complete stranger, after a few days of being coherent enough to realise what was going on around, but they just knew Caretaker was a good person.
"Hey," a soft voice came from the door. "Can I come in?"
"Yes," Whumpee rasped from the bed. They were still too weak to sit up alone.
Caretaker peeked from the door before coming in, clean bandages ready. Whumpee hated peeling the old bandages from their skin, but they knew the wounds would only go worse if it wasn't treated properly.
"How are you feeling today?" Caretaker sat next to Whumpee.
"Better." Whumpee forced a smile. At least they were telling the truth.
"Are you well enough to hold yourself?" Caretaker asked— cautious.
"I can try."
With that, Caretaker slowly pulled them, careful of the wounds between their shoulder blades. They felt like they were going to faint for a second, a grunt escaping. They couldn't keep their back straight but managed to stay in the sitting position.
Caretaker started to unwrapped their bandages, a slight ache ever present with each move until their phone rang.
Whumpee reached for it, opening and putting it to speakers.
Their blood froze with the voice. They started trembling, their body wishing to flee in every breath they forced into their lungs.
"Hello, is this Caretaker?"
Caretaker's grip tightened with Whumpee's reaction.
"Yes, but who am I talking to?" Caretaker asked with a suspicious tone.
"I'm Whumper, and looking for my friend. While watching a nearby camera, I noticed you've been at the area and wanted to ask if you had seen them."
Whumpee muffled their gasp with their hand. They shouldn't have opened the phone.
"I don't think I've seen anyone around." Caretaker sushed them with a gesture. Whumpee tried, but they were scared, so scared. There was no other thing they could feel about Whumper. Whumpee was just scared to be hurt again because they didn't know if they could take it anymore.
"I would prefer talking face to face if it's possible."
Caretaker yanked the phone from Whumpee's hand, closing Whumpee's mouth with a hand.
"Alright. Give me the place and time."
Caretaker glared at them with anger, Whumpee's pleas dying before even starting, but their teary eyes begging Caretaker not to go.
"Sssh, let me do this for you. I promise they won't bother us after this." Caretaker gently wiped Whumpee's tears, hugging them tightly. Whumpee could just cling onto the hold. "Now, I need to wrap your bandages and go out. It won't take long, and I promise to come back to you."
Whumpee couldn't stop sobbing as Caretaker wrapped them up, helping them back in bed and setting off. Whumpee curled up as much as they could, trying to convince themselves that Caretaker would be back. Because they promised. They promised, and Whumpee trusted them.
But they couldn't silence their cries. This was their fault. If they kept running instead of hiding, Caretaker wouldn't meet them. They wouldn’t have to go near Whumper. Only if Whumpee didn't drag them into this.
Whumpee stayed like that for hours, guilt and worry eating them from inside. They just wanted Caretaker to be back.
Finally, they heard the door lock open.
Whumpee stood shakily, their legs threatening to crush under their weight. Swaying slightly with each step, they reached the entrance, Caretaker barging in with bloodied and torn clothes.
Whumpee tried to catch Caretaker as they fell but didn't know if they lowered the tired body or collapsed under the weight.
" 's not mine." Caretaker took a deep breath. "I'm just concussed."
Whumpee calmed down, Caretaker helping them lean to a wall.
"Whumper won't bother us again."
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iwritewhump · 1 year
"Let me do this for you" + sacrifice, caretaker turned whumpee
day 2 of @whumptember
147 words
warnings: captive whumpee, caretaker being taken
“Let me do this for you,” Caretaker whispers, a sad smile on his face. “Please?” 
Whumpee isn’t coherent enough to protest, she stares at him, eyes locked with his. Caretaker holds her hands in his and presses his forehead to them. 
He wipes a tear with his shoulder and pulls away, “It’s going to be alright. I promise.” 
She mumbles something and weakly raises an arm to grab him. “No.” 
He tears away from her, letting her arm fall to the ground. “It’s gonna be alright.” 
Without looking back, Caretaker walks up to Whumper, letting him wrap an arm around his shoulders. 
Whumper’s breath is hot on Caretaker’s neck, “That was very brave, what you did. Let’s go.” he pushes Caretaker forward, making him stumble. “Before I change my mind and take her too.” 
Whumpee hears Whumper’s car drive off, she sobs and curls into herself. “No.” 
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whumptember · 2 years
Prompt List
1st- “Let me go.” 
   taken hostage | chained | behind bars
2nd- “Look at me. Keep your eyes open.” 
   drowning | hatred | hidden injury
3rd- “Get the rope.”
   tied down | conditioned whumpee | left behind
4th- “How does this feel?”
   accidental whumper | flashbacks | yelling
5th- “This is for your own good.”
   bad caretaker | drugged | shut in
6th- “You know what you have to do.”
   mind control | forced to comply | hurting a loved one
7th- “Don’t leave me.”
   abandoned | nightmares | separation anxiety
8th- “I’m okay.”
   seeing whumper again | lying | nearly failed rescue attempt 
9th- “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
   nothing changes | stuck in the past | leaving loved ones 
10th- “You weren’t meant to get hurt.”
   betrayed | childhood friends to enemies | changing sides
11th- “I need your help.”
   old friends | reluctant caretaker | returning to mentor
12th- “What did I say about…?”
   new whumpee | rules | torture 
13th- “I know you better than you know yourself.” 
   whumpee confronting whumper | old habits | muscle memory
14th- “It wasn’t supposed to go this far.” 
   accidental villain | battlefield | city in ruin 
15th- “I’ve been watching you for some time now.” 
   stalker whumper | cornered | scared for their life
16th- “I’m going to hurt everyone you care about.” 
   forced to help whumper | intimidation | crying
17th- “I know what you did.” 
   blackmail | being followed | taking the blame
18th- “Magic always comes with a price.”
   decay | screaming | sacrifice 
19th- “This is the real world. There are no miracles.”
   losing hope | young whumpee | tears 
20th- “I don’t want to lose you again.” 
   friends on opposing sides | not strong enough | one day together 
21st- “You said you loved me.”
   crying | working for the enemy | voice breaking 
22nd- “You made your choice.”
   lost love | double crossed | turning their back 
23rd- “I won’t always be here for you.”
   doomed | mentor | giving themself up for mentee 
24th- “I guess we weren’t meant to be.”
   one good memory together | reluctant goodbye | forehead touch 
25th- “We’re not doing this again.”
   keep coming back | on again off again | bad habits 
26th- “I’m sorry for leaving.”
   regret | disappearing in the middle of the night | coming home 
27th- “I wanted to believe you were different.”
   string of whumpers | bad caretaker | purposely triggering whumpee 
28th- “They can’t do this. I’m supposed to win.”
   too weak to move | bloody hands | corrupted hero 
29th- “You can’t do anything.”
   powerless | watching from afar | chaos 
30th- “You’re safe with me.”
   whumpee running into caretaker | trembling | curled into a ball 
 Alternate prompts
1- returning to the battle field
2- blurry vision
3- “You promised you would protect me.”
4- bleeding out
5- desperately reaching for their loved one’s hand
6- “Stop coming back.” 
7- clutching a comfort item
8- dimming light
9- starved
10- moments after mind control wears off
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viva-la-whump · 4 years
Whumptober2020 Masterpost
Time to put all of the whump from this month in one place!
HERE is a link to my #whumptober tag on my blog that has all my posts.
HERE is a link to my AO3 series I created with all my fics.
And below the cut is a linked list of every fic on AO3 with the information arranged as follows:
Theme/Prompt(s) - “Title” - ‘Fandom’
Let’s hang out sometime/waking up restrained/shackled/hanging - “Time to Wake Up” - ‘Love Me If You Dare’
In the hands of the enemy - “Narrow Escape” - ‘The K2′
My way or the highway/Held at gunpoint/manhandled - “Just Around the Corner” - ‘When a Snail Falls in Love’
Running out of time/buried alive/cave in - “Trapped” - ‘Detective L’
Where do you think you’re going?/rescue - “A New Beginning” - ‘FantaCity-Ugly’
Please.../stop please - “Not Again...” - ‘Oh My Venus’
I’ve got you/support/carrying/enemy to caretaker - “You Can Do This” - ‘The Disguiser’
Where did everybody go?/abandoned - “It’s Your Turn Now” - ‘Healer’
For the greater good/take me instead/self sacrifice - “Watch out!” - ‘Guardian’
They look so pretty when they bleed/blood loss/trail of blood - “Hurry” - ‘Mr. Sunshine’
Defiance/struggling/crying - “He’s My Brother” - ‘Guardian’
I think I’ve broken something/broken down/broken bones/broken trust - “This Isn’t Right...” - ‘Joy of Life’
Breathe in breathe out/oxygen mask - “Another Brush with Danger” - ‘Lost Tomb Reboot’/’Reunion: The Sound of Providence’
Is something burning?/heat exhaustion - “Sunlight” - ‘Mad Dog’
Into the unknown/possession - “Who is in Control?” - ‘Mystic Pop Up Bar’
A terrible horrible no good very bad day/shoot the hostage - “Not His Day” - ‘Life on Mars’
I did not see that coming/wrongfully accused - “Inevitable” - ‘Come and Hug Me’
Panic! At the disco/paranoia - “Looking Over Your Shoulder” - ‘Terius Behind Me’
Broken Hearts/grief/mourning loved ones/survivor’s guilt - “Walking Ghost” - ‘Nirvana in Fire’
Toto I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore/field medicine/medieval - “Hands” - ‘Nirvana in Fire 2: The Wind Blows in Chang Lin’
I don’t feel so well/chronic pain - “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring” - ‘Just Between Lovers’
Do these tacos taste funny to you?/drugged/withdrawal - “Three Days” - ‘Detective L’
What’s a whumpee gotta do to get some sleep around here?/exhaustion/sleep deprivation - “Sleep? Never heart of It!” - ‘Healer’
You’re not making any sense/blindfolded - “Lost and Found” - ‘The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty’
I think I’ll just collapse right here thanks/disorientation/blurred vision/ringing ears - “Two of a King” - ‘Stranger’/’Secret Forest’
If you thought the head trauma was bad.../blindness - “The Blind Leading the Blind” - ‘Joy of Life’
Okay who had natural disasters on their 2020 bingo card?/extreme weather - “The Last Soldier” - ‘Nirvana in Fire’
Such wow. Many normal. Very oops./accidents - “Let is Snow” - ‘Suspicious Partner’
I think I need a doctor - “The Cavalry” - ‘Wok of Love’
Now where did that come from?/wound reveal/ignoring an injury/internal organ injury - “Watch Your Back” - ‘The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty’
Today’s special: torture/left for dead - “By the Wayside” - ‘Nirvana in Fire 2: The Wind Blows in Chang Lin’
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